Not Refereed, 2024, 11, 33, 44
Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Personality, 日本パーソナリティ心理学会, A Study of High School Students' Cognition about Communication through LINE and the Effect of Friendships among Modern Adolescents on It, Tokioka Ryota; Hashimoto Mayuri; Iwaki Akiko; Kumashiro Sueto; Kuwabara Tomoko; Satoh Utsuru; Kodama Natsue; Tazuke Kohei; Takenaka Yuuka; Matsunami Misato; Iwai Yuka; Kimura Daiki; Suzuki Yuka, LINE is a mobile application used mainly for communication with friends. Recently, LINE has become indispensable, particularly for young people. This study explored high school students' cognition about communication through LINE and revealed the effect of their friendships on it. High school students (<i>N</i>=423) completed a LINE scale that was constructed for this study and a Friendship scale in an online survey. Exploratory factor analysis yielded the following six factors: (1) "anxiety about being ignored," (2) "ease," (3) "sense of miscommunication," (4) "increase in aggressiveness," (5) "obsession with quick reply," and (6) "sense of being close." Subsequently, a multiple population analysis suggested that a psychological tendency to avoid being disliked by friends is one of the reasons for high school students' ambivalence about communication through LINE., 2017, 26, 1, 76, 88
Refereed, 心理臨床学研究, 日本心理臨床学会, A study on the different meanings of the expression "jibun ga nai" (lack of self) : From a clinical psychological point of view, 時岡 良太, Feb. 2016, 33, 6, 625, 634
Not Refereed, 京都大学大学院教育学研究科心理教育相談室紀要, 現実との「ずれ」を抱える青年男子との心理面接過程, 時岡 良太, 2016, 42, 80, 89
Refereed, Kyoto University Reasearch Studies in Education, 京都大学大学院教育学研究科, On the Daily Word “Jibun (Self)”, Which Is Often Used in the Practice of Clinical Psychology: Comparison with Similar Conceptions, Ryota Tokioka, Mar. 2015, 61, 39, 51, Scientific journal
Not Refereed, 京都大学学生総合支援センター紀要 = Archives of student support in Kyoto University General Student Support Center, [京都大学学生総合支援センター], アパシーおよび新型うつ病への心理療法についての一試論 : 葛藤を抱えることの困難に着目して, 時岡 良太, 2015, 45, 83, 94
Refereed, Kyoto University Reasearch Studies in Education, 京都大学大学院教育学研究科, A Clinical Psychological Study of the “Other Self” in a Virtual Space, Ryota Tokioka, An avatar is the other self in a virtual space. This paper discusses the relationship between an avatar and the self in today's adolescents. First, the author considered communication between avatars. It is pointed out that the other's presence is weak in communication and that an avatar has a one-sided character, which is projected from one side of the user's personality. Next, the author considers the virtual space where avatars exist, and claims that the space is almost unlimited spatially and temporally, and that the boundary between the self and others is vague in this space. These features are related to the characteristics of dissociative disorder and developmental disorder, which are often discussed in today's clinical psychology. People who have these disorders are said to find it hard hold a mental conflict within themselves, and it seems that the same applies to an avatar. An avatar in a virtual space has an aspect that functions as a system that makes adolescents evade mental conflict by artificially diffusing their own selves. However, it is important to understand an avatar and the self of today's adolescents themselves, and not to regard them as something pathological or different from us., Mar. 2014, 60, 235, 247, Scientific journal
Not Refereed, 京都大学大学院教育学研究科附属臨床教育実践研究センター紀要, 京都大学大学院教育学研究科附属臨床教育実践研究センター, The Effect of Diagnosis of Pervasive Developmental Disorder on Teachers' Case Formulation, 時岡 良太; 友尻 奈緒美; 菱田 一仁, 2014, 18, 90, 103
Not Refereed, 最新精神医学, 現代うつとその治療ー身体性に着目してー, 田中崇恵; 加藤のぞみ; 國崎貴弘; 時岡良太; 堀川聡司; 小出文香, 2013, 18, 1, 57, 63, Scientific journal
Not Refereed, 日本心理臨床学会第33回大会発表論文集, 高校生のLINEをめぐる意識と友人関係との関連, 時岡良太; 岩城晶子; 神代末人; 佐藤映; 児玉夏枝; 鈴木瑠璃; 竹中悠香; 田附紘平; 松波美里; 岩井有香; 鈴木優佳; 桑原知子, 108, 108, Scientific journal
Refereed, 学生相談研究, 主体性の乏しい学生との面接過程―カウンセラーが居続けることの重要性―, 時岡良太, Jul. 2021, 42, 1, 12, 22, Scientific journal
Not Refereed, Research Journal of Living Science, Clinical psychological studies on multiple selves and self-direction, Ryota Tokioka, Mar. 2022, 68, 2, 43, 49, Research institution
Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学心理臨床研究, 心理療法における「主体」をめぐる一考察, 時岡良太, Mar. 2022, 9, 43, 51, Research institution
奈良女子大学心理臨床研究, 奈良女子大学臨床心理相談センター, メタバースにおける自己についての臨床心理学的考察, 時岡, 良太, type:Article
奈良女子大学心理臨床研究 第10号 第1部 研究論文
本論では,近年注目度が高まっている「メタバース」について,特に自己やアイデンティティの観点から考察を試みた。インターネット上の仮想空間においてアバターの姿で活動すること自体は以前からあったが,現在注目されているメタバースでは,VRデバイスがもたらす没入感が大きな特徴であり,それによる学習効果の向上や,アバターへの身体移転現象による共感の高まりなど,ユーザーの心理や行動に様々な影響を及ぼす。また,メタバースのアバターは現実世界の自己とは異なる面が大きいた,複数の異なるアイデンティティが同時に存在することが明示的になり,状況ごとに異なる自己が在すると考える「分人主義」と馴染みやすい。そしてメタバースは現実世界よりもカスタマイズ性が高いために,「これが本当の自分だ」と思われることもあるが,本来の分人主義からすると,様々な分人の間に真偽の区別はなく,アバターは特別な存在ではないことを論じた。さらに,現実世界も含めた複数の分人をつなぐ「点」としての主体が分人たちとは異なる次元に生じることや,その主体による「物語を紡ぐ」という作用の重要性についても考察した。, 31 Mar. 2023, 10, 49, 59, Research institution
Refereed, 学生相談研究 / 日本学生相談学会編集委員会 編 = The Japanese journal of student counseling / Japanese Association of Student Counseling, 武蔵野 : 日本学生相談学会, 不本意入学者が主体性を育むプロセス : 学力の問題による不本意入学者の場合—Development Process of Self-direction among Students Unwilling to Enroll in University due to Inadequate Academic Achievement, 時岡 良太, Nov. 2023, 44, 2, 89, 98, Scientific journal