Researchers Database


FacultyFaculty Division of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Group of History,Sociology and Geography
Last Updated :2024/12/28


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  • Name (Japanese)

  • Name (Kana)



  • Ph.D., Kyoto University, Oct. 2016

Research Interests

  • Sociology of Tourism,
  • 文化学、地域メディア論、食文化論
  • 社会連携教育、社会技術論、地域調査法、地域社会学、
  • なら学、地域表象論

Research Areas

  • Other, Other
  • Humanities & social sciences, Sociology

Research Experience

  • Sep. 2020, 9999, Akdeniz University, Department of Gerontology, Guest Lecturer
  • Mar. 2019, 9999, 奈良女子大学大和紀伊半島学研究所, 所長
  • Apr. 2018, 9999, 奈良県立大学ユーラシア研究センター, 客員研究員
  • Apr. 2007, Nara Women's University, Professor
  • Apr. 2005, 奈良女子大学文学部国際社会文化学科 助教授
  • Apr. 2001, Mar. 2005, 甲南女子大学人間科学部行動社会学科助教授
  • Apr. 1999, Mar. 2001, 甲南女子大学文学部人間関係学科助教授
  • Apr. 1994, Mar. 1999, 熊本大学文学部地域科学科専任講師
  • Apr. 1993, Mar. 1994, 大阪産業大学非常勤講師
  • Oct. 2020, 2021, Ritsumeikan University, 人文科学研究所, 学外研究員


  • Apr. 1991, 1994, 京都大学大学院, 文学研究科, 社会学専攻

Teaching Experience

  • Sociology of Tourism, Otani University, Apr. 2019, Sep. 2022
  • Jul. 2021

Association Memberships

  • 日本観光研究学会
  • 日本村落研究学会
  • 観光学術学会
  • 関西社会学会
  • 日本社会学会
  • 関西観光教育コンソーシアム
  • 地域活性学会, 9999


Published Papers

  • Refereed, Journal of Asian Rural Studies, Feasibility and Issues of Rural Tourism Based on Inter-industry Cooperation, Seiichi Sakurai; Shingo Teraoka, Jan. 2020, 4, 1, 88, 97, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, Japanese Journal of Farm Management, The Farm Management Society of Japan, Features of the Contact Transaction of Ingredients on Inter-Industry Cooperation Project, SAKURAI Seiichi; TERAOKA Shingo, Jul. 2019, 57, 2, 89, 94, Scientific journal, 10.11300/fmsj.57.2_89
  • Refereed, 観光学評論, 流動化する中山間地域と農村観光研究の意義, 寺岡伸悟, Mar. 2017, 5, 1, 79, 92, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, ソシオロジ, 社会学研究会, (資料)参加型アクション・リサーチとしての「集落点検」―「らくらく農法」プロジェクトの事例から―, TERAOKA Shingo, Feb. 2017, 61, 2, 59-74, 74
  • Refereed, 観光学評論, 観光学術学会, 現代観光と情報メディアの親和性に関する理論的考察, TERAOKA Shingo, 2014, 2, 1, 15-27, 27
  • Refereed, 5th International ARSA Conference Proceedings., Redesigning Farming Communities for an Aged Society (1): Multidisciplinary Perspectives and Industrial-Academic-Government Cooperation, TERAOKA Shingo, 2014, 1, 167-173
  • Refereed, 社会学評論, マイノリティ組織のエスニシティ-在日光山金氏親族会調査より―, TERAOKA Shingo, Sep. 1993, 176, 131-146
  • Refereed, SOSHIOROJI, SHAKAIGAKU KENKYUKAI, パーク社会学と人種・民族研究, TERAOKA Shingo, Researches on race and ethnicity become more and more popular in recent years. However, the achievements of R.E. Park, who is one of the most important scholars in this field, are less referred to.
    This is partly because critics have taken his researches to be lacking of systematic theory, and partly because they categorized him as "an assimilationist".
    In this article, I show his dialectic system of thought, which characterizes his sociology. Then I introduce his research on "immigrant institution", and put it into his general theoretical system. And after critical appraisal and reformuration of his "race relation cycle", I briefly reexamine and summarize his theory and study on race and ethnicty., Feb. 1992, 37, 1, 3-20, 20,116, 10.14959/soshioroji.37.1_3
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学社会学教育, (資料)COVID-19下における観光・旅行、農業・地方創生定期刊行物の関連記 事一覧, 寺岡, 伸悟; 櫻井, 清一, Mar. 2022, 4, 10, 39, Research institution
  • Not Refereed, なら学研究報告, 宝塚澤田家所蔵澤田四郎作史料目録, 磯部,敦; 岩坂,七雄; 樽井,由紀; 寺岡,伸悟; 山上,豊, Jun. 2021, 6, 1, 100, Research institution
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学社会学教育, 経済多角化導入活動にみる農業者の労働の質と生活の質(QOL)の変化―台湾事例調査報告―, 樺島彩波; 寺岡伸悟, Jan. 2024, 6, 1, 11, Research institution


  • Refereed, 2021, 6
  • Not Refereed, 2022, 4, 10, 39
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学社会学教育研究論集, 地域観光系授業における「農村」と「連携」の位置つ?け, TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 2018, 2, 1-11
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部教育研究年報, 特集なら学 はじめに, TERAOKA Shingo, なら学プロジェクトによる「なら学特集」の企画・監修(上記「はじめに」の他論文2本), Dec. 2017, 14
  • Not Refereed, 農業と経済, 昭和堂, 産官学民連携から生み出される繋がり―奈良県吉野郡下市町での事例?, TERAOKA Shingo, May 2016, 82, 5, 48-53, 53
  • Not Refereed, 月刊大和路ならら, 奈良と柿をめぐる話, TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 2016
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部研究教育年報, 特集なら学?奈良・大和の研究者・研究史?(特集はじめに), TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 2016, 12, 9-10
  • Not Refereed, 地理, 古今書院, <ゆるキャラ>と地域PR, TERAOKA Shingo, Jun. 2015, 60, 6, 4-11, 11,図巻頭3
  • Not Refereed, ソシオロジ, 社会学研究会, 柿の里の地域づくりにかかわって, TERAOKA Shingo, Jun. 2014, 59, 1, 91-97, 97
  • Not Refereed, 中京大学現代社会学部紀要, 奄美大島の唄文化と文化メディエーター, TERAOKA Shingo, 2014, 7, 2, 93-126
  • Not Refereed, 福祉介護テクノプラス, 日本工業出版, 高齢者の営農を支える『らくらく農法』の開発, TERAOKA Shingo, 2014, 7, 6, 20-23, 23
  • Not Refereed, 地方自治職員研修, 公職研, 農商工の連携と地域のつながり, TERAOKA Shingo, Jun. 2013, 46, 648, 31-33, 33
  • Not Refereed, 中京大学現代社会学部紀要, 中京大学現代社会学部, 奄美のうた文化と文化変容論・序説―地域メディア論と文化メディア学的視座―, TERAOKA Shingo, Nov. 2012, 6, 1, 19?76, 76
  • Not Refereed, 中京大学現代社会学部紀要, 中京大学現代社会学部, 奄美における地域メディア研究のための予備考察―文化・メディア・ローカルアイデンティティ―, TERAOKA Shingo, Nov. 2012, 6, 1, 77-110, 110
  • Not Refereed, 中京大学現代社会学部紀要, 中京大学現代社会学部, メディアとパトリの島・奄美―地域からの情報発信とその文化的苗床との連鎖を焦点にして―, TERAOKA Shingo, Dec. 2010, 4, 1, 81-139, 139
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部教育研究年報, 『村と人間』にみる生活考現学, TERAOKA Shingo, Dec. 2009, 6, 65-72
  • Not Refereed, Kansai Sociological Review, Kansai Sociological Association, 環境とメディア:2つの位相 ─ 食と農をめぐる経験から ─, TERAOKA Shingo, As people have become increasingly concerned with regard to food, they have also taken a greater interest in its distribution and in rural farming villages. For this reason, the natural environment of farming villages is often discussed. After WWII, Japanese agriculture prioritized improvements in its productive capacity. It is said that this attention also led to improvements in environmental considerations, and agriculture came to be an environmentally-positive production area. In this paper, we reconsider this process. First, we review the history of a large persimmon-production area, focusing on the experience of people living in a village. We also look at the process of informationization and the consumption principle and find that, in this case, informationization distances farm products from the local context, suggesting that this as a process where an informational environment arises. After introducing the case, we reconsider the "media" concept based upon the findings of information society theory. Finally, we point out that the environment has an important meaning in two aspects of contemporary society. The environment is a context media, and it has high-value content selected in the former aspect., May 2009, 8, 76-88, 84, 10.20791/ksr.8.0_76
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学大学院人間文化研究科年報, 地域産業振興における文化資源調査の意義―奈良県のカキ紅葉を事例に―, TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 2009, 24, 201-212
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部研究教育年報, 伝統果樹振興による地域づくり―奈良県御所柿調査中間報告―, TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 2009, 5
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部研究教育年報, 地域振興に関する一考察―表象への視点―, TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 2008, 4, 105-116
  • Not Refereed, 情報美学研究, 情報環境論におけるメディア・フレーム概念と現実構成―ローカルなものメディア「陀羅尼助」のグローバルな流通―, TERAOKA Shingo, 寺岡2003の増補改訂稿, 2008, 2
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部『研究教育年報』, なら学プロジェクトの歩み, TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 2007, 3
  • Not Refereed, ストレスの社会的・文化的規定性とそれへの適応過程に関する研究(文部科学省科研成果報告書 研究代表者 田口宏昭), 身体的・知的障害と家族ストレス, TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 2007, pp.18-71
  • Not Refereed, ストレスの社会的・文化的規定性とそれへの適応過程に関する研究(文部科学省科研成果報告書 研究代表者 田口宏昭), 産地形成と後継者の不安と対処―「村の物語」の視点―, TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 2007, pp.73-90.
  • Not Refereed, 情報環境論の視座とその適用可能性に関する実証的研究―「農山村」を中心として, TERAOKA Shingo, 博士学位論文(京都大学), Nov. 2006
  • Not Refereed, 『マス・コミュニケーション研究』日本マス・コミュニケーション学会, 日本マス・コミュニケーション学会, メディアとしてのカメラ―技術革新と表現文化のゆくえ, TERAOKA Shingo, 学会大会ワークショップ報告, Aug. 2006, 69, 69, 137-138, 138, 10.24460/mscom.69.0_137
  • Not Refereed, 現代社会におけるシカゴ学派社会学の応用可能性(文部省科研成果報告書 研究代表者 中野正大), シカゴ学派のコミュニティ研究, TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 2006, 191-204
  • Not Refereed, 『なら学』(奈良女子大学文学部なら学プロジェクト), 吉野イメージの背景, TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 2006, 65-71
  • Not Refereed, 『ソシオロジ』社会学研究会, 書評に応えて(『地域表象過程と人間』), TERAOKA Shingo, Oct. 2005, 50, 2, 158-161
  • Not Refereed, 同窓会組織を通した女性の世代間ネットワーク構築のための実践的研究(文部省科研費成果報告書、研究代表者 塩原勉), 同窓会的結合と地域性, TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 2005, 37-48
  • Not Refereed, 『甲南女子大学研究紀要・人間科学部編』, 都市消費者の志向性把握のために―探索的テキスト型データ解析の適用可能性―, TERAOKA Shingo, 2004, 40
  • Not Refereed, 情報美学研究, 街・うわさ・友達―ケータイ・ネットワークの電子考現学―, TERAOKA Shingo, 2004, 1
  • Not Refereed, 『甲南女子大学研究紀要・文化編』, 甲南女子大学, 聞こえるものとしての社会関係, TERAOKA Shingo, 2002, 28, 51-66, 66
  • Not Refereed, 甲南女子大学研究紀要』, 甲南女子大学, 押すという従属-便利さの経験社会学-, TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 2001, 37, 43-70, 70
  • Not Refereed, 『甲南女子大学人間科学年報』, 甲南女子大学人間科学研究会, 地域性再考-地域情報化の観点から-, TERAOKA Shingo, 2001, 26, 21-31, 31
  • Not Refereed, 『甲南女子大学人間科学年報』, 甲南女子大学人間科学研究会, 幻の鉄道が走った村―地域アイデンティティの形成過程に関する中間考察―, TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 2000, 25, 65-76, 76
  • Not Refereed, 『甲南女子大学研究紀要』, 甲南女子大学, 透明な部屋-居心地の経験社会学-, TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 2000, 36, 93-129, 129
  • Not Refereed, 『甲南女子大学人間科学年報』, ある地域インターネットの成立―ネットワークと「地域社会」への一考察―, TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 1999, 24, 23-36
  • Not Refereed, 『甲南女子大学研究紀要, 甲南女子大学, 腕時計の視線-経験社会学の試み-, TERAOKA Shingo, Feb. 1999, 35, 77-109, 109
  • Not Refereed, 『文学部論叢』熊本大学文学会, 民俗学における『ふるさと』概念の位相, TERAOKA Shingo, Feb. 1996, 52, 93-107
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学『社会学論集』, 在日社会から「故郷」済州島への寄贈-エスニック・マイノリティの地縁結合-, TERAOKA Shingo, Feb. 1995, 2, 77-97
  • Not Refereed, 京都工芸繊維大学工芸学部研究報告『人文』, 初期シカゴ社会学の調査方法論(上・中・下), TERAOKA Shingo, 1993,1994,1995年にわたって掲載, Feb. 1993, 42,43,44, 第42号;1-26頁,第43号;17-47頁,第44号;1-
  • Eunarasia Q = ゆーろ・ならじあ・きゅー, 奈良県立大学ユーラシア研究センター事務局, Rethinking of Nara's culture and Industry about Early Modern Times, 岡本 彰夫; 山上 豊; 岩坂 七雄; 寺岡 伸悟, Mar. 2017, 7, 34, 37
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学学術情報センター(リポジトリ), <資料>農村観光事業者のコロナ禍への対応 :「じゃらん net」登録情報をもとにして, 寺岡, 伸悟; 樺島, 彩波, Mar. 2023
  • 中京大学現代社会学部紀要, 加藤晴明先生とのフィールドワーク, 寺岡伸悟, Mar. 2023, 16, 2, 5, 12, Report research institution
  • Not Refereed, なら学研究報告, 【資料紹介】『前登志夫著作略年譜』(前登志夫自筆書き入れ), 磯部, 敦; 寺岡, 伸悟, Nov. 2022, 9, 1, 10, Report research institution
  • Not Refereed, 月刊大和路ならら, 三奇楼 吉野町のコワーキングスペース, 寺岡伸悟, Oct. 2022, 2022年, 10月, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 月刊大和路ならら, 『続・大学的奈良ガイド』刊行によせて, 寺岡伸悟; 小川伸彦, Jun. 2022, 2022年, 6月号, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 奈良新聞, 新たな知の交流 奈良女子大学の「なら学」現代の課題に関わる, 寺岡伸悟, 06 May 2022, Introduction commerce magazine
  • Not Refereed, 月刊大和路ならら, 奈良のコワーキングスペース 新たな奈良ライフの入口, 寺岡伸悟, Apr. 2022, 2022年, 4月, 28, 29, Introduction commerce magazine
  • Not Refereed, 南都経済月報, 地域づくりとコーディネーター~奈良型エクステンションという試み, 寺岡伸悟, Oct. 2023, 8, 15, Introduction other

Books etc

  • 4878068213
  • Understanding tourism mobilities in Japan, Routledge, Hideki Endo; Tim Edensor; Shingo Teraoka; Koji Kanda; Richard Sharpley; Hiroshi Sudo; Makoto Yamaguchi; Jonas Larsen, Mobility turn in rural districts in Japan: from "Kanko(tourism)" to "Kankei(relationships)", Oct. 2020
  • 奈良県南部におけるコミュニティ開発の拠点形成と人材蓄積過程に関する研究, 奈良女子大学・奈良県・共同研究, Mar. 2020, 人口減少が進む奈良県南部におけるコミュニティ開発の拠点形成と人材蓄積過程及びその課題を明らかにするためのヒアリング調査及び質問紙調査。
  • 現代観光学ーツーリズムから「いま」がみえるー, 新曜社, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, Jan. 2019, Not Refereed
  • タクシー・ダンスホール, ハーベスト社, TERAOKA Shingo, ポール・クレッシー, 分担, Oct. 2017, Not Refereed
  • 奄美文化の近現代史―生成・発展の地域メディア学―, 南方新社, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, Mar. 2017, 3-280, Not Refereed
  • モバイル・ライブズ―「移動」が社会を変える―, ミネルヴァ書房, 監訳者 遠藤英樹, アンソニー・エリオット; ジョン・アーリ, 分担, Nov. 2016, 61-87, Not Refereed
  • 質的調査の方法―都市・文化・メディアの感じ方―(第二版), 法律文化社, 寺岡伸悟; 工藤保則; 宮垣元, 編集, 2016, Not Refereed
  • 空間とメディア, ナカニシヤ出版, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, Jun. 2015, Not Refereed
  • 観光メディア論, ナカニシヤ出版, TERAOKA Shingo, 編集, May 2014, Not Refereed
  • 観光学ガイドブック, ナカニシヤ出版, 橋本和也他共編著, 分担, Apr. 2014, Not Refereed
  • media & culture, ナカニシヤ出版, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, Mar. 2013, 215-230, Not Refereed
  • 食と農のコミュニティ論, 創元社, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, Jan. 2013, 76-89, Not Refereed
  • The Tourist, Gakubun sha, 安村克己監訳, ディーン・マキァーネル, 分担, Aug. 2012, Not Refereed
  • よくわかる観光社会学, ミネルヴァ書房, TERAOKA Shingo, 編集, Apr. 2011, Not Refereed
  • 文化社会学入門―テーマとツール―, ミネルヴァ書房, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, Oct. 2010, Not Refereed
  • 社会学事典, 丸善株式会社, 分担, Jun. 2010, 2, Not Refereed
  • 質的調査の方法―都市・文化・メディアの感じ方―, 法律文化社, TERAOKA Shingo, 編集, Apr. 2010, Not Refereed
  • 大学的奈良ガイド―こだわりの歩き方―, 昭和堂, TERAOKA Shingo, 編集, Apr. 2009, Not Refereed
  • 都市的世界, 世界思想社, 分担, 2008, Not Refereed
  • 観光と文化―旅の民族誌―, 学文社, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, May 2007, pp.7-51, Not Refereed
  • 現代文化の社会学・入門, ミネルヴァ書房, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, Apr. 2007, pp.175-192, Not Refereed
  • 感情とフィールドワーク, 世界思想社, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, Dec. 2006, 総240頁, Not Refereed
  • 観光社会文化論講義, くんぷる社, TERAOKA Shingo, 編集, Mar. 2006, pp.49-60., Not Refereed
  • シカゴ学派の社会学, 世界思想社, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, Nov. 2003, 122-126,153-160,340-351, Not Refereed
  • 地域表象過程と人間 ―地域社会の現在と新しい視座―, 行路社, TERAOKA Shingo, Mar. 2003, Not Refereed
  • ものと人の社会学, 世界思想社, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, Mar. 2003, Not Refereed
  • addicted to health discourse, 文化書房博文社, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, Jul. 2000, 3-26, Not Refereed
  • 日之影町史 第9巻 民俗, 日之影町, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, Mar. 2000, 担当分合計198ページ, Not Refereed
  • シカゴ社会学の研究-初期モノグラフを読む―, 恒星社厚生閣, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, Nov. 1997, Not Refereed
  • Race : Science and Politics,, 名古屋大学出版会, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, Aug. 1997, 総232頁, Not Refereed
  • 静岡県のイメージ, 静岡新聞社, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, Sep. 1995, 165-217, Not Refereed
  • 宗教ネットワーク―民俗宗教、新宗教、華僑、在日コリアン, 行路社, TERAOKA Shingo, 分担, 1995, 279-295, Not Refereed
  • 十津川村史地理自然篇, 十津川村教育委員会, 寺岡伸悟; 西村雄一郎, 地理編編集責任者, Mar. 2021
  • 続・大学的奈良ガイド : 新しい見どころ60編, 昭和堂, 奈良女子大学文学部; 奈良女子大学文学部なら学プロジェクト; 舘野, 和己, Apr. 2022, 4, viii, 251, 7p, 9784812221150
  • 近世の奈良を見つめ直す。 (奈良県立大学ユーラシア研究センター学術叢書), 京阪奈情報教育出版, 奈良県立大学ユーラシア研究センター, おわりに(座談会), 31 Mar. 2022, 265, 4878068213
  • 質的調査の方法 : 都市・文化・メディアの感じ方(第三版), 法律文化社, 工藤, 保則; 寺岡, 伸悟; 宮垣, 元, Jan. 2022, vi, 180p, 9784589041906
  • よくわかる観光コミュニケーション論, ミネルヴァ書房, 編者)須藤, 廣; 遠藤, 英樹; 高岡, 文章; 松本, 健太郎; 執筆者; 寺岡伸悟ほか, 農村, Mar. 2022, x, 228p, 9784623091874
  • フィールドワークの現代思想 : パンデミック以後のフィールドワーカーのために, ナカニシヤ出版, 遠藤, 英樹; 石野, 隆美; 東, 賢太朗; 市野沢, 潤平; 橋本, 和也; 寺岡, 伸悟; 神田, 孝治; 藤巻, 正己; 須藤, 廣; 山本, 理佳; 安田, 慎; 堀野, 正人; 渡部, 瑞希; 松本, 健太郎, 非在のフィールド,不在のフィールド パンデミック下の日常から考える, Apr. 2022, xi, 183p, 9784779516672
  • よくわかる地域社会学, ミネルヴァ書房, 山本, 努, Mar. 2022, viii, 231p, 9784623093533
  • コミュニティを変えるアクションリサーチ : 参加型調査の実践手法, ミネルヴァ書房, Stoecker,Randy; 帯谷, 博明; 水垣, 源太郎; 寺岡, 伸悟, Jan. 2023, 10,333p, R. Stoecker,"Research Methods for Community Change 2nd ed."の日本語訳, 9784623094769
  • 質的調査の方法 都市、文化、メディアの感じ方(第2版), トチョウンソリ(出版社)、韓国, ハンミョンホ、イソンファ; パクヒョング, Jan. 2022, 『質的調査の方法』(法律文化社)の韓国語翻訳
  • 移動時代のツーリズム : 動きゆく観光学, ナカニシヤ出版, 神田, 孝治, 乗り物, Dec. 2023, iv, 217p, 9784779517686


  • 25 Mar. 2024
  • TERAOKA Shingo, 平成30年度日本農業経営学会大会, 農商工連携事業における原材料契約取引の特性, Oral presentation, Sep. 2018, 日本農業経営学会, 筑波大学, False
  • Seiich Sakurai; Shingo Teraoka, Asian Rural Sociolgy Association 6th International Conference, “Feasibility and Issues of Rural Tourism Based on Inter-industry Cooperation, Poster presentation, Aug. 2018, Asian Rural Sociolgy Association, マカッサル、インドネシア, True
  • TERAOKA Shingo, 観光学術学会研究集会, Comment for tourism study on "souvenir", Nominated symposium, 18 Feb. 2018, 観光学術学会, 奈良女子大学, False
  • TERAOKA Shingo, 長寿社会を共創する―高齢者機をリードする課題解決拠点を目指して―, 楽で楽しい営農コミュニティづくり(補足:高齢者の営農をささえるらくらく農法の開発を起点とする下市町での地域づくり事業の現状について), Invited oral presentation, Nov. 2017, 東京大学高齢社会総合研究機構、高齢社会共創センター, 東京大学, False
  • Shingo Teraoka; Seiichi Sakurai, XIV World Congress of Rural Sociology, Agriculture, commercial, and industrial collaboration: potential and challenges, Poster presentation, Aug. 2016
  • TERAOKA Shingo; Shingo TERAOKA; Gentaro MIZUGAKI; Sadahiro HAMASAKI, ACAP(Fukuoka Active Aging Conference in Asia Pacific 2016), Innovations in Age-friendly Farming, Poster presentation, 05 Mar. 2016, 05 Mar. 2016, 06 Mar. 2016, Fukuoka JAPAN, True
  • TERAOKA Shingo, 平成27年度領域シンポジウム「コミュニティで創る新しい高齢社会のデザイン」, 高齢者の営農を支える『らくらく農法』の開発, Poster presentation, Mar. 2016, JST(RISTEX), 東京大学安田講堂, False
  • TERAOKA Shingo; Sadahiro HAMASAKI; Gentaro MIZUGAKI; Hiroaki OBITANI, 5th International ARSA Conference, Redesigning Farming Communities for an Aged Society (1): Multidisciplinary Perspectives and Industrial-Academic-Government Cooperation, Oral presentation, Sep. 2014, Asian Rural Sociology Association, LAOS National University, True
  • TERAOKA Shingo, 日本社会学会 68回大会, 中山間地域の営農と集落維持に向けた地域参加型研究の実践と課題, Oral presentation, Oct. 2013, 日本社会学会, 慶応大学, False
  • TERAOKA Shingo, 観光学術学会 第2回大会, 観光的現象と「メディア」観―「ご当地もの」から考える―, Jul. 2013, 観光学術学会, False
  • TERAOKA Shingo; Seiichi Sakurai; Shingo TERAOKA, World Congress of Rural Sociology XIII, Issues on the Development of Plans for The Agriculture, Commerce and Industry Collaboration Program in JAPAN, Jul. 2012, International Rural Sociological Association, Lisobon, True
  • TERAOKA Shingo; Shingo Teraoka, XII World Congress of Rural Sociology, The Meaning of Agricultural Production in an Advanced Consuming Society: The Case of Nara, JAPAN, Jul. 2008, korea, True
  • 寺岡伸悟, 奥大和情報プラットフォーム構築に向けて, 奥大和情報プラットフォーム構築に向けて, 28 Mar. 2023


  • 平成30年発行奈良県版タウンページの表紙・特集内容の企画・立案・誌面レイアウト・素材提供等。, Jan. 2017, Dec. 2017
  • 地方地域社会の現状分析と活性化のための集落点検手法開発とその実践のためのアクション・リサーチ, 2012
  • 奈良県吉野地方における地域づくり活動でのアクションリサーチ, 2012
  • 農業改良普及推進事業(産官学連携経営革新新技術普及強化促進事業), Apr. 2010, Mar. 2011
  • 農業改良普及推進事業(産官学連携経営革新新技術普及強化促進事業), Apr. 2009, Mar. 2010
  • 先端技術を活用した農林水産研究高度化事業「カキ紅葉の安定生産技術の開発」, Apr. 2007, Mar. 2010
  • 地域格差とインターネットによる情報発信の可能性に関する研究, 2008, 2010
  • 御所市における御所柿復興プロジェクトへの参加, Apr. 2007
  • 奄美群島におけるメディア文化についてのフィールドワーク, Mar. 2007
  • 地域ブランド特産物の流通・消費についての社会学的調査, Mar. 2007
  • 「下市らくらく体操」体操音楽の作曲・編曲・制作, 寺岡伸悟


  • Japan society, Jul. 2016
  • 教育・啓蒙著作賞, 観光学術学会, 遠藤英樹・掘野正人・寺岡伸悟, 2016, 遠藤英樹・寺岡伸悟・堀野正人編著『[シリーズ]メディアの未来4 観光メディア論』(ナカニシヤ 2014年)

Research Projects

  • 21K12452, Principal investigator
  • Others
  • Sep. 2021, Mar. 2022, Coinvestigator
  • Apr. 2021, Mar. 2022, Coinvestigator
  • 2021, 2024, 21K12452, Principal investigator
  • Apr. 2019, Mar. 2020, Coinvestigator, 奈良県南部におけるコミュニティ開発の拠点形成と人材蓄積過程に関する研究, 代表者; 水垣源太郎, 奈良県, 共同研究, 0, 0, 0, 文学部なら学プロジェクトの推進, Competitive research funding
  • Oct. 2011, Mar. 2015, Principal investigator, Community Based participatory action research, JST(RISTEX), コミュニティで解決する高齢社会のデザイン, 奈良女子大学, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding, rm:works
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Apr. 2017, Mar. 2022, 17K02107, Research on conditions for cross-industry collaboration for sustainable rural tourism, Teraoka Shingo, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 4290000, 3300000, 990000, While the importance of rural tourism has been widely discussed, its challenges to stable development have been pointed out worldwide. This study focused on cross-industry collaboration as the key to sustainable development of rural tourism, and investigated its conditions and challenges. As a result, the following issues were identified: the subsidy system for cooperative projects makes it difficult to spend on the tourism aspect, the current legal regulations make it difficult to cooperate, there is a lack of mutual understanding among agricultural, commercial, and industrial sectors, and travelers lack understanding of agriculture., kaken
  • Dec. 2020, Mar. 2021, Coinvestigator, 奈良県における小さな拠点および地域運営組織の形成, 研究代表者 水垣源太郎, 奈良県, 共同研究, 奈良女子大学
  • Jun. 2020, Nov. 2020, Coinvestigator, 奈良県過疎地域の集落構造分析と社会地図化, 研究代表者 水垣源太郎, 奈良県, 奈良女子大学
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Apr. 2013, 31 Mar. 2016, 25511016, Study on Development of the Traditional Culture by Media, and Identity Formation in Amami., Kato Haruhiro, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Chukyo University, 4290000, 3300000, 990000, As result in the proof study on “culture mediator”, in Kikaijima, Amami-oshima, I investigated that the tradition of the fork song and dance were handed down by the area media business not a traditional village. We named “the mediated cultural project” which had a mission. As result in the study on mediated development of traditional culture, I listed the public hall lecture of the tradition song and dance in the Amami group of islands. And I produced a chronological table and the history of “cultural mediator”. As results of research on the theory construction side, I submitted the paradigm of the new area media study more than existing area media theories by making the key concepts such as “spirals of the expression in a media activities”, “a total process of the local media”., url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 28 Apr. 2011, 31 Mar. 2015, 23530665, The sociological study of ACI-Collaboration, TERAOKA Shingo; SAKURAI Seiichi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Nara Women's University, 5070000, 3900000, 1170000, The research clarifies that many of the operators of " the Agriculture, Commerce and Industry Collaboration (ACI-Collaboration)" are aware of their community revitalization. About 90 percent of the operators start their business by recommendation of others (ex. administrative office, JA, ACI-Collaboration coordinator). Effect of coordination is high. Motivation of cooperation is , . Obstacles of ACI-Collaboration are , ,. For the duration of ACI-Collaboration, mutual understanding between the industries. is essential., url;kaken
  • 2010, Apr. 2021, Principal investigator, ICTを活用した遠隔コミュニケーションシステムSailを使用することでコミュニティ形成に与える影響の効果検証, 水垣源太郎; 佐藤克成, 株式会社HELTE, 共同研究, 奈良女子大学
  • Jul. 2020, Mar. 2025, オンラインコミュニケーションサービスの効果に関する研究, 寺岡伸悟; 水垣源太郎; 佐藤克成, 研究協力覚書, 奈良女子大学,東京大学高齢社会研究機構、(一社)未来社会共創センター、布施新町みらいプロジェクト、(株)HELTE
  • 基盤研究(C), Apr. 2021, Mar. 2025, 21K12452, Principal investigator, 農村観光におけるコロナ受難下の意思決定と事業変容の研究, 寺岡 伸悟; 櫻井 清一, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 奈良女子大学, 3770000, 2900000, 870000, 1、観光研究の進展状況について学会の動向や発刊された著書論文などからフォローした。社会研究において新型コロナ蔓延以前に評価の定着していた社会理論が少なくとも二つある。一つはJ.アーリ、M・シェラーらによって提唱された、流動性を基盤とした社会認識である「モビリティ・パラダイム」である。今一つは、社会を人や物など異種混交のネットワークとして捉えるアクターネットワーク理論である。これらを「地域性」や「距離感」と深い関わりのある農村観光と結びつけた考察を奈良県内の事例調査の結果などをもとにおこない、「旅住(者)」という概念とその戦略性についての考えを試論的に提出した(寺岡2022)。 2、国内で新型コロナが流行し社会問題化し始める2020年から2021年12月までの社会論調の変化を記録し明らかにすることを試みた。具体的には観光系の業界紙と農村・地域系の雑誌記事において「コロナ」「農村」「地域」のワードを含む記事タイトルを抽出し通時的に並べて一覧表を作成し、発表した。この作業によってある程度の、2つの業界でのコロナと観光、農村への捉え方の変化が推察された。 3、コロナ下で困難に直面した農村観光事業者を対象にしたインタビューの内容について共同研究者と議論をし、経済学的な側面と社会学的側面の両方を含むインタビュー項目案を作成した。, kaken;rm:misc
  • 共同研究, Jun. 2022, Mar. 2023, Coinvestigator, 下北山村における 生活行動とソーシャル・サポート・ネットワーク, 奈良女子大学、下北山村
  • 2022, Mar. 2023, Coinvestigator, 地域住民のサポート・ネットワーク構築に向けたコミュニティ・リサーチ, 奈良女子大学、高取町社会福祉協議会
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2007, 2009, 19530444, The Research in the Socio-cultural Meanings of The Natural Funeral (shizensou)-focused on death and the cultural disposal of the skeletal remains, TAGUCHI Hiroaki; TERAOKA Shingo, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kumamoto University, 2340000, 1800000, 540000, The results that was given through this study are the followings. (1) I researched the preceding studies of the Ryoubosei distributed in the Kinki region in an early-modern times, and practiced fieldwork in some communities. The Ryoubosei is the mortuary practices which are characterized by the two kinds of grave, called the Umebaka and the Mairibaka. Then I observed that the skeletal remains and the soulhad not always been considered the indivisible existence. This fact means that the negative (and radical) attitude against the remains worship, found out among people upholding ashes scattering today, had been included in the tradition of the Ryoubosei. (2) I gave attention also to the Mubosei, the mortuary practices without any gravestone, which existed in the early-modern times. That has four characteristics, that is to say, cremation, ashes scattering, no graves and no visit to a grave. These characteristics are the same ones as modern natural funeral (shizensou), and therefore the Mubosei is likely to be an archetype of shizensou. (3) Ashes scattering as a ritual without any specific religion has been found out regularly, through my observations. That is, whether people upholding ashes scattering are the believers of the specific religion or not, the selected space and time for scattering are sanctified, which is to say, the ritual of ashes scattering appears itself as the sacred for a while. This kind of ritual, even if it is done by nonreligious people, means sanctification of the personality of the dead, which is in accord with the slogan of "Settle the gravestone into our heart!" (4) This research, at first, has been begun on the hypothesis that the movement of shizensou means a phenomenon returning to animism, which is the belief in the spirit of various natural objects. The reason is that I knew some stereotyped and repeated statements such as, 'He has returned to nature' or 'She could have returned to nature'. For checking out this hypothesis, I practiced a questionnaire to 315 respondents belonging to the association that supports ashes scattering. Then, a small number of respondents agreed with the concept that the soul of the dead person go into a natural object after ashes scattering, and exist eternally as the spirit of it. On the contrary, many respondents have tendency that not to believe or sure of the existence of the soul after death. Therefore, the original hypothesis has to be denied on these evidences., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2003, 2006, 15530332, Socio-cultural influences on stress and the way of coping with it, TAGUCHI Hiroaki; YAGI Hideo; IKEDA Mitsuho; TERAOKA Shingo, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kumamoto University, 3400000, 3400000, For several decades, many researchers have been interested in stress. We also carried on research into stress from the point of view of the social science for four years, and concentrated our study on the two levels of facts. One is the stress of the individual, and the other is social group-a family, a community, and other type of social group. Individual and social group may be in the state of stress, influenced by a certain environment. On the other hand, they may have a function to give meaning of life to individual or social system, and relieve them from stress. At the starting point of study, we expected that stress was not only influenced directly by stressor, but also by society and culture. Furthermore, according to our forecast, the strength of experienced stress was able to variable to meaning given by performer and/or social relationship. The following has become clear from analysis. (a) When an individual is made into an analysis unit, the strength and durability of stress which an individual experiences depend on the interaction in the social relation. (b) Individual framework of judgment or interpretation on each situation has a great influence on one's ability of coping with stress, and the ability is based on distressing experiences that he/she has ever faced in some critical situations. (c) The suitable communication within a family and community has the function which mitigates the fear, uneasiness, and mental trouble in an individual level of the stress. (d) In order to relieve stress, it is important to produce in emergency the approximate system which substitutes for or complements the function of the disabled individual or suspended social system. When studying stress from the viewpoint of system theory, one important presupposition is not substantiating stress., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2003, 2004, 15330116, Practical Research on the Construction of Social Network among the Members of the Alumni Association, SHIOBARA Tsutomu; INOUE Shun; MORI Katsusige; HARADA Takashi; TERAOKA Shingo, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Konan Women's University, 4300000, 4300000, In this research, we had studied an alumni association of women's university empirically. We did (1)survey research of the members of alumni association, (2)interview research of the management staff of association including president and vice-presidents, heads of the local branches, (3)participant research in the head office of the association focusing the process of revising the home pages of the association. We had summarized the findings of these intensive researches on the basis of the changing patterns of social network in Japan after the World War II. We introduced four types of network pattern: 1.closed-homogeneous network, 2.closed-heterogeneous network, network, network. The traditional strong closed ties of the homogeneous people in a small local area (type 1) had been replaced by the new pattern of 2 and 3 in these fifty years. What is now in question is how Japanese society could create the open-heterogeneous networks (type 4). Many Japanese alumni associations, especially those of traditional women's school, have the same trend of changing pattern of networks among members. Small number of elder homogeneous members had been managing the associations for long time. As a result, many new members of younger generation lost their interest in the activities of alumni association. But our findings suggest that if they change the concept of management and accept the heterogeneous commitments and activities which younger generation could interest and/or propose, the traditional network of alumni association could change their network pattern and be able to support the members in various aspects of their life-long activities. And this change would activate the associations themselves. One practical method for the new management we could offer is the communication devise through home page and E-mail system. This devise could create active networks among members of different generations., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2001, 2002, 13610255, Researches on the Process of Forming an "Information Community" : Linking an Urban Area with a Rural Area Using Internet System, HARADA Takashi; HASHIMOTO Mitsuru; SAEKI Isamu; TERAOKA Shingo, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Konan Women's University, 3500000, 3500000, We had two experimental researches on the effectiveness of the information exchange on the internet to estimate the possibility of the "information community". Locations of our research were Kobe, an urban and Nara, a rural area. 1. We made an original information network system using cellar phones and server system. The result of an experiment on information exchange among students on a shopping area Okamoto in Kobe city suggests that most popular information was news about a matter of interests among students. This suggests that the concrete network of an areal community or a group is a prerequisite of the "information community". 2. We made a web site in Kobe on rural community of Nara prefecture. This remoteness offered an objectivity and reliability among the users. 3. We made an English version of a paper discussing the transformation of Japanese society after introducing western calendar. The results of our research suggests that "information community" would be based on concrete human networks such as communities or groups and that effectiveness or activity of the "information community" depends on the mutual uniqueness of the communities or groups involved in it., kaken
  • 奨励研究(A), 2000, 2001, 12710119, 中山間地域におけるネットワーキングと生活戦略に関する実証的研究, 寺岡 伸悟, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 甲南女子大学, 2000000, 2000000, 本年度は、中山間地域の人々が自らの地域をどのように活性化させようとするか、その実践をフィールドワークと、一次資料から見る言説などで分析を試みた。 まず8月のサマートンネルハイクというイベントでは、村人が既存の資源であるトンネル跡を開放する、という方法で、村外から広くイベント参加者を集める事に成功していた。その際、鉄道跡ということで、鉄道ファンの情報ネットワーク、映画撮影地ということで映画ファンの情報ネットワークを利用し、多様な人を集めていた。 これは一つのモノ(この場合はトンネル跡)であっても、それに多重的意味を与えることによって、豊かな魅力となるということであり、一つの優れた活性化戦略といえる。またこれを村外生活者の視点から明らかにするため、村人の葉書上の言説を検討したところ、ムラは「自己」と「対象(自然等)」という2つのポイントから語られており、その2つが交錯する「体験・交流」は、最も魅力的なものとして語られていた。このように、意味と情報ネットワークに着目した中山間地域活性化戦略は非常に有効であろうと考えられる。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 1999, 2001, 11470501, Cultural Perspective on Concepts of Health and Illness in Contemporary Societies., IKEDA Mitsuho; SATO Jun-ichi; SATO Akihiko; TAGUCHI Hiroaki; NOMURA Kazuo; TRARAOKA Shingo, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kumamoto University, 5900000, 5900000, The aim of this research project is sociological analysis for socio-cultural construction of health and illness concepts of ordinary people in contemporary Japanese society. And the practical goal is an academic contribution to establish theoretical background of medical communication between professional sector and layman's sector. We applid some qualitative and ethnographical methods to health-related advertisings, conversation in ordinary and clinical settings, and political discourses in states level. Two theoretical frameworks are adopted and tested in following sentences. Hypothesis (1) : The ordinary concept of health and illness experiences is socio-culturally constructed in their life courses. Hypothesis (2) : The ordinary concept of health and illness experiences would be analyzed in two intervening constructive social process ; individual subjective process of physiologically somatic experience, so called "body experience", and public objective process of cognitive experience, so called "public cognitive experience." The results are in itemized in following sentences. Result (1) : Even we recognize the importance of public health promotion, we cannot ignore culturally formed cognitive process of "body experience" contributing to construct the concept of health and illness. Result (2) : In Japan, the decline of authority of formal education is emerging public and political issue in contemporary, We are confronting the dilemma between toralistic health promotion and establishment of socially sound medical communication for "health as wholeness.", kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)., 1998, 2000, 10410045, The Integrated Study of Chicago School of Sociology, NAKANO Masataka; TERAOKA Shingo; KAMADA Daisuke; HOGETSU Makoto; KANEKO Masahiko; FUJISAWA Mika, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kyoto Institute of Technology, 12500000, 12500000, The purpose of the project, 'The Integrated Study of the Chicago School of Sociology', is to construct a sociological basis from which to analyze the issues of contemporary society through the examination of the Chicago School of sociology which took part in establishing and developing sociology as a discipline in the United States. As a group of investigators we not only look closely at the theoretical achievements of scholars such as Thomas, Park, and Burgess, but also examine Chicago monographs in which theory and empirical study relate closely, and built a bridge between theory and research. Based on the knowledge found through these works, we then discuss the subjects include 'The Genealogy of Theories of Collective Behavior', 'Hughes and the Surroundings', 'Quantitative Research of the University of Chicago in the 1930s' and 'The Chicago School and Japanese Sociology' to understand the Chicago School in greater detail. In addition to research done in Japan, investigators visit the Department of Sociology of the University of Chicago to interview Professor Andrew Abbott and his university associates about the human and the intellectual genealogy of that time in 1998 and 1999. Through this project, new discoveries have been made which were not possible up until now as people have had the distorted image that the Chicago School is biased towards qualitative research. Three investigators reported on our findings at the symposium 'The Traditions of the Chicago School' at the fifty-first meeting of the Kansai Sociological Association in 2000. Furthermore, we set about making a collection of books related to the Chicago School by purchasing new books and collecting those books now out of print. In the final year of the project, we sorted the books and information found to make a book list for the early Chicago School., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 1997, 1999, 09410061, Studies on the Revitalization Policies in Aging Community, SHIOBARA Tsutomu; TERAOKA Singo; HARADA Takasi; ASHIDA Tetsuro, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Konan Women's University, 3700000, 3700000, An increasing number of farming and fishing villages as well as small local communities have been suffering from low fertility rate and rapid aging of the population. Moreover, they are hard hit by recession due to their economic structure. To address these problems it is of vital importance to urgently form programs for revitalizing these communities. Now that the process of decentralization of the government is already under way in Japan, it is socially needed to clarify what kind of identity each community tries to establish and maintain. Of several studies we have made to find the processes of the formation of the community identity, two case studies are selected and reported here. In addition , result of the survey on the attitudes towards social mobility between communities. 1. One research focuses on a fishing town in Kumamoto Prefecture. It shows that the revaluation and utilization of the traditional cultures contribute to form the community identity, enhance their morale as a community member, and bring about an economic effect by attracting people to the community. And the study shows that social activities among the elderly people are being revitalized through the programs. 2. The second research focuses on a mountainous small village in Nara Prefecture. The effect of the postwar national development of infrastructure and regional policies are reconsidered in the context of the "information revolution". It points out some problem that the revolution might bring about through the introduction of multi-media equipment among the aging population in the community. 3. Through analyses of experiences of people in the their 30s, their mobility among communities when they were in their 10s to 20s and the instability of their life plants are discussed. The study shows that local communities will take on mobility more various people coming in and out of the community in the future., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 1997, 1999, 09410015, Positive Study on Social Ethics in Highly-developed-Media Society, OOSUGI Yoshihiro; JOH Tatsuya; TERAOKA Shingo; IKEDA Mitsuho, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kumamoto University, 5900000, 5900000, Our research has aimed at critical examination of the concept of being public in computer-networks, elucidation of concrete mode of subject formation in highly-developped media society and explication of ethical norms needed in highly-developped media. In the third year of our research, we have proceeded investigation and discussion via server which we set up the year before last and mobile computers. And we made out a report on how to conceive highly developed media. Oosugi considered electoric media in the whole system which various media such as oral speech, picture, writing and printing etc. forms to make clear how transformation of communication and information-processing media system relates to epistemic norms. Ikeda elucidated the geneaology of the arguments that highly-developed media society corrupted ethical norms of human society and its rival arguments through putting in order the reception, decline and reevaluation of McLuhan's theory. Teraoka investigated what effects development of information processing has brought about to local regional societies by field work of out-the-way reginal societies, investigating the process of excution of national policy of development of information processing in a reginal society this year. Joh has considered highly-developped media through examination of arguments of highly-developped media society, this year rearranging arguments in German concerning a highly-developped computer society and its risk bringing forward the case of arguments of the y2k problem. We have tried to overcome the present circumstance of sporadic and vague pointing the various points and make clear the problems concerning highly-developped media, on the one hand inquiring basic matters and arguments of them, on the other hand investigating the fields of introducing of highly-developped information processing. We have attained some points for explicating the problem., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research, 1995, 1997, 07044035, Comparative stndy of social network and cultural dynamics of the koreans in Japan, IIDA Takafumi; YU Chulin; TSUSHIMA Michihto; KOMOTO Mitsugi; NISHIYAM Shigeru; LEE Mumun, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, University of Toyama, 9900000, 9900000, [1] We made joint research of the history and network of immigrants in Osaka and Tokyo trom Kone-ri, Chochonri, Iho-don, etc in Cheju island, korea. Then we made coear following points. 1 ; Before and after the second World War, folw of immgration from Cheju to Japan contined and had been made through the villige-kinship network. 2 ; In 70s and 80s, an enormous donation was made by immigrants to their home village ro fill up its infra-structure. 3 ; Character of the association of home village changed in 90s to center on 2nd generation for their amity. 4 ; The immage and network of "One life world" across the two land (Korea and Japan) mede in 70s and 80s becomes deorganized and differentiated in 90s. [2] As particular result, out members investigated follwing points. 1 ; History and network of bag industry by the immigrants from Kone willage to Tokyo. 2 ; Change of custom of funeral, grave visiting and tomb raising in Chochon-ri by immigrants to Japan related to historical condition. 3 ; Life histories of diving tisher women. [3] We researched, to comparative study, the groups of the immigarants in Korea peninsula and in U.S.A from Cheju island. 1 ; In Pusan and Seoul, provincial fellowship takes crucial function in the process of immigration and life raising. 2 ; In Los Angeles and in New York, these network takes only minor function. [4] We are now editing a report book of papers presented by co-investigators., kaken
  • 奨励研究(A), 1996, 1996, 08710137, 在日コリアン社会における民族ネットワークに関する実証的研究, 寺岡 伸悟, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 熊本大学, 900000, 900000, 在日コリアンの生活文化における民俗的側面の基礎資料収集のため関西地方に在住する一親族組織を対照に、インテンシブなインタビューと観察調査を実施した。 ・親族会運営に関するインタビューは、調査対象である在日済州島系親族会の会長を中心とした指導者層にたいして行った。内容は近年の運営状況とそれに対する各会員の意識、これからの会運営の方向性についての考え方などである。これらによって在日一世から二世・三世への会運営の世代交代が必ずしも円滑に進んでいないことが明らかとなった。それは〈伝統回帰思考〉と〈在日エスニシティ志向〉とのコンフリクトと言い換えることも可能であろう。またネットワークに関して族譜を入手できたのでこれに基づいたネットワークの解析がこれからの課題となる。 ・一般会員には家庭における祖先祭祀のあり方を中心にインタビューをおこなった。これによって、渡日以降非常に強く守られてきた家祭祀の行事が、一世の死去にともなって様々な形態に変容を開始していることがわかってきた。具体的にはそれは祭祀の〈簡素化〉と同時に、祭祀の分担・祭祀の回り持ちといった形の〈分化〉を伴っており、とくに後者の分化は、伝統的な親族結合の弛緩と、同時に日本社会における核家族化との類似性を想起させる。これらと符号するように、墓碑における家紋の創出が一部で見られる。 ・専用霊園の分析では業者へのインタビューとともに墓碑文の文案にかんする資料を多数入手した。これらの文章や図像に関する内容分析が以後可能となろう。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2022, 31 Mar. 2026, 22H02451, Research for the change of Quality of Labour and Quality of Life after the Implement of Rural Diversification Strategy, 櫻井 清一; 寺岡 伸悟; 中村 貴子; 大橋 めぐみ; 澤野 久美, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Chiba University, 13780000, 10600000, 3180000, kaken;rm:published_papers
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2009, 2011, 21530524, Empirical studies on the social processes of allocation of public goods in local governmental reform, MIZUGAKI Gentaro; TERAOKA Shingo; NAKATA Natsuki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 4290000, 3300000, 990000, This project aims to explore social and geographical factors of the potentialized demand of local governmental policies, particularly child welfare and parenting support policy. Conducting case study of seven cities and towns in Nara Prefecture with the lowest fertility and employment rate in Japan, it is manifested that mixed effects of two factors of varied commuting mobility in the Kansai metropolitan area and rigid traditional gender structure lead to women's low employment, low fertility and individual mental burden., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2022, 31 Mar. 2026, 23K23716, Research for the change of Quality of Labour and Quality of Life after the Implement of Rural Diversification Strategy, 櫻井 清一; 寺岡 伸悟; 中村 貴子; 大橋 めぐみ; 澤野 久美; 椋田 瑛梨佳, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Chiba University, 13780000, 10600000, 3180000, 本年度は以下の4点について分析を行った。 1)農業従事者のQOLについて、特に労働面に配慮しつつ生活実態を把握するための分析枠組となる生活時間調査の設計に取り組んだ。NHK国民生活時間調査や総務省社会生活基本調査などを参考に、15分刻みで生活記録をとる枠組みを設計したが、労働の内容をどこまで詳しく記録させるかに課題を残している。設計は継続中である。 2)農林業センサスで把握されている農業生産関連事業の従事日数と各種関連事業の関係性を把握するため、センサス個票の利用申請を行い、認められた。2005年より4年次(5年おき)の時系列データを用いて農業生産関連事業の従事状況を時系列的に考察するための基盤を整えた。また2020年センサスデータについては、4府県にて農業生産関連事業に従事しない経営体のデータも利用も認められたので、従事者・非従事者間の比較分析を行う基盤を整えた。 3)海外との比較研究として、台湾における日本式農産物直売所と欧米式ファーマーズ・マーケット(FM)の出荷者を対象にした質問紙調査のデータを用い、両タイプの出荷者の出荷に対する総合満足度を規定する要因を定量的に分析した。FM出荷者のほうが相対的に高い満足度を示していること、また出荷時の交流経験と直売施設マネジメントの充実度が出荷満足度を高めることを解明した。 4)その他、集落営農組織を対象にした定性的調査により、集落営農が農村経済多角化活動のプラットフォームとなりうることを明らかにした。, kaken



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