Researchers Database


FacultyFaculty Division of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Group of Language and Culture
Last Updated :2024/06/12


Profile and Settings

  • Name (Japanese)

  • Name (Kana)


Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences, Literature - European

Research Experience

  • Apr. 2012, 奈良女子大学文学部教授
  • Apr. 2007, Mar. 2012, 奈良女子大学文学部准教授
  • Apr. 1996, Mar. 2007, 奈良女子大学文学部助教授
  • Oct. 1994, Mar. 1996, 岡山大学文学部講師
  • Apr. 1989, Sep. 1994, 岡山大学教養部講師
  • Apr. 1988, Mar. 1989, 岡山大学教養部助手


  • 1988, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Humanities, 英語英文学
  • 1985, The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Literature, 英語英米文学

Association Memberships

  • 東大英文学会
  • The English Literary Society of Japan
  • 日本アメリカ文学会 中四国支部
  • 日本アメリカ文学会 関西支部
  • 日本スコット・フィッツジェラルド協会



  • Not Refereed, Dec. 2023, 11, 77, 96
  • Not Refereed, Dec. 2022, 10, 91, 109
  • Not Refereed, Dec. 2021, 9, 125, 142
  • Dec. 2020, 8, 61, 78
  • Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, バーセルミにおける創造――『白雪姫』論, 竹本憲昭, Dec. 2019, 7, 81, 99
  • Not Refereed, Society for the Study of Eyropean and American Language and Culture, A Study of ┣DBV.(/)┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2018, 6, 57-74
  • Not Refereed, Society for the Study of Eyropean and American Language and Culture, A Study of ┣DBGiles Goat-Boy(/)┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2017, 5, 91-108
  • Not Refereed, Society for the Study of Eyropean and American Language and Culture, 奈良女子大学文学部 欧米言語文化学会, A Study of ┣DBCatch-22(/)┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2016, 4, 73-91, 91
  • Not Refereed, Society for the Study of Eyropean and American Language and Culture, 奈良女子大学 欧米言語文化学会, A Study of ┣DBWatermelon Sugar(/)┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2015, 3, 93-109, 109
  • Not Refereed, Society for the Study of Eyropean and American Language and Culture, 奈良女子大学文学部 欧米言語文化学会, A Study of ┣DBAn American Dream(/)┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2014, 2, 75-92, 92
  • Not Refereed, Society for the Study of Eyropean and American Language and Culture, 奈良女子大学文学部 欧米言語文化学会, A Study of ┣DBSlaughterhouse-Five(/)-┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2013, 1, 77-96, 96
  • Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, A Study of ┣DBThe Painted Bird(/)-┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2012, 31, 27-52
  • Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Nara Women's University, A Study of ┣DBDo Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?(/)-┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2010, 29, 29, 27-47, 47
  • Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Nara Women's University, A Study of ┣DBAll-Night Visitors(/)-┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2009, 28, 28, 19-37, 37
  • Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Nara Women's University, ┣DBIdoru(/)-┫DB and Otaku, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2007, 26, 26, 1-25, 25
  • Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Nara Women's University, A Study of ┣DBBeetle Leg(/)-┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2006, 25, 25, 1-18, 18
  • Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Restrictions in "Charivari", TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2005, 24, 27-55
  • Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Nara Women's University, ┣DBReckless Eyeballing(/)-┫DB and Feminism, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2004, 23, 23, 29-45, 45
  • Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Nara Women's University, Gender in ┣DBThe Left Hand of Darkness(/)-┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Oct. 2003, 22, 22, 25-41, 41
  • Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, The Survival of the Fittest in ┣DBThe Cannibal(/)-┫DB (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Oct. 2002, 21, 37-63
  • Not Refereed, Littera, Philip K. Dick and Differences--On ┣DBThe Man in the High Castle(/)-┫DB (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Mar. 2000, 4, 134-145
  • Not Refereed, Annual Report of Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences/The Faculty of Letters Nara Women' s University, Nara Women's University, Noises and Fragments: A Study of William Gaddis's ┣DBJR(/)-┫DB (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Mar. 1999, 42, 42, 125-135, 136
  • Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Ann Beattie and the Popular Music -On ┣DBLove Always(/)-┫DB (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Mar. 1999, 18, 1-20
  • Not Refereed, Journal of the Faculty of Letters Okayama University, Ishmael Reed and Syncretism (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 1995, 24, 153-160
  • Not Refereed, Journal of the School of General Education Okayama University, ┣DBThe Recognitions(/)-┫DB and Europe (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Feb. 1993, 32, 45-66
  • Not Refereed, Journal of the School of General Education Okayama University, A Study of Donald Barthelme's Creation (1) (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Jul. 1991, 29, 243-63
  • Not Refereed, Journal of the School of General Education Okayama University, Corruption of Demonic Men -On ┣DBWhy Are We in Vietnam? (/)-┫DB- (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Feb. 1990, 26, 351-373
  • Not Refereed, Journal of the School of General Education Okayama University, Death in Hawkes's Fiction (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Feb. 1989, 25, 115-137
  • Not Refereed, Strata, ストラータ同人会, 楽園の在処―ケルアック試論―, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Jan. 1988, 3, 3, 48-62, 62
  • Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, A Study of The Universal Association, Inc., J. Henry Waugh, Prop., 竹本憲昭, Dec. 2020, 8, 61, 78
  • Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, A Study of Babel-17, 竹本憲昭, Dec. 2021, 9, 125, 142
  • Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, A Study of Herzog, 竹本憲昭, Dec. 2022, 10, 91, 109
  • Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, 『ノグ』論, 竹本憲昭, Dec. 2023, 11, 77, 96

Books etc

  • アメリカ文学における幸福の追求とその行方, 金星堂, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Feb. 2018, 97-115, Not Refereed
  • 現代アメリカ小説研究, 大学教育出版, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Apr. 2011, Not Refereed
  • 英語文学とフォークロア――歌、祭り、語り――, 南雲堂フェニックス, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Dec. 2008, 232-243, Not Refereed
  • 二〇世紀アメリカ文学を学ぶ人のために, 世界思想社, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Oct. 2006, 56-67, Not Refereed
  • The Dictionary of 20th Century Literature in English, 研究社, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Nov. 2005, 33, 48, 53, 164-165, 204, 237, 428, 611, 707, 879-880, 988, Not Refereed
  • 交差するメディア――アメリカ文学・映像・音楽, 大阪教育図書, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Mar. 2003, 157-177, Not Refereed
  • 冷戦とアメリカ文学, 世界思想社, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Sep. 2001, 176-197, Not Refereed
  • 文学と女性, 英宝社, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Nov. 2000, 285-299, Not Refereed
  • アメリカ作家とヨーロッパ, 英宝社, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Apr. 1996, 333-348, Not Refereed
  • 読み直すアメリカ文学, 研究社出版, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Mar. 1996, 206-219, Not Refereed
  • Anyone, 福武書店, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Jun. 1992, 136-174, Not Refereed


  • TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 日本アメリカ文学会第54回大会\nシンポジウム・アメリカ文学における幸福の追求とその行方, Brautiganの戯れと幸福感, Oct. 2015

Research Projects

  • ジョン・ホークスの小説の研究, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • Study on the Novels of John Hawkes, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding



  • 日本スコット・フィッツジェラルド協会, 関西事務局長, Nov. 2013, Mar. 2017, Society
  • Nov. 2013, Mar. 2017, Society
  • 日本アメリカ文学会 関西支部, 事務局幹事, 1996, Society
  • 1996, Society
  • 日本アメリカ文学会 関西支部, 地区委員, 1996, Society
  • 1996, Society
  • 日本アメリカ文学会 中四国支部, 支部運営委員, 1989, Society
  • 1989, Society
  • The English Literary Society of Japan, 編集委員, 1988, Society
  • 1988, Society

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