Refereed, Oct. 2023, 205, 212
Refereed, PRIMA 2022: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems, Springer International Publishing, Sample Complexity of Learning Multi-value Opinions in Social Networks, Masato Shinoda; Yuko Sakurai; Satoshi Oyama, 2023, 192, 207, In book, 10.1007/978-3-031-21203-1_12
Refereed, ゲームプログラミングワークショップ2022論文集, Determining the Winner of Split-and-delete Nim, Tomoaki Abuku; Ko Sakai; Masato Shinoda; Koki Suetsugu, Nov. 2022, 2022, 17, 24
Refereed, ゲームプログラミングワークショップ2022論文集, Number-Guessing Game introducing a Reward and a Failure Cost, Riku Yoshioka; Yuko Sakurai; Satoshi Oyama; Masato Shinoda, Nov. 2022, 2022, 25, 28
Refereed, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Verlag, Crowdsourcing Mechanism Design, Yuko Sakurai; Masafumi Matsuda; Masato Shinoda; Satoshi Oyama, Crowdsourcing is becoming increasingly popular in various tasks. Although the cost incurred by workers in crowdsourcing is lower than that by experts, the possibility of errors in the former generally exceeds that of the latter. One of the important approaches to quality control of crowdsourcing is based on mechanism design, which has been used to design a game’s rules/protocols so that agents have incentives to truthfully declare their preferences, and designers can select socially advantageous outcomes. Thus far, mechanism design has been conducted by professional economists or computer scientists. However, it is difficult to recruit professional mechanism designers, and developed mechanisms tend to be difficult for people to understand. Crowdsourcing requesters have to determine how to assign tasks to workers and how to reward them. Therefore, a requester can be considered to be an “amateur mechanism designer”. This paper introduces the “wisdom of the crowd” approach to mechanism design, i.e., using crowdsourcing to explore the large design space of incentive mechanisms. We conducted experiments to show that crowd mechanism designers can develop sufficiently diverse candidates for incentive mechanisms and they can choose appropriate mechanisms given a set of candidate mechanisms. We also studied how the designers’ theoretical, economic, and social tendencies, as well as their views on the world, justifiably affect the mechanisms they propose., 2017, 10621, 495, 503, International conference proceedings, 10.1007/978-3-319-69131-2_32
Refereed, Proceedings of the Third AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing, HCOMP 2015, November 8-11, 2015, San Diego, California., AAAI Press, Flexible Reward Plans to Elicit Truthful Predictions in Crowdsourcing., Yuko Sakurai; Satoshi Oyama; Masato Shinoda; Makoto Yokoo, 2015, 28, 29, International conference proceedings, 10.1609/hcomp.v3i1.13258
Refereed, PRIMA 2015: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, Flexible Reward Plans for Crowdsourced Tasks, Yuko Sakurai; Masato Shinoda; Satoshi Oyama; Makoto Yokoo, We develop flexible reward plans to elicit truthful predictive probability distribution over a set of uncertain events from workers. In general, strictly proper scoring rules for categorical events only reward a worker for an event that actually occurred. However, different incorrect predictions vary in quality, and the principal would like to assign different rewards to them, according to her subjective similarity among events; e.g. a prediction of overcast is closer to sunny than rainy.
We propose concrete methods so that the principal can assign rewards for incorrect predictions according to her similarity between events. We focus on two representative examples of strictly proper scoring rules: spherical and quadratic, where a worker's expected utility is represented as the inner product of her truthful predictive probability and her declared probability. In this paper, we generalize the inner product by introducing a reward matrix that defines a reward for each prediction-outcome pair. We first show that if the reward matrix is symmetric and positive definite, both the spherical and quadratic proper scoring rules guarantee the maximization of a worker's expected utility when she truthfully declares her prediction. We next compare our rules with the original spherical/quadratic proper scoring rules in terms of the variance of rewards obtained by workers. Finally, we show our experimental results using Amazon Mechanical Turk., 2015, 9387, 400, 415, International conference proceedings, 10.1007/978-3-319-25524-8_25
Refereed, 知能と情報(日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌), 人間側から見るコンピュータ将棋の強さ, SHINODA Masato, Nov. 2014, 26, 5, 204-211
Refereed, ALEA-LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PROBABILITY AND MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS, IMPA, Uniform spanning trees on Sierpinski graphs, Masato Shinoda; Elmar Teufl; Stephan Wagner, We study spanning trees on Sierpinski graphs (i.e., finite approximations to the Sierpinski gasket) that are chosen uniformly at random. We construct a joint probability space for uniform spanning trees on every finite Sierpinski graph and show that this construction gives rise to a multi-type Galton-Watson tree. We derive a number of structural results, for instance on the degree distribution. The connection between uniform spanning trees and loop-erased random walk is then exploited to prove convergence of the latter to a continuous stochastic process. Some geometric properties of this limit process, such as the Hausdorff dimension, are investigated as well. The method is also applicable to other self-similar graphs with a sufficient degree of symmetry., 2014, 11, 2, 737, 780, Scientific journal
Refereed, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS2013), IFAAMAS, Quality-Control Mechanism utilizing Worker's Confidence for Crowdsourced Tasks, SHINODA Masato; Yuko Sakurai; Tenda Okimoto; Masaaki Oka; Haruhiko Hyodo; Makoto Yokoo, 2013, 1347-1348, 1348, International conference proceedings
Refereed, Proceedings of Conference on Human Computation & Croudsourcing, AAAI, Ability Grouping of Crowd Workers via Reward Discrimination, SHINODA Masato, 2013, International conference proceedings
Refereed, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2012, クラウドソーシングにおける品質コントロールの一考察, SHINODA Masato, Oct. 2012
Refereed, IPSJ Journal, Optimal strategy for 3*N AB games, SHINODA Masato, Jun. 2012, 53, 6, 1-6
Refereed, IPSJ Symposium Series, Winning strategy of the memory game, SHINODA Masato, Nov. 2008, 2008, 11, 181-188, 188
Refereed, PROBABILITY THEORY AND RELATED FIELDS, SPRINGER-VERLAG, Non-existence of phase transition of oriented percolation on Sierpinski carpet lattices, M Shinoda, A percolation problem on Sierpinski carpet lattices is considered. It is obtained that the critical probability of oriented percolation is equal to 1. In contrast it was already shown that the critical probability p(c) of percolation is strictly less than 1 in Kumagai [9]. This result shows a difference between fractal-like lattice and Z(d) lattice., Mar. 2003, 125, 3, 447, 456, Scientific journal, 10.1007/s00440-002-0247-x
Refereed, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY, APPLIED PROBABILITY TRUST, Existence of phase transition of percolation on Sierpnski carpet lattices, M Shinoda, We study Bernoulli bond percolation on Sierpinski carpet lattices, which is a class of graphs corresponding to generalized Sierpinski carpets. In this paper we give a sufficient condition for the existence of a phase transition on the lattices. The proof is suitable for graphs which have self-similarity. We also discuss the relation between the existence of a phase transition and the isoperimetric dimension., Mar. 2002, 39, 1, 1, 10, Scientific journal
Refereed, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, Lower estimate for the critical line of contact processes, Masato SHINODA, 2001, 26, 1, 389, 392
Refereed, Osaka Journal of Mathematics, Percolation on the pre-Sierpinski gasket, Masato SHINODA, 1996, 33, 2, 533, 554, Scientific journal
Refereed, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), IEEE, Proposing a New Security Game with Reward and Penalty, Riku Yoshioka; Yuko Sakurai; Satoshi Oyama; Masato Shinoda, 26 Oct. 2023, 205, 212, International conference proceedings, 10.1109/wi-iat59888.2023.00033
Refereed, ゲームプログラミングワークショップ2024論文集, Utility function of three-pile Scoring Nim, Hiromi Oginuma; Masato Shinoda, Nov. 2024, 2024, 1, 8, Symposium
Not Refereed, 教育システム研究(奈良女子大学教育システム研究開発センター), 奈良女子大学教育システム研究開発センター, 求積法の変遷を探る学習-高等学校数学科授業の多角的観点からの検討-, SHINODA Masato, Oct. 2017, 別冊, 0, 95-100, 100
Not Refereed, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, A Cat-and-Mouse game on the set of integers, SHINODA Masato; Etsuko Sugiyama, Jul. 2017
Not Refereed, 第27回人工知能学会全国大会, 人工知能学会, クラウドソーシングにおける必要ワーカ数の動的決定方法の提案, SHINODA Masato, 2013, 27, 1, 3
Not Refereed, 第27回人工知能学会全国大会, 人工知能学会, クラウドソーシングでのタスク品質改善のための価格設定の検討, SHINODA Masato, 2013, 27, 1, 3
Not Refereed, COE Lecture Note Series (Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University), Existence of phase transition of percolation on Sierpinski carpet lattices, SHINODA Masato, Mar. 2012, 39, 12-21
Not Refereed, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, Optimal strategy of the memory game with special cards, SHINODA Masato; SAKAMOTO Kanami, Jun. 2010
Not Refereed, 研究報告ゲーム情報学(GI), Generalizations of Delete Nim Game and determining the winner, Masato SHINODA, Mar. 2022, 2022-GI-47, 5, 1, 8, Technical report
情報処理学会研究報告, 拡張削除ニム, 安福智明; 坂井公; 篠田正人; 末續鴻輝, Jul. 2022, 2022-GI-48, 14, 1, 5
第36回人工知能学会全国大会, ソーシャルネットワーク上での意見傾向推定のために必要なサンプル数の評価, 篠田 正人; 櫻井 祐子; 小山 聡, Jun. 2022
Not Refereed, Mar. 2024, 2022-GI-51, 7, 1, 8
Not Refereed, 研究報告ゲーム情報学, Shirinking Circular Nim, Hiromi Oginuma; Masato Shinoda, Mar. 2024, 2024-GI-51, 7, 1, 8
Not Refereed, 研究報告ゲーム情報学, Nimの拡張となる石取りゲームの提案, 荻沼 弘実; 篠田 正人, Jun. 2024, 2024-GI-52, 7, 1, 7
Mathematical Models, STRAIGHT, Masato SHINODA, Apr. 2022
人間に勝つコンピュータ将棋の作り方, 技術評論社, SHINODA Masato, 分担, Sep. 2012, Not Refereed, 9784774153261
確率論ハンドブック, 丸善出版, SHINODA Masato, 分担, Jul. 2012, 439-442, Not Refereed, 9784621065174
確率論・統計学入門, 共立出版, SHINODA Masato, 筆頭著者, Mar. 2008, Not Refereed
Percolation on fractal lattices ; Asymptotic behavior of the correlation length, Advances in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Stochastics, World Scientific, SHINODA Masato, 1998, 331-351頁, Not Refereed
Public discourse
篠田 正人, 第4回日本組合せゲーム理論研究集会, 数当てゲームの最適戦略, Oral presentation, Aug. 2020
Masato SHINODA, Hanoi University of Science, Existence of phase transition of percolation on fractal lattices, Oral presentation, Oct. 2019
SHINODA Masato, 研究集会「確率解析の諸相」, Pre-Sierpinski gasket上のpercolation再訪, Jan. 2018, False
SHINODA Masato; Etsuko Sugiyama; Masato Shinoda, IPSJ-SIG, A Cat-and Mouse game on the set of integers, Jul. 2017, 倉敷市芸文館, False
SHINODA Masato, 奈良女子大学人間文化研究科2015年度数学と物理学と情報科学の研究交流シンポジウム, 強いコンピュータ将棋を作るための数学, Dec. 2015, 奈良女子大学, False
SHINODA Masato, 新潟確率論ワークショップ, 数当てゲームの最適戦略, Dec. 2013, 新潟大学南キャンパス「ときめいと」, False
SHINODA Masato; Masato SHINODA, 12th workshop on Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems, Random spanning trees on Sierpinski gasket graphs, Nov. 2013, Tokyo University, True
SHINODA Masato, 日本数学会2013年度秋季総合分科会応用数学分科会, 強いコンピュータ将棋の作り方, Sep. 2013, 愛媛大学, False
SHINODA Masato, 情報処理学会第74回全国大会, コンピュータ将棋の不思議, Mar. 2012, 名古屋工業大学
SHINODA Masato, 新潟確率論ワークショップ, Winning strategy of the memory game, Jan. 2012, 新潟大学, False
SHINODA Masato; Masato SHINODA, Multiscale Mathematics: Hierarchy of Collective Phenomena and Interrelations between Hierarchical Structures, Existence of phase transition of percolation on fractal lattices, Dec. 2011, Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University
SHINODA Masato, フラクタルの数学的諸相, pre-Sierpinski gasketでのminimal spanning treeとpercolation, Feb. 2011, False
SHINODA Masato, 確率論とその周辺, Random spanning trees on the Sierpinski gasket, Dec. 2010, 京都大学数理解析研究所, False
SHINODA Masato; Masato SHINODA, 34th Conference on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, Random spanning trees on the Sierpinski gasket, Sep. 2010, Senri Life Science Center Building, False
SHINODA Masato, 日本数学会, Uniform spanning trees and loop-erased random walks on the pre-Sierpinski gasket, Sep. 2009, False
Masato SHINODA, 情報処理学会第47回ゲーム情報学研究発表会, Generalizations of Delete Nim Game and determining the winner, Oral presentation, 18 Mar. 2022, 18 Mar. 2022, 19 Mar. 2022
Masato SHINODA, 無限粒子系、確率場の諸問題XVII, Sample complexity of learning multi-value opinions in social networks, 22 Jan. 2023, 21 Jan. 2023, 22 Jan. 2023
篠田 正人, 第22回ゲームプログラミングワークショップ, 分割削除ニムの勝敗判定, 11 Nov. 2022, 11 Nov. 2022, 13 Nov. 2022
篠田 正人, 第6回日本組合せゲーム理論研究集会, 4山削除分割ニムの勝敗判定条件とその証明, 20 Aug. 2022, 20 Aug. 2022, 21 Aug. 2022
Oral presentation
篠田正人, 名古屋組合せ論セミナー, ニムとその周辺の話題、および削除ニムについて, Nov. 2023
篠田正人, 第7回日本組合せゲーム理論研究集会, 円形ニムのある変種:収縮円形ニム, Aug. 2023
篠田 正人, 第8回日本組合せゲーム理論研究集会, 一般グラフ上のLink Stones, 23 Aug. 2024, 23 Aug. 2024, 24 Aug. 2024