Not Refereed, Dec. 2023, 11, 77, 96
Not Refereed, Dec. 2022, 10, 91, 109
Not Refereed, Dec. 2021, 9, 125, 142
Dec. 2020, 8, 61, 78
Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, バーセルミにおける創造――『白雪姫』論, 竹本憲昭, Dec. 2019, 7, 81, 99
Not Refereed, Society for the Study of Eyropean and American Language and Culture, A Study of ┣DBV.(/)┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2018, 6, 57-74
Not Refereed, Society for the Study of Eyropean and American Language and Culture, A Study of ┣DBGiles Goat-Boy(/)┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2017, 5, 91-108
Not Refereed, Society for the Study of Eyropean and American Language and Culture, 奈良女子大学文学部 欧米言語文化学会, A Study of ┣DBCatch-22(/)┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2016, 4, 73-91, 91
Not Refereed, Society for the Study of Eyropean and American Language and Culture, 奈良女子大学 欧米言語文化学会, A Study of ┣DBWatermelon Sugar(/)┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2015, 3, 93-109, 109
Not Refereed, Society for the Study of Eyropean and American Language and Culture, 奈良女子大学文学部 欧米言語文化学会, A Study of ┣DBAn American Dream(/)┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2014, 2, 75-92, 92
Not Refereed, Society for the Study of Eyropean and American Language and Culture, 奈良女子大学文学部 欧米言語文化学会, A Study of ┣DBSlaughterhouse-Five(/)-┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2013, 1, 77-96, 96
Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, A Study of ┣DBThe Painted Bird(/)-┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2012, 31, 27-52
Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Nara Women's University, A Study of ┣DBDo Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?(/)-┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2010, 29, 29, 27-47, 47
Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Nara Women's University, A Study of ┣DBAll-Night Visitors(/)-┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2009, 28, 28, 19-37, 37
Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Nara Women's University, ┣DBIdoru(/)-┫DB and Otaku, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2007, 26, 26, 1-25, 25
Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Nara Women's University, A Study of ┣DBBeetle Leg(/)-┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2006, 25, 25, 1-18, 18
Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Restrictions in "Charivari", TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2005, 24, 27-55
Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Nara Women's University, ┣DBReckless Eyeballing(/)-┫DB and Feminism, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 2004, 23, 23, 29-45, 45
Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Nara Women's University, Gender in ┣DBThe Left Hand of Darkness(/)-┫DB, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Oct. 2003, 22, 22, 25-41, 41
Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, The Survival of the Fittest in ┣DBThe Cannibal(/)-┫DB (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Oct. 2002, 21, 37-63
Not Refereed, Littera, Philip K. Dick and Differences--On ┣DBThe Man in the High Castle(/)-┫DB (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Mar. 2000, 4, 134-145
Not Refereed, Annual Report of Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences/The Faculty of Letters Nara Women' s University, Nara Women's University, Noises and Fragments: A Study of William Gaddis's ┣DBJR(/)-┫DB (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Mar. 1999, 42, 42, 125-135, 136
Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Ann Beattie and the Popular Music -On ┣DBLove Always(/)-┫DB (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Mar. 1999, 18, 1-20
Not Refereed, Journal of the Faculty of Letters Okayama University, Ishmael Reed and Syncretism (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Dec. 1995, 24, 153-160
Not Refereed, Journal of the School of General Education Okayama University, ┣DBThe Recognitions(/)-┫DB and Europe (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Feb. 1993, 32, 45-66
Not Refereed, Journal of the School of General Education Okayama University, A Study of Donald Barthelme's Creation (1) (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Jul. 1991, 29, 243-63
Not Refereed, Journal of the School of General Education Okayama University, Corruption of Demonic Men -On ┣DBWhy Are We in Vietnam? (/)-┫DB- (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Feb. 1990, 26, 351-373
Not Refereed, Journal of the School of General Education Okayama University, Death in Hawkes's Fiction (in Japanese), TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Feb. 1989, 25, 115-137
Not Refereed, Strata, ストラータ同人会, 楽園の在処―ケルアック試論―, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Jan. 1988, 3, 3, 48-62, 62
Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, A Study of The Universal Association, Inc., J. Henry Waugh, Prop., 竹本憲昭, Dec. 2020, 8, 61, 78
Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, A Study of Babel-17, 竹本憲昭, Dec. 2021, 9, 125, 142
Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, A Study of Herzog, 竹本憲昭, Dec. 2022, 10, 91, 109
Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, 『ノグ』論, 竹本憲昭, Dec. 2023, 11, 77, 96
アメリカ文学における幸福の追求とその行方, 金星堂, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Feb. 2018, 97-115, Not Refereed
現代アメリカ小説研究, 大学教育出版, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, Apr. 2011, Not Refereed
英語文学とフォークロア――歌、祭り、語り――, 南雲堂フェニックス, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Dec. 2008, 232-243, Not Refereed
二〇世紀アメリカ文学を学ぶ人のために, 世界思想社, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Oct. 2006, 56-67, Not Refereed
The Dictionary of 20th Century Literature in English, 研究社, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Nov. 2005, 33, 48, 53, 164-165, 204, 237, 428, 611, 707, 879-880, 988, Not Refereed
交差するメディア――アメリカ文学・映像・音楽, 大阪教育図書, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Mar. 2003, 157-177, Not Refereed
冷戦とアメリカ文学, 世界思想社, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Sep. 2001, 176-197, Not Refereed
文学と女性, 英宝社, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Nov. 2000, 285-299, Not Refereed
アメリカ作家とヨーロッパ, 英宝社, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Apr. 1996, 333-348, Not Refereed
読み直すアメリカ文学, 研究社出版, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Mar. 1996, 206-219, Not Refereed
Anyone, 福武書店, TAKEMOTO Noriaki, 分担, Jun. 1992, 136-174, Not Refereed