Researchers Database


FacultyFaculty Division of Natural Sciences Research Group of Physics
PositionAssociate Professor
Last Updated :2024/12/28


Profile and Settings

  • Name (Japanese)

  • Name (Kana)



  • Ph.D, Nara Women's University

Research Interests

  • hadron physics(theory), mesic nuclei

Research Areas

  • Natural sciences, Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics

Research Experience

  • Feb. 2017, 9999, Osaka University, Research Center for Nuclear Physics Theoretical Nuclear Physics, 特任准教授
  • Apr. 2012, 9999, Nara Women's University, Department of Physics, Associate Professor
  • Oct. 2008, Mar. 2012, Nara Women's University, 助教
  • Apr. 2006, Oct. 2008, 大阪大学核物理研究センター 学振特別研究員
  • Apr. 2005, Mar. 2006, 大阪大学核物理研究センター 特任研究員


  • Apr. 1998, Mar. 2001, Nara Women's University, Graduate School, Doctral Research Course in Human Culture, 複合領域科学

Association Memberships

  • Japan Physical Society


Published Papers

  • Refereed, Nature Physics 2023, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Chiral symmetry restoration at high matter density observed in pionic atoms, Takahiro Nishi; Kenta Itahashi; DeukSoon Ahn; Georg P. A. Berg; Masanori Dozono; Daijiro Etoh; Hiroyuki Fujioka; Naoki Fukuda; Nobuhisa Fukunishi; Hans Geissel; Emma Haettner; Tadashi Hashimoto; Ryugo S. Hayano; Satoru Hirenzaki; Hiroshi Horii; Natsumi Ikeno; Naoto Inabe; Masahiko Iwasaki; Daisuke Kameda; Keichi Kisamori; Yu Kiyokawa; Toshiyuki Kubo; Kensuke Kusaka; Masafumi Matsushita; Shin’ichiro Michimasa; Go Mishima; Hiroyuki Miya; Daichi Murai; Hideko Nagahiro; Megumi Niikura; Naoko Nose-Togawa; Shinsuke Ota; Naruhiko Sakamoto; Kimiko Sekiguchi; Yuta Shiokawa; Hiroshi Suzuki; Ken Suzuki; Motonobu Takaki; Hiroyuki Takeda; Yoshiki K. Tanaka; Tomohiro Uesaka; Yasumori Wada; Atomu Watanabe; Yuni N; Watanabe; Helmut Weick; Hiroki Yamakami; Yoshiyuki Yanagisawa; Koichi Yoshida; piAF Collaboration, According to quantum chromodynamics, vacuum is not an empty space, because it is filled with quark–antiquark pairs. The pair has the same quantum numbers as the vacuum and forms a condensate because the strong interaction of the quantum chromodynamics is too strong to leave the vacuum empty. This quark–antiquark condensation, the chiral condensate, breaks the chiral symmetry of the vacuum. The expectation value of the chiral condensate is an order parameter of the chiral symmetry, which is expected to decrease at high temperatures or high matter densities where the chiral symmetry is partially restored. Head-on collisions of nuclei at ultra-relativistic energies have explored the high-temperature regime, but experiments at high densities are rare. Here we measure the spectrum of pionic 121Sn atoms and study the interaction between the pion and the nucleus. We find that the expectation value of the chiral condensate is reduced at finite density compared to the value in vacuum. The reduction is linearly extrapolated to the nuclear saturation density and indicates that the chiral symmetry is partially restored due to the extremely high density of the nucleus., 23 Mar. 2023, 19, 6, 788, 793, Scientific journal, 10.1038/s41567-023-02001-x
  • Refereed, Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS), Understanding the nature of Omega(2012) in a coupled-channel approach, Qi-Fang Lü; Hideko Nagahiro; Atsushi Hosaka, We perform a systematic analysis of the mass and strong decays of the ω(2012) resonance in a coupled-channel approach of a bare three-quark state and a composite meson-baryon state. Besides the coupling of the bare state and Ξ∗K̄ channel, the effective meson-baryon interactions are also included. We find a pole with a mass of 2008 MeV by solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation. The calculated decay widths and its ratios of branching fractions RΞK̄ΞπK̄ agree well with the new experimental measurement by the Belle Collaboration. Our results suggest that both three-quark core and Ξ∗K̄ channel are essential for the description of the ω(2012) resonance. We expect that present calculations can help us to better understand the nature of ω(2012) resonance., 27 Jan. 2023, 107, 1, Scientific journal, 10.1103/physrevd.107.014025
  • Refereed, Suplemento de la Revista Mexicana de Física, Sociedad Mexicana de Fisica A C, The decay of N∗ (1895) to light hyperon resonances, Kanchan Pradeepkumar Khemchandani; A. Martínez Torres; S.-H. Kim; S.-il Nam; H. Nagahiro; A. Hosaka, In this talk I review the findings of our recent works where we have studied the decay of N ∗ (1895) and the implications of such properties on the photoproduction of light hyperons. I discuss that meson-baryon interactions play an essential role in describing the nature of N ∗ (1895) and report the details of our investigation of its decays to different meson-baryon systems and to final states involving Λ(1405) and a proposed Σ(1400). We find that the width of N ∗ (1895) gets important contributions from the decay to light hyperon resonances. Such an information can be used to look for alternative processes to study N ∗ (1895) in experimental data., 08 Jun. 2022, 3, 3, International conference proceedings, 10.31349/suplrevmexfis.3.0308063
  • Refereed, Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS), Decay properties of $N^*(1895)$, Khemch; ani, K.P.; Martinez Torres, A.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A., The nature of nucleon resonances is still being debated, while much experimental data are accumulated. In this work, we focus on the negative parity resonance N∗(1895) which is located in the scattering region of various meson-baryon coupled channels, and such dynamics can be crucial in understanding its properties. To test the relevance of such hadron dynamics, we investigate the decay properties of N∗(1895) in detail. We examine how a two pole nature of N∗(1895) is compatible with its observed decay properties. Moreover, we find that the resonance decays into final states involving Λ(1405) and ς(1400), where the latter is not yet observed experimentally. Such decay processes can be useful to study the properties of the aforementioned hyperon resonances., Oct. 2020, 103, 1, Scientific journal, 10.1103/physrevd.103.016015
  • Refereed, Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS), Search for η′ Bound Nuclei in the C12(γ,p) Reaction with Simultaneous Detection of Decay Products, N. Tomida; N. Muramatsu; M. Niiyama; J. K. Ahn; W. C. Chang; J. Y. Chen; M. L. Chu; S. Daté; T. Gogami; H. Goto; H. Hamano; T. Hashimoto; Q. H. He; K. Hicks; T. Hiraiwa; Y. Honda; T. Hotta; H. Ikuno; Y. Inoue; T. Ishikawa; I. Jaegle; J. M. Jo; Y. Kasamatsu; H. Katsuragawa; S. Kido; Y. Kon; T. Maruyama; S. Masumoto; Y. Matsumura; M. Miyabe; K. Mizutani; H. Nagahiro; T. Nakamura; T. Nakano; T. Nam; T. N. T. Ngan; Y. Nozawa; Y. Ohashi; H. Ohnishi; T. Ohta; K. Ozawa; C. Rangacharyulu; S. Y. Ryu; Y. Sada; M. Sasagawa; T. Shibukawa; H. Shimizu; R. Shirai; K. Shiraishi; E. A. Strokovsky; Y. Sugaya; M. Sumihama; S. Suzuki; S. Tanaka; A. Tokiyasu; Y. Tsuchikawa; T. Ueda; H. Yamazaki; R. Yamazaki; Y. Yanai; T. Yorita; C. Yoshida; M. Yosoi, We measured missing mass spectrum of the ^{12}C(γ,p) reaction for the first time in coincidence with potential decay products from η^{'} bound nuclei. We tagged an (η+p) pair associated with the η^{'}N→ηN process in a nucleus. After applying kinematical selections to reduce backgrounds, no signal events were observed in the bound-state region. An upper limit of the signal cross section in the opening angle cosθ_{lab}^{ηp}<-0.9 was obtained to be 2.2  nb/sr at the 90% confidence level. It is compared with theoretical cross sections, whose normalization ambiguity is suppressed by measuring a quasifree η^{'} production rate. Our results indicate a small branching fraction of the η^{'}N→ηN process and/or a shallow η^{'}-nucleus potential., 20 May 2020, 124, 20, 202501, 202501, Scientific journal, True, 10.1103/physrevlett.124.202501
  • Refereed, Acta Phys. Polon. B, Nuclear Deformation Effects to the Formation Cross Section of $η '$ Mesic Nucleus, Kinutani, S.; Hirao, M.; Nagahiro, H.; Hirenzaki, S., © 2020 Jagellonian University. All rights reserved. We study the nuclear deformation effects to the formation spectrum of the η0-mesic nucleus theoretically. We find that the deformation effects could significantly change the spectrum shape and the effects should be considered appropriately., 2020, 51, 1, 333, 338, Scientific journal, 10.5506/APhysPolB.51.333
  • Refereed, Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS), Three-body decay of $Λ_c^* (2765)$ and determination of its spin-parity, Arifi, A.J.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A.; Tanida, K., We study three-body decays of Λc∗(2765)→Λc+π+π- by using effective Lagrangians in a nonrelativistic framework. We consider the sequential decays through ςc(2455)π and ςc∗(2520)π in intermediate states which are dominant contributions. The coupling constants in the effective Lagrangians are computed in the quark model. We demonstrate that the ratio R=Γ(Λc∗→ςc∗(2520)π)/Γ(Λc∗→ςc(2455)π) and angular correlations are sensitive to the spin and parity of Λc∗(2765). Thus, the measurement of these observables in experimental facilities such as Belle and LHCb can provide useful constraints to determine the spin and parity of Λc∗(2765)., 2020, 101, 9, 094023, 094023, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.094023
  • Refereed, Physical Review D, Roper-like resonances with various flavor contents and their two-pion emission decays, A. J. Arifi; H. Nagahiro; A. Hosaka; K. Tanida, We study the three-body decay of the newly observed bottom baryon Λb∗(6072) by LHCb; Λb∗(6072)→Λbππ. Its mass about 500 MeV above the ground state Λb and a broad width imply that the state could be an analogue of the Roper resonance of the nucleon N(1440). In terms of sequential processes going through ςb and ςb∗, we find that the observed invariant mass distribution is reproduced assuming its spin and parity JP=1/2+. We discuss that the ratio of the two sequential processes and angular correlation of two pions are useful for the determination of spin and parity. We suggest further studies for the Roper resonance analogue in various flavor contents, raising an interesting and important question in baryon spectroscopy., 16 Jun. 2020, 101, 11, 111502, 111502, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.111502
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. D, American Physical Society (APS), Three-body decay of $Λ_c^*(2595)$ and $Λ_c^*(2625)$ with the inclusion of a direct two-pion coupling, Arifi, A.J.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A., We investigate the three-body decays of Λc∗(2595) and Λc∗(2625) into Λcππ by including a direct process going through the two-pion coupling of Λc∗Λcππ in addition to the sequential processes going through Σc(2455) and Σc∗(2520). The strength of the direct coupling is related to that of the Yukawa coupling by the chiral partner structure between Λc's and Σc's, while the strength of the Yukawa coupling is estimated by the quark model. It is found that the direct process gives a considerable contribution especially in the decay of Λc∗(2625). A clear indication of the direct process is seen in an asymmetric pattern in the angular correlation between the two pions. We discuss the usefulness of the detailed analysis of the decays for the study of the structure of Λc∗., 12 Dec. 2018, 98, 11, 114007, 114007, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.114007
  • Refereed, Acta Phys. Polon. B, Jagiellonian University, Spectroscopy of $η ^\prime $-mesic Nuclei with WASA at GSI/FAIR, Tanaka, Y.K.; others, We plan to conduct an experimental search for η0-mesic nuclei in order to investigate in-medium properties of the η0 meson. A 2.5 GeV proton beam is employed to produce η0-mesic 11C nuclei with the 12C(p,d)η0⊗11C reaction. Simultaneous measurements of the forward ejected deuterons and decay protons from η0-mesic nuclei will allow us to achieve high experimental sensitivity. The experiment will be performed at GSI by making full use of the fragment separator FRS and the WASA detector system. The plan of this proposed experiment is described., 2020, 51, 1, 39, 44, Scientific journal, 10.5506/APhysPolB.51.39
  • Refereed, JPS Conf. Proc., Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, A Systematic Study of Charmed Baryon Decays, Arifi, Ahmad Jafar; Nagahiro, Hideko; Hosaka, Atsushi, 2019, 26, 022031, 022031, Scientific journal, 10.7566/JPSCP.26.022031
  • Refereed, Physics Letters B, Elsevier BV, Constraining the optical potential in the search for η-mesic 4He, M. Skurzok; P. Moskal; N.G. Kelkar; S. Hirenzaki; H. Nagahiro; N. Ikeno, © 2018 The Author(s) A consistent description of the dd→ 4Heη and dd→ (4Heη)→boundX cross sections was recently proposed with a broad range of real (V0) and imaginary (W0), η−4He optical potential parameters leading to a good agreement with the dd→ 4Heη data. Here we compare the predictions of the model below the η production threshold, with the WASA-at-COSY excitation functions for the dd→ 3HeNπ reactions to put stronger constraints on (V0,W0). The allowed parameter space (with |V0|<∼ 60 MeV and |W0|<∼7 MeV estimated at 90% CL) excludes most optical model predictions of η−4He nuclei except for some loosely bound narrow states., Jul. 2018, 782, 6, 12, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.04.047
  • Refereed, Few Body Syst., Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Multistrange Meson-Baryon Dynamics and Resonance Generation, Khemch; ani, K.P.; Mart\'\i{}nez Torres, A.; Hosaka, A.; Nagahiro, H.; Navarra, F.S.; Nielsen, M., In this talk I review our recent studies on meson-baryon systems with strangeness -1 and -2. The motivation of our works is to find resonances generated as a consequence of coupled channel meson-baryon interactions. The coupled channels are all meson-baryon systems formed by combining a pseudoscalar or a vector meson with an octet baryon such that the system has the strange quantum number equal to -1 or -2. The lowest order meson-baryon interaction amplitudes are obtained from Lagrangians based on the chiral and the hidden local symmetries related to the vector mesons working as the gauge bosons. These lowest order amplitudes are used as an input to solve the Bethe–Salpeter equation and a search for poles is made in the resulting amplitudes, in the complex plane. In case of systems with strangeness -1, we find evidence for the existence of some hyperons such as: Λ(2000) , Σ(1750) , Σ(1940) , Σ(2000). More recently, in the study of strangeness -2 systems we have found two narrow resonances which can be related to Ξ(1690) and Ξ(2120). In this latter work, we have obtained the lowest order amplitudes relativistically as well as in the nonrelativistic approximation to solve the scattering equations. We find that the existence of the poles in the complex plane does not get affected by the computation of the scattering equation with the lowest order amplitudes obtained in the nonrelativistic approximation., May 2018, 59, 3, 29, 29, Scientific journal, 10.1007/s00601-018-1338-2
  • Refereed, Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS), Spectroscopy of Pionic Atoms in Sn122(d,He3) Reaction and Angular Dependence of the Formation Cross Sections, T. Nishi; K. Itahashi; G. P. A. Berg; H. Fujioka; N. Fukuda; N. Fukunishi; H. Geissel; R. S. Hayano; S. Hirenzaki; K. Ichikawa; N. Ikeno; N. Inabe; S. Itoh; M. Iwasaki; D. Kameda; S. Kawase; T. Kubo; K. Kusaka; H. Matsubara; S. Michimasa; K. Miki; G. Mishima; H. Miya; H. Nagahiro; M. Nakamura; S. Noji; K. Okochi; S. Ota; N. Sakamoto; K. Suzuki; H. Takeda; Y. K. Tanaka; K. Todoroki; K. Tsukada; T. Uesaka; Y. N. Watanabe; H. Weick; H. Yamakami; K. Yoshida, We observed the atomic 1s and 2p states of π- bound to Sn121 nuclei as distinct peak structures in the missing mass spectra of the Sn122(d,He3) nuclear reaction. A very intense deuteron beam and a spectrometer with a large angular acceptance let us achieve a potential of discovery, which includes the capability of determining the angle-dependent cross sections with high statistics. The 2p state in a Sn nucleus was observed for the first time. The binding energies and widths of the pionic states are determined and found to be consistent with previous experimental results of other Sn isotopes. The spectrum is measured at finite reaction angles for the first time. The formation cross sections at the reaction angles between 0° and 2° are determined. The observed reaction-angle dependence of each state is reproduced by theoretical calculations. However, the quantitative comparison with our high-precision data reveals a significant discrepancy between the measured and calculated formation cross sections of the pionic 1s state., 13 Apr. 2018, 120, 15, 152505, 152505, Scientific journal, 10.1103/physrevlett.120.152505
  • Refereed, PoS, Sissa Medialab, Understanding the properties of $Ξ(1690)$ and $Ξ(2120)$, Khemch; ani, K.P.; Mart\'\i{}nez Torres, A.; Hosaka, A.; Nagahiro, H.; Navarra, F.S.; Nielsen, M., 16 Feb. 2018, Hadron2017, 056, 056, Scientific journal, 10.22323/1.310.0056
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. D, American Physical Society (APS), Why $Ξ(1690)$ and $Ξ(2120)$ are so narrow?, Khemch; ani, K.P.; Mart\'\i{}nez Torres, A.; Hosaka, A.; Nagahiro, H.; Navarra, F.S.; Nielsen, M., The Ξ baryons are expected to be naturally narrower as compared to their nonstrange and strange counterparts since they have only one light quark and, thus, their decay involves producing either a light meson and doubly strange baryon or both meson and baryon with strangeness which involves, relatively, more energy. In fact, some Ξ's have full widths of the order of even 10-20 MeV when, in principle, they have a large phase space to decay to some open channels. Such is the case of Ξ(1690), for which the width has been found to be of the order of 10 MeV in the latest BABAR and BELLE data. In this manuscript we study why some Ξ's are so narrow. Based on a coupled channel calculation of the pseudoscalar meson-baryon and vector meson-baryon systems with chiral and hidden local symmetry Lagrangians, we find that the answer lies in the intricate hadron dynamics. We find that the known mass, width, spin-parity, and branching ratios of Ξ(1690) can be naturally explained in terms of coupled channel meson-baryon dynamics. We find another narrow resonance which can be related to Ξ(2120). We also look for exotic states Ξ+ and Ξ - but find none. In addition we provide the cross sections for K̄Λ,K̄Σ→πΞ which can be useful for understanding the enhanced yield of Ξ reported in recent studies of heavy ion collisions., 07 Feb. 2018, 97, 3, 034005, 034005, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.97.034005
  • Refereed, Physical Review C, American Physical Society (APS), Missing-mass spectroscopy of the C12(p,d) reaction near the η′-meson production threshold, Y. K. Tanaka; K. Itahashi; H. Fujioka; Y. Ayyad; J. Benlliure; K.-T. Brinkmann; S. Friedrich; H. Geissel; J. Gellanki; C. Guo; E. Gutz; E. Haettner; M. N. Harakeh; R. S. Hayano; Y. Higashi; S. Hirenzaki; C. Hornung; Y. Igarashi; N. Ikeno; M. Iwasaki; D. Jido; N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki; R. Kanungo; R. Knöbel; N. Kurz; V. Metag; I. Mukha; T. Nagae; H. Nagahiro; M. Nanova; T. Nishi; H. J. Ong; S. Pietri; A. Prochazka; C. Rappold; M. P. Reiter; J. L. Rodríguez-Sánchez; C. Scheidenberger; H. Simon; B. Sitar; P. Strmen; B. Sun; K. Suzuki; I. Szarka; M. Takechi; I. Tanihata; S. Terashima; Y. N. Watanabe; H. Weick; E. Widmann; J. S. Winfield; X. Xu; H. Yamakami; J. Zhao, Excitation-energy spectra of C11 nuclei near the η′-meson production threshold have been measured by missing-mass spectroscopy using the C12(p,d) reaction. A carbon target has been irradiated with a 2.5 GeV proton beam supplied by the synchrotron SIS-18 at GSI to produce η′-meson bound states in C11 nuclei. Deuterons emitted at 0 in the reaction have been momentum analyzed by the fragment separator (FRS), used as a high-resolution spectrometer. No distinct structure due to the formation of η′-mesic states is observed although a high statistical sensitivity is achieved in the experimental spectra. Upper limits on the formation cross sections of η′-mesic states are determined, and thereby a constraint imposed on the η′-nucleus interaction is discussed., 12 Jan. 2018, 97, 1, 015202, 015202, Scientific journal, 10.1103/physrevc.97.015202
  • Refereed, Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS), Three-Body Decay of Λc∗ (2595) and Λc∗ (2625) with consideration of Σc (2455)π and Σc∗ (2520)π in intermediate States, Arifi, A.J.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A., 23 Jun. 2017, 95, 11, 114018, 114018, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.114018
  • Refereed, Physical Review C, American Physical Society (APS), Effect of the final state interaction of η′N on the η′ photoproduction off the nucleon, Sakai, S.; Hosaka, A.; Nagahiro, H., 25 Apr. 2017, 95, 4, 045206, 045206, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.95.045206
  • Refereed, JPS Conf. Proc., Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Formation of Possible $η^\prime$(958)-Nucleus Bound States and $η^\primeN$ Interaction, Nagahiro, Hideko, 16 Feb. 2017, 13, 010010, 010010, Scientific journal, 10.7566/JPSCP.13.010010
  • Refereed, Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS), Structure of charmed baryons studied by pionic decays, Hideko Nagahiro; Shigehiro Yasui; Atsushi Hosaka; Makoto Oka; Hiroyuki Noumi, We investigate the decays of the charmed baryons aiming at the systematic understanding of hadron internal structures based on the quark model by paying attention to heavy quark symmetry. We evaluate the decay widths from the one-pion emission for the known excited states, Lambda(c)*(2595), Lambda(c)*(2625), Lambda(c)*(2765), Lambda(c)*(2880), and Lambda(c)*(2940), as well as for the ground states Sigma(c)*(2455) and Sigma(c)*(2520). The decay properties of the lower excited charmed baryons are well explained, and several important predictions for higher excited baryons are given. We find that the axial- vector- type coupling of the pion to the light quarks is essential, which is expected from chiral symmetry, to reproduce the decay widths especially of the low- lying. Lambda(c)* baryons. We emphasize the importance of the branching ratios of Gamma(Sigma(c)*pi)/Gamma(Sigma(c) pi) for the study of the nature of higher excited. Lambda(c)* baryons., 23 Jan. 2017, 95, 1, Scientific journal, 10.1103/physrevd.95.014023
  • JPS Conf. Proc., Formation of Deeply Bound Pionic Atoms and Pion Properties in Nuclei, Ikeno, Natsumi; Yamagata-Sekihara, Junko; Nagahiro, Hideko; Hirenzaki, Satoru, 2017, 13, 020016, 020016, Scientific journal, 10.7566/JPSCP.13.020016
  • JPS Conf. Proc., Search for \ensuremathη' Mesic Nuclei in GSI/FAIR, Itahashi, K.; others, 2017, 17, 082008, 082008, Scientific journal, 10.7566/JPSCP.17.082008
  • Refereed, JPS Conf. Proc., Excitation Spectra of Carbon Nuclei near $η '$ Emission Threshold, Itahashi, Kenta; others, 2017, 13, 020030, 020030, Scientific journal, 10.7566/JPSCP.13.020030
  • Refereed, Acta Physica Polonica B, Jagiellonian University, First Results on the Experimental Search for $\eta ^\prime $-Mesic Nuclei with the $^{12}$C($p,d$) Reaction, Y.K. Tanaka; Y. Ayyad; J. Benlliure; K.-T. Brinkmann; S. Friedrich; H. Fujioka; H. Geissel; J. Gellanki; C. Guo; E. Gutz; E. Haettner; M.N. Harakeh; R.S. Hayano; Y. Higashi; S. Hirenzaki; C. Hornung; Y. Igarashi; N. Ikeno; K. Itahashi; M. Iwasaki; D. Jido; N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki; R. Kanungo; R. Knöbel; N. Kurz; V. Metag; I. Mukha; T. Nagae; H. Nagahiro; M. Nanova; T. Nishi; H.J. Ong; S. Pietri; A. Prochazka; C. Rappold; M.P. Reiter; J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez; C. Scheidenberger; H. Simon; B. Sitar; P. Strmen; B. Sun; K. Suzuki; I. Szarka; M. Takechi; I. Tanihata; S. Terashima; Y.N. Watanabe; H. Weick; E. Widmann; J.S. Winfield; X. Xu; H. Yamakami; J. Zhao, We performed a missing-mass spectroscopy experiment of the 12C(p, d) reaction in order to search for η′-mesic nuclei. Excitation spectrum of 11C around the η′-meson production threshold was successfully obtained with a high-statistical sensitivity and sufficiently good energy resolution. Since no peak structure associated with the formation of η′-mesic nuclei was observed, we set constraints on the formation cross sections of η′-mesic states and on the η′-nucleus interaction., 2017, 48, 10, 1813, 1813, Scientific journal, 10.5506/aphyspolb.48.1813
  • Refereed, Eur. Phys. J. A, SPRINGER, $η$-nucleus interaction from the $d+d$ reaction around the $η$ production threshold, Ikeno, N.; Nagahiro, H.; Jido, D.; Hirenzaki, S., The eta mesic nucleus is considered to be one of the interesting exotic many-body systems and has been studied since the 1980s theoretically and experimentally. Recently, the formation of the eta mesic nucleus in the fusion reactions of the light nuclei such as d + d -> (eta + alpha) -> X has been proposed and the experiments have been performed by WASA-at-COSY. We develop a theoretical model to evaluate the formation rate of the eta mesic nucleus in the fusion reactions and show the calculated results. We find that the eta bound states could be observed in the reactions in cases with the strong attractive and small absorptive eta-nucleus interactions. We compare our results with existing data of the d+ d -> eta + alpha and the d+ d -> He-3 + N + pi reactions. We find that the analyses by our theoretical model with the existing data can provide new information on the eta-nucleus interaction., 2017, 53, 10, 194, 194, Scientific journal, 10.1140/epja/i2017-12381-7
  • Not Refereed, JPS Conf. Proc., Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Charmed baryons and their interactions, Hosaka, Atsushi; Hiyama, Emiko; Kim, SangHo; Kim, Hyun-Chul; Nagahiro, Hideko; Noumi, Hiroyuki; Oka, Makoto; Shirotori, Kotaro; Yoshida, Tetsuya; Yasui, Shigehiro, 2017, 17, 111002, 111002, Scientific journal, 10.7566/JPSCP.17.111002
  • Refereed, Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS), Measurement of Excitation Spectra in the 12C(p,d) Reaction near the η′ Emission Threshold, Y. K. Tanaka; K. Itahashi; H. Fujioka; Y. Ayyad; J. Benlliure; K.-T. Brinkmann; S. Friedrich; H. Geissel; J. Gellanki; C. Guo; E. Gutz; E. Haettner; M. N. Harakeh; R. S. Hayano; Y. Higashi; S. Hirenzaki; C. Hornung; Y. Igarashi; N. Ikeno; M. Iwasaki; D. Jido; N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki; R. Kanungo; R. Knöbel; N. Kurz; V. Metag; I. Mukha; T. Nagae; H. Nagahiro; M. Nanova; T. Nishi; H. J. Ong; S. Pietri; A. Prochazka; C. Rappold; M. P. Reiter; J. L. Rodríguez-Sánchez; C. Scheidenberger; H. Simon; B. Sitar; P. Strmen; B. Sun; K. Suzuki; I. Szarka; M. Takechi; I. Tanihata; S. Terashima; Y. N. Watanabe; H. Weick; E. Widmann; J. S. Winfield; X. Xu; H. Yamakami; J. Zhao, © 2016 American Physical Society. Excitation spectra of C11 are measured in the C12(p,d) reaction near the η′ emission threshold. A proton beam extracted from the synchrotron SIS-18 at GSI with an incident energy of 2.5 GeV impinges on a carbon target. The momenta of deuterons emitted at 0° are precisely measured with the fragment separator (FRS) operated as a spectrometer. In contrast to theoretical predictions on the possible existence of deeply bound η′-mesic states in carbon nuclei, no distinct structures are observed associated with the formation of bound states. The spectra are analyzed to set stringent constraints on the formation cross section and on the hitherto barely known η′-nucleus interaction., 08 Nov. 2016, 117, 20, Scientific journal, 10.1103/physrevlett.117.202501
  • Refereed, Nuclear Physics A, Elsevier BV, Production and decay of charmed baryons, Atsushi Hosaka; Emiko Hiyama; SangHo Kim; Hyun-Chul Kim; Hideko Nagahiro; Hiroyuki Noumi; Makoto Oka; Kotaro Shirotori; Tetsuya Yoshida; Shigehiro Yasui, In this paper, we discuss reactions involving charmed baryons to explore their unique features. A well known phenomenon, the separation of the two internal motions of the rho and lambda types of a three-quark system is revisited. First we discuss the mass spectrum of low lying excitations as function of the heavy quark mass, smoothly connecting the SU(3) and heavy quark limits. The properties of these modes can be tested in the production and decay reactions of the baryons. For production, we consider a one step process which excites dominantly lambda modes. We find abundant production rates for some of the excited states. For decay, we study a pion emission process which provides a clean tool to test the structure of heavy quark systems due to the well controlled low energy dynamics of pions and quarks. Both production and decay of charmed baryons are issues for future experiments at J-PARC. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., Oct. 2016, 954, 341, 351, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2016.05.009
  • Acta Phys. Polon. B, Formation of $η '(958)$ Bound States by $(γ ,d)$ Reaction, Miyatani, Moeki; Ikeno, Natsumi; Nagahiro, Hideko; Hirenzaki, Satoru, We have investigated the 6Li(γ, d) reaction theoretically for the formation of the η′(958) mesic nucleus. We have reported the numerical results in this article., 2016, 47, 2, 367, 372, Scientific journal, 10.5506/APhysPolB.47.367
  • Refereed, AIP Conf. Proc., AMER INST PHYSICS, Decays of doubly charmed meson molecules, Molina, R.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A., If the X(3872), Y(3940) and X(4160) are D*(D) over bar + c.c., D*(D) over bar (S) and D-S*(D) over bar (S)* molecules, respectively, there should be doubly charmed mesons (D-(*D-)(()*())). In this talk we predict two states with J(P) = 1(+) in the charm = 2 sector, one DD* state around 3850 MeV, other D*D* state with mass around 3970 MeV, and other two similar states in the (charm = 2; strangeness = 1) sector. Besides that, we evaluate the decay widths of doubly charm mesons D*D*(1(+)), into DD pi and DD gamma. These decays are mediated by anomalous couplings D*D* - DD*, with the subsequent decay of D* into D pi or D gamma., 2016, 1701, 1, 050011, 050011, Scientific journal, 10.1063/1.4938651
  • Refereed, EPJ Web Conf., EDP Sciences, Precision spectroscopy of pionic atoms and chiral symmetry in nuclei, Itahashi, Kenta; others, We conduct an experimental project to make spectroscopy of deeply bound pionic atoms systematically over wide range of nuclei. We aim at studying the strong interaction in the low energy region, which has close connection to spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking and its partial restoration in nuclear matter. First experimental results show improved spectral resolution and much better statistical sensitivity than previous experiments. Present status of the experiment is reported., 2016, 130, 01017, 01017, Scientific journal, 10.1051/epjconf/201613001017
  • Refereed, EPJ Web Conf., EDP Sciences, Search for \ensuremathη' mesic nuclei by missing-mass spectroscopy of the $^12$C(p,d) reaction, Tanaka, Yoshiki K.; others, We performed a missing-mass spectroscopy experiment of the 12C(p, d) reaction at 2.5 GeV proton energy in order to search for η′ mesic nuclei. An excitation-energy spectrum of 11C was obtained around the η′ production threshold. As no significant peak structure was observed in the spectrum, upper limits of the formation cross section of η′ mesic nuclei have been determined. Preliminary results of the experiment as well as future prospects are given., 2016, 130, 02010, 02010, Scientific journal, 10.1051/epjconf/201613002010
  • Refereed, Eur. Phys. J. A, Formation of $η^\prime$ (958) meson bound states by the$^6$Li( $γ$ ,d) reaction, Miyatani, M.; Ikeno, N.; Nagahiro, H.; Hirenzaki, S., © 2016, SIF, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. We have investigated the 6Li(γ,d) reaction theoretically for the formation of the ń(958) mesic nucleus close to the recoilless kinematics. We have developed the theoretical formula and reported the quantitative results of the formation spectra for various cases in this article. We have found that the formation cross sections are reduced by the effects of the fragile deuteron form factor., 2016, 52, 7, 193, 193, Scientific journal, 10.1140/epja/i2016-16193-y
  • Refereed, Chiral Symmetry in Hadrons and Nuclei, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, Decays of doubly charmed meson molecules, R. Molina; A. Hosaka; H. Nagahiro, The interaction between pseudoscalar and/or vector mesons can be studied using hidden gauge Lagrangians. In this framework, the interaction between charmed mesons has been studied. Furthermore, doubly charmed states are also predicted. These new states are near the D* D* and D* D-s* thresholds, and have spin-parity J(P) = 1(+). We evaluate the decay widths of these states, named as R-cc(3970) and S-cc(4100) (with strangeness), and obtain 44 MeV for the non-strangeness, and 24 MeV for the doubly charm-strange state. Essentially, the decay modes are DD(s)pi and DD(s)gamma, being the D pi and D gamma emitted by one of the D* meson which forms the molecule., 2015, 124, 127, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, Acta Phys. Polon. B, WYDAWNICTWO UNIWERSYTETU JAGIELLONSKIEGO, Exotic atoms and exotic nuclei, Hirenzaki, S.; Nagahiro, H.; Ikeno, N.; Yamagata-Sekihara, J., In this article, we briefly review the study of the exotic atoms and exotic nuclei, and report on recent research activities of eta-mesic nucleus and kaonic atoms., 2015, 46, 1, 121, 126, Scientific journal, 10.5506/APhysPolB.46.121
  • Refereed, PTEP, OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC, Formation spectra of pionic atoms in the Green's function method, Ikeno, Natsumi; Yamagata-Sekihara, Junko; Nagahiro, Hideko; Hirenzaki, Satoru, We study the formation spectra of deeply bound pionic atoms in the (d, He-3) reactions using the Green's function method, stimulated by recent developments in experimental techniques. The Green's function method is considered to be a better theoretical formalism than the effective number approach to evaluate the formation rate of unstable systems. We compare the calculated results by the Green's function method with those by the effective number approach in various cases. We find that the differences between the results obtained by both methods are reasonably small and we can reaffirm that the effective number approach is a good theoretical method for the analyses of the previous experimental data with typical binding-energy errors of Delta B. E. greater than or similar to 20 keV for the deeply bound pionic atoms. On the other hand, we think that theoretical results using the Green's function method will be necessary in the near future to deduce precise information on the pion properties in nuclei from analyses of the pionic atom data with better accuracy than before., 2015, 2015, 3, 033D01, Scientific journal, 10.1093/ptep/ptv013
  • Refereed, Acta Phys. Polon. A, POLISH ACAD SCIENCES INST PHYSICS, Formation of Deeply Bound Pionic Atoms and Pion Properties in Nuclei, Ikeno, N.; Yamagata-Sekihara, J.; Nagahiro, H.; Hirenzaki, S., We study theoretically the formation of deeply bound pionic atoms to deduce the pion properties in nuclei precisely from the observables. We show the theoretical formation spectra of deeply bound pionic atoms in the various cases. We consider the pionic atom formation on the even-even and neutron-odd nucleus targets. We also show the angular dependence of the formation spectra in the (d, He-3) reactions. Based on these theoretical results, we have found that we can obtain the systematic information on several deeply bound states for various nuclei. Actually, these observations have been performed in the experiments at RIBF/RIKEN., 2015, 127, 5, 1568, 1570, Scientific journal, 10.12693/APhysPolA.127.1568
  • Not Refereed, Acta Phys. Polon. B, Search for $η '$(958)-nucleus Bound States by $(p,d)$ Reaction at GSI and FAIR, Fujioka, H.; others, 2015, 46, 1, 127, 132, Scientific journal, 10.5506/APhysPolB.46.127
  • Not Refereed, Hyperfine Interact., SPRINGER, Spectroscopy of $η'$-nucleus bound states at GSI and FAIR — very preliminary results and future prospects —, Fujioka, H.; others, The possible existence of eta'-nucleus bound states has been put forward through theoretical and experimental studies. It is strongly related to the eta' mass at finite density, which is expected to be reduced because of the interplay between the U (A) (1) anomaly and partial restoration of chiral symmetry. The investigation of the C(p,d) reaction at GSI and FAIR, as well as an overview of the experimental program at GSI and future plans at FAIR are discussed., 2015, 234, 1-3, 33, 39, Scientific journal, 10.1007/s10751-015-1145-9
  • Refereed, EPJ Web Conf., E D P SCIENCES, Meson properties from mesic atoms and mesic nuclei, Hirenzaki, Satoru; Ikeno, Natsumi; Nagahiro, Hideko; Higashi, Yuko, Meson properties are believed to have close connection to the fundamental theory, QCD, and have been studied for a long time both theoretically and experimentally. In this report, we study the recent activities in this field and consider the eta(958) mesic nuclei and the deeply bound pionic atoms. We summarize the possible formation of the eta(958) mesic nuclei by the (p, d) reactions and report the new possibilities of the spectroscopic study of the pionic atoms using the (d,He-3) reactions., 2014, 81, 01026, 01026, Scientific journal, 10.1051/epjconf/20148101026
  • Refereed, Phys. Lett. B, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Experimental constraints on the \ensuremathω –nucleus real potential, Friedrich, S.; others, In a search for omega mesic states, the production of omega-mesons in coincidence with forward going protons has been studied in photon induced reactions on C-12 for incident photon energies of 1250-3100 MeV. The pi(0)gamma pairs from decays of bound or quasi-free omega-mesons have been measured with the CBELSA/TAPS detector system in coincidence with protons registered in the MiniTAPS forward array. Structures in the total energy distribution of the pi(0)gamma pairs, which would indicate the population and decay of bound omega B-11 states, are not observed. The pi(0)gamma cross section of 0.3 nbMeV(-1) sr(-1) observed in the bound state energy regime between -100 and 0 MeV may be accounted for by yield leaking into the bound state regime because of the large in-medium width of the omega-meson. A comparison of the measured total energy distribution with calculations suggests the real part V-0 of the omega B-11 potential to be small and only weakly attractive with V-0(rho = rho(0)) = -15 +/- 35(stat) +/- 20(syst) MeV in contrast to some theoretical predictions of attractive potentials with a depth of 100-150 MeV. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V., 2014, 736, 26, 32, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.07.004
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. C, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, Elementarity of composite systems, Nagahiro, Hideko; Hosaka, Atsushi, The "compositeness" or "elementarity" is investigated for s-wave composite states dynamically generated by energy-dependent and independent interactions. The bare mass of the corresponding fictitious elementary particle in an equivalent Yukawa model is shown to be infinite, indicating that the wave function renormalization constant Z is equal to zero. The idea can be equally applied to both resonant and bound states. In a special case of zero-energy bound states, the condition Z = 0 does not necessarily mean that the elementary particle has the infinite bare mass. We also emphasize arbitrariness in the "elementarity" leading to multiple interpretations of a physical state, which can be either a pure composite state with Z = 0 or an elementary particle with Z not equal 0. The arbitrariness is unavoidable because the renormalization constant Z is not a physical observable., 2014, 90, 6, 065201, 065201, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.065201
  • Not Refereed, Acta Phys. Polon. B, WYDAWNICTWO UNIWERSYTETU JAGIELLONSKIEGO, Meson Properties at Finite Density from Mesic Atoms and Mesic Nuclei, Hirenzaki, S.; Nagahiro, H., The properties of eta'(958) meson at finite nuclear density is considered to have close connection with the effects of U-A(1) anomaly at finite density. In this context, we are very much interested in the study of the eta'(958)mesic nuclei. As for the eta-mesic nuclei, which have been studied for a long time, we think it is interesting and important to consider both effects of the coupling of eta N system to N*(1535) and of the mixing of eta with eta'(958). In this article, we briefly summarize recent results of our studies concerning with eta'(958)- and eta-mesic nuclei., 2014, 45, 3, 619, 619, Scientific journal, 10.5506/APhysPolB.45.619
  • Not Refereed, Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser., $N^*$'s and $Δ$'s generated in vector, pseudoscalar meson-baryon systems, Khemch; ani, K.P.; Martinez Torres, A.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A., 2014, 26, 1460060, 1460060, Scientific journal, 10.1142/S201019451460060X
  • Not Refereed, EPJ Web Conf., E D P SCIENCES, Missing Mass Spectroscopy of $η'$ Mesic Nuclei with the $(p,d)$ Reaction at GSI, Tanaka, Yoshiki K.; others, We plan a missing-mass spectroscopy experiment of eta' mesic nuclei with the C-12(p,d)eta'circle times C-11 reaction to study in-medium properties of the eta' meson. In nuclear medium, due to restoration of chiral symmetry, the mass of the eta' meson may be reduced, and 71 bound states in a nucleus may exist. The experiment will be started at GSI with a 2.5 GeV proton beam using FRS as a spectrometer and will be continued at Super-FRS at FAIR. The plan of the experiment and development of a Cherenkov detector and an optics mode are described., 2014, 66, 09019, 09019, Scientific journal, 10.1051/epjconf/20146609019
  • Not Refereed, EPJ Web Conf., E D P SCIENCES, Spectroscopy of eta-prime Mesic Nuclei via Semi-Exclusive Measurement at FAIR, Fujioka, Hiroyuki; others, In order to investigate a possible mass reduction of an eta' meson at finite density, a series of missing-mass spectroscopy experiments of rl-nucleus bound states with the C-12(p,d) reaction is planned at GSI and FAIR. A semi-exclusive measurement with the tagging of protons from eta' two-body absorption (eta'NN -> NN) will be a key feature in an experiment with Super-FRS at FAIR., 2014, 66, 09006, 09006, Scientific journal, 10.1051/epjconf/20146609006
  • Not Refereed, JPS Conf. Proc., Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Formation of Deeply Bound Pionic Atoms in the ($d,^3$He) Reaction, Ikeno, Natsumi; Yamagata-Sekihara, Junko; Nagahiro, Hideko; Hirenzaki, Satoru, 2014, 1, 013060, 013060, Scientific journal, 10.7566/JPSCP.1.013060
  • Not Refereed, JPS Conf. Proc., Formation of $η′$(958) Bound States in Nuclei, Hirenzaki, Satoru; Nagahiro, Hideko; Jido, Daisuke, 2014, 1, 013030, 013030, Scientific journal, 10.7566/JPSCP.1.013030
  • Refereed, Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, American Physical Society (APS), Role of vector and pseudoscalar mesons in understanding 1/2- N* and Δ resonances, Khemch; ani, K.P.; Mart{\'i}nez Torres, A.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A., 03 Dec. 2013, 88, 11, 114016, 114016, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.114016
  • Refereed, Nuclear Physics A, Elsevier BV, Λ and σ resonances coupled to vector and pseudoscalar mesons, Khemch; ani, K.P.; Mart{\'i}nez Torres, A.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A., Sep. 2013, 914, 300, 304, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2012.12.095
  • Refereed, Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society, Formation of η'(958)-mesic nuclei by the (p,d) reaction, Hideko Nagahiro; Daisuke Jido; Hiroyuki Fujioka; Kenta Itahashi; Satoru Hirenzaki, We calculate theoretically the formation spectra of η'(958)-nucleus systems in the (p,d) reaction for the investigation of in-medium modification of the η' mass. We show comprehensive numerical calculations based on a simple form of the η' optical potential in nuclei with various potential depths. We conclude that one finds evidence of a possible attractive interaction between η' and the nucleus as a peak structure appearing around the η' threshold in light nuclei such as 11C, when the attractive potential is stronger than 100 MeV and the absorption width is of order 40 MeV or less. Spectroscopy of the (p,d) reaction is expected to be performed experimentally at existing facilities, such as GSI. We also estimate the contributions from the ω and ρ mesons, which have masses close to the η' meson, concluding that the observation of the peak structure of the η'-mesic nuclei is not disturbed, although their contributions may not be small. © 2013 American Physical Society., 02 Apr. 2013, 87, 4, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.87.045201
  • PoS, Formation of deeply bound pionic atoms and pion properties in nuclei, Ikeno, Natsumi; Yamagata-Sekihara, Junko; Nagahiro, Hideko; Hirenzaki, Satoru, 2013, Hadron2013, 172, 172, Scientific journal, 10.7566/JPSCP.13.020016
  • PoS, Meson Properties at Finite Density from Mesic Atoms and Mesic Nuclei = Recent Topics on $π$ and $η'(958)$ in Nuclei =, Hirenzaki, Satoru; Ikeno, Natsumi; Nagahiro, Hideko, © owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence. We study the meson-nucleus systems as the very interesting objects to deduce the hadron properties precisely and to obtain new information on the aspects of the strong interaction at finite density. We briefly introduce the recent research activities on pionic atoms and η′ (958) mesic nuclei in this article. The (d,3 He) reactions for the formation of the pionic atoms are considered at finite angles and on the odd-neutron nuclear targets to develop the systematic and accurate studies of the pion properties at various nuclear densities. η′ (958)-nucleus systems are quite interesting in the context of the effects of the UA(1) anomaly at finite density. The possible formation of the nuclear bound states of the η′meson by the (p,d) reactions is discussed to deduce the information on the mass shift of the exceptionally heavy η′meson., 2013, Hadron2013, 014, 014, Scientific journal, 10.22323/1.205.0014
  • PoS, Spectroscopy of $η'$ mesic nuclei using $(p, d)$ reaction, Suzuki, K.; others, © Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence. The h-PRiME collaboration (Japan-Germany-Austria) searches for h0(958) meson-nucleus bound states. The mass of the h0 meson is much greater than the values if it were a pure Goldstone boson associated with spontaneously broken chiral symmetry. The extra mass is to be attributed to non-perturbative gluon dynamics and the QCD axial anomaly. The h0 in media will be influenced through chiral restoration and the axial U(1) dynamics, causing accordingly a sizable mass reduction and a strong binding to the nucleus, on which an observation of such states will provide valued information. The data taking (S437 experiment) using inclusive missing mass spectroscopy of (p;d) reaction off carbon target will take place in summer 2014 at the FRS spectrometer at GSI., 2013, Hadron2013, 166, 166, Scientific journal, 10.22323/1.205.0166
  • Chiral Symmetry in Hadrons and Nuclei, Decays of doubly charmed meson molecules, Molina, R.; Hosaka, A.; Nagahiro, H., 2014, Hadron2013, 061, 061, Scientific journal, 10.1142/9789814618229_0023
  • Not Refereed, PoS, Sissa Medialab, Dynamical origin of nonstrange baryon resonances, Khemch; ani, K.P.; Martinez Torres, A.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A., 2013, Hadron2013, 116, 116, Scientific journal, 10.22323/1.205.0116
  • Refereed, Few Body Syst., Resonances generated by the vector meson-baryon dynamics, Khemch; ani, K.P.; Martinez Torres, A.; Kaneko, H.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A., We have recently studied vector meson-octet baryon (VB) interactions with the aim to find dynamical generation of resonances in such systems. For this, we consider the s-, t-, u-channel diagrams along with a contact interaction originating from the hidden local symmetry Lagrangian. We find the contribution from all these sources, except the s-channel, to be important. The amplitudes obtained by solving the coupled channel Bethe-Salpeter equations for the systems with total strangeness zero show generation of one isospin 3/2, spin 1/2 resonance and three isospin 1/2 resonances: two with spin 3/2 and one with spin 1/2. We identify these resonances with Δ (1900) S31, N*(2080) D13, N* (1700) D13, and N*(2090) S11, respectively. Further, we briefly discuss the results of our investigation of the VB systems when coupled to the pseudoscalar meson-baryon (PB) channels. We find that the low-lying resonances couple strongly to the VB channels, a result which can be useful in studying the reactions involving pseudoscalar and vector meson exchanges. In case of the higher mass resonances (in the 1,800-2,200 MeV region), we find that some of the states claimed as dynamically generated states in the VB system can disappear due to their coupling to the PB channels. We also find that new states can appear from PB-VB coupled channel dynamics for example, we find that a Σ resonance near 1,400 MeV gets developed due to such an effect. © 2012 Springer-Verlag., 2013, 54, 1-4, 343, 346, Scientific journal, 10.1007/s00601-012-0389-z
  • Refereed, Few Body Syst., Composite and elementary components in hadron resonances, Hosaka, Atsushi; Hyodo, Tetsuo; Jido, Daisuke; Nagahiro, Hideko; Nawa, Kanabu; Ohkoda, Shunsuke; Ozaki, Sho; Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro; Yasui, Shigehiro, In hadron resonances different structures of hadronic composite (molecule) and elementary (quark-intrinsic) natures may coexist. We sketch discussions based on our previous publications on the origin of hadron resonances (Hyodo et al. Phys. Rev. C 78:025203, 2008) on exotic D̄(B) meson-nucleons as candidates of hadronic composites (Yamaguchi et al. Phys. Rev. D 84:014032, 2011) and on a1 for the coexistence/mixing of the two different natures (Nagahiro et al. Phys. Rev. D 83:111504, 2011). © 2012 Springer-Verlag., 2013, 54, 1-4, 19, 24, Scientific journal, 10.1007/s00601-012-0375-5
  • Refereed, PoS, Complex 2D Matrix Model and Its Application to $N_c$-dependence of Hadron Structures, Nawa, Kanabu; Ozaki, Sho; Nagahiro, Hideko; Jido, Daisuke; Hosaka, Atsushi, We study the internal structure of resonance states in a complex 2D matrix model. We show that the geometry with "exceptional points" in the complex-parameter space can be useful to discuss parameter dependence of the structures within real-parameter subspace. By applying the model to hadron physics, we consider the Nc-dependence of hadron structures from the geometry on the complex-Nc plane., 2013, Hadron2013, 108, 108, Scientific journal, 10.22323/1.205.0108
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. C, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, Formation of $η^\prime(958)$-mesic nuclei by ($p,d$) reaction, Nagahiro, Hideko; Jido, Daisuke; Fujioka, Hiroyuki; Itahashi, Kenta; Hirenzaki, Satoru, We calculate theoretically the formation spectra of. n' (958)-nucleus systems in the (p,d) reaction for the investigation of in-medium modification of the. n' mass. We show comprehensive numerical calculations based on a simple form of the. n' optical potential in nuclei with various potential depths. We conclude that one finds evidence of a possible attractive interaction between. n' and the nucleus as a peak structure appearing around the. n' threshold in light nuclei such as C-11, when the attractive potential is stronger than 100 MeV and the absorption width is of order 40 MeV or less. Spectroscopy of the (p, d) reaction is expected to be performed experimentally at existing facilities, such as GSI. We also estimate the contributions from the omega and phi mesons, which have masses close to the. n' meson, concluding that the observation of the peak structure of the. n' -mesic nuclei is not disturbed, although their contributions may not be small., 2013, 87, 4, 045201, 045201, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.87.045201
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. C, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, Composite and elementary nature of a resonance in the \ensuremathσ model, Nagahiro, Hideko; Hosaka, Atsushi, We analyze the mixing nature of the low-lying scalar resonance consisting of the pi pi composite and the elementary particle within the sigma model. A method to disentangle the mixing is formulated in the scattering theory with the concept of the two-level problem. We investigate the composite and elementary components of the sigma meson by changing a mixing parameter. We also study the dependence of the results on model parameters such as the cut-off value and the mass of the elementary sigma meson., 2013, 88, 5, 055203, 055203, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.88.055203
  • Refereed, PTEP, OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC, (d,3He) reaction on odd-neutron nuclear target for the formation of deeply bound pionic atoms, Ikeno, Natsumi; Yamagata-Sekihara, Junko; Nagahiro, Hideko; Hirenzaki, Satoru, We consider pionic atom spectroscopy by the (d,He-3) reaction on an odd-neutron nuclear target in this article, which has not yet been investigated. In the (d,He-3) reaction on the odd-neutron nuclear target, we can observe pionic states in the even-neutron nucleus with spin-parity 0(+). We expect that these pionic states do not have additional shifts due to the effects of the residual interaction between neutron-hole and pionic states. For the even-neutron nuclear target cases, we may have to take into account the residual interaction effects to deduce the binding energies of the pionic states precisely from the high-precision experimental data, since the final pionic states are pion-particle plus neutron-hole [pi circle times n(-1)] states. Thus, in addition to widening the domain of pionic atom spectroscopy on the nuclear chart, the present study of the (d,He-3) reaction on an odd-neutron target is considered to be important to deduce extremely precise information on the binding energies of the observed pionic states, and to clarify the pion properties and aspects of the symmetries of the strong interaction at finite density. We modify the formula of the even-even nuclear target case to study pionic atom formation spectra on the even-odd nuclear target and show the numerical results of the Sn-117 target case. This experiment will be performed at RIBF/RIKEN in the near future., 2013, 2013, 6, 063D01, 1-15, Scientific journal, 10.1093/ptep/ptt035
  • Refereed, PTEP, Complex 2D matrix model and geometrical map on the complex-$N_c$ plane, Nawa, Kanabu; Ozaki, Sho; Nagahiro, Hideko; Jido, Daisuke; Hosaka, Atsushi, We study the parameter dependence of the internal structure of resonance states by formulating a complex two-dimensional (2D) matrix model, where the two dimensions represent two levels of resonances. We calculate a critical value of the parameter at which a "nature transition" with character exchange occurs between two resonance states, from the viewpoint of geometry on complex-parameter space. Such a critical value is useful for identifying the internal structure of resonance states with variation of the parameter in the system.We apply the model to analyze the internal structure of hadrons with variation of the color number Nc from∞to a realistic value 3. By regarding 1/Nc as the variable parameter in our model, we calculate a critical color number of the nature transition between hadronic states in terms of a quark-antiquark pair and a mesonic molecule as exotics from the geometry on the complex-Nc plane. For large-Nc effective theory, we employ the chiral Lagrangian induced by holographic QCD with a D4/D8/D8 multi-D brane system in type IIA superstring theory. © The Author(s) 2013., 2013, 2013, 8, 083D01, 1-13, Scientific journal, 10.1093/ptep/ptt051
  • Refereed, Nucl. Phys. A, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Formation of the $η^\prime$(958)-mesic nuclei in missing mass spectroscopies, Nagahiro, Hideko, We calculate the formation cross section of the eta'-mesic nuclei by (pi, N) and (p, d) reactions based on the latest theoretical considerations of the eta' properties in nucleus. The results shown here are important to give predictions and support for future experiments and to establish the connection between the eta' mesic nucleus formation spectra and the modifications of the eta' properties at finite density, which will give us new information on the eta' mass generation mechanism. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., 2013, 914, 360, 364, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2013.03.005
  • Refereed, Nucl. Phys. A, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, $η^\prime$ meson under partial restoration of chiral symmetry in nuclear medium, Jido, Daisuke; Sakai, Shuntaro; Nagahiro, Hideko; Hirenzaki, Satoru; Ikeno, Natsumi, In-medium modification of the eta' mass is discussed in the context of partial restoration of chiral symmetry in nuclear medium. We emphasize that the U-A (1) anomaly effects cause the eta'-eta mass difference necessarily through the chiral symmetry breaking. As a consequence, the eta' mass is expected to be reduced by order of 100 MeV in nuclear matter where about 30% reduction of chiral symmetry takes place. The strong attraction relating to the eta' mass generation eventually implies that there should be also a strong attractive interaction in the scalar channel of the eta'-N two-body system. We find that the attraction can be strong enough to form a bound state. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., 2013, 914, 354, 359, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2012.12.097
  • Refereed, Nucl. Phys. A, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Nuclear density probed by anti-kaon-nucleus systems and anti-kaon-nucleus interaction, Yamagata-Sekihara, J.; Ikeno, N.; Nagahiro, H.; Jido, D.; Hirenzaki, S., Effective nuclear densities probed by anti-kaon-nucleus systems is studied theoretically both for bound and low energy scattering states. As for the bound states, we investigate kaonic atoms. We find that the effective density depends on the atomic states significantly and we have the possibility to obtain the anti-kaon properties at various nuclear densities by observing the several kaonic atom states. We also find the energy dependence of the probed density by scattering states. We find that the study of the effective nuclear density will help to find the proper systems to investigate the meson properties at various nuclear densities. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., 2013, 914, 344, 348, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2013.01.085
  • Not Refereed, Few Body Syst., SPRINGER WIEN, Formation of $η'(958)$ Meson Bound States and Chiral Symmetry In-Medium, Nagahiro, Hideko, We theoretically discuss the feasibility to observe the eta'(958)-mesic nuclei by using the missing mass spectroscopy. We evaluate the eta'-nucleus optical potential including the contribution of lowest order in density together with the second order terms account for eta' absorption by two nucleons, based on a recent model of the eta'N interaction. We show the calculated formation cross section of the eta' bound states from (pi, N) reaction with pion beam momentum p (pi) = 1.8 GeV/c and (p, d) reaction with proton kinetic energy T (p) = 2.5 GeV., 2013, 54, 7-10, 1565, 1568, Scientific journal, 10.1007/s00601-012-0568-y
  • Not Refereed, Few Body Syst., SPRINGER WIEN, Formation of Deeply Bound Pionic Atoms in Sn Isotopes, Ikeno, Natsumi; Nagahiro, Hideko; Hirenzaki, Satoru, We study the formation of deeply bound pionic atoms in the (d,He-3) reaction theoretically. At different scattering angles, we find that the different subcomponents dominate the formation spectra because of the matching condition of the reaction. We also find that the pionic 1s state which is free from the residual interaction effects appears clearly in Sn-117(d, He-3) spectra. We conclude that the observation of the (d,He-3) reaction for these new cases will provide more systematic and accurate information on the pionic bound states, and it will help to develop the study of the pion properties and the partial restoration of chiral symmetry in nuclei., 2013, 54, 7-10, 1573, 1576, Scientific journal, 10.1007/s00601-012-0556-2
  • Not Refereed, Few Body Syst., SPRINGER WIEN, Spectroscopy of $η'$ mesic nuclei with $(p,d)$ reaction, Tanaka, Yoshiki K.; others, We are going to perform an inclusive spectroscopy experiment of eta' mesic nuclei with the C-12(p,d) reaction to study in-medium properties of the eta' meson. In nuclear medium, the eta' meson mass may be reduced due to partial restoration of chiral symmetry. In case of sufficiently large mass reduction and small absorption width of eta' at normal nuclear density, peak structures of eta' mesic states in C-11 will be observed near the eta' emission threshold even in an inclusive spectrum. The experiment will be carried out at GSI with proton beam supplied by SIS using FRS as a spectrometer. The detail of the experiment is described., 2013, 54, 7-10, 1263, 1266, Scientific journal, 10.1007/s00601-012-0589-6
  • Not Refereed, Few Body Syst., SPRINGER WIEN, Dynamically Generated Resonances from Two Vectors in the Charm Sector and their Decays, Molina, R.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A.; Branz, T.; Oset, E., In this talk we study dynamically generated resonances from two-vector mesons within the hidden gauge formalism in a coupled channel unitary approach. We focus on the sectors with charm and/or strangeness and double charm, being some of them flavor exotic. Concretely, by looking for poles in the complex plane, we get three poles in the T-matrix around 2,460, 2,640 and 2,572 MeV that we identify with the and , coupling strongly to D*rho (the first two) and D*K* respectively. In addition, we obtain resonances in other exotic sectors such as (charm = 1; strangeness = -1), (charm = 2; strangeness = 0, 1). This 'flavor-exotic' states are interpreted as and molecular states and have not been observed yet. The observation of these peculiar states is a challenge for the experimentalist., 2013, 54, 7-10, 1259, 1262, Scientific journal, 10.1007/s00601-012-0583-z
  • Refereed, Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, American Physical Society (APS), Negative parity Λ and Σ resonances coupled to pseudoscalar and vector mesons, Khemch; ani, K.P.; Mart{\'i}nez Torres, A.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A., 12 Jun. 2012, 85, 11, 114020, 114020, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.85.114020
  • Refereed, EPJ Web Conf., E D P SCIENCES, Formation of deeply bound pionic atoms in Sn isotopes, Ikeno, Natsumi; Nagahiro, Hideko; Jido, Daisuke; Hirenzaki, Satoru, We study the formation of deeply bound pionic atoms in the (d,He-3) reactions theoretically and show the energy spectra of the emitted He-3 at finite angles. We find that the different combinations of the pion-bound and neutron-hole states dominate the formation spectra at different scattering angles because of the matching condition of the reaction. We conclude that the observation of the (d,He-3) reaction at finite angles will provide the systematic information of the pionic bound states in each nucleus, and it will help to develop the study of the pion properties and the partial restoration of chiral symmetry in nuclei., 2012, 37, 09018, 09018, Scientific journal, 10.1051/epjconf/20123709018
  • Refereed, EPJ Web Conf., E D P SCIENCES, eta' meson under partial restoration of chiral symmetry in nuclear medium, Jido, Daisuke; Nagahiro, Hideko; Hirenzaki, Satoru; Sakai, Shuntaro, We shed light upon the eta ' mass in nuclear matter in the context of partial restoration of chiral symmetry, pointing out that the U-A ( 1) anomaly effects causes the eta '-eta mass difference necessarily through the chiral symmetry breaking As a consequence, it is expected that the eta ' mass is reduced by order of 100 MeV in nuclear matter where partial restoration of chiral symmetry takes place. The discussion given here is based on Ref. [1], 2012, 37, 09019, 09019, Scientific journal, 10.1051/epjconf/20123709019
  • Refereed, EPJ Web Conf., Formation of eta-prime(958) mesic nuclei, Hirenzaki, Satoru; Jido, Daisuke; Nagahiro, Hideko, In this report, we show the theoretical results of the formation spectra of the η′-nucleus systems in the (p,d) reactions based on the latest theoretical considerations of the η′ properties in nucleus. The results shown here are important to give predictions and supports to the future experiment, and to make clear relations between the η′ mesic nucleus formation spectra and the modifications of the η′ properties at finite density, which will give us new information on the η′ mass generation mechanism., 2012, 37, 02001, 02001, Scientific journal, 10.1051/epjconf/20123702001
  • Refereed, EPJ Web Conf., Hadron resonances with coexistence of different natures, Hosaka, Atsushi; Hyodo, Tetsuo; Jido, Daisuke; Nagahiro, Hideko; Nawa, Kanabu; Ohkoda, Shunsuke; Ozaki, Sho; Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro; Yasui, Shigehiro, We discuss coexistence/mixing of different natures of hadronic composite (molecule) and elementary (quark-intrinsic) ones in hadron resonances. The discussions here are based on our previous publications on the origin of hadron resonances [1], exotic $\\bar{D}$ meson-nucleons as hadronic composites containing one anti-heavy quark [2], and the study of a1 as a typical example to show explicitly the mixing of the two different natures [3]. In all cases, interactions are derived from the chiral dynamics of the light flavor sector. These interactions generate in various cases hadronic composite/molecule states, serving varieties of structure beyond the conventional quark model. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2012., 2012, 20, 01005, 01005, Scientific journal, 10.1051/epjconf/20122001005
  • Refereed, EPJ Web Conf., Spectroscopy of eta'-nucleus bound states at GSI-SIS, Fujioka, Hiroyuki; others, The η′ meson mass may be reduced due to partial restoration of chiral symmetry. If this is the case, an η′-nucleus system may form a nuclear bound state. We plan to carry out a missing-mass spectroscopy experiment with the 12C(p,d) reaction at GSI-SIS. Peak structures corresponding to such a bound state may be observed even in an inclusive measurement, if the decay width is narrow enough., 2012, 37, 02005, 02005, Scientific journal, 10.1051/epjconf/20123702005
  • Refereed, Prog. Theor. Phys., PROGRESS THEORETICAL PHYSICS PUBLICATION OFFICE, Feasibility Study of Observing eta' Mesic Nuclei with (p,d) Reaction, Itahashi, Kenta; others, A novel method is proposed to measure eta' (958) meson bound states in C-11 nuclei by missing mass spectroscopy of the C-12(p, d) reaction near the eta' production threshold. It is shown that peak structures will be observed experimentally in an inclusive measurement in case that the in-medium eta' mass reduction is sufficiently large and that the decay width of eta' mesic states is narrow enough. Such a measurement will be feasible with the intense proton beam supplied by the SIS synchrotron at GSI combined with the good energy resolution of the fragment separator FRS., 2012, 128, 3, 601, 613, Scientific journal, 10.1143/PTP.128.601
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. C, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, Nuclear bound state of eta'(958) and partial restoration of chiral symmetry in the eta' mass, Jido, Daisuke; Nagahiro, Hideko; Hirenzaki, Satoru, The in-medium mass of the eta' meson is discussed in a context of partial restoration of chiral symmetry in nuclear medium. The eta' mass is expected to be reduced by an order of 100 MeV at the saturation density. The reduction is a consequence of the suppression of the anomaly effect on the eta' mass induced by partial restoration of chiral symmetry. This strong attraction in eta' nuclear systems does not accompany large absorption of eta' into nuclear matter. This leads to the possibility of so narrow bound states of the eta' meson in nuclei to be seen in hadronic reactions with light nuclear targets., 2012, 85, 3, 032201, 032201, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.85.032201
  • Refereed, Phys. Lett. B, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, eta-prime nucleus optical potential and possible eta-prime bound states, Nagahiro, H.; Hirenzaki, S.; Oset, E.; Ramos, A., Starting from a recent model of the eta'N interaction, we evaluate the eta'-nucleus optical potential, including the contribution of lowest order in density, t rho/2m(eta'), together with the second-order terms accounting for eta' absorption by two nucleons. We also calculate the formation cross section of the eta' bound states from (pi(+), p) reactions on nuclei. The eta'-nucleus potential suffers from uncertainties tied to the poorly known eta'N interaction, which can be partially constrained by the experimental modulus of the eta'N scattering length and/or the recently measured transparency ratios in eta' nuclear photoproduction. Assuming an attractive interaction and taking the claimed experimental value vertical bar a(eta'N)vertical bar = 0.1 fm, we obtain an eta' optical potential in nuclear matter at saturation density of V eta' = -(8.7 + 1.8i) MeV, not attractive enough to produce eta' bound states in light nuclei. Larger values of the scattering length give rise to deeper optical potentials, with moderate enough imaginary parts. For a value vertical bar a(eta'N)vertical bar = 0.3 fm, which can still be considered to lie within the uncertainties of the experimental constraints, the spectra of light and medium nuclei show clear structures associated to eta'-nuclear bound states and to threshold enhancements in the unbound region. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., 2012, 709, 1-2, 87, 92, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.01.061
  • Not Refereed, J. Phys. Conf. Ser., IOP PUBLISHING LTD, Vector- and Pseudoscalar-baryon coupled channel systems, Khemchani, K.P.; Martinez Torres, A.; Kaneko, H.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A., In this manuscript, I will report the details of our recent work on the vector meson-baryon (VB) interaction, which we studied with the motivation of finding dynamical generation of resonances in the corresponding systems. We started our study by building a formalism based on the hidden local symmetry and calculating the leading order contributions to the scattering equations by summing the diagrams with: (a) a vector meson exchange in the t-channel (b) an octet baryon exchange in the s-, u-channels and (c) a contact interaction arising from the part of the vector meson-baryon Lagrangian which is related to the anomalous magnetic moment of the baryons. We find the contribution from all these sources, except the s-channel, to be important. The amplitudes obtained by solving the coupled channel Bethe-Salpeter equations for the systems with total strangeness zero, show generation of one isospin 3/2, spin 1/2 resonance and three isospin 1/2 resonances: two with spin 3/2 and one with spin 1/2. We identify these resonances with Delta (1900) S-31, N* (2080) D-13, N* (1700) D-13, and N* (2090) S-11, respectively. We have further extended our study by including pseudoscalar meson-baryon (PB) as the coupled channels of VB systems. For this, we obtain the PB -> VB amplitudes by using the Kroll-Ruddermann term where, considering the vector meson dominance phenomena, the photon is replaced by a vector meson. The calculations done within this formalism reveal a very strong coupling of the VB channels to the low-lying resonances like Lambda (1405) and Lambda (1670), which can have important implications on certain reactions producing them. In addition to this, we find that the effect of coupling the higher mass states to the lighter channels is not restricted to increasing the width of those states, it can be far more strong., 2012, 374, 012007, 012007, Scientific journal, 10.1088/1742-6596/374/1/012007
  • Refereed, The European Physical Journal A, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Pionic atom spectroscopy in the (d,3 He) reaction at finite angles, N. Ikeno; H. Nagahiro; S. Hirenzaki, We study the formation of deeply bound pionic atoms in the (d, He-3) reactions theoretically and show the energy spectra of the emitted He-3 at finite angles, which are expected to be observed experimentally. We find that the different combinations of the pion-bound and neutron-hole states dominate the spectra at different scattering angles because of the matching condition of the reaction. We conclude that the observation of the (d, He-3) reaction at finite angles will provide the systematic information of the pionic bound states in each nucleus and will help to develop the study of the pion properties and the partial restoration of chiral symmetry in nuclei., Dec. 2011, 47, 12, 161, 161, Scientific journal, 10.1140/epja/i2011-11161-9
  • Refereed, Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, American Physical Society (APS), Coupling vector and pseudoscalar mesons to study baryon resonances, Khemch; ani, K.P.; Mart{\'i}nez Torres, A.; Kaneko, H.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A., 15 Nov. 2011, 84, 9, 094018, 094018, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.84.094018
  • Refereed, Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, American Physical Society (APS), Vector meson-baryon dynamics and generation of resonances, Khemch; ani, K.P.; Kaneko, H.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A., 22 Jun. 2011, 83, 11, 114041, 114041, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.83.114041
  • Refereed, AIP Conf. Proc., AMER INST PHYSICS, Vector meson-baryon interaction to study dynamical generation of resonances, Khemch; ani, K.P.; Hosaka, A.; Kaneko, H.; Nagahiro, H., With the motivation to find dynamical generation of resonances, we study vector-meson baryon interaction by taking s-, t-, u-channel diagrams and a contact interaction into account. A comparison of the different contributions obtained from these diagrams is done in the SU(2) limit, which shows that these diagrams could be equally important. We find it worthwhile to pay attention to the structure of the total interaction between the two non-zero spin particles which possess similar masses and find spin dependent interaction similar to the nucleon-nucleon case., 2011, 1388, 1, 310, 313, Scientific journal, 10.1063/1.3647396
  • Refereed, AIP Conf. Proc., AMER INST PHYSICS, A study of mixing properties of a1(1260) meson, Nagahiro, H.; Nawa, K.; Ozaki, S.; Jido, D.; Hosaka, A., We develop a practical method to analyze the mixing structure of hadrons consisting of two components of quark composite and hadronic composite by taking the a(1)(1260) meson as an example. We also make reference to the large N-c procedure and its limitation for the classification of such a mixed state., 2011, 1388, 1, 302, 305, Scientific journal, 10.1063/1.3647394
  • Refereed, AIP Conf. Proc., AMER INST PHYSICS, Structure and formation of eta- and pi-nucleus systems, Hirenzaki, Satoru; Ikeno, Natsumi; Jido, Daisuke; Nagahiro, Hideko, In this article, we review recent research activities on the structure and formation of the eta mesic nuclei and the pionic atoms., 2011, 1388, 1, 495, 501, Scientific journal, 10.1063/1.3647438
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. D, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, Decay of vector-vector resonances into $γ$ and a pseudoscalar meson, Molina, R.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A.; Oset, E., We study the decay of dynamically generated resonances from the interaction of two vectors into a gamma and a pseudoscalar meson. The dynamics requires anomalous terms involving vertices with two vectors and a pseudoscalar, which renders it special. We compare our result with data on K(2)*(+) (1430) -> K(+) gamma and K(2)*(0) (1430) -> K(0) gamma and find a good agreement with the data for the K(2)*(+) (1430) case and a width considerably smaller than the upper bound measured for the K(2)*(0) (1430) meson. We also investigate the decay into pi(+) gamma of one a(2) state, tentatively associated to the a(2)(1320), obtaining qualitative agreement with data., 2011, 83, 9, 094030, 094030, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.83.094030
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. D, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, Composite and elementary natures of $a_1(1260)$ meson, Nagahiro, H.; Nawa, K.; Ozaki, S.; Jido, D.; Hosaka, A., We develop a practical method to analyze the mixing structure of hadrons consisting of two components of quark composite and hadronic composite. As an example, we investigate the properties of the axial vector meson a(1)(1260) and discuss its mixing properties quantitatively. We also make reference to the large N-c procedure and its limitation for the classification of such a mixed state., 2011, 83, 11, 111504, 111504, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.83.111504
  • Refereed, Prog. Theor. Phys., PROGRESS THEORETICAL PHYSICS PUBLICATION OFFICE, Precision Spectroscopy of Deeply Bound Pionic Atoms and Partial Restoration of Chiral Symmetry in Medium, Ikeno, Natsumi; Kimura, Rie; Yamagata-Sekihara, Junko; Nagahiro, Hideko; Jido, Daisuke; Itahashi, Kenta; Geng, Li-Sheng; Hirenzaki, Satoru, We study theoretically the formation spectra of deeply bound pionic atoms expected to be observed by experiments with high energy resolution at RIBF/RIKEN, and we discuss in detail the possibilities to extract new information on the pion properties at finite density from the observed spectra, which may provide information on partial restoration of chiral symmetry in medium. We find that the non-yrast pionic states such as 2s are expected to be seen in the (d,He-3) spectra, which will be helpful to reduce uncertainties of the theoretical calculations in the neutron wave functions in nucleus. The observation of the 2s state with the ground is state is also helpful to reduce the experimental uncertainties associated in the calibration of the absolute excitation energy. We find that the nuclear densities probed by atomic pions are quite stable and almost constant for various atomic states and various nuclei. Effects of the pion wave function renormalization to the formation spectra are also evaluated., 2011, 126, 3, 483, 509, Scientific journal, 10.1143/PTP.126.483
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. C, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, Formation of Heavy Meson Bound States by Two Nucleon Pick-up Reactions, Ikeno, N.; Yamagata-Sekihara, J.; Nagahiro, H.; Jido, D.; Hirenzaki, S., We develop a model to evaluate the formation rate of the heavy mesic nuclei in two-nucleon pick-up reactions and apply it to the (6)Li target cases for the formation of heavy meson-alpha bound states, as examples. The existence of the quasideuteron in the target nucleus is assumed in this model. It is found that mesic nuclei formation in recoilless kinematics is possible even for heavier mesons than the nucleon in two-nucleon pick-up reactions. We find the formation rate of the meson-alpha bound states can be around half of the elementary cross sections at the recoilless kinematics with small distortions., 2011, 84, 5, 054609, 054609, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.054609
  • Not Refereed, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, A theoretical model for formation of eta- He-4 bound state by d + d reaction, Hirenzaki, Satoru; Nagahiro, Hideko; Jido, Daisuke, In this article, we consider theoretically the d+d reaction for the formation of the eta-He-4 bound state. We evaluate the formation rate and show expected spectra using a simple theoretical model with Green's function method., 2011, 26, 3-4, 444, 449, Scientific journal, 10.1142/S0217751X11051809
  • Refereed, Hadron and Nuclear Physics 09: Osaka University, Japan, 16-19 November 2009, World Scientific Publishing Co., Formation of η-mesic nuclei by (π, N) reaction at J-PARC, H. Nagahiro; S. Hirenzaki; D. Jido, We study the formations of of the η-nucleus systems in the (πN) reactions with nuclear targets, which can be performed at existing and/or forthcoming facilities, including the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, to investigate the η-nucleus interaction. Based on the N*(1535) dominance in the ηN system, the η-mesic nuclei are suitable systems for the study of in-medium properties of the N*(1535) baryon resonance, such as reduction of the mass difference of N and N* in the nuclear medium, which affects the level structure of the η and N*-hole modes. We find that clear information on the in-medium N*- and η-nucleus interactions can be obtained through the formation spectra of the η-mesic nuclei., 01 Jan. 2010, 141, 149, In book, 10.1142/9789814313933_0018
  • Refereed, Hadron and Nuclear Physics 09: Osaka University, Japan, 16-19 November 2009, World Scientific Publishing Co., Regge approach in charged k* photoproduction, S. Ozaki; A. Hosaka; H. Nagahiro, We investigate ϒp → K*+A reaction within a Regge approach. For the gauge invariance of the scattering amplitude, we reggeize the s-channel and contact term amplitudes as well as the t-channel amplitude. We obtain the decreasing behavior of the total cross section as the CLAS's preliminary data show. We also calculate spin density matrices, and find clear differences between our Regge model and the previous Feynman (isobar) model., 01 Jan. 2010, 188, 192, In book, 10.1142/9789814313933_0024
  • Refereed, Hadron and Nuclear Physics 09: Osaka University, Japan, 16-19 November 2009, World Scientific Publishing Co., Meson properties in nuclear medium, S. Hirenzaki; N. Ikeno; H. Nagahiro; J. Yamagata-Sekihara, We discuss the interests and difficulties of the studies of the meson-nucleus bound systems. As recent topics, we briefly explain the research activities of the deeply bound pionic atoms, the η'(958) mesic nuclei, and the ϕ mesic nuclei., 01 Jan. 2010, 134, 140, In book, 10.1142/9789814313933_0017
  • Refereed, Hadron and Nuclear Physics 09: Osaka University, Japan, 16-19 November 2009, World Scientific Publishing Co., Deeply bound pionic states in Sn at RIKEN RI beam factory, N. Ikeno; H. Nagahiro; S. Hirenzaki; J. Yamagata-Sekihara; D. Jido, We study the structure of pionic atoms in l21Sn, for which a new experiment will be performed at RIKEN RI Beam Factory. We evaluate numerically the effective nuclear densities probed by pion and potential parameter dependence of the binding energies and widths., 01 Jan. 2010, 206, 210, In book, 10.1142/9789814313933_0028
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. C, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, Charged K* Photoproduction in a Regge model, Ozaki, Sho; Nagahiro, Hideko; Hosaka, Atsushi, We investigate the gamma p -> K*(+)Lambda reaction within a Regge approach. For the gauge invariance of the scattering amplitude, we reggeize the s channel and contact-term amplitudes as well as the t-channel amplitude. We obtain a decreasing behavior of the total cross section as the CLAS's preliminary data show. We also calculate spin density matrices and find clear differences between our Regge model and the previous Feynman (isobar) model., 2010, 81, 3, 035206, 035206, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.81.035206
  • Refereed, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl., PROGRESS THEORETICAL PHYSICS PUBLICATION OFFICE, Theoretical study of formation rates of eta-, eta'- and omega-mesic nuclei induced by the pion beam, Nagahiro, Hideko, We present the theoretical study on formation rates of the eta-, eta'- and omega-meson-nucleus systems induced by the (pi, N) reactions on nuclear targets. For the eta-mesic nuclei, we can study the in-medium properties of the N*(1535) baryon resonance. As for the eta'(958) meson-nucleus system, the in-medium U(A) (1) anomaly effect might be observed. We can also know the in-medium behavior of the omega meson by the (pi, N) reaction with nuclear targets. We conclude that valuable information on mesons in the medium can be extracted from global structures of the missing mass spectra in the (pi, N) reaction., 2010, 186, 186, 316, 324, Scientific journal, 10.1143/PTPS.186.316
  • Refereed, Nucl. Phys. A, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Phi photoproduction in a coupled-channel approach, Ozaki, S.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A.; Scholten, O., We investigate photoproduction of phi-mesons off protons within a coupled-channel effective-Lagrangian method which is based on the K-matrix approach. We take into account pi N, rho N, eta N, K Lambda, K Sigma, K Lambda (1520) and phi N channels. Especially we focus on K Lambda(1520) channel. We also introduce a nucleon resonance which couples to phi N and K Lambda (1520) channels. We find that coupled-channel effects are not sizable at very forward angle (theta = 0) and the resonance can reproduce a peak structure of the correct magnitude at the right energy. We also investigate the effects of coupled channels and the resonance on the angular distribution for phi-photoproduction., 2010, 835, 1-4, 321, 324, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2010.01.209
  • Not Refereed, AIP Conf. Proc., AMER INST PHYSICS, Scalar, Axial-Vector and Tensor Resonances from the $ρ D^*$, $ω D^*$ Interaction in the Hidden Gauge Formalism, Molina, R.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A.; Oset, E., We apply a unitary approach together with a set of hidden-gauge Lagrangians to study the vector-vector interaction. We study the case of the p(omega)D* interaction within the model. In I = 1/2 we get strong enough attraction to bind the system. Concretely, we get one resonance for each spin J = 0,1,2. For J = 1 and 2 these resonances can be easily identified with the D* (2460) and D* (2640). Whereas the state for J = 0 with mass M similar to 2600 MeV is a prediction of the model. In I = 3/2 we get a repulsive interaction and hence no exotic dynamically generated states., 2010, 1257, 1, 447, 451, Scientific journal, 10.1063/1.3483368
  • Not Refereed, AIP Conf. Proc., AMER INST PHYSICS, Formation of eta mesic nuclei at JPARC and COSY, Hirenzaki, Satoru; Nagahiro, Hideko; Jido, Daisuke, In this article, we consider theoretically the formation reactions of the eta mesic nuclei at JPARC and COSY., 2010, 1322, 1, 28, 35, Scientific journal, 10.1063/1.3541994
  • Not Refereed, Acta Phys. Polon. B, POLISH ACAD SCIENCES INST PHYSICS, Formation of \eta -Mesic Nuclei, Hirenzaki, Satoru; Nagahiro, Hideko; Jido, Daisuke, In this paper, we briefly introduce the interests and the recent research activities on the eta-mesic nuclei. We also mention the activities on the eta'(958)-mesic nucleus formation., 2010, 41, 10, 2211, 2220, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, Chin. Phys. C, Reaction dynamics for photoproductions of baryon resonances, Hosaka, A.; Hyodo, T.; Jido, D.; Kim, H.C.; Nagahiro, H.; Nam, S.I.; Oka, M.; Ozaki, S., The study of exotic structure of hadrons is fully achieved when reaction dynamics of the associated hadron productions is well understood. We employ as the standard mechanism the effective Lagrangian method and investigate several physical observables within the framework. The parameters are constrained by microscopic description of hadrons. We discuss photoproductions of kaon associated with the ground state Λ(1116) and its resonances Λ(1405) and Λ(1520). In the former example we emphasize the meson cloud effect which significantly renormalizes the phenomenological parameters, while in the latter we discuss the features of the standard method. Finally we discuss briefly the production of ηπ associated with the nucleon resonance N(1535) for the study of chiral symmetry of baryons. © 2009 Chinese Physical Society and the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and IOP Publishing Ltd., 2009, 33, 12, 1167, 1174, Scientific journal, 10.1088/1674-1137/33/12/019
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. D, The gamma gamma decay of the f(0)(1370) and f(2)(1270) resonances in the hidden gauge formalism, Nagahiro, H.; Yamagata-Sekihara, J.; Oset, E.; Hirenzaki, S.; Molina, R., Using recent results obtained within the hidden gauge formalism for vector mesons, in which the f0(1370) and f2(1270) resonances are dynamically generated resonances from the ρρ interaction, we evaluate the radiative decay of these resonances into γγ. We obtain results for the width in good agreement with the experimental data for the f2(1270) state and a width about a factor 2 smaller for the f0(1370) resonance, which is also in agreement with the data of the Crystal Ball Collaboration and with the more recent ones from the Belle Collaboration, which, however, have a very large uncertainty. © 2009 The American Physical Society., 2009, 79, 11, 114023, 114023, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.79.114023
  • Refereed, Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, Hidden gauge formalism for the radiative decays of axial-vector mesons, Nagahiro, H.; Roca, L.; Hosaka, A.; Oset, E., 2009, 79, 1, 014015, 014015, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.79.014015
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. C, Formation of eta-mesic nuclei by (pi,N) reaction and N*(1535) in medium, Nagahiro, Hideko; Jido, Daisuke; Hirenzaki, Satoru, We calculate formation spectra of the η-nucleus systems in the (π,N) reactions with nuclear targets, which can be performed at existing and/or forthcoming facilities, including the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, to investigate the η-nucleus interaction. Based on the N*(1535) dominance in the ηN system, the η-mesic nuclei are suitable systems for the study of in-medium properties of the N*(1535) baryon resonance, such as reduction of the mass difference of N and N* in the nuclear medium, which affects the level structure of the η and N*-hole modes. We find that clear information on the in-medium N*- and η-nucleus interactions can be obtained through the formation spectra of the η-mesic nuclei. We also discuss the experimental feasibilities by showing several spectra of the (π,N) reactions calculated with possible experimental settings. Coincident measurements of the Nπ pairs from the N* decays in nuclei help us to reduce backgrounds. © 2009 The American Physical Society., 2009, 80, 2, 025205, 025205, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.025205
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. C, Formation spectra of light kaonic nuclei by in-flight (anti-K, N) reactions with chiral unitary amplitude, Yamagata-Sekihara, J.; Jido, D.; Nagahiro, H.; Hirenzaki, S., We study theoretically the in-flight (K-,N) reactions for the formation of light kaonic nuclear systems to get deeper physical insights on the spectra and to investigate the formation spectra of the reaction that will be observed at new facilities like the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). We show the expected spectra for the formation of the K-pp, K-pn, K-nn, and K - B11 systems that are accessible by the (K-,N) experiments. By considering the conversion part of the Green's function, we show the missing mass spectra of the (K-,N) reactions in coincident with the particle emissions due to K̄ absorption. To calculate the cross sections, we use the so-called Tρ approximation to evaluate the optical potential. As for the amplitude T, we adopt the chiral unitary amplitude of K̄N channel in vacuum for simplicity. The effects of the p-wave optical potential of Σ(1385) channel and the contributions from K̄0 mixing in He3(K-,n) reaction are also evaluated numerically. We also study the behavior of the poles of kaon Green's function in nuclear matter. We conclude that He3(K-,n) and He3(K-,p) reaction spectra in coincident with the πΣ emission may show the structure in the kaon bound region indicating the existence of the unstable kaonic nuclear states. As for the C12(K-,p) spectra with the πΣ emission, we may also observe the structure in the bound region, however, we need to evaluate the medium effects carefully for larger nuclei. © 2009 The American Physical Society., 2009, 80, 4, 045204, 045204, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.045204
  • Refereed, Nucl. Phys. A, Meson and Baryon resonances, Oset, E.; others, In this talk I review recent advances on the structure of the meson and baryon resonances which can be dynamically generated from the interaction of mesons or mesons and baryons. Particular emphasis is put on results involving vector mesons, which bring new light into the nature of some of the observed higher mass mesons and baryons and make predictions for new states. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., 2009, 827, 1-4, 255C, 260C, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2009.05.050
  • Refereed, Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, Coupled-channel analysis for Φ photoproduction with Λ(1520), Ozaki, S.; Hosaka, A.; Nagahiro, H.; Scholten, O., 2009, 80, 3, 035201, 035201, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.035201
  • Refereed, Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, Scalar, axial-vector, and tensor resonances from the ρd*, ωd* interaction in the hidden gauge formalism, Molina, R.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A.; Oset, E., 2009, 80, 1, 014025, 014025, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.80.014025
  • Not Refereed, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, Formation of eta-mesic nuclei by (pi, N) reaction and chiral symmetry for baryons, Nagahiro, Hideko; Jido, Daisuke; Hirenzaki, Satoru, We calculate formation spectra of eta-nucleus systems in (pi, N) reactions with nuclear targets, which can be performed at existing and/or forthcoming facilities, including J-PARC, in order to investigate eta-nucleus interactions. Based on the N*(1535) dominance in the eta N system, eta-mesic nuclei are suitable systems for study of in-medium properties of the N* (1535) baryon resonance, such as reduction of the mass difference of N and N* in nuclear medium, which affects level structure of the eta and N*-hole modes. We find that clear information on the in-medium N*- and eta-nucleus interactions can be obtained through the formation spectra of the eta-mesic nuclei., 2009, 18, 10, 2202, 2206, Scientific journal, 10.1142/S0218301309014561
  • Refereed, MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, Special Issue: Proceedings for the International Workshop on Chiral Symmetry in Hadron and Nuclear Physics (CHIRAL07) PREFACE, Atsushi Hosaka; Teiji Kunihiro; Takayuki Myo; Hideko Nagahiro, Sep. 2008, 23, 27-30, V, VII
  • Not Refereed, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Photo- and Electron-Production of Mesons on Nucleons and Nuclei, Oset, E.; others, In these lectures I will show some results obtained with the chiral unitary approach applied to the photo- and electro-production of mesons. The results for the photo-production of eta pi(0)p and K-0 pi(0)Sigma(+), together with related reactions will be shown, having with common denominator the excitation of the Delta(1700) resonance which is one of those dynamically generated in the chiral unitary approach. Then I will show the results obtained for the e(+)e(-) -> phi f(0)(980) reaction which reproduce the bulk of the data except for a pronounced peak, giving support to a new mesonic resonance, X(2175). Results will also be shown for the electromagnetic form factors of the N* (1535) resonance, also dynamically generated in this approach. Finally, I will show some results on the photo-production of the omega in the nuclei, showing that present experimental results claiming a shift of the omega mass in the medium are tied to a particular choice of background and are not conclusive. On the other hand, the same experimental results show unambiguously a huge increase of the omega width in the nuclear medium. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved., 2008, 61, 1, 260, 275, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.ppnp.2007.12.024
  • Refereed, Modern Physics Letters A, Modern Physics Letters A: Preface, A. Hosaka; T. Kunihiro; T. Myo; H. Nagahiro, 2008, 23, 27-30, v-vii
  • Refereed, Nucl. Phys. A, Level crossing of particle-hole and mesonic modes in eta mesic nuclei, Jido, D.; Kolomeitsev, E.E.; Nagahiro, H.; Hirenzaki, S., We study eta-meson properties in the infinite nuclear matter and in atomic nuclei with an emphasis on effects of the eta coupling to N* (1535)-nucleon-hole modes. The N* (1535) resonance, which dominates the low-energy eta-nucleon scattering, can be seen as a chiral partner of the nucleon. The change of the chiral mass gap between the N* and the nucleon in a nuclear medium has an impact on the properties of the eta-nucleus system. If the N*-nucleon mass gap decreases with a density increase (chiral symmetry restoration) the calculations show the existence of the resonance state at the energy about 60 MeV and two bound eta-nucleus states with the binding energies about - 80 MeV. These states can have strong effect on predicted cross sections of the 12C(γ, p)11B reaction with eta-meson production. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., 2008, 811, 1-2, 158, 178, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2008.07.012
  • Refereed, European Physical Journal A, Meson loops in the f0(980) and a0(980) radiative decays into ρ , ω, Nagahiro, H.; Roca, L.; Oset, E., 2008, 36, 1, 73, 84, Scientific journal, 10.1140/epja/i2008-10567-8
  • Refereed, Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, Role of meson loops in the f0(1370), f0(1500), and f0(1710) decays into Vγ, Nagahiro, H.; Roca, L.; Oset, E.; Zou, B.S., 2008, 78, 1, 014012, 014012, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.78.014012
  • Refereed, Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, Radiative decay into γp of the low lying axial-vector mesons, Nagahiro, H.; Roca, L.; Oset, E., 2008, 77, 3, 034017, 034017, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.77.034017
  • Refereed, Mod. Phys. Lett. A, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, Structure and formation of kaonic atoms and kaonic nuclei, Yamagata, Junko; Hirenzaki, Satoru; Nagahiro, Hideko; Jido, Daisuke, We study theoretically the in-flight (K-, N) reactions for the formation of (K) over bar NN systems using the microscopic chiral unitary s-wave (K) over barN amplitude to get deeper physical insights on the expected spectra, and to investigate the experimental feasibility of the reaction at J-PARC facility. We show the missing mass spectra of the (K-, N) reactions accompanied by the particle emissions due to (K) over barK absorption in nucleus., 2008, 23, 27-30, 2528, 2531, Scientific journal, 10.1142/S0217732308029733
  • Refereed, Mod. Phys. Lett. A, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, Study of in-medium properties of N*(1535) and chiral symmetry for baryons through the eta-mesic nuclei formation at J-PARC, Nagahiro, Hideko; Jido, Daisuke; Hirenzaki, Satoru, We investigate the properties of eta-nucleus interaction by postulating the N*(1535) dominance for eta-N system. We evaluate the N*(1535) properties in the nuclear medium using two kinds of chiral models, and find that these two models provide qualitatively different eta-nucleus optical potentials reflecting the quite distinct properties of N*(1535) in these chiral models. Especially, in the chiral doublet model, we can expect to have the level crossing between eta and N*(1535)-hole which is expected to provide the characteristic features for the optical potential and the formation spectra. We find also that the difference of these models can be seen in the formation cross sections of the eta mesic nuclei with (pi(+),p) reaction expected to be performed at J-PARC project., 2008, 23, 27-30, 2512, 2515, Scientific journal, 10.1142/S0217732308029691
  • Refereed, Mod. Phys. Lett. A, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, The role of the QCD anomaly in kaon photoproduction, Ozaki, Sho; Nagahiro, Hideko; Hosaka, Atsushi, We study the kaon photoproduction associated with the production of the ground state Lambda. We investigate the role of K and K* exchange in the t-channel, which can be tested by the photon asymmetry in comparison with experimental data. We find a significant amount of contribution from the one-loop diagram induced by the gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten term for QCD anomaly. This enable us to use coupling constants which are determined in a microscopic way, unlike the previous phenomenological studies where the K* coupling strengths were treated as a free parameter., 2008, 23, 27-30, 2325, 2328, Scientific journal, 10.1142/S0217732308029307
  • Refereed, Phys. Lett. B, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Magnetic interaction induced by the anomaly in kaon-photoproductions, Ozaki, S.; Nagahiro, H.; Hosaka, A., We study the role of magnetic interaction in the photoproduction of the kaon and hyperon. We find that the inclusion of a higher order diagram induced by the Wess-Zumino-Witten term has a significant contribution to the magnetic amplitude, which is compatible to the observed photon asymmetry in the forward angle region. This enables us to use the K* coupling constants which have been determined in a microscopic way rather than the phenomenological ones which differ largely from the microscopic ones. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., 2008, 665, 4, 178, 181, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.physletb.2008.06.020
  • Refereed, Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, Formation of deeply bound kaonic atoms in (K-,N) reactions, J. Yamagata; H. Nagahiro; R. Kimura; S. Hirenzaki, We study theoretically the (K-,N) reactions for the formation of the deeply bound kaonic atoms, which were predicted to be quasistable with narrow widths, using the Green's function method. We systematically consider various cases with different target nuclei and energies and find clear signals in the theoretical spectra for all cases considered in this article. The signals show very interesting structures, such as a RESONANCE DIP instead of a resonance peak. We discuss the origins of the interesting structures and the possibilities of obtaining new information on the existence of kaonic nuclei from the spectra of atomic state formations. © 2007 The American Physical Society., 31 Oct. 2007, 76, 4, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.76.045204
  • Photoproduction of omega and omega in the nuclear medium, Oset, E.; Kaskulov, M.; Nagahiro, H.; Hern; ez, E.; Hirenzaki, S., Oct. 2007, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, CONDENSED MATTER THEORIES, VOL 21, NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, INC, Exotic mesic atoms for a class of strongly correlated fermi systems, S. Hirenzaki; H. Nagahiro; J. Yamagata, 2007, 21, 351, +, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. C, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, Formation of Deeply Bound Kaonic Atoms in (K-,N) Reactions, Yamagata, J.; Nagahiro, H.; Kimura, R.; Hirenzaki, S., We study theoretically the (K-,N) reactions for the formation of the deeply bound kaonic atoms, which were predicted to be quasistable with narrow widths, using the Green's function method. We systematically consider various cases with different target nuclei and energies and find clear signals in the theoretical spectra for all cases considered in this article. The signals show very interesting structures, such as a RESONANCE DIP instead of a resonance peak. We discuss the origins of the interesting structures and the possibilities of obtaining new information on the existence of kaonic nuclei from the spectra of atomic state formations., 2007, 76, 4, 045204, 045204, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.76.045204
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. C, AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, Study of possible omega bound states in nuclei with the (gamma,p) reaction, Kaskulov, M.; Nagahiro, H.; Hirenzaki, S.; Oset, E., We perform calculations for omega production in nuclei by means of the (gamma,p) reaction for photon energies and proton angles suited to currently running and future experiments in present laboratories. For some cases of possible omega optical potentials, we find that clear peaks are observable when a good resolution in the omega energy is available. We also study the inclusive production of pi(0)gamma in nuclei around the omega energy and find a double hump structure for the energy spectra, with a peak around a pi(0)gamma energy of m(omega)-100 MeV, which could easily be misidentified by a signal of an omega bound state in nuclei, while it is actually due to a different scaling of the uncorrelated pi(0)gamma production and omega production with subsequent pi(0)gamma decay., 2007, 75, 6, 064616, 064616, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.75.064616
  • Refereed, PHYSICAL REVIEW C, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, eta- and eta '-mesic nuclei and U-A(1) anomaly at finite density, Hideko Nagahiro; Makoto Takizawa; Satoru Hirenzaki, We discuss theoretically the possibility of observing the bound states of the eta and eta(')(958) mesons in nuclei. We apply the NJL model to study the eta and eta(') meson properties at finite density and calculate the formation cross sections of the eta and eta(') bound states with the Green function method for (gamma,p) reaction. We also discuss the experimental feasibility at photon facilities like SPring-8. The contributions due to the omega meson production are also included to obtain the realistic (gamma,p) spectra. We conclude that we can expect to observe resonance peaks in (gamma,p) spectra for the formation of meson bound states and we can deduce new information on eta and eta(') properties at finite density. These observations are believed to be essential to know the possible mass shift of eta(') and deduce new information on the effective restoration of the U-A(1) anomaly in the nuclear medium., Oct. 2006, 74, 4, 045203, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.74.045203
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. C, American Physical Society, eta- and eta-prime-mesic nuclei and U(A)(1) anomaly at finite density, Nagahiro, Hideko; Takizawa, Makoto; Hirenzaki, Satoru, We discuss theoretically the possibility of observing the bound states of the η and η'(958) mesons in nuclei. We apply the NJL model to study the η and η' meson properties at finite density and calculate the formation cross sections of the η and η' bound states with the Green function method for (γ,p) reaction. We also discuss the experimental feasibility at photon facilities like SPring-8. The contributions due to the ω meson production are also included to obtain the realistic (γ,p) spectra. We conclude that we can expect to observe resonance peaks in (γ,p) spectra for the formation of meson bound states and we can deduce new information on η and η' properties at finite density. These observations are believed to be essential to know the possible mass shift of η' and deduce new information on the effective restoration of the UA(1) anomaly in the nuclear medium. © 2006 The American Physical Society., 2006, 74, 4, 045203, 045203, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.74.045203
  • Refereed, Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society, In-flight (K-,p) reactions for the formation of kaonic atoms and kaonic nuclei using the Green function method, J. Yamagata; H. Nagahiro; S. Hirenzaki, We study theoretically the kaonic atom and kaonic nucleus formations in the in-flight (K-,p) reactions using the Green function method, which is suited to evaluate formation rates both of stable and unstable bound systems. We consider C12 and O16 as the targets and calculate the spectra of the (K-,p) reactions. We conclude that no peak structure resulting from kaonic nucleus formation is expected in the reaction spectra calculated with the chiral unitary kaon-nucleus optical potential. In the spectra with the phenomenological deep kaon-nucleus potential, it may be possible to observe some structures because of the formation of the kaonic nucleus states. For all cases, we find clear signals because of the kaonic atom formations in the reaction spectra, which show very interesting structures, such as the RESONANCE DIP instead of the resonance peak for the atomic 1s state formation. © 2006 The American Physical Society., 2006, 74, 1, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.74.014604
  • Refereed, AIP Conf. Proc., AMER INST PHYSICS, eta-prime(958)-mesic nuclei formation and U(1)A anomaly at finite density, Nagahiro, H.; Takizawa, M.; Hirenzaki, S., We discuss the possibility of producing the bound states of the eta'(958) meson in nuclei theoretically using the the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model. We calculate the formation cross section of the eta' bound states with the Green function method for the (gamma,p) reaction and discuss the experimental feasibility at photon facilities such as SPring-8. We conclude that we can expect to observe resonance peaks in (gamma,p) spectra for the formation of eta' bound states and we can deduce new information on eta' properties at finite density. These observations are believed to be essential to know the possible mass shift of eta' and deduce new information on the effective restoration of the chiral U-A (1) anomaly at finite density., 2006, 842, 1, 228, 230, Scientific journal, 10.1063/1.2220233
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. C, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, In-flight (K-,p) reactions for the formation of kaonic atoms and kaonic nuclei in green function method, Yamagata, J.; Nagahiro, H.; Hirenzaki, S., We study theoretically the kaonic atom and kaonic nucleus formations in the in-flight (K-,p) reactions using the Green function method, which is suited to evaluate formation rates both of stable and unstable bound systems. We consider C-12 and O-16 as the targets and calculate the spectra of the (K-,p) reactions. We conclude that no peak structure resulting from kaonic nucleus formation is expected in the reaction spectra calculated with the chiral unitary kaon-nucleus optical potential. In the spectra with the phenomenological deep kaon-nucleus potential, it may be possible to observe some structures because of the formation of the kaonic nucleus states. For all cases, we find clear signals because of the kaonic atom formations in the reaction spectra, which show very interesting structures, such as the RESONANCE DIP instead of the resonance peak for the atomic 1s state formation., 2006, 74, 1, 014604, 014604, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.74.014604
  • Not Refereed, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, PROGRESS THEORETICAL PHYSICS PUBLICATION OFFICE, Formation of kaonic atoms and kaonic nuclei in in-flight (K-, p) reactions (vol 114, pg 301, 2005), J Yamagata; H Nagahiro; Y Okumura; S Hirenzaki, Oct. 2005, 114, 4, 905, 905
  • Refereed, PHYSICAL REVIEW C, AMER PHYSICAL SOC, Residual interaction effects on deeply bound pionic states in Sn and Pb isotopes, N Nose-Togawa; H Nagahiro; S Hirenzaki; K Kume, We have studied the residual interaction effects theoretically on the deeply bound pionic states in Pb and Sn isotopes. We need to evaluate the residual interaction effects carefully to deduce the nuclear medium effects for pion properties, which are believed to provide valuable information on nuclear chiral dynamics. The s- and p-wave pi N interactions are used for the pion-nucleon residual interactions. We show that the complex energy shifts are around [(10-20) + i(2-7)] keV for 1s states in Sn, which should be taken into account in the analyses of the high precision data of deeply bound pionic 1s states in Sn isotopes., Jun. 2005, 71, 6, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.71.061601
  • Refereed, Pentaquark 04, Proceedings, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, Production of circle dot(+) hypernuclei with the (K+,pi(+)) reaction, H Nagahiro; S Hirenzaki; E Oset; MJV Vacas, We investigate the formation cross sections of the Theta(+)-hypernuclei theoretically. In the (K+,pi(+)) reaction, we obtain the excitation spectra with clearly differentiated peaks corresponding to the Theta(+) bound states., 2005, 378, 385, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, Prog. Theor. Phys., PROGRESS THEORETICAL PHYSICS PUBLICATION OFFICE, Formation of kaonic atoms and kaonic nuclei by in-flight (K-,p) reactions, Yamagata, Junko; Nagahiro, Hideko; Okumura, Yuko; Hirenzaki, Satoru, We theoretically study kaonic atom and kaonic nucleus formation in in-flight (K-,p) reactions for C, O, Si and Ca targets. Deeply bound kaonic atoms were previously predicted to exist as quasi-stable states, and it is expected that they can be observed using certain well-suited experimental methods. Kaonic nuclear states have also been predicted to exist with large decay widths. We evaluate the formation cross sections of kaonic atoms and kaonic nuclei using an effective number approach. We show that indications of kaonic bound states can be observed in the outgoing proton energy spectra., 2005, 114, 2, 301, 316, Scientific journal, 10.1143/PTP.114.301
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. C, Residual interaction effects on deeply bound pionic states in Sn and Pb isotopes, Nose-Togawa, N.; Nagahiro, H.; Hirenzaki, S.; Kume, K., We have studied the residual interaction effects theoretically on the deeply bound pionic states in Pb and Sn isotopes. We need to evaluate the residual interaction effects carefully to deduce the nuclear medium effects for pion properties, which are believed to provide valuable information on nuclear chiral dynamics. The s- and p-wave πN interactions are used for the pion-nucleon residual interactions. We show that the complex energy shifts are around [(10-20) + i(2-7)] keV for 1s states in Sn, which should be taken into account in the analyses of the high precision data of deeply bound pionic 1s states in Sn isotopes. © 2005 The American Physical Society., 2005, 71, 6, 061601, 061601, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.71.061601
  • Refereed, Nucl. Phys. A, Elsevier, In-medium properties of N*(1535) in chiral models and eta-nucleus interaction, Nagahiro, H.; Hirenzaki, S.; Jido, D., We investigate the properties of η-nucleus interaction by postulating the N*(1535) dominance for η-N system. We evaluate the N*(1535) properties in the nuclear medium using two kinds of chiral models, and find that these two models provide qualitatively different η-nucleus optical potential reflecting the quite distinct properties of N*(1535) in these chiral models. We find also that the difference of these models can be seen in the formation cross sections of the η mesic nuclei with (d, 3He) and (γ,p) reactions, which are expected to be distinguishable in experiments. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., 2005, 755, 1-4, 491, 494, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2005.03.061
  • Refereed, Phys. Rev. Lett., AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, Formation of eta-prime(958) - mesic nuclei and axial U(A)(1) anomaly at finite density, Nagahiro, Hideko; Hirenzaki, Satoru, We discuss the possibility of producing the bound states of the eta(')(958) meson in nuclei theoretically. We calculate the formation cross sections of the eta(') bound states with the Green function method for the (gamma,p) reaction and discuss the experimental feasibility at photon facilities such as SPring-8. We conclude that we can expect to observe resonance peaks in (gamma,p) spectra for the formation of eta(') bound states and we can deduce new information on eta(') properties at finite density. These observations are believed to be essential to know the possible mass shift of eta(') and deduce new information on the effective restoration of the chiral U-A(1) anomaly in the nuclear medium., 2005, 94, 23, 232503, 232503, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.232503
  • Refereed, Nucl. Phys. A, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Formation of mesic nuclei by (gamma,p) reactions, Nagahiro, H.; Jido, D.; Hirenzaki, S., We present a theoretical study on formation rates of eta and omega meson-nucleus systems induced by (gamma, p) reactions on nuclear targets at ideal recoilless condition. We find that the smaller distortion effect in the (gamma, p) reaction enables us to investigate properties of the mesons created deeply inside nucleus more clearly. We also consider excitation of scalar-isoscalar (sigma) mode in nucleus in order to investigate spectral enhancement around two-pion threshold caused by partial restoration of chiral symmetry. We conclude that valuable information of meson-nucleus interactions can be extracted from global structure of the missing mass spectra in the (gamma, p) reaction. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., 2005, 761, 1-2, 92, 119, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2005.07.001
  • Refereed, Phys. Lett. B, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Production of Theta+ hypernuclei with the (K+, pi+) reaction, Nagahiro, H.; Hirenzaki, S.; Oset, E.; Vicente Vacas, M.J., We present results on the production of bound states of Theta(+) in nuclei using the (K+, pi(+)) reaction. By taking into account the states obtained within a wide range of strength of the Theta(+) nucleus optical potential, plus the possibility to replace different nucleons of the nucleus, we obtain an excitation spectra with clearly differentiated peaks. The magnitude of the calculated cross sections is well within reachable range. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., 2005, 620, 3-4, 125, 130, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.physletb.2005.05.084
  • Refereed, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl., Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, eta-mesic nuclei in chiral models, Nagahiro, H.; Jido, D.; Hirenzaki, S., The properties of η-nucleus interaction and their experimental consequences are investigated with η-nucleus optical potentials obtained by postulating the N*(1535) dominance for η-N system. The N*(1535) properties in the nuclear medium are evaluated by two kinds of chiral effective models based on distinct pictures of N*(1535). We find that these two models provide qualitatively different optical potentials of the η meson, reflecting the different in-medium properties of N*(1535) expected in these two models. In order to compare these models in physical observables, we calculate spectra of (d,3He) reactions for the η mesic nucleus formation with various kinds of target nuclei. We show that the (d, 3He) spectra obtained in these models are significantly different and are expected to be distinguishable in experiments., 2004, 153, 340, 343, Scientific journal, 10.1143/PTPS.153.340
  • Refereed, Physical Review C, American Physical Society (APS), η-nucleus interactions and in-medium properties ofN*(1535)in chiral models, H. Nagahiro; D. Jido; S. Hirenzaki, The properties of [Formula Presented]-nucleus interaction and their experimental consequences are investigated with [Formula Presented]-nucleus optical potentials obtained by postulating the [Formula Presented] dominance for [Formula Presented] system. The [Formula Presented] properties in the nuclear medium are evaluated by two kinds of chiral effective models based on distinct pictures of [Formula Presented] We find that these two models provide qualitatively different optical potentials of the [Formula Presented] meson, reflecting the in-medium properties of [Formula Presented] in these models. In order to compare these models in physical observables, we calculate spectra of [Formula Presented] reactions for the [Formula Presented] mesic nucleus formation with various kinds of target nuclei. We show that the [Formula Presented] spectra obtained in these models are significantly different and are expected to be distinguishable in experiments. © 2003 The American Physical Society., 17 Sep. 2003, 68, 3, 9, Scientific journal, 10.1103/physrevc.68.035205
  • Refereed, Nucl. Phys. A, Elsevier, Medium effects to the N(1535) resonance and eta mesic nuclei, Jido, D.; Nagahiro, H.; Hirenzaki, S., The structure of η-nucleus bound systems (η mesic nuclei) is investigated as one of the tools to study in-medium properties of the N(1535) (N*) resonance. We show that, as a general consequence, the η-nucleus potential has a repulsive core at the nuclear center with an attractive part at the nuclear surface, if sufficient reduction of the mass difference of N and N* stems from the in-medium effects to N*. The (d,3He) spectra are evaluated for the formation of these bound states to investigate the experimental feasibility., 2003, 721, 665, 668, Scientific journal, 10.1016/S0375-9474(03)01148-5
  • Refereed, Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, Medium effects to the [Formula Presented] resonance and [Formula Presented] mesic nuclei, D. Jido; H. Nagahiro; S. Hirenzaki, The structure of [Formula Presented]-nucleus bound systems [Formula Presented] mesic nuclei) is investigated as one of the tools to study in-medium properties of the [Formula Presented] resonance by using the chiral doublet model to incorporate the medium effects of the [Formula Presented] resonance in a chiral symmetric way. We find that the shape and depth of the [Formula Presented]-nucleus optical potential are strongly affected by the in-medium properties of the [Formula Presented] and nucleon. Especially, as a general feature of the potential, the existence of a repulsive core of the [Formula Presented]-nucleus potential at the nuclear center with an attractive part at the nuclear surface is concluded. We calculate the level structure of bound states in this “central-repulsive and surface-attractive” optical potential and find that the level structure is sensitive to the in-medium properties of the [Formula Presented] The [Formula Presented] spectra are also evaluated for the formation of these bound states to investigate the experimental feasibility. We also make comments on the possible existence of halo-like [Formula Presented] states in [Formula Presented]-unstable halo nuclei. © 2002 The American Physical Society., 2002, 66, 4, 7, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.66.045202
  • Refereed, Phys. Lett. B, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Binding energy of scalar bound state by topologically massive interaction: fermion and anti-fermion system with heavy mass, Matsuyama, Toyoki; Nagahiro, Hideko, A bound state problem in a topologically massive quantum electrodynamics is investigated by using a non-perturbative method. We formulate the Bethe-Salpeter equation for scalar bound states composed of massive fermion and anti-fermion pair under the lowest ladder approximation. In a large mass expansion for the (anti-)fermion, we derive the Schrodinger equation and solve it by a numerical method. The energy eigenvalues of bound states are evaluated for various values of a topological mass and also a fermion mass. Then we find a novel logarithmic scaling behaviour of the binding energy m varying the topological mass, fermion mass and also a quantum number. There exists a critical value of the topological mass, beyond which the bound states disappear. As the topological mass decreases, the energy eigenvalues of the bound states, which are negative, also decrease with a logarithmic dependence on the topological mass. A Chern-Simons term gives the bound system a repulsive effect. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved., 2002, 536, 1-2, 49, 58, Scientific journal, 10.1016/S0370-2693(02)01810-5
  • Refereed, Nucl. Phys. A, Formation of sigma mesic nuclei in (d,t) and (d,He-3) reactions, Hirenzaki, S.; Nagahiro, H.; Hatsuda, T.; Kunihiro, T., We explore the possibility to observe an enhanced 2π correlation in the scalar-isoscalar (σ) channel in nuclei by (d, t) and (d, 3He) reactions to obtain new information on the partial restoration of chiral symmetry in the nuclear medium. The sensitivity of the reaction spectra on the change of the chiral condensate in the nuclear medium is examined. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved., 2002, 710, 1-2, 131, 144, Scientific journal, 10.1016/S0375-9474(02)01131-4
  • Grav. Cosmol., Topological mass versus dynamical mass: Novelty in (2+1)-dimensional space-time, Matsuyama, Toyoki; Nagahiro, Hideko, 2000, 6, 145, 145, Scientific journal
  • Soryushiron Kenkyu, Formation of sigma mesic nuclei as a probe of chiral restoration in nuclear medium, Hirenzaki, S.; Nagahiro, H.; Hatsuda, T.; Kunihiro, T., 2000, 102, 5, 185, 190, Scientific journal
  • Modern Physics Letters A, Dynamical mass and parity condensate in varying topological mass, Matsuyama, T.; Nagahiro, H., 2000, 15, 40, 2373, 2386, Scientific journal, 10.1142/S0217732300002930
  • Refereed, Nucl. Phys. A, Physics of mesic atoms and mesic nuclei: Structure and formation, Hirenzaki, S.; Hatsuda, T.; Kume, K.; Kunihiro, T.; Nagahiro, H.; Okumura, Y.; Oset, E.; Ramos, A.; Toki, H.; Umemoto, Y., We have studied the structure and formation of mesic atoms and mesic nuclei theoretically. The latest results on the deeply bound pionic atoms, the kaonic atoms and the sigma states are reported., 2000, 663, 1-2, 553, 556, Scientific journal, 10.1016/S0375-9474(99)00654-5
  • Phys. Rev. D, A Dynamical mass generation of a two component fermion in the Maxwell-Chern-Simons QED(3): The Lowest ladder approximation, Matsuyama, Toyoki; Nagahiro, Hideko; Uchida, Satoko, 1999, 60, 105020, 105020, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.60.105020
  • Refereed, 14th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy, Eta-Prime Bound States in Nuclei and Partial Restoration of Chiral Symmetry, Hirenzaki Satoru; Jido Daisuke; Nagahiro Hideko
  • AIP, Exotics from Heavy Ion Collisions, Akira Ohnishi; Sungtae Cho; Takenori Furumoto; Tetsuo Hyodo; Daisuke Jido; Che Ming Ko; Su Houng Lee; Marina Nielsen; Takayasu Sekihara; Shigehiro Yasui; Koichi Yazaki; Atsushi Hosaka; Kanchan Khemchandani; Hideko Nagahiro; Kanabu Nawa, 2011, International conference proceedings, 10.1063/1.3647419
  • Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, Erratum: Formation of η-mesic nuclei by the (π,N) reaction and properties of N*(1535) in medium (Physics Review C (2009) 80 (025205)), Hideko Nagahiro; Daisuke Jido; Satoru Hirenzaki, 14 Sep. 2009, 80, 3, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.039902
  • 2nd International EtaMesonNet Workshop, ETA 2007, η- and η′(958)-mesic nuclei formation and U A(1) anomaly at finite density in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, H. Nagahiro; M. Takizawa; S. Hirenzaki, 2007, 73, 74, International conference proceedings
  • Progress of Theoretical Physics, Erratum: Formation of kaonic atoms and kaonic nuclei in in-flight (K -, p) reactions (Progress of Theoretical Physics (2005) 114 (301)), Junko Yamagata; Hideko Nagahiro; Yuko Okumura; Satoru Hirenzaki, Oct. 2005, 114, 4, 905, Scientific journal, 10.1143/ptp.114.905
  • Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan, η'(958) mesic nucleus with coupled-channel calculation, Kawamoto Ayano; Nagahiro Hideko; Hirenzaki Satoru, 2018, 73, 0, 293, 293, 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.73.1.0_293
  • Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan, Energy dependence of η'(958) mesic nucleus optical potential, Kawamoto Ayano; Nagahiro Hideko; Hirenzaki Satoru, 2017, 72, 0, 179, 179, 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.72.2.0_179
  • Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan, eta'(958)-nucleon interaction by coupled channel calculation, Kawamoto Ayano; Nagahiro Hideko; Hirenzaki Satoru,


    , 2017, 72, 0, 210, 210, 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.72.1.0_210
  • Refereed, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Oxford University Press (OUP), Structure of double pionic atoms, Akari Tani; Natsumi Ikeno; Daisuke Jido; Hideko Nagahiro; Hiroyuki Fujioka; Kenta Itahashi; Satoru Hirenzaki, We study theoretically the structure of double pionic atoms, in which two negatively charged pions (π-) are bound in the atomic orbits. The double pionic atom is considered to be an interesting system from the point of view of the multi-bosonic systems. In addition, it could be possible to deduce valuable information on the isospin I = 2ππ interaction and the pion-nucleus strong interaction. In this paper, we take into account the ππ strong and electromagnetic interactions, and evaluate the effects on the binding energies by perturbation theory for the double pionic atoms in heavy nuclei. We investigate several combinations of two pionic states and find that the order of magnitude of the energy shifts due to the ππ interaction is around 10 keV for the strong interaction and around 100 keV for the electromagnetic interaction for the ground states., 01 Mar. 2021, 2021, 3, Scientific journal, 10.1093/ptep/ptab023
  • Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 21pCC-2 Formation of η(958) mesic nucleus by two-nucleon transfer reaction, Miyatani M.; Ikeno N.; Nagahiro H.; Hirenzaki S., 2015, 70, 282, 282, 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.70.1.0_282
  • Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 21pCC-5 In-medium properties of φ meson and observables, Tokunaga S.; Yamagata-Sekihara J.; Nagahiro H.; Hirenzaki S., 2015, 70, 284, 284, 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.70.1.0_284
  • Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan, Three Body Decay of Λ*c(2625) and Λ*c (2595) with Consideration of π Σ*c in Intermediate States, Arifi A. J.; Nagahiro Hideko; Hosaka Atsushi,

    Three body charmed baryon strong decays of Λ*c(2625) and Λ*c(2595) into Λ+c π+ π- are studied in quark model. We take into account sequential processes going through Σc and Σ*c in intermediate states. The total decay rates are sensitive to the coupling of Λ*c with respect to Σc π open channel and to Σ*c π closed channel. Then, by comparing with the experimental data, we can obtain the information of Λ*c structure.

    , 2016, 71, 114, 114, 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.71.2.0_114
  • Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 22pAC-7 Formation of η'(958) bound states by (γ,d) reaction, Miyatani M.; Ikeno N.; Nagahiro H.; Hirenzaki S., 2016, 71, 266, 266, 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.71.1.0_266
  • Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 22pAC-5 A phenomenological study of the in-medium properties of φ meson, Tokunaga S.; Yamagata-Sekihara J.; Nagahiro H.; Hirenzaki S., 2016, 71, 265, 265, 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.71.1.0_265
  • Soryushiron Kenkyu Electronics, Soryushiron Kenkyu Editorial Office, Formation of σ Mesic Nuclei as a Probe of Chiral Restoration in Nuclear Medium(§6. Mesons in Nuclei,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics), HIRENZAKI Satoru; NAGAHIRO Hideko; HATSUDA Tetsuo; KUNIHIRO Teiji, We investigate the possibility to observe the properties of the σ channel in nuclei by (d,t) reactions to obtain new information on the partial restoration of chiral symmetry in nuclear medium. The sensitivity of the (d,t) spectra on the chiral symmetry restoration is examined theoretically., 2001, 102, 5, E185, E190, 10.24532/soken.102.5_E185
  • Soryushiron Kenkyu Electronics, Soryushiron Kenkyu Editorial Office, In-Flight (K^-,p) Reactions for the formation of Kaon-Nucleus bound systems(Hadrons at finite density), Yamagata Junko; Nagahiro Hideko; Hirenzaki Satoru, 2006, 114, 2, B121, B126, 10.24532/soken.114.2_B121
  • AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP, Precision Spectroscopy of Kaonic Helium-3 X-rays at J-PARC, T. Hashimoto; H. Bhang; M. Cargnelli; Seonho Choi; C. Curceanu; S. Enomoto; H. Fujioka; Y. Fujiwara; C. Guaraldo; R. S. Hayano; T. Hiraiwa; M. Iio; K. Inoue; T. Ishikawa; S. Ishimoto; T. Ishiwatari; K. Itahashi; M. Iwasaki; H. Kou; P. Kienle; J. Marton; Y. Matsuda; H. Noumi; H. Ohnishi; S. Okada; H. Outa; A. Romero Vidal; F. Sakuma; M. Sato; M. Sekimoto; H. Shi; D. Sirghi; F. Sirghi; T. Suzuki; K. Tanida; H. Tatsuno; M. Tokuda; D. Tomono; A. Toyoda; K. Tsukada; O. Vazquez Doce; E. Widmann; B. K. Wünschek; T. Yamazaki; J. Zmeskal; Atsushi Hosaka; Kanchan Khemchandani; Hideko Nagahiro; Kanabu Nawa, 2011, International conference proceedings, 10.1063/1.3647458
  • AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP, Spectroscopic study of Λ(1405) via the in-flight (K[sup −],n) reaction on deuteron, S. Enomoto; S. Ajimura; G. Beer; H. Bhang; M. Bragadireanu; P. Buehler; L. Busso; M. Cargnelli; S. Choi; C. Curceanu; D. Faso; H. Fujioka; Y. Fujiwara; T. Fukuda; C. Guaraldo; T. Hashimoto; R. Hayano; T. Hiraiwa; M. Iio; K. Inoue; N. Ishibashi; T. Ishikawa; S. Ishimoto; T. Ishiwatari; K. Itahashi; M. Iwai; M. Iwasaki; S. Kawasaki; P. Kienle; H. Kou; J. Marton; Y. Matsuda; Y. Mizoi; O. Morra; T. Nagae; H. Noumi; H. Ohnishi; S. Okada; H. Outa; Y. Sada; A. Sakaguchi; F. Sakuma; M. Sato; M. Sekimoto; H. Shi; D. Sirghi; F. Sirghi; S. Suzuki; T. Suzuki; H. Tatsuno; M. Tokuda; D. Tomono; A. Toyoda; K. Tsukada; E. Widmann; T. Yamazaki; H. Yim; K. Yoshida; J. Zmeskal; Atsushi Hosaka; Kanchan Khemchandani; Hideko Nagahiro; Kanabu Nawa, 2011, International conference proceedings, 10.1063/1.3647464
  • Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, Erratum: Coupled-channel analysis for φ photoproduction with Λ(1520) (Phys. Rev. C (2009) 80 (035201)), S. Ozaki; A. Hosaka; H. Nagahiro; O. Scholten, 13 May 2010, 81, 5, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.81.059901
  • Refereed, AIP Conference Proceedings, {AIP}, QCD Phase Diagram at Finite Baryon and Isospin Chemical Potentials, T. Sasaki; Y. Sakai; H. Kouno; M. Yahiro; Atsushi Hosaka; Kanchan Khemch; ani; Hideko Nagahiro; Kanabu Nawa, The phase structure of two-flavor QCD is explored for finite temperature T and finite baryon- and isospin-chemical potentials, μ and μ , by using the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model. The PNJL model with the scalar-type eight-quark interaction can reproduce lattice QCD data in the μ -T plane at μ =0. In the μ -μ -T space, the critical endpoint of the chiral phase transition in the μ -T plane at μ =0 moves to the tricritical point of the pion-superfluidity phase transition in the μ -T plane at μ =0 as μ increases. © 2011 American Institute of Physics. B I I B I B B I I B I, 2011, 1388, 524, 526, Scientific journal, 10.1063/1.3647444
  • Refereed, Nucl. Phys. A, Elsevier BV, Non-mesonic decay of the \ensuremathη -mesic 3He via pd\textrightarrow(3He-\ensuremathη)bound\textrightarrow 3He2\ensuremathγ(6\ensuremathγ) reaction, Skurzok, M.; Hirenzaki, S.; Kinutani, S.; Konishi, H.; Moskal, P.; Nagahiro, H.; Rundel, O., In this article a theoretical model for the η-mesic 3He non-mesonic decay channels is presented. We present the resultant relative momentum distribution of bound 3He-η as well as in-medium branching ratios of η→2γ and η→3π0, which are crucial for the Monte Carlo simulations of measured processes and thus for the experimental data interpretation. As an example we also apply the model for the estimation of the detection efficiency of the WASA-at-COSY detector., 2020, 993, 121647, 121647, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2019.121647
  • Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Search for η'-mesic nuclei using (p,d) reaction with FRS/Super-FRS at GSI/FAIR, Y. K. Tanaka; S. Bagchi; J. Benlliure; T. Dickel; V. Drozd; H. Ekawa; H. Fujioka; H. Geissel; F. Goldenbaum; C. Guo; E. Haettner; M. N. Harakeh; R. S. Hayano; S. Hirenzaki; C. Hornung; Y. Igarashi; N. Ikeno; K. Itahashi; M. Iwasaki; D. Jido; N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki; R. Kanungo; B. Kindler; R. Knöbel; D. Kostyleva; N. Kurz; N. Kuzminchuk; B. Lommel; Y. Ma; S. Y. Matsumoto; V. Metag; S. Minami; P. Moskal; I. Mukha; T. Nagae; H. Nagahiro; M. Nakagawa; H. J. Ong; H. Outa; S. Pietri; W. R. Plass; A. Prochazka; S. Purushothaman; C. Rappold; J. Ritman; J. L. Rodríguez-Sánchez; R. Ruber; O. Rundel; T. R. Saito; C. Scheidenberger; R. Sekiya; V. Serdyuk; H. Simon; B. Sitar; M. Skurzok; P. Strmen; B. Sun; I. Szarka; M. Takechi; I. Tanihata; S. Terashima; H. Weick; A. Yamamoto; J. Zhao, We plan a semi-exclusive measurement of the 12C(p,dp) reaction to search for η'-mesic nuclei, aiming at investigating in-medium properties of the η′-meson. We employ a 2.5 GeV proton beam impinging on a carbon target to produce η′-mesic 11C nuclei via the 12C(p,d)η′⊗11C reaction. Using coincidence measurements of the forward going deuterons, important for missing-mass spectroscopy, and decay protons emitted from the η′-mesic nuclei. for event selection will provide a high experimental sensitivity to observe η'-mesic nuclei. We will perform the measurements by combining the WASA detector system with the fragment separator FRS at GSI and also with the Super-FRS at FAIR in the future. The plan of the experiments and the present status are reported., 23 Dec. 2020, 1643, 1, International conference proceedings, 10.1088/1742-6596/1643/1/012181
  • Non-mesonic decay of the $η$-mesic $^3\hspace-0.03cm\mboxHe$ via $pd→(^3\hspace-0.03cm\mboxHe$-$η)_bound→$ $^3\hspace-0.03cm\mboxHe 2γ (6γ$) reaction, Skurzok, M.; Hirenzaki, S.; Kinutani, S.; Konishi, H.; Moskal, P.; Nagahiro, H.; Rundel, O., Aug. 2019, Scientific journal
  • Phys. Rev. C, Medium effects to N(1535) resonance and eta mesic nuclei, Jido, D.; Nagahiro, H.; Hirenzaki, S., 2002, 66, 045202, 045202, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevC.66.045202
  • Refereed, Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS), Excitation spectra of heavy baryons in a quark-diquark model with relativistic corrections, S. Kinutani; H. Nagahiro; D. Jido, The excitation spectra of Λc and Λb baryons are investigated by using a quark-diquark model in which a single-heavy baryon is treated as the bound state of a heavy quark and a scalar diquark. We take two types of relativistic corrections into account for the quark-diquark potential. In the first type, we consider the one-gluon exchange between the heavy quark and one of the light quarks in the diquark. In the second, we consider the one-gluon exchange between a scalar particle and a heavy quark. We find that there is a large difference between the two types of corrections due to different treatments of the internal color structure of the diquark. The relativistic corrections are important for the solution to the string tension puzzle, particularly, the Darwin term makes a large contribution., 07 Nov. 2023, 108, 9, Scientific journal, 10.1103/physrevd.108.094011
  • Few-Body Systems, Two-Pion Emission Decay of Roper-Like Heavy Baryons, Ahmad Jafar Arifi; Hideko Nagahiro; Atsushi Hosaka; Kiyoshi Tanida, The Roper resonance N(1440) has been a mysterious state in hadron physics for almost 60 years because of its incompatibility with the conventional quark model. In recent years, the candidates of Roper-like state in heavy baryon sectors, e.g., Λ c(2765) and Λ b(6072) , have been observed in experiments although their spin and parity are not directly measured. Interestingly, they share not only similar excitation energies but also decay properties, that may provide a new aspect of the Roper resonance. In this work, we focus on investigating the decay properties of Roper-like heavy baryons. In particular, we show how their two-pion emission decay can be helpful to determine their spin and parity. The experimental confirmation is required to further establish the existence of the Roper-like states. Such measurements can be principally done in the current experimental facilities such as LHC and B-factory experiments., Sep. 2021, 62, 3, Scientific journal, 10.1007/s00601-021-01625-0


  • Not Refereed, AIP Conf. Proc., The structure of baryons. Proceedings, 12th International Conference, Baryons'10,, NAGAHIRO Hideko; A. Hosaka; K. Khemchandani; H. Nagahiro; K. Nawa, 2011, 1388
  • Not Refereed, Hadron and Nuclear Physics 09: Osaka University, Japan, 16-19 November 2009, World Scientific Publishing Co., Preface, Atsushi Hosaka; Takayuki Myo; Hideko Nagahiro; Kanabu Nawa, 01 Jan. 2010, v, vi, Others, 10.1142/9789814313933_fmatter
  • Not Refereed, Hadron and Nuclear Physics 09: Osaka University, Japan, 16-19 November 2009, World Scientific Publishing Co., Hadron and nuclear physics 09: Osaka University, Japan, 16-19 November 2009, Atsushi Hosaka; Takayuki Myo; Hideko Nagahiro; Kanabu Nawa, This volume collects papers presented at the international workshop "Hadron-Nuclear Physics 09" held at Osaka, November 16-19, 2009. The series of this workshop has provided opportunities to discuss common interests of hadron and nuclear physics. Hadrons and nuclei show up different layers of phenomena governed by the same dynamics dictated by the fundamental law of the strong interaction, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). The basic building blocks of matter, quarks and gluons, are confined in hadrons, generating their masses dynamically and breaking chiral symmetry spontaneously. The latter is the origin of the presence of the pion which governs the essential part of the nuclear interaction. Therefore, the common key words are chiral symmetry and pions. This volume contains reports of current achievements in hadron physics including exotic multiquark states, meson production reactions and non-linear dynamics of hadrons, and those in nuclear physics clustering phenomena, exotic neutron rich nuclei and the pions in nuclei. As related subjects, applications to astronuclear physics, including accelerator physics and laser physics are also discussed comprehensively., 01 Jan. 2010, 1, 407, Others, 10.1142/7823
  • Not Refereed, World Scientific, Hadron and Nuclear Physics 09, Proceedings of International Workshop on Hadron and Nuclear Physics, "HNP09", NAGAHIRO Hideko; A. Hosaka; T. Myo; H. Nagahiro; K. Nawa, 2010
  • Not Refereed, Modern Physic Letters A, Chiral symmetry in hadron and nuclear physics. Proceedings, International Workshop, CHIRAL07, Osaka, Japan, November 13-16, 2007., NAGAHIRO Hideko; A. Hosaka; T. Myo; H. Nagahiro; T. Kunihiro, 2008, 23, 2201-2623
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 27aTB-5 Precise Studies of Pion Properties in Nuclei from Deeply Bound Pionic Atoms, Ikeno N.; Yamagata-Sekihara J.; Nagahiro H.; Hirenzaki S., 05 Mar. 2014, 69, 1, 45, 45
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 30aTA-4 An analysis of the ^<12>C(p,d) reaction at η' meson prodution region by microscopic transport model (JAM), Higashi Y.; Ikeno N.; Nagahiro H.; Hirenzaki S.; Fujioka H.; Itahashi K.; Tanaka Y.K., 05 Mar. 2014, 69, 1, 101, 101
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 30aTA-3 Spectroscopy of η'-mesic nuclei at Super-FRS/FAIR, Fujioka Hiroyuki; Nagae Tomofumi; Yamakami Hiroki; Itahashi Kenta; Iwasaki Masahiko; Outa Haruhiko; Suzuki Takatoshi; Tanaka Yoshiki K.; Nishi Takahiro; Hayano Ryugo S.; Watanabe Yuni N.; Igarashi Yoichi; Ikeno Natsumi; Nagahiro Hideko; Higashi Yuko; Hirenzaki Satoru; Jido Daisuke; Geissel Hans; Weick Helmut; Brinkmann Kai-Thomas; Friedrich Stefan; Metag Volker; Nanova Mariana; Suzuki Ken, 05 Mar. 2014, 69, 1, 101, 101
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), η'(958)-N effective interaction and η'-mesic nuclei, Hinata A.; Nagahiro H.; Hirenzaki S., 26 Aug. 2013, 68, 2, 44, 44
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 22pSH-1 Formation spectra of deeply bound pionic atoms in Green's Function Method, Ikeno N.; Yamagata-Sekihara J.; Nagahiro H.; Hirenzaki S., 26 Aug. 2013, 68, 2, 44, 44
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 27aHC-15 Overview of experimental search for η' mesic nuclei at FAIR, Itahashi Kenta; Friedrich Stefan; Fujioka Hiroyuki; Geissel Hans; Hayano Ryugo S.; Hirenzaki Satoru; Itoh Satoshi; Jido Daisuke; Metag Volker; Nagahiro Hideko; Nanova Mariana; Nishi Takahiro; Okochi Kota; Outa Haruhiko; Suzuki Ken; Suzuki Takatoshi; Tanaka Yoshiki K.; Weick Helmut, 26 Mar. 2013, 68, 1, 87, 87
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 12pSA-9 Effective nuclear density probed by meson-nucleus systems, Yamagata-Sekihara J.; Ikeno N.; Nagahiro H.; Jido D.; Hirenzaki S., 24 Aug. 2012, 67, 2, 39, 39
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 12pSA-8 Formation of mesic atoms on odd nuclear target, Ikeno N.; Yamagata-Sekihara J.; Nagahiro H.; Hirenzaki S., 24 Aug. 2012, 67, 2, 39, 39
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 27aXC-8 Spectroscopy of η' mesic nuclei at GSI, Fujioka H.; Itahashi K.; Outa H.; Geissel H.; Weick H.; Metag V.; Nanova M.; Itoh S.; Okochi K.; Suzuki T.; Tanaka Y.; Nishi T.; Hayano R. S.; Nagahiro H.; Hirenzaki S.; Jido D.; Suzuki K.; Widmann E., 05 Mar. 2012, 67, 1, 112, 112
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 27aXC-6 η'(958) mesic nucleus and η' mass shift by partial restoration of Chiral symmetry, Hirenzaki S.; Nagahiro H.; Jido D., 05 Mar. 2012, 67, 1, 112, 112
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 27aXC-2 Pionic atom spectroscopy in the (d,^3He) reaction at finite angles, Ikeno N.; Nagahiro H.; Hirenzaki S., 05 Mar. 2012, 67, 1, 111, 111
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 27aXC-7 η' nucleus optical potential and formation of η'-nucleus bound state, Nagahiro H.; Hirenzaki S.; Oset E.; Ramos A., 05 Mar. 2012, 67, 1, 112, 112
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 25aGC-13 Development of an Aerogel Cherenkov Detector for Particle Identification in Spectroscopy Experiment of η' Mesic Nuclei, Tanaka Y.; Itoh S.; Okochi K.; Suzuki T.; Nishi T.; Hayano R. S.; Itabashi K.; Outa H.; Fujioka H.; Geissel H.; Weick H.; Metag V.; Nanova M.; Nagahiro H.; Hirenzaki S.; Jido D.; Suzuki K.; Widmann E.; Tabata M., 05 Mar. 2012, 67, 1, 87, 87
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), Stnlcture and Formation of η-mesic nuclei in Chiral doublet model, Nagahiro Hideko; Jidob Daisuke; Hirenzaki Satoru, 13 Aug. 2002, 57, 2, 36, 36
  • 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM), Experimental results of the search for eta’-mesic nuclei in the LEPS2/BGOegg experiment, 冨田夏希; 村松憲仁; 新山雅之; TRAN N.; 橋本敏和; 松村裕二; 永廣秀子; 永廣秀子; 丸山智幸; 石川貴嗣; 小沢恭一郎; 清水肇; 水谷圭吾; 宮部学; 與曽井優, 2020, 75, 1
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 22aYE-5 Restoration of U_A(1) symmetry at finite density, Takizawa Makoto; Nagahiro Hideko; Hirenzaki Satoru, 21 Aug. 2007, 62, 2, 43, 43
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 22pYE-1 Kaon and Hyperon Photoproduction induced by Wess-Zumino-Witten term, Ozaki Sho; Nagahiro Hideko; Hosaka Atushi, 21 Aug. 2007, 62, 2, 47, 47
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 22aYE-2 Possible ω bound states in nuclei produced with the (γ,p) reaction, Nagahiro H.; Kaskulov M.; Oset E.; Jido D.; Hirenzaki S., 21 Aug. 2007, 62, 2, 42, 42
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 21pSD-9 (K^-,N) reactions at J-PARC and Kaon-Nucleus systems, Yamagata Junko; Nagahiro Hideko; Hirenzaki Satoru, 18 Aug. 2006, 61, 2, 40, 40
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 20pSC-8 Formation reaction of eta mesic nuclei induced by meson beam, Nagahiro Hideko; Jido Daisuke; Hirenzaki Satoru, 18 Aug. 2006, 61, 2, 7, 7
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 22aSC-6 Strange mesons at finite density, Takizawa Makoto; Nagahiro Hideko; Hirenzaki Satoru; Oka Makoto, 18 Aug. 2006, 61, 2, 18, 18
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 20pSC-7 Possible level crossing of eta and N^*-hole modes in nuclei, Jido D.; Nagahiro H.; Hirenzaki S.; Kolomeitsev Evigeni E., 18 Aug. 2006, 61, 2, 7, 7
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 29pWD-3 Kaon bound states in In-flight (K^^-, N) spectra, Yamagata Junko; Nagahiro Hideko; Hirenzaki Satoru, 04 Mar. 2006, 61, 1, 71, 71
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 23aBC-8 Pion Properties in Nuclei from Deeply Bound Atomic States, Ikeno N.; Yamagata-Sekihara J.; Nagahiro H.; Jido D.; Hirenzaki S., 01 Mar. 2010, 65, 1, 95, 95
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 28aZC-3 Baryon resonances as bound states of a vector meson and a nucleon, KANEKO Hiromi; NAGAHIRO Hideko; HOSAKA Atsushi, 03 Mar. 2009, 64, 1, 47, 47
  • 日本物理学会講演概要集, 一般社団法人日本物理学会, 27pXF-12 (γ,d)反応による中間子原子核生成(ハイパー核・ストレンジネス(合同)II,27pXF 理論核物理領域,実験核物理領域合同,理論核物理領域), 池野 なつ美; 関原(山縣) 淳子; 永廣 秀子; 慈道 大介; 比連崎 悟, 03 Mar. 2009, 64, 1, 42, 42
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 27pXF-6 Exclusive spectra of in-flight (K^-, N) reaction for light kaonic nucleus formation, 関原(山縣) 淳子; 関原 隆泰; 永廣 秀子; 慈道 大介; 比連崎 悟, 03 Mar. 2009, 64, 1, 40, 40
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 27aWG-7 Light scalar meson nonet at finite density, Takizawa Makoto; Nagahiro Hideko; Hirenzaki Satoru; Oka Makoto, 04 Mar. 2006, 61, 1, 31, 31
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 29pWG-6 η'(958) mesic nuclei with NJL model and the effect of U_A(1) anomaly at finite density, Nagahiro Hideko; Takizawa Makoto; Hirenzaki Satoru, 04 Mar. 2006, 61, 1, 43, 43
  • 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM), Nuclear compression effects in the mesic nucleus formation reaction, 絹谷すずな; 平尾まい; 永廣秀子; 慈道大介; 比連崎悟, 2020, 75, 1
  • 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM), (p,d)反応によるη(958)中間子原子核生成における核変形の効果, 絹谷すずな; 平尾まい; 永廣秀子; 比連崎悟, 2019, 74, 1
  • 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM), 反陽子原子からの中間子-原子核束縛状態生成, 平尾まい; 絹谷すずな; 永廣秀子; 板橋健太; 比連崎悟, 2019, 74, 2
  • 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM), 核変形効果を考慮したη(958)中間子原子核の(p,d)反応による生成スペクトル, 絹谷すずな; 平尾まい; 永廣秀子; 慈道大介; 比連崎悟, 2019, 74, 2
  • 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM), ダブルπ中間子原子の構造, 谷明里; 池野なつ美; 池野なつ美; 比連崎悟; 慈道大介; 永廣秀子; 永廣秀子; 藤岡宏之; 板橋健太, 2019, 74, 2
  • 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM), η-nucleus interaction from the d + d reaction around the η production threshold, 池野なつ美; 永廣秀子; 慈道大介; 比連崎悟, 2017, 72, 1
  • 原子核研究, η’生成領域における12C(p,d)反応の微視的輸送模型(JAM)による解析, 東裕子; 池野なつ美; 池野なつ美; 永廣秀子; 比連崎悟; 藤岡宏之; 板橋健太; 田中良樹, 2015, 59, Supplement 1
  • 原子核研究, 中間子-原子核系で探る核内中間子の性質と強い相互作用の対称性, 比連崎悟; 池野なつ美; 池野なつ美; 永廣秀子, 2015, 59, Supplement 1
  • 日本物理学会講演概要集, η’生成領域における12C(p,d)反応の微視的輸送模型(JAM)による解析, 東裕子; 池野なつ美; 永廣秀子; 比連崎悟; 藤岡宏之; 板橋健太; 田中良樹, 2014, 69, 1
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 24pZH-2 Radiative decay into γP of the low lying axial-vector mesons, Nagahiro Hideko; Roca Luis; Oset Euloaio, 29 Feb. 2008, 63, 1, 53, 53
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 27aSB-12 Kaon-Hyperon production in polarized photon reactions, Ozaki Sho; Hosaka Atsushi; Nagahiro Hideko, 28 Feb. 2007, 62, 1, 43, 43
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 13aSE-11 Formation of D Mesic Nuclei, Ikeno N.; Nagahiro H.; Hirenzaki S., 18 Aug. 2010, 65, 2, 44, 44
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 11pSF-11 Formation of η-^4He bound states by deuteron + deuteron reaction, Hirenzaki S.; Nagahiro H.; Jido D., 18 Aug. 2010, 65, 2, 60, 60
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 11aSB-8 A study of the admixture properties of the α_1(1260) meson, Nagahiro Hideko; Nawa Kanabu; Ozaki Sho; Jido Daisuke; Hosaka Atsushi, 18 Aug. 2010, 65, 2, 24, 24
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 17pSG-10 Resonances generated by vector meson-Baryon dynamics, Khemchandani K. P.; Kaneko H.; Nagahiro H.; Hosaka A., 24 Aug. 2011, 66, 2, 45, 45
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 16pSG-8 Partial restoration of chiral symmetry in nuclear matter and eta' mesonic nuclei, Jido D.; Nagahiro H.; Hirenzaki S., 24 Aug. 2011, 66, 2, 69, 69
  • Bulletin of Nara University of Education. Natural science, Nara University of Education, Bound States in Three-dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics with a Chern-Simons Term, Matsuyama Toyoki; Nagahiro Hideko, We investigate a bound state problem in three-dimensional quantum electrodynamics with a Chern-Simons term. The Behte-Salpeter equation is formulated for a fermion-anti-fermion system under a ladder approximation. In a large mass expansion, the Schrodinger equation is derived and solved by a numerical method. The wave functions of bound states and the energy eigenvalues are obtained for various values of a topological mass and also a fermion mass. By inspecting the results, we find interesting features of the bounc system: There exists a critical value of the topological mass, beyond which the bound state disappears. As the topological mass decreases, all the energy of the bound states also decrease logarithmically. The Chern-Simons term gives the bound states a repulsive effect., Oct. 2001, 50, 2, 1, 14
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 30pSH-3 K-mesic Nuclei Formation in (K, N) reactions, Yamagata Junko; Nagahiro Hideko; Hirenzaki Satoru, 25 Aug. 2004, 59, 2, 68, 68
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 12aSH-3 Roper excitation in (d, d') reactions at Td=2.4GeV, Yonezawa Asami; Nagahiro Hideko; Hirenzaki Satoru, 15 Aug. 2003, 58, 2, 42, 42
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 12aSH-4 Formation of Mesic Nuclei by (γ, p) reactions, Nagahiro Hideko; Hirenzaki Satoru, 15 Aug. 2003, 58, 2, 42, 42
  • 日本物理学会講演概要集, 一般社団法人日本物理学会, 28pSN-5 η中間原子核で見るバリオンのカイラル対称性と媒質効果, 永廣 秀子; 慈道 大介; 比連 崎悟, 06 Mar. 2003, 58, 1, 65, 65
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), Residual interaction effects on deeply bound pionic states in Sn-isotope, Togawa Naoko; Nagahiro Hideko; Hirenzaki Satoru; Kume Kenji, 06 Mar. 2003, 58, 1, 36, 36
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), σ meson-Nucleus Bound system, Hirenzaki Satoru; Nagahio Hideko, 06 Mar. 2003, 58, 1, 35, 35
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 24pWH-13 In-medium effect of U_A(1) anomaly and formation of η'(958) mesic nuclei, Nagahiro Hideko; Hirenzaki Satoru, 04 Mar. 2005, 60, 1, 39, 39
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 27aZA-10 "Production of θ^+ Hypernuclei with the (K^+,π^+) reaction", Hirensaki S.; Nagahiro H.; 0set E.; Vicente M. J.; Vacas A, 04 Mar. 2005, 60, 1, 53, 53
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 27pZA-8 Formation of K-nucleus bound systems by In-flight (K,N) reactions, Yamagata Junko; Nagahiro Hideko; Hirenzaki Satoru, 04 Mar. 2005, 60, 1, 56, 56
  • Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 28pSJ-5 Possibility of the η′(958) formation in the nuclear medium, Nagahiro Hideko; Hirenzaki Satoru, 25 Aug. 2004, 59, 2, 34, 34
  • 日本物理学会講演概要集, 一般社団法人日本物理学会, 27aXC-5 Medium effects to N^*.resonance and η mesic nuclei, 慈道 大介; 永広 秀子; 比連崎 悟, 01 Mar. 2002, 57, 1, 28, 28
  • Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan, 22pAC-8 Spectroscopy of eta' mesic nuclei with the ^<12>C(p, d) reaction at GSI, Tanaka Y. K.; Gutz E.; Haettner E.; Harakeh M. N.; Hayano R. S.; Higashi Y.; Hirenzaki S.; Hornung C.; Igarashi Y.; Ikeno N.; Itahashi K.; Ayyad Y.; Iwasaki M.; Jido D.; Kalantar-Nayestanaki N.; Kanungo R.; Knoebel R.; Kurz N.; Metag V.; Mukha I.; Nagae T.; Nagahiro H.; Benlliure J.; Nanova M.; Nishi T.; Ong H. J.; Pietri S.; Prochazka A.; Rappold C.; Reiter M. P.; Sanchez J. L. R.; Scheidenberger C.; Simon H.; Brinkmann K.-T.; Sitar B.; Strmen P.; Sun B.; Suzuki K.; Szarka I.; Takechi M.; Tanihata I.; Terashima S.; Watanabe; Weick H.; Friedrich S.; Widmann E.; Winfield J. S.; Xu X.; Yamakami H.; Zhao J.; Fujioka H.; Geissel H.; Gellanki J.; Guo C., 2016, 71, 0, 267, 267, 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.71.1.0_267


  • Nominated symposium
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, Structures and Interactions of Heavy Quark Hadrons, Structure of charmed baryons studied by pionic decays, Mar. 2017, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko, 第72回日本物理学会年次大会, Effect of the final state interaction of eta'N on the eta' photoproduction off nucleon, Mar. 2017, False
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro; Shigehiro Yasui; Makoto Oka; Atsushi Hosaka; Hiroyuki Noumi, 2016 JAEA/ASRC Reimei Workshop : New exotic hadron matter at J-PARC, Structure of charmed baryons studied by pionic decays, Oct. 2016, Korea, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko, 日本物理学会, チャームバリオン励起状態の構造とパイオン放出に崩壊, Sep. 2016, False
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, The 10th APCTP-BLTP/JINR-RCNP-RIKEN Joint Workshop on Nuclear and Hadron Physics, Decays of charmed baryons through pion emission in the quark model, Aug. 2016, RIKEN, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, Seminar at IFIC, Valencia University, Decays of charmed baryons through pion emission in the quark model, Jul. 2016, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, The 14th Internatioanal Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU2016), Formation of possible eta'(958)-nucleus bound states and eta'N interaction, Jul. 2016, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko, 日本物理学会 第71回年次大会, Decays of charmed baryons through pion emission in the quark model, Mar. 2016, False
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro; Shigehiro Yasui; Atsushi Hosaka; Makoto Oka; Hiroyuki Noumi, Mini-Workshop on hadron physics with a variety of flavors, Decays of charmed baryons through pion emission in the quark modek, Feb. 2016, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko, 二国間交流事業共同研究/セミナー, チャームバリオンの崩壊/Mesic nuclei by missing mass specroscopy, Feb. 2016, False
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko, 原子核媒質中のハドロン研究 III, 結合チャネル計算によるeta'(958)核子相互作用, Oct. 2015, False
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko, 日本物理学会 2015年秋季大会, クォーク模型によるチャームバリオンの崩壊 --パイオン放出過程-, Sep. 2015, False
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, 1st Hadron Spanish Network Days and Spanish-Japanese JSPS Workshop, eta'(958)-nucleon interaction and possible bound state of eta'N system, Jun. 2015, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, Hadrons and Hadron Interaction in QCD2015 -Effective Theory and Lattice -, Hadron properties at finite density and specroscopies of mesic nuclei, Mar. 2015, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro; Atsushi Hosaka, Workshop on "Bound states in QCD and beyond", Elementarity of composite systems, Mar. 2015, St. Goar, Germany, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro; A. Hosaka, 4th Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Division of the American Physical Society and The Physical Soci ety of Japan, Study for the elementarity of composite systems, Oct. 2014, American Physical Society and Japan Physical Society, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, EXA2014, Formation of eta'(958) mesic nuclei by (p,d) reaction, Sep. 2014, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro; Atsushi Hosaka, The 8th APCTP-BLTP JINR Joint Workshop, Do elementary particle survive composite systems ?, Jun. 2014, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, Hirschegg2014, International Workshop XLII on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations, Composite and elementary natures of hadron resonances, Jan. 2014, Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, YITP workshop on "Hadrons in Nucleus", eta'(958)-nucleus bound states and their formations by missing mass spectroscopies, Nov. 2013, Maskawa Hall, Kyoto University, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, MesonNet Meeting, eta'(958) mesic nuclei by (p,d) reaction, Jun. 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko, 第68回日本物理学会年次大会, Study of mixing properties of mesonic resonances, Mar. 2013, 広島大学東広島キャンパス, False
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, ELPH研究会ダブルメソン生成とバリオン分光, Formation of eta'(958) nucleus bound state, Nov. 2012, 東北大学電子光理学研究センター, 宮城県仙台市東北大学, False
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, XI International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics, Formation of the eta'(958)-mesic nuclei in missing mass specroscopies, Oct. 2012, Barcelona University, Barcelona, SPAIN, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, Seminar talk at Technische Universitat Munchen, Formation of eta'(958) mesic nuclei by missing mass spectroscopy, Oct. 2012, Technische Universitat Munchen, ドイツ・ミュンヘン, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, Seminar talk at GSI, Formation of eta'(958) mesic nuclei by the (p,d) reaction at GSI, Sep. 2012, GSI, ダルムシュタット、ドイツ, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, The 20th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (FB20), Formation of the eta'(958) meson bound states and chiral symmetry in-meidum, Aug. 2012, IUPAP, Kyushu University, 福岡市国際会議場, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, 新学術領域「素核宇宙融合」×「新ハドロン」クロスオーバー研究会--多彩な手法でせまるハドロン物理への挑戦--, Composite and elementary natures of mesonic resonances, Jul. 2012, 新学術領域素核宇宙融合、新ハドロン、名古屋大学, 名古屋大学, False
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko, 第67回日本物理学会年次大会, eta'(958)中間子に対する二核子吸収の評価とeta'中間子原子核生成, Mar. 2012, False
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, eta' in-medium workshop, Formation spectra of eta' mesic nuclei by the (p,d) reaction, Feb. 2012, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, Workshop on:\nFuture Prospects of Hadron Physics at J-PARC\nand Large Scale Computational Physics, Formation of eta'(958) meson bound states in nuclei at J-PARC, Feb. 2012, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, Workshop on:_x000B_ "Elucidation of New Hadrons with a Variety of Flavors“_x000B_- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas ?, eta'(958) meson bound states and their formations, Feb. 2012, True
  • NAGAHIRO Hideko; Hideko Nagahiro, Composite and elementary natures of hadrons -- Study of mixing properties of a1(1260) --, Composite and elementary natures of hadrons -- Study of mixing properties of a1(1260) --, Jun. 2011, True

Research Projects

  • 2021, 2023, 21K03536, Principal investigator
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Apr. 2017, 31 Mar. 2020, 17K05443, in-medium effect for hadrons and symmetries of QCD, Nagahiro Hideko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Nara Women's University, 3250000, 2500000, 750000, We investigate the formation of the eta-prime(958)-nucleus bound state to know the properties of the eta-prime meson. The eta-prime meson has a huge mass compared with other pseudo-scalar meson which is known as UA(1) anomaly. We focus the in-medium change of the properties of the eta-prime meson and the interaction between eta-prime and nucleon and try to evaluate the effect of the partial restoration of chiral symmetry to the eta-prime system. We try to identify the possible coupled-channels to the eta-prime-nucleon system, which one can observe as a simultaneous observation at the formation of the eta-prime mesic nuclei to reduce the background in experiments., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Apr. 2014, 31 Mar. 2017, 26400275, Effects of Chiral symmetry and anomaly probed by meson-nucleus bound systems, Nagahiro Hideko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Nara Women's University, 3640000, 2800000, 840000, We investigate theoretically the mass reduction of the eta'(958) meson in the nuclear medium. To this end, we have calculated the formation spectra of eta'(958) mesic nuclei by using the missing mass spectroscopy. The heavy mass of the eta'(958) meson is considered to be determined by the UA(1) anomaly and chiral symmetry breaking. In this fiscal period, the experiment at GSI has been performed and we have determined the upper limit of the formation cross section of eta'-mesic nuclei and its possible mass reduction., url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Apr. 2012, 31 Mar. 2016, 24540274, Aspects of symmetry at finite nuclear density by meson-nucleus systems, Hirenzaki Satoru; JIDO Daisuke; NAGAHIRO Hideko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Nara Women's University, 5070000, 3900000, 1170000, The final goal of this research is to investigate the aspects of the symmetry of the strong interaction by knowing the properties of various mesons at finite density through meson-nucleus systems. The pattern of the symmetry breaking and its restoration are considered to be understood by the relations between various phenomena and properties of various mesons. This kind of study is unique and complementary to that of the high energy heavy ion collisions. The main results of this project are the developments of the theoretical studies of (i) the structure and formation of eta(958) meson-nucleus bound states based on eta(958) properties at finite density, (ii) the high precision spectroscopy of the deeply bound pionic atoms, and (iii) the properties of vector mesons at finite density and observables., url;kaken
  • 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型), 01 Apr. 2012, 31 Mar. 2014, 24105707, eta’原子核にみる有限密度でのカイラル対称性回復とUA(1)量子異常効果の検証, 永廣 秀子, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型), 奈良女子大学, 3510000, 2700000, 810000, 本研究は、擬スカラー中間子の一つであるeta-prime(958)中間子に注目し、その有限密度中での質量減少の実験的な検証に向けた理論研究である。eta-prime(958)中間子は、南部-Goldstone粒子としては、重すぎる質量を持っており、これはUA(1)量子異常の存在とカイラル対称性の自発的破れがあいまって決定されていると考えられている。このことを踏まえ、有限密度中でのeta-prime(958)中間子の質量減少を観測することが出来れば、有限密度中でのカイラル対称性の自発的破れ及びUA(1)量子異常の振る舞いなどに関する知見が得られると考え、その実験的検証を目指すものである。 本研究では、eta-prime(958)中間子を原子核の束縛させ、そのスペクトラムをピークとして観測することで、eta-prime(958)中間子の質量減少の観測をめざしたものである。本年度は具体的に、原子核に陽子を入射させ、重陽子を観測する(p,d)反応による束縛状態生成に関し、最適な入射エネルギー、標的原子核などの具体的検証を行い、論文発表を行った。また、光子を入射させ陽子を観測する(gamma,p)反応に関しても、最適な実験条件を探るための理論研究を行い、実験研究者と議論を行った。さらに、微視的な相互作用から結合チャネル法を用いたeta-prime原子核光学ポテンシャルを導出し、エネルギー依存性を考慮した形で検証を行い、束縛エネルギー及び崩壊幅の見積もりを行った。さらにこの結合チャネルにおけるベクトル中間子の寄与に関して詳細に議論を行った。, kaken
  • 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型), 2010, 2011, 22105510, 有限密度でのUA(1)量子異常とカイラル対称性回復の検証に関する理論研究, 永廣 秀子, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型), 奈良女子大学, 2990000, 2300000, 690000, 本研究は、対称性を手がかりとしてハドロンの多彩なエネルギースペクトルを理解することを最終的な目的とした研究である。その一環として具体的には、有限媒質中でのUA(1)量子異常の振る舞いおよびカイラル対称性の部分的回復の徴候を観測することを目的として、原子核中でのeta-prime(958)中間子の質量減少を実験的に観測することを目指した理論研究を行った。eta-prime(958)中間子は、他の南部ゴールドストーン粒子に比べて遙かに重い質量を持っており、これはUA(1)量子異常項の存在により説明されると考えられている。重要なことは、その同じ理論体系がカイラル対称性の回復に伴う同粒子の質量減少を予言していることである。しかし、その実験的検証は現在の所皆無であり、この質量減少を実際に実験的に観測することは、カイラル対称性の部分的回復やハドロンの質量生成機構の解明につながる重要なファクターである。 本研究では、eta-prime(958)中間子原子核生成について、(pi,N)反応及び、(p,d)反応を用いた束縛状態の生成可能性を議論し、そのどちらでも束縛状態を生成し、観測可能であることを示した。更に、通常中間子原子核束縛状態は幅が広く、このことが束縛状態をピークとして観測する事を困難にしているが、本研究において、ハドロン有効理論を元に吸収幅の評価を行い、その幅は束縛状態がピークとして観測可能である程度に十分小さいことも示した。これらの理論計算に基づき、実験研究者と共に実験の実施可能性を議論し、共同でドイツ重イオン研究所にeta-prime(958)中間子原子核生成実験の提案を行った。, kaken
  • 特別研究員奨励費, 2006, 2008, 06J08661, 原子核媒質中におけるハドロンの性質とカイラル対称性の回復, 永廣 秀子, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費, 3400000, 3400000, 本研究は、カイラル対称性の観点から、中間子や中間子と原子核が構成する系の構造・性質を明らかにすることを目指し、QCDで非常に重要な役割を果たすと思われるカイラル対称性とその破れの機構について明らかにすることを目的とした。本年度は、特にエキゾチックハドロンと呼ばれる共鳴状態に注目した。近年、従来考えられていたような単純な3quarkもしくは、quark-反quark対の描像では説明できない共鳴状態がいくつか実験的に発見されてきた。そのようなエキゾチックな状態は、4quark以上のマルチクォーク状態や、複数のよりエネルギーの低いハドロンの分子状態として記述されるのではないかと考えられている。本研究では、軸性ベクトル中間子に注目した。この中間子がカイラル対称性を持つ有効模型を用いてベクトル中間子と擬スカラー中間子の束縛状態として記述されるという立場に立ち、その光崩壊幅の評価を行うことで、こゐ軸性べクトル中間子がどのような状態であるべきなのか、その実験的な検証の可能性を探った。 また、カイラル対称性の回復と関係すると考えられているω中間子の質量変化を観測することを目的として、π中間子入射ビームを用いたω中間子原子核束縛系の生成可能性について評価を行い、それが現実の実験で観測可能であることを示した。具体的に実験研究者との議論を行い、当該実験の実現可能性についても議論を行った。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2004, 2006, 16540252, Structure and reactions of pentaquark baryons, HOSAKA Atsushi; TOKI Hiroshi; NAKANO Takashi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Osaka University, 3200000, 3200000, In this research, we have investigated the structure and production/decay reactions of pentaquark baryons. We proposed an intuitive method to understand possible five quark structure of the pentaquarks using a conventional quark model. In this way we provided a view to understand the results of chiral quark soliton model. Also, we investigated how five quark structure affect various phenomena such as mass and decay width. In particular, we solved the five quark system precisely including bound as well as scattering states. In order to extract information of five quark structure from experiments, we investigated reaction mechanism. We consistently used an effective lagrangian method and determine model parameters from symmetries. Having spin and parity of the pentaquark states as unknown parameter, we predicted angular distributions and production rate of the reactions. In a proton-proton reaction, we proposed a method to determine the spin and parity of Theta+. As a related subject, we investigated properties of hyperon resonances, Lambda(1405) and Lambda(1520) having the strangeness-1 which is opposite to that of the Theta+. The former is know for some time to couple strongly to the anti-kaon and nucleon, and hence was regarded as another candidate of pentaquark states., kaken
  • イータ(958)中間子原子核生成と有限密度中におけるUA(1)量子異常, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • イータ中間子原子核生成と有限密度中におけるカイラル対称性回復, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • ハドロン共鳴にみるエキゾチック構造, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • eta'(958)mesic nuclei formation and UA(1) anomaly in medium, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • eta mesic nuclei and partial restoration of chiral symmetry, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • composite and elementary component of hadronic resonance, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 基盤研究(C), 01 Apr. 2021, 31 Mar. 2024, 21K03536, 中間子原子核に反映される有限密度における対称性の効果, 永廣 秀子, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 奈良女子大学, 2990000, 2300000, 690000, 本研究は、量子色力学が持つ対称性を手がかりとして、ハドロンの性質を統一的に理解することを最終的な目的として、その一環として、eta'(958)中間子の有限媒質中での性質変化の解明を目指すものである。そのために、eta'(958)中間子と原子核の束縛状態を生成する可能性を理論的に議論している。 特に、ηおよびη'(958)中間子と原子核の束縛状態を生成し、核中でのハドロンの性質変化を分光スペクトルにおけるピーク構造から探ることを目的としている。これらの中間子は同じ量子数を持ち、互いに混合する粒子であるが、カイラル対称性の部分的回復に対する応答メカニズムが異なっていると考えられる。本研究はこれらの束縛系を包括的に議論することにより、有限媒質中におけるカイラル対称性回復のシグナルがどのように得られるのかを解明することを目指す。 現在、eta'中間子と核子との相互作用を明らかにするため、eta'中間子と同じ量子数を持つ軽い擬スカラー中間子(π中間子、η中間子、K中間子)とバリオン(N, Λ, Σ)の結合チャネルを理論的に取り入れている。現在、これに、ベクトル中間子を加味し、eta'中間子生成の閾値近傍におけるeta'N散乱の実験データの記述を試みている。これは実施計画に記述した理論体系の強化に対応する。 研究の進行は順調であり、2022年度にはこれらの理論模型を用いて、eta'と原子核の系を記述する予定である。, kaken
  • 基盤研究(C), Apr. 2024, Mar. 2028, 24K07051, QCDが持つ対称性とハドロンの性質及び有限密度効果の関係の解明, 永廣 秀子, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 奈良女子大学, 4030000, 3100000, 930000, kaken

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