Not Refereed, Mar. 2021
Not Refereed, すまいろん, 住総研, 田舎の交通と居住-奈良県吉野郡十津川村「高森のいえ」整備構想の取り組み, 室崎千重, 2018, 102, 102, 32, 35, 10.20803/sumairon.102.0_32
Not Refereed, 建築雑誌, 日本建築学会, (45)奈良女子大学住生活学研究室 : 誰もが暮らしやすい住環境の実現(<連載>研究室探訪), 室﨑 千重, 20 Nov. 2017, 1704, 45, 45
Not Refereed, 建築社会システム, 日本建築学会, 多世代型シェアハウスに母子世帯と高齢者が住まう可能性, 葛西 リサ; 室崎 千重, 24 Aug. 2016, 2016, 251, 252
Not Refereed, Journal of Japanese Association for an Inclusive Society, Japanese Association for an Inclusive Society, 福祉のまちづくり考(24)共生社会・ユニバーサルデザインを授業で学ぶ機会, 室﨑 千重, 2016, 18, 3, 87, 89, 10.18975/jais.18.3_87
Not Refereed, 技苑 = Innovative technology world, 関西大学先端科学技術推進機構, 集合住宅"団地"の再編(再生・更新)手法に関する技術開発研究 (特集 プロジェクト研究報告概要集) -- (私立大学戦略的研究基盤形成支援事業プロジェクト), 江川 直樹; 鳴海 邦碩; 岡 絵理子; 橋寺 知子; 末包 伸吾; 髙田 光雄; 小玉 祐一郎; 平山 洋介; 大坪 明; 小浦 久子; 糟谷 佐紀; 室崎 千重; 林 泰義; 藤本 昌也; 安原 秀; 星田 逸郎, 2016, 142, 1, 21
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5159 A study on reality about the different grades interaction in small-scale combined elementary school and junior high schools : In a case of Kyoto Ohara Gakuin (Part 2), HASHIWAKI Manami; NIIMI Maho; MUROSAKI Chie, 04 Sep. 2015, 2015, 2015, 317, 318
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5158 A study on the Relationship between Community and Children of Combined Elementary and Junior High Schools with Childcare Support Facilities : In a case of Kyoto Ohara Gakuin (part 1), NIIMI Maho; HASHIWAKI Manami; MUROSAKI Chie, 04 Sep. 2015, 2015, 2015, 315, 316
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8123 The Possibility of Sheared Housing for the Group Who Have Care Need Part 2, MUROSAKI Chie; KUZUNISHI Lisa, 04 Sep. 2015, 2015, 2015, 245, 246
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8122 The Possibility of Sheared Housing for the Group Who Have Care Need : The situation and Needs of Single Mother's Sheared Housing, Kuzunishi Lisa; Murosaki Chie, 04 Sep. 2015, 2015, 2015, 243, 244
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 6006 Study about continual participatory type regional development based on resident will in a depopulated area : Case of Tanise, Totsukawa-mura, Yoshino-gun, Nara district, Takano Shizuka; Murosaki Chie; Niimi Maho; Kanki Yumi, 04 Sep. 2015, 2015, 2015, 11, 12, False
Not Refereed, 建築とまちづくり, 新建築家技術者集団, 長期経過した分譲集合住宅における住み続けられるコミュニティづくり (特集 縮退社会におけるマンションのあり方) -- (コトーハイツ伏見稲荷の取り組み), 室崎 千重, Jul. 2015, 442, 24, 28
Not Refereed, 福祉のまちづくり研究, 一般社団法人 日本福祉のまちづくり学会, 日本住宅会議(他学会紹介), 室崎 千重, 2015, 17, 3, 67, 67, 10.18975/jais.17.3_67
Not Refereed, 都市問題, 後藤・安田記念東京都市研究所, 集合住宅団地の再生と高齢者の住環境 (特集 都市高齢者の孤立を考える), 室﨑 千重, Apr. 2014, 105, 4, 66, 75
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5400 The Statuses and Subjects to barrier-free design in small-scale purchasing facilities : focused on convenience store and restaurant, CHO Min-jung; MUROSAKI Chie; KITAGAWA Hiroshi, 30 Aug. 2013, 2013, 2013, 823, 824
Not Refereed, Research journal of living science, Nara Women's University, Studies on Housing and Community Development, Chie Murosaki, Mar. 2013, 59, 2, 42, 47
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8049 Type's characteristics of architectural designer and building contractor from the viewpoint of barrier-free space creative of practice and evaluation, CHO Minjung; MUROSAKI Chie; KITAGAWA Hiroshi, 12 Sep. 2012, 2012, 2012, 97, 98
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8111 Human and Social Resources and Spatial Information to Sustain Home-based Life of the Elderly, KINUKAWA Mari; MUROSAKI Chie, 12 Sep. 2012, 2012, 2012, 221, 222
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5444 Construction of living environment improvement index that pays attention to relation between widths of doorway and wheelchair, MUROSAKI Chie; KASUYA Saki; YONEDA Ikuo; CHO Minjung, 12 Sep. 2012, 2012, 2012, 929, 930
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5693 A study on the change of the elderly inhabitant's lives in the rebuilding public housing Part 2, MUROSAKI Chie, 20 Jul. 2011, 2011, 2011, 337, 338
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8162 Proposals to Support the Business Development of Small-scale Group Livings for Aging in Place, KINUKAWA Mari; MUROSAKI Chie; KITAGAWA Hiroshi, 20 Jul. 2011, 2011, 2011, 1483, 1484
Not Refereed, 住宅会議, 日本住宅会議, 都市における高齢者の居住支援ネットワーク--京都市都心部の旧小学校区の事例を通して (特集 高齢者居住を支える住宅と福祉のネットワーク), 室崎 千重, Oct. 2010, 80, 26, 30
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5308 A study on walking space and environmental information in the residential area from the viewpoint of the visually impaired, CHO Minjung; MUROSAKI Chie, 20 Jul. 2010, 2010, 2010, 661, 662
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5646 Study on the Bases Supporting Life of Elderly that Utilized Vacant Room of Public Housing Development : Focused on the approach cases in Kobe City, MUROSAKI Chie, 20 Jul. 2010, 2010, 2010, 99, 100
Not Refereed, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8009 A Study on the Role of Housing Renewal for Great Diversity of Residents' Ages in New Town, KONDO Tamiyo; SASAKI Shizuka; MUROSAKI Chie, 25 May 2010, 50, 685, 688
Not Refereed, 月刊ゆたかなくらし, 本の泉社, 団地建替えによる再入居高齢者の生活変化 (高齢者が住みつづけられる団地と地域の再生), 室崎 千重, Nov. 2009, 331, 32, 37
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5706 A study on the change of the elderly inhabitant's lives in the rebuilding public housing : Focused on the communication among neighbors around the block of building, MUROSAKI Chie, 20 Jul. 2009, 2009, 2009, 169, 170
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8014 Sexual distinction about men and women architect's life : A study about life experience and creation of living space part2, KOITO Akiko; CHO Minjung; ASANO Tomoko; UENO Katuyo; OTANI yukiko; NAKAJIMA Akiko; MATUO Mituhiro; MUROSAKI Ikuko; MUROSAKI Chie, 20 Jul. 2008, 2008, 2008, 1149, 1150
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8013 Sexual distinction about men and women architect's ability for work : A study about life experience and creation of living space part 1, CHO Minjung; KOITO Akiko; ASANO Tomoko; UENO Katuyo; OTANI yukiko; NAKAJIMA Akiko; MATUO Mitsuhiro; MUROSAKI Ikuko; MUROSAKI Chie, 20 Jul. 2008, 2008, 2008, 1147, 1148
Not Refereed, リハ工学カンファレンス講演論文集, 兵庫県内の調査からみた住宅改修の事前申請制への移行と「理由書」標準様式の活用実態の把握, 糟谷佐紀; 神吉優美; 室崎千重, 23 Aug. 2007, 22nd, 235, 236
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8045 CONDITION FOR CARRIER CONTINUATION OF COLLEGE WOMEN GRADUATES OF ARCHITECTURE STUDIES IN KOREA, CHO Minjung; KOITO Akiko; ASANO Tomoko; UENO Katuyo; OTANI yukiko; NAKAJIMA Akiko; MATUO Mituhiro; MUROSAKI Ikuko; MUROSAKI Chie, 31 Jul. 2007, 2007, 2007, 1261, 1262
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5671 Effects of In-advance Application and Standard Formats on Housing Remodeling, KANKI Yumi; MUROSAKI Chie, 31 Jul. 2007, 2007, 2007, 173, 174
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5618 Study on Cooperation System that the Resident Helped Each Other : A Case Study of the Housing Development Named AKASHIMAIKO in Hyogo Prefecture, MUROSAKI Chie; KANKI Yumi, 31 Jul. 2007, 2007, 2007, 67, 68
Not Refereed, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8005 LIFEHISTORY OF COLLEGE WOMEN GRADUATES OF ARCHITECTURE AND HOUSING STUDIES, CHO Minjung; KOITO Akiko; ASANO Tomoko; UENO Katuyo; OTANI yukiko; NAKAJIMA Akiko; MATUO Mituhiro; MUROSAKI Ikuko; MUROSAKI Chie, 22 May 2007, 47, 713, 716
Not Refereed, 「理由書」標準様式を活用した住宅改修評価システムの構築に関する研究 平成18年度 総括・分担研究報告書, 「理由書」標準様式を活用した住宅改修評価システムの構築に関する研究 I.「理由書」標準様式の評価ツールとしての活用に関する可能性 第2章 兵庫県内における住宅改修の事前申請制と「理由書」標準様式の活用実態, 糟谷佐紀; 神吉優美; 室崎千重, 2007, 27, 36
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5394 Research on the space needed to move smoothly for manual wheelchair in the house(Part1) : Correlation between width of corridor, doorway and length of wheelchair, KASUYA Saki; MUROSAKI Chie; YONEDA Ikuo; BANDO Michiko; SUEDA Osamu; FUJISAWA Shoichiro, 31 Jul. 2006, 2006, 2006, 799, 800
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5395 Research on the space needed to move smoothly for manual wheelchair in the house(Part2) : Correlation between width of corridor, doorway and width of wheelchair, MUROSAKI Chie; KASUYA Saki; YONEDA Ikuo, 31 Jul. 2006, 2006, 2006, 801, 802
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8022 Jobs and Life-history of Women College Graduates of Architecture and Housing Studies, CHO Minjung; KOITO Akiko; NAKAJIMA Akiko; MUROSAKI Ikuko; UENO Katuyo; MATUO Mituhiro; ASANO Tomoko; MUROSAKI Chie, 31 Jul. 2006, 2006, 2006, 1095, 1096
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5741 Housing Renovation Program by the Local Governments : Case Study on Housing Renovation Program by Hyogo Prefecture, KANKI Yumi; MUROSAKI Chie; YONEDA Ikuo, 31 Jul. 2006, 2006, 2006, 351, 352
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education, Architectural Institute of Japan, _, NOMURA Rie; NAKAYAMA Toru, 31 Jul. 2006, 2006, 2006, 601, 602
Not Refereed, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8013 Jobs and Lifestyle of Women College Graduates of Architecture and Housing Studies, CHO Minjung; KOITO Akiko; NAKAJIMA Akiko; MUROSAKI Ikuko; UENO Katuyo; MATUO Mituhiro; ASANO Tomoko; MUROSAKI Chie, 23 May 2006, 46, 681, 684
Not Refereed, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5040 Effects of converting private houses into welfare facilities for elderly people, NAMBARA Kayoko, 23 May 2006, 46, 157, 160
Not Refereed, The Proceedings of the JSME Symposium on Welfare Engineering, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1C1-05 Study on mechanism of manual wheelchair to negotiating side slopes, YONEDA Ikuo; Hashizume Tsutomu; Murosaki Chie; KASUYA Saki; SUEDA Osamu; Fujisawa Shoichiro; Kamata Minoru, It seems that there is actually little possibility to clear all the barriers that obstruct movement of manual wheelchairs. Especially, it is necessary to slope the sidewalks sideways for draining. This paper concentrates the issue on negotiating the 5%-side-slope surface by the manual wheelchairs, and, we obtained that when running on the side-slope surface, the load/distance rate become lower by shifting the position of driving wheels forward. And furthermore, it became clear that excluding the swiveling function of casters make operation of the manual wheelchairs on the side-slope surface remarkably easy. That suggests new mechanism for negotiating the side-slope surface., 2006, 2006, 0, 29, 32, 10.1299/jsmewes.2006.29
Not Refereed, 福祉のまちづくり研究, 一般社団法人 日本福祉のまちづくり学会, 3g-4 住宅改修に関係する専門職を対象とした意識調査 : 建築分野と保健・医療・福祉分野別の比較(セッション3-G「建築整備・改修2」,研究発表座長報告,日本福祉のまちづくり学会 第8回全国大会), 井上 結; 米田 郁夫; 糟谷 佐紀; 金 承喜; 阪東 美智子; 室崎 千重; 多淵 敏樹, 2006, 7, 2, 35, 35, 10.18975/jais.7.2_35_2
Not Refereed, 豊かな高齢社会の探究 調査研究報告書 / ユニベール財団 編, ユニベール財団, 一人暮らし高齢者の居住継続を支える近隣社会環境に関する研究, 稲地 秀介; 室崎 千重, Sep. 2004, 12, 1, 43,巻頭2p,巻末1p
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, Architectural Institute of Japan, A Study on Neighborhood commyunity to Stable Living of Elderly : A Case Study of the Former School District in the Central Area of Kyoto City, MIYANO Jyunko, 31 Jul. 2000, 2000, 2000, 569, 570, Summary national conference
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, Architectural Institute of Japan, A Study on Neighborhood Community to Stable Living of Elderly : A Case Study of the Former School District in the Central Area of Kyoto City, MUROSAKI Chie, 31 Jul. 2000, 2000, 2000, 567, 568, Summary national conference
Not Refereed, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 7075 A Study on Neighborhood Community to Stable Living of Elderly : A Case Study of the Former School District in the Central Area of Kyoto City, MUROSAKI Chie, 25 May 2000, 40, 701, 704
Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, Architectural Institute of Japan, A succesion of the residents' spatial images of these neibourhoods in a land readjustment area : Through a case study of JR Recommissions area after the Hansin-Awaji greate Earthquake, OHNO Toshinori, 30 Jul. 1999, 1999, 1999, 165, 166
土木計画学研究・講演集(CD-ROM), 旅客施設のない町での市民提案型バリアフリー基本構想策定を通じた住民・行政協働のあり方に関する考察, 藤村安則; 柳原崇男; 神吉優美; 室崎千重, 2019, 60
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 子育て世帯の和室の使い方と住意識-公的住宅団地を対象とした子育て支援住環境に関する事例研究(その2)-, 中西眞弓; 檜谷美恵子; 高田光雄; 室崎千重, 2019, 2019
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 滞在型複合図書館が利用行動に与える効果に関する研究-商業施設複合型のあかし市民図書館を対象として-, 川嶋汐里; 室崎千重, 2019, 2019
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 知的障害児者の外出促進と親の負担軽減につながる外出環境整備に関する研究, 大谷咲月; 室崎千重, 2019, 2019
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 認知症高齢者が自宅に住み続けるための住環境の段階的な整備に関する研究, 宮本順加; 室崎千重, 2019, 2019
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), キッチン設備の天板奥行寸法におけるアクセシビリティに関する研究, 田嶋尚美; 室崎千重, 2019, 2019
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 団地住戸の続き間使用時における家族と子どもの様子認識-公的住宅団地を対象とした子育て支援住環境に関する事例研究(その1), 多々良理奈; 室崎千重; 高田光雄; 檜谷美恵子; 中西眞弓, 2019, 2019
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 子どもの居場所としての共用空間の評価-公的住宅団地を対象とした子育て支援住環境に関する事例研究(その1), 谷口悠貴; 檜谷美恵子; 室崎千重; 中西眞弓; 高田光雄, 2019, 2019
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 居住不安定者用ステップハウス支援の取り組みとその効果-日本におけるハウジングファースト型支援に向けて-, 川嶋汐里; 室崎千重, 2018, 2018
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 保育園の空間構成から誘発される異年齢交流に関する研究, 多々良理奈; 室崎千重, 2018, 2018
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 視覚・聴覚障害者の観光の楽しみ方から着想を得た体験型観光情報の提示に関する研究, 金村麗華; 室崎千重, 2018, 2018
建築計画, 日本建築学会, 5391 障害当事者が楽しめる展示空間整備と利用のための情報発信の現状と課題, 室崎 千重, 20 Jul. 2018, 2018, 2018, 813, 814
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 過疎地域における住民意向を踏まえた継続的な参加型地域づくりに関する研究 その2-奈良県吉野郡十津川村谷瀬集落を対象とする地域づくり継続の変化-, 中飯久美子; 室崎千重, 2018, 2018
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 供給の実態と居住者評価から検討する母子世帯向けシェアハウスの設備数, 日高紗彩; 室崎千重, 2018, 2018
リハ工学カンファレンス講演論文集(CD-ROM), 車いす使用者が使いやすいキッチン計画の提案, 室崎千重, 2012, 27th
兵庫県立福祉のまちづくり研究所報告集, 兵庫県社会福祉事業団総合リハビリテーションセンター兵庫県立福祉のまちづくり研究所, Development of Supportive Housing and Community Environments for the Independent Living of the Elderly : Proposals toward the Implementation of a Housing and Community Environment to Support Aging in Place, 絹川 麻理; 室﨑 千重; 北川 博巳, 2011, 2011, 27, 33
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), A research on the staged development of the residential environment for home care elderly persons to continue living in their own houses, 室崎千重, 2021, 2021
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), Effectiveness and possibility of rental housing to meet diversifying lifestyles and housing demands, 齋藤真奈夢; 室崎千重, 2021, 2021
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), Necessity of maintenance in view of differences in viewing needs depending on the presence or absence of hearing impairment, 大谷咲月; 室崎千重, 2021, 2021
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), A Study on the Possibility of Using Japanese-style Rooms for Child-rearing Households: Part 2-The need for a Japanese-style Room in a Virtual 3LDK House.-, 中西眞弓; 森重幸子; 高田光雄; 室崎千重, 2021, 2021
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), Intentions and current status of housing renovation for the continuation of comfortable living in the elderly of the generation reaching the child independence and retirement., 瀬戸千裕; 室崎千重, 2021, 2021
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), Research on the elements necessary for community life that they realized again due to the increase in living time in the area around their home., 大西桜子; 室崎千重, 2021, 2021
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), A Survey on Characteristics of Suburban Coworking Spaces’ Location based on Distribution of Residential Areas, 高木正恵; 室崎千重, 2021, 2021
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), The effect of childcare facilities in the park on local people’s awareness and receiving of childcare facilities and their relationship with infants, 瀬戸千裕; 室崎千重, Sep. 2020, 2020, 2020, 741, 742
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 日本建築学会, The actual situation of the evaluation and approach of the concerned parties regarding consideration for deaf people in museums, 大谷咲月; 室崎千重, Sep. 2020, 2020, 2020, 563, 564
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 日本建築学会, The Value of Communication of Parents and Children in Two Adjoining Rrooms of Public Housing Estate-A Case Study on the Supportive Built Environment for Child Rearing in Public Housing Estate, Part5, 室崎千重; 檜谷美恵子; 高田光雄; 中西眞弓, Sep. 2020, 2020, 2020, 63, 64
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 日本建築学会, Issues on Usage of Common Space as Children’s Place-A Case Study on the Supportive Built Environment for Child Rearing in Public Housing Estate, Part4, 檜谷美恵子; 室崎千重; 中西真弓; 高田光雄, Sep. 2020, 2020, 2020, 61, 62
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), Influence of house specific elements on where to stay and activities in Kodomoshokudou, 大西桜子; 室崎千重, Sep. 2020, 2020, 2020, 295, 296
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 日本建築学会, A Study on the Possibility of Using Japanese-style Rooms for Child-rearing Households-Living Styles at Japanese-style Rooms and Dwelling Consciousness for Child-rearing Households-, 中西眞弓; 森重幸子; 高田光雄; 室崎千重, 2020, 2020, 2020, 57, 58
兵庫県立福祉のまちづくり研究所報告集, 兵庫県社会福祉事業団総合リハビリテーションセンター兵庫県立福祉のまちづくり研究所, Research on the barrier-free consideration of the dwelling unit plan of a public housing, 室﨑 千重; 石川 星児; 趙 玟姃, 2011, 2011, 43, 50
兵庫県立福祉のまちづくり研究所報告集, 兵庫県社会福祉事業団総合リハビリテーションセンター兵庫県立福祉のまちづくり研究所, Development of Environmental Maintenance toward Well-being Society : Improvements for effective barrier-free design in small-scale purchasing facilities, 趙 玟姃; 北川 博巳; 室﨑 千重, 2012, 35, 44
兵庫県立福祉のまちづくり研究所報告集, 兵庫県社会福祉事業団総合リハビリテーションセンター兵庫県立福祉のまちづくり研究所, Research on the Community Design towards Elderly People's Habitation Stabilization, 難波 健; 北川 博巳; 室﨑 千重, 2012, 29, 34
兵庫県立福祉のまちづくり研究所報告集, 兵庫県社会福祉事業団総合リハビリテーションセンター兵庫県立福祉のまちづくり研究所, Construction of living environment improvement index that pays attention to relation between widths of doorway and wheelchair, 室﨑 千重; 橋詰 努; 趙 玟姃, 2010, 75, 80
Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan, The City Planning Institute of Japan, Study on “House”, “Dwelling” and “Home” in fluid multi-habitation, Unno Haruna; Murosaki Chie; Kondo Tamiyo; Saito Manamu, In this study, we will consider how the functions of “House”, “Dwelling” and “Home” are connected in fluid multi-habitation lifestyle, which is a non-settled lifestyle, compared to the conventional settled lifestyle. Shigemura (1992), The Structure of Sedentary Settlement: Its Lifestyle Consideration and Planning Theory Development, “Three Spatial Orders Seen in Houses'' is used in this study. It is thought that the function of the home as a place to gather spiritually is fluctuating in the fluid multi-habitation life. However, we found that the fixation of function I (House) and function II (Dwelling) led to the fixation of function III (Home). In addition, people living in multiple locations have a limited amount of luggage that they can own, and in many case they do not own objects that signify spiritual support., 10 Mar. 2023, 21, 4, 576, 579, 10.11361/reportscpij.21.4_576
Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan, The City Planning Institute of Japan, The process of generating place at the base for the local community through multihabitation platform, Nishida Kiwami; Kondo Tamiyo; Murosaki Chie; Saito Manamu, The purpose of this study is to clarify the process by which multihabitation living platform is transformed into community place . We found that for local residents, a platform is (1) a place that accepts people who are different from the local community, (2) a place where they can stop by and enjoy values, knowledge, skills, and appreciation of the local community through interaction with multi-site dwellers, and (3) a place where they can express and discuss things that are difficult to achieve individually through daily fluid interactions with multi-site dwellers. (iii) a place where local residents can express and discuss things that are difficult to achieve on their own through fluid daily interactions with people living in multifocal areas. Multisite residents with diverse attributes, aspirations, and objectives visit the community, interact with the community through the center manager, and enjoy the values, knowledge, skills, and appreciation of the community by local residents, thereby promoting the acquisition and transformation of meaning toward the center. In addition, opportunities for local residents to express themselves are created through fluid interactions with the multifacility residents who stay at the center in turn, making the center a place in the community., 10 Mar. 2023, 21, 4, 477, 481, 10.11361/reportscpij.21.4_477
住宅会議 = Housing council, 十津川村 非被災集落に建設された復興公営住宅での暮らしの再建—特集 生活再建を支える災害復興住宅, 室﨑 千重, Jun. 2022, 115, 37, 40
Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan, The City Planning Institute of Japan, Factors that Promote Recognition and Encounter among Residents Leading to Local Acceptance of People Living in Multiple Locations: A case study of Kamiichi, Yoshino town, Yoshino county, Nara prefecture, Ishii Akane; Murosaki Chie; Kondo Tamiyo; Saito Manamu; Maeda Atsunori; Nishida Kiwami, In order to accept people living in multiple locations in the area, it is necessary to have the understanding of the local residents. The purpose of this study is to clarify the factors and mechanisms that encourage the encounter between people living in multiple locations and residents. From this study, it was found that the encounter with people living in multiple locations provide extraordinary opportunities for the residents and has the effect of realizing the charm of the area. The method of encouraging residents to participate in the opportunity to meet people living in multiple locations depends on the type of opportunity. In order to increase the chances of meeting people living in multiple locations, it is important to obtain the cooperation of "regional mediators" trusted by the residents., 03 Mar. 2022, 20, 4, 399, 404, 10.11361/reportscpij.20.4_399
Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan, The City Planning Institute of Japan, Relationship between Habitation Dynamic Pattern, specific optimal lifestyle of multi-habitator: for Housing subscription user, Maeda Atsunori; Kondo Tamiyo; Murosaki Chie; Nishida Kiwami; Ishii Akane; Saito Manamu, This study examines shaped specific optimal lifestyle for multi-habitation through explore of Living Dynamic pattern and the new lifestyle using housing subscription. It is showed that transfer changes from means of visit a co-living place to ends of change life environment. There is need for flexible relationship to encounter a different point of view in their lives through information exchange of life on the spot. Living Dynamic pattern is affected by a life demand of necessity of home, cause of using housing subscription and how to select a co-living place. Specific optimal lifestyle depends on the pattern. This lifestyle is suitable for person that not want to have a permanent resident and regional bonds but want to transfer, work and communicate freely., 03 Mar. 2022, 20, 4, 415, 422, 10.11361/reportscpij.20.4_415
Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan, Kansai Branch, The City Planning Institute of Japan, The role of a multi-habitation service that eliminates the concerns of vacant house owners and makes them realize the significance of utilizing vacant houses, Saito Manamu; Murosaki Chie; Kondo Tamiyo; Nishida Kiwami, This study examines the structure and policy of multi-habitation services to eliminate the concerns of vacant house owners and make them realize the significance of utilizing vacant houses. The "base manager " of ADDress, a multi-habitation service, lives near their base, works with local governments and residents, and continuously interacts with owners. Therefore, they can reduce the management burden of the owner and the anxiety of lending to others. The consciousness and behavior of local communities are changing depending on " base manager " who is conscious of community development. Through continuous interaction, such as regular visits by the owner after the establishment of the base, there is a possibility that the change in the base, community, and life will be recognized, and the significance of using vacant houses may be realized., 2022, 20, 109, 112, 10.11361/cpijkansai.20.0_109
Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan, Kansai Branch, The City Planning Institute of Japan, Changes in Attitudes Toward the Community as a Result of the Involvement of Local Residents and Bases via a Multibase Residential Platform, Nishida Kiwami; Kondo Tamiyo; Murosaki Chie; Saito Manamu, The purpose of this paper is to clarify the following two questions: 1. What kind of changes will be produced in local residents through the relationship between the bases and local residents via the Multibase Residential Platforms? 2. How will the " activities of the base manager to promote the relationship between local residents and the bases " and " the setting of the base as a place for local residents " at each base relate to changes in local residents? How do " activities by the manager " and " the setting of the base as a place for the community " relate to changes in local residents? The changes in the local residents include changes in their awareness of acceptance of people from outside the community, rediscovery of local attractions, and cultivation of pride in the community, as well as changes in their behavior, such as participation in local activities. The factors that were found to contribute to changes in local residents were " the existence of a cooperative entity in the activities of the base manager in the community " and " the existence of a open space in the base to the community., 2022, 20, 113, 116, 10.11361/cpijkansai.20.0_113
住宅会議 = Housing council, 日本住宅会議, 長期経過した分譲集合住宅団地における助け合いコミュニティ構築の可能性—特集 高経年マンション再生への道, 室崎 千重, Jun. 2021, 112, 25, 28
ナント経済月報 = Nanto monthly report, 南都経済研究所, 特集 多様な人びとを包摂した使いやすい環境整備 : 目的化するバリアフリーからの脱却, 室崎 千重, Mar. 2021, 16, 21
Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan, The City Planning Institute of Japan, Possibility of Vacant house Utilization and Changes in Owners' Consciousness in Multi-habitation Business, Saito Manamu; Murosaki Chie; Kondo Tamiyo; Nishida Kiwami, This study clarified that Multi-habitation Business play a role in Vacant house Utilization and Changes in Owners' Consciousness. The Owner utilizing Vacant house in Multi-habitation Business not only receive house rent income but also gain carefreeness, own use, amenity, companionship, Changes in Owners' Consciousness and what not. Utilizing Vacant house in Multi-habitation Business expands Vacant house that can be utilized and gives rise to community of people involved in Utilizing Vacant house in Multi-habitation., 10 Mar. 2023, 21, 4, 580, 586, 10.11361/reportscpij.21.4_580
Not Refereed, [ 建築計画 ] [ 学術講演梗概集DVD ], 5534 乳幼児連れの機能分散トイレ利用を促す案内誘導サインと設備に関する研究, 重久 絢音; 室﨑 千重, Jul. 2023, 2023, 1087, 1088
[ 建築計画 ] [ 学術講演梗概集DVD ], 5460 駐車スペースの広さと駐車スペース周りの空間との接続関係が植木鉢の設置に与える影響, 安藤 奈名彩; 室﨑 千重, Jul. 2023, 2023, 939, 940
Not Refereed, [ 建築計画 ] [ 学術講演梗概集DVD ], 5409 セルフリノベーション経験による住環境リテラシーと主体的家づくり意識の獲得, 日根野谷 風奈; 室﨑 千重, Jul. 2023, 2023, 837, 838
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), Research on conditions for coworking spaces of residential area type that support work-life balance, 畑山佳穂; 室崎千重, 2022, 2022
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), The Form and The Surrounding Environment of the Seating Device Related to Seat Selection in the Pedestrian Staying Space, Focus on The Difference Between Single and Multiple Uses., 安藤奈名彩; 室崎千重, 2022, 2022
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), Research on facilities, space layout and consideration of general evacuation shelters that meet the needs of people requiring assistance during a disaster, 重久絢音; 室崎千重, 2022, 2022
Not Refereed, Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan, The City Planning Institute of Japan, A Study of Changes in Housing Consciousness and Formation of Life Orientation of Workcation Practitioners, Sawada Koki; Kondo Tamiyo; Murosaki Chie; Yamaguti Chiaki; Yoshimura Hiroi, The theme of this research is to clarify the changes in attitudes toward housing and the way of thinking about housing through the practice of workcation. Through their experiences at the practice site, they began to think about their own housing and future housing options. Through their temporary housing at the practice site, many people were affected by their relationships with other people, the natural environment, and their work environment, and people who do not intend to settle down permanently are beginning to emerge in terms of their ideas about settling down. Through repeated workcations, which are temporary housing that can be done easily, practitioners are searching for their own ideal way of living and trying to realize it., 11 Mar. 2024, 22, 4, 670, 674, 10.11361/reportscpij.22.4_670
Not Refereed, Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan, The City Planning Institute of Japan, Study on the home of multi-habitation practitioners and the meaning of multi-habitation base: Analysis of members of housing subscription service ADDress, Yamaguchi Chiaki; Kondo Tamiyo; Murosaki Chie; Sawada Koki; Yoshimura Hiroi, In this study, we will clarify the home of multi- habitation practitioners and the meaning of the base for them, and consider the living style that they seek, targeting users of ADDress, which provides a housing subscription. The home of a multi-habitation practitioner is formed by a combination of a spiritual home and a spatial home, and multi-habitation has the power to change users' homes. Also, it was revealed that the multi-habitation base has nine meanings. Based on these results, multi-habitation practitioners seek to incorporate community with others into their places to live, to have variability in living environment, and to experience a variety of ways of living environment., 11 Mar. 2024, 22, 4, 621, 624, 10.11361/reportscpij.22.4_621
Oral presentation, Sep. 2020
Oral presentation, Sep. 2020
Oral presentation, Sep. 2020
Oral presentation, Sep. 2020
Oral presentation, Sep. 2020
Oral presentation, Sep. 2020
高木正恵; 室崎千重, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), A Survey on Characteristics of Suburban Coworking Spaces’ Location based on Distribution of Residential Areas, Oral presentation, 2021, 2021, 2021
大西桜子; 室崎千重, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), Research on the elements necessary for community life that they realized again due to the increase in living time in the area around their home., Oral presentation, 2021, 2021, 2021
瀬戸千裕; 室崎千重, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), Intentions and current status of housing renovation for the continuation of comfortable living in the elderly of the generation reaching the child independence and retirement., Oral presentation, 2021, 2021, 2021
中西眞弓; 森重幸子; 高田光雄; 室崎千重, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), A Study on the Possibility of Using Japanese-style Rooms for Child-rearing Households: Part 2-The need for a Japanese-style Room in a Virtual 3LDK House.-, Oral presentation, 2021, 2021, 2021
大谷咲月; 室崎千重, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), Necessity of maintenance in view of differences in viewing needs depending on the presence or absence of hearing impairment, Oral presentation, 2021, 2021, 2021
齋藤真奈夢; 室崎千重, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), Effectiveness and possibility of rental housing to meet diversifying lifestyles and housing demands, Oral presentation, 2021, 2021, 2021
室崎千重, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), A research on the staged development of the residential environment for home care elderly persons to continue living in their own houses, Oral presentation, 2021, 2021, 2021
大西桜子; 室崎千重, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), Influence of house specific elements on where to stay and activities in Kodomoshokudou, Sep. 2020, Sep. 2020, Sep. 2020
檜谷美恵子; 室崎千重; 中西真弓; 高田光雄, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), Issues on Usage of Common Space as Children’s Place-A Case Study on the Supportive Built Environment for Child Rearing in Public Housing Estate, Part4, Sep. 2020, Sep. 2020, Sep. 2020
室崎千重; 檜谷美恵子; 高田光雄; 中西眞弓, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), The Value of Communication of Parents and Children in Two Adjoining Rrooms of Public Housing Estate-A Case Study on the Supportive Built Environment for Child Rearing in Public Housing Estate, Part5, Sep. 2020, Sep. 2020, Sep. 2020
大谷咲月; 室崎千重, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), The actual situation of the evaluation and approach of the concerned parties regarding consideration for deaf people in museums, Sep. 2020, Sep. 2020, Sep. 2020
瀬戸千裕; 室崎千重, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), The effect of childcare facilities in the park on local people’s awareness and receiving of childcare facilities and their relationship with infants, Sep. 2020, Sep. 2020, Sep. 2020
中西眞弓; 森重幸子; 高田光雄; 室崎千重, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), A Study on the Possibility of Using Japanese-style Rooms for Child-rearing Households-Living Styles at Japanese-style Rooms and Dwelling Consciousness for Child-rearing Households-, 2020, 2020, 2020
多々良理奈; 室崎千重; 高田光雄; 檜谷美恵子; 中西眞弓, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 団地住戸の続き間使用時における家族と子どもの様子認識-公的住宅団地を対象とした子育て支援住環境に関する事例研究(その1), 2019, 2019, 2019
田嶋尚美; 室崎千重, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), キッチン設備の天板奥行寸法におけるアクセシビリティに関する研究, 2019, 2019, 2019
宮本順加; 室崎千重, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 認知症高齢者が自宅に住み続けるための住環境の段階的な整備に関する研究, 2019, 2019, 2019
大谷咲月; 室崎千重, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 知的障害児者の外出促進と親の負担軽減につながる外出環境整備に関する研究, 2019, 2019, 2019
川嶋汐里; 室崎千重, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 滞在型複合図書館が利用行動に与える効果に関する研究-商業施設複合型のあかし市民図書館を対象として-, 2019, 2019, 2019
中西眞弓; 檜谷美恵子; 高田光雄; 室崎千重, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 子育て世帯の和室の使い方と住意識-公的住宅団地を対象とした子育て支援住環境に関する事例研究(その2)-, 2019, 2019, 2019
藤村安則; 柳原崇男; 神吉優美; 室崎千重, 土木計画学研究・講演集(CD-ROM), 旅客施設のない町での市民提案型バリアフリー基本構想策定を通じた住民・行政協働のあり方に関する考察, 2019, 2019, 2019