Researchers Database


FacultyVice President
PositionVice President
Last Updated :2024/06/12


Profile and Settings

  • Name (Japanese)

  • Name (Kana)


Research Interests

  • 対人心理学
  • 社会心理学

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences, Social psychology

Research Experience

  • 2011, -:奈良女子大学文学部教授
  • 2007, -:奈良女子大学大学院人間文化研究科・助教授(准教授)
  • 2003, -:大阪市立大学大学院創造都市研究科・助教授
  • 2000, -:大阪市立大学学術情報総合センター・助教授
  • 1998, -:大阪市立大学学術情報総合センター・講師
  • 1995, -:奈良工業高等専門学校・講師
  • 1991, -:奈良工業高等専門学校・助手


  • Mar. 1991, Osaka University, 人間科学研究科博士後期課程退学, Japan

Association Memberships

  • 関西心理学会
  • 日本社会情報学会
  • パーソナリティ心理学会
  • 日本社会心理学会
  • 日本心理学会


Published Papers

  • Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Personality, Japan Society of Personality Psychology, A Study on the Factors Related to Contact with Online Strangers among Primary School Children: Perceived Social Support, Social Networking Site Usage, and Loneliness, Chiharu Suzuki; Michiko Nakayama, 26 Apr. 2021, 30, 1, 33, 35, Scientific journal, 10.2132/personality.30.1.4
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部研究教育年報, 親の教育態度認知と期待の受けとめ方が 中学生の適応に及ぼす影響, 中山満子; 濵瑠美, Mar. 2020, 16, Research institution
  • Refereed, 照明学会誌, 高分子分散型液晶を用いた光質連続可変照射系構築手順の提案, 中山敬三; 中山満子, 23 Dec. 2019, 104, 2, 76, 81, Scientific journal
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部研究教育年報, SNS 利用に伴うネガティブ感情の検討 ─女子大学生を対象としたインタビュー調査より─, 中山 満子; 二宮 麗, Mar. 2019, 15, 47, 56
  • Refereed, 科学・技術研究, 高校生の友人関係とSNS利用に伴うネガティブ経験, 中山 満子, Dec. 2018, 7, 2, 127, 132, Scientific journal
  • Not Refereed, 教育システム研究, 幼稚園教育要領「人間関係」「言葉」の尺度化の試み-保護者による回答の分析-, 中山 満子, Mar. 2018, 13, 51, 58, Research institution
  • Refereed, 対人社会心理学研究, 潜在的態度の測定法に関する実験的検討―IATとGNATを用いた態度の測定から―, 石田希実; 中山満子, Mar. 2018, 18, 11, 19, Scientific journal
  • Not Refereed, 発達心理臨床研究, 育児期女性のライフコース展望に関連する要因の検討, 伊藤里菜; 池田浩之; 中山満子, Mar. 2018, 24, Research institution
  • Not Refereed, 教育システム研究, 小学校高学年児童における仲間関係の位相と心の居場所感, 中山 満子, Mar. 2017, 12, 1, 8, Research institution
  • Refereed, 対人社会心理学研究, 大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科対人社会心理学研究室, The effect of PTA activities on the intention to participate in further helping behavior, Nakayama Michiko, PTA活動は子どもを持つ親のほとんどが経験する向社会活動の一種である。本研究は、ボランティアなどの援助行動から得られる援助成果が活動継続意図につながるという先行研究(妹尾・高木,2003)を受けて、必ずしも自発的とは言えないPTA活動においても、実際の活動から得られる効果認識と自身の得る内的報酬が活動継続意向につながるのかどうか、さらにこれらがPTA以外の向社会的活動への参加意向にもつながるのかどうかを検討した。10歳から15歳の子どもを持ちPTA活動の経験のある母親120名を対象にWeb調査を行った。その結果、自分の行った活動が役にたつと感じ、自己評価と人間関係の広がりという内的報酬を得ることで、PTA活動の継続意図につながること、またその影響はPTA活動のみにとどまらずにボランティア活動や地域の活動にも波及しうることが示された。さらにその影響は、PTA活動での負担を重く感じている群で特に顕著であることも示された。PTA activity is a kind of prosocial behavior that almost all of parents rearing children experience.The present study examined PTA activities in line with Senoo & Takagi(2003)in which helper obtained the helping effects through the activities such as volunteering and the helping effect determined helpers'motivation of continuing their activities.Research question is whether their finding is applied to PTA activity which is not necessarily executed voluntarily.Furthermore,it was tested that helping effects obtained in PTA activity affected other prosocial behavior such as volunteering or activities in neighborhood a ssociation.Web survey was administered for 120 middle-aged women who had children and have experienced PTA activities.The main results were as follows:(1)Perceived effect of PTA activity and obtained internal reward,i.e.,elevation of self-evaluation and establishment of new relationship,positively influenced the intention to continue PTA activity, (2)this was applied to other prosocial activities,(3)these effects were obtained clearer in groups who felt burdens heavily in PTA activity., Mar. 2016, 16, 16, 41, 46, Scientific journal, 10.18910/57803
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, HOGREFE & HUBER PUBLISHERS, Modality Difference in N2 and P3 Components Between Visual and Auditory Go/No-Go Paradigms, Hiroki Nakata; Natsumi Arakawa; Chiharu Suzuki; Michiko Nakayama, We investigated the modality difference in the N2 and P3 components of event-related potentials (ERPs) between visual and auditory Go/No-go paradigms. We evaluated the relationship between RT and the amplitudes and latencies of N2 and P3 in visual and auditory Go/No-go paradigms. No significant differences were observed in the latencies of N2 and P3 between visual and auditory paradigms. Significant correlations were observed between RT and the latency of P3 in the visual and auditory paradigms. In contrast, the amplitudes of N2 and P3 were significantly larger in the visual paradigm than in the auditory paradigm. A significant correlation was observed between RT and the amplitude of P3 only in the auditory paradigm. These results suggested that there were two neural networks for the response execution and inhibitory function, common and uncommon, that depended on the stimulus modality., 2016, 30, 4, 131, 140, Scientific journal, 10.1027/0269-8803/a000163
  • Refereed, パーソナリティ研究, 日本パーソナリティ心理学会, The Relationship between Interpersonal Conflicts and Personality Traits in Friendship between Mothers Rearing Little Children, 中山 満子; 池田曜子, 2014, 22, 3, 285, 288, Scientific journal
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部研究教育年報, Twitterを介したつながりの感覚―女子大生へのインタビュー調査から―, 中山 満子; 二宮麗, 2014, 11, 83, 90, Research institution
  • Refereed, COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Parenting style and parental monitoring with information communication technology: A study on Japanese junior high school students and their parents, Michiko Nakayama, Data were collected from 286 pairs of Japanese junior high school students and their parents to explore the association between parenting style and the intention to use monitoring systems incorporating advanced information technology such as GPS devices and IC cards. Results indicated that a majority of the participants had not experienced advanced monitoring systems, but more than half of the parents had some degree of intention to use them. The relationship between the intention to use monitoring systems and two types of parenting styles (i.e., responsiveness and control) reported by both parents and children was investigated. Categorical regression analyses revealed that parenting style was a predictor of the intention to use monitoring systems, with parent-reported control being the most significant predictor of parents' intention to use. Child-reported responsiveness also had a significant positive effect on child's intention to use, whereas child-reported control did not have such an effect. It became clear that parenting style was differently affected the intention to use advanced monitoring systems between parents and children; the significant predictor of parents' intention to use is their tendency of control and that of children's to use is their perceived responsiveness. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., Sep. 2011, 27, 5, 1800, 1805, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.chb.2011.03.007
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学人間文化研究科年報, インターネット不安・情報欲求とインターネット利用の関連, 中山 満子, 2011, 26, 147, 155, Research institution
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部研究教育年報, インターネット利用の類型化および内的要因との関連の検討, 中山 満子, 2011, 8, 97, 106
  • Not Refereed, Bulletin of Osaka City University Media Center, Osaka City University, Study on the attitude for Internet bulletin board and the relation with information needs and affiliation motives, Nakayama Michiko, 2007, 8, 13, 18
  • Refereed, The Science of reading, 日本読書学会, The effects of base frequency and affix type in the word recognition of Japanese derivational words, 中山 満子, 2007, 50, 3, 105, 117, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, 社会情報学研究, 日本社会情報学会事務局, インターネット非利用者および非活用者のインターネット不安:利用経験、メディア接触、情報欲求との関連の検討., 中山 満子, 2006, 11, 1, 95, 107, Scientific journal
  • Not Refereed, Bulletin of Osaka City University Media Center, Osaka City University, Preliminary Study for Internet Anxiety Scale : the Analyses of Relationship between Internet Anxiety and Internet Use, Nakayama Michiko, 2006, 7, 1, 4
  • Refereed, PSYCHOLOGIA, PSYCHOLOGIA SOC, Problem solving using e-mail in mailing list discussion groups: The effect of group size and task type, MS Nakayama; T Yamasaki, In this study, we examined the process of problem solving in mailing list discussion groups. We analyzed subjects' participation in discussions and e-mail messages when solving two types of tasks (a mechanical spring problem and a catch phrase making task) by groups of three sizes (small, medium, large). Group performance was compared with the performance of non-collaborating artificial work groups. Results indicate that group size and task type influence the degree of participation and group performance. We found a significant contrast in large-groups. In the,spring problem', which is a difficult scientific task, the group process was inactive and group performance got worse as group size increased. In the 'catch phrase' task, communication was active and various opinions were proposed, and group participation and performance did not drop even in large groups., Jun. 2003, 46, 2, 104, 111, Scientific journal, 10.2117/psysoc.2003.104
  • Refereed, PSYCHOLOGIA, PSYCHOLOGIA SOC, The cognate status effect in lexical processing by Chinese-Japanese bilinguals, MS Nakayama, Two experiments examined the role of phonological overlap and form similarity on cognate status effects in Chinese-Japanese bilinguals, Experiment 1 investigated cross-script priming in word-fragment completion by subjects who were either Chinese-Japanese bilingual (22 Chinese students studying in Japan) or Japanese monolingual (56 students). The subjects studied Chinese words and then completed test fragments written in Japanese Hiragana. The transcriptions of the test fragments into Kanji characters were manipulated: identical-cognate, visually similar-cognate, or non-cognate. The results indicated that the completion rate of primed fragments increased for the identical-cognates only. A Chinese lexical decision task as carried out by bilingual subjects (18 Chinese students) in Experiment 2. The decision that items were Chinese was made faster for identical-cognates than it was for visually similar-cognates and non-cognates. The results indicate that phonological overlap is not indispensable for cognate status effect and they are consistent with the non-selective access of of bilinguals., Sep. 2002, 45, 3, 184, 192, Scientific journal, 10.2117/psysoc.2002.184
  • Refereed, BRAIN AND LANGUAGE, ACADEMIC PRESS INC, Kanji lexicality effect in partial repetition priming: The relationship between Kanji word and Kanji character processing, M Shimomura, Two experiments are described using a partial repetition priming paradigm. The prime type was whether a kanji character is used as a word by itself (word type) or not (nonword type). This property is called kanji lexicality. In Experiment 1, the effect of kanji lexicality was not confirmed, although there was a tendency in the responses for word-type primes to be slower than those for nonword-type primes. In Experiment 2, the kanji lexicality effect depended upon the target familiarity, and no facilitation was obtained for high-familiarity words with word-type primes. The results were interpreted in terms of a modified interactive-activation framework. (C) 1999 Academic Press., Jun. 1999, 68, 1-2, 82, 88, Scientific journal, 10.1006/brln.1999.2111


  • Not Refereed, 2月 2021, 18, 1, 2
  • 2021, 120, 432, 6, 11
  • Not Refereed, 心理学ワールド, 向社会行動という観点からのPTA活動, 中山 満子, Oct. 2018, 83, 25, 26, Introduction other
  • Not Refereed, 月刊地域保健, ママ友という対人関係:意外と大変、ママ友とのおつきあい, 中山 満子, 2011, 52, 55
  • 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 電子情報通信学会, Negative Experience and SNS Fatigue with SNS Use : From the Interview and Questionnaire Survey, 二宮 麗; 黒木 ゆうか; 中山 満子, 22 Jan. 2016, 115, 418, 73, 78
  • IPSJ SIG Notes, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Collaborative problem solving using Mailing - list -Analysis of problem solving processes in small groups-, Yamasaki Teruo; Nakayama Michiko, In this study, we investigated the process of collaborative problem solving mediated by computer-network. Subjects were asked to solve "spring problem" collaboratively in a group using Mailing-list in a week. A group consisted of three subjects, and we analyzed e-mails of five groups. Various strategies were found in the processes of problem solving. Subjects formed and elaborated the representations of the given problem by applying known imagery about spring, modifying some attributes to extreme ones, or using analogies. Subjects also tried to restrict the problem space by specifying relevant knowledge domains. In addition, we found that important suggestions were made by some subjects in a group in parallel and they improved their understanding of the problem through their collaboration., 31 May 2000, 2000, 49, 39, 46
  • 電子情報通信学会ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会, 新型コロナ禍における大学生の大学適応感 ―授業満足度,コミュニケーション満足度,孤独感の影響―, 牧野裕子; 中山満子, 15 Mar. 2021
  • Not Refereed, 信学技報, ネットを介して見知らぬ人と交流・対面する小学生の心理的特徴, 鈴木千晴; 中山満子, 18 Aug. 2023, 123, 165, 41, 46

Books etc

  • 知覚ー身体的リアリティの諸相:感覚間統合から社会的ネットワークまで, ユニオンプレス, 中山 満子, SNS利用が醸成するつながりの感覚, May 2019, Not Refereed
  • 認知科学事典, 共立出版, 2002, Not Refereed


  • Poster presentation
  • Poster presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Poster presentation
  • Poster presentation
  • Oral presentation
  • Poster presentation, 15 Sep. 2021, 15 Sep. 2021
  • Poster presentation
  • Poster presentation
  • 鈴木千晴; 中山満子, 日本心理学会第84回大会, 小学生におけるネットを通じた見知らぬ人との関わりの実態―SNS利用と援助要請,孤独感との関連性の検討―, Poster presentation, 06 Sep. 2020
  • 鈴木千晴; 中山満子, 関西心理学会第131回大会, マスメディアとTwitter上の情報への評価, 10 Nov. 2019, False
  • 村田麗帆; 中山満子, 関西心理学会第131回大会, 向社会的活動への参加意向に幼稚園でのPTA活動経験が及ぼす影響, 10 Nov. 2019, False
  • 土田愛花; 中山満子, 関西心理学会第131回大会, 集団における文理の構成比が課題遂行に及ぼす影響, 10 Nov. 2019, False
  • 中山 満子, 関西心理学会第130回大会, 母親の育児不安とネット上の情報接触―自己確証動機に着目して―, 28 Oct. 2018, False
  • 電子情報通信学会ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会, インターネットによる育児情報接触が育児期の女性の感情に与える影響, Jan. 2018
  • 電子情報通信学会ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会, インターネット上での情報探索による態度変容-我々はどのように情報の影響を受けるのか-, Jan. 2018
  • NAKAYAMA Michiko, Asian Conference of Social Psychology, The feeling of connection on social network sites: a study on young Japanese, Aug. 2017, True
  • 中山 満子, 日本発達心理学会第28回大会, 育児期専業主婦の再就労への意識 ―インタビューデータから―, 26 Mar. 2017, False
  • 関西心理学会第129回大会, 小学校高学年の子どもをもつ母親の教育戦略-どのような母親が早期受験を志向するのか-, 2017
  • 中山 満子, 日本パーソナリティ心理学会第25回大会, ママ友関係における葛藤へのコーピング―関係流動性との関連―, 14 Sep. 2016, False
  • 電子情報通信学会ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会, SNS利用に伴うネガティブ経験とSNS疲れの検討, Jan. 2016
  • 日本パーソナリティ心理学会第26回大会, 交際相手に対するネット上でのモニタリング行動に影響を与える要因―Facebookとメール・LINEとの比較, 2014
  • 関西心理学会第126回大会, 交際相手に対するネット上でのモニタリング行動, 2014
  • 日本発達心理学会第23回大会, ママ友関係における対人葛藤の類型化:友人関係への考え方・対処方略との関連の検討, 2012
  • 関西心理学会第124回大会, ママ友関係における対人葛藤経験―パーソナリティ特性との関連性―, 2012
  • 日本発達心理学会第22回大会, 成人期の友人関係と主観的幸福感:成人男女の比較, 2011
  • Conference of International Society of Individual Differences, Individual differences in friendship in adulthood, 2011
  • 日本発達心理学会第21回大会, ママ友関係における役割行動期待:女子大生の友人関係との比較, 2010
  • 日本発達心理学会第21回大会, ママ友関係のとらえ方と関係維持:面接調査による検討, 2010
  • 日本心理学会第74回大会, 開示抵抗感を伴う否定的自己特性への対処行動, 2010
  • 日本パーソナリティ心理学会第19回大会, 友人関係への考え方と自己観が役割行動期待に及ぼす影響:大学生と成人の比較, 2010
  • 日本発達心理学会第20回大会, ママ友関係に及ぼす内的要因の影響に関する探索的研究, 2009
  • 日本社会心理学会第50回大会・日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会第56回大会合同学会, ママ友関係への動機づけに関する検討, 2009
  • 関西心理学会第121回大会, ママ友関係における役割行動期待:尺度の検討, 2009
  • 日本パーソナリティ心理学会第18回大会, ママ友関係における役割行動期待:親密度・つきあい方との関連, 2009
  • 中山満子, 日本発達心理学会第32回大会, 子どものオンライン行動に対する親のモニタリング, 31 Mar. 2021
  • 中山満子, 日本社会心理学会第61回大会, 母親は母娘関係をどのようにとらえているのか―娘と同居する母親を対象として, 07 Nov. 2020
  • 小槻智彩; 大高千明; 土井滋貴; 中山満子, 日本心理学会第87回大会, 女子大学生の友人関係と大学適応の関連-文系学部と理系学部の比較, 15 Sep. 2023
  • 小槻智彩; 大高千明; 土井滋貴; 中山満子, 日本発達心理学会第34回大会, 女子大学生の友人関係と大学適応の関連-所属学部と男女比に着目した探索的研究, 2023, 2023, 2023
  • 鈴木千晴; 中山満子, 日本心理学会大会発表論文集, 小学生におけるネットを通じた見知らぬ人との関わりの実態-SNS利用と援助要請,孤独感との関連性の検討-, 2020, 2020, 2020
  • 鈴木千晴; 中山満子, 日本心理学会第87回大会, ネット上の見知らぬ人と小学生との交流・対面と家族満足度, 15 Sep. 2023
  • 中山満子; 鈴木千晴, 日本パーソナリティ心理学会第32回大会, ネット上の見知らぬ人と小学生との交流・対面と注 意制御の個人差 ―エフォートフル・コントロール尺度を用いた検討―, 10 Sep. 2023

Research Projects

  • Principal investigator
  • インターネット利用行動の分析, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 母親同士の友人関係(ママ友)に関する研究, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 情報化社会における対人関係の研究。情報行動の規定因としての内的欲求や不安の研究。, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 2022, 2023, Principal investigator, 小中学生のハイリスクなネット利用行動に及ぼす規定因の研究:個人レベルと学校レベルの分析, カシオ科学技術振興財団, 研究助成
  • 2020, 2021, Principal investigator, 小学校高学年児童のSNSによる「出会い経験」の実態と規定因に関する研究, 大川情報通信基金, 研究助成
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Apr. 2015, 31 Mar. 2019, 15K04028, Study on the determinants for Internet use: the relation with others on Internet, NAKAYAMA Michiko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 2600000, 2000000, 600000, The relations between the Internet use and some psychological factors were investigated, targeted for the various generations. It was indicated that friendship-style of high school students influences their SNS use and negative experience with SNS. The investigation of a young adult showed that various SNS use brewed the On-line social capital and the sense of connection. It was also indicated that the tendency of social comparison or self-verifying moderated the relation between anxiety and information-seeking behavior of which the mother rearing a young child. Moreover, it was suggested that narcissism and the parent-child relationship recognition of mothers influenced their monitoring behavior to the children who are late adolescence., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2004, 2005, 16530481, Study on cross-modal interaction between vision and proprioception and its brain processes, EGUSA Hiroyuki; NAKAYAMA Michiko; HASHIMOTO Fumihiko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, SOAI University, 2800000, 2800000, We studied cross-modal interaction and its brain processes by conducting psychological and physiological experiments under following three themes. 1.Studies on the type of reference frame that influences stimulus-response compatibility (SRC) effect. In the early studies, we (and other researchers) have used geographical stimuli. In present experiments, we used "face" figure stimuli by adding the parts like "eyes" and "a nose" and "clock" figures. We found that the object-centered frame had a stronger influence on SRC than the subject-centered one. 2.Cross modal attentional blink phenomenon on visual and tactual perception. We unified the type of stimulus in visual-visual, visual-tactual, tactual-tactual, and tactual-visual tasks. In this method, we compared interference effects in these tasks. We found differences between visual or auditory attentional blink and tactual one. 3.Adaptation to reversed vision and its effect on proprioception. We performed psychological and physiological experiments on adaptation caused by long-term wearing of reversing spectacles. We found that bilateral activation corresponding to horizontally symmetrical positions in the visual field was increased after adaptation., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2003, 2005, 15500048, A Method for Sharing Distributed Multimedia Data with High Transparency and Portability, MATSUURA Toshio; YAMAI Nariyoshi; NAKAYAMA Michiko; ISHIBASHI Hayato; FUJIKAWA Kazutoshi; ABE Kota, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Osaka City University, 3700000, 3700000, With growth of computing power and proliferation of broadband access to the Internet, demand for streaming applications which can access multimedia data such as video and audio via network has been increasing. Since such applications employ their own data formats and transmission protocols in order to guarantee QoS, there are few applications which are widely available on the Internet. However, to share huge amount of multimedia data on the Internet, it is desirable that a user can use any client applications. In this paper, we have proposed a method of sharing multimedia data using file system which provides QoS function. When a quality of multimedia data needs to be deteriorated, the file system of our method supplements data with padding according to the format of multimedia data so that the file size of multimedia data will not be changed. With this feature, a client application can access multimedia data on a server transparently keeping realtimeness. To confirm the effectiveness of our method, we have implemented our method and conduct an experiment on the actual network. The result of the experiment shows that our method is effective even on narrow band network environment., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2002, 2003, 14510104, Study on brain process on visuo and propriocept cross-modal perception, TASHIRO Takara; HASHIMOTO Fumihiko; NAKAYAMA Michiko; MIYAUCHI Satoru; HAYASHI Mieko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Osaka City University, 3100000, 3100000, We studied the cross-modal (visual, tactile-propriocept) perception by conducting the psychological experiments under following three themes. 1.Studies on the type of reference frame that influence the stimulus-response compatibility (S-R compatibility) To clarify the inner process of the S-R compatibility effect on the horizontal dimension, we conducted the experiments operating the relative right-left and absolute right-left dimension, and operating the relevance to task of these dimension. We found that the similarities of dimensions and the position of the target (stimulus) that the task makes the subjects to pay attention influence the process of the S-R compatibility effect on the horizontal dimension. 2.Cross-modal attentional blink phenomenon on visual and tactile perception We examined whether the attentional blink would occur on the visual-tactile cross-modal perception. There was cross-modal interference between the visual task to the tactile task. (On this experiment, we use the first task on visual (to detect the letter defined by the color) and the second task on tactile (to detect the blank). It showed this interference effect was maintained for long time than the effect on the visual uni-modal task. We had the other experiments by using the piezo tactile device. There was no attentional blink on the tactile uni-modal 3.Research on the perceptional learning process wearing the (right -left, top -down) reverse glass. We examined the transfer of the long-range interaction across the hemifield by prism adaptation. We found it demonstrates large-scale plasticity in early visual system induced by reversed retinoptopic input. The global transfer can be achieved rapidly within a few days and it is long lasting. We also conducted the psychological experiment on the side of cognition with top-down reversed figures., kaken
  • 奨励研究(A), 1999, 2000, 11710037, 漢字処理の独立性が熟語の認知に及ぼす影響, 中山 満子, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 大阪市立大学, 1100000, 1100000, 漢字の語彙性が漢字熟語の認知過程に及ぼす影響についての実験的検討を行った。予備調査として、漢字の語彙性について、文献調査と被験者の主観評価による調査を行った。 実験は、熟語中の漢字1文字をプライムとする部分反復プライミングパラダイムと語彙性判定課題を用いた。プライムを「1文字で語として機能するタイプ」「熟語の部分としてしか機能しないタイプ」「中間のタイプ」に分けて検討した結果、プライムのタイプとプライム-ターゲットのSOAの間に、交互作用が見られ、語として機能するタイプのプライムは、SOAが長くなるとプライミング効果が小さくなるという結果が得られた。 次に、語彙性の影響と、意味情報および音韻情報の影響との関連を明らかにするために、プライムとターゲットの意味的関連と音韻一致性を統制して実験を行った。主たる条件は、プライムの語彙性であり、語として機能するタイプのプライムは、さらにプライムとターゲットの意味関連の有無と音韻一致/不一致を操作した。SOAは30msec、50msec、70msecの3条件であり、プライムの前後にはマスキングをかけた。実の結果、プライムの語彙性の効果に傾向が見られた。意味関連性と音韻一致性の影響は明らかにはならなかった。また、プライムが語として機能するタイプの場合、no試行において非単語を単語であると判断してしまう誤答が多く見られた。これは、プライム漢字が語として機能するタイプの場合、単語としての表象が活性化されることによると考えられる。 本研究から、漢字の語彙性による熟語認知過程への影響が部分的に明らかになった。1文字で「語として機能する漢字は単語」としての語彙記憶表象を持ち、漢字の処理と熟語の処理との相互作用は、漢字の語彙性によって異なることが示唆される。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Apr. 2012, 31 Mar. 2016, 24530787, A study on the friendship between mothers: diversity of ties in their network and the effect of social context, Nakayama Michiko; IKEDA Yoko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 2210000, 1700000, 510000, In the present study, we supposed that “Mamatomo”, which means friendship between mothers rearing little children, formed small groups. The purposes of this study were (1) to examine how mothers formed networks with their friends (i.e., strength and diversity of ties in the networks), (2) to find the characteristics of interpersonal conflict among friends, and the effect of social context on conflicts and the coping strategies, (3) to examine the effect of relationship with friends on prosocial activities. The findings are as follows. (1) The ties in networks of mothers were relatively weak, (2) interpersonal conflicts were likely to be occurred in the groups with strong ties, (3) coping to the conflicts were moderated by social context (i.e., relational mobility), and (4) when mothers perceived good relationships with their friends in a prosocial activities, they had the intentions to participate in further prosocial activities., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2009, 2011, 21530656, Study on Mum-friends : Motivation, structure and their conflicts, NAKAYAMA Michiko; NOMURA Haruo; IKEDA Youko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 2990000, 2300000, 690000, We studied on friendship between mothers rearing little children(i. e., mum-friend). As for expectation for the role of mum-friends, three factors were obtained, that is autonomy, similarity and support. Expectation for support was highest of them and it was suggested that mum-friendship was similar to friendship between female high school students. Moreover, it was found that expectation for autonomy was significantly higher in mum-friend than in female students. We also found three types of interpersonal conflicts between mum-friends ; that is, conflicts concerning with their children, conflicts concerning with friends' personality and conflicts by various causes. The types of conflicts yielded the difference of attitude to friends and coping strategies for conflicts., kaken



  • Apr. 2015, Society

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