Researchers Database


FacultyFaculty Division of Human Life and Environmental Sciences Research Group of Residential Architecture and Environmental Science
Last Updated :2024/10/05


Profile and Settings

  • Name (Japanese)

  • Name (Kana)


Research Interests

  • 内装材
  • 住宅材料
  • 木材の耐久性
  • 木造住宅
  • 住居管理
  • 住宅の耐久性

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences, Home economics, lifestyle science

Research Experience

  • Apr. 2014, Nara Women's University, Faculty, 准教授
  • 2002, 2014, :奈良女子大学生活環境学部講師
  • 1998, 2002, :奈良女子大学生活環境学部非常勤講師
  • Apr. 2021, Nara Women's University, 研究院生活環境科学系, 教授
  • Apr. 2023, 9999, Nara Women's University
  • Mar. 2024, 9999, Nara Women's University


  • 1997, Nara Women's University, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, 生活環境学, Japan
  • 1997, Nara Women's University, Graduate School, Doctral Research Course in Human Culture
  • 1993, Nara Women's University, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, 住環境学専攻
  • 1991, Nara Women's University, 家政学部, 住居学科, Japan
  • 1991, Nara Women's University, Faculty of Home Economics

Association Memberships

  • 日本防菌防黴学会, Mar. 2022
  • 日本木材加工技術協会
  • 日本木材保存協会
  • 日本木材学会
  • 日本建築学会
  • 日本家政学会


Published Papers

  • 2023, 52, 61, 77
  • Refereed, 2023, 74, 7, 378, 393
  • Refereed, 2022, 16, 2, 16, 28
  • Refereed, 日本家政学会誌, コロナ禍による女子大学生の日常生活への影響, 藤平眞紀子; 久保博子; 星野聡子, Sep. 2021, 72, 9, 17, 36, Scientific journal
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学スポーツ科学研究, コロナ禍による女子大学生の身体機能およびQOLとwell-beingへの影響, 星野聡子; 須川真奈江; 藤平眞紀子; 久保博子, Dec. 2021, 23, 2, 12, 23
  • Refereed, 日本家政学会誌, 中学・高等学校家庭科における住居・住生活分野の学習と日常生活への関わりに関する検討 —教育学部および生活環境学部学生を対象とした家庭科教育に関する調査—, 藤平眞紀子、久保博子, Jan. 2020, 71, 1, 12, 30
  • Refereed, 日本家政学会誌, 空き家の維持管理におけるシルバー人材センターの関わりの可能性, 藤平眞紀子, Nov. 2019, 70, 11, 739, 755, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, 木材保存, 木造住宅における床下および土間付近の温湿度環境の実測例, 藤平眞紀子, Nov. 2019, 46, 6, 280, 290
  • Refereed, 家政学研究, 中等教育における家庭科学習の各分野の学習内容と授業形態に対する大学生の評価 –生活環境学部学生を対象とした家庭科教育に関する調査-, 藤平眞紀子; 佐野奈緒子; 黒川嘉子; 吉本光佐; 久保博子, 2018, 64, 2, 43, 49, Research institution
  • Refereed, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), Architectural Institute of Japan, A STUDY ON COOPERATION OF BUILDING CONTRACTORS IN THE MAINTENANCE OF TRADITIONAL WOODEN HOUSES, FUJIHIRA Makiko,  Maintenance performed by house owners is not itself sufficient to ensure that traditional wooden houses are maintained and will be preserved as community resources that define local streetscapes; rather, collaboration with the local community, tradesmen with specialist technical expertise in a variety of fields, and public support are also considered necessary. This study examined both potential and ideal approaches for such community-based initiatives. Given that “regular carpenters” play a dominant role in the maintenance of traditional wooden houses, we conducted a questionnaire survey on traditional wooden houses and streetscape preservation among contractors engaged in building and carpentry within Nara Prefecture. The contractors were manufacturing and fabrication specialists that support the maintenance efforts of house occupants.
     The survey results showed that training technical experts and securing appropriate materials are necessary in order to maintain and preserve traditional wooden houses. In addition, it is necessary to carefully consider the effectiveness of subsidy schemes and the difficulty associated with producing work estimates, promote awareness among local residents, and provide community support and education in order to support these efforts. There is widespread acceptance that traditional wooden houses with their traditional character must be preserved in order to maintain harmony with local landscapes, but also that these houses need to meet the requirements of the house occupants. Specifically, these efforts need to be pursued as collaborative initiatives between the occupants, local residents, specialists, and various tradesmen, with an emphasis on the quality of life of the house occupants. The survey also clearly showed that building contractors recognize that they need to collaborate in the maintenance of traditional wooden houses and also that they are willing to be involved in the effort., 2017, 82, 731, 191, 199, 10.3130/aija.82.191
  • Refereed, 日本家政学会誌, 日本家政学会, The Elementary School Infirmary as a Life Space for Students : Observations Based on a Renovated Infirmary, 藤平 眞紀子, 2017, 68, 6, 272, 284, 10.11428/jhej.68.272
  • Refereed, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), Architectural Institute of Japan, TAKING CARE OF VACANT HOUSES IN AREAS WITH TRADITIONAL WOODEN HOUSES, FUJIHIRA Makiko,  To assess the potential for care-taking of vacant houses by local residents in an area where traditional wooden houses remain, I conducted a questionnaire survey of residents living along and in the vicinity of the “T Street” in order to assess their awareness of vacant houses and their attitude towards care-taking of these houses. A total of 98 persons responded to the questionnaire survey, which was conducted in January 2016.
     Prior to conducting the survey, I determined that approximately 13% of the houses along the street were vacant. Of these, around one half were considered to be abandoned, in the sense that no caretaker had entered the house. Although no buildings were on the verge of collapse, about 30% of the houses had weeds growing at their entrances, and the vacant houses appeared to be in need of maintenance.
     Among the respondents, there was a 50:50 split between men and women and the mean age was 68.2 years; many of the respondents were from households consisting of elderly couples. More than 80% of the respondents were involved in town planning activities. The respondents responded that they would like as many residents as possible to be involved in town planning activities. The respondents are very concerned about the increase in vacant houses that has occurred in recent years throughout Japan. This concern arose from realizing that the number of vacant houses in their neighborhoods has increased over the last three to five years. The main concerns about vacant houses were “untidiness of shrubbery and weeds,” “risk that houses may collapse,” and “degradation of landscape and scenery.”
     Regarding the willingness of local residents to share care-taking responsibilities in the neighborhood, the survey revealed that more people were “not willing to cooperate” than were “willing to cooperate”. Respondents were particularly apprehensive about the technical aspects associated with tasks such as “checking and inspecting for leaks inside houses,” “pruning shrubbery,” and “inspecting external walls and roofs for damage from the outside.” Respondents were strongly opposed to entering houses in order to “clean and tidy up interiors and discard disused articles,” Conversely, activities on which a relatively high number of respondents were “willing to cooperate” included “simple cleaning of entranceways and gardens,” “opening windows to ventilate interiors,” and “weeding of entranceways and gardens.” Thus, these are all care-taking activities that local residents could be expected to get involved in. Next, regarding the willingness to accept support from local residents in the event that one's own house was to become vacant, there were more unwilling respondents than willing ones. This reveals a strong resistance to having people entering the house to perform work. Still, there is potential for local residents to provide support by performing simple tasks from outside such houses.
     The findings of the study showed that, in practice, it is generally somewhat difficult to get local residents to take care of vacant houses due to apprehension about the physical effort and technical aspects of the work required depending on the task, and also because of residents' reticence to entering houses or sites. However, residents are willing to cooperate on some activities, so there is potential for getting them to get involved in simple outdoor tasks., 2017, 82, 738, 2041, 2051, 10.3130/aija.82.2041
  • Refereed, 日本家政学会誌, 木造住宅の維持保全計画のあり方に関する研究 —工務店を対象としたアンケート調査より—, 藤平 眞紀子, 2016, 67, 9, 497, 507, 10.11428/jhej.67.497
  • Refereed, Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Society of Materials Science Japan, Evaluation of impression brought by yoshino sugi and assessment of its suitability for interior use, Makiko Fujihira; Takafumi Itoh; Yasuhiro Teranishi, In order to prepare for proposals that would lead to activate Japanese cedar market, including product development of wooden products using Yoshino Sugi, we tried to understand images of Yoshino Sugi which people have for. From the SD method survey that targeted female students, it was found that Sugi tended to be evaluated as having a neutral image. But Sugi also has images of being slightly exclusive, smooth, glossy, and thick. It was also revealed that such factors as color, gloss, and hardness of Sugi affected the outcome of the surveys for image and conformity as material to be used for the interior of houses. In addition, Sugi was assessed as suitable as flooring in the master bedroom and living room by the reason that Sugi had soothing colors and warm atmosphere. So, it will be important that we propose how to utilize such relaxing and warm image and texture of Sugi. We can say, for example, that Sugi has enough potentiality to be used as flooring in the master bedroom and living room of houses in general., 01 May 2015, 64, 5, 393, 398, Scientific journal, 10.2472/jsms.64.393
  • Refereed, Journal of Home Economics of Japan, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Changes and Inheritance of Maintenance of Traditional Wooden Houses:—Current State and Challenges for Maintenance Based on an Interview Survey—, FUJIHIRA Makiko; MURATA Junko; TANAKA Tomoko, After assessing the current state of maintenance, performed primarily by residents, of traditional wooden houses along major streets, we examined the challenges for maintaining such wooden houses in the future, taking the streetscape into account.
      Residents work regularly and continually to keep their houses in good condition. To ensure that they can live in the house for a long time, they carry out repairs and improvements and take measures to prevent or retard deterioration of parts and materials. In this way, the continuity of occupation is maintained. Survey responses show that many residents incorporate regular home care as part of their daily schedule. On the other hand, the attitudes of residents regarding maintenance have changed over the years due to factors such as changes in family structure, aging of residents, and feelings regarding streetscapes and neighborhoods. Awareness of the need for maintenance and the importance of its continuity are required since it is connected to regular home care. It is also necessary to consider the long-term, not simply maintaining the house as a building, but also preserving tradition by adapting the feelings of family and past generations to contemporary life. Further study is needed on ways to facilitate not only self-help, but also cooperative and public assistance., 2015, 66, 6, 272, 283, 10.11428/jhej.66.272
    Examining vacant houses in a historical residential areas, FUJIHIRA Makiko, This study aims to examine appropriate ways of managing vacant rented houses in traditional architecture preservation districts, where many of the structures are traditional wooden houses, in order to ensure continued use and explain how subsequent users should maintain such rented houses. We conducted interviews with the owner and present residents and neighboring residents of the subject house and performed an evaluation based on the degree of deterioration and the current temperature and humidity. As a result, we found that important factors to degradation include stagnant moisture under floors, wetting of columns around openings and infiltration of humidity into attic space due to rainfall. Countermeasures against moisture need to be put in place under floors and around earthen floor, and in attic space if roof leaks are of concern., 2015, 80, 712, 1391, 1400, 10.3130/aija.80.1391
  • Refereed, AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, A study on the housing maintenance cost adapted to climate conditions, Takuya Umikawa; Hiroki Tsutsumi; Makiko Fujihira; Junki Tsunekawa; Masao Nakajima; Yoshihisa Fujii, For appropriate maintenance program, it is necessary to know the regional differences of the climate condition that affect building deteriorations. This study classified the nation into 5 regional categories of the housing maintenance cost adapted to the climate conditions. Moreover, this study suggested 2 methods that of simple and detailed calculations of maintenance cost between 60 years, for comparing with current method as required for long-life quality housing. In the result, the methods enabled to show not only the standard maintenance cost but also the direction of maintenance program suitable for the housing location., Oct. 2013, 19, 43, 1175, 1178, Scientific journal, 10.3130/aijt.19.1175
  • Refereed, MOKUZAI HOZON (Wood Protection), JAPAN WOOD PRESERVING ASSOCIATION, Damages in structural timber and its environmental temperature and relative humidity at the main temple of Shonenji, FUJIHIRA Makiko, 木造建築物の構造部材の劣化状況と部材周囲の温湿度環境とのかかわりを検討するため, 寺院本堂の小屋, 床上, 床下の温湿度測定および部材の含水率測定および劣化診断を行った。温湿度測定より, 小屋は日射の影響を受け, 春期から夏期にかけて高温になりやすく, 床上は軒下とほぼ同様であった。床下においては, 西北, 中央および東北部は, 温度に対して相対湿度が高い傾向がみられ, その状態が続きやすいことがわかった。床下の南西, 西北付近で柱材脚部の含水率が高かった。また, 東部, 南部でも横方向からの吹き込みなどにより, 含水率が高い部材があった。床下柱材脚部で腐朽やシロアリなどの生物被害, 目やせなどが観察された。傷みが観察された材は含水率が高い傾向がみられた。木造建築物を長期間にわたって使用していくためには, 部材周囲の環境を整え, 部材の耐久性を維持していくことが求められる。, 2013, 39, 3, 125, 139, 10.5990/jwpa.39.125
  • Refereed, 木材工業, 室内犬飼育を考慮した住宅用床仕上げ材 —室内犬飼育者および獣医師からみた—, 藤平 眞紀子, 2012, 67, 5, 208, 213
  • Refereed, 日本家政学会誌, 日本家政学会, Maintenance Management of Detached Houses and their Durability -In Suburban Residential Neighborhoods with Residents of Advanced Age-, FUJIHIRA Makiko, 2012, 63, 7, 399, 411, 10.11428/jhej.63.399
  • Refereed, Journal of Housing Research Foundation, Housing Research Foundation, The Management, Conservation and Utilization of Unoccupied houses in Historical City - A Case Study on the Preservation District for the Groups of Traditional Buildings -, FUJIHIRA MAKIKO; MUKAI YOICHI; MASUI MASAYA, Mar. 2011, 37, 157, 168, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, Journal of Home Economics of Japan, 日本家政学会, The Present State and Future Subject of Recycling and Reuse of Scrap Wood Targeted at Dwellers -Through the Research in Two Districts in Nara City-, FUJIHIRA Makiko, A large quantity of wood and wood-based materials are discharged as waste as a result of the dismantling of wooden structure houses. They are recycling and supported by law but lagging behind at present. It is important to arouse the dweller's awareness of the recycling and reuse of scrap wood as a useful building materal. The objective of this study is to grasp the dwellers' consciousness of the recycling and reuse of scrap wood. A research was made in two districts of Nara City where the geological formation of respective housing areas are different. As a result of the research, it was found that many of the dwellers under study were aware of the necessity of the scrap wood to be recycled and reused. In other words, those holding a positive view were recognized the need of preserving limited resources, were used to recycled goods in daily life. For promoting the use of recycled scrap wood, it is suggested that efforts should further be made to share the correct information with consumers as regards their quality as well as performance. The efforts should be directed towards establishing the scrap wood market and show rooms as well as constructing a social system in favor of the economy of recycling and reuse of scrap wood., 2008, 59, 7, 493, 502, 10.11428/jhej.59.493
  • Refereed, 日本家政学会誌, 住宅解体木材の再利用・再使用における工務店従事者からみた現状と課題, 藤平 眞紀子, 2008, 59, 8, 607, 615
  • Refereed, Journal of Home Economics of Japan, 日本家政学会, The Maintenance and Management of Imported House against Damage, FUJIHIRA Makiko, The purpose of this study is to propose the way to maintain and manage imported houses. The damage on imported houses was examined and we also studied to what extent the inhabitants paid attention to their houses with respect to maintenance and management while examining the relation between the owner and the supplier in that respect. Our investigation is based on the questionnaire survey on the inhabitants of seven complexes of imported houses in Kinki area. The results are as follows: 1) The greater part of the damage on the imported houses less than eleven years after construction is related to the imported wooden parts such as doors, windows and flooring as well as the painted interior decoration. 2) Most respondents state that they are usually careful of ventilating their house, and that the parts they find hard to clean daily are the skylight, stairwell and carpeted floor. 3) The respondents find quite useful the information from the supplier as regards the maintenance and management. 4) The inhabitants should be aware of the quality of the natural materials used as well as of the fact that the natural materials, which should prove excellent in quality in the place of origin, may not always prove good in foreign surroundings. In other words, they should be careful of maintenance and management, and they should enjoy retouching and repairing their fine houses in case they find any damage or inconvenience., 2002, 53, 7, 703, 714, 10.11428/jhej1987.53.703
  • Refereed, Wood Preservation, JAPAN WOOD PRESERVING ASSOCIATION, The Improvement of the Decay Durability of Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) treated with Preservatives in Glues, FUJIHIRA Makiko, We investigated the decay durability of commercial medium density fiberboard (MDF) and the MDF treated with preservatives in glues on laboratory decay tests. Oo the decay tests samples were exposed to Fomitopsis palustris and to Trametes versicolor. The decay durability was evaluated by mass loss from fungal attack.
    On the way of glue-mix treatment, three preservatives were tested. The preservatives were two organic iodocompound preservatives and one triazole compound preservative, and they were oil-borne types. The main components of them were 3-iodo-2-propargyl-butylcarbamate (IPBC), 4-chlorophenyl-3-iodopropargyl formal (IF-1000), and a-(4-ch-lorophenyl)-α-(1- cyclopropylethyl)-1H-1, 2, 4-triazole-l-ethanol (cyproconazole), respectively. IPBC was tested by emulsified type, too. The glues were urea-formaldehyde resin adhesive and melamine-urea-formaldehyde co-condensation resin adhesive.
    The results obtained were that the type of adhesives and the decay durability of raw material influenced the decay durability of MDF. Treatment with preservatives in glues improved the decay durability of the MDF without any relation to raw materials of fiber and adhesive type. Oil-borne preservatives were as effective as emulsified type preservative. So it is considered that the way of glue-mix treatment is enough effective and practical way to improve the decay durability of MDF., 1999, 25, 3, 112, 120, 10.5990/jwpa.25.112
  • Refereed, MOKUZAI HOZON (Wood Protection), JAPAN WOOD PRESERVING ASSOCIATION, Deterioration of Wood-Framing Model Walls IV Changes of Bending Strength of Wood-Framing Lumber and Plywood, FUJIHIRA Makiko; NAKAMURA Yoshiaki; HIKITA Yoko, 1998, 24, 5, 324, 329, 10.5990/jwpa.24.324
  • Refereed, MOKUZAI HOZON (Wood Protection), JAPAN WOOD PRESERVING ASSOCIATION, Degradation of wooden frame walls.(3).Visual observation of degradation condition under indoor seeding on culture medium., 藤平眞紀子; 中村嘉明; 疋田洋子, 1998, 24, 2, 85, 90, 10.5990/jwpa.24.85
  • Refereed, MOKUZAI HOZON (Wood Protection), JAPAN WOOD PRESERVING ASSOCIATION, Deterioration of Wood-Framing Model Walls (II) : Observation of model walls exposed to unweathered and above ground contact conditions, FUJIHIRA Makiko; NAKAMURA Yoshiaki; HIKITA Yoko, 1998, 24, 1, 25, 30, 10.5990/jwpa.24.25
  • Refereed, 木材学会誌, 枠組壁工法構造用木材の耐朽性と曲げ強度性能の変化, 藤平眞紀子; 中村嘉明; 磯田憲生; 疋田洋子, 1997, 43, 7, 589, 594, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, Journal of antibacterial and antifungal agents,Japan, 日本防菌防黴学会, Decay Resistance of Commercially Available Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) in Laboratory Tests, FUJIHIRA Makiko; NAKAMURA Yoshiaki; ISODA Norio; HIKITA Yoko, 1997, 25, 8, 439, 445
  • Refereed, Journal of antibacterial and antifungal agents,Japan, 日本防菌防黴学会, The Durability of Glue-Lined Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Treated with Preservatives, FUJIHIRA Makiko; NAKAMURA Yoshiaki; ISODA Norio; HIKITA Yoko; TAKAHASHI Hideaki, 1997, 25, 10, 573, 579
  • Refereed, Journal of antibacterial and antifungal agents,Japan, 日本防菌防黴学会, Changes of Bending Strength of Commercially Available Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) due to Decay and Their Comparison with Those of Wooden Boards, FUJIHIRA Makiko; NAKAMURA Yoshiaki; ISODA Norio; HIKITA Yoko, 1997, 25, 11, 633, 639
  • Refereed, Journal of antibacterial and antifungal agents,Japan, 日本防菌防黴学会, The Improvement of the Preservative Efficiency of a Glue-line Treatment Applied to Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Made from Eucalyptus, FUJIHIRA Makiko; NAKAMURA Yoshiaki; ISODA Norio; HIKITA Yoko; TAKAHASHI Hideaki, 1997, 25, 12, 689, 696
  • Refereed, MOKUZAI HOZON (Wood Protection), JAPAN WOOD PRESERVING ASSOCIATION, Deteriration of Wood-Framing Model Wall I : Observation of Model Walls Under These Condition That Put Them Weathering and Above Ground Contact, FUJIHIRA Makiko; NAKAMURA Yoshiaki; HIKITA Yoko, 1997, 23, 5, 236, 243, 10.5990/jwpa.23.236
  • Refereed, 家政学研究, 奈良女子大学, 枠組壁工法構造用木材の耐朽性, 藤平(旧姓; 村田)眞紀子; 疋田洋子, 1992, 39, 1, 42, 49, Research institution
  • Refereed, 鳴門教育大学研究紀要, 高等学校家庭科における住居管理に関する指導内容の分析と考察 -「家庭総合」教科書の記載から-, 速水多佳子; 藤平眞紀子, 2017, 32, 529, 539, Research institution
  • Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Possibility of using bamboo as interior material, FUJIHIRA Makiko, 【目的】わが国では、竹は古くから日常の生活用具の素材として、また建築材料として欠かせないものであった。しかし戦後、生活様式の変化とともに竹の需要は激減し、管理放棄された竹林が拡大した。近年、資源としての竹の有用性が見直され、技術の向上により竹材の新たな活用方法が検討されている。本報では、竹フローリング材に着目し、内装材としての使用の可能性を検討した。【方法】竹材の積層方法の異なる竹フローリング材4種を対象として、吸放湿性、歩行衝撃性を調べた。また、女子学生を対象として、竹フローリング材の印象評価試験を行った。【結果】竹フローリング材は竹材の積層方法によって吸放湿性が異なり、縦積層および横積層ではスギ材よりも吸放湿しにくいことがわかった。また、竹フローリング材は広葉樹(ハードメイプル)フローリング材に比べて反発係数が大きく歩行衝撃が大きいことがわかった。さらに、印象評価試験より、竹材の節や積層による模様から住宅の内装材としての使用に消極的な意見が多かったものの、居間などでのアクセント的な使用や、玄関など面積の狭い、滞在時間の短い場所での使用には良い評価を得た。また、美術館や店舗などでは特別な空間の演出に効果的との意見もあった。以上のことより、竹フローリング材は表面の硬さ感および節や積層の模様のデザインを活かしていくことで内装材としての使用の可能性が広がると考えられる。(本研究は2016年度卒業生 北村穣との共同研究である)
    , 2017, 69, 83, 83, 10.11428/kasei.69.0_83
  • Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Maintenance and Management of Wooden House at Important Preservation District for The Group of Traditional Buildings, FUJIHIRA Makiko, 目的 400年近い歴史をもつ伝統的な木造住宅の残る地区において、人々の暮らしとともに変化しながら継承されている木造住宅の維持管理について、その技術や知恵を知り、これからの管理のあり方を検討することを目的とする。 方法 重要伝統的建造物保存地区(G市)において、文化財指定を受けている住宅を含む9軒を対象として、日常的な維持管理を行っている住み手に対して、ヒアリング調査を行った。 結果 住宅の建築時期は江戸時代6軒、大正時代2軒、昭和時代(建替え)1軒であり、回答者は40~80 歳代までの男女11名であった。長く暮らしていることにより、手入れの仕方などが自然に受け入れられていた。また、お嫁入りした場合、歴史のある町で、指定を受けている住宅で生活することが気負いなく受け入れられていた。日常生活の中で脈々と継承されている暮らし方や住まい方に接し、また、地域の行事を通じた多世代の交流、地域住民による町おこし活動など、地域とのつながりも影響していると考えられた。さらに、以前は商業の町として栄えていたこともあり、使用人による日常的な維持管理と出入りの大工による専門家による維持管理がなされていた。近年、出入りの大工の数は少なくなっているものの、それとの関係を保ち続ける住み手の対応、さらに、伝統的な木造住宅や町並みを継承していこうとする地域住民による町おこし活動に、住まいの維持管理が支えられていることがわかった。本研究は平成25年度科学研究費(課題番号25350074)の助成を受けて実施されたものの一端である。
    , 2015, 67, 97, 97, 10.11428/kasei.67.0_97
  • Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Residents' consciousness of community life in newly-developed residential area, Murata Junko; Tanaka Tomoko; Fujihira Makiko, 目的シニア住民主体のまちづくり活動に対する継続研究から、活動が地域住民の関係構築に寄与し、住民が地域の課題に意識を向ける契機となるなど住民の互助的関係づくりに寄与していることを明らかにした。しかし、若い世代の活動への関わりは少なく、今後の活動継続が危惧されている。そこで、この地域周辺に開発された新興住宅地の比較的若い世代の活動参加の可能性及び、参加を促す為の方策検討を目的に、まず、新興住宅地住民の属性や近隣関係、まちづくりに対する考えなど住民意識を明らかにした。
    ※本研究は平成25年度科学研究費(課題番号23500924)の助成を受けて実施されたものの一端である。, 2015, 67, 94, 94, 10.11428/kasei.67.0_94
  • Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, The relationship between participation in community work and consciousness of life support for the elderly, Murata Junko; Tanaka Tomoko; Fujihira Makiko, 2013, 65, 101, 101, 10.11428/kasei.65.0_101
  • Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Research on the promotion of utilization of wood in a house, FUJIHIRA Makiko, 2013, 65, 100, 100, 10.11428/kasei.65.0_100
  • 生物資源, 木造住宅の耐久性と住居管理, 藤平眞紀子, Aug. 2022, 16, 2, 16, 28
  • Refereed, 奈良県森林技術センター研究報告, 広葉樹材の印象および使用に関する調査 -恒続林誘導に向けて建築分野のニーズを把握する-, 森下純子; 清川陽子; 岩本頼子; 藤平眞紀子, Jul. 2023, 52, 61, 77
  • Refereed, 日本家政学会誌, 婦人雑誌掲載記事からみた住居管理の変遷 —第二次世界大戦後の『婦人之友』を対象として—, 藤平眞紀子, Jul. 2023, 74, 7, 378, 393


  • Not Refereed, MOKUZAI HOZON (Wood Protection), JAPAN WOOD PRESERVING ASSOCIATION, The maintenance management of wooden house, FUJIHIRA Makiko, 2011, 37, 6, 258—263, 263, 10.5990/jwpa.37.258
  • Not Refereed, 歴史都市防災論文集, 不在木造家屋の構造健全性維持のための保守管理に関する調査研究, 藤平 眞紀子; 向井洋一他, 2010, 4, 209, 216
  • Not Refereed, 木材保存, JAPAN WOOD PRESERVING ASSOCIATION, 学生の交流と憩いの場に木材を! 〜国立大学法人奈良女子大学 国際交流プラザ〜, 藤平眞紀子, Mar. 2006, 32, 2, 72, 74, 10.5990/jwpa.32.72
  • Not Refereed, 木材保存, JAPAN WOOD PRESERVING ASSOCIATION, アカシアマンギュームの高度利用 〜トラック・トレーラー用床材への加工〜, 藤平眞紀子, Mar. 2004, 30, 2, 61, 63, 10.5990/jwpa.30.61
  • Not Refereed, 奈良県林試木材加工資料, 明日香実験林、屋外杭試験報告(第5報)2×4工法構造用製材と青森ヒバ、能登産アテ材等18樹種の素材の屋外耐久性, 藤平 眞紀子; 中村嘉明, 1998, 27, 12, 15
  • Not Refereed, 奈良県林試木材加工資料, 木材の耐朽性試験(第4報)早成樹を含む輸入木材13樹種の耐朽性, 藤平 眞紀子; 中村嘉明, 1997, 26, 26, 29
  • Not Refereed, 奈良県林試木材加工資料, 青森ヒバ、能登アテ、ラオスヒノキの耐朽性, 藤平 眞紀子, 1994, 23, 21, 23
  • Not Refereed, 奈良県林試木材加工資料, 腐朽木材の軟X線観察, 藤平 眞紀子, 1994, 23, 18, 20
  • Not Refereed, 奈良県林試木材加工資料, 市販2×4工法構造用木材の耐朽性, 藤平 眞紀子, 1993, 22, 16, 19
  • Not Refereed, 奈良県林試木材加工資料, 市販2×4工法構造用木材の曲げ強度, 藤平 眞紀子, 1993, 22, 20, 22
  • 木材保存, 2019春季生物劣化研究会(見学会)に参加して, 藤平眞紀子, May 2019, 45, 3, 138, 142
  • 士會奈良, 国立大学法人奈良女子大学生活環境科学系住環境学領域の教育研究の現状とビジョン 第9回 木材と住環境, 藤平眞紀子, Mar. 2019, 507, 4, 5
  • 木材保存, 公開講演会「伝統木造建築の耐震と劣化調査」に参加して, 藤平眞紀子, Mar. 2017, 43, 2, 169, 172
  • 木材保存, 公益社団法人 日本木材加工技術協会関西支部 ウッドサイエンスセミナー「長持ちする木造住宅のための7つのポイント 設計・材料・施工と維持管理技術の要点と実務」開催報告, 藤平眞紀子, May 2016, 42, 3, 169, 172
  • 木材保存, 第8回木材劣化診断研修会に参加して, 藤平眞紀子; 酒井温子, Nov. 2013, 39, 6, 299, 303
  • スクールアメニティ, 事例から学ぶ木の学校づくり, 藤平眞紀子, Jul. 2008, 23, 269, 38, 41
  • 建築と社会, 生活者の視点から「床」を実験する, 藤平眞紀子, Dec. 2007, 88, 1029, 18, 19
  • 月刊 大和路ならら, 生活空間における木材・吉野材の魅力, 藤平眞紀子, Jan. 2021, 24, 1, 38, 39
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5460 Study on Actual Condition of Participation in Volunteer Activities A Study on Life Support for the Elderly Living at Home by the Residents Activities Part5, MURATA Junko; TANAKA Tomoko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 12 Sep. 2014, 2014, 951, 952
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5461 Study on the development of their lifestyle and attitude by volunteer activities A Study on Life Support for the Elderly Living at Home by the Residents Activities Part6, TANAKA Tomoko; MURATA Junko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 12 Sep. 2014, 2014, 953, 954
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8060 A Study on the Relationship with the Maintenance and the Decay of Wooden houses : The decay judged from the temperature-humidity environment around the structural lumbers in the coastal area, FUJIHIRA Makiko; KATHO Naoko, 04 Sep. 2015, 2015, 119, 120
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8118 Research on Secular Cost Change of Wooden House Maintenance, TSUTSUMI Hiroki; NAKAJIMA Masao; FUJII Yoshihisa; HUJIHIRA Makiko; TSUCHIMOTO Takahiro, 12 Sep. 2014, 2014, 235, 236
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8119 Study on Maintenance plan of Long-life Quality Housing : The examination of a regional feature in the maintenance plan, FUJIHIRA Makiko; NAKASHIMA Masao; FUJII Yoshihisa; TSUTSUMI Hiroki; TSUCHIMOTO Takahiro, 12 Sep. 2014, 2014, 237, 238
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5068 Study on the development of their lifestyle and attitude by volunteer activities : A Study on Life Support for the Elderly Living at Home by the Residents Activities Part6, TANAKA Tomoko; MURATA Junko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 26 May 2014, 54, 269, 272
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5067 Study on Actual Condition of Participation in Volunteer Activities : A Study on Life Support for the Elderly Living at Home by the Residents Activities Part5, MURATA Junko; TANAKA Tomoko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 26 May 2014, 54, 265, 268
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8009 Study on Maintenance plan of Long-life Quality Housing : The present condition of a maintenance preservation plan, and the examination of a regional feature, FUJIHIRA Makiko; NAKASHIMA Masao; FUJII Yoshihisa; TSUTSUMI Hiroki; TSUCHIMOTO Takahiro, 26 May 2014, 54, 645, 648
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5526 Study on Actual Condition of Participation in Community Work : A Study on Life Support for the Elderly Living at Home by the Residents Activities Part3, TANAKA Tomoko; MURATA Junko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 30 Aug. 2013, 2013, 1075, 1076
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5527 Intention of Dwellers about Mutual Life Support by the Residents : A Study on Life Support for the Elderly Living at Home by the Residents Activities Part4, MURATA Junko; TANAKA Tomoko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 30 Aug. 2013, 2013, 1077, 1078
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8147 A study on the influence which a climate condition has on housing degradation adapted to creation of geographic division, TSUNEKAWA Junki; NAKAJIMA Masao; TSUTSUMI Hiroki; FUJIHIRA Makiko; MIZUIDE Yuki; FUJII Yoshihisa, 30 Aug. 2013, 2013, 305, 306
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, Study on Actual Condition of Participation in Community Work : A Study on Life Support for the Elderly Living at Home by the Residents Activities Part 3, TANAKA Tomoko; MURATA Junko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 24 May 2013, 53, 209, 212
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, Study on Mutual Life Support by the Residents : A Study on Life Support for the Elderly Living at Home by the Residents Activities Part 4, MURATA Junko; TANAKA Tomoko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 24 May 2013, 53, 213, 216
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, Study on Wooden-finish Interior in Elder Care Facilities, FUJIHIRA Makiko; MORI Shiho; MURATA Junko, 24 May 2013, 53, 745, 748
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5504 The Consciousness of Life Support Services for the Elderly : A Study on Life Support for the Elderly Living at Home by the Residents Activities Part2, MURATA Junko; TANAKA Tomoko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 12 Sep. 2012, 2012, 1049, 1050
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5503 Study on Evaluation of Community Work and Issues of Social Life in Community for the Elderly : A Study on Life Support for the Elderly Living at Home by the Residents Activities Part1, TANAKA Tomoko; MURATA Junko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 12 Sep. 2012, 2012, 1047, 1048
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8145 The Present State and Problem of Latticed Window's Maintenance in the Historical Road : The Modern Succession of The Management and Maintenance in Traditional Wooden House Part2, KATAYAMA Chikako; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 12 Sep. 2012, 2012, 313, 314
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8144 The Management and Maintenance of Wooden House in the Historical Road : The Modern Succession of The Management and Maintenance in Traditional Wooden House Part1, FUJIHIRA Makiko; MURATA Junko; TANAKA Tomoko, 12 Sep. 2012, 2012, 311, 312
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8003 The Continuity of Residence in Traditional Wooden House seeing from The Management and Maintenance : Part2 In The Historical Streer, Nara, FUJIHIRA Makiko; MURATA Junko; TANAKA Tomoko, 25 May 2012, 52, 681, 684
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5054 Study on Evaluation of Community Work and Issues of Social Life in Community for the Elderly : A Study on Life Support for the Elderly Living at Home by the Residents Activities Part1, TANAKA Tomoko; MURATA Junko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 25 May 2012, 52, 213, 216
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5055 The Consciousness of Care and Life Support Services for the Elderly : A Study on Life Support for the Elderly Living at Home by the Residents Activities Part2, MURATA Junko; TANAKA Tomoko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 25 May 2012, 52, 217, 220
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8038 Research of Builder's Responds to Wooden Long life Quality Housing : Part 2-Results of Maintenance Plan, FUJIHIRA Makiko; NAKAJIMA Masao; FUJII Yoshihisa; TSUTSUMI Hiroki; TSUCHIMOTO Takahiro, 20 Jul. 2011, 2011, 1225, 1226
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8037 Research of Builder's Responds to Wooden Long-life Quality Housing : Part 1-Results of Questionnaires, TSUTSUMI Hiroki; NAKASHIMA Masao; FUJII Yoshihisa; FUJIHIRA Makiko; TSUCHIMOTO Takahiro, 20 Jul. 2011, 2011, 1223, 1224
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5695 Community Work and Attribute of dwellers in Traditional Streetscape Studies on Life Support for Elderly Stage by the Residents Activities Part1, TANAKA Tomoko; MURATA Junko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 20 Jul. 2011, 2011, 341, 342
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5696 Outline and the Actual State of Improvement of Traditional Houses : A Study on Life Support for Elderly Stage by the Residents Activities Part2, MURATA Junko; TANAKA Tomoko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 20 Jul. 2011, 2011, 343, 344
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5244 The Management and Maintenance of Wooden Materials : The Influence of the Wooden Materials on Nursing Home for the Elderly Part3, FUJIHIRA Makiko; MORI Shiho; MURATA Junko, 30 Aug. 2013, 2013, 511, 512
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5242 Relation with the Resident's Behavior : The Influence of the Wooden Materials on Nursing Home for the Elderly Part 1, MORI Shiho; MOCHIZUKI Kanae; KATO Akikazu; FUJIHIRA Makiko; MURATA Junko, 30 Aug. 2013, 2013, 507, 508
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5243 Relation with the Moving Characteristic of Care-staff : The Influence of the Wooden Materials on Nursing Home for the Elderly Part 2, MOCHIZUKI Kanae; MORI Shiho; KATO Akikazu; FUJIHIRA Makiko; MURATA Junko, 30 Aug. 2013, 2013, 509, 510
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8006 A Study on Maintenance and Family Activities in Imported Houses, MACHIDA Reiko, 25 May 2000, 40, 797, 800
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-1, Materials and construction, Architectural Institute of Japan, 1559 Examination of various performances of cloth and Japanese paper by persimmon tannin dye, FUJIHIRA Makiko, 20 Jul. 2009, 2009, 1117, 1118
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-1, Structures III, Timber structures steel structures steel reinforced concrete structures, Architectural Institute of Japan, 22084 A Study on Housing Maintenance to Preserve Structural Healthiness in Long-term Unoccupied Wooden Houses : Part. 2 Temperature and Humidity Environment Surroundings of Structural Lumbers, FUJIHIRA Makiko; MUKAI Yoichi, 2010, 167, 168
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-1, Structures III, Timber structures steel structures steel reinforced concrete structures, Architectural Institute of Japan, 22083 A Study on Housing Maintenance to Preserve Structural Healthiness in Long-term Unoccupied Wooden Houses : Part. 1 Observation of Present Conditions in Examining Houses, MUKAI Yoichi; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 2010, 165, 166
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8150 The Actual Conditions of Inhabitant in Good Quality Rented Housing for Elderly People : A Case Study on Urban Renaissance Agency House at Osaka Prefecture, FUJIHIRA Makiko, 20 Jul. 2008, 2008, 1463, 1464
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8105 Study on the Painted Wall Made with Bamboo Powder by Sense Estimating, FUJIHIRA Makiko, 31 Jul. 2005, 2005, 1493, 1494
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8086 The Evaluation and Improvement of Function about Japanese Paper for Wallpaper, FUJIHIRA Makiko, 31 Jul. 2004, 2004, 1381, 1382
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8006 The Continuity of Residence in Traditional Wooden House seeing from The Management and Maintenance In Tosa-Street, Takatori, Nara, FUJIHIRA Makiko; MURATA Junko; TANAKA Tomoko, 25 May 2011, 51, 693, 696
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5077 Attribute of dwellers and Outline of houses in Traditional Streetscape : A Study on Life Support for Elderly Stage by the Residents Activities Part 1, TANAKA Tomoko; MURATA Junko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 25 May 2011, 51, 305, 308
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 5078 The Actual State of Improvement of Traditional Houses : A Study on Life Support for Elderly Stage by the Residents Activities Part2, MURATA Junko; TANAKA Tomoko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, 25 May 2011, 51, 309, 312
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 構造系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2083 A Study on Housing Maintenance to Protect Deterioration of Structural Properties in Unoccupied Wooden Houses, YONEZAWA Miki; MUKAI Yoichi; FUJIHIRA Makiko; OGAWA Erina, 25 May 2010, 50, 329, 332
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8021 The Possibility of Using the Sugi Lumber Pressed on the Surface as Interior Materials, FUJIHIRA Makiko, 30 Jul. 2003, 2003, 1111, 1112
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, Architectural Institute of Japan, 8026 Study on the Surface Material of Housing Floor in Consideration for Having a Dog Indoor as a Pet, FUJIHIRA Makiko, 31 Jul. 2006, 2006, 1103, 1104
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 輸入住宅の維持管理について, 藤平真紀子; 東実千代; 千田洋子; 町田玲子, 1999, 51st
  • 建築雑誌. 建築年報, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 枠組壁工法住宅の構造用木材・木質ボードの耐久性に関する研究(材料・施工)(学位論文要旨), 藤平 眞紀子, 20 Sep. 1998, 1998, 97, 97
  • 月刊 シルバー人材センター, シルバー人材センターによる空き家管理の現状と可能性, 藤平眞紀子, Sep. 2023, 437, 24, 27
  • 日本家政学会 第75回研究発表要旨集, 第二次世界大戦後の住まいの管理の変遷 『暮しの手帖』第2世紀を対象として, 藤平眞紀子, May 2023
  • 日本建築学会2023年度大会学術梗概集, 住まいの管理に関する大掃除についての一考察 —新聞記事から見た大掃除の変遷—, 藤平眞紀子, Sep. 2023, Summary national conference

Books etc

  • ずっと、この家で暮らす。 住まいの管理がつむぐ美しい生活, 圓津喜屋, 2009, Not Refereed
  • 住まいの百科事典, 丸善出版, 日本家政学会, 第10章住まいの管理の意義、住まいの耐久性、住まいの劣化と劣化要因, Apr. 2021
  • 続・大学的奈良ガイド 新しい見どころ60編, 銘木・吉野材 生活空間における魅力, Apr. 2022


  • 藤平眞紀子, ウッドサイエンスセミナー, 木の家に100年住めますか? 木質住宅のメンテナンス, Nov. 2021
  • 藤平眞紀子, 木材接着講習会(公益社団法人 日本木材加工技術協会), 木質材料の一般的な特徴と利用, Oct. 2021
  • 藤平眞紀子, 2021年度日本建築学会, 婦人雑誌掲載記事からみた住まいに関する情報の変遷 1946年から1966年を対象として, Sep. 2021
  • 藤平眞紀子, 第73回日本家政学会, 婦人雑誌掲載記事からみた住居管理の変遷 1946年から1966年を対象として, May 2021
  • 藤平眞紀子, 2020年度日本建築学会, 木材の利用促進に関する研究 —自然環境に関するシンポジウム参加者および学生へのアンケート調査—, Sep. 2020
  • 藤平眞紀子, 第70回日本木材学会, 視覚および触覚による吉野材の感覚評価, Mar. 2020
  • 藤平眞紀子, 第72回日本家政学会, 婦人雑誌掲載記事からみた住居管理の変遷, May 2020, 2020
  • 藤平眞紀子, 第9回異分野交流会「みつける」「ささえる」「つなげる」, 住まいの管理から木材の魅力を考える, Feb. 2021
  • 藤平眞紀子, 2019年度日本建築学会, 半炭化処理による木チップ舗装の歩行性に関する研究 —半炭化木チップと未処理木チップの比較 —, Sep. 2019
  • 藤平眞紀子, 日本木材保存協会第35回年次大会, 木造住宅における床下および土間付近の温湿度環境からみた生物劣化の可能性の検討 (その2)2018年の測定結果より, May 2019
  • 藤平眞紀子, 第71回日本家政学会, 空き家の維持管理におけるシルバー人材センターの関わりの可能性(その2) —全国のシルバー人材センターを対象として—, May 2019
  • 藤平眞紀子, 2018年度日本建築学会, 半炭化処理による木チップ舗装の歩行性に関する研究 —岩沼市内の公園における施工例からの検討 —, Sep. 2018
  • 藤平眞紀子, 第70回日本家政学会, 空き家の維持管理におけるシルバー人材センターの関わりの可能性, May 2018
  • 第69回日本家政学会, 竹材の内装材としての使用の可能性, 2017
  • ARAHE, The Potential for the Maintenance of Vacant Houses by Local Residents in Areas with Traditional Wooden Houses, 2017
  • ARAHE, Case study of the renovation of the traditional house In order to continue to live in the traditional house, 2017
  • 2017年度日本建築学会, 歴史的街道沿いの町並みの変化と住民の意識に関する研究 —町並み写真展来場者へのアンケート調査からの検討—, 2017
  • ARAHE, The Potential for the Maintenance of Vacant Houses by Local Residents in Areas with Traditional Wooden Houses, 2017
  • ARAHE, Case study of the renovation of the traditional house In order to continue to live in the traditional house, 2017
  • 日本木材保存協会第31回年次大会, 木造住宅における床下および土間付近の温湿度環境からみた生物劣化の可能性の検討, 2016
  • 第68回日本家政学会, 生活空間としての保健室のあり方に関する研究 -小学校における保健室の改修事例を通じて-, 2016
  • 第68回日本家政学会, 高齢期における居住の継続に関する研究 —住民生活の事例—, 2016
  • 平成28年度日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, 伝統的木造住宅の残る地域での空き家の管理に関する研究, 2016
  • 2016年度日本建築学会, 伝統的木造住宅の残る地域での空き家の管理に関する研究 —空き家活用の方向性—, 2016
  • 日本家政学会関西支部第38回研究発表会, 伝統的の木造住宅の維持管理に関する研究 –近年の改修・建て替えを中心として-, 2016
  • 日本家政学会第67回大会, 重要伝統的建造物保存地区における住まいの維持管理 —伝統的木造住宅の維持管理に関する研究—, 2015
  • 日本家政学会第67回大会, 新興住宅地住民の地域生活に対する意識 ー高齢期の在宅生活継続を支える住民主体の活動に関する研究ー, 2015
  • 日本木材保存協会第30回年次大会, 地域性を考慮した木造住宅の維持保全計画に関する検討, 2015
  • 平成27年度日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, 木造住宅の劣化と維持管理に関する研究 沿岸地域における部材周囲の温湿度環境からみた生物劣化の可能性の検討, 2015
  • 2015年度日本建築学会, 木造住宅の劣化と維持管理に関する研究 沿岸地域における部材周囲の温湿度環境と部材の劣化, 2015
  • 日本家政学会第66回大会, 針葉樹フローリングに関する研究 —住宅用床材としての使用の可能性—, 2014
  • 日本木材保存協会第30回年次大会, 長期優良住宅における維持保全計画に関する検討, 2014
  • 平成26年度日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, ボランティア活動の実態 高齢期の在宅生活継続を支える住民主体の活動に関する研究 その5, 2014
  • 平成26年度日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, ボランティア活動による生活と意識の変化 高齢期の在宅生活継続を支える住民主体の活動に関する研究 その6, 2014
  • 平成26年度本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, 長期優良住宅における維持保全計画に関する研究 維持保全計画の現状と地域性の検討, 2014
  • 2014年度日本建築学会, ボランティア活動の実態 高齢期の在宅生活継続を支える住民主体の活動に関する研究 その5, 2014
  • 2014年度日本建築学会, ボランティア活動による生活と意識の変化 高齢期の在宅生活継続を支える住民主体の活動に関する研究 その6, 2014
  • 2014年度日本建築学会, 長期優良住宅における維持保全計画に関する研究 維持保全計画における地域性の検討, 2014
  • 第65回日本家政学会, 住まいにおける木材利用に関する研究, 2013
  • 第65会日本家政学会, まちづくり活動と高齢者の生活支援に対する意識との関係, 2013
  • 平成25年度日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, まちづくり活動への参加実態 高齢期の在宅生活継続を支える住民主体の活動に関する研究 その3, 2013
  • 平成25年度日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, 住民同士の生活支援活動のあり方 高齢期の在宅生活継続を支える住民主体の活動に関する研究 その4, 2013
  • 平成25年度日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, 高齢者福祉施設における内装の木質化に関する研究, 2013
  • 日本建築学会第29回建築生産シンポジウム論文集, 改修による既存木造住宅建築に対する価値付与の可能性 築70年超の伝統木造住宅長寿命化改修事例, 2013
  • 2013年度日本建築学会, 気象条件が住宅劣化に与える影響を考慮した地域区分の作成, 2013
  • 2013年度日本建築学会, まちづくり活動への参加実態 高齢期の在宅生活継続を支える住民主体の活動に関する研究 その3, 2013
  • 2013年度日本建築学会, 住民同士の生活支援活動に対する住民の意向 高齢期の在宅生活継続を支える住民主体の活動に関する研究 その4, 2013
  • 2013年度日本建築学会, 入居者の行動との関わり 高齢者居住施設における木質系内装材の影響 その1, 2013
  • 2013年度日本建築学会, 職員の移動特性との関わり 高齢者居住施設における木質系内装材の影響 その2, 2013
  • 2013年度日本建築学会, 内装材の維持管理 高齢者居住施設における木質系内装材の影響 その3, 2013
  • 第64回日本家政学会, 住宅の長寿命化における維持管理のあり方, 2012
  • 平成24年度日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, 伝統的木造住宅における維持管理からみた居住の継続性 その2 —奈良県内の歴史的街道における—, 2012
  • 平成24年度日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, まちづくり活動の評価と高齢期における地域生活の課題 高齢期の在宅生活を支える住民主体の活動に関する研究 その1, 2012
  • 平成24年度日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, 高齢期における生活支援に対する意識 高齢期の在宅生活継続を支える住民主体の活動に関する研究 その2, 2012
  • 日本建築学会第28回建築生産シンポジウム論文集, 長期優良住宅の維持保全計画の最適化に関する研究 気候差を考慮したマニュアル化の検討, 2012
  • 2012年度日本建築学会, 歴史的街道における木造住宅の維持管理 伝統的木造住宅における維持管理手法の現代的継承 その1, 2012
  • 2012年度日本建築学会, 歴史的街道における格子の管理の現状と課題 伝統的木造住宅における維持管理手法の現代的継承 その2, 2012
  • 2012年度日本建築学会, まちづくり活動の評価と高齢期における地域生活の課題 高齢期の在宅生活を支える住民主体の活動に関する研究 その1, 2012
  • 2012年度日本建築学会, 高齢期における生活支援に対する意識 高齢期の在宅生活継続を支える住民主体の活動に関する研究 その2, 2012
  • 日本家政学会関西支部第34回研究発表会, 屋外鋼製物置における収納物の経時変化調査, 2012
  • 日本家政学会関西支部第34回研究発表会, 伝統的木造住宅の維持管理の現状 —奈良県内の歴史的街道における事例調査より—, 2012
  • 第63回日本家政学会, 高取町土佐街道における居住の継続性—その1 まちづくり活動と地域生活, 2011
  • 第63回日本家政学会, 高取町土佐街道における居住の継続性—その2 伝統的木造住宅の維持管理にける現状と課題, 2011
  • 第63回日本家政学会, 高取町土佐街道における居住の継続性—その3 住民生活の具体的事例, 2011
  • 平成23年度日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, 伝統的木造住宅における維持管理からみた居住の継続性 奈良県高市郡高取町土佐街道における, 2011
  • 平成23年度日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, 伝統的町並み居住者の属性と住宅の概要 住民主体の活動による高齢期の生活支援に関する研究 その1, 2011
  • 平成23年度日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, 伝統的住宅における住宅改修の実態 住民主体の活動による高齢期の生活支援に関する研究 その2, 2011
  • 2011年度日本建築学会, 工務店の木造長期優良住宅に対する取組みに関する調査 その1アンケート調査による実態把握, 2011
  • 2011年度日本建築学会, 工務店の木造長期優良住宅に対する取組みに関する調査 その2 維持保全計画の実態把握, 2011
  • 藤平眞紀子, 日本家政学会学会賞受賞講演, 木造住宅の耐久性および耐久性向上 —維持管理からの考察—, May 2018
  • 藤平眞紀子, 日本材料学会関西支部第4回若手シンポジウム 〜環境を創造する材料科学〜, 住宅解体木材のリサイクル —ユーザーの意識からのアプローチ—, Dec. 2009
  • 藤平眞紀子, 日本家政学会関西支部第26回研究発表会シンポジウム「循環型社会におけるライフスタイルを考える」, 住宅部材の循環 —住宅の解体木材の再利用・再使用に関する検討—, Nov. 2004
  • 藤平眞紀子, (社)日本材料学会 第247回木質材料部門委員会定例研究会講演, 枠組壁工法住宅の構造用木材・木質ボードの耐久性と維持管理の実態, Jul. 2002
  • 青山瑞季; 久保博子; 藤平眞紀子, 日本家政学会関西支部第44回研究発表会, コロナ禍における女子大学生の日常生活と健康に関する実態調査 —2020年度調査と2021年度調査の比較—, Nov. 2022
  • 藤平眞紀, 2022年度日本建築学会, 婦人雑誌『婦人之友』掲載記事からみた住まいに関する情報の変遷 —1946年から2021年を対象として, Sep. 2022
  • 藤平眞紀子, 第74回日本家政学会, 第二次世界大戦後の住まいの管理の変遷 婦人雑誌掲載記事からの分析, May 2022
  • 星野聡子; 久保博子; 藤平眞紀子, 奈良女子大学アカデミックWeek2023, コロナ禍による心身への影響 3年間の実地調査から, 06 Dec. 2023
  • 藤平眞紀子, 日本木材学会居住性研究会2023年度秋季講演会, 感覚評価から吉野材の魅力を探る, 05 Dec. 2023
  • 藤平眞紀子, 元気アップなら講座(主催:富雄西地域包括支援センター), モノを持つ?捨てる?整える?片付けの意識と実態, 09 Sep. 2023
  • 藤平眞紀子, 2023年度日本建築学会, 住まいの管理に関する大掃除についての一考察 —新聞記事から見た大掃除の変遷—, Sep. 2023
  • 藤平眞紀子, 木材接着講習会, 木質材料の一般的な特徴と利用, 11 Jul. 2023
  • 藤平眞紀子, 第75回日本家政学会, 第二次世界大戦後の住まいの管理の変遷 『暮しの手帖』第2世紀を対象として, May 2023
  • 久保博子; 星野聡子; 藤平眞紀子, 奈良女子大学アカデミックWeek2022, コロナ禍の生活適応と行動変容に関する調査研究 -2020年度調査と2021年度調査の比較, 13 Dec. 2022


  • 半炭化処理による高性能木質舗装材の製造技術開発, Apr. 2017, Mar. 2018
  • 奈良県産針葉樹挽き板フロア材の使用感と耐久性評価, 2016, 2018
  • フローリング材の印象評価, 2012, 2012
  • ツーバイフォー地域密着型特別養護老人ホームにおける入居者の心身への影響および木材利用の継続性に関する調査研究, 2012, 2012
  • 歴史的市街地における空き家の管理に関する研究, 2011, 2012
  • 住み手のモノの管理からみた住まいの収納に関する研究, Mar. 2010, Mar. 2011
  • 物置収納物の経時変化調査及び評価に関する研究, 2011, 2011
  • 住まいの管理からみた玄関の快適性に関する研究, Mar. 2009, Mar. 2010
  • 物置収納物の経時変化調査及び評価に関する研究, 2010, 2010
  • 歴史的市街地における空き家の管理と保存・活用に関する研究 重伝建地区におけるケーススタディ, 2009, 2010
  • 柿タンニンの有する機能の調査, Jan. 2009, Mar. 2009
  • 物置収納物の経時変化調査及び評価に関する研究, 2009, 2009
  • 物置収納物の経時変化調査及び評価に関する研究, 2007, 2008
  • 竹サンダーダストを建築用内装壁材としたときの感性評価, 2005, 2006
  • スギ、ヒノキ樹皮を原料とする和紙の壁紙としての性能評価およびその高機能化
  • 表面圧密化軟質針葉樹材を床材等の内装材とするための可能性研究調査
  • 循環型・共同参画型社会をめざすライフスタイルのあり方に関する研究
  • Evaluation the Properties and Increasing the Qualities as Wallpaper of Japanese Paper Made from Sugi and Hinoki Bark


  • 日本家政学会賞, 日本家政学会, 藤平 眞紀子, May 2018, 「木造住宅の耐久性および耐久性向上 —維持管理からの考察—」
  • 表彰, 公益社団法人日本しろあり対策協会, Nov. 2016

Research Projects

  • 2016, 2018, 住み手と地域による伝統的木造住宅の維持管理と継承, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2017, Principal investigator, 吉野材の価値評価に関する研究, 藤平眞紀子, (公財)LIXIL住生活財団, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2013, 2015, 伝統的木造住宅における維持管理における自助、共助、公助のあり方, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2010, 2012, 伝統的木造住宅における維持管理手法の現代的継承, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2010, 長期優良住宅における維持管理に関する検討, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2010, 過熱蒸気処理による木質チップの高耐久化と土木資材としての性能評価, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2005, 竹サンダーダストを建築用内装壁材としたときの感性評価, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2003, 2004, スギ、ヒノキ樹皮を原料とする和紙の壁紙としての性能評価およびその高機能化, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2004, 熟年期における住居管理のあり方に関する研究, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2002, 2003, 表面圧密化軟質針葉樹材を床材等の内装材料とするための可能性研究調査, 官民連帯共同研究, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2002, 2003, 循環型・共同参画型社会をめざすライフスタイルのあり方に関する研究, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 吉野材の魅力と価値評価, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2021, 2024, Principal investigator, 住まいの管理の変遷からみるこれからの持続可能な住まいの管理に関する研究, 科学研究費補助金
  • 2021, 2024, 21K02129, Principal investigator
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2011, 2013, 23500924, A study on construction of life support system for the elderly by residents activities, MURATA Junko; TANAKA Tomoko; FUJIHIRA Makiko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Wakayama University, 3380000, 2600000, 780000, This study is to examine if the residents activities can support the elderly's daily life, and to consider the construction of a life support system for the elderly's home life.The survey area has a historic road and the residents are doing the community development activities. Through the activities, the residents began to understand the area deeply, and began to feel strong attachment for it.They began to take a growing interest in the issues of the area. Many of them want to work to solve the problems. Many of them came to think that they want to act to solve the problems in oneself.Therefore the community development activities help to construct the relationship that lead to mutual support activity., kaken



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