Not Refereed
Not Refereed, 1月 2022, 1, 28,
Refereed, 12 Jul. 2021, 7, 068, 44, 10.1007/jhep07(2021)068
Refereed, Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS), Towards fully nonperturbative computations of inelastic ℓN scattering cross sections from lattice QCD, Hidenori Fukaya; Shoji Hashimoto; Takashi Kaneko; Hiroshi Ohki, 22 Dec. 2020, 102, 11, Scientific journal, 10.1103/physrevd.102.114516
Refereed, Physical Review D, Modular flavor symmetry on a magnetized torus, Hiroshi Ohki; Shohei Uemura; Risa Watanabe, © 2020 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the ""Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3. We study the modular invariance in magnetized torus models. The modular invariant flavor model is a recently proposed hypothesis for solving the flavor puzzle, where the flavor symmetry originates from modular invariance. In this framework, coupling constants such as Yukawa couplings are also transformed under the flavor symmetry. We show that the low-energy effective theory of magnetized torus models is invariant under a specific subgroup of the modular group. Since Yukawa couplings as well as chiral zero modes transform under the modular group, the above modular subgroup (referred to as modular flavor symmetry) provides a new type of modular invariant flavor models with D4×Z2, (Z4×Z2)⋊Z2, and (Z8×Z2)⋊Z2. We also find that conventional discrete flavor symmetries which arise in magnetized torus model are noncommutative with the modular flavor symmetry. Combining both symmetries, we obtain a larger flavor symmetry, which is the semidirect product of the conventional flavor symmetry and the modular flavor symmetry for the nonvanishing Wilson line. For the vanishing Wilson line, we have additional Z2 symmetry, i.e., parity, which is the unique common element between the conventional flavor symmetry and the modular flavor symmetry., Oct. 2020, 102, 8, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.085008
Refereed, Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitational waves from walking technicolor, Kohtaroh Miura; Hiroshi Ohki; Saeko Otani; Koichi Yamawaki, © 2019, The Author(s). We study gravitational waves from the first-order electroweak phase transition in the SU(Nc) gauge theory with Nf/Nc ≫ 1 (“large Nf QCD”) as a candidate for the walking technicolor, which is modeled by the U(Nf) × U(Nf) linear sigma model with classical scale symmetry (without mass term), particularly for Nf = 8 (“one-family model”). This model exhibits spontaneous breaking of the scale symmetry as well as the U(Nf) × U(Nf) radiatively through the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism à la Gildener-Weinberg, thus giving rise to a light pseudo dilaton (technidilaton) to be identified with the 125 GeV Higgs. This model possess a strong first-order electroweak phase transition due to the resultant Coleman-Weinberg type potential. We estimate the bubble nucleation that exhibits an ultra supercooling and then the signal for a stochastic gravitational wave produced via the strong first-order electroweak phase transition. We show that the amplitude can be reached to the expected sensitivities of the LISA., 01 Oct. 2019, 2019, 10, Scientific journal, 10.1007/JHEP10(2019)194
Refereed, Physical Review Letters, Novel |Vus | Determination Using Inclusive Strange τ Decay and Lattice Hadronic Vacuum Polarization Functions, Peter Boyle; Renwick James Hudspith; Taku Izubuchi; Andreas Jüttner; Christoph Lehner; Randy Lewis; Kim Maltman; Hiroshi Ohki; Antonin Portelli; Matthew Spraggs, © 2018 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. We propose and apply a new approach to determining |Vus| using dispersion relations with weight functions having poles at Euclidean (spacelike) momentum which relate strange hadronic τ decay distributions to hadronic vacuum polarization (HVP) functions obtained from lattice quantum chromodynamics. We show examples where spectral integral contributions from the region where experimental data have large errors or do not exist are strongly suppressed but accurate determinations of the relevant lattice HVP combinations remain possible. The resulting |Vus| agrees well with determinations from K physics and three-family Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa unitarity. Advantages of this new approach over the conventional hadronic τ decay determination employing flavor-breaking sum rules are also discussed., 16 Nov. 2018, 121, 20, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.202003
Refereed, Physical Review D, Nucleon charges with dynamical overlap fermions, N. Yamanaka; S. Hashimoto; T. Kaneko; H. Ohki, © 2018 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. We calculate the scalar and tensor charges of the nucleon in 2+1-flavor lattice QCD, for which the systematics of the renormalization of the disconnected diagram is well controlled. Numerical simulations are performed at a single lattice spacing a=0.11 fm. We simulate four pion masses, which cover a range of mπ∼290-540 MeV, and a single strange quark mass close to its physical value. The statistical accuracy is improved by employing the so-called low-mode averaging technique and the truncated solver method. We study up, down, and strange quark contributions to the nucleon charges by calculating disconnected diagrams using the all-to-all quark propagator. Chiral symmetry is exactly preserved by using the overlap quark action to avoid operator mixing among different flavors, which complicates the renormalization of scalar and tensor matrix elements and leads to possibly large contamination to the small strange quark contributions. We also study the nucleon axial charge with a contribution from the disconnected diagram. Our results are in reasonable agreement with experiments and previous lattice studies., 25 Sep. 2018, 98, 5, Scientific journal, 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.054516
Refereed, EPJ Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences, | Vus | determination from inclusive strange tau decay and lattice HVP, Peter Boyle; Renwick James Hudspith; Taku Izubuchi; Andreas Jüttner; Christoph Lehner; Randy Lewis; Kim Maltman; Hiroshi Ohki; Antonin Portelli; Matthew Spraggs, We propose and apply a novel approach to determining |Vus| which uses inclusive strange hadronic tau decay data and hadronic vacuum polarization functions (HVPs) computed on the lattice. The experimental and lattice data are related through dispersion relations which employ a class of weight functions having poles at space-like momentum. Implementing this approach using lattice data generated by the RBC/UKQCD collaboration, we show examples of weight functions which strongly suppress spectral integral contributions from the region where experimental data either have large uncertainties or do not exist while at the same time allowing accurate determinations of relevant lattice HVPs. Our result for |Vus| is in good agreement with determinations from K physics and 3-family CKM unitarity. The advantages of the new approach over the conventional sum rule analysis will be discussed., 26 Mar. 2018, 175, International conference proceedings, 10.1051/epjconf/201817513011
Refereed, On Lattice Calculation of Electric Dipole Moments and Form Factors of the Nucleon, M. Abramczyk; S. Aoki; T. Blum; T. Izubuchi; H. Ohki; S. Syritsyn, We analyze commonly used expressions for computing the nucleon electric
dipole form factors (EDFF) $F_3$ and moments (EDM) on a lattice and find that
they lead to spurious contributions from the Pauli form factor $F_2$ due to
inadequate definition of these form factors when parity mixing of lattice
nucleon fields is involved. Using chirally symmetric domain wall fermions, we
calculate the proton and the neutron EDFF induced by the CP-violating quark
chromo-EDM interaction using the corrected expression. In addition, we
calculate the electric dipole moment of the neutron using background electric
field that respects time translation invariance and boundary conditions, and
find that it decidedly agrees with the new formula but not the old formula for
$F_3$. Finally, we analyze some selected lattice results for the nucleon EDM
and observe that after the correction is applied, they either agree with zero
or are substantially reduced in magnitude, thus reconciling their difference
from phenomenological estimates of the nucleon EDM., 26 Jan. 2017, 10.1103/PhysRevD.96.014501
Refereed, Light flavor-singlet scalars and walking signals in $N_f=8$ QCD on the lattice, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Ed Bennett; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, Based on the highly improved staggered quark action, we perform lattice
simulations of $N_f=8$ QCD and confirm our previous observation of a
flavor-singlet scalar meson (denoted as $\sigma$) as light as the pion and
various "walking signals" through low-lying spectra, with higher statistics,
smaller fermion masses $m_f$, and larger volumes. We measure $M_\pi$, $F_\pi$,
$M_\rho$, $M_{a_0}$, $M_{a_1}$, $M_{b_1}$, $M_N$, $M_\sigma$, $F_\sigma$,
$\langle \bar{\psi} \psi\rangle$ (both directly and through the GMOR relation),
and the string tension. The data are consistent with the spontaneously broken
phase of the chiral symmetry, in agreement with the previous results: ratios of
the quantities to $M_\pi$ monotonically increase in the smaller $m_f$ region
towards the chiral limit similarly to $N_f=4$ QCD, in sharp contrast to
$N_f=12$ QCD where the ratios become flattened. The hyperscaling relation holds
with roughly a universal value of the anomalous dimension, $\gamma_m \simeq 1$,
with a notable exception of $M_\pi$ with $\gamma_m \simeq 0.6$ as in the
previous results. This is a salient feature ("walking signal") of $N_f=8$,
unlike either $N_f=4$ which has no hyperscaling relation at all, or $N_f=12$
QCD which exhibits universal hyperscaling. We further confirm the previous
observation of the light $\sigma$ with mass comparable to the pion in the
studied $m_f$ region. In a chiral limit extrapolation of the $\sigma$ mass
using the dilaton chiral perturbation theory and also using the simple linear
fit, we find the value consistent with the 125 GeV Higgs boson within errors.
Our results suggest that the theory could be a good candidate for walking
technicolor model, having anomalous dimension $\gamma_m \simeq 1$ and a light
flavor-singlet scalar meson as a technidilaton, which can be identified with
the 125 GeV composite Higgs in $N_f=8$ one-family model., 22 Oct. 2016, 10.1103/PhysRevD.96.014508
Refereed, NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS PROCEEDINGS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Lattice Studies on 8-Flavor QCD in The Light of Physics Beyond The Standard Model, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Ed Bennett; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, We report the latest results of the LatKMI collaboration on 8-flavor QCD using Monte Carlo simulations of the lattice gauge theory. The subject receives growing interest with regards to physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). We show that a flavor-singlet scalar meson (sigma) emerges as one of the lightest bound states and can be a composite Higgs boson with mass 125 GeV. The light sigma may be a technidilaton, a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson of the approximate scale symmetry, which results from a slowly running (walking) coupling constant associated with an infra-red fixed point. Consistently to this reasoning, a mass anomalous dimension gamma is found to be large gamma similar to 1. We discuss the applicability of 8-flavor QCD to the BSM model building., Jan. 2016, 270, 242, 246, International conference proceedings, 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2016.02.048
Refereed, Light composite scalar in eight-flavor QCD on the lattice, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, We present the first observation of a flavor-singlet scalar meson as light as
the pion in $N_f=8$ QCD on the lattice, using the Highly Improved Staggered
Quark action. Such a light scalar meson can be regarded as a composite Higgs
with mass 125 GeV. In accord with our previous lattice results showing that the
theory exhibits walking behavior, the light scalar may be a technidilaton, a
pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson of the approximate scale symmetry in walking
technicolor., 19 Mar. 2014, 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.111502
Refereed, Flavor landscape of 10D SYM theory with magnetized extra dimensions, Hiroyuki Abe; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Keigo Sumita; Yoshiyuki Tatsuta, We study the flavor landscape of particle physics models based on a
ten-dimensional super Yang-Mills theory compactified on magnetized tori
preserving four-dimensional ${\cal N}=1$ supersymmetry. Recently, we
constructed a semi-realistic model which contains the minimal supersymmetric
standard model (MSSM) using an Ansatz of magnetic fluxes and orbifolding
projections. However, we can consider more various configurations of magnetic
fluxes and orbifolding projections preserving four-dimensional ${\cal N}=1$
supersymmetry. We research systematically such possibilities for leading to
MSSM-like models and study their phenomenological aspects., 07 Jul. 2013, 10.1007/JHEP04(2014)007
Refereed, Light composite scalar in twelve-flavor QCD on the lattice, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, Based on lattice simulations using highly improved staggered quarks for
twelve-flavor QCD with several bare fermion masses, we observe a flavor-singlet
scalar state lighter than the pion in the correlators of fermionic
interpolating operators. The same state is also investigated using correlators
of gluonic interpolating operators. Combined with our previous study, that
showed twelve-flavor QCD to be consistent with being in the conformal window,
we infer that the lightness of the scalar state is due to infrared
conformality. This result shed some light on the possibility of a light
composite Higgs boson ("technidilaton") in walking technicolor theories., 26 May 2013, 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.162001
Refereed, Walking signals in Nf=8 QCD on the lattice, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, We investigate chiral and conformal properties of the lattice QCD with eight
flavors (Nf=8) through meson spectrum using the Highly Improved Staggered Quark
(HISQ) action. We also compare our results with those of Nf=12 and Nf=4 which
we study on the same systematics. We find that the decay constant F_pi of the
pseudoscalar meson "pion" is non-zero, with its mass M_pi consistent with zero,
both in the chiral limit extrapolation of the chiral perturbation theory
(ChPT). We also measure other quantities which we find are in accord with the
pi data results: The rho meson mass is consistent with non-zero in the chiral
limit, and so is the chiral condensate, with its value neatly coinciding with
that from the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation in the chiral limit. Thus our
data for the Nf=8 QCD are consistent with the spontaneously broken chiral
symmetry. Remarkably enough, while the Nf=8 data near the chiral limit are well
described by the ChPT, those for the relatively large fermion bare mass m_f
away from the chiral limit actually exhibit a finite-size hyperscaling
relation, suggesting a large anomalous dimension gamma_m ~ 1. This implies that
there exists a remnant of the infrared conformality, and suggests that a
typical technicolor ("one-family model") as modeled by the Nf=8 QCD can be a
walking technicolor theory having an approximate scale invariance with large
anomalous dimension gamma_m ~ 1., 27 Feb. 2013, 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.094511
Refereed, QUEST FOR THE ORIGIN OF PARTICLES IN THE UNIVERSE, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, KMI Lattice Projecct on 8-Flavor QCD - Explortation of the Walking Technicolor, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, We present the report of the LatKMI collaboration on the lattice QCD simulation performed at the KMI computer, "phi", for the cases of 8 flavors, which is expected to be a candidate for the walking technicolor having an approximate scale invariance near the infrared fixed point. The simulation was carried out based on the highly improved staggered quark (HISQ) action. In this proceedings, we report preliminary results on the spectrum, analyzed through the chiral perturbation theory and the finite-size hyperscaling. We observe qualitatively different behavior of the 8-flavor case in contrast to the 4-flavor case which shows clear indication of the hadronic phase as in the usual QCD., 2013, 267, 270, International conference proceedings
Refereed, QUEST FOR THE ORIGIN OF PARTICLES IN THE UNIVERSE, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, KMI Lattice Project on 16-Flavor QCD, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Aakihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, It is well known that the SU(3) gauge theory with the fundamental 16-flavor fermion is governed by a non-trivial infrared fixed point in the 2-loop perturbation theory, while the theory has not been well investigated by non-perturbative lattice simulations. We investigate properties of 16-flavor QCD by lattice simulation with highly improved action setup (HISQ/tree) at two lattice spacings. We present preliminary results for the mass of the lightest pseudoscalar meson at non-zero fermion mass. We discuss the (finite-size) hyperscaling of our data, the mass anomalous dimension extracted from the scaling, and comparison of the anomalous dimension with the perturbation theory., 2013, 275, 278, International conference proceedings
Refereed, QUEST FOR THE ORIGIN OF PARTICLES IN THE UNIVERSE, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, Analysis of the Schwinger-Dyson Equation in a box for the Study of Hyperscalling Relations, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, We study corrections to the finite-size hyperscaling relation in the conformal window of the large N-f QCD by using the ladder Schwinger-Dyson (SD) equation formulated in a finite space-time with the periodic boundary condition. We find that the anomalous dimension, when identified through the hyperscaling relation neglecting the correction caused by the non-zero fermion mass, yields a value substantially lower than the one at the fixed point for large mass region., 2013, 279, 282, International conference proceedings
Refereed, QUEST FOR THE ORIGIN OF PARTICLES IN THE UNIVERSE, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, The KMI Lattice Project - Exploring for Technicolor from QCD, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, Investigation of the SU(3) gauge theory with many fermions for the quest for the walking technicolor theory as a KMI project is described. The theory, if it is successfully constructed, can supersede the standard model Higgs sector, and thus can be a candidate of the theory of new physics. We utilize the KMI high-performance computing system phi perform the numerical simulation adopting a state-of-the-art lattice fermion formulation. A hint of the number of fermions for the candidate of the walking technicolor theory is emerging., 2013, 179, 186, International conference proceedings
Refereed, Phenomenological aspects of 10D SYM theory with magnetized extra dimensions, Hiroyuki Abe; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Akane Oikawa; Keigo Sumita, We present a particle physics model based on a ten-dimensional (10D) super
Yang-Mills (SYM) theory compactified on magnetized tori preserving
four-dimensional ${\cal N}=1$ supersymmetry. The low-energy spectrum contains
the minimal supersymmetric standard model with hierarchical Yukawa couplings
caused by a wavefunction localization of the chiral matter fields due to the
existence of magnetic fluxes, allowing a semi-realistic pattern of the quark
and the lepton masses and mixings. We show supersymmetric flavor structures at
low energies induced by a moduli-mediated and an anomaly-mediated supersymmetry
breaking., 19 Nov. 2012, 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2013.01.014
Refereed, Nucleon strange quark content from N_f=2+1 lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry, JLQCD Collaboration; H. Ohki; K. Takeda; S. Aoki; S. Hashimoto; T. Kaneko; H. Matsufuru; J. Noaki; T. Onogi, We calculate the strange quark content of the nucleon in 2+1-flavor lattice
QCD. Chirally symmetric overlap fermion formulation is used to avoid the
contamination from up and down quark contents due to an operator mixing between
strange and light scalar operators, \bar{s}s and \bar{u}u+\bar{d}d. At a
lattice spacing a=0.112(1) fm, we perform calculations at four values of
degenerate up and down quark masses, which cover a range of the pion mass M_pi
\simeq 300-540 MeV. We employ two different methods: one is a direct method
where we calculate the strange quark content by directly inserting the strange
scalar operator. The other is an indirect method where the quark content is
extracted from a derivative of the nucleon mass in terms of the strange quark
mass. With these two methods we obtain consistent results with each other. Our
best estimate f_{T_s}=0.009(15)(16) is in good agreement with our previous
studies in two-flavor QCD., 21 Aug. 2012
Refereed, Lattice study of conformality in twelve-flavor QCD, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, We study infrared conformality of the twelve-flavor QCD on the lattice.
Utilizing the highly improved staggered quarks (HISQ) type action which is
useful to study the continuum physics, we analyze the lattice data of the mass
and the decay constant of a pseudoscalar meson and the mass of a vector meson
as well at several values of lattice spacing and fermion mass. Our result is
consistent with the conformal hypothesis for the mass anomalous dimension
$\gamma_m \sim 0.4-0.5$., 12 Jul. 2012, 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.054506
Refereed, Lattice study of infrared behaviour in SU(3) gauge theory with twelve massless flavours, C. -J. David Lin; Kenji Ogawa; Hiroshi Ohki; Eigo Shintani, We present details of a lattice study of infrared behaviour in SU(3) gauge
theory with twelve massless fermions in the fundamental representation. Using
the step-scaling method, we compute the coupling constant in this theory over a
large range of scale. The renormalisation scheme in this work is defined by the
ratio of Polyakov loops in the directions with different boundary conditions.
We closely examine systematic effects, and find that they are dominated by
errors arising from the continuum extrapolation. Our investigation suggests
that SU(3) gauge theory with twelve flavours contains an infrared fixed point., 28 May 2012, 10.1007/JHEP08(2012)096
Refereed, Superfield description of 10D SYM theory with magnetized extra dimensions, Hiroyuki Abe; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Keigo Sumita, We present a four-dimensional (4D) ${\cal N}=1$ superfield description of
supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory in ten-dimensional (10D) spacetime with
certain magnetic fluxes in compactified extra dimensions preserving partial
${\cal N}=1$ supersymmetry out of full ${\cal N}=4$. We derive a 4D effective
action in ${\cal N}=1$ superspace directly from the 10D superfield action via
dimensional reduction, and identify its dependence on dilaton and geometric
moduli superfields. A concrete model for three generations of quark and lepton
superfields are also shown. Our formulation would be useful for building
various phenomenological models based on magnetized SYM theories or D-branes., 24 Apr. 2012, 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2012.05.012
Refereed, Study of the conformal hyperscaling relation through the Schwinger-Dyson equation, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, We study corrections to the conformal hyperscaling relation in the conformal
window of the large Nf QCD by using the ladder Schwinger-Dyson (SD) equation as
a concrete dynamical model. From the analytical expression of the solution of
the ladder SD equation, we identify the form of the leading mass correction to
the hyperscaling relation. We find that the anomalous dimension, when
identified through the hyperscaling relation neglecting these corrections,
yields a value substantially lower than the one at the fixed point \gamma_m^*
for large mass region. We further study finite-volume effects on the
hyperscaling relation, based on the ladder SD equation in a finite space-time
with the periodic boundary condition. We find that the finite-volume
corrections on the hyperscaling relation are negligible compared with the mass
correction. The anomalous dimension, when identified through the finite-size
hyperscaling relation neglecting the mass corrections as is often done in the
lattice analyses, yields almost the same value as that in the case of the
infinite space-time neglecting the mass correction, i.e., a substantially lower
value than \gamma_m^* for large mass. We also apply the finite-volume SD
equation to the chiral-symmetry-breaking phase and find that when the theory is
close to the critical point such that the dynamically generated mass is much
smaller than the explicit breaking mass, the finite-size hyperscaling relation
is still operative. We also suggest a concrete form of the modification of the
finite-size hyperscaling relation by including the mass correction, which may
be useful to analyze the lattice data., 19 Jan. 2012, 10.1103/PhysRevD.85.074502
Refereed, Spontaneous Parity Violation in SUSY Strong Gauge Theory, Naoyuki Haba; Hiroshi Ohki, We suggest simple models of spontaneous parity violation in supersymmetric
strong gauge theory. We focus on left-right symmetric model and investigate
vacuum with spontaneous parity violation. Non-perturbative effects are
calculable in supersymmetric gauge theory, and we suggest two new models. The
first model shows confinement, and the second model has a dual description of
the theory. The left-right symmetry breaking and electroweak symmetry breaking
are simultaneously occurred with the suitable energy scale hierarchy. The
second model also induces spontaneous supersymmetry breaking., 28 Apr. 2011, 10.1007/JHEP08(2011)021
Refereed, Non-Abelian Discrete Flavor Symmetries on Orbifolds, Hiroyuki Abe; Kang-Sin Choi; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Manabu Sakai, We study non-Abelian flavor symmetries on orbifolds, $S^1/Z_2$ and $T^2/Z_3$.
Our extra dimensional models realize $D_N$, $\Sigma(2N^2)$, $\Delta(3N^2)$ and
$\Delta(6N^2)$ including $A_4$ and $S_4$. In addition, one can also realize
their subgroups such as $Q_N$, $T_7$, etc. The $S_3$ flavor symmetry can be
realized on both $S^1/Z_2$ and $T^2/Z_3$ orbifolds., 27 Sep. 2010, 10.1142/S0217751X11054061
Refereed, Geometric entropy and third order phase transition in d=4 N=2 SYM with flavor, Mitsutoshi Fujita; Hiroshi Ohki, We analyze the phase structure of $d=4$ $\mathcal{N}=2$ large $N$ SYM theory
with flavor on $S^1\times S^3$ by using geometric entropy as an order
parameter. We introduce chemical potential conjugate to global U(1) symmetry
and find the third order phase transition at finite density by using the
geometric entropy as the order parameter. We also find that the geometric
entropy at the finite density has an interesting behavior at low temperature
and for large $N_f$., 02 Jun. 2010, 10.1007/JHEP08(2010)056
Refereed, Three-generation Models from E_8 Magnetized Extra Dimensional Theory, Tatsuo Kobayashi; Ryosuke Maruyama; Masaki Murata; Hiroshi Ohki; Manabu Sakai, We study 10D super Yang-Mills E8 theory on the 6D torus compactification with
magnetic fluxes. We study systematically the possibilities for realizing 4D
supersymmetric standard models with three generations of quarks and leptons. We
also study quark mass matrices., 15 Feb. 2010, 10.1007/JHEP05(2010)050
Refereed, Flavor structure from magnetic fluxes and non-Abelian Wilson lines, Hiroyuki Abe; Kang-Sin Choi; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki, We study the flavor structure of 4D effective theories, which are derived
from extra dimensional theories with magnetic fluxes and non-Abelian Wilson
lines. We study zero-mode wavefunctions and compute Yukawa couplings as well as
four-point couplings. In our models, we also discuss non-Abelian discrete
flavor symmetries such as $D_4$, $\Delta(27)$ and $\Delta(54)$., 12 Jan. 2010, 10.1103/PhysRevD.81.126003
Refereed, E6,7,8 Magnetized Extra Dimensional Models, Kang-Sin Choi; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Ryosuke Maruyama; Masaki Murata; Yuichiro Nakai; Hiroshi Ohki; Manabu Sakai, We study 10D super Yang-Mills theory with the gauge groups $E_6$, $E_7$ and
$E_8$. We consider the torus/orbifold compacfitication with magnetic fluxes and
Wilson lines. They lead to 4D interesting models with three families of quarks
and leptons, whose profiles in extra dimensions are quasi-localized because of
magnetic fluxes., 04 Aug. 2009, 10.1140/epjc/s10052-010-1275-9
Refereed, Magnetic flux, Wilson line and orbifold, Hiroyuki Abe; Kang-Sin Choi; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki, We study torus/orbifold models with magnetic flux and Wilson line background.
The number of zero-modes and their profiles depend on those backgrounds. That
has interesting implications from the viewpoint of particle phenomenology., 30 Jul. 2009, 10.1103/PhysRevD.80.126006
Refereed, Non-Abelian Discrete Flavor Symmetries from Magnetized/Intersecting Brane Models, Hiroyuki Abe; Kang-Sin Choi; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki, We study non-abelian discrete flavor symmetries, which can appear in
magnetized brane models. For example, $D_4$, $\Delta(27)$ and $\Delta(54)$ can
appear and matter fields with several representations can appear. We also study
the orbifold background, where non-abelian flavor symmetries are broken in a
certain way., 17 Apr. 2009, 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2009.05.024
Refereed, Higher Order Couplings in Magnetized Brane Models, Hiroyuki Abe; Kang-Sin Choi; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki, We compute three-point and higher order couplings in magnetized brane models.
We show that higher order couplings are written as products of three-point
couplings. This behavior is the same as higher order amplitudes by conformal
field theory calculations e.g. in intersecting D-brane models., 23 Mar. 2009, 10.1088/1126-6708/2009/06/080
Refereed, A new scheme for the running coupling constant in gauge theories using Wilson loops, Erek Bilgici; Antonino Flachi; Etsuko Itou; Masafumi Kurachi; C. -J David Lin; Hideo Matsufuru; Hiroshi Ohki; Tetsuya Onogi; Takeshi Yamazaki, We propose a new renormalization scheme of the running coupling constant in
general gauge theories using the Wilson loops. The renormalized coupling
constant is obtained from the Creutz ratio in lattice simulations and the
corresponding perturbative coefficient at the leading order. The latter can be
calculated by adopting the zeta-function resummation techniques. We perform a
benchmark test of our scheme in quenched QCD with the plaquette gauge action.
The running of the coupling constant is determined by applying the step-scaling
procedure. Using several methods to improve the statistical accuracy, we show
that the running coupling constant can be determined in a wide range of energy
scales with relatively small number of gauge configurations., 22 Feb. 2009, 10.1103/PhysRevD.80.034507
Refereed, Three generation magnetized orbifold models, Hiroyuki Abe; Kang-Sin Choi; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki, We study three generation models in the four-dimensional spacetime, which can
be derived from the ten-dimensional N=1 super Yang-Mills theory on the orbifold
background with a non-vanishing magnetic flux. We classify the flavor
structures and show possible patterns of Yukawa matrices. Some examples of
numerical studies are also shown., 18 Dec. 2008, 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2009.02.002
Refereed, Nucleon sigma term and strange quark content from lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry, H. Ohki; H. Fukaya; S. Hashimoto; T. Kaneko; H. Matsufuru; J. Noaki; T. Onogi; E. Shintani; N. Yamada; for JLQCD Collaboration, We calculate the nucleon sigma term in two-flavor lattice QCD utilizing the
Feynman-Hellman theorem. Both sea and valence quarks are described by the
overlap fermion formulation, which preserves exact chiral and flavor symmetries
on the lattice. We analyse the lattice data for the nucleon mass using the
analytical formulae derived from the baryon chiral perturbation theory. From
the data at valence quark mass set different from sea quark mass, we may
extract the sea quark contribution to the sigma term, which corresponds to the
strange quark content. We find that the strange quark content is much smaller
than the previous lattice calculations and phenomenological estimates., 29 Jun. 2008, 10.1103/PhysRevD.78.054502
Refereed, Magnetized orbifold models, Hiroyuki Abe; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki, We study (4+2n)-dimensional N=1 super Yang-Mills theory on the orbifold
background with non-vanishing magnetic flux. In particular, we study zero-modes
of spinor fields. The flavor structure of our models is different from one in
magnetized torus models, and would be interesting in realistic model building., 29 Jun. 2008, 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/09/043
Refereed, Soft supersymmetry breaking terms from D4 x Z2 lepton flavor symmetry, Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Yuji Omura; Ryo Takahashi; Morimitsu Tanimoto, We study the supersymmetric model with $D_4 \times Z_2$ lepton flavor
symmetry. We evaluate soft supersymmetry breaking terms, i.e. soft slepton
masses and A-terms, which are predicted in the $D_4$ flavor model. We consider
constraints due to experiments of flavor changing neutral current processes., 06 Mar. 2008, 10.1103/PhysRevD.77.115005
Refereed, D4 Flavor Symmetry for Neutrino Masses and Mixing, Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Yuji Omura; Ryo Takahashi; Morimitsu Tanimoto, We present the $D_4\times Z_2$ flavor symmetry, which is different from the
previous work by Grimus and Lavoura. Our model reduces to the standard model in
the low energy and there is no FCNC at the tree level. Putting the experimental
data, parameters are fixed, and then the implication of our model is discussed.
The condition to realize the tri-bimaximal mixing is presented. The possibility
for stringy realization of our model is also discussed., 16 Feb. 2008, 10.1016/j.physletb.2008.03.007
Refereed, Determination of B*B pi coupling in unquenched QCD, Hiroshi Ohki; Hideo Matsufuru; Tetsuya Onogi, The $B^* B\pi$ coupling is a fundamental parameter of chiral effective
Lagrangian with heavy-light mesons and can constrain the chiral behavior of
$f_B$, $B_B$ and the $B\to \pi l \nu$ form factor in the soft pion limit. We
compute the $B^* B \pi $ coupling with the static heavy quark and the
$O(a)$-improved Wilson light quark. Simulations are carried out with $n_f=2$
unquenched $12^3\times 24$ lattices at $\beta=1.80$ and $16^3\times 32$
lattices at $\beta=1.95$ generated by CP-PACS collaboration. To improve the
statistical accuracy, we employ the all-to-all propagator technique and the
static quark action with smeared temporal link variables following the quenched
study by Negishi {\it et al.}. These methods successfully work also on
unquenched lattices, and determine the $B^*B\pi$ coupling with 1--2%
statistical accuracy on each lattice spacing., 12 Feb. 2008, 10.1103/PhysRevD.77.094509
Refereed, GRAND UNIFIED THEORIES: CURRENT STATUS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS, AMER INST PHYSICS, Nucleon sigma term from lattice QCD, Hiroshi Ohki; Tetsuya Onogi, There has been renewed interest in the nucleon sigma term since it determines the neutralino dark matter reaction rate with nucleon through the t-channel Higgs boson exchange. Despite its importance and its long history of theoretical studies, there are still substantial uncertainties. We present our recent studies of the nucleon sigma term based on the JLQCD project of N-f = 2 unquenched lattice QCD simulation with dynamical overlap fermion., 2008, 1015, 52, 66, International conference proceedings
Refereed, Discrete R-symmetry anomalies in heterotic orbifold models, Takeshi Araki; Kang-Sin Choi; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Jisuke Kubo; Hiroshi Ohki, Anomalies of discrete R-symmetries appearing in heterotic orbifold models are
studied. We find that the mixed anomalies for different gauge groups satisfy
the universal Green-Schwarz (GS) condition, indicating that these anomalies are
canceled by the GS mechanism. An exact relation between the anomaly
coefficients of the discrete R-symmetries and one-loop beta-function
coefficients is obtained. We also find that the discrete R-symmetries have a
good chance to be unbroken down to the supersymmetry breaking scale. Even below
this scale a $Z_2$ subgroup is unbroken, which may be an origin of the R-parity
of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. Relations between the R-symmetry
anomalies and T-duality anomalies are also investigated., 22 May 2007, 10.1103/PhysRevD.76.066006
Refereed, Non-Factorisable Z2 times Z2 Heterotic Orbifold Models and Yukawa Couplings, Stefan Forste; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Kei-jiro Takahashi, We classify compactification lattices for supersymmetric Z2 times Z2
orbifolds. These lattices include factorisable as well as non-factorisable
six-tori. Different models lead to different numbers of fixed points/tori. A
lower bound on the number of fixed tori per twisted sector is given by four,
whereas an upper bound consists of 16 fixed tori per twisted sector. Thus,
these models have a variety of generation numbers. For example, in the standard
embedding, the smallest number of net generations among these classes of models
is equal to six, while the largest number is 48. Conditions for allowed Wilson
lines and Yukawa couplings are derived., 06 Dec. 2006, 10.1088/1126-6708/2007/03/011
Refereed, Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Modular origin of mass hierarchy: Froggatt-Nielsen like mechanism, Hitomi Kuranaga; Hiroshi Ohki; Shohei Uemura, Abstract
We study Froggatt-Nielsen (FN) like flavor models with modular symmetry. The FN mechanism is a convincing solution to the flavor puzzle in the quark sector. The FN mechanism requires an extra U(1) gauge symmetry which is broken at high energies. Alternatively, in the framework of modular symmetry the modular weights can play the role of the FN charges of the extra U(1) symmetry. Based on the FN-like mechanism with modular symmetry we present new flavor models for the quark sector. Assuming that the three generations have a common representation under the modular symmetry, our models simply reproduce the FN-like Yukawa matrices. We also show that the realistic mass hierarchy and mixing angles, which are related to each other through the modular parameters and a scalar vev, can be realized in models with several finite modular groups (and their double covering groups) without unnatural hierarchical parameters., Jul. 2021, 2021, 7, Scientific journal, 10.1007/jhep07(2021)068
Refereed, EPJ Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences, Inclusive B decay calculations with analytic continuation, Shoji Hashimoto; Brian Colquhoun; Taku Izubuchi; Takashi Kaneko; Hiroshi Ohki, First-principle lattice calculation of inclusive B meson semileptonic decays is possible for a certain class of moments that is connected to the structure function at unphysical kinematics by analytic continuation. We present an exploratory lattice calculation and a comparison with the heavy quark expansion technique., 26 Mar. 2018, 175, International conference proceedings, 10.1051/epjconf/201817513006
Refereed, Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS), All-mode renormalization for tensor network with stochastic noise, Erika Arai; Hiroshi Ohki; Shinji Takeda; Masaaki Tomii, 20 Jun. 2023, 107, 11, Scientific journal, 10.1103/physrevd.107.114515
EPJ Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences, Computing nucleon EDM on a lattice, Michael Abramczyk; Sinya Aoki; Tom Blum; Taku Izubuchi; Hiroshi Ohki; Sergey Syritsyn, I will discuss briefly recent changes in the methodology of computing the baryon EDM on a lattice. The associated correction substantially reduces presently existing lattice values for the proton and neutron theta-induced EDMs, so that even the most precise previous lattice results become consistent with zero. On one hand, this change removes previous disagreements between these lattice results and the phenomenological estimates of the nucleon EDM. On the other hand, the nucleon EDM becomes much harder to compute on a lattice. In addition, I will review the progress in computing quark chromo-EDM-induced nucleon EDM using chiral quark action., 26 Mar. 2018, 175, International conference proceedings, 10.1051/epjconf/201817506027
Proceedings of Science, Sissa Medialab Srl, Walking signals in eight-flavor QCD on the lattice, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, We investigate walking signals of Nf = 8 QCD through the meson spectrum, using the HISQ action. Our data for Nf = 8 QCD are consistent with chiral perturbation theory (ChPT) in their chiral extrapolations, hence with the theory exhibiting spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking. Remarkably, while the Nf = 8 data near the chiral limit are well described by the ChPT, those for the relatively large fermion bare mass mf away from the chiral limit actually exhibit a finite-size hyperscaling relation, suggesting a large anomalous dimension ?m ~ 1. This implies that there exists a remnant of the infrared conformality, and suggests that a typical “one-family" technicolor model, as modeled by Nf = 8 QCD, can be a walking technicolor theory., 2013, 2013-, International conference proceedings
Proceedings of Science, Sissa Medialab Srl, Lattice study of flavor-singlet scalar in large-Nf QCD, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, We present the results for the mass of the flavor-singlet scalar meson in Nf = 8 QCD, where we found signals of walking theory in our previous work, from the lattice calculation using the Highly Improved Staggered Quark action. It is found that the flavor-singlet scalar is as light as Nambu-Goldstone pseudoscalar in this theory. Since this property is similar to Nf = 12 QCD, where we found consistent behavior with conformal theory, it can be regarded as a signal of approximate scale symmetry in this theory. Thus, the light scalar may be a technidilaton, a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson of the approximate scale symmetry in walking technicolor. We discuss the possibility that such a light scalar meson can be regarded as a composite Higgs with mass 125 GeV., 2013, 2013-, International conference proceedings
Proceedings of Science, Sissa Medialab Srl, Conformal dynamics in Nf=12 lattice QCD, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, We study the infrared conformality of twelve-flavor QCD on the lattice, utilizing the Highly Improved Staggered Quark action, which realizes the simulations with minimal discretization error. The finite-size scaling test of the conformal hypothesis is performed for low-lying meson spectra. Our result is consistent with the conformal hypothesis for mass anomalous dimension ? ~ 0.4 - 0.5. Furthermore, the flavor-singlet scalar is found to be lighter than the pion, in sharp contrast to real-life QCD. This may be a hint to explain the Higgs boson mass as light as 125 GeV in walking technicolor., 2013, 2013-, International conference proceedings
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, SN, Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Hiroshi Okada; Yusuke Shimizu; Morimitsu Tanimoto, In this chapter, we study the symmetric group SN, which consists of all possible permutations among N objects. In particular, we study S3 and S4, and show their group-theoretical aspects such as conjugacy classes, characters, representations and tensor products., 2012, 858, 21, 30, In book, 10.1007/978-3-642-30805-5_3
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, QD 2N, Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Hiroshi Okada; Yusuke Shimizu; Morimitsu Tanimoto, In this chapter, we study generic aspects of QD2N and consider QD16 as a simple example., 2012, 858, 69, 74, In book, 10.1007/978-3-642-30805-5_8
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, T′, Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Hiroshi Okada; Yusuke Shimizu; Morimitsu Tanimoto, The group T′ is the double covering group of A4=T. In this chapter, we study this group and show its group-theoretical aspects., 2012, 858, 43, 49, In book, 10.1007/978-3-642-30805-5_5
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, Anomalies, Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Hiroshi Okada; Yusuke Shimizu; Morimitsu Tanimoto, In general, symmetries at the tree level can be broken by quantum effects, that is, anomalies. We review anomalies of discrete Abelian and non-Abelian symmetries. Also the anomaly-free conditions are given explicitly for the discrete groups, which are studied in the previous chapters., 2012, 858, 185, 204, In book, 10.1007/978-3-642-30805-5_15
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, Σ(2N2), Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Hiroshi Okada; Yusuke Shimizu; Morimitsu Tanimoto, In this chapter, we study the group Σ(2N2), which is isomorphic to (ZN×ZN)⋊Z2. We explain generic aspects and show simple examples, Σ(18), Σ(32) and Σ(50)., 2012, 858, 75, 86, In book, 10.1007/978-3-642-30805-5_9
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, Σ(3N3), Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Hiroshi Okada; Yusuke Shimizu; Morimitsu Tanimoto, In this chapter, we study the group Σ(3N3), which is isomorphic to (ZN×ZN×ZN)⋊Z3. We explain generic aspects and show a simple example, Σ(81)., 2012, 858, 109, 121, In book, 10.1007/978-3-642-30805-5_12
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetry in Quark/Lepton Flavor Models, Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Hiroshi Okada; Yusuke Shimizu; Morimitsu Tanimoto, Non-Abelian discrete groups have been adopted for the flavor models of the quarks and leptons. In this chapter, we present some typical flavor models based on these discrete symmetries. The examples will illustrate how such models are built. However, before discussing the models themselves, we briefly review the main features of recent experimental data regarding neutrino flavor mixing., 2012, 858, 205, 227, In book, 10.1007/978-3-642-30805-5_16
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, Basics of Finite Groups, Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Hiroshi Okada; Yusuke Shimizu; Morimitsu Tanimoto, We explain pedagogically the basics of group theory, in particular finite groups. We show several examples in order to obtain a clear understanding of finite groups., 2012, 858, 13, 20, In book, 10.1007/978-3-642-30805-5_2
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, DN, Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Hiroshi Okada; Yusuke Shimizu; Morimitsu Tanimoto, In this chapter, we study the dihedral group, DN. This is the symmetry group of the regular polygon with N sides. We explain group-theoretical aspects for generic DN, and also show explicitly them for simple examples, D4 and D5., 2012, 858, 51, 60, In book, 10.1007/978-3-642-30805-5_6
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, TN, Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Hiroshi Okada; Yusuke Shimizu; Morimitsu Tanimoto, In this chapter, we study the group TN, which is isomorphic to ZN⋊Z3. We explain generic aspects and also show simple examples, T7, T13 and T19., 2012, 858, 97, 108, In book, 10.1007/978-3-642-30805-5_11
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, AN, Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Hiroshi Okada; Yusuke Shimizu; Morimitsu Tanimoto, In this chapter, we study the group AN, consisting of all even permutations in SN. This group is refered as the alternating group. In particular, we consider A4 and A5, and show their group-theoretical aspects., 2012, 858, 31, 41, In book, 10.1007/978-3-642-30805-5_4
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, Δ(3N2), Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Hiroshi Okada; Yusuke Shimizu; Morimitsu Tanimoto, In this chapter, we study the group Δ(3N2), which is isomorphic to (ZN×ZN)⋊Z3. We explain generic aspects of Δ(3N2) and show a simple example, Δ(27)., 2012, 858, 87, 95, In book, 10.1007/978-3-642-30805-5_10
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, Subgroups and Decompositions of Multiplets, Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Hiroshi Okada; Yusuke Shimizu; Morimitsu Tanimoto, In this chapter, we study systematically subgroups of the discrete groups, which are studied in the previous chapters. We show explicitly breaking patterns of the discrete groups and docompositions of multiplets., 2012, 858, 147, 183, In book, 10.1007/978-3-642-30805-5_14
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, QN, Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Hiroshi Okada; Yusuke Shimizu; Morimitsu Tanimoto, In this chapter, we study the binary dihedral group, QN. Group-theoretical aspects are explained for generic QN and also illustrated for simple examples, Q4 and Q6., 2012, 858, 61, 68, In book, 10.1007/978-3-642-30805-5_7
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, Δ(6N2), Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Hiroshi Okada; Yusuke Shimizu; Morimitsu Tanimoto, In this chapter, we study the group Δ(6N2), which is isomorphic to (ZN×ZN)⋊S3. We explain generic aspects of Δ(6N2), and give a simple example, Δ(54)., 2012, 858, 123, 145, In book, 10.1007/978-3-642-30805-5_13
Not Refereed, 1月 2023, 336, 1, 8,
1月 2021, 1, 9
Refereed, 0月 2021, 1, 8
Not Refereed, Proceedings of 37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE2019), Sissa Medialab, Computing Nucleon Electric Dipole Moment from lattice QCD, Hiroshi Ohki; Taku Izubuchi; Sergey Syritsyn, 22 Apr. 2020, 363, 290, 0, 14, Introduction international proceedings, True, 10.22323/1.363.0290
Not Refereed, Calculation of Nucleon Electric Dipole Moments Induced by Quark Chromo-Electric Dipole Moments and the QCD $θ$-term, S. Syritsyn; T. Izubuchi; H. Ohki, Electric dipole moments (EDMs) of nucleons and nuclei, which are sought as
evidence of CP violation, require lattice calculations to connect constraints
from experiments to limits on the strong CP violation within QCD or CP
violation introduced by new physics from beyond the standard model. Nucleon EDM
calculations on a lattice are notoriously hard due to large statistical noise,
chiral symmetry violating effects, and potential mixing of the EDM and the
anomalous magnetic moment of the nucleon. In this report, details of ongoing
lattice calculations of proton and neutron EDMs induced by the QCD
$\theta$-term and the quark chromo-EDM, the lowest-dimension effective
CP-violating quark-gluon interaction are presented. Our calculation employs
chiral-symmetric fermion discretization. An assessment of feasibility of
nucleon EDM calculations at the physical point is discussed., 16 Jan. 2019
Not Refereed, Progress in the Nucleon Electric Dipole Moment Calculations in Lattice QCD, S. Syritsyn; T. Izubuchi; H. Ohki, Electric dipole moments (EDMs), which are sought as evidence of CP violation,
require lattice calculations to connect constraints from experiments to limits
on the strong CP violation within QCD or CP violation in new physics beyond the
standard model. Nucleon EDM calculations on a lattice are notoriously hard due
to large statistical noise, chiral symmetry violating effects, and potential
mixing of the EDM and the anomalous magnetic moment of the nucleon. In this
report, details of ongoing lattice calculations of proton and neutron EDMs
induced by the QCD $\theta$-term and the quark chromo-EDM, the lowest-dimension
effective CP-violating quark-gluon interaction are presented. Our calculation
employs chiral-symmetric fermion discretization. An assessment of feasibility
of nucleon EDM calculations at the physical point is discussed., 08 Oct. 2018
Not Refereed, Flavor-singlet spectrum in multi-flavor QCD, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Ed Bennett; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, Studying SU(3) gauge theories with increasing number of light fermions is
relevant both for understanding the strong dynamics of QCD and for constructing
strongly interacting extensions of the Standard Model (e.g. UV completions of
composite Higgs models). In order to contrast these many-flavors strongly
interacting theories with QCD, we study the flavor-singlet spectrum as an
interesting probe. In fact, some composite Higgs models require the Higgs boson
to be the lightest flavor-singlet scalar in the spectrum of a strongly
interacting new sector with a well defined hierarchy with the rest of the
states. Moreover, introducing many light flavors at fixed number of colors can
influence the dynamics of the lightest flavor-singlet pseudoscalar. We present
the on-going study of these flavor-singlet channels using multiple
interpolating operators on high-statistics ensembles generated by the LatKMI
collaboration and we compare results with available data obtained by the
Lattice Strong Dynamics collaboration. For the theory with 8 flavors, the two
collaborations have generated configurations that complement each others with
the aim to tackle the massless limit using the largest possible volumes., 18 Oct. 2017, 10.1051/epjconf/201817508023
Not Refereed, Calculation of Nucleon Electric Dipole Moments Induced by Quark Chromo-Electric Dipole Moments, Taku Izubuchi; Michael Abramczyk; Tom Blum; Hiroshi Ohki; Sergey Syritsyn, We present initial results of computing nucleon electric dipole moment
induced by quark chromo-EDM, CP-violating quark-gluon coupling. Using
chirally-symmetric domain wall and M\"obius fermions with pion mass
$m_\pi=172\text{ MeV}$, we calculate the connected part of the electric dipole
form factor $F_3(Q^2)$. In addition, we perform an exploratory study of the
method to calculate EDM using uniform background electric field on a lattice
introduced without breaking the periodicity in the time direction., 31 Jan. 2017
Not Refereed, MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, Determinations of V-us using inclusive hadronic tau decay data, Kim Maltman; Renwick James Hudspith; Randy Lewis; Taku Izubuchi; Hiroshi Ohki; James M. Zanotti, Two methods for determining |V-us| employing inclusive hadronic tau decay data are discussed. The first is the conventional flavor-breaking sum rule determination whose usual implementation produces results similar to 3 sigma low compared to three-family unitary expectations. The second is a novel approach combining experimental strange hadronic tau distributions with lattice light-strange current-current two-point function data. Preliminary explorations of the latter show the method promises |V-us| determinations competitive with those from K-l3 and Gamma[K-mu 2]/Gamma[(mu 2)]. For the former, systematic issues in the conventional implementation are investigated. Unphysical dependences of |V-us| on the choice of sum rule weight, w, and upper limit, s(0), of the weighted experimental spectral integrals are observed, the source of these problems identified and a new implementation which overcomes these problems developed. Lattice results are shown to provide a tool for quantitatively assessing truncation uncertainties for the slowly converging D = 2 OPE series. The results for |V-us| from this new implementation are shown to be free of unphysical w- and s(0)-dependences, and similar to 0.0020 higher than those produced by the conventional implementation. With preliminary new K pi branching fraction results as input, we find |V-us| in excellent agreement with that obtained from K-l3, and compatible within errors with expectations from three-family unitarity., Sep. 2016, 31, 29, Book review, 10.1142/S0217732316300305
Not Refereed, Dark Side of the Standard Model: Dormant New Physics Awaken, Shinya Matsuzaki; Hiroshi Ohki; Koichi Yamawaki, We find that the nonperturbative physics of the standard-model Higgs
Lagrangian provides a dark matter candidate, "dormant skyrmion in the standard
model", the same type of the skyrmion, a soliton, as in the hadron physics. It
is stabilized by another nonperturbative object in the standard model, the
dynamical gauge boson of the hidden local symmetry, which is also an analogue
of the rho meson., 12 Aug. 2016
Not Refereed, S-parameter and vector decay constant in QCD with eight fundamental fermions, LatKMI collaboration; Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Ed Bennett; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, SU(3) gauge theory with eight massless fundamental fermions seems to be near
the conformal boundary, and is a candidate theory of walking technicolor. Along
the series of study by LatKMI collaboration using HISQ fermions, S-parameter
and vector decay constant, which provide important constraints in the model of
electroweak symmetry breaking, are calculated for this theory. Use of various
volumes allows a systematic investigation of finite volume effects. A strong
sensitivity of the S-parameter to the volume is found., 02 Feb. 2016
Not Refereed, Topological observables in many-flavour QCD, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Ed Bennett; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, SU(3) gauge theory with eight massless flavours is believed to be walking,
while the corresponding twelve- and four-flavour appear IR-conformal and
confining respectively. Looking at the simulations performed by the LatKMI
collaboration of these theories, we use the topological susceptibility as an
additional probe of the IR dynamics. By drawing a comparison with SU(3) pure
gauge theory, we see a dynamical quenching effect emerge at larger number of
flavours, which is suggestive of emerging near-conformal and conformal
behaviour., 18 Jan. 2016
Not Refereed, Walking and conformal dynamics in many-flavor QCD, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Ed Bennett; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihito Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, In the search for a realistic walking technicolor model, QCD with many
flavors is an attractive candidate. From the series of studies by the LatKMI
collaboration, we present updated results of the scaling properties of various
hadron spectra, including the (pseudo)scalar, vector, and baryon channels, for
$N_f=8$ QCD analyzed with the HISQ action. By comparing these with $N_f=12$
QCD, which has properties consistent with conformality, possible signals of
walking dynamics are discussed. We also present a preliminary result of the
flavor-singlet pseudoscalar mass in many-flavor QCD., 11 Jan. 2016
Not Refereed, SU(3) gauge theory with four degenerate fundamental fermions on the lattice, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Ed Bennett; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, As a part of the project studying large $N_f$ QCD, the LatKMI Collaboration
has been investigating the SU(3) gauge theory with four fundamental fermions
(four-flavor QCD). The main purpose of studying four-flavor QCD is to provide a
qualitative comparison to $N_f= 8$, $12$, $16$ QCD; however, a quantitative
comparison to real-world QCD is also interesting. To make such comparisons more
meaningful, it is desirable to use the same kind of lattice action
consistently, so that qualitative difference of different theories are less
affected by artifacts of lattice discretization. Here, we adopt the
highly-improved staggered quark action with the tree-level Symanzik gauge
action (HISQ/tree), which is exactly the same as the setup for our simulations
for $SU(3)$ gauge theories with $N_f=8$, $12$ and $16$ fundamental
fermions~\cite{Aoki:2013xza, Aoki:2012eq, Aoki:2014oma}. In the next section,
we show the fermion mass dependence of $F_\pi$, $\langle\bar{\psi}\psi\rangle$,
$M_\pi$, $M_\rho$, $M_N$ and their chiral extrapolations. In section 3,
preliminary results of the measurement of the mass of the flavor-singlet scalar
bound state will be reported., 03 Dec. 2015
Not Refereed, Nucleon axial and tensor charges with dynamical overlap quarks, N. Yamanaka; H. Ohki; S. Hashimoto; T. Kaneko, We report on our calculation of the nucleon axial and tensor charges in
2+1-flavor QCD with dynamical overlap quarks. Gauge ensembles are generated at
a single lattice spacing 0.12 fm and at a strange quark mass close to its
physical value. We employ the all-mode-averaging technique to calculate the
relevant nucleon correlation functions, and the disconnected quark loop is
efficiently calculated by using the all-to-all quark propagator. We present our
preliminary results for the isoscalar and isovector charges obtained at pion
masses $m_\pi$ = 450 and 540 MeV., 14 Nov. 2015
Not Refereed, Lattice study for conformal windows of SU(2) and SU(3) gauge theories with fundamental fermions, Cynthia Y. -H. Huang; Issaku Kanamori; C. -J. David Lin; Kenji Ogawa; Hiroshi Ohki; Alberto Ramos; Enrico Rinaldi, We present our investigation of SU(2) gauge theory with 8 flavours, and SU(3)
gauge theory with 12 flavours. For the SU(2) case, at strong bare coupling,
$\beta \lesssim 1.45$, the distribution of the lowest eigenvalue of the Dirac
operator can be described by chiral random matrix theory for the Gaussian
symplectic ensemble. Our preliminary result indicates that the chiral phase
transition in this theory is of bulk nature. For the SU(3) theory, we use
high-precision lattice data to perform the step-scaling study of the coupling,
$g_{ { \rm GF } }$, in the Gradient Flow scheme. We carefully examine the
reliability of the continuum extrapolation in the analysis, and conclude that
the scaling behaviour of this SU(3) theory is not governed by possible infrared
conformality at $g_{ { \rm GF } }^{2} \lesssim 6$., 06 Nov. 2015
Not Refereed, Lattice study of the scalar and baryon spectra in many-flavor QCD, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Ed Bennett; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, In the search for a composite Higgs boson in walking technicolor models, many
flavor QCD, in particular with $N_f=8$, is an attractive candidate, and has
been found to have a composite flavor-singlet scalar as light as the pion.
Based on lattice simulations of this theory with the HISQ action, we will
present our preliminary results on the scalar decay constant using the
fermionic bilinear operator, and on the mass of the lightest baryon state which
could be a dark matter candidate. Combining these two results, implications for
dark matter direct detection are also discussed., 26 Oct. 2015
Not Refereed, Topological insights in many-flavor QCD on the lattice, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Ed Bennett; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, LatKMI Collaboration discusses the topological insights in many-flavor QCD on
the lattice. We explore walking/conformal/confining phase in $N_\mathrm{f}$ =
4, 8 and 12 (in particular $N_\mathrm{f}$ = 8) lattice QCD via the topological
charge and susceptibility, eigenvalues and anomalous dimension., 20 Oct. 2015
Not Refereed, Conformality in twelve-flavour QCD, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Ed Bennett; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, The spectrum of twelve-flavor QCD has been studied in details by the LatKMI
collaboration. In this proceeding we present our updated results for the
spectrum obtained with the HISQ action at two lattice spacings, several volumes
and fermion masses. In particular, we emphasize the existence of a
flavor-singlet scalar state parametrically light with respect to the rest of
the spectrum, first reported in our paper. This feature is expected to be
present for theories in the conformal window, but the lattice calculation of
such a state is difficult and requires noise-reduction techniques together with
large statistics, in order to evaluate disconnected diagrams. Being able to
provide a robust observed connection between a light flavor-singlet scalar and
(near-)conformality is an important step towards observing a light composite
Higgs boson in walking technicolor theories on the lattice. We also show
updated results for the mass anomalous dimension $\gamma_m$ obtained from
various spectral quantities, including the string tension, under the assumption
that the theory is inside the conformal window., 27 Jan. 2015
Not Refereed, Phase Structure Study of SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory with 8 Flavors, Cynthia Y. -H. Huang; C. -J. David Lin; Kenji Ogawa; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi, We present the investigation of the strong bare-coupling regime of SU(2)
lattice gauge theory with 8 fermion flavors in the fundamental representation.
The simulations are performed with unimproved staggered fermions and the
plaquette gauge action. One bulk phase transition is observed through the
measurement of the plaquette. The results of cold-start and hot-start
simulations, as well as the hysteresis study, indicate the order of this
transition can be weakly first order. Using the smeared Polyakov loops, and a
method inspired by the constraint effective potential, we study the vacuum
structure near the confining-deconfining phase transition. The Dirac operator
eigenvalue spectrum is investigated, where further analysis is needed to
clarify the properties of the chiral phase structure., 31 Oct. 2014
Not Refereed, SU(3) gauge theory with 12 flavours in a twisted box, C. -J. David Lin; Kenji Ogawa; Hiroshi Ohki; Alberto Ramos; Eigo Shintani, We present preliminary result for the step-scaling study of the coupling
constant with the Yang-Mills gradient flow, in the twelve-favour SU(3) gauge
theory. In this work, the lattice simulation is performed using unimproved
staggered fermions and the Wilson plaquette gauge action, from which the
gradient flow is also implemented. Imposing twisted boundary condition a'la
t'Hooft and Parisi, our calculation is performed at zero fermion mass. The
renormalised coupling constant is extracted via the computation of the energy
density. In order to examine the reliability of the continuum extrapolation, we
investigate this coupling constant using two different lattice discretisations.
Our result shows that in order to control the systematic effects in the
continuum extrapolation, it is necessary to implement a large enough
gradient-flow time. In the current calculation, the gauge-field averaging
radius corresponding to the flow time has to be as large as 40% of the lattice
size., 31 Oct. 2014
Not Refereed, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, SPRINGER, Non-Abelian discrete flavor symmetries of 10D SYM theory with magnetized extra dimensions, Hiroyuki Abe; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Keigo Sumita; Yoshiyuki Tatsuta, We study discrete flavor symmetries of the models based on a ten-dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills (10D SYM) theory compactified on magnetized tori. We assume non-vanishing non-factorizable fluxes as well as the orbifold projections. These setups allow model-building with more various flavor structures. Indeed, we show that there exist various classes of non-Abelian discrete flavor symmetries. In particular, we find that S-3 flavor symmetries can be realized in the framework of the magnetized 10D SYM theory for the first time., Jun. 2014, 6, Technical report, 10.1007/JHEP06(2014)017
Not Refereed, Composite flavor-singlet scalar in twelve-flavor QCD, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, We report the calculation of the flavor-singlet scalar in the SU(3) gauge
theory with the degenerate twelve fermions in the fundamental representation
using a HISQ-type action at a fixed $\beta$. In order to reduce the large
statistical error coming from the vacuum-subtracted disconnected correlator, we
employ a noise reduction method and a large number of configurations. We
observe that the flavor-singlet scalar is lighter than the pion in this theory
from the calculations with the fermion bilinear and gluonic operators. This
peculiar feature is considered to be due to the infrared conformality of this
theory, and it is a promissing signal for a walking technicolor, where a light
composite Higgs boson is expected to emerge by approximate conformal dynamics., 27 Nov. 2013
Not Refereed, Gluonic observables and the scalar spectrum of twelve-flavour QCD, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, We measure glueball masses and the string tension in twelve-flavour QCD,
aiming at comparing the emerging gluonic spectrum to the mesonic one. When
approaching the critical surface at zero quark mass, the hierarchy of masses in
the different sectors of the spectrum gives a new handle to determine the
existence of an infrared fixed point. We describe the details of our gluonic
measurements and the results obtained on a large number of gauge configurations
generated with the HISQ action. In particular, we focus on the scalar glueball
and its mixing with a flavour-singlet fermionic state, which is lighter than
the pseudoscalar (would-be pion) state. The results are interesting in view of
a light composite Higgs boson in walking technicolor theories., 03 Oct. 2013
Not Refereed, A light composite scalar in eight-flavor QCD on the lattice, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kohtaroh Miura; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, In search for a composite Higgs boson (techni-dilaton) in the walking
technicolor, we present our preliminary results on the first observation of a
light flavor-singlet scalar in a candidate theory for the walking technicolor,
the Nf=8 QCD, which was found in our previous paper to have spontaneous chiral
symmetry breaking together with remnants of the conformality. Based on
simulations with the HISQ-type action on several lattice sizes with various
fermion masses, we find evidence of a flavor-singlet scalar meson with mass
comparable to that of the Nambu-Goldstone pion in both the small fermion-mass
region, where chiral perturbation theory works, and the intermediate
fermion-mass region where the hyperscaling relation holds. We further discuss
its chiral limit extrapolation in comparison with other states studied in our
previous paper: the scalar has a mass much smaller than that of the vector
meson, which is compared to the Nambu-Goldstone pion having a vanishing mass in
that limit., 03 Sep. 2013
Not Refereed, The scalar spectrum of many-flavour QCD, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Enrico Rinaldi; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, The LatKMI collaboration is studying systematically the dynamical properties
of N_f = 4,8,12,16 SU(3) gauge theories using lattice simulations with (HISQ)
staggered fermions. Exploring the spectrum of many-flavour QCD, and its scaling
near the chiral limit, is mandatory in order to establish if one of these
models realises the Walking Technicolor scenario. Although lattice technologies
to study the mesonic spectrum are well developed, scalar flavour-singlet states
still require extra effort to be determined. In addition, gluonic observables
usually require large-statistic simulations and powerful noise-reduction
techniques. In the following, we present useful spectroscopic methods to
investigate scalar glueballs and scalar flavour-singlet mesons, together with
the current status of the scalar spectrum in N_f = 12 QCD from the LatKMI
collaboration., 19 Feb. 2013, 10.1142/9789814566254_0009
Not Refereed, Exploring walking behavior in SU(3) gauge theory with 4 and 8 HISQ quarks, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, We present the report of the LatKMI collaboration on the lattice QCD
simulation for the cases of 4 and 8 flavors. The Nf=8 in particular is
interesting from the model-building point of view: The typical walking
technicolor model with the large anomalous dimension is the so-called
one-family model (Farhi-Susskind model). Thus we explore the walking behavior
in LQCD with 8 HISQ quarks by comparing with the 4-flavor case (in which the
chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken). We report preliminary results on the
spectrum, analyzed through the chiral perturbation theory and the finite-size
hyperscaling, and we discuss the availability of the Nf=8 QCD to the
phenomenology., 15 Jan. 2013, 10.1142/9789814566254_0008
Not Refereed, Low energy spectra in many flavor QCD with Nf=12 and 16, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, We present our result of the many-flavor QCD. Information of the phase
structure of many-flavor SU(3) gauge theory is of great interest, since the
gauge theories with the walking behavior near the infrared fixed point are
candidates of new physics for the origin of the dynamical electroweak symmetry
breaking. We study the SU(3) gauge theories with 12 and 16 fundamental
fermions. Utilizing the HISQ type action which is useful to study the continuum
physics, we analyze the lattice data of the mass and the decay constant of the
pseudoscalar meson and the mass of the vector meson as well at several values
of lattice spacing and fermion mass. The finite size scaling test in the
conformal hypothesis is also performed. Our data is consistent with the
conformal scenario for Nf=12. We obtain the mass anomalous dimension $\gamma_m
\sim 0.4-0.5$. An update of $N_f=16$ study is also shown., 28 Nov. 2012
Not Refereed, Many flavor QCD with N_f=12 and 16, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, Information of the phase structure of many flavor SU(3) gauge theory is of
great interest for finding a theory which dynamically breaks the electro-weak
symmetry. We study the SU(3) gauge theory with fermions for $N_f=12$ and 16 in
fundamental representation. Both of them, through perturbation theory, reside
in the conformal phase. We try to determine the phase of each theory
non-perturbatively with lattice simulation and to find the characteristic
behavior of the physical quantities in the phase. HISQ type staggered fermions
are used to reduce the discretization error which could compromise the behavior
of the physical quantity to determine the phase structure at non-zero lattice
spacings. Spectral quantities such as bound state masses of meson channel and
meson decay constants are investigated with careful finite volume analysis. Our
data favor the conformal over chiral symmetry breaking scenario for both
$N_f=12$ and 16., 22 Feb. 2012
Not Refereed, Many flavor QCD as exploration of the walking behavior with the approximate IR fixed point, Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide Maskawa; Kei-ichi Nagai; Hiroshi Ohki; Akihiro Shibata; Koichi Yamawaki; Takeshi Yamazaki, We present the first report of the LatKMI collaboration on the the lattice
QCD simulation performed at the KMI computer, "$\varphi$", for the cases of 4
flavors and 8 flavors, the latter being expected to be a candidate for the
walking technicolor having an approximate scale invariance near the infrared
fixed point. The simulation was carried out based on the highly improved
staggered quark (HISQ) action. In this proceedings, we report preliminary
results on the spectrum, analyzed through the chiral perturbation theory and
the finite-size hyperscaling. We observe qualitatively different behavior of
the 8-flavor case in contrast to the 4-flavor case which shows clear indication
of the hadronic phase as in the usual QCD., 21 Feb. 2012
Not Refereed, The Infrared behavior of SU(3) Nf=12 gauge theory -about the existence of conformal fixed point-, Kenji Ogawa; Tatsumi Aoyama; Hiroaki Ikeda; Etsuko Itou; Masafumi Kurachi; C. -J. David Lin; Hideo Matsufuru; Hiroshi Ohki; Tetsuya Onogi; Eigo Shintani; Takeshi Yamazaki, Incorporated with twisted boundary condition, Polyakov loop correlators can
give a definition of the renormalized coupling. We employ this scheme for the
step scaling method (with step size s = 2) in the search of conformal fixed
point of SU(3) gauge theory with 12 massless flavors. Staggered fermion and
plaquette gauge action are used in the lattice simulation with six different
lattice sizes, L/a = 20, 16, 12, 10, 8 and 6. For the largest lattice size, L/a
= 20, we used a large number of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and
accumulated 3,000,000 trajectories in total. We found that the step scaling
function sigma (u) is consistent with u in the low-energy region. This means
the existence of conformal fixed point. Some details of our analysis and
simulations will also be presented., 07 Nov. 2011
Not Refereed, Conformal fixed point of SU(3) gauge theory with 12 fundamental fermions, Tatsumi Aoyama; Hiroaki Ikeda; Masafumi Kurachi; C. -J; David Lin; Hideo Matsufuru; Kenji Ogawa; Hiroshi Ohki; Tetsuya Onogi; Eigo Shintani; Takeshi Yamazaki, We study the infrared properties of SU(3) gauge theory coupled to 12 massless
Dirac fermions in the fundamental representation. The renormalized running
coupling constant is calculated in the Twisted Polyakov loop scheme on the
lattice. From the step-scaling analysis, we find that the infrared behavior of
the theory is governed by a non-trivial fixed point., 27 Sep. 2011, Technical report
Not Refereed, Search for the IR fixed point in the Twisted Polyakov Loop scheme (II), Etsuko Itou; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; C. -J. David Lin; Hideo Matsufuru; Hiroshi Ohki; Tetsuya Onogi; Eigo Shintani; Takeshi Yamazaki, We measure the renormalized coupling in the Twisted Polyakov loop scheme for
SU(3) gauge theory coupled with $N_f=12$ fundamental fermions. To find the
infrared fixed point of this theory, we focus on the step scaling function for
the renormalized coupling. We take the continuum limit using the linear
function of $(a/L)^2$ and a constant fit function. We find that there is a
sizeable systematic error due to the choice of the continuum extrapolation
function in the low energy region. We will give some directions to reduce the
systematic errors., 02 Nov. 2010
Not Refereed, Study of the scaling properties in SU(2) gauge theory with eight flavors, Hiroshi Ohki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Etsuko Itou; Masafumi Kurachi; C. -J. David Lin; Hideo Matsufuru; Tetsuya Onogi; Eigo Shintani; Takeshi Yamazaki, We present our preliminary study of the SU(2) gauge theory with 8 flavors of
fermions in fundamental representation. This theory could be a candidate of the
gauge theory with conformal fixed point. By using Wilson/Polyakov loop in a
finite volume with twisted boundary conditions, we study the renormalization
group flow of the gauge coupling constant. Our calculation gives consistent
result with the perturbative prediction of the running coupling in the weak
coupling region. We investigate a possible signal for conformal behavior in the
strong coupling region., 01 Nov. 2010
Not Refereed, Chiral four dimensional field theory from superstring and higher dimensional super Yang-Mills theory, Hiroshi Ohki, We study four dimensional field theory from the low-energy effective theory
of Type I, II or heterotic string theories. Chiral fermions in four dimensions
are obtained by several mechanisms. Especially, the background flux is one of
the most interesting mechanisms for obtaining four dimensional chiral theories.
Chiral matter fields have localized wavefunctions on extra dimensions. We
discuss about the relations between background flux and low-energy spectra
which are counted by their zero-modes. Yukawa couplings are free parameters in
the standard model and may be related to the underlying physics. In the string
theory or its low-energy limit, they are determined by overlap integral of
wavefunctions on extra dimensions. We also study the higher order couplings
based on the field theoretical approach. From the analysis of generic n-point
couplings, we can discuss about flavor structures. We find that in such a
construction some discrete flavor symmetries appear in the four dimensional
effective theory. Their phenomenological implications are discussed.
Furthermore we extend these constructions to orbifold background. Magnetic flux
still plays an important role and leads to various types of low-energy spectra
different from that of toroidal compactifications. The orbifold models with
heterotic string are also investigated., 26 Mar. 2010
Not Refereed, Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetries in Particle Physics, Hajime Ishimori; Tatsuo Kobayashi; Hiroshi Ohki; Hiroshi Okada; Yusuke Shimizu; Morimitsu Tanimoto, We review pedagogically non-Abelian discrete groups, which play an important
role in the particle physics. We show group-theoretical aspects for many
concrete groups, such as representations, their tensor products. We explain how
to derive, conjugacy classes, characters, representations, and tensor products
for these groups (with a finite number). We discussed them explicitly for
$S_N$, $A_N$, $T'$, $D_N$, $Q_N$, $\Sigma(2N^2)$, $\Delta(3N^2)$, $T_7$,
$\Sigma(3N^3)$ and $\Delta(6N^2)$, which have been applied for model building
in the particle physics. We also present typical flavor models by using $A_4$,
$S_4$, and $\Delta (54)$ groups. Breaking patterns of discrete groups and
decompositions of multiplets are important for applications of the non-Abelian
discrete symmetry. We discuss these breaking patterns of the non-Abelian
discrete group, which are a powerful tool for model buildings. We also review
briefly about anomalies of non-Abelian discrete symmetries by using the path
integral approach., 18 Mar. 2010, 10.1143/PTPS.183.1
Not Refereed, Search for the IR fixed point in the twisted Polyakov loop scheme, Erek Bilgici; Antonino Flachi; Etsuko Itou; Masafumi Kurachi; C. -J. David Lin; Hideo Matsufuru; Hiroshi Ohki; Tetsuya Onogi; Eigo Shintani; Takeshi Yamazaki, We present a non-perturbative study of the running coupling constant in the
Twisted Polyakov Loop (TPL) scheme. We investigate how the systematic and
statistical errors can be controlled {\it via} a feasibility study in SU(3)
pure Yang-Mills theory. We show that our method reproduces the perturbative
determination of the running coupling in the UV. In addition, our numerical
result agrees with the theoretical prediction of this coupling constant in the
IR. We also present our preliminary results for $N_f=12$ QCD, where an IR fixed
point may be present., 21 Oct. 2009
Not Refereed, Nucleon sigma term and strange quark content in 2+1-flavor QCD with dynamical overlap fermions, H. Ohki; S. Aoki; H. Fukaya; S. Hashimoto; T. Kaneko; H. Matsufuru; J. Noaki; T. Onogi; E. Shintani; N. Yamada, We study the sigma term and the strange quark content of nucleon in
2+1-flavor QCD with dynamical overlap fermions. We analyze the lattice data of
nucleon mass taken at two different strange quark masses with five values of up
and down quark masses each. Using the reweighting technique, we study the
strange quark mass dependence of the nucleon and extract the strange quark
content., 17 Oct. 2009
Not Refereed, Calculation of the nucleon sigma term and strange quark content with two flavors of dynamical overlap fermions, H. Ohki; H. Fukaya; S. Hashimoto; H. Matsufuru; J. Noaki; T. Onogi; E. Shintani; N. Yamada, We present a calculation of the nucleon sigma term on two-flavor QCD
configurations with dynamical overlap fermions. We analyse the lattice data for
the nucleon mass using the baryon chiral perturbation theory. Using partially
quenched data sets, we extract the connected and disconnected contributions to
the nucleon sigma term separately. Chiral symmetry on the lattice simplifies
the determination of the disconnected contribution. We find that the strange
quark content, which determines the neutralino dark matter reaction rate with
nucleon through the Higgs boson exchange, is much smaller than the previous
lattice results., 23 Oct. 2008
Not Refereed, A New Method of Calculating the Running Coupling Constant, Erek Bilgici; Antonino Flachi; Etsuko Itou; Masafumi Kurachi; C. -J David Lin; Hideo Matsufuru; Hiroshi Ohki; Tetsuya Onogi; Takeshi Yamazaki, We propose a new method to compute the running coupling constant of gauge
theories on the lattice. We first give the definition of the running coupling
in the new scheme using the Wilson loops in a finite volume, and explain how
the running of the coupling constant is extracted from the measurement of the
volume dependence. The perturbative calculation of the renormalization constant
to define the scheme is also given at the leading order. As a benchmark test of
the new scheme we apply the method the case of the quenched QCD. We show the
preliminary result from our numerical simulations which are carried out with
plaquette gauge action for various lattice sizes and bare lattice couplings.
With techniques to improve the statistical accuracy, we show that we can
determine the non-perturbative running of the coupling constant in a wide range
of the energy scale with relatively small number of gauge configurations in our
scheme. We compare our lattice data of the running coupling constant with
perturbative renormalization group evolution at one- and two-loop order, and
confirm the consistency between them at high energy., 21 Aug. 2008
Not Refereed, High precision study of B*B pi coupling in unquenched QCD, Hiroshi Ohki; Hideo Matsufuru; Tetsuya Onogi, The B* B pi coupling is a fundamental parameter of chiral effective
Lagrangian with heavy-light mesons and can constrain the B->pi l nu form factor
in the soft pion limit which will be useful for precise determination of |Vub|.
We compute the B* B pi coupling with the static heavy quark and the
O(a)-improved Wilson light quark. Simulations are carried out with n_f=2
unquenched 12^3x24 lattices at beta=1.80 generated by CP-PACS collaboration.
Following the quenched study by Negishi et al., we employ the all-to-all
propagator with 200 low eigenmodes as well as HYP smeared link to improve the
statistical accuracy., 02 Nov. 2007
Not Refereed, 日本物理学会講演概要集, Gaussian textures of Yukawa couplings from magnetized extra dimensions, ABE HIROYUKI; KOBAYASHI TATSUO; OKI HIROSHI; SUMITA KEIGO; TATSUTA YOSHIYUKI, 05 Mar. 2014, 69, 1, 13
Not Refereed, 日本物理学会講演概要集, Non-Abelian discrete flavor symmetry from magnetized extra dimensions, ABE HIROYUKI; KOBAYASHI TATSUO; OKI HIROSHI; TSUNODA KEIGO; TATSUTA YOSHIYUKI, 26 Aug. 2013, 68, 2, 1
Not Refereed, Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 24pGA-12 The analysis of quark/lepton matrices in high dimensional model with magnetic fluxes and wilson lines, Abe Hiroyuki; Oikawa Akane; Ohki Hiroshi; Kobayashi Tatsuo; Sumita Keigo; Nomoto Yuki, 05 Mar. 2012, 67, 1
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), 13pSD-8 4D effective theory of higher dimentional supersymmetry model with flux, Abe Hiroyuki; Oki Hirosi; Kunou Hideyuki; Kobayasi Tatsuo; Sakamura Yutaka; Sumita Keigo, 18 Aug. 2010, 65, 2, 9, 9
Butsuri, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), Understanding the Structure of the Nucleon and the Origin of Its Mass from First Principles of Quantum Chromodynamics : How Much Sea Quark Contributes to the Nucleon Mass?, OHKI Hiroshi; ONOGI Tetsuya, The sigma term represents the quark contribution to the nucleon mass. It is useful for understanding the structure of the nucleon and is also a key parameter for precision experiments in particle physics and cosmology, which use nucleons as the target. However, the sigma term, in particular the strange quark contribution, has been only poorly determined by the standard analysis of the pion-nucleon scattering using the chiral perturbation theory. Therefore, the theoretical determination of the sigma term from the first principles of QCD has been awaited. Recently, owing to the development of lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry by the JLQCD collaboration, a reliable determination of the sigma term is becoming possible for the first time. In this article, we introduce our study of the sigma term from the first principle based on our lattice QCD calculation. We also mention about the possible impact of our study to the dark matter direct detection experiment and flavor physics., 05 Aug. 2009, 64, 8, 632, 636
Not Refereed, 日本物理学会講演概要集, D4 flavor symmetry in SUSY, ISHIMORI HAJIME; KOBAYASHI TATSUO; OKI YO; OMURA YUJI; TAKAHASHI RYO; TANIMOTO MORIMITSU, 29 Feb. 2008, 63, 1, 10
PoS LATTICE2023 (2024), The calculations of Nucleon Electric Dipole Moment using background field on Lattice QCD, Fangcheng He; Michael Abramczyk; Tom Blum; Taku Izubuchi; Hiroshi Ohki; Sergey Syritsyn, Nov. 2023, 336, 1, 8, Introduction international proceedings
Oral presentation, 06 Sep. 2022, 08 Sep. 2022
Oral presentation, 08 Oct. 2022, 08 Oct. 2022
22 Mar. 2023, 25 Mar. 2023
22 Mar. 2023, 25 Mar. 2023
Oral presentation, 22 Mar. 2023, 25 Mar. 2023
Oral presentation, 22 Mar. 2023, 25 Mar. 2023
Oral presentation, 14 Sep. 2021, 17 Sep. 2021
Public discourse, 15 Nov. 2021, 15 Nov. 2021
Oral presentation, 26 Jul. 2021, 30 Jul. 2021
14 Sep. 2020, 17 Sep. 2020
Oral presentation, 12 Mar. 2021, 15 Mar. 2021
Hiroshi Ohki, 2019 Lattice X Intensity Frontier Workshop, Calculation of Electric Dipole Moments of the Nucleon, 23 Sep. 2019, 23 Sep. 2019, 25 Sep. 2019
Hiroshi Ohki, The 37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Computing Nucleon Electric Dipole Moments from Lattice QCD, 20 Jun. 2019, 16 Jun. 2019, 22 Jun. 2019
Hiroshi Ohki, International Molecule-type Workshop Frontiers in Lattice QCD and related topics, Computing Nucleon Electric Dipole Moments in Lattice QCD, 26 Apr. 2019, 15 Apr. 2019, 26 Apr. 2019
Hiroshi Ohki, The 24th Regular Meeting of the New Higgs Working Group, Gravitational Waves from Walking Technicolor, 22 Dec. 2018, 21 Dec. 2018, 22 Dec. 2018
Hiroshi Ohki, Progress in Particle Physics 2018, Nucleon Electric Dipole Moments from Lattice QCD, 09 Aug. 2018, 06 Aug. 2018, 10 Aug. 2018
Hiroshi Ohki, 10 th International Workshop on Fundamental Physics Using Atoms (FPUA), Nucleon Electric Dipole Moments from Lattice QCD, 08 Jan. 2018, 08 Jan. 2018, 09 Jan. 2018
Hiroshi Ohki, The 7th KIAS Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology and The 2nd KEK-NCTS-KIAS Workshop on Particle Physics Phenomenology, Nucleon Electric Dipole Moments from Lattice QCD, 10 Nov. 2017, 06 Nov. 2017, 10 Nov. 2017
Hiroshi Ohki, The Physical Society of Japan 2017 Autumn Meeting, Nucleon structure and physics beyond the SM, 14 Sep. 2017, 12 Sep. 2017, 15 Sep. 2017
Hiroshi Ohki, 35th International Symposium On Lattice Field Theory, |Vus| determination from inclusive strange tau decay and lattice HVP, 23 Jun. 2017, 18 Jun. 2017, 24 Jun. 2017
Hiroshi Ohki, The Physical Society of Japan 2017 Annual Meeting, Lattice calculation of quark-chromo EDM, 19 Mar. 2017, 17 Mar. 2017, 20 Mar. 2017
Hiroshi Ohki, The international workshop on future potential of high intensity accelerators for particle and nuclear physics (HINT2016), Determination of |Vus| from hadronic tau decays - New inclusive analysis using lattice QCD data -, 06 Dec. 2016, 05 Dec. 2016, 08 Dec. 2016
Hiroshi Ohki, The 14th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics (Tau2016), Lattice calculation of |Vus| from inclusive strangeness changing τ decay, 19 Sep. 2016, 18 Sep. 2016, 23 Sep. 2016
Hiroshi Ohki, The 34th annual “International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2016), |Vus| from inclusive strange τ decay data and lattice HVPs, 28 Jul. 2016, 24 Jul. 2016, 30 Jul. 2016
Hiroshi Ohki, 2016年理研シンポジウム「スーパーコンピューターHOKUSAIとShoubu, 研究開発の最前線」, Precise Calculation of Nucleon Structure for Universe's Matter Dominance, 08 Jun. 2016, 08 Jun. 2016, 08 Jun. 2016
Hiroshi Ohki, Lattice for Beyond the Standard Model Physics 2016, Many-flavor QCD dynamics on the lattice, 21 Apr. 2016, 21 Apr. 2016, 22 Apr. 2016
Hiroshi Ohki, RBRC Workshop on Lattice Gauge Theories 2016, Inclusive τ decay analysis with lattice HVPs, 10 Mar. 2016, 09 Mar. 2016, 11 Mar. 2016
大木洋; 上村尚平, 日本物理学会秋季大会, 低次元表現による連続フレーバー対称性から非可換離散群への自発的破れ, 16 Sep. 2021, 14 Sep. 2021, 17 Sep. 2021
Hiroshi Ohki, The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice2021), Hybrid stochastic method for the tensor renormalization group, 28 Jul. 2021, 26 Jul. 2021, 30 Jul. 2021
武田真滋; 荒井絵里加; 大木洋; 富井正明, 日本物理学会春季大会, All-mode renormalization for tensor network with stochastic noise, 25 Mar. 2023, 22 Mar. 2023, 25 Mar. 2023
上村尚平; 大木洋, 日本物理学会春季大会, 離散フレーバー対称性の自発的破れとCP(-like)対称性, 23 Mar. 2023, 22 Mar. 2023, 25 Mar. 2023
川野実佳; 大木洋, 日本物理学会春季大会, 汎関数繰り込み群を用いたトポロジカル項を含む場の理論の解析, 22 Mar. 2023, 22 Mar. 2023, 25 Mar. 2023
石田恵海; 大木洋, 日本物理学会春季大会, 標準模型における軽い電弱スキルミオンダークマターについて, 22 Mar. 2023, 20 Mar. 2023, 25 Mar. 2023
Hiroshi Ohki, 関西地域セミナー2022, Lattice field theory and non-perturbative dynamics, 08 Oct. 2022, 08 Oct. 2022, 08 Oct. 2022
大木洋; 上村尚平, 日本物理学会秋季大会, 一般化されたCP対称性とフレーバー対称性の自発的破れ, 08 Sep. 2022, 06 Sep. 2022, 08 Sep. 2022
大木洋, Tensor Network 2023, All-mode renormalization for tensor network with stochastic noise, Invited oral presentation, 16 Nov. 2023, 14 Nov. 2023, 16 Nov. 2023
筒泉佳子; 大木洋; 上村尚平, 日本物理学会2024年春季大会, CP-like 対称性に基づくAsymmetric Dark Matter, Oral presentation, 21 Mar. 2024, 18 Mar. 2024, 21 Mar. 2024
上村尚平; 大木洋; 筒泉佳子, 日本物理学会2024年春季大会, パリティを持たない Left Right Symmetric Model, Oral presentation, 19 Mar. 2024, 18 Mar. 2024, 21 Mar. 2024
上村尚平; 大木洋; 筒泉佳子, 日本物理学会第78回年次大会, 連続対称性がある理論におけるCP-like対称性, Oral presentation, 18 Sep. 2023, 16 Sep. 2023, 19 Sep. 2023
筒泉佳子; 大木洋; 上村尚平, 日本物理学会第78回年次大会, CP-like 対称性と粒子数生成, Oral presentation, 18 Sep. 2023, 16 Sep. 2023, 19 Sep. 2023