Researchers Database

KUJI Makoto

FacultyFaculty Division of Natural Sciences Research Group of Environmental Sciences
PositionAssociate Professor
Last Updated :2024/10/05


Profile and Settings

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  • Doctor of Science, Tohoku University

Research Areas

  • Natural sciences, Atmospheric and hydrospheric science
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science, Environmental dynamics

Research Experience

  • 1993, 2012, 奈良女子大学・理学部
  • 2013, 9999, 奈良女子大学・研究院・自然科学系


  • 1993, Tohoku University, 理学研究科, 地球物理学, Japan
  • 1993, Tohoku University, Graduate School, Division of Natural Science, Geophysics

Association Memberships

  • 米国地球物理連合
  • アメリカ気象学会
  • 日本地球惑星科学連合
  • 日本大気化学研究会
  • 日本リモートセンシング学会
  • 日本気象学会
  • American Geophysics Union
  • Japan Geoscience Union
  • The Japan Society of Atmospheric Chemistry


Published Papers

  • Refereed, POLAR SCIENCE, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Development of a cloud detection method from whole-sky color images, Yabuki, Masanori; Shiobara, Masataka; Nishinaka, Kimiko; Kuji, Makoto, A method is proposed for detecting clouds from whole-sky color images obtained with an all-sky camera (ASC) system. In polar regions, cloud detection using whole-sky images usually suffers from large uncertainties in fractional cloud cover retrievals because of large solar zenith angles (SZAs) and high surface albedo, which cause "whitening" in the images. These problems are addressed by using differences between real images and virtual clear-sky images for a particular observation time with the same SZA. The method is applied to ASC images obtained at Ny-Alesund, Svalbard in May of 2005-2007, and the results are compared with Micro-Pulse Lidar (MPL) measurements. When no clouds were detected by MPL, the false cloud detection rate from ASC classification was 2.1% in total hours. Conversely, when clouds were detected by MPL, the ASC classification underestimated the clouds by 11.6%. In most cases, this occurred when MPL detected very optically thin clouds. Furthermore, the variability of cloud fractions estimated by MPL and ASC was roughly constant regardless of the SZA. Thus, it is confirmed that the method developed in this study is valid for cloud detection from whole-sky color images. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. and NIPR. All rights reserved., Dec. 2014, 8, 4, 315, 326, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.polar.2014.07.004
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, METEOROLOGICAL SOC JAPAN, Characteristics of Aerosol Properties of Haze and Yellow Sand Examined from SKYNET Measurements over East China Sea, Shiho Kitakoga; Yoko Inoue; Makoto Kuji; Tadahiro Hayasaka, In this study, characteristics of atmospheric phenomena such as haze and yellow sand (Kosa) events were investigated in terms of aerosols by using sky radiometers, Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), and optical particle counter (OPC) observations at Fukue-jima and Amami-Oshima Islands from 2003 to 2004. As a result of the data analyses, we determined that aerosol properties such as loading, light absorptivity, particle size, non-sphericity, and vertical distribution showed specific features both in the atmospheric column and near the surface, depending on the atmospheric phenomena compared with normal atmospheric conditions. A specific case was clearly confirmed: the influence of limited light absorptivity dominated even during a Kosa event. In this study, it was confirmed that even if each ground-based instrument observed the phenomena with different ranges for the atmospheric column, lower layer, and surface, the retrieved aerosol properties were consistent. We demonstrated that the combined use of state-of-the-art instrumentation to detect aerosols is useful for quantitatively characterizing the atmospheric phenomena., 2014, 92A, 57, 69, Scientific journal, 10.2151/jmsj.2014-A04
  • Refereed, REMOTE SENSING OF CLOUDS AND THE ATMOSPHERE XVIII; AND OPTICS IN ATMOSPHERIC PROPAGATION AND ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS XVI, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Retrieval of water cloud top and bottom heights and the validation with ground-based observations, Makoto Kuji, It is of great interest to investigate the optical, microphysical, and geometrical properties of clouds that play crucial role in the earth climate system. Water clouds are generally optically thick and consequently have a great cooling effect on earth-atmosphere radiation budget. The water clouds usually exist in a lower troposphere where aerosol-cloud interaction occurs frequently, and then cloud droplet size variation influences reflection of solar radiation as well. Further, a cloud layer height is one of the key properties that determine downward longwave radiation and then surface radiation budget. In this study, top height, geometrical thickness and bottom height of a water cloud layer are investigated as cloud geometrical properties in particular. Several studies show that observation data of some spectral regions including oxygen A-band, enables us to retrieve the cloud geometrical properties as well as the optical thickness and the effective particle radius. In this study, an algorithm was developed to retrieve simultaneously the cloud optical thickness, effective particle radius, top height, geometrical thickness and then bottom height of a cloud layer with the spectral observation of visible, near infrared, thermal infrared, and oxygen A-band channels. This algorithm was applied to Advanced Earth Observing Satellite . .II / Global Imager (ADEOS-II / GLI) dataset so as to retrieve global distribution of cloud geometrical properties. The retrieved results around Japan were compared with other observation such as ground-based active sensors, which suggest this algorithm works for cloud system over ocean at least although the cloud bottom height was underestimated. The underestimation is attributed to cloud inhomogeneity at this stage and should be investigated in detail., 2013, 8890, International conference proceedings, 10.1117/12.2029169
  • Refereed, NETWORKING THE WORLD WITH REMOTE SENSING, COPERNICUS GESELLSCHAFT MBH, OBSERVATIONS OF CLOUD AND AEROSOL FROM GCOM-C SGLI, T. Y. Nakajima; M. Kuji; I. Sano; Nick Schutgens; Y. Mano; J. Riedi; H. Ishida; K. Suzuki; H. Okamoto; T. Matsui; H. Letu, Observing cloud and aerosol distributions and their optical and microphysical properties are one of important activities for the global climate change study, since the role of these particles and their interactive responses to the climate system are still in mystery. The Second generation Global Imager (SGLI) aboard the GCOM-C satellite is a follow-on sensor of the Global Imager (GLI) aboard the Midori-2 satellite. It is designed for globally observing clouds and aerosols targets with high-accuracy and quick recurrence. The major geophysical parameters retrieved from SGLI atmosphere's algorithm are cloud optical thickness, cloud particle radii, cloud top temperature, cloud geometrical thickness, aerosol optical thickness, and aerosol Angstrom exponents. Cloud discriminations all of SGLI pixels will also be supplied. It is notable that the SGLI has some functions specialized for observing aerosol properties over ocean and land. They are 0.38-mu m channels, multi-angles and polarization capability in 0.67 and 0.86-mu m channels. This paper introduces strategy of the atmospheric observations by use of the GCOM-C/SGLI and the latest research results obtained from GLI-to-SGLI scientific activities., 2010, 38, 30, 34, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, Applied Optics, Optimization of the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite II Global Imager channels by use of radiative transfer calculations, Takashi Y. Nakajima; Teruyuki Nakajima; Masakatsu Nakajima; Hajime Fukushima; Makoto Kuji; Akihiro Uchiyama; Motoaki Kishino, The channel specifications of the Global Imager onboard the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite II have been determined by extensive numerical experiments. The results show that there is an optimum feasible position for each ocean color channel. The bandwidth of the 0.763-µm channel should be less than 10 nm for good sensitivity to the cloud top height and geometric thickness of the cloud layer a 40-nm bandwidth is suitable for the 1.38-µm channel to have the strongest contrast between cloudy and clear radiance with a sufficient radiant energy and a 3.7-µm channel is better than a 3.95-µm channel for estimation of the sea surface temperature (SST) and determination of the cloud particle size when the bandwidth of the channel is 0.33 µm. A three-wavelength combination of 6.7, 7.3, and 7.5 µm is an optimized choice for water vapor profiling. The combination of 8.6, 10.8, and 12.0 µm is suitable for cloud microphysics and SST retrievals with the split-window technique. © 1998 Optical Society of America., 20 May 1998, 37, 15, 3149, 3163, Scientific journal, 10.1364/AO.37.003149
  • Refereed, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II, Meteorological Society of Japan, Cloud Fractions Estimated from Shipboard Whole-Sky Camera and Ceilometer Observations between East Asia and Antarctica, Makoto KUJI; Atsumi MURASAKI; Masahiro HORI; Masataka SHIOBARA, 2018, 96, 2, 201, 214, Scientific journal, 10.2151/jmsj.2018-025
  • Refereed, SOLA, Meteorological Society of Japan, Retrieval of Asian Dust Amount over Land using ADEOS-II/GLI near UV Data, Makoto Kuji; Noriko Yamanaka; Sachiko Hayashida; Motoaki Yasui; Akihiro Uchiyama; Akihiro Yamazaki; Teruo Aoki, 2005, 1, 33, 36, Scientific journal, 10.2151/sola.2005-010
  • Refereed, Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, An Error Analysis of a Method for Retrieval of Tropospheric Aerosols Using UV Satellite Sensor, Yukari SHIBATA; Kyoka GAMO; Noriko YAMANAKA; Makoto KUJI; Sachiko HAYASHIDA, The atmospheric aerosols play an important role in tropospheric chemistry. In this paper, we make an error analysis of a method for remote sensing of tropospheric aerosols over land using Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) sensor. This algorithm, based on Direct Method [Torres et al., 1998], makes use of radiance measured in two UV wavelengths (335 and 395 nm). In this spectral region, the surface reflectivity is lower than that in visible range, for example, which enables us to retrieve aerosol properties easier over land in particular. At first, we present the results of sensitivity study with the two channels. Next, we make error analyses the uncertainties in the parameters such as surface albedo, height of aerosol layer, or viewing angle within a GOME pixel, so as to retrieve aerosol optical thickness and mode radius., 2004, 24, 4, 387, 397, 10.11440/rssj1981.24.387
  • Refereed, Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Retrieval of Precipitable Water Using Near Infrared Channels of Global Imager/Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II (GLI/ADEOS-II), Makoto KUJI; Akihiro UCHIYAMA, 2002, 22, 2, 149, 162
  • Refereed, Antarctic Record, Development of a tool to read out HRPT data of NOAA polar orbiter received at Syowa Station, Makoto Kuji; Nobuyuki Kikuchi, 2001, 45, 3, 353, 361
  • Refereed, Polar meteorology and glaciology, A method of cloud field detection over Antarctica during the polar night using AVHRR data, Makoto Kuji; Nobuyuki Kikuchi; Naohiko Hirasawa; Takashi Yamanouchi, 2001, 15, 114, 123
  • Refereed, Journal of Applied Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, The Retrieval of Effective Particle Radius and Liquid Water Path of Low-Level Marine Clouds from NOAA AVHRR Data, Makoto Kuji; Tadahiro Hayasaka; Nobuyuki Kikuchi; Teruyuki Nakajima; Masayuki Tanaka, Jul. 2000, 39, 7, 999, 1016, Scientific journal, 10.1175/1520-0450(2000)039<0999:troepr>;2
  • Refereed, Journal of Geophysical Research, American Geophysical Union (AGU), Air truth validation of cloud albedo estimated from NOAA advanced very high resolution radiometer data, Tadahiro Hayasaka; Makoto Kuji; Masayuki Tanaka, 1994, 99, D9, 18685, 18685, Scientific journal, 10.1029/94jd00964
  • Refereed, Polar Data Journal, Long-term all-sky-camera images and evaluated cloud-cover data at Syowa Station, Antarctica, Naohiko HIRASAWA; Masanori YABUKI; Masataka SHIOBARA; Yumi SHIMODE; Makoto KUJI, Jul. 2023, 7, 35, 49, Scientific journal, 10.17592/002.2023060138
  • Refereed, Scientific Reports, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Very high particulate pollution over northwest India captured by a high-density in situ sensor network, Tanbir Singh; Yutaka Matsumi; Tomoki Nakayama; Sachiko Hayashida; Prabir K. Patra; Natsuko Yasutomi; Mizuo Kajino; Kazuyo Yamaji; Pradeep Khatri; Masayuki Takigawa; Hikaru Araki; Yuki Kurogi; Makoto Kuji; Kanako Muramatsu; Ryoichi Imasu; Anamika Ananda; Ardhi A. Arbain; Khaiwal Ravindra; Sanjeev Bhardwaj; Sahil Kumar; Sahil Mor; Surendra K. Dhaka; A. P. Dimri; Aka Sharma; Narendra Singh; Manpreet S. Bhatti; Rekha Yadav; Kamal Vatta; Suman Mor, Abstract Exposure to particulate matter less than 2.5 µm in diameter (PM2.5) is a cause of concern in cities and major emission regions of northern India. An intensive field campaign involving the states of Punjab, Haryana and Delhi national capital region (NCR) was conducted in 2022 using 29 Compact and Useful PM2.5 Instrument with Gas sensors (CUPI-Gs). Continuous observations show that the PM2.5 in the region increased gradually from < 60 µg m−3 in 6–10 October to up to 500 µg m−3 on 5–9 November, which subsequently decreased to about 100 µg m−3 in 20–30 November. Two distinct plumes of PM2.5 over 500 µg m−3 are tracked from crop residue burning in Punjab to Delhi NCR on 2–3 November and 10–11 November with delays of 1 and 3 days, respectively. Experimental campaign demonstrates the advantages of source region observations to link agricultural waste burning and air pollution at local to regional scales., 14 Aug. 2023, 13, 1, Scientific journal, 10.1038/s41598-023-39471-1
  • Refereed, Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan, THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES, Cloud Fractions Estimated from Shipboard Whole-Sky Camera and Ceilometer Observations, KUJI Makoto; M. Kuji; R. Fujimoto; M. Miyagawa; R. Funada; M. Hori; H. Kobayashi; S. Koga; J. Matsushita; M. Shiobara,

    Shipboard observations of cloud fraction were performed along the round-trip research cruise between Japan and Antarctica from November 2013 to April 2014 using both a whole-sky camera and a ceilometer onboard the Research Vessel (R/V) Shirase. Based on the results of the comparison of these cloud fractions, it was found that the correlation coefficient was 0.86 for the 2024 observations acquired between Australia and Antarctica from 27 November to 9 December 2013. Overall, the results were consistent between the two observation methods; however, some underestimation by the whole-sky camera was determined in comparison with the ceilometer. It is intended that shipboard observations will continue onboard the R/V Shirase over subsequent every years in order to improve the retrieval of cloud fractions for the validation of satellite observations.

    , 2016, 14, 30, pp7, Pn_13, 10.2322/tastj.14.Pn_7
  • Refereed, REMOTE SENSING OF THE ATMOSPHERE, CLOUDS, AND PRECIPITATION IV, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Relationship between trace gases and aerosols from biomass burning in Southeast Asia using satellite and emission data, Yoshimi Azuma; Maya Nakamura; Makoto Kuji, Southeast Asia is one of the biggest regions of biomass burning with forest fires and slash-and-burn farming. From the fire events, a large amount of air pollutants are emitted such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NOx) and aerosol (black carbon; BC). Biomass burning generally causes not only local, but also transboundary air pollution, and influences the atmospheric environment in the world accordingly. However, impact of air pollutants' emissions from large-scale fire in Southeast Asia has not been well investigated compared to other regions such as South America and Africa. In this study, characteristics of the atmospheric environment were investigated with correlative analyses among several satellite data (MOPITT, OMI, and MODIS) and emission inventory (GFEDv3) in Southeast Asia from October 2004 to June 2008 on a monthly basis. As a result, it is suggested that the transboundary air pollution from the biomass burning regions occurred over Southeast Asia, which caused specifically higher air pollutants' concentration at Hanoi, Vietnam in spring dry seasons., 2012, 8523, International conference proceedings, 10.1117/12.977326
  • Refereed, REMOTE SENSING OF THE ATMOSPHERE, CLOUDS, AND PRECIPITATION IV, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, DRAGON-West Japan campaign in 2012: Regional aerosol measurements over Osaka, I. Sano; S. Mukai; B. N. Holben; M. Nakata; M. Yonemitsu; N. Sugimoto; T. Fujito; T. Hiraki; N. Iguchi; K. Kozai; M. Kuji; K. Muramatsu; Y. Okada; Y. Okada; Y. Sadanaga; S. Tohno; Y. Toyazaki; K. Yamamoto, It is known that the aerosol distribution in Asia is complicated due to the increasing emissions of anthropogenic aerosols in association with economic growth and natural dust significantly varied with the seasons. Therefore it is clear that local spatially and temporally resolved measurements of atmospheric aerosols in Asian urban city are necessary. Since Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto, and Nara are located in very close each others (all cities are included in around 70x70 km(2) area). The population of the region is around 13 millions including neighbor prefectures, accordingly air quality in this region is slightly bad in comparison with the remote area. Furthermore, in recent years, Asian dusts and anthropogenic small particles some times transported from China and cover these cities throughout year. DRAGON (Distributed Regional Aerosol Gridded Observation Network) is a project of dense sun/sky radiometer network in the urban area. The DRAGON-West Japan field campaign was performed over Osaka and neighbor cities with 7 AERONET instruments from March to end of May in 2012. As results, DRAGON measurements indicate small differences among the values of AOT over Osaka region., 2012, 8523, International conference proceedings, 10.1117/12.977615
  • Refereed, CURRENT PROBLEMS IN ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION (IRS 2008), AMER INST PHYSICS, Comparison of Cloud Top Altitudes from Passive and Active Remote Sensors onboard ER-2 during TC4, Makoto Kuji; Steven Platnick; Michael D. King; George T. Arnold; Gala Wind; Matthew McGill; William D. Hart; Dennis L. Hlavka; Robert E. Holz, attitude is one of the key properties for the Earth radiation budget. There still exist large uncertainties on cloud altitude as well as optical and microphysical properties for high altitude clouds, in particular. Targeting the high altitude clouds around tropical tropopause transition layer (TTL), the Tropical Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling (TC4) Experiment was carried out, based on Costa Rica during July and August 2007. In this campaign, NASA's high altitude airplane, ER-2, made remote sensing observation, and we obtained precious data with both passive and active remote sensors, such as Imager, Sounder, LIDAR, Radar, and so on. In this study, we compare cloud top altitudes using colocated datasets with Imager, LIDAR, and Sounder onboard the high altitude airplane. We have preliminary results, which are generally consistent with the former field campaign based on Hawaii during February and March 2003. We discuss the consistency between IR sounding and LIDAR backscattering measurements, and also show a result with respect to cloud optical and microphysical properties., 2009, 1100, 474, 477, International conference proceedings, 10.1063/1.3117024
  • Refereed, REMOTE SENSING OF THE ATMOSPHERE AND CLOUDS, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Characteristics of sulfate haze over East Asia retrieved with satellite and ground-based remote sensing data, Makoto Kuji; Sachiko Hayashida; Masataka Shiobara; Masanori Yabuki; Keiichiro Hara; Hiroshi Kobayashi; Tadahiro Hayasaka; Shinsuke Satake, Optical observation around near UV spectral region potentially enables us to retrieve light absorbing features of aerosol, such as type as well as optical thickness. We analyzed near UV observation data to identify haze properties around Japan in the autumn of 2003, using Global Imager onboard Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II (ADEOS-II/GLI), which has 380nm and 400nm window channels. At the same time, we had optical observation, such as a ground-based LIDAR measurement and a shipborne skyradiometer measurement, so as to retrieve vertical profile, particle sphericity, particle size distribution, and optical thickness of the haze.Based upon the three kinds of analyses with remotely sensed data, such as satellite, LIDAR, and skyradiometer, we have the following characteristics of the haze: little UV absorbing, of optical thickness 0.5 (around 500nm), within lower boundary layer (less than around 1km a.s.l.), and of spherical and fine particles (0.2 mu m in radius).We also have some direct sampling measurements onboard Research Vessel Shirase, such as integrated nephelometer, particle soot/absorption photometer, and optical particle counter, so as to identify optical and microphysical properties of the haze as well as chemical composition analyses. The results of the surface direct sampling showed the dense haze dominantly consisted of smaller (0.2 mu m in radius) and sulfate particulates, which is consistent to the remotely sensed results.Backward trajectory simulations also indicate that the hazy air mass had arrived from/through some mega cities over East Asia. Further, we are going to investigate the consistency between optical, microphysical, chemical, and dynamical aspects using a chemical transport model., 2006, 6408, 1, 8, International conference proceedings, 10.1117/12.693033
  • Refereed, APPLICATIONS WITH WEATHER SATELLITES, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, The availability of precipitable water retrieval using split-window data, M Kuji; Okada, I; A Uchiyama; T Takamura, Water vapor is one of the most significant green house effect gases. A monitoring of water vapor behavior with operational satellite is important to investigate the global changes. Water vapor usually exists at lower troposphere. However, precipitable water is a key property to comprehend the variation since sometimes humid air mass moves to the upper troposphere. Using split window channel data with optical sensors such as AVHRR and VISSR, several retrieval algorithm has been proposed and among them, transmittance ratio method has been often utilized. However, the approach is still controversial because some studies concluded it was available and others not. We investigated the availability of the method with split window channels' data of GMS-5/VISSR on a semi-continental scale. A calibration curve of the precipitable water with radiosonde observation had been made in course of the retrieval procedure. However, the calibration curve are hardly sensitive to the precipitable water. Numerical simulations were carried out for the possible condition, and it turned out that calibration was insensitive to precipitable water under some condition at all: larger water water variation for a given surface temperature range within a given region. The results of a feasibility study will be discussed., 2003, 4895, 129, 136, International conference proceedings, 10.1117/12.466537


  • Refereed, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, Meteorological Society of Japan, Cloud fractions estimated from shipboard whole-sky camera and ceilometer observations between east Asia and Antarctica, Makoto Kuji; Atsumi Murasaki; Masahiro Hori; Masataka Shiobara, Cloud fractions were observed during research cruises onboard the research vessel (R/V) Shirase between Japan and Antarctica using a whole-sky camera and a ceilometer. The cruises, Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions (JARE) 55 and 56, took place from November 2013 to April 2014 and from November 2014 to April 2015, respectively. Cloud fractions were estimated from the whole-sky camera based on the sky brightness and spectral characteristics, and the ceilometer recorded the cloud occurrence frequency. According to the comparison of daily-averaged cloud fractions from the whole-sky camera with the ceilometer observations over the open ocean between Japan and Antarctica, the correlation coefficients were 0.87 and 0.93 for JARE 55 and 56, respectively. Overall, the results from both observation methods were consistent over the open ocean. Nevertheless, it was necessary to take surface conditions into consideration, particularly for the estimated cloud fractions from the whole-sky camera, because the contrast in brightness and spectral properties between cloudy and clear skies was lower over the sea ice region, owing to the higher surface albedo. Hence, the classification parameter was expressed as a function of sun elevation over the sea ice region in this study. This parameter was determined from part of the data over the sea ice region during JARE 55 and then applied to JARE 56 as well as to the remaining data from JARE 55. As a result, the daily-averaged cloud fractions over the sea ice region were approximately 84 % and 57 % from JARE 55 and 56, respectively. The daily-averaged cloud fractions estimated from the whole-sky camera were also consistent with the ceilometer observations, where the correlation coefficients with the sea ice region were 0.93 and 0.96 for JARE 55 and 56, respectively., 2018, 96, 2, 201, 214, True, 10.2151/jmsj.2018-025
  • Not Refereed, 北極ニーオルスン基地開設25周年と将来展望, ニーオルスンで観測された雲量, 久慈 誠, 2017, 40
  • Not Refereed, 気象研究ノート「南極氷床と大気物質循環・気候」, 南極昭和基地で観測された雲の特徴, 久慈 誠; 久慈誠; 宮川真友; 塩原匡貴, 2017, 233, 345, 354
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学教育システム研究開発センター・教育システム研究, 天文学を通じた地学学習の実践検討 −高等学校理科「地学」領域教育における高大連携授業研究の試み−, 久慈 誠; 米田隆恒; 林田佐智子; 久慈誠, 2017, 153, 156
  • Not Refereed, 22nd International Symposium on Polar Sciences, Challenging new remote-sensing of aerosols and clouds from surface at the polar sites, Shiobara, M; M. Yabuki; T. Takano; H. Okamoto; M. Kuji; H. Kobayashi; A. Uchiyama, May 2016, Summary national conference
  • Not Refereed, 第6回極域科学シンポジウム, Variability of cloud fraction at Syowa station and Ny-Alesund, Miyagawa Mayu; Kuji Makoto; Yabuki Masanori; Masataka Shiobara, Nov. 2015
  • Not Refereed, JpGU2015, Ground-based remote sensing of clouds and aerosol in the arctic Svalbard, M. Shiobara; M. Yabuki; M. Kuji; T. Takano; H. Okamoto, May 2015, ACG31-P05
  • Not Refereed, ASSW2015 ISAR-4/ICARP III, Ground-based remote-sensing for clouds, aerosol and water vapor in Ny-Alesund, Svalbard and the GRENE Arctic campaign, Shiobara, M; M. Yabuki; K. Ohora; M. Kuji; H. Okamoto; T. Takano; H. Kobayashi; M. Koike; J. Ukita, Apr. 2015, Summary national conference
  • Not Refereed, 日本気象学会 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, C166 南極昭和基地及び北極ニーオルスンにおける雲の特徴(中高緯度大気,一般口頭発表), 宮川 真友; 久慈 誠; 矢吹 正教; 塩原 匡貴, 2015, 108, 158, 158
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Cloud fractions estimated from shipboard whole-sky camera and ceilometer observations, KUJI Makoto; Risa FUJIMOTO; Mayu MIYAGAWA; Ryoko FUNADA; Masahiro HORI; Hiroshi KOBAYASHI; Seizi KOGA; Junji MATSUSHITA; Masataka SHIOBARA, 2015, pp.5
  • Not Refereed, 日本気象学会, 日本気象学会, P122 地上観測から得られた南極昭和基地における雲量の変動(ポスター・セッション), 宮川 真友; 竹岡 遼; 久慈 誠; 矢吹 正教; 塩原 匡貴, 2014, 106, 204, 204
  • Not Refereed, 日本気象学会, 日本気象学会, C109 北極域における雲底高度と雲の放射強制力の関係(大気放射,口頭発表), 竹岡 遼; 宮川 真友; 久慈 誠; 矢吹 正教; 塩原 匡貴, 2014, 106, 87, 87
  • Not Refereed, 11th Ny-Ålesund Science Managers Committee Seminar, Long-term monitoring of clouds and aerosols by ground-based remote sensing instruments operated by NIPR in Ny-Ålesund, Shiobara, M; M. Kuji; M. Yabuki; H. Kobayashi; K. Aoki; T. Takano; H. Okamoto; M. Koike; J. Ukita, Oct. 2013, Summary international conference
  • Not Refereed, 日本気象学会 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, D303 ニーオルスンにおける2011年春季集中観測期間の雲の特徴(中高緯度大気・相互作用,口頭発表), 西中 規実子; 久慈 誠; 矢吹 正教; 塩原 匡貴, 2013, 104, 406, 406
  • Refereed, AIP Conference Proceedings, Retrieval of cloud top and bottom heights using advanced Earth observing satellite / global imager (ADEOS-II / GLI) data, Makoto Kuji, An algorithm was developed to retrieve simultaneously the cloud optical thickness, effective particle radius, top height, geometrical thickness and then bottom height of a cloud layer with the spectral observation of visible, near infrared, thermal infrared, and oxygen A-band channels. The algorithm was applied to Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II / Global Imager (ADEOS-II / GLI) dataset so as to retrieve global distribution of cloud geometrical properties. The retrieved results around Japan were compared with other observations such as ground-based active sensors and aircraft. It was found that the retrieved cloud base height was comparable, but underestimated by a few hundred meters from the ground-based active cloud radar observation even though there possibly existed a drizzling mode in the observed cloud system. The comparison suggests the algorithm works for water cloud system over ocean at least, while it is necessary to make further validation study with other studies such as ground-, space-based observations, and cloud resolving models. Based on this result, the algorithm was further applied to a global dataset and the initial result was obtained. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC., 2013, 1531, 336, 339, 10.1063/1.4804775
  • Not Refereed, REMOTE SENSING OF THE ATMOSPHERE, CLOUDS, AND PRECIPITATION IV, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Relationship between trace gases and aerosols from biomass burning in Southeast Asia using satellite and emission data, Yoshimi Azuma; Maya Nakamura; Makoto Kuji, Southeast Asia is one of the biggest regions of biomass burning with forest fires and slash-and-burn farming. From the fire events, a large amount of air pollutants are emitted such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NOx) and aerosol (black carbon; BC). Biomass burning generally causes not only local, but also transboundary air pollution, and influences the atmospheric environment in the world accordingly. However, impact of air pollutants' emissions from large-scale fire in Southeast Asia has not been well investigated compared to other regions such as South America and Africa. In this study, characteristics of the atmospheric environment were investigated with correlative analyses among several satellite data (MOPITT, OMI, and MODIS) and emission inventory (GFEDv3) in Southeast Asia from October 2004 to June 2008 on a monthly basis. As a result, it is suggested that the transboundary air pollution from the biomass burning regions occurred over Southeast Asia, which caused specifically higher air pollutants' concentration at Hanoi, Vietnam in spring dry seasons., 2012, 8523, 10.1117/12.977326
  • Not Refereed, REMOTE SENSING OF THE ATMOSPHERE, CLOUDS, AND PRECIPITATION IV, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, DRAGON-West Japan campaign in 2012: Regional aerosol measurements over Osaka, I. Sano; S. Mukai; B. N. Holben; M. Nakata; M. Yonemitsu; N. Sugimoto; T. Fujito; T. Hiraki; N. Iguchi; K. Kozai; M. Kuji; K. Muramatsu; Y. Okada; Y. Okada; Y. Sadanaga; S. Tohno; Y. Toyazaki; K. Yamamoto, It is known that the aerosol distribution in Asia is complicated due to the increasing emissions of anthropogenic aerosols in association with economic growth and natural dust significantly varied with the seasons. Therefore it is clear that local spatially and temporally resolved measurements of atmospheric aerosols in Asian urban city are necessary. Since Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto, and Nara are located in very close each others (all cities are included in around 70x70 km(2) area). The population of the region is around 13 millions including neighbor prefectures, accordingly air quality in this region is slightly bad in comparison with the remote area. Furthermore, in recent years, Asian dusts and anthropogenic small particles some times transported from China and cover these cities throughout year. DRAGON (Distributed Regional Aerosol Gridded Observation Network) is a project of dense sun/sky radiometer network in the urban area. The DRAGON-West Japan field campaign was performed over Osaka and neighbor cities with 7 AERONET instruments from March to end of May in 2012. As results, DRAGON measurements indicate small differences among the values of AOT over Osaka region., 2012, 8523, 10.1117/12.977615
  • Not Refereed, Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Retrieval of Cloud, Water Vapor, and Aerosol Properties Using ADEOS-II/GLI Data, KUJI Makoto; KIKUCHI Nobuyuki; UCHIYAMA Akihiro, Retrieval algorithms of cloud, water vapor, and aerosol, were developed for ADEOS-II/GLI dataset. The retrieval algorithm was applied to ADEOS-II GLI data, using oxygen A-band (763nm) for cloud geometrical properties such as cloud top and bottom heights. As a result, a global map of the heights was obtained as a preliminary one. Columnar amount of water vapor was also retrieved using near infrared bands (1150nm) over land in particular, which is possibly complementary to the water vapor amount retrieved with microwave radiometer over ocean. Monthly global maps of columnar water vapor amount were obtained together from ADEOS-II/GLI and ADEOS-II/AMSR. Further, Columnar amount of yellow sand (Kosa aerosol), which is one of the UV-absorbing aerosols, was retrieved using near ultraviolet bands (380nm) with 1 km spatial resolution over land. The retrieved aerosol property was compared to a ground-based lidar observation inland China and it was found that the result was consistent with each other. Although our algorithms seem to work well, these results are still preliminary, and detailed validation studies are necessary in furture., 2009, 29, 1, 70, 73, 10.11440/rssj.29.70
  • Not Refereed, Journal of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Overview and Science Highlights of the ADEOS-II/GLI Project, NAKAJIMA Teruyuki; MURAKAMI Hiroshi; HORI Masahiro; NAKAJIMA Takashi Y.; YAMAMOTO Hirokazu; ISHIZAKA Joji; TATEISHI Ryutaro; AOKI Teruo; TAKAMURA Tamio; KUJI Makoto; DUONG Nguyen Dinh; ONO Akiko; FUKUDA Satoru; MURAMATSU Kanako, The GLI was a 36-channel near UV-visible-IR imager on board the ADEOS-II satellite. In spite of its short lifetime of only ten months due to solar paddle accident of the satellite, the GLI project made several significant contributions to the satellite remote sensing and climate studies, because of their useful products and related studies making use of its advanced functions as a satellite-borne imager. We like to overview the GLI mission regarding what we learned and what we lost from the satellite accident and to present several highlights gotten from the data analysis., 2009, 29, 1, 11, 28, 10.11440/rssj.29.11
  • Not Refereed, CURRENT PROBLEMS IN ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION (IRS 2008), AMER INST PHYSICS, Comparison of Cloud Top Altitudes from Passive and Active Remote Sensors onboard ER-2 during TC4, Makoto Kuji; Steven Platnick; Michael D. King; George T. Arnold; Gala Wind; Matthew McGill; William D. Hart; Dennis L. Hlavka; Robert E. Holz, attitude is one of the key properties for the Earth radiation budget. There still exist large uncertainties on cloud altitude as well as optical and microphysical properties for high altitude clouds, in particular. Targeting the high altitude clouds around tropical tropopause transition layer (TTL), the Tropical Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling (TC4) Experiment was carried out, based on Costa Rica during July and August 2007. In this campaign, NASA's high altitude airplane, ER-2, made remote sensing observation, and we obtained precious data with both passive and active remote sensors, such as Imager, Sounder, LIDAR, Radar, and so on. In this study, we compare cloud top altitudes using colocated datasets with Imager, LIDAR, and Sounder onboard the high altitude airplane. We have preliminary results, which are generally consistent with the former field campaign based on Hawaii during February and March 2003. We discuss the consistency between IR sounding and LIDAR backscattering measurements, and also show a result with respect to cloud optical and microphysical properties., 2009, 1100, 474, +, 10.1063/1.3117024
  • Not Refereed, J. Remote Sens. Soc. Japan, The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Retrieval of cloud, water, and aerosol properties using ADEOS-II/ GLI data, KUJI Makoto; M. Kuji; N. Kikuchi; A. Uchiyama, Retrieval algorithms of cloud, water vapor, and aerosol, were developed for ADEOS-II/GLI dataset. The retrieval algorithm was applied to ADEOS-II GLI data, using oxygen A-band (763nm) for cloud geometrical properties such as cloud top and bottom heights. As a result, a global map of the heights was obtained as a preliminary one. Columnar amount of water vapor was also retrieved using near infrared bands (1150nm) over land in particular, which is possibly complementary to the water vapor amount retrieved with microwave radiometer over ocean. Monthly global maps of columnar water vapor amount were obtained together from ADEOS-II/GLI and ADEOS-II/AMSR. Further, Columnar amount of yellow sand (Kosa aerosol), which is one of the UV-absorbing aerosols, was retrieved using near ultraviolet bands (380nm) with 1 km spatial resolution over land. The retrieved aerosol property was compared to a ground-based lidar observation inland China and it was found that the result was consistent with each other. Although our algorithms seem to work well, these results are still preliminary, and detailed validation studies are necessary in furture., 2009, 29, 1, 70, 73, 10.11440/rssj.29.70
  • Not Refereed, J. Remote Sens. Soc. Japan, The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Overview and highlights of the ADEOS-II/GLI project, KUJI Makoto; T. Nakajima; H. Murakami; M. Hori; T. Y. Nakajima; H. Yamamoto; J. Ishizaka; R. Tateishi; T. Aoki; T. Takamura; M. Kuji; D. D. Nguyen; A. Ono; S. Fukuda; K. Muramatsu, The GLI was a 36-channel near UV-visible-IR imager on board the ADEOS-II satellite. In spite of its short lifetime of only ten months due to solar paddle accident of the satellite, the GLI project made several significant contributions to the satellite remote sensing and climate studies, because of their useful products and related studies making use of its advanced functions as a satellite-borne imager. We like to overview the GLI mission regarding what we learned and what we lost from the satellite accident and to present several highlights gotten from the data analysis., 2009, 29, 1, 11, 28, 10.11440/rssj.29.11
  • Not Refereed, 千葉大学環境リモートセンシング研究センター年報, 千葉大学, エアロゾルの光学特性に関する観測的研究( 第3プロジェクト共同利用研究の内容と成果,2.1.1.共同利用プロジェクト研究の詳細,2.1.共同利用研究概観,[2] 共同利用研究), 塩原 匡貴; 矢吹 正教; 小林 拓; 内山 明博; 山崎 明宏; 久慈 誠, Jun. 2006, 11, 59, 59
  • Not Refereed, 日本気象学会 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, 近紫外衛星観測による、秋季日本近海におけるエアロゾルの解析, 久慈 誠; 近藤 優美; 林田 佐智子; 塩原 匡貴; 矢吹 正教; 原 圭一郎; 早坂 忠裕, Apr. 2006, 89, 117, 117
  • Not Refereed, CEReS環境リモートセンシングシンポジウム資料集, しらせ船上観測データを用いた,秋季日本近海におけるエアロゾルの特徴, 久慈誠; 塩原匡貴; 矢吹正教; 小林拓; 内山明博; 山崎明宏, Mar. 2006, 8th, 109, 113
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of SPIE, Retrieval of cloud geometrical properties using ADEOS-II/GLI data for radiation budget studies, 久慈 誠; M. Kuji; T. Nakajima, 2006, 5979, 10.1117/12.627581
  • Not Refereed, Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Atmospheric Environment Observed by GLI Aboard ADEOS-II, NAKAJIMA Takashi Y.; NAKAJIMA Teruyuki; HIGURASHI Akiko; KIKUCHI Nobuyuki; KUJI Makoto, Global Imager (GLI) is the moderate spatial resolution imager which has 36 channels from near UV to infrared. It observed cloud and aerosol properties for global scale. One of the features of the GLI is that it has 380 nm channel in near UV region. Using this channel in RGB composite image, the aerosols spread over the land area clearly identified. The global distributions and properties of aerosols and clouds were retrieved as the standard analyses of the GLI atmospheric project. These results will be used for validating climate modes, that predict future climate on the Earth., 2006, 26, 1, 33, 36, 10.11440/rssj1981.26.33
  • Not Refereed, REMOTE SENSING OF THE ATMOSPHERE AND CLOUDS, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Characteristics of sulfate haze over East Asia retrieved with satellite and ground-based remote sensing data, Makoto Kuji; Sachiko Hayashida; Masataka Shiobara; Masanori Yabuki; Keiichiro Hara; Hiroshi Kobayashi; Tadahiro Hayasaka; Shinsuke Satake, Optical observation around near UV spectral region potentially enables us to retrieve light absorbing features of aerosol, such as type as well as optical thickness. We analyzed near UV observation data to identify haze properties around Japan in the autumn of 2003, using Global Imager onboard Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II (ADEOS-II/GLI), which has 380nm and 400nm window channels. At the same time, we had optical observation, such as a ground-based LIDAR measurement and a shipborne skyradiometer measurement, so as to retrieve vertical profile, particle sphericity, particle size distribution, and optical thickness of the haze.Based upon the three kinds of analyses with remotely sensed data, such as satellite, LIDAR, and skyradiometer, we have the following characteristics of the haze: little UV absorbing, of optical thickness 0.5 (around 500nm), within lower boundary layer (less than around 1km a.s.l.), and of spherical and fine particles (0.2 mu m in radius).We also have some direct sampling measurements onboard Research Vessel Shirase, such as integrated nephelometer, particle soot/absorption photometer, and optical particle counter, so as to identify optical and microphysical properties of the haze as well as chemical composition analyses. The results of the surface direct sampling showed the dense haze dominantly consisted of smaller (0.2 mu m in radius) and sulfate particulates, which is consistent to the remotely sensed results.Backward trajectory simulations also indicate that the hazy air mass had arrived from/through some mega cities over East Asia. Further, we are going to investigate the consistency between optical, microphysical, chemical, and dynamical aspects using a chemical transport model., 2006, 6408, 10.1117/12.693033
  • Not Refereed, J. Remote Sens. Soc. Japan, The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Atmospheric Environment Observed by GLI Aboard ADEOS-II, KUJI Makoto; Takashi Y. NAKAJIMA; Teruyuki NAKAJIMA; Akiko HIGURASHI; Nobuyuki KIKUCHI; Makoto KUJI, Global Imager (GLI) is the moderate spatial resolution imager which has 36 channels from near UV to infrared. It observed cloud and aerosol properties for global scale. One of the features of the GLI is that it has 380 nm channel in near UV region. Using this channel in RGB composite image, the aerosols spread over the land area clearly identified. The global distributions and properties of aerosols and clouds were retrieved as the standard analyses of the GLI atmospheric project. These results will be used for validating climate modes, that predict future climate on the Earth., 2006, 26, 1, 33, 36, 10.11440/rssj1981.26.33
  • Not Refereed, 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, GLIセンサの紫外波長観測データを用いた黄砂の推定, 山中 のり子; 久慈 誠; 林田 佐智子; 安井 元昭; 内山 明博; 山崎 明宏, 15 May 2005, 87, 115, 115
  • Not Refereed, 日本気象学会 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, C160 船上及び衛星観測による、秋季日本近海におけるヘイズの特徴(物質循環II), 久慈 誠; 近藤 優美; 林田 佐智子; 塩原 匡貴; 矢吹 正教, 2005, 88, 186, 186
  • Not Refereed, SOLA, METEOROLOGICAL SOC JPN, Retrieval of Asian Dust Amount over Land using ADEOS-II/GLI near UV Data, Makoto Kuji; Noriko Yamanaka; Sachiko Hayashida; Motoaki Yasui; Akihiro Uchiyama; Akihiro Yamazaki; Teruo Aoki, We propose a retrieval method of Asian dust (Yellow sand or Kosa aerosol) columnar amount around source regions using a near ultraviolet radiometry observation from space. The method simultaneously retrieves an optical thickness and mode radius of Kosa aerosol, and then derives its columnar amount. The method was applied to ADEOS-II/GLI data in the spring of 2003 around Taklimakan desert source region, inland China. The retrieved optical thickness and mode radius were about 0.34 and 1.75 mu m, respectively, at a validation site. They are comparable to the in situ observations conducted within the framework of ADEC project. The estimated columnar amount around a validation site is about 2.77 g m(-2), which seems reasonable under a relatively calm situation. The method should be further validated with a regional model simulation study, and then it is useful to monitor Asian dust around source regions from space in the future., 2005, 1, 33, 36, 10.2151/sola.2005.010
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Retrieval of Asian dust amount over land using ADEOS-II / GLI near UV data, Makoto Kuji; Noriko Yamanaka; Sachiko Hayashida; Akihiro Yamazaki; Akihiro Uchiyama, We propose a retrieval method of Asian dust (Yellow sand or Kosa aerosol) columnar amount around source regions using a near ultraviolet radiometry observation from space. The method simultaneously retrieves an optical thickness and mode radius of Kosa aerosol, and then derives its columnar amount. The method was applied to ADEOS-II / GLI data in the spring of 2003 around Taklimakan desert source region, inland China. The retrieved optical thickness and mode radius were about 0.34 and 1.75 μm, respectively, at a validation site. They are comparable to the in situ observations conducted within the framework of ADEC project. The estimated columnar amount around a validation site is about 2.77 g m-2, which seems reasonable under a relatively calm situation. The method should be further validated with a regional model simulation study, and then it is useful to monitor Asian dust around source regions from space in the future., 2005, 5890, 1, 8, 10.1117/12.616764
  • Not Refereed, SOLA, METEOROLOGICAL SOC JPN, Retrieval of Asian Dust Amount over Land using ADEOS-II/GLI near UV Data, Makoto Kuji; Noriko Yamanaka; Sachiko Hayashida; Motoaki Yasui; Akihiro Uchiyama; Akihiro Yamazaki; Teruo Aoki, We propose a retrieval method of Asian dust (Yellow sand or Kosa aerosol) columnar amount around source regions using a near ultraviolet radiometry observation from space. The method simultaneously retrieves an optical thickness and mode radius of Kosa aerosol, and then derives its columnar amount. The method was applied to ADEOS-II/GLI data in the spring of 2003 around Taklimakan desert source region, inland China. The retrieved optical thickness and mode radius were about 0.34 and 1.75 mu m, respectively, at a validation site. They are comparable to the in situ observations conducted within the framework of ADEC project. The estimated columnar amount around a validation site is about 2.77 g m(-2), which seems reasonable under a relatively calm situation. The method should be further validated with a regional model simulation study, and then it is useful to monitor Asian dust around source regions from space in the future., 2005, 1, 33, 36, 10.2151/sola.2005.010
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Retrieval of Asian dust amount over land using ADEOS-II / GLI near UV data, Makoto Kuji; Noriko Yamanaka; Sachiko Hayashida; Akihiro Yamazaki; Akihiro Uchiyama, We propose a retrieval method of Asian dust (Yellow sand or Kosa aerosol) columnar amount around source regions using a near ultraviolet radiometry observation from space. The method simultaneously retrieves an optical thickness and mode radius of Kosa aerosol, and then derives its columnar amount. The method was applied to ADEOS-II / GLI data in the spring of 2003 around Taklimakan desert source region, inland China. The retrieved optical thickness and mode radius were about 0.34 and 1.75 μm, respectively, at a validation site. They are comparable to the in situ observations conducted within the framework of ADEC project. The estimated columnar amount around a validation site is about 2.77 g m-2, which seems reasonable under a relatively calm situation. The method should be further validated with a regional model simulation study, and then it is useful to monitor Asian dust around source regions from space in the future., 2005, 5890, 1, 8, 10.1117/12.616764
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Retrieval of cloud geometrical properties using ADEOS=II/GLI data for radiation budget studies, Makoto Kuji; Teruyuki Nakajima, Clouds play a crucial role in the climate system. The investigation of their radiative properties on the cloud optical, microphysical, and geometrical characteristics is of great interest. Here, top height, base height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer are considered as cloud geometrical properties. Several studies show that information of some spectral regions including oxygen A-band, enables us to retrieve the cloud geometrical properties as well as the optical thickness and the effective particle radius of cloud. In this study, an algorithm was developed to retrieve simultaneously the cloud optical thickness, effective particle radius, top height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer with the spectral information of visible, near infrared, thermal infrared, and oxygen A-band channels. This algorithm was applied to ADEOS-II / GLI. For the preparation of global analysis, we look into the look up tables for the sensitivity of cloud optical thickness, particle size, top height, and geometrical thickness. This study will expand to the global analysis and is anticipated to contribute to the earth climate studies in terms of cloud optical, microphysical, and geometrical properties., 2005, 5979, 10.1117/12.627581
  • Not Refereed, 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, 紫外域観測人工衛星データを用いた対流圏エアロゾルの推定と検証, 山中 のり子; 久慈 誠; 林田 佐智子; 安井 元昭; 内山 明博; 山崎 明宏; 青木 輝夫, 06 Oct. 2004, 86, 184, 184
  • Not Refereed, Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, An Error Analysis of a Method for Retrieval of Tropospheric Aerosols Using UV Satellite Sensor, SHIBATA Yukari; GAMO Kyoka; YAMANAKA Noriko; KUJI Makoto; HAYASHIDA Sachiko, The atmospheric aerosols play an important role in tropospheric chemistry. In this paper, we make an error analysis of a method for remote sensing of tropospheric aerosols over land using Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) sensor. This algorithm, based on Direct Method [Torres et al., 1998], makes use of radiance measured in two UV wavelengths (335 and 395 nm). In this spectral region, the surface reflectivity is lower than that in visible range, for example, which enables us to retrieve aerosol properties easier over land in particular. At first, we present the results of sensitivity study with the two channels. Next, we make error analyses the uncertainties in the parameters such as surface albedo, height of aerosol layer, or viewing angle within a GOME pixel, so as to retrieve aerosol optical thickness and mode radius., 2004, 24, 4, 387, 397, 10.11440/rssj1981.24.387
  • Not Refereed, PASSIVE OPTICAL REMOTE SENSING OF THE ATMOSPHERE AND CLOUDS IV, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Retrieval of precipitable water using ADEOS-II/GLI near infrared data, M Kuji; N Kikuchi; A Uchiyama, Retrieval of vertically integrated water vapor amount (precipitable water) is proposed using near infrared channels of Global Imager onboard Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II (GLI/ADEOS-II). The principle of retrieval algorithm is based upon that adopted with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard Earth Observing System (EOS) satellite series. Simulations were carried out with GLI Signal Simulator (GSS) to calculate the radiance ratio between water vapor absorbing bands and non-absorbing bands. As a result, it is found that for the case of high spectral reflectance background (a bright target) such as the land surface, the calibration curves are sensitive to the precipitable water variation. It turns out that aerosol loading has little influence on the retrieval over a bright target for the aerosol optical thickness less than about 1.0 at 500 nm wavelength. A preliminary analysis of GLI data was also carried out and the retrieved result is discussed. It is also anticipated that simultaneous retrieval of the water vapor amount using GLI data along with other channels will lead to improved accuracy of the determination of surface geophysical properties, such as vegetation, ocean color, and snow and ice, through the better atmospheric correction., 2004, 5652, 106, 115, 10.1117/12.578685
  • Not Refereed, REMOTE SENSING OF CLOUDS AND THE ATMOSPHERE IX, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Retrieval of cloud geometrical properties using ADEOS-II/GLI data, M Kuji; T Nakajima, Clouds play a crucial role in the climate system. The investigation of their radiative properties on the cloud optical, microphysical, and geometrical characteristics is of great interest. Here, top height, base height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer are considered as cloud geometrical properties. Several studies show that information of some spectral regions including oxygen A-band, enables us to retrieve the cloud geometrical properties as well as the optical thickness and the effective particle radius of cloud. In this study, an algorithm is presentted to retrieve simultaneously the cloud optical thickness.. effective particle radius, top height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer with the spectral information of visible, near infrared, thermal infrared, and oxygen A-band channels. This algorithm was applied to ADEOS-II/GLI dataset so as to retrieve global distribution of cloud geometrical properties. The retrieved results around Japan are validated with in situ observations. The retrieved and in-situ observed values are comparable in order of magnitude, but it is necessary to investigate the results in detail to improve the algorithm. This study will expand to the global analysis and is anticipated to contribute to the earth climate studies in terms of cloud optical, microphysical, and geometrical properties., 2004, 5571, 20, 29, 10.1117/12.565403
  • Not Refereed, REMOTE SENSING OF CLOUDS AND THE ATMOSPHERE VIII, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Retrieval of cloud geometrical properties using satellite remote sensing data, M Kuji; T Nakajima; S Mukai, It is of great interest to investigate the radiative features on the cloud optical, microphysical, and geometrical properties of clouds that play crucial role in the climate system. Here, top height, base height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer are considered as cloud geometrical proper-ties. Previous studies show that information of some spectral regions including oxygen A-band, enables us to retrieve cloud geometrical properties as well as optical thickness, effective particle radius of cloud. In this study, an algorithm was developed to retrieve simultaneously cloud optical thickness, effective particle radius, top height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer with the spectral information of visible, near infrared, thermal infrared, and oxygen A-band channels. This algorithm was applied to the GLI dataset on board ADEOS-II satellite that has been launched recently. The preliminary results are not so strange and to be validated in future, comparing to the in-situ observations., 2004, 5235, 15, 24, 10.1117/12.510803
  • Not Refereed, J. Remote Sens. Soc. Japan, The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, An Error Analysis of a Method for Retrieval of Tropospheric Aerosols Using UV Satellite Sensor, KUJI Makoto; Yukari Shibata; Kyoka Gamo; Noriko Yamanaka; Makoto Kuji; Sachiko Hayashida, The atmospheric aerosols play an important role in tropospheric chemistry. In this paper, we make an error analysis of a method for remote sensing of tropospheric aerosols over land using Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) sensor. This algorithm, based on Direct Method [Torres et al., 1998], makes use of radiance measured in two UV wavelengths (335 and 395 nm). In this spectral region, the surface reflectivity is lower than that in visible range, for example, which enables us to retrieve aerosol properties easier over land in particular. At first, we present the results of sensitivity study with the two channels. Next, we make error analyses the uncertainties in the parameters such as surface albedo, height of aerosol layer, or viewing angle within a GOME pixel, so as to retrieve aerosol optical thickness and mode radius., 2004, 24, 4, 387, 397, 10.11440/rssj1981.24.387
  • Not Refereed, PASSIVE OPTICAL REMOTE SENSING OF THE ATMOSPHERE AND CLOUDS IV, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Retrieval of precipitable water using ADEOS-II/GLI near infrared data, M Kuji; N Kikuchi; A Uchiyama, Retrieval of vertically integrated water vapor amount (precipitable water) is proposed using near infrared channels of Global Imager onboard Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II (GLI/ADEOS-II). The principle of retrieval algorithm is based upon that adopted with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard Earth Observing System (EOS) satellite series. Simulations were carried out with GLI Signal Simulator (GSS) to calculate the radiance ratio between water vapor absorbing bands and non-absorbing bands. As a result, it is found that for the case of high spectral reflectance background (a bright target) such as the land surface, the calibration curves are sensitive to the precipitable water variation. It turns out that aerosol loading has little influence on the retrieval over a bright target for the aerosol optical thickness less than about 1.0 at 500 nm wavelength. A preliminary analysis of GLI data was also carried out and the retrieved result is discussed. It is also anticipated that simultaneous retrieval of the water vapor amount using GLI data along with other channels will lead to improved accuracy of the determination of surface geophysical properties, such as vegetation, ocean color, and snow and ice, through the better atmospheric correction., 2004, 5652, 106, 115, 10.1117/12.578685
  • Not Refereed, REMOTE SENSING OF CLOUDS AND THE ATMOSPHERE IX, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Retrieval of cloud geometrical properties using ADEOS-II/GLI data, M Kuji; T Nakajima, Clouds play a crucial role in the climate system. The investigation of their radiative properties on the cloud optical, microphysical, and geometrical characteristics is of great interest. Here, top height, base height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer are considered as cloud geometrical properties. Several studies show that information of some spectral regions including oxygen A-band, enables us to retrieve the cloud geometrical properties as well as the optical thickness and the effective particle radius of cloud. In this study, an algorithm is presentted to retrieve simultaneously the cloud optical thickness.. effective particle radius, top height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer with the spectral information of visible, near infrared, thermal infrared, and oxygen A-band channels. This algorithm was applied to ADEOS-II/GLI dataset so as to retrieve global distribution of cloud geometrical properties. The retrieved results around Japan are validated with in situ observations. The retrieved and in-situ observed values are comparable in order of magnitude, but it is necessary to investigate the results in detail to improve the algorithm. This study will expand to the global analysis and is anticipated to contribute to the earth climate studies in terms of cloud optical, microphysical, and geometrical properties., 2004, 5571, 20, 29, 10.1117/12.565403
  • Not Refereed, REMOTE SENSING OF CLOUDS AND THE ATMOSPHERE VIII, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Retrieval of cloud geometrical properties using satellite remote sensing data, M Kuji; T Nakajima; S Mukai, It is of great interest to investigate the radiative features on the cloud optical, microphysical, and geometrical properties of clouds that play crucial role in the climate system. Here, top height, base height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer are considered as cloud geometrical proper-ties. Previous studies show that information of some spectral regions including oxygen A-band, enables us to retrieve cloud geometrical properties as well as optical thickness, effective particle radius of cloud. In this study, an algorithm was developed to retrieve simultaneously cloud optical thickness, effective particle radius, top height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer with the spectral information of visible, near infrared, thermal infrared, and oxygen A-band channels. This algorithm was applied to the GLI dataset on board ADEOS-II satellite that has been launched recently. The preliminary results are not so strange and to be validated in future, comparing to the in-situ observations., 2004, 5235, 15, 24, 10.1117/12.510803
  • Not Refereed, REMOTE SENSING OF CLOUDS AND THE ATMOSPHERE VII, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Retrieval of cloud geometrical properties using optical remote sensing data, M Kuji; T Nakajima; S Mukai, It is of great interest to investigate the properties on the cloud optical, microphysical, and geometrical parameters, in particular, of low-level marine clouds which play crucial influence on the global climate system. Top height, base height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer are considered here as cloud geometrical parameters. These parameters are very important to retrieve, because top and base heights are the factors which govern the strength of greenhouse effect through the thermal radiation from to cloud layer, whereas the geometrical thickness is the key parameter for the estimation of gaseous absorption in cloud layer where multiple scattering process dominates. In this study, an algorithm was developed to retrieve simultaneously cloud optical thickness, effective particle radius, top height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer from the spectral information of visible, near infrared, thermal infrared, and oxygen A band channels. This algorithm was applied to FIRE (First ISCCP Regional Experiment, 1987) airborne data which included the above four channels and targeted at the low-level marine clouds off the coast of California in summer. The retrieved results seems to be comparable to the in situ microphysical observation although further validation studies are required for the cloud geometrical parameters in particular., 2003, 4882, 194, 204, 10.1117/12.462575
  • Not Refereed, APPLICATIONS WITH WEATHER SATELLITES, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, The availability of precipitable water retrieval using split-window data, M Kuji; Okada, I; A Uchiyama; T Takamura, Water vapor is one of the most significant green house effect gases. A monitoring of water vapor behavior with operational satellite is important to investigate the global changes. Water vapor usually exists at lower troposphere. However, precipitable water is a key property to comprehend the variation since sometimes humid air mass moves to the upper troposphere. Using split window channel data with optical sensors such as AVHRR and VISSR, several retrieval algorithm has been proposed and among them, transmittance ratio method has been often utilized. However, the approach is still controversial because some studies concluded it was available and others not. We investigated the availability of the method with split window channels' data of GMS-5/VISSR on a semi-continental scale. A calibration curve of the precipitable water with radiosonde observation had been made in course of the retrieval procedure. However, the calibration curve are hardly sensitive to the precipitable water. Numerical simulations were carried out for the possible condition, and it turned out that calibration was insensitive to precipitable water under some condition at all: larger water water variation for a given surface temperature range within a given region. The results of a feasibility study will be discussed., 2003, 4895, 129, 136, 10.1117/12.466537
  • Not Refereed, REMOTE SENSING OF CLOUDS AND THE ATMOSPHERE VII, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Retrieval of cloud geometrical properties using optical remote sensing data, M Kuji; T Nakajima; S Mukai, It is of great interest to investigate the properties on the cloud optical, microphysical, and geometrical parameters, in particular, of low-level marine clouds which play crucial influence on the global climate system. Top height, base height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer are considered here as cloud geometrical parameters. These parameters are very important to retrieve, because top and base heights are the factors which govern the strength of greenhouse effect through the thermal radiation from to cloud layer, whereas the geometrical thickness is the key parameter for the estimation of gaseous absorption in cloud layer where multiple scattering process dominates. In this study, an algorithm was developed to retrieve simultaneously cloud optical thickness, effective particle radius, top height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer from the spectral information of visible, near infrared, thermal infrared, and oxygen A band channels. This algorithm was applied to FIRE (First ISCCP Regional Experiment, 1987) airborne data which included the above four channels and targeted at the low-level marine clouds off the coast of California in summer. The retrieved results seems to be comparable to the in situ microphysical observation although further validation studies are required for the cloud geometrical parameters in particular., 2003, 4882, 194, 204, 10.1117/12.462575
  • Not Refereed, Journal of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 日本リモ-トセンシング学会, Retrieval of Precipitable Water Using Near Infrared Channels of Global Imager/Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II(GLI/ADEOS-II), KUJI Makoto; UCHIYAMA Akihiro, 2002, 22, 2, 149-162., 162, 10.11440/rssj1981.22.149
  • Not Refereed, 11th Conference on Cloud Physics, American Meteorological Society, Retrieval of cloud geometrical parameters using remote sensing data, 久慈 誠; Makoto Kuji; Teruyuki Nakajima, 2002, 1, 9
  • Not Refereed, J. Remote Sens. Soc. Japan, 日本リモ-トセンシング学会, Retrieval of precipitable water using near infrared channels of Global Imager / Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II (GLI / ADEOS-II), KUJI Makoto, 2002, 22, 2, 149-162., 162, 10.11440/rssj1981.22.149
  • Not Refereed, 11th Conference on Cloud Physics, American Meteorological Society, Retrieval of cloud geometrical parameters using remote sensing data, KUJI Makoto; Makoto Kuji; Teruyuki Nakajima, 2002, 1, 9
  • Not Refereed, 南極資料, 昭和基地受信NOAA衛星HRPTデータの読み出しツールの開発, 久慈 誠; 久慈誠; 菊地信行, 2001, 45, 3, 353, 361
  • Not Refereed, Polar meteorology and glaciology, National Institute of Polar Research, A method of cloud field detection over Antarctica during the polar night using AVHRR data, Kuji Makoto; Kikuchi Nobuyuki; Hirasawa Naohiko; Yamanouchi Takashi, An improved algorithm for cloud field detection over the Antarctic region is presented. The algorithm is a combination of a conventional split window method and a spatial coherence method. The conventional split window method utilizes the brightness temperature and the brightness temperature difference between split window channels. The spatial coherence method makes use of the standard deviation of the brightness temperature difference between split window channels as an index of cloud field homogeneity. The algorithm, in principle, enables us to detect an inhomogeneous cloud field which has not been well detected with only the conventional split window method. This algorithm was applied to Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data during the polar night over the Antarctic region. It is found that the improved algorithm seems to work well for an inhomogeneous cloud field as expected, although there still remains uncertainty related to the vertical structure of the cloud field. In order to investigate the vertical structure in detail, further analyses are needed such as comparison of the result to ground-based meteorological observation, radiative transfer simulation, and analysis of TIROS-N Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) data., 2001, 15, 114-123., 123
  • Not Refereed, OPTICAL REMOTE SENSING OF THE ATMOSPHERE AND CLOUDS II, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Retrieval of cloud geometrical parameters using remote sensing data, M Kuji; T Nakjima, It is of great interest to investigate the properties on the cloud optical: microphysical, and geometrical parameters, in particular, of low-level marine clouds which play crucial influence on the global climate system. Top height: base height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer are considered here as cloud geometrical parameters. These parameters are very important to retrieve, because top and base heights are the factors which govern the strength of greenhouse effect through the thermal radiation from / to cloud layer, whereas the geometrical thickness is the key parameter for the estimation of gaseous absorption in cloud layer where multiple scattering process dominates. In this study, an algorithm was developed to retrieve simultaneously cloud optical thickness, effective particle radius, top height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer from the spectral information of visible, near infrared, thermal infrared, and oxygen A band channels. This algorithm was applied to FIRE (First ISCCP Regional Experiment, 1987) airborne data which included the above four channels and targeted at the low-level marine clouds off the coast of California in summer. The retrieved results seems to be comparable to the in situ microphysical observation although further validation studies are required for the cloud,geometrical parameters in particular., 2001, 4150, 225, 234, 10.1117/12.416961
  • Not Refereed, Polar Meteorol. and Glaciol., A method of cloud field detection over Antarctica during the polar night using AVHRR data, KUJI Makoto; Makoto Kuji; Nobuyuki Kikuchi; Naohiko Hirasawa; Takashi Yamanouchi, 2001, 15, 114-123.
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Retrieval of cloud geometrical parameters using remote sensing data, M. Kuji; T. Nakajima, It is of great interest to investigate the properties on the cloud optical, microphysical, and geometrical parameters, in particular, of low-level marine clouds which play crucial influence on the global climate system. Top height, base height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer are considered here as cloud geometrical parameters. These parameters are very important to retrieve, because top and base heights are the factors which govern the strength of greenhouse effect through the thermal radiation from/to cloud layer, whereas the geometrical thickness is the key parameter for the estimation of gaseous absorption in cloud layer where multiple scattering process dominates. In this study, an algorithm was developed to retrieve simultaneously cloud optical thickness, effective particle radius, top height, and geometrical thickness of cloud layer from the spectral information of visible, near infrared, thermal infrared, and oxygen A band channels. This algorithm was applied to FIRE (First ISCCP Regional Experiment, 1987) airborne data which included the above four channels and targeted at the low-level marine clouds off the coast of California in summer. The retrieved results seems to be comparable to the in situ microphysical observation although further validation studies are required for the cloud geometrical parameters in particular., 2001, 4150, 225, 234, 10.1117/12.416961
  • Not Refereed, JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY, AMER METEOROLOGICAL SOC, The retrieval of effective particle radius and liquid water path of low-level marine clouds from NOAA AVHRR data, M Kuji; T Hayasaka; N Kikuchi; T Nakajima; M Tanaka, An algorithm was developed to retrieve both the optical thickness and the effective particle radius of low-level marine clouds simultaneously from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data. The algorithm uses the combination of the visible (channel 1) and the middle-infrared (channel 3) reflected radiation. The thermal component in the middle infrared was corrected with the thermal-infrared (channel 4) radiance by a statistical technique using a regressive formula. The liquid water path (i.e., vertically integrated liquid water content) was also estimated as a by-product. The algorithm was applied to AVHRR datasets for which almost-synchronized airborne observations were conducted around the First International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) Regional Experiment (FIRE) and the Western North Pacific Experiment (WENPEX) regions. The two regions are different in the characteristics of cloud fields: summer stratus and stratiform clouds that result from outbreaks of cold air mass over the warm sea in winter seasons, respectively. In the FIRE region. the retrieved parameters are almost consistent with those of in situ airborne observations. even when using a more practical approach than the algorithms adopted in previous studies, but there is still a discrepancy between the satellite-derived results and those of in situ airborne observations around the drizzle-dominated portion. In the WENPEX region, it is suggested that cloud fractional coverage in a pixel may cause error in the retrieval, particularly for horizontally inhomogeneous cloud held analyses with an assumption of a plane-parallel atmospheric model. It is found also that the thermal-infrared information has a potential to estimate the inhomogeneity of cloud fields as a result of the comparison between stratus and broken cloud cases., Jul. 2000, 39, 7, 999, 1016, 10.1175/1520-0450(2000)039<0999:TROEPR>2.0.CO;2
  • Not Refereed, J. Appl. Meteor., The retrieval of effective particle radius and liquid water path of low-level marine clouds from NOAA AVHRR data, KUJI Makoto; Makoto Kuji; Tadahiro Hayasaka; Nobuyuki Kikuchi; Teruyuki Nakajima; Masayuki Tanaka, 2000, 39, 999-1016., 10.1175/1520-0450(2000)039<0999:TROEPR>2.0.CO;2
  • Not Refereed, APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, Optimization of the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite II Global Imager channels by use of radiative transfer calculations, TY Nakajima; T Nakajima; M Nakajima; H Fukushima; M Kuji; A Uchiyama; M Kishino, The channel specifications of the Global Imager onboard the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite II have been determined by extensive numerical experiments. The results show that there is an optimum feasible position for each ocean color channel. The bandwidth of the 0.763-mu m channel should be less than 10 nm for good sensitivity to the cloud top height and geometric thickness of the cloud layer; a 40-nm bandwidth is suitable fcr the 1.38-mu m channel to have the strongest contrast between cloudy and clear radiance with a sufficient radiant energy; and a 3.7-mu m channel is better than a 3.95-mu m channel for estimation of the sea surface temperature (SST) and determination of the cloud particle size when the bandwidth of the channel is 0.33 mu m. In A three-wavelength combination of 6.7, 7.3, and 7.5 mu m is an optimized choice for water vapor profiling. The combination of 8.6, 10.8, and 12.0 mu m is suitable for cloud microphysics and SST retrievals with the split-window technique. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America., May 1998, 37, 15, 3149, 3163
  • Not Refereed, APPLIED OPTICS, OPTICAL SOC AMER, Optimization of the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite II Global Imager channels by use of radiative transfer calculations, TY Nakajima; T Nakajima; M Nakajima; H Fukushima; M Kuji; A Uchiyama; M Kishino, The channel specifications of the Global Imager onboard the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite II have been determined by extensive numerical experiments. The results show that there is an optimum feasible position for each ocean color channel. The bandwidth of the 0.763-mu m channel should be less than 10 nm for good sensitivity to the cloud top height and geometric thickness of the cloud layer; a 40-nm bandwidth is suitable fcr the 1.38-mu m channel to have the strongest contrast between cloudy and clear radiance with a sufficient radiant energy; and a 3.7-mu m channel is better than a 3.95-mu m channel for estimation of the sea surface temperature (SST) and determination of the cloud particle size when the bandwidth of the channel is 0.33 mu m. In A three-wavelength combination of 6.7, 7.3, and 7.5 mu m is an optimized choice for water vapor profiling. The combination of 8.6, 10.8, and 12.0 mu m is suitable for cloud microphysics and SST retrievals with the split-window technique. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America., May 1998, 37, 15, 3149, 3163
  • Not Refereed, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, AIR TRUTH VALIDATION OF CLOUD ALBEDO ESTIMATED FROM NOAA ADVANCED VERY HIGH-RESOLUTION RADIOMETER DATA, T HAYASAKA; M KUJI; M TANAKA, A comparison was carried out between cloud albedos observed in situ by aircraft and cloud albedos calculated with visible optical thickness retrieved from the NOAA advanced very high resolution radiometer channel 1 radiance data. The results show that the observed and calculated cloud albedos in the visible region are coincident with each other in a few percent for both homogeneous stratus and rather inhomogeneous stratocumulus clouds as long as the cloud amount is large. In the near-infrared region, on the other hand, the observed albedo is lower than that evaluated from the satellite data for stratocumulus clouds, while the observed and calculated albedos are consistent for stratus clouds. From the aircraft observation of solar radiative flux this discrepancy is not ascribed to the uncertainty in the near-infrared absorption processes as discussed in previous studies., Sep. 1994, 99, D9, 18685, 18693, 10.1029/94JD00964
  • Not Refereed, Eighth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, Satellite remote sensing and air-truth validation of cloud liquid water path and droplet effective radius, 久慈 誠; Tadahiro Hayasaka; Makoto Kuji; Teruyuki Nakajima; Masayuki Tanaka, 1994
  • Not Refereed, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, AIR TRUTH VALIDATION OF CLOUD ALBEDO ESTIMATED FROM NOAA ADVANCED VERY HIGH-RESOLUTION RADIOMETER DATA, T HAYASAKA; M KUJI; M TANAKA, A comparison was carried out between cloud albedos observed in situ by aircraft and cloud albedos calculated with visible optical thickness retrieved from the NOAA advanced very high resolution radiometer channel 1 radiance data. The results show that the observed and calculated cloud albedos in the visible region are coincident with each other in a few percent for both homogeneous stratus and rather inhomogeneous stratocumulus clouds as long as the cloud amount is large. In the near-infrared region, on the other hand, the observed albedo is lower than that evaluated from the satellite data for stratocumulus clouds, while the observed and calculated albedos are consistent for stratus clouds. From the aircraft observation of solar radiative flux this discrepancy is not ascribed to the uncertainty in the near-infrared absorption processes as discussed in previous studies., Sep. 1994, 99, D9, 18685, 18693, 10.1029/94JD00964
  • Not Refereed, Eighth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, Satellite remote sensing and air-truth validation of cloud liquid water path and droplet effective radius, KUJI Makoto; Tadahiro Hayasaka; Makoto Kuji; Teruyuki Nakajima; Masayuki Tanaka, 1994
  • Not Refereed, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Retrieval of Asian dust amount over land using ADEOS-II/GLI near UV data, M Kuji; N Yamanaka; S Hayashida, May 2005, 69, 10, A257, A257, Summary international conference
  • Not Refereed, Proc. 14th CEReS Int'l Symposium and SKYNET Workshop on "Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere for Better Understanding of Climate Change", Characterization of Asian aerosols at Fukue-jima island using in-situ observation and remote sensing data, Hibino, M; Y. Inoue; M. Kuji; S. Hayashida; T. Hayasaka, Nov. 2008, 18, 21
  • Refereed, IGARSS 2005: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vols 1-8, Proceedings, IEEE, GLI atmosphere sciences, TY Nakajima; N Kikuchi; T Nakajima; T Takamura; A Higurashi; M Kuji, This paper overviews the scientific activities of the ADEOS-II (Midori-II) GLI atmosphere project. The GLI version 2 standard products had been released since November 2004, The optical and microphysical properties of aerosols and clouds were retrieved as the standard products by use of originally developed GLI data analysis system. The cloud flag and the cloud amounts with statistical values were also obtained from GLI data analysis. In addition, the precipitable water over land area using three shortwave infrared channels was newly provided from the version 2. For the research activities of the GLI sciences, the aerosols over the land area are detected by use of GLI near UV channel. In this, paper. we will show and discuss the atmospheric features appeared in the GLI products, introduce a new standard product, and validation Status of the cloud and aerosol properties., 2005, 4189, 4192
  • Refereed, Polar Meteorol. Glaciol., A study of cloud variation over Antarctica using remote sensing data., Kuji,M; Kikuchi,N; Hirasawa,N; Yamanouchi,T, 2001, 15, 114, 123
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of 2nd International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME, 6-10 March 1995, Pattaya, Thailand, Satellite remote sensing of water vapor, cloud and rainfall in the Asian Monsoon region., Hayasaka, T; I. Takizawa; M. Kuji, Mar. 1995, 512, 515
  • Not Refereed, Extended Abstracts of International WCRP Symposium, Japanese National Committee for WCRP and Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, Air-truth validation of cloud albedo estimated from NOAA AVHRR data., Hayasaka, T; M. Kuji; M. Tanaka, Oct. 1993, 7.38, 7.41
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, D203 東アジア域における視程の季節変動に関する研究(物質循環,口頭発表), 大田 彩乃; 久慈 誠; 早坂 忠裕; 石 廣玉, 2014, 106, 347, 347
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P315 地上および衛星観測データ解析による雲層高度の推定とその検証(ポスター・セッション), 井上 梓; 竹岡 遼; 久慈 誠, 2014, 106, 436, 436
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P1a6 船舶搭載型全天カメラデータ解析による雲の研究(ポスター・セッション), 久慈 誠; 藤本 梨沙; 宮川 真友; 舟田 亮子; 堀 雅裕; 塩原 匡貴, 2014, 106, 288, 288
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, A160 船舶搭載型雲底高度計観測データ解析による雲の特徴(地球環境変動観測ミッションGCOMによる全球規模の大気・生態系・雪氷・水循環変動観測計画,専門分科会), 藤本 梨沙; 宮川 真友; 舟田 亮子; 久慈 誠; 堀 雅裕; 小林 拓; 古賀 聖治; 松下 隼士; 村山 利幸; 塩原 匡貴, 2015, 107, 138, 138
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P204 地上観測から得られた南極昭和基地における雲の特徴(ポスターセッション), 西中 規実子; 宮川 真友; 竹岡 遼; 久慈 誠; 矢吹 正教; 塩原 匡貴, 2014, 105, 202, 202
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P373 地上設置型雲レーダによって観測された下層雲の特徴(ポスター・セッション), 久慈 誠; 井上 梓; 竹岡 遼, 2013, 104, 486, 486
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P176 北極域における雲と赤外放射量の特徴(ポスター・セッション), 竹岡 遼; 西中 規実子; 井上 梓; 久慈 誠; 矢吹 正教; 塩原 匡貴, 2013, 104, 260, 260
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P185 視程観測データを用いた東アジア域の大気環境の研究(ポスター・セッション), 大田 彩乃; 北古賀 識帆; 久慈 誠; 早坂 忠裕; 石 廣玉, 2013, 104, 269, 269
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P170 ニーオルスンにおける2011年春季集中観測期間の雲の分布(ポスター・セッション), 西中 規実子; 久慈 誠; 矢吹 正教; 塩原 匡貴, 2012, 102, 254, 254
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, A367 船舶観測によるエアロゾルの経年変動に関する研究(物質循環,口頭発表), 中村 麻耶; 東 良美; 久慈 誠; 塩原 匡貴, 2012, 102, 372, 372
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, A170 衛星観測データから得られた東南アジアのメタン変動 : バイオマスバーニングの影響検知について(スペシャル・セッション「大気微量気体およびエアロゾルの同化とその気候研究への利用」,口頭発表), 林田 佐智子; 石川 沙穂; 東 良美; 小野 朗子; 久慈 誠, 2012, 102, 81, 81
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, D209 船舶太陽放射観測から得られた海上エアロゾルの特徴(ポスターセッション), 舟田 亮子; 大田 彩乃; 北古賀 識帆; 久慈 誠; 塩原 匡貴, 2014, 105, 207, 207
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P120 船舶太陽放射観測から得られた海上エアロゾルの微物理特性(ポスター・セッション), 舟田 亮子; 大田 彩乃; 久慈 誠; 塩原 匡貴, 2014, 106, 202, 202
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, C305 AERONET DRAGON観測期間における大気下層エアロゾルの特徴(大気放射,口頭発表), 東 良美; 北古賀 識帆; 中村 麻耶; 久慈 誠, 2012, 102, 411, 411
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, C309 受動型衛星観測データ解析による雲層高度の推定とその検証(大気放射,口頭発表), 久慈 誠; 井上 梓, 2012, 102, 415, 415
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, D359 船舶太陽放射観測から得られた海上エアロゾルの光学特性(物質循環,一般口頭発表), 舟田 亮子; 久慈 誠; 塩原 匡貴, 2015, 108, 552, 552
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, C210 エアロゾルの光学観測による視程の検証(大気放射,一般口頭発表), 久慈 誠; 舟田 亮子; 野澤 理紗, 2015, 108, 317, 317
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P380 視程データを利用した中国におけるエアロゾルの変動の研究(ポスター・セッション), 井上 陽子; 久慈 誠; 早坂 忠裕; 石広 玉, 2010, 98, 516, 516
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, D361 航空機観測による熱帯対流圏界面付近の氷晶雲の特徴(観測手法), 久慈 誠, 2009, 96, 323, 323
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, D360 地上観測とリモートセンシングデータを用いた大気環境の研究 : 視程と大気消散係数(観測手法), 井上 陽子; 日比野 真弓; 久慈 誠; 早坂 忠裕, 2009, 96, 322, 322
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P378 衛星観測による東南アジアにおけるバイオマスバーニングの研究 : 2.バイオマスバーニングに伴って発生する物質とエアロゾルの種類, 本多 祐美子; 久慈 誠; 林田 佐智子, 2009, 96, 504, 504
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P230 リモートセンシングデータと直接サンプリングデータを用いた、黄砂観測時におけるエアロゾルの特徴, 日比野 真弓; 井上 陽子; 久慈 誠; 早坂 忠裕, 2009, 95, 309, 309
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, B204 リモートセンシングデータと直接サンプリングデータを用いた、黄砂観測時におけるエアロゾルの特徴(エアロゾル), 日比野 真弓; 久慈 誠; 井上 陽子; 林田 佐智子; 早坂 忠裕, 2008, 94, 150, 150
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, A306 人工衛星近赤外放射観測データを用いた積算水蒸気量の推定(観測手法), 久慈 誠; 内山 明博, 2004, 85, 52, 52
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P124 GLI可降水量プロダクトの検証 その2, 菊地 信行; 久慈 誠; 高村 民雄; 竹中 栄晶, 2006, 90, 282, 282
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, D160 ADEOS-II/GLI観測データを用いた雲の幾何学的特性量の推定(観測手法), 久慈 誠; 中島 映至, 2006, 90, 221, 221
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P307 ライダー観測データ解析による東アジア域のエアロゾルの研究, 久慈 誠; 日比野 真弓; 林田 佐智子; 佐竹 晋輔; 早坂 忠裕, 2006, 90, 355, 355
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P160 GLI可降水量プロダクトの検証, 菊地 信行; 久慈 誠, 2005, 88, 357, 357
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, D351 人工衛星近赤外放射観測データを用いた積算水蒸気量の導出(観測手法II), 久慈 誠; 菊地 信行; 内山 明博, 2004, 86, 367, 367
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P369 東南アジアにおけるバイオマスバーニングによって発生するCOに関する研究(ポスター・セッション), 東 良美; 中村 麻耶; 久慈 誠, 2011, 100, 513, 513
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P176 スカイラジオメータ観測による広域海上エアロゾルに関する研究(ポスター・セッション), 中村 麻耶; 久慈 誠; 塩原 匡貴, 2011, 100, 425, 425
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, P310 北極Ny-Ålesundにおける雲量の季節変化(ポスター・セッション), 達川 真理子; 久慈 誠; 矢吹 正教; 塩原 匡貴, 2011, 99, 365, 365
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, D405 視程観測データを用いた中国大陸における気候変動の研究(放射,一般口頭発表), 井上 陽子; 久慈 誠; 早坂 忠裕; 石 廣玉, 2011, 99, 265, 265
  • 大会講演予講集, 日本気象学会, C108 NOAA/HRPTデータを用いた南極極夜域における雲識別の研究(中高緯度大気), 久慈 誠; 内山 明博; 平沢 尚彦; 山内 恭, 2003, 83, 140, 140
  • 大会講演予講集, NOAA/HRPTデータを用いた南極域における雲変動の研究, 久慈 誠; 内山 明博; 平沢 尚彦; 山内 恭, May 2002, 81, 189, 189
  • 大会講演予講集, リモートセンシングデータを用いて推定された雲頂・雲底高度の検証, 久慈 誠; 中島 映至, 10 Oct. 2001, 80, 205, 205
  • 大会講演予講集, 近赤外リモートセンシングデータを用いた可降水量の推定, 久慈 誠; 内山 明博, 08 May 2001, 79, 118, 118
  • 千葉大学環境リモートセンシング研究センター年報, 千葉大学, 赤外リモートセンシングデータを用いた大気水蒸気量の推定(一般研究), 久慈 誠; 内山 明博, 金赤外波長帯リモートセンシングデータを用いた、陸域の鉛直積算水蒸気量(可降水量)の推定アルゴリズムを、環境観測技術衛星(ADEOS-II)搭載グローバル・イメージャ(GLI)センサの観測データに適用し、初期解析結果を得た。導出された水蒸気量を、ラジオゾンデ観測データと比較してみたところ、可降水量について1-2mmの範囲内で一致する場合がある一方で、3倍ほどずれる場合があることが分かった。これは現状、衛星観測とゾンデ観測の時間のずれ(4-5時間)に、その原因があると考えられる。そこで今後は、人工衛星観測から導出される水蒸気量の測定精度を詳細に検証するために、skyradiometerやマイクロ波放射計等、連続観測を行っている地上観測データと比較する必要がある。, May 2005, 10, 50, 50
  • 大会講演予講集, 近赤外リモートセンシングデータを用いた可降水量の推定手法, 久慈 誠; 内山 明博, 09 Oct. 2002, 82, 291, 291
  • 大会講演予講集, 航空機観測データによる海洋性低層雲の物理量の推定, 久慈 誠; 中島 映至, Oct. 1998, 74, C304
  • 大会講演予講集, 航空機観測データによる海洋性層積雲の幾何学的パラメータの推定, 久慈 誠; 中島 映至, Oct. 1997, 72, B355
  • 千葉大学環境リモートセンシング研究センター年報, 千葉大学, 赤外リモートセンシングデータを用いた大気水蒸気量の推定(2.1.2.共同利用一般研究の詳細,2.1.共同利用研究概観,[2] 共同利用研究), 久慈 誠; 内山 明博; 菊地 信行, Jun. 2006, 11, 74, 75
  • 大会講演予講集, ヤマセ雲の物理的特性の衛星リモートセンシング, 佐藤 由理; 早坂 忠裕; 田中 正之; 久慈 誠, 21 May 1996, 69, 89, 89
  • 大会講演予講集, リモートセンシングデータによる雲の幾何学的物理量の推定, 久慈 誠; 中島 映至, 24 May 2000, 77, 39, 39
  • 大会講演予講集, リモートセンシングデータを用いた南極域における雲変動の研究, 久慈 誠; 菊地 信行; 平沢 尚彦; 山内 恭, 18 Oct. 2000, 78, 65, 65
  • 日本気象学会大会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 船舶搭載型全天カメラ観測データ解析による海洋上の雲量の推定, 久慈誠; 高田真奈; 廣瀬沙羅; 中辻菜穂; 堀雅裕, 2021, 119
  • 千葉大学環境リモートセンシング研究センター年報, 千葉大学, 研究課題 人工衛星リモートセンシングデータを用いた大陸規模での可降水量の推定(2.2一般研究), 久慈 誠; 岡田 格, Aug. 2004, 9, 47, 48
  • 千葉大学環境リモートセンシング研究センター年報, 千葉大学, 研究課題 スプリットウィンドウデータを用いた大陸規模での可降水量の推定(2.2.一般研究)([2]共同利用研究), 久慈 誠; 岡田 格, Jul. 2003, 8, 30, 30
  • 千葉大学環境リモートセンシング研究センター年報, 千葉大学, 研究課題 スプリットウィンドウデータを用いた大陸規模での可降水量の推定(2.2一般研究)([2]共同利用研究), 久慈 誠; 岡田 格, Jun. 2002, 7, 27, 28
  • 千葉大学環境リモートセンシング研究センター年報, 千葉大学, 研究課題 スプリットウィンドウデータを用いた大陸規模での可降水量の推定 課題番号A2000-10(2.2一般研究)([2]共同利用研究), 久慈 誠; 岡田 格, 課題番号A2000-10, Oct. 2001, 6, 25, 25
  • 大会講演予講集, スプリットウィンドウデータによる大陸規模での可降水量の推定, 久慈 誠; 岡田 格; 高村 民雄, Apr. 1999, 75, P329
  • 大会講演予講集, AVHRR/NOAAデータによる関西地域の自然変動の研究 : 植生指標を中心として, 久慈 誠; 阿部 節子; 梅本 敬子; 伊藤 理恵; 丸岡 さやか; 藤原 昇, 21 May 1996, 69, 62, 62
  • Refereed, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, Observations of cloud and aerosol from GCOM-C SGLI, T. Y. Nakajima; M. Kuji; I. Sano; Nick Schutgens; Y. Mano; J. Riedi; H. Ishida; K. Suzuki; H. Okamoto; T. Matsui; H. Letu, Observing cloud and aerosol distributions and their optical and microphysical properties are one of important activities for the global climate change study, since the role of these particles and their interactive responses to the climate system are still in mystery. The Second generation Global Imager (SGLI) aboard the GCOM-C satellite is a follow-on sensor of the Global Imager (GLI) aboard the Midori-2 satellite. It is designed for globally observing clouds and aerosols targets with high-accuracy and quick recurrence. The major geophysical parameters retrieved from SGLI atmosphere's algorithm are cloud optical thickness, cloud particle radii, cloud top temperature, cloud geometrical thickness, aerosol optical thickness, and aerosol Angstrom exponents. Cloud discriminations all of SGLI pixels will also be supplied. It is notable that the SGLI has some functions specialized for observing aerosol properties over ocean and land. They are 0.38-μm channels, multi-angles and polarization capability in 0.67 and 0.86-μm channels. This paper introduces strategy of the atmospheric observations by use of the GCOM-C/SGLI and the latest research results obtained from GLIto-SGLI scientific activities., 2010, 38, 30, 34

Books etc

  • 北極ニーオルスン基地開設25周年と将来展望, 創文印刷工業株式会社, 2017, Not Refereed
  • 南極氷床と大気物質循環・気候, 日本気象学会, 2017, Not Refereed, 9784904129166
  • SKYNET特別号, 学術図書印刷, 2014, Not Refereed
  • Special Issue on SKYNET, Gakujutsu-tosho Printing Co., 2014, Not Refereed
  • 大気と微粒子の話 エアロゾルと地球環境, 京都大学学術出版会, 2008, Not Refereed
  • リモートセンシング事典, 丸善出版, 日本リモートセンシング学会, 雲の検出, Dec. 2022, 9784621307762


  • 久慈 誠; 岡村 友恵; 山田 奈直; 中川 真友; 高田 真奈; 神谷 美里, 第24回 環境リモートセンシングシンポジウム, 地上光学観測による奈良盆地におけるエアロゾルの研究, Poster presentation, 17 Feb. 2022, 17 Feb. 2022, 17 Feb. 2022
  • Makoto KUJI, The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2021, Retrieval and validation of cloud geometrical properties, Oral presentation, 18 Jan. 2022
  • Makoto Kuji; Sara Hirose; Mana Takada, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021, Cloud Fractions Estimated from Shipboard Observations over the Southern Ocean from 2013 to 2020, Poster presentation, 16 Dec. 2021
  • Makoto Kuji; Yumi Shimode; Mana Takada; Sara Hirose; Masanori Yabuki, The 12th Symposium on Polar Science, Characteristics of cloud fraction and shortwave downward radiation at Ny-Alesund and Syowa station, Poster presentation, 17 Nov. 2021
  • Sara Hirose; Makoto Kuji; Mana Takada; Masahiro Hori, The 12th Symposium on Polar Science, Characteristics of cloud fraction from whole-sky camera observation onboard R/V Shirase from 2013 to 2020, Poster presentation, 17 Nov. 2021
  • Makoto Kuji; Mana Takada; Yumi Shimode; Sara Hirose; Naohiko Hirasawa, The 12th Symposium on Polar Science, Characteristics of cloud base height from ceilometer observation onboard R/V Shirase, Poster presentation, 17 Nov. 2021
  • Misato Kamiya; Mayu Nakagawa; Makoto Kuji, 6th International SKYNET Workshop 2021, Relationship between aerosol concentrations and meteorological factors in Nara basin with ground-based optical observations, Poster presentation, 10 Nov. 2021
  • 久慈 誠; 高田 真奈; 廣瀬 沙羅; 中辻 菜穂; 堀 雅裕, 日本気象学会春季大会, 船舶搭載型全天カメラ観測データ解析による海洋上の雲量の推定, Poster presentation, 19 May 2021
  • 久慈 誠; 横田 青奈; 中川 真友; 山田 奈直; 下出 有実; 高田 真奈; 神谷 美里, 第23回 環境リモートセンシングシンポジウム, 地上光学観測による奈良盆地におけるエアロゾルの研究, 18 Feb. 2021
  • Oral presentation, 14 Feb. 2020, 14 Feb. 2020
  • Poster presentation, 20 Feb. 2020, 20 Feb. 2020
  • Poster presentation, 19 May 2020, 19 May 2020
  • Poster presentation, 19 May 2020, 19 May 2020
  • Poster presentation, 21 May 2020, 21 May 2020
  • Oral presentation, 27 Jul. 2020, 27 Jul. 2020
  • Poster presentation, 28 Oct. 2020, 28 Oct. 2020
  • Poster presentation, 30 Oct. 2020, 30 Oct. 2020
  • Poster presentation, 03 Dec. 2020, 03 Dec. 2020
  • Poster presentation, 03 Dec. 2020, 03 Dec. 2020
  • Poster presentation, 08 Dec. 2020, 08 Dec. 2020
  • Oral presentation, 22 Jan. 2020, 22 Jan. 2020
  • Poster presentation, 18 Feb. 2021, 18 Feb. 2021
  • Poster presentation, 21 Jan. 2021, 21 Jan. 2021
  • 平成29年地球観測ミッション合同PIワークショップ, Retrieval and validation of cloud geometrical properties, 2018
  • 第20回CEReS環境リモートセンシングシンポジウム, 奈良における地上光学観測データ解析によるエアロゾルの経年変化, 2018
  • 日本気象学会春季大会, 船舶搭載型全天カメラ観測データ解析による雲量の推定, 2018
  • NOAA ESRL Global Monitoring Annual Conference 2018, Cloud Measurements with an All-sky Camera System for Investigating Long-term Variability of Cloud Properties at South Pole, 2018
  • Joint PI Meetings of Global Environmental Observation Mission FY2017, Retrieval and validation of cloud geometrical properties, 2018
  • NOAA ESRL Global Monitoring Annual Conference 2018, Cloud Measurements with an All-sky Camera System for Investigating Long-term Variability of Cloud Properties at South Pole, 2018
  • 平成28年地球環境観測ミッション合同PIワークショップ, Retrieval and validation of cloud geometrical properties, 2017
  • 第6回イオン移動度研究会, リモートセンシングによる大気微粒子の観測, 2017
  • 日本気象学会春季大会, 船舶観測データ解析による雲の研究, 2017
  • 日本気象学会秋季大会, 奈良における地上光学観測データ解析によるエアロゾルの経年変化, 2017
  • 第8回極域科学シンポジウム, しらせ搭載全天カメラ及び雲底高度計によって観測された雲量の特徴, 2017
  • AGU Fall Meeting 2017, Cloud fractions estimated from shipboard whole-sky camera and ceilometer observations between East Asia and Antarctica, 2017
  • Joint PI Workshop Global Environmental Observation Mission, Retrieval and validation of cloud geometrical properties, 2017
  • AGU Fall Meeting 2017, Cloud fractions estimated from shipboard whole-sky camera and ceilometer observations between East Asia and Antarctica, 2017
  • 平成27年地球環境観測ミッション合同PIワークショップ, Retrieval and validation of cloud geometrical properties, 2016
  • International Radiation Symposium (IRS) 2016, Cloud fractions estimated from shipboard whole-sky camera and ceilometer observations between Japan and Antarctica, 2016
  • The 22nd International Symposium on Polar Sciences (ISPS), Challenging the New Remote-Sensing of Aerosols and Clouds from Surface at the Polar Sites, 2016
  • 日本気象学会春季大会, 奈良におけるエアロゾルの微物理特性と気象要素の関係, 2016
  • 第7回極域科学シンポジウム, しらせ搭載全天カメラ観測による雲量の特徴, 2016
  • Joint PI Workshop Global Environmental Observation Mission, Retrieval and validation of cloud geometrical properties, 2016
  • International Radiation Symposium (IRS) 2016, Cloud fractions estimated from shipboard whole-sky camera and ceilometer observations between Japan and Antarctica, 2016
  • The 22nd International Symposium on Polar Sciences (ISPS), Challenging the New Remote-Sensing of Aerosols and Clouds from Surface at the Polar Sites, 2016
  • The Twelfth Ny-Ålesund Seminar, Annual variation of the cloud fraction and base height at Ny-Ålesund with ground-based observations, 2015
  • The Twelfth Ny-Ålesund Seminar, The interannual change of cloud and the radiative contribution at Ny-Ålesund, 2015
  • The First Asian Conference on Meteorology, Atmospheric visibility variation over the Chinese continent from 1957 to 2005, 2015
  • The First Asian Conference on Meteorology, Optical properties of aerosols determined from shipboard sky radiometry observation, 2015
  • 日本気象学会秋季大会, 南極昭和基地及び北極ニーオルスンにおける雲の特徴, 2015
  • 日本気象学会秋季大会, エアロゾルの光学観測による視程の検証, 2015
  • 日本気象学会秋季大会, 船舶搭載型測器観測データ解析による雲の特徴, 2015
  • 日本気象学会秋季大会, 船舶太陽放射観測から得られた海上エアロゾルの光学特性, 2015
  • 第6回極域科学シンポジウム, 南極昭和基地及び北極ニーオルスンにおける雲の変動, 2015
  • 第6回極域科学シンポジウム, しらせ船上スカイラジオメータ観測から得られたエアロゾルの光学特性, 2015
  • 第6回極域科学シンポジウム, 船舶搭載型全天カメラ観測データを用いた雲量の推定, 2015
  • 23rd CEReS International Symposium, Optical properties of marine aerosols from shipboard skyradiometer observation between Japan and Australia, 2015
  • 23rd CEReS International Symposium, Characteristics of Aerosols with ground-based optical observation at Nara, Japan, 2015
  • AGU Fall Meeting 2015, Cloud fractions estimated from shipboard whole-sky camera and ceilometer observations, 2015
  • The Twelfth Ny-Ålesund Seminar, Annual variation of the cloud fraction and base height at Ny-Ålesund with ground-based observations, 2015
  • The Twelfth Ny-Ålesund Seminar, The interannual change of cloud and the radiative contribution at Ny-Ålesund, 2015
  • The First Asian Conference on Meteorology, Atmospheric visibility variation over the Chinese continent from 1957 to 2005, 2015
  • The First Asian Conference on Meteorology, Optical properties of aerosols determined from shipboard sky radiometry observation, 2015
  • 23rd CEReS International Symposium, Optical properties of marine aerosols from shipboard skyradiometer observation between Japan and Australia, 2015
  • 23rd CEReS International Symposium, Characteristics of Aerosols with ground-based optical observation at Nara, Japan, 2015
  • AGU Fall Meeting 2015, Cloud fractions estimated from shipboard whole-sky camera and ceilometer observations, 2015
  • Makoto Kuji; Nanao Yamada, JpGU2022, Aerosol characteristics over North India from satellite observation, Poster presentation, 31 May 2022
  • 久慈 誠; 菊池 咲也花; 山田 奈直; 中川 真友, 日本気象学会2022年度秋季大会, 地上光学観測データ解析による奈良盆地におけるエアロゾルの研究, Poster presentation, 24 Oct. 2022
  • 高田 真奈; 久慈 誠; 平沢 尚彦, 日本気象学会2022年度秋季大会, 船舶観測による南大洋における雲底高度の特徴, Poster presentation, 24 Oct. 2022
  • Makoto Kuji; Amiri Yokotani; Mana Takada; Yumi Shimode; Masanori Yabuki; Naohiko Hirasawa, The 13th Symposium on Polar Science, Comparison of cloud fractions from whole-sky camera observations around Syowa Station, Poster presentation, 16 Nov. 2022
  • Yumi Shimode; Mana Takada; Amiri Yokotani; Makoto Kuji; Masanori Yabuki; Naohiko Hirasawa, The 13th Symposium on Polar Science, Characteristics of cloud fraction and shortwave downward radiation at Syowa Station with ground-based observations, Poster presentation, 16 Nov. 2022
  • Makoto KUJI; Mana TAKADA; Yumi SHIMODE; Amiri YOKOTANI; Jiseon KIM, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2022, Cloud Fractions Estimated from Shipboard Observations Over Southern Ocean and Antarctica, Poster presentation, 12 Dec. 2022
  • 中川 真友; 山田 奈直; 菊池 咲也花; 久慈 誠, 日本リモートセンシング学会 第73回(令和4年度秋季)学術講演会, 太陽直逹光観測による奈良盆地における水蒸気の研究, Poster presentation, 29 Nov. 2022
  • Makoto Kuji, The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2022, Retrieval and validation of cloud geometrical properties, Oral presentation, 07 Nov. 2022
  • 久慈 誠; 菊池 咲也花; 金 志鮮; 横谷 愛美李; 中川 真友, 第25回 環境リモートセンシングシンポジウム, 地上光学観測による奈良盆地におけるエアロゾルの研究, Poster presentation, 16 Feb. 2023
  • 久慈 誠; 横谷 愛美李; 高田 真奈; 下出 有実; 金 志鮮; 矢吹 正教; 平沢 尚彦, 日本気象学会2023年度春季大会, 全天カメラ観測による南極沿岸における雲量の比較研究, Poster presentation, 18 May 2023
  • 久慈 誠; 菊池 咲也花; 金 志鮮; 山田 奈直; 中川 真友, 日本気象学会2023年度春季大会, 太陽直達光観測による奈良盆地におけるエアロゾルの研究, Poster presentation, 18 May 2023
  • 門村芙実; 菊池咲也花; 田中伶奈; 横谷愛美李; 久慈誠, 第26回 環境リモートセンシングシンポジウム, 奈良盆地における全天日射量とエアロゾルの関係, Poster presentation, 15 Feb. 2024
  • 菊池咲也花; 横谷愛美李; 田中伶奈; 門村芙実; 久慈誠, 第26回 環境リモートセンシングシンポジウム, 地上光学観測による奈良と仙台のエアロゾルの比較, Poster presentation, 15 Feb. 2024
  • Makoto Kuji; Amiri Yokotani; Moeka Horiuchi; Rena Tanaka, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023, Cloud Base Heights from Shipboard Observations between East Asia and Antarctica, Poster presentation, 23 Jan. 2024
  • Amiri Yokotani; Rena Tanaka; Moeka Horiuchi; Makoto Kuji; Masanori Yabuki; Naohiko Hirasawa, The 14th Symposium on Polar Science, Comparison of cloud fractions from whole-sky camera observations around Syowa Station during JARE 60, Poster presentation, 15 Nov. 2023
  • Makoto Kuji, The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2023, Retrieval and validation of cloud geometrical properties, Oral presentation, 07 Nov. 2023
  • 横谷 愛美李; 田中 伶奈; 久慈 誠; 矢吹 正教; 平沢 尚彦, 日本気象学会2023年度秋季大会, 全天カメラ観測による南極沿岸における雲量の研究, Poster presentation, 26 Oct. 2023
  • 菊池 咲也花; 田中 伶奈; 久慈 誠, 日本気象学会2023年度秋季大会, 地上観測による奈良盆地における2023年4月の黄砂イベントの特徴, Poster presentation, 25 Oct. 2023


  • しらせ搭載全天カメラ観測による南極航海中の雲の出現特性, 2013, 2015
  • Cloud fraction with an All-sky camera onboard R/V Shirase, 2013, 2015
  • 大気微粒子観測, 2013
  • Aerosol observation, 2013
  • 地球観測衛星から推定されたエアロゾルのしらせ船上観測との比較検証, 2011, 2012
  • 雲頂・雲底高度推定アルゴリズムの開発, 2009, 2012
  • SKYNETデータを用いた衛星観測大気プロダクトの検証, 2009, 2011
  • 地球観測衛星から推定されたエアロゾル・雲の比較検証研究, 2009, 2010
  • アジアにおける水田・牧畜活動の大気環境負荷の研究 〜宇宙観測とフィールド観測の融合を目指して〜, 2009, 2010
  • 赤外リモートセンシングデータを用いた大気水蒸気量の推定, 2007, 2009
  • エアロゾルの光学特性に関する観測的研究, 2007, 2009
  • TC4観測キャンペーンで取得されたリモートセンシングデータの解析, May 2007, Mar. 2008
  • リモートセンシングデータを用いた南極域における水蒸気・雲変動の研究, 2006, 2008
  • 熱帯大気組成ー雲ー気候結合ミッション, Jul. 2007, Aug. 2007
  • Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling (TC4), Jul. 2007, Aug. 2007


  • NASA Honor Group Achievement Award, 2008
  • 日本リモートセンシング学会 論文賞, 2003, Japan

Research Projects

  • 2021, 2021, JX-PSPC-530163, Principal investigator
  • 2022, 2022, JX-PSPC-544489, Principal investigator
  • 2021, 2021, CJ21-30, Principal investigator
  • 2020, 2024, Coinvestigator
  • 1993, リモートセンシングデータを用いた気候変動の研究, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1993, リモートセンシングデータ解析による雲・水蒸気・エアロゾルの研究, 科学研究費補助金, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1993, Study on climate variation with remote sensing data, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1993, Remote sensing data analysis of cloud, water vapor, and aerosol, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 大気環境リモートセンシング, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Environment, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2022, 2022, CJ22-28, Principal investigator
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2007, 2008, 19540462, Study on tropospheric ozone utilizing satellite data - analysis of the effects of ozone precursors and intrusion from the stratosphere -, HAYASHIDA Sachiko; KUJI Makoto; NOGUCHI Katsuyuki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 4550000, 3500000, 1050000, 本研究課題では、東アジアを中心に集中的に大気微量成分の衛星データ解析を行い、オゾンとその前駆物質を高度別に調べ、アジア大陸から流出する汚染空気塊の影響を調べた。オゾンについては、オゾンゾンデのデータを衛星データと平行して解析した。また、赤外観測データを駆使することで、上部対流圏・対流圏界面付近におけるオゾン高度分布を解析し、成層圏オゾンの流入と人為起源のオゾンとの切り分けを行なうことを試みた。重要なオゾン前駆物質の一つであるNO_2の影響について詳細に解析し、北京や上海といった大都市では年々の増加傾向が停止しているのに対し、郊外の新興都市で増加傾向であることを明らかにした。, kaken
  • 若手研究(B), 2004, 2006, 16710004, 地球観測衛星データを用いた、雲頂高度及び雲底高度の全球分布の導出, 久慈 誠, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 奈良女子大学, 2400000, 2400000, 本研究では、酸素の吸収帯と熱赤外波長帯の情報を組み合わせ、雲頂高度と雲底高度を同時に推定する手法を、人工衛星観測データ(ADEOS-II/GLI)に適用する。また、その解析結果を、航空機やライダ等による現場観測キャンペーンが行われた期間・領域について、詳細に比較検証する。更に、それを踏まえて、最終的には雲頂高度と雲底高度の全球分布を導出する。 昨年度までに、衛星データ解析結果が検証可能な領域に対して、詳細な解析を行った。すなわち、人工衛星ADEOS-IIによる観測と同期した現場観測が行われた期間・領域の衛星データを収集し、詳細な検証を行った。すると、本解析手法によって得られた結果は、現地観測と整合性があることが判った。また、本推定手法の適用限界について数値シミュレーションにより感度実験を行ってみたところ、光学的に薄い場合と粒径が小さい場合を除いて、対流圏全体の雲に対して適用可能である事が示されている。 更に最終年度となる今年度は、これ迄の研究成果を踏まえて、ADEOS-II/GL1観測データを用いた全球解析を行った。そして、これ迄に得られた一連の結果を、2006年7月のアメリカ気象学会主催の国際放射シンポジウム、並びに2006年9月にスウェーデンで開催されたリモートセンシングの国際学会SPIEで発表を行った。これらの会合では、全球解析を行う場合、雲の種別を考慮した解析が必要であるという事が指摘された。具体的には、上層の氷雲のスクリーニングや雲の不均質性についての取り扱いをより精密にしないと、解析結果に大きな誤差を生じる可能性のあることが判った。現在、これらの指摘を踏まえて、再解析を進めている。 本研究によって、酸素の吸収帯を用いた受動型リモートセンシングデータ解析から、雲頂高度と雲底高度の全球分布が得られることが示された。早急に、再解析結果を国際学術雑誌に論文として投稿する予定である。, kaken
  • 特定領域研究, 2002, 2003, 14048229, 東アジア域の雲・エアロゾル相互作用の解明とその放射収支への影響に関する研究, 早坂 忠裕; 河本 和明; 久慈 誠, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 総合地球環境学研究所, 4500000, 4500000, まず、東アジアにおける過去20年間のエアロゾルの変質を鮮明するために、文献の収集とレビューを行った。それによると、気候研究のためのエアロゾルの長期モニタリングには、エアロゾルの光学的厚さのデータが適していることがわかった。その値は、成都や重慶などの内陸の重工業都市や沿岸部で大きく、また、経年変化については、Luo et al.3)の1960〜1990年の解析結果からは、1980年過ぎまでは中国全体で増加傾向にあったが、その後1980年代はあまり変化していないように見えることが明らかとなった。 次に東アジア域の雲の光学的厚さと雲粒有効半径について、AVHRRデータを用いて解析した。その結果、次のようなことが見いだされた。中国大陸上の水雲は過去20年間に、光学的厚さはあまり変化していないが雲粒有効半径は減少する傾向にある。また、光学的厚さの空間分布は、北部よりも南部の方が大きいが、これは対象とする雲を雲頂温度273K以上で選別したためと考えられる。雲粒有効半径は海域で大きく陸域で小さくなる傾向がある。 さらに、人為起源エアロゾルの影響を調べるために、SO2の年間排出量と雲の光学的厚さ、雲粒有効半径、雲粒数濃度の年平均値の関係を調べた。それによると、SO2の排出量が多い場所では雲粒有効半径が小さいことが示唆された。また、1985年と1995年を比較すると、光学的厚さに関しては大きな違いは見られなかったが、雲粒有効半径では後者の方が領域平均で1μm程度小さく、雲粒数密度は増加するという結果が得られた。これは、SO2排出量全体が増加しているために、硫酸塩エアロゾル濃度が高くなり、その結果雲凝結核が増加して小さな雲粒の濃度が多くなったものと思われる。本研究では対象領域のエアロゾルを直接観測していないので、これらの因果関係については推測の部分も若干含まれるが、全般的には、いわゆるエアロゾルの間接効果を示唆するものと考えられる。, kaken
  • 若手研究(B), 2001, 2002, 13780425, リモートセンシングデータを用いた、雲頂高度及び雲底高度の全球分布の導出, 久慈 誠, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 奈良女子大学, 1500000, 1500000, 今年度は、次の二つの研究を実施する予定であった:(1)航空機観測データ解析・検証、(2)人工衛星データの収集・解析。 まず、(1)については、これ迄に行った研究内容を、2002年6月に開催されたアメリカ気象学会主催のシンポジウムにおいて発表した。その結果、航空機搭載センサの場合、雲の多層構造に加えて、光が雲層において水平移流する効果についても考慮することが必要であることが判った。この議論を踏まえて、現在、再解析を進めている。 一方、(2)については、約半年間運用された人工衛星ADEOS搭載のOCTSとPOLDERという、二つのセンサによる広域観測データを収集し、解析プログラムの作成を行った。全球解析に向けて、ヨーロッパ域のデータについて解析を進めた。ここで、複合センサ利用による観測手法による違いの問題が表面化してきた。すなわち、両センサの観測位置のずれ、更に、空間解像度の違いを取り込んだ解析を行うことが、予想外に複雑である事が分かった。この問題については現在、雲物理モデルによる数値シミュレーションを行い、整合性のあるモデルの開発を行うことで対応している。 尚、本研究で開発しているアルゴリズムは、宇宙開発事業団が2002年12月に打ち上げを行った、人工衛星ADEOS-II搭載のGLIセンサによって観測される最新のデータにも、原理的に適用可能である。そのため、本研究成果は、今後も最新の地球観測データの解析に引き継がれてゆく。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 1995, 1997, 07640589, Study on the stratospheric minor species related to ozone depletion using the satellite data, HAYASHIDA Sachiko; KUJI Makoto, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 2400000, 2400000, This research is to investigate the chemical processes destroying stratospheric ozone. We have analyzed the satellite data of stratospheric minor species and investigated the spatial distribution and the time evolution of them. In particular, we focused on the analysis of the stratosperic aerosol which is the key factor on ozone depletion through the heterogeneous reactions. Some significant satellite data sets have been collected and analyzed. The global data set of the total ozone observed with TOMS (Total Ozone mapping Spectrometer) have been analtzed to show the long term change in ozone. Stratospheric Aerosol measurements II (SAMII) and Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II (SAGE II) data were analyzed to understand the aerosol global climatology as well as the frequency of PSCs (Polar Stratospheric Clouds) occurrence. The four wave-length extinction coefficients at 1.02,0.525,0.453,0.385 micron for the stratospheric aerosols observed with SAGAII were analyzed. the time series of 11 year record from 1985 through 1995 shows the strong increases of the extinction in 1991 after the eruption Pinatubo (June 1991, Philippine). The wavelength dependence of the extinction coefficient also significantly changed after the eruption of Pinatubo, showing the existence of large particles. TOMS and Improved Lim Atomospheric Spectrometer (ILAS) board on Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) could obtain the data of high quality during the period of ADEOS operation. TOMS/ADEOS observed the record low level of total ozone over the Arctic in late March and early April 1997. The observed ozone loss over the Arctic can be characterized as the prolonged polar vortex and persisitency of cold temperature until early spring. Many PSCs had been observed with ILAS from January to March 1997. Most of the PSCs were seen well inside vortex and the active PSC occurrence have been observed in mid-January followed by the sporadic occurrence until early March., kaken
  • 奨励研究(A), 1996, 1996, 08740377, 人工衛星データの数値解析及び画像処理(雲粒の情報及び雲水量の導出), 久慈 誠, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 奈良女子大学, 1000000, 1000000, 本年度はまず、カリフォルニア沖の海洋性層積雲を対象とした人工衛星NOAA/AVHRRデータを、磁気テープから読み取り、ワークステーションのハードディスクに蓄積し、データベース化を行った。 また、それと並行して、過去にパソコン並びに大型汎用計算機上で開発した解析プログラムのインターフェイスを、ワークステーション用に調整し、数値解析を行った。以前は比較的小さな計算モジュールを多数回(マニュアルで)実行していたが、それらの計算モジュールを統合して少数回の実行(ジョブ)で計算できるように改善できた。結果として、数値計算プログラム全体のスループットが大幅に短縮できた。これは、今後予定している全球規模の大量の人工衛星データの解析においては、必要不可欠なことである。 そして、この数値解析の結果得られた雲層の光学的厚さ、雲粒有効半径、そして、鉛直積算雲水量などの雲物理量を、パソコンのハードディスクに蓄積した。このパソコンに128MB程度のメモリを搭載した。これにより、数値計算の結果並びに、人工衛星データそのものを、カラーあるいはコンターマップなどのグラフィックスで表示し、画像処理することが可能となった。結果として、人工衛星データの特長の一つである、2次元的な描像を最大限に活用することできるようになった。 最後に、解析結果の雲物理量を、トゥル-スである現場観測結果と比較してみたところ、妥当な結果であることがわかった。そのため、以前解析を行った日本近海の場合と併せて、人工衛星データから導出される雲物理量と現場観測とは良く一致することが確認され、解析アルゴリズムの妥当性がより確かなものとなった。今後は、過去の航空機の現場観測による研究例も参考にし、雲物理学的により詳細な考察を加えていく予定である。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2010, 2012, 22510012, Retrieval of cloud top and bottom heights with earth observing satellite - global data analysis and validation, KUJI Makoto, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 1950000, 1500000, 450000, Satellite remote sensing data were analyzed so as to retrieve cloud top and bottom heights on a global basis. Comparing the retrieved results to the ground-based cloud radar observation around Japan, it turned out that the top height was consistent, but the bottom one was underestimated. This is attributable to the cloud inhomogeneity. It is confirmed that cloud bottom height was well correlated with the downward thermal radiation at surface., kaken
  • Jul. 2023, Mar. 2024, A study of atmospheric environment with the SKYNET data, Center for Environmental Remote Sensing Chiba University, rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations
  • Apr. 2023, Mar. 2024, Retrieval and validation of cloud geometrical properties, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Apr. 2015, Mar. 2019, 15H02807, Optical properties and modofication of maritime aerosol over Western Pacific and Indian Ocean, Shiobara Masataka; HARA Keiichiro; YABUKI Masanori; KUJI Makoto, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, National Institute of Polar Research, 15730000, 12100000, 3630000, In order to investigate the optical properties of maritime aerosols over Western Pacific and Indian Oceans, comprehensive on-board aerosol observations have been conducted during the Antarctic cruises of R/V Shirase, using ship-board aureolemeter, ceilometer as remote-sensing instruments and optical particle counters and aerosol extinction monitor as an in-situ measurement system. Furthermore, installing the newly developed aureolemeter on the Korean icebreaking R/V Araon, aerosol remote-sensing observation was successfully performed in the Koran Antarctic Research Program cruising over the Pacific to Antarctic Oceans., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, 2004, 2005, 16030215, CLOUD-AEROSOL INTERACTION AND ITS INFLUENCES ON THE SURFACE RADIATION BUDGETS IN EAST ASIA., HAYASAKA Tadahiro; KUJI Makoto; KAWAMOTO Kazuaki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR HUMANITY AND NATURE, 4000000, 4000000, In the present study, the comparison and analysis of surface shortwave irradiance over China were carried out by using pyranometer data, satellite-derived data, and parameterized data with meteorological factors. The new quality control method was developed to check the pyranometer data obtained for the past several decades. The application of the quality control method showed that the pyranometer data used in this study, which were obtained by the Chinese Meteorological Administration, were reliable for long-term trend analysis. The comparison of the pyranometer data with the satellite-derived data such as ISCCP-FD and GEWEX-SRB indicated systematic bias particularly in the urban and desert areas. It is suggested from radiative transfer calculations that the bias is ascribed to aerosols in the satellite-derived data even under the cloudy sky conditions. The surface shortwave irradiance pyranometer data analysis suggested a decreasing trend for the period 1960-1990. The decreasing trend may be ascribed to changes in optical thickness of aerosols and that of clouds while the cloud amount was decreasing in this period. It is also suggested that the surface shortwave irradiance appears to change from decrease to increase around 1990. It is consistent with the previous studies for the North America and Europe, that is, so-called "global dimming and brightening" phenomena. The study on this matter will be more important in the future climate studies., kaken
  • 2020, 2024, Coinvestigator
  • 2020, 2024, Coinvestigator
  • フルリサーチ, Apr. 2020, Mar. 2025, 大気浄化、公衆衛生および持続可能な農業を目指す学際研究:北インドの藁焼きの事例, 総合地球環境学研究所

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