Researchers Database


FacultyFaculty Division of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Group of History,Sociology and Geography
Last Updated :2024/12/28


Profile and Settings

  • Name (Japanese)

  • Name (Kana)


Research Interests

  • Regional and Community Studies
  • Sociology of Organization
  • Community Development
  • Political Sociology
  • Sociology of Religion

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences, Sociology

Research Experience

  • Apr. 2016, 9999, Nara Women's University, Faculty Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor, Japan
  • Apr. 2012, Mar. 2016, Nara Women's University, Faculty Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor, Japan
  • Apr. 2007, Mar. 2012, Nara Women's University, Faculty of Letters, Associate Professor, Japan
  • Oct. 2004, Mar. 2007, Nara Women's University, Faculty of Letters, Associate Professor, Japan
  • Apr. 2000, Sep. 2004, Nara Women's University, Faculty of Letters, full‐time lecturer, Japan
  • Oct. 1996, Mar. 2000, Nara Women's University, Faculty of Letters, Research Associate, Japan
  • Sep. 2020, 9999, トルコ アクデニス大学 ジェロントロジー学科 (客員教授)
  • Apr. 2022, 9999, Social Cooperation Center, Nara Women's University, Director, Japan


  • Apr. 1993, Mar. 1996, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Letters, Department of Sociology, 博士課程, Japan
  • Apr. 1990, Mar. 1993, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Letters, Department of Sociology, 修士課程, Japan
  • Apr. 1986, Mar. 1990, Kyoto University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Sociology, Japan

Teaching Experience

  • コミュニティ・アクション, Nara Women's University, Apr. 2016, 9999, Undergraduate special subjects, Japan
  • コミュニティ・リサーチ, Nara Women's University, Apr. 2016, 9999, Undergraduate special subjects, Japan
  • 学問祭「諸学への誘い」, Nara Women's University, Apr. 2022, 9999, Undergraduate liberal arts

Association Memberships

  • Association for the Study of Political Society, Oct. 2010, 9999
  • International Institute of Sociology, May 2005, 9999
  • Japan Association for Regional and Community Studies, May 2005, 9999
  • International Sociological Association, Jul. 2002, 9999
  • The Japanese Association for the Study of Religion and Society, Apr. 1995, 9999
  • Japan Sociological Society, Jul. 1993, 9999
  • Kansai Sociological Society, May 1993, 9999


Published Papers

  • Not Refereed, Sociological Studies, Nara Women's University, Issues and Prospects for the Elderly Welfare System in China:\nA Case Study of Two Private Non-enterprises in Hunan Province, Xinhua Yao; Gentaro Mizugaki, This paper aims to examine the issues and prospects of welfare facilities for the elderly by private non-enterprises that are rapidly spreading in China on the data of two welfare facilities for elderly people in inland areas of China. Under the influence of government policy change in 2005, welfare facilities for the elderly tend to utilize the financial resources in the mixed form of private capital or community capital and government subsidies. As a result, the relationship between the social class and the management entity, and the social disparity between facilities has come to be seen in urban areas. The public facilities correspond to the lower class and the private facilities correspond to the higher class. In rural areas, successful facilities are based on mixed management that utilizes users' personal assets, government subsidies and community resources. Although in the past, the elderly welfare facilities were limited to people requiring long-term care and nursing, recently they tend to accept independent aged people. In the background the current family-based welfare system has reached its limit. The concern has been increasing for the problem of a solitary couple or a couple elderly whose children flew out into the urban areas, and the one of children-only households whose parents go out for work into urban areas. On the other hand, the rural elderly welfare facilities are attempting to rebuild the support network for elderly people in the rural areas. Effective utilization of local community resources is the key to sustainable welfare system for elderly people in rural areas. (Keywords: Elderly welfare facilities, Non-enterprises, Inland China), Mar. 2018, 25, 41, 50, Research institution, False
  • Refereed, Soshioroji, 社会学研究会, Community Check as a Community-Based Participatory Research: \nA Case Study on "RAKURAKU-NOUHOU," a Multidisciplinary Approach for Farming Village., Hiroaki Obitani; Gentaro Mizugaki; Shingo Teraoka, 本稿では、中山間地域(奈良県吉野郡下市町X地区)を舞台にした、学際的な「参加型アクション・リサーチ」(高齢者の営農を支える「らくらく農法」の開発;以下、「らくらく農法」)のプロジェクト を取り上げる。この「らくらく農法」プロジェクトは、過疎化・高齢化という全国各地に共通する地域課題を受け止めつつ、そこで暮らす人びと、とくに高齢の農業者が少しでも長く生き生きと仕事ができるよう支援するために、肉体的・精神的負担の少ない農法を学際的かつ参加型で開発することと、実際の現場に実装し他地域への普及可能性を高める ことを主眼にしたものである。 以下では、参加型アクション・リサーチの特徴と研究動向を整理しながら、「学際性」と「参加と介入」を柱とするこの複合的な研究プロジェクトを概観する。つぎに、プロジェクトにおいて、社会学の研究者が中心となって実施した「集落点検」に注目し、その設計と実践過程を再構成する。最後に、本プロジェクトでの集落点検の実践とその手法がどのような意義をもつのか、今後の課題を含めて指摘する。, Feb. 2017, 61, 3, 59, 74, Scientific journal, False
  • Refereed, Japanese Review of Political Society: Journal of the Association for the Study of Political Society, 政治社会学会, 「らくらく農法」:持続的農業に向けた学際的参加型アクション・リサーチ, Gentaro Mizugaki, 我が国の農村コミュニティは、深刻な高齢化により、存続の危機を迎えている。しかし従来の農業は頑健な成人男性を想定して構築されてきており、高齢者や女性、新規就農者といった多様な農業者を想定していない。 そこで本プロジェクトでは、作業の容易さと安全に配慮し、長く農作業を楽しめるような、①作業補助技術の開発、および②畑・品種のデザインを行い、「畑のバリアフリー化」と農業従事者の生きがいを高める環境の構築をめざす。そのために、③成員の健康を把握し、④他出者を含む家族とコミュニティを評価した。 本プロジェクトの特徴は、これをコミュニティとの対話の中で進めるとともに、工学、農学、スポーツ科学、社会学から成る学際的なアプローチによって行っている点にある。こうした学際性は、対象コミュニティと研究者の協力を促進するとともに、その双方に多くの社会資本を提供する。, Oct. 2015, 3, 3, 7, 19, Scientific journal, False
  • Not Refereed, Sociological Studies, Nara Women's University, 奈良女子大学社会学研究会, Regional Differences in Social Support Networks of Women at the Stage of Childcare, Gentaro Mizugaki; Yuka Takeda, The purpose of this paper is to consider the regional differences in the actors (relatives and non-relative acquaintances) in the informal social support network of childrearing women. \n The dataset was used targeting women living in the same household with children at the age of 0 to 12 years old in Nara Prefecture, partly located in and partly adjoins the Keihanshin Major Metropolitan Area of the Western Japan. Social support is measured by the four items that are related to mental and instrumental support for childrearing and to mental and instrumental support for general matters. The set of three-layer "regional types", which are New Residential District (NRD), Old City Center (OCC) and Rural Area (RA), is constructed to compare women’s social support network., Mar. 2015, 22, 22, 1, 21, Research institution, False
  • Refereed, The Proceedings Book of the 6th International Social and Applied Gerontology Symposium, Raku-Raku Nouhou: A Multidisciplinary Approach for Aged Farming Communities to Be Sustained: The ‘Farming Easy and Pleasant’ (Raku-Raku Nouhou) Project, Gentaro Mizugaki; Shingo Teraoka; Sadahiro Hamasaki; Hiroaki Obitani, Oct. 2014, 89, 106, International conference proceedings, True
  • Refereed, The Proceedings Book of the 5th International Conference of the Asian Rural Sociological Association, Redesigning farming communities for an aged society (1): Multidisciplinary perspectives and industrial‐academic‐government cooperation, Shingo teraoka; Sadahiro Hamasaki; Gentaro Mizugaki; Hiroaki Obitani, Sep. 2014, 1, 174, 180, International conference proceedings, True
  • Refereed, The Proceedings Book of the 5th International Conference of the Asian Rural Sociological Association, Redesigning farming communities for an aged society (2): The geographical and sociological context of the project, Gentaro Mizugaki; Hiroaki Obitani; Shingo Teraoka; Sadahiro Hamasaki, Sep. 2014, 1, 181, 187, International conference proceedings, True
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部研究教育年報, 大正期奈良県の出生力, Gentaro Mizugaki, Mar. 2008, 4, 87, 96, Research institution
  • Refereed, ソシオロジ, 社会学研究会, 官僚制論の可能性, Gentaro Mizugaki, Nov. 2007, 52, 2, 114, 116, Scientific journal, False, 10.14959/soshioroji.52.2_114
  • Not Refereed, 龍谷大学国際社会文化研究所紀要, The Development of Power Sources and Nationalism in the Postwar Japan, Shigeru Tanaka; Gentaro Mizugaki, This article tries to explicate changes of anti-dam movements in between the prewar and postwar Japan from the standpoint of 'nationalization' and nationalism. Japan has poor natural resources, so its economic development had fairly depended on hydroelectric power in the prewar period. As a dam has to be built at the cost of mountain village communities, its building usually brings about strong opposition movement as a matter of course. Especially in the prewar period, dam-building plans were sometimes forced to be stopped because of the importance of rivers for the village people. In the postwar period, as the scale of dams became larger, their negative impacts on village communities became deeper. However, there have been built as many as 2700 dams in Japan in spite of strong anti-dam movements. In this article we discuss the importance of the standpoint of 'nationalization' and nationalism to explain the above changes. Nationalization refers to processes in which circulation of commodities, capitals and so on become nationwide with the development of regional (domestic) division of labour. We review the history of forestry in mountain villages and demonstrate that the exhaustive nationalization under the total war regime changed economic roles of village communities and rivers and also attitudes of village people, and that new types of nationalism, for example, economic nationalism, promoted the dam-construction by suppressing movements ideologically in the postwar period., Mar. 2005, 7, 51, 73, Research institution, False
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部研究年報, Financial Behaviors of Municipalities and Urban System, Gentaro Mizugaki, Mar. 2004, 47, 87, 98, Research institution
  • Not Refereed, 龍谷大学国際社会文化研究所紀要, 龍谷大学国際社会文化研究所, An Event History Analysis of Consolidation of Municipalities in Japan, Gentaro Mizugaki, Recent Japanese administrative reform provides more incentives and pressures for decentralization and local administrative reform. Many municipalities are preparing their consolidation for their self-support, but various actual incentives work on their choices except administrative efficiency or rationality. This article discusses actual incentives for consolidation of municipalities through a quantitative analysis of 323 municipalities of Kinki region in Japan. Residents' regional tie and validity of paradigm which local governments, prefectures, provide are discussed., Mar. 2004, 6, 43, 55, Research institution, False
  • Not Refereed, Annual report of studies in humanities and social sciences, Nara Women's University, 地方財政の社会学的分析へ向けて―蓮見・似田貝「行財政の社会過程分析」の方法論的検討―, Gentaro Mizugaki, Mar. 2002, 45, 39, 51, Research institution, False
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部研究年報, 地域構造変動と組織リーダーの型, Gentaro Mizugaki, Mar. 2000, 43, 57, 76, Research institution
  • Refereed, SOSHIOROJI, On the Possibility of Transformation or Charismatic Leadership Theory, Gentaro Mizugaki, 本稿は、社会心理学的組織論において近年登場してきた変革的/カリスマ的リーダーシップ論(trasnsformational or charismatic leadership)を手がかりとして、社会心理学系リーダーシップ論の理論的方法的問題を検討し、リーダー研究の社会学的展望を拓こうとするものである。, Oct. 1999, 44, 2, 93, 107, Scientific journal, False, 10.14959/soshioroji.44.2_93
  • Not Refereed, Annual report of studies in humanities and social sciences, Nara Women's University, A Sociological Case Study on Modern Development of Irrigation System, Gentaro Mizugaki, Mar. 1998, 41, 31, 47, Research institution
  • Not Refereed, Kyoto Journal of Sociology, A quantitative study on the role and meaning of liberal education among university students, Kiyotada Tsutsui; Jun Yoshida; Gentaro Mizugaki; Akihiko Sato, Historically liberal education and humanistic culture it offers have been tied up with Japanese higher educational system and have formed a core of elite culture. So at first they had two different characteristics: symbol of the difference from mass culture and preliminaries for advanced education. But the high economic growth in 60's and 70's resulted in prevalence of mass culture and practical mind and changed the characters of elite culture. In this article we analyze quantitatively on consciousness of contemporary university students in two largest urban areas in Japan. We conclude that they regard liberal education as a basis for specialized education rather than for humanistic culture and that they think they achieve humanistic culture through their company with their friends. Finally we offer several suggestion of this result., Dec. 1996, 4, 163, 176, Research institution, False
  • Refereed, Japanese Sociological Review, The Development of Historical Sociology in Japan, Kiyotada Tsutsui; Hideki Nakazato; Gentaro Mizugaki; Ken-ya Nozaki; Masayuki Numajiri, This article traces the development of historical-sociological studies in post-war Japan from a macro perspective, and characterizes it as a trend "from modernism to post-modernism". We focus on family, religion, rural society and culture, and estimate the contribution of historical sociology in respective field. Historical sociology proposed various topics such as modernization of rural societies, impacts of social history of Annale, moral economy. It should be concluded that historical sociology in Japan is currently on the way to development and divergence. We expect it to converge in the coming century. Keywords : Historical Sociology, Social History, Modern Japan, Jun. 1996, 47, 1, 18, 32, Scientific journal


  • Not Refereed, 月刊大和路ならら, 近代と監獄―旧奈良監獄における思想と実践―(続・続・大学的奈良ガイド), Gentaro Mizugaki, Dec. 2017, 2017, 12, 36, 37, Introduction commerce magazine
  • Not Refereed, 地域社会学年報, 書評 藤井和佐・杉本久未子編著『成熟地方都市の形成――丹波篠山に見る「地域力」』, MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, May 2017, 29, 109, 110, Book review
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学社会学教育研究論集, 《資料》中山間地域転出者の意識――奈良県下市町5地区出身の転出者意識調査から――, MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, Mar. 2017, 1, 29, 42, Report research institution
  • Not Refereed, 本学の教員養成課程の改善・高度化に向けた大学教員と附属教員の連携研究推進事業, 公民科教育と社会学の視点―ドラえもんの新旧比較を通じた情報社会の理解―, SAMEJIMA, Kyoichi; HAYASHI, Takuya; MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, Mar. 2017, 121, 124, Introduction research institution
  • Not Refereed, 月刊大和路ならら, 女性の暮らしやすさから見た奈良―家事・育児負担とサポート・ネットワーク―(続・続・大学的奈良ガイド), MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, Mar. 2015, 2015, 3, 40, 41, Introduction commerce magazine
  • Not Refereed, 子育ての文化研究所『すべての子どもたちのすこやかな育ちをめざして』(独立行政法人福祉医療機構平成26年度社会福祉振興助成事業報告書), ニーズ調査の結果と考察, MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, Mar. 2015, 10, 15, Introduction other
  • Not Refereed, 自治体チャンネル+, オーストラリア・ヴィクトリア州のVERSプロジェクト―電子ベースの包括的行政記録管理システム―, MIZUGAKI Gentaro, Jul. 2007, 99, 14, 17, Introduction commerce magazine
  • Not Refereed, Nanto Monthly Report, Nanto Economic Research Institute, Why will local women not return home? Gender occupational segregation and regional distribution of work, Gentaro Mizugaki, Oct. 2020, 2020, 10, 30, 35, Introduction other
  • Refereed, 地域社会学年報, 書評 田中滋・寺田憲弘編著『聖地・熊野と世界遺産――宗教・観光・国土開発の社会学, Gentaro Mizugaki, 30 May 2022, 34, 177, 178, Book review, False, False

Books etc

  • Archives, Accountability, and Democracy in the Digital Age, Springer Singapore, Fujiyoshi; Keiji, Ombudsperson NGOs and Effective Information Disclosure in Japanese Local Governments, 23 Mar. 2021, 91, 29-35, Not Refereed, 10.1007/978-981-33-6715-9, 9789813367142
  • 奈良県南部東部地域の集落構造分析と社会地図化 報告書 社会地図編, Gentaro Mizugaki, Dec. 2020, 166, 1-166, Not Refereed
  • 奈良県南部東部地域の集落構造分析と社会地図化 報告書, Gentaro Mizugaki, Dec. 2020, 68, 1-68, Not Refereed
  • 奈良県南部におけるコミュニティ開発の拠点形成と人材蓄積過程 報告書, Gentaro Mizugaki, 20 Mar. 2020, 40, 1-40, Not Refereed
  • 日常生活に関するアンケート調査報告書(東吉野村), Gentaro Mizugaki, Mar. 2020, 29, 1-29, Not Refereed
  • Religion und Lebensfuehrung, Studien zu Max Webers Religions- und Herrschaftssoziologie, 風行社, Noriyuki Tanaka; Ken Nagatani; MIZUGAKI, Gentaro; Masayuki Numajiri; Kazuhiro Takii, Schluchter, Wolfgang, Chapter 3; Chapter 4, 30 Jul. 2018, x, 658, viiip, 9784862581228
  • Social media and publicness, 東京大学出版会, ENDO, Kaoru; OBITANI Hiroaki; MIZUGAKI Gentaro, 農村地域における学際的参加型研究プロジェクトの試み――「らくらく農法」の事例から, pp. 237-255., Jan. 2018, v, 260p, 9784130561136
  • 安堵町女性の子育てと就業に関する調査報告書, Gentaro Mizugaki, May 2017, 13, 1-13, Not Refereed
  • 奈良市における有配偶女性の就業継続と再就職(企業調査)報告書, Gentaro Mizugaki, Mar. 2017, 30, 1-30, Not Refereed
  • 子育て期女性の仕事と生活に関するアンケート調査(女性調査)報告書, Gentaro Mizugaki, Mar. 2017, 54, 1-54, Not Refereed
  • 下市町出身者の意識調査, Gentaro Mizugaki, Feb. 2015, 12, 1-12, Not Refereed
  • ベネディクト・アンダーソン 奈良女子大学講義, かもがわ出版, OGAWA, Nobuhiko; MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, 編集, Mar. 2014, 1-136, Not Refereed, 9784780306910
  • 子育て期女性のサポート・ネットワークに関する調査報告書, 奈良女子大学社会ネットワーク研究会, MIZUGAKI, Gentaro; TAKEDA, Yuka, Jun. 2013, 1-87, Not Refereed
  • The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, Chicester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd, David A. Snow, “Japanese "new" religious movements (1930-present), Feb. 2013, 653-655, Not Refereed, 9781405197731
  • よくわかる観光社会学, ミネルヴァ書房, Katsumi Yasumura; Masato Horino; Hideki Endo; Shingo Teraoka, 政治経済と観光, Mar. 2011, iv, 212p, 96-97, Not Refereed, 9784623060375
  • Archives, Accountability, and Democracy in the Digital Age, esearch Project: Comparative study on the relation between archives and a society supported by the Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Keiji Fujiyoshi; Kazuhito Isomura; Gentaro Mizugaki; Junta Okada; Sachiko Morimoto; Keiko Tamura; Takahiro Sakaguchi, Ombudsperson NGOs and Effective Information Disclosure in Japanese Local Governments, 01 Mar. 2011, 82, 32-39, Not Refereed
  • 社会学事典, 丸善, 日本社会学会; 社会学事典刊行委員会, 行政官僚制, 30 Jun. 2010, xxvi, 945p, 844-845, Refereed, 日本社会学会(The Japan Sociological Society)は、社会学の研究を奬めその発達普及を計ることを目的とする、わが国の社会学研究者の全国的な学会組織である。現在3100名をこえる会員をもち、学会大会の開催や機関誌の発行などの学会活動を展開している。1924年(大正13年)設立。 日本社会学会は、専門分野別の学会と連携しながら、また国際的な連携協力を進めながら、社会学の研究の発展と普及、社会学教育の充実などを目指す活動を繰り広げている。, 9784621082546
  • 大学的奈良ガイド : こだわりの歩き方, 昭和堂, 奈良女子大学文学部なら学プロジェクト, 流域の時代:吉野川と吉野林業, 01 Apr. 2009, iii, 272, xviip, 図版 [4] p, 139-147, Not Refereed, 歴史豊かな「奈良」の文化・社会・空間を現代的視点から読み解くユニークな奈良案内。時代や地域ではなく、テーマを軸に構成する。平城遷都1300年に向けて刊行。, 9784812208519
  • 社会の構造と変動(『社会学ベーシックス』第2巻), 世界思想社, 井上, 俊; 伊藤, 公雄, 合理化 M.ヴェーバー『プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神』, 24 Jul. 2008, vi, 260p, 43-52, Not Refereed, 9784790713494
  • 日本官僚制の連続と変化(ライフコース編), ナカニシヤ出版, Minoru Nakamichi, 戦後日本官僚制の役割認識と評価, 01 Mar. 2007, 215-235, Not Refereed
  • 日本官僚制の連続と変化(ライフヒストリー編), ナカニシヤ出版, Minoru, Nakamichi, 序論 口述資料の方法的諸問題, 01 Mar. 2007, xvii-xxv, Not Refereed
  • ポスト福祉国家時代における多核心自立型地域社会システムの形成に関する基礎的研究(平成14-17年度科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書), 平成14-17年度科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書, Minoru Nakamichi, 地方公務員の昇進構造, 地方議員と地方公務員の認知差, 地方公務員の組織内キャリアとコミットメント, Mar. 2006, 103-124;125-136;293-301, Not Refereed
  • 日本の歴史社会学, 岩波書店, 筒井, 清忠; 水垣, 源太郎; 小川, 伸彦; 川村, 邦光; 中里, 英樹; 野崎, 賢也; 沼尻, 正之; 牟田, 和恵; 佐藤, 卓己; 永谷, 健; 大川, 清丈; 安野, 早己; 藤井, 淑禎; 田中, 紀行; 細辻, 恵子; 落合, 恵美子; 河原, 和枝; 笠谷, 和比古; 佐藤, 哲彦; 田野, 大輔, 津田左右吉『文学に現はれたる我が国民思想の研究』, 24 Jun. 1999, xv, 338p, 23-31, Not Refereed, 4000017519
  • 宗教と生活(『近代日本文化論』第九巻), 岩波書店, 青木, 保; 山折, 哲雄; 水垣, 源太郎; 宮田, 登; 中村, 生雄; 鈴木, 範久; 君野, 隆久; 高橋, 英夫; 中沢, 新一; 吉本, 隆明; 沼尻, 正之; 鈴木,健太郎; 石田, 秀実; 藤森, 照信, 仏教革新運動の世俗的アイデンティティ―田中智学の『国体論』をめぐって―, 25 Mar. 1999, iii, 267p, 25-38, Not Refereed, 4000263390
  • シカゴ社会学の研究 : 初期モノグラフを読む, 恒星社厚生閣, Makoto Hogetsu; Masataka Nakano, 組織犯罪とリーダーシップ, 01 Nov. 1997, xvii, 595, xiiip, 292-319, Not Refereed, 476990858X
  • 歴史社会学のフロンティア, 人文書院, Kiyotada Tsutsui, ロバート・ベラー『徳川時代の宗教』; 民間信仰と新宗教, 01 Jul. 1997, 260p, 47-52,130-135, Not Refereed, 4409240560
  • 下北山村における生活行動とソーシャル・サポート・ネットワーク報告書, Gentaro Mizugaki, Mar. 2023, 15, Not Refereed, False
  • コミュニティを変えるアクションリサーチ : 参加型調査の実践手法, ミネルヴァ書房, Stoecker,Randy; Hiroaki Obitani; Gentaro Mizugaki; Shingo Teraoka, Stoecker,Randy, 02 Feb. 2023, 346p, Not Refereed, False, 9784623094769
  • よくわかる地域社会学, ミネルヴァ書房, 山本, 努, IV コミュニティリサーチと集落点検, 17 May 2022, viii, 231p, Refereed, False, 9784623093533
  • 下北山村の社会動態報告書, Gentaro Mizugaki, Mar. 2022, 31, Not Refereed, False
  • 日常生活に関するアンケート調査報告書, Gentaro Mizugaki, Mar. 2022, 35, Not Refereed, False
  • 高取町出身者の意識調査報告書, Gentaro Mizugaki, Mar. 2022, 27, Not Refereed, False
  • 下北山村の人口動態と人口推計, 水垣源太郎, 1-20, Mar. 2024
  • 奈良市の育児期女性と地域労働市場, 水垣源太郎, Mar. 2024
  • 下北山村出身者の意識調査, 水垣源太郎, 1-31, Jan. 2024


  • Oral presentation, 13 May 2023, 14 May 2023
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, 第6回女性学研究会, Pursuing social technologies for gender equality: A case of participatory action research, Oral presentation, 26 Feb. 2020, 26 Feb. 2020, 26 Feb. 2020, 神戸女学院大学女性学研究会, 西宮, Japan, False
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, 奈良女子大学研究フォーラム, なぜ奈良の女性有業率は全国最低なのか―女性の就業継続/再就業―, Public discourse, 09 Mar. 2019, 09 Mar. 2019, 09 Mar. 2019, 奈良女子大学社会連携センター, 奈良, Japan, False
  • MIZUGAKI Gentaro; Gentaro MIZUGAKI, Symposium: Community, Welfare, Technology for Society in the 21st Century, What Makes the Community Work or Underwork_x000B_ in a Shrinking Society, Oral presentation, 25 Jan. 2019, 25 Jan. 2019, 25 Jan. 2019, The Research Center for Nara Studies, Nara Women’s University, Nara, True
  • Mizugaki, Gentaro, The 91st Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society, Return after Childbirth and Mismatches in the Local Labor Market_x000B_: A Case of Nara City, Oral presentation, 15 Sep. 2018, Sep. 2018, Sep. 2018, The Japan Sociological Society, Konan University, Japan, False
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, 地(知)の拠点大学による地方創生推進事業(COC+)シンポジウム2017, コミュニティ・リサーチとコミュニティ・アクション―COC+下市グループ・地域連携授業の試み―, Nominated symposium, 18 Mar. 2017, 18 Mar. 2017, 18 Mar. 2017, 奈良, Japan
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, 平成28年度奈良市女性活躍推進のための講演会, 奈良市の有配偶女性の就業継続と再就職―2つのアンケート調査結果から―, Public discourse, 16 Mar. 2017, 16 Mar. 2017, 16 Mar. 2017, 奈良市, 奈良, Japan
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, 平成29年なら学東京講座, 大和の近代化遺産散歩, Public discourse, 07 Jan. 2017, 07 Jan. 2017, 07 Jan. 2017, 東京・奈良まほろば館, Japan
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, 第3回関西政治社会学会, 中山間地域コミュニティのデザインを考えるー奈良県を事例として, Oral presentation, 21 May 2016, 21 May 2016, 21 May 2016, 政治社会学会, 同志社大学, Japan, False
  • TERAOKA, Shingo; HAMASAKI, Sadahiro; MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, Active Aging Conference in Asia Pacific 2016, Innovations in Age-friendly Farming, Poster presentation, 05 Mar. 2016, 05 Mar. 2016, 06 Mar. 2016, Active Aging Consortium in Asia Pacific (ACAP), Fukuoka, Japan, Japan, True
  • TERAUCHI, Kaede; MiZUGAKI, Gentaro; TERAUCHI, Mamoru; YOSHIDA, Shin-ya, The 2016 AAAS Annual Meeting, American Association for the Advancement of Science,, Preferences for STEM Subjects and Daily Life Habits among University Freshmen in Japan, Poster presentation, 13 Feb. 2016, 13 Feb. 2016, 15 Feb. 2016, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE, Washington, DC., USA, United States, True
  • TERAOKA, Shingo; MIZUGAKI, gentaro, 農村振興のための地域づくり研修会, 農村づくりのための集落調査法, Public discourse, 24 Nov. 2015, 24 Nov. 2015, 24 Nov. 2015, 奈良県, 奈良土連会館, Japan
  • TERAOKA, Shingo; MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, なら小地域福祉活動サミット2015, 知っているはずの地域をよく見よう!―地域でやってみたくなる、集落点検法の実際―, Public discourse, 29 Aug. 2015, 29 Aug. 2015, 29 Aug. 2015, 奈良県社会福祉協議会, 奈良県社会福祉総合センター, Japan
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, 平成26年度農業研究開発センター成果発表会, 高齢者の営農を支える『らくらく農法』の開発, Invited oral presentation, 19 Feb. 2015, 19 Feb. 2015, 19 Feb. 2015, 奈良県農業総合センター, 田原本青垣生涯学習センター, Japan
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro; OBITANI, Hiroaki; TERAOKA, Shingo, 下市町・平成26年度介護予防サポーター研修, 下市町出身者の意識調査, Public discourse, 15 Feb. 2015, 15 Feb. 2015, 15 Feb. 2015, 下市町交流センター, Japan
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro; TERAOKA, Shingo; HAMASAKI, Sadahiro; OBITANI,Hiroaki, The 6th International Social and Applied Gerontology Symposium, A Multidisciplinary Approach for Aged Farming Communities to Be Sustained: The "Farming Easy and Pleasant" (Raku-Raku Nouhou) Project, Oral presentation, 16 Oct. 2014, 16 Oct. 2014, 16 Oct. 2014, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey, Turkey, True
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, Faculty of Oriental Studies, the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam, 日本の近代化および経済成長と社会生活の変化, Public discourse, 08 Sep. 2014, 08 Sep. 2014, 10 Sep. 2014, Faculty of Oriental Studies, the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam, Viet Nam
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro; OBITANI, Hiroaki; TERAOKA, Shingo; HAMASAKI, Sadahiro, The 5th International Conference of the Asian Rural Sociological Association, Redesigning farming communities for an aged society (2): The geographical and sociological context of the project, Oral presentation, 02 Sep. 2014, Sep. 2014, Sep. 2014, The Asian Rural Sociological Association, National University of Laos, Vientiane, Lao PDR, Lao People's Democratic Republic, True
  • TERAOKA, Shingo; HAMASAKI, Sadahiro; MIZUGAKI, Gentaro; OBITANI, Hiroaki, The 5th International Conference of the Asian Rural Sociological Association, Redesigning farming communities for an aged society (1): Multidisciplinary perspectives and industrial‐academic‐government cooperation, Oral presentation, 02 Sep. 2014, Sep. 2014, Sep. 2014, The Asian Rural Sociological Association, National University of Laos, Vientiane, Lao PDR, Lao People's Democratic Republic, True
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, 政治社会学会第4回研究大会, 持続的農業に向けた学際的地域参加型研究(CBPR):その課題と展望, Oral presentation, 16 Nov. 2013, Nov. 2013, Nov. 2013, 政治社会学会, 千里金蘭大学, Japan, False
  • OBITANI, Hiroaki; MIZUGAKI, Gentaro; TERAOKA, Shingo, The 86th Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society, 中山間地域の営農と集落の維持に向けた地域参加型研究の実践と課題―「高齢者の営農をささえる『らくらく農法』の開発」の事例から―, Poster presentation, 13 Oct. 2013, Oct. 2013, Oct. 2013, The Japan Sociological Society, Keio University, Japan, False
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society, Paper or Person: Changing Record Management and Communication Style in Japanese Central and Local Governments, Oral presentation, 06 Nov. 2010, 06 Nov. 2010, 07 Nov. 2010, The Japan Sociological Society, Nagoya University, Japan, False
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, The 38th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology 2008, Record Management and Organizational Culture in Japanese Central and Local Governments, Oral presentation, 28 Jun. 2008, Jun. 2008, Jun. 2008, The International Institute of Sociology, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, Hungary, True
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, Kansai Sociological Association, 稟議制と文書主義―日本の行政組織における意思決定と情報公開―, Oral presentation, 24 May 2008, May 2008, May 2008, Kansai sociological Association, Matsuyama University, Japan, False
  • MIZUGAKI Gentaro, 全国歴史資料保存利用機関連絡協議会近畿部会第94回例会, 日本の自治体における意思決定と記録管理について, Oral presentation, 22 Feb. 2008, 22 Feb. 2008, 22 Feb. 2008, 全国歴史資料保存利用機関連絡協議会近畿部会, 京都、京大会館, Japan, False
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, 地域社会学会, 市町村合併の要因分析, Oral presentation, 14 May 2005, May 2005, May 2005, 地域社会学会, 東京農業大学, False
  • NAKAMICHI, Minoru; MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, 社団法人今橋クラブ合同懇話会, 中央官僚最新の自画像, Public discourse, 21 Nov. 2000, 21 Nov. 2000, 21 Nov. 2000, 社団法人今橋クラブ, 大阪市, Japan
  • MIZUGAKI Gentaro, 日本社会学会, 上級官僚のライフヒストリーと行政改革への評価(共同報告『戦後日本官僚制の連続と変化―上級官僚のキャリア形成と役割行動―』), Oral presentation, 12 Nov. 2000, Nov. 2000, Nov. 2000, 日本社会学会, 広島国際学院大学, Japan, False
  • MIZUGAKI Gentaro, 関西社会学会, 上級官僚の役割意識―ライフヒストリー―(共同報告『戦後上級官僚のキャリアと役割行動』), Oral presentation, 28 May 2000, May 2000, May 2000, 関西社会学会, 中京大学, Japan, False
  • MIZUGAKI, Gentaro, The Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society, 河川利水の社会システム論へ向けて, Oral presentation, 23 Sep. 1995, Sep. 1995, Sep. 1995, 日本社会学会, 東京都立大学, Japan, False
  • MIZUGAKI Gentaro, 関西社会学会, カリスマ論の可能性, Oral presentation, 28 May 1994, May 1994, May 1994, 関西社会学会, 大阪大学, Japan, False
  • Gentaro Mizugaki, Symposium "Turkey and Japan: Elderly People and Communities", Social network and communication of the elderly before/under COVID-19, Nominated symposium, 06 Sep. 2021, 06 Sep. 2021, 06 Sep. 2021, Japan, True
  • Gentaro Mizugaki, Union of Nara Prefectural Universities, Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration and Human Resource Development: Issues and Prospects after COVID-19, Public discourse, 22 Feb. 2023, 22 Feb. 2023, 22 Feb. 2023
  • Gentaro Mizugaki, The 47th Conference of the Japan Association of Regional and Community Studies, The development of social network around a migration promotion base in southern Nara Prefecture, Oral presentation, 14 May 2022, 14 May 2022, 15 May 2022, Japan Association of Regional and Community Studies, Konan University, Japan, False, False
  • Gentaro Mizugaki, 下北山村アイデアソン, 下北山村:魅力と課題, Public discourse, 23 Sep. 2022, 23 Sep. 2022, 24 Sep. 2022, 下北山村, 奈良県下北山村, Japan, False

Research Projects

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Apr. 2017, Mar. 2023, 17K04129, Principal investigator, Gender and Regional Migration from/To Rural Areas, Gentaro Mizugaki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Nara Women's University, 4550000, 3500000, 1050000, 平成30年度の研究実績は、(1)前年度から行っている国勢調査を中心とした人口移動データベースの構築と関連要因分析、(2)SSMの統合データセット構築と二次分析、(3)QGISによる視覚化システムの構築、(4)個人水準の移動選択モデル構築、(5)国内学会での報告の4つからなる。 (1)まず前年度に引き続き、国勢調査・住民基本台帳人口移動報告の統合データベース構築と関連要因分析を行った。この作業は当初予定よりも時間がかかり、厚労省人口移動調査の再分析は平成31年度に実施することとした。これらの作業の一部を研究補助員に依頼した。 (2)個人水準の公開データであるSSMの利用申請を行い、入手したデータについては分析モデルに対応した整形とクリーニングを施したうえで、統合データベースを構築した。統合データベースの構築と分析に際しては、R等、公開統計解析ソフトウェアの利用が可能であることがわかったため、当初予定していたプログラム開発は行わなかった。JGSSについては平成31年度に行う。 (3)地理情報システム・ソフトウェアであるQGISによって分析結果の視覚化を試みたところ、研究成果の公表方法として有効であることがわかった。そこで申請が認められた前倒し予算により、サーバ用コンピュータを購入した。現在、システムを構築中である。 (4)前年度に収集した関連文献に基づいて、個人水準の移動選択モデルを検討した。 (5)平成30年9月15日には日本社会学会大会において、本研究成果の一部を利用した報告を行った。, Competitive research funding, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Apr. 2020, Mar. 2024, Principal investigator, A regional sociological study on local labor markets and diversification of women's employment and life course in Japan, Gentaro Mizugaki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Nara Women's University, 4290000, 3300000, 990000, Competitive research funding
  • Joint Research, Jul. 2021, Mar. 2022, Principal investigator, Community-based research for support network in Takatori Town, Gentaro Mizugaki; Shingo Teraoka, Joint Research, Nara Women's University; Takatori Town Council on Social Welfare, 600000, 500000, 100000, Others, False
  • Joint Research, Sep. 2021, Mar. 2022, Principal investigator, Demographic Research for sustainable communities under depopulation in the southeastern region of Nara prefecture, Gentaro Mizugaki; Shingo Teraoka, Joint Research, Nara Women's University; Shimo-kitayama Village, 450000, 375000, 75000, 本共同研究では、人口減少と高齢化が進む奈良県下北山村の基本計画の基礎資料とすべく、社会経済統計の整備、住民基本台帳、下北山中学校卒業者名簿の2種の現地資料に基づく詳細な人口動態分析を行った。, Others, False, rm:books_etc
  • Apr. 2017, Mar. 2023, 17K04129, Principal investigator
  • Apr. 2020, Mar. 2024, Principal investigator
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Apr. 2020, Mar. 2024, Principal investigator, A regional sociological study on local labor markets and diversification of women's employment and life course in Japan, Gentaro Mizugaki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Nara Women's University, 4290000, 3300000, 990000, Competitive research funding
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Apr. 2017, Mar. 2023, 17K04129, Principal investigator, Gender and Regional Migration from/To Rural Areas, Gentaro Mizugaki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Nara Women's University, 4550000, 3500000, 1050000, 平成30年度の研究実績は、(1)前年度から行っている国勢調査を中心とした人口移動データベースの構築と関連要因分析、(2)SSMの統合データセット構築と二次分析、(3)QGISによる視覚化システムの構築、(4)個人水準の移動選択モデル構築、(5)国内学会での報告の4つからなる。 (1)まず前年度に引き続き、国勢調査・住民基本台帳人口移動報告の統合データベース構築と関連要因分析を行った。この作業は当初予定よりも時間がかかり、厚労省人口移動調査の再分析は平成31年度に実施することとした。これらの作業の一部を研究補助員に依頼した。 (2)個人水準の公開データであるSSMの利用申請を行い、入手したデータについては分析モデルに対応した整形とクリーニングを施したうえで、統合データベースを構築した。統合データベースの構築と分析に際しては、R等、公開統計解析ソフトウェアの利用が可能であることがわかったため、当初予定していたプログラム開発は行わなかった。JGSSについては平成31年度に行う。 (3)地理情報システム・ソフトウェアであるQGISによって分析結果の視覚化を試みたところ、研究成果の公表方法として有効であることがわかった。そこで申請が認められた前倒し予算により、サーバ用コンピュータを購入した。現在、システムを構築中である。 (4)前年度に収集した関連文献に基づいて、個人水準の移動選択モデルを検討した。 (5)平成30年9月15日には日本社会学会大会において、本研究成果の一部を利用した報告を行った。, Competitive research funding
  • Joint Research, Jun. 2020, Dec. 2020, Principal investigator, Community structure analysis and social mapping in the southeastern region of Nara prefecture, Gentaro Mizugaki; Shingo Teraoka, Joint Research, Nara Women's University, Nara Prefecture, 275000, 250000, 25000, 人口減少が進む奈良県過疎地域の今後を展望するために、小地域を単位とした各種公的調査統計の統合的分析を行い、集落構造と趨勢を明らかにするとともに、各地域の将来計画策定に資する社会地図を制作する。, Others, False, rm:books_etc;rm:books_etc
  • Apr. 2017, Mar. 2022, 17K04129, Principal investigator
  • Joint Research, Oct. 2019, Mar. 2020, Principal investigator, Community development base and human resource accumulation in southern Nara Prefecture in Japan, Gentaro Mizugaki; Shingo Teraoka; Hiroko Morita, Nara Prefecture, Joint Research, Nara Women's University, Nara Prefecture, 990000, 900000, 90000, 本共同研究は、奈良県南部中山間地域で実践されている移住促進拠点運営事業の一事例について、拠点運営者をめぐる社会ネットワーク分析および地域住民のアンケート調査分析に基づいて、拠点の役割と効果および課題を明らかにし、その将来像および支援のあり方について示唆を得ようとするものである。 本共同研究では、現地での質的量的調査に基づく2種のデータセットと公的統計を用いて分析と考察を行った。 ①「訪問者情報」拠点に備えられている芳名帳に訪問者が記入した訪問日・氏名・居住地などの基本情報(延べ4667件、2625名)および拠点関係者へのインタビュに基づいて基本情報に付加した属性情報(298名) ②「アンケート調査」東吉野村に在住する満15歳以上の男女を対象、2020(令和2)年2月19日~3月3日実施、回収数347票、有効回答票数343票、有効回収率24.3%。 ③「公的統計」「人口動態推計」「市町村税課税状況等の調」, Others, rm:books_etc;rm:books_etc
  • Apr. 2017, Mar. 2022, 17K04129, Principal investigator
  • Apr. 2017, Mar. 2022, 17K04129, Principal investigator
  • Apr. 2017, Mar. 2022, 17K04129, Principal investigator
  • Jan. 2017, Mar. 2017, Principal investigator, A Survey on child-rearing and employment of women in Ando Town, Gentaro Mizugaki, Ando Town, Joint research, Nara Women's University; Ando Town, 198000, 180000, 18000, Others, rm:books_etc
  • Dec. 2016, Mar. 2017, Principal investigator, A regional revitalization project through the development of special products in Shimoichi Town, Gentaro Mizugaki, Shimoichi Twon, Joint research, Nara Women's University; Shimoichi Town, 495000, 450000, 45000, Others
  • Aug. 2016, Mar. 2017, Principal investigator, Continuing employment and re-employment of spouse women in Nara city, Gentaro Mizugaki, Nara City, Joint research, Nara Women's University; Nara City, 1284800, 1168000, 116800, 就業女性の就業継続要因および就業希望女性と企業とのマッチング要因を明らかにするため、奈良市内の有配偶女性2997名と企業947事業所に郵送法による質問紙調査を実施し、1240件/280件の回答を得た。その結果は『奈良市における有配偶女性の就業継続と再就職(女性調査)報告書』および『奈良市における有配偶女性の就業継続と再就職(企業調査)報告書』にまとめて、奈良市ホームページ上で公表した。 さらに、その成果の一部を『平成28年度 奈良市女性活躍推進のための講演会』(2017年3月16日、奈良商工会議所)において報告した。, Others, url;rm:books_etc;rm:books_etc;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations
  • Oct. 2011, Mar. 2015, Coinvestigator, The 'Farming Easy and Pleasant’(Raku-Raku Nouhou) Project: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Sustaining Aged Farming Communities, Shingo Teraoka; Sadahiro Hamasaki; Hiroaki Obitani; Gentaro Mizugaki, Japan Science and Technology Agency, JST Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX), Nara Women's University, 0, 0, 0, OBJECTIVES. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a joint project called, “RAKURAKU-NOUHOU or Farming Easy” to increase the sustainability of elderly farming communities. BACKGROUND. Rural communities in Japan are facing the problem of a lack of successors to the aging farmers. Although there has been more migration into farming communities from urban areas, most farming communities still consist main of elderly people who sometimes have difficulty farming due to its physically challenging nature. METHODOLOGY. Our project is implemented in a hilly, mountainous area located in the Kansai region, where some elderly farmers have been forced to give up farming because of its hard work in the steep fields. Our solution to make farming easier for the elderly is supported by the following four sectors: a) Mechanical engineering: Development of an electric transport vehicle that the elderly farmers can handle easily. b) Agricultural engineering: Including a shift from the cultivation of persimmon fruits to the cultivation of persimmon leaves that require less physical work. c) Health sciences: Measurement of the physical load of farm work and devices to reduce that load. d) Sociology: Investigation of farmers’ motivational system and social support network where they are embedded. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION. In this paper, first we introduce the outline and process of this project. Next, we show how cooperation among the four sectors enables analysis and improvement to the community’s current situation. Finally, we consider the prosperity of the farmers and challenges ahead in this project., Competitive research funding, rm:published_papers;rm:published_papers;rm:published_papers;rm:published_papers;rm:published_papers;rm:books_etc;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Apr. 2010, Mar. 2014, 22330164, Coinvestigator, Comprehensive study on the relationship of society and archives based on international comparison, FUJIYOSHI Keiji; KAZUHITO Isomura; OKADA Junta; MIZUGAKI Gentaro; ABE Naoki; HIRANO Izumi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Koyasan University, 15860000, 12200000, 3660000, This research project is based on the Comparative research on record management system of public administrative organizations between Australia and Japan (2006-2008). Its main purpose was to learn how the Victorian government made their administrational records accessible to the public on the Internet in this digital age. The on-site research revealed that the attitude toward the governmental records differs from country to country depending on the historical, social, and cultural context. According to this finding, we conducted the on-site research in several characteristic countries and held a research session at the international conference of academics., Competitive research funding, kaken;rm:books_etc;rm:presentations
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Apr. 2009, Mar. 2011, 21530524, Principal investigator, Empirical studies on the social processes of allocation of public goods in local governmental reform, Gentaro Mizugaki; Shingo Teraoka; Natsuki Nataka, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Nara Women's University, 4290000, 3300000, 990000, This project aims to explore social and geographical factors of the potentialized demand of local governmental policies, particularly child welfare and parenting support policy. Conducting case study of seven cities and towns in Nara Prefecture with the lowest fertility and employment rate in Japan, it is manifested that mixed effects of two factors of varied commuting mobility in the Kansai metropolitan area and rigid traditional gender structure lead to women's low employment, low fertility and individual mental burden., Competitive research funding, kaken;rm:published_papers;rm:misc;rm:books_etc
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Apr. 2006, Mar. 2008, 18330117, Coinvestigator, Comparative research on record management system of public administrative organizations between Australia and Japan, FUJIYOSHI Keiji; MORIMOTO Sachiko; MAEKAWA Kaori; ISOMURA Kazuhito; MIZUGAKI Gentaro; ABE Naoki; SAKAGUCHI Takahiro; TAMURA Keiko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Koyasan University, 8190000, 7200000, 990000, 本研究では、行政機関の電子記録管理について、先進事例とされるオーストラリア・ヴィクトリア州のVERS: Victorian Electronic Records Strategyが、システムを内部開発せず、システムが準拠すべき仕様(VERS標準)を策定・公表することで、州政府だけでなく他の公的・民間組織にもシステムが受容され、適切な電子記録管理の普及に効果のあったことがわかった。一方、日本の場合、必ずしも記録が説明責任を果たすための証拠とはなりにくい特性を有することもわかった。これにより、政府機関の記録管理の研究においては、記録というものの位置づけを、国際的な比較のなかで社会的・文化的背景から捉え直すことも重要な作業であるということが明らかとなった。, Competitive research funding, kaken;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations
  • Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 2005, 2006, 17730309, Principal investigator, 市町村合併をめぐる地域的意思決定過程の社会学的実証分析, Gentaro Mizugaki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Nara Women's University, 1900000, 1900000, 本研究の研究実績と知見の一部は次の通りである。 (1)まず、前年度に引き続き、市町村合併に関する学術文献および先行調査例のサーベイを継続し、分析モデルの改善をはかった。具体的には、従来モデルに取り入れていた個別市町村の政治的財政的要因や通勤・通学ネットワークの完結性といったネットワーク要因だけではなく、近隣の市町村との相対的位置といった構造合理性要因が合併協議会の設置にいたる重要な要因であると考えられた。その他、地方交付税の削減がいわば時間要因として作用していることも考慮された。 (2)前年度において市町村合併の動向についてのデータベースの構築を行ったが、今年度の新規情報についてこれを補完した。合併に関連したホームページ資料を収集した。この作業の一部を研究補助員に依頼した。また、民間データベース(日経テレコン21、Dファイル)を利用して、合併に関連する新聞記事資料を収集した。なお、いずれに関しても現存する資料は膨大であり、その整理作業の一部を研究補助員に依頼した。 (3)これまでの作業によって構築されたデータベースを用いて、分析モデルのテストを行った。その結果、通勤・通学ネットワークの完結性といった社会ネットワーク要因がフレームとして作用するとともに、近隣の市町村との相対的位置といった構造合理性要因が重要であることがわかった。とくに財政的危機状況にある市町村の存在は特異点として周辺町村の動向に影響を与えている。ここではゲーム論的がアプローチも可能であることが示唆された。 (4)特徴的な合併事例として、島嶼部との吸収合併を行った広島県呉市の実地調査を行った。島嶼間の架橋によるネットワークの促進がここでも大きな要因となっている。 (5)本研究は市町村合併をめぐる意思決定プロセスにおける構造的要因を強調している。この成果は今後の学会において公表の予定である。, Competitive research funding, kaken;rm:presentations
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2002, 2005, 14310083, Coinvestigator, A Sociological Study on Restructuring the Self-governmental System of Local Communities under Decentralization, NAKAMICHI Minoru; NODA Takashi; MIZUGAKI Gentaro; Kyoko Miura, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 11000000, 11000000, This study explores ways to restructure the self-governmental system of local communities under decentralization. We investigated this issue by distributing questionnaires and interviewing three groups of subjects : 11,439 community leaders from 11 local governments spread across the country, 5,104 government employees from 37 local governments nationwide, and four city council members from T city in Osaka (between Feb.2004 and May 2005). Here we highlight some of the main findings. 1.Community leaders engage in considerable self-sufficient activities, but the network of leaders shaping the self-identity in communities is quite abundant. This serves to strengthen neighborhood mutual support, is a key factor in building community sentiment and participation in community activities, and strengthens community functional networks. 2.Community leaders who take an active role in promoting self-reliant disaster preparedness have a strong orientation toward mutual assistance and are committed to an autonomous approach to disaster preparedness activities. And in the way they perceive local town disaster prevention issues, they also tend to support mutual-help issues through mutual-help participation, which suggests solidly-grounded perception as community leaders. 3.Promotion of local educational activities that fully integrate home, school, the community, and government demands human resources (good leaders who are capable of leading and coordinating), public relations activities, and government cooperation. 4.Examining local government promotion polices toward lower-ranking positions, we observed a shift toward a uniform seniority model by shrinking the distribution of promotions, and toward higher-ranking positions a transition toward a tournament model by reducing the probability of advancement. Both of these trends have the effect of increasing the attachment of employees to organizations, and are rational. 5.Local government employees become increasingly loyal to their departments as they are promoted ("Administrative Man"),then as they move into the upper echelons, they begin to strive more to serve the public interest and develop more self-discipline and a greater sense of duty ("Public Man"), Competitive research funding, kaken;rm:published_papers;rm:published_papers;rm:books_etc
  • Apr. 2002, Mar. 2004, Coinvestigator, 現代的ネットワークに基づく流域社会の再構築の可能性, Shigeru Tanaka; Gentaro Mizugaki, 龍谷大学, 国際社会文化研究所プロジェクト, 龍谷大学国際社会文化研究所, 0, 0, 0, Others, rm:published_papers;rm:published_papers
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Apr. 1998, Mar. 2000, 10610173, Coinvestigator, Continuity and Change of Japan's Bureaucratic System : Life Course and Role Behavior of Higher Civil Servants in Showa-Heisei Period., Minoru Nakamichi; Gentaro Mizugaki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Nara Women's University, 3600000, 3600000, This research examines and evaluates the historical role of Japan's postwar bureaucratic system by clarifying role creation and transformation in higher civil servants. To this end, three types of surveys were carried out as follows. 1) Bureaucratic Career Survey (conducted 1998-2000) that used secondary materials to track the bureaucratic career of 1,575 top-ranked section chiefs and above who entered ministries and government offices in the period from 1935 to 1979. 2) Mailed Questionnaire (conducted July 1999) that surveyed 1,336 retired and active civil servants on a variety of issues including role recognition and identity, the influence of various players in the policy-making process, and postwar policy-making evaluation. 3) Oral Life History Survey (conducted February and July 2000) that targeted 123 individuals from among the respondents to the above questionnaire. Some of the results of these surveys were presented jointly at the Kansai Sociological Society Conference in May 2000 and at the Japan Sociological Society Conference in November 2000. The following summarizes key findings of these surveys. 1) Promotion in rank has become totally slower and much slower in upper ranks ; retirement対象リソースIRI
  • Joint Research, Jul. 2022, Mar. 2023, Principal investigator, Community research for sustainable communities under depopulation in the southeastern region of Nara prefecture, Gentaro Mizugaki; Shingo Teraoka, Joint Research, Nara Women's University; Shimo-kitayama Village, 450000, 375000, 75000, 人口減少と高齢化が進む奈良県下北山村におけるコミュニティの持続可能性を展望するために、ソーシャル・サポート・ネットワークの実態を明らかにするとともに地域課題の「見える化」を行う。その成果を共有し、今後のコミュニティ主導の支えあいの仕組みづくりへ発展させる。, Others, False, rm:books_etc
  • Joint Research, Jun. 2022, Mar. 2023, Principal investigator, Community research for sustainable communities under depopulation in Takatori Town, Gentaro Mizugaki; Shingo Teraoka, 奈良女子大学; 社会福祉法人高取町社会福祉協議会, Joint Research, Takatori Town Council on Social Welfare, 300000, 250000, 50000, 本共同研究では、奈良県高取町3地区での9回のワークショップを通じて、前年度に実施したアンケート調査の成果を住民と共有するとともに、過疎化と高齢化が深化する各地区の将来課題について議論を行った。さらにコミュニティ主導のサポート・ネットワーク構築の基盤となる住民組織化に向けて軽スポーツ(ボッチャ)を導入し、多世代交流と地区間交流への展開を目指した。なお、本共同研究には奈良女子大学、高取町社会福祉協議会の両研究組織に加えて、奈良県社会福祉協議会及び高取町役場福祉課も参加した。, Others, False
  • Joint Research, Oct. 2023, Mar. 2024, Principal investigator, Action research for sustainable aging communities, Gentaro Mizugaki; Shingo Teraoka, Joint Research, Takatori Town Council on Social Welfare, 120000, 100000, 20000, Industry academia cooperation, False
  • Joint Research, May 2023, Mar. 2024, Principal investigator, Demographic Dynamics and Population Projections in Rural Area, Gentaro Mizugaki; Shingo Teraoka, Joint Research, Nara Women's University; Shimo-kitayama Village, 450000, 375000, 75000, Others, False, rm:books_etc;rm:books_etc
  • Joint Research, May 2023, Mar. 2024, Principal investigator, Local Labor Market and Women's Employment in Childrearing, Gentaro Mizugaki, Joint Research, Nara Women's University; Nara City, 1600000, 1240000, 360000, Others, False, rm:books_etc
  • Ⅲ.社会連携活動実績


    • Apr. 2020, 9999, Government
    • Dec. 2015, 9999, Autonomy
    • Mar. 2015, Nov. 2020, Society
    • Apr. 2020, 9999, Government
    • Dec. 2015, 31 Mar. 2022
    • Jun. 2016, Sep. 2016, Autonomy
    • Dec. 2015, Mar. 2016, Autonomy
    • Dec. 2015, 9999
    • Dec. 2015, 9999
    • Apr. 2020, 9999
    • Apr. 2020, 9999

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