Not Refereed, JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY, ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, L-functions of S-3 (Gamma(2)(2, 4, 8)), Takeo Okazaki, van Geemen and van Straten [B. van Geemen. D. van Straten, The cuspform of weight 3 on Gamma(2) (2, 4, 8), Math. Comp. 61 (1993) 849872] showed that the space of Siegel modular cusp forms of degree 2 of weight 3 with respect to the so-called Igusa group Gamma(2)(2, 4,8) is generated by 6-tuple products of Igusa theta constants, and each of them are Hecke eigenforms. They conjectured that some of these products generate Saito-Kurokawa representations, weak endoscopic lifts, or D-critical representations. In this paper, we prove these conjectures. Additionally, we obtain holomorphic Hermitian modular eigenforms of GU(2, 2) of weight 4 from these representations. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., Jan. 2012, 132, 1, 54, 78, 10.1016/j.jnt.2011.06.015