Researchers Database

Sugiura Mayumi

FacultyFaculty Division of Natural Sciences Research Group of Biological Sciences
Last Updated :2024/06/12


Profile and Settings

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Research Interests

  • 環境応答
  • 交配フェロモン
  • 有性生殖
  • 繊毛虫
  • 原生生物

Research Areas

  • Life sciences, Cell biology
  • Life sciences, Molecular biology

Association Memberships

  • 日本原生生物学会
  • 日本動物学会
  • 日本分子生物学会
  • Japan Society of Protistology
  • The Zoological Society of Japan
  • The Molecular Biology Society of Japan


Published Papers

  • Refereed, an 2024, 12, 2, 10.3390/microorganisms12020299
  • Refereed, Ja 2023, 120, 4, 10.1073/pnas.2213887120.
  • Refereed, Ja 2023, 120, 4, 10.1073/pnas.2213985120.
  • Refereed, Ja 2023, 11, 1, 188, 10.3390/microorganisms11010188.
  • Refereed, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Academic Press Inc., A single amino acid residue regulates the substrate affinity and specificity of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, Hajime J. Yuasa; Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto, Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) is a heme-containing enzyme that catalyses the oxidative cleavage of L-Trp. The ciliate Blepharisma stoltei has four IDO genes (IDO-I, -II, -III and -IV), which seem to have evolved via two sequential gene duplication events. Each IDO enzyme has a distinct enzymatic property, where IDO-III has a high affinity for L-Trp, whereas the affinity of the other three isoforms for L-Trp is low. IDO-I also exhibits a significant catalytic activity with another indole compound: 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan (5-HTP). IDO-I is considered to be an enzyme that is involved in the biosynthesis of the 5-HTP-derived mating pheromone, gamone 2. By analysing a series of chimeric enzymes based on extant and predicted ancestral enzymes, we identified Asn131 in IDO-I and Glu132 in IDO-III as the key residues responsible for their high affinity for each specific substrate. These two residues were aligned in an identical position as the substrate-determining residue (SDR). Thus, the substrate affinity and specificity are regulated mostly by a single amino acid residue in the Blepharisma IDO-I and IDO-III enzymes., 15 Feb. 2018, 640, 1, 9, Scientific journal, 10.1016/
  • Refereed, PROTIST, ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG, Novel Specificity of IDO Enzyme Involved in the Biosynthesis of Mating Pheromone in the Ciliate Blepharisma stoltei, Mayumi Sugiura; Hajime J. Yuasa; Terue Harumoto, Mating pheromones (gamone 1 and gamone 2) in the ciliate Blepharisma are biologically active substances that trigger sexual reproduction (conjugation) under starvation conditions. Gamone 1 is a glycoprotein secreted by type I cells, and gamone 2 is a tryptophan (Trp)-derivative compound secreted by type II cells. Both gamones stimulate complementary mating type cells to promote each gamone production and induce pair formation. To elucidate the biosynthetic pathway of gamone 2, we investigated the enzymes involved in the pathway and the specificity of the enzymes. An RNA-seq analysis revealed that Blepharisma stoltei (Heterotrichea) possesses four indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) genes showing distinct expression patterns. Along with results from real-time PCR, these findings demonstrated that each IDO gene has different expression patterns that depend on the cellular conditions. Expression of IDO-I was correlated with the intensity of gamone 2 expression, and the recombinant IDO-I protein showed catalytic activity for 5-hydroxy-L-Trp (5-HTP) but very weak activity for L-Trp. Our results indicate that IDO-I is an enzyme evolutionary specialized to gamone 2 production in Blepharisma, and that the biosynthetic pathway for gamone 2 uses 5-HTP as an intermediate. (C) 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved., Dec. 2017, 168, 6, 686, 696, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.protis.2017.09.003
  • Refereed, RADIATION RESEARCH, RADIATION RESEARCH SOC, Low- and High-LET Ionizing Radiation Induces Delayed Homologous Recombination that Persists for Two Weeks before Resolving, Christopher P. Allen; Hirokazu Hirakawa; Nakako Izumi Nakajima; Sophia Moore; Jingyi Nie; Neelam Sharma; Mayumi Sugiura; Yuko Hoki; Ryoko Araki; Masumi Abe; Ryuichi Okayasu; Akira Fujimori; Jac A. Nickoloff, Genome instability is a hallmark of cancer cells and dysregulation or defects in DNA repair pathways cause genome instability and are linked to inherited cancer predisposition syndromes. Ionizing radiation can cause immediate effects such as mutation or cell death, observed within hours or a few days after irradiation. Ionizing radiation also induces delayed effects many cell generations after irradiation. Delayed effects include hypermutation, hyper-homologous recombination, chromosome instability and reduced clonogenic survival (delayed death). Delayed hyperrecombination (DHR) is mechanistically distinct from delayed chromosomal instability and delayed death. Using a green fluorescent protein (GFP) direct repeat homologous recombination system, time-lapse microscopy and colony-based assays, we demonstrate that DHR increases several-fold in response to low-LET X rays and high-LET carbon-ion radiation. Time-lapse analyses of DHR revealed two classes of recombinants not detected in colony-based assays, including cells that recombined and then senesced or died. With both low-and high-LETradiation, DHR was evident during the first two weeks postirradiation, but resolved to background levels during the third week. The results indicate that the risk of radiation-induced genome destabilization via DHR is time limited, and suggest that there is little or no additional risk of radiation-induced genome instability mediated by DHR with high-LET radiation compared to low-LET radiation. (C) 2017 by Radiation Research Society, Jul. 2017, 188, 1, 82, 93, Scientific journal, 10.1667/RR14748.1
  • Refereed, Jpn. J. Protozool., Rapid response to nutrient depletion on the expression of mating pheromone, gamone 1, in Blepharisma japonicum., Sugiura M; Yamanaka M; Suzaki T; Harumoto T, 2016, 49, 1,2, 27, 36, Scientific journal, 10.18980/jjprotozool.49.1-2_27
  • Refereed, ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, ZOOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN, Two Possible Barriers Blocking Conjugation Between Different Megakaryotypes of Blepharisma, Mayumi Kobayashi; Mamiko Miura; Mari Takusagawa; Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto, We investigated mating pair formation between three Blepharisma species Blepharisma undulans, Blepharisma japonicum, and Blepharisma stoltei to determine whether their respective gamones (mating pheromones) effectively induce mating pairs between different species. Cell-free fluid from type II cells (CFF2) of B. undulans (megakaryotype II) induced pairing of B. japonicum and B. stoltei type I cells (megakaryotype IV), and CFF2 of B. japonicum and B. stoltei induced pairing of B. undulans type I cells. Cell-free fluid from B. undulans type I cells (CFF1) did not induce pairing of B. japonicum and B. stoltei type II cells, and CFF1 of B. japonicum and B. stoltei failed to induce pairing of B. undulans. CFF1 from B. japonicum and B. stoltei mutually induced pairing, as previously reported. These results indicate that gamone 2 is common among megakaryotypes II and IV, and that gamone 1 appears to be at least megakaryotype-specific. When cells belonging to megakaryotypes II and IV are separately pre-treated with effective gamones and mixed, mating pairs between megakaryotypes rarely form. Taken together, these results suggest at least two barriers, a gamone and a factor involved in pair formation, that prevent conjugation between different megakaryotypes of Blepharisma., Jan. 2015, 32, 1, 53, 61, Scientific journal, 10.2108/zs140151
  • Refereed, STEM CELL REPORTS, CELL PRESS, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Generation-Associated Point Mutations Arise during the Initial Stages of the Conversion of These Cells, Mayumi Sugiura; Yasuji Kasama; Ryoko Araki; Yuko Hoki; Misato Sunayama; Masahiro Uda; Miki Nakamura; Shunsuke Ando; Masumi Abe, A large number of point mutations have been identified in induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) genomes to date. Whether these mutations are associated with iPSC generation is an important and controversial issue. In this study, we approached this critical issue in different ways, including an assessment of iPSCs versus embryonic stem cells (ESCs), and an investigation of variant allele frequencies and the heterogeneity of point mutations within a single iPSC clone. Through these analyses, we obtained strong evidence that iPSC-generation-associated point mutations occur frequently in a transversion-predominant manner just after the onset of cell lineage conversion. The heterogeneity of the point mutation profiles within an iPSC clone was also revealed and reflects the history of the emergence of each mutation. Further, our results suggest a possible approach for establishing iPSCs with fewer point mutations., Jan. 2014, 2, 1, 52, 63, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.stemcr.2013.11.006
  • Refereed, NATURE, NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, Negligible immunogenicity of terminally differentiated cells derived from induced pluripotent or embryonic stem cells, Ryoko Araki; Masahiro Uda; Yuko Hoki; Misato Sunayama; Miki Nakamura; Shunsuke Ando; Mayumi Sugiura; Hisashi Ideno; Akemi Shimada; Akira Nifuji; Masumi Abe, The advantages of using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) instead of embryonic stem (ES) cells in regenerative medicine centre around circumventing concerns about the ethics of using ES cells and the likelihood of immune rejection of ES-cell-derived tissues(1,2). However, partial reprogramming and genetic instabilities in iPSCs(3-6) could elicit immune responses in transplant recipients even when iPSC-derived differentiated cells are transplanted. iPSCs are first differentiated into specific types of cells in vitro for subsequent transplantation. Although model transplantation experiments have been conducted using various iPSC-derived differentiated tissues(7-10) and immune rejections have not been observed, careful investigation of the immunogenicity of iPSC-derived tissue is becoming increasingly critical, especially as this has not been the focus of most studies done so far. A recent study reported immunogenicity of iPSC- but not ES-cell-derived teratomas(11) and implicated several causative genes. Nevertheless, some controversy has arisen regarding these findings(12). Here we examine the immunogenicity of differentiated skin and bone marrow tissues derived from mouse iPSCs. To ensure optimal comparison of iPSCs and ES cells, we established ten integration-free iPSC and seven ES-cell lines using an inbred mouse strain, C57BL/6. We observed no differences in the rate of success of transplantation when skin and bone marrow cells derived from iPSCs were compared with ES-cell-derived tissues. Moreover, we observed limited or no immune responses, including T-cell infiltration, for tissues derived from either iPSCs or ES cells, and no increase in the expression of the immunogenicity-causing Zg16 and Hormad1 genes in regressing skin and teratoma tissues. Our findings suggest limited immunogenicity of transplanted cells differentiated from iPSCs and ES cells., Feb. 2013, 494, 7435, 100, 104, Scientific journal, 10.1038/nature11807
  • Refereed, PROTIST, ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG, Alternative Gene Expression in Type I and Type II Cells May Enable further Nuclear Changes during Conjugation of Blepharisma japonicum, Mayumi Sugiura; Yuri Tanaka; Toshinobu Suzaki; Terue Harumoto, In contrast to most ciliates, meiosis and successive nuclear changes during conjugation occur only in heterotypic pairs in Blepharisma. It has been suggested that homotypic pairs are ready for conjugation, but lack a trigger to initiate the nuclear changes, and the conjugation process is arrested before the onset of meiosis. To explore the possible nature of the trigger, we previously identified the genes BjCdk1 (homologous to cdk1/cdc2), Bj4HPPD (4-hydroxy-phenylpyruvate dioxygenase) and BjCks (cyclin dependent kinase regulatory subunit) whose expression is up-regulated in gamone1-treated type II cells. In this study, we investigated the molecular structures of these three genes, and compared their expression patterns in homotypic and heterotypic pairs, finding remarkable differences. BjCdk1, Bj4HPPD and BjCks were expressed specifically in gamone1-treated type II cells, but not in gamone2-treated type I cells. In heterotypic pairs, the expression of these genes stayed at the same level or gradually decreased throughout the entire process of conjugation, but it rapidly decreased and ceased after 10 hours in homotypic pairs. These results indicate that some genes are expressed in a mating-type specific manner. Alternative gene expression in mating type I and type II cells and merging of individual factors in a heterotypic pair may induce nuclear changes including meiosis. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved., Mar. 2012, 163, 2, 204, 216, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.protis.2011.07.007
  • Refereed, STEM CELLS, WILEY-BLACKWELL, Crucial Role of C-Myc in the Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Ryoko Araki; Yuko Hoki; Masahiro Uda; Miki Nakamura; Yuko Jincho; Chihiro Tamura; Misato Sunayama; Shunsuke Ando; Mayumi Sugiura; Mitsuaki A. Yoshida; Yasuji Kasama; Masumi Abe, c-Myc transduction has been considered previously to be nonessential for induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) generation. In this study, we investigated the effects of c-Myc transduction on the generation of iPSCs from an inbred mouse strain using a genome integration-free vector to exclude the effects of the genetic background and the genomic integration of exogenous genes. Our findings reveal a clear difference between iPSCs generated using the four defined factors including c-Myc (4F-iPSCs) and those produced without c-Myc (3F-iPSCs). Molecular and cellular analyses did not reveal any differences between 3F-iPSCs and 4F-iPSCs, as reported previously. However, a chimeric mice formation test indicated clear differences, whereby few highly chimeric mice and no germline transmission was observed using 3F-iPSCs. Similar differences were also observed in the mouse line that has been widely used in iPSC studies. Furthermore, the defect in 3F-iPSCs was considerably improved by trichostatin A, a histone deacetyl transferase inhibitor, indicating that c-Myc plays a crucial role in iPSC generation through the control of histone acetylation. Indeed, low levels of histone acetylation were observed in 3F-iPSCs. Our results shed new light on iPSC generation mechanisms and strongly recommend c-Myc transduction for preparing high-quality iPSCs. STEM CELLS 2011;29:1362-1370, Sep. 2011, 29, 9, 1362, 1370, Scientific journal, 10.1002/stem.685
  • Refereed, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PROTISTOLOGY, ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG, Behavioural changes induced by the conjugation-inducing pheromones, gamone 1 and 2, in the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum, Mayumi Sugiura; Hiromi Shiotani; Toshinobu Suzaki; Terue Harumoto, Preconjugant interactions between complementary mating-type cells in ciliates occur before sexual reproduction. The interactions include retardation of swimming behaviour, courtship dancing, chemoattraction, nuclear activation, cell division, or cell agglutination, depending on ciliate species. In Blepharisma japonicum, chemoattraction of mating-type I by mating-type II has been reported previously. It has been shown that chemoattraction here is caused by a conjugation-inducing substance called gamone 2 secreted by mating-type II cells. In this study, we show that mating-type II cells accumulate near the site where gamone 1 secreted by mating-type I cells is present at a high concentration. We also show that the behaviour of individual cells changes when exposed to the complementary mating-type gamone; cells begin to rotate and swim slowly, thus shortening their minimum path length (final displacement of a cell from its origin). These results suggest that gamones 1 and 2 induce behavioural changes in type II and I cells, respectively, and that gamone-stimulated cells may accumulate at the site with the highest activity of the complementary gamone, after repetition of swimming changes in the gradient of gamone concentration. This reciprocal induction of the changes in behaviour may increase the probability of sexual encounters for conjugation. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved., May 2010, 46, 2, 143, 149, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.ejop.2010.01.002
  • Refereed, BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Synthesis of fluorescent molecular probes specific for the receptor of blepharismone, a mating-inducing pheromone of the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum, Yoshiyuki Uruma; Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto; Yoshinosuke Usuki; Hideo Iio, Blepharismone (gamone 2) is a mating-inducing pheromone of the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum. N-Pyrenylbutyryl-blepharismone and N-biphenylacetyl-blepharismone, which are fluorescent derivatives of blepharismone, were synthesized as molecular probes for the gamone 2 receptor. Further, we proved that they have inhibitory activities against the blepharismone-induced monotypic pairing of B. japonicum. Published by Elsevier Ltd., Feb. 2007, 15, 4, 1622, 1627, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.bmc.2006.12.021
  • Refereed, Jpn. J. Protozool., Japan Society of Protistology, Cdk1 and cks gene homologs are transcriptionally activated during induction of conjugating pairs in mating-type II cells of the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum, Tanaka Y; Sugiura M; Harumoto T,

    In Blepharisma japonicum, conjugation is induced by interaction between cells of complementary mating-types I and II. Cells of both mating-types produce and secrete mating pheromones (gamones). Cells that have received complementary gamones undergo morphological changes (rounding) and start to unite. Nuclear changes, including meiosis, gametic nuclei exchange, fertilization and development of new macro- and micronuclei occur in the conjugants. Although conjugation is such a striking phenomenon, the molecular mechanism of induction of conjugation remains unknown. In order to identify genes that are involved in formation of conjugating pairs, we isolated genes that were expressed specifically in conjugation-induced type II cells, using suppression subtractive hybridization. To induce conjugation, we treated type II cells for 4 hours with a cell-free fluid from type I cells which contained gamone1. During this period, type II cells formed pairs, although these homotypic pairs never entered meiosis. We then purified polyA+RNA and subjected it to cDNA synthesis. This cDNA was then subtracted with cDNA that was prepared from untreated cells. We obtained eight gene fragments. Homology searches revealed that three of these fragments showed significant homology to the cdk family (cdk1 and cdk2), 4-hydroxy-phenylpyruvate dioxygenase (4-HPPD) and cyclin dependent kinase regulatory subunit (cks). Northern hybridization demonstrated that these three genes were specifically transcribed in cells treated with gamone1. We also found that the transcripts had already appeared 2 hours after the onset of gamone1 treatment. Cdk1 and cks are generally involved in cell-cycle regulation, but are here specifically expressed during induction of homotypic type II pairs that undergo neither mitosis nor meiosis.

    , 2007, 40, 2, 131, 138, Scientific journal, 10.18980/jjprotozool.40.2_131
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE, COMPANY OF BIOLOGISTS LTD, Developmentally and environmentally regulated expression of gamone 1: the trigger molecule for sexual reproduction in Blepharisma japonicum, M Sugiura; S Kawahara; H Iio; T Harumoto, Sexual reproduction (conjugation) in protozoan ciliates is induced by specific cell-cell interactions between cells of complementary mating types. The ancestral ciliate Blepharisma japonicum has two mating types, I and II. The substances that act as signaling molecules in this extracellular interaction for conjugation are called gamones. The glycoprotein gamone 1, produced by mating type I cells, is a key factor that triggers this interaction. We have previously isolated gamone 1 and determined its complete amino acid sequence. To elucidate the mechanism of initiation of conjugation in ciliates, we investigated the transcription of the gamone I gene and found that it is controlled by various internal and external factors. The gamone I gene transcript appeared specifically when sexually mature mating type I cells were starved. It was not detected in immature cells, mating type 11 cells or proliferating cells. The level of transcription was markedly increased in type I cells when they were stimulated with gamone 2, which is secreted by type H cells. This is the first report that the transcription of gamone genes in ciliates is strictly regulated by developmental and environmental factors. This study suggests that the onset of transcription of gamone I is linked to the switching mechanism that converts mitotically proliferating cells to differentiated preconjugants, the mechanism of differentiation from immature to mature cells in clonal development, and the mechanism that ensures mating type-specific gene silencing., Jun. 2005, 118, 12, 2735, 2741, Scientific journal, 10.1242/jcs.02359
  • Refereed, Jpn. J. Protozool., 日本原生動物学会, ND7 gene involved in the membrane fusion in regulated exocytosis is conserved in three species of Paramecium, Harumoto T; Mizoguchi M; Sugiura M, 2004, 37, 2, 151, 158, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, NATL ACAD SCIENCES, Identification, characterization, and complete amino acid sequence of the conjugation-inducing glycoprotein (blepharmone) in the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum, M Sugiura; T Harumoto, Conjugation in Blepharisma japonicum is induced by interaction between complementary mating-types I and II, which excrete blepharmone (gamone 1) and blepharismone (gamone 2), respectively. Gamone 1 transforms type II cells such that they can unite, and gamone 2 similarly transforms type I cells. Moreover, each gamone promotes the production of the other gamone. Gamone 2 has been identified as calcium-3-(2'-formylamino-5'-hydroxy-benzoyl) lactate and has been synthesized chemically. Gamone 1 was isolated and characterized as a glycoprotein of 20-30 kDa containing 175 amino acids and 6 sugars. However, the amino acid sequence and arrangement of sugars in this gamone are still unknown. To determine partial amino acid sequences of gamone 1, we established a method of isolation based on the finding that this glycoprotein can be concentrated by a Con A affinity column. Gamone 1 is extremely unstable and loses its biological activity once adsorbed to any of the columns that we tested. By using a Con A affinity column and native PAGE, we detected a 30-kDa protein corresponding to gamone 1 activity and determined the partial amino acid sequences of the four peptides. To isolate gamone 1 cDNA, we isolated mRNA from mating-type I cells stimulated by synthetic gamone 2 and then performed rapid amplification of cDNA ends procedures by using gene-specific primers and cloned DNA of gamone 1. The cDNA sequence contains an ORF of 305 amino acids and codes a possibly novel protein. We also estimated the arrangement of sugars by comparing the affinity to various lectin columns., Dec. 2001, 98, 25, 14446, 14451, Scientific journal, 10.1073/pnas.221457698
  • Refereed, Inflammation and Regeneration, Induced pluripotent stem cell generation-associated point mutations., Araki R; Sugiura M; Hoki Y; Sunayama M; Nakamura M; Kasama Y; Abe M, 2015, 35, 5, 226, 232, 10.2492/inflammregen.35.226
  • Refereed, 原生動物学雑誌, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマにおける接合誘導物質ガモン1抗体を用いた受容体の探索, 杉浦 真由美; 春本 晃江; SUZAKI Toshinobu, 2009, 42: 34-35., Scientific journal
  • Refereed, Microorganisms, MDPI AG, Possible Third Step Preventing Conjugation between Different Species of Blepharisma, Ayu Sugino; Mayumi Kobayashi; Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto, In the genus Blepharisma, reproductive isolation between different species appears to be established at least by two barriers: (1) a mating pheromone, i.e., gamone 1, and (2) a factor involved in pair formation. Using four species, we experimentally investigated other potential barriers to interspecific conjugation in Blepharisma, as well as the first and second barriers. Cell-free fluid from type I cells (CFF1) of B. americanum had no effect on B. undulans, B. japonicum, or B. stoltei. Type II cells of B. americanum responded to CFF1 from B. americanum but not to CFF1 from B. undulans, B. japonicum, or B. stoltei. Gamone 1, therefore, seems to be the first reproductive barrier (with the inclusion of B. americanum species [megakaryotype 3]) as reported previously. In pretreated cells with complementary gamones in B. undulans and B. americanum, inter-species pair formation was rare, but pair formation between B. americanum and B. japonicum and between B. americanum and B. stoltei occurred at relatively high frequency. Most of the inter-species B. americanum–B. stoltei pairs underwent nuclear changes specific to conjugation. No significant difference was observed between the intra- and inter-species pairs over the time course of the nuclear changes, but the percentage of abnormal cells was higher in inter-species pairs than in intra-species pairs, and no progenies were produced by inter-species pairs. These results suggest a third barrier or step, in addition to the first and second ones, in nuclear changes after pair formation that prevents interspecific conjugation in Blepharisma., 12 Jan. 2023, 11, 1, 188, 188, Scientific journal, 10.3390/microorganisms11010188
  • Refereed, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, MITE infestation accommodated by genome editing in the germline genome of the ciliate Blepharisma, Brandon K.B. Seah; Minakshi Singh; Christiane Emmerich; Aditi Singh; Christian Woehle; Bruno Huettel; Adam Byerly; Naomi A. Stover; Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto; Estienne C. Swart, During their development following sexual conjugation, ciliates excise numerous internal eliminated sequences (IESs) from a copy of the germline genome to produce the functional somatic genome. Most IESs are thought to have originated from transposons, but the presumed homology is often obscured by sequence decay. To obtain more representative perspectives on the nature of IESs and ciliate genome editing, we assembled 40,000 IESs of Blepharisma stoltei , a species belonging to a lineage (Heterotrichea) that diverged early from those of the intensively studied model ciliate species. About a quarter of IESs were short (<115 bp), largely nonrepetitive, and with a pronounced ~10 bp periodicity in length; the remainder were longer (up to 7 kbp) and nonperiodic and contained abundant interspersed repeats. Contrary to the expectation from current models, the assembled Blepharisma germline genome encodes few transposases. Instead, its most abundant repeat (8,000 copies) is a Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Element (MITE), apparently a deletion derivative of a germline-limited Pogo-family transposon. We hypothesize that MITEs are an important source of IESs whose proliferation is eventually self-limiting and that rather than defending the germline genomes against mobile elements, transposase domestication actually facilitates the accumulation of junk DNA., 24 Jan. 2023, 120, 4, Scientific journal, 10.1073/pnas.2213985120
  • Refereed, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Origins of genome-editing excisases as illuminated by the somatic genome of the ciliate Blepharisma, Minakshi Singh; Brandon K.B. Seah; Christiane Emmerich; Aditi Singh; Christian Woehle; Bruno Huettel; Adam Byerly; Naomi A. Stover; Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto; Estienne C. Swart, Massive DNA excision occurs regularly in ciliates, ubiquitous microbial eukaryotes with somatic and germline nuclei in the same cell. Tens of thousands of internally eliminated sequences (IESs) scattered throughout the ciliate germline genome are deleted during the development of the streamlined somatic genome. The genus Blepharisma represents one of the two high-level ciliate clades (subphylum Postciliodesmatophora) and, unusually, has dual pathways of somatic nuclear and genome development. This makes it ideal for investigating the functioning and evolution of these processes. Here we report the somatic genome assembly of  Blepharisma stoltei strain ATCC 30299 (41 Mbp), arranged as numerous telomere-capped minichromosomal isoforms. This genome encodes eight PiggyBac transposase homologs no longer harbored by transposons . All appear subject to purifying selection, but just one, the putative IES excisase, has a complete catalytic triad. We hypothesize that PiggyBac homologs were ancestral excisases that enabled the evolution of extensive natural genome editing., 24 Jan. 2023, 120, 4, Scientific journal, 10.1073/pnas.2213887120
  • Refereed, Microorganisms, Mating Pheromone (Gamone 1) in Blepharisma: A Glycoprotein Responsible for Species Diversity in Unicellular Organisms (Alveolata, Ciliophora)., Mayumi Kobayashi; Mayumi Sugiura; Shoko Iwasaki; Naoyuki Iwabe; Terue Harumoto, The genus Blepharisma (Alveolata, Ciliophora) is a unicellular organism distributed worldwide, even in extreme environments, and comprises numerous species. While usually proliferating through cell division, Blepharisma undergoes sexual reproduction (conjugation) when cells are moderately starved. Conjugation is initiated by mating pheromones (gamone 1 and gamone 2) secreted by complementary mating-type cells. Gamone 1, a glycoprotein, functions in a species-specific manner, while gamone 2, an amino acid derivative, is a common molecule across species. The specific function of gamone 1 suggests the possibility that mutations in gamone 1 might have led to reproductive isolation during the evolutionary process, triggering species diversification. In this study, by comparing the amino acid sequences of gamone 1 homologs from 15 strains (representing five species), we found that mutations resulting in distinct amino acid properties occur across species boundaries and are mainly concentrated at two specific regions within gamone 1. These mutations potentially alter the binding affinity of gamone 1 to its receptors, suggesting their effect in causing reproductive isolation. The interspecies artificial conjugation conducted previously and the molecular phylogenetic tree constructed using the gamone 1 homolog sequences in this study provide insights into the speciation process within the genus Blepharisma., 30 Jan. 2024, 12, 2, Scientific journal, True, 10.3390/microorganisms12020299


  • Not Refereed, 日本臨牀, iPS化に伴う点突然変異, 荒木良子; 杉浦真由美; 笠間康次; 安倍真澄, 2015, 73, 増刊号5, 55, 61, Introduction scientific journal
  • Not Refereed, 原生動物学雑誌, ブレファリズマの接合, 春本晃江; 杉浦真由美, 2003, 36, 2, 147, 172, Introduction scientific journal
  • Not Refereed, Conjugation in Blepharisma japonicum, Harumoto T; Sugiura M, 2003, 36, 2, 147, 172
  • Not Refereed, ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, ZOOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN, Cell-cell interaction prior to conjugation in ciliates, Terue Harumoto; Mayumi Sugiura, Dec. 2006, 23, 12, 1139, 1139, Summary international conference
  • Not Refereed, ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, ZOOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN, Genes specifically expressed during the induction of conjugation in mating type II cells of the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum, Yuri Tanaka; Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto, Dec. 2006, 23, 12, 1161, 1161, Summary international conference
  • Not Refereed, ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, ZOOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN, Cloning of the genes which specifically expressed during the induction of conjugation in type II cells of Blepharisma japonicum, Yuri Tanaka; Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto, Dec. 2004, 21, 12, 1277, 1277, Summary international conference
  • Not Refereed, ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, ZOOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN, Developmentally and environmentally regulated expression of mating pheromone in the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum, Mayumi Sugiura; Seiko Kawahara; Terue Harumoto, Dec. 2004, 21, 12, 1277, 1277, Summary international conference
  • Not Refereed, ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, ZOOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN, Identification of the upstream sequences of gamone 1 gene in the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum, Risa Takami; Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto, Dec. 2004, 21, 12, 1277, 1277, Summary international conference
  • Zoological science, Zoological Society of Japan, CDNA CLONING OF BLEPHARMONE, A CONJUGATION-INDUCING GLYCOPROTEIN OF THE CILIATE BLEPHARISMA JAPONICUM(Cell Biology and Morphology)Proceedings of the Seventy-First Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan :, Sugiura M.; Harumoto T., 2000, 17, 27, 27
  • Zoological science, Zoological Society of Japan, A NEW ISOLATION METHOD OF BLEPHARMONE, A CONJUGATION-INDUCING GLYCOPROTEIN OF THE CILIATE BLEPHARISMA JAPONICUM, AND ANALYSIS OF THE ARRANGEMENT OF SUGARS IN THIS GAMONE(Cell Biology and Morphology)(Proceedings of the Seventieth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan) :, Sugiura M.; Harumoto T., 1999, 16, 27, 27
  • The Japanese journal of protozoology., 日本原生動物学会, Identification of gamone 1 gene homolog and determination of the sequence in the ciliate Blepharisma stoltei, 三浦 満美子; 杉浦 真由美; 春本 晃江, Apr. 2007, 40, 1, 66, 68
  • The Japanese journal of protozoology, 日本原生動物学会, Molecular features of the cdkl and cks gene homologs expressed specifically during induction of conjugation in mating type 2 cells of Blepharisma japonicum, 田中 悠里; 杉浦 真由美; 春本 晃江, Jun. 2008, 41, 1, 42, 44


  • Invited oral presentation, 20 Oct. 2023, 22 Oct. 2023
  • Poster presentation, 20 Oct. 2023, 22 Oct. 2023
  • Poster presentation, 20 Oct. 2023, 22 Oct. 2023
  • 前多毬花; 杉浦真由美, 日本原生生物学会第54回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマにおける相補的な接合型細胞が分泌するガモンがジャイアント形成に及ぼす影響, Oral presentation, 21 Nov. 2021, 22 Nov. 2021
  • 高木佑美; 杉浦真由美, 日本原生生物学会第54回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマにおける網羅的解析を用いたガモン2受容体候補の探索, Poster presentation, 21 Nov. 2021, 22 Nov. 2021
  • Seah Brandon K. B; Singh Minakshi; Emmerich Christiane; Singh Aditi; Sugiura Mayumi; Harumoto Terue; Swart Estienne, 2021 CILIATE MOLECULAR BIOLOGY MEETING, The micronuclear genome of Blepharisma stoltei, Poster presentation, 19 Jul. 2021, 22 Jul. 2021
  • Singh Minakshi; Seah Kwee Boon Brandon; Emmerich Christiane; Singh Aditi; Ortenzi Claudio; Buonanno Federico; Sugiura Mayumi; Harumoto Terue; Swart Estienne, 2021 CILIATE MOLECULAR BIOLOGY MEETING, The MAC genome of Blepharisma stoltei, Poster presentation, 19 Jul. 2021, 22 Jul. 2021
  • 杉浦真由美, 第43回日本分子生物学会年会・フォーラム:有性生殖物語・原生生物編「生態,フェロモン,クロマチン,そして進化」, 比較的原始的な繊毛虫における有性生殖誘導の鍵物質:フェロモンの多様性, Invited oral presentation, 02 Dec. 2020, 04 Dec. 2020
  • 杉浦真由美, 日本動物学会大会第91回大会・本部企画シンポジウム「第1回茗原眞路子研究奨励助成記念シンポジウム」, 原生生物繊毛虫における有性生殖の多様性を探る, Invited oral presentation, 04 Sep. 2020, 05 Sep. 2020
  • 小森美沙希; 杉野亜優; 春本晃江; 杉浦真由美, 日本原生生物学会第52回大会, Blepharisma hyalinum のガモン1相同遺伝子の全長配列とその特徴, Poster presentation, 25 Oct. 2019, 27 Oct. 2019
  • 熊谷歩乃佳; 吉川千晶; 臼杵克之助; 春本晃江; 杉浦真由美, 日本原生生物学会第52回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマにおけるトリプトファン由来生理活性物質の接合への影響およびガモン2受容体の局在解析に向けた蛍光プローブの検討, Poster presentation, 25 Oct. 2019, 27 Oct. 2019
  • 大北千紗; 春本晃江; 杉浦真由美, 日本原生生物学会第52回大会, Blepharisma stolteiにおけるジャイアント形成に伴う遺伝子発現の変化, Poster presentation, 25 Oct. 2019, 27 Oct. 2019
  • 山根菜摘; 洲崎敏伸; 春本晃江; 杉浦真由美, 日本原生生物学会第52回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマにおける網羅的解析を用いたガモン1受容体候補の探索, Poster presentation, 25 Oct. 2019, 27 Oct. 2019
  • Mayumi Sugiura; Hajime J. Yuasa; Terue Harumoto, VIII European Congress of Protistology – ISOP joint meeting, IDO enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of mating pheromone (Gamone) in the ciliate Blepharisma, Poster presentation, 28 Jul. 2019, 02 Aug. 2019, True
  • 佐藤恵那; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生生物学会第51回大会, 繊毛虫Blepharismaにおけるガモン2生合成に関わるTMO相同遺伝子の探索, Poster presentation, Oct. 2018, False
  • 佐々木愛澄; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生生物学会第51回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマの数種における凍結保存の試み, Poster presentation, Oct. 2018, False
  • 大北千紗; 春本晃江; 杉浦真由美, 日本原生生物学会第51回大会, 繊毛虫Blepharismaにおけるジャイアント形成機構の解明に向けて‐新たな繊毛形成に関わる遺伝子の探索とその発現解析‐, Poster presentation, Oct. 2018, False
  • 井坂友紀; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生生物学会第51回大会, 繊毛虫Blepharisma stolteiにおけるジャイアントの形態的特徴と形成過程, Poster presentation, Oct. 2018, False
  • Yuki Isaka; Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto, Joint meeting of the Korean Society of Protistologists and Japan Society of Protistology, Morphological Traits and Formation Process of Giant Cells in the Ciliate Blepharisma stoltei, Poster presentation, Jul. 2018, True
  • Kazusa Okita; Terue Harumoto; Mayumi Sugiura, Joint meeting of the Korean Society of Protistologists and Japan Society of Protistology, Toward the elucidation of the giant formation mechanism in ciliate Blepharisma: Identification of genes that may be involved in the formation of new cilia, Poster presentation, Jul. 2018, True
  • Mayumi Sugiura; Hajime J. Yuasa; Terue Harumoto, Joint meeting of the Korean Society of Protistologists and Japan Society of Protistology, IDO enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of mating pheromone in the ciliate Blepharisma, Poster presentation, Jul. 2018, True
  • 湯浅創; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 2017年度生命科学系学会合同年次大会, トリプトファン分解酵素の分子進化の新局面 IX, Dec. 2017, False
  • 田村望; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 第50回日本原生生物学会大会・第1回日本共生生物学会大会合同大会, Blepharisma hyalinumの表層顆粒の機能とその内容物の毒性, Poster presentation, Nov. 2017, False
  • 杉野亜優; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 第50回日本原生生物学会大会・第1回日本共生生物学会大会合同大会, 繊毛虫Blepharisma属における異種間接合を防ぐ仕組みの解明に向けて, Poster presentation, Nov. 2017, False
  • 佐々木愛澄; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 第50回日本原生生物学会大会・第1回日本共生生物学会大会合同大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマにおける凍結保存の試み, Poster presentation, Nov. 2017, False
  • 井坂友紀; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 第50回日本原生生物学会大会・第1回日本共生生物学会大会合同大会, 繊毛虫Blepharisma stolteiにおけるジャイアントの形態的特徴, Poster presentation, Nov. 2017, False
  • 尾野 優奈; 杉浦 真由美; 春本 晃江, 日本動物学会第88回大会, ブレファリズマにおけるジャイアントの形成と生存戦略, Poster presentation, Sep. 2017, False
  • 杉浦真由美, 日本動物学会第88回大会、シンポジウム「原生生物の魅力と研究材料としての有用性」, ブレファリズマの環境応答:共食い・接合・休眠, Invited oral presentation, Sep. 2017, False
  • Terue Harumoto; Yuna Ono; Mayumi Sugiura, XV International Congress of Protistology-ICOP, Giant Formation and Surviving Strategy in Blepharisma, Poster presentation, Jul. 2017, True
  • 田村望; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生生物学会第49回大会, Blepharisma hyalinumの表層顆粒の機能の探索, Oral presentation, Oct. 2016, False
  • 杉野亜優; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生生物学会第49回大会, 繊毛虫Blepharismaの異なるmegakaryotype間での異種間接合, Oral presentation, Oct. 2016, False
  • 杉浦真由美; 湯浅創; 春本晃江, 日本原生生物学会第49回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマにおいてガモン2生合成に関与する新規IDOの同定, Oral presentation, Oct. 2016, False
  • 尾野優奈; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生生物学会第48回大会, ブレファリズマのジャイアント形成の意義と形成条件の検討, Oral presentation, Nov. 2015, False
  • 小林真弓; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生生物学会第48回大会, Blepharisma hyalinum の分類の再検討, Oral presentation, Nov. 2015, False
  • 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生生物学会第48回大会, ブレファリズマの性成熟過程における接合型発現パターンと遺伝子発現解析, Oral presentation, Nov. 2015, False
  • 春本晃江; 小林真弓; 杉浦真由美; 篠原きよの; 田草川真里, 日本動物学会第86回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマにおける交配フェロモンの多様性と種分化, Oral presentation, Sep. 2015, False
  • Mayumi Kobayashi; Yui Nishihara; Mamiko Miura; Mari Takusagawa; Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto, Ciliate Molecular Biology Conference, Mating pheromone gamone 1 plays an important role in speciation of the ciliate Blepharisma, Poster presentation, Jul. 2015, True
  • Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto, Ciliate Molecular Biology Conference, Mating type expression during sexual maturation in Blepharisma stoltei, Poster presentation, Jul. 2015, True
  • 藤森(法喜)ゆう子; 杉浦真由美; 笠間康次; 砂山美里; 宇田昌広; 中村美樹; 荒木良子; 安倍真澄, 第37回日本分子生物学会年会, iPS樹立初期過程には多くのpoint mutationが生じる, Nov. 2014, False
  • 杉浦真由美, 第37回日本分子生物学会年会、ワークショップ(原生生物~モデル生物としての大いな る可能性を探る~), Molecular mechanism of induction of sexual reproduction in the ciliates, Nov. 2014, False
  • 小林真弓; 田草川真理; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生生物学会第47回大会, 繊毛虫Blepharisma属における交配フェロモンgamone1の多様性と種分化, Oct. 2014, False
  • 春本晃江; 山岸由和; 岩﨑祥子; 杉浦真由美; 小林真弓; 飯尾英夫, 日本原生生物学会第47回大会, ブレファリズマの交配フェロモン(ガモン1)の糖鎖構造とその役割, Oct. 2014, False
  • 尾野優奈; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本動物学会第85回大会, ブレファリズマにおけるジャイアント形成要因の検討と口部構造の観察, Sep. 2014, False
  • 小林真弓; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本動物学会第85回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマの分類の再検討, Sep. 2014, False
  • 亀岡里江子; 篠原きよの; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本動物学会第85回大会, 繊毛虫 Blepharisma における交配フェロモンの生合成にIDO は関与するか, Sep. 2014, False
  • Yuko Hoki; Mayumi Sugiura; Yasuji Kasama; Misato Sunayama; Masahiro Uda; Miki Nakamura; Shunsuke Ando; Ryoko Araki; Masumi Abe, International Society for Stem Cell Research-ISSCR 12th Annual meeting, ES cells vs. iPS cells: Lineage conversion-associated point mutations, Jun. 2014, True
  • 砂山美里; 杉浦真由美; 法喜ゆう子; 笠間康次; 宇田昌広; 中村美樹; 安藤俊輔; 荒木良子; 安倍真澄, 第36回日本分子生物学会年会, Point mutations in ES cells, Dec. 2013, False
  • 荒木良子; 杉浦真由美; 笠間康次; 砂山美里; 宇田昌広; 安藤俊輔; 中村美樹; 法喜ゆう子; 安倍真澄, 第36回日本分子生物学会年会, iPS cells generation-associated point mutations, Dec. 2013, False
  • 杉浦真由美; 法喜ゆう子; 砂山美里; 宇田昌広; 荒木良子; 安倍真澄, 第36回日本分子生物学会年会, Acceleration of the histone acetylation in pluripotent iPS cells, Dec. 2013, False
  • 山田真央; 小林真弓; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生動物学会第46回大会, 繊毛虫Blepharismaの異種間接合対において核変化は起こりうるのか, Nov. 2013, False
  • 尾野優奈; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生動物学会第46回大会, 細胞密度がブレファリズマのジャイアント形成に与える影響, Nov. 2013, False
  • 小林真弓; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本動物学会第84回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマの異種間接合を妨げる要因, Sep. 2013, False
  • 篠原きよの; 春本晃江; 杉浦真由美, 日本動物学会第84回大会, 接合誘導物質ガモン2 に類似するアミノ酸が繊毛虫Blepharismaのガモン2 活性に 与える影響, Sep. 2013, False
  • Mayumi Kobayashi; Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto, FASEB Summer Research Conferences, Ciliate Molecular Biology, Two barriers prevent interspecific mating pair formation in Blepharisma, Jul. 2013, True
  • Ryoko Araki; Mayumi Sugiura; Yasuji Kasama; Misato Sunayama; Masahiro Uda; Miki Nakamura; Shunsuke Ando; Yuko Hoki; Masumi Abe, International Society for Stem Cell Research-ISSCR 11th Annual Meeting, iPS cells generation-associated point mutations, Jun. 2013, True
  • Yuko Hoki; Mayumi Sugiura; Yasuji Kasama; Misato Sunayama; Masahiro Uda; Miki Nakamura; Shunsuke Ando; Ryoko Araki; Masumi Abe, International Society for Stem Cell Research-ISSCR 11th Annual Meeting, Point mutations in ES cells, Jun. 2013, True
  • 杉浦真由美; 笠間康次; 藤森ゆう子; 宇田昌広; 中村美樹; 安藤俊輔; 砂山美里; 荒木良子; 安倍真澄, 第35回日本分子生物学会年会, A comparison between iPSCs and ESCs reveals that genome reprogramming during iPSC generation causes transversion-predominant point mutations, Dec. 2012, False
  • Ryoko Araki; Masahiro Uda; Yuko Hoki-Fujimori; Miki Nakamura; Shunsuke Ando; Misato Sunayama; Mayumi Sugiura; Hisashi Ideno; Akemi Shimada; Akira Nifuji; Masumi Abe, International Society for Stem Cell Research-ISSCR 10th Annual Meeting, A comparison between immunogenicity of iPSCs and of ESCs, Jun. 2012, True
  • Masumi Abe; Mayumi Sugiura; Yasuji Kasama; Yuko Hoki-Fujimori; Masahiro Uda; Miki Nakamura; Shunsuke Ando; Misato Sunayama; Ryoko Araki, International Society for Stem Cell Research-ISSCR 10th Annual Meeting, A Comparison between iPSCs and ESCs reveals reprogramming-associated point mutations, Jun. 2012, True
  • 宇田昌広; 荒木良子; 藤森ゆう子; 中村美樹; 安藤俊輔; 神長祐子; 杉浦真由美; 砂山美里; 笠間康次; 安倍真澄, 第34回日本分子生物学会年会, c-MycはiPS細胞の多能性獲得において重要な役割を担っている, Dec. 2011, False
  • 杉浦真由美; 荒木良子; 笠間康次; 砂山美里; 安藤俊輔; 藤森ゆう子; 宇田昌広; 中村美樹; 安倍真澄, 第34回日本分子生物学会年会, マウスiPS細胞およびES細胞における点突然変異のゲノムワイド解析, Dec. 2011, False
  • Mayumi Sugiura; Yuri Tanaka; Shoko Iwasaki; Toshinobu Suzaki; Terue Harumoto, XIII International Congress of Protistology-ICOP, Function of mating pheromones, Gamone 1 and 2, in the ciliated protozoa Blepharisma japonicum, Aug. 2009, True
  • Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto, FASEB Summer Research Conferences, Ciliate Molecular Biology, Mating interaction through Gamones in Blepharisma japonicum, Jul. 2009, True
  • 杉浦真由美; 洲崎敏伸; 飯尾英夫; 岩﨑祥子; 春本晃江, 日本トリプトファン研究会第30回学術集会, 原生動物繊毛虫ブレファリズマの交配フェロモンとしてのトリプトファン誘導体, Dec. 2008, False
  • 杉浦真由美; 田中悠里; 岩﨑祥子; 吉村千代; 沢田奈穂子; 洲崎敏伸; 春本晃江, 第31回日本分子生物学会年会、第81回日本生化学会大会合同大会, 原生生物繊毛虫ブレファリズマにおける交配フェロモンの機能, Dec. 2008, False
  • 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江; 洲崎敏伸, 日本原生動物学会第41回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマにおける接合誘導物質ガモン1抗体を用いた受容体の探索, Nov. 2008, False
  • 岩﨑祥子; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生動物学会第41回大会, 繊毛虫Blepharisma japonicumにおける接合誘導物質ガモン1の糖鎖の役割, Nov. 2008, False
  • 田中悠里; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生動物学会第40回大会, ブレファリズマのII型細胞で接合誘導時特異的に発現するcdk1, cks遺伝子の分子的特徴, Nov. 2007, False
  • 岩﨑祥子; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生動物学会第40回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマにおける接合誘導物質ガモン1の糖鎖の研究-糖鎖は接合誘導活性に必要か?-, Nov. 2007, False
  • 山中美果; 杉浦真由美; 田中悠里; 春本晃江, 日本原生動物学会第40回大会, 強制飢餓によるガモン1の発現誘導-発現開始と飢餓の関連性-, Nov. 2007, False
  • 三浦満美子; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本動物学会第78回大会, 繊毛虫Blepharisma stolteiとB. americanumにおけるガモン1相同遺伝子の単離と配列比較, Sep. 2007, False
  • Mayumi Sugiura; Seiko Kawahara; Kaori Teramoto; Kanae Kobayashi; Risa Takami; Mika Yamanaka; Yuri Tanaka; Terue Harumoto, FASEB Summer Research Conferences, Ciliate Molecular Biology, Specifically regulated expression of gamone 1: the trigger molecule for conjugation in Blepharisma japonicum, Jul. 2007, True
  • Terue Harumoto; Mayumi Sugiura; Yuri Tanaka, FASEB Summer Research Conferences, Ciliate Molecular Biology, Gene expression toward conjugation in Blepharisma japonicum, Jul. 2007, True
  • Yuri Tanaka; Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto, FASEB Summer Research Conferences, Ciliate Molecular Biology, Genes transcriptionally activated during induction of conjugating pairs in mating-type II cells of the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum, Jul. 2007, True
  • 三浦満美子; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生動物学会第39回大会, 繊毛虫Blepharisma stolteiにおけるガモン1相同遺伝子の検出と配列決定, Nov. 2006, False
  • 田中悠里; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本動物学会第77回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマのII型細胞の接合誘導時に特異的に発現する遺伝子, Sep. 2006, False
  • 杉浦真由美; 田中悠里; 久保陽子; 春本晃江, 日本原生動物学会第38回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマで接合誘導時に発現する遺伝子の研究, Oct. 2005, False
  • Mayumi Sugiura; Yuri Tanaka; Risa Takami; Seiko Kawahara; Terue Harumoto, FASEB Summer Research Conferences, Ciliate Molecular Biology, Gene expression involved in early stage of conjugation in Blepharisma japonicum, Aug. 2005, True
  • Mayumi Sugiura, XII International Congress of Protozoology-ICOP, Specific expression of mating pheromone, gamone 1 in the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum, Jul. 2005, True
  • Yuri Tanaka; Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto, XII International Congress of Protozoology-ICOP, Genes which specifically expressed during the induction of conjugation in mating type II cells of the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum, Jul. 2005, True
  • 杉浦真由美; 高見梨沙; 川原聖子; 春本晃江, 第27回日本分子生物学会年会, 原生生物繊毛虫ブレファリズマにおける性フェロモンの同定と発現制御, Dec. 2004, False
  • 杉浦真由美; 川原聖子; 春本晃江, 日本原生動物学会第37回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマの性成熟過程におけるガモン1遺伝子の発現, Nov. 2004, False
  • 高見梨沙; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生動物学会第37回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマにおけるガモン1遺伝子のゲノム配列とその上流配列の決定, Nov. 2004, False
  • 田中悠里; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生動物学会第37回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマのII型細胞で接合誘導時に発現する遺伝子の単離, Nov. 2004, False
  • 杉浦真由美; 川原聖子; 春本晃江, 日本動物学会第75回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマの性フェロモンの発現を制御する環境要因と内部要因, Sep. 2004, False
  • 高見梨沙; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本動物学会第75回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマにおけるガモン1遺伝子の上流配列の同定, Sep. 2004, False
  • 田中悠里; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本動物学会第75回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマの有性生殖(接合)誘導時に特異的に発現する遺伝子の単離, Sep. 2004, False
  • 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生動物学会第36回大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマの接合誘導物質(ガモン1)の大量発現系の構築, Nov. 2003, False
  • Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto, 4 th European Congress of Protistology and 10 th European Conference on Ciliate Biology, Regulation of specific expression of the conjugation-inducing substance, gamone 1, in the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum, Aug. 2003, True
  • 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生動物学会第34回大会, ブレファリズマにおけるガモン1遺伝子の発現, Nov. 2001, False
  • Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto, XI International Congress of Protozoology-ICOP, cDNA sequence determination of blepharmone, a conjugation-inducing glycoprotein of the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum, Jul. 2001, True
  • Mayumi Sugiura; Terue Harumoto, FASEB Summer Research Conferences, Ciliate Molecular Biology, Complete amino acid sequence of the conjugation-inducing glycoprotein ( blepharmone ) in the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum, Jul. 2001, True
  • 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本動物学会第71回大会, ブレファリズマにおける接合誘導物質ガモン1のcDNAクローニング, Sep. 2000, False
  • 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生動物学会第32回大会, ブレファリズマにおける遺伝子単離へ向けてのガモン1の単離精製, Nov. 1999, False
  • 吉村千代; 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本原生動物学会第32回大会, ブレファリズマの接合誘導時に見られる形態変化, Nov. 1999, False
  • 杉浦真由美; 春本晃江, 日本動物学会第70回大会, ブレファリズマの接合誘導物質ガモン1の糖鎖構造の推定と新しい単離精製法, Sep. 1999, False
  • 杉浦真由美, 日本原生生物学会・日本寄生虫学会東日本支部・日本衛生動物学会東日本支部3学会合同大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマにおける有性生殖の分子機構の研究, 20 Oct. 2023, 22 Oct. 2023
  • 杉山涼子; 高木佑美; 吉川千晶; 川村太地; 松尾和彦; 春本晃江; 臼杵克之助; 杉浦真由美, 日本原生生物学会・日本寄生虫学会東日本支部・日本衛生動物学会東日本支部3学会合同大会, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマにおけるガモン2 受容体の局在解析, 20 Oct. 2023, 22 Oct. 2023
  • 山本桃花; 杉浦真由美, 日本原生生物学会・日本寄生虫学会東日本支部・日本衛生動物学会東日本支部3学会合同大会, 繊毛虫Blepharisma stoltei の接合型I 型細胞において特異的に高発現する遺伝子の同定と接合過程に関与する可能性の検証, 20 Oct. 2023, 22 Oct. 2023


  • 2018 Joint Meeting of the Korean Society of Protistologists and Japan Society of Protozoology, Best Poster Award, 2018
  • 日本動物学会女性研究者奨励OM賞, 2005, Japan
  • 日本原生動物学会奨励賞, 2004, Japan
  • 第21回井上研究奨励賞, 2004, Japan
  • 日本原生生物学会賞, 日本原生生物学会, 2023

Research Projects

  • 2022, 2025, 22K06315, Principal investigator
  • 2022, 2025, 22K06315, Principal investigator
  • 2020, Principal investigator
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Feb. 2014, 31 Mar. 2018, 26440126, Comprehensive analysis to identify the key molecules for sexual maturation, mating-type expression and the initiation of sexual reproduction in ciliate., Sugiura Mayumi; Harumoto Terue; Yuasa Hajime J, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Nara Women's University, 4940000, 3800000, 1140000, The main aim of the present study was to conduct a comprehensive analysis to identify the key molecules involved in the mechanisms of sexual maturation, mating-type expression and the initiation of sexual reproduction (conjugation) in ciliate. We have used the putative ancestral species of ciliate, Blepharisma stoltei, in which conjugation is induced between complementary mating type cells, I and II, under food-deprived conditions. First, we produced progeny strains by crossing type I and II cells, and observed precisely their mating-type expression patterns during sexual maturation. Then, we performed de novo RNA-seq analysis to compare gene expression among sexually immature cells and mature-type I and II cells. Finally, from the constructed transcriptome data, we have identified the enzyme involved in the biosynthetic pathway of mating pheromone, gamone 2, which is a tryptophan-derivative compound secreted by type II cells., url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2013, 31 Mar. 2016, 25290068, Genome instability during genome reprogramming, ARAKI RYOKO; FUJIMORI YUKO; SUNAYAMA MISATO; SUGIURA MAYUMI; UDA MASAHIRO, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), National Institute of Radiological Sciences, 18330000, 14100000, 4230000, A significant number of point mutations have been suggested in all iPSC genomes examined thus far, arousing serious concerns about the use of iPSCs especially on immunogenicity and tumorigenesis. Here, we have developed a genome sequencing system which allows us to exclusively identify de novo point mutations and have attempted to reveal the amount and mode of point mutations. First, we compared iPSCs with ESCs and found more than 10 times point mutations in iPSC genomes compared to those in ESC genomes. Further, the point mutations observed in iPSC genomes exhibit a unique base substitution pattern, transversion-predominant. Next, we focused on the heterogeneity in an iPSC clone to directly identify the point mutations that arose during the iPSC generation. As a result, we found a large number of SNVs (single nucleotide variations), of which allele frequency were less than 50%. Our results indicates that current iPSC generation method contains mutagenic process., url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 01 Apr. 2012, 31 Mar. 2014, 24770224, Investigation of molecular indicators related to the degree of pluripotency of iPS cells, SUGIURA Mayumi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 4680000, 3600000, 1080000, Although iPS cells have been generated by various methods, considerable quality variation has been observed. This study aimed at finding the molecular indicators for discriminating the quality of iPSCs. We focused on the histone-epigenetic modifications, and obtained the following results. (1) Acceleration of the histone acetylation was observed only in iPSCs with high developmental potential. (2) TSA-treatment on iPSCs showing low pluripotency elicited a temporary accumulation of histone acetylation, resulting in improving their developmental ability. (3) Analysis of the expression of histone modification-related factors suggested a close correlation between the degree of histone acetylation and the expression level of c-Myc and certain HDAC in iPSCs. Such a close correlation was not observed in ES cells. Gene knockdown experiments showed the HDAC is possible to affect differentiated state of iPSCs. (4) Genome integrity of each iPSC was not direct cause of its developmental potential., url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2009, 2012, 21310024, Taxonomic investigation on the protozoan fauna of Japan, with special reference to the diversity crisis due to global climate change., SHIGENAKA Yoshinobu; SUZAKI Toshinobu; HAGA Nobuyuki; TSUKII Yuji; HORIGUCHI Tateo; ANDO Motonori; OTA Takashi; TANIGUCHI Akira; FUKUDA Yasuhiro; SUGIURA Mayumi; ISHIDA Hideki; SHIMANO Satoshi; HARUMOTO Terue; KITADE Osamu; KUSUOKA Yasushi; TAKAHASHI Tadao; IMAI Soichi; FUJISHIMA Masahiro; HORI Manabu; MATSUOKA Tatsuomi; ISHIDA Masaki; TAKAHASHI Mihoko; SUGIURA Mayumi; INAI Yoko; SUETOMO Yasutaka; AOKI Yoshiyuki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hiroshima University, 18070000, 13900000, 4170000, Up to the present time, protozoan fauna in Japan has not been fully documented. Therefore, we, more than 20 protozoan specialists, have conducted a systematic survey on the Japanese protozoans by 1) collecting original bibliographic records 2) listing up species names and collection points, and 3) extracting reliable list of literature, in order to construct a comprehensive inventory database of Protozoan fauna of Japan. We have also conducted a nation -wide field survey of free-living and parasitic protozoans at more than 100 locations in Japan, including Abashiri area in Hokkaido and Minami Daito Island in Okinawa prefecture. The result of the survey has been presented on line at, url;kaken
  • 特別研究員奨励費, 2006, 2008, 06J00714, 繊毛虫における有性生殖開始の分子メカニズムの解明, 杉浦 真由美, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費, 神戸大学, 3400000, 3400000, 「繊毛虫における有性生殖開始の分子メカニズムの解明」および「繊毛虫の有性生殖の多様性」を探ることを目的として、二種類の接合型と接合誘導物質(ガモン)から成る接合システムをもつブレファリズマを用いて以下の研究を行った。 ブレファリズマにおいて接合誘導のキーファクターであるガモン1の作用機構を明らかにするため、II型細胞が細胞表面に有すると考えられるガモン1受容体の局在解析および単離同定を試みた。ガモン1で処理したII型細胞を固定し、本研究課題において作製したガモン1抗体を用いて蛍光抗体法を行った。その結果、ガモン1で処理したII型細胞において、口部膜板帯と繊毛および繊毛列に強いシグナルが検出された。また、ガモン1受容体を同定するため、接合能をもつII型細胞から膜分画を調製しガモン1と相互作用させた後、ガモン1抗体を用いて共免疫沈降法を行った。その結果、ガモン1と同じ挙動を示し、ガモン1と相互作用している可能性の高い幾つかのタンパク質を検出した。繊毛虫の交配フェロモンの受容体に関する研究は非常に乏しく、本研究成果は繊毛虫の有性生殖の分子メカニズムを解明する上で貴重な知見となり得る。 同定されている繊毛虫の交配フェロモンの中で唯一の糖タンパク質であるガモン1の糖鎖の役割を解析するため、大腸菌を用いた組換えガモン1のタンパク質発現系の構築などを行い、糖鎖をもたないガモン1を作製し接合誘導活性を調べた。その結果、糖鎖をもたないガモン1はほとんど活性を示さず、ガモン1の糖鎖は接合誘導活性を引き出すのに重要な役割をもつと考えられた。 接合誘導時に特異的に働く遺伝子(ガモンを含む接合関連遺伝子)の機能解析を行うため、feeding RNAi法による標的遺伝子の発現抑制を試みた。 接合型特異的な転写制御機構の解明を目指し、接合型特異的な発現を示す幾つかの遺伝子について上流下流配列を単離した。, kaken
  • 若手研究(B), 2005, 2007, 17770193, 繊毛虫における有性生殖開始の分子メカニズムの解明, 杉浦 真由美, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B), 奈良女子大学, 2700000, 2700000, 繊毛虫ブレファリズマの有性生殖(接合)開始の分子機構を解明するため、以下の研究を行った。 1、ガモン1遺伝子の転写調節領域の単離とその解析、ガモン1遺伝子の転写調節因子の単離を目的として インバースPCRによって接合誘導物質ガモン1遺伝子の5'上流1470塩基と3'下流393塩基の配列を決定した。配列の解析を行い、ガモン1遺伝子のコアプロモータと転写制御因子結合部位を推定した。 ガモン1の転写は接合型特異的に起こるため、両接合型細胞(I、II)におけるガモン1遺伝子の上流・下流配列を決定し、それらを比較した結果、完全に一致していることがわかった。接合型特異的な遺伝子発現を制御している因子や機構を探るため、ガモン1同様に接合型特異的に発現する遺伝子を探索した結果、cdc2、Cks、4-HPPDの各相同遺伝子がII型細胞特異的に発現することが明らかとなった。またhsp90は両接合型細胞において接合時に発現が増加した。さらにガモン1とこれらの遺伝子は接合過程の前半に多く転写されることを示した。 2、ガモン受容体の単離、同定を目的として ガモン1受容体の局在を探るため、ガモン1抗体を用いて蛍光抗体法、免疫電顕を行った。その結果、II型細胞の細胞表面(繊毛列)にシグナルがみられる傾向が示された。次に、His標識ガモン1、GST融合ガモン1を作製した。現在、ガモン1受容体の単離のため免疫沈降法を検討している。 ガモン2受容体の局在を探るため、大阪市立大学飯尾教授より提供していただいたピレン標識ガモン2の活性測定を行い蛍光顕微鏡観察を行った。その結果、ピレン標識ガモン2は強い接合阻害活性をもつことが明らかとなった。現在、蛍光顕微鏡観察の条件を検討中である。 本年度の研究成果の一部は、第12回国際原生動物学会議(中国)、第11回国際繊毛虫分子生物学会議(イタリア)と2つの国内学会で発表を行った。, kaken
  • 基盤研究(C), 01 Apr. 2022, 31 Mar. 2026, 22K06315, 原始的な繊毛虫における交配フェロモンの多様性とその受容機構の解明, 杉浦 真由美; 臼杵 克之助; 春本 晃江, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 奈良女子大学, 4160000, 3200000, 960000, kaken



  • 2017, 2023
  • 2017
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2018
  • Oct. 2018, Nov. 2021, Society
  • Sep. 2017, Sep. 2023, Society
  • Nov. 2015, Oct. 2018, Society
  • Nov. 2021, 9999

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