Researchers Database


FacultyAdvisor to the President
PositionAdvisor to the President
Last Updated :2024/07/16


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  • Ph.D, Osaka Univ.

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences, Experimental psychology
  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Control and systems engineering
  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Measurement engineering
  • Informatics, Intelligent informatics

Research Experience

  • Apr. 2003, Assistant Professor, Fac. of Human Life and Environment, Nara Women's Univ.
  • Apr. 1999, Mar. 2003, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Systems and Human Science,\nGraduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ.
  • Apr. 1997, Mar. 1999, Research Associate, Dept. of Systems and Human Science,\nGraduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ.
  • May 1993, Mar. 1997, Research Associate, Dept. of Control Engineering, Fac. of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ.


  • 1993, Osaka University, 基礎工学研究科, Japan
  • 1993, Osaka University, Graduate School, Division of Engineering Science


Published Papers

  • Nov. 2020, 22, 4, 467, 474
  • Apr. 2020, 22 巻, 2 号, 165, 174,
  • Refereed, 繊維製品消費科学, 人工触感呈示システムを用いた触感認知に関する基礎研究, SAIWAKI Naoki, Dec. 2006, 47, 12, 25-33
  • Refereed, 2006 6TH IEEE-RAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMANOID ROBOTS, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE, Composition and evaluation of the humanlike motions of an android, Motoko Noma; Naoki Saiwaki; Shoji Itakura; Hiroshi Ishiguro, Both appearance and motion are important considerations in designing robots for interaction with humans. In communication, humans sense intelligence in their conversation partner. We aim to develop an intelligent robot that communicates in the same intelligent and human-like way in daily life. We use the Total Turing Test to evaluate the human-likeness of the android. In this test, subjects are shown either the android or another human for a short time. Subjects are then asked whether it was a human being or not. The android used in this study is called ReplieeQ2, which has an appearance and motions that closely resemble those of a human being. We hypothesize that an android that is given more human-like motions will be identified as a human in the Total Turing Test more often. To create human-like motion we observed humans behavior when sitting. We focused on eye, eyelid, neck and chest motions and analyzed them in detail. The android motions were made from this analysis and used in the Total Turing Test. We prepared three conditions: a static android (SA), an android given natural motions (MA), and a human sitting naturally (SH). We expose a subject to one of these conditions for either one or two seconds. We then examine how often they correctly identify the condition as either human or robot. SH was identified as human most often, followed by MA and then SA, for both exposure times. MA is judged to be significantly more humanlike than SA, within the two-second experiment time. This suggests that natural motions contribute to the human-likeness of the android. We also investigate the contributions of individual natural motions to human-likeness and likeability by a pair comparison method. The results show that eyelid motion is the most effective factor for expressing human-likeness and likeability. By enhancing the android's expressive power, this work contributes to the development of humanoids that communicate naturally with human beings., 2006, 163, +, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, Proceedings of Third Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces (MU3I), Integrating object finding function into everyday fashion, SAIWAKI Naoki; Yuko MIYAK, 2006
  • Refereed, 繊維製品消費科学, 名札型ICタグを用いた小学生のコミュニケーション分析, SAIWAKI Naoki, Nov. 2005, 46, 11, 688-692
  • Refereed, ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 対話型ロボットによる小学校での長期相互作用の試み, SAIWAKI Naoki, Jan. 2005, 7, 1, 27-37
  • Refereed, Extended Abstracts of the 9th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC2005), Thermal Clothes That Can Activily Control Sensory Temperature, SAIWAKI Naoki; Sayaka Tsuruda他, 2005
  • Refereed, Extended Abstracts of the 9th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC2005), A Casual Design for an Object-finding Support System, SAIWAKI Naoki; Tatsuyuki Kawamur, 2005
  • Refereed, Proceedings of Human Computer Interaction(HCI)2005, Artificial Tactile Feel Display for Textile Fabrics, SAIWAKI Naoki; Akinori Yoshida他, 2005
  • Refereed, Proceedings of IROS2004, Friendly social robot that understands human’s friendly relationships, SAIWAKI Naoki; Takayuki Kand, 2004
  • Refereed, システム制御情報学会論文誌, 三次元空間楽譜の構築, SAIWAKI Naoki, Jun. 2003, 16, 6, 295-302
  • Refereed, IEEE Trans. on Neural Systems and rehabilitation Engineering, A New Brain-Computer Interface Design Using Fuzzy ARTMAP, SAIWAKI Naoki; Ramasamy Palaniap, Mar. 2002, 10, 3, 140-148
  • Refereed, Proceedings of Intl. Computer Music Conference 2002, The Musical Session System with the Visual Interface, SAIWAKI Naoki; Y. Yoshid, 2002, 232-235
  • Refereed, システム制御情報学会論文誌, 3Dバネモデルに基づいた音楽に応じた動作の自動生成, SAIWAKI Naoki, Sep. 2001, 14, 9, 447-457
  • Refereed, ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, イメージに基づいたWebページデザイン支援システム, SAIWAKI Naoki, Apr. 2001, 3, 4, 287-297
  • Refereed, 電気学会論文誌C, 3Dバネモデルを用いたオブジェクトの動作獲得支援環境, SAIWAKI Naoki, Jan. 2001, 121-C, 1, 206-211
  • Refereed, 電気学会論文誌C, 時空間ウォークスルーのためのデータ管理の一方式, SAIWAKI Naoki, Jan. 2001, 121-C, 1, 142-149
  • Refereed, 電気学会論文誌C, カオスと電荷モデルを用いた群衆行動のモデリングと生成, SAIWAKI Naoki, Jan. 2001, 121-C, 1, 118-126
  • Refereed, ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 心理的ポテンシャルを用いた感性協調型合奏システム, SAIWAKI Naoki, Jan. 2000, 2, 1, 47-58
  • Refereed, 電子情報通信学会論文誌A, 権限・義務・責任・知識を考慮した緊急時のコミュニケーションモデル, SAIWAKI Naoki, Mar. 1999, J82-A, 3, 445-453
  • Refereed, Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Communication Model in Emergent Situation, SAIWAKI Naoki; T.Koiso他, 1999, J82-A, 3, 445-453
  • Refereed, 電気学会論文誌C, Source Derivation法による脳活動可視化の検討, SAIWAKI Naoki, Sep. 1998, 118-C, 9, 1292-1298
  • Refereed, Cognitive System Engineering for Process Control, Communication Support System in Emergent Situation for Large Scale Systems, SAIWAKI Naoki, 1998, 108-114
  • Refereed, SMC '97 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - 1997 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS, VOLS 1-5, I E E E, Spatio-temporal data management for highly interactive environment, A Naka; N Saiwaki; S Nishida, This paper deals with data management structures for efficient search for large scale spatio-temporal data. We propose Adaptive Tree Structure (We call the AT Structure), in which either spatio data structure or temporal data structure is selected adaptively depending on the demand of search. This paper describes an outline of the proposed data structure for large scale spatio-temporal data. The concrete data structure and its performance by computer simulation are discussed., 1997, 9, 571, 576, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, SMC '97 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - 1997 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS, VOLS 1-5, I E E E, Spatio-temporal data management for highly interactive environment, A Naka; N Saiwaki; S Nishida, This paper deals with data management structures for efficient search for large scale spatio-temporal data. We propose Adaptive Tree Structure (We call the AT Structure), in which either spatio data structure or temporal data structure is selected adaptively depending on the demand of search. This paper describes an outline of the proposed data structure for large scale spatio-temporal data. The concrete data structure and its performance by computer simulation are discussed., 1997, 8, 571, 576, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, システム制御情報学会論文誌, 有向コヒーレンス解析による脳波情報源可視化法, SAIWAKI Naoki, Oct. 1997, 10, 10, 537-546
  • Refereed, 日本音響学会論文誌, 有向コヒーレンス解析を用いた音楽音響傾聴時脳波の信号源推定, SAIWAKI Naoki, Jul. 1997, 53, 7, 493-500
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF NEW MUSIC RESEARCH, SWETS ZEITLINGER PUBLISHERS, An approach to analysis of EEGs recorded during music listening, N Saiwaki; K Kato; S Inokuchi, Sep. 1997, 26, 3, 227, 243, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, 情報処理学会論文誌, テンション・パラメータを用いた協調型自動演奏システム:JASPER, SAIWAKI Naoki, Jul. 1994, 35, 7, 1469-1481
  • Refereed, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ROBOTICS, SPRINGER, Effects of Observing Eye Contact between a Robot and Another Person, Michihiro Shimada; Yuichiro Yoshikawa; Mana Asada; Naoki Saiwaki; Hiroshi Ishiguro, Being accepted by humans is one of the common requirements for a communication robot. Previous work has examined the effects of non-verbal factors on people's perceptions of robots for such a purpose, but always with a focus on dyadic human-robot interaction; in real human society, however, triadic interaction also plays an important role and should be considered. This paper explores a potential merit offered by the latter form of interaction: specifically, how one form of non-verbal interaction occurring between a robot and humans, eye contact, can be utilized to make the robot appear more acceptable to humans. Experiments were conducted with groups of two humans and an android, in which one of the humans, the "subject", was asked to communicate with a second person who had knowledge of the purpose of the experiment, the "confederate"; the confederate's role was to gaze in such a way that the subject either observed or did not observe eye contact between the confederate and the android. A post-interaction questionnaire revealed that subjects' impressions toward the robot were influenced by eye contact between the confederate and robot. Finally, the consistency of the experimental results was discussed in terms of Heider's balance theory, and future extensions of this research were proposed., Apr. 2011, 3, 2, 143, 154, Scientific journal, 10.1007/s12369-010-0072-9
  • Refereed, IEEE RO-MAN 2000: 9TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ROBOT AND HUMAN INTERACTIVE COMMUNICATION, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, A method for supporting web page design based on impression of web page, M Watanabe; T Yoshida; N Saiwaki; S Nishida, This paper proposes an approach for web page design support by focusing: on the impression of web page with respect to the selection of color and font. Previous approaches for web page design support often focus on the automation of HTML coding: and the pasting of graphics and icons. However, the selection of color and font also greatly affect the impression of web page even with the same (information) content. The implemented system with the proposed support method tries to acquire the taste or preference of the user from the web pages which are selected by him/her during net surfing; and utilize it for web page design with the prefered impression., 2000, 13, 17, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 18TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY, VOL 18, PTS 1-5, IEEE, Directed coherence analysis of EEG recorded during music listening, N Saiwaki; H Tsujimoto; S Nishida; S Inokuchi, We are concerned with the study or EEG in response to musical stimuli. Since music cognition has many emotional aspects, it is expected that EEG recorded during music listening may reflect the electrical activities of brain regions related to those emotional aspects. We applied directed coherence analysis on EEG's recorded during listening to "Duetto" by Mendelssohn. Then the experimental results showed that a subject formally trained in classical music strongly responds to tonal musical forms., 1997, 18, 827, 828, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, DESIGN OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS: SOCIAL AND ERGONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Interactive interfaces to detect conceptual difference for knowledge acquisition, T Kondo; N Saiwaki; T Yoshida; S Nishida, Conceptual difference is a serious problem in group knowledge acquisition systems, especially when different people with different background participate in a group. In our former research, each a peace of knowledge held by people is expressed by a single decision tree, and conceptual difference is detected by checking the difference. Sometimes it occurs that the attributes and the values with conceptual difference do not appear in decision trees and fails to detect conceptual difference. In this paper, we propose a method to solve this problem by using decision trees with diverse structures which are produced by our genetic algorithm., 1997, 21, 303, 306, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, SMC '97 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - 1997 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS, VOLS 1-5, I E E E, Detection algorithm for conceptual difference among different persons - as an example of emergence in the human interaction, T Yoshida; T Kondo; N Saiwaki; S Nishida, We consider emergence in the human interaction by taking the discovery of conceptual difference as an example. Conceptual difference is a serious problem in group knowledge acquisition systems, especially when different people with different background participate in a group. We deal with the conceptual difference, in which different symbols are used to express the same meaning and/or the same symbol is used to express different meanings. We propose a method to detect such types of conceptual difference by utilizing decision trees which are constructed with ID3 algorithm and GA (Genetic Algorithm). Our method is discussed in terms of the realization of emergence in the human interaction. We tackle the ''vague'' concept of emergence in the human interaction by constructing ''concrete'' structures to express conceptual difference. Our method ensures the variety in the conceptual structures by utilizing GA to explore various possibilities. The various structures constructed by the system play the role of pointing out conceptual difference from another viewpoint, which is different from those of the members in the group. This function enables the members to understand each other as well as their own concepts, which is expected to contribute to hitting new ideas as a group and to promoting the activity of the group., 1997, 1216, 1221, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, A two-month field trial in an elementary school for long-term human-robot interaction, Takayuki Kanda; Rumi Sato; Naoki Saiwaki; Hiroshi Ishiguro, Interactive robots participating in our daily lives should have the fundamental ability to socially communicate with humans. In this paper, we propose a mechanism for two social communication abilities: forming long-term relationships and estimating friendly relationships among people. The mechanism for long-term relationships is based on three principles of behavior design. The robot we developed, Robovie, is able to interact with children in the same way as children do. Moreover, the mechanism is designed for long-term interaction. along the following three design principles: 1) it calls children by name using radio frequency identification tags; 2) it adapts its interactive behaviors for each child based on a pseudo development mechanism; and 3) it confides its personal matters to the children who have interacted with the robot for an extended period of time. Regarding the estima- tion of friendly relationships, the robot assumes that people who spontaneously behave as a group together are friends. Then, by identifying each person in the interacting group around the robot, it estimates the relationships between them. We conducted a two-month field trial at an elementary school. An interactive humanoid robot, Robovie, was placed in a classroom at the school. The results of the field trial revealed that the robot successfully continued interacting with many children for two months, and seemed to have established friendly relationships with them. In addition, it demonstrated reasonable performance in identifying friendships among children. We believe that these results demonstrate the potential of current interactive robots to establish social relationships with humans in our daily lives., Oct. 2007, 23, 5, 962, 971, Scientific journal, 10.1109/TRO.2007.904904
  • Geminoid Studies: Science and Technologies for Humanlike Teleoperated Androids, Springer Singapore, Effects of observing eye contact between a robot and another person, Michihiro Shimada; Yuichiro Yoshikawa; Mana Asada; Naoki Saiwaki; Hiroshi Ishiguro, One of the common requirements for a communication robot is to be accepted by humans. Previous work has examined the effects of nonverbal factors on people's perceptions of robots for such a purpose, but always with a focus on dyadic human-robot interaction in real human society, however, triadic interaction also plays an important role and should be considered. This paper explores a potential merit offered by the latter form of interaction specifically, how one form of nonverbal interaction occurring between a robot and humans, eye contact, can be utilized to make the robot appear more acceptable to humans. Experiments are conducted with groups of two humans and an android. One of the humans, the "subject," is asked to communicate with a second person, the "confederate," who knows the purpose of the experiment the confederate's role is to gaze in such a way that the subject either observes or does not observe eye contact between the confederate and the android. A post-interaction questionnaire reveals that subjects' impressions toward the robot are influenced by eye contact between the confederate and the robot. Finally, the consistency of the experimental results is discussed in terms of Heider's balance theory, and future extensions of this research are proposed., 27 Apr. 2018, 215, 234, In book, 10.1007/978-981-10-8702-8_13


  • Not Refereed, JOURNAL of the JAPAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION for TEXTILE END-USES, The Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses, Basic Research on Brain Activity under Virtual Tactile Feeling Stimulus, Saiwaki Naoki; Taniguchi Maki; Uchida Hajime; Kamitani Yukiyasu, We developed the artificial tactile feeling display using ICPF actuator. In this article, the artificial tactile feeling stimulus generated by the actuator were evaluated by the experiments. Moreover, cerebral somatosensory area activated by the tactile feeling stimulus were analyzed by f-MRI. We are under consideration about tactile feeling cognition and comfortableness based on our experimental results., 2006, 47, 12, 25, 33, 10.11419/senshoshi1960.47.719
  • Not Refereed, 2006 6TH IEEE-RAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMANOID ROBOTS, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE, Composition and evaluation of the humanlike motions of an android, Motoko Noma; Naoki Saiwaki; Shoji Itakura; Hiroshi Ishiguro, Both appearance and motion are important considerations in designing robots for interaction with humans. In communication, humans sense intelligence in their conversation partner. We aim to develop an intelligent robot that communicates in the same intelligent and human-like way in daily life. We use the Total Turing Test to evaluate the human-likeness of the android. In this test, subjects are shown either the android or another human for a short time. Subjects are then asked whether it was a human being or not. The android used in this study is called ReplieeQ2, which has an appearance and motions that closely resemble those of a human being. We hypothesize that an android that is given more human-like motions will be identified as a human in the Total Turing Test more often. To create human-like motion we observed humans behavior when sitting. We focused on eye, eyelid, neck and chest motions and analyzed them in detail. The android motions were made from this analysis and used in the Total Turing Test. We prepared three conditions: a static android (SA), an android given natural motions (MA), and a human sitting naturally (SH). We expose a subject to one of these conditions for either one or two seconds. We then examine how often they correctly identify the condition as either human or robot. SH was identified as human most often, followed by MA and then SA, for both exposure times. MA is judged to be significantly more humanlike than SA, within the two-second experiment time. This suggests that natural motions contribute to the human-likeness of the android. We also investigate the contributions of individual natural motions to human-likeness and likeability by a pair comparison method. The results show that eyelid motion is the most effective factor for expressing human-likeness and likeability. By enhancing the android's expressive power, this work contributes to the development of humanoids that communicate naturally with human beings., 2006, 163, +, 10.1109/ICHR.2006.321379
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of Third Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces (MU3I), Integrating object finding function into everyday fashion, 才脇 直樹; Yuko MIYAK, 2006
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of humanoids2006, Composition and Evaluation of the Humanlike Motions of an Android, SAIWAKI Naoki; Motoko Nom, 2006, 10.1109/ICHR.2006.321379
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of Third Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces (MU3I), Integrating object finding function into everyday fashion, SAIWAKI Naoki; Yuko MIYAK, 2006
  • Not Refereed, ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 対話型ロボットによる小学校での長期相互作用の試み, 才脇 直樹; 神田崇行他, 2005, 7, 1, 27, 37
  • Not Refereed, 繊維製品消費科学, 名札型ICタグを用いた小学生のコミュニケーション分析, 才脇 直樹, 2005, 46, 11, 688, 692, 10.11419/senshoshi1960.46.688
  • Not Refereed, Extended Abstracts of the 9th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC2005), Thermal Clothes That Can Activily Control Sensory Temperature, 才脇 直樹; Sayaka Tsuruda他, 2005
  • Not Refereed, Extended Abstracts of the 9th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC2005), A Casual Design for an Object-finding Support System, 才脇 直樹; Tatsuyuki Kawamur, 2005
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of Human Computer Interaction(HCI)2005, Artificial Tactile Feel Display for Textile Fabrics, 才脇 直樹; Akinori Yoshida, 2005
  • Not Refereed, Extended Abstracts of the 9th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC2005), Thermal Clothes That Can Activily Control Sensory Temperature, SAIWAKI Naoki; Sayaka Tsuruda他, 2005
  • Not Refereed, Extended Abstracts of the 9th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC2005), A Casual Design for an Object-finding Support System, SAIWAKI Naoki; Tatsuyuki Kawamur, 2005
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of Human Computer Interaction(HCI)2005, Artificial Tactile Feel Display for Textile Fabrics, SAIWAKI Naoki; Akinori Yoshida他, 2005
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of IROS2004, Friendly social robot that understands human’s friendly relationships, 才脇 直樹; Takayuki Kand, 2004
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of IROS2004, Friendly social robot that understands human’s friendly relationships, SAIWAKI Naoki; Takayuki Kand, 2004
  • Not Refereed, Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, THE INSTITUTE OF SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERS (ISCIE), An Approach to 3D Spacial Music Score, KATSUMOTO Kenji; YOSHIDA Yuichi; SAIWAKI Naoki; NISHIDA Shogo, In this paper, we propose a spacial music score. Although many number of studies have been made on multimedia technology in the musical field over the past few decades, there is little attention to notation. The purpose of this paper is to construct more flexible and easily understandable visual music score for the music which is needed to be complicatedly controlled. The prototype system is developed for evalution, and it is confirmed that the user can make music easily by using the system., 2003, 16, 6, 295, 302, 10.5687/iscie.16.295
  • Not Refereed, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, A new brain-computer interface design using fuzzy ARTMAP, R Palaniappan; R Paramesran; S Nishida; N Saiwaki, This paper proposes a new brain-computer interface (BCI) design using fuzzy ARTMAP (FA) neural network, as well as an application of the design. The objective of this BCI-FA design is to classify the best three of the five available mental tasks for each subject using power spectral density (PSD) values of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. These PSD values are extracted using the Wiener-Khinchine and autoregressive methods. Ten experiments employing different triplets of mental tasks are studied for each subject. The findings show that the average BCI-FA outputs for four subjects gave less than 6% of error using the best triplets of mental tasks identified from the classification performances of FA. This implies that the BCI-FA can be successfully used with a tri-state switching device. As an application, a proposed tri-state Morse code scheme could be utilized to translate the outputs of this BCI-FA design into English letters. In this scheme, the three BCI-FA outputs correspond to a dot and a dash, which are the two basic Morse code alphabets and a space to denote the end (or beginning) of a dot or a dash. The construction of English letters using this tri-state Morse code scheme is determined only by the sequence of mental tasks and is independent of the time duration of each mental task. This is especially useful for constructing letters that are represented as multiple dots or dashes. This combination of BCI-FA design and the tri-state Morse code scheme could be developed as a communication system for paralyzed patients., Sep. 2002, 10, 3, 140, 148, 10.1109/TNSRE.2002.802854
  • Not Refereed, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, A new brain-computer interface design using fuzzy ARTMAP, R Palaniappan; R Paramesran; S Nishida; N Saiwaki, This paper proposes a new brain-computer interface (BCI) design using fuzzy ARTMAP (FA) neural network, as well as an application of the design. The objective of this BCI-FA design is to classify the best three of the five available mental tasks for each subject using power spectral density (PSD) values of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. These PSD values are extracted using the Wiener-Khinchine and autoregressive methods. Ten experiments employing different triplets of mental tasks are studied for each subject. The findings show that the average BCI-FA outputs for four subjects gave less than 6% of error using the best triplets of mental tasks identified from the classification performances of FA. This implies that the BCI-FA can be successfully used with a tri-state switching device. As an application, a proposed tri-state Morse code scheme could be utilized to translate the outputs of this BCI-FA design into English letters. In this scheme, the three BCI-FA outputs correspond to a dot and a dash, which are the two basic Morse code alphabets and a space to denote the end (or beginning) of a dot or a dash. The construction of English letters using this tri-state Morse code scheme is determined only by the sequence of mental tasks and is independent of the time duration of each mental task. This is especially useful for constructing letters that are represented as multiple dots or dashes. This combination of BCI-FA design and the tri-state Morse code scheme could be developed as a communication system for paralyzed patients., Sep. 2002, 10, 3, 140, 148, 10.1109/TNSRE.2002.802854
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of Intl. Computer Music Conference 2002, The Musical Session System with the Visual Interface, 才脇 直樹; Y. Yoshid, 2002, 232, 235
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of Intl. Computer Music Conference 2002, The Musical Session System with the Visual Interface, SAIWAKI Naoki; Y. Yoshid, 2002, 232, 235
  • Not Refereed, 電気学会論文誌C, 3Dバネモデルを用いたオブジェクトの動作獲得支援環境, 才脇 直樹; 池上輝哉他, 2001, 121-C, 1, 206, 211
  • Not Refereed, 電気学会論文誌C, 時空間ウォークスルーのためのデータ管理の一方式, 才脇 直樹; 池本和生他, 2001, 121-C, 1, 142, 149
  • Not Refereed, 電気学会論文誌C, カオスと電荷モデルを用いた群衆行動のモデリングと生成, 才脇 直樹; 小松利彰他, 2001, 121-C, 1, 118, 126
  • Not Refereed, ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, イメージに基づいたWebページデザイン支援システム, 才脇 直樹; 渡辺正人他, 2001, 3, 4, 287, 297
  • Not Refereed, Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, THE INSTITUTE OF SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERS (ISCIE), Automatic Motion Generation Corresponding to Music Based on 3D Spring Model, WANG Qi; SAIWAKI Naoki; NISHIDA Shogo, This paper proposes an approach to automatic motion generation of 3D spring model with music. Music factors are extracted from MIDI (Music Instrument Digital Interface) file. Instead of designing and calculating animation of an object directly, a sequence of motion-controllers, which can finish a set of motions affected by music factors, are automatically generated through a synthesis algorithm. A prototype system is developed to evaluate the motion generator and it is confirmed that the users are satisfied with the generated motion based on music., 2001, 14, 9, 447, 457, 10.5687/iscie.14.447
  • Not Refereed, ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 心理的ポテンシャルを用いた感性協調型合奏システム, 才脇 直樹; 川端純一他, 2000, 2, 1, 47, 58
  • Not Refereed, 電子情報通信学会論文誌A, 権限・義務・責任・知識を考慮した緊急時のコミュニケーションモデル, 才脇 直樹; 小磯貴史他, 1999, J82-A, 3, 445, 453
  • Not Refereed, Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Communication Model in Emergent Situation, 才脇 直樹; T.Koiso他, 1999, J82-A, 3, 445, 453
  • Not Refereed, Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Communication Model in Emergent Situation, SAIWAKI Naoki; T.Koiso他, 1999, J82-A, 3, 445, 453
  • Not Refereed, 電気学会論文誌C, Source Derivation法による脳活動可視化の検討, 才脇 直樹; 西田正吾, 1998, 118-C, 9, 1292, 1298
  • Not Refereed, Cognitive System Engineering for Process Control, Communication Support System in Emergent Situation for Large Scale Systems, 才脇 直樹, 1998, 108, 114
  • Not Refereed, Advanced Database Systems for Integration of Media and User Environment, Advanced Database Research and Development Series, Spatio-Temporal Data Management for Highly Interactive Environment, 才脇 直樹; Shogo Nishida他, 1998, 9, 281, 286
  • Not Refereed, Digital Media Information Base, Advanced Database Research and Development Series, An Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Data Management for Highly Interactive Environment, 才脇 直樹; Atuki Naka他, 1998, 8, 68, 73
  • Not Refereed, Cognitive System Engineering for Process Control, Communication Support System in Emergent Situation for Large Scale Systems, SAIWAKI Naoki, 1998, 108, 114
  • Not Refereed, Advanced Database Systems for Integration of Media and User Environment, Advanced Database Research and Development Series, Spatio-Temporal Data Management for Highly Interactive Environment, SAIWAKI Naoki; Shogo Nishida他, 1998, 9, 281, 286
  • Not Refereed, Digital Media Information Base, Advanced Database Research and Development Series, An Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Data Management for Highly Interactive Environment, SAIWAKI Naoki; Atuki Naka, 1998, 8, 68, 73
  • Not Refereed, JOURNAL OF NEW MUSIC RESEARCH, SWETS ZEITLINGER PUBLISHERS, An approach to analysis of EEGs recorded during music listening, N Saiwaki; K Kato; S Inokuchi, Sep. 1997, 26, 3, 227, 243
  • Not Refereed, 日本音響学会論文誌, 有向コヒーレンス解析を用いた音楽音響傾聴時脳波の信号源推定, 才脇 直樹; 加藤久仁夫, 1997, 53, 7, 493, 500, 10.20697/jasj.53.7_493
  • Not Refereed, Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, THE INSTITUTE OF SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERS (ISCIE), An Approach to Visualiztion of Information Flow of EEGs by Directed Coherence Analysis, SAIWAKI Naoki; KATO Kunio; INOUE Tsuyoshi; INOKUCHI Seiji, In this paper, we proposed and examined source estimation of EEG (Electroencephalogram) by directed coherence analysis. While ordinary coherence analysis estimates the degree of linear correlation of two time series as a total, directed coherence analysis can extract a correlation with direction in the frequency domain. We estimated information flow between electrodes pasted on a head of subject based on this method. Though the directed coherence analysis is usually applied to analyze the relations between two time series with direction, we proposed an expanded method to estimate the directed coherences between more than two signals at the same time and visualize the signal sources by mapping them. It is confirmed that the estimated positions of signal sources were more adequate than the result of an usual mapping method by simulations and the experimental results., 1997, 10, 10, 537, 546, 10.5687/iscie.10.537
  • Not Refereed, An Approach to Analysis of EEG's Recorded during Music Listening, SAIWAKI Naoki; Kunio KAT, 1997, 26, 227, 243
  • Not Refereed, 情報処理学会論文誌, テンション・パラメータを用いた協調型自動演奏システム:JASPER, 才脇 直樹; 和気早苗他, 1994, 35, 7, 1469, 1481
  • 人工知能学会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 人工知能学会, Dreams of Wearable and Ambient Daily Life of Women's University Students(Ambient Information Technology), SAIWAKI Naoki; Naoki Saiwaki; Faculty of Intelligence and Informatics Konan University, 01 Mar. 2013, 28, 2, 245, 253
  • Not Refereed, システム/制御/情報学会誌, ヒューマンインタラクションにおける協調支援―感性協調による共感世界の構築に向けて―, 西田正吾; 才脇直樹; 仲谷美江, 2001, Vol.45, No.6, pp.305-314, 10.11509/isciesci.45.6_305
  • Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Amenity Evaluation of Odor Stimulation by Chaotic Analysis, TSUTSUMI Masanori; TSUJIMOTO Hiroaki; SAIWAKI Naoki; NISHIDA Syogo, 03 Dec. 1996, 20, 97, 100
  • Systems, control and information, Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, International Computer Music Conference(ICMC)2002, SAIWAKI Naoki, 15 Jul. 2003, 47, 7, 352, 352
  • Systems, control and information, Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 1999 IEEE International Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics, SAIWAKI Naoki, 15 Apr. 2000, 44, 4, 235, 235
  • 情報処理学会研究報告データベースシステム(DBS), Spatio - Temporal Data Management for Efficient Search, 才脇 直樹; 仲 篤起; 野沢 博; 西田 正吾, 近年,データベースの分野において,時間と空間の情報を共に扱う時空間データベースの研究が盛んにおこなわれている.しかし,時間・空間データを効率良く扱うデータ管理手法はいまだに確立されていないのが現状である.我々は従来,複数状態を有するデータの管理を対象とするAdaptive Tree構造を提案してきたが,本稿では特に動的に変化するデータを取り扱う手法に焦点を当てて論じている.まず,従来のAdaptive Tree構造について概説し,その有効性をST・3D管理構造との計算機によるシミュレーション結果の比較・検討によって示した.次に,動的データを管理するための拡張手法を提案して,計算機シミュレーションにより評価した.その結果,動的データに対してもAdaptive Tree構造で効率的に管理可能であることが示された.This paper deals with data management structures for efficient search for large scale spatio-temporal data. We propose Adaptive Tree Structure (We call the AT Structure), in which either spatio data structure or temporal data structure is selected adaptively depending on the demand of search. This paper especially describes the extension of the proposed data structure for dynamic data cases. The concrete data structure and its performance by computer simulation are discussed., 08 Jul. 1998, 1998, 57, 85, 92
  • 情報処理学会研究報告ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション(HCI), Cooperative Performance System based on Agents, 川端 純一; 才脇 直樹; 辻本 浩章; 西田 正吾, 本論文ではエージェントを用いた感性協調型合奏システムについて述べる.本研究は演奏に含まれる感性的情報をコンピュータに扱わせ,人間?コンピュータ間のより深い協調を目指す試みである.より親密な協調を実現するためにユーザの好みや心理状態のような感性的情報に注目し,それらを考慮に入れた感性協調モデルを構築した.このモデルにおけるエージェントの心理状態は「心理的ポテンシャル」という意図と状況の関係から算出されるパラメータで表現される.プロトタイプシステムとして人間とエージェントが合奏するシステムを構築し,評価実験によりユーザはエージェントとの競演を楽しむことができた.This paper describes the cooperative performance system based on agents. We aim more intimate cooperation between human and the computer by getting it to deal with the information on feelings which is included in the concert. To realize such cooperation, we take notice of the information on feelings, such as user's personal taste and mental state, and then propose the model of cooperation considering those feelings. In this model, emotional factors of agents are expressed by mental potential, which is estimated based on the relation between the agent's behavior and the situation. The prototype system of creating a musical ensemble was developed and it was confirmed that users were satisfied with playing together with agents., 11 Jul. 1996, 1996, 62, 59, 64
  • IPSJ SIG Notes. CVIM, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Design and Implementation of Interactive Sound Communication Environment Based on Kansei Coordination, NISHIDA Shogo; SAIWAKI Naoki; NAKATANI Mie; KATO Hirokazu, Human interaction and human communication are hot topics in the field of Human Interfaces recently. This paper deals with design and implementation of interactive sound communication environment based on Kansei coordination, by focusing on affective aspects of human interaction. Concretely, a framework to support Kansei coordination is discussed, and component technologies, such as realization of artificial Kansei in agent, interfaces for common platform and analysis of relations between dance and music etc., are introduced., 08 Sep. 2003, 2003, 88, 147, 154
  • IPSJ SIG Notes. CVIM, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Collaborative Music Performance by Stage Set Interface, KANAMORI KAZUKI; KATO HIROKAZU; SAIWAKI NAOKI; NISHIDA SHOGO, Performing music with a group, for examples, session and ensemble, is very enjoyable and effectual in term of bringing up the communicating skill. But, It is very difficult for novices to learn "how to read scores" or "how to use instruments". They are needed for music performance. In this research, we propose a new performing interface that novice can easily perform with a group. In particular, we noticed at a movement of performers. We propse a new musical performance intefacc using doll and stage set., 08 Sep. 2003, 2003, 88, 163, 166
  • 全国大会講演論文集, An Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Data Management Structure for Efficient Search : Extension to Dynamic Data Set, 仲 篤起; 才脇 直樹; 西田 正吾, 近年, コンピュータ内に構築した3次元仮想世界を,様々な用途に役立てようとする研究が数多くされている。特に, 3次元仮想世界を用いての現実擬似体験やアニメーション作成等を考えた際には, これら時空間データに対して高速なレスポンスが可能なデータ管理手法が必要になる。そこで, 我々は,「ある時空間範囲に含まれるものを探す」あるいは「ある点に最も近いものを探す」などの時空間検索の高速化が可能なデータ管理手法の提案を研究の目的としている。さらには, このような機能を実現することにより, 3次元仮想世界やアニメーションでの直接的な検索条件の指示およびリアルタイムレスポンスの実現も目指している。筆者らは, 従来より木構造に基づいた高速検索のためのデータ構造の研究を進めてきており, 地下配管の設備管理への適用検討等も行ってきている。本稿では, まず, 筆者らが提案しているデータ構造(以下, AT構造と呼ぶ)の概要について述べる。その後, 動的なデータを管理可能とするためのAT構造の拡張について, 具体的な検討を行う。, 24 Sep. 1997, 55, 365, 366
  • Human interface : proceedings of the Symposium on Human Interface : ヒューマンインタフェイスシンポジウム論文集, Cooperative Performance System with Mental Model, ODA Akihiro; KAWABATA Jun'ichi; SAIWAKI Naoki; NISHIDA Shogo, 28 Sep. 1998, 14, 699, 704

Books etc

  • 感性情報学?感性的ヒューマンインタフェース最前線?, 工作舎, SAIWAKI Naoki, 分担, 2004, Not Refereed


  • Oral presentation
  • Invited oral presentation
  • Invited oral presentation
  • Invited oral presentation
  • Invited oral presentation
  • Invited oral presentation
  • Invited oral presentation
  • Invited oral presentation
  • Keynote oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Invited oral presentation, 29 Sep. 2020, 29 Sep. 2020
  • Invited oral presentation, 27 Nov. 2020, 27 Nov. 2020
  • Invited oral presentation, 05 Dec. 2020, 05 Dec. 2020
  • Invited oral presentation, 07 Dec. 2020, 07 Dec. 2020
  • Public discourse, 15 Dec. 2020, 17 Dec. 2020
  • Oral presentation, 19 Jun. 2020, 20 Jun. 2020
  • Oral presentation, 19 Jun. 2020, 20 Jun. 2020
  • Oral presentation, 19 Jun. 2020, 20 Jun. 2020
  • Oral presentation, 19 Jun. 2020, 20 Jun. 2020
  • Oral presentation, 19 Jun. 2020, 20 Jun. 2020
  • Oral presentation, 19 Jun. 2020, 20 Jun. 2020
  • Oral presentation, 09 Oct. 2020, 11 Oct. 2020


  • Official journal, 05 Mar. 2021

Research Projects

  • 01 Apr. 2022, 31 Mar. 2026, 22H00951, Coinvestigator
  • 01 Apr. 2022, 31 Mar. 2025, 22K04020, Coinvestigator
  • 01 Apr. 2021, 31 Mar. 2025, 21H00807, Coinvestigator
  • 2017, 2020, 17H01956, Coinvestigator
  • 2003, CGによる布の質感表現, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2003, 触感分析と仮想呈示, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2003, ヒトとロボットの相互作用, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2003, Reality expression of textiles by CG, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2003, Analysis of Tactile impression and Virtual display, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2003, Interaction between Human and Robot, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1988, 音楽情報科学, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1988, 赤ちゃん学(脳認知発達科学), 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1988, Music and Acoustics Information Science, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1988, Baby Science (Brain and Cogonitive Development), 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2017, 31 Mar. 2021, 17H01956, Creation of Next Generation Biocompatible Intelligent Fibers and Their Application to Interactive Wearable Systems, KUROSU Hiromichi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 17680000, 13600000, 4080000, We have successfully realized void free plating of Pt on silk fiber by using supercritical carbon dioxide and moreover electrochemical deposition of high functional inorganic oxide such as titanium oxide on the metal-plated fiber. Solid-state NMR measurements of these fibers provided information on the higher-order structural changes due to plating, which can be fed back for further functional improvements. As an application of these intelligent fibers, we have been working on the development of sensing wear that can visualize heart rate, respiration, and exercise using smart textiles. We also showed the feasibility of health monitoring during sleep, which can store human information measured by sensing wear as big data in the cloud and detect abnormalities using statistical analysis. In addition, we showed the conditions for thermal stimulation that enhances comfort. We also showed the applicability to support for the visually impaired and communication support via stuffed animals., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Apr. 2017, 31 Mar. 2020, 17K06280, Task-oriented Environment Associated with Enhanced Embodiment based on Simplified Ambient Intelligence, Umetani Tomohiro, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Konan University, 4680000, 3600000, 1080000, This study focuses on construction of an intelligent environment for supporting the operation task using simplified ambient measurement systems. During the research period, we have conducted the following themes to verified the effectiveness of the study: (1) supporting methods for presenting senses in an intelligent environment that uses simplified ambient measurement systems, (2) control methods of the intelligent environment using the internal and external of the subject, (3) construction of the supporting systems., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2016, 31 Mar. 2019, 16H02859, Body Projection for Extending Hand Reach and Control Ability of Senior Citizens, Sato Kosuke, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Osaka University, 15600000, 12000000, 3600000, Applying the rubber-hand illusion to mixed reality technology using a space projection projector, with the elderly as a user, real-time image measurement of finger 3D position, fingertip tracking, user intention estimation, finger real-time CG representation software, We have developed Pseudo Haptics software by visual effects, a projection mapping device, a wide-angle projection device, and a multi-DoF physical mechanical tactile stimulator. Constructing wheelchair onboard devices and a bedside device demonstrator, establishing a constructive theory of body projection that can expand the range of operation and control of their handss and arms in the living space, assuming the elderly who have tremor or are undergoing medical treatment Then, he discovered the psychological knowledge on the feeling of body ownership to projected their body., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 2008, 2011, 20240022, Development of Artificial Tactile Communication system for Tangible Android, SAIWAKI Naoki; ISHIGURO Hiroshi; SUGANUMA Katsuaki; MAENO Takashi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 39000000, 30000000, 9000000, In this research, we tried to construct the interface system to realize tactile communication using an android. First of all, we developed the interfaces for the generation and analysis of tactile feelings and evaluated. Next, we developed the android which was able to express the time variation of delicate facial expression. Finally, we developed the prototype android to realize comfortable communication by facial expression according to the tactile feelings., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2005, 2007, 17360192, Development of Tactile Simulator based on Brain Activity Measurements, SAIWAKI Naoki; TADOKORO Satoshi; IKEGAMI Takashi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 11930000, 11000000, 930000, We use not only visual information but also haptic information such as touch feeling of textile fabrics. So it is needed to give haptic information to clients to feel more 'realistic' sensation. In museums, we usually 'watch' exhibits. It is very rare to 'touch' exhibits, although touching is very good opportunity to feel and learn from the exhibits. And people can get more realistic impression from them. Future robotic teleoperation as dexterous as human hand requires display of multi-modal sensations on the master side for human operators, such as vision and tactile sense. Especially, for precise tasks, technology to display subtle difference of object touch is important.In the area of human computer interaction, technology to display very complex tactile feeling is very effective to express information from computers. In these points of view, making artificial tactile feeling technology is very important. In this research, we developed artificial tactile feel display using soft high polymer gel actuators (ICPF). This tactile display can generate very complex tactile feeling such as textile fabrics. Recently, many types of haptic devices have been investigated. These haptic devices make it possible to touch objects in a virtual environment, and most of them are only 'force' feedback devices such as PHANTOM. There are few devices which can display tactile sensation including 'quantitative' information to human skin. Then, the artificial tactile feeling stimulus generated by this actuator were evaluated by the experiments. Moreover, cerebral somatosensory area activated by the tactile feeling stimulus were analyzed by f-MRI. We are under consideration about tactile feeling cognition and comfortableness based on our experimental results by Genetic Algorithm and Evolutionary Learning methods., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2000, 2002, 12480097, Research on Spatio-tenporal Data Management Method for Moving objects, NISHIDA Shogo; YOSHIDA Tetsuya; SAIWAKI Naoki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Osaka University, 5300000, 5300000, The management of spatio-temporal data is becoming increasingly important in many application fields such as Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Geographic Information Systems(GlS) and Virtual Reality(VR) systems, because capturing data on moving objects has become easier by the development of GPS and PDA. The head investigator and his colleagues have been studying on the efficient spatio-temporal data management method based on tree structure. In this research, we have developed a new data management system for moving objects and investigated its application. The contents of our research include the following items. 1) Spatio-temporal data management structure 2) Data management system for camera 3) Information filtering, kaken
  • 萌芽的研究, 1998, 1999, 10875080, ヒューマンインタラクションにおける創発のモデル化, 西田 正吾; 吉田 哲也; 才脇 直樹, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 大阪大学, 2000000, 2000000, 人間の相互のインタラクションに注目してみると,人間は他人との対話や協同作業を通じて,本人が気付いていなかった全く新しいアイデアを見つけたり,そのきっかけを得たりすることがしばしば観測される.本年度は,「視点や価値観の異なる他者からの示唆,指摘による発想転換」「議論による理解の深化や新たな問題の発見」に見られるような現象を分析することを通じて,ヒューマンインタラクションにおける創発のモデルを検討した.その第1歩として,異分野の人との対話を通じた知的刺激による創発を実現する方式を考案した.ここでは非線形現象の引き込みや相転移などと対応がつくような創発のモデル化を試みた.ついで,対話を通じた知的刺激を基に,組織におけるヒューマンインタラクションのモデルを検討し,また知的刺激を利用した創発的なメディア生成を行う手法を検討した.組織内の人々の間におけるヒューマンインタラクションを通じて組織全体として創発的な現象が生じることを解明するために,組織におけるヒューマンインタラクションのモデル化に関しての研究を行った.重要な情報とそうでない情報を区別することを通じて組織における適切な意思決定を支援するために,定性的シミュレーションを用いた緊急時における情報フィルタリングの手法を提案した.さらに,組織において上層部の戦略的な意思決定における思惑と現場で直面すべき現実的な戦術との乖離を防ぐために,意図と状況の乖離を表象するインタフェースを開発した., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 1997, 1999, 09450159, Research on Cooperative Knowledge Acquisition from Multiple People, NISHIDA Shogo; YOSHIDA Tetsuya; SAIWAKI Naoki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Osaka University, 6400000, 6400000, It is required to integrate the knowledge and skill of multiple people into the unified knowledge. For instance, the motor diagnosis knowledge is usually composed of the knowledge from designers and that from operators. Furthermore, people with electric background and those with mechanical background participate in the motor diagnosis. Thus, it is necessary to provide some methodology which enables the integration of such a scraps of information into the unified knowledge. This research tried to provide a methodology for the cooperative knowledge acquisition from multiple people. First, a method is proposed to detect conceptual difference between people. Based on the method, a communication support method in organization is proposed. Furthermore, a cooperative work support method via the smooth communication is also proposed., kaken
  • 特定領域研究(A), 1998, 1998, 10143211, 複数の人間が作成した大規模データベースにおける概念相違発見手法の研究, 西田 正吾; 吉田 哲也; 才脇 直樹, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 大阪大学, 2500000, 2500000, 本年度は大規模データベースからの知識発見という観点に立ち、高速に(データ数nに対してO(n^3)程度の規模で)複数の人間の間に存在する概念の相違を検出するシステム構築のために、従来から我々が提案してきた手法の計算量解析を行った.一般的に人々は異なった視点や観点を持つため,たとえ同じ事象に対しても異なる概念を持つ可能性がある.概念における相違が存在する場合には同じ事象に対してでも意見を交換して相互理解を深めることが不可能となるため,概念の相違を除くことは背景知識が異なる人々がグループとして共同作業を行う場合に特に重要となる.ユーザーの知識を具体的な決定木として構造化し,概念の差異を決定木間の構造における差異として検出を行うという我々の枠組みにおいて,決定木の生成手法として情報量基準に基づくID3を利用する手法と,「多様な構造化」というコンセプトに基づく遺伝アルゴリズムを利用する手法を提案してきた.遺伝アルゴリズムを利用する手法により概念相違検出精度の向上は達成したものの,非常に長い計算時間を必要とするという新たな問題も明らかになった,このため,大規模データベースからの知識発見という観点に立ち、高速に(データ数nに対してO(n^3)程度の規模で)複数の人間の間に存在する概念の相違を検出するシステム構築のために、遺伝プログラミングを利用した手法の計算量解析を行い,概念相違検出の高速化のための基礎検討を行った., kaken
  • 奨励研究(A), 1997, 1998, 09750499, 生理指標に基づくアダプティブ・インタフェースを用いたマルチメディア環境の快適制御, 才脇 直樹, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 大阪大学, 2000000, 2000000, 本研究では、マルチメディア技術によって仮想的に構築された三次元視聴覚環境から刺激を受けている人間の生理指標を計測・分析することで人間が感じている集中力や緊張感を推定し、それに基づいて適度の満足感や快適感が得られるように視覚や聴覚に与えられる刺激をコントロールするアダプティブ・インタフェースの基礎的な開発・実験・評価を行った。 具体的には、 (1) 被験者をある特定の心理状態に誘導し、その時の瞬時心拍数 (HR)、心拍数のMaycr Wave成分(MWSA)、心拍数の呼吸同期成分(RSA)、最大皮膚電位反応(SPR)変位、脳波のピーク周波数変化といった複数の生理指標の反応パターンと被験者の集中力及び緊張感との関係を学習する機能に関する基礎実験. (2) 立体画像・音響から成る三次元仮想環境で被験者にメンタルワークロードを与え、(1)で開発した手法で得られた情報から被験者の満足感や快適感を適度に保つようコントロール・パラメータを変更して画像や音響に変化を与える機能を持ったプロトタイプシステムの構築と評価. を行った.但し,本研究は全体として端緒についたばかりであり,実験によって得られた知見から改善を要すべきアルゴリズムや他にも検討すべき生体に関する要素等が出てきている.今後,引き続き研究に取り組んでいきたい., kaken
  • 重点領域研究, 1997, 1997, 09230211, 時空間データの知的検索のためのデータ構造の研究, 西田 正吾; 吉田 哲也; 才脇 直樹, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 大阪大学, 2000000, 2000000, 近年,CG(Computer Graphics)技術やVR(Virtual Reality)技術は著しく進歩しており,コンピュータ内に3次元仮想世界を構築して,自由にウオ-クスルーを行ったり,仮想世界をリアルタイムで変化させてアニメーションを作成したりすることが可能となってきている.本研究では,このような大規模な時空間データを対象にその高速検索のためのデータ構造について検討を行った.具体的には,「ある時空間範囲に含まれるものを探す」「ある点に最も近いものを探す」などの時空間座標に関連した検索を高速に行うことを研究の目的としており,このような機能を実現することにより,3次元仮想世界やアニメーションでの直接的な検索条件の指示およびリアルタイムのレスポンスを実現することを目指した. 3次元空間データや時空間データに関しては,多くの研究が行われており,特に最近「時間」の重要性が認識されてきている.空間データに対しては,空間を再帰的に分割して階層的に管理することによって,データの位置情報に基づいた検索を効率化している一方,医療データ管理システム等に代表される時間情報の管理で扱っているデータは主として文字・数値属性情報であり,図形等のデータに対する空間検索の効率化はあまり考慮されていない. 我々は,従来より木構造に基づいた高速検索のためのデータ構造の研究を進めてきており,地下配管の設備管理への適用検討等も行ってきた.筆者らが提案しているデータ構造(以下,AT構造と呼ぶ)は,時空間データに対して,時間木と空間木を用意しておき,検索範囲に応じて適応的に切り替えることにより,高速な検索を実現しようという方式であり,シミュレーションによりその有効性が確認された.また,複数の状態に対応するAT構造を具体的に検討すると共にシミュレーション実験により性能評価を行った.さらに時間に対して動的に内容が変化するデータに対応するための手法を検討し拡張を試みた., kaken
  • 奨励研究(A), 1996, 1996, 08750531, 人工環境を快適制御するための生理指標を用いたアダプティブ・インタフェース構築, 才脇 直樹, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 大阪大学, 900000, 900000, 近年の情報化社会、高齢化社会においては顕著なトレンドとして「人に優しいシステム」の追求があげられ、コンピュータが個々の人間の個性や独自性を尊重した上で人間をサポートすることが求められている。このうち特に重要度が増しているのが、人間の心理状態の変化に応じて環境情報をコントロールする「アダプティブ・インタフェース」である。一方、医学・生理学分野の研究成果より、脳波や皮膚電位、心電図等の生体情報から抽出される様々な生理指標が、リラックス度やストレス度(緊張感)、集中力といった快適性を評価する精神状態にかかわる要素を良く反映している事が明らかにされつつある。そこで本研究では、マルチメディア技術によって仮想的に構築された三次元視聴覚環境から刺激を受けている人間の生理指標を計測・分析することで人間が感じている集中力や緊張感を推定し、それに基づいて適度の満足感や快適感が得られるように視覚や聴覚に与えられる刺激をコントロールするアダプティブ・インタフェースの開発を行った。具体的には、(1)被験者をある特定の心理状態に誘導し、その時の瞬時心拍数(HR)、心拍数のMayer Wave成分(MWSA)、心拍数の呼吸同期成分(RSA)、最大皮膚電位反応(SPR)変位、脳波のピーク周波数変化といった複数の生理指標の反応パターンと被験者の集中力及び緊張感との関係を学習する機能(2)立体画像・音響から成る三次元仮想環境で被験者にメンタルワークロードを与え、(1)で開発した手法で得られた情報から被験者の満足感や快適感を適度に保つようコントロール・パラメータを変更して画像や音響に変化を与える機能を実現した. 本研究の成果は、オフィスや家庭、宇宙空間等における人工環境のアクティブ・コントロール技術に大きな進歩を与えることが予想される。また医療現場で、脳における三次元視覚統合機能異常矯正用学習システムとしての応用も期待されている。, kaken
  • 基盤研究(C), 1996, 1996, 08650491, 生理指標を用いた快適感-概感評価システムの研究(香りによる快適感の評価), 辻本 浩章; 才脇 直樹; 西田 正吾, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 大阪大学, 1700000, 1700000, 本研究では被験者の好みのニオイ刺激や不快なニオイ刺激を受けているときの生理指標から,快適感や不快感を評価することができるかについて検討を行った.その結果,快適臭と不快臭ではニオイ刺激中のカオス性の時間変化が異なり,快適臭では時間が経つにつれカオス性が低くなる傾向が見られた.また得られた種々の生理指標に対して重回帰分析を用いることにより,生理指標から快適感をある程度予測することができることを示した.また説明変量をうまく選択することで重回帰式のあてはまりを良くすることができ,快適感や不快感をより良く求めることができた.今回は環境の中の1つの状態であるニオイを変化させたときの快適感,不快感を求めたが,このシステムを用いることにより音や画像などに対する快適感にも応用できると思われる.ニオイの好みは人によって異なり,色や音楽の好みも人によって異なる.また快適な環境というのは人により少しずつ異なると思われる.このシステムでは快適感という主観量を定量化することができ,人が快適と思う空間を同定することができる.そのため,そのシステムを用いることによって複数の人がいる場合でも,それぞれの人が同時に快適と思われる空間を作り出すことが可能と思われる.刺激や環境変化に対する生理的反応と精神的反応が時間的に変化する様子を本研究で開発した快適感評価メカニズムを用いたリアルタイムモニタリングシステムを小型計算機上に構築した.今回構築した快適感,不快感リアルタイムモニタリングシステムを用いて刺激や環境の変化によってもたらされる無意識下での人間の適応化過程を調べることが可能となった., kaken
  • 重点領域研究, 1996, 1996, 08244209, 時空間データの知的検索のためのデータ構造の研究, 西田 正吾; 才脇 直樹; 辻本 浩章, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 大阪大学, 2700000, 2700000, 近年,CG(Computer Graphics)技術やVR(Virtual Reality)技術は著しく進歩しており,コンピュータ内に3次元仮想世界を構築して,自由にウオ-クスルーを行ったり,仮想世界をリアルタイムで変化させてアニメーションを作成したりすることが可能となってきている.本研究では,このような大規模な時空間データを対象にその高速検索のためのデータ構造について検討を行った.具体的には,「ある時空間範囲に含まれるものを探す」「ある点に最も近いものを探す」などの時空間座標に関連した検索を高速に行うことを研究の目的としており,このような機能を実現することにより,3次元仮想世界やアニメーションでの直接的な検索条件の指示およびリアルタイムのレスポンスを実現することを目指した. 3次元空間データや時空間データに関しては,多くの研究が行われており,特に最近「時間」の重要性が認識されてきている.空間データに対しては,空間を再帰的に分割して階層的に管理することによって,データの位置情報に基づいた検索を効率化している一方,医療データ管理システム等に代表される時間情報の管理で扱っているデータは主として文字・数値属性情報であり,図形等のデータに対する空間検索の効率化はあまり考慮されていない. 我々は,従来より木構造に基づいた高速検索のためのデータ構造の研究を進めてきており,地下配管の設備管理への適用検討等も行ってきた.筆者らが提案しているデータ構造(以下,AT構造と呼ぶ)は,時空間データに対して,時間木と空間木を用意しておき,検索範囲に応じて適応的に切り替えることにより,高速な検索を実現しようという方式であり,シミュレーションによりその有効性が確認された.また,複数の状態に対応するAT構造を具体的に検討すると共にシミュレーション実験により性能評価を行った., kaken
  • 重点領域研究, 1996, 1996, 08233212, パターンの創発性を利用した群衆の行動モデルの構築, 西田 正吾; 才脇 直樹; 辻本 浩章, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 大阪大学, 2000000, 2000000, 最近VR(Virtual Reality)技術の著しい進歩によって,三次元仮想空間をコンピュータ上に作り上げリアルタイムなインタラクションを行ったり現実世界を疑似体験したりすることが可能になった.仮想都市の構築はその典型的な例であるが,従来制作された物は動く人間の数も少なく何らかの形でユーザによって制御されているか,または定型的な応答を行うように予めプログラムされているものがほとんどであり,一般に都市という言葉から連想される雑踏を再現する試みはほとんどなされてこなかった.こうした理由の一つに,雑踏における一人一人の動き,例えば移動方向やスピードなどを自然に見えるように予め設定してデータ入力する作業時間や手間が膨大になることが考えられる. そこで本稿では都会の雑踏の主体である群衆に注目し,個人としては無関係に動いているにもかかわらず全体としてお互いに協調を保っているように見える群衆の行動モデルの構築をめざすとともに,仮想世界において群衆特有の様々な行動を容易に作成できるシステムを実現するための基礎的な手法を提案し有効性を検証した. 具体的には,群衆の行動パターンをマクロにとらえ全体の行動と各個体間の関係をカオス方程式を用いてマクロに記述することにより,個体の各々の行動や個体間相互の関係を記述することなしに全体の動きを表現するとともに,簡単なパラメータ調整によって様々な行動パターンを作り出すことを可能にした.そしてシミュレーション実験によって検討を行った. こうした手法をCG作成時の簡易入力法として応用することによって,CG作成の省力化を推進することが可能となった., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 1995, 1996, 07555130, Vision System for Environment-Driven Robots using Chipped Range Image Sensor, INOKUCHI Seiji; YAMAGUCHI Akashi; MANABE Yoshitugu; KATO Hirokazu, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Osaka University, 7400000, 7400000, We propose a new method to track 3-D motion of an object in real-time, using range images. Very high speed range sensor "Silicon Range Finder" makes it possible to acquire range images more than 30 frames per second, and rotated to keep the object in measurable area. Rough but fast result of range image processing controls the angle of the range sensor, and the object centered range images decide the pose of object. 3-D CG rendering hardware of the graphics workstation generates range images from the surface model very fast, so it makes comparison algorithm simple. Tracking speed and accuracies of estimated motion seem to be feasible for the man-machine cooperative systems. It is a very difficult problem to measure a movement of free-form object in natural environment. The problem of real-time pose estimation of a rigid object has been approached by many reseachers, but there are few systems capable of full 3-D pose estimation. To solve this problem, range sensor is developed for advanced measurement without contact. Though usual rangefinder was very expensive and slow, but now we know some very high speed rangefinders using LSI technology. Silicon Range Finder is one of high speed range sensor developed in our laboratory. This rangefinder can measures 24^<**>24 pixels range images more than 30 frames per second, and its precision is under one millimeter. Then we propose a new real-time processing method for the range image. The "Analysis by Synthesis" concept is known for complex and not analyzable problem. Also this method is very flexible, because the "Synthesis" procedure is a common process to all application. Several range images must be generated to compare with measured range image, so the fast generating algorithm is needed. Therefore, we propose a new method to generate range images using graphics rendering hardware. Graphics hardwares are developed to generate intensity images fast, but range images can be also generated fast using Z-Buffer. Ordinary graphics workstation has a graphics accelerator with Z-buffer. To prove our efficient method, we selected a task that is 6-DOFs tracking of free-formed object. Fast range image synthesis makes it possible to track a object with curved surface in real-time. Also our method can be applied to other range image processing., kaken
  • 重点領域研究, 1995, 1995, 07244214, 創造性・感受性を重視した人工現実感システム, 加藤 博一; 片寄 晴弘; 才脇 直樹; 井口 征士, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 大阪大学, 3000000, 3000000, 申請者達は,使用する人間あるいはその系を観る人間が,「創造性」や「感受性」を刺激されるようなシステムの制作およびそのために必要な基礎的な「感じ方」を科学してゆくことが重要と考え,芸術分野を対象にしたバーチャル・パフォーマ-の開発を行った.従来,多くの芸術は作られたものあるいは記録されたものを再生するという立場がとれていたが,バーチャル・リアリティを導入することでライブ性が実現されることになる.今年度は,「創造性」のための支援として,プロェッショナル・ア-ティストのためのマルチメディア・インタラクティブ・アート制作支援環境を構築した.具体的内容を以下に示す. 1.センサ・フュージョンによるパフォーマンス情報の入力 パフォーマ(演奏家、演技者)の動作を認識するための,モーション・ジェスチャとアコースティック・ジェスチャを計測する様々なセンサを開発した. 2.理解-応答系の製作 センサから得られた情報に対して応答を行うためのモデルをマルチエージェント・モデルにより実現した.理解系を担当するエージェント群はセンサ入力を受け、知覚レベル/認知レベルにおける心的状態をモニタリングする.応答系に相当するエージェントは以下のプリゼンテーション系とメッセージ通信を行うことにより,認知-実行サイクルが実現される.ユーザは理解系エージェントと応答系エージェントを連結するとともに,順次性(時間管理)マップを定義することにより,アプリケーションやインタラクティブ・タイトルを生成できる. プリゼンテーション系環境の製作 理解-応答系からメッセージを受けて,リアルタイムでのAV(音響、映像)の生成,加工を行う.オブジェクト指向技術により,形態の異なったメディアに対する共通アクセス・メソッドを実現した., kaken
  • 重点領域研究, 1995, 1995, 07207212, 形と動きのイメージデータベース-道祖神の計測と日本舞踊を例として-, 井口 征士; 才脇 直樹; 加藤 博一, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 大阪大学, 1700000, 1700000, 道祖神のデータベース構築に関しては、まず文献調査を行い、道祖神の分類や存在地域を確認した。道祖神は長野県や山梨県、群馬県、栃木県といった中部山岳地方にほとんど存在しており、近畿地方には2カ所しか存在しない事が判明した。次に、近畿地方の数少ない道祖神を現地調査し、写真撮影や由来などを調べた。また、現代の道祖神的な石像として、兵庫県猪名川町の「彫刻の道」にて現地調査をおこなった。以上の結果を整理し、データベース構築のための基本資料としてまとめた。 道祖神の計測に関しては、受動的な3次元計測手法であるステレオ法に関して検討した。ステレオ法の場合、左右画像の対応付け問題があるが、石像の表面特性を利用して、小領域ごとの対応をとる領域ベース法を考えた。領域ベース法の場合、小領域のサイズによって3次元計測の精度が決まるので、画像内の位置により小領域のサイズを変えて、対応付けの信頼性と計測精度の高さを両立させる「適応ウィンドウ法」を提案した。小領域のサイズを決定するための評価基準として、ラプラシアン・ガウシアンフィルタにより得られる多重分解能のZCと多段階のコントラストの画像空間内を小領域サイズを変えながら最適なサイズを探索するアルゴリズムを考案した。 日本舞踊の計測とデータベース化に関しては、人間の動作を計測する手法を検討した。その結果、人間の腕動作などの回転系連接構造物の動作を加速度センサとジャイロセンサを用いた簡単なシステムでリアルタイムかつ高精度を計測する手法を提案した。2関節2軸の平面回転動作を行う簡易ロボットを用いて、シミュレーション精度検証を行い、計測原理の基本精度を確認した。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2022, 31 Mar. 2026, 22H00951, Human centerd engineering study of the impact of life monitoring technology on the optimization of the living environment of the elderly, 久保 博子; 才脇 直樹; 芝崎 学; 東 実千代; 佐々 尚美; 磯田 則生; 安在 絵美, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 17420000, 13400000, 4020000, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Apr. 2022, 31 Mar. 2025, 22K04020, Support system for constant physical and mental health promotion based on intelligent space with flexible structures, 梅谷 智弘; 才脇 直樹; 横山 清子; 田村 祐一, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Konan University, 4290000, 3300000, 990000, kaken
  • 基盤研究(B), 01 Apr. 2021, 31 Mar. 2025, 21H00807, 次世代インテリジェントテキスタイルの創製とウェアラブルシステムへの応用, 黒子 弘道; 曽根 正人; 才脇 直樹; 佐藤 克成; チャン ツォーフーマーク; 橋本 朋子, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 奈良女子大学, 15990000, 12300000, 3690000, 次世代インテリジェントテキスタイルを実現するために、超臨界二酸化炭素を用いた触媒化技術によるフレキシブルセンサー用触媒電極としてのPETフィルムの機能化が実現した。また、白金は生体適合性のある金属だが、ポリマー材料の白金メタライゼーションは難しいことが知られている。超臨界二酸化炭素を用いた触媒化技術により、PETと白金の統合が実現された。この白金被覆したPETフィルムについて、SEM観察により表面の状態を明らかにし、さらに高次構造解析を固体NMR法により詳細に行うことにより、触媒化とめっき処理による構造変化に関する知見を得た。また、センシング、光触媒による抗菌・抗ウイルス性、および身体情報提示の各機能を有するインテリジェントウェアラブル材料の基布となる各繊維を用いて、全反射測定法によるフーリエ変換赤外吸収スペクトル測定などにより、比較のための材料表面情報を得た。また各機能性ウェアラブル材料の安全性評価のための予備検討を進めた。 導電性に優れたスマートテキスタイルを情報処理技術と組み合わせることで、日々の暮らしを見守ったり日常生活を豊かにするインタフェースとして構築する研究に取り組んだ。特に、乳がん患者支援や水難事故防止といった、問題解決が困難な事象にもスマートテキスタイルを用いたシステムが役立つ事を示した。また、その成果を生かし、技術の国際標準化や啓蒙活動にも貢献することができた。 導電性繊維のウェアラブルヒータとしての応用にむけ、温度勾配のある面的な刺激の有効性を評価し、一様な刺激よりも効率良く温感を提示しうることが示唆された。また、筋電気刺激用ウェアラブル電極としての応用に向け、姿勢維持の補助デバイスとしての効果を確認した。さらにに、月経痛の再現デバイスとして、実際の月経痛よりも腹部の浅い位置ではあるが同等の強度を提示しうることを確認した。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2014, 31 Mar. 2017, 26282013, Creation of next generation sensing fiber and application for wearable sensor, KUROSU Hiromichi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 16900000, 13000000, 3900000, An electroless plating method involved Pd or Pt catalyzation in supercritical carbon dioxide (sc-CO2) was used for the metallization of nylon 6,6 fiber. 13C NMR measurements and quantum chemical calculations revealed that Pds are located in the vicinity of the carbonyl carbon by catalyzing in sc-CO2. Furthermore, our catalyzation methods using sc-CO2 could improve interaction between Pd and carbonyl carbon in nylon 6,6. We have considered the applications of conductive fibers and it was confirmed the possibility of using clothes and device as one unit by using conductive fiber for wiring. Furthermore, we performed prototype evaluation of two types of wearable computers which support human health., kaken

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