Researchers Database


FacultyFaculty Division of Human Life and Environmental Sciences Research Group of Food Science and Nutrition
Last Updated :2024/06/12


Profile and Settings

  • Name (Japanese)

  • Name (Kana)



  • Master of Agriculture, Kyoto University
  • Doctor of Agriculture, Kyoto University

Research Areas

  • Life sciences, Food sciences, Food Chemistry, Food Functionality
  • Humanities & social sciences, Home economics, lifestyle science, Food Science, Cookery Science

Research Experience

  • Apr. 2015, Professor, KYOUSEI Science Center for Life and Nature, Nara Women's University
  • Apr. 2015, Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Nara Women's University
  • Apr. 2015, Professor, Faculty of Life Science and Environment, Nara Women's University
  • Apr. 2012, Mar. 2015, Associate Professor, Faculty of Life Science and Environment, Nara Women's University
  • Apr. 2007, Mar. 2015, Associate Professor, KYOUSEI Science Center for Life and Nature, Nara Women's University
  • Apr. 2007, Mar. 2015, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Nara Women's University
  • Apr. 2007, Mar. 2012, Associate Professor, Faculty of Life Science and Environment, Nara Women's University
  • Apr. 2001, Mar. 2007, Associate Professor, KYOUSEI Science Center for Life and Nature, Nara Women's University
  • Apr. 1998, Mar. 2007, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Nara Women's University
  • Apr. 1994, Mar. 2007, Associate Professor, Faculty of Life Science and Environment, Nara Women's University
  • Oct. 1993, Mar. 1994, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Life Science and Environment, Nara Women's University
  • Apr. 1991, Sep. 1993, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Home Economics, Nara Women's University
  • Apr. 1989, Mar. 1991, Instructor, Research Institute for Food Science, Kyoto University


  • Apr. 1986, Mar. 1989, Kyoto University, Graduate School, Division of Agriculture, Department of Food Science and Technology

Teaching Experience

  • Career Design Seminar B(17) "Studies on Foods in Nara", Nara Women's University
  • Career Design Seminar B(11) "Studies on Foods in Nara", Nara Women's University
  • Practice in Food Technology, Nara Women's University

Association Memberships

  • Institute of Food Technologists
  • 日本栄養・食糧学会
  • 日本栄養改善学会
  • 日本農芸化学会
  • 日本食品科学工学会
  • 日本調理科学会
  • 日本家政学会


Published Papers

  • Refereed, 日本調理科学会誌, 水煮調理における異なる調理手法別エネルギー使用量および蒸らし操作の有効性, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Aug. 2018, 51, 4, 223-228
  • Refereed, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Springer New York LLC, Children’s Hair Mercury Concentrations and Seafood Consumption in Five Regions of Japan, Emiko Kusanagi; Hitoshi Takamura; Shing-Jen Chen; Mayumi Adachi; Nobuko Hoshi, Exposure to methylmercury (MeHg) during the foetal and postnatal periods is known to have adverse effects on children’s development. However, little attention has been paid to MeHg exposure during early childhood in Japan. To examine the regional differences in MeHg exposure and seafood consumption and the association between MeHg exposure and seafood consumption and dental metal restorations, we measured the total mercury (T-Hg) concentration in hair as an MeHg exposure index, and using questionnaires, we measured the frequency and amount of seafood consumption and the presence of dental metal restorations in 118 children aged 3–6 years in five regions of Japan. The arithmetic and geometric means of the T-Hg concentrations in hair were 1.03 and 0.87 ppm, respectively, and approximately 40% of the children exceeded the United States Environmental Protection Agency recommendation of 1.0 ppm. Significant regional differences in the hair T-Hg concentrations were found among the five regions, and the regional differences were consistent with the traditional regional patterns of eating fatty fish. According to the regression analysis, the consumption of fatty fish, particularly tuna/swordfish, had a significant effect on hair T-Hg concentrations, whereas age, sex, the materials used for dental metal restorations, and other types of seafood or fish/shellfish had no significant effects., 01 Feb. 2018, 74, 2, 259, 272, Scientific journal, 10.1007/s00244-017-0502-x
  • Refereed, J. Food Sci., Effects of Grilling on Total Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), TAKAMURA Hitoshi; Kentaro Uchida; Haruo Tomita; Toshikazu Takemori; Hitoshi Takamura, Jan. 2017, 82, 1, 202-207, 10.1111/1750-3841.13567
  • Refereed, Food and Clinical Nutrition, Effects of Mineral Waters Different in Hardness on the Properties and Preference of Cooked Wash-free Rice, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; Chie Mizuno; Hitoshi Takamura, Mar. 2016, e2016, 1-12
  • Refereed, 奈良県農業研究開発センター研究報告, 奈良県農業研究開発センター, イチゴ栽培圃場内の異臭がイチゴの食味に及ぼす影響, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Mar. 2016, 47, 47, 29-33, 33
  • Refereed, E-journal GEO, Nonpoint-Source Pollution of Rivers in Wakayama Prefecture, Western Japan, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; KUMAKI Masayo; YAMADA Makoto; HAMASAKI Kenji; TAKAMURA Hitoshi; nTAKADA Masashi; WADA Keiji, Apr. 2015, 10, 1, 1-17
  • Refereed, Food Science and Technology Research, Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology, Development of bread supplemented with the silk protein sericin, Tayori Takechi; Hitoshi Takamura, The present study aimed to develop sericin-added bread in an effort to promote the effective consumption of the silk protein sericin and to evaluate bread-baking performance with sericin addition, with respect to effects on bread structure and palatability. Sericin supplementation resulted in decreased specific volume and darker crust color of the bread. No significant difference was observed in other physical properties. Sensory evaluation revealed that bread with up to 2 g of added sericin tended to be preferred. In a comprehensive evaluation of specific volume, crust color and preference rating by sensory evaluation, the optimal amount of added sericin was determined to be 2 g. Further, approximately 330 mg of sericin can be consumed in 1 slice of bread. We thus propose sericin-added bread as a desirable processed food that enables the effective ingestion of sericin., 2014, 20, 5, 1021, 1026, Scientific journal, 10.3136/fstr.20.1021
  • Refereed, J. Cook. Sci. Jpn., Effects of Pit Fermentation and Thermal Cooking Process on the Antioxidant Activity and Components of Pangium edule Seeds, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; Santoso Martha; Tomoko Yamaguchi; Teruyoshi Matoba; Hitoshi Takamura, 東南アジアおよび南太平洋諸島の熱帯植物であるパンギノキの種子について、抗酸化活性および成分の分布、穴埋め発酵および加熱調理の影響について解析した。その結果、抗酸化活性は、DPPHラジカル捕捉活性を指標とした場合は水系画分に、ORACを指標とした場合は水系、油系の両方に存在した。それぞれの主要な活性成分はフェノール化合物およびγ-トコトリエノールであった。穴埋め発酵により、水系および油系の抗酸化活性は有意に増加したが、これはメイラード反応生成物によるものと思われる。, Aug. 2014, 47, 4, 202-213
  • Refereed, Biomedical Reports, Antioxidant activities of two sericin proteins extracted from cocoon of silkworm (Bombyx mori) measured by DPPH, chemiluminescence, ORAC and ESR methods, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; T. Takechi; R. Wada; T. Fukuda; K. Harada; H. Takamura, Feb. 2014, 2, 3, 364-369, 10.3892/br.2014.244
  • Refereed, 食生活研究, 食生活研究会, 家庭における揚げ油の保存方法が揚げ物に及ぼす影響, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Jan. 2014, 34, 2, 87-93, 93
  • Refereed, 奈良県農業総合センター研究報告, 奈良県農業総合センター, 大和マナの雑種第1代におけるイソチオシアネート含量, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 奈良県在来のツケナである大和マナ(Brassica rapa L. Oleifera Group)は他のアブラナ科植物と同様に,イソチオシアネートを含有することが知られており,その機能性が注目されている。そのため,イソチオシアネートの含有量は,今後,大和マナの品種改良を進める上で重視すべき特性となる可能性がある。そこで,'夏なら菜'(品種登録番号21048)と'冬なら菜'(品種登録番号21156)の育成の過程で,総イソチオシアネート含量(以下,ITC含量)を調査し,雑種強勢を利用した高含有F1品種育成の可能性を検討した。, Mar. 2013, 44, 44, 30-32, 32
  • Refereed, 奈良県農業総合センター研究報告, 奈良県農業総合センター, 大和マナのグルコシノレートを残存させるドラムドライ法, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 大和マナ(Brassica rapa L. Oleifera Group)は奈良県在来のツケナである。コマツナのように草丈25cm前後で収穫され,収穫盛期は秋冬期である。在来種は収穫後に外葉が黄化しやすいという欠点を有し,このことが周年栽培,特に高温期の生産出荷を阻んできた。一方,大和マナは他のアブラナ科植物と同様にグルコシノレートを含有する。大和マナに含まれるグルコシノレートは,マウスを用いた実験で脂肪吸収を抑制することが見出され,抗肥満作用を有することが期待される機能性成分である。そこで,奈良県,ナント種苗,奈良先端科学技術大学院大学および奈良女子大学が協力し,収穫後の外葉の黄化が少なく,グルコシノレートを安定して含有するF1品種の'夏なら莱'と'冬なら菜'を育成した。その結果,大和高原南部地域と五條市を中心に周年栽培が急速に普及し始め,奈良県内に工場を有する大手薬品製造会社が大和マナの乾燥粉末を青汁の原料に利用するようになった。乾燥粉末の製造には,他の乾燥法と比較して運転費用が安価なドラムドライ法が利用されているが,本法で大和マナを処理すると,前処理の粉砕によって細胞内のミロシナーゼが作用し,機能性成分であるグルコシノレートの多くが揮発成分であるイソチオシアネートに分解され失われる。そこで,ドラムドライ法による乾燥に供する前のミロシナーゼを失活させる加熱方法として,製造現場で実践容易な蒸し加熱処理とゆで加熱処理を検討した。, Mar. 2013, 44, 44, 33-36, 36
  • Refereed, 日本スポーツ栄養研究誌, 大学アメリカンフットボール選手の試合期における栄養サポート, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Jan. 2013, 6, 48-54
  • Refereed, Trans. Jpn. Soc. Refrig. Air Cond. Eng., Changes in the Antioxidant Activity of Shredded Red and Green Cabbages during Cold Storage and the Effect of Packaging, Washing and Sterilization, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; C. Myojin; K. Watanabe; T. Yamaguchi; T. Matoba; H. Takamura, Dec. 2012, 29, 4, 383-391
  • Refereed, 日本調理科学会誌, 鶏肉のラジカル捕捉活性, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Dec. 2012, 45, 6, 429-437
  • Refereed, 日本調理科学会誌, 日本調理科学会, Evaluation of the proximate components and antioxidant activity of Yamatoyasai, the traditional vegetables of Nara, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, The contents of water, ash, ascorbic acid, and total phenol in 12 Yamatoyasai samples, the traditional vegetables of Nara, were measured. The antioxidant activity, 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging activity and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) of the samples were also measured. The water and ash contents were not significantly different between Yamatoyasai and common vegetables, while the ascorbic acid content of some Yamatoyasai samples was lower than that of common vegetables. The total phenol contents of the Sensujimizuna and Hanamyouga samples were respectively 1.8 and 1.5 times higher than those of Mizuna and Myouga. In respect of the antioxidant activity, the DPPH radical-scavenging activity of Sensujimizuna and Hanamyouga was also higher than that of common vegetables. A 1.5-2 times higher ORAC value was found in Udakingobou, Hanamyouga, Kaorigobou, Yamatokikuna, and Sensujimizuna than that in common vegetables. It is clear from the results of this study that a substantial number of Yamatoyasai show higher antioxidant activity than common vegetables., Jun. 2012, 45, 3, 197-203, 203
  • Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics, Effectiveness of Dietary Education Using Picture Books for Second Grade Students: Focusing on Knowledge about and Attitude toward Diet, Anna Kido; Hitoshi Takamura; Yukiko Ueda, 2012, 70, 4, 236, 243, Scientific journal, 10.5264/eiyogakuzashi.70.236
  • Refereed, Food Sci. Technol. Res., Antioxidant and DNA damage prevention activities of the edible parts of Gnetum gnemon and their changes upon heat treatment, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; M. Santoso; Y. Naka; C. Angkawidjaja; T. Yamaguchi; T. Matoba; H. Takamura, Dec. 2010, 16, 6, 546-556
  • Refereed, WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, I W A PUBLISHING, Near-infrared spectroscopic assessment of contamination level of sewage, Tetsuya Inagaki; Yukari Shinoda; Mitsuhiro Miyazawa; Hitoshi Takamura; Satoru Tsuchikawa, We examined the use of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy as a rapid technique for the evaluation of sewage quality. Influent water samples, primary sedimentation tank water samples, and final effluent water samples were collected from sewage treatment facilities in Nagoya, Japan and their NIR spectra obtained. Partial least squares (PLS) models for total phosphate (TP), total nitrogen (TN), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total organic carbon (TOC), and turbidity of sewage water were constructed from the NIR data. The models provided good correlation between measurements obtained conventionally and those predicted from spectroscopy. Spectral variation induced by background interference in samples affected accuracy. Loading plots and score plots derived from PLS regression analysis resolved the background interference and allowed highly accurate predictions. Spectral variation induced by contamination in the sewage was a main predictor of sewage quality. These results show that NIR spectroscopy shows potential for in-line, non-destructive measurement of sewage quality., 2010, 61, 8, 1957, 1963, Scientific journal, 10.2166/wst.2010.070
  • Refereed, Science of Cookery, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, サトイモの調理適性に関する品種・系統間差, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, A sensory evaluation was carried out on taro corms of seven varieties cooked in four different ways: steamed, steamed and seasoned with miso, boiled with seasoning, and cut and boiled in miso soup. The taste quality and texture related to stickiness, firmness and mealiness were evaluated. Among the varieties, there were significant differences in the taste quality of the two kinds of steamed dishes, but there were no significant differences in the taste quality of the boiled dish and that boiled in miso soup. There were significant differences among varieties in every texture assessment with all cooking methods. There was a positive correlation between the assessment for taste quality and the texture related to mealiness with all cooking methods., Apr. 2009, 42, 2, 129-134, 134, 10.11402/cookeryscience.42.129
  • Refereed, FOOD CHEMISTRY, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, Effect of cooking on the antioxidant properties of coloured peppers, Ai Mey Chuah; Ya-Chi Lee; Tomoko Yamaguchi; Hitoshi Takamura; Li-Jun Yin; Teruyoshi Matoba, Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) has long been recognized as an excellent source of antioxidants, being rich in ascorbic acid and other phytochemicals. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different cooking methods on the antioxidant properties of coloured peppers. Six varieties of peppers were subjected to different cooking methods, such as microwave heating, stir-frying and boiling in water, for 5 min individually. The cooked and raw peppers were analyzed for radical-scavenging activity (RSA) and total polyphenol content (TP) using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl-high-pressure liquid chromatography (DPPH)-HPLC and Folin-Ciocalteu methods, respectively. The samples were also evaluated for ascorbic acid content (AsA) by HPLC. Total carotenoid content was determined spectrophotometrically. Results suggest that there is no significant (P > 0.05) difference in RSA, TP, AsA and total carotenoid contents between the cooked and raw peppers when processed for 5 min. However, the cooked peppers show marked differences (P < 0.05) in the RSA, TP and AsA when cooked for 5 min in boiling water with further reduction observed after boiling for 30 min. This may be due to the leaching of antioxidant compounds from the pepper into the cooking water during the prolonged exposure to water and heat. Therefore, it is vital to use less water and cooking time and also to consume the water used for boiling so as to obtain the optimum benefits of bioactive compounds present in peppers. It is concluded that microwave heating and stir-frying without using water are more suitable cooking methods for pepper, to ensure the maximum retention of antioxidant molecules. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., Nov. 2008, 111, 1, 20, 28, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.foodchem.2008.03.022
  • Refereed, J. Food Sci., Changes in the Radical-scavenging Activity of Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L.) during Freezing and Frozen Storage with or without Blanching, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; C. Myojin; N. Enami; A. Nagata; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Impact Factor: 1.004 (2008)\n, Aug. 2008, 73, 7, C546-C550
  • Refereed, Food Sci. Technol. Res., Antioxidant Activity of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herb, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; Y.-C. Lee; A. M. Chuah; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, May 2008, 14, 2, 205-210
  • Refereed, Food Sci. Technol. Res., Changes in the Radical-scavenging Activity of Shredded Vegetables During Storage, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; C. Myojin; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, May 2008, 14, 2, 198-204
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, Analysis of volatile flavor compounds of sardine (Sardinops melanostica) by solid phase microextraction, N. Ganeko; M. Shoda; I. Hirohara; A. Bhadra; T. Ishida; H. Matsuda; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Generally the main component of fishy flavor is considered to be trimethylamine. On the other hand, carbonyl compounds, produced from oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acid by lipoxygenase or by autoxidation, might have some contribution to the fishy flavor. Since sardine skin contains high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids and lipoxygenase, carbonyl compounds may be generated more easily than trimethylamine. In this study, volatile flavor compounds of sardine were analyzed by gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry and gas chromatograph olfactometry combined with solid phase microextraction. Then, the flavor components that contribute to fishy flavor were identified. At normal pH (6.2), trimethylamine was not detected or sensed from the fresh sardines. When the pH was raised, the amount of trimethylamine became higher. Trimethylamine flavor was weak at pH 9 and strongly sensed at pH 11 or higher. On the other hand, 33 other compounds were positively or tentatively identified, including 8 hydrocarbons, 5 ketones, 1 furan, 1 sulphur compound, 12 aldehydes, and 6 alcohols in fresh sardines. Among them, 2,3-pentanedione, hexanal, and 1 penten-3-ol were the main components. Forty-seven flavors were detected by gas chromatograph-olfactometry. Among them, paint-like (1-penten-3-one), caramel-like (2,3-pentanedione), green like (hexanal), shore like ((Z)-4-heptenal), citrus note (octanal), mushroom like (1-octen-3-one), potato-like (methional), insect-like ((E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal), and bloody note (not identified)were strongly sensed. From the aforementioned results, it can be concluded that these compounds rather than trimethylamine contributed to fresh sardine flavor., Jan. 2008, 73, 1, S83, S88, Scientific journal, 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2007.00608.x
  • Refereed, FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, KARGER, Water soluble proteinous substances as free radical-scavengers in fish, Anuradha Bhadra; Yuko Ootake; Tornoko Yamaguchi; Hitoshi Takamura; Teruyoshi Matoba, The role of high molecular weight compounds in the radical-scavenging activity of horse mackerel muscle was evaluated. After denaturation by boiling or by adding TCA solution, 30% of the total activity remained in the water extract. Fractions containing high molecular weight compounds showed both 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl and peroxy radical-scavenging activity. These results indicate that water-soluble protein in fish muscle is responsible for the radical-scavenging activity., Nov. 2007, 13, 4, 418, 421, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, J. Cook. Sci. Jpn., Changes in Radical-scavenging Activity of Vegetables during Different Thermal Cooking Processes, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; T. Yamaguchi; Y. Oda; M. Katsuda; T. Inakuma; Y. Ishiguro; K. Kanazawa; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Jun. 2007, 40, 3, 1-11, 137
  • Refereed, Oleoscience, 日本油化学会, Changes of Flavors by Lipid Oxidation in Foods, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Jun. 2007, 7, 6, 231-235, 235
  • Refereed, Asia Pacific J. Clin. Nutr, Antioxidant components and their activities in fermented seeds of Pangium edule Reinw. and their changes during cooking process, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; M. Santoso; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Oct. 2006, 15, Supplement2, S112
  • Refereed, Asia Pacific J. Clin. Nutr, Effect of heating on antioxidants in vegetables during cooking process of Miso soup, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; T. Yamaguchi; T. Oya; Y. Shimizu; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Oct. 2006, 15, Supplement2, S117
  • Refereed, Asia Pacific J. Clin. Nutr, A rapid method to measure tocopherols on radical-scavenging activity in soybean oil and virgin olive oil, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; L. Q. Jiang; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Oct. 2006, 15, Supplement2, S107
  • Refereed, Asia Pacific J. Clin. Nutr, Effect of procedure parameters on the antioxidant property of olive leave extracts, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; L. Q. Jiang; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Oct. 2006, 15, Supplement2, S107
  • Refereed, Journal of Cookery Science of Japan, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, 種々の乳製品のラジカル捕捉活性, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, The 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and peroxy radical-scavenging activities of 30 different dairy products (milk, yoghurt and cheese) were evaluated. The contents of ascorbic acid and total polyphenols were also determined. The DPPH radical-scavenging activity, peroxy radical-scavenging activity and total polyphenol content of the dairy products containing coffee, cocoa, tea, vegetables or fruits were higher than those of cow's milk. The radical-scavenging activity and total polyphenol content of the samples were highly correlated., Aug. 2006, 39, 4, 267-270, 270, 10.11402/cookeryscience1995.39.4_267
  • Refereed, FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, KARGER, Effect of thermal treatment on radical-scavenging activity of some spices, Mahmuda Khatun; Satomi Eguchi; Tomoko Yamaguchi; Hitoshi Takamura; Teruyoshi Matoba, Changes in the radical-scavenging activities and the total phenol content of sixteen spices (clove, allspice, cinnamon, nutmeg, mustard, cumin, ginger, fennel, fenugreek, black pepper, red pepper, mace, coriander, turmeric, cardamom and white pepper) were determined for different heating times (1, 3 and 6 h) at 100 degrees C. Most of the spices showed high 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging activity (4-1353 mu mol Trolox eq./g), peroxy radical-scavenging activity (31-1019 mu mol Trolox eq./g), and total phenol content (5-1267 mu mol gallic acid eq./g). Clove was found to have the highest radical-scavenging activity followed by allspice and cinnamon. After heating, both DPPH and peroxy radical-scavenging activities as well as the total phenol content increased in most of the spices. A distinct increase in the activities was found in some spices such as black pepper, red pepper and turmeric. A high correlation coefficient was found between the total phenol content and peroxy radical-scavenging activity., Aug. 2006, 12, 3, 178, 185, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, 日本食品科学工学会誌, 食品の脂質劣化および風味変化に関する研究, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Aug. 2006, 53, 8, 401-407
  • Refereed, FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, KARGER, Stabilizing effect of grape seed extract on ascorbic acid, Satoshi Kitao; Madoka Teramoto; Tomoko Yamaguchi; Hitoshi Takamura; Teruyoshi Matoba, L-Ascorbic acid (AsA) has numerous biological activities. It is known that AsA is unstable under neutral and alkaline conditions, degrading almost completely within several hours, whereas it is relatively stable under acidic conditions. The present study investigated the effect of grape seed extract (GSE), which contains proanthocyanidins, on the stability of AsA under neutral and alkaline conditions. The addition of GSE to AsA solution in 3,3'-dimethylglutaric acid-tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-2-amino-2-methyl1,3-propanediol (GTA) (50 mM, pH 7.0 or 10.0) buffer significantly increased the remaining amount of AsA and the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging activity, compared with those of AsA alone. In particular, it was clarified that GSE contributed to the stability of AsA at an alkaline pH. We also investigated the effect of GSE on the stability of AsA under quasi-physiological conditions. It was revealed that GSE stabilized AsA in simulated intestinal juice (pH 8.5) at 37 degrees C. DPPH radical-scavenging activity was closely correlated with the remaining amounts of AsA. The present results, although not directly transferable to in vivo conditions, suggest that GSE may stabilize AsA under neutral and alkaline conditions and affect the physiological activity of AsA., Feb. 2006, 12, 1, 15, 21, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, Food Sci. Technol. Res., Characteristics of Shodo Island Olive Oils in Japan: Fatty Acid Composition and Antioxidative Compounds, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; L. Jiang; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Dec. 2005, 11, 3, 254-260
  • Refereed, Research journal of living science, Nara Women's University, 調理中における鍋からのアルミニウムの溶出, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Oct. 2005, 52, 1, 39-44, 44
  • Refereed, Research journal of living science, Nara Women's University, 揚げ調理過程における小豆島バージンオリーブオイルのラジカル捕捉活性の変化, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Mar. 2005, 51, 2, 59-64, 64
  • Refereed, BIOFACTORS, IOS PRESS, Changes in the radical-scavenging activity of sliced red and green cabbages during storage, C Myojin; T Yamaguchi; H Takamura; T Matoba, Vegetables are rich source of antioxidative components such as ascorbic acid and polyphenols, which scavenge free radicals and reactive oxygen species and prevent life-style related diseases. In this work, the changes of radical-scavenging activity in shredded red and green cabbage leaves during storage were determined as well as ascorbic acid and polyphenol contents. Shredded cabbage leaves were stored at 10degreesC for 7 days in the presence or absence of oxygen. Radical-scavenging activity, ascorbic acid content, and polyphenol content of shredded cabbage leaves remained for 7 days in the presence and absence of oxygen. These results demonstrate that the radical-scavenging activity, ascorbic acid, and polyphenols are stable in shredded cabbage leaves and that oxygen does not affect the activity and active components., 2004, 21, 1-4, 297, 299, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, Food Science and Technology Research, Application of colorimetric method for determination of lipid peroxides in foods, Tayori Takechi; Hitoshi Takamura; Teruyoshi Matoba, Application of a colorimetric method for determination of lipid peroxides in foods was investigated. We identified the optimal amount of potassium iodide used in the method. It was confirmed that by adopting this optimal amount the method could be satisfactorily applied to triacylglycerols and free fatty acids. Furthermore, in order to extend the scope of its application to phospholipids, we made several additional modifications including replacement of the solvent and established an improved technique applicable to phospholipids having a peroxide value of 40 or more., 2004, 10, 4, 460, 463, Scientific journal, 10.3136/fstr.10.460
  • Refereed, NIPPON SHOKUHIN KAGAKU KOGAKU KAISHI, Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology, ハーブ給餌により生産した牛乳のラジカル捕捉活性, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 2004, 51, 7, 332, 338, Scientific journal, 10.3136/nskkk.51.332
  • Refereed, Food Sci. Technol. Res., Radical-scavenging activity: role of antioxidative vitamins in some fish species, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; A. Bhadra; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Jun. 2004, 10, 3, 264-267
  • Refereed, FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, KARGER, DPPH radical-scavenging activity and polyphenol content in dried fruits, K Ishiwata; T Yamaguchi; H Takamura; Matoba, I, The 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging activity and polyphenol content of 25 dried fruits were evaluated and compared with fresh fruits. The contribution of ascorbic acid to this activity was also determined. All dried fruits contained DPPH radical-scavenging activity with hawthorn, apricot and blueberry having the highest. Other dried fruits containing rind also had high activity. The DPPH radical-scavenging activity and polyphenol content of dried fruits were highly correlated., May 2004, 10, 2, 152, 156, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, INST FOOD TECHNOLOGISTS, Effects of thermal treatment on radical-scavenging activity of single and mixed polyphenolic compounds, M Murakami; T Yamaguchi; H Takamura; T Matoba, Rutin, luteolin, luteolin-7-glucoside, and chlorogenic acid gradually decomposed during heating at 100 degreesC. Even though they rapidly decomposed at 180 degreesC, some decomposition products still had radical-scavenging activity. When rutin was heated in the presence of chlorogenic acid, decomposition of rutin was almost totally inhibited at 100 degreesC, but was reduced at 180 degreesC. These results suggest that the radical-scavenging activity is more stable than the content of original polyphenolic compounds in foods during cooking and processing., Jan. 2004, 69, 1, C7, C10, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, INST FOOD TECHNOLOGISTS, Effects of ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol on antioxidant activity of polyphenolic compounds, M Murakami; T Yamaguchi; H Takamura; T Matoba, The effects of ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol on the antioxidant activity of 15 phenolic compounds were compared with 2 in vitro assays. Combination of ascorbic acid or alpha-tocopherol plus polyphenolic compounds resulted in an additive effect as shown with DPPH-HPLC method. With the liposome oxidation method, combination of quercetin or catechins plus alpha-tocopherol showed synergistic effects., Jun. 2003, 68, 5, 1622, 1625, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, Journal of home economics of Japan, 日本家政学会, 干柿の製造過程におけるラジカル捕捉活性の変化, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Changes in the radical-scavenging activity and amount of active components (ascorbic acid and polyphenols) in astringent persimmon (shibugaki) during dry-ripening were investigated. The activity and active compounds in home-made wet-ripened (jukushi), commercial dry-ripened (hoshigaki), and commercial alcohol-treated (sawashigaki) persimmon samples were also examined. The activity of astringent persimmon during dry-ripening decreased with a reduction in the astringent taste. resulting in that the activity after 5 weeks of dry-ripening being about 1% of that, of the original persimmon. The amounts of ascorbic acid and polyphenols after 5 weeks of dry-ripening respectively decreased to 0 and 5% of those in the original persimmon. The activity of the commercial dry-ripened and alcohol-treated persimmon was similar to that of the home-made dry-ripened persimmon prepared in this study. However, the activity of wet-ripened persimmon having no astringent taste was comparable to that of fresh astringent persimmon., Jun. 2003, 54, 6, 449-456, 456
  • Refereed, Fish. Sci., The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science, Volatile flavor compounds of some sea fish and prawn species, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; M. A. Mansur; A. Bhadra; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Apr. 2003, 69, 4, 864-866, 866, 10.1046/j.1444-2906.2003.00700.x
  • Refereed, 家政学研究, 市販アルコール飲料の保存中におけるDPPHラジカル捕捉活性とアスコルビン酸量・ポリフェノール量の変化, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Mar. 2003, 50, 1, 48-55
  • Refereed, FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, KARGER, Influence of polyphenol and ascorbate oxidases during cooking process on the radical-scavenging activity of vegetables, T Yamaguchi; M Katsuda; Y Oda; J Terao; K Kanazawa; S Oshima; T Inakuma; Y Ishiguro; H Takamura; T Matoba, The influence of polyphenol oxidase and ascorbate oxidase on radical-scovenging activity and contents of total phenol, chlorogenic acid, and ascorbic acid in vegetables during the cooking process were investigated. In the case of burdock and lettuce, which have a high activity of polyphenol oxidase, the radical-scavenging activity and the content of total phenol and chlorogenic acid decreased drastically within 1 min. In the case of broccoli, however, only a small decrease of radical-scavenging activity was observed, and total phenol and chlorogenic acid decreased almost not at all. The decrease of the activity in broccoli depended on the oxidation of ascorbic acid by ascorbate oxidase. None of these compounds decreased after the enzymes had been inactivated by heating., Feb. 2003, 9, 1, 79, 83, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, FISHERIES SCIENCE, JAPANESE SOC FISHERIES SCIENCE, Effect of processing and storage on the radical scavenging activity of horse mackerel and sardine, M Abul Mansur; A Bhadra; H Takamura; T Matoba, Dec. 2002, 68, 6, 1390, 1392, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, Bangladesh J. Fish. Res., Flavour components of some processed fish and fishery products of Japan, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; M. A. Mansur; M. I. Hossain; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Jul. 2002, 6, 1, 89-97
  • Refereed, NIPPON SHOKUHIN KOGYO GAKKAISHI, Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology, フライ調理現場における総合的なフライ油管理手法, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, In order to assess the deterioration of frying oil, viscosity-increasing ratio and a new thinlayer chromatography method (3M PCtester) were evaluated with 46 daily oil samples from commercial delicatessens, restaurants, and frozen food makers producing fried foods. We also determined color, acid value, anisidine value, polymerized compounds, and polar compounds. The viscosity-increasing ratio was highly correlated with the amount of polymerized compounds (correlation coefficient: 0.980). The traveling distance in PCtester was also highly correlated with the amount of polar compounds (correlation coefficient: 0.921). However, the acid value and the anisidine value were less correlated with the amount of polymerized or polar compounds. Polymerized compounds and polar compounds were determined usually by HPLC, which needs long time. However, the determination of viscosity-increasing ratio and the PCtester method are simple and rapid. Therefore, these methods in combination with acid value determination can be used as an easy comprehensive frying oil control method for business use. We recommend the viscosity-increasing ratio 15-20% and the PCtester traveling distance 24-27mm as the criteria for wasting deteriorated frying oil., Jun. 2002, 49, 6, 422-427, 427, 10.3136/nskkk.49.422
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, INST FOOD TECHNOLOGISTS, A comparative study on the various in vitro assays of active oxygen scavenging activity in foods, M Murakami; T Yamaguchi; H Takamura; T Matoba, Various in vitro assays of active oxygen-scavenging activity in foods were compared by evaluating the activity of 13 food phenolic compounds and Trolox. 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)-HPLC and liposome oxidation methods were sensitive for these compounds, while deoxyribose oxidation and Randox kit methods were less sensitive. The deoxyguanosine oxidation method could not determine the activity since food polyphenols were pro-oxidative in this assay. Among these assays, the DPPH-HPLC method was shown to be the best since the liposome oxidation method is affected more by the structure of phenolic compounds than the DPPH-HPLC method., Mar. 2002, 67, 2, 539, 541, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, INST FOOD TECHNOLOGISTS, Radical-scavenging activity and brightly colored pigments in the early stage of the Maillard reaction, M Murakami; A Shigeeda; K Danjo; T Yamaguchi; H Takamura; T Matoba, The relationship of radical-scavenging activity and formation of brightly colored pigments in the early stage of the Maillard reaction was investigated. The Maillard reaction products of xylose with glycine, histidine, and arginine formed blue, yellow, and red color pigments, respectively, in the early stage. Although radical-scavenging activity was found in the early stages of the Maillard reaction, the scavenging activity appeared before the formation of the pigments. The radical-scavenging activity in the early stage of the Maillard reaction was derived from uncolored reaction products smaller than the brightly colored pigments., Jan. 2002, 67, 1, 93, 96, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, Bangladesh J. Fish. Res., Flavour components of some processed fish and fishery products of Japan, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; M. Abul Mansur; M. Ismail Hossain; Hitoshi Takamura; Teruyoshi Matoba, Jan. 2002, 6, 1, 89-97
  • Refereed, Journal of cookery science of Japan, 日本調理科学会, 市販アルコール飲料のDPPHラジカル捕捉活性, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, The radical-scavenging activity of commercial alcoholic drinks (130 samples of wine, fruit wine, medicinal liqueur, beer, liqueur, whiskey, sake, shochu, etc.) was evaluated by monitoring the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical. The contribution of ascorbic acid and polyphenol to this activity was also determined. Many of the commercial alcoholic drinks had DPPH radical-scavenging activity. Wines had high radical-scavenging activity, those containing the highest levels of polyphenols having the highest activity. The radical-scavenging activity of fruit wine and liqueur depended on the fruit used, and the darkness of beer contributed to the activity. The DPPH radical-scavenging activity of medicinal liqueur was low, and whiskey, sake, and shochu showed practically no activity. The DPPH radical-scavenging activity and polyphenol content of commercial alcoholic drinks were found to be highly correlated., Nov. 2001, 34, 4, 407-417, 417
  • Refereed, Food Science and Technology Research, S. Karger AG, Radical-Scavenging Activity of Vegetables and the Effect of Cooking on Their Activity, Tomoko Yamaguchi; Taeko Mizobuchi; Rie Kajikawa; Hiroko Kawashima; Fumiko Miyabe; Junji Terao; Hitoshi Takamura; Teruyoshi Matoba, The radical-scavenging activity of vegetables was measured using the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl-HPLC method, and the effect of cooking on this activity was determined. The content of ascorbic acid having radical-scavenging activity was highest in burdock among the 18 fresh vegetables tested. In some vegetables, the activity increased in spite of the loss of ascorbic acid content after boiling, while in other vegetables, the activity had decreased after boiling. This decrease may be due to release of the activity from cooked tissue into the cooking water during boiling. Both activity and ascorbic acid content of the vegetables cooked in a microwave were generally higher than in those cooked by boiling., 2001, 7, 3, 250, 257, Scientific journal, 10.3136/fstr.7.250
  • Refereed, J. Cook. Sci. Jpn., 日本調理科学会, Head Space Gas Analysis of a Semi-Fermented Fish(Chapa Shutki)in Bangladesh, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; M. N. Khanum; H. Takamura; C. Aosa; M. A. Mansur; K. Matsuzawa; T. Matoba, Headspace volatile compounds in chapa shutki, a Bangladeshi semi-fermented fish product, were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and were compared with those in izushi, and iwashi no nama boshi. Identified volatile compounds were 21, 10, and 11 in chapa shutki, izushi and iwashi no nama boshi, respectively. Among the identified compounds, ethanol, hexanal, propanal, and 1-penten-3-01 were found common in all the investigated fish products. Although the lipid derived components, such as aldehydes, alcohols, and ketones comprised the majority of volatile compounds of these processed fishes, chapa shutki contained more acids such as acetic and butanoic acids than izushi and iwashi no nama boshi., May 2001, 34, 2, 201-204, 204
  • Refereed, J. Cook. Sci. Jpn., 日本調理科学会, Change in the DPPH Radical-scavenging Activity and Ascorbic Acid Content of Commercial Beverages during Preservation, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Changes in the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical-scavenging activity and the ascorbic acid content of commercial beverages (green tea, vegetable juice, sport drink, and coffee) during preservation were investigated. The beverages were preserved at 5℃, 25℃, and 35℃ in the air or in a vacuum. The decrease in radical-scavenging activity and ascorbic acid content was found to be greater with increasing preservation temperature, this being more apparent in the air than in a vacuum. Long-term preservation, however, resulted in the radical-scavenging activity and ascorbic acid content decreasing even at a low temperature in a vacuum. Those beverages with a higher content of sugar retained a high level of ascorbic acid, which may have been due to the protective effect of sugar against ascorbic acid oxidation., Feb. 2001, 34, 1, 68-72, 72
  • Refereed, J. Home Econ. Jpn., 日本家政学会, Effects of Teas, Wines, Soft Drinks, and Seasonings on the Stability of Linoleic Acid Hydroperoxide, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; T. Nishiike; T. Iwanaga; R. Yamauchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Lipid hydroperoxides are knovn to decrease food quality and safety. However, the stability of hydroperoxides in foods has been hardly investigated. We have reported that pH and various food components such as metal ions, amino acids, sugars and ascorbic acid affected to the stability of linoleic acid hydroperoxide(hydroperoxyoctadecadienoic acid; HPOD). In this study, we examined effects of various beverages and seasonings on the stability of HPOD. Teas, carrot juice, tomato juice, and 5% soy sauce showed the suppressive effect on the decomposition of HPOD. This may be due to the radical scavenging activity of tea polyphenols, carotenoids, and amino-carbonyl reaction products. However, 50% soy sauce showed the accelerative effect on the decomposition of HPOD because of iron ions., Dec. 2000, 51, 12, 1137-1143, 1143
  • Refereed, J. Cook. Sci. Jpn., 日本調理科学会, DPPH Radical-scavenging Activity of Commercial Beverages, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; K. Ishiwata; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, The radical-scavenging activity of 118 commercial beverages (coffee drink, cocoa drink, tea drink, fruit juice and beverage, vegetable juice, milk beverage, soybean milk beverage, carbonated drink, near-water beverage, etc.) was evaluated by using the 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical. The contribution of ascorbic acid to this activity was also determined. Coffee and cocoa drinks without ascorbic acid showed the highest level of activity. Tea drink prepared from tealeaves had high activity, the contribution of ascorbic acid to this activity being about 20%. Fruit and vegetable juices showed the mid-level activity among the samples tested, the contribution of ascorbic acid being mainly 20-70%. Nutritional, near-water and carbonated drinks showed various levels of activity depending on the amount of ascorbic acid added., Nov. 2000, 33, 4, 483-493, 493
  • Refereed, J. Home Econ. Jpn., 日本家政学会, Changes in the Chemical Characteristics of a Semi-fermented Fish (Chapa Shutki) during Storage, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; M. N. Khanum; A. Yoshioka; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, The storage stability of a Bangladeshi traditional semi-fermented fish product, chapa shutki, was evaluated. The product was stored for 3 months at 20°C and 35°C under 40% and 80% relative humidity, which were apparently similar atmospheric conditions to those of the winter and summer in Bangladesh, respectively. The fatty acid composition did not change markedly during storage. The initial carbonyl value (COV) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) value of the sample were 28.4 meq/kg and 36.1 mg malondialdehyde (MDA)/kg of oil, respectively. These values only slightly changed during 3 months of storage regardless of the storage conditions. The COV and TBARS values were in the range of 19.8-22.0 meq/kg and 31.4-36.4 mg MDA/kg of oil, respectively. These results indicate that the lipids of chapa shutki were essentially not susceptible to oxidative deterioration. No mutagenic activity was detected ever in a very concentrated solution of chapa shutki. The initial radiacal-scavenging activity of chapa shutki was 373.8 mg Trolox eq/100 g of fish on a dry weight basis. The activity gradually decreased throughout the storage period. Storage conditions had no effect on the decrease of the radical-scavenging activity. (Received January 28, 1999 ; Accepted in revised form June 19, 2000), Aug. 2000, 51, 8, 683-690, 690
  • Refereed, J. Cook. Sci. Jpn., 日本調理科学会, Stability of Linoleic Acid Hydroperoxide in the Oil System, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; T. Nishiike; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, It is important to know the behavior of lipid peroxidation products in foods because lipid hydroperoxide are known to decrease food quality and safety. We have reported that the stability of linoleic acid hydroperoxide (hydroperoxyoctadecadienoic acid ; HPOD) in the water system. Although the hydroperoxides have been believed to be so unstable at high temperature that they decomposed immediately, the stability of HPOD at high temperature has not been exactly provided. In this study, we examined HPOD decomposition in the oil system kinetically. In tri-n-caprine as the model of oil system, HPOD was lost completely within I h at 170℃, while only 20% was lost for 2 h at 100℃. Moreover, 40% remained after 72 h at 50℃. Then, HPOD was stabler in oil than in water. According to activation energy, however, it was estimated that HPOD decomposition mechanism in oil was similar to that in water. Thus the homolytic cleavage of the hydroperoxy group to alkoxy and hydroxyl radicals was responsible for the decomposition of HPOD in both systems. Besides, butylated hydroxytoluene is such a strong radical scavenger that it could suppress the decomposition of HPOD., Aug. 2000, 33, 3, 377-380, 380
  • Refereed, J. Home Econ. Jpn., 日本家政学会, Change in Radical-Scavenging Activity while Cooking Curry, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, The change in radical-scavenging activity while cooking curry made from spices, vegetables, and meat was analyzed by the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl-HPLC method. Fifteen kinds of spices generally used in curry all possessed radical-scavenging activity. In particular, the activity of clove, allspice, and cinnamon was extremely high and comparable with that of vegetables. After heating, the radical-scavenging activity of the combination of vegetables and meat increased, while that of mixed spices decreased. Vegetables as well as spices contributed the radical-scavenging activity of curry. In the present research, one serving of curry and rice contained 363 μmol Trolox eq of radical-scavenging activity. The spices contributed approximately 45% of the total radical-scavenging activity of curry and rice., Nov. 1999, 50, 11, 1127-1132, 1132
  • Refereed, BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Effects of amino acids, sugars, and ascorbic acid on the stability of linoleic acid hydroperoxide in the water phase, T Nishiike; J Ichikawa; N Kikugawa; H Takamura; T Matoba, Although lipid hydroperoxides are known to decrease food quality and safety, the stability of hydroperoxides in foods has hardly been investigated. We examined HPOD decomposition by kinetic means with or without various food components. Most amino acids, especially lysine, arginine and tryptophan, stabilized HPOD, while cysteine and ascorbic acid accelerated its decomposition. Sugars has little effect. According to activation energy calculations, it was found that the HPOD decomposition mechanism in reaction systems with various food components was similar to that in water., Nov. 1999, 63, 11, 1997, 2000, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-NIPPON SHOKUHIN KAGAKU KOGAKU KAISHI, JAPAN SOC FOOD SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY, Radical-scavenging activity of cabbages and Chinese cabbages cultivated with organic and inorganic fertilizers, T Yamaguchi; M Murakami; K Ishiwata; H Takamura; A Arakawa; H Otani; J Terao; T Matoba, The radical-scavenging activity of cabbage and Chinese cabbage cultivated by using organic and inorganic fertilizers were compared. Mixture of rapeseed oil cake, poultry feces and humus was used as organic fertilizer. The effect of composting with cowdung or rice straw on the radical-scavenging activity of cabbage was also investigated. The radical-scavenging activity was evaluated by measuring the decrease of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl detected at 517 nm by HPLC. Ascorbic acid content of cabbage and Chinese cabbage was also determined by HPLC. The radical-scavenging activity and ascorbic acid content of cabbage and Chinese cabbage were not significantly different between the products grown by using organic and inorganic fertilizers. Application of compost did not affect on the radical-scavenging activity and ascorbic acid content., 1999, 46, 9, 604, 608, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, J. Home Econ. Jpn., Nutritional Composition of a Semi-fermented Fish Product(Chapa Shutki) in Bangladesh, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; M. N. Khanum; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Jul. 1999, 50, 7, 703-712, 712
  • Refereed, Food Science and Technology Research, S. Karger AG, Radical-Scavenging Activities of Fish and Fishery Products, Mosammat Nazmanara Khanum; Tomoko Yamaguchi; Sachiko Hiroishi; Fumi Muraoka; Hitoshi Takamura; Teruyoshi Matoba, A total of 45 Japanese and Bangladeshi water fish and fishery products were investigated for radical-scavenging activity using a 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl- HPLC method. Among the 35 Japanese fish and fishery products (37 items), cutlassfish showed the highest activity (565.7 mg Trolox eq/100 g) and seaweed showed the lowest (24.9 mg Trolox eq/100 g) on a fresh weight basis. Dried bonito, crab (abdomen), Pacific saury, horse mackerel, skipjack, halfbeak, tuna, sand borer, Pacific mackerel, barracuda and anglerfish showed activities of over 100 mg Trolox eq/100 g. The radical-scavenging activities of 10 Bangladeshi fish and fishery products varied from 37.9 to 202.1 mg Trolox eq/100 g. The stronger activity of cutlassfish was attributed to its silver colored skin. The active component was suggested to be uric acid, the metabolic end-product of guanine., 1999, 5, 2, 193, 199, Scientific journal, 10.3136/fstr.5.193
  • Refereed, Journal of home economics of Japan, 日本家政学会, Problems on Mineral Contents of Commercially Prepared Box Lunches (Bentou) and Daily Dishes (Souzai), TAKAMURA Hitoshi, The mineral contents of commercially prepared box lunches (bentou) and daily dishes (souzai) were surveyed and compared with those of home-prepared meals in order to evaluate the nutritional values of commercially prepared meals. More than 50 commercially prepared box lunches (including sushi and university cafeteria meals) and 40 daily dishes were collected from the Kinki area. Calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and copper were each determined by the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) method. The commercially prepared box lunches contained lower amounts of minerals, except for sodium, than home-prepared meals. This result suggests that daily eating of commercially prepared box lunches cannot satisfy the required intake of calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, and zinc. In addition, the commercially prepared box lunches and daily dishes contained more sodium than the home-prepared equivalents. Attention therefore is needed to avoid calcium deficiency and sodium excess with commercially prepared box lunches and daily dishes., Apr. 1999, 50, 4, 377-387, 387
  • Refereed, Journal of home economics of Japan, 日本家政学会, Vitamin C Contents of Commercial Fresh and Prepared Vegetables, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, The vitamin C content of commercial fresh and prepared vegetables (frozen and cooked vegetables) was investigated. Ascorbic acid and apparent oxidized vitamin C (dehydroascorbic and diketogulonic acids) were separately determined by HPLC after derivatization with 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. Of the twelve fresh vegetables tested, the ascorbic acid content was the highest in green pepper (123.7 mg/100 g) and the lowest in onion (2.4 mg/100 g). More than 90% of the apparent total vitamin C in fresh vegetables was ascorbic acid. The ascorbic acid and apparent total vitamin C contents of each frozen vegetable were lower than those of the equivalent fresh vegetable, except for pumpkin. For the cooked vegetables, the ascorbic acid content was lower than that for each fresh vegetable. The percentages of apparent oxidized vitamin C (averaged for all the vegetables tested) were 6.8, 27.3 and 56.8% for the fresh, frozen and cooked vegetables, respectively., Nov. 1998, 49, 11, 1241-1247, 1247
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF NEAR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY, VOL 6 1998, NIR PUBLICATIONS, Near infrared spectroscopic determination of moisture content in foods: extraction method by organic solvents, H Takamura; N Endo; T Matoba, In order to get a common NIR calibration equation which can be adapted to the determination of moisture content in various types of foods, we have tried to develop a water extraction method from foods by organic solvents. We used various starches and powder foods as the model. NIR spectra of various solvents containing water showed a clear band due to water around 1930 nm, Of the solvents used, this band in N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA), N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) systems was not shifted by the change of the moisture content. Then, the moisture was extracted from starch by these solvents. Approximately 60% was consistently recovered in a single-step extraction by DMA or DMF. The extraction by DMSO was too viscous to handle. The calibration equation was developed from the results for the extraction from starch by DMA, Then, moisture contents of powder foods were predicted using the calibration equation. For six of eight foods, good correlations were obtained between the laboratory values and the predicted values. These results suggest that this NIR method coupled with extraction is useful for the determination of moisture content with a common calibration equation for various kinds of foods., 1998, 6, 1-4, 235, 240, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, HPLC method for evaluation of the free radical-scavenging activity of foods by using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, T Yamaguchi; H Takamura; T Matoba; J Terao, An HPLC method for evaluation of the free radical-scavenging activity of foods by using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryIhydrazyl (DPPH) is reported. The activity was evaluated by measuring the decrease of DPPH detected at 517 nm. By using this novel method, we determined the free radical-scavenging activity of several antioxidants: ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol, Trolox, and cysteine. The results gave good correlation between the radical-scavenging activity determined by HPLC and by conventional colorimetry. This methodology was applied to determine the free radical-scavenging activity of 8 beverages. The activity of coffee was the highest, followed by red wine, green tea, oolong tea, black tea, rose wine, white wine, and orange juice. The results well agree with those of previous reports. This method is expected to be useful for a simple and rapid determination of free radical-scavenging activity in colored foods, because coloring substances in foods do not interfere with the measurement., Jun. 1998, 62, 6, 1201, 1204, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, J. Cook. Sci. Jpn., 日本調理科学会, Browning Reaction of the Fish Meal-Fish Sauce during Processing, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Fish meal-fish sauce, a new-type condiment like soy sauce, was prepared from fish meal instead of soybean by fermentation with koji. The fish sauce was rich in both taste derived from fish and flavor like soy sauce. In this study, browning reaction during processing of the fish meal-fish sauce was determined. Five kinds of the fish sauces were prepared from sardine meal by 6-month fermentation with different kinds of koji. Soy sauce was also prepared for control. Color intensity of the fish sauces increased during fermentation, but was much lower than that of soy sauce. It was reported that browning of soy sauce is derived mainly from amino-carbonyl reaction between amino compounds and reducing sugar. However, reducing sugar amount varied among five fish sauces and was not related with color intensity. Amino acid and amino compound levels in the fish sauces were lower than those in soy sauce. Polyphenol oxidase activity and polyphenol compound level were also lower in the fish sauces than in soy sauce. In addition, iron content in the fish sauces was lower than that in soy sauce. These results demondstrate that color intensity of the fish meal-fish sauce was lower than that of soy sauce due to lower levels of amino acids, amino compounds, polyphenol oxidase activity, polyphenol compounds, and iron., May 1998, 31, 2, 96-102, 102
  • Refereed, BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Effects of metal ions and pH on the stability of linoleic acid hydroperoxide in the water phase, T Nishiike; S Kondo; T Yamamoto; A Shigeeda; Y Yamamoto; H Takamura; T Matoba, We examined linoleic acid hydroperoxide (hydroperoxyoctadecadienoic acid; HPOD) decomposition kinetically with or without various metal ions and at various pHs as effective factors on the stability of hydroperoxides, HPOD decomposition in the reaction system of this experiment was a first-order reaction. Manganese, copper, and especially iron accelerated the decomposition of HPOD, while lithium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and aluminium stabilized HPOD. Besides, HPOD was comparatively stable at pH 3, 7, and 8, and unstable at pH 2, 4-6, and 9. According to activation energy, however, it was estimated that only in the reaction system with iron or at pH 2 and 9 the HPOD decomposition mechanism was different from that in water., Dec. 1997, 61, 12, 1973, 1976, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc., Determination of Lipid Oxidation in Edible Oils by Near Infrared Spectroscopy, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; Hitoshi Takamura; Noriko Hyakumoto; Naoko Endo; Tamako Nishiike; Teruyoshi Matoba, Aug. 1997, 3, 4, 219-225, 225
  • Refereed, BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-LIPIDS AND LIPID METABOLISM, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Oxygenation of (3Z)-alkenal to (2E)-4-hydroxy-2-alkenal in soybean seed (Glycine max L), H Takamura; HW Gardner, (3Z)Alkenals, such as (3Z)-hexenal and (3Z)-nonenal, are produced from polyunsaturated fatty acids via lipoxygenase and hydroperoxide lyase catalysis, but in soybeans (Glycine max L.) (3Z)-alkenals have a fleeting existence. In this study it was shown that soybean seeds possess two pathways that metabolize (3Z)-alkenals. One is a soluble (3Z):(2E)-enal isomerase that transformed (3Z)-hexenal and (3Z)-nonenal into the corresponding (2E)-alkenals. The other was a membrane-bound system that converted (3Z)-hexenal and (3Z)-nonenal into (2E)-4-hydroxy-2-hexenal and (2E)-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, respectively. The latter conversion was shown to absorb O-2 with a pH optimum of 9.5. Little effect observed with lipoxygenase inhibitors suggested that oxidation was not catalyzed by lipoxygenase. Instead, a specific (3Z)-alkenal oxygenase was implicated in forming intermediate alkenal hydroperoxides. Hydroperoxide-dependent peroxygenase (epoxygenase) is known to reduce hydroperoxides to their corresponding hydroxides and is also known to be inhibited by hydrogen peroxide preincubation. Consequently, intermediate 4-hydroperoxy-2-alkenals could be observed after inhibiting hydroperoxide-dependent peroxygenase by preincubation with hydrogen peroxide. Because 4-hydroxy-2-alkenals are potent toxins, these compounds may be produced as nonvolatile plant defensive substances., Sep. 1996, 1303, 2, 83, 91, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, J. Home Econ. Jpn., 日本家政学会, Characterization of Local Preference of the Tste by the Inspection of " Udon Dashi-Jiru" along Tokaido, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, We collected 110 samples of Udon dashi-jiru (the soup for Japanese wheat noodles) prepared by various restaurants in 12 cities along Tokaido to clarify the local difference of the preference of the taste. The samples were examined in the intensities of color, saltiness, sweetness and umami. As a whole, the results varied widely, indicating that the local character of the taste has been losing due to the development of commerce and traffic. The other factors except localization would effect on the preference of the taste. But samples in Kansai area, especially Osaka, exhibited lower level of the intensities of color, saltiness and sweetness than those in other cities. This suggests that Kansai area, especially Osaka, has the characteristic preference of the taste., Jan. 1996, 47, 1, 59-64, 64
  • Refereed, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc., Effect of non-peptide and non-protein nitrogen compounds for the determination of protein content by near infrared Spectroscopy, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; Hiromi Yamashita; Hitoshi Takamura; Teruyoshi Matoba, Nov. 1995, 2, 3, 145-151
  • Refereed, PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, AMER SOC PLANT PHYSIOLOGISTS, CHARACTERIZATION OF A C-5,13-CLEAVING ENZYME OF 13(S)-HYDROPEROXIDE OF LINOLENIC ACID BY SOYBEAN SEED, YP SALCH; MJ GROVE; H TAKAMURA; HW GARDNER, An activity was found in mature soybean seeds (Glycine max L. cv Century) that cleaved 13(S)-hydroperoxy-9(Z),11(E),15(Z)-octadecatrienoic acid (13S-HPOT) into 13-oxo-9(Z),11 (E)-tridecadienoic acid and two isomeric pentenols, 2(Z)-penten-1-ol and 1-penten-3-ol. Isomeric pentene dimers were also produced and were presumably derived from the combination of two pentene radicals. 13(S)-Hydroperoxy-9(Z),11(E)-octadecadienoic acid (13S-HPOD) was, by contrast, a poor substrate. Activity with 13S-HPOT increased 24-fold under anaerobic conditions reminiscent of a similar anaerobic promoted reaction of 13S-HPOD catalyzed by lipoxygenase (LOX) in the presence of linoleic acid. However, prior to ion-exchange chromatography, cleavage activity did not require linoleic acid. After separation by gel filtration followed by ion-exchange chromatography, cleavage activity was lost but reappeared in the presence of either linoleic acid or dithiothreitol. Under these conditions cleavage activity was coincident with the activity of types 1 and 2 LOX. LOX inhibitors suppressed the cleavage reaction in a manner similar to inhibition of LOX activity. Heat-generated alkoxyl radicals derived from either 13S-HPOT or 13S-HPOD afforded similar products and yields of 13-oxo-9(Z),11 (E)-tridecadienoic acid compared to the enzymic reaction. The product 1-penten-3-ol may be the precursor of the ''raw-bean'' volatile ethylvinylketone., Jul. 1995, 108, 3, 1211, 1218, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, PROPORTION OF HEXANAL TO TOTAL CARBONYL-COMPOUNDS IN SOYBEAN EXTRACTS, N YUKAWA; H TAKAMURA; K KITAMURA; T MATOBA, The proportion of hexanal total carbonyl compounds in soybean extracts was about 1-2%, When the extract was incubated in the presence of exogenous linoleic acid, the content of carbonyl compounds increased considerably, The proportion of hexanal to total carbonyl compounds derived from linoleic acid by enzymatic action was. about 20%., Apr. 1995, 59, 4, 723, 724
  • Refereed, BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MOLECULAR-STRUCTURES AND EMULSIFICATION PROPERTIES OF EDIBLE OILS, M KIMURA; M SHIZUKI; K MIYOSHI; T SAKAI; H HIDAKA; H TAKAMURA; T MATOBA, Emulsification properties are very important to control the texture of foods. However, the relationship between the molecular structure and emulsification properties of edible oils is not understood. To analyze this relationship, the emulsification susceptibilities of various kinds of single triacylglycerol molecular species and edible oils were systematically measured. The emulsification susceptibility increased as the carbon number and double bond number of triacylglycerol molecular species consisting oils increased. In addition, the effect of the double bond number was predominant. These results demonstrate that the emulsification property is affected by the molecular structure of oils. Furthermore, the emulsification susceptibilities of edible oils modified by enzymatic interesterification were changed as compared with those of native oils. This shows that emulsification property can be changed by the modification of the molecular structure of edible oils., Jul. 1994, 58, 7, 1258, 1261, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-NIPPON SHOKUHIN KAGAKU KOGAKU KAISHI, JAPAN SOC FOOD SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY, EFFECT OF SECONDARY STRUCTURES OF PROTEIN ON DETERMINATION OF PROTEIN-CONTENT BY NEAR-INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY, H KAMISHIKIRYOYAMASHITA; M TATARA; H TAKAMURA; T MATOBA, Characteristics of the absorption at 2170 nm, which is due to peptide bonds, were investigated using various proteins. The intensities of the absorption due to peptide bonds were different depending on the kinds of proteins examined. The absorption of bovine serum albumin at 2170 nm decreased by reducing its disulfide (S-S) bonds. The absorption of poly-L-glutamic acid in the alpha-helix state at 2170 nm was stronger than that in the random coil state. These results suggest that the secondary structures of proteins affect the absorption at 2170 nm. The extent of contribution of the secondary structures to the absorption intensity was statistically predicted using 9 proteins which have different contents in secondary structures such as alpha-helix, beta-sheet and random coil structures. It was found that the relative extent of the alpha-helix, beta-sheet and random coil structures to the absorption at 2170 nm was approximately 2:1:1., 1994, 41, 1, 65, 69, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, Journal of Food Science, Protein Content in Milk by Near‐Infrared Spectroscopy, HIROMI KAMISHIKIRYO‐YAMASHITA; YUKIE ORITANI; HITOSHI TAKAMURA; TERUYOSHI MATOBA, A corrected equation for the determination of protein content in oil/ water emulsions, developed previously, was applied for determination of protein content in milk and standard errors were satisfactory for the determination. This corrected equation can be used for determination of protein content in milk. Copyright © 1994, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserved, 1994, 59, 2, 313, 315, Scientific journal, 10.1111/j.1365-2621.1994.tb06956.x
  • Refereed, J. Home Econ. Jpn., 日本家政学会, Relationship between the Molecular Structure and Deep Fat Frying Properties of Edible Oils, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; Masami Kimura; Hideko Harigaya; Tamie Yanagisawa; Hitoshi Takamura; Teruyoshi Matoba, The relationship between the molecular structure and such deep fat frying properties of edible oils as oil absorption, dehydration, and oil drainage were investigated during deep fat frying by various monoacid-triacylglycerol molecular species and edible oils. As the carbon number of the fatty acid moieties of triacylglycerol increased, the initial rates of oil absorption and dehydration decreased ; however, the maximal oil absorption and dehydration were similar. According to the oil drainage behavior, the oils were classified into two groups, i.e., solid fats and liquid oils. In the case of solid fats, the maximal oil drainage increased as the melting point dropped. On the other hand, the oil drainage rate for liquid oils increased with decreasing viscosity. These results demonstrate that the molecular structure of edible oils affects the deep fat frying properties., Dec. 1993, 44, 12, 1027-1032, 1032
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS SOCIETY, AMER OIL CHEMISTS SOC, DETERMINATION OF TOTAL CARBONYL-COMPOUNDS IN AQUEOUS-MEDIA, N YUKAWA; H TAKAMURA; T MATOBA, A method for the quantitative determination of total carbonyl compounds in aqueous media has been developed. The analysis is based on the reaction of 2,4-dinitrophenyl-hydrazine with aldehydes and the subsequent formation of the quinoidal ion under basic conditions. The aldehydes react with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine in both ethanol and aqueous-ethanol media. The optimal wavelength to determine the total carbonyl compounds is 425 nm where the molar absorption coefficient of saturated aldehydes equals that of unsaturated aldehydes. The method can be used to determine all aldehydes in aqueous food media., Sep. 1993, 70, 9, 881, 884, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, J. Home Econ. Jpn., 日本家政学会, Lysine Residues Contribute to Polymerization of Egg White Lysozyme after Reaction with Lipid Peroxidation Products in Aqueous System, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, After a mixture of egg white lysozyme and methyl linoleate in aqueous system was irradiated with UV, lysozyme was polymerized during incubation at 40℃. Molecular sizes of the polymers were not affected by a reducing agent, dithiothreitol. The blockage of amino groups by succinylation prevented the polymerization of lysozyme. The cleavage of disulfide bonds by carboxy-methylation of sulfhydryl groups changed the conformation of lysozyme and promoted the polymerization. These results indicated that not disulfide bonds but amino groups of lysine residues contribute to the polymerization of lysozyme. It was also suggested that the conformational change of lysozyme affects the polymerization., Feb. 1993, 44, 2, 103-108, 108
  • Refereed, Journal of Food Science, Near Infrared Spectroscopic Measurement of Protein Content in Oil/Water Emulsions, HIROMI KAMISHIKIRYO; KIYOZO HASEGAWA; HITOSHI TAKAMURA; TERUYOSKI MATOBA, The regression coefficient (slope) of the calibration for determination of the protein content decreased as oil content increased. A corrected equation for the effect of oil was derived using optical intensities at 2170 nm (protein) and 2306 nm (oil). The accuracy of the corrected calibration was tested against separate data sets with each oil content. Standard errors of the corrected calibration were comparable to the standared regression equation over a wide range of oil content, suggesting that this corrected calibration is useful for determination of the protein content in oil/water emulsions. Copyright © 1992, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserved, 1992, 57, 5, 1239, 1241, Scientific journal, 10.1111/j.1365-2621.1992.tb11307.x
  • Refereed, J. Home Econ. Jpn., 日本家政学会, Alcohol Formation from Aldehydes by Endogenous Alcohol Dehydrogenase in Soybean Extracts, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; Natsuko Yukawa; Yumiko Takahashi; Tomoko Fujimura; Kiyozo Hasegawa; Hitoshi Takamura; Teruyoshi Matoba, n-Hexanal (a major component of beany flavor) can be reduced to n-hexanol by endogenous alcohol dehydrogenase in a soybean extract. The substrate specificity for other aldehydes and the participation of coenzymes (NADH and NAD^+ ) in this reaction were investigated. A soybean extract was incubated with various aliphatic aldehydes (carbon number 3-9) at 37℃,and the amount of alcohols formed was determined, The enzyme had a wide substrate specificity ,the enzyme activity decreasing as the carbon number of the aldehydes increased (carbon number enzyme activity decreasing as the carbon number of the aldehydes increased (carbon number enzyme activity decreasing as the carbon number of the aldehydes increased (carbon number3>4>5>6>7>9>8).The enzyme activity was markedly promoted by the addition of NAD^+ as well as NADH. When a soybean extract was incubated with NAD^+,NADH was formed ,but no NADH was formed in the soybean extract after heating at 100℃for 5 min. These results suggest that NAD^+ was converted to NADH the action of an enzyme(s) in the soybean extract., Mar. 1992, 43, 3, 193-198, 198
  • Refereed, Research journal of living science, Nara Women's University, 豆乳における脂質の過酸化とタンパク質の化学変化, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Mar. 1992, 38, 1, 44-50, 50
  • Refereed, AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, JAPAN SOC BIOSCI BIOTECHN AGROCHEM, PREPARATION OF TRIACYLGLYCEROL MOLECULAR-SPECIES BY INTERESTERIFICATION USING ENDOCELLULAR LIPASE IN NORMAL-HEXANE, M KIMURA; K HASEGAWA; H TAKAMURA; T MATOBA, The interesterification of triacylglycerol with fatty acid was done to prepare triacylglycerol molecular species. Optimum operating conditions for the interesterification using a 1,3-positional specific endocellular lipase from Rhizopus japonicus NR400 in a batch system were investigated. The reaction was done at 40-degrees-C for 5 hr in the following system: Trioleoylglycerol-palmitic acid = 1:3.5 (mol/mol), 10 ml n-hexane/g trioleoylglycerol, and 2500 units of enzyme/g trioleoylglycerol. Under these conditions, the content of palmitoyl groups in 1,3-positions of triacylglycerol was about 60 mol%. Additional interesterification (2-cycle reaction) using palmitic acid and the novel triacylglycerol prepared by one-step interesterification (1-cycle reaction) resulted in a preparation of highly pure 1,3-dipalmitoyl-2-oleoylglycerol., Dec. 1991, 55, 12, 3039, 3043, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, FEBS LETTERS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, INHIBITION BY LIPOXYGENASE-3 OF NORMAL-HEXANAL GENERATION IN SOYBEANS, H TAKAMURA; K KITAMURA; M KITO, Soybean seeds contain three lipoxygenase isozymes. The functions of these lipoxygenase isozymes in n-hexanal generation were investigated by using mutant lines which lack two or three isozymes. In the presence of linoleic acid, the level of n-hexanal produced was highest in the lipoxygenase-1, -3 double deficient line, followed by the lipoxygenase-2, -3 double deficient, wild type, and lipoxygenase-1, -2, -3 triple deficient lines in that order, and lowest in the lipoxygenase-1, -2 double deficient line. This suggests that lipoxygenase-3 itself cannot produce the n-hexanal precursor and inhibits the n-hexanal generation through other pathways., Nov. 1991, 292, 1-2, 42, 44, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY, JAPAN BIOCHEMICAL SOC, A HIGHLY SENSITIVE METHOD FOR QUANTITATIVE-ANALYSIS OF PHOSPHOLIPID MOLECULAR-SPECIES BY HIGH-PERFORMANCE LIQUID-CHROMATOGRAPHY, H TAKAMURA; M KITO, A highly sensitive method was developed for quantitative analysis of phospholipid molecular species. Diradylglycerols prepared from phospholipids with phospholipase C were converted to the anthroyl-diradylglycerol derivatives, which could be separated into molecular species and sensitively quantified by reverse-phase HPLC using a fluorescence detector. All the molecular species of the derivatives had the same peak area per mole, and the peak areas were proportional to the amounts of the derivatives. Quantification could be carried out at the femtomole level., Mar. 1991, 109, 3, 436, 439, Scientific journal
  • Not Refereed, J. Cookery Sci. Jpn., 日本調理科学会, Studies on Changes in Palatability and Health -Promoting Functions During the Cooking Process of Foods, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Apr. 2021, 54, 2, 73, 78, Scientific journal, False, False
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, Effects of Grilling on Total Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), Kentaro Uchida; Haruo Tomita; Toshikazu Takemori; Hitoshi Takamura, Cooking can change the polyphenol contents of eggplant. This study elucidated the effects of grilling on total polyphenol content (TPC), antioxidant capacity, and the inner structures of eggplant. After identical hollowing, cylindrical eggplant samples were prepared and were then grilled until their center temperatures (CT) respectively reached 50, 65, 75, 85, and 95 degrees C. Chemical assays and observations of the inner structures clarified that TPC and 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity decreased as CT increased when CT was below 65 degrees C. Results also showed that TPC and DPPH radical scavenging activity increased as CT increased when CT was between 65 degrees C and 95 degrees C. For CT 65 degrees C, the samples retained polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity up to 40% of the raw state activity. The 3 grilled eggplant models, chlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acidsugar and chlorogenic acidamino acid model, yielded results showing that phenol functional groups on chlorogenic acid were thermally stable and that phenol functional groups on chlorogenic acid reacted neither with sugar nor with amino acids. Results show that PPO activity is a primary reason for the decrease of the 2 indices. Optical microscopic and scanning electron microscopic observations revealed collapsed cells and inter-tissue cracks around the surface area for CT 85 and 95 degrees C. Scanning electron microscopic observations clarified that intercellular bonds for CT 85 and 95 degrees C became thinner than those for CT 75 degrees C around the middle area. The phenomena explained above are reasons for the increase of TPC and DPPH radical scavenging activity. Practical Application The findings of this research can support the development of healthier cooking practices that directly benefit consumers. The results of this research are expected to be illustrative to investigators of academic and commercial sectors who are interested in heat-induced changes that occur in eggplant during grilling. Moreover, the results reported herein can facilitate understanding of the heating effects and changes occurring in other cooked vegetables., Jan. 2017, 82, 1, 202, 207, Scientific journal, 10.1111/1750-3841.13567
  • Refereed, Asia Pacific J. Clin. Nutr., Effect of procedure parameters on the antioxidant property of olive leave extracts, L. Q. Jiang; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Oct. 2016, 15, supplement2, S107
  • Refereed, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Survey on the use of edible oil in the home, Kubo Mukai Kaori; Hayashi Yoshimi; Hara Tomoko; Mizuno Chie; Myojin Chiho; Murakami Megumi; Nishiike-Wada Tamako; Ando Mami; Fujimura-Ito Tomoko; Imagi Jun; Eguchi Tomomi; Kodera Mami; Takamura Hitoshi; Tuyuguchi Sayori; Nakahira Mayumi, 【目的】日本調理科学会近畿支部揚げる・炒める分科会では、これまでに、家庭における油を用いた調理に関して質問紙調査を実施し、多様化、健康志向、簡便化が進みつつあることを報告するとともに、シャロウフライの適切な調理条件について検討してきた。本研究は、2015年に実施した調査結果から、家庭調理の変容を明らかにすることを目的とした。 【方法】調査は、2015年5〜11月、家庭で主に調理を担当する者を対象に、質問紙による自己記入式留置法により実施した。有効回答率は62.4%(1,218票)であった。回答者の29.6%は20歳前後の学生が占め、有職者は46.8%であった。 【結果】炒め調理や揚げ調理を週1回以上行っている人はそれぞれ、90%以上、40%以上おり、揚げ物を好きと回答した人は約80%、週1回程度以上揚げ物を食べる人は約75%であった。油を購入する際の選択理由は、「価格」、「種類」、「健康によいか」の順で、いずれも以前の調査より多くなっていた。シャロウフライは71.4%の人が経験しており、「油の処理が簡単」、「経済的」、「環境にやさしい」、「健康的」というイメージを持ち、半数以上は今後もすると回答した。揚げ油を1回使用で廃棄する人は23.3%で以前の調査より多く、流しに捨てる人も多くなっていた。揚げ調理について習ったことがない人は25.1%で、情報源はテレビやインターネットが多かった。今回の調査結果から、調理準備から調理後の後片づけまでを含めた情報が一般に入手しにくい状況が推察された。今後、これらの適切な情報を如何に発信するかについて検討する必要があると考えられる。, 2016, 28, 0, 65, 65, 10.11402/ajscs.28.0_65
  • Refereed, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Influence of low evacuated environment for efficiency of food preservation, Tsuyuguchi Sayuri; Murakoshi Syoko; Takamura Hitoshi, 【目的】近年、各社家庭用冷蔵庫には食品の鮮度保存力を上昇させると謳った様々な機能が搭載されている。本研究では、特に生鮮度が要求されるチルド帯の鮮度保存力を上昇させる可能性のある真空機能に注目し、冷蔵庫の真空機能および炭酸ガス生成機能による効果の検証を行い、食品の保存性に与える影響を検討した。 【方法】真空機能、炭酸ガス生成機能のついた冷蔵庫のチルド温度帯と従来の冷蔵庫の冷蔵温度帯、チルド温度帯に食品を保存して、外観評価や各種鮮度に関する評価を行った。食品及び鮮度評価項目は、マグロのK値とORAC値、キャベツ、ホウレンソウのビタミンCとORAC値、サバのカルボニル価を測定した。K値およびビタミンCはHPLC法で、カルボニル価は比色法で測定した。保存期間は魚については5日間保存、野菜については7日間保存し、経時変化を確認した。また、庫内の温度、湿度、炭酸ガス量を経時的に記録した。 【結果】真空における炭酸ガス生成機能有・無の傾向は、K値、サバのカルボニル価、ホウレンソウのビタミンCで、有の方がよい結果となったが、キャベツのビタミンCでは明確な傾向がみられなかった。マグロのORAC値、キャベツのORAC値では、5日目に高くなる傾向が見られた。以上の結果より、マグロの外観とサバのカルボニル価に対して真空機能の影響があると示唆された。マグロの色の変化はミオグロビンの酸化、カルボニル価は脂質の酸化と関連するため、低真空環境により酸化を抑制する効果があったと考えられる。炭酸ガス生成機能の影響は、ホウレンソウのビタミンC量とサバのカルボニル価で見られた。温度・湿度は、野菜の見た目の新鮮さ、魚の重量変化およびマグロのK値に影響があった。, 2015, 27, 0, 203, 203, 10.11402/ajscs.27.0_203
  • Refereed, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Effects of oil volume on fried foods, Tsuyuguchi Sayuri; Myojin Chiho; Murakami Megumi; Nishiike-Wada Tamako; Fujimura-Ito Tomoko; Imagi Jun; Eguchi Satomi; Kubo Mukai Kaori; Takamura Hitoshi; Nakahira Mayumi; Hara Tomoko; Mizuno Chie, 【目的】揚げる・炒める分科会ではこれまで揚げ種重量の10倍程度の油を用いた一般的な揚げ方法での様々な研究を行なってきた。しかし、最近では環境問題や健康への配慮から少量の油で揚げる「シャロウフライ」と呼ばれる方法が注目されている。そこで今回は揚げ種が浸る程度の少ない油量で揚げた場合の揚がり具合について検討した。
     【結果】脱水率は、豚カツ、サツマイモともに「シャロウ1/2」で低かった。吸油率は、豚カツでは油量による差はみられなかった。中心温度は「シャロウ1/2」では温度上昇が遅かった。官能評価の評点法は、豚カツ、サツマイモともに外観、におい、揚がり具合、テクスチャーおよび総合において「シャロウ1/2」が有意に低い評価であった。順位法では、豚カツは、「ディープ」、「シャロウ1」、「シャロウ1/2」の順に好まれた。サツマイモの「シャロウ1/2」では仕上がりが不均一で水っぽく感じられ、脱水率の結果と一致していた。以上の結果から、油量の違いは揚がり具合に影響を及ぼすことが明らかになった。, 2012, 24, 0, 59, 59, 10.11402/ajscs.
  • Not Refereed, Journal of cookery science of Japan, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Characteristics of Frying Oil Reaching its Usable Life with a Flavor Score of 3, Research group on Frying-cooking group; Kinki branch office; The Japan; Society of; Cookery Science, We clarified the characteristics of frying oil that had reached a flavor score of 3 from the deterioration index and sensory evaluation. Three types of food were deep-fried with or without a batter coating, and analyses of color, acid value (AV), anisidin value (An.V), carbonyl value (CV) and viscosity, and a sensory evaluation of the flying oil were all conducted. The relationship among the analytical results was examined. This showed correlations between AV and the color, An.V and CV, between An.V and viscosity, and between CV and viscosity. There were also correlations between the deteri..., 05 Feb. 2010, 43, 1, 38, 43, 10.11402/cookeryscience.43.38
  • Refereed, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Effect of feeding on the radical-scavenging activity of chickens, Tsuyuguchi Sayuri; Yamaguchi Tomoko; Takamura Hitoshi; Matoba Teruyoshi,
    【結果】三種の鶏肉とも、全ての部位においてラジカル捕捉活性を示した。特に肝臓が高い活性を示した。いずれの部位においても水溶性画分の活性がほとんどを占めていた。ハーブ鶏や地鶏については、ムネ肉のラジカル捕捉活性が通常肥育のブロイラーと比較して有意に高かった。活性成分として、グルタチオンが少量含まれていたが、アスコルビン酸とトコフェロールはほとんど含まれなかった。また、DPPHラジカル捕捉活性および酸素ラジカル捕捉活性は、いずれも総ポリフェノール量との相関関係がみられた。ハーブ鶏では、モモ肉およびムネ肉においてポリフェノールがブロイラーよりも有意に多く、ハーブ給餌の影響が示唆された。地鶏についても、ムネ肉、肝臓においてポリフェノールがブロイラーよりも有意に多かった。, 2009, 21, 0, 1057, 1057, 10.11402/ajscs.21.0.1057.0
  • Refereed, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Relationship between the attitude of healthy diet and cooking or eating frequency of deep fried dishes, Nishiike-Wada Tamako; Nakahira Mayumi; Hara Tomoko; Mizuno Chie; Myojin Chiho; Murakami Megumi; Ando Mami; Fujimura-Ito Tomoko; Inoue Sachiyo; Ohtsuka Kenichi; Kubo Kaori Mukai; Kobayashi Atsuko; Takamura Hitoshi; Tsuyuguchi Sayuri,
    1)2)日調科誌、33、236(2000)、36、274(2003), 2009, 21, 0, 2080, 2080, 10.11402/ajscs.21.0.2080.0
  • Not Refereed, 日本調理科学会誌, 日本調理科学会, Survey on the Use of Edible Oil in the Home and Awareness of their Health Value, ANDO MAMI; ITO TOMOKO; INOUE SACHIYO; ONO YOSHIMI; SAKURAI AIKO; TAKAMURA HITOSHI; NAKAHARA MITSUKO; NISHIIKE TAMAKO; YUKAWA NATSUKO, A questionnaire regarding the usage of edible oil was conducted in 2001 in order to study the relationship between the change in edible oil consumption and the increase in health awareness. The results were compared with those of our previous questionnaire conducted in 1998. The results show that those edible oils claimed to be good for health are well recognized to reflect the strong concern about life-style related diseases. As was the case in the previous investigation, each household regularly stores on average three kinds of edible oil such as rapeseed (canola), safflower and corn oils. The proportion of rapeseed oil was higher in the second survey, while that of safflower and corn oils was lower. More households now purchase edible oils based on their value to health than before. The number of households that cook fried dish has increased. In the case of deep-fried dish, however, the households were divided into those with a higher frying frequency and those with a lower frying frequency. These results indicate that health consciousness has become stronger in the purchase, use, cooking method and disposal of edible oils., 20 Aug. 2003, 36, 3, 274, 283, 10.11402/cookeryscience1995.36.3_274
  • Refereed, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Survey on the Oil Deterioration Used for Deep Frying in the Home, Takamura Hitoshi; Nakahira Mayumi; Nakahara Mitsuko; Nishiike Tamako; Hayashi Yoshimi; Hara Tomoko; Fukami Yoshiko; Ando Mami; Fujimura-Ito Tomoko; Inoue Sachiyo; Otsuka Kenichi; Okamura Yumi; Sugiyama Ayami; Takechi Tayori; Tsuyuguchi Sayuri, A questionnaire and chemical analytical survey on the oil deterioration used for deep frying in the home was conducted in October to December, 2002 in Kinki District of Japan. As the index of oil deterioration, carbonyl value, acid value, color, viscosity, and the amount of polar compounds of waste oils were determined. The most popular frying oil was "salad oil" (48%), followed by canola oil (36%) and diacylglycerol oil (9%). 13% used frying oil only once before wasting; 61% used 2-4 times and 24% used 5 times or more. To determine the life span of frying oil, 64% used color, followed by smell (45%), foaming (42%), and the number of times used (39%). The index of oil deterioration were related to the number of times used, kind and amount of fried dishes, and filtering of used oil., 2003, 15, 0, 71, 71, 10.11402/ajscs.
  • Refereed, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Radical-scavenging activity of chicken meat, Tsuyuguchi Sayuri; Yamaguchi Tomoko; Takamura Hitoshi; Matoba Teruyoshi, 本研究では鶏肉が有するラジカル捕捉活性を測定し、ラジカル捕捉活性に寄与する成分について検討した。試料として鶏肉(モモ·ムネ·ササミ·手羽元·皮·肝臓·砂肝)を水抽出およびクロロホルム·メタノール抽出したものを用いた。ラジカル捕捉活性は、DPPH-HPLC法を用いて測定し、寄与する成分として、アスコルビン酸、トコフェロール、ポリフェノールの定量を行った。ラジカル捕捉活性は、水溶性画分がほとんどの割合を占め、脂溶性画分では皮が他の部位よりも高い活性を示した。肝臓の活性は特に高く、他の部位と比較して5∼20倍程であった。, 2002, 14, 0, 136, 136, 10.11402/ajscs.
  • Refereed, BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS IN FOODS, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, Change in radical-scavenging activity of spices and vegetables during cooking, H Takamura; T Yamaguchi; J Terao; T Matoba, The change in radical-scavenging activity of vegetables and spices during cooking was analyzed by the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl-HPLC method. After boiling of vegetables, the radical-scavenging activity increased in burdock, green pepper, asparagus, eggplant, and carrot, while the activity in other vegetables decreased. In most cases, however, the total activity of cooked vegetable and cooking water was higher than that of fresh vegetables. Microwave heating increased the radical-scavenging activity in 9 of 14 vegetables. These results suggest that the intake of vegetables with cooking water or microwave-cooked vegetables can be recommended to use radical-scavenging components efficiently. In the process of curry cooking, the radical-scavenging activity of spices decreased, while that of vegetables increased. The radical-scavenging activity of curry also decreased after heating., 2002, 816, 34, 43, Scientific journal
  • Not Refereed, 日本調理科学会誌, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Survey on the Edible Oils Used for Deep Frying in the Home., ITO TOMOKO; ISHIZU HIDEKO; INOUE YOSHIYO; SAKUMA KEIKO; TAKAMURA HITOSHI; NAKAHARA MITSUKO; NISHIIKE TAMAKO; HAYASHI YOSHIMI; YUKAWA NATSUKO, A questionnaire survey on the edible oils used for deep frying in the home was conducted in 1998in the Kinki District of Japan.
    The respondent used an average of three types of edible oil, the most popular combination being salad oil, sesame oil and olive oil. The oil most commonly used for deep frying was salad oil, with safflower and rapeseed oil also being used for this.
    The criteria applied for buying oil for deep frying were the price, variety and expiration date. The parameters used for determining the life of the frying oilswere, in the order of number of answers, color (light brown), number of times used, smell and foaming property. It was apparent that the criteria for purchase and the frequency of deep frying for home cooking affected the utilization of edible oils for deep frying.
    These results indicate a perception of health and convenience in the utilization of edible oils for deep frying in home cooking., 20 May 2000, 33, 2, 236, 243, 10.11402/cookeryscience1995.33.2_236
  • Journal of Cookery Science of Japan, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Studies on the Life Span of Frying Oil (III):Comparison of the flavor score of frying oil with the evaluation of fried foods, 原 知子; 石津 日出子; 井上 吉世; 大鹿 淳子; 大江 隆子; 梶本 五郎; 金谷 昭子; 高村 仁知; 竹井 よう子; 中原 満子; 西池 珠子; 林 淑美; 深見 良子; 福井 広子; 藤井 美紗子; 堀内 撮之; 真砂 佳美; 的場 輝佳; 水野 千恵; 椴山 薫; 夜久 富美子; 湯川 夏子, A collaborative study was designed to assess the applicability of a sensory test to determine the life span of frying oil. Soybean oil (500 g) was heated at 170°C using an electric fryer. Fifty gram of three types of foods, Spanish mackerel, chicken fillet and potato, were deep-fat fried every 15 minutes. Frying was continued until the flavor score of oil dropped below 3.
    The life spans of the frying oils defined as the frying time until the flavor score reached to 3 were shorter by fish and meat frying than potato frying. The life spans were not significantly different between Spanish mackerel and chicken, in spite of a marked difference in their polyunsaturated fatty acid contents.
    The flavor scores of the fried foods tended to be affected extensively by the flavor of frying materials and by personal preference. On the other hand, the flavor scores of frying oil decreased with the progress of frying independently of the frying materials. In the sensory test, the foods fried in the oils with a flavor score 5 or 4 showed good flavor. However, the flavor of the foods fried in the oils with a flavor score 3 began to deteriorate. These results suggest that the flavor score of frying oil is useful to determine the life span of frying oil., 1998, 31, 3, 214, 219, 10.11402/cookeryscience1995.31.3_214
  • Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Development of gluten-free rice flour bread by using cold press juice residue, Takechi Tayori; Takamura Hitoshi; Hatanaka Yoshiro; Mutsumi Shiwa, 目的 スロージューサーで製造したジュースは、摩擦や熱で失われやすい酵素やビタミンなどが残っている。また、固形物が取り除かれているため胃の負担が少ないなどの理由から人気が高まっている。近年では、家庭で製造することも多いが、製造時に残渣などの廃棄部分が多く出るという問題もある。しかし、残渣には様々な機能性成分が含まれているため、食品としての利用価値が高いと考えられる。本研究では、ジュース製造残渣を増粘安定剤として利用したグルテンフリー米粉パンの開発を目的とした。
    方法 まず、未乾燥のジュース残渣はパン生地の水分量に影響するため、乾燥方法を検討した。次に、グルテンフリー米粉パン製造に適した発酵時間・発酵温度の検討を行い、グルテンフリー米粉パンの製造方法を確立した。その後、ネーブルオレンジから得られたジュース残渣を乾燥して得られた粉末をグルテンフリー米粉パン製造の際に添加した。ジュース残渣を添加したパンを調製し、物性値(生地の膨化度、生地の粘度、焼成パンの比容積、焼成パン切断面の観察、テクスチャー解析)の測定、および官能評価を行い、ジュース残渣の最適添加量を検討した。
    結果 ジュース残渣の乾燥は電子レンジを用い、乾燥後、ミルで粉砕しふるいにかけることを繰り返すことで、ジュース残渣粉末を調製することができた。ジュース残渣粉末を添加した米粉パンは未添加の米粉パンと比べ、生地の膨化度、生地の粘度、焼成パンの比容積の測定において高い値を示し、官能評価において高い評価を得た。これらの結果から、ジュース残渣は、グルテンフリー米粉パンの製パン性を高めることが示唆された。, 2017, 29, 144, 144, 10.11402/ajscs.29.0_144
  • Refereed, Japan Journal of Food Engineering, Japan Society for Food Engineering, Development of Novel Meat Analogue Based on the Microstructure Control of Soybean Proteins, Takashi KOBAYASHI; Ratchanon CHANTANUSON; Nanami OKUYAMA; Koki NISHIBORI; Mika AKAGI; Motohiko HIROTSUKA; Shinsuke NAGAMINE; Hitoshi TAKAMURA; Takayo MANNARI-SASAGAWA; Kyuya NAKAGAWA, To develop new foods from plant-based protein, we prepared a soybean-based meat analogue. Soybean flour, sodium alginate, soybean-based fiber, and plant oil were used to produce a gel by cross-linking with calcium ion after freezing. The resulting gel was frozen again and thawed, followed by infiltration of soy protein solution to form a layered-porous structure. Effects of freezing on the formation of the structure and that of the presence of fibers on the texture were evaluated, showing the properties similar to animal meat one. Sensory evaluation also showed that the texture was significantly preferable to that of conventional soy-based meat analogue and was closer to animal meat. These results suggest that the proposed method would be promising for realizing soy-based meat substitutes with a texture closer to animal meat., 15 Mar. 2022, 23, 1, 35, 44, Scientific journal, False, False, 10.11301/jsfe.22606
  • Refereed, Journal of Food Science, Wiley, Effect of the addition of high‐temperature water on the properties of batter and bread made from gluten‐free rice flour, Kumiko Saito; Maya Okouchi; Mana Yamaguchi; Tayori Takechi; Yoshiro Hatanaka; Koji Kitsuda; Takayo Mannari; Hitoshi Takamura, Feb. 2022, 87, 2, 576, 584, Scientific journal, True, False, 10.1111/1750-3841.16040
  • Refereed, Journal of Home Economics of Japan, Impacts of slow juicer residue using orange on baking quality of gluten-free rice flour bread, Takechi, T; Saito, K; Hara, Y; Shiwa, M; Mannari, T; Hatanaka, Y; Takamura, H, Nov. 2021, 72, 11, 709, 718, Scientific journal, False, False
  • Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Development of the gluten-free rice flour bread by addition of the residual substance of cold-pressed juice making, Shiwa Mutsumi; Takechi Tayori; Hatanaka Yoshiro; Takamura Hitoshi, 【目的】コールドプレスジュースはスロージューサーで作成したジュースで、摩擦や熱で失われやすい酵素やビタミンなどが残っているほか、固形物が取り除かれているので胃への負担が少ないなどの理由で人気が高まっている。家庭用ジューサーの普及に伴い、コールドプレスジュースを家庭で製造する機会が増えたが、残渣などの廃棄部分が多く出るという問題がある。しかし、残渣には様々な機能性成分が含まれているため、食品としての利用価値が高い。本研究では、コールドプレスジュース製造残渣を増粘多糖類として利用したグルテンフリー米粉パンの開発を試みた。 【方法】柑橘系の果物からコールドプレスジュースを製造して得られたジュース残渣を試料とし、増粘多糖類として、グルテンフリー米粉パン製造の際に添加した。未乾燥のジュース残渣はパン生地の水分量に影響するため、まず、添加時の形状と添加可能な上限量を検討した。その後、ジュース残渣を添加した食パンを調製し、物性値(生地の膨化度、生地の粘度、比容積、パン断面の観察など)の測定および官能評価を行い、最適添加量を検討した。 【結果】ペクチンなどの食物繊維が豊富なジュース残渣の添加量を増やすには乾燥状態とすることが望ましいため、家庭で可能な乾燥法を検討し、自然乾燥と電子レンジ加熱を組み合わせて乾燥・粉末化する方法を見出した。米粉比約2%までの添加で、パン生地の粘度上昇と膨化が確認できた。焼成後のパンの品質も、対照として用いたグルテンを添加した米粉パンに近いものが調製でき、ジュース残渣が増粘多糖類として利用できることが示唆された。また、ジュース残渣の添加により、果物風味のおいしいパンが作成できた。, 2016, 28, 141, 141, 10.11402/ajscs.28.0_141
  • Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Flavor and Taste Components of Sweet peppers and Their Changes during Cultivation and Cooking, Esumi Tomomi; Otsuka Natsumi; Nishimoto Toshi; Takamura Hitoshi, 【目的】ひもとうがらしは大和の伝統野菜に指定された奈良県特産の甘とうがらしであり、直径5mm程度の細長い形状を有する。現在、機能性および嗜好性の高いひもとうがらしを目指し、品種改良の試みが続けられている。本研究では、その不味成分・不快臭成分の含有量とその品種間差、季節変動、栽培条件および調理変化を解析し、嗜好性の高い甘とうがらし類の栽培条件および調理条件を解明することを試みた。 
    , 2015, 67, 9, 9, 10.11428/kasei.67.0_9
  • Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Changes in flavor and functionality during cooking of mackerel, Kinashi Naoko; Fujita Yu; Mizuuchi Yuko; Takamura Hitoshi, 【目的】魚類は、我が国において主要なたんぱく質源として古くから利用されてきた。また、魚類にはIPAやDHAといったn-3系多価不飽和脂肪酸が多く含まれており、心血管疾患予防などその機能性が期待されている。しかし魚の生臭いにおい(魚臭)は嗜好的価値を著しく下げており、魚離れの大きな要因の一つとなっている。これまでの研究で、実際の食事で感じられる魚臭は、脂質酸化に由来する成分であることが明らかとなっている。本研究では魚の脂質の酸化を抑制するために香味野菜を用いて調理を行い、海産魚に含まれるにおい成分及び機能性成分の調理過程における変化を解析した。
    【結果】揮発性成分の定量において、香味野菜を加えて調理することにより脂質劣化に由来する揮発性成分が減少した。スニッフィング分析では、香味野菜を添加して調理した試料で、腐敗臭、魚臭が軽減する傾向がみられた。また機能性の測定では、香味野菜を加えることにより抗酸化活性が増加する傾向がみられた。これらの結果には、香味野菜由来の抗酸化成分が寄与していると考えられる。以上の結果から、香味野菜を加えて調理したサバは嗜好性及び機能性においてより優れていることが示唆された。, 2014, 26, 182, 182, 10.11402/ajscs.26.0_182
  • Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Studies on cooking methods for ecology cooking, Ando Mami; Kitao Satoshi; Takamura Hitoshi; Matoba Teruyoshi, 【目的】これまでに、食品の第二次機能である嗜好性に大きな影響を与える物性を同じ状態にした水煮調理品を試作し、調理法の違いによる消費エネルギー量を算出することにより、エネルギー事情に配慮したエコロジー調理への可能性について検討してきた。その結果、「茹でる」調理、食塩またはグラニュー糖を用いた「煮る」調理におけるエネルギー消費量の比較では、蒸らし操作およびガス調理と電子レンジの組み合わせの有効性が明らかになった。そこで今回は調味料として醤油またはみりんを用いて同様の実験を行った。
    【結果】すべての調理法で破断応力がほぼ同様の試料を得ることができた。ガス調理では、消費一次エネルギー量、CO2排出量ともに、醤油濃度およびみりん濃度の違いによる有意差はなかった。一方、電子レンジ調理では、みりんを使用した場合は濃度による違いは認められなかったが、醤油を使用した場合は、CO2排出量のみ醤油濃度が高くなるにつれ有意に増加したことから、醤油に含まれる塩分の影響が示唆された。さらに、どの場合も蒸らし操作を組み合わせることにより消費一次エネルギー量およびCO2排出量が削減されることが明らかとなり、エコロジー調理につながることが期待される。, 2014, 26, 76, 76, 10.11402/ajscs.26.0_76
  • Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Study of cooking method for ecology cooking., Ando Mami; Matsumoto Mayuko; Hasegawa Tomoko; Kitao Satoshi; Takamura Hitoshi; Matoba Teruyoshi, 2013, 65, 219, 219, 10.11428/kasei.65.0_219
  • Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Development of ecological cooking procedures, Takamura Hitoshi; Yagi Kyoko; Yabusaki Tomoka; Ando Mami; Kitao Satoshi; Matoba Teruyoshi, 2013, 65, 28, 28, 10.11428/kasei.65.0_28
  • Science of Cookery, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Effects of carbonyl compounds for judging the deterioration of frying oil, Research group on Frying-cooking group Kinki branch office The Japan Society of Cookery Science, The effects of carbonyl compounds on flavor score as an index for the deterioration of frying oil was investigated. The differences in composition and quantity of carbonyl compounds were measured to assess whether a sample oil could be identified by a sensory evaluation. Although it was possible to recognize the difference of carbonyl value in the initial stage of deterioration of the oil, this became more difficult as the deterioration advanced. The influence of such other factors as viscosity and polar compounds is thought to have been the reason for this., 2009, 42, 2, 117, 122, 10.11402/cookeryscience.42.117
  • Journal of Cookery Science of Japan, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Studies on the Limit for Using Frying oil(I) : The Results from a Collaboration on the Flavor of Frying Oil and Fried Potato, 石津 日出子; 大鹿 淳子; 代継 由紀; 竹井 よう子; 藤野 吉世; 平岡 英子; 中原 満子; 金谷 昭子; 大江 隆子; 原 知子; 藤井 美紗子; 嘉ノ海 有紀; 梶本 五郎; 深見 良子; 的場 輝佳; 高村 仁知; 木村 雅美; 湯川 夏子; 百本 紀子; 堀内 攝之; 熊谷 篤呼; 大山 美紀代; 大重 淑美; 太田 馨; 富山 久代; 福井 広子; 真砂 佳美, A collaborative study was designed to examine the applicability of an organoleptic test which determines the limit for using frying oil. We first examined the relationship between deterioration of frying oil and its flavor by using flavor scores 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 (flavor score 5 was defined as fresh oil ; flavor score 1 as the most deteriorated oil). Flavor score 3 was defined as the frying oil's rancid point (heavy flavor reversion, slighty rancid and buttery). To determine the heating time for the oil to reach flavor score 3, potatoes were successively fried every 4 hours in soybean oil at 180℃ for 4 minutes. Anisidine and carbonyl values of the frying oil with flavor score 3 were also measured. This experiment was carried out 11 different laboratories, and the data varied : the shortest and longest times for the oil to reach flavor score 3 were 16 and 50 hours, respectively. To minimize this difference in time, soybean oils with different stages of thermal oxidation were prepared flavor scores 5 to 1 ; and all the researchers decided upon the standard flavor of those oils. After standarization, the second experiment was carried out in the same manner as that of the first experiment. The data were relatively consistent : the shortest and longest times for the oil to reach flavor score 3 were 16 and 22.5 hours, respectively, and the average time was 19.5 hours. Frying oil with flavor score 3 had anisidine and carbonyl values of 150 and 13. 7, respectively. These results suggest the possibility that this organoleptic test can be used to determine the limit for using frying oil. This test may help us to get fried foods with good flavor., 1993, 26, 4, 304, 309, 10.11402/cookeryscience1968.26.4_304
  • Journal of Cookery Science of Japan, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Studies on the Life Span of Frying Oil (II) : Effects of Frying Materials on the Deterioration, 深見 良子; 石津 日出子; 大鹿 淳子; 代継 由紀; 井上 吉世; 大江 隆子; 大重 淑美; 梶本 五郎; 金谷 昭子; 木村 雅美; 高村 仁知; 竹井 よう子; 富山 久代; 中原 満子; 原 知子; 福井 広子; 藤井 美紗子; 堀内 攝之; 真砂 佳美; 的場 輝佳; 椴山 薫; 夜久 冨美子; 湯川 夏子, A collaborative study was designed to examine the applicability of a sensory test which determines the life span of frying oil. Soybean oil (500g) was heated at 170℃ for 8 hours a day using an electric fryer. Six types (pork fillet, chicken fillet, sardine, Spanish mackerel, sweet pepper or potato) of foods (50g) were deep fat-fried every 4 hours. Frying was continued until the flavor score dropped to 3, which was defined as the rancid point of frying oil. Anicidine value, carbonyl value, acid value and tocopherol content of the rancid frying oil were also determined. The life spans of the frying oils to reach the flavor score to 3 were shorter in meat or fish frying than vegetable frying. The life spans were not significantly different among pork, chicken and fishes in spite of the marked differences in their polyunsaturated fatty acid contents. The chemical scores of rancid oils were similar among all frying oils used for different foods. These results suggest that meats and fishes promote the organoleptic deterioration of frying oils more rapidly than vegetables. The examination of the flavor score of frying oil was suggested to be useful to determine the life span of frying oil., 1996, 29, 2, 104, 108, 10.11402/cookeryscience1995.29.2_104
  • Food Science and Technology International, Tokyo, Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology, Influence of Polyphenol and Ascorbate Oxidases during Cooking Process on the Radical-Scavenging Activity of Vegetables, YAMAGUCHI Tomoko; KATSUDA Mamiko; ODA Yuka; TERAO Junji; KANAZAWA kazauki; OSHIMA Shunji; INAKUMA Takahiro; ISHIGURO Yukio; TAKAMURA Hitoshi; MATOBA Teruyoshi, The influence of polyphenol oxidase and ascorbate oxidase on radical-scavenging activity and contents of total phenol, chlorogenic acid, and ascorbic acid in vegetables during the cooking process were investigated. In the case of burdock and lettuce, which have a high activity of polyphenol oxidase, the radical-scavenging activity and the content of total phenol and chlorogenic acid decreased drastically within 1 min. In the case of broccoli, however, only a small decrease of radical-scavenging activity was observed, and total phenol and chlorogenic acid decreased almost not at all. The decrease of the activity in broccoli depended on the oxidation of ascorbic acid by ascorbate oxidase. None of these compounds decreased after the enzymes had been inactivated by heating.
    , 01 Feb. 2003, 9, 1, 79, 83, 10.3136/fstr.9.79
  • Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi, Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology, Effect of Secondary Structures of Protein on Determination of Protein Content by Near Infrared Spectroscopy., KAMISHIKIRYO-YAMASHITA Hiromi; TATARA Megumi; TAKAMURA Hitoshi; MATOBA Teruyoshi, Characteristics of the absorption at 2170nm, which is due to peptide bonds, were investigated using various proteins. The intensities of the absorption due to peptide bonds were different depending on the kinds of proteins examined. The absorption of bovine serum albumin at 2170nm decreased by reducing its disulfide (S-S) bonds. The absorption of poly-L-glutamic acid in the a-helix state at 2170nm was stronger than that in the random coil state. These results suggest that the secondary structures of proteins affect the absorption at 2170nm. The extent of contribution of the secondary structures to the absorption intensity was statistically predicted using 9 proteins which have different contents in secondary structures such as α-helix, β-sheet and random coil structures. It was found that the relative extent of the α-helix, β-sheet and random coil structures to the absorption at 2170nm was approximately 2:1:1., 1994, 41, 1, 65, 69, 10.3136/nskkk1962.41.65
  • KAGAKU TO SEIBUTSU, Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry, Peroxidized fat experimental technique.5.Measurement of lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase.1.Plant., 高村 仁知; 的場 輝佳, 1992, 30, 12, 813, 816, 10.1271/kagakutoseibutsu1962.30.813
  • Food Science and Technology International, Tokyo, Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology, Effect of Thermal Treatment on Radical-scavenging Activity of Some Spices, KHATUN Mahmuda; EGUCHI Satomi; YAMAGUCHI Tomoko; TAKAMURA Hitoshi; MATOBA Teruyoshi, Changes in the radical-scavenging activities and the total phenol content of sixteen spices (clove, allspice, cinnamon, nutmeg, mustard, cumin, ginger, fennel, fenugreek, black pepper, red pepper, mace, coriander, turmeric, cardamom and white pepper) were determined for different heating times (1, 3 and 6h) at 100°C. Most of the spices showed high 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging activity (4-1353μmol Trolox eq./g), peroxy radical-scavenging activity (31-1019μmol Trolox eq./g), and total phenol content (5-1267μmol gallic acid eq./g). Clove was found to have the highest radical-scavenging activity followed by allspice and cinnamon. After heating, both DPPH and peroxy radical-scavenging activities as well as the total phenol content increased in most of the spices. A distinct increase in the activities was found in some spices such as black pepper, red pepper and turmeric. A high correlation coefficient was found between the total phenol content and peroxy radical-scavenging activity., 01 Aug. 2006, 12, 3, 178, 185, 10.3136/fstr.12.178
  • Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Studies on cooking methods for ecology cooking(1) Measurement of energy consumption required to cook foods with the same physical properties, Matsumoto Mayuko; Hasegawa Tomoko; Kitao Satoshi; Ando Mami; Takamura Hitoshi; Matoba Teruyoshi, 【目的】地球温暖化の原因とされるCO2排出量の削減や原子力発電再稼働の是非など、エネルギー事情は逼迫した状況にある。調理において、調理機器・器具や調理操作の違いで消費エネルギー量は大きく左右される。今回は、食品の第二次機能である嗜好性に大きな影響を与える物性を同じ状態にした水煮調理品を試作し、調理法の違いによる消費エネルギー量を算出し、エネルギー事情に配慮したエコロジー調理への可能性について検討した。【方法】試料はジャガイモ(北海道産メークイン)、ダイコン(徳島県産青首)を用いた。共に部位を揃え3cm角に調製した試料4つを1回の試料として調理法ごとに3回ずつ加熱調理した。今回は調味料を用いない湿式加熱である「ゆでる」、「蒸す」操作を選定し、ガスコンロ及び電子レンジを用い、調理器具と蒸らし操作の有無を組み合わせた8種類の調理法について比較した。標準的な調理法であるアルミ鍋水煮での破断応力値を基準とし、他の調理法における調理時間を決定した。物性はクリープメーターにて測定した。さらに消費ガス量・電力量から、CO2排出量及び消費一次エネルギー量を算出し、比較・検討した。【結果】ジャガイモ、ダイコン共に、8種類の調理法で破断応力がほぼ同様の試料を得ることができた。CO2排出量と消費一次エネルギー量は、電子レンジを用いた場合、ガスコンロを用いた場合よりも少なくなる傾向が見られ、基準調理に対してCO2排出量をジャガイモでは18~33%、ダイコンでは25~39%削減することができた。さらに蒸らし操作を加えるとより効果的であることが認められた。以上より、調理法を工夫することによって消費エネルギー量を削減でき、エコロジー調理に繋げることができると考えられる。, 2012, 24, 57, 57, 10.11402/ajscs.
  • Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Application of sericin to bread, Takechi Tayori; Takamura Hitoshi, 【目的】シルクタンパク質セリシンは、カイコ繭に20~30%含まれている。セリシンの大部分はこれまで未使用で廃棄されてきたが、近年、セリシンの機能性が明らかにされ、化粧品や医薬品分野での利用が提案されている。しかし、食品分野への応用研究は極めて限られている。私たちは、セリシンを日常的摂取形態の食品に応用したいと考え、これまでに調味料としてサラダドレッシングへの応用を提案している。本研究では、セリシンの保水(湿)性、タンパク質との親和性、レジスタントプロテイン効果に着目し、食パンへの応用を検討した。【方法】セリシンを添加した食パンとセリシンを添加しない食パンを作成し、物性値(膨張性,水分率,硬さ)の測定および官能評価を行った。膨張性は、食パンの重量および体積(菜種置換法)を測定し比容積を算出するとともに高さを測定し、比容積および高さを膨張性の指標とした。水分率は、常法に従い測定した。硬さは、クリープメーター(山電製)で応力破断強度を測定し、これを食パンの老化度の指標とした。官能評価は、10人で構成したパネルにより、評点法で行った。【結果】まず、膨張性およびパンの状態を指標に添加量の上限を検討したところ、粉比4%が上限であることが明らかとなった。セリシン添加食パンは膨張性が高くなり、大きなパンが作成できたが、水分率には差が見られなかった。硬さを測定したところ、作成当日からセリシン添加食パンの方が柔らかく、また、作成後2日目・3日目においても、柔らかさが持続していることが確認できた。以上の結果より、セリシンの添加により、でんぷんの老化を抑制し、柔らかさが保たれる食パンを作成できることが期待される。, 2012, 24, 183, 183, 10.11402/ajscs.
  • Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Studies on cooking methods for ecology cooking (2):Effects of cooking processes on food functionality, Takamura Hitoshi; Udagawa Misuzu; Fukatsu Ayumi; Kitao Satoshi; Ando Mami; Matoba Teruyoshi, 【目的】CO2排出量削減や原発再稼働問題など、エネルギー事情は逼迫した状況にある。調理において、調理機器・器具や調理操作の違いで消費エネルギー量は大きく左右される。しかし、エネルギーを節約して調理した食品の嗜好性や機能性が劣っていては意味がない。今回は、物性を同じ状態にした水煮調理品を試作し、調理操作の違いによる機能性の差異を解析し、エネルギー事情に配慮したエコロジー調理への可能性について検討した。【方法】試料はジャガイモ(北海道産メークイン)、ダイコン(徳島県産青首)を用いた。共に部位を揃え3cm角に調製した試料4つを1回の試料として調理法ごとに3回ずつ加熱調理した。今回は調味料を用いない湿式加熱である「ゆでる」、「蒸す」操作を選定し、ガスコンロ及び電子レンジを用い、調理器具と蒸らし操作の有無を組み合わせた8種類の調理法について比較した。アルミ鍋水煮における破断応力値を基準とし、他の調理法における調理時間を決定した。これらの試料について、抗酸化性をORAC法で、アスコルビン酸量をHPLCで、ダイコンのみグルコシノレート量をHPLCでそれぞれ測定し、比較・検討した。【結果】ジャガイモ、ダイコン共に、8種類の調理法で破断応力がほぼ同様の試料を得た。蒸らし操作は加熱時間を短縮できることからCO2削減には有効であるが、調理時間の増加により、機能性成分の煮汁への溶出が増加することから、煮汁ごと摂取する調理に用いることが有効と考えられる。また、調理に用いる水を削減しても機能性への影響は小さかったことから、適量の水を用いることが機能性を保持したままCO2排出量を削減することにつながると考えられる。, 2012, 24, 154, 154, 10.11402/ajscs.
  • NIPPON SHOKUHIN KOGYO GAKKAISHI, Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology, A Relationship between the Amount of Polar Compounds and the Sensory Scores of Fried Foods and Deep-frying Oil, HARA Tomoko; ANDO Mami; ITO FUJIMURA Tomoko; INOUE Sachiyo; OTSUKA Kenichi; ONO Yoshimi; OKAMURA Yumi; SHIRAMASA Hiroshi; TAKAMURA Hitoshi; TAKECHI Tayori; TSUYUGUCHI Sayuri; NAKAHARA Mitsuko; NAKAHIRA Mayumi; NISHIIKE Tamako; HAYASHI Yoshimi; FUKAMI Yoshiko; FUJIMURA Koji; MATSUI Masae; MATOBA Teruyoshi; MIZUNO Chie; MURAKAMI Megumi; YAMASHITA Takatoshi; YUKAWA Natsuko; WATANABE Kenichi, A relationship between the evaluation of fried materials and the amount of polar compounds was investigated. Fresh oil and the used oil with three degrading degrees (Acid value: about 1, 2 and 4.5) were used in this study. The fried materials (fried batter, maitake tempura and croquette) and frying oil itself were sensory evaluated by the Ranking Method. There were significant differences among the evaluation scores of the oils and of the fried materials prepared with different degrading oils (Kruscal-Wallis test, n=40, P<0.01). In proportion as the oil was degraded the flavor of the fried materials fell off. Sensory evaluation panelists distinguished the quality of fried materials prepared with different degrading oils, but it tended to be difficult to distinguish highly deteriorated oils containing higher than 15% polar compounds (Turkey's method, P<0.05). Fried batter and maitake tempura fried with the oil containing less than 15% polar compounds and the oils themselves were evaluated to be good by the panel. Croquette was rated high when it was fried with the oil containing about 24% polar compounds. When the polar compound content increased higher than 15% level, the evaluation scores of the fried materials tended to lower and the acid value exceeded the standard value to discard the used oil. Therefore, it is our opinion that the measurement of polar compounds is useful in judging whether deep-frying oil is usable or not., 15 Jan. 2004, 51, 1, 23, 27, 10.3136/nskkk.51.23
  • Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Chemical properties and tasting evaluation of Naradzuke of pickling cucumber, Yamaguchi Tomoko; Suzuki Keiko; Tsutsui Kazumi; Takamura Hitoshi,
    奈良漬キュウリは生キュウリに比べて高いラジカル捕捉活性を示し、奈良漬に加工するにより機能性を付与できることが明らかになった。奈良漬キュウリにおいて、「朝風」と「大和三尺」の一般成分、嗜好成分、機能性成分に大きな差はみられなかった。しかし、破断特性に違いがみられ、官能検査においても「大和三尺」の方が「朝風」より硬いと評価された。また、「大和三尺」は色が濃く、アルコール風味も強く感じることから好まれない傾向にあった。, 2008, 20, 4, 4, 10.11402/ajscs.
  • Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Chemical properties and tasting evaluation of Naradzuke of pickling melon in Nara, Yamaguchi Tomoko; Suzuki Keiko; Tsutsui Kazumi; Takamura Hitoshi, 目的 奈良漬は、奈良の特産品の一つとして広く知られている高級漬物である。ウリをはじめ、キュウリ、スイカ、ダイコンなどの野菜を約6ヶ月から12ヶ月間塩漬けした後、酒粕で数回漬け替えて作られる。独特の風味を持ち、その味や香りは製造業者ごとに異なっているが、化学的特性は明らかではない。そこで本研究では、奈良市内で市販されているウリの奈良漬について、化学的特性、物理的特性および嗜好性を調査した。
    方法 奈良市内の奈良漬製造業者6社の奈良漬ウリについて、一般成分として水分、タンパク質、灰分、アスコルビン酸量、嗜好成分としてpH、Brix糖度、塩分、エタノール含量、褐変度を測定した。また、機能性成分としてラジカル捕捉活性および総ポリフェノール量、物理的特性として破断特性の測定を行った。さらに、官能検査により嗜好性を調べるとともに、奈良漬添加クッキーを調製し、奈良漬の製菓適性を評価した。
    結果 6社の奈良漬ウリにおいて、化学的特性や物理的特性にそれぞれ違いがみられた。JAS規格をすべての項目で満たしている奈良漬はなく、それぞれの製造業者によって個性ある独自の奈良漬が作られていることが明らかになった。また、糖分や塩分の少ない奈良漬ウリの方が、ラジカル捕捉活性、総ポリフェノール量および褐変度が高い傾向にあった。官能検査の結果では、酒粕単独で漬けた奈良漬よりも、酒粕に砂糖やみりん粕などを添加して製造された甘口の奈良漬の方が漬物として好まれる傾向にあった。しかし、クッキーに調製することによって奈良漬の嗜好性に変化がみられ、「奈良漬風味」や「サクサク感」の強いクッキーが好まれた。, 2008, 60, 217, 217, 10.11428/kasei.
  • Refereed, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, Wiley, Effects of the addition of high‐temperature water on the bubble structure, rheological properties, and sensory characteristics of gluten‐free rice flour bread, Kumiko Saito; Maya Okouchi; Mana Yamaguchi; Tayori Takechi; Yoshiro Hatanaka; Koji Kitsuda; Takayo Mannari; Hitoshi Takamura, 06 Oct. 2022, 46, 12, e17228, Scientific journal, 10.1111/jfpp.17228
  • Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Formation of fish flavor during storage of sardine and effects of cooking with mirin, Ganeko Natsuki; Bhadra Anuradha; Kawabe Tatsuya; Ishida Takehiro; Takamura Hitoshi; Matoba Teruyoshi,
    【結果】揮発性成分量はいずれの調理条件でも経時的に増加したが、各調味料間において差が認められた。魚臭に関与する揮発性成分のうち、Hexanalや(Z)-4-Heptenal、2,4-Heptadienalは加熱調理により生成量が抑えられる傾向にあった。また、2,3-Pentanedioneや1-Penten-3-olなどは調味料添加により生成が抑制された。, 2005, 17, 101, 101, 10.11402/ajscs.
  • Refereed, Journal of Food Science, Wiley, Quality improvement of gluten‐free rice flour bread through the addition of high‐temperature water during processing, Kumiko Saito; Maya Okouchi; Mana Yamaguchi; Tayori Takechi; Yoshiro Hatanaka; Koji Kitsuda; Takayo Mannari; Hitoshi Takamura, Nov. 2022, 87, 11, 4820, 4830, Scientific journal, 10.1111/1750-3841.16333
  • Refereed, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Consciousness and preference of deep-fried cooking and foods, Kubo Kaori Mukai; Hayashi Yoshimi; Hara Tomoko; Mizuno Chie; Myojin Chiho; Murakami Megumi; Wada Tamako Nishiike; Ando Mami; Ito Tomoko Fujimura; Imagi Jun; Eguchi Satomi; Kodera Mami; Takamura Hitoshi; Tuyuguchi Sayuri; Nakahira Mayumi, 【目的】日本調理科学会近畿支部揚げる・炒める分科会では、これまでに、家庭における油を用いた調理に関して質問紙調査を実施し、多様化、健康志向、簡便化が進みつつあることを報告してきた。本研究は、2015年に実施した調査結果を用いて、揚げ物に対する嗜好や家庭での揚げ調理について検討した。
    【結果】揚げ物に対する好みは、「好き」30.4%、「どちらかといえば好き」45.1%、「どちらともいえない」20.2%、「どちらかといえば嫌い」4.3%で、「嫌い」という回答はなかった。「好き」と回答した者は、それ以外の者に比べ、揚げ調理の実施頻度が高く、自宅で揚げ調理をする場合に「揚げ種から自分で作る」とする者が多かった。さらに、揚げ物の摂取頻度は、自宅においても、自宅以外においても、揚げ物を好む者のほうが高かった。揚げ物を食べる理由を複数回答で尋ねたところ、「おいしい」が約7割、「弁当等に入っている」が約4割、「満足感が得られる」が約3割であったが、揚げ物を好む者ほど「おいしい」や「満足感が得られる」を多く選択し、好まない者ほど「弁当等に入っている」を多く選択した。以上の結果から、揚げ物は一般に好まれる料理であることが明らかになるとともに、揚げ物を好きな者ほど揚げ調理をよく行っており、おいしく作ることができる技術を持つと推察された。今後は、揚げ調理を自分でおいしく作ることができるような情報発信について検討していきたいと考えている。, 2018, 30, 0, 107, 107, 10.11402/ajscs.30.0_107
  • Refereed, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Levels of Toxic and Essential Elements and Associated Factors in the Hair of Japanese Young Children., Emiko Kusanagi; Hitoshi Takamura; Nobuko Hoshi; Shing-Jen Chen; Mayumi Adachi, There is growing concern regarding the effects of toxic element exposure on the development of children. However, little is known about the level of toxic elements exposure in Japanese children. The purpose of this study was to assess the concentrations of multiple elements (aluminum, cadmium, lead, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, sodium, zinc) in the hair of 118 Japanese young children and to explore the factors associated with their element levels. The element concentration was analyzed by ICP-MS, and children's food and water intake were assessed by the questionnaire. Results showed that there were no large differences between the level of elements in the hair of Japanese children and those of children in other developed countries. Girls had significantly higher levels of aluminum, copper, and iron (p = 0.000, 0.014, and 0.013, respectively), and boys had a higher level of sodium (p = 0.006). The levels of calcium, iron, magnesium, and sodium in nursery school children were significantly higher than those in kindergarten children (p = 0.024, 0.001, 0.046, and 0.029, respectively). Multiple regression analyses with controlling the confounding variables showed significant negative associations of frequency of yogurt intake with aluminum and lead levels (p = 0.015 and 0.037, respectively). When the children were divided into three groups based on the frequency of yoghurt consumption, viz. L (≤once a week), M (2 or 3 times a week), and H (≥4 to 6 times a week) group, the mean aluminum concentration (µg/g) in the L, M, and H groups was 11.06, 10.13, and 6.85, while the mean lead concentration (µg/g) was 1.76, 1.70, and 0.87, respectively. Our results suggested the validity of hair element concentrations as an exposure measure of essential elements and frequent yogurt intake as a viable measure for protecting children from toxic elements. However, these findings will need to be confirmed in more detailed studies with larger sample sizes in the future., 09 Jan. 2023, 20, 2, 1186, Scientific journal, True, 10.3390/ijerph20021186
  • Refereed, ACS Food Science & Technology, American Chemical Society (ACS), Effects of Adding Rapeseed Oil or Milk Fat Cream to Liquid Hen Egg on Lipid Distribution after Centrifugation and Heat-Induced Gel Network, Tomoko T. Asai; Hitoshi Takamura; Sumi Sugiyama, 19 Aug. 2022, 2, 9, 1459, 1467, Scientific journal, 10.1021/acsfoodscitech.2c00169
  • 環境ホルモン学会研究発表会要旨集, 環境ホルモン学会(日本内分泌撹乱化学物質学会), 子どもの毛髪水銀濃度と3タイプの魚介類摂取調査との関連, 草薙 恵美子; 高村 仁知; 星 信子; 陳 省仁; 安達 真由美, Dec. 2017, 20回, 79, 79
  • 環境ホルモン学会研究発表会要旨集, 環境ホルモン学会(日本内分泌撹乱化学物質学会), 日本5地域の子どもの毛髪水銀量と魚摂取, 草薙 恵美子; 高村 仁知; 星 信子; 陳 省仁; 安達 真由美; 大石 正, Dec. 2014, 17回, 67, 67
  • The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, The Japanese Psychological Association, Influence of school-aged children's temperament and parenting behavior on adolescents' behavior problems, Kusanagi Emiko; Takahashi Yoshinobu; Hoshi Nobuko; Moriguchi Yusuke; Takamura Hitoshi, 2022, 86, 1EV-052-PO, 1EV-052-PO, 10.4992/pacjpa.86.0_1ev-052-po
  • Refereed, 環境化学物質3学会合同大会要旨集, (一社)日本環境化学会・日本環境毒性学会・環境ホルモン学会, 子どもの乳歯エナメル質中金属濃度と毛髪中金属濃度の関係, 草薙 恵美子; 中村 光一; 八若 保孝; 鈴木 翔斗; 武田 希美; 高村 仁知; 高橋 義信; 星 信子; 森口 佑介, May 2023, 2回, 412, 412, Research society


  • Not Refereed, 新潟大学教育学部研究紀要 自然科学編, Investigation of Seasonal Changes in Antioxidant Contents and Radical-scavenging Activity of Commercial Vegetables and Commodity Distribution in Market, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Oct. 2018, 11, 1, 71-82
  • Not Refereed, 國學院大學北海道短期大学部紀要, 子どもの気質発達についての学際的研究-予備調査結果をふまえて-, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Mar. 2014, 31, 11-27, 27
  • Not Refereed, J. Home Econ. Jpn., 日本家政学会, Change in the radical-scavenging activity of quercetin and epigallocatechin gallate during heat treatment, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; M. Murakami; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, The effects of heat treatment on the radical-scavenging activity of the two phenolic compounds, quercetin and epigallocatechin gallate, were examined. The retained radical-scavenging activity of both polyphenols was 100% and 80% after respective 60- and 480-min heating at 100℃ suggesting that common boiling practices do not compromise the antioxidation effects. However, the content of epigallocatechin gallate was significantly decreased, although its radical-scavenging activity remained. With heating at 180℃, both the quercetin and epigallocatechin gallate contents decreased much more rapidly than their radical-scavenging activity, suggesting that the radical-scavenging activity remained in their degradation products. After 15 min of heating at 180℃, the retained radical-scavenging activity of quercetin and epigallocatechin gallate was more than 80%. Therefore, usual high-temperature cooking methods such as deep frying or oven heating would not severely compromise the antioxidation effects of these compounds., Mar. 2004, 55, 3, 213-217, 217, False, 10.11428/jhej1987.55.213
  • Not Refereed, 日本調理科学会誌, 一般社団法人 日本調理科学会, 調理加工過程における食品の風味成分の変化に関する研究, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, May 2003, 36, 2, 95-99, 99, 10.11402/cookeryscience1995.36.2_95
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Cookery Science of Japan, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, 市販弁当のミネラル含量, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Nov. 1999, 32, 4, 398-399, 399, 10.11402/cookeryscience1995.32.4_398
  • Not Refereed, 化学と生物, 植物のリポキシゲナーゼ, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Dec. 1992, 30, 12, 813-816
  • Not Refereed, Nippon Nōgeikagaku Kaishi, Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry, ヒト血小板活性化時におけるアラキドン酸の遊離機構とその役割, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Jun. 1987, 61, 6, 701-704, 704, 10.1271/nogeikagaku1924.61.701
  • Not Refereed, 日本調理科学会大会研究発表要旨集, 揚げ物の調理頻度・食べる頻度と食生活に対する健康観, 和田珠子; 安藤真美; 伊藤知子; 井上吉世; 大塚憲一; 久保加織; 小林敦子; 高村仁知; 露口小百合; 中平真由巳; 原知子; 水野千恵; 明神千穂; 村上恵, 2009, 2009, 87
  • Not Refereed, 日本調理科学会大会研究発表要旨集, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, 健康志向と家庭における揚げ調理の関連性, 安藤真美; 和田珠子; 伊藤知子; 井上吉世; 大塚憲一; 我如古菜月; 久保加織; 高村仁知; 中平真由巳; 原知子; 松井正枝; 的場輝佳; 水野千恵; 明神千穂; 村上恵; 湯川夏子,
    日本調理科学会近畿支部 揚げる・炒める分科会では、今までに家庭での揚げ調理に関して、多様化、健康志向、簡便化が進みつつあることを報告してきた1)2)。近年メタボリックシンドロームが及ぼす健康障害が広く認知され、健康志向は今後ますます強くなることが予想される。揚げ物は嗜好性が高い一方でカロリー過多を引き起こしやすい料理であるため、使用する油の種類や調理方法への配慮が必要となるが、健康志向の高まりが機能性油の使用や揚げ物の嗜好、家庭での揚げ調理に及ぼす影響は定かではない。そこで今回は、健康に関する意識と使用する油の種類および利用状況の関連性をアンケート調査により明らかにすることを目的とした。
    1)日調科誌33、236-243(2000)、2)日調科誌36、274-283(2003), 2008, 2008, 21, 42, 10.11402/ajscs.
  • Not Refereed, 日本調理科学会大会研究発表要旨集, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, 揚げ物のおいしさには油こし操作が影響を及ぼす, 明神千穂; 安藤真美; 伊藤知子; 井上吉世; 大塚憲一; 我如古菜月; 久保加織; 柴田彰; 高村仁知; 武智多与理; 露口小百合; 中原満子; 中平真由巳; 林淑美; 原知子; 深見良子; 松井正枝; 的場輝佳; 水野千恵; 村上恵; 湯川夏子; 和田(西池)珠子,
    発表者と所属の追加:水野千恵(大阪成蹊短大)、村上恵(近畿大)湯川夏子(神戸学院女子大)、和田(西池)珠子(大手前短大), 2005, 2005, 64, 119, 10.11402/ajscs.
  • Not Refereed, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, Effects of polyphenol oxidase on polyphenols and radical-scavenging activity in vegetables., H Takamura; M Katsuda; Y Oda; T Yamaguchi; T Matoba, Apr. 2002, 223, U38, U38, Summary international conference
  • Not Refereed, 食に関する助成研究調査報告書, すかいらーくフードサイエンス研究所, 植物性食素材のラジカル捕捉活性と調理加工による変化, 的場 輝佳; 高村 仁知; 山口 智子, 2002, 15, 75, 82
  • Not Refereed, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, Active oxygen scavenging activity of food phenolic compounds., H Takamura; M Murakami; T Yamaguchi; T Matoba, Apr. 2001, 221, U24, U24, Summary international conference
  • Not Refereed, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, Effects of heating on radical-scavenging activity and phenol content of vegetables., T Yamaguchi; T Mizobuchi; J Terao; H Takamura; T Matoba, Apr. 2001, 221, U21, U21, Summary international conference
  • Not Refereed, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, Change in radical-scavenging activity of spices and vegetables during cooking., H Takamura; T Yamaguchi; J Terao; T Matoba, Mar. 2000, 219, U52, U52, Summary international conference
  • Not Refereed, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, Evaluation of free radical scavenging activity of beverages and vegetables by DPPH-HPLC method, T Yamaguchi; H Takamura; T Matoba; J Terao, Apr. 1997, 213, 70, AGFD, Summary international conference
  • 日本調理科学会大会研究発表要旨集, 野菜の妙め調理におけるおいしさに関わる要素-たまねぎの場合-, 和田珠子; 安藤真美; 伊藤知子; 久保加織; 小寺真実; 高村仁知; 露口小百合; 中平真由巳; 林淑美; 原知子; 水野千恵; 明神千穂; 村上恵, 2019, 2019
  • 日本調理科学会大会研究発表要旨集, アボカド油の加熱調理特性, 村上恵; 安藤真美; 伊藤知子; 今義潤; 川路美由紀; 久保加織; 小寺真実; 高村仁知; 露口小百合; 中平真由巳; 林淑美; 原知子; 水野千恵; 明神千穂; 和田珠子, 2017, 2017
  • 日本調理科学会大会研究発表要旨集, 国産ゴマ油およびナタネ油の調理特性, 伊藤知子; 安藤真美; 今義潤; 江口智美; 久保加織; 高村仁知; 露口小百合; 中平真由巳; 原知子; 水野千恵; 明神千穂; 村上恵; 和田珠子; 大潟直樹, 2015, 2015
  • 日本調理科学会大会研究発表要旨集, シャロウフライの最適な揚げ条件と問題点, 中平真由巳; 安藤真美; 伊藤知子; 今義潤; 江口智美; 江口智美; 久保加織; 高村仁知; 露口小百合; 原知子; 水野千恵; 明神千穂; 村上恵; 和田珠子, 2014, 2014
  • 滋賀短期大学研究紀要, 滋賀短期大学, Relationship between Frequency of the Use of Pan and Its Aluminum Elution, 中平 真由巳; 松井 正枝; 高村 仁知, 2013, 38, 1, 7
  • 日本調理科学会誌, 日本調理科学会, 演題10. 固相微量抽出法によるマイワシフレーバー成分の解析(近畿支部第31回研究発表会), 我如古 菜月; 庄田 まみ子; 広原 郁子; 松田 秀喜; 石田 丈博; 高村 仁知; 的場 輝佳, 2004, 37, 4, 116, 116
  • 日本調理科学会誌, 日本調理科学会, A-1 揚げ物およびフライ油の風味と極性化合物量の関係(第2回 東海・北陸支部,近畿支部合同研究発表会)(支部だより), 原 知子; 安藤 真美; 伊藤 知子; 井上 吉世; 大塚 憲一; 大野 佳美; 岡村 由美; 白砂 尋士; 高村 仁知; 武智 多与理; 露ロ 小百合; 中原 満子; 中平 真由巳; 西池 珠子; 林 淑美; 深見 良子; 藤村 浩嗣; 松井 正枝; 的場 輝佳; 水野 千恵; 村上 恵; 山下 貴稔; 湯川 夏子; 渡辺 健市, 2004, 37, 1, 123, 123
  • Journal of cookery science of Japan, 日本調理科学会, Studies on the Life Span of Frying Oil(IV) : comparison between Fryin with and without a Batter coation., 湯川 夏子; 安藤 真美; 石津 日出子; 伊藤 知子; 井上 吉世; 大江 隆子; 大鹿 淳子; 梶本 五郎; 金谷 昭子; 高村 仁知; 竹井 よう子; 武智 多与理; 中原 満子; 西池 珠子; 林 淑美; 原 知子; 深見 良子; 福井 広子; 藤井 美紗子; 藤村 浩嗣; 堀内 ?之; 的場 輝佳; 水野 千恵; 村上 恵; 椴山 薫; 夜久 富美子; 山下 貴稔, A collaborative study was conducted to examine the applicability of a sensory test to determine the life span of frying oil. Three types of food were deep fried with or without a batter coating. Sensory tests on the frying oil and fried foods were carried out. The usable life of the frying oil with a batter coating, which is defined as the frying time until the flavor score reached 3, was slightly longer than that for frying without a batter coating ; the oil was less discolored and the scores for "viscosity" and "rancid flavor" were lower with the batter coating. These results suggest that the batter coating prevented the extraction of those components responsible for the color, viscosity and rancid flavor of the frying oil. Fried foods with a flavor score of 3 or more were not considered acceptable for eating. It is suggested that frying food with a batter coating as well as without a batter coating is useful to to determine the life span of frying oil., 2003, 36, 1, 32, 38
  • 日本調理科学会誌, 日本調理科学会, 市販清涼飲料およびアルコール飲料のラジカル捕捉活性 : 近畿支部 第28回研究発表会講演要旨, 石渡 仁子; 的場 輝佳; 山口 智子; 高村 仁知, 2001, 34, 4, 116, 116
  • 日本調理科学会誌, 日本調理科学会, 野菜およびスパイスの調理過程におけるフリーラジカル捕捉活性の変化 : 第1回 近畿支部, 東海・北陸支部合同研究発表会, 高村 仁知; 山口 智子; 寺尾 純二; 的場 輝佳, 2000, 33, 4, 112, 113
  • Journal of cookery science of Japan, 日本調理科学会, Studies on the Life Span of Frying Oil (V) : Flavor Score of Frying Oil and Fried Foods with Breaded Batter, Inoue Sachiyo; Ishizu Hideko; Fujimura-Ito Tomoko; Oshika Junko; Kajimoto Goro; Takei Yoko; Takamura Hitoshi; Nakahara Mitsuko; Nishiike Tamako; Hayashi Yoshimi; Hara Tomoko; Fukami Yoshiko; Fukui Hiroko; Matoba Teruyoshi; Mizuno Chie; Murakami Megumi; Yaku Fumiko; Yukawa Natsuko, A collaborative study was designed to examine the applicability of a sensory evaluation to determine the life span of frying oil. Soybean oil was heated at 170℃ in an electric fryer. Two types of food, chicken fillet and potato, were deep-fried with or without breaded batter every 15 min. Frying was continued until the flavor score of the oil had dropped to 3. A sensory evaluation of the frying oil and each fried food was then carried out. The life span of the frying oil to reach the flavor score of 3 was slightly longer with breaded batter than without using the batter coating. The color of the frying oil did not exhibit any degradation, especially when potato was fried. It was difficult to judge the degradation by the appearance of each fried food coated with breaded batter. However, the flavor score of the frying oil corresponded to the flavor score of the fried foods coated with breaded batter. The flavor and taste of the foods fried in the oil with a flavor score of 3 were not good. These results suggest that the flavor score of frying oil is useful to determine the life span of frying oil when a breaded batter coating is used., 2003, 36, 3, 299, 304
  • 日本調理科学会誌, 日本調理科学会, 脂質過酸化物の安定性に対する食品成分の影響 : 近畿支部 第24回研究発表会講演要旨, 西池 珠子; 高村 仁知; 的場 輝佳, 1997, 30, 4, 96, 97
  • 日本農藝化學會誌, 社団法人日本農芸化学会, 大豆における4-hydroxyhexenalおよび4-hydroxynonenalの生成 : 酵素, 高村 仁知; Gardner Harold.W.; 的場 輝佳, 05 Jul. 1995, 69, 26, 26
  • 日本農藝化學會誌, 社団法人日本農芸化学会, 近赤外分光法による食品水分の汎用測定法の開発 : 食品, 遠藤 奈麻子; 高村 仁知; 的場 輝佳, 05 Mar. 1996, 70, 29, 29
  • 日本農藝化學會誌, 社団法人日本農芸化学会, 水系におけるリノール酸ヒドロペルオキシドの安定性に対する金属イオンの影響 : 食品, 西池 珠子; 重枝 亜矢; 山本 佳美; 高村 仁知; 的場 輝佳, 05 Mar. 1996, 70, 193, 193
  • Memoirs of Shiga Women's Junior College, 滋賀女子短期大学, Studies on solubilization from wrapping films into food simulating solvents (2), 中平 真由巳; 松井 正枝; 高村 仁知, 2007, 32, 15, 21
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, The Japan Society of Cookery Science, Studies on the life span of frying oil (X):Effect of carbonyl value on deterioration judgment of oil, Takechi Tayori; Nakahara Mitsuko; Nakahira Mayumi; Nishiike Tamako; Hara Tomoko; Fukami Yoshiko; Fujimura Kouji; Matoba Teruyoshi; Matui Masae; Mizuno Chie; Murakami Megumi; Ando Mami; Yamashita Takatoshi; Yukawa Natsuko; Hayashi Yoshimi; Fujimura-Ito Tomoko; Inoue Sachiyo; Ohno Yoshimi; Sakurai Aiko; Sugiyama Ayami; Takamura Hitoshi; Tsuyuguchi Sayuri, 本分科会では、フライ油の使用限界を官能的に判定する方法として、風味点数を用いる方法を確立してきた。風味点数を判定する指標として、寄与が大きいと考えられるCOVを取り上げ、COVの差によって油を判別することが可能なのか、官能検査によって確認した。その結果、COVが新鮮油に近いレベル(COV<10)においては、COVの微妙な差まで判別できていた。しかし、COVが高くなると(COV>15)、COVの違いにより油が判別できなくなった。特に、風味点数3付近のCOVでは、ほとんど判別できなかった。以上の結果から、COV約10以下程度の劣化度合いでは、油の劣化判定に対するCOVの影響が大きいが、それ以上劣化が進むと、風味点数の判定に、他の要因が関与する可能性が示唆された。, 2002, 14, 0, 44, 44, 10.11402/ajscs.
  • 日本心理学会大会発表論文集, 公益社団法人 日本心理学会, 子どもが幼児期から学童期にかけての父母の気質の安定性, 星 信子; 草薙 恵美子; 森口 祐介; 高村 仁知, 幼児期から学童期にかけての子どもの気質の縦断的研究に参加した父母103名の気質の安定性について検討を行なった。幼児期(子どもは3~6歳)では母親の年齢は平均37.1歳(28~49歳),父親の年齢は平均39.5歳(31~51歳)であった。学童期の測定は子どもが9~12歳の時に実施した。気質の測定には,成人用気質質問紙短縮版(Adult Temperament Questionnaire:ATQ)を使用した。ATQで測定する4つの気質次元には,それぞれ2時点の間で中程度以上の正の相関があり(否定的情動性:r=.729, p<.001, 努力による制御:r=.739, p<.001, 高潮性:r=.673, p<.001, 敏感性:r=.672, p<.001),個人の特徴は比較的安定的であると言える。また,これらの次元の得点に関して対応のある分散分析を行ったところ,否定的情動性と敏感性には差がみられなかったが,努力による制御と高潮性については変動があり(それぞれ F=16.1, p<.001, F=3.9, p=.05),努力による制御は学童期の方が高く,高潮性は逆に低くなっていた。, 2021, 85, PO-031, PO-031, 10.4992/pacjpa.85.0_po-031
  • Not Refereed, The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, The Japanese Psychological Association, Effects of early childhood exposure to metals on the development of temperament in middle childhood, Kusanagi Emiko; Takahashi Yoshinobu; Takamura Hitoshi; Hoshi Nobuko; Moriguchi Yusuke; Chen Shing-Jen, Aug. 2019, 83回, 810, 810, 10.4992/pacjpa.83.0_2b-067
  • 環境ホルモン学会研究発表会要旨集, 環境ホルモン学会(日本内分泌撹乱化学物質学会), 幼児の毛髪微量元素濃度とその影響要因, 草薙 恵美子; 高村 仁知; 星 信子; 陳 省仁, Dec. 2018, 21回, 98, 98
  • 日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集, 一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会, PG092 母親の気質と子育て(発達,ポスター発表G), 星 信子; 草薙 恵美子; 陳 省仁; 安達 真由美; 高村 仁知, 2014, 56, 832, 10.20587/pamjaep.56.0_832
  • Refereed, 16TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, MEDIMOND S R L, The Development of Child Temperament and the Presence of Siblings, E. Kusanagi; N. Hoshi; S. -J. Chen; M. Adachi; H. Takamura; T. Oishi, The effect of the presence of siblings in everyday life on the development of temperament was examined in Japanese children aged three to six years. Information concerning children's temperament and its expressions in everyday family life were obtained by questionnaire and multiple real-time internet interviews. Results showed gender differences for Negative Affectivity and Effortful Control, but no gender difference for Extraversion/Surgency concerning the effect of family members and the degree of closeness they showed in everyday activities (the latter to be referred to as physical cohesion). Boys were more susceptible than girls to sibling influence. It is suggested that children's temperament is likely to be influenced by the presence of siblings through interactions in daily activities., 2013, 129, 132, Introduction international proceedings
  • Not Refereed, The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, The Japanese Psychological Association, Relations between exposure to metals in early childhood and play in middle childhood, Kusanagi Emiko; Takamura Hitoshi; Hoshi Nobuko; Takahashi Yoshinobu; Moriguchi Yusuke; Chen Shing-Jen, 環境汚染は子どもの発達に重要な影響を与える。本研究では幼児期金属暴露量を子どもの毛髪中金属濃度により,学童期遊びを紙面調査により測定し,その関連を両時期調査に参加した71名を対象に分析した。 遊び調査では,遊び26項目及びTVゲーム15項目の頻度を8段階で尋ねた。遊び各項目の中央値で2群(低群0点,高群1点)に分け,性とのχ二乗検定を実施し,性差の見られた女児又は男児がよく遊ぶ項目それぞれについて平均点を算出し,前者から後者を減じて遊び得点とした。同様の手続きによりにTVゲームについてのゲーム得点も算出した。 男女児別にこれら得点について,毛髪中Al, Cr, Mn, Se, Sn, Hg, Pbの各濃度で3群に分け,分散分析を行った。女児において,遊び得点がPbに関して,ゲーム得点はMnに関して有意となった(Pb: F(2, 28)=4.74, p<.05, Mn: (F(2, 22)=3.83, p<.05))。多重比較の結果,Pb中濃度群よりも高濃度群の遊び得点が,Mn低濃度群よりも高濃度群のゲーム得点がそれぞれ低かった。男児の遊び,ゲーム得点に関して有意となる金属はなかった。以上より,金属暴露の女児の遊び傾向への影響が示唆されたが,より多くの協力者での再検討が望まれる, 2020, 84th, PO-021, PO-021, 10.4992/pacjpa.84.0_po-021
  • 環境ホルモン学会研究発表会プログラム・要旨集, 子どもの毛髪水銀濃度と3タイプの魚介類摂取調査との関連, 草薙恵美子; 高村仁知; 星信子; CHEN Shing-Jen; 安達真由美, 2017, 20th
  • INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Regional differences in and factors influencing children's play in Japan, Emiko Kusanagi; Nobuko Hoshi; Hitoshi Takamura; Shing-Jen Chen; Mayumi Adachi, Jul. 2016, 51, 1161, 1161, Summary international conference
  • 環境ホルモン学会研究発表会プログラム・要旨集, 日本5地域の子どもの毛髪水銀量と魚摂取, 草薙恵美子; 高村仁知; 星信子; CHEN Shing-Jen; 安達真由美; 大石正, 2014, 17th
  • 日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集, 一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会, PG091 子どもの気質と遊び(発達,ポスター発表G), 草薙 恵美子; 星 信子; 安達 真由美; 陳 省仁; 高村 仁知, 2014, 56, 831, 10.20587/pamjaep.56.0_831
  • Not Refereed, The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, The Japanese Psychological Association, Development of temperament in childhood: with reference to children's current food intake and maternal diet during pregnancy, KUSANAGI Emiko; HOSHI Nobuko; TAKAMURA Hitoshi; ADACHI Mayumi; CHEN Shing-Jen; OISHI Tadashi, 19 Sep. 2013, 77, 2PM-081, 2PM-081, 10.4992/pacjpa.77.0_2pm-081
  • 日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集, 一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会, PD-018 子どもと母親の気質と生活 : 母親の気質に関連する諸要因についての予備的検討(発達,ポスター発表), 星 信子; 草薙 恵美子; 高村 仁知; 安達 真由美; 陳 省仁; 大石 正, 2012, 54, 378, 10.20587/pamjaep.54.0_378
  • 日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集, 一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会, PD-017 子どもと母親の気質と生活 : 子どもの気質に関連する諸要因についての予備的検討(発達,ポスター発表), 草薙 恵美子; 星 信子; 高村 仁知; 安達 真由美; 陳 省仁; 大石 正, 2012, 54, 377, 10.20587/pamjaep.54.0_377
  • 香料, 日本香料協会, Changes in flavors by lipid oxidation in foods, 高村 仁知, Mar. 2008, 237, 39, 45
  • 食生活科学・文化及び地球環境科学に関する研究助成研究紀要, アサヒビ-ル学術振興財団, 食品における脂質過酸化物の分解反応とその生成物の解析, 高村 仁知, 1998, 14, 29, 36
  • 年報, 飯島記念食品科学振興財団, 大豆中の脂質に由来する毒性カルボニル化合物の生成に関する研究, 高村 仁知, 1997, 1997, 134, 139

Books etc

  • 新しい食品加工学改訂第2版, 南江堂, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 分担, Dec. 2017, 5-11, 187-205, Not Refereed, 9784524255610
  • 基礎調理学, 講談社, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 分担, Mar. 2017, 51-70, Not Refereed, 9784061553941
  • 三訂食品機能学, 光生館, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 分担, Mar. 2016, 93-126, Not Refereed, 9784332040590
  • 食物科学概論改訂版, 朝倉書店, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 分担, Mar. 2014, 58-73,132-153, Not Refereed, 9784254606263
  • 初めての栄養学研究論文 人には聞けない要点とコツ, 第一出版, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 分担, Aug. 2012, 34-38, Not Refereed, 9784804112657
  • 改訂食品機能学, 光生館, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 分担, Oct. 2011, 91-120, Not Refereed, 9784332040521
  • 新しい食品加工学, 南江堂, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 分担, Dec. 2010, 5-11, 179-189, 190-195, Not Refereed
  • 料理のなんでも小事典, 講談社, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 分担, Aug. 2008, 102,167, Not Refereed
  • 調理科学概論, 朝倉書店, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 分担, Apr. 2005, 41-42, Not Refereed
  • Near Infrared Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference, NIR Publications, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; H. Takamura; M. Omasa; M. Tamada; T. Yamashita; R. Nogami; H. Shiramasa; T. Matoba他, 分担, Nov. 2004, 589-591, Not Refereed
  • Near Infrared Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference, NIR Publications, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; H. Omasa; H. Takamura; T. Matoba他, 分担, Nov. 2004, 835-838, Not Refereed
  • Proceeding of the Japan-Thailand Joint Symposium on Nondestructive Evaluation Technology, Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology & Kasetsart University, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; M. Tamada; M. Omasa; Y. Yanagawa; K. Ootsuka; T. Yamashita; H. Shiramasa; H. Takamura; T. Matoba他, 分担, May 2004, 244-24, Not Refereed
  • 食物科学概論, 朝倉書店, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 分担, Nov. 2003, 152-176, Not Refereed
  • 食品機能学, 光生館, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 分担, Apr. 2003, 74-103, Not Refereed
  • Recent Advances in Endocrinology and Reproduction: Evolutionary, Biotechnological and Clinical Implications, SRBCE, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; S. Razia; K. Soda; K. Kobayashi; Y. Yamamoto; A. Yagi; K. Kawamoto; M. Omasa; H. Takamura; T. Matoba; S. Tamotsu; K. Yasuda; T. Oishi他, 分担, 2003, 61-81, Not Refereed
  • Near Infrared Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, NIR Publications, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; H. Takamura; H. Miyamoto; Y. Mori; T. Matoba, Oct. 2002, 405-408, Not Refereed
  • Effects of Processing on Bioactive Compounds in Foods, American Chemical Society, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; H. Takamura; T. Yamaguchi; J. Terao; T. Matoba, 分担, Aug. 2002, 34-43, Not Refereed
  • Near Infrared Spectroscopy: Proceedings of 9th International Conference, NIR Publications, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; H. Takamura; H. Miyamoto; M. Imatani; T. Matoba, 分担, Oct. 2000, 503-507, Not Refereed
  • 総合調理科学事典, 光生館, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 分担, Sep. 1997, Not Refereed
  • Lipoxygenase and Lipoxygenase Pathway Enzymes, AOCS Press, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; Harold W. Gardner; Hitoshi Takamura; David H. Hildebrand; George J. Piazza, 分担, Dec. 1996, 162-175, Not Refereed
  • Near Infrared Spectroscopy: The Future Waves, NIR Publications, TAKAMURA Hitoshi; H. Takamura; N. Hyakumoto; T. Matoba, 分担, Oct. 1996, 620-624, Not Refereed
  • 新生化学実験講座 第4巻 脂質 Ⅱ.リン脂質, 東京化学同人, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 分担, May 1991, 52-58, Not Refereed
  • タンパク質・ペプチドの高速液体クロマトグラフィー, 化学同人, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 分担, Mar. 1990, 263-272, Not Refereed
  • ライフサイエンスのための高速液体クロマトグラフィー-基礎と実験, 廣川書店, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 分担, Jun. 1988, 291-304, Not Refereed
  • 四訂 食品機能学, 光生館, 寺尾, 純二; 山西, 倫太郎; 高村, 仁知, 08 Sep. 2020, v, 153p, 9784332040668
  • 日本食およびその素材の健康機能性開発, シーエムシー出版, 矢澤, 一良, 食品の加工・調理過程における食品成分や機能性の変化, May 2016, ix, 277p, 9784781311579
  • 新しい食品加工学改訂第3版, 南江堂, 髙村仁知; 大倉哲也; 森山達哉; 露久保美夏; 渡部純; 和田律子; 八田一; 安藤正史; 西村公雄; 島田和子; 北尾悟; 菊﨑泰枝; 村田容常; 川端球一; 平田孝, 序論、食品保存(貯蔵)の原理、食品加工の原理、加工食品の規格・表示と安全性, Mar. 2022, 203, 66, Refereed, False, 9784524228515


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  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Poster presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
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  • Invited oral presentation
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  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Others
  • Oral presentation
  • Others
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  • Oral presentation
  • 橋本怜奈; 石川晴菜; 戸上真衣; 矢奥泰章; 西本登志; 嶋岡龍平; 萬成誉世; 高村仁知, 日本家政学会関西支部第42回研究発表会, ストライプペポ種子の保存条件が脂質劣化と嗜好性に与える影響, Oral presentation, 18 Nov. 2020, 日本家政学会関西支部, 大津(誌上開催), Japan, False, False
  • 山口珠央; 鈴木歩; 矢奥泰章; 萬成誉世; 高村仁知, 日本家政学会関西支部第42回研究発表会, ミニパプリカの果実色と収穫時期が機能性成分および嗜好性成分に及ぼす影響, Oral presentation, 18 Nov. 2020, 日本家政学会関西支部, 大津(誌上開催), Japan, False, False
  • 杉山京香; 福本真由; 矢奥泰章; 西本登志; 萬成誉世; 髙村仁知, 日本家政学会関西支部第42回研究発表会, 奈良県育成イチゴ「珠姫」の品種特性, Oral presentation, 18 Nov. 2020, 日本家政学会関西支部, 大津(誌上開催), Japan, False, False
  • Tomoko T. Asai; Kyoka Sugiyama; Kumiko Saito; Takayo Mannari; Hitoshi Takamura; Kenji Sato, 19th World Congress on Nutrition and Food Chemistry, Effect of cooking treatment on the amount of pepsin/pancreatin- soluble collagen in meat, Oral presentation, 26 Sep. 2020, Dublin (Online), Ireland, True, False
  • Mami Yamada; Tomoko T. Asai; Takayo Mannari; Hitoshi Takamura; Kenji Sato, 19th World Congress on Nutrition and Food Chemistry, Effect of high temperature treatment on amino acid residues in soy protein isolate, Oral presentation, 26 Sep. 2020, Dublin (Online), Ireland, True, False
  • 草薙 恵美子; 髙村 仁知; 星 信子; 高橋 義信; 森口 佑介; 陳 省仁, 日本心理学会第84回大会, 幼児期金属暴露と学童期の遊び, Poster presentation, 08 Sep. 2020, 日本心理学会, 東京(誌上開催), Japan, False, False
  • 齋藤公美子; 大河内万彩; 武智多与里; 畠中芳郎; 橘田浩二; 萬成誉世; 高村仁知, 第67回日本栄養改善学会学術総会, グルテンフリー100%米粉パン調製におけるアミロース含量と加水温度の影響, Oral presentation, 02 Sep. 2020, 日本栄養改善学会, 札幌(誌上開催), Japan, False, False
  • Kumiko Saito; Tayori Takechi; Yoshiro Hatanaka; Takayo Mannari; Hitoshi Takamura, Institute of Food Technologists 2020, Effects of amylose content on the preparation of gluten-free rice flour bread, Oral presentation, 13 Jul. 2020, Institute of Food Technologists, Chicago, IL (Online), United States, True, False
  • 大河内万彩; 齋藤公美子; 武智多与理; 畠中芳郎; 萬成誉世; 高村仁知, 日本家政学会第71回大会, グルテンフリー米粉パンの製パン性に対するアミロース含量と加水温度の影響, Oral presentation, 31 May 2020, 日本家政学会, 高崎(誌上開催), Japan, False, False
  • 草薙恵美子; 高村仁知; 星伸子; 陳省仁, 環境ホルモン学会第21回研究発表会, 幼児の毛髪微量元素濃度とその影響要因, Poster presentation, 16 Dec. 2018, 環境ホルモン学会, False
  • 高村仁知; 岩﨑菜都美; 久枝由美子; 萬成誉世; 西本登志; 髙村仁知, 日本家政学会関西支部第40回研究発表会, イチゴの機能性および嗜好性成分の品種間差と季節変動, 24 Nov. 2018, 日本家政学会関西支部, 奈良市, False
  • 武智多与理; 原康香; 畠中芳郎; 萬成誉世; 高村仁知, 日本食品科学工学会第65回大会, グルテンフリー米粉パン調製における製パン条件の検討, 24 Aug. 2018, 日本食品科学工学会, 仙台市, False
  • 久保加織; 安藤真美; 伊藤知子; 今義潤; 江口智美; 小寺真実; 髙村仁知; 露口小百合; 中平真由巳; 林淑美; 原知子; 水野千恵; 明神千穂; 村上恵; 和田珠子, 日本調理科学会平成30年度大会, 揚げ物の嗜好と揚げ調理に対する意識, 30 Aug. 2018, 日本調理科学会, 西宮市, False
  • 原康香; 武智多与理; 畠中芳郎; 萬成誉世; 高村仁知, 日本調理科学会平成30年度大会, グルテンフリー米粉パン調製における製パン条件の検討 スロージューサー残渣添加の影響, 31 Aug. 2018, 日本調理科学会, 西宮市, False
  • 武智多与理; 原康香; 高村仁知; 畠中芳郎, 日本家政学会第70回大会, グルテンフリー米粉パン調整における粘度の影響(第2報), 26 May 2018, 日本家政学会, 東京都, False
  • 坂井柊子; 原康香; 小川果穂; 西本登志; 萬成誉世; 高村仁知, 日本家政学会関西支部第39回研究発表会, オクラの成長に伴う機能性および嗜好性の変化, 15 Oct. 2017, 日本家政学会関西支部, 京都市, False
  • 福岡さやか; 楠原弥生; 東平悠里; 西本登志; 萬成誉世; 高村仁知, 日本家政学会関西支部第39回研究発表会, 奈良県産ナスの機能性成分の品種間差と季節変動, 15 Oct. 2017, 日本家政学会関西支部, 京都市, False
  • 金澤文恵; 山本眞子; 中林ありさ; 西本登志; 萬成誉世; 高村仁知, 日本家政学会関西支部第39回研究発表会, サトイモに含まれる食物繊維量及び官能評価の品種間差と季節変動, 15 Oct. 2017, 日本家政学会関西支部, 京都市, False
  • 武智 多与理; 高村 仁知; 畠中 芳郎; 志和 睦, 日本調理科学会平成29年度大会, スロージュース残渣を用いたグルテンフリー米粉パンの開発, 01 Sep. 2017, 日本調理科学会, 東京都, False
  • 村上恵; 安藤真美; 伊藤知子; 今義潤; 川路美由紀; 久保加織; 小寺真実; 髙村仁知; 露口小百合; 中平真由巳; 林淑美; 原知子; 水野千恵; 明神千穂; 和田珠子, 日本調理科学会平成29年度大会, アボカド油の加熱調理特性, 01 Sep. 2017, 日本調理科学会, 東京都, False
  • Hitoshi Takamura; Natsumi Otsuka; Natsumi Iwasaki; Sakiko Kawamura; Tomomi Esumi; Toshi Nishimoto, 2017 Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists (IFT17), Flavor and Taste Components in Several Kinds of Sweet Peppers and Their Changes during Cultivation and Heat Cooking, 28 Jun. 2017, Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), Las Vegas NV, USA, True
  • 武智 多与理; 志和 睦; 高村 仁知; 畠中 芳郎, 日本家政学会第69回大会, コールドプレスジュース残渣を用いたグルテンフリー米粉パンの開発, 27 May 2017, 日本家政学会, 奈良市, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会関西支部第38回研究発表会, 奈良県産食素材を用いた機能性おやつの開発, Oct. 2016, 日本家政学会関西支部, 東大阪市, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会関西支部第38回研究発表会, ひもとうがらしの嗜好成分とその変動因子に関する研究, Oct. 2016, 日本家政学会関西支部, 東大阪市, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会関西支部第38回研究発表会, グルテンフリー米粉パン製造におけるコールドプレスジュース残渣の効果, Oct. 2016, 日本家政学会関西支部, 東大阪市, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成28年度大会, 家庭における油を用いた調理の状況, Aug. 2016, 日本調理科学会, 日進市, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会第68回大会, グルテンフリー米粉パンの膨化性における粘度の影響, May 2016, 日本家政学会, 名古屋市, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会第68回大会, コールドプレスジュース作成時の残渣利用による付加価値を高めた米粉パンの開発, May 2016, 日本家政学会, 名古屋市, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; N. Otsuka; T. Esumi; T. Nishimoto; H. Takamura, 2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (PACIFICHEM 2015), Flavor, taste, and functional components of sweet peppers and their changes during cultivation and cooking, Dec. 2015, American Chemical Society, Honolulu, HI, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会関西支部第37回研究発表会, 奈良県産ナスの機能性成分および嗜好性と品種特性, Oct. 2015, 日本家政学会関西支部, 西宮市, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成27年度大会, 国産ゴマ油およびナタネ油の調理特性, Aug. 2015, 日本調理科学会, 静岡市, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成27年度大会, 低真空環境が食品保存性能に与える影響, Aug. 2015, 日本調理科学会, 静岡市, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本食品科学工学会第62回大会・シンポジウムB5『地方創生と産官学の役割』, 地域の食材を大学の研究と教育で活かす, Aug. 2015, 日本食品科学工学会, 京都市, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会第67回大会, 甘とうがらし類の嗜好成分とその変動に関与する因子に関する研究, May 2015, 日本家政学会, 盛岡市, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 環境ホルモン学会第17回研究発表会, Hair mercury levels and fish consumption of Japanese children in five districts, Dec. 2014, 環境ホルモン学会(正式名:日本内分泌撹乱化学物質学会), 東京大学(東京都文京区), False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会近畿支部第41回研究発表会, 奈良県産ひもとうがらしの嗜好性に関与する成分とその品種間差、季節変動、および調理変化, Dec. 2014, 日本調理科学会近畿支部, 京都華頂大学(京都市東山区), False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本教育心理学会第56回総会, 子どもの気質と遊び, Nov. 2014, 日本教育心理学会, 神戸国際会議場(神戸市中央区), False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本教育心理学会第56回総会, 母親の気質と子育て, Nov. 2014, 日本教育心理学会, 神戸国際会議場(神戸市中央区), False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成26年度大会, シャロウフライの最適な揚げ条件と問題点, Aug. 2014, 日本調理科学会, 広島, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成26年度大会, エコロジー調理に適した調理法の検討~醤油またはみりんを用いた場合の消費一次エネルギー消費量およびCO2排出量~, Aug. 2014, 日本調理科学会, 広島, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; H. Takamura; K. Yagi; S. Kitao; M. Ando; T. Matoba, 2014 Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists (IFT14), Effects of Seasoning During Ecological Cooking on Food Functionality, Jun. 2014, Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), New Orleans, LA, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会第66回大会, エコロジー調理に適した調理法の検討-調味料が機能性とCO2排出量に及ぼす影響-, May 2014, 日本家政学会, 北九州市, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本発達心理学会第25回大会, 幼児の気質の時代変化, Mar. 2014, 日本発達心理学会, 京都, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会近畿支部第40回研究発表会, エコロジー調理に適した調理法の検討と調味料の影響, Dec. 2013, 日本調理科学会近畿支部, 大阪市, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会近畿支部第40回研究発表会, 海産魚に含まれるにおい成分および機能性成分の調理過程における変化, Dec. 2013, 日本調理科学会近畿支部, 大阪市, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本心理学会第77回大会, 幼児期の気質発達-母親妊娠中及び子どもの食事との関連-, Sep. 2013, 日本心理学会, 札幌, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成25年度大会, インドネシア産メリンジョを用いた菓子類の開発, Aug. 2013, 日本調理科学会, 奈良, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本食品科学工学会第60回大会, 白身魚ホキの魚臭におよぼす身質および冷凍保存の影響, Aug. 2013, 日本食品科学工学会, 東京都日野市, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; Hoshi Nobuko; Kusanagi Emiko; Chen Shing-Jen; Adachi Mayumi; Takamura Hitoshi; Oishi Tadashi, 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Factors Influencing the Anxiety of Parenthood: Views from Japanese Mothers with Young Children, Jul. 2013, European Association of Developmental Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; Kusanagi Emiko; Chen Shing-Jen; Hoshi Nobuko; Adachi Mayumi; Oishi Tadashi; Takamura Hitoshi, 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Presence of Siblings and the Development of Temperament, Jul. 2013, European Association of Developmental Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; Chen Shing-Jen; Kusanagi Emiko; Hoshi Nobuko; Adachi Mayumi; Takamura Hitoshi; Oishi Tadashi, 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Parenting Behaviours, Activity Sharing and Maternal Beliefs in Japan, Jul. 2013, European Association of Developmental Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; H. TAKAMURA; M. UDAGAWA; A. FUKATSU; S. KITAO; M. ANDO; T. MATOBA, 2013 Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists (IFT13), Effects of Ecological Cooking Procedures on Food Functionality, Jul. 2013, Institute of Food Technologists, Chicago, IL, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会第65回大会, エコロジー調理に適した調理法の検討 \n調味料を用いた場合に調理法が機能性に及ぼす影響, May 2013, 日本家政学会, 東京, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会第65回大会, エコロジー調理に適した調理法の検討 \n-調味料を用いた場合の消費一次エネルギー量およびCO2排出量-, May 2013, 日本家政学会, 東京, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; Nobuko Hoshi; Mayumi Adachi; Emiko Kusanagi; Shing-Jen Chen; Tadashi Oishi; Hitoshi Takamura, Society for Research in Child Development 2013 Biennial Meeting, Which influences Japanese young children's home environment, daycare system or annual income?, Apr. 2013, Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; Emiko Kusanagi; Mayumi Adachi; Nobuko Hoshi; Shing-Jen Chen; Tadashi Oishi; Hitoshi Takamura, Society for Research in Child Development 2013 Biennial Meeting, Relations between preschool education and children’s temperament in Japan, Apr. 2013, Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本発達心理学会第24回大会, 子どもの気質と家庭生活―幼稚園と保育園児の養育者の信念について―, Mar. 2013, 日本発達心理学会, 東京, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本発達心理学会第24回大会, 子どもの気質と家庭環境―幼稚園と保育所の子どもの気質の違い―, Mar. 2013, 日本発達心理学会, 東京, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本農芸化学会2013年度大会, Antioxidant activities on the processing product and fish sauce made from sea urchin gonad measured by using H-ORAC and L-ORAC methods, Mar. 2013, 日本農芸化学会, Sendai, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本教育心理学会第54回総会, 子どもと母親の気質と生活-子どもの気質に関連する諸要因についての予備的検討-, Nov. 2012, 日本教育心理学会, 琉球大学千原キャンパス, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本教育心理学会第54回総会, 子どもと母親の気質と生活-母親の気質に関連する諸要因についての予備的検討-, Nov. 2012, 日本教育心理学会, 琉球大学千原キャンパス, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成24年度大会, シルクタンパク質セリシンの食パンへの応用, Aug. 2012, 日本調理科学会, 秋田, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成24年度大会, 油量の違いが揚げ物の揚がり具合に及ぼす影響, Aug. 2012, 日本調理科学会, 秋田, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成24年度大会, エコロジー調理に適した調理法の検討(2)調理操作の違いが機能性に及ぼす影響, Aug. 2012, 日本調理科学会, 秋田, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成24年度大会, エコロジー調理に適した調理法の検討(1)同一物性を得るために必要なエネルギー消費量の測定, Aug. 2012, 日本調理科学会, 秋田, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; N. Asakura; H. Takamura, 2012 Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists (IFT2012), Separation of functional polyphenols in Gnetum gnemon seeds, Jun. 2012, Institute of Food Technologists, Las Vegas NV, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会第64回大会, メリンジョ種子に含まれる機能性ポリフェノールの分離, May 2012, 日本家政学会, 大阪, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 第10回日本栄養改善学会近畿支部学術総会(奈良), 機能性・嗜好性に優れた大和マナ粉末作製法の検討, Dec. 2011
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; T. Yamaguchi; S. Mogi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, 2011 International Conference on Food Factors, Development of Yamatomana vegetable powder with rich food factors and high acceptability, Nov. 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; H. Takamura; A. Nakayachi; T. Den; T. Nishimoto; H. Asao, 2011 International Conference on Food Factors, Development of rice flour bread utilizing antioxidants of Meikena vegetable powder, Nov. 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本油化学会若手の会主催2011年度サマースクール, 食生活を豊かにする油, Aug. 2011, 日本油化学会若手の会, 愛知県東浦町, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成23年度大会, イチゴの香気成分とジャム加工適性評価との関係, Aug. 2011, 日本調理科学会, 高崎, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会第63回大会, 嗜好性及び機能性に優れた魚の調理法の開発, May 2011, 日本家政学会, 市川, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 奈良経済同友会との交流・懇談会(奈良女子大学), 奈良の食と健康, Jan. 2011, 奈良経済同友会・奈良女子大学, 奈良女子大学(奈良市), False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; N. Asakura; Y. Naka; C. Azuma; M. Santoso; T. Yamaguchi; T. Matoba; H. Takamura, 2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (PACIFICHEM 2010), Antioxidative compounds and their functions of melinjo (Gnetum gnemon): Application to food and food additives, Dec. 2010, Honolulu HI, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成22年度大会, イチゴ香気成分の品種間差異, Aug. 2010, 日本調理科学会, 福岡, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会第62回大会, 大和マナの機能性と嗜好性を活かしたパンの開発, May 2010, 日本家政学会, 広島, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本農芸化学会2010年度大会, メリンジョの機能性および食品への応用に関する研究, Mar. 2010, 日本農芸化学会, 東京, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 奈良女子大学共生科学研究センターシンポジウム「紀伊半島の生活?衣食住と文化?」, 奈良の食を知る, Dec. 2009, 奈良女子大学共生科学研究センター・紀伊半島研究会, 奈良女子大学記念館(奈良), False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本食品科学工学会第56回大会, メリンジョ可食部の機能性および調理過程における変化, Sep. 2009, 日本食品科学工学会, 名古屋, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成21年度大会, 大和野菜の栄養性および抗酸化性の評価, Aug. 2009, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成21年度大会, 揚げ物の調理頻度・食べる頻度と食生活における健康観, Aug. 2009, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成21年度大会, ヤマトマナの調理方法の違いがグルコシノレートおよびイソチオシアネートに及ぼす影響, Aug. 2009, 日本調理科学会, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成21年度大会, 飼料が鶏肉のラジカル捕捉活性に及ぼす影響, Aug. 2009, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会第61回大会, 奈良の伝統野菜“大和マナ”の育種におけるイソチオシアネート含量の評価, Aug. 2009, 日本家政学会, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; M. Santoso; C. Azuma; M. Horikawa; N. Ganeko; T. Matoba; H. Takamura, IFT09 (Institute of Food Technologists 2009 Annual Meeting), The effect of Gnetum gnemon seed extract as a natural antioxidant to inhibit lipid oxidation in mackerel during cooking, Jun. 2009, Institute of Food Technologists, Anaheim, CA, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; M. Santoso; Y. Naka; C. Angkawidjaja; T. Yamaguchi; T. Matoba; H. Takamura, IFT09 (Institute of Food Technologists 2009 Annual Meeting), Antioxidant and DNA damage protection activity of the edible parts of Gnetum gnemon and their changes during cooking process, Jun. 2009, Institute of Food Technologists, Anaheim, CA, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本農芸化学会2009年度大会, 魚調理におけるオフフレーバー生成に対するメリンジョの阻害効果, Mar. 2009, 日本農芸化学会, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 2008年度日本家政学会関西支部研究発表会, インドネシア産植物性食素材メリンジョの魚に対する抗酸化効果, Oct. 2008, 日本家政学会関西支部, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本食品科学工学会第55回大会, インドネシア産グネモン(Gnetum gnemon)の抗酸化作用および呈味効果, Sep. 2008, 日本食品科学工学会, 京都, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本食品科学工学会第55回大会, 各種魚類から得た蒲鉾の初期鮮魚臭について, Sep. 2008, 日本食品科学工学会, 京都, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成20年度大会, ヤマトマナ加熱調理過程におけるグルコシノレートおよびイソチオシアネート含量の変化, Aug. 2008, 日本調理科学会, 名古屋, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成20年度大会, 品種の異なる奈良漬キュウリの化学的特性と食味評価, Aug. 2008, 日本調理科学会, 名古屋, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成20年度大会, 健康志向と家庭における揚げ調理の関連性, Aug. 2008, 日本調理科学会, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; A. Takechi; T. Nishimoto; H. Asao; K. Washida; H. Takamura, IFT08 (Institute of Food Technologists 2008 Annual Meeting), Changes of isothiocyanates and glucosinolates in Yamatomana (Brassica rapa L. Oleifera Group) during cooking, Jul. 2008, Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, LA, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会第60回大会, 奈良特産奈良漬ウリの化学的特性と食味評価, Jun. 2008, 日本家政学会, 東京, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本食品科学工学会第54回大会, すりみ原料としてのマアジ,アイナメの臭気について, Sep. 2007, 日本食品科学工学会, 福岡, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本食品科学工学会第54回大会, 沖縄産ヨモギ類の香気成分と調理における抑臭効果, Sep. 2007, 日本食品科学工学会, 福岡, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本食品科学工学会第54回大会, 自家不和合性S遺伝子に着目して選抜したヤマトマナ各系統のイソチオシアネート含量および抗酸化性の評価, Sep. 2007, 日本食品科学工学会, 福岡, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会平成19年度大会, 調理適性の異なるナスの抗酸化性, Aug. 2007, 日本調理科学会, 東京, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; C. Myojin; E. Inagaki; S. Wakisaka; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, IFT07 (Institute of Food Technologists 2007 Annual Meeting), Changes in the radical-scavenging activity of pickled red and white cabbage using different seasonings, Jul. 2007, Institute of Food Technologists, Chicago, IL, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; N. Ganeko; T. Ishida; T. Kawabe; A. Bhadra; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, IFT07 (Institute of Food Technologists 2007 Annual Meeting), Formation of fishy odor during storage of sardine and effects of cooking with mirin, Jul. 2007, Institute of Food Technologists, Chicago, IL, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会第59回大会, キャベツの漬物加工過程におけるラジカル捕捉活性の変化と調味料の影響, May 2007, 日本家政学会, 岐阜, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会第59回大会, Kluwakの抗酸化性と加熱による変化, May 2007, 日本家政学会, 岐阜, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本農芸化学会2007年度大会, シソに含まれるポリフェノール量の部位による相違, Mar. 2007, 日本農芸化学会, 東京, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本時間生物学会, ホウレンソウにおける抗酸化成分の変動, Nov. 2006, 日本時間生物学会, 東京, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本フードファクター学会, 発芽野菜(スプラウト)の機能性成分に及ぼす光環境の影響, Nov. 2006, 日本フードファクター学会, 犬山, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本家政学会関西支部第28回研究発表会, マイワシの冷凍温度と脂.質劣化および揮発性成分との関係, Oct. 2006, 日本家政学会関西支部, 神戸, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; T. Yamaguchi; T. Oya; Y. Shimizu; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Joint International Clinical Nutrition Conference of 8th ISCN and 5th APCNS, Effect of heating on antioxidants in vegetables during cooking process of Miso soup, Oct. 2006, Hangzhou, China, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; M. Santoso; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Joint International Clinical Nutrition Conference of 8th ISCN and 5th APCNS, Antioxidant components and their activities in fermented seeds of Pangium edule Reinw. and their changes during cooking process, Oct. 2006, Hangzhou, China, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 日本調理科学会, スチームレンジ加熱がブロッコリーの機能性および嗜好性に及ぼす影響, Sep. 2006, 日本調理科学会, 総社, False
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; C. Myojin; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, IUFoST 13th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Changes in the radical-scavenging activity of pickled red cabbage during storage, Sep. 2006, Nante, France, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; M. Kiyota; N. Koizumi; A. Watanabe; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, International Conference on Polyphenols, Variations of Components Contents in the Order of Development of Leaves and in the Part of a Leaf of Spinach, Aug. 2006, Winnipeg MB, Canada, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; A. Watanabe; M. Kiyota; K. Nakamura; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, International Conference on Polyphenols, Change in functionality components of Radish sprouts with growth stage, Aug. 2006, Winnipeg MB, Canada, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; H. Takamura; M. Khatun; N. Morimoto; T. Yamaguchi; T. Matoba, 2005 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (PACIFICHEM 2005), Changes in radical-scavenging activity of spices during cooking, Dec. 2005, Honolulu HI, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; C. Myojin; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, 2nd International Conference on Polyphenol and Health, Change in the radical-scavenging activity of shredded cabbages during storage in modified atmosphere packaging and effects of sterilization and washing, Oct. 2005, Davis, CA, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; T. Yamaguchi; S. Uriu; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, 2nd International Conference on Polyphenol and Health, Change in radical-scavenging activity and polyphenol content of vegetables during mastication, Oct. 2005, Davis, CA, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; A. M. Chuah; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, 2nd International Conference on Polyphenol and Health, The effect of cooking on the antioxidant activity of colored pepper, Oct. 2005, Davis, CA, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; T. Yamaguchi; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, Worldnutra 2004, Effects of heating on radical-scavenging activity of fruits, Nov. 2004, San Francisco, CA, USA, True
  • TAKAMURA Hitoshi; T. Yamaguchi; Y. Oda; M. Katsuda; M. Shoda; J. Hosokawa; H. Takamura; T. Matoba, International Federaton for Home Economics, Antioxidant Activity of Vegetables and Its Change during Cooking, Aug. 2004, Kyoto, Japan, True
  • 室山明日香; 水谷文香; 吉沢桃花; 矢奥泰章; 西本登志; 萬成誉世; 髙村仁知, 日本家政学会関西支部第41回研究発表会, ゆで調理時におけるオクラの機能性および嗜好性の変化と果実長との関係, 26 Oct. 2019
  • 草薙 恵美子; 高橋 義信; 髙村 仁知; 星 信子; 森口 佑介; 陳 省仁, 日本心理学会第83回大会, 幼児期金属暴露の学童期気質発達への影響, 12 Sep. 2019
  • 齋藤公美子; 原康香; 武智多与理; 畠中芳郎; 萬成誉世; 髙村仁知, 日本食品科学工学会第66回大会, グルテンフリー米粉パン調製における製パン条件の検討, 31 Aug. 2019
  • 和田 珠子; 安藤 真美; 伊藤 知子; 久保 加織; 小寺 真実; 髙村 仁知; 露口 小百合; 中平 真由巳; 林 淑美; 原 知子; 水野 千恵; 明神 千穂; 村上 恵, 日本調理科学会2019年度大会, 野菜の炒め調理におけるおいしさに関わる要素 ーたまねぎの場合ー, 26 Aug. 2019
  • Kumiko Saito; Yasuka Hara; Tayori Takechi; Yoshiro Hatanaka; Hitoshi Takamura, Asian Congress of Nutrition 2019, Effects of water temperature on gluten-free rice flour bread baking, 05 Aug. 2019
  • 橋本怜奈; 萬成誉世; 西本登志; 高村仁知, 日本家政学会第71回大会, 食用種子かぼちゃ「ストライプペポ」種子の保存条件が脂質酸化に及ぼす影響, 26 May 2019
  • 齋藤公美子; 原康香; 武智多与理; 畠中芳郎; 萬成誉世; 高村仁知, 日本家政学会第71回大会, グルテンフリー米粉パン調製における製パン条件の影響, 26 May 2019
  • Poster presentation
  • 大河内万彩; 齋藤公美子; 山口真奈; 武智多与理; 畠中芳郎; 萬成誉世; 高村仁知, 日本食品科学工学会第68回大会, グルテンフリー100%米粉パン生地の物性及び製パン特性に対するアミロース含量と加水温度の影響, 27 Aug. 2021
  • 奥山奈名実; 関野朱夏; 萬成誉世; 淺井智子; 高村仁知, 日本調理科学会近畿支部第47回研究発表会, 食塩添加量と肉粒度がハンバーグのテクスチャーに及ぼす影響, 05 Dec. 2021
  • 淺井智子; 山田真実; 萬成 誉世; 高村 仁知; 佐藤 健司, 第26回日本フードファクター学会学術集会, 加圧加熱処理後の分離大豆タンパク質中新規窒素化合物の検出と摂取後の血中移行, 20 Nov. 2021
  • 関野朱夏; 淺井智子; 萬成誉世; 松田覚; 高村仁知; 佐藤健司, 第26回日本フードファクター学会学術集会, 調理魚肉に含まれる消化酵素可溶性コラーゲン量と摂取後ヒト血中コラーゲンペプチド量に調理加工方法が及ぼす影響, 20 Nov. 2021
  • 山口真奈; 齋藤公美子; 大河内万彩; 武智多与理; 畠中芳郎; 萬成誉世; 髙村仁知, 第43回日本家政学会関西支部研究発表会, 米粉パンの老化に及ぼす加水温度の影響, 19 Nov. 2021
  • 萬成-笹川 誉世; 山田 真実; 淺井 智子; 佐藤 健司; 西 真弓; 高村 仁知, 第47回日本神経内分泌学会, 加圧加熱タンパク質が社会性行動に及ぼす影響, 30 Oct. 2021
  • 齋藤公美子; 大河内万彩; 武智多与理; 畠中芳郎; 萬成誉世; 髙村仁知, 第68回日本栄養改善学会学術総会, グルテンフリー100%米粉パンの老化に及ぼす高温水添加の影響, 01 Oct. 2021
  • 萬成 誉世; 山田 真実; 淺井 智子; 西 真弓; 佐藤 健司; 髙村 仁知, 第44回日本神経科学大会 / CJK第1回国際会議, 加圧加熱処理した大豆タンパク質の長期摂取による社会性行動への影響, 28 Jul. 2021
  • 萬成 誉世; 山田 真実; 淺井 智子; 西 真弓; 佐藤 健司; 髙村 仁知, 第75回日本栄養・食糧学会大会, 加圧加熱処理した大豆タンパク質の長期摂取による社会性行動への影響, 04 Jul. 2021
  • 淺井智子; 山田真実; 萬成誉世; 高村仁知; 佐藤健司, 第75回日本栄養・食糧学会大会, 分離大豆タンパク質のアミノ酸残基に対する加圧加熱処理の影響, 04 Jul. 2021
  • 高村仁知, 日本調理科学会講演会, 食品の調理過程における嗜好性および健康増進機能の変化に関する研究, 06 Jun. 2021
  • 外岡和菜; 佐藤音於; 齋藤公美子; 淺井智子; 髙村仁知, 2022年度日本家政学会関西支部研究発表会, 気泡含有鶏卵液の特性および加熱ゲルのテクスチャー特性, 05 Nov. 2022
  • 淺井 智子; 髙村 仁知; 杉山 寿美, 日本調理科学会2022年度大会, 菜種油と乳脂肪クリームの配合がオムレツの冷却遠心分離による脂質分画および微細構造に及ぼす影響, 03 Sep. 2022
  • 齋藤公美子; 山口真奈; 武智多与理; 畠中芳郎; 萬成誉世; 髙村仁知, 日本調理科学会2022年度大会, グルテンフリー100%玄米粉パン調製における加水温度の影響, 03 Sep. 2022
  • 山口真奈; 齋藤公美子; 武智多与理; 畠中芳郎; 萬成誉世; 高村仁知, 日本食品科学工学会第69回大会, 高温水添加製パン法における米粉関連酵素が米粉パンの老化に及ぼす影響, 26 Aug. 2022
  • Oral presentation
  • Tomoko T. Asai; Takayo Mannari; Mami Yamada; Hitoshi Takamura; Satoshi Mochizuki; Kenji Sato, The 15th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods, Autoclaving treatment of soy protein isolate partially modifies amino acids residue and consequently reduces available amino acids, 11 Dec. 2023
  • 榛葉美友; 齋藤公美子; 武智多与理; 畠中芳郎; 髙村仁知, 第22回日本栄養改善学会近畿支部会学術総会, 米粉パン製造におけるミキシングは生地中の米粉形状に影響を及ぼす, 09 Dec. 2023
  • 豊澤真白; 姥谷真希; 菊﨑泰枝; 高村仁知; 治京玉記; 淺井智子, 第49回日本調理科学会近畿支部研究発表会, ペルー産薬用植物マカ(Lepidium meyenii)粉末の添加が飲料嗜好特性へ及ぼす影響, 03 Dec. 2023
  • 今西花梨; 齋藤公美子; 武智多与理; 畠中芳郎; 髙村仁知, 2023年度日本家政学会関西支部第45回研究発表会, グルテンフリー玄米粉パン調製に対する玄米粉の粒度の影響, 14 Oct. 2023
  • 齋藤公美子; 榛葉美友; 佐多綾花; 武智多与理; 畠中芳郎; 和泉慶子; 新名世実; 淺井智子; 髙村仁知, 日本調理科学会2023年度大会, グルテンフリー米粉パン調製における加水温度およびミキシング条件の影響, 10 Sep. 2023
  • 淺井智子; 外岡和菜; 佐藤音於; 齋藤公美子; 髙村仁知, 日本調理科学会2023年度大会, 鶏卵液特性および加熱ゲルのテクスチャー・嗜好特性に対する気泡含有の影響, 10 Sep. 2023
  • 佐多綾花; 齋藤公美子; 武智多与理; 畠中芳郎; 髙村仁知, 日本食品科学工学会第70回記念大会, 高温水添加製パン法における米粉パンの老化抑制効果と米粉関連酵素との関連, 26 Aug. 2023
  • 草薙恵美子; 中村光一; 八若保孝; 鈴木翔斗; 武田希美; 髙村仁知; 高橋義信; 星信子; 森口佑介, 第2回環境化学物質3学会合同大会, 子どもの乳歯エナメル質中金属濃度と毛髪中金属濃度の関係, 30 May 2023
  • 淺井智子; 関野朱夏; 高村仁知; 佐藤健司, 第76回日本栄養・食糧学会大会, Pro-Hyp添加による培養マウス皮膚中p75NTR陽性細胞の変化, 12 Jun. 2022
  • 淺井 智子; 奥山 奈名実; 関野 朱夏; 萬成 誉世; 高村 仁知, 日本家政学会第74回大会, 食塩添加量と肉粒子径がテクスチャー特性とハンバーグの微細構造に及ぼす影響, 28 May 2022


  • 高果糖液糖の特性を活かした食品の共同開発, Aug. 2014, Mar. 2015
  • 奈良県産食素材の機能性と嗜好性を活かした食品の共同開発, Nov. 2012, Mar. 2013
  • 奈良県産食素材の機能性と嗜好性を活かした食品の共同開発, Oct. 2011, Mar. 2012
  • 大和マナの抗炎症機能等の評価及び栽培・食品への活用, Apr. 2010, Dec. 2010
  • 大和マナの抗炎症機能等の評価及び栽培・食品への活用, Apr. 2009, Mar. 2010
  • 大和マナの抗炎症機能等の評価及び栽培・食品への活用, Apr. 2008, Mar. 2009
  • 大和マナの抗炎症機能等の評価及び栽培・食品への活用, Apr. 2007, Mar. 2008
  • 大和マナの抗炎症機能等の評価及び栽培・食品への活用, Apr. 2006, Mar. 2007


  • 日本食品科学工学会奨励賞, 日本食品科学工学会, Aug. 2005, 食品の脂質劣化および風味変化に関する研究
  • アサヒビール生活科学研究賞, アサヒビール学術振興財団, Jun. 2003
  • 日本調理科学会奨励賞, 日本調理科学会, Sep. 2002, 調理加工過程における食品の風味成分の変化に関する研究
  • 日本食品科学工学会NIR Advanced Award, 日本食品科学工学会, Nov. 2000
  • 日本調理科学会学会賞, 日本調理科学会, 高村仁知, May 2020, 食品の調理過程における嗜好性および健康増進機能の変化に関する研究

Industrial Property Rights

  • Patent right, (品種登録)冬なら菜, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, ナント種苗株式会社、奈良県、奈良先端科学技術大学院大学、奈良女子大学, 第24702号, Mar. 2010, 201008, Aug. 2010, 21156, 05 Oct. 2011
  • Patent right, (品種登録)夏なら菜, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, ナント種苗株式会社、奈良県、奈良先端科学技術大学院大学、奈良女子大学, 第24703号, Mar. 2010, 201008, Aug. 2010, 21048, 13 Sep. 2011
  • Patent right, イソチオシアネート含量の測定方法, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, 財団法人奈良県中小企業支援センター、奈良女子大学、奈良県, 特願2009-281068, Dec. 2009, 201106, 23 Jun. 2011

Research Projects

  • 01 Sep. 2023, 31 Aug. 2024
  • 01 Nov. 2023, 31 Oct. 2024, Principal investigator
  • 01 Aug. 2022, 31 Dec. 2022, Principal investigator
  • 01 Jun. 2022, 31 May 2023, Principal investigator
  • 01 Dec. 2022, 31 Oct. 2023, Principal investigator
  • 01 Jun. 2021, 31 May 2022, Principal investigator
  • 01 Apr. 2020, 31 Mar. 2022, Coinvestigator
  • 1993, 2010, 近赤外分光法による食品分析, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1993, 2010, Food Analysis by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1985, 2010, 大豆リポキシゲナーゼ系に関する研究, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1985, 2010, Studies on Soybean Lipoxygenase System, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2003, 河川および土壌中の環境汚染物質に関する研究, その他の研究制度, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2000, 食品のにおい成分に関する研究, 共同研究, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2000, Studies of foods, Cooperative Research, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1998, 食素材中の機能性成分と調理加工による変化に関する研究, 科学研究費補助金, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1998, Food Factors and Their Changes during Processing and Cooking, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1993, 油脂の劣化に関する研究, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1993, Studies on Oil Deterioration, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2017, 31 Mar. 2021, 17H02197, Do mercury and lead exposure effect development of psychological and frontal lobe function?: longitudinal study from early to middle childhood, Kusanagi Emiko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kokugakuin University Hokkaido Junior College, 14300000, 11000000, 3300000, We investigated the development of psychological, motor, and brain activities as well as food intake in elementary school children whose hair metal concentrations were measured in early childhood. In addition, the levels of metal exposure during the fetal and infancy periods were determined by measuring the concentration of metals in the deciduous teeth enamel of children using ICP-MS. Early childhood exposure to mercury had an adverse effect on the development of children's temperament in school age. Aluminum and lead had an adverse effect on the development of boys’ fine motor behavior in school age. However, there was no effect of metal exposure on brain function development in school age. We found that the nutritional intake of children was associated with the development of throwing ability and cognitive flexibility. Regarding the factors affecting the amount of metal in hair in early childhood, it was revealed that yogurt intake reduced the exposure levels of lead and aluminum., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Apr. 2015, 31 Mar. 2019, 15K00863, Development of added value enhanced bread by effective use of familiar Food containing functional ingredients, TAKECHI Tayori; SHIWA Mutsumi; HARA Yasuka, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 4680000, 3600000, 1080000, In this study, we aimed to develop bread with high added value by effectively using the functional ingredients of food. Throughout the study period, we examined the baking conditions (examination of gluten substitutes, water temperature, etc.) in gluten-free rice flour bread preparation. As a result, 1.It was possible to develop allergy-responsive (high value-added) bread by using fruit juice residue. Moreover, the directionality of the preparation method which raised the viscosity of dough and raised bread making property was able to be found only by the examination of the water temperature by the component derived from rice flour. As to 1., the research results were summarized and submitted to a domestic journal., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2008, 2010, 20300242, Are the functional foods from Indonesian plants acceptable to Japanese dietary life?, MATOBA Teruyoshi; TAKAMURA Hitoshi; YAMAGUCHI Tomoko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences, 18980000, 14600000, 4380000, In order to develop the functional foods acceptable to Japanese dietary life from Indonesian plants, palatability, functionality, and preservability of kluwak, gnemon(melinjo), and gandalia were determined. Among them, gnemon is found to be the most suitable. Then, the antioxidant activity and application to cooking of the leaf, the skin, and the endosperm of gnemon were determined. In conclusion, the use of the endosperm of gnemon and its extract is found to be promising., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 2006, 2009, 18200045, Comprehensive research on Mongolian life style and residence space in Inner Mongolia, China, IMAI Noriko; SETO Akiko; NAKAYAMA Toru; MASUI Masaya; TAKAMURA Hitoshi; MUTO Yasuhiro; UENO Katsuyo; NAGASAKA Dai; TANAKA Mari; MUROSAKI Ikuko; YAMAMOTO Naohiko; MAKINO Yui; MIYASAKA Yasuko; MURATA Masayo; BAMBA Mami; LEE Kyoung won; BAYARMUND; ODONGEREL; YARU; NOMURA Rie; YONGMEI, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 26650000, 20500000, 6150000, Living conditions of Mongolian people, which are drastically changing due to modernization, urbanization, settling and so on, were totally determined from a perspective of food, clothing and housing and others in four typical areas of diverse climates and vocations. In the meantime, regional differences were clarified. The relationships were shown between utilization change of Ger and the formation process of settlements, the distribution method of pasture area and the appearance ratio of Ger as for living spaces related to living conditions. Issues were also found on family residence and children living away from home in connection to education reform and so on., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2005, 2006, 17500539, Suppression of fishy Odor by Cooking with Antioxidant, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 3500000, 3500000, Fish is widely consumed not only in Japan but also all over the world as the source of animal protein. Furthermore, fish is also important as the source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, its characteristic odor (fishy odor) often makes fish less acceptable. Though fishy odor has been thought to come from amines such as trimethylamine, the author previously reported that main components of fishy odor are carbonyl compounds and alcohols which are derived from lipids. In this research, a cooking method with antioxidants to suppress the fishy odor was developed. Some mugworts, which are used in Okinawa dishes for suppresion of meat odor, are used for cooking of sardines. Fishy odor components were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and GC-olfactometry in order to clarify the structures, amounts, and formation mechanism of fish odor components. As the result, mugworts suppressed the formation of carbonyl compounds and alcohols which contribute fishy odor. In addition, mirin, a Japanese traditional seasoning, also suppress the fishy odor. Antioxidants in mugworts and mirin are thought to inhibit the lipid oxidation in sardine., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2004, 2006, 16300236, Design of functional menus by consideration of food combination, MATOBA Teruyoshi; TAKAMURA Hitoshi; YAMAGUCHI Tomoko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 15000000, 15000000, The effects of heating on radical-scavenging activity of vegetables during cooking of minestrone and miso soup were examined. After cooking, the radical-scavenging activity decreased in vegetables and moved to soup. Though seasonings did not affect significantly in minestrone cooking, addition of miso suppressed the release of polyphenols to soup. These results indicate that the radical-scavenging activity in vegetables moved to soup but is stable during cooking. In addition, the radical-scavenging activity in miso is also expected to be effective. The effect of chewing on radical-scavenging activity of. fresh and cooked vegetables were also examined. The radical-scavenging activities of fresh eggplant, green pepper, broccoli, and lettuce decreased by chewing. However, chewing did not affect on the activities of cooked vegetables, which is thought to be due to the inactivation of polyphenol and ascorbate oxidases. Therefore, use of cooked vegetables as the base of functional menus is desirable to avoid the loss of radical-scavenging activity and active compounds and to intake them effectively., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2003, 2004, 15500539, Clarification of fish odor components and suppression by cooking, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 3700000, 3700000, Fish odor is thought to come from amines such as trimethylamine. However, other compounds also contribute to fish odor. In this research, fish odor components were analyzed by gas chromatography -mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and GC-olfactometry in order to clarify the structures, amounts, and formation mechanism of fish odor components. The cooking way to suppress the formation of fish odor was also developed. Sardine was used as the sample fish. The odor components of fresh or deteriorated fish were trapped by solid-phase microextraction (SPME) fiber. Then, the fiber was injected to GC and the odor components were analyzed by GC-MS and GC-olfactometry. In the deteriorated fish, trimethylamine was detected only when the pH of fish sample was higher than 9, suggesting that trimethylamine is not the key compound of fish odor. In GC-olfactometry some carbonyl compounds and alcohols were found to have unpleasant odor. Especially, 2,3-pentanedione, hexanal, 1-penten-3-ol were major. Since these compounds were derived from lipids, it is thought that cooking with foods or seasonings containing antioxidant components can suppress the fish odor., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2001, 2003, 13480028, Analysis of Changes in Reactive Oxygen Acavenging Compounds durin Cooking, MATOBA Teruyoshi; TAKAMURA Hitoshi; TERAO Junji, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 15700000, 15700000, Foods, especially vegetables, contain a wide variety of reactive oxygen-scavenging compounds such as ascorbic acid and polyphenols. Epidemiological studies have shown that vegetable consumption is associated with a reduced risk of life-style related diseases. However, reactive oxygen-scavenging compounds present in foods may be affected by cooking procedures prior to consumption. In this work, the changes in reactive oxygen-scavenging compounds in vegetables were analyzed during cooking. First, the changes in ascorbic acid and each polyphenolic compound during cooking of various vegetables were demonstrated. Different polyphenolic compounds had different level of activity, and different interaction with ascorbic acid and tocopherols. Then, it was shown that reactive oxygen-scavenging compounds flowed out to the soup but did not decrease during vegetable soup cooking. In addition, decrease by heating was inhibited by coexistence with other reactive oxygen-scavenging compounds., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2000, 2001, 12680130, Formation of Lipid-Orgin Compounds during Processing and Cooking of Soybean Foods and Their Effects on Flavor, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 4000000, 4000000, In this research project, the formation of lipid-origin compounds during processing and cooking of soybean foods and their effects on flavor were investigated. Gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and gas chromatograph-olfactometry (GC-O) were used for analysis. Head space gas were concentrated by solid-phase microextraction (SPME) method. In the preparation of soybean milk, hexanal predominantly contributed to the beany flavor, however, other lipid-origin compounds also contributed to the flavor. In the heating of soybean oil and soy protein isolate, many compounds other than hexanal contributed their flavor. Though most of the compounds were thought to be derived from lipids, some of them may be from other food components., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)., 1999, 2000, 11480024, Design of Diet Menu with Free Radical Scavenging Activity and Analysis of Its Availability, MATOBA Teruyoshi; TERAO Junji; TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 15700000, 15700000, In this research project, the changes of the free radical scavenging activity and the active compounds in various vegetables during cooking were investigated. In some vegetables, the free radical scavenging activity increased by heating. In other vegetables, the activity decreased or unchanged. Microwave-heated vegetables retained higher free radical scavenging activity than boiled vegetables. In addition, the activity was released to the cooking water. Hence, the menus which utilize cooking water such as soup and stew, and those cooked in microwave oven were recommended to intake free radical scavenging activity efficiently. Among the active compounds, ascorbic acid decreased by heating, especially in boiling. On the other hand, polyphenols such as flavonoids increased in some vegetables and heating conditions. The reason may be the inactivation of polyphenol oxidase by heating, however, the details are now under investigation. These results demonstrate the changes of the free radical scavenging activity and the active compounds in various vegetables during cooking and suggest how to design the diet menu for effective intake of the free radical scavenging activity., kaken
  • 奨励研究(A), 1998, 1999, 10780080, 調理過程における油脂過酸化物の分解と毒性アルデヒドの生成に関する研究, 高村 仁知, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 奈良女子大学, 2100000, 2100000, 油脂に含まれる高度不飽和脂肪酸は、食品の加工や調理の過程で酸化されやすく、その結果、油脂過酸化物が生成する。油脂過酸化物はさらに食品中の他成分と反応する過程で分解や重合をおこし、2次生成物が生ずる。また、油脂過酸化物やその代謝物は毒性を示し、老化や発ガンの原因ともなる。しかし、実際の食物においては多くの食品成分が共存しており、また、さまざまな調理操作が加えられるため、油脂過酸化物の挙動については明らかではない。本研究では、実際の食物における油脂過酸化物の分解とこれに由来する毒性アルデヒドの生成について、各種の食品成分や調理操作による影響をも含めて明らかにすることを目的に研究を遂行している。本年度は、油脂過酸化物として、リノール酸13-ヒドロペルオキシド(13-HPOD)を用い、油脂(トリカプリリン)中における13-HPODの分解をHPLCで追跡した。その結果、13-HPODの半減期は油脂中50℃で約50時間、100℃で約3.8時間と、水中(8.3時間、0.8時間)より安定であった。揚げ調理で用いられる170℃では半減期約10分と速やかに分解した。酸化防止剤として一般的に用いられるBHT(プチルヒドロキシトルエン)とα-トコフェロールとでは13-HPODの分解に与える影響が異なっていた。それぞれ13-HPODに対し等モル量添加した場合、BHTは13-HPODの分解を抑制(100℃、170℃で半減期4.4時間、18分)し、α-トコフェロールは分解を促進(22分、5分)した。分解反応の活性化エネルギーは水中、油脂中、BHT存在下、α-トコフェロール存在下で、それぞれ、13.9、13.3、14.9、14.5kcal/molとほぼ同程度であった。今回の研究では毒性アルデヒドの生成に関する明確な知見は得られなかった。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research, 1996, 1998, 08045038, Chinese-Japnese Co-operative University Research Program for Living Environment, MATSUO Masaru; YOKOIGAWA Kumio; KATSUTA Keiko; YONEDA Morihiro; ISODA Norio; IMAOKA Haruki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 3900000, 3900000, This project has been done by the scientists of Nara Women' s University and North-West Textile Institute as Chinese-Japanese Joint Study on Living Environment from 1996 to 1998 for three years. The scientific results has been discussed mainly for clothing, foods, and housing in terms of living environment at our university and North-West Textile Institute every year. The matters are as follows : 1)Comfort of fabrics in terms of moisture content 2)Mechanical properties of wool yarns 3)High modulus and high strength fibers 4)Oriented crystallization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) under uniaxial and biaxial stretching by light scattering 5)Use of the double-illumination method with two light sources in Moire topography 6)Rheological properties of foods 7)Isothermal gelation mechanism of proteins 8)Ergonomics of thermal environment 9)Thermal environment in house for old men 10)Comfort of housing We could understand the difference of life style between China and Japan through a lot of the above results., kaken
  • 奨励研究(A), 1996, 1996, 08780011, 近赤外分光法による食品中の水分の迅速定量法の開発, 高村 仁知, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 奈良女子大学, 900000, 900000, 水は、食品においてもっとも多く存在する成分であり、その含有量は食品の性質を左右する。しかし、その定量法として一般的に用いられている乾燥法は、時間がかかる、正しく水分が測定できているとは言えない、などの欠点を有する。そこで、本研究では、近年、その食品分析への利用が広がりつつある近赤外分光法を用いた、迅速・簡便、かつ正確な食品中の水分定量法の開発を試みた。 まず、各種親水性溶媒に水を加えて濃度系列を作成し、近赤外スペクトルを測定し、水由来の吸収ピーク波長における吸光度と水分含量との間で回帰分析を行ったところ、ジメチルスフォキシド、ジメチルホルムアミド、ジメチルアセトアミドを用いた場合に高い相関が得られた。次に、水分含量の異なるでんぷんからこれらの溶媒で水分を抽出し、その近赤外スペクトルを測定し、乾燥法で得られた結果との間で回帰分析を行ったところ、ジメチルホルムアミド、ジメチルアセトアミドを用いた場合に高い相関が得られた。また、でんぷんの種類を、可溶性、馬鈴薯、サツマイモ、トウモロコシ、小麦と変えても、得られた回帰方程式の定数項および回帰係数に大きな差は見られなかった。さらに、でんぷん以外の粉末食品(シクロデキストリン、小麦粉、上新粉、餅子、黄粉、ココア、脱脂粉乳、胡椒)についても同様の実験を行ったところ、ほぼ同様の結果が得られた。 以上の結果から、本法は一般的に広く用いることのできる、新しい水分定量法となりうることが示唆された。とくに、飯粒などのペースト状の食品や、ココアなどの脂質含量の高い食品のように、乾燥法では測定が困難である食品について有用な手法であると考えられる。, kaken
  • 奨励研究(A), 1995, 1995, 07780008, 油脂が大豆の酵素的豆臭生成に及ぼす影響, 高村 仁知, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 奈良女子大学, 1000000, 1000000, 大豆の持つ特異なにおい「豆臭」の主成分はカルボニル化合物の一種であるヘキサナ-ルである。このヘキサナ-ルは大豆に多く含まれるリノール酸からリポキシゲナーゼの作用によって生成する。大豆中には3種類のリポキシゲナーゼアイソザイム(L-1、L-2、L-3)が存在する。リポキシゲナーゼは遊離脂肪酸を基質とするが、大豆種子中に多く含まれる油脂が豆臭生成に及ぼす影響についてはほとんど知られていない。本研究では、この油脂が大豆における豆臭生成に及ぼす影響および機構を解明するため、以下の実験を行った。 大豆試料として、3種類すべてのリポキシゲナーゼアイソザイムを有する通常大豆のほか、全てあるいは一部のアイソザイムを遺伝的に欠損した変異大豆を用い、ヘキサンを用いて油脂を抽出し、脱脂大豆を調製した。こうして得た脱脂大豆から豆乳を調製し、種々の条件でインキュベートを行った。 その結果、通常大豆、およびL-2アイソザイムのみを有する変異大豆由来の豆乳からは、油脂(リノール酸を構成脂肪酸として多く含む大豆油)を添加することにより、ヘキサナ-ルの生成が見られた。この反応機構として、結合型脂質である油脂に直接リポシゲナーゼが作用する場合と、リパーゼなどの加水分解酵素が作用して生成した遊離リノール酸にリポキシゲナーゼが作用する場合とが考えられる。しかし、3種のアイソザイムのうち、L-1やL-3のみを有する変異大豆から調製した豆乳では、油脂を加えることによるヘキサナ-ル生成が見られなかったことから、L-2アイソザイムが直接油脂に作用していると考えられる。従って、油脂はL-2アイソザイムの基質となることによって豆臭生成に寄与していると結論付けられる。, kaken
  • 奨励研究(A), 1993, 1993, 05780006, 機器分析による食用油脂劣化度の迅速測定法の開発, 高村 仁知, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 奈良女子大学, 900000, 900000, 油脂は、栄養学的、食品学的、調理学的に重要な役割を果たしているが、保存時や調理時に酸化や加水分解などをうけることにより劣化しやすく、その結果、食物の風味や栄養価が低下する。この油脂の劣化を定量的に表す指標としては過酸化物価などが広く用いられている。これらの測定は滴定法や比色法などの化学分析法により行われるが、その操作は煩雑で、時間がかかるのが欠点である。一方、機器分析、特に近赤外分光法を用いた食品成分の分析が広まりつつある。この方法は操作が迅速、簡便であるという利点を有しており、主として炭水化物やタンパク質の定量分析に用いられている。本研究では、この近赤外分光法を用いて、食用油脂の劣化度を迅速、簡便に測定する方法を開発した。 性質の異なる種々の食用油脂を、各種の条件で加熱、光照射等を行うことによって劣化させ、劣化度の異なる油脂試料について近赤外分光スペクトルを測定するとともに、過酸化物価を化学分析法により測定した。こうして得られたスペクトルデータと化学分析値について回帰分析を行い、相関の高い波長を選び出して回帰式を求めたところ、過酸化物価と2082nmの吸光度との間に強い相関関係があることを見いだした。また、油脂のヒドロペルオキシドを調製し、これを油脂に加えて測定しても、同様の相関関係が見られたことから、この波長の吸収は、酸化二次生成物ではなく、ヒドロペルオキシドによるものであると考えられる。以上の結果から、近赤外分光法を用いて2082nmの吸収を測定することにより、食用油脂の劣化度のうち、過酸化物価を測定することが可能となった。この近赤外分光法による過酸化物価測定法は迅速、簡便な非破壊分析であるため、操作が繁雑な従来の化学分析法にとってかわることが期待される。, kaken
  • 奨励研究(A), 1992, 1992, 04780069, 大豆食品における豆臭成分の生成と存在形態の解析, 高村 仁知, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 奈良女子大学, 900000, 900000, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 28 Apr. 2011, 31 Mar. 2015, 23500927, Development of Foods with Functionality and Palatability of Indonesian Vegetative Food Materials, TAKAMURA HITOSHI, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 5330000, 4100000, 1230000, Foods with functionality and palatability of Indonesian vegetative food materials, melinjo and kluwak were developed. First, melinjo's effective components, gnetin C, gnemonoside A, and gnemonoside D were fractionated. These had strong bitter taste, and it was supposed that functionality and bitterness of melinjo could not be separated. Then, confectionery and bread using melinjo powder were prepared. Use of 5% melinjo gave confectionery bitterness. Although bread with 30% melinjo could be eaten, its palatability was reduced. Finally, the antioxidative properties of kluwak were analyzed. Phenolic compounds were the main antioxidants in water phase. Gamma-tocotrienol was the main antioxidant in oil phase., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2011, 31 Mar. 2014, 23330208, An interdisciplinary study of the change in children's temperament from three cohorts over twenty years, with references to potential influencing factors on temperament, KUSANAGI Emiko; HOSHI Nobuko; ADACHI Mayumi; TAKAMURA Hitoshi; CHEN Shing-jen; OISHI Tadashi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kokugakuin University Hokkaido Junior College, 10010000, 7700000, 2310000, Questionnaires, real-time internet interviews and analysis of metals contained in children's hair were conducted to investigate the change of temperament of three cohorts of children, differences of temperament in kindergarten vs daycare center children, and potential effects of psychosocial and environmental chemicals on temperament. Questionnaires result showed no significant difference in children's temperament between 1992 and 2002, while children's temperament in 2002 showed some peculiarities as compared with that of children in other cohorts. Children of daycare centers were found to be higher on Extroversion/Surgency than kindergarten children. Results from internet interviews and questionnaires indicated that the presence or absence of siblings, and the physical closeness in family life were determinants of temperament. Significant relationship between children's temperament and mothers' dietary habit during pregnancy and current dietary habit of children were also found., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2011, 31 Mar. 2014, 23300272, How does ecological cooking affect food functionality and palatability ?, MATOBA Teruyoshi; KITAO Satoshi; ANDO Mami; TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences, 18590000, 14300000, 4290000, This research was accomplished to propose the right "ecology cooking" that can maintain functionality and palatability in order to realize the eco-friendly eating habits. Foods were cooked to get the similar hardness by several cooking procedures. CO2 discharge was calculated for each procedure, and the functionality and palatability of cooked foods were determined. Microwave oven cooking tended to decrease CO2 discharge compared to gas. However, microwave cooking with salt or soy sauce tended to increase CO2 discharges compared to other seasonings., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2008, 2010, 20500683, Development of cooking method to enhance palatability and functionality of fish, TAKAMURA Hitoshi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 4680000, 3600000, 1080000, In order to develop the cooking method to enhance the palatability and functionality of fish, the changes of flavor and functional components in fish were analyzed during cooking with vegetable condiments containing antioxidants, which suppress the formation of lipid oxidation products. Cooking with vegetable condiments decreased volatile compounds due to lipid oxidation. Though cooking without vegetable condiments decreased antioxidant activity, cooking with vegetable condiments increased antioxidant activity. These results suggest that cooking with vegetable condiments enhances palatability and functionality of fish., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (A), 1987, 1989, 62430023, Roles of Phospholipid Molecular Species in Cell Signaling, KITO Makoto; TAKAMURA Hitoshi; NARITA Hiroshi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kyoto University, 16400000, 16400000, Roles of phospholipid molecular species in cell signaling were studied. Mass changes in the various molecular species of phospholipids were determined after stimulation of human platelets with thrombin and collagen. Upon stimulation, every molecular species of phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylserine was equally hydrolyzed, whereas the molecular species of phosphatidylcholine and diacyl- and alkenylacyl-phosphatidylethanolazine containing arachidonic acid were selectively hydrolyzed. The Ca^<2+> concentration affects the differential degradation of phospholipid molecular species in activated human platelets. The thromboxane A_2 antagonist, ONO3708, completely inhibited the increase in cytosolic free Ca^<2+> in human platelets during activation with collagen. Half-maximal Ca^<2+> release and influx required about 3 and 4 nM STA_2, a stable thromboxane A_2 mimetic, respectively. However, half-maximal activation of phospholipase C required about 18 nM STA_2. The Ca^<2+> channel blocker, nifedipine, a dihydropyridine derivative, inhibited the Ca^<2+> influx and release from internal stores caused by collagen or a low concentration of STA_2 (10 nM), but did not inhibit those caused by thrombin or a high concentration of STA_2 (100 nM). These results indicate the presence of two distinct, dihydropyridine-sensitive and insensitive, Ca^<2+> channels dependent on the concentrations and classes of agonists in human platelets. ^<125>I-labeled epidermal growth factor was incorporated into and highly concentrated in endosomes of Chinese hamster V79-UF cells during incubation at 37゚C for 8 min after binding to its receptors on the cell surface at 4゚C. From the labeled cells, endosomes were isolated by isopyenic centrifugation on a Percoll density gradient and then sucrose density gradients. Endosome membranes were found to differ from plasma membranes in the phospholipid composition. The contents of molecular species of diacylphosphatidyleholine and diacylphosphatidylethanolamine with two monoenoic fatty acids were lower in endosomes than in plasma membranes. The differences in the polar head group and molecular species compositions of phospholipids between endosomes and plasma membranes did not change, regardless of whether or not the proportions of phospholipid molecular species in plasma membranes changed., kaken



  • Jan. 2007, 9999, Society
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  • 日本家政学会関西支部, 奈良地区幹事, May 2010, May 2014, Society
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