Researchers Database

Fujita Meiji

FacultyFaculty Division of Engineering Research Group of Engineering
Last Updated :2024/11/26


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Research Interests

  • 建築史 都市史 歴史 意匠 デザイン 美学 芸術

Research Areas

  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention), Architectural history and design

Research Experience

  • 1996, 2002, 名古屋造形芸術大学 助教授
  • 1991, 1995, 奈良国立文化財研究所 研究員
  • Hiroshima International University Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture Technology, Professor


  • 1991, The University of Tokyo, 工学系研究科, 建築学, Japan
  • 1991, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Engineering
  • 1984, The University of Tokyo, The Faculty of Engineering, 建築学, Japan
  • 1984, The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering

Association Memberships

  • 建築史学会
  • 日本建築学会


Published Papers

  • Refereed, 11 Oct. 2023
  • Refereed, Mar. 2022, 296, 308
  • Refereed, 『建築の歴史・様式・社会』中央公論美術出版, 書院造の形成過程と様式定義, Fujita Meiji, Jan. 2018, 289-307
  • Refereed, 国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, 厳島神社門前町における町家の14C年代調査とその意義, Fujita Meiji, Dec. 2015, 196, 53-90
  • Refereed, 建築史学, 鎌倉前半期における上層武家住宅の実態と変遷過程, Fujita Meiji, Sep. 2009, 53, 2-40
  • Refereed, 日本建築学会計画系論文報告集, 鎌倉における赤橋邸と西殿の沿革, Fujita Meiji, Aug. 2005, 594, 163-169
  • Refereed, 日本建築学会計画系論文報告集, 鎌倉の執権及び連署の本邸の沿革, Fujita Meiji, Jul. 2000, 533, 205-211
  • Refereed, 日本建築学会計画系論文報告集, 藤原定家と周辺住民の居住形態, Fujita Meiji, Jun. 1993, 448, 151-158
  • Refereed, 建築史学, 鎌倉前期の上級貴族住宅における接客部分と障子上, Fujita Meiji, Sep. 1992, 19, 2-26
  • Refereed, 建築史学, 平安時代の遺営文書による寝殿造付属屋の復原, Fujita Meiji, Mar. 1991, 16, 92-108


  • Not Refereed, 奈良文化財研究所学報, 中世住宅の空間構成の変遷, Fujita Meiji, Mar. 2016, 96, 116-137
  • Not Refereed, 名古屋造形芸術大学・名古屋造形芸術短期大学 紀要, 日本の住宅建築における空間的発展 ー日本文化の空間的原理の研究 その1ー, Fujita Meiji, May 2000, 6, 45-66
  • 日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編, 日本建築学会中国支部, Study on the formation process of the town houses from the town houses of Itukusima in the 17th Century, 藤田 盟児, 01 Mar. 2014, 37, 757, 760
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture, Architectural Institute of Japan, On the spacial conception of up and down (KAMI/SIMO and UE/SITA) in the Middle Ages, FUJITA Meiji, 01 Aug. 1992, 1992, 999, 1000
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture, Architectural Institute of Japan, "Shouji-no-ue" in aristocratic residences in from period of Kamakura era, FUJITA Meiji, 01 Sep. 1989, 1989, 725, 726
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture, Architectural Institute of Japan, Transition of the house's approach through the Middle Ages, FUJITA Meiji, 01 Sep. 1988, 1988, 695, 696

Books etc

  • 978-4-582-54468-8
  • 築何年?, 吉川弘文館, Fujita Meiji, 分担, Mar. 2015, 42-110, Not Refereed
  • 都市のあこがれ, 鹿島出版会, Fujita Meiji, 分担, Oct. 2009, 80-83, Not Refereed
  • 中世的空間と儀礼, 東京大学出版会, Fujita Meiji, 分担, Mar. 2005, 150-191, Not Refereed, 9784130652032
  • 日本建築様式史, 美術出版社, Fujita Meiji, 分担, Nov. 1999, 77-88, Not Refereed
  • 建築史の空間 -関口欣也先生退官記念論文集-, 中央公論美術出版, Fujita Meiji, 分担, Jan. 1999, 25-49, Not Refereed, 9784805503690
  • 建築史の鉱脈 -大河直躬先生退官記念論文集-, 中央公論美術出版, Fujita Meiji, 分担, May 1995, Not Refereed, 9784805508237
  • 中世の空間を読む, 吉川弘文館, Fujita Meiji, 分担, Mar. 1995, 172-210, Not Refereed, 9784642027489
  • 和室学 : 世界で日本にしかない空間, 平凡社, 松村, 秀一; 服部, 岑生; 藤田, 盟児; 小沢, 朝江; 桐浴, 邦夫; 平井, ゆか; 内田, 青蔵; 上西, 明; 鈴木, 義弘; 岡, 絵理子; 稲葉, 信子; 松本, 直之, 第2章 和室の起源と性格, Oct. 2020, 369p, 9784582544688


  • Keynote oral presentation
  • Keynote oral presentation
  • Invited oral presentation
  • Public discourse
  • Fujita Meiji, 中世における「建築」、日本とヨーロッパ, 中世日本建築における住宅様式の生成過程, Nov. 2014, パリ=ソルボンヌ大学・京都工芸繊維大学, アンスティチュ・フランセ, True
  • Fujita Meiji, 第88回歴博フォーラム, 民家編年と測定年代, Jun. 2013, 国立歴史民俗博物館, 国立歴史民俗博物館講, False
  • Fujita Meiji, 2013年全国町並み連絡会議講演, 瀬戸内海の港町とその調査方法, Jan. 2013, 重要伝統的建造物群保存地区連絡会議, 呉市安芸灘会館ホール, False
  • Fujita Meiji, 広島県文化財臨地研究会講演, 広島に残る伝統的な町並みについて, Oct. 2009, 広島県文化財協会, 呉市安芸灘会館ホール, False
  • Fujita Meiji, 説話文学会シンポジウム, 座敷の建立, Jun. 2009, 説話文学研究会, 奈良女子大学, False
  • Fujita Meiji, 日本民族建築学会シンポジウム, 安芸国の港町-宮島と呉の町家-, Oct. 2007, 日本民族建築学会, 福山大学, False
  • Fujita Meiji, 日韓建築史交流フォーラム講演, 日本文化の空間的性質について, Feb. 2001, 日本学術振興会, ソウル大学, True
  • Fujita Meiji, 名古屋音楽大学講演会, 日本文化の時空構造, Jun. 2000, 名古屋音楽大学, 同朋学園成徳館, False


  • 斎宮1/300復元模型設計, Fujita Meiji, Apr. 1998, Mar. 1999
  • 大乗院1/200復原模型設計, Fujita Meiji, Apr. 1994, Mar. 1995
  • “Tokyo Spirit” of “Tokyo : From and Spirit”, Fujita Meiji, Apr. 1984, Mar. 1986, 原宿ラフォーレ、ウォーカーアートセンター、ポンピドーセンター

Research Projects

  • 2019, 2021, 19K04805, Principal investigator
  • 1989, 2020, 日本中世住宅史の研究, 0, 0, 0, 鎌倉時代の都市・鎌倉における上層武家住宅を中心に、中世住宅史を研究している。, Competitive research funding
  • 建築美学の構造論的検討, 0, 0, 0, 日本建築を中心的な題材として、時間と空間の性質を中心的な研究対象とする構造論的美学の研究をしている。, Competitive research funding
  • Research on the Transformation Process of the spacial conception, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • Research on the space Structure of the Residences in the Middle Ages in Japan., 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 基盤研究(C), 01 Apr. 2019, 31 Mar. 2023, 19K04805, 中近世移行期における書院造の研究, 藤田 盟児, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 奈良女子大学, 4290000, 3300000, 990000, 前々年度の御成史料の比較検討により、中世の上層住宅の主殿は、室町時代中期に続き間座敷が組み込まれた形が近世上層住宅の主殿に継承され、それを拡大したものが広間であるとされているが、中世と近世の御成を比べると広間に継承される機能は、主殿ではなく会所が担っていたことが分かった。 そこで、その実態を検討するために前年度に東北の伊達氏から九州の大友氏まで全国各地の大名屋敷から、遺構の検出が進展している事例を選び、施設の配置や平面形式を検討しうる戦国大名の住宅遺構として、福井県一乗谷の朝倉館跡、神奈川県の後北条氏の小田原城館跡、岐阜県の岐阜城織田信長居館跡、広島県の北広島町に所在する吉川元春館跡、山口県山口市の大内氏館跡、大分県大分市の大友氏館跡などと、それらに加えて安土城と名護屋城の周辺に形成された大名屋敷や陣屋跡の遺構群も含めて、発掘調査報告をもとに地層や断面を考慮しながら、敷地全体の配置、建物の平面形式、遺物等の分布状況から、会所と主殿に相当する施設を検討した。 今年度は、それらの遺構図をCAD化して比較検討資料の作成を行った。それにより、戦国時代の大名居館には各種のパターンが存在し、従来の室町時代の住宅構成に従うものと、新しい構成を見せるものがあることが判明した。後者の代表例が岐阜城下の織田信長館である。ただし、その際に不足していた情報を入手するためと発掘現場と周囲の状況を確認するために現地視察を計画し、年度前半は実施できたが、コロナ感染防止のための規制により、年度の後半に実施できないものが残された。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2017, 31 Mar. 2020, 17H03360, Architectural Comprehensive Study on the World Heritage Value of Japanese Style Rooms "Washitsu", Matsumura Shuichi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The University of Tokyo, 13000000, 10000000, 3000000, Japanese-style rooms are inseparable from not only Japanese architectural culture but also Japanese lifestyle culture. However, the number of new Japanese-style rooms is rapidly decreasing in Japan today, and it is feared that the Japanese-style rooms will be abolished without any respect on their importance. In such a condition, we make a new material to fully explain the Japanese-style rooms' deep relationship with the architectural culture and the life culture in Japan, and its unique characteristics in the world history. It can broadly inform the international community of the cultural meaning of the Japanese-style rooms. This research effectively collects knowledge from various specialized fields of architecture on the topic, and also adds knowledge from other fields to clarify the cultural uniqueness of the Japanese-style rooms. It is for making the international community regard the Japanese-style rooms as the valuable cultural assets., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Apr. 2015, 31 Mar. 2018, 15K06415, A restorative study of ancient and medieval port city landscape by geodetic scale analysis and GIS software, Fujita Meiji, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 4940000, 3800000, 1140000, n this research, the historical landscape of a historic port city is studied restoratively using geodesic analysis and GIS.Specific subjects are Onomichi City and Tomonoura in Fukuyama City in Hiroshima Prefecture and Kitsuki City in Oita Prefecture and Shimonoseki City in Yamaguchi Prefecture.By actually measuring the road width of the urban area in each city and the scale of the block,Estimated the time of construction, depending on which one of the dimensions which had historically diminished from 7 to 6 shaku(about 30cm).On that basis, I entered the character of the block and the site into GIS software and searched for the factor of transition.After the modernization site division was found to be due to taxation of land for uses other than residential land, it turned out that it did not involve major changes in the landscape., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2015, 31 Mar. 2018, 15H02949, Research on application of radiocarbon dating to cultural property building, Nakao Nanae; Miyazawa Satoshi; Nittou Kazuhiko; Imamura Mineo; Mitsutani Takumi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 18200000, 14000000, 4200000, The advantage of radiocarbon dating is that we can measure wood of any tree species. We investigated the age of building by the radiocarbon dating method when the old building was built, and improved the chronology judgment method. The national treasure Komyoji Temple's Nio-mon was confirmed the building age and the subsequent repair process was clarified. It is revealed that Kanden-an important cultural property is rebuilding after the fire, and the bath shop remains as it is built by Matsudaira Humai-ko. World Heritage Shirakawago · Gokayama's Gassho-dukuri-houses made it clear that many used old timber from 16-17century, became a large roof currently seen in Genroku era. Besides this, We got good results from age surveys of numerous cultural property buildings such as the many old private houses , the town houses in Kyoto, the private houses in the Tone River basin., kaken
  • 基盤研究(C), 2006, 2008, 18560637, 南北朝期を中心とした武家住宅形成史の研究, 藤田 盟児, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 広島国際大学, 3870000, 3300000, 570000, 従来、書院造とよばれる和室の住宅様式は、室町後期から江戸時代初期にかけて、平安貴族の住宅様式であった寝殿造から変化してうまれたとされてきたが、本研究により書院造は鎌倉時代の都市鎌倉における上層武家住宅からうまれた住宅様式である可能性が高いことが明らかになった。, kaken
  • 2007, 2007, 19900119, Synthetic studies on the Asian village and house in the Middle Age, KAWAMOTO Shigeo; SATOH Kohji; NISHIGAKI Yasuhiko; FUKUDA Miho; MIURA Masayuki; FUJITA Meiji, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kyoto Women's University, For the collaboration with archaeologists we architectural historians have aimed to inform our new knowledge about the architecture in the Middle Age through the open symposiums and some reports on our new topics. Moreover we made two architectural researches in Vietnam and Korea for the comparative study in Asia. The contents of research report written in Japanese are as follows. 1. Papers for the symposium on the main hall of the Azuchi castle. In these papers we pick up the accepted theory that the excavated building near the main tower of the Azuchi castle is built for the Emperor' s coming. By clarifying the function of the hall for the Emperor' s coming, we state that this theory cannot be a historical truth. 2. Papers for the symposium on the style of the Japanese house. In these papers we clarify the history of the Japanese aristocrat' s and feudal load' s house. 3. Report of the new studies on the Chinese architectural history. 4. Research report of the Korean feudal house in the south-west Korea. 5. On the space of the Japanese traditional house and its historical background., kaken
  • 特定領域研究, 2006, 2007, 18024006, 中世アジアの住居と集落に関する総合的研究:資料のデジタル化と学融合を目指して, 川本 重雄; 佐藤 浩司; 西垣 安比古; 福田 美穂; 三浦 正幸; 藤田 盟児, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 京都女子大学, 2100000, 2100000, 平成18年度中に、研究会2回、研究発表3回、シンポジウム1回、調査旅行1回を実施した。 1.鎌倉の武士住宅の研究:京都において第1回研究会を行った後、鎌倉で3回研究発表を行った。 鎌倉の都市・武士住宅・町家・宗教建築に関する建築史分野の研究を総括し、考古学研究者をまじえた場で研究発表を行った。 2.安土城本丸御殿復原の問題点:京都において第2回研究会を実施した後、平成19年2月24日にシンポジウムを開催した。 川本は行幸と行幸御殿の歴史から安土城本丸御殿の中に、庭儀空間を持つ行幸御殿が存在するとは考えられないこと、復元された安土城の行幸御殿が行幸御殿の機能を果たせないことなどを明確にした。また、三浦は考古学的成果を総括した上で行幸御殿説を批判するとともに、安土城本丸御殿の配置計画などに関する新しい見解を発表した。一方、ゲストコメンテイターとして参加した藤田達生(三重大学)からは、文献史学の立場から安上行幸が計画されていた可能性が高いことが述べられた。 3.ベトナムの住まい・集落に関する調査を実施した。 平成18年12月22日〜30日にベトナム、ホーチミン・ホイアン・フエ・ハノイとその周辺の住まいと集落の調査を行った。ベトナムの民家が祖先を祀る空間を中心に構成されていること、空間の分化が機能に応じてではなく、人に対応する形で進んでいることなどを確認した。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2002, 2004, 14550641, Research of samurai house and upper layer private house of the Middle Ages, FUJITA Meiji, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 3200000, 3200000, This research has aimed to examinate the relation between the samurai house and the upper layer private house of the document historical materials, house Cama of Ho, and the Middle Ages. A typical house Cama excavation investigation report was investigated, and 262 contained large-scale house Cama ruins were picked up in 2002 fiscal year. It thought, Cama was selected from among that when significant to guess the life from of Ti lived lord layer, and the outline of 151 ruins was recorded. The becoming it data base was made from items of the scale of a structural type (others., the Ho building cornerstone Ta building and the foundation construction building.) at the continuing period of ruins, a site scale, a type of Caco facilities, numbers of building buildings, the main sizes between pillars, and the main shops, the forms, and Cama traits, etc. It turned out to have approved square Ican enclosed by the moat from the Helen era end in the provinces, and as a result the many were Ho buildings of a total pillar, and the tendency to change into the total pillar type building of cornerstone Ta at the Kamakura latter term was able to be understood 20 especially important excavation investigation reports were investigated from 2003 fiscal year to 2004 fiscal year. The field investigation is ruins around Kamakura, a Sendai plains wins group, is ruins related to ruins and Mr.Otomo of Oita Prefecture, the Toyama prefecture Soncamo ruins, Kita Imperial prince town Konishi Fukushima Prefecture Arainecota ruins, the Kumamoto Prefecture ash tomb ruins, and ahead two Motogi, and 11 such as Fukuoka Prefecture Cashii ruins is executed. The terrain confirmation of the locale was confirmed and the content etc.of the investigation of the excavation charge organization were confirmed. Moreover, thinking the Kamakura samurai house is brought together, one is being contributed now, and another one is preparing the contribution., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 1999, 2001, 11650667, Study on the initial formation process of Shoin-zukuri style - around the Kamakura samurai house -, FUJITA Meiji, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nagoya Zokei University of Art and Design, 3500000, 3500000, This research examines the house of the Kamakura age of Japan. And, the purpose though an initial formation process of a typical house style of our country which is called Shoin-zukuri from this the study making is clarified. Then, samurai's house of the Kamakura age was first examined. The 2nd and the 3rd this book it. Secondarily, an uncertain up to now an of Kamakura and the history of the residences of the administration person were clarified. It existed lining up in the center part in Kamakura city. Next, the facilities composition of the samurai house below the adhering right was examined. As for it, it looks like general's imperial palace, and, as a result of the examination, it has been understood that there are aristocrat's house and priest's house and a difference. And, it was clarified also that those houses had divided from the painting historical materials and the excavation material into the one with three kinds of fundamental structures in the stone base, undergrounded pole, and the wood base. The difference was related to the function of the social stratum and the building. The thesis put in the first this book matches, examines aristocrat of a result of the house of the above-mentioned samurai and a simultaneous period and priest's houses, and is an examination how the residential construction changed at the first term of the Middle Ages overall. As a result, the main building in the house of Shoin-zukuri are clarified the formation at the latter term of the 13th century at the first term of the 14th century. It was clarified that the formation was not only in the upper layer of the society, but in the middle layer of it. The house in the middle layer is priest's below the noble house, and In below middle reaches dwelling, and a general samurai dwelling, the estate steward, and the village headman dwelling, etc. This is a result which urges the review of the past history of the house in the Middle Ages of Japan., kaken
  • 奨励研究(A), 1997, 1998, 09750720, 座の構成と動線の分析によるわが国の中世住宅の研究, 藤田 盟児, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 名古屋造形芸術大学, 2100000, 2100000, 昨年度行った作業は、前年度に引き続き学生に依頼してデータの入力を行った。データーベースは2000例を越え、これを使用して、以下の研究を行った。また、不足していた中世住宅の史料の刊本と、新たに刊行された史料、論文集を購入した。調査は、前年度に引き続き奈良国立文化財研究所の古記録マイクロフィルムを調査し、鎌倉市役所で発掘調査報告書を閲覧した。 研究成果は、、まず、武士住宅について『吾妻鏡』を中心にして、「明王院文書」なども検討し、これまで不明とされていた鎌倉幕府の将軍御所の詳細な建築構成を明らかにした。これについては、中央公論美術出版から刊行した『建築史の空間 -関口欣也先生退官記念論集-』に「鎌倉武士住宅の空間構成 幕府御所を中心として」と題して掲載した。また、鎌倉の北条氏の邸宅が、通説と異なった位置にあり、御成御殿をもつものであることを、建築学会の大会で発表した。なお、現在は太田博太郎監修『日本建築様式史』の中世住宅の章を執筆中であり、上記の鎌倉遺文武士住宅の成果を生かして、書院造の形成過程を論じたものになる予定である。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 1995, 1997, 07409010, The composite study of toilet feature, KUROSAKI Tadasi; HANATANI Hirosi; FUKASAWA Yoshiki; HASHIMOTO Yoshinori, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara National Cultural Properties Research Institute, 16600000, 16600000, This is the compsite study on unearthed ancient and mediaeval features of toilet by human sciences, or archaeology, philology, architectural history, folkore, and natural sciences, or parasite analysis, pollen analysis, soil science. On scores of investigated toilet features, comparing their similarities and originalities, we discussed several points below. (1)The methods to define toilet feature (2)Present situations and next thema of analysis of soil and parasite egges (3)The time when human manures began to be used (4)A location of toilet in a residence and the upper structure of it (5)Changing prosess of toilet features at mediaeval time (6) Names of toilets in Heian perild (7)Caractors of flush toilets in Kofun period (8)Selection of chamber pots And we also discussed the way of exibitions and informantions by media on toilets. We found out the historical and cultural profiles on toilet features as the composite study., kaken
  • 奨励研究(A), 1996, 1996, 08750754, 身体動作と空間意識の歴史的研究-わが国の住宅空間を通じて-, 藤田 盟児, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 名古屋造形芸術大学, 1000000, 1000000, 昨年度行った作業は、鎌倉前期の日記である『玉葉』『民経記』『猪熊関白記』などから経路に関する箇所を調べ(これは以前に調べたものも含む)、これを学生に依頼してデータベースに入力した。これによって完成した基本史料DBは1941例に及んだ。つぎに奈良国立文化財研究所所蔵の古記録マイクロフィルムを調査し、必要な指図などを含む『民経記』を複写し紙焼きした。このうち必要な部分は購入したスキャナーによってデータベースに取り込んだ。この詳細史料DBは809例に及んだ。データベースの作成作業は、12月から2月に及び、まだそれを十分に活用した成果を引き出すだけの時間がなかったが、収集した史料から得られた成果を幾つか記す。まず鎌倉前期の寝殿造住宅で玄関の役割を果たしてた中門廊について、主人と客人の経路を整理してみたところ、中門内沓脱・中門廊南妻戸・同北妻戸の3つの出入口が使い分けられ、その格付けが鎌倉時代に変化したこと、その結果、室町時代の主殿のアプローチ形式ができたこと、出入口の使い分けに住宅内部の内方と外方という領域概念がつよく影響していたことなどが明らかになった。その成果については、とりあえず今年度の日本建築学会大会で発表するため、現在梗概を完成させたところであるが、引き続き検討を進めて、本年度中に論文報告集に投稿する予定である。今後は、中門廊以外の出入口を解明するとともに、内部での経路の変化を分析し、部屋が増加して書院造が形成されていく過程を検討したいと考えている。その際には、新たに武家住宅も考察対象に加えたいとも考えている。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Apr. 2012, 31 Mar. 2015, 24560794, Study on formative process in the medieval city by old linear measure, FUJITA Meiji, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Hiroshima International University, 5330000, 4100000, 1230000, This study makes the generating process in the old city. In Japan, the linear measure used for measurement became short gradually. So the size in the block which is measured are divided by the various oid linear measures, We know which measure matches best. This is the right linear measure. When that measure was used is the time when the block was made. The next things became clear by this study. The developed process of the inlet of the former archer`s wrist protector worn on the left hand from Kamakura era to today. There was Onomichi-city in Kamakura era in the east of the present center(nagae-cho). Kituki-city succeed medieval castle and town., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2011, 31 Mar. 2015, 23300325, Radiocarbon dating of the cultural aseets building, NAKAO Nanae; ITO Yoko; YOSHINO Hiroshi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Musashi University, 17550000, 13500000, 4050000, I investigated the construction of cultural assets building generation by a method of 14C dating, the natural science method. I investigated seven private houses, four shrines and temples in 2012. I investigated five private houses, four shrines and temples in 2013. I investigated 11 private houses, six shrines and temples in 2014. It became clear as a result of the investigation to be initial Zen Buddhism-like main hall of a Buddhist temple architecture. As a result, Bannaji Temple main hall was appointed to a national treasure in 2013. I gave a lecture, a national treasure memory symposium of Bannaji Temple, Kitakata-shi cultural assets symposium of Nagatoko. I published "How Old ? The survey of 14C dating of the Old building " by Yoshikawakobunkan Co., Ltd., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2009, 2011, 21560678, A study on the upper class dwelling house of medieval times in Japan, FUJITA Meiji, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Hiroshima International University, 4290000, 3300000, 990000, I study on the upper class dwelling house and the formation process of a city in medieval times in Japan. The lord of a manor who lives in the upper class house, and a rich commerce-and-industry company needed the room called "dei" which performs the reception for management. So it evolved into the drawing room called "zasiki"(Japanese-style room). Independently, it became clear that the housing form which has the central room decorative alcove with a plank floor called "dei" was the feature of the upper class house. Moreover, although the town house progressed in the medieval city, the city and the town house used the measurement size called "ken". Since "ken" became short from 7 "shaku" to 6 "shaku". So, it became clear that the city block formed at medieval times could presume development time by analyzing the size called "ken"., kaken

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