Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, Home and Identity: The Tichborne Case in the Golden Age Mystery, Chiho Nakagawa, Dec. 2019, 7, 55, 80
Not Refereed, アジア・ジェンダー文化学研究, Reimagining Female Vampires: Two Female Serial Killers in Byzantium, NAKAGAWA Chiho, Mar. 2019, 3, 55-68, Research institution
Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, Safe as Houses: The Country House in English Literature and Mysteries, NAKAGAWA Chiho, Dec. 2018, 6, 1-20, Research institution
Refereed, The Journal of American and Canadian Studies, Sophia University, Institute of American and Canadian Studies, Dangers Inside the Home: Rereading Haunted House Films from a Gothic Perspective, Nakagawa Chiho, 31 Mar. 2018, 35, 35, 75, 96, Research institution
Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究 = Studies in European and American language and culture, 奈良女子大学文学部欧米言語文化学会, Witchcraft Trials and the Public Sphere : Gender Lines and Spatial Lines in Esther Forbes' A Mirror for Witches, NAKAGAWA Chiho, 2017, 5, 5, 69, 90
Not Refereed, ユリイカ, ヴァンパイアの憂鬱にみる作者性と匿名性の美学, NAKAGAWA Chiho, Aug. 2017, 206-213
Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部 研究教育年報, 奈良女子大学文学部, フランスから来た美魔女―ポーの「眼鏡」と帝国, NAKAGAWA Chiho, Mar. 2017, 13, 19-25, 25, Research institution
Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, 奈良女子大学文学部 欧米言語文化研究学会, Haunted House without a House: Elia W. Peattie's Frontier Ghost Story, NAKAGAWA Chiho, 2015, 3, 19-36, 36
Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, 奈良女子大学文学部 欧米言語文化学会, Amoral Girl and New England Brahmins: O.W. Holmes's Elsie Venner, NAKAGAWA Chiho, Dec. 2014, 2, 19-41, 41
Refereed, The Journal of American and Canadian Studies, 上智大学アメリカ・カナダ研究所, Spiritual Bodies and Physical Spirits in Howells' The Undiscovered Country, NAKAGAWA Chiho, Mar. 2014, 31, 31, 79, 95
Not Refereed, れにくさ = Реникса : 現代文芸論研究室論集, 現代文芸論研究室, The Future Echo : Self Fantasy in Dollhouse, NAKAGAWA Chiho, 特集 北アメリカの文学柴田元幸教授退官記念号論文, 2014, 5, 271, 291, 10.15083/00037432
Refereed, Clues: A Journal of Detection, Inheriting the Nation: Seishi Yokomizo's Postwar Novels, NAKAGAWA Chiho, 2014, 32, 2, 90-99
Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, 奈良女子大学文学部 欧米言語文化学会, Spiritual Telephone: Hamlin Garland's Spiritualism Novels, NAKAGAWA Chiho, Dec. 2013, 1, 23-40, 40
Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部 研究教育年報, クィアなヴァンパイアたち―現代アメリカにおけるヴァンパイアの孤独―, NAKAGAWA Chiho, Mar. 2012, 8, 43-56
Not Refereed, 外国文学研究, Old Maidの運命:The Whole Familyにおける病と癒し, NAKAGAWA Chiho, 2012, 31, 1-26
Refereed, Journal of Popular Romance Studies, Safe Sex with Defanged Vampires: New Vampire Heroes in Twilight and the Southern Vampire Mysteries, NAKAGAWA Chiho, Oct. 2011, 2, 1, n.pag
Not Refereed, Annual Report on Research and Education Faculty of Letters, Nara Women's University, New England Witches and Vampires:Invisible Magic and Malice, NAKAGAWA Chiho, Dec. 2010, 7, 61-69
Not Refereed, Studies in Foreign Literature, Nara Women's University, How to Make a Witch: Shirley Jackson and Femininity, NAKAGAWA Chiho, Dec. 2009, 28, 28, 63-84, 84
Refereed, The Journal of American and Canada Studies, Sophia University, Institute of American and Canadian Studies, Denied Domestic Pleasures: Genre and Gender in American Gothic Wieland, NAKAGAWA Chiho, Mar. 2009, 26, 37-58, 58
Refereed, Journal of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Fears of the Demon Lovers: Female Paranoia in the Demon Lover Stories by Elizabeth Bowen and Shirley Jackson, NAKAGAWA Chiho, This paper examines the concept of paranoia found in two short stories based on the same folk ballad of the demon lover. Some critics read Jackson's "The Daemon Lover" and Elizabeth Bowen's "The Demon Lover" as stories of paranoia, suggesting the strong connection between the fears of demon lovers and the typical paranoiac delusions. However, a close examination of the concept of "female paranoia," referring to psychoanalytic studies as well as clinical literature, reveals the issues of interpretations involved not only in the diagnosing stage but also in the alleged patient's thinking process. "Female paranoia" manifests its symptoms when the alternative interpretations of their lovers' behaviors emerge, forcing the female characters to question heterosexual romance scenarios. I argue that the demon lover stories, a variation of erotomanic delusions, express a critique of the patriarchal society that exposes women to perpetual threats that are represented ambiguously in the form of demon lovers. Jackson's story in particular shows that fears of the demon lover, however supernatural he may appear to be, are in fact of this world. The seemingly strange world to which the demon lover takes the protagonist, the world of conspiracy, is nothing but her own everyday realities., Mar. 2008, 11, 11, 55-71, 71
Refereed, University of Tokyo Journal of American Studies, 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科附属アメリカ研究資料センター, Erasing Mothers: The Absence of Mother in Kincaid's and Oates' Fiction, NAKAGAWA Chiho, Mar. 2001, 5, 165-177, 177
Refereed, The Komaba Journal of Area Studies, The University of Tokyo, 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科地域文化研究専攻, My Mother, My Self: Mother and Daughter in Kathy Acker's Fiction, NAKAGAWA Chiho, Mar. 1999, 2, 105-131, 131
Transnational Horror Across Visual Media: Fragmented Bodies, Desire for the past: The supernaturalization of Yatsuhaka-mura, Chiho Nakagawa, 01 Jan. 2013, 30, 43, In book, 10.4324/9780203567791
Not Refereed, Studies in European and American Language and Culture, A Doll's House in the City: Women's Hotels, Department Stores, and Murder Mystery, Chiho Nakagawa, 2020, 8, 1, 19, Research institution
Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, The Girl Detective in the Attic: Domestic Space in The Nancy Drew Series and Judy Bolton Series, NAKAGAWA Chiho, Dec. 2021, 9, 21, 36, Research institution
Studies in foreign literature, Nara Women's University, Fate of Old Maid: Illness and Healing in The Whole Family, Nakagawa Chiho, 30 Dec. 2012, 31, 1, 26
Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部 研究教育年報, 奈良女子高等師範学校の英語教育と女性宣教師, NAKAGAWA Chiho, Mar. 2017, 13, 49-62
Not Refereed, 欧米言語文化研究, Heroine, Villainess, and Detecitve: Governesses in Crime fiction, Chiho Nakagawa, Dec. 2023, 11, 1, 18, Research institution
Safe Sex with Defanged Vampires: New Vampire Heroes in Twilight and the Southern Vampire Mysteries\nin Contemporary Literary Criticism 409, Gale Cengage/ Layman Poupard, NAKAGAWA Chiho, 分担, Oct. 2017, 193-204, Not Refereed
怪異とは誰か, 青弓社, NAKAGAWA Chiho, 分担, Dec. 2016, 149-168, Not Refereed, 9784787292414
奈良女子高等師範学校とアジアの留学生, 敬文社, NAKAGAWA Chiho, 分担, Mar. 2016, 388-395, Not Refereed, 9784906822836
「悪魔のようにハンサムな彼」\n恋をする、とはどういうことか?\n――ジェンダーから考える ことばと文学――, ひつじ書房, NAKAGAWA Chiho, 分担, Apr. 2014, 126-142, Not Refereed
The Desire for the Past: The Supernaturalization of Yatsuhaka-mura in Transnational Horror Across Visual Media: Fragmented Bodies, Routledge, NAKAGAWA Chiho, 分担, Oct. 2013, 30-43, Not Refereed, 9780415821247
『クラウド・アトラス』上・下, 河出書房新社, NAKAGAWA Chiho, 筆頭著者, Jan. 2013, Not Refereed
The Dislocated Body Part in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "Imperial Gothic" in _Gothic N.E.W.S.: Exploring the Gothic in relation to new critical perspectives and the geographical polarities of North, East, West, and South_, Gothic N.E.W.S.: Exploring the Gothic in relation to new critical perspectives and the geographical polarities of North, East, West, and South., NAKAGAWA Chiho; Max Duperray, 分担, 2009, 154-163, Not Refereed, 9782356920089
Dreadful Yet Irresistible Luella Miller: Horror in the Absence of Self”in There Be Dragons Out There: Confronting Fear, Horror and Terror, Inter-Disciplinary Press, NAKAGAWA Chiho, 分担, 2009, 83-92, Not Refereed, 9781904710806
『未亡人の一年』上・下, 新潮社, NAKAGAWA Chiho, 分担, Jun. 2000, Not Refereed
The Decameron Project: 29 New Stories from the Pandemic, 河出書房新社, New York Times Magazine; New York Times Company; Atwood, Margaret Eleanor; 藤井, 光, David MItchell, 183-196, Nov. 2021, 344p, 9784309208459
〈怪異〉とミステリ : 近代日本文学は何を「謎」としてきたか, 青弓社, 乾, 英治郎; 小松, 史生子; 鈴木, 優作; 谷口, 基; 怪異怪談研究会, 第10章 館という幻想―綾辻行人『暗黒館の殺人』における自己の揺らぎ, Dec. 2022, 325p, 9784787292698
ジェンダーロールの呪縛と越境, 英宝社, 竹山, 友子; 前原, 澄子; 齋藤, 美和; 西垣, 佐理; 中川, 千帆, 第5章 女性の居場所と職業ー二〇世紀犯罪小説の看護師探偵たちー, Dec. 2023, vii, 149p, 9784269721456
ジェンダー事典, 丸善出版, ジェンダー事典編集委員会; 松本, 悠子, 文学批評, Jan. 2024, xxvi, 769p, 9784621308875
NAKAGAWA Chiho, Gothic Spaces, Edgar Allan Poe's Gothic Space and the Crime Scene, Oral presentation, 20 Oct. 2019, True
NAKAGAWA Chiho; Chiho Nakagawa, Captivating Criminality 6 "Metamorphoses of Crime: Facts and Fictions", Home and Identity: The Tichborne Case in the Golden Age Mystery, Oral presentation, Jun. 2019, International Crime Fiction Association, イタリア国立G.ダヌンツィオ総合大学, True
NAKAGAWA Chiho, 革命/内乱とジェンダー, 共感と痛み:Earthseedシリーズから考える力と女性, Nominated symposium, Nov. 2018, 中部大学中部高等学術研究所, 中部大学, False
NAKAGAWA Chiho; Chiho Nakagawa, Captivating Criminality 5: Insiders and Outsiders, Finding Self in the House: Gothic House and Locked Room, Oral presentation, Jun. 2018, International Crime Fiction Association, Corsham, Wiltshire, England, True
NAKAGAWA Chiho; Chiho Nakagawa, Popular Culture Association/ American Culture Association Conference, Brothels and Convents: Female Vampires in Byzantium, Oral presentation, Mar. 2018, Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, True
NAKAGAWA Chiho, 日本比較文学学会第42回中部大会\nシンポジウム「巷説と文学」, ニューイングランドの魔女と魔女を語る女たち, Nominated symposium, May 2017, 名古屋大学, False
NAKAGAWA Chiho, 日本フランス語フランス文学会, 「恐怖・嫌悪・欲望とジェンダー」, Nominated symposium, May 2016, 学習院大学, False
NAKAGAWA Chiho; Chiho Nakagawa, Southwest Popular / American Culture Association conference, Houses That Haunt the American Family: Rereading Haunted House Films from a Gothic Perspective, Oral presentation, Feb. 2016, Albuquerque, NM, USA, True
NAKAGAWA Chiho; Chiho Nakagawa, International Gothic Conference, Locked Room Mysteries and Gothic Boundaries, Oral presentation, Jul. 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada, True
NAKAGAWA Chiho; Chiho Nakagawa, Anxious Forms 2014, A Neurasthenic Healer in Ethan Frome, Oral presentation, Aug. 2014, The University of Glasgow, Scotland, True
NAKAGAWA Chiho; Chiho Nakagawa, Joss Whedon Studies Association, The Future Echo: A Self Fantasy in Dollhouse, Oral presentation, Jun. 2014, California State University, Sacramento, True
NAKAGAWA Chiho; Chiho Nakagawa, International Gothic Association, Spiritual Telephone: Hamlin Garland's Spiritualism Novels, Oral presentation, Aug. 2013, University of Surrey, True
NAKAGAWA Chiho; Chiho Nakagawa, International Symposium on Comparative Literature at Kanagawa University, A Case of Gothic Translation: Reversal of Reverse Colonization in Dokuro Kengyo, Oral presentation, Jun. 2013, 神奈川大学, True
NAKAGAWA Chiho; Chiho Nakagawa, Nineteenth Century Studies Association, Spiritual Bodies and Physical Spirits in The Undiscovered Country and The Bostonians, Oral presentation, Mar. 2012, Nineteenth Century Studies Association, Asheville, North Carolina, USA, True
NAKAGAWA Chiho, 日本アメリカ文学会関西支部, Old-maid Auntの運命―The Whole Familyにおける病と癒し, Oral presentation, Nov. 2011, False
NAKAGAWA Chiho; Chiho Nakagawa, International Gothic Association, Japanese Gothic--Past and Present, East and West--, Oral presentation, Aug. 2011, True
NAKAGAWA Chiho; Chiho Nakagawa, International Conference on Popular Romance--Poplar Romance Studies: Theory, Text, and Practice, Safe Vampire Heroes and Safe Sex in New Vampire Romance, Oral presentation, Aug. 2010, International Association for the Study of Popular Romance, True
NAKAGAWA Chiho, 奈良女子大学ジェンダー言語文化学プロジェクトシンポジウム, 「クィアとはなにか?」, Nominated symposium, Nov. 2009, 奈良女子大学ジェンダー言語文化学プロジェクト, 奈良, False
NAKAGAWA Chiho, 奈良女子大学英米英語文化学研究会, 「魔女の作り方:シャーリー・ジャクソンと女性性」, Invited oral presentation, Nov. 2009, 奈良女子大学英米英語文化学研究会, False
NAKAGAWA Chiho; Chiho Nakagawa, International Gothic Association, Narratives of Unspectacular Vampires: New England Witches and Vampires, Oral presentation, Jun. 2009, International Gothic Association, Lancaster University, UK, True
中川千帆, 関西アメリカ文学会例会, 家を読み解く―Anna Katharine Greenの "domestic detective fiction"―, 12 Jun. 2021
Chiho Nakagawa, International Gothic Association, The Displaced Body Part in Sirt Arthur Conan Doyle's "Imperial Gothic", Oral presentation, Aug. 2007
中川千帆, 日本アメリカ文学会東京支部, The Haunting of the Demon Lover in Shirley Jackson's "The Daemon Lover", Oral presentation, Jun. 2006
Chiho Nakagawa, International Gothic Association, Failure of Dominatrix: Gender, Race, and Power Struggle in Zofloya, Oral presentation, Aug. 2005
Chiho Nakagawa, Captivating Criminality 9 International Crime Fiction Association conference, Cozy House, Gothic House, Oral presentation, 04 Mar. 2023, 02 Mar. 2023, 04 Mar. 2023
中川千帆, 日本英文学会関西支部第17回大会, 『ジェンダーロールの呪縛と越境』「女性の居場所と職業:20世紀の看護師探偵たち」, 18 Dec. 2022, 18 Dec. 2022, 18 Dec. 2022
Chiho Nakagawa, Gothic in Asia conference, "Asian Folklore, Folk Horror, and the Gothic", Japanese Island Folk Horror/Mystery in the 21st Century, 20 Oct. 2022, 19 Oct. 2022, 20 Oct. 2022
Chiho Nakagawa, Gothic in Asia Conference, Asian Folklore, Folk Horror, and the Gothic, 15 Sep. 2022, 15 Sep. 2022, 15 Sep. 2022
Chiho Nakagawa, 16th International Gothic Association conference, Miss Marple's English Home and Gothic Fear, 27 Jul. 2022, 26 Jul. 2022, 29 Jul. 2022
Chiho Nakagawa, Captivating Criminality 8 International Crime Fiction Association Conference, Deviant Sexuality and the English Home: Miss Marple's Nemesis, 02 Jul. 2022, 30 Jun. 2022, 02 Jul. 2022
Chiho Nakagawa, Captivating Criminality 10 International Crime Fiction Association, Heroine, Villainess, or Detective: Governesses in Crime Fiction, Oral presentation, 01 Sep. 2023, 31 Aug. 2023, 02 Sep. 2023