Researchers Database

KUBO Hiroko

FacultyVice President
PositionVice President
Last Updated :2024/12/28


Profile and Settings

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  • Name (Kana)


Research Interests

  • 高齢者のための温熱環境・睡眠環境
  • 季節および冷暖房と快眠の関連性
  • 寝具による体圧分布・寝姿勢への影響
  • 快眠のための睡眠環境・寝室環境に関する研究
  • 省エネルギーと温熱的快適性
  • ヒートショックに伴う浴室環境の健康影響
  • 住宅やオフィスでの居住者や執務者の快適性
  • 温熱弱者などの個人差の検討
  • 高齢者の生活改善とユニバーサルデザインに関する研究:家事作業時の高齢者の活動

Research Areas

  • Other, Other
  • Life sciences, Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention), Construction environment and equipment
  • Humanities & social sciences, Home economics, lifestyle science

Research Experience

  • 2014, 奈良女子大学生活環境学部 教授
  • 1993, 1997, 奈良女子大学生活環境学部 助手に配置転換
  • 1997, -:奈良女子大学生活環境学部 助教授
  • 1986, 1993, :奈良女子大学家政学部住居学科助手
  • 1984, 1986, :桜井女子短期大学非常勤講師
  • 1983, 1984, :京都府立南八幡高校非常勤講師
  • Apr. 2020, 奈良女子大学工学部工学科, 教授


  • 1986, Nara Women's University, 人間文化研究科, Japan
  • 1983, Nara Women's University, 家政学部, 住居学科, Japan

Association Memberships

  • 室内環境学会, 2017, 9999
  • 日本生気象学会
  • 睡眠環境学会
  • 日本睡眠学会
  • 生理人類学会
  • 人間-生活環境系学会
  • 空気調和衛生工学会
  • 日本人間工学会
  • 日本建築学会
  • 日本家政学会
  • International Federation of Home Economics


Published Papers

  • Refereed, 家政学会誌, 中学・高等学校家庭科における住居・住生活分野の学習と日常生活への関わりに関 する検討 -教育学部および生活環境学部学生を対象とした家庭科教育に関する調査, 藤平真紀子、久保博子, Jan. 2020, 71, 1, 11, 21, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, journal.pone, PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, The difference in hemodynamic responses between dominant and non-dominant hands during muscle contraction and relaxation: An fNIRS study., Yokoyama N, Ohtaka C, Kato K, Kubo H, Nakata H, The present study used functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), and investigated the differences in neural activation of ipsi- or contralateral hemispheres between right dominant and left non-dominant hands among right-handed subjects using consecutive motor tasks with muscle contraction and relaxation. The subjects performed tasks under four conditions: (1) right hand up (R-Up), (2) left hand up (L-Up), (3) right hand down (R-Down), and (4) left hand down (L-Down). The peak amplitude of oxy-Hb was significantly larger at the contralateral than ipsilateral hemisphere in the premotor area (PM) under the R-Up condition, and no significant differences were observed between contra- and ipsilateral hemispheres under the L-Up condition. In addition, the peak amplitude was more negative at the contra- than ipsilateral hemisphere in the PM under the R-Down condition, while the peak amplitude was significantly more negative at the ipsi- than contralateral hemisphere in the PM under the L-Down condition. These results suggest that the PM of the left hemisphere among right-handed subjects plays an important role in muscle contraction and relaxation with force control., Jun. 2019, 14, 7, e0220100, Scientific journal, True, 10.1371/journal.pone.0220100
  • Refereed, 家政学研究 資料 128号 65巻 1号、pp.10-17, アンケート調査に基づく住居内の環境工学、構造工学に関する家庭科教員の現況分析―, 吉田伸治、滝野敦夫、久保 博子,井上容子, Oct. 2018, 65, 1, 10, 17, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Effects of Thermal Environmental Change during Floor Heating Onset on Thermal Comfort, KUBO Hiroko, Aug. 2018, 54, 4, 164, 173, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, 家政学研究(奈良), 中等教育における家庭科学習の各分野の学習内容と授業形態に対する大学生の評価一生活環境学部学生を対象とした家庭科教育に関する調査―, 久保 博子; 藤平眞紀子; 佐野奈緒子; 黒川嘉子; 吉本光佐, 2018, 164, 2, 96, 102
  • Not Refereed, Journal of the Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Effects of Room Specifications and Lifestyles of Residents on Indoor Formaldehyde Concentrations :― Formaldehyde Concentrations in Student Dormitories ―, Azuma Michiyo; Kubo Hiroko; Isoda Norio, The concern with indoor air pollution has been growing as a serious social problem since the 1990s in Japan, the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare has established guidelines for addressing indoor chemical substances, and the amended Building Standards Law has restricted the use of building materials containing formaldehyde and required rooms to have ventilation equipment. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of differences in the building material specifications on indoor air quality. Two student dormitories were selected for investigation: a student dormitory remodeled using interior finishing materials containing low- formaldehyde substances; and a dormitory built according to conventional specifications. Indoor formaldehyde concentrations were lower than the guideline established by the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, even in summer under high-temperature conditions, due to the implementation of the policy to reduce chemical substances in building materials and the effects of the restrictions. However, problems were identified in terms of increases in indoor concentrations after installation of furniture, and mean concentrations during sleeping hours. Ventilation performed by residents effectively reduced mean formaldehyde concentrations. To maintain appropriate indoor air quality, it is important for residents to pay attention to ventilation and room furniture, and their lifestyle, in addition to the selection of building materials., 2015, 18, 1, 1, 9, 10.1618/jhes.18.001
  • Refereed, Journal of the Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Gender Differences in Thermal Comfort and Responses to Skin Cooling by Air Conditioners in Japanese Summer, KUBO Hiroko; Ayako Yasuoka; Hiroko Kubo; Kazuyo Tsuzuki; Norio Isoda, We examined 200 college students, at rest in a sitting position in an air-conditioned classroom, to investigate the differences in physiological and psychological responses between men and women in the thermoneutral zone of SET*. The percentage of women who reported suffering from the cold more often in an air-conditioned environment was higher than that of men. The number of clothing items and the clothing insulation value, estimated using International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9920 were higher for the women than for the men, based on the students' own everyday clothing choices as worn during the experiments. However, the percentage of body surface area covered by clothing worn by the women was significantly lower than that for the men. Although oral and skin temperature decreased in both men and women after 60 min of exposure to a temperature of 25 °C, the oral and skin temperatures of the women's forehead and palms were significantly lower than those in the men. Moreover, the decrease in the women's oral temperature was greater than that of the men. Women felt cooler and more uncomfortable than men did in the ASHRAE comfort zone, with SET* of 22.2–25.6 °C. Gender differences in physiological responses, and differences in the clothing typically worn by men and women, might affect psychological responses to the moderate thermal environment encountered in daily life., 2015, 18, 1, 11, 20, 10.1618/jhes.18.011
  • Refereed, Biocontrol Science, Society for Antibacterial and Antifungal Agents Japan, Case study of airborne fungi according to air temperature and relative humidity in houses with semi-basements adjacent to a forested hillside, Ikuko Bamba; Michiyo Azuma; Nobuo Hamada; Hiroko Kubo; Norio Isoda, We studied airborne concentrations of fungal spores and the thermal environment in houses with semi-basements surrounded by a natural forest. We examined the relationship between airborne fungi and the thermal environment, surrounding natural environment, structures of houses and use of a dehumidifier. The subject residential area was located in the northern part of Nara city, Nara prefecture, Japan. Six detached houses were included in this study. In residential areas, outdoor airborne concentrations were high during summer and autumn, correlated with humidity. The presence of Basidiomycetes was particularly notable, although the indoor concentration was lower than the outdoor level. In the semi-basement rooms, relative humidity was nearly always > 80% when the residence was built however, both the indoor humidity and fungal concentrations decreased greatly when a dehumidifier was used in this study. High levels of Aspergillus and Basidiomycetes were detected in semi-basements. Basidiomycetes are likely of outdoor origin, whereas Aspergillus might grow indoors. Moreover, the composition of fungal species differed according to room-structure and usage. Due to the health risks associated with high indoor concentrations of fungi, the utilization of the semi-basement or basement space requires adequate ventilation and dehumidification, beginning immediately after construction., 2014, 19, 1, 1, 9, Scientific journal, 10.4265/bio.19.1
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH, BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP, Influence of room heating on ambulatory blood pressure in winter: a randomised controlled study, Keigo Saeki; Kenji Obayashi; Junko Iwamoto; Yuu Tanaka; Noriyuki Tanaka; Shota Takata; Hiroko Kubo; Nozomi Okamoto; Kimiko Tomioka; Satoko Nezu; Norio Kurumatani, Background Previous studies have proposed that higher blood pressure (BP) in winter is an important cause of increased mortality from cardiovascular disease during the winter. Some observational and physiological studies have shown that cold exposure increases BP, but evidence from a randomised controlled study assessing the effectiveness of intensive room heating for lowering BP was lacking. Objectives The present study aimed to determine whether intensive room heating in winter decreases ambulatory BP as compared with weak room heating resulting in a 10 degrees C lower target room temperature when sufficient clothing and bedclothes are available. Methods We conducted a parallel group, assessor blinded, simple randomised controlled study with 1: 1 allocation among 146 healthy participants in Japan from November 2009 to March 2010. Ambulatory BP was measured while the participants stayed in single experimental rooms from 21:00 to 8:00. During the session, participants could adjust the amount of clothing and bedclothes as required. Compared with the weak room heating group (mean temperature +/- SD: 13.9 +/- 3.3 degrees C), systolic morning BP (mean BP 2 h after getting out of bed) of the intensive room heating group (24.2 +/- 1.7 degrees C) was significantly lower by 5.8 mm Hg (95% CI 2.4 to 9.3). Sleep-trough morning BP surges (morning BP minus lowest night-time BP) in the intensive room heating group were significantly suppressed to about two thirds of the values in the weak room heating group (14.3 vs 21.9 mm Hg; p<0.01). Conclusions Intensive room heating decreased morning BP and the morning BP surge in winter., Jun. 2013, 67, 6, 484, 490, Scientific journal, 10.1136/jech-2012-201883
  • Refereed, JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Interindividual differences in thermal comfort and the responses to skin cooling in young women, Ayako Yasuoka; Hiroko Kubo; Kazuyo Tsuzuki; Norio Isoda, The present study aims to understand the effects of interindividual differences in thermal comfort on the relationship between the preferred temperature and the thermoregulatory responses to ambient cooling. Thirteen young women subjects chose the preferred ambient temperature (preferred T-a) in a climate chamber and were categorized into the H group (preferring >= 29 degrees C; n=6) and the M group (preferring < 29 degrees C; n=7). The H group preferred warmer sensations than the M group (P <0.05) and the average of preferred T-a was 27.6 degrees C and 30.2 degrees C in the M group and H group, respectively. Then all subjects were exposed to temperature variations in the climate chamber. During T-a variations from 33 degrees C to 25 degrees C, the H group felt colder than the M group, although no difference was noted in the T-sk (mean skin temperature) and Ts-hand between the 2 groups. From the view of the relationship between the T-sk and thermal sensation, although the thermal sensitivity to the T-sk was almost similar in the H and M groups, the H group might have lower threshold to decreasing T-a than the M group. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., Jan. 2012, 37, 1, 65, 71, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2011.10.012
  • Refereed, American Heart Association, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, An Inadequately Heated Environment Increases Morning Blood Pressure And Morning Blood Pressure Surge In Winter : A Randomized Controlled Trial, Keigo Saeki; Kenji Obayashi; Noriyuki Tanaka; Shota Takata; Jyunko Iwamoto; Nozomi Okamoto; Kimiko Tomioka; Yuu Tanaka; Hiroko Kubo; Norio Kurumatani, Oct. 2010, 122, 21, International conference proceedings
  • Not Refereed, International Journal of Biometeorology, Springer, Prediction of human thermophysiological responses during shower bathing, Abdul Munir; Takada Satoru; Matsushita Takayuki; Kubo Hiroko, This study develops a model to predict the thermophysiological response of the human body during shower bathing. Despite the needs for the quantitative evaluation of human body response during bathing for thermal comfort and safety, the complicated mechanisms of heat transfer at the skin surface, especially during shower bathing, have disturbed the development of adequate models. In this study, an initial modeling approach is proposed by developing a simple heat transfer model at the skin surface during shower bathing applied to Stolwijk's human thermal model. The main feature of the model is the division of the skin surface into three parts: a dry part, a wet part without water flow, and a wet part with water flow. The area ratio of each part is decided by a simple formula developed from a geometrical approach based on the shape of the Stolwijk's human thermal model. At the same time, the convective heat transfer coefficient between the skin and the flowing water is determined experimentally. The proposed model is validated by a comparison with the results of human subject experiments under controlled and free shower conditions. The model predicts the mean skin temperature during shower fairly well both for controlled and free shower bathing styles., Mar. 2010, 54, 2, 165, 178, Scientific journal, 10.1007/s00484-009-0265-9
  • Refereed, Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), Architectural Institute of Japan, THE CHARACTERISTICS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE BY PREFERRED AIR TEMPERATURE OF THE ELDERLY, SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, The purpose of this study is to investigate the individual variations of preferred air temperature and the characteristics of psychological and physiological response by preferred air temperature of the elderly. The subjects who were 94 healthy elderly regulated air temperature for themselves for 120 minutes. The preferred air temperature were from 24.3°C to 29.3°C. The average of the preferred air temperature was 26.9°C. There were differences in skin temperature and heat loss by preferred air temperature. The temperature the subjects regulated lower than 25°C were thought too cold from the physiological response., 2010, 75, 655, 815, 820, 10.3130/aije.75.815
  • Not Refereed, Research journal of living science, Nara Women's University, An evaluation of the livelihoods of Afghan refugees in Iran: from interviews in Tehran and Mashhad, Miyasaka Yasuko; Iwasaki Masami; Kubo Hiroko, A preliminary evaluation of Afghan refugees in Iran is reported based on their backgrounds and their living situations. The field study was conducted from January 12 to 15, 2007. First we visited an Afghan refugee family and interviewed the members in Tehran. Next, we visited Nippon International Cooperation for Community Development (NICCO)'s office in Mashhad and interviewed two staff members and five students attending the vocational school managed by NICCO. The interviews were analyzed and evaluated and we have reached the following provisional conclusions. 1. Afghan refugees form and live in Afghan communities to avoid discrimination from the Iranian population in Iran. 2. Since Iran has a good infrastructure, Afghan refugees' living standard in Iran is higher than that in Bamyan, Afghanistan. 3. Resettlement and adjustment to life in Afghanistan has caused a lot of difficulties for refugees who do not own their houses or properties in Afghanistan, and who are second-generation Afghans born and raised in Iran. 4. The Iranian government has been promoting the repatriate policy for Afghan refugees and the support measures of educational and work opportunities for Afghan refugees in Iran have been declining. 5. The repatriated refugees often face hardships in daily life in Afghanistan. Those hardships cause some of them to go back to Iran or to repeatedly move their residences across international borders. They develop transnational networks of family and relatives as their survival strategies., Oct. 2007, 54, 1, 26, 34
  • Refereed, 家政学研究, 中国・新疆ウイグル自治区の女性と生活 −2001年度カシュガル築における調査より−, 久保 博子; 宮坂靖子, 2002, 49, 1, 43, 50
  • Not Refereed, Research journal of living science, Nara Women's University, The Life of Women in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,China : Part3 : Research on the Lives of Ministry Women in 2000, Iwasaki Masami; Katuta Keiko; Kubo Hiroko; Seto Akiko; Nakata Rieko; Hattori Noriko; Miyasaka Yasuko; Murata Masayo, Oct. 2001, 48, 1, 57, 76
  • Refereed, 日本建築学会環境系論文集, 冬期における好まれる気温の個人差に関する研究, 佐々尚美; 久保 博子; 久保博子; 磯田憲生, 2001, 541, 17, 21
  • Refereed, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), Architectural Institute of Japan, EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON INDIVIDUAL VARIATION OF THERMAL PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RESPONSE : Cases of designed air temperature in summer, SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, The study aims to investigate the individual difference of thermal physiological and psychological responses to various air temperature conditions in summer. Healthy 29 women were exposed to air temperature (20℃, 24℃, 28℃ and 32℃) during 120 minutes in a climate chamber. The results were as follows; There were differences among individuals in skin temperature, especially peripheral parts of the body, thermal comfort and thermal sensation. The subjects grouped into three based on preferred air temperature to investigate the responses in detail. Consequently, differences among three groups were found in thermal sensation, skin temperature distribution and skin temperature v.s. thermal comfort., 2001, 66, 542, 35, 40, 10.3130/aija.66.35
  • Refereed, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), Architectural Institute of Japan, EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON INDIVIDUAL VARIATION OF PREFERRED AIR TEMPERATURE IN SUMMER, SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference of preferred air temperature in summer. The experiments were combined in climate chamber where we could regulate air temperature inside. The subjects who were 29 healthy women regulated air temperature for 120 minutes. The results were as follows; Preferred air temperatures were from 23.6℃ to 30.8℃. The average of the preferred air temperature was 27.0℃, and standard deviation of that was 2.0℃. At the preferred air temperature, the mean skin temperature ranged from 31.8℃ to 35.0℃. There were differences from person to person in skin temperature and the heat loss., 2000, 65, 531, 31, 36, 10.3130/aija.65.31_3
  • Refereed, PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES, BLACKWELL SCIENCE ASIA, Sleep stage and skin temperature regulation during night-sleep in winter, H Kubo; T Yanase; H Akagi, To clarify the thermally comfortable environment for satisfied sleep: we investigated the relationship between skin temperatures and sleep stages during night-sleep in winter, summer and autumn. Four healthy young females served as the subjects. The experiments were performed in a climate chamber under three conditions: at 13 degrees C-RH70% with futon and blanket in winter, at 20-18 degrees C-RH60% with futon and towelket in autumn and at 29 degrees C-RH70% with towslket in summer. The subjects' skin temperature on the sole was lower until about 4 hours after lights off in winter than in autumn and summer, and the percentage of st.2 was lower and st,4 was higher in winter than in autumn and summer, although the bed climate both in winter and autumn was much the same., Apr. 1999, 53, 2, 121, 123, Scientific journal, 10.1046/j.1440-1819.1999.00503.x
  • Refereed, Journal of Architecture Planung and Envuribnebtal Engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, The Evaluation of Thermal Comfort Affected by Conduction from Warter Heated Floor To Contacted Body Surface, KUBO Hiroko, The purpose of this paper is to clarify the effect of air temperature and floor temperature on the occupants1 comfort sensation in the hot water floor heating system. This paper also considers the contact areas between floor and human body to quantitatively determine the heat conduction between the floor and the subjects. The present study deals with the effect of heat conduction with regard to modified mean skin temperature. The subjects (7 female college students) were exposed to the following conditions : combinations of air temperatures (18℃,23℃) and water temperatures (25℃,30℃,35℃,40℃,45℃) in still air and RH 40% . The subjects were exposed to these conditions while sitting on the floor, sitting on a chair and lying on the floor. The following results were obtained: The skin temperature of the body parts in contact with the floor was affected by the floor temperature. The thermal sensation vote was neutral at a mean skin temperature of 33℃. Levels of thermal comfort and acceptability of the floor temperature was rated as 'satisfactory' at globe temperatures above 20℃. The permissable comfort level of the floor temperature was found to be approximately 25℃ at globe temperature 20℃. New weighting coefficients to calculate mean skin temperature are derived on the basis of Hardy & DuBois formula., 1997, 65, 536, 31, 36, 10.3130/aija.65.43_2
  • Refereed, 日本建築学会環境系論文集, 夏期におけるスポット冷風の温熱的快適性に及ぼす影響に関する実験的研究, 久保 博子; 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 梁瀬度子, 1997, 492, 35, 42
  • Refereed, Building and Environment, Elsevier BV, Cooling effects of preferred air velocity in muggy conditions, Hiroko Kubo; Norio Isoda; Hikaru Enomoto-Koshimizu, Preferred air velocity was investigated by testing a total of 241 Japanese subjects under different air temperatures and humidities in a climate chamber. The work was done to encourage energy efficient air-conditioning design. Increases in air temperature and relative humidity were compensated by increases in preferred air velocity, and then the subjects reported themselves both slightly cool and comfortable. In addition, differences in preferred air velocity with seasonal variation, individual variation, age and sex were examined. © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd., 1997, 32, 3, 211, 218, Scientific journal, 10.1016/S0360-1323(96)00038-8
  • Refereed, 日本建築学会環境系論文集, 生ゴミ臭の発生原単位の評価方法に関する研究, 久保 博子; 光田恵; 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 梁瀬度子, 1996, 486, 35, 42
  • Refereed, 日本家政学会誌, 高齢者の温熱環境に関する実態調査 (第1報) : 高齢者の居住環境と冷暖房に関する特徴, 久保 博子; 宮沢 モリエ; 五十嵐 由利子; 岩重 博文; 榊原 典子; 水野 由美; 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生; 梁瀬 度子, 1995, 46, 5, 447, 454, 10.11428/jhej1987.46.447
  • Refereed, 人間と生活環境, 台所における生ごみ臭の実態と評価, 久保 博子; 光田恵; 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 梁瀬度子, 1995, 2, 1, 67, 74
  • Refereed, 日本家政学会誌, 高齢者の温熱環境に関する実態調査 (第3報) : 高齢者の皮膚温の特性, 久保 博子; 五十嵐 由利子; 岩重 博文; 宮沢 モリエ; 榊原 典子; 水野 由美; 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生; 梁瀬 度子, 1995, 46, 6, 587, 596, 10.11428/jhej1987.46.587
  • Refereed, 日本建築学会環境系論文集, 室内における生ごみ臭の許容レベルに関する研究, 久保 博子; 光田恵; 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 梁瀬度子, 1995, 475, 35, 40
  • Refereed, 家政学研究(奈良), 住宅内の生ごみ臭に対する評価と影響要因に関する調査研究」, 久保 博子; 光田恵; 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 梁瀬度子, 1995, 486, 35, 42
  • Refereed, 日本家政学会誌, 高齢者の温熱環境に関する実態調査 (第2報) / 高齢者の人体周囲温の特性, 久保 博子; 岩重 博文; 五十嵐 由利子; 宮沢 モリエ; 榊原 典子; 水野 由美; 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生; 梁瀬 度子, 1995, 46, 5, 455, 464, 10.11428/jhej1987.46.455
  • Refereed, The Japanese journal of ergonomics, 日本人間工学会, Difference of Physiological and Psychological response of thermal environment by aging : Human influence of the temperature and the air flow in the summer, ENOMOTO Hikaru; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 15 Apr. 1995, 31, 2, 161, 168, 10.5100/jje.31.161
  • Refereed, Journal of home economics of Japan, 日本家政学会, The Characteristics of the Elderly's Residential Thermal Environment -A Questionnaire Survey of Dwlling in the Summer and Winter of the Kansai Area-, ENOMOTO Hikaru; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, This paper aims to analyze the effects of the aging from residential dwellings which are specifically concerned with heating and cooling systems. Also this paper attempts to clarify the characteristics and problems associated with it. For the purpose, we conducted surveys among 900 residents of western Japan during both winter and summer, the residents arranged with three age groups. The main results are as follows : 1) In the summer, the most popular cooling systems are air conditioners among young and middle-aged people, and electric fans among old people over 60. 2) In the winter, the heating mechanism most commonly used are unvented burning heaters among the middle and old people, and "kotatsu"-style heating among those under 40. 3) In the summer, the choice of a cooling system by older people are determined by individual constitution and the body mass index. In the winter, choice of a heating system is affected more by the age of the dwelling or family composition than by constitutional needs., 15 Nov. 1995, 46, 11, 1091, 1100, 10.11428/jhej1987.46.1091
  • Refereed, 人間と生活環境, 温冷感と快適感の季節差に関する実験的研究, 久保 博子; 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 梁瀬度子, 1994, 1, 1, 51, 57
  • Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会論文集, 高齢者の夏期における選択気流速度に関する実験的研究, 久保 博子; 榎本 ヒカル; 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生, 1994, 56, 69, 76
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Home Economics of Japan, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Effects of Residential Thermal Conditions on the Aged in the Daily Living(Part 3) Characteristics of Countermeasures in Daily Living Way.:Characteristics of Countermeasures in Daily Living Way, KIKUZAWA Yasuko; MIYAZAWA Morie; KUBO Hiroko; YANASE Takuko; ISODA Norio; IGARASHI Yuriko; IWASHIGE Hirofumi; SAKAKIBARA Noriko; TOKUDA Tetsuo; NAGASAWA Yukiko; MIZUNO Yumi, The comparison of the daily living way of the aged against hotness in summer and coldness in winter is executed from the viewpoint of the climatic region, age, and gender.
    The following results have been obtained :
    (1) As for the countermeasure against hotness in summer, “shading” has been mostly prevailing, and “door of reed blind” or “spreading water” has been used secondly. The aged persons have taken less countermeasures with aging.
    (2) As for the method of controlling temperature in summer, the use of airconditioning equipments has been predominant in the urban area compared with rural area, and men has used more compared with women. And the use of electric fan has began to decrease in their eighties, and the use of airconditioner in their seventies.
    (3) The aged persons have started warming rooms earlier with aging.
    (4) The evaluation of comfort of the aged has no relation to the temperature of the rooms on the case study in Iwate and Hyogo., 1993, 44, 1, 55, 63, 10.11428/jhej1987.44.55
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Home Economics of Japan, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Effects of Residential Thermal Conditions on the Aged in the Daily Living(Part 4) Characteristics Found among the Correspondence in Indices.:Characteristics Found among the Correspondence in Indices, TOKUDA Tetsuo; MIYAZAWA Morie; KUBO Hiroko; YANASE Takuko; ISODA Norio; IGARASHI Yuriko; KIKUZAWA Yasuko; IWASHIGE Hirofumi; SAKAKIBARA Noriko; NAGASAWA Yukiko; MIZUNO Yumi, This study is the fourth report on the adaptability of aged persons to living environment and environmental temperatures. The following information is obtained, through analyzing variations by aging and seasonal changes, and they reported how the aged persons accommodate themselves to the conditions of living environment and environmental temperatures.
    (1) Among aged groups, corresponding relationships are established between the degree of comfort of living in and the vital resistance of the body as well as between the former factor and the satisfaction in sleeping.
    (2) No significant difference is recognized among the groups as for the time of starting to use heaters in the daytime. However, the young groups show a significant delay in starting to use them before going to bed while the aged groups show only about half of month of delay as compared with the beginning in using heaters during the daytime.
    (3) The neutral temperature, in which a human being does not feel too hot nor too cold, shows about 10°C lower in winter than in summer.
    (4) The young groups accomodate to the cold mainly by adjusting clothing, while the aged groups mainly by modulating body temperatures through physical activity., 1993, 44, 1, 65, 72, 10.11428/jhej1987.44.65
  • Refereed, Journal of Thermal Biology, Experimental study on convective heat transfer coefficient of the human body, Hidekado Ishigaki; Tetsumi Horikoshi; Tomoki Uematsu; Masato Sahashi; Tadahiro Tsuchikawa; Tohru Mochida; Tetsuya Hieda; Norio Isoda; Hiroko Kubo, 1. 1. The convective heat transfer coefficient of the human body is essential to predict convective heat loss from the body. 2. 2. The object of this paper is to calculate the convective heat transfer coefficient of the human body using heat flow meters and to estimate the thermally equivalent sphere and cylinder to the human body. 3. 3. The experimental formulae of the convective heat transfer coefficient for the whole body were obtained by regression analysis for natural, forced and mixed convection. 4. 4. Diameters of the thermally equivalent sphere and cylinder of the human body were calculated as 12.9 and 12.2 cm, respectively. © 1993., 1993, 18, 5-6, 455, 458, Scientific journal, 10.1016/0306-4565(93)90076-6
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Home Economics of Japan, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Effects of Residential Thermal Conditions on the Aged in the Daily Living(Part 2). Characteristics of Countermeasures by Clothing.:Characteristics of Countermeasures by Clothing, NAGASAWA Yukiko; MIYAZAWA Morie; KUBO Hiroko; YANASE Takuko; ISODA Norio; IGARASHI Yuriko; IWASHIGE Hirofumi; KIKUZAWA Yasuko; SAKAKIBARA Noriko; TOKUDA Tetsuo; MIZUNO Yumi, Following the report of Part 1, this paper reports the results of the analysis concerning the clothing of the aged, based on the investigation of Part 1 and the case-study in Iwate and Hyogo Prefectures.
    The results obtained are as follows :
    (1) In winter, the aged persons have worn their undershirts one over another, and they have worn more undershirts with aging regardless of their gender.
    (2) In summer in cold districts, the aged persons have controlled their degree of comfort by adding outer upper wear, and the tendency has been remarkable in the males. They have begun to wear additional clothing at the temperature of about 22°C.
    (3) The thin male aged persons have worn more clothing, and the difference in clothing of the male and older ones between summer and winter has been more remarkable than with the female and younger ones.
    (4) In summer, the aged persons in cold districts have worn clothing based on the temperature at waking time, and in winter their clothing has been based on the temperature in non-heated. rooms. On the other hand, in winter, their clothing in warm districts has been based on the outdoor temperature., 1992, 43, 8, 791, 800, 10.11428/jhej1987.43.791
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Home Economics of Japan, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Effects of Residential Thermal Conditions on the Aged in the Daily Living(Part 1). Characteristics Found Among the Daily Living Action.:Characteristics Found Among the Daily Living Action, YANASE Takuko; MIYAZAWA Morie; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; IGARASHI Yuriko; IWASHIGE Hirofumi; KIKUZAWA Yasuko; SAKAKIBARA Noriko; TOKUDA Tetsuo; NAGASAWA Yukiko; MIZUNO Yumi, The purpose of this study is to investigate how the aged persons adapt themselves to the living environment and the environmental temperature. A survey of questionnaire on the daily living action and the residential thermal adaptation have been conducted on about 3, 000 aged persons, living in various regions, in summer and winter time.
    The results are as follows :
    (1) The structure of body has become smaller and thinner with aging.
    (2) There have been high correlations between aging and actions involved in the physiological factors. The amount of sleeping time has become longer and the frequency to go to stool, during sleeping, has increased with aging.
    (3) A significant regional difference has been recognized in the frequency of bathing. Groups of aged persons at high latitude, who take fewer bathes, spend longer time for one bathing than groups at lower latitude.
    (4) A seasonal difference has been remarked in the amount of sleeping time, that has become longer in winter time because of the delay of the hour of rising., 1992, 43, 8, 781, 790, 10.11428/jhej1987.43.781
  • Refereed, 日本建築学会環境系論文集, 蒸暑環境における好まれる気流速度の人体影響に関する研究, 久保 博子; 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 梁瀬度子, 1992, 442, 9, 16
  • Refereed, 家政学研究(奈良), 床暖房温度の皮膚温および温熱的快適感に関する研究, 久保 博子; 金 鳳愛; 磯田 憲生; 久保 博子; 梁瀬 度子, 1991, 37, 2, 109, 115
  • Not Refereed, Research journal of living science, Nara Women's University, A Proposal to the New Home Economics Curriculum Based on the New Idea, Takana Hiroko; Kubo Hiroko; Uematsu Nami; Hayakawa Kazuyo; Hirate Sanae; Tokita Yasuno, Sep. 1989, 36, 1, p19, 28
  • Not Refereed, Research journal of living science, Nara Women's University, The Effect of Air Velocity and Humidity on the Human Body in Hot Evironmental Conditions, Kubo Hiroko; Isoxa Norio; Yanase Takuko, Mar. 1986, 32, 2, p205, 211
  • Not Refereed, Research journal of living science, Nara Women's University, Experimental Study on the Evaluation of Air Movement (1) : The Effect of periodically Fluctuating Air Velocity and Uniform Air Velocity on the Human Body, Kubo Hiroko; Isoda Norio; Yanase Takuko, Sep. 1985, 32, 1, p98, 104
  • Refereed, BIOCONTROL SCIENCE, SOC ANTIBACTERIAL & ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS, JAPAN, Case Study of Airborne Fungi According to Air Temperature and Relative Humidity in Houses with Semi-Basements Adjacent to a Forested Hillside, Ikuko Bamba; Michiyo Azuma; Nobuo Hamada; Hiroko Kubo; Norio Isoda, We studied airborne concentrations of fungal spores and the thermal environment in houses with semi-basements surrounded by a natural forest. We examined the relationship between airborne fungi and the thermal environment, surrounding natural environment, structures of houses and use of a dehumidifier. The subject residential area was located in the northern part of Nara city, Nara prefecture, Japan. Six detached houses were included in this study. In residential areas, outdoor airborne concentrations were high during summer and autumn, correlated with humidity. The presence of Basidiomycetes was particularly notable, although the indoor concentration was lower than the outdoor level. In the semi-basement rooms, relative humidity was nearly always >80% when the residence was built; however, both the indoor humidity and fungal concentrations decreased greatly when a dehumidifier was used in this study. High levels of Aspergillus and Basidiomycetes were detected in semi-basements. Basidiomycetes are likely of outdoor origin, whereas Aspergillus might grow indoors. Moreover, the composition of fungal species differed according to room-structure and usage. Due to the health risks associated with high indoor concentrations of fungi, the utilization of the semi-basement or basement space requires adequate ventilation and dehumidification, beginning immediately after construction., Mar. 2014, 19, 1, 1, 9, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, 日本家政学会, コロナ禍における女子大学生の日常生活への影響, 藤平眞紀子; 久保博子; 星野聡子, Sep. 2021, 72, 9, 17, 36, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, 奈良女子大学スポーツ科学研究, Effects of COVID-19 emergency on physical function, QOL, and well-being in women’s university students, 星野, 聡子; 須川, 真奈江; 藤平, 眞紀子; 久保, 博子, Dec. 2021, 23, 2, 12, 23, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, J. Human and Living Environment, 人間-生活環境系学会, Research on Sleep and Bedroom Thermal Environment of the Frail O l der Pe o ple in Summer and Winter, 城戸千晶; 久保博子; 東 実千代; 佐々尚美; 磯田憲生, Nov. 2021, 28, 2, 107, 114, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, 奈良女子大 学スポーツ科学研究, Investigation of physical and psychological factors relating to quality of life in the elderly : A comparison between urban and mountainous areas, Manae Sugawa; Hiroko Kubo; Satoko Hoshino, Dec. 2021, 23, 2, 1, 11, Scientific journal
  • Proceedings of Symposium on Human-Environment System, Human-Environment System, Psychological and physiological effects caused by the odor of wood in different Prefectures, SAITO Saki; BAMBA Ikuko; AZUMA Kenichi; AZUMA Michiyo; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, This paper outlines a study conducted to verify the psychological and physiological effects of the odor of wood in different prefectures. In this experiment, 9 healthy university students smelled 4 samples of cedar which grew in Miyazaki Prefecture, Gifu Prefecture, Mie Prefecture, and Mie Prefecture (these contained core materials). The psychological effects were studied by conducting a survey (by distributing questionnaires) to enquire about odor intensity and desirability. The physiological effects were determined by measuring the brain waves of the subjects. The study shows that the subjects exhibit differences based on their growing area and the core material’s characteristic tendency., 2018, 42, 61, 62, 10.24538/jhesp.42.0_61
  • Proceedings of Symposium on Human-Environment System, Human-Environment System, A survey of the thermal environment and its physiological value during daily life in summer: Part 2 : the thermal sensation of elderly in summer, KUBO Hiroko; Kido Chiaki; Asai Yuka; AZUMA Michiyo; SASSA Naomi; ISODA Norio, We investigated the actual condition of room thermal environment, living behavior in summer for the purpose of examining the actual condition of the thermal environment during the daily life of the elderly. In this report, in order to measure the thermal sensation of elderly people living in high temperature room, we conducted experiments to measure thermal sensation and thermal comfort etc. in the laboratory and in climate chamber. The participants were 9 male and 9 female elderly people who took part in house thermal environments measurements. In the case of climate camber and laboratory, they reported that the higher the room temperature was, the hotter the thermal sensation was on the hot side, the thermal comfort became the unpleasant side. On the other hand, the relationship between living room temperature and thermal sensation varied greatly in the their living room. There was not much relation with living room temperature., 2018, 42, 183, 186, 10.24538/jhesp.42.0_183
  • Journal of the Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, A field study on the thermal environments of bedrooms and the sleep quality of elderly people in summer in the urban and rural areas of Nara Prefecture, Chiaki Kido; Hiroko Kubo; Michiyo Azuma; Naomi Sassa; Satoko Hoshino; Norio Isoda, 2022, 25, 1, 31, 42, Scientific journal, 10.1618/jhes.25.31
  • Neuroscience research, Effects of hypocapnia and hypercapnia on human somatosensory processing., Hiroki Nakata; Ryusuke Kakigi; Hiroko Kubo; Manabu Shibasaki, The present study investigated the effects of hypocapnia and hypercapnia on human somatosensory processing by utilizing somatosensory evoked magnetic fields (SEFs) with magnetoencephalography (MEG). Thirteen volunteers participated in two experiments separately to measure respiratory and cardiovascular data and SEFs. Both experiments consisted of a combination of normal and rapid respiratory rhythms and two inspiratory gas conditions (air and a hypercapnic gas); normal breathing with air (NB), rapid breathing with air (RB), normal breathing with the hypercapnic gas (NB+Gas), and rapid breathing with gas (RB+Gas). Partial pressures of end-tidal CO2 (PETCO2) increased during inhaling the hypercapnic gas and decreased during RB, but the RB+Gas condition continued to cause elevated PETCO2 compared with the baseline. Subsequently, middle cerebral artery blood (MCA) velocity using transcranial Doppler changed as well, while mean MCA velocity increased under the RB+Gas condition. The peak amplitude of the M60 component in SEFs was also significantly larger under with-gas than without-gas conditions, irrespective of the respiratory frequency. These results suggest that there is a close relationship between cerebral blood flow and neural activity of the M60 component in SEFs. This study provides evidence to further understanding on one of the neural mechanisms of hypercapnia., May 2023, 190, 29, 35, Scientific journal, True, 10.1016/j.neures.2022.11.007
  • Refereed, 日本建築学会環境系論文集 第87巻 第800号, 657-667, 2022年10月, 夏期における寝室温熱環境が高齢者の睡眠に及ぼす影響, 城戸千晶; 久保博子; 東 実千代; 佐々尚美, Oct. 2022, 800, 657, 667, Scientific journal
  • MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISE, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, Effect Of Exercise Strategy On Brain Activity At The Start Of Exercise, Keiko Yamamoto; Madoka Nomura; Minami Hirai; Hiroko Kubo; Manabu Shibasaki, Sep. 2022, 54, 9, 556, 556
  • Refereed, 奈良女子大学スポーツ科学研究 (ISSN 2434-0200), 24(1), pp.1-11(2022.07.04)., COVID-19 流行前後での地域在宅高齢者のQOL と身体機能:流行前調査との比較検討, 須川, 真奈江; 久保, 博子; 星野, 聡子, Jul. 2022, 24, 1, 1, 11, Research institution
  • 2021 IEEE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS CONFERENCE (ITSC), IEEE, Robust Estimation of Thermal Sensation for Vehicle Occupants Using Seat-belt-type Sensor and Thermal Camera, Aki Yoneda; Shin-ichi Shikii; Ken-ichiro Nosaka; Mototaka Yoshioka; Hiroko Kubo, This study proposed a robust estimation of thermal sensation for vehicle occupants using seat-belt-type sensors and thermal cameras. The estimation of thermal sensation of a vehicle faces challenges, including the difficulty in measuring the clothing insulation value of vehicle occupants and influence of airflow from a car air conditioner. To obtain clothing insulation, we applied a dual-heat-flux method using two heat flux sensors mounted on a seat belt. To overcome the influence of airflow, we proposed a new air flow robust model by utilizing the clothing insulation value and skin temperature of the belt-type sensor, and the clothing surface temperature obtained by a thermal camera.The clothing insulation value estimated by the belt-type sensor showed good agreement with a T-shirt (0.39 clo) and sweatshirt (0.83 clo), with errors of 0.01 or less. An experiment with 11 subjects was also conducted in an environment with variable airflow that simulated a passenger compartment. The estimated thermal sensation showed high accuracy with subjective values (R=0.74, RMSE=1.19), compared to the conventional method (R=0.63, RMSE=1.36), and a significant difference was obtained using Student's t-test (t=4.49, p<0.01). Thus, the proposed method is likely to be employed for vehicle occupants in the future., 2021, 1572, 1577, International conference proceedings, 10.1109/ITSC48978.2021.9564715
  • Refereed, J Phys Fitness Sports Med, Motor imagery and action observation of whole-body movements for experienced motor repertoire: An fNIRS study., Yokota H; Kamijo K; Mizuguchi N; Kubo H; Nakata H, 2023, 12, 108, 117, Scientific journal


  • Not Refereed, 31 Mar. 2023, 25, 1, 86, 86
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 高齢者の環境調節行動を促す介入方法の検討, 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 久保博子; 城戸千晶; 磯田憲生, 2021, 73rd
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 高齢者の住まい方が寝室温熱環境に及ぼす影響-奈良県都市部および農村部における夏期・冬期の住宅実測調査-, 城戸千晶; 久保博子; 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 磯田憲生, 2021, 73rd
  • 人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集, Study on the encourages the start of use of air conditioners for heat stroke in the elderly, 佐々尚美; 東実千代; 久保博子; 城戸千晶; 小浜朋子; 大友絵利花; 磯田憲生, 2021, 45th
  • 人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集, Relationship between frailty evaluation and physical activity in older adults-Case study in urban and rural areas of Nara Prefecture-, 東実千代; 大友絵利香; 久保博子; 城戸千晶; 佐々尚美; 小浜朋子; 磯田憲生, 2021, 45th
  • 日本人間工学会関西支部大会講演論文集, Effects of Winter Bedroom Thermal Environment on Sleep and Blood Pressure in Older Adults A Field Survey in Urban and Rural Areas of Nara Prefecture, 城戸千晶; 帯名千滉; 久保博子; 東実千代; 佐々尚美, 2021, 2021
  • 40489 高齢者における生活環境と健康関連QOLの季節的変化に関する研究 第1報:室内温熱環境と血圧の季節変化, 久保 博子; 城戸 千晶; 東 実千代; 佐々 尚美; 磯田 憲生, Sep. 2020, 2020, 1033, 1034
  • 40490 高齢者における生活環境と健康関連QOLの季節的変化に関する研究 第2報:日中活動・睡眠・健康関連QOLの季節変化, 城戸 千晶; 久保 博子; 東 実千代; 佐々 尚美; 磯田 憲生, Sep. 2020, 2020, 1035, 1036
  • Not Refereed, 人事院月報, 暑さ対策による快眠のすすめ, 久保博子, Aug. 2020, 852, 02, 06, Introduction other
  • Not Refereed, 人間生活工学, 快眠のための温熱環境の整え方, 久保博子, Mar. 2020, 21, 1, 5, 8
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 農村部在住高齢者における生活行動と活動量・睡眠・QOLの関連, 城戸千晶; 久保博子; 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 須川真奈江; 星野聡子; 磯田憲生, 2020, 72nd
  • 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), The survey of seasonal variations in thermal environment and Healthrelated Quality of Life of the elderly,-Part1, Seasonal variations in residential thermal environments and blood pressure, 久保博子; 城戸千晶; 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 磯田憲生, 2020, 2020
  • 人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集, The effectiveness to the prevention of COVID-19 of the air current of recognition and virus sterilization UV-C-Application of Taft and the UV lamp for the direction of the wind confirmation-, 梶井宏修; 井川正治; 菅原作雄; 土川忠浩; 宮本征一; 薩本弥生; 久保博子; 宮沢モリエ; 山岸明浩; 都築和代; 桑原浩平; 齋藤輝幸; 佐古井智紀, 2020, 44th
  • Not Refereed, 人事院月報, 冬の寒さ対策による快眠のすすめ, 久保博子, Nov. 2019, 843, 14, 17, Introduction other
  • Not Refereed, 環境工学研究(空気調和・衛生工学会), 選択気温からみた個人差と温熱的快適性, 久保博子, Nov. 2019, 343, 11, 18, Lecture materials
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 高齢者の熱中症経験と介入の効果について, 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 久保博子; 磯田憲生, 2019, 71st
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 室内熱環境の季節変化と高齢者の日常生活がQOLに及ぼす影響に関する実測調査, 久保博子; 宮里真以; 城戸千晶; 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 磯田憲生, 2019, 71st
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 介護予防教室への通所が日常生活,QOL,主観的健康感に及ぼす影響, 城戸千晶; 久保博子; 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 磯田憲生, 2019, 71st
  • 室内環境学会学術大会講演要旨集(Web), 木材のにおい刺激に対する脳波変動, 齊藤早紀; 萬羽郁子; 東賢一; 東実千代; 久保博子; 磯田憲生, 2019, 2019
  • 人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集, 天然乾燥スギ材のにおいに対する生理心理反応, 東実千代; 萬羽郁子; 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 東賢一, 2019, 43rd
  • 人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集, 環境要素測定手法-マルチタフト風向観測装置の検討-, 梶井宏修; 井川正治; 菅原作雄; 土川忠浩; 宮本征一; 薩本弥生; 久保博子; 宮沢モリエ; 山岸明浩; 都築和代; 桑原浩平; 齋藤輝幸; 齋藤輝幸; 佐古井智紀, 2019, 43rd
  • 41209 夏期における高齢者の生活習慣と温熱環境に関する継続調査 第1報 熱中症予防に関する意識, 東 実千代; 佐々 尚美; 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生, 20 Jul. 2018, 2018, 443, 444
  • 41087 夏期における高齢者の生活習慣と温熱環境に関する継続調査 第2報 寝室温熱環境の睡眠への影響, 久保 博子; 東 実千代; 磯田 憲生; 佐々 尚美, 20 Jul. 2018, 2018, 173, 174
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 木材の香りに対する生理心理反応に関する研究, 東実千代; 萬羽郁子; 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 東賢一, 2018, 70th
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 夏期と冬期における高齢者の居室の温熱環境に関する実態調査, 久保博子; 宮里真以; 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 磯田憲生, 2018, 70th
  • 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 夏期における高齢者の生活習慣と温熱環境に関する継続調査-第2報 寝室温熱環境の睡眠への影響-, 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 東実千代; 佐々尚美, 2018, 2018
  • におい・かおり環境学会講演要旨集, 乾燥条件の異なる木材のにおい刺激による心理・生理反応, 齊藤早紀; 萬羽郁子; 東賢一; 東実千代; 久保博子; 磯田憲生, 2018, 31st
  • 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 夏期における高齢者の生活習慣と温熱環境に関する継続調査 第1報 熱中症予防に関する意識, 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 久保博子; 磯田憲生, 2018, 2018
  • 人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集, 夏期の日常生活における温熱環境と生理量の実態調査(その1)高齢者の生活行動・人体周囲温度の実態と熱中症予防の取り組み, 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 久保博子; 磯田憲生, 2018, 42nd
  • 人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集, 冬期におけるフレイル高齢者の住まい方と寝室温熱環境の実態調査, 城戸千晶; 久保博子; 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 磯田憲生; 星野聡子, 2018, 42nd
  • 人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集, 夏期の日常生活における温熱環境と生理量の実態調査-(その2)高齢者の夏期の温熱感覚について-, 久保博子; 城戸千晶; 浅井優花; 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 磯田憲生, 2018, 42nd
  • 人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集, 産地の異なるスギ材のにおい刺激による心理・生理反応, 齊藤早紀; 萬羽郁子; 東賢一; 東実千代; 久保博子; 磯田憲生, 2018, 42nd
  • 日本建築学会環境工学委員会熱シンポジウム, 高齢者の住まいの温熱環境と生活への影響に関する実態調査, 久保博子; 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 磯田憲生, 2017, 47th
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 高齢者の生活環境と日常生活の季節的変化に関する研究, 宮里真以; 久保博子; 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 星野聡子; 磯田憲生, 2017, 69th
  • 人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集, 夏期と冬期における高齢者の居室の温熱環境に関する実測調査, 久保博子; 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 磯田憲生, 2017, 41st
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Contamination of Air Conditioners by Fungi, AZUMA Michiyo; SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; HAMADA Nobuo,

    目的 エアコンの普及率は92.5%(2016年内閣府調べ)となり、熱中症を予防するうえでも適切な使用が望まれる一方で、冷房時にエアコン内部は結露しやすく、真菌汚染の被害を受けることがある。真菌はアレルギー疾患の原因となりうることが知られているが、近年、病原性のある好温性真菌も室内塵等から検出されている。そこで本研究では、エアコンの内部の一般真菌および好温性真菌による汚染状況を実測調査し、汚染度に影響する要因を検討する。

    方法 近畿圏の6件の住宅における19台のエアコンを調査対象とした。使用年数は2年から14年である。真菌の測定はふき取り法(Pro-mediaST-25,ELMEX)とし、吹出口と送風ファンからサンプリングした。25℃培養条件では、サンプルの汚れ度を目視評価して希釈倍率を調整し、0.5mlずつDG18培地の入ったシヤーレに接種、40℃培養条件ではサンプルをそのまま接種した。25℃条件の培養期間は7日から9日間、40℃条件は3日から4日とした。実測は2016年7月と10月に実施した。

    結果 一般真菌については、吹出口からは0~4,800cfu/㎠、送風ファンからは0~73,000cfu/㎠検出され、夏季、秋季ともに吹出口よりも送風ファンからの検出数が多かった。検出頻度が高かったのは、CladosporiumやPenicilliumであった。40℃条件では真菌数は少ないものの7台から、A.niger,A.fumigatus,A.flavus等が検出された。掃除機能の有無や埃の量、室内温熱環境、設置階数等と真菌数との関連性が確認された。
    , 2017, 69, 0, 85, 85, 10.11428/kasei.69.0_85
  • Not Refereed, ハウスクリマ研究ノート, 夏期における足元の冷えと選択気温について, 久保 博子; 久保博子; 磯田則生, 2017, 42, 1, 8
  • Not Refereed, パナソニック技報, サーモカメラによる非接触温冷感センシング, 久保 博子; 楠亀弘一; 米田亜旗; 式井愼一; シラワンナワット; 野坂健一郎; 久保博子, 2017, 63, 2, 10, 14
  • Refereed, The 19th Biennial International ARAHE Congress 2017, A case study on the thermal environments and daily living habits of the elderly for preventing heat disorders, 2017, Summary international conference
  • Refereed, The 19th Biennial International ARAHE Congress 2017, A Sensing Technology for Thermally Comfortable Environment using Infrared Thermography, 2017, Summary international conference
  • Refereed, The 19th Biennial International ARAHE Congress 2017, Study on the method of regulation of thermal environments in consideration of saving-energy, 2017, Summary international conference
  • 空気調和・衛生工学会近畿支部学術研究発表会論文集(Web), 沖縄の高齢者の住まい方と活動量に関する実測調査, 宮里真以; 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 東実千代; 佐々尚美, 2016, 45th
  • 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 冬期における高齢者の寝室温熱環境と睡眠に関する実測調査, 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 東実千代; 佐々尚美, 2016, 2016
  • 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 暑熱環境における冷え性青年女子の生理心理反応, 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 久保博子; 磯田憲生, 2016, 2016
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, A survey of the thermal environment under the daily life in summer:-The situation of change of air temperature and the relation of amount of activity of the elder and the young ambient air temperature and psychological reaction of the elderly-, SASSA Naomi; AZUMA Michiyo; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 【目的】地球温暖化が進み夏の気温が上昇するにつれ、熱中症にかかる患者も増加している。中でも高齢者の割合が高く、住宅の中での発症が多い。そこで、夏期の室内温熱環境や生活行動などを調査し、活動量や住まい方などから検討することを目的とする。
    【結果】冷房器具使用状況は、1日の半日以上「クーラー」を使用している高齢者は約18%、若齢者は約44%と若齢者の方がクーラーを使用する時間が長かった。1日のWBGT(暑さ指数)の経時変動は、若齢者は終日ほぼ28℃以下であったが、高齢者は25〜28℃の警戒域となる割合が高く、更に、日中は25〜31℃の厳重警戒域以上となる割合が若齢者と比べ高かった。年代別に平均すると、終日、高齢者は警戒域を、若齢者は注意域での変動であった。また、冷房使用時、くつろぎなどの行動別に平均すると、高齢者の方がWBGTは高く危険である。WBGTの温度基準別に活動量を平均すると、高齢者も若齢者も28〜31℃の厳重警戒域での活動量が最も高く、高齢者は31℃以上の危険域での活動量が次いで多く、注意が必要であることが示唆された。本研究は文部科学省科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)課題番号24500934および15K00769)により実施した。, 2016, 68, 0, 121, 121, 10.11428/kasei.68.0_121
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Survey on daily activity and sleep habits of female college students, Kubo Hiroko; Katsuragi rRyoko; Terashima Aya, 目​的​:現在は成人の3人に1人は睡眠不足を感じていると指摘されているが、睡眠時間の短縮の度合いや夜型化の程度は、10~20歳代で最も著しい*。大学生は生活時間の拘束が弱いため、睡眠覚醒リズムが乱れやすいことが指摘されている。既報の大学生の睡眠に関する調査はアンケート調査が多く、日中の活動量についてはデータがほとんどない。そこで、大学生の日常生活と睡眠覚醒リズムの実態とその関係を検討することを目的に、アンケート調査と日常活動量及び睡眠についての実測調査を行った。方​法:​睡眠の基本的特性や日常習慣および活動について、奈良女子大学学生321名にアンケート調査を行った。このうち比較的規則的な睡眠をとっている学生9名を被験者として採用し、活動量、行動記録、睡眠に関する申告等を2週間、うち4日間は終夜の睡眠脳波などを計測した。​結​果​:​①アンケート調査:睡眠習慣が規則的な方が睡眠の主観的評価は良くなった。②実測調査:就床時刻および起床時刻は25:30±0:57、8:17±1:06で、就床時刻にばらつきがあるほど日中に居眠りをする傾向が認められた。平均の活動度は、金曜日が最も少なかった。本​研​究​の​一​部​は​文​部​科​学​省​科​学​研​究​費​補​助​金 ​(​挑戦的萌芽研究​課​題​番​号​2​5560020​)​に​よ​り​実​施​し​た​。1)NHK放送文化研究所:2010年国民生活時間調査, 2016, 68, 0, 46, 46, 10.11428/kasei.68.0_46
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, 寝床内温湿度を用いた温冷感推定方法の検討, 末次 恵久; 山口 秀明; 藤岡 英二; 横山 慶子; 井上 慎介; 大友 真理江; 吉岡 愛; 久保 博子,

    睡眠時は行動性体温調節が行われにくいため、覚醒時と比較し体温調節が困難となることから、温熱環境条件が睡眠阻害につながりやすい。 そこで、行動性体温調節が行われなくても、適した温熱環境に導くため、寝床内温湿度で温冷感を推定する方法を検討した。 寝床内温湿度データから算出した自律性体温調節反応指標と環境温冷刺激指標の2次元マップで判別境界を設定し、温冷感を推定する。 上記温冷感推定方法の有効性を検証し、有効性を示唆する結果を得た。

    , 2016, 2016, 0, 221, 224, 10.18948/shasetaikai.2016.6.0_221
  • Not Refereed, ハウスクリマ研究ノート, 夏期における高齢者の生活行動と温熱環境, 久保 博子; 佐々尚美; 東実千代; 久保博子; 磯田則生, 2016, 41, 9, 14
  • Not Refereed, ハウスクリマ研究ノート, 高齢者の熱中症予防に向けた住環境整備と住まい方, 久保 博子; 佐々尚美; 東実千代; 久保博子; 磯田則生, 2016, 41, 1, 8
  • Not Refereed, World Congress 2016, International Federation for Home Economics, The human responses on thermal environment at the bedroom during nocturnal sleep of the elderly and the young in Japanese summer, 2016, Summary international conference
  • Not Refereed, World Congress 2016, International Federation for Home Economics, Preventing heat disorders in the elderly by improving their living environment and daily living habits - Analysis of a questionnaire and field measurement surveys in Japan –, 2016, Summary international conference
  • Refereed, The fifth international conference on human-environment system ICES2016, A NEW PROPOSAL OF ESTIMATION METHOD FOR THERMAL SENSATION USING INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY, 2016, Introduction international proceedings
  • Not Refereed, 車室内環境技術レビュー2016より快適で省エネな車室内空調をめざして, 赤外線サーモカメラを用いた温冷感センシング, 2016
  • Refereed, The fifth international conference on human-environment system ICES2016, STUDY ON INDOOR THERMAL ENVIRONMENTS IN CONSIDERATION OF SUMMERTIME ENERGY CONSERVATION EFFORTS, 2016, Introduction international proceedings
  • Refereed, The fifth international conference on human-environment system ICES2016, INVESTIGATION OF LOCAL-SPOT COOLING INFLUENCE ON ESTIMATION OF THERMAL SENSATION USING INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY, 2016, Introduction international proceedings
  • Refereed, The fifth international conference on human-environment system ICES2016, INDOOR THERMAL ENVIRONMENT AND IMPACT OF HOT ENVIRONMENT ON DAILY LIVES OF THE ELDERLY, 2016, Introduction international proceedings
  • Refereed, The fifth international conference on human-environment system ICES2016, Experimental study on the effects of cold feet on preferred room temperature, 2016, Introduction international proceedings
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Generation differences in thermal environments and daily living habits in summer, AZUMA Michiyo; OKAMOTO Keiko; SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, [目的] 高齢者の熱中症予防に向けた対策を検討するため。夏期の日常生活環境下における温熱環境実測、生活習慣や暑熱対策、熱中症に関する意識調査を実施してきた。本報では、暑熱対策として重要な要素である水分摂取量の実態調査結果を報告する。
    [方法] 被験者は65歳以上の高齢男女30名(男性14名、女性16名)、男子大学生20名とした。一日に摂取した水分の種類と量、食事内容をできる限り詳細に記入してもらうよう依頼し、大学生の食事についてはスマートホンを用いた写真撮影による記録も併用した。人体周囲の温熱環境(小型温湿度データロガーを携帯し、2分間隔で温湿度を自動計測)、居場所、生活行動、エアコンや扇風機の使用状況、着衣状況、温冷感などの主観申告(申告用紙に記入)は、高齢者30名と大学生9名の協力を得た。調査時期は2014年8月(高齢者)、2015年8月(若齢者)である。本研究は畿央大学研究倫理委員会の承認を得て実施した。
    [結果] 高齢者の水分摂取量の平均は、男性が約1.5L、女性が約1.3Lであったが、アルコールを除くと男女とも約1.2Lとなり、差はなかった。食事は女性の方がバランスよく多品目を摂取する傾向があり、食事からの摂取水分量を算出した結果、男性より約200ml多かった。さらに、水分摂取に対する意識や温熱環境と実際の摂取量の関係を分析し、年代等による違いを比較検討した。
    本研究は文部科学省科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)課題番号24500934および15K00769)の助成を受けた。, 2016, 68, 0, 122, 122, Summary national conference, 10.11428/kasei.68.0_122
  • Refereed, The fifth international conference on human-environment system ICES2016, The Measurement of Thermal Radiation Environments Using a Compact NET Radiation Meter -Focus on Asphalt, Concrete, and Soil Pavement-, 2016, Introduction international proceedings
  • Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-26 Study of Measuring of Thermal Environmental Elements in the Narrow space with Produced small size NET Radiation Meter, KAJII Hironobu; IGAWA Shoji; SUGAWARA Sakuo; TSUCHIKAWA Tadahiro; MIYAMOTO Seiichi; SATSUMOTO Yayoi; KUBO Hiroko; MIYAZAWA Morie, Thermal environmental elements equipment is progressing. When considering the measurement instrument accuracy, the sensor factors affecting the temperature is temperature and heat radiation. The influence of the air velocity is low, the thermal radiation is large. Large thermal radiation measurement instruments in a large space such as a room can be used. In narrow inner and a complex space, the measurement of the heat balance is difficult. In this report, the measurement at one point of the space is considered. For example, a method of measuring a difference in thermal radiation at the position of the right cheek from the surrounding and from the cheek before of 2cm is considered. On the other hand, at the position of 1cm from the surface of the desk, the difference of the thermal radiation is measured. Heat flow from the surface of solid material and the convection heat flow and NET radiation were measured. In this report, thermal environmental elements were measured with Produced heat flow meter and Radiation Meter (Kajii, 1997). For measuring the convection and radiation, the New produced more small size NET radiation meter were used. It is effective for measurement heart analysis in narrow space., 16 Nov. 2015, 39, 173, 174
  • Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, F-5 Experimental study of the influences of the cold at feet on preferred room temperature, KUBO Hiroko; TANAKA Yuri; ISODA Norio, To examine the relation between the cold at feet and room temperature choice, experiments of preferred air temperature at climate chamber were carried out by the subjects complained about the cold of feet (cold group) and the subjects felt comfort of feet (warm group). We were measured physiological and psychology responses of the subjects. As a result, the cold group chose slightly higher air temperature than warm group. But skin temperature and thermal sensation were almost same among two groups. However, the comfort of the foot was not comfortable side, did not improve the discomfort of the foot after 120 minutes., 16 Nov. 2015, 39, 205, 206
  • Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-19 A survey of the thermal environment and a physiological response under the daily life of the elderly, SASSA Naomi; AZUMA Michiyo; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, In order to investigate the characteristic of the elderly in detail, we measured the ambient air temperature and the amount of physiological response, the action. We conducted two surveys. We measured the physiological reaction for every season. When the elderly and the young did the same action in the same environment, we measured their physiological response. When the elderly and the young were exposed to a rapid temperature change, the change of skin temperature of the elderly was smaller than that of the young. While the elderly was relaxing, there was no big seasonal difference in the mean skin temperature. When the ambient air temperature of the elderly was high, the skin temperature of the arm became high. When it is hot, the outdoor activity of elderly needs to be careful., 16 Nov. 2015, 39, 149, 150
  • Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-18 A survey of the thermal environment and physiological value during daily life in summer : ambient air temperatures and skin temperatures of elderly and young individuals, AZUMA Michiyo; Sassa Naomi; Tsuzuki Kazuyo; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, The purpose of this study was to investigate strategies for preventing heat disorders in the elderly. Data on the thermal environment were collected automatically by thermal recording devices, and data on thermal sensation, thermal comfort, room temperature evaluation, and acceptability were collected from 12 young and 12 elderly individuals during daily life in the summer (2012 or 2013). Regarding the physiological responses, skin temperature data (chest, forearm, thigh, and shin) were collected from all subjects. The mean ambient temperature of the elderly subjects was 31.5℃ at relaxation, which was approximately 2℃ higher than that of young individuals. Moreover, wet-bulb globe temperate values of more than 28℃ accounted for approximately 50%. Under high ambient temperature, the shin skin temperature tended to remain low in some elderly subjects; thus, a decline in the regulation of body temperature ability was confirmed. Appropriate environmental control behavior, including using air-conditioning and clothing insulation adjustment, is needed in elderly individuals., 16 Nov. 2015, 39, 147, 148
  • 空気調和・衛生工学会近畿支部学術研究発表会論文集(Web), 冬期における高齢者の室内温熱環境と生理・心理反応に関する実態調査, 頼田未来; 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 東実千代; 佐々尚美, 2015, 44th
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, Introduction of Special Issues No.3 : Measurement Technique for Ergonomics Section 2 : Measurements of Human Response Effected by the Ambient Environment, KUBO Hiroko, 2015, 51, 1, 24, 24, 10.5100/jje.51.24
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, Round-table Talk: Ergonomics Toward Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020, and for the Coming Super-Aging Society with Declining Birth Rate, YAMAMOTO Masayasu; KUBO Hiroko; NISHIGUCHI Hiromi; HACHISUKA Satori; MORI Ryouta; YAMADA Yasuyuki, 2015, 51, 3, 167, 173, 10.5100/jje.51.167
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, A questionnaire on the daily living habit and the measure against heat of elder in summer:Changes in consciousness after research collaboration, AZUMA Michiyo; SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 目的 2012年より2年間、夏期における高齢者の日常生活習慣と暑熱対策に関する調査を実施し、2012年の結果は平成25年第65回大会において報告した。研究協力者には、調査・住環境測定結果を開示するとともに、熱中症に関する情報を書面で提供し、温湿度計を配布した。今回は、熱中症に対する意識や生活習慣・住まい方の変化を確認する目的で実施した追調査結果を報告する。
    方法 過去2年間のアンケート・環境調査研究協力者54名のうち、調査結果の開示を希望しなかった人、転居先不明者を除く51名を対象とし、自記式質問紙調査を行った。集合法と留置き法による郵送配布・回収を併用し、2014年8月に実施した。
    結果 研究協力前後で比較すると、過去の調査では熱中症対策を全く行っていない人がいたが、追調査では全員が何らかの対策を実施し、その数はやや増加傾向にあった。暑さ対策としてエアコンを使用する、室内の温湿度をこまめに測るという回答は増加した。しかし、熱中症対策として実践できる行動については、居間が30℃以上の時にエアコンをつけることに否定的な回答が2割、就寝時のエアコン使用に否定的な回答も3割あった。調査結果の開示により、各住環境の実態は認知されていたと考えられるが、水分補給や服装への配慮等の生活習慣と比べて、住まい方や住環境整備面に対する意識の定着には課題があると考えられた。
       , 2015, 67, 0, 77, 77, 10.11428/kasei.67.0_77
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Survey on daily life and indoor thermal environment of the elderly in winter, Kubo Hiroko; Yorita Miku; Azuma Michiyo; Sassa Naomi; Isoda Norio, 目的:日本人の死因のうち心疾患、脳血管疾患、吸気疾患などには、季節による死亡者数の変動があり、特に高齢者は冬期に死亡率が上昇することも報告され、 冬期の寒冷環境が健康に影響を及ぼしている可能性が考えられる。そこで高齢者の冬期の室内温熱環境と日常生活実態に関する調査を実施し、快適で安全な温熱的環境に関する検討を行った。方法被験者として、奈良市在住の高齢者男女23名(男性11名・平均年齢75.3才、女性12名・平均年齢72.8才)を被験者とし、大学の実験室では温冷覚閾値、温冷感等の感覚を計測した。また、被験者自宅では5日間居間と枕元の温湿度を計測し、それぞれ多機能万歩計による行動量、舌下温、血圧の生理量、室の温熱環境に対する心理申告,睡眠状態に関する評価を朝、昼、晩に計測してもらった。 結果:健康状態が悪いと答えた者はおらず、男性では全員が、女性でも約7割がウオーキングなどの運動習慣があり、冬期にもかかわらず調査期間中、男性6985±4419歩/日、女性5702±1815歩/日の活動を行っていたが個人差が大きかった。午前9時~午後9時の居間の室温は、2℃~24℃で暖房方式による個人による差が大きかった。室温と環境の間には、明確な関連は認められず、7割以上が「暖かい」側の申告で、温熱感覚の鈍化が疑われた。睡眠中の枕元温度は1~19​°Cで睡眠中に暖房を使用していた者はほとんどいなかった。 室温が低いほど舌下温が低い傾向があり、また、女性は室温が低いほど最高血圧が低く、男性は最高血圧が高い傾向が見られた。
    本研究の一部は文部科学省科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B)課題番号25282016)により実施した。, 2015, 67, 0, 76, 76, 10.11428/kasei.67.0_76
  • Not Refereed, 宙舞 : 中部支部報, 自動車技術会中部支部, 快眠のすすめ : 寝室温熱環境と睡眠 (特集 健康を見つめる), 久保 博子, 2015, 77, 28, 31
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, Special Issues No.3 : Measurement Technique for Ergonomics Section 2 : Measurements of Human Response Effected by the Ambient Environment (1) Thermal Environment, Thermoregulation, and Thermal Comfort, TSUZUKI Kazuyo; KUBO Hiroko, 2015, 51, 1, 25, 35, Introduction scientific journal, 10.5100/jje.51.25
  • Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-55 A Study on Thermal Comfort in Winter : Part1: Physical and Psychological Responses in terms of Sex Differences and Daily Fluctuation, TANAKA Yuri; KATAYAMA Yuri; SHIKII Shin-ichi; KUSUKAME Koichi; KUBO Hiroko, To make a study on thermal comfort in winter, we measured skin temperatures, rectal temperatures, thermal sensation votes and thermal comfort votes of the subjects. Eight young men and eight young women took part in as subjects. All subjects were exposed to four different conditions in a climate chamber, which adjusted the temperatures to 16, 19, 22 and 25 degrees Celsius, as indoor temperatures in winter. In 16℃ and 25℃ environments, they experienced two levels of activity (sedentary and bicycling for 5 minutes), and two levels of clothing: normal (0.92clo) and heavily (1.41clo) in a 16℃ environment, and normal (0.92clo) and lightly (0.54clo) in a 25℃ environment. Both on men and on women, mean skin temperatures in the afternoon were higher than those of in the morning. Men's mean skin temperature was higher than that of women, both in the morning and in the afternoon. Thermal sensation votes were linearly-related to SET*, but for when heavily clothed in the morning and in the afternoon. When heavily clothed, women's thermal sensation votes were plotted under the regression line, which suggested women felt cold in their feet, for only the clothing value of upper body was the difference between normal clothing and heavily clothing., 20 Nov. 2014, 38, 277, 280
  • Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-56 A Study on Thermal Comfort in Winter : Part 2: Thermal Sensation Estimation using Thermography, SHIKII Shin-ichi; KUSUKAME Koichi; TANAKA Yuri; KATAYAMA Yuri; KUBO Hiroko, Aiming to develop a non-contact thermal sensation estimation method, we investigated the relationship between thermal sensation and heat loss from surface of skin or clothing by analyzing the thermal images of each subject. Subjects were 8 females and 8 males and their ages were between 19 and 29. Thermal sensations on sedentary state with clothing of 0.92 do were voted every 10 minutes during 40 minutes on each level of four ambient temperatures (16℃, 19℃, 22℃, 25℃). At the same time, surface thermal distributions of four aspects (forth, back, left, right) of each subject were recorded by using an infrared thermo camera. Furthermore, to evaluate the influence of clothing, conditions of 1.41clo at 16℃ and 0.54clo at 25℃ were added. These experiments were conducted around March. From our analyses, we found the thermal sensation shows a strong correlation with heat loss estimated from each thermal image, and this relationship is independent of the clothing. From these results, we think thermal images have the potential of non-contact thermal sensation estimation irrespective of clothing., 20 Nov. 2014, 38, 281, 284
  • Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-7 Case study of the Indoor Fungi and Thermal Environment in an Environmental Symbiosis type House : Effect of the concentrations after interior modification, Azuma Miciyo; Bamba Ikuko; Kubo Hiroko; Isoda Norio; Hamada Nobuo, We studied concentrations of fungal spores in houses with semi-basements surrounded by a natural forest. Since the temperature change through year in semi-basement is small, the thermal environment is comfortable. However there is a tendency for humidity to become high in a summer. We have reported the relation between seasonal variation, or use of a dehumidifier and the concentration changes of fungi. In the measuring object residence, modification with wood on a part of surface of the wall was performed; we measured to assess the effect on fungal concentration. As a result, the wall temperature difference became small and the downward tendency of adhered fungal concentrations was seen at the remodeled surface of a wall., 20 Nov. 2014, 38, 71, 72
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41462 Field study on the relationship between symptoms of sick-house syndrome and air quality or living habits of university students in Kansai area : Symptoms of sick-house syndrome and knowledge, BAMBA Ikuko; AZUMA Kenichi; AZUMA Michiyo; SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; IGARASHI Yuriko; ISODA Norio, 12 Sep. 2014, 2014, 967, 968
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41157 Investigation of elderly people's thermal environment and consciousness for heat disorders in summer, AZUMA Michiyo; SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 12 Sep. 2014, 2014, 313, 314
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41158 Survey on Daily Sleep and Thermal Environment at Bedroom in Summer, Kubo Hiroko; Isoda Norio; Azuma Michiyo; Sassa Naomi, 12 Sep. 2014, 2014, 315, 316
  • Proceedings of AIJ Shikoku Chapter architectural research meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 44 Study on sex differences in thermal sensation to skin cooling by the deliberations of physiological responses and form of clothes, YASUOKA Ayako; KUBO Hiroko; TSUZUKI Kazuyo; ISODA Norio, 10 May 2014, 14, 87, 88
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学, 空気調和・衛生工学会, Studies of Thermal Comfort at Kinki-branch, 久保 博子, Apr. 2014, 88, 4, 379, 381
  • 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 夏期における高齢者の寝室温熱環境と睡眠に関する実測調査, 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 東実千代; 佐々尚美, 2014, 2014
  • 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 高齢者の熱中症への意識と夏期における温熱環境の実態調査, 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 久保博子; 磯田憲生, 2014, 2014
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Research on use of a parasol:examination from a questionnaire and a subjective experiment, Azuma Michiyo; Sassa Naomi; Kubo Hiroko; Isoda Norio, 目的 日傘は紫外線対策として女性が使用するイメージが強いが、近年では男性の使用が徐々に増加しているという。そこで本研究では、日頃の日傘使用状況、男性が日傘を使用することに対するイメージを調査するとともに、日傘の暑熱対策としての効果を検討するため被験者実験を行い、夏季における熱中症対策としての日傘使用の有用性を検証することとした。方法 アンケート調査:公益社団法人奈良市シルバー人材センターに登録している高齢者および近畿圏の大学生とその家族らを中心に自記式質問紙を配布・回収した。有効回収数は182部である。被験者実験:健康な男子大学生10名を対象とし、屋外にて「何も着用しない」「帽子着用」「日傘使用」の3条件における周囲温湿度、放射温度、皮膚温(4点)、耳内温、主観評価(温冷感等)を測定した。調査時期は2013年8~9月である。本研究は畿央大学研究倫理委員会の承認および被験者の研究同意を得て実施した。結果 日傘の使用状況は、女性は年代によらず約4割が「よく使う」のに対し、男性は高齢者で1名の回答にとどまった。使用の抵抗感については、男性の若齢・中高年で6割強、高齢者で4割が「ある」と回答した。屋外における部位別の温冷感や放射感は日傘使用時に抑制されており、温熱的中性申告が得られる平均皮膚温は、何も着用しない条件と日傘使用と約3℃の差があった。本研究は文部科学省科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)課題番号24500934)により実施した。, 2014, 66, 0, 1, 1, 10.11428/kasei.66.0_1
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Study on sex differences in clothing and thermal comfort with using air conditioner in summer, YASUOKA Ayako; KUBO Hiroko; TSUZUKI Kazuyo; ISODA Norio, 目的 冷房環境下における、多数の被験者の生理心理反応および着衣等の日常生活に関するアンケートの結果から、冷房時の温冷感、快適感の男女差の要因を明らかにすることを目的とした。方法 室温が25℃になるように空調を設定した大学教室に、男女各100名を60分間滞在させ、体格、舌下温、血圧等の測定、温冷感、快適感等の申告を得た。また実験時の着衣や日常生活アンケートも実施し、温冷感評価の男女差の要因を検討した。実験は関西の4つの大学教室で実施し、2009年7月下旬~8月のうち被験者の都合が良い一日を選択させた。着衣は普段の服装とした。結果 25℃(RH48%~86%)・60分曝露後のSET*は男性24.1℃、女性24.4℃となり、舌下温、血圧は実験を通して女性の方が低かった。男性は7割が温熱的に中性と申告したが、女性は6割が寒い側に評価した。快適感は、男性は9割がどちらでもない以上快適側に評価したが、女性は7割にとどまった。温冷感、快適感ともに、男女間で有意差が認められ、女性は涼しい環境への不快度が高かった。着衣については、重ね着により着衣アイテムが多い女性の方が着衣量は有意に大きかった。(男性0.43clo、女性0.47clo)しかし女性の方が下腿の露出が多く、全身の露出面積率は男性29%、女性33%となり有意差が認められた。このことから女性の方が肌への直接的な温熱環境の影響を受けやすく、また被覆部位の違いが放熱を促し、涼しさの要因になった可能性が示唆された。, 2014, 66, 0, 2, 2, 10.11428/kasei.66.0_2
  • Not Refereed, 日本看護学会論文集. 2, 日本看護協会出版会, EGFR阻害薬治療を受ける大腸がん患者のQOLの経時的変化とその影響, 久保 博子; 木谷 智江; 中川 敦子, 2014, 44, 113, 116
  • Refereed, 精神科治療学, 寝室の温熱環境調整, 久保 博子, 2014, 29, 12, 1579, 1584, Report scientific journal
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41150 Effects of electric conservative awareness on thermal comfort in summer 2012, Kubo Hiroko; Azuma Michiyo; Sassa Naomi; Isoda Norio, 30 Aug. 2013, 2013, 299, 300
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, Architectural Institute of Japan, Field measurement on the environmental symbiotic type houses : Part 14 Change of life habits and thermal environment after construction, BANBA Ikuko; AZUMA Michiyo; SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 24 May 2013, 53, 233, 236
  • 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM), 省エネルギー意識と日常生活での温熱的快適性に関する実測調査, 久保博子; 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 磯田憲生, 2013, 2013
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, G-6 Study of power-saving action and thermal comfort of student : The case of dormitory in summer 2012 and winter 2013, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; Sassa Naomi; AZUMA Michiyo, The purpose of this study is to find factors, in order to propose power saving and comfortable environment. Subjects were 21 young women lived in university dormitory and divided into two groups, a "Power Saving group" (had awareness of power saving) and a "non-Power Saving group" (didn't have awareness of power saving) due to self-judged. We measured air temperature, the amount of electricity use and clothing, report of life behavior in summer and winter. As a result, power saving action affected room temperature, electricity use, Air-conditioner use rate, and thermal comfort in summer. There is relationship between amount of electricity use and outdoor temperature in winter., 2013, 37, 243, 246
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-7 A survey of the thermal environment and a physiological value under the daily life in summer : (part2) Skin temperature and physical activity of the elderly and the young, AZUMA Michiyo; Sassa Naomi; Tsuzuki Kazuyo; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, The temperature and humidity, skin-temperature and physical activity data, were continuously collected under the daily life in summer from healthy elderly person and the young. Elderly person were living in the environment of high humidity high temperature compared with the young .While mean skin temperature did not have the age difference, but the chest skin temperatures of elderly person were lower than the young, and tended to change with the ambient air temperature., 2013, 37, 61, 64
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-5 Field measurement on thermal environment of office and thermal comfort of office workers, FURUKAWA Masako; KUBO Hiroko; OKADA Airi; ISODA Norio; SUGISAKI Tomoko; OKADA Kaku, In order to investigate the thermal comfort of office workers, a series of field measurement in offices was carried out from summer of 2011 to next summer. We measured air temperatures, relative humidities, air velocites, globe temperatures in all seasons. The questionnaire survey on the workers was also carried out to evaluate the effect of the thermal environment. As a result, the office room temperatures and relative humidities in the summer of 2011 were higher than about 1℃・10% in summer of 2012. The workers felt warm at 27℃ more in the summer of 2012, and then they voted that work did not progress. However, in the summer of 2011 they did not report almost that work did not proceed., 2013, 37, 57, 58
  • Not Refereed, Technical Papers of Kinki-chapter Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, A-20 Study of power-saving action and thermal comfort of student : The case of dormitory in summer 2012, KOBAYASHI Yumika; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 2013, 2012, 0, 85, 88, 10.18948/shasekinki.2012.0_85
  • Not Refereed, Technical Papers of Kinki-chapter Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, A-41 The influence of thermal environment at bedroom on nocturnal sleep of elderly and the young in summer, KAMEGAI Kasumi; ISODA Norio; Sassa Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; Azuma Michiyo, 2013, 2012, 0, 169, 172, 10.18948/shasekinki.2012.0_169
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, 1E3-3 Effects of nocturnal Sleep for daytime sleepiness in female college students, KUBO Hiroko; TERASHIMA Aya; KATSURAGI Ryoko, 2013, 49, 0, S214, S215, 10.5100/jje.49.S214
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Thermal responses of the elderly women in the difference of the rate of decreasing in the air temperature, YASUOKA AYAKO; KUBO Hiroko; SASSA NAOMI; ISODA NORIO, 2013, 65, 0, 269, 269, 10.11428/kasei.65.0_269
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Influence of the hardness of the mattress on human responses during nocturnal sleep, Part2:Examination of the continuous use at the subjects' room, KUBO Hiroko; Kawanishi Miwa, 2013, 65, 0, 270, 270, 10.11428/kasei.65.0_270
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, A questionnaire on the daily living habit and the measure against heat of elder in summer, AZUMA Michiyo; OKAMOTO Keiko; SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 2013, 65, 0, 268, 268, 10.11428/kasei.65.0_268
  • Not Refereed, ハウスクリマ研究ノート, 学生の省エネルギー意識と温熱的快適性について, 久保 博子; 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 小林弓華, 2013, 39, 1, 6
  • Not Refereed, 人間工学会 関西支部・中国支部合同シンポジウム, 「人間工学を叱る」, 2013
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-6 A survey of the thermal environment and a physiological value under the daily life in summer : (part1) Ambient air temperature and psychological reaction of the elderly, SASSA Naomi; AZUMA Michiyo; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, In order to consider the living environment improvement for the heatstroke prevention in a summer, we measured elderly people's ambient air temperature and the amount of psychology. Subjects were 30 elderly people and were up to every 15 men and women. We conducted investigation in August, 2012. In spite of high temperature environment, elderly people did not think that was unpleasant. There were some elderly people who opened only the window, without using air conditioning. They were in the situation where elderly people's ambient air temperature and WBGT are high, and the danger of heatstroke is high., 2013, 37, 59, 60, Summary national conference
  • Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41097 The individual variation of the relationship between the adaptability and the seasonal adaptability by changing the ambient temperature, YASUOKA Ayako; KUBO Hiroko; TSUZUKI Kazuyo; ISODA Norio, 12 Sep. 2012, 2012, 193, 194
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 4070 Case Study on Seasonal Variation of the fungus in the environmental symbiotic type houses, BANBA Ikuko; AZUMA Michiyo; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; HAMADA Nobuo, 25 May 2012, 52, 277, 280
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-29 Individual differences of physiology and psychological effects of decrease in room temperature on human body in summer, KUBO Hiroko; OHNISHI Mai; ISODA Norio; SASSA Naomi, The purpose of this study is to investigate characteristics of psychological and physiological response by subjects preferred air temperatures to decreased air temperature conditions The experiments were conducted at climate chamber in summer Subjects were 21 collage-aged young women They took part in experiment of preferred air temperature and 2 times experiments of different air temperature conditions After 30 minutes at 31℃ subjects were exposed 2 different thermal conditions for 90 minutes that were 2 decrease speed(12℃/h 6℃/h)of air temperature from 31℃ to 25℃ and at 25℃ during time left The results were as follows The mean skin temperature decreased following the air temperature Peripheral skin temperature decreased during constant temperature at 25℃ Thermal sensation and comfort vote changed 'comfortable' and ' cool' from 'uncomfortable' and 'warm' following decreased air temperature There were differences among individuals in thermal comfort and thermal sensation The differences among three groups were found in thermal sensation thermal comfort and skin temperature v.s thermal comfort., 2012, 36, 233, 236
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-9 A field measurement of thermal comfort of office workers in winter, FURUKAWA MasakO; KUBO HirOkO; OKABA Airi; YASUOKA AyakO; SUOISAKI TOmOkO; TAKEYA NObuyuki, In order to iBvostigate the thermal comfort of office workers, a field measurement in offices was carried out in wiHter. We measured air temperatures, relative humidities, air velocity, globe temperature. The questionnaire survcy on the workers was also carried out to evaluate the effect of the thermal environment. As a result, the air temperatures were 20℃-23℃ and the relative humidities were 40%. The vertical air temperature difference were measured at the 0.1m and 1.1m levels were 2℃-4℃. The office workers voted thermal sensation of cold side and thermal comfort sensation of uncomfortable side in thermal comfort zone., 2012, 36, 71, 74
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-7 Effects of Room Temperature Change on the Young Women, Tanaka Yuri; Hiroko Kubo; Isoda Norio; Yasuoka Ayako, The p uqjose of this study was to examine the effects of cooling speed and cooling time on young women's body responses. We measured skin temperatures, thermal sensation vote (TSV)and thermal comfort vote (TCV).We conducted two experiments; I . Cooling Experiment (2 conditions): the room temperature changed from 31 to 25℃. (1. cooling speed was 0.2℃/min, 2. cooling speed wad 0.10C/min); II. Heating Experiment (3 conditions): the room temperature changed from 25 to 33℃ at following speed after cooled at 25℃ for following time. (1. at 0.4℃/min, for 30 minutes, 2. at 0.4℃/min, for 60 minutes. 3. at 0.13℃/min, for 30 minutes) Skin temperatures changed following the room temperature. There were high correlation between TSV and the room temperature. Peripheral skin temperatures continued decreasing at 25℃. The longer staying at 25℃, the more decreasing skin temperature was. The cooling speed didn't affect TSV. TSV was affected by cooling time and the time of being in hot environment., 2012, 36, 63, 66
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-5 Thermal responses or elderly and young women in the decreasing the air temperature, YASUOKA Ayako; HASEGAWA Mami; KUBO Hiroko; SASSA Naomi; ISODA Norio, To investigate the effects of a decrease in the air temperature on the human body in different age groups, the experiments were conducted with 11 elderly and 11 young women. They were exposed to a preset temperature of 31℃ for 30 min after entering a climate chamber. In the following 30 min or 60 min, the air temperature was decreased linearly t0 25℃. The skin temperature of the instep decreased with the decreasing the air temperature in both groups of subjects. However, the skin temperature or the chest in only the e1derly subjects decreased. In addition, it suggested an association between the thermal sensitivity and the rate or decreasing the air temperature in e1derly subjects., 2012, 36, 57, 58
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-3 FIeId study on the reIatIonshIp between symptoms of sIck-house syndrome and aIr quaIIty or IIvIng habIts of unIversIty students, BAMBA IkukO; AZUMA MIchIyO; IOARASHI YurIkO; KUBO HIrOkO; ISOBA NOrIO, Tho purpose of this study is to analyzo tho relationship between symptoms of the siok-houso syndrome and indoor air quality or living habits of univorsity students through questionnaires and moasurement survoys conduoted in october and November 2010. We analyzed 154 quostionnaires. At the time of the survey, about 3O% of students clearly showed some of the symptoms of the sick-house syndrome, of which, bad odor and soro throat wore tho most common. It was shown that these symptoms were to bo due to the allergies and tho dietary habits of the studonts. Most houses of students living with their parents woro 10 yoars old or oldor. and those of studonts living alone were 5 years or oIder. Thereforo, new furniture may also bo considered a cause of the symptoms. Tho concentration of formaldehydo in autumn was less than the guidanoe levol in all of tho 7 students' apartments and 20 dormitory rooms that were surveyod., 2012, 36, 51, 54
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society, Japan Ergonomics Society, The effects of the hardness of bed battress on feeling in bed and nocturanal sleep, KUBO Hiroko; Kisanuki Miho, 2012, 48, 0, 144, 145, 10.14874/jergo.48spl.0.144.0
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society, Japan Ergonomics Society, The effect of the physiological and the psychological responses by changing room temperature in summer:-Comparison of the increasing temperature and the decreasing temperature-, YASUOKA Ayako; KUBO Hiroko; TSUZUKI Kazuyo; ISODA Norio, 2012, 48, 0, 370, 371, 10.14874/jergo.48spl.0.370.0
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, THE EFFECTS OF THE MATTRESS ON NOCTURNAL SLEEP, kubo Hiroko; Kisanuki Miho, 目的: 快適な睡眠を得るために寝具は大きな役割を果たしており、毎日長時間の連続使用をおこなっているが、寝具による睡眠への影響に関する知見は少なく明確ではない。そこで、本研究ではベッドマットレスの硬さが異なる場合の終夜睡眠時の寝姿勢・体動、生理心理反応を明らかにすることを目的とし、前報に引き続き、男女を被験者として終夜睡眠実験を行った。
    方法: 健康な若齢者女性8名、男性7名を被験者とし、奈良女子大学人工気候室にて23時~翌朝7時まで8時間の終夜睡眠をとらせた。実験は実験中は被験者の好みの気温に設定した。ベッドマットレスは硬さの異なる3種類 (A:90±19N、B:130±23N、C:50±15N低反発素材)を用いた。測定項目は寝姿勢・体圧分布、生理反応として心拍数・体動回数・脳波など、心理反応として睡眠前後に寝心地評価・快適感評価など、起床時にOSA睡眠調査票による睡眠感評価である。その他日常睡眠に関するアンケート、身体計測を行った。
    結果 (1)男性では寝姿勢回数はA、手足の微細な体動はBにおいて有意に多かった。起床時にはBにおいて「硬い」「寝心地が悪い」と評価した。(2)女性では寝姿勢の変換回数はBで最も多く、A及びCでは同一の寝姿勢が長く持続し、手足の微細な体動はが多い傾向が認められた。Cでは、OSA睡眠調査票において睡眠維持の因子の得点が有意に低く、起床時に「重々しい」と評価した。(3)男性では女性に比べ寝姿勢変換回数が多かった。また、OSA睡眠調査票による評価では女性の得点が低い傾向にあった。(4)男女とも、脳波計測から求めた睡眠深度出現割合、心拍数等には有意な差は認められなかった。
    , 2012, 64, 0, 240, 240, 10.11428/kasei.64.0_240
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Individual differences of the body temperature regulation and thermal comfort by decreasing the air temperature:- Comparison of summer and winter -, YASUOKA Ayako; KUBO Hiroko; TSUZUKI Kazuyo; ISODA Norio, 【目的】快適な温熱環境を提案する上で、実生活で体験するような室温変化時の生理心理特性の把握は重要である。本研究は、中等度温熱環境下での室温低下が、体温調節反応と温熱的快適性に及ぼす影響の個人差を検討するため、青年女性を室温低下の環境に曝露し、生理心理反応を測定した。本報では特に夏期と冬期に行った結果の比較を行う。【方法】実験は人工気候室において椅座安静で行った。実験条件は「33℃40分間一定→40分間で25℃まで低下→25℃40分間一定」とし、相対湿度は50%一定とした。測定項目は環境温、相対湿度、グローブ温度及び生理反応として皮膚温、直腸温、心拍等、心理反応として温冷感や快適感を5分間隔で回答を得た。実験は、2009年9月に夏期実験を、2010年2月に冬期実験を13~16時の時間帯で実施した。被験者は好みの気温を選ぶ選択気温実験に参加した健康な青年女性14名で、夏期、冬期で同一被験者とした。なお、被験者は中等度の気温(25~29℃)を好む青年女性(=M group) と高い気温(29℃~)を好む青年女性(=H group)に分類し検討した。【結果】M groupは室温低下時に手背皮膚温に季節差が認められ、冬期の方が皮膚温低下は速く、有意に低くなった。冬期の低温環境への寒冷適応が、夏に比べて血管収縮をより促進したためと考えられる。一方で、H groupの手背皮膚温に季節差は認められず、冬期の寒冷適応能が弱い可能性が示唆された。H groupは手温冷感に有意差が認められ、冬期の方が寒い側に評価した。既報で、室温低下に対する血管収縮能の弱さが示唆されていたH groupは、季節適応能も弱い可能性が示された。, 2012, 64, 0, 238, 238, 10.11428/kasei.64.0_238
  • Not Refereed, 睡眠医療 : 睡眠医学・医療専門誌, エス・アールアカデミージャパン, 講演 簡易型睡眠脳波計を用いた夜間頻尿を有する高齢者の睡眠の評価 (日本睡眠学会第36回定期学術集会 共催スポンサードシンポジウム 新しいホームモニタリング用睡眠測定装置の有用性と応用例), 平山 暁秀; 鳥本 一匡; 久保 博子, 2012, 6, 2, 372, 375
  • Not Refereed, ハウスクリマ研究ノート, 夏期のオフィス空間の温熱的快適性に関する実測調査, 久保 博子; 久保 博子; 古川 雅子; 磯田 憲生; 杉崎智子, 2012, 38, 1, 10
  • Not Refereed, ハウスクリマ研究ノート, 小容量ヒートポンプ床暖房機の性能向上研究, 久保 博子; 菊岡 泰平; 尾上 晴紀; 上野 清隆; 久保 博子; 城戸 千晶, 2012, 38, 19, 24
  • Refereed, Proc. of Healthy Building,2012, Monitoring formaldehyde indoors and inside furniture using developed sensing element and device, KUBO Hiroko; Yasuko Yamada Maruo; Hiroshi Kimura; Michiyo Azuma; Ikuko Banba; Norio Isoda, 2012, 88, 12, Introduction international proceedings
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), Architectural Institute of Japan, PREFERRED AIR TEMPERATURE BY THE ELDERLY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE TO ESTABLISHED AIR TEMPERATURE, SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, The purpose of this study is to investigate the psychological and physiological responses to various air temperature conditions via the preferred air temperature of the elderly. The subjects who were 29 healthy females and 28 healthy males were exposed to 8 established air temperatures(23°C-33°C) for 60 minutes. The lower thigh skin temperature of the ‘High’ group was higher than the other groups at low air temperature. The ‘High’ group shows a decline in thermoregulation greater than the other group. When the ‘Low’ group regulated air temperature freely, they regulated too low an air temperature., 2012, 77, 676, 475, 479, 10.3130/aije.77.475
  • Refereed, World Congress 2012, International Federation for Home Economics, A study on sex differences in body temperature regulation and thermal comfort when using air-conditioners in summer, 2012, Summary international conference
  • Refereed, World Congress 2012, International Federation for Home Economics, A case study on resident lifestyles in natural symbiotic environments: Actual lifestyle conditions and thermal environments in environmentally symbiotic houses in Nara, Japan, 2012, Summary international conference
  • Refereed, World Congress 2012, International Federation for Home Economics, A study on housing environments in the Yoshino-type village in Nara Japan: Lifestyle and thermal environment in the Kakezukuri type house, 2012, Summary international conference
  • Refereed, World Congress 2012, International Federation for Home Economics, Survey on odors in house living-dining rooms with kitchens, 2012, Summary international conference
  • Refereed, World Congress 2012, International Federation for Home Economics, Thermal conditions in the bedroom and human responses during nocturnal sleep in Japanese summer, 2012, Summary international conference
  • Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P2-6 Sweat rate and skin blood flow to increasing doses of methacholine in aged skin, Shibasaki Manabu; Kubo Hiroko; Isoda Norio; Inoue Yoshimitsu, 03 Oct. 2011, 2011, 65, 65
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41026 The individual variation of the body temperature regulation and the thermal comfort to a warmer ambient temperature, YASUOKA Ayako; KUBO Hiroko; TSUZUKI Kazuyo; ISODA Norio, 20 Jul. 2011, 2011, 51, 52
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41028 Individual and Gender differences of physiological and psychological responses on Preferred Air Temperature in Summer, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; SASSA Naomi, 20 Jul. 2011, 2011, 55, 56
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41025 Study on the comfortable thermal environment in consideration of energy saving, SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 20 Jul. 2011, 2011, 49, 50
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41330 Field measurements on the thermal environment and the indoor fungi in basement of the environmental symbiotic type houses, BANBA Ikuko; AZUMA Michiyo; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 20 Jul. 2011, 2011, 667, 668
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41311 Field Study on Formaldehyde Concentration Using a Newly-developed Simplified Sensor Element, KIMURA Hiroshi; MARUO Yasuko; AZUMA Michiyo; BANBA Ikuko; ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko, 20 Jul. 2011, 2011, 629, 630
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学, 空気調和・衛生工学会, 建築環境と居住者の生理・心理 : (6)温熱環境と居住者の生理心理, 久保 博子, 05 Mar. 2011, 85, 3, 209, 217, Introduction scientific journal
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 自然共生型住宅地における住環境実測調査 第14報 冬の温熱環境の経年変化, 磯田憲生; 萬羽郁子; 東実千代; 久保博子, 2011, 63rd
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 大学生の住まいにおける真菌の実態調査, 萬羽郁子; 東実千代; 久保博子; 磯田憲生, 2011, 63rd
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 学生寮における室内空気環境と住まい方に関する調査研究 その4 換気条件と家具が及ぼす影響について, 東実千代; 萬羽郁子; 久保博子; 磯田憲生, 2011, 63rd
  • 日本臨床環境医学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集, ガラス素子を用いたホルムアルデヒド簡易測定器による実態調査, 木村洋; 丸尾容子; 東実千代; 萬羽郁子; 磯田憲生; 久保博子; 熊谷直樹, 2011, 20th
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, 一般社団法人 日本家政学会, The effect of the individual difference of the body temperature regulation to thermal comfort by changing the air temperature, YASUOKA Ayako; KUBO Hiroko; TSUZUKI Kazuyo; ISODA Norio, <B>【目的】</B><BR>本研究は体温調節反応と温熱的快適感の個人差を明らかにすることを目的に、高温の環境を好む被験者(=高温群)と中性の環境を好む被験者(=中温群)を同様の温熱環境に曝露させ、各群の体温調節反応の特性を検討した。本報では特に冬期における室温低下時の結果を報告する。<BR><B>【方法】</B><BR>実験では好みの気温を選ぶ選択気温実験に参加した健康な青年女性13名(うち高温群6名)を、33℃40分間一定後、40分掛け25℃まで下降、その後25℃で40分間一定に変化する環境に暴露させた。相対湿度は50%一定とした。測定項目は環境温(0.1、0.6、1.1、1.6m)、相対湿度、グローブ温及び生理量として皮膚温、直腸温、血圧、心拍等、心理量として温冷感や快適感を5分間隔で評価させた。実験期間は2009年2月~3月に掛けて13~16時の時間帯とした。 <BR><B>【結果】</B><BR> 平均皮膚温や躯幹部皮膚温に群間の差は認められなかった。しかし下腿皮膚温は高温群の方が気温低下後も高い値を保っており、高温群の血管収縮能の弱さが窺えた。高く保たれた皮膚温は放熱の影響が大きかったと考えられ、中温群より寒く不快側に評価する傾向にあった。また室温に関わらず高温群の方が血圧、心拍ともに有意に低くなった。, 2011, 63, 0, 266, 266
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society, Japan Ergonomics Society, The effects of the bed mattress on body posture and nocturnal sleep, KISANUKI Miho; KUBO Hiroko, 2011, 47, 0, 208, 209, 10.14874/jergo.47spl.0.208.0
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society, Japan Ergonomics Society, The study of distribution area of body pressure on the bed mattress with different hardness:Comparison with elderly and young person, KUBO Hiroko; TOMARI Yuko; KISANUKI Miho, 2011, 47, 0, 210, 211, 10.14874/jergo.47spl.0.210.0
  • Not Refereed, ハウスクリマ研究ノート, 戸建て住宅における温熱環境実測調査 -居住者心理評価による快適範囲の検討-, 久保 博子; 中村恵子; 久保博子; 磯田憲生, 2011, 37, 1, 10
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), Architectural Institute of Japan, STUDY ON SEASONAL VARIATION OF THERMAL COMFORTABLE ZONE BY PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE IN HOUSE, YASUOKA Ayako; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; KIMURA Fumio, In order to investigate seasonal variations in the thermal comfortable environments a year round experiment on human subjects was conducted in a detached house in the suburb of Tokyo. Thirty five college-aged women were provided by the experimenter with uniform clothing, which was subject to seasonal changes (0.4clo-1.3clo). Air temperature, humidity, globe temperature and air velocity were continuously recorded and several skin temperatures, the microclimate temperature and humidity inside the clothing of human subjects were monitored. Thermal and comfort sensations were evaluated at the interval of 10 minutes. The SET* values were calculated based on measurements results and comparison was conducted for values for different seasons.
    The variations in the thermal environment according to the season, time, and type of room had influenced the physiological and psychological responses of the subjects. SET* values obtained from the correlation ship with thermo neutral sensation were 25°C and 28°C in the winter and the summer, respectively. Mean skin temperature which strongly correlated with thermo neutral sensation was 33°C and 35.5°C in the winter and the summer, respectively. The comfortable zone was found to range from 24°CSET* to 29°C SET* and from 25.5°CSET* to 30°CSET* in the winter and the summer, respectively. These determined ranges of SET* values were higher than the comfortable SET* variations in the ASHRAE standard 55-2004. The difference might be considered to occur due to young female subjects and could possibly also originate in clod floor in the winter season or the air velocity in the summer season., 2011, 76, 663, 479, 484, 10.3130/aije.76.479
  • Not Refereed, The fourth international conference on human-environment system ICES2011, Effect of the mattress on distribution area of body pressure and body posture during nocturnal sleep in young men, 2011, Summary national conference
  • Not Refereed, The fourth international conference on human-environment system ICES2011, The individual differences of the body temperature reguration and the thermal comfort by changing air temperature, 2011, Summary national conference
  • Not Refereed, The fourth international conference on human-environment system ICES2011, The physiological and psychological effects of decrease in room temperature on human body in summer, 2011, Summary national conference
  • Not Refereed, The fourth international conference on human-environment system ICES2011, The elderly human response under the established air te,perature and their preferred air temperature, 2011, Summary national conference
  • Not Refereed, The fourth international conference on human-environment system ICES2011, Field investigation of the indoor fungi and thermal environment - Seasonal change of fungal level in the environmental symbiotic type house, 2011, Summary national conference
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41169 Field measurement on the environmental symbiotic type houses : Partl 1 Thermal environment of living and bedroom in summer, ISODA Norio; BANBA Ikuko; AZUMA Michiyo; KUBO Hiroko, 20 Jul. 2010, 2010, 337, 338
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41266 The physiology and psychological effects of change and difference in room temperature on human body, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YASUOKA Ayako, 20 Jul. 2010, 2010, 531, 532
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41257 Study on the sex differences of cold using air conditioning in summer, YASUOKA Ayako; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 20 Jul. 2010, 2010, 513, 514
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41268 Thermal Environment of Individual House in Summer by Field Survey : The Environment and Comfort Evaluation Grade in Living/Toilet, NAKAMURA Keiko; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 20 Jul. 2010, 2010, 535, 536
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 自然共生型住宅地における住環境実測調査 第10報 対象住宅における夏期と冬期の室内温熱環境, 磯田憲生; 松井智子; 東実千代; 久保博子, 2010, 62nd
  • 室内環境学会学術大会講演要旨集, 住宅における真菌の実態と環境要因に関する調査研究 その2 自然共生住宅地における夏期実測, 東実千代; 萬羽郁子; 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 濱田信夫, 2010, 2010
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, I-1 The effect of air temperature change on physiological and psychological responses in summer and winter, YASUOKA Ayako; KUBO Hiroko; TSUZUKI Kazuyo; ISODA Norio, In order to investigate the relationship between body temperature regulation and thermal comfort, physiological and psychological responses were measured in the climate chamber, in which the air temperature changed from 33-C to 25-C with 50%RH in both summer and winter. The subjects were seven young women who preferred middle air temperatures (=M) and seven young women who preferred higher air temperatures (=H). Differences in the means skin temperature were not found to be significant between M and H in summer. However, H felt significantly colder and more uncomfortable than M during the periods of decreasing air temperature and 25-C. In winter the forearm and calf skin temperatures of H were significantly higher than that of M at 25-C. However, H felt colder and more uncomfortable than M during the periods of decreasing air temperature and 25-C., 2010, 34, 243, 246
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-23 Daily Sleep and Activity Levels of the Elderly and the Youth, KISANUKI Miho; KUBO Hiroko, The purpose of this study is to examine the nocturnal sleep and the activity levels of daily life. Twenty elderly (ten males and ten females)and twenty two youth (eleven males and eleven females)participated in this study for two days. We measured activity levels for two days, heart rate and body movements during nocturnal sleep. The quality of subjective sleep was assessed at votes before and after sleep, OSA sleeping questionnaire MA version. The life styles of subjects were depended on their daily life for two days. The results showed that there were differences between the elderly and the youth about bedtime, arise time, activity levels, average of %HF during nocturnal sleep and OSA. There was correlation of activity levels of awakening with sleep on young and elderly males, 2010, 34, 199, 202
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, G-6 Field measurement on the environmental symbiotic type houses : (Part13) A change over the years of the thermal environment and lifestyle in summer, ISODA Norio; BANBA Ikuko; Matsui Tomoko; AZUMA Michiyo; KUBO Hiroko, We carried out thermal environmental research of house that in natural-forests and natural-geographical feature indetached housing area. The actual survey was begun since 2005 for ten houses in an object residential area in Nara-city.We report it mainly on a thermal environmental change and lifestyle in the summer by this report. The outdoor temperatureof the area for was lower than the official value of the Nara region meteorological observatory., 2010, 34, 163, 164
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, G-5 The effects of thermal condition by air-conditioning at home on sleep in winter, KANAZAWA Mariko; KUBO Hiroko, While thermal environment have an effect for sleep, some previous studies reported there was little difference inquality of sleep in winter. This survey focused on the effects of changing thermal condition by air-conditioning onphysiological and psychological responses during nocturnal sleep in winter. Seven healthy female subjects volunteered for 8hours nocturnal sleep survey at own house. There were three conditions as control to daily habit (first night), two differentconditions using air-conditioning timer (2 hour off-timer after bedtime and 2 hour on-timer before arise time). We werecontinuously recorded bedside temperature, relative humidity and bed climate as thermal environments, skin temperature,core temperature, heart rate, body movement and so on as physiological responses during sleep. Subjective evaluations onsleep and environment were evaluated with thermal sensation vote, thermal comfort vote and OSA sleeping questionnaire.The results showed that 2hour off-timer influenced decreasing skin temperature, rectal temperature and heart rate onhypnagonic. When these physiological responses change over equilibrium, there were not different form conditions. Bedclimate affected thermal sensation and comfort vote more than using air-conditioning. OSA didn't have significance., 2010, 34, 159, 162
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-2 Field survey of indoor air quality and life style on student dormitories : (part2)The formaldehyde concentrations and residents' health conditions according to house age, AZUMA Michiyo; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, In order to investigate the relationship between formaldehyde concentrations and symptoms of residents according to house age and the difference of interior materials, some questionnaire and measurement survey were held on university students living in a student dormitory. These surveys were carried out several times from 1997 to 2009. The formaldehyde concentrations were reducing year by year, however the symptoms rate weren't reducing equally. As well as interior materials, it was speculated that lifestyle such as furniture we use or the ventilation habit influenced indoor formaldehyde levels and symptoms of residents., 2010, 34, 87, 90
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-1 Filed Survey of Thermal Environment on Detached Houses in Winter : Psychological Response by Residents, NAKAMURA Keiko; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, This study was to investigate the thermal environment whether the residents would live in comfort among ten detached houses in south area of Kyoto, Nara city and Osaka city in winter period, 2010. The air temperature and humidity at the six places ((1)Living room(LR), (2)Bedroom(BR), (3)Toilet, (4)Kitchen, (5)Dressing room(DR), (6)Hallway) were measured to consider its thermal environment overall. At the same time, each resident reported the thermal sensation vote, the thermal comfort vote and so on as the psychological response in each place. The results were as follows: The habit for heating hours, heating items, etc. was a really full of variety. The air temperature at each place in each house distributed wildly. The clothing insulation among the residents was higher with lower air temperature. The residents felt the comfortable feeling around 18-C at heated LR, whereas they felt the comfortable feeling around 14-C at No-heated Toilet. The difference of air temperature (at LR- at No-heated place) showed a significant correlation with the difference of thermal comfort vote (at LR- at No-heated place). The average air temperature of comfortable feeling at every place was upper area in the thermal neutral zone. Each thermal neutral zone in Toilet and DR by residents' evaluation distributed to much lower air temperature from the recommended air temperature in thermal environment though it was acceptable well by the residents., 2010, 34, 83, 86
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society, Japan Ergonomics Society, The effect of thermal environment on changes on physiology and psychology responses:The difference of the condition and the preferred thermal environment, YASUOKA Ayako; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 2010, 46, 0, 170, 171, 10.14874/jergo.46sp.0.170.0
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society, Japan Ergonomics Society, The study of distribution area of body pressure on the bed:Comparison with elderly and young person, KUBO Hiroko; SUZUMURA Yukari, 2010, 46, 0, 412, 413, 10.14874/jergo.46sp.0.412.0
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society, Japan Ergonomics Society, The Field Survey of Activity and Sleep in Collage Aged Students on Daily Life, KANAZAWA Mariko; KUBO Hiroko, 2010, 46, 0, 446, 447, 10.14874/jergo.46sp.0.446.0
  • Not Refereed, ハウスクリマ研究ノート, 夏期における睡眠時の温熱的快適性について, 久保 博子; 磯田憲生; 浦野めぐみ; 安岡絢子, 2010, 36, 1, 6
  • Not Refereed, ねむりと医療, 先端医学社, 快適睡眠のための工夫(4)寝床内の環境制御による快眠法, 久保 博子, Dec. 2009, 2, 2, 97, 99
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41096 Field measurement on the environmental Symbolic type houses : (Part 6) Change of the Thermal environment between of wooden floor, MATSUI Tomoko; AZUMA Michiyo; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 20 Jul. 2009, 2009, 203, 204
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41158 Study on the evaluation of comfort in the environmental symbiotic house : Relationship between air flow, physiological and psychology response in summer, YASUOKA Ayako; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; KIMURA Fumio, 20 Jul. 2009, 2009, 327, 328
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41172 Study on Thermal Conditions of Bedroom during Nocturnal Sleep in Summer, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YASUOKA Ayako; KIMURA Fumio, 20 Jul. 2009, 2009, 355, 356
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 自然共生型住宅地における住環境実測調査 第5報 温熱環境の通年変化, 松井智子; 東実千代; 久保博子; 磯田憲生, 2009, 61st
  • 日本人間工学会関西支部大会講演論文集, 自然共生型住宅地における住環境実測調査-第9報 緑の量の違いによる住まい方の比較-, 松井智子; 東実千代; 久保博子; 磯田憲生, 2009, 2009
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-38 The Survey of Actual Sleep in Students of Collage Age Daily Life : Compare young male with young female, KANAZAWA Mariko; KUBO Hiroko, 2009, 33, 235, 238
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-21 Field measurement on the environmental Symbiotic type houses : (Part8) The effect of green upon Life style, MATSUI Tomoko; AZUMA Michiyo; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 2009, 33, 171, 174
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-13 Study on the physiological and psychological response using air conditioning in summer, YASUOKA Ayako; SAKAGAMI Mao; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 2009, 33, 107, 110
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, D-8 Effects of Pre-test Room Air Temperature on Preferred Air Temperature in Summer, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 2009, 33, 65, 68
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society, Japan Ergonomics Society, Study of the evaluation of comfort in the house, Ayako YASUOKA; Hiroko KUBO; Norio ISODA; Fumio KIMURA, 2009, 45, 0, 394, 395, 10.14874/jergo.45spl.0.394.0
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society, Japan Ergonomics Society, Experimental study on preferred air temperature:Individual differences of physiological and psychological responses on thermal comfortable environment, Kubo Hiroko, 2009, 45, 0, 396, 397, 10.14874/jergo.45spl.0.396.0
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society, Japan Ergonomics Society, The Study of Physiology of Nocturnal Sleep, KANAZAWA Mariko; KUBO Hiroko, 2009, 45, 0, 480, 481, 10.14874/jergo.45spl.0.480.0
  • Not Refereed, ハウスクリマ研究ノート, 住空間における温熱的快適性評価に関する研究, 久保 博子; 安岡絢子; 久保博子; 磯田憲生; 木村文雄, 2009, 35, 4, 16
  • Not Refereed, ハウスクリマ研究ノート, 自然共生型住宅における温熱環境の実測調査, 久保 博子; 磯田憲生; 松井智子; 藤井佳代; 久保博子; 東実千代, 2009, 35, 23, 30
  • Not Refereed, 日本生気象学会雑誌, 環境共生住宅における快適性評価の季節変化について, 安岡 絢子; 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生, 01 Oct. 2008, 45, 3, S25
  • Not Refereed, Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan, The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (IEIJ), The Influence of Lighting by Used Chromatic Light on Physiological and Psychological Responses, KUBO Hiroko; INOUE Youko, To clarify the influence on human under having chromatic light, lighting we carried out a series of experiment that the 8 college-age females exposed to 10 lighting conditions which consist of 5 colors of chromatic light and two levels illuminance during 60 minutes. The subjects were measured physiological and psychological responses. As a result, the influence of the illuminance and chromatic light was admitted in the impression evaluations and the tiredness feeling evaluations, however there is no significant influence on each physiological measurements., 01 Sep. 2008, 92, 9, 645, 649
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41202 Study of the evaluation of comfort in the environmental symbiotic house, YASUOKA Ayako; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; KIMURA Fumio, 20 Jul. 2008, 2008, 403, 404
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 4088 The study on the influence of chromatic lights on physiological and psychological responses, INOUE Youko; KUBO Hiroko; NIIMI Satoko, 23 May 2008, 48, 349, 352
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 住環境における真菌汚染の実態と環境要因に関する事例研究, 東実千代; 久保博子; 磯田憲生, 2008, 60th
  • Journal of physiological anthropology, Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology, P-20 Study on Changing Skin Temperatures of Healthy Women during Warm Bathing : Physiological Responses for Specifying Psychological Responses after Bathing and Bathing Time(Proceedings of the 57th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology) :, YAGI Yasuko; KUBO Hiroko; TSUMOTO Miwa; ISHIZU Kyoji, 2008, 27, 2, 110, 110
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41205 Survey of Bathing Behavior and Bathroom Thermal Environment on the Daily Life -Part7- : Difference of Season, Age and Sex, KUBO Hiroko; YAGI Yasuko; TSUMOTO Miwa; ISODA Norio, 2008, 409, 410
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, Architectural Institute of Japan, 40235 The influence of chromatic light on physiological responses, impression and tiredness feeling about young person. : The study on the visual environment illuminated by using the chromatic light(Part 1)., INOUE Youko; KUBO Hiroko; FUJIMOTO Ayumi, 2008, 501, 502
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-18 Field measurement on the environmental Symbiotic type houses : (Part4) Investigation of the Thermal environment and Living Style in summer, MATSUI Tomoko; AZUMA Michiyo; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 2008, 32, 159, 162
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, B-1 Study on the evaluation of comfort during four seasons in the environmental housing, YASUOKA Ayako; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; KIMURA Fumio; FUJIOKA Ichiro, 2008, 32, 15, 18
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, The study of the nocturnal sleeping posture and body movement of young male and female, Kubo Hiroko; Aoyama Yumiko; Shigemura Naomi, 2008, 44, 44, 316, 317, 10.5100/jje.44.Supplement_316
  • Not Refereed, ハウスクリマ研究ノート, 入浴時の温熱環境と入浴行動について, 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生; 古賀 弘子; 西田 ひろみ; 八木 廉子; 津本 美和, 2008, 36, 1, 8
  • Not Refereed, 照明学会誌, 防犯照明と青色光 -照明有彩色光照明の生理的・心理的影響-, 久保 博子; 井上容子, 2008, 92, 9, 645, 649
  • Refereed, World Congress 2007, International Federation for Home Economics, The influence of greenery near windows on thermal environment and thermal comfort levels, 2008, Summary international conference
  • Refereed, World Congress 2007, International Federation for Home Economics, Experimental studies on thermal comfort for the elderly in summer, 2008, Summary international conference
  • Refereed, World Congress 2007, International Federation for Home Economics, Thermal conditions in the bathroom and human responses of elderly in Japan, 2008, Report research institution
  • Refereed, Korea-Japan joint conference on living environment, Survey of bathing behavior and bathroom thermal environment on the daily life, 2008, Introduction international proceedings
  • Refereed, Korea-Japan joint conference on living environment, Study on thermal comfortable temperature for the elderly, 2008, Introduction international proceedings
  • Not Refereed, 臨牀と研究, 大道学館出版部, 生活環境についてのアドバイス (特集 冬季における高齢者の診療) -- (冬季の高齢者への注意点), 久保 博子, Dec. 2007, 84, 12, 1663, 1667, Introduction scientific journal
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41234 Field Measurement on the Environmental Symbiotic Type Houses (Part2) : Thermal Environment of Detached Houses with Floor-heating System, ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko; AZUMA Michiyo, 31 Jul. 2007, 2007, 467, 468
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41212 Survey of Bathing Behavior and Bathroom Thermal Environment on the Daily Life Part6 : Thermal Condition, and Psychological and Physiological Responses during daily Bathing of young Female in their house and experimental house, KUBO Hiroko; TSUMOTO Miwa; YAGI Yasuko; ISODA Norio, 31 Jul. 2007, 2007, 423, 424
  • 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 自然共生型住宅地における住環境実測調査-住宅の温熱環境-, 東実千代; 磯田憲生; 久保博子, 2007, 59th
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41233 Field Measurement on the Environmental Symbiotic Type Houses (Part1) : Investigation of the Thermal Environment in Summer and Winter, AZUMA Michiyo; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 2007, 465, 466
  • 空気調和 衛生工学会大会論文集, 2007, 冬期および夏期の寝室温熱環境の睡眠への影響, 久保博子, 2007
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Field measurement on the environmental symbiotic type houses : (Part3) Measurement of Fungi in housing environme(Poster session), AZUMA Michiyo; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 2007, 31, 237, 240
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Individual variation of thermal comfort in summer : Physiology and psychology responses in different temperature(session 2), MIZUTA Yumiko; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 2007, 31, 21, 24
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Physiological and psychological responses in constant and preferred thermal environment of elderly : A case of elderly men in winter(session 3), TERADA Rumi; SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 2007, 31, 37, 40
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Effects of the Changes in Ambient Temperature on Human Responses During Night Sleep in Summer(session 10), KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; GOTO Wakiko; SUGISAKI Satoko, 2007, 31, 131, 134
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Effects of Thermal Environment at Bedroom during Night Sleep in Summer(session 10), GOTO Wakiko; Urano Chiyomi; KUBO Hiroko; KIMURA Fumio; Fujioka Ichiro, 2007, 31, 135, 138
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Study of the evaluation of comfort in the environmental symbiotic house : The effect of the thermal environment by air velocity in summer(Poster session), YASUOKA Ayako; KUBO Hiroko; KIMURA Fumio, 2007, 31, 199, 202
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Healthy and Comfortable Thermal Environment of Bathing : The Effect of Different Body Fat Rates on Physiological and Subjective Responses after Bathing(Poster session), YAGI Yasuko; KUBO Hiroko; TUMOTO Miwa; ISHIZU Kyoji, 2007, 31, 223, 226
  • Not Refereed, Technical Papers of Kinki-chapter Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, A-3 On the Thermal Environment of the Detached Houses with Floor-heating System, AZUMA Michiyo; INOUE Sayaka; ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko, 2007, 2006, 0, 9, 12, 10.18948/shasekinki.2006.0_9
  • Not Refereed, Technical Papers of Kinki-chapter Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, A-4 The Effects of Ceiling Radiant Cooling Systems on Humans in Supine Position, MORIMOTO Chiaki; SIMIZU Makoto; ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko; GOTO Wakiko, 2007, 2006, 0, 13, 16, 10.18948/shasekinki.2006.0_13
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, F-35 Experimental study on individual variations of thermal comfort in summer : Sex differences of physiological and psychological responses in different temperature, MIZUTA Yumiko; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, We assessed sex differences in the optimal thermal comfort environment for individuals using a climate chamber. experiment 1: 32 male and 21 female college-age subjects were given 120 minutes to select their preferred ambient ltemperatures. Experiment 2: 20 male and 21 female who participated in experiment 1 were exposed to the set temperature. Subjects were sedentary and clothed (0.4 clo). Skin, oral and rectal temperatures were recorded, and heart rate, blood pressure, thermal comfort and thermal sensations were also measured for the duration of the 1 and 2 experiment. Male and female subjects preferred almost same temperature, but they did a different temperature adjustment reaction., 2007, 2007, 0, 1271, 1274, 10.18948/shasetaikai.2007.2.0_1271
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, F-43 Investigation on Effects of Bedroom Thermal Conditions on Sleeping in Winter and Summer, Kubo Hiroko; Isoda Norio, The present study, we measured thermal environments of bedrooms and physiological andpsychological responses on Japanese collage-age female subjects during night sleep at their houses daily lived in summer and winter. Measurements included rectal temperature (Tre), skin temperature (Tsk),heart rate, and responses to thermal sensation and comfort vote. In summer, bedroom temperatures were above 30℃ without air conditioner using, in winter they were below 15℃ at woody houses. In summer, changes in room temperature by air-conditioner affected Tsk and Tre during sleep, and the frequency of body movement during sleep increased when subjects reported to be able to sleep.In winter, the skin temperatures of insteps decreased by low room temperature, and the sleep latency was delayed., 2007, 2007, 0, 1303, 1306, 10.18948/shasetaikai.2007.2.0_1303
  • Not Refereed, ハウスクリマ研究ノート, 夏期における寝室の温熱環境が終夜睡眠に及ぼす影響, 久保 博子; 後藤和貴子; 宮原律子; 浦野千代美, 2007, 35, 11, 20
  • Not Refereed, ハウスクリマ研究ノート, 高齢者の個人差と温熱的快適性について, 久保 博子; 衣笠奈々恵; 寺田留美; 佐々尚美; 磯田憲生, 2007, 33, 1, 10
  • Not Refereed, JOURNAL OF THE HOUSING RESEARCH FOUNDATION "JUSOKEN", Housing Research Foundation "JUSOKEN", Experimental study on thermal comfortable temperature for the elderly in consideration of individual variation, Sassa Naomi; Isoda Norio; Kubo Hiroko, The purpose of this study is to investigate the thermal comfortable temperature for elderly people, taking into consideration individual variations. Two experiments and two investigations were conducted. In the first experiment, subjects freely chose the preferred air temperature for themselves for 120 minutes. In the other experiment, subjects were exposed to 4 established air temperature2St-33°C) for 60 minutes. The preferred air temperature of the elderly was higher than that of young people and the physiological responses were also different The distal skin temperature of the elderly people was higher than that of the younger people. The physiological and psychological responses of the elderly were different from those of young people. There were also differences of based on gender and blood pressure, etc., 2007, 34, 34, 315, 325, 10.20803/jusokenold.34.0_315
  • Not Refereed, An Evaluation of the Livefoods of Afghan Refugees in Iran : From Interviews in Tehran and Mashhad, KUBO Hiroko, 2007, 54, 1, 475, 479
  • Not Refereed, The 2nd International symposium on Design of Artificial Environments, The effects of bathing time and thermal conditions on physiological and psychological responses while bathing, 2007, Introduction international proceedings
  • Not Refereed, 人間生活工学, 人間生活工学研究センター, 寝付きを促す寝床内気候 (特集 眠る技術・目覚める技術), 久保 博子, Oct. 2006, 7, 4, 2, 5, Introduction scientific journal
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41252 Survey of Bathing Behavior and Bathroom Thermal Environment on the Daily Life of young Female Part5 : Thermal Condition, and Psychological and Physiological Responses during daily Bathing in winter and summer, TSUMOTO Miwa; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YAGI Yasuko, 31 Jul. 2006, 2006, 521, 522
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41251 Survey of Bathing Behavior and Bathroom Thermal Environment, Part4 : A measurement of the amount of the water used when bathing in summer and winter, YAGI Yasuko; KUBO Hiroko; TSUMOTO Miwa; FUKUI Akiko, 31 Jul. 2006, 2006, 519, 520
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 4067 Survey of Bathing Beheaver and Bathroom Thermal Environment, Part4 : A measurement of the amount of the water used when bathing in summer and winter, YAGI Yasuko; KUBO Hiroko; TUMOTO Miwa; FUKUI Akiko, 23 May 2006, 46, 265, 268
  • Journal of physiological anthropology, Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology, Preferred Thermal Environment and Comfort in the Bathroom with Heater (Proceedings of the 54th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology) :, YAGI Yasuko; KUBO Hiroko; ISHIGURO Akiko; ISHIZU Kyoji, 2006, 25, 2, 197, 197
  • 平成18年度日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集, Architectural Institute of Japan, 4068 Survey of Bathing Behavior and Bathroom Thermal Environment on the Daily Life of young Female Part5 : Thermal Condition, and Psychological and Physiological Responses during daily Bathing in winter and summer, TSUMOTO Miwa; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YAGI Yasuko, 2006, 269, 272
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Water Volume and Thermal Comfort During Normal Bathing in Summer and Winter, YAGI Yasuko; KUBO Hiroko; TSUMOTO Miwa; FUKUI Akiko, The subjects (12 men and 12 women in the summer, and 10 men and 12 women in the winter) bathed in their normal manner. The water volumes and temperatures in the bathtub and from the shower faucet, the time spent in the bathtub and in showering, and their subjective responses (thermal sensation and comfort) were obtained The water volumes in the bathtub and from the shower faucet for the male subjects were higher than those of the female subjects. The water temperatures in the bathtub for the male subjects were higher and those from the shower faucet were lower than those of the female subjects. However, the time spent in the bathtub and in showering was longer for the female subjects than it was for the male subjects. The subjective thermal sensation and comfort in summer changed from hot and uncomfortable, or cool and comfortable when undressing prior to bathing into warm and comfortable during bathing, and changed from cold and uncomfortable into warm and comfortable in winter. There was a strong correlation between the water volume from the shower faucet and showering time, with the water volume per unit of time presumed to be larger for the male subjects., 2006, 30, 69, 72
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Physiological and psychological responses in constant thermal environment of elderly : Physiological and psychological responses of elderly men, TERADA Rumi; SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, The experiment was performed for the purpose of understanding thermal comfort for the elderly. In this study, experiment examined differences in physiological and psychological responses under exposure to various temperature environment. Subjects comprised 23 elderly men. Experiment was started in a pie-test room, where air temperature was 27℃. Subjects stayed in the room for 30 minutes, then moved to the next climate chamber, which was set at 23℃ or 27℃ or 29℃ or 32℃. The subjects remained in this room for 1 hour. During the experiment, skin and oral temperature, heart late, blood pressure and thermal comfort and sensation responses were measured As for subjects, not only skin temperature of shin but also skin temperature of abdomen and oral temperature fell under temperature of 24℃. The temperature at the time of a neutral report of thermal sensation vote was about 28℃. The temperature that comfortable feeling rises most was about 26℃. Individual differences was examined for a report under temperature of 24℃・29℃・32℃. It is necessary to examine finely in future., 2006, 30, 85, 88
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Experimental study on individual variations of thermal comfort : Correlations with preferred ambient temperature in summer and winter, MIZUTA Yumiko; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, We assessed seasonal changes in the optimal thermal comfort environment for individuals using an artificial climate chamber. Nine female college-age subjects were given 120 minutes to select their preferred ambient temperatures. Subjects were sedentary and clothed (0.4 clo). Skin, oral and rectal temperatures were recorded, and heart rate, blood pressure, thermal comfort and thermal sensations were also measured for the duration of the experiment The findings of this study were compared with results obtained using the same subjects in summer. Subjects preferred higher air temperatures in winter, and there was a correlation between preferred air temperature in winter and in summer. Subjects with low mean skin temperatures at an ambient temperature of 28℃ in the pretest room preferred high air temperatures. Interestingly, subjects with low abdominal and instep skin temperatures preferred relatively higher air temperatures. In winter, subjects reported feeling warm' at the same temperature in summer., 2006, 30, 97, 100
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Field measurement on the environmental symbiotic type houses : (Part2) Investigation of the thermal environment, AZUMA Michiyo; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of surrounding on housing thermal environment by continues measurement survey. The field measurement was performed to consider feature of the environmental symbiotic type houses in Nara city. The temperature and relative humidity data was gathered from 5 houses in objective area. It was found the result that outdoor temperature of this area in August was lower in comparison with Nara local weather station data The trees that remain in the residential section have a connection with the thermal environment The measurement data showed characteristics by the difference in the way of heating it, the position of the residence., 2006, 30, 117, 120
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, The Effect of Room Temperatures Before and During Bathing, on Bathing Time Physiological and Psychological Responses in Winter, TSUMOTO Miwa; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YAGI Yasuko, The effect of room temperatures in winter, both before and during bathing, on bathing time and physiological and psychological responses was evaluated using 9 young female subjects. The subjects were exposed to 3 test conditions: COLD (17℃ room temperatures both before and during bathing) WARM-COLD (25℃ room temperature before bathing. I7℃ room temperature during bathing),WARM (25℃ room temperatures both before and during bathing). After sitting quietly in the pre-room for 40minetes, the subjects were moved to the bathing room, and immersed in warm water ( 40℃) up to their chest. The subjects were instructed to get out of the bath when they felt adequately warm. Bathing time, skin and rectal temperatures, blood pressure, heart rate, thermal sensation and comfort were all recorded The result as follows: Skin temperatures were lowest before bathing and bathing time was longest under the COLD condition. The tendency was found for bathing time to increase when the skin temperature on the back of the hand before bathing was low Skin temperatures during and after bathing were lowest in order of COLD < WARM-COLD < WARM conditions. The increase in rectal temperature during bathing was slow under the COLD condition. Therefore we considered that the room temperature before bathing exerted a large influence in this experiment., 2006, 30, 237, 240
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, The effects of water temperature and exposure area by water on human responses and bathing time, KUBO Hiroko; FUKUI Akiko; TSUMOTO Miwa; ISODA Norio; YAGI Yasuko, To clarify about physiological and psychological responses during bathing, we experimentally studied the preferred bathing time under different water temperatures and to different body areas soaked in the bath water Ten healthy women participated in this experiment The subjects were exposed under 4 conditions combined with 3 water temperature and 2 body areas soaked in the bath water. The 4 conditions were (1) 38℃-to their abdomen, (2) 38℃-to their chest, (3)40℃-to their chest and (4)42℃h-to their chest After the subjects were sedentary in the pre-test chamber for 20 minutes, they soaked in the bath water with each temperature and body area in test chamber of 22℃-70%RH. The subjects were requested to soak into the bathtub until they were preferred warm. We recorded bathing time, skin and rectal temperatures, blood pressure, heart rate, thermal sensation vote and etc. The subjects remained in the bathtub for a longer time under low water temperature than under high water temperature. The subjects with larger BMI remained in the bathtub for a longer time than the subjects with smaller BMI. Their skin and rectal temperature were higher and heart rate was higher under high water temperature than under low water temperature. The physiological responses had a large influence by the water temperature in this experiment, 2006, 30, 241, 244
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Effects of Thermal Environment on Changes in Circadian Rhythm of Rectal Temperature During Night Sleep in Summer, GOTO Wakiko; ISHIDA Akiko; KUBO Hiroko; SUGISAKI Satoko, The close relationship between sleep and body temperature is well documented In this study, we focused on circadian rhythm of rectal temperature and investigated physiological and psychological responses to changes in thermal environment during night sleep in summer. Seven healthy female college students participated in a sleep experiment in the climate chamber. Subjects slept for 8 hours under two environmental conditions. Condition 1: Ambient temperature was decreased to 2℃ from 27℃ over 1 hour, maintained for 2 hours, and subsequently increased to 3℃ for 5 hours. Condition 2: Ambient temperature was increased from 2℃ to 27℃ over 1 hour, and maintained for 7 hours. Measurements included EEC rectal temperature (Tre), skin temperature (Tsk), heart rate, and responses to the OSA sleep evaluation. Changes in ambient temperature influenced both Tsk and Tie. In addition, it was possible to assess the influence of ambient temperature on percentages of sleep stage during sleep and OSA evaluate sleep evaluation by sleepless, worries, integrated sleep feeling and sleep initiation., 2006, 30, 93, 96
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, Investigation on Effects of Bedroom Thermal Conditions on Sleeping in Winter and Summer, Kubo Hiroko; Miyahara Ritsuko, 2006, 42, 42, 270, 271, 10.5100/jje.42.Supplement_270
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, A Study on the Individual Variation of Thermal Comfort for the Elderly in Summer, Kinugasa Nanae; Kubo Hiroko; Sassa Naomi; Isoda Norio, 2006, 42, 42, 272, 273, 10.5100/jje.42.Supplement_272
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, Effects of Using Radiation Panel Cooling on the Ceiling on Physiological and Psychological Responses during Night Sleep in Summer, Goto Wakiko; Kubo Hiroko, 2006, 42, 42, 468, 469, 10.5100/jje.42.Supplement_468
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, Individual variation of thermal comfort in summer, Mizuta Yumiko; Kubo Hiroko, 2006, 42, 42, 470, 471, 10.5100/jje.42.Supplement_470
  • Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-714 Thermal Conditions in the Bathroom and Physiological and Psychological Responses of Elderly in Japan, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 12 Sep. 2005, 5, 45, 45
  • Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-701 Effects of Temperature on Physiological and Psychological Responses during Night Sleep in Summer, MIYAHARA Ritsuko; KUBO Hiroko, 12 Sep. 2005, 5, 39, 39
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41239 Research of Thermal Condition and Human Responses during bathing : Comparison of Young Female and Elderly Female, TSUMOTO Miwa; KUBO Hiroko, 31 Jul. 2005, 2005, 507, 508
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41238 Survey of Bathing Beheaver and Bathroom Thermal Environment on the Daily Life of Young Female, Part3, KUBO Hiroko; TSUMOTO Miwa; ISODA Norio; ISHIGURO Akiko, 31 Jul. 2005, 2005, 505, 506
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41227 The Experimental Study on Thermal Comfort for the Elderly in Summer : The Effect of Constant Thermal Environment on Physiological and Psychological Responses, KINUGASA Nanae; KUBO Hiroko; SASSA Naomi; ISODA Norio, 31 Jul. 2005, 2005, 483, 484
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 4032 The Experimental Study on Thermal Comfort for Elderly in Summer, KINUGASA Nanae; KUBO Hiroko; SASSA Naomi; ISODA Norio, 23 May 2005, 45, 125, 128
  • 日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 I, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 4013 変動気流の温熱的快適性に関する研究(環境工学), 森本 千章; 清水 真; 磯田 憲生; 久保 博子; 谷 俊男, 28 Feb. 2005, 75, 569, 572
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41256 An Experimental Study on Thermal Comfort for the Elderly in Winter, KINUGASA Nanane; KUBO Hiroko; SASSA Naomi; ISODA Norio, 2005, 529, 530
  • Not Refereed, 人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集, 人間-生活環境系会議, P-503 夏期における高齢者の快適温熱環境に関する研究(Session5 (Poster Session1)), 衣笠 奈々恵; 久保 博子; 佐々 尚美; 磯田 憲生, 2005, 5, A36
  • Not Refereed, 人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集, 人間-生活環境系会議, P-701 夏期における室温の影響が睡眠中の生理心理反応に及ぼす影響(Session7 (Poster Session2)), 宮原 律子; 久保 博子, 2005, 5, A53
  • Not Refereed, 人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集, 人間-生活環境系会議, P-714 日本の高齢者の入浴温熱環境とその生理心理反応(Session7 (Poster Session2)), 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生, 2005, 5, A59
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, B-18 室内変動気流が温熱的生理・心理反応に及ぼす影響, 森本 千章; 磯田 憲生; 清水 真; 久保 博子; 井上 雄二; 漆原 慎, 2005, 2004, 0, 157, 160, 10.18948/shasekinki.2004.0_157
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41078 Physiological and Psychological Responses of Elderly under Preferred Air Temperature in Summer, KINUGASA Nanae; KUBO Hiroko; SASSA Naomi; ISODA Norio, 31 Jul. 2004, 2004, 155, 156
  • Not Refereed, 総合ケア, 医歯薬出版, 環境からのアプローチ (特集 高齢者の睡眠--よりよい眠りを求めて), 久保 博子, Jul. 2004, 14, 7, 42, 45
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41259 Survey of Bathing Beheaver and Bathroom Thermal Environment on the Daily Life of Young Female, Part2, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; NAGAI Yasuko, 2004, 545, 546
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, 5-1 An experimental study on the effects of different bathing behavior on physiological and psychological responses of human body(Session 5), Ishiguro Akiko; Kubo Hiroko; Isoda Norio; Nagai Yasuko, 2004, 28, 169, 172
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, 5-2 Effects of bed room temperature on physiological and psychological responses of human body in summer(Session 5), KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; SHIMIZU Katsuhiro; SUGISAKI Tomoko; KUMAGAI Noboru; KINO Mayumi, 2004, 28, 173, 176
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, 5-3 The Effects of Heating Soles During Sleep in Winter(Session 5), IGARASHI Reiko; ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko, 2004, 28, 177, 180
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, Effects of The weak Air Flow on Night Sleep in Summer Heat Environment, Kitado Masako; Yanase Takuko; Kubo Hiroko, 2004, 40, 40, 384, 385, 10.5100/jje.40.Supplement_384
  • Not Refereed, Transactions of the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning & Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The influence of continuous time of the direction of the fluctuating airflow of the front and back on thermal comfort, Yagi Yuki; Kubo Hiroko; Isoda Norio; Inoue Yuji; Shimizu Makoto, The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the direction and continuous time of airflow on thermal comfort. Ten collegiate female subjects were exposed to airflow in twenty types. Air velocity of fluctuating airflow counted for 0〜0.8m/s (mean 0.3m/s) and air velocity of uniform airflow for 0.3m/s. Air temperature was kept constant at 28℃. Relative humidity was kept constant at 50%. Two fans were located before and behind the sedentary subjects. The subjects were measured for the skin temperatures, and they were asked about thermal sensation, thermal comfort and evaluation of airflow. The skin temperatures fell at many parts which were exposed to airflow, and there is statistically some significant differences. The dispersion of general thermal sensation votes was small. The most numerous reports in general thermal sensation were "0:neutral" at any condition. The airflow which blew longer from before than behind obtained higher comfort sensation vote., 2004, 29, 93, 97, 103, 10.18948/shase.29.93_97
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41197 A Study on Movement of Moisture Generated in Bathroom (Part2) : Analysis on Drying Process of Bathroom, ITO Yasuyo; HOKOI Shuichi; HARADA Kazunori; TAKADA Satoru; KUBO Hiroko; NAGAI Yasuko, 30 Jul. 2003, 2003, 415, 416
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41196 A Study on Movement of Moisture Generated in Bathroom (Part1) : Measurement of Moisture Generation by Bathing and Drying Process of Bathroom, NAGAI Yasuko; HOKOI Shuichi; HARADA Kazunori; TAKADA Satoru; ITO Yasuyo; KUBO Hiroko, 30 Jul. 2003, 2003, 413, 414
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 4081 A Study on Movement of Moisture Generated in Bathroom (part 2) : Analysis on Drying Process of Bathroom, ITO Yasuyo; HOKOI Shuichi; HARADA Kazunori; TAKADA Satoru; KUBO Hiroko; NAGAI Yasuko, 26 May 2003, 43, 321, 324
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 4080 A Study on Movement of Moisture Generated in Bathroom (part 1) : Measurement of Moisture Generation by Bathing and Drying Process of Bathroom, NAGAI Yasuko; HOKOI Shuichi; HARADA Kazunori; TAKADA Satoru; ITO Yasuyo; KUBO Hiroko, 26 May 2003, 43, 317, 320
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41229 Survey of Bathing Beheaver and Bathroom Thermal Environment on the Daily Life of Young Female, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; TAKADA Satoru; NAGAI Yasuko, 2003, 479, 480
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, Survey of daily physical activity and thermal environment of elderly home makers:-A comparison of summer and winter-, MIZOBATA Yuki; YANASE Takuko; TANAKA Shiho; KUBO Hiroko, 目的】高齢化の進む現在、高齢者の生活実態や活動能力の把握が必要である。また高齢者では加齢による温熱適応能力の低下がみられる。本研究では、家事専従高齢者の日常生活行動及び活動量、温熱環境の実態や季節による違いを明らかにすることを目的とする。【方法】腕時計型活動量記録計及び携帯小型温湿度記録計を48時間装着させ、活動量及び身体周囲温湿度を連続測定するとともに、測定期間中の生活行動内容を記録させた。被験者は家事専従高齢者(2000年11月~2001年3月測定8名、2002年8~9月測定6名)とした。また農作業従事高齢者7名(2001年8~9月測定)1)との比較も行った。【結果】1日の生活行動時間・活動量について夏期冬期で比較・検討した結果、家事時間・活動量に差はないが、外出に関しては夏期のほうが多くなっていた。また、家事や外出による活動量が多い者は総活動量も多いことがわかった。一方、夏期の温熱環境は、家事専従者は農作業従事者よりも低温低湿であることが明らかとなった。また夏期と冬期の睡眠時について比較したところ、夏期の方が体動や中途覚醒が多くなっていたことから、温熱環境の更なる改善が望まれる。1)日本家政学会関西支部第24回(通算80回)研究発表会講演要旨集、p.21(2002), 2003, 55, 0, 238, 238, 10.11428/kasei.55.0_238_2
  • Not Refereed, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Japan Society of Home Economics, An Experimental Study of Userbility of Selves for Users Including the Elderly People, Hiroko KUBO, 目的:ユニバーサルデザインの必要性は至る所で示されているが、依然として生活用品は、身体機能の低下した高齢者にとっては使いづらい場合が少なくない。高齢者にとって使いやすい設計のものはその身体能力を十分に生かし自立した生活が続けることが可能になる。本研究では高齢者のための好ましい作業空間作りの提案を目的として、棚からの物の出し入れ動作を取り上げ、高齢者の動作特性について若年者と比較において解析し、使いやすさについて検討した。方法:動作として、棚からの物の出し入れと上や下の段で引き出しや踏み台を使用した応用動作を、奥行き位置2種類、重さ2種類を設定した。それぞれの動作中の心拍数、作業前後の血圧、動作中の腰位置での加速度、作業所用時間、作業姿勢を測定した。動作毎に終了後に疲労感や使いやすさの申告を得た。被験者は、日常生活に支障のない65歳以上の高齢者(68~80歳)と若齢者(20~24歳)の女性それぞれ10名起用した。結果:・高齢者は作業時に片手で体を支える割合が高く、低い位置の作業では、しゃがむより中腰か膝を床につけて作業しており、平衡感覚の衰えを補っていることが推察された。・高齢者では、踏み台使用時に若干の血圧上昇が見られ、3方向加速度から計測した体動揺は、最下段で左右動揺が大きかった。・若年者は最上段を、高齢者は最下段を使いにくいと申告していた。最下段では引き出し使用により、作業姿勢や生理負担が改善できていた。, 2003, 55, 0, 244, 244, 10.11428/kasei.55.0_244_2
  • Not Refereed, Research journal of living science, Nara Women's University, Uygur's Houses and Dwelling Life in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China : Research in Kashgar District in 2001, Seto Akiko; Kubo Hiroko, Oct. 2002, 49, 1, 75, 82
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, Experimental Study on Individal Variation of Sensation of Air Velocity in Summer, KUBO Hiroko, 30 Jun. 2002, 2002, 427, 428
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, P-10 Surveys of Sleep and Sleep Environments of the Elderly in Summer and Winter(Poster Session), KUBO Hiroko; YANASE Takuko; SUZUKI Yuiko; AKAGI Hiroko; YAMADA Nami, 2002, 26, 105, 108
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, O-20 Influence on physiological and psychological responses to airflow by four seasons(Session), YAGI Yuki; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 2002, 26, 195, 198
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, O-11 Survey of Daily Physical Activity and Thermal Environment of Elderly : In The Case of Elderly Farm Workers(Special Session), MIZOBATA Yuki; YANASE Takuko; TANAKA Shiho; KUBO Hiroko, 2002, 26, 41, 44
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, Influence on Phsysiolosical and Psychological Responses to Airflow by Individual Variation in Summer, Kubo H, 2002, 2002, 0, 1697, 1700, 10.18948/shasetaikai.2002.3.0_1697
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, Influence on physiological and psychological responses to airflow by seasonal variation : in summer, autumn, winter, YAGI Yuki, 2002, 2002, 0, 1701, 1704, 10.18948/shasetaikai.2002.3.0_1701
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学, 空気調和・衛生工学会, 平成13年度学術講演会概要, 藤田 稔彦; 赤林 伸一; 佐野 武仁; 永野 紳一郎; 内海 康雄; 松本 博; 倉渕 隆; 山中 俊夫; 澤地 孝男; 坂口 淳; 小林 信行; 池田 耕一; 田辺 新一; 田中 辰明; 小竿 慎一郎; 菅原 文子; 野崎 淳夫; 宇田川 光弘; 高草木 明; 深尾 仁; 吉野 博; 田中 俊彦; 持田 灯; 森山 正和; 小峯 裕己; 伊藤 一秀; 岩田 利枝; 新田 勝道; 秋元 孝之; 大野 秀夫; 原田 昌幸; 鉾井 修一; 久保 博子; 桑沢 保夫; 群 公子; 松雄 陽; 奥山 博康; 須山 喜美; 齋藤 輝幸; 水谷 国男; 石野 久彌; 横山 真太郎; 加藤 信介; 坊垣 和明; 大澤 元毅; 高地 進; 大黒 雅之; 飯塚 宏; 松藤 久良; 中島 康孝; 川島 実; 田中 良彦; 野部 達夫; 中村 卓司; 関根 能文; 藤田 尚志; 神谷 是行; 相良 和伸; 相賀 洋; 山田 博; 相楽 典泰; 長野 克則; 野原 文男; 坂本 守正; 渡辺 健一郎; 水野 宏道; 湯澤 秀樹; 小野島 一; 松縄 堅; 柳原 隆司; 高橋 惇; 西村 浩一; 赤坂 裕; 平山 昌宏; 岩本 清孝; 武田 仁; 吉田 崇; 大森 敏明; 宿谷 昌則; 木内 俊明; 成田 樹昭; 岩宮 正治; 半澤 久; 窪田 英樹; 出口 清孝; 井上 隆; 石黒 邦道; 大橋 一正; 丹羽 英治; 岡 建雄; 猪岡 達夫; 水野 稔; 伊香賀 俊治; 坂本 雄三; 梅主 洋一郎; 鎌田 元康; 斎藤 忠義; 湯浅 和博; 関 五郎; 岡田 誠之; 齋藤 祐二; 村川 三郎; 大塚 雅之; 塚越 信行; 輿水 知; 坂上 恭助; 市川 憲良; 飯尾 昭彦; 赤井 仁志; 稲田 朝夫; 浅野 良晴; 小瀬 博之, 05 Dec. 2001, 75, 12, 1139, 1163
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41194 Experimental Studies on Individual Variations of Thermal Comfort : Part 13. Prediction of preferred air temperature in summer, SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 31 Jul. 2001, 2001, 387, 388
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, 41192 Research on The Actual Residential Condition of Thermal Environment And Human Body Thermal Reaction, KUBO Hiroko, 31 Jul. 2001, 2001, 383, 384
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 4056 Experimental Studies on Individual Variations of Thermal Comfort : Part 12. Relation between preferred air temperature and thermal daily living habit, SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 25 May 2001, 41, 221, 224
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, Study on Effects of the indoor fluctuating air movements on thermal comfort in summer, (Part 2), Kubo H., 2001, 2001, 0, 1309, 1312, 10.18948/shasetaikai.2001.3.0_1305
  • Not Refereed, 建築雑誌(日本建築学会), 当麻寺本堂(曼陀羅堂) : 密教系寺院本堂の変遷(<特集>文化財の旅 : 修理の考え方と技術), 久保 博子; 村田健一, 2001, 116(1471), 38, 41
  • Not Refereed, 建築雑誌(日本建築学会), 法隆寺東院伝法堂 東院舎利殿・絵殿 東室 : 痕跡による実証的復原と建築遺跡発掘調査法の確立を中心に(<特集>文化財の旅 : 修理の考え方と技術), 久保 博子; 村田健一, 2001, 116(1471), 32, 37
  • Not Refereed, The life og Women in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,China -Part3:Research on the Lives on Minority Womens in 2000 -, KUBO Hiroko, 2001, 48, 1, 57, 76
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), Architectural Institute of Japan, THE STUDY OF PREFERRED AIR TEMPERATURE IN WINTER, SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, We experimented on the preferred air temperature in winter with climate chamber where we could regulate air temperature inside. The subjects who were 29 healthy women regulated air temperature for 120 minutes. The physiological and psychological responses were compared with winter and summer. The results were as follows; The mean preferred air temperature was 27±2℃ (SD) in summer and winter. The differences of preferred air temperature from person to person was large. The mean skin temperature was 34.0±0.7℃ (SD). Thermal sensation in Winter was warmer than that in Summer., 2001, 66, 541, 17, 22, 10.3130/aija.66.17_1
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, Experimental Studies on Individual Variations of Thermal Comfort : Part 11-The Actual Themal Environments in Elderly Daily Life in Summer and Winter, KUBO Hiroko; SASSA Naomi; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 31 Jul. 2000, 2000, 375, 376
  • Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, Experimental Studies on Individual Variations of Thermal Comfort : Part10. Compared with the human response on four level temperatures conditions in summer and winter, LEE ju-your; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 31 Jul. 2000, 2000, 3, 373, 374, 10.18948/shasetaikai.2000.3.0_1205
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 4047 Experimental Studies on Individual Variations of Thermal Comfort : Part9. The individual differences of human response on four level temperatures conditions in Winter, SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 25 May 2000, 40, 185, 188
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, A-14 高齢者の好まれる気温と日常生活における温熱環境について(一般講演), 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生; 佐々 尚美, 2000, 1999, 0, 61, 64, 10.18948/shasekinki.1999.0_61
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, A-15 冬期における好まれる気温に関する研究第2報 : 着衣量の違いの検討(一般講演), 佐々 尚美; 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生, 2000, 1999, 0, 65, 68, 10.18948/shasekinki.1999.0_65
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, A-16 好まれる気温の季節差に関する検討 ; 第2報同一被験者による比較(一般講演), 日向 麻由美; 佐々 尚美; 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生, 2000, 1999, 0, 69, 72, 10.18948/shasekinki.1999.0_69
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Study of The Preferred Air Temperature in Winter : Part3 The Effects of Different Established Air Temperature in Summer Wear and Winter Wear, SASSA naomi, 2000, 2000, 0, 1229, 1232, 10.18948/shasetaikai.2000.3.0_1229
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, Seasonal Difference on the Preferred Air Temperature : Part3 The Preferred Air Temperature and The Indoor Thermal Environment, HINATA Mayumi, 2000, 2000, 0, 1261, 1264, 10.18948/shasetaikai.2000.3.0_1261
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, Experimental Studies on Individual Variations of Thermal Comfort : Part6. Compared with the Effects of Different Established Air Temperature in Summer, SASSA Naomi; HINATA Mayumi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 30 Jul. 1999, 1999, 345, 346
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, Experimental Studies on Individual Variations of Thermal Comfort : Part 7 The Investigation of The Preferred Air Temperature in June, HINATA mayumi; SASSA naomi; KUBO hiroko; ISODA norio, 30 Jul. 1999, 1999, 347, 348
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, Experimental Studies on Individual Variations of Thermal Comfort : Part 8 Physiological Response and Thermal Sensation of Elderly under Preferred Air Temperature in Winter, KUBO Hiroko; SASSA Naomi; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 1999, 349, 350
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, The Effects of Floor Cooling and Wall Cooling on Thermal Comfort Upon The Human Body, LEE ju-youn; ISODA norio; KUBO hiroko, 1999, 2, 343, 343
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Effect of Floor Cooling System Upon The Human Body in Summer Conditions : Part 4. In the case of use together with wall cooling system, LEE ju-youn, 1999, 1999, 0, 1509, 1512, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1999.3.0_1509
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, E-65 好まれる気温の季節差に関する検討, 日向 麻由美; 佐々 尚美; 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生, 1999, 1999, 0, 1549, 1552, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1999.3.0_1549
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, On sleep stages,skin temperature and sleep satisfaction in all night sleep., KUBO Hiroko; AKAGI Hiroko; YANASE Takuko; Tada Tomonori, 1999, 35, 35, 456, 457, 10.5100/jje.35.2Supplement_456
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学情報処理センター広報, 奈良女子大学, UNIXにおけるSASの使用法, 久保 博子, Dec. 1998, 10, 71, 88
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, Experemental Studies on Individual Variations of Thermal Comfort : Part4. Compared with young and elderly person of The Preferred Air Temperature in Summer, SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 30 Jul. 1998, 1998, 397, 398
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, The effect of Air and Heated Floor Temperature of system upon the human body : Part2. Study on acceptable temperature with different exposure and air, floor temperature, LEE Ju-youn; ISODA norio; KUBO hiroko; YANASE takuko, 30 Jul. 1998, 1998, 393, 394
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, Experimental Studies on Individual Variations of Thermal Comfort : Part 5 Relationship between preferred air temperature and thermal environments in daily life, KUBO Hiroko; SASSA Naomi; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 30 Jul. 1998, 1998, 399, 400
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, Thermal environment comparison of detached houses in winter, MOROOKA hiroko; ISODA norio; KUBO hiroko, 30 Jul. 1998, 1998, 523, 524
  • Not Refereed, 人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集, 人間-生活環境系会議, 120 温熱的快適性の個人差に関する研究 : その2 選択気温実験と居住室温熱環境調査(S1-Pポスター発表, Session 1温熱生理1), 久保 博子; 佐々 尚美; 磯田 憲生; 梁瀬 度子, 1998, 98, 23, 23
  • Not Refereed, 人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集, 人間-生活環境系会議, 604 温熱的快適性の個人差に関する研究 : その1.選択気温実験と設定気温評価実験における個人差(S6-O口頭発表, Session 6温熱生理2), 佐々 尚美; 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生; 梁瀬 度子, 1998, 98, 54, 54
  • Not Refereed, 人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集, 人間-生活環境系会議, 605 床冷却の温熱的快適性に関する研究 : 第1報一般の被験者の場合(S6-O口頭発表, Session 6温熱生理2), 李 周妍; 磯田 憲生; 久保 博子, 1998, 98, 55, 55
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, B-13 夏期における好まれる気温に関する研究第4報 : 97年夏期実験における午前・午後の比較(一般講演), 佐々 尚美; 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生, 1998, 1997, 0, 115, 118, 10.18948/shasekinki.1997.0_115
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, B-14 夏期の床冷却時における気温と床温の評価に関する研究 : 第1報-弱冷青年女子の場合(一般講演), 李 周妍; 磯田 憲生; 久保 博子, 1998, 1997, 0, 119, 122, 10.18948/shasekinki.1997.0_119
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Effect of the Different Position on the Human Body with Floor Cooling System in Summer Condition : Part3. In the case of subjects who dislike the cold, LEE ju-youn, 1998, 1998, 0, 1421, 1424, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1998.3.0_1421
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The experimental study on cooling system for comfort in summer condition, ISODA norio, 1998, 1998, 0, 917, 920, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1998.2.0_917
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Study of Preferred Air Temperature in Summer : Part5. Comparison between morning and evening, SASSA naomi, 1998, 1998, 0, 969, 972, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1998.2.0_969
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, Experemental Studies on Individual Variations of Thermal Comfort : Part3. On the Preferred Air Temperature and the Heat Tolerance in Summer, SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 30 Jul. 1997, 1997, 369, 370
  • Not Refereed, 博士学位論文 : 内容の要旨及び審査の結果の要旨, 奈良女子大学, 夏季における室内気流の評価に関する実験的研究, 久保 博子, 31 Mar. 1997, 14, 57, 64
  • Not Refereed, 支部学術研究発表会前刷集, 社団法人空気調和・衛生工学会, B-13 夏期における好まれる気温に関する研究第2報 : 性周期および午前・午後の影響, 佐々 尚美; 磯田 憲生; 久保 博子; 西村 聡子, 18 Mar. 1997, 8, 131, 134
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, The effect of Air and Heated Floor Temperature of system upon the human body : Part 1. In the cases of sitting on a floor and a chair, and lying on one's back, LEE ju-youn; ISODA norio; KUBO hiroko; YANASE takuko, 1997, 817, 818
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, The Effects of Preferred Air Temperature on the Physiological Response, SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 1997, 21, 57, 60
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, The influence on parts of the body in contact with air temperature and floor temperature, LEE Ju-Youn; ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko, 1997, 21, 123, 126
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The effect of the difference position on the human body with floor cooling system in summer condition : Part1. The influence of the mean skin temperature, the themal comfort and sensation, LEE ju-youn, 1997, 1997, 0, 1089, 1092, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1997.3.0_1089
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Study of Preferred Air Temperature in Summer : Part3 Reproduction of Preferred Air Temperature and Influence of Morninng and Evening, SASSA naomi, 1997, 1997, 0, 493, 496, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1997.2.0_493
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), Architectural Institute of Japan, EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON EFFECTS OF LOCALIZED COOL AIRFLOW ON THERMAL COMFORT IN SUMMER CONDITIONS, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, To clarify effects of localized airflow on thermal comfort, physiological and psychological responses of the total of 960 female subjects to localized airflow was studied in a climate chamber. Experiments were conducted in summer under 60 kinds of the following conditions : four air temperatures (25℃, 27.5℃, 30℃ and 32.5℃), six types of localized airflow (a uniform airflow, four oscillating airflow and a randomly fluctuating airflow reproducing a natural wind) with average velocity of 1.0m/s and three airflow temperatures (equal to, 5℃ and 10℃ lower than room air temperature). The comfortable zone of combined air temperature and airflow temperature became narrow and shifted to high room temperature and high airflow temperature according to the increase of maximum airflow velocity., 1997, 62, 492, 31, 37, 10.3130/aija.62.31_2
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, Effects of Floor Heating and Hot-Air heating on Human Body, ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko; YANASE Takuko, 30 Jul. 1996, 1996, 373, 374
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, Experemental Studies on Indicidual Variations of Thermal Comfort : Part1 The Investigation of The Perferred Air Temperature in Summer, SASSA naomi; KUBO hiroko; ISODA norio; YANASE takuko, 30 Jul. 1996, 1996, 369, 370
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, Study on Efficient Odor Constituents for the Indicators of Garbage Odors and the Acceptable Level Using the Odor Consituent, MITSUDA Megumi; ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko; YANASE Takuko, 30 Jul. 1996, 1996, 763, 764
  • 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集, 温熱的快適性の個人差に関する実験的研究 - 第2報夏期における設定環境下の人体反応の個人差について, 久保博子, 1996, 371, 372
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, B-11 夏期の好まれる気温に関する研究, 久保 博子; 門脇 友美; 西村 聡子; 佐々 尚美; 磯田 憲生, 1996, 1995, 0, 121, 124, 10.18948/shasekinki.1995.0_121
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Study of The Preferred Air Temperature in Winter, SASSA naomi, 1996, 1996, 0, 101, 104, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1996.1.0_101
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, Human response to the different airflow direction in summer, kubo H, 1996, 1996, 0, 133, 136, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1996.1.0_133
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, A research study on the color of interior elements in living rooms, Takehara Hiromi; Kubo Hiroko; Inoue Youko; Isoda Norio; Yanase Takuko, 1996, 32, 0, 4, 5, 10.5100/jje.32.Supplement_4
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), Architectural Institute of Japan, A STUDY ON THE EVALUATION OF ODOR EMISSION UNITS FOR GARBAGE, MITSUDA Megumi; ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko; YANASE Takuko, In this study we estimated odor emission units (OEU) by measurion odor concentration with flask experiments, and we examined the control of garbage odor using OEU. The results were as follows: 1)Odor emission rate (OER) increased in proportion to garbage surface area. We obtained OEU with OER per area of garbage. 2) The maximum value of OEU was 1.1×10^2 (m^3/cm^2/h) with the airtight type and 1.0×10^2 (m^3/cm^2/h) with the ventilated type. 3) Previously we showed that the acceptable level of garbage odor was about 10 with odor concentration. We could estimate ventilation requirement for garbage odor by OEU and the odor concentration of acceptable level. In conclusion an enormous amount of ventilation needed to control the garbage odor below the acceptable level in the kitchen., 1996, 61, 486, 35, 41, 10.3130/aija.61.35_4
  • Not Refereed, Research journal of living science, Nara Women's University, Research study on evalation of gerbage odor in residences and primary influencing factors, Mitusda Megumi; Isoda Norio; Kubo Hiroko; Yanase Takuko, Oct. 1995, 42, 1, p39, 48
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, Study on Control of Garbage Odors : Part.4 The Actual Condition of Garbage Odor, MITSUDA Megumi; ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko; YANASE Takuko, 20 Jul. 1995, 1995, 795, 796
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, Effect of spot airflow on human body in summer, GOHARA Taemi; ISHII Akio; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 20 Jul. 1995, 1995, 369, 370
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, Architectural Institute of Japan, The Influence of the Texture of Trim material on the Evaluation of Visual Environment. : Rept.2 Relationship between the Evaluation and the Surface Properties, KITAMURA Shigeko; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 20 Jul. 1995, 1995, 469, 470
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Home Economics of Japan, The Japan Society of Home Economics, A Survey of Residential Thermal Environments on the Aged the Daily Living (Part 3) Aspects of Skin Temperature on the Aged, IGARASHI Yuriko; IWASHIGE Hirofumi; MIYAZAWA Morie; SAKAKIBARA Noriko; MIZUNO Yumi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, The aspects of skin temperature on the aged is considered from the viewpoint of seasons, daily activities, air conditioning and forth.
    The following results were obtained :
    1) During the day in summer, the skin temperatures on the aged are lower than that of college students, but at night those of the aged are higher. 2) During the day in winter, the chest temperatures of the aged are lower than those of students. The foot skin temperatures of aged are, however, higher, especially among men. That is because of the use of Kotatu.
    3) In winter, the chest skin temperatures of the aged are the same as those recorded in summer, because most of them use electric blankets when sleeping.
    4) During ambient temperatures are greater than 27°C, chest skin temperatures of aged women is harder to increase than those of female college students, but when ambient temperatures fall bellow 17°C they go down more.
    5) As results of considering the relationship between skin temperature and thermal sensation, it was found that insensitiveness increases by aging, and it is more significant in winter., 15 Jun. 1995, 46, 6, 587, 596, 10.11428/jhej1987.46.587
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Home Economics of Japan, The Japan Society of Home Economics, A Survey of Residential Thermal Environments on the Aged in the Daily Living(Part 2) Aspects of Ambient Temperature on the Aged, IWASHIGE Hirofumi; IGARASHI Yuriko; MIYAZAWA Morie; SAKAKIBARA Noriko; MIZUNO Yumi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, The aspects of ambient temperature on the aged are considered with regard to seasons, daily living actions, air conditioning and similar factors.
    The following results were obtained from this survey :
    1) The summer night time ambient room temperature encountered by many aged people is very high, approaching daytime temperatures.
    2) Due to lack of heating, the winter night time ambient room temperature is strongly influenced by the outside temperature.
    3) Aged women generally wear lighter clothing than aged men. Most aged women pass their time in rooms with temperatures lower than the standard winter time temperature.
    4) This survey suggests the following ranges of comfortable daytime room temperatures for the aged : 25-29°C for summer and 20-25°C for winter., 15 May 1995, 46, 5, 455, 464, 10.11428/jhej1987.46.455
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Home Economics of Japan, The Japan Society of Home Economics, A Survey of Residential Thermal Environments on the Aged in the Daily Living (Part 1)Aspects of Residential Conditions and Control of Air-Conditioning by the Aged, MIYAZAWA Morie; IGARASHI Yuriko; IWASHIGE Hirofumi; SAKAKIBARA Noriko; MIZUNO Yumi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, The purpose of these studies (Part 1-Part 3) is to investigate residential thermal environments and to get the basic materials for proposing residential thermal indices. The ambient temperature and the temperature at three points on the skin surface of about 50 elderly persons and 40 young persons were measured with a compact thermorecorder and a questionnaire concerning their daily lives was obtained, as well as clo-values and thermal sensation preferences. Their activities were surveyed in summer and winter. The young people, mainly college students, were the control group, and subjects live in six different districts. This first paper reports on the analysis of the effects of residential conditions and air-conditioning control on daily life.
    The results are as follows :
    1) A seasonal difference has been demonstrated in the usage time for air-conditioning. The aged use air conditioners more of the time than college students in winter and less of the time than college students in summer.
    2) In summer, for the aged and college students, there has been shown to be a high correlation between the usage time for air-conditioning and degree-day. For high values of degreeday, difference in usage times for the aged and college students is great.
    3) A high correlation has been found between clo-values and latitude for aged and college students. Clo-values are generally higher for persons who live in high latitudes and are higher for the aged than for college students.
    4) For the aged, a high correlation was noted between clo-value and thermal sensation preference in the daytime in winter. When the aged voted “neutral, ” the clo-value was 1. 8.
    5) For the aged, high correlations have been found between fatigue and other aspects of fatigue like health, energy, conditions in hot or cold climates and the aged generally experience weakness in cold climates in summer and winter., 15 May 1995, 46, 5, 447, 454, 10.11428/jhej1987.46.447
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services, Architectural Institute of Japan, Difference of human response by the body area exposed to airflow, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; GOHARA Taemi; YANASE Takuko, 1995, 363, 364
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, An Experimental Study on the Effect of Thermal Environment on Physiological and Psychological Responses of Human Body and Performance, GOHARA Taemi; ISHII Akio; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 1995, 19, 18, 21
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, The Thermal Environment of Homes for the Aged and Thermal Sensation of the Aged : A Survey Made at Homes with Moderate Fees for Elderly Persons, IGARASHI Yuriko; MARUO Yukari; YANASE Takuko; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; LEE Ju-youn, 1995, 19, 202, 205
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, A-13 生ごみ臭の臭気発生特性と制御に関する研究(第6報)家庭における生ごみ容器からの漏出臭について, 光田 恵; 磯田 憲生; 梁瀬 度子; 江島 直子; 久保 博子, 1995, 1994, 0, 61, 64, 10.18948/shasekinki.1994.0_61
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, Effect of air temperature on performance in summer, GOHARA Taemi, 1995, 1995, 0, 709, 712, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1995.2.0_709
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, Difference of physiological and psychological response of thermal environment by aging. Human influence of the temperature and the air flow in the summer.:Human influence of the temperature and the air flow in the summer, ENOMOTO Hikaru; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of the thermal-physiological and psychological reactions in old people at the summer indoor climate, and to study the influences of the reactions by aging level. The experiments are conducted in a climate chamber, using 19 to 80-year-old male and female subjects wearing summer cloths (0.4clo) sit on a chair for 80 minutes including 60 minutes of air flow exposure. The combination of ambient temperatures and air velocities used are 28°C and 0.4m/s, 32°C and 1.2m/s, respectively. At the same environment, the mean skin temperatures of old subjects (over 60 years old) are lower than those of young (under 40 years old) and middle aged (from 40 to 60 years old) subjects in mean average of 0.2-0.8°C. The old subjects feel cooler and more comfortable than young or middle aged subjects. The drop in skin temperature of the chest becomes greater with advancing age. On the contrary, at the shin the drop becomes smaller. This indicates that the old people decrease in ability to control the skin temperature of cutaneous vasoconstriction of their extremities., 1995, 31, 2, 161, 168, 10.5100/jje.31.161
  • Not Refereed, Journal of human and living environment, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Actual State and Evaluation of Kitchen Garbage Odor in the Kitchen, MITSUDA Megumi; ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko; YANASE Takuko, We surveyed detached houses and multiple dwellings to show the actual state of garbage odor in the kitchen. The survey included measurements of air temperature, relative humidity and globe temperature in the kitchen, temperature and odor sensor value at the place of garbage storage. Housewives were questioned aubot the time used for household work in the kitchen, storage conditions of garbage, odor sensation (odor intensity, unpleasantness, quality of odor and tolerance). We measured odors using two kinds of odor sensors. One of them responds to the odor of hydrogen sulfide, and its measured value is correlated to evaluations of odor sensation. The length of time when the odor sensor value exceeded the acceptable level of garbage odor in the kitchen was influenced considerably by the storage time of the garbage and the state of storage container. The total length of time exceeding the acceptable level was about one third of the period measured for the house as a whole., 1995, 2, 1, 67, 74, 10.24538/jhesj.2.1_67
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), Architectural Institute of Japan, ACCEPTABLE LEVEL OF INDOOR GARBAGE ODORS, MITSUDA Megumi; ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko; YANASE Takuko, The purpse of this study is to examine an acceptable level of indoor garbage odors. We experimented with "odor bag method" and "entering room method" in this study. We used the garbage sample of mixed vegetables, fruit, fish and tea leaves stored at 30℃ for three days. 0n "odor bag method", we measured odor concentration by organoleptic test, and odor substance concentration by gas chromatograph and some detection tubes. The subjects voted odor intensity, unpleasantness and acceptance of odor on both experiments. The results were as follows: 1) Concerning the acceptable level, there is no statistically significant difference between "odor bag method" and "entering room method". 2) The acceptable level of indoor garbage odor with odor concentraion is 6.9 by "odor bag method" and 11 by "entering room method". 3)We can evaluate the acceptable level of indoor garbage odor by methylmercaptan concentration in the sample air., 1995, 60, 475, 35, 40, 10.3130/aija.60.35_3
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Home Economics of Japan, The Japan Society of Home Economics, The Characteristics of the Elderly's Residential Thermal Environment. A Questionnaire Survey of Dwelling in the Summer and Winter of the Kansai Area.:A Questionnaire Survey of Dwelling in the Summer and Winter of the Kansai Area, ENOMOTO Hikaru; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, This paper aims to analyze the effects of the aging from residential dwellings which are specifically concerned with heating and cooling systems. Also this paper attempts to clarify the characteristics and problems associated with it. For the purpose, we conducted surveys among 900 residents of western Japan during both winter and summer, the residents arranged with three age groups.
    The main results are as follows :
    1) In the summer, the most popular cooling systems are air conditioners among young and middle-aged people, and electric fans among old people over 60.
    2) In the winter, the heating mechanism most commonly used are unvented burning heaters among the middle and old people, and “kotatsu” -style heating among those under 40.
    3) In the summer, the choice of a cooling system by older people are determined by individual constitution and the body mass index. In the winter, choice of a heating system is affected more by the age of the dwelling or family composition than by constitutional needs., 1995, 46, 11, 1091, 1100, 10.11428/jhej1987.46.1091
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, Effect of spot warm airflow on human body whike desk working in winter, GOHARA Taemi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 25 Jul. 1994, 1994, 363, 364
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, Effects of Thermal environment during Physical Exercise in Summer, ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko; YANASE Takuko, 25 Jul. 1994, 1994, 385, 386
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, Effects of spot cool air flow on the human body in summer : At the case of 3 parts of body locally exposed to cool air flow, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 25 Jul. 1994, 1994, 357, 358
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, Study on control of Garbage Odors : Rept. 3 Acceptable Level of Garbage Odors, MITSUDA Megumi; ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko; YANASE Takuko, 25 Jul. 1994, 1994, 223, 224
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, An experimantal study of the effect of radiant heating on the elderly in winter : Part 3 Physical effects and conditions of the thermal environment, ENOMOTO Hikaru; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 25 Jul. 1994, 1994, 349, 350
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 4065 Study on Control of Garbage Odors : Rept.2 Acceptable Level of Garbage Odors, MITSUDA Megumi, 07 Jun. 1994, 34, 257, 260
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, Study on the Influecce of the Texture of Trim material for the Evaluation of Visual Environment : Rept. 1 Experiments with Test Pieces, KITAMURA Shigeko; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 1994, 1919, 1920
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Acceptable Level of Indoor Garbage Odors, MITSUDA Megumi; ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko; YANASE Takuko, 1994, 18, 115, 118
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, B-19 生ごみ臭の臭気発生特性と制御に関する研究(第4報) : 生ごみ袋および生ごみ容器からの漏出臭について, 光田 恵; 玉木 真弓; 梁瀬 度子; 磯田 憲生; 久保 博子, 1994, 1993, 0, 175, 178, 10.18948/shasekinki.1993.0_175
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, B-20 夏期の軽作業時における人体に気流が及ぼす影響について : 全身気流の場合, 合原 妙美; 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生, 1994, 1993, 0, 179, 182, 10.18948/shasekinki.1993.0_179
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, Studies on characterristics of odor emissions and controls of garbage odors.(Rept.5) : odor controls of gabage vessels., MITSUDA megumi, 1994, 1994, 0, 557, 560, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1994.2.0_557
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, Effect of airflow on human body while desk working in summer : In the case of exposing airflow to the whole body from the front, GOHARA Taemi, 1994, 1994, 0, 441, 444, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1994.1.0_441
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, Influences of the thermal environment on the elderly in the summer, ENOMOTO Hikaru; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 1994, 30, 0, 280, 281, 10.5100/jje.30.Supplement_280
  • Not Refereed, Journal of human and living environment, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Seasonal Variations of Air Temperature for the Thermal Comfort, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, We investigated seasonal variations of clothing, thermal sensation and thermal comfort by conducting experiments on females during all the seasons. The experiments were conducted in climate chambers. Air temperatures were 16℃, 20℃, 24℃, 28℃, 32℃ and relative humidity was 50%. Air velocity was still air (<0.15m/s), and mean radiant temperature was equal to air temperature. Subjects were 71 healthy college aged females. They did some sedentary works in casual wear which they were dressed in, and after the experiment do value was calculated. The subjects were exposed to different conditions for 60 minutes. The subjects were asked to report thermal sensation on the 9 category scale and thermal comfort on the 7 category scale. The experiments were conducted seven times from October 1986 to August 1987. The results were as follows: 1) The mean do values of the subjects were about 0.84 clo in winter and 0.4 clo in summer. 2) The air temperatures that the subjects reported to be under thermal neutral conditions were 22℃ in winter and 28℃ in summer. 3) The range of air temperatures that they reported to be comfortable conditions were from 20℃ to 28℃ in winter and from 22℃ to 30℃ in summer. Thus they felt warm (atatakai) in winter and cool (suzushii) in summer., 1994, 1, 1, 51, 57, 10.24538/jhesj.1.1_51
  • Not Refereed, Transactions of the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning & Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Experimental Research of the Preferred Air Velocity by the Elderly in the Summer, ENOMOTO Hikaru; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, We conducted experiment to determine the optimal thermal environment for elderly concerning the air velocity in the summer. To determine their comfortable thermal environment the male subjects of youth and elder controlled the air velocity so that they feel thermal environment comfortable. We measured their physiological and psychological responses and compared the results with the past experiments which were done with young and elderly female subjects. We carried out experiments in a climate chamber testing simultaneously two subjects. We set up two fan apparatus which were able to regulate the air velocity. The air temperatures were set at 28, 30, 32℃ for the elderly and 26, 28, 30℃ for the young subjects. The mean radiant temperature was equal to the air temperature. The subjects sat on a chair during the experiments in summer clothes (0.4clo). The subjects regulated the air velocities at will so as to feel comfortable at any time. The number of subjects were 10 active elderly and 8 healthy young men. The main results were as follows: 1) The mean skin temperature became higher as the air temperature rose. In the same air temperature, mean skin temperature of the elderly male was lower than of the young male in 0.3〜0.6℃. 2) Before being exposed to air movement, the higher the air temperature became, the higher the thermal sensation vote. The thermal sensation vote after the exposure of the air movement became cooler by the air movement. But the elderly male's reports differed according to the air temperature. 3) Like the young male, the elderly male didn't change the air velocities so that heat flow rate at the forehead and the thermal sensation vote became the same level. It shows that the elderly's physiological function declined and thermal sensation became more insensible. 4) The average of the preferred air velocities at each air temperature were 0.41m/s at 28℃, 0.80m/s 30℃ and 1.08m/s at 32℃ for the elderly male, and 0.46m/s at 26℃, 0.84m/s at 28℃, and 1.37m/s at 30℃ for the young male. In each air temperature the elderly preferred slower air movement than the young, and as the air temperature rose by 2℃ the air velocities became faster by 0.4〜0.5m/s in each age group. 5) Compared with the elderly female's preferred air velocities of the elderly male were slower. It is considered that daily living customs or consciousnesses influence to the preferred air velocities., 1994, 19, 56, 69, 76, 10.18948/shase.19.56_69
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, Effect of spot cool air flow on human body while desk working in summer, ISODA Norio, 25 Jul. 1993, 1993, 1371, 1372
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, Study on control of garbage odor : Rept. 1 odor emissions and ventilation requirement, Mitsuda Megumi, 25 Jul. 1993, 1993, 665, 666
  • The Annals of physiological anthropology, 生理人類学研究会, Effects of Floor Heating and Cooling Temperature on the Human Body in Summer :, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, 1993, 12, 2, 113, 113
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Effects of Seasonal Variations of Temperature on Thermal Comfort and Individual Difference, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, 1993, 17, 22, 25
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, Studies on characteristics of odor emissions and controls of garbage odors.(Rept.3), MITSUDA megumi, 1993, 1993, 0, 157, 160, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1993.2.0_157
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, Effect of spot cool air movement on human body while desk woking in summer, GOHARA taemi, 1993, 1993, 0, 13, 16, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1993.1.0_13
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, Efects of radiant heating on the elderly in winter, ENONOTO Hikaru, 1993, 1993, 0, 17, 20, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1993.1.0_17
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, The Influences of the uniform air velocity on the elderly in summer:Part 2. In the case of high humidity, Enomoto Hikaru; Kubo Hiroko; Isoda Norio; Yanase Takuko, 1993, 29, 0, 272, 273, 10.5100/jje.29.Supplement_272
  • Not Refereed, Effects of Residential Thermal Conditions on the Aged in the Daily Living (Part 4) : Characteristics Found among the Correspondence in Indices, KUBO Hiroko, 1993, 44, 1, 65, 72, 10.11428/jhej1987.44.65
  • Not Refereed, Effects of Residential Thermal Conditions on the Aged in the Daily Living (Part 3) : Characteristics of Countermeasures in Daily Living Way, KUBO Hiroko, 1993, 44, 1, 55, 63, 10.11428/jhej1987.44.55
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, An experimetal study of the effect of radiant heating on the elderly in winter : The comparison of the old with the young, ENOMOTO Hikaru, 01 Aug. 1992, 1992, 847, 848
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 4003 An experimental study of the effect of radiant heating on the elderly : Part 2. The comparison of the old with the young, ENOMOTO Hikaru, 02 Jun. 1992, 32, 9, 12
  • 日本建築学会計画系論文報告集, 好まれる気流速度の人体影響に関する研究, 久保博子, 1992, 385, 1, 8
  • 日本建築学会学術講演梗概集, 夏期におけるスポット冷風の人体影響について, 久保博子, 1992, 841, 842
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, B-4 生ごみ臭の臭気特性と制御に関する研究 : 生ごみの種類別による臭気発生特性, 光田 恵; 梁瀬 度子; 磯田 憲生; 久保 博子, 1992, 1991, 0, 103, 106, 10.18948/shasekinki.1991.0_103
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, C-57 Studies on characteristics of odor emissions and controls of garbage odors (Rept. 2) : Impact of temperature and components of garbage on odor characteristics, MITSUDA megumi, 1992, 1992, 0, 769, 772, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1992.0_769
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, Effects of Residential Thermal Conditions on the Aged at the Daily Living (Part 1), Yanase Takuko; Kubo Hiroko; Tokuda Tetsuo, 1992, 28, 0, 300, 301, 10.5100/jje.28.Supplement_300
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, Effects of Residential Thermal Conditions on the Aged at the Daily Living (Part 2), Kubo Hiroko; Yanase Takuko; Tokuda Tetsuo, 1992, 28, 0, 302, 303, 10.5100/jje.28.Supplement_302
  • Not Refereed, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Japan Ergonomics Society, The Influences of the uniform air velocity on the elderly in summer, Enomoto Hikaru; Kubo Hiroko; Yanase Takuko, 1992, 28, 0, 304, 305, 10.5100/jje.28.Supplement_304
  • Not Refereed, 43(8), 791-800, 1992-08-15, Effects of Residential Thermal Conditions on the Aged in the Daily Living (Part 2) : Characteristics of Countermeasures by Clothing, KUBO Hiroko, 1992, 43, 8, 791, 800, 10.11428/jhej1987.43.791
  • Not Refereed, Effects of Residential Thermal Conditions on the Aged in the Daily Living (Part 1) : Characteristics Found Among the Daily Living Action, KUBO Hiroko, 1992, 43, 8, 781, 790, 10.11428/jhej1987.43.781
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), Architectural Institute of Japan, THE EFFECTS OF PREFERRED AIR VELOCITY ON THE HUMAN BODY IN MUGGY CONDITIONS, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko, In this study, the physiological and psychological effects of preferred air velocity on the human body were investigated. The air temperatures were 26°C, 28°C and 30°C, and the relative humidities were 30 %, 50 % and 80 %. The subjects were 10 healthy women sedentary in summer wear, who could regulate air velocity for 60 minutes according to their feeling of comfort. The results were as follows : (1) Increase in air temperature and humidity was compensated by increase in air velocity. (2) At the preferred air velocity, the subjects reported "slightly cool", and "comfortable". (3) At 26°C and 28°C, the preferred air velocity was faster than the air velocity predicted by SET* and Fanger's comfort equation., 1992, 442, 0, 9, 16, 10.3130/aijax.442.0_9
  • Symposium on Man-Thermal Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, 708 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT OF THE HUMAN BODY, ISHIGAKI Hidekado; HORIKOSHI Tetsumi; UEMATSU Tomoki; SAHASHI Masato; TSUCHIKAWA Tadahiro; MOCHIDA Tohru; HIEDA Tetsuya; ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko, 03 Dec. 1991, 91, 279, 282
  • 建築雑誌. 建築年報, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 低風速時における人体の対流熱伝達率に関する実験的研究(その3)(環境工学)(東海支部)(1990年度支部研究発表梗概), 植松 智樹; 石垣 秀圭; 堀越 哲美; 磯田 憲生; 久保 博子; 土川 忠浩, 20 Sep. 1991, 1991, 111, 111
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, An Experimental Study of the Effect of Radiant Heating on the Elderly, ENOMOTO Hikaru, 01 Aug. 1991, 1991, 731, 732
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 4012 An Experimental Study of Radiant Heating on the Elderly, ENOMOTO Hikaru, 07 May 1991, 31, 41, 44
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 4011 Effects of Cool Air Flow on Human Skin Temperature and Thermal Comfort in Summer, ISODA Norio, 07 May 1991, 31, 37, 40
  • Not Refereed, Research journal of living science, Nara Women's University, Effect of Floor Heating Temperature on the Skin Temperatures and Thermal Comfort, Kim Bongae; Isoda Norio; Kubo Hiroko; Yanase Takuko, Mar. 1991, 37, 2, p109, 115
  • 東海支部研究報告集, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 11.低風速時における人体の対流熱伝達率に関する実験的研究(その3)(環境工学), 植松 智樹; 石垣 秀圭; 堀越 哲美; 磯田 憲生; 久保 博子; 土川 忠浩, 15 Feb. 1991, 29, 261, 264
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, Effects of Cool Air Flow on Human Skin Temperature and Thermal Comfort in Summer, ISODA Norio, 1991, 719, 720
  • Not Refereed, 人間-熱環境系シンポジウム報告集, 人間-熱環境系シンポジウム準備委員会, 1709 EFFECTS OF AIR TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INDOOR AND OUTDOOR ON THE HUMAN BODY IN SUMMER, ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko; TUZUKI Kazuyo; YANASE Takuko, 1991, 91, 625, 628
  • Not Refereed, Technical Papers of Kinki-chapter Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The various aspects of the "pet loss" taken up in Japan, 磯田 憲生; 山崎 洋子; 久保 博子; 藤田 典子, 1991, 1990, 0, 35, 38, 10.18948/shasekinki.1990.0_35
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, D-28 Effect of thermal condition on cool air movement in summer, KUBO hiroko, 1991, 1991, 0, 857, 860, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1991.0_857
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, D-30 Convective heat transfer of the human body and the effect of air movement upon the human physiological and psychological responses, ISHIGAKI Hidekado, 1991, 1991, 0, 865, 868, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1991.0_865
  • Not Refereed, 日本生気象学会雑誌, 日本生気象学会, P37 パーソナル冷暖房における快適温熱条件について, 磯田 憲生; 久保 博子; 長谷川 幸久, 1991, 28, 3, 97, 97, 10.11227/seikisho1966.28.3_97
  • Symposium on Man-Thermal Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, PREFERRED AIR MOVEMENT ON ELDERLY PEOPLE IN SUMMER, ENOMOTO Hikaru; ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko; YANASE Takuko, 06 Dec. 1990, 14, 90, 93
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, Experimental Study of Evaluation of Cool Air Flow in Summer : At the Case of Periodically Fluctuating Air Flow, KUBO Hiroko, 01 Sep. 1990, 1990, 835, 836
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, B-17 夏期における冷風の評価について, 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生, 1990, 1989, 0, 143, 146, 10.18948/shasekinki.1989.0_143
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, B-18 夏期における高齢者の好まれる気流速度について, 榎本 ヒカル; 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生; 梁瀬 度子, 1990, 1989, 0, 147, 150, 10.18948/shasekinki.1989.0_147
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, E-52 Preferred air movement on elderly people in summer, ENOMOTO hikaru, 1990, 1990, 0, 1245, 1248, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1990.0_1245
  • 建築雑誌. 建築年報, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 冷風の人体反応に及ぼす影響について 第2報 : 環境工学 : 近畿支部, 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生, 20 Sep. 1989, 1989, 109, 110
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, Effect of Cool Air Flow on the Human Body in the Case of Exposure of 3 Parts of Body in Summer, KUBO Hiroko, 01 Sep. 1989, 1989, 867, 868
  • Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, Effect of Residential Thermal Conditions on the Aged at the Daily Living, KIKUSAWA yasuko, Sep. 1989, 1989, 1989, 935, 936
  • Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, Effect of Residential Thermal Conditions on the Aged at the Daily Living(Part 2) : Cases of Summer, MIYAZAWA Morie, Sep. 1989, 1989, 1989, 931, 932
  • Not Refereed, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, Effect of Residential Thermal Conditions on the Aged at the Daily Living, TOKUDA Tetsuo, Sep. 1989, 1989, 1989, 929, 930
  • Not Refereed, Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, The Society of Heating,Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers of Japan, B-8 The Effect of Thermal Environment and Season on Human Thermal Comfort, KUBO Hiroko, 1989, 1989, 0, 285, 288, 10.18948/shasetaikai.1989.0_285
  • Not Refereed, 36(1), 19-28, 1989-09-15, A Proposal to the New Home Economics Curriculum Based on the New Idea, KUBO Hiroko, 1989, 36, 1, 19, 28
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, The Effect of Cool Air Flow on Human Body at the Case of a Distance of 2m between the Outlet and the Subject, KUBO Hiroko, 01 Sep. 1988, 1988, 725, 726
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 4006 The Effect of Cool Air Flow on Human Body : Part 2, KUBO Hiroko, 01 May 1988, 28, 21, 24
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, A Field Investigation on Thermal Environments of Ondol Houses in Korea, KIM Bongae, 1988, 487, 488
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, Effect of Air Temperature Difference between Indoor and Outdoor on the Human Body in Cooling Time, Part 3, ISODA Norio, 1988, 683, 684
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, B-15 人体の温熱的な快適性の季節差について, 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生, 1988, 1987, 0, 137, 140, 10.18948/shasekinki.1987.0_137
  • Symposium on Man-Thermal Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, THE EFFECT OF COOL AIR FLOW ON THE HUMAN BODY : EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF AIR MOVEMENT ON THE HUMAN BODY, PART 7, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; YANASE Takuko; HAYAKAWA Kazuyo; HARA Junichiro, 04 Dec. 1987, 11, 90, 93
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, The Influence of Cool Air Flow on Human Comfort in Hot Environment, KUBO Hiroko, 25 Aug. 1987, 1987, 323, 324
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, Effect of Air Temperature Difference between Indoor and Outdoor on the Human Body in Cooling Time Part 2, ISODA Norio, 25 Aug. 1987, 1987, 257, 258
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, Architectural Institute of Japan, 4063 The Effect of Cool Air Flow on the Human Boby, ISODA Norio, 01 May 1987, 27, 245, 248
  • 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集, 秋期および冬期における人体の温熱的な快適性について, 久保博子, 1987, 27, 237, 240
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, B-10 室内気流の人体反応に及ぼす影響について第2報 : 人体への影響の季節差について, 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生, 1987, 1986, 0, 107, 110, 10.18948/shasekinki.1986.0_107
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, B-11 冷房時における気温差の人体影響について, 磯田 憲生; 井本 周子; 久保 博子; 早川 和代, 1987, 1986, 0, 111, 114, 10.18948/shasekinki.1986.0_111
  • Symposium on Man-Thermal Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, THE EFFECT OF WARM AND COOL AIR FLOW ON THE HUMAN BODY : EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF AIR MOVEMENT ON THE HUMAN BODY, PART 6, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; HAYAKAWA Kazuyo; YANASE Takuko; YABUTA Keiichiro, 09 Dec. 1986, 10, 54, 57
  • Symposium on Man-Thermal Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, THE EFFECT OF THERMAL ENVIRONMENT ON THE HUMAN BODY DURING EXERCISE, HAYAKAWA Kazuyo; ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko; YANASE Takuko, 09 Dec. 1986, 10, 58, 61
  • Symposium on Man-Thermal Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, THE EFFECT OF FLOOR TEMPERATURE ON THE HUMAN BODY, ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko; HAYAKAWA Kazuyo; KIM Bong-Ae; KAKU Yumi; YANASE Takuko, 09 Dec. 1986, 10, 128, 131
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, The Inflence of Hot Air Flow on Human Thermal Comfort in Cold Environment, KUBO Hiroko, 25 Jul. 1986, 1986, 983, 984
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, On the Effect of Floor Heating Temperature on the Human Body, ISODA Norio, 1986, 949, 950
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, B-2 室内気流の人体反応に及ぼす影響について, 久保 博子; 磯田 憲生, 1986, 1985, 0, 83, 86, 10.18948/shasekinki.1985.0_83
  • Not Refereed, 空気調和・衛生工学会大会 近畿支部発表会論文集, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, B-3 床暖房温度の人体影響に関する実験的研究, 磯田 憲生; 久保 博子, 1986, 1985, 0, 87, 90, 10.18948/shasekinki.1985.0_87
  • Not Refereed, 32(2), 205-211, 1986-03, The Effect of Air Velocity and Humidity on the Human Body in Hot Evironmental Conditions, KUBO Hiroko, 1986, 32, 2, 205, 211
  • Symposium on Man-Thermal Environment System, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, The Effect of Preferred Air Velocity in Warm Conditions : Experimental Study on the Effect of Air Movement on the Human Body, Part 5, Kubo Hiroko; Isoda Norio; Yanase Takuko, 13 Dec. 1985, 9, 123, 126
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, The Influence of Preferred Air Velocity at Various Humidity, KUBO Hiroko, 10 Sep. 1985, 1985, 535, 536
  • Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan, Effect of Air Temperature Difference between Indoor and Outdoor on the Human Body in Coolin Time, ISODA Norio, 10 Sep. 1985, 1985, 565, 566
  • Not Refereed, 32(1), 98-104, 1985-09, The Effect of periodically Fluctuating Air Velocity and Uniform Air Velocity on the Human Body, KUBO Hiroko, 1985, 32, 1, 205, 211

Books etc

  • 安全工学便覧 第4版, コロナ社, 安全工学会編, 「Ⅱ産業安全 7.ヒューマンファクタ 11 住まい・家庭」p.813-819, 30 Jul. 2019
  • 生体データの活用の最前線, サイエンス&テクノロジー, 2017, Not Refereed, 9784864281515
  • 初めて学ぶ健康・スポーツシリーズ10「衛生学」, 化学同人, 2014, Not Refereed, 9784759817119
  • 「ハウスクリマ 住居気候を考える 2003-3009」, 海青社, 2009, Not Refereed
  • 「ストレスの科学と健康」, 共立出版, 2007, Not Refereed
  • 建築・設備の省エネルギー技術指針 住宅編, 空気調和・衛生工学会, 2007, Not Refereed
  • 「ウイグル女性の家族と生活」, 東方出版, 2006, Not Refereed
  • 「生活環境の快適性」, アイ・ケイコープレーション, 2005, Not Refereed
  • 「住まいの事典」, 朝倉書店, 2004, Not Refereed
  • 「中国・シルクロードの女性と生活」, 東方出版, 2004, Not Refereed
  • 「CDブック ハウスクリマ -住居気候を考える1976-2002」, 海青社, 2002, Not Refereed
  • 「快眠の医学」, 日本経済新聞社, 2000, Not Refereed
  • Recent Advances in Physiological Anthropology, Kyushu University Press, 1999, Not Refereed
  • 「健康と住まい」, 朝倉書店, 1997, Not Refereed
  • 「ハウスクリマⅡ・住居気候を考える」, 海青社, 1991, Not Refereed
  • 「ハウスクリマ・住居気候を考える」, 海青社, 1985, Not Refereed
  • 住まいの百科事典, 丸善, 日本家政学会住居部会, 第5章住まいの環境、第6章住まいの設備, Apr. 2020
  • 快眠研究と製品開発、社会実装 : 生体計測から睡眠教育、スリープテック、ウェルネス、地域創生まで, エヌ・ティー・エス, 田中, 秀樹; 岩城, 達也; 白川, 修一郎, 第5章 第6節「高齢者の住まいの温熱環境と睡眠評価」, Jun. 2022, 4, 14, 736, 15p, 図版38p, 9784860437848
  • 睡眠環境学入門, 全日本病院出版会, 日本睡眠環境学会, 第5章 7.高齢者の自宅での日常生活と睡眠, 10 Jun. 2023, 9784865198201


  • Poster presentation, 15 Sep. 2023, 17 Sep. 2023
  • Poster presentation, 15 Sep. 2023, 17 Sep. 2023
  • Oral presentation, 15 Sep. 2023, 17 Sep. 2023
  • Poster presentation, 25 Nov. 2023, 26 Nov. 2023
  • Poster presentation, 07 Sep. 2023, 08 Sep. 2023
  • Oral presentation, 27 May 2023, 28 May 2023
  • Oral presentation, 27 May 2023, 28 May 2023
  • Oral presentation, 14 Oct. 2023, 14 Oct. 2023
  • Oral presentation, 12 Sep. 2023, 15 Sep. 2023
  • Invited oral presentation, 02 Dec. 2023, 02 Dec. 2023
  • Oral presentation, 11 Nov. 2021, 13 Nov. 2021
  • 29 May 2020, 30 May 2020
  • 東実千代; 大友絵利香; 久保博子; 城戸千晶; 佐々尚美; 小浜朋子; 磯田憲生, 日本家政学会関西支部大会(第43回), 農村部在住高齢者におけるフレイル状態と活動量の関係, 15 Nov. 2021, 15 Nov. 2021, 24 Dec. 2021
  • 2021 年度 日本人間工学会関西支部大会, Effects of Winter Bedroom Thermal Environment on Sleep and Blood Pressure in Older Adults A Field Survey in Urban and Rural Areas of Nara Prefecture, 11 Dec. 2021, 11 Dec. 2021, 11 Dec. 2021
  • 吉田桃子; 久保博子, 2021 年度 日本人間工学会関西支部大会, Examination of the light garden design in the Funeral room, 11 Dec. 2021, 11 Dec. 2021, 11 Dec. 2021
  • 梶井宏修; 井川正治; 菅原作雄; 土川忠浩; 宮本征一; 薩本弥生; 久保博子; 宮沢モリエ; 山岸明浩; 都築和代; 桒原浩平; 齋藤輝幸; 佐古井智紀, 第45回人間ー生活環境系学会学術大会, M easure ment s accuracy of medical thermometer and I R thermometer in the COVID 19 − Handmade calibration blackbody furnace using a standard thermometer, 05 Dec. 2021, 04 Dec. 2021, 05 Dec. 2021
  • 佐々尚美; 東実千代; 久保博子; 城戸千晶; 小浜朋子; 大友絵利花; 磯田憲生, 45th Symposium on Human-Environment System, Study on the encourages the start of use of air conditioners for heat stroke in the elderly, 04 Dec. 2021, 04 Dec. 2021, 05 Dec. 2021
  • 東実 千代; 大友絵利香; 久保博子; 城戸千晶; 佐々尚美; 小浜朋子; 磯田憲生, 45th Symposium on Human-Environment System, Relation ship between frailty evaluation and physical activity in older adults - Case study in urban and rural areas of Na ra Prefecture, 04 Dec. 2021, 04 Dec. 2021, 05 Dec. 2021
  • 久保博子; 榎本夕奈; 城戸千晶; 河本彩, 日本睡眠学会第 46 回定期学術集会 2021年9月23日, 大学生の睡眠実測調査からみた 睡眠習慣の変化について, 23 Sep. 2021, 23 Sep. 2021, 24 Sep. 2021
  • 帯名千滉、城戸千晶、星野聡子、久保博子, 日本睡眠学会第 46 回定期学術集会 2021年9月23日, 高齢者の冬期の日常睡眠と QOL の関連についての検討, 23 Sep. 2021, 23 Sep. 2021, 24 Sep. 2021
  • 吉田桃子; 久保博子, 日本建築学会2021大会, Examination of visual comfort at the farewell space, 08 Sep. 2021, 07 Sep. 2021, 10 Sep. 2021
  • 日本家政学会第73回大会, Effects of resident’s style of living on bedroom thermal environment in older people: A field survey in urban and rural areas of Nara prefecture in summer and winter, 30 May 2021, 28 May 2021, 30 May 2021
  • 東 実千代; 佐々 尚美; 久保 博子; 城戸 千晶; 磯田 憲生, 日本家政学会第73回大会, Survey on intervention methods of environmental regulation behavior for the elderly, 30 May 2021, 28 May 2021, 30 May 2021
  • 清水 彩加; 久保 博子, 日本人間工学会第62回大会, Effects of thermal environment under cooling with ventilation on psychological response of office workers, 22 May 2021, 22 May 2021, 23 May 2021
  • 榎本夕奈; 城戸千晶; 久保博子, 日本睡眠学会第 46 回定期学術集会, コロナ禍における大学生の睡眠実態調査からみた睡眠習慣と睡眠評価, 23 Sep. 2021, 23 Sep. 2021, 2021
  • 南風香, 日本人間工学会関西支部大会, 青年女子を対象とした冬期の睡眠と寝室温熱環境の実測調査, 12 Dec. 2020
  • 阪本実美; 久保博子; 芝﨑学, 第44回人間-生活環境系 シンポジウム, 夏期における熱中症対策関すアンケート調査, 05 Dec. 2020, 05 Dec. 2020, 06 Dec. 2020
  • 城戸千晶; 久保博子; 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 磯田憲生, 第44回人間-生活環境系 シンポジウム, 高齢者の体力・活動量・睡眠が健康関連QOLに及ぼす影響, 05 Dec. 2020, 05 Dec. 2020, 06 Dec. 2020
  • 阪本実美; 久保博子; 芝﨑学, 日本家政学会2020年度関西支部研究発表会(第42回), 夏期における大学生を対象とした熱中症対策に関するアンケート調査, Nov. 2020, 18 Nov. 2020, 24 Nov. 2020
  • 城戸千晶; 久保博子; 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 磯田憲生, 日本建築学会2020年度大会, 高齢者における生活環境と健康関連QOLの季節的変化に関する研究 第2報:第2報:日中活動・睡眠・健康関連QOLの季節変化, 29 Sep. 2020, 30 Sep. 2020
  • 久保 博子; 城戸 千晶; 東 実千代; 佐々 尚美; 磯田 憲生, 日本建築学会大会, 高齢者における生活環境と健康関連QOLの季節的変化に関する研究 第1報:室内温熱環境と血圧の季節変化, 10 Sep. 2020, 08 Sep. 2020, 10 Sep. 2020
  • 空気調和・衛生工学会 近畿支部学術講演会, 夏期における上下温度差が温熱快適性に及ぼす影響, 2018
  • 空気調査・衛生工学会 近畿支部学術講演会, サーモグラフィによる睡眠時の温熱環境制御, 2018
  • 空気調和衛生工学会近畿支部大会, 大学生の生活時間と睡眠実態 -室内温度について-, 2017
  • 空気調和衛生工学会近畿支部大会, 夏期における上下温度差が温熱快適性に及ぼす影響, 2017
  • 日本睡眠学会第42回定期学術大会, 大学生の睡眠実態, 2017
  • 日本睡眠学会第42回定期学術大会, 温冷感推定に基づく寝床内環境制御の検討, 2017
  • 日本睡眠環境学会第26回学術大会, 夏期における湿度の違いが終夜睡眠に与える影響について, 2017
  • 日本睡眠環境学会第26回学術大会, 大学生の睡眠実測調査 -体温変動と脳波に着目した解析-, 2017
  • 日本睡眠環境学会第26回学術大会, 室内照明環境が睡眠中の自律神経活動に及ぼす影響, 2017
  • 日本家政学会関西支部大会第39回(通算第95回)研究発表会, 高齢者の温熱環境と日常生活の通年実測調査, 2017
  • 日本家政学会関西支部大会第39回(通算第95回)研究発表会, 介護予防教室通所者の日常生活における生活行動の実態調査, 2017
  • 日本建築学会 環境工学委員会 熱環境運営委員会 第47回熱シンポジウム, 高齢者の住まいの温熱環境と生活への影響に関する実態調査, 2017
  • 第41回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 材料表面の熱的要素の測定法, 2017
  • 第41回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 夏期と冬期における高齢者の居室の温熱環境に関する実測調査, 2017
  • 空気調和衛生工学会近畿支部大会, 沖縄の高齢者の住まい方と活動量に関する実測調査, 2016
  • 日本家政学会第68回大会, 特別企画「生活と工学のコラボレーション」 「住居・建築分野と生活工学」, 2016
  • 日本家政学会第68回大会, 女子大生における日中の活動と睡眠に関する実態調査, 2016
  • 日本家政学会第68回大会, 夏期の室内温熱環境の実測調査 -高齢者と若齢社の一日の経時変化と活動量との関係-, 2016
  • 日本家政学会第68回大会, 夏期の室内温熱環境の実測調査 -水分摂取量の実態について-, 2016
  • 日本睡眠学会第41回定期学術大会, 女子大生における日中の活動と短時間睡眠に関する実態調査研究, 2016
  • 日本建築学会2016年度大会学術講演梗概集, 冬期における高齢者の寝室温熱環境と睡眠に関する実測調査, 2016
  • 日本建築学会2016年度大会学術講演梗概集, 暑熱環境における冷え性青年女子の生理反応, 2016
  • 空気調和・衛生工学会 平成28年度大会(鹿児島), 寝床内温湿度を用いた温冷感推定方法の検討, 2016
  • 平成28年室内環境学会学術大会講演要旨集, 室内光環境制御による老人福祉施設入所者の睡眠覚醒リズム改善効果, 2016
  • 空気調和衛生工学会近畿支部大会, 夏期におけるサーモグラフィを用いた温冷感推定, 2015
  • 空気調和衛生工学会近畿支部大会, 冬期における高齢者の室内温熱環境と生理・心理反応に関する実態調査, 2015
  • 空気調和衛生工学会近畿支部大会, 冬期における青年男女の温熱的快適性の予測, 2015
  • 日本家政学会第67回大会, 冬期における高齢者の日常生活と室内温熱環境に関する実態調査, 2015
  • 日本家政学会第67回大会, 夏期における高齢者の日常生活習慣と暑熱対策に関するアンケート調査 -調査結果開示後の意識の変化について-, 2015
  • 日本睡眠学会第40回定期学術大会, 夏期における高齢者の睡眠と寝室温熱環境-自宅実測調査からの青年男女との比較検討-, 2015
  • 日本家政学会関西支部第37回支部大会, 自然共生型住宅地における住環境実測調査 第16報 入居10年後の室内温熱環境, 2015
  • 日本家政学会関西支部第37回支部大会, 夏期の日常生活における温熱環境と生理量の実測調査 -高齢者と若齢者のくつろぎ時と睡眠時の比較-, 2015
  • 第39回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 高齢者の日常生活における温熱環境と生理反応に関する実態調査, 2015
  • 第39回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 夏期の日常生活における温熱環境と生理量の実態調査 高齢者と若齢者の人体周囲温度と皮膚温, 2015
  • 第39回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 足元の冷えが室温選択に及ぼす影響に関する実験的研究, 2015
  • 空気調和衛生工学会 近畿支部 環境工学研究会, 浴室・トイレの温熱環境と健康 1.浴室の温熱環境と入浴の快適性, 2014
  • 空気調和衛生工学会近畿支部大会, 夏期の寝室温熱環境が高齢者と若齢者の終夜睡眠に与える影響 第2報, 2014
  • 空気調和衛生工学会近畿支部大会, 冷房環境下における足元の不快感に関する実験的研究, 2014
  • 空気調和衛生工学会近畿支部大会, 皮膚温と周囲気温との温度差に基づく温冷感推定方法に関する考察, 2014
  • 日本建築学会四国支部研究報告集, 冷房環境下における着衣形態と生理特性からみた温冷感評価の男女差に関する研究, 2014
  • 日本家政学会第66回大会, 日傘の使用に関する研究 -意識調査アンケートと被験者実験による検討-, 2014
  • 日本家政学会第66回大会, 夏期冷房環境下における着衣と温冷感評価の男女差に関する研究, 2014
  • 日本睡眠学会第39回定期学術大会, 高齢者の日常生活と睡眠に関する研究-農業従事高齢者における実態調査-, 2014
  • 日本建築学会2014年度大会学術講演梗概集, 高齢者の熱中症への意識と夏期における温熱環境の実態調査, 2014
  • 日本建築学会2014年度大会学術講演梗概集, 夏期における高齢者の寝室温熱環境と睡眠に関する実測調査, 2014
  • 日本建築学会2014年度大会学術講演梗概集, 関西の大学生を対象とした室内空気汚染と健康影響に関する調査 : シックハウス症状および関連する知識について, 2014
  • 日本睡眠環境学会第22回学術大会, 着衣が終夜睡眠に与える影響 -秋期の自宅での実測調査より-, 2014
  • 日本家政学会関西支部第36回支部大会, 中国新疆ウイグル自治区における集合住宅の温熱環境と住まい方, 2014
  • 第38回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 冬期における温熱的快適性に関する研究 その2:サーモグラフィを用いた温冷感推定, 2014
  • 第38回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 冬期における温熱的快適性に関する研究 その1:男女差・午前午後による生理心理反応について, 2014
  • Effects of Bathing Thermal Conditions on Comfortable Bathing and Physiological and Psychological Responses, 2014
  • 空気調和衛生工学会近畿支部大会, 学生の節電行動と温熱的快適性に関する研究 -2012 年夏期・学生寮における実態調査からの検討-, 2013
  • 空気調和衛生工学会近畿支部大会, 夏期の寝室温熱環境が高齢者と若齢者の終夜睡眠に与える影響, 2013
  • 日本家政学会第65回大会, ベッドマットレスの硬さが終夜睡眠に及ぼす影響 第2報, 2013
  • 日本家政学会第65回大会, 室温低下速度の違いが高齢者の生理心理反応に及ぼす影響, 2013
  • 日本家政学会第65回大会, 夏期における高齢者の日常生活習慣と暑熱対策に関するアンケート調査, 2013
  • 第55回日本人間工学会大会, 夜間睡眠と日中の眠気に関する研究 -女子大学生を被験者として-, 2013
  • 日本建築学会大会 近畿支部大会研究報告集, 自然共生型住宅地における住環境実測調査 第14 報 建築直後からの住まい方および温熱環境の変化, 2013
  • 日本睡眠学会第38回定期学術大会, 夏期の寝室温熱環境と高齢者と若齢者の睡眠について-2012年自宅寝室実測調査からの検討, 2013
  • 日本建築学会2013年度大会学術講演梗概集, 省エネルギー意識と日常生活での温熱的快適性に関する実測調査, 2013
  • 空気調和衛生工学会 大会論文集, ビル用マルチエアコンにおける実運転時の省エネルギー性に関するスタディー(第3報)オフィス執務者の温熱的快適性に関する検討, 2013
  • 日本家政学会関西支部第35回支部大会, 夏期の日常生活における高齢者の温熱環境 (1)周囲温の実態調査, 2013
  • 日本家政学会関西支部第35回支部大会, 夏期の日常生活における高齢者の温熱環境 (2) 皮膚温および活動量の実態調査, 2013
  • 日本睡眠環境学会第21回学術大会, 冷暖房の睡眠への影響 - 夏期と冬期の温熱環境と眠り-, 2013
  • 第37回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, オフィス空間における温熱環境と執務者の温熱的快適性に関する研究, 2013
  • 第37回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 省エネルギー意識と日常生活における温熱的快適性に関する実測調査 第2報 大学寮における女子学生の夏期と冬期の比較, 2013
  • 第37回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 夏期の日常生活における温熱環境と生理量の実態調査 (その2)高齢者と若齢者の皮膚温および活動量, 2013
  • 日本家政学会第64回大会, ベッドマットレスの硬さが睡眠に及ぼす影響, 2012
  • 日本家政学会第64回大会, 室温低下時の体温調節反応と温熱的快適生の個人差に関する研究 -夏期と冬期の比較-, 2012
  • 第54回日本人間工学会大会, 夏期の室温変化条件の違いが生理心理量に及ぼす影響 - 高温曝露後の室温低下と低温曝露後の室温上昇の比較 -, 2012
  • 第54回日本人間工学会大会, ベッドマットレスの硬さが寝心地と睡眠に与える影響, 2012
  • 日本睡眠環境学会第21回学術大会, 冬期の終夜睡眠時の衣服内・寝床内気候について, 2012
  • 日本睡眠環境学会第21回学術大会, 冬期ベッドマットレスの硬さが終夜睡眠に及ぼす影響, 2012
  • 日本建築学会大会 2012年大会梗概集(東海), 温熱環境変化への適応能と季節適応能の個人差の検討, 2012
  • 日本家政学会関西支部第34回支部大会, 夏期における青年女性の温度上昇に対する生理・心理反応, 2012
  • 日本家政学会関西支部第34回支部大会, 冬期のオフィス空間の温熱環境に関する実測調査, 2012
  • 日本家政学会関西支部第34回支部大会, 夏期のオフィス空間における執務者の温熱的快適性に関する実測調査, 2012
  • 第36回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 夏期における室温低下による生理心理反応について -選択気温群による反応の違いについ-, 2012
  • 第36回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 室温低下時の生理心理特性に関する研究 - 高齢者と若齢者の比較検討-, 2012
  • 第36回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 青年女性の温度変化に対する生理・心理反応 -室温の上昇と下降-, 2012
  • 第36回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 冬期のオフィス空間における 執務者の温熱的快適性に関する実測調査, 2012
  • 第36回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 大学生のシックハウス症状に影響を及ぼす住まい方および室内空気質に関する調査, 2012
  • 日本人間工学会関西支部大会, 床暖房起動時の温熱環境の変化が人体に及ぼす影響について, 2012
  • 日本家政学会大会, 自然共生型住宅地における住環境実測調査, 2011
  • 日本家政学会大会, 室温低下が体温調節反応と温熱的快適感に及ぼす影響の個人差について, 2011
  • 日本家政学会大会, 寝姿勢と体圧分布に関する研究 –第2報体型による最大体圧への影響, 2011
  • 日本家政学会大会, 学生寮における室内空気環境と住まい方に関する調査研究 その4換気条件と家具が及ぼす影響について, 2011
  • 日本家政学会大会, 大学生の住まいにおける真菌の実態調査, 2011
  • 日本家政学会大会, ベッドマットレスの硬さが終夜睡眠時の寝姿勢・体圧分布に及ぼす影響, 2011
  • 第53回日本人間工学会大会, ベッドマットレスが寝姿勢と終夜睡眠に及ぼす影響, 2011
  • 第53回日本人間工学会大会, ベッドマットレスの異なる場合の体圧分布について-高齢者と青年での検討-, 2011
  • 日本建築学会2011年度大会学術講演梗概集, 省エネルギーを考慮した快適な温熱環境に関する研究, 2011
  • 日本建築学会2011年度大会学術講演梗概集, 室温上昇時の体温調節反応と温熱的快適感の個人差について, 2011
  • 日本建築学会2011年度大会学術講演梗概集, 夏期における自由選択気温の男女差と個人差について, 2011
  • 日本建築学会2011年度大会学術講演梗概集, ガラス素子を用いたホルムアルデヒド簡易測定器による実測調査, 2011
  • 日本建築学会2011年度大会学術講演梗概集, 自然共生住宅地における地下空間の温熱環境および真菌の実測調査, 2011
  • 日本睡眠学会第36回定期学術集会, シンポジウム16「睡眠環境学の役割と展望 健康睡眠に向けて」3.健康睡眠に向けた室内温熱環境の調節方法」, 2011
  • 日本睡眠学会第36回定期学術集会, インダストリアルシンポジウム「新しいホームモニタリング睡眠測定装置の有用性と応用例」8.簡易型睡眠脳波計を用いた夜間任用を有する高齢者の睡眠評価」, 2011
  • 日本睡眠学会第36回定期学術集会, 夏期・冬期のエアコン使用時の一般住宅における寝室温熱環境と寝床内気候について, 2011
  • 日本睡眠学会第36回定期学術集会, ベッドマットレスの硬さが終夜睡眠に及ぼす影響, 2011
  • 日本家政学会関西支部第33回(通算89回)研究発表会, 吉野式集落における住環境に関する研究―冬期・夏期の室内温熱環境実測―, 2011
  • 日本家政学会関西支部第33回支部大会, 夏期における室温上昇が体温調節反応と温熱的快適性に及ぼす影響, 2011
  • 日本睡眠環境学会第20回学術大会, 大学生における日常睡眠の実態について 第2報, 2011
  • 第20回日本睡眠環境シンポジウム学術大会, 「睡眠と環境から心地を科学する」パネルディスカッション 講演Ⅱ「研究現場からの寝心地の取り扱いの現状」, 2011
  • 日本人間工学会関西支部大会, 冷房使用時の体温調節反応と温熱的快適性の性差について, 2011
  • 日本家政学会大会, 室温変化が生理・心理評価に及ぼす影響-気温降下時の選択気温群の特徴-, 2010
  • 日本家政学会大会, 自然共生型住宅値における住環境実測調査 第10報 対象住宅における下記と冬期の室内温熱環境, 2010
  • 日本家政学会大会, 寝姿勢と体圧分布に関する研究 –青年男女と高齢者男女の比較-, 2010
  • 日本家政学会大会, 寝姿勢と体圧分布に関する研究 –第2報体型による最大体圧への影響, 2010
  • 「第37回住居医学研究会」, 「健康に対する温熱環境の影響」, 2010
  • 第52回日本人間工学会大会, 室温変化が生理・心理反応に及ぼす影響 -上昇時と下降時の選択気温群比較-, 2010
  • 第52回日本人間工学会大会, 大学生の日常生活における活動量と睡眠実態について, 2010
  • 第52回日本人間工学会大会, 仰臥時と側臥時の体圧分布に関する研究-高齢者と青年での検討, 2010
  • 日本睡眠学会第35回定期学術集会, 自宅でのエアコン利用による室温変化が終夜睡眠に及ぼす影響, 2010
  • 日本睡眠学会第35回定期学術集会, 高齢者と若齢者の日常睡眠に関する研究, 2010
  • 日本睡眠学会第35回定期学術集会, 夏期における室温変動が睡眠に与える影響-室温変化パターンの異なる場合の検討, 2010
  • 日本睡眠環境学会第19回学術大会, 大学生における日常睡眠の実態について, 2010
  • 日本睡眠環境学会第19回学術大会, 高齢者と若齢者の日常睡眠時の体動について, 2010
  • 日本睡眠環境学会第19回学術大会, マットレスと寝姿勢のことなる場合の体圧分布について-高齢者男女と青年男女の場合-, 2010
  • 日本建築学会年次大会, 環境共生型住宅地における住環境実測調査 第11報 夏期における居間・寝室の温熱環境と住まい方, 2010
  • 日本建築学会年次大会, 夏期の冷房使用による冷えの性差に関する研究, 2010
  • 日本建築学会年次大会, 夏期における室温変動・室移動が生理心理反応に及ぼす影響-, 2010
  • 日本建築学会年次大会, 夏期の戸建て住宅における温熱環境実測調査 居間トイレ内の環境と快適度調査, 2010
  • 日本家政学会関西支部大会, 夏期の戸建住宅における温熱環境の実測調査 第2報 ―居住者による快適性評価と改善案による暑熱緩和―, 2010
  • 日本家政学会関西支部大会, 自然共生型住宅地における住環境実測調査 第12報 冬期における各室の温熱環境, 2010
  • 日本家政学会関西支部大会, 住宅における真菌の実態と環境要因に関する調査研究 (その1)地下室の内装改修と除湿による濃度変化, 2010
  • 日本家政学会関西支部大会, 昼間睡眠時の生理量に基づいた室温制御について, 2010
  • 日本家政学会関西支部大会, 室温変化が生理・心理評価に及ぼす影響 −冬期における選択気温群比較−, 2010
  • 第34回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 冬期の一般的な戸建住宅における温熱環境の実測調査 −居住者による心理的評価(快適感・温冷感等)―, 2010
  • 第34回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 自然共生型住宅地における住環境実測調査 第13報 夏期における室内温熱環境と住まい方の経年変化, 2010
  • 第34回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 冬期に自宅でのエアコン利用による室温変化が終夜睡眠に及ぼす影響, 2010
  • 第34回人間—生活環境系シンポジウム, 夏期と冬期における気温変化が生理心理反応に及ぼす影響, 2010
  • 平成22年度室内環境学会学術大会, 住宅における真菌の実態と環境要因に関する調査研究 住宅における真菌の実態と環境要因に関する調査研究 その2 自然共生住宅地における夏期実測, 2010
  • 空気調和・衛生工学会 省エネルギーシンポジウム 公開市民講座, 住宅の真の省エネルギー化の課題 ~今後の解決方針とは~, 2010
  • 日本人間工学会関西支部大会, 夏期における生理量に応じた室温制御の試行実験, 2010
  • 第51回日本人間工学会大会, 夏期における自由選択気温に関する研究 -至適温熱環境における男女差について-, 2009
  • 第51回日本人間工学会大会, 住空間における快適性評価に関する研究, 2009
  • 第51回日本人間工学会大会, 睡眠時の生理反応に関する研究, 2009
  • 日本家政学会大会, 入眠時の生理反応に関する研究, 2009
  • 日本家政学会大会, 睡眠時の寝姿勢における体動と体圧に関する研究, 2009
  • 日本家政学会大会, 環境共生住宅における快適性評価に関する研究 −日空間との比較検討について, 2009
  • 日本家政学会大会, ベッドマットレスの硬さが終夜睡眠時の寝姿勢・体圧分布に及ぼす影響, 2009
  • 日本家政学会大会, 自然共生型住宅地における住環境実測調査 第5報 温熱環境の通年変化, 2009
  • 日本建築学会年次大会, 夏期における住居での睡眠時の温熱環境に関する実測調査研究, 2009
  • 日本建築学会年次大会, 環境共生住宅における快適性評価に関する研究-快適評価に影響する気流速度の関係と評価」, 2009
  • アジア睡眠学会、日本睡眠学会、時間生物学会ジョイント大会, 睡眠・生物リズムと社会生活 −暑さ寒さの睡眠への影響を考慮した温熱環境整備の工夫-, 2009
  • 第6回アジア睡眠学会、第34回日本睡眠学会、第16回時間生物学会ジョント大会, 夏期の過冷房が終夜睡眠に及ぼす影響, 2009
  • アジア睡眠学会、日本睡眠学会、時間生物学会ジョイント大会, 青年男女の寝姿勢と体動に関する研究, 2009
  • 日本家政学会関西支部大会, 室温変化が生理・心理反応に及ぼす影響, 2009
  • 日本家政学会関西支部大会, 環境共生住宅における快適性評価に関する研究 −その7 緑が居住者の快適性に及ぼす影響, 2009
  • 日本睡眠環境学会第18回学術大会, 寝姿勢と体圧分布に関する研究 -年齢・性別・体格からの検討-, 2009
  • 日本睡眠環境学会第18回学術大会, 大学生の日常生活における睡眠実態について, 2009
  • 日本人間工学会関西支部大会, 自然共生型住宅地における住環境実測調査 第9報 緑の量の違いによる住まい方の比較−」, 2009
  • 日本人間工学会関西支部大会, 夏期の冷房使用が生理・心理評価に与える影響, 2009
  • 帯名千滉; 城戸千晶; 久保博子; 東実千代; 佐々尚美, 2022年度 日本人間工学会関西支部大会, 奈良県の農村部および都市部在住高齢者のコロナ禍前後における生活実態調査-活動量維持群と減少群の特徴検討-, 10 Dec. 2022, 10 Dec. 2022, 10 Dec. 2022
  • 夏 舒雲; 久保 博子, 2022年度 日本人間工学会関西支部大会, 自宅学習における姿勢が疲労・パフォーマンスに及ぼす影響について、第2報, 10 Dec. 2022, 10 Dec. 2022, 10 Dec. 2022
  • 榎本 夕奈; 中川 愛子; 河本 彩; 城戸 千晶; 久保 博子, 2022年度 日本人間工学会関西支部大会, 大学生の入眠・覚醒リズムに関する調査研究―2019年から2022年における実測調査―, 10 Dec. 2022, 10 Dec. 2022, 10 Dec. 2022
  • 小浜朋子; 東実千代; 大友絵利香; 久保博子; 城戸千晶; 佐々尚美; 磯田憲生, 第46回人間生活環境系学会, 室内温熱環境の可視化ツールにおけるユニバーサルデザインの特徴と熱中症防止の行動変容への効果, 04 Dec. 2022, 03 Dec. 2022, 04 Dec. 2022
  • 久保博子; 城戸千晶; 小関嬉子; 徳富友香; 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 磯田憲生, 第46回人間生活環境系学会,、2022,12,3-4、姫路, コロナ禍前後での高齢者の生活行動と温熱環境に関する実測調査-2019 年と2021 年冬期調査の比較-, 03 Dec. 2022, 03 Dec. 2022, 04 Dec. 2022
  • 東実千代; 大友絵利香; 久保博子; 佐々尚美; 城戸千晶; 小浜朋子; 磯田憲生, 第46回人間生活環境系学会, 夏期におけるフレイル高齢者の環境調節行動-奈良県農村部の事例-, 01 Dec. 2022, 01 Dec. 2022, 02 Dec. 2022
  • 東実千代; 久保博子; 佐々尚美; 城戸千晶; 大友絵利香; 小浜朋子; 磯田憲生, 2022年 室内環境学会 学術大会, 高齢者の環境調節行動を促す介入方法の検討 -ナッジを活用した行動変容に着目して, 01 Dec. 2022, 29 Nov. 2022, 01 Dec. 2022
  • 帯名 千滉; 城戸 千晶; 久保博子; 東 実千代; 佐々尚美, 日本人間工学会第63回大会, 奈良県の農村部および都市部在住高齢者のコロナ禍前後における生活実態調査, 30 Jul. 2022, 30 Jul. 2022, 31 Jul. 2022
  • 夏 舒雲; 久保 博子, 日本人間工学会第63回大会, 自宅学習における姿勢が疲労・パフォーマンスに及ぼす影響について, 30 Jul. 2022, 30 Jul. 2022, 31 Jul. 2022
  • 久保博子; 三崎幸典; 毛利公一, 日本睡眠学会第47回定期学術集会, 四肢麻痺障害者の睡眠と呼吸の特徴について, 01 Jul. 2022, 30 Jun. 2022, 01 Jul. 2022
  • 榎本 夕奈; 中川 愛子; 城戸 千晶; 久保 博子, 日本睡眠学会第47回定期学術集会, 大学生の睡眠実態調査からみた睡眠習慣と睡眠評価―コロナ前・コロナ禍・withコロナ期にかけた追跡調査―, Oral presentation, 30 Jun. 2022, 30 Jun. 2022, 01 Jul. 2022
  • 城戸千晶; 榎本夕奈; 中川愛子; 久保博子, 日本睡眠学会第47回定期学術集会, withコロナ期における大学生の睡眠実態調査からみた睡眠習慣と睡眠評価, 30 Jun. 2022, 30 Jun. 2022, 01 Jul. 2022
  • 吉田桃子; 久保博子, 令和4年度 日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, 告別空間に設ける光庭の印象に関する視覚的研究, 25 Jun. 2022
  • 東実千代; 久保博子; 佐々尚美; 城戸千晶, 日本家政学会第74回大会(福岡), 農村部における高齢者の熱中症予防意識と住環境の実態, 28 May 2022, 28 May 2022, 29 May 2022
  • Michiyo AZUMA; Ikuko BAMBA; Hiroko KUBO; Norio ISODA; Kenichi AZUMA, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, A study on the physiological and psychological responses to the wood scent, 2018, 2018, 2018, The Japan Society of Home Economics, 【目的】木材の香りは心地よく感じるといわれるが、乾燥方法により香りは変化する。本研究では乾燥方法が異なる木材および合板を試料とし、心理反応としてにおいの主観評価、生理反応として近赤外分光法を用いて脳血流中の酸素飽和度を測定する被験者実験を行い、生理心理反応の関係を検討した。
  • KUBO Hiroko; Kido Chiaki; Asai Yuka; AZUMA Michiyo; SASSA Naomi; ISODA Norio, Proceedings of Symposium on Human-Environment System, A survey of the thermal environment and its physiological value during daily life in summer: Part 2 : the thermal sensation of elderly in summer, 2018, 2018, 2018, Human-Environment System, We investigated the actual condition of room thermal environment, living behavior in summer for the purpose of examining the actual condition of the thermal environment during the daily life of the elderly. In this report, in order to measure the thermal sensation of elderly people living in high temperature room, we conducted experiments to measure thermal sensation and thermal comfort etc. in the laboratory and in climate chamber. The participants were 9 male and 9 female elderly people who took part in house thermal environments measurements. In the case of climate camber and laboratory, they reported that the higher the room temperature was, the hotter the thermal sensation was on the hot side, the thermal comfort became the unpleasant side. On the other hand, the relationship between living room temperature and thermal sensation varied greatly in the their living room. There was not much relation with living room temperature.
  • Kido Chiaki; Kubo Hiroko; Azuma Michiyo; Sassa Naomi; Isoda Norio; Hoshino Satoko, Proceedings of Symposium on Human-Environment System, Research on Lifestyle and Bedroom Thermal Environment of the Frail Elderly in Winter, 2018, 2018, 2018, Human-Environment System, The purpose of this study was to examine actual bedroom thermal environment and lifestyle of the flail elderly in winter. The participants were 9 frail elderly (aged 79.1 ± 6.1 years). We measured activity levels during the daytime and body movement during sleep. Air temperature and relative humidity were measured in the participants’ bedrooms. Approximately 80% of the participants had turned off heating devices such as air conditioners and stoves before going to bed. Some participants used only hot water bottles and electric blankets during sleep to warm up their bed. Therefore, the temperature and humidity in the bedroom tend to be lower than the recommended standard bedroom climate conditions for a healthy life (18-22°C, 30-50%: the criteria of thermal environment in house by workshop of thermal environment for elderly life in 1991). The number of wake after sleep onset and the wake rate during sleep increased as the bedroom temperature decreased. It suggests that low bedroom temperature may lead to decline in the quality of sleep. Furthermore, the participants went to bathroom feeling cold at night. It’s important to eliminate the temperature difference in the house to prevent heat shock.
  • AZUMA Michiyo; SASSA Naomi; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, Proceedings of Symposium on Human-Environment System, A survey of the thermal environment and its physiological value during daily life in summer: Part1: Relation between daily living habits and ambient air temperatures, and efforts for preventing heatstroke, 2018, 2018, 2018, Human-Environment System, For this study, with a view towards preventing heatstroke in elderly individuals, we investigated data on ambient air temperatures, relative humilities, thermal sensations, thermal comforts, room temperature evaluations and acceptability of thermal conditions. Data were collected from 48 elderly and 41 young participants from 2012 to 2015 during the summer. Ambient air temperatures during daytime for the elderly participants tended to be high; a lower percentage of elderly than young participants used air-conditioners. Improvements in conditions for many elderly participants were not sufficient to prevent heatstroke despite receiving feedback based on their own data. Based on the results of this study, interventional surveys conducted in 2016 and 2018 to lead better environmental controls and improve behaviors for elderly individuals.
  • Hiroko Kubo; Mai Miyazato; Michiyo Azuma; Naomi Sassa; Norio Isoda, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, A survey on the thermal environment of the elderly's residence in summer and winter., 2018, 2018, 2018, The Japan Society of Home Economics, 【目的】:日本人の死因のうち心疾患、脳血管疾患等には季節による変動が有ることが知られ、夏期には高齢者の自宅での熱中症の発症が報告されており、温熱環境の影響による高齢者のリスクが懸念されている。夏期および冬期に高齢者の自宅の温熱環境や生活行動の実態調査を行い、日常生活時の温熱環境の実態と生活への影響を検討した。
    【方法】: 対象者は奈良市在住の高齢者男女53名(男性27名、女性27名、平均年齢72.7歳)とし、2012年もしくは2013年の夏期に実測調査に実施した。冬期調査にはその中から21名が参加した。高齢者の被験者自宅では2日5日間居間と寝室の枕元温湿度を計測し、温冷感、快適感、睡眠評価などの心理申告、行動量等を計測した。2016年、2017年にこのうち18名について同様の追跡調査を行った。
    【結果】:寝室に冷房は設置していても使用しないものが4割程度で、終夜使用するものは1 割以下であった。暖房器具はエアコンやヒーターなどが設置されているが、睡眠時は暖房機器を使用しない者もおり、寝室は住宅温熱環境基準値に比べ著しく夏期は高く冬期は低かった。しかし、この環境を概ね快適な環境であると評価し,容認していることが推察された。追跡調査でも同様の傾向が認められ、加齢や学習による変化より個人差が顕著であった。
  • SAITO Saki; BAMBA Ikuko; AZUMA Kenichi; AZUMA Michiyo; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio, Proceedings of Symposium on Human-Environment System, Psychological and physiological effects caused by the odor of wood in different Prefectures, 2018, 2018, 2018, Human-Environment System, This paper outlines a study conducted to verify the psychological and physiological effects of the odor of wood in different prefectures. In this experiment, 9 healthy university students smelled 4 samples of cedar which grew in Miyazaki Prefecture, Gifu Prefecture, Mie Prefecture, and Mie Prefecture (these contained core materials). The psychological effects were studied by conducting a survey (by distributing questionnaires) to enquire about odor intensity and desirability. The physiological effects were determined by measuring the brain waves of the subjects. The study shows that the subjects exhibit differences based on their growing area and the core material’s characteristic tendency.
  • Oral presentation, 28 May 2022, 29 May 2022
  • Oral presentation, 05 Nov. 2022, 05 Nov. 2022
  • Oral presentation, 05 Nov. 2022, 05 Nov. 2022
  • 青山瑞季; 久保博子; 藤平眞紀子; 星野聡子, 日本家政学会関西支部第44回研究発表会, コロナ禍における女子大学生の日常生活と健康に関する実態調査 ―2020 年度調査と 2021 年度調査の比較―, 05 Nov. 2022, 05 Nov. 2022
  • 東実千代; 久保博子; 佐々尚美; 城戸千晶, 日本家政学会関西支部第44回研究発表会, 高齢者の熱中症予防に向けた室内温熱環境可視化ツールの色変化の精度, 05 Nov. 2022, 05 Nov. 2022
  • 帯名千滉; 城戸千晶; 星野聡子; 東実千代; 佐々尚美; 久保博子, 日本家政学会関西支部第44回研究発表会, 奈良県の農村部および都市部在住高齢者のコロナ禍前後における生活実態調査, Oral presentation, 05 Nov. 2022
  • Oral presentation, 31 Mar. 2023, 02 Apr. 2023
  • Oral presentation, 09 Dec. 2023, 09 Dec. 2023


  • ミネラル添加温水入浴がもたらす人体の温熱生理現象に関する研究, 2010, 2010
  • エアコン使用時の室温変動が快適性におよぼす影響に関する研究, 2010, 2010
  • 次世代空調システムの温熱快適性に関する研究, 2010, 2010
  • 低温環境が血圧のモーニングサージに及ぼす影響, 2009, 2010
  • 睡眠温熱環境の改善に関する研究, 2003, 2010
  • 生体センサーを用いた健康で快適な居住環境の研究, 2004, 2009
  • 睡眠時温冷感客観計測手法に関する研究, 2007, 2007
  • 温熱環境下における生体情報データ収集, 2006, 2006
  • 一般的な浴室における浴室環境実験評価研究, 2003, 2006
  • 新疆ウイグル自治区における女性の生活調査, 2000, 2005


  • 大阪発明協会会長賞, 公益社団法人「発明協会」, 久保博子、式井慎一、楠亀弘一, Nov. 2017, 「空気調和機及び熱画像センサシステム」
  • 科学研究費助成事業審査委員(書面審査)表彰, 2015, Japan
  • 空気調和・衛生工学会 功労賞, 2009, Japan
  • 第46回井上春成賞, 科学技術振興機構 井上春茂賞委員会, 奈良女子大学 久保博子 パナソニック株式会社インダストリアルソリューションズ社, Jun. 2021, 温熱生理学に基づく温冷感推定技術の開発

Industrial Property Rights

  • Patent right, 空気調和システム、制御装置、制御方法、及びプログラム, 久保 博子, 杉崎 智子, 国立大学法人奈良国立大学機構, 東芝キヤリア株式会社, 特願2021-066654, 09 Apr. 2021, 特開2022-161664, 21 Oct. 2022, j_global
  • Patent right, 空気調和機, 米田 亜旗, 久保 博子, 楠亀 弘一, 野坂 健一郎, パナソニックIPマネジメント株式会社, 特願2018-030206, 22 Feb. 2018, 特開2019-143931, 29 Aug. 2019, 特許第7002053号, 04 Jan. 2022, j_global
  • Patent right, 温冷感推定方法、温冷感推定装置、空気調和機及びプログラム, 米田 亜旗, 楠亀 弘一, 久保 博子, パナソニック株式会社, 特願2016-243151, 15 Dec. 2016, 特開2018-004241, 11 Jan. 2018, 特許第6811601号, 17 Dec. 2020, j_global
  • Patent right, センサシステム, 久保 博子, 式井 愼一, 楠亀 弘一, パナソニック株式会社, 特願2019-061974, 27 Mar. 2019, 特開2019-135441, 15 Aug. 2019, 特許第6797962号, 20 Nov. 2020, j_global
  • Patent right, 温冷感推定方法、温冷感推定装置、空気調和機及びプログラム, 米田 亜旗, 楠亀 弘一, 久保 博子, パナソニック株式会社, 特願2016-243585, 15 Dec. 2016, 特開2017-049008, 09 Mar. 2017, 特許第6744204号, 03 Aug. 2020, j_global
  • Patent right, 空気調和機の制御方法, 久保 博子, 式井 愼一, 楠亀 弘一, パナソニック株式会社, 特願2018-181917, 27 Sep. 2018, 特開2019-032154, 28 Feb. 2019, 特許第6735323号, 15 Jul. 2020, j_global
  • Patent right, 空気調和機、センサシステムおよびその温冷感推定方法, 久保 博子, 式井 愼一, 楠亀 弘一, パナソニック株式会社, 特願2015-117775, 10 Jun. 2015, 特開2017-003195, 05 Jan. 2017, 特許第6505514号, 05 Apr. 2019, j_global
  • Patent right, 温冷感推定装置, 末次 恵久, 山口 秀明, 久保 博子, アイシン精機株式会社, 特願2016-164752, 25 Aug. 2016, 特開2018-031542, 01 Mar. 2018, j_global
  • Patent right, 空気調和機及び熱画像センサシステム, 久保 博子, 式井 愼一, 楠亀 弘一, パナソニック株式会社, 特願2016-227912, 24 Nov. 2016, 特許第6077172号, 20 Jan. 2017, j_global
  • Patent right, 空気調和機及び熱画像センサシステム, 久保 博子, 式井 愼一, 楠亀 弘一, パナソニック株式会社, 特願2016-120824, 17 Jun. 2016, 特開2016-169942, 23 Sep. 2016, 特許第6050543号, 02 Dec. 2016, j_global
  • Patent right, 空気調和機及び熱画像センサシステム, 久保 博子, 式井 愼一, 楠亀 弘一, パナソニック株式会社, 特願2015-535911, 17 Feb. 2015, 特許第6001183号, 09 Sep. 2016, j_global
  • Patent right, 空気調和機及び熱画像センサシステム, 久保 博子, 式井 愼一, 楠亀 弘一, パナソニック株式会社, JP2015000714, 17 Feb. 2015, WO2015-122201, 20 Aug. 2015, j_global

Research Projects

  • 2022, 2023, Coinvestigator
  • Oct. 2022, Mar. 2024, Principal investigator
  • Oct. 2022, Mar. 2024, Principal investigator
  • 2022, 2026, 22H00951, Principal investigator
  • 2022, 2026, 22H00951, Principal investigator
  • Dec. 2022, 28 Feb. 2022
  • 2020, 2022, 20K02336, Coinvestigator
  • 2020, 2022, 20K02336, Coinvestigator
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2016, 31 Mar. 2019, 16H03027, 高齢者の生活およびQOLに及ぼす夏期と冬期の住環境の影響について, 久保 博子; 東 実千代; 佐々 尚美; 磯田 則生; 星野 聡子, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 16640000, 12800000, 3840000, 年間をとおして実際の生活環境と居住者の生活行動、活動量、体力、生理的心理的影響などに関する実態調査により、生活者、特に生活弱者といえる高齢者の生活に生活環境がどの様な影響を与えているか解析し、高齢者にとって健康で快適で、生き生きとした生活を送るための環境について検討する事を目的とし実測調査をおこなった。 平成28年度は、採択後研究準備および倫理申請を行いつつ、当初の予定では、調査準備や予備実測としてアンケート調査を行う事を計画していたが、これまでに協力して頂いていた実績のある高齢者が協力して頂けたため、先に、夏期、秋期、冬期、平成29年に向けて季節に伴う生活環境と生活行動の変化を3ヶ月おきに調査した。協力者として男女約10名を対象とし、調査内容としては、①当初の予定どおり、生活環境における居間と寝室の温湿度を小型温湿度ロガーを設置し、約2週間計測した。冬期にはさらにトイレの温湿度と寝床内の温湿度も計測した。②生活行動の計測として、多機能万歩を身につけて生活してもらい、2週間連続計測した。③生活行動内容調査および血圧や体温、温冷感など生理量、心理量の調査を3日間計測した。④来学時にQOL評価をSF-36で回答を得て計測をおこない、重心動揺、体脂肪・筋肉量、骨密度、握力等筋力等を計測した。⑤その他、生活に関するアンケート調査を行った。⑥高齢者女性を対象として、階段昇降時の行動や視線などを計測し、転倒予防のために無意識に行っている行動を計測した。青年女性との比較検討で、足元に視線を集中させていることを確認した。, rm:presentations
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Apr. 2015, 31 Mar. 2019, 15K00769, An intervention study on life skills for the elderly to prevent heatstroke, AZUMA Michiyo, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kio University, 4550000, 3500000, 1050000, The present study assessed daily environmental regulation behavior, water intake, sleep quality, the thermal environment and skin temperature at home during the summer to identify life skills that could prevent heatstroke among elderly persons. We found that elderly persons tended to live in hotter and more humid environments than younger persons. Variations in skin temperature appeared to differ between young and elderly persons because of a decrease in the ability to regulate body temperature with age. In addition, sleep quality decreased among elderly persons who live in hot environments, indicating that environmental regulation needs to be improved among the elderly. Providing intervention in the form of physiological information about heatstroke prevention as well as tools for visualizing the thermal environment conferred some improvements. Changes in preventive awareness by interventions differed among individuals, suggesting a relationship with experience of heatstroke., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2015, 31 Mar. 2018, 15H04090, Human responses to inhalation of emissions from timber on psychological and physiological factors: objective evaluations by functional brain imaging, AZUMA Kenichi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kindai University, 16380000, 12600000, 3780000, We examined human responses to inhalation of emissions from timber on psychological and physiological factors using functional brain imaging. Nasal region of healthy subjects was exposed to non-odorant, plywood, and cedar timbers that dehydration temperature and/or production region were different. Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in prefrontal cortex and electroencephalogram (EEG) were simultaneously measured. Result indicated the activation of rCBF significantly increased in plywood that emission of formaldehyde were the highest. The result suggested the plywood acted as irritation to nose of the subjects. Cedar timber that were produced at middle dehydration temperature rather than lower and higher temperature, showed good responses in human brain imaging both rCBF and EEG. This suggests the subjects received irritation and discomfort from timber of lower dehydration temperature because the emission of total volatile organic compound was the highest at natural air-dried timber., kaken_url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, 01 Apr. 2013, 31 Mar. 2016, 25560020, Survey of sleep and activity on daily living, Kubo Hiroko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Nara Women's University, 3770000, 2900000, 870000, To clarify the sleep of daily life, the survey were investigated the quality of the sleep 、daily sleeping hours, and daytime sleepiness. In addition, it was analyzed in the living biological point of view also for the elderly people of sleep. (1)Daily sleep time was six and a half hours in college aged females in weekdays, though sleep satisfaction was high. However, the impact on sleepiness and fatigue to short sleep during the day in was observed. (2) REM sleep and light sleep reduced at the time of short time's sleep, and a sense of weariness and sleepiness feeling were high. (3) In summer the elderly people had not only low sleep efficiency for daily life's sleep, but also awakening time during sleep was long for them which got sleep under the high temperature environment and did not used air conditioner., kaken_url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Apr. 2012, 31 Mar. 2015, 24500934, A study on improvement in the living environment and daily living habits for the elderly to prevent heat disorders, AZUMA MICHIYO; OKAMOTO Keiko; SASSA Naomi; BAMBA Ikuko; KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; TSUZUKI Kazuyo, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kio University, 5330000, 4100000, 1230000, The purpose of this study was to investigate strategies to prevent heat disorders in the elderly. Data on the thermal environment collected automatically by thermal recording devices, and thermal sensation, thermal comfort, room temperature evaluation, acceptability, and activity were collected from young and elderly individuals in summer. Regarding physiological responses, skin temperature data were collected from some subjects. Furthermore, we conducted a questionnaire survey about knowledge of heat disorders, measures taken to prevent heat disorders, and daily living habits to analyze differences between generations. The results were given as feedback to each elderly individual and additional information about prevention of heat disorders was also offered after the investigations. Some advantages of these interventions were confirmed, but limitations were also identified. Strategies linked to preventive behaviors thus need to be considered along with technical knowledge., kaken_url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, 01 Apr. 2012, 31 Mar. 2015, 24650468, Development of the preventive medical clothes based upon spurious thermal sensation, SHIBASAKI Manabu; NEGISHI Hiroko; KUBO Hiroko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Nara Women's University, 3770000, 2900000, 870000, A simulated thermal sensation due to evoked TRP (Transient Receptor Potential) channels could be contribute to improve living environment and to prevent heat-related illness. For an objective approach for evaluating thermal sensation, we attempted to develop a suitable protocol for one of brain imaging techniques, fNIRS (functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy). The developed periodic thermal stimulation clearly modulates thermal sensation. We confirmed that the stimulation of Aδfibers combined with menthol administration enhanced brain activity estimated by EEG (electroencephalography) and that thermal sensation during the periodic thermal stimulation was further evoked by menthol., kaken_url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, 2011, 2012, 23650457, Does The difference in bedding affect the quality of sleep?, KUBO Hiroko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Nara Women's University, 3770000, 2900000, 870000, In order to investigate the effects of the mattress hardness and the repulsion elasticity on nocturnal sleep, we experimented with 4 conditions. Distribution area of body pressure, body posture, sleep quality and physiological responses were mesaured and after sleep. There were significant differents in the number of limb position changes and the body area touching the mattress. Limb positions changed mere frequency in mattress A than in mattress D. The body area touching mattress A was greater than that touching mattress B. The time spent in each body posture during nocturnal sleep, duration spent in each body posture and limb position, maximum body pressure, and sleep quality did not differ significantly among mattresses., kaken_url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 2009, 2012, 21240067, Study on optimal air conditioning environment in consideration of energy saving and individual resident's ability to adapt on thermal environment, ISODA Norio, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Nara Women's University, 37440000, 28800000, 8640000, In order to clarify the optimal air-conditioning environment of a dwelling paying attention to energy saving and the ability to adapt of an individual, the measurement survey about a series of thermal environments and air quality environments of the houses was carried out. A series of adaptation-to-environment experiments and a experiment of air quality in the climate chamber were conducted. As a result, the thermal environment of the toilet and bathroom were low and poor in the winter in living environment, and the possibility of health impairment was suggested. The thermal environment of the eco-house and the half-basement was maintained more comfortably than other dwellings. Elderly people's healthy life has been maintained to some extent by carrying out heat insulation repair. On the other hand, we were anxious about aggravation of air environment. Moreover, the importance of control of order environment became clear. Furthermore, thermal comforts rose 1℃ in the summer when conscious of energy saving. We showed thermal adaptation properties of the elderly person and subjects who were poor at cold., kaken_url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2008, 2010, 20300237, Effects of the sleeping posture and the evaluations of sleeping by different body habitus on the nocturnal sleep, KUBO Hiroko; SUZUMURA Yukari; TOMARI Yuko; KISANUKI Miho, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 17680000, 13600000, 4080000, In order to the evaluation of sleeping posture and distribute the body pressure for comfortable sleep at case of different subjects aged and sex, we studied 5 times experiments. About 50% of sleep time was spent in the supine posture and that body posture varied during nocturnal sleep. The stillness temporal duration in the supine posture were most long in other sleeping postures. There were differences between the elderly and the youth about bedtime, arise time, activity levels, average of% HF during nocturnal sleep and OSA. The distribution area of body pressure in the recumbent posture differed with the body posture ; mattress characteristics ; age, sex, and body habitus of the sleeper, There were significant differences on the number of changing positions of limbs and the area of body touched mattress during nocturnal sleep, though there was no difference in the quality of sleep by PSG., kaken_url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 2004, 2007, 16252007, Study on Life Environments and gender in Afghanistan, MIYASAKA Yasuko; IWASAKI Masami; SOHMA Hidehiro; MASUI Masaya; UTSUMI Seiji; KOBAYASHI Tazuko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Nara Women's University, 37050000, 28500000, 8550000, We conducted fieldwork four times in Afghanistan and three times in Iran. The research findings are as follows: 1. The household structures in Bamyan are classified into there categories: the nuclear family, the joint family and the compound household. The overall system is basically patrilineal and patrilocal. Nuclear families maintain an extended kinship network in the community. The family system is basically patrilinial and patrilocal. 2. There are two main social groups in Bamyan, the Hazaras and the Sayyeds, between which there are wide social, economic and cultural disparities. 3. Strategies in child education in family differ by both social groups and gender. School attendance rate are lower for The Hazaras than for the Sayyeds, and lower for girls than for boys. 4. There is clear gender segregation and role division. Because the infrastructure is not yet developed in Bamyan, there is a great deal of housework for women and children, especially daughters. 5. Afghan Refugees in Iran form Afghan communities to minimize discrimination from Iranians. 6. Though Afghan refugees in Iran have restricted access to work and education, their living standards are higher than those of Afghanistan. 7. The Iranian government has been promoting a repatriation policy for Afghan refugees, while increasing economic supports to Afghans. 8. The Iranian government has been restricting the schools for Afghan refugees, so that they are forced to close and move. Since the schools do not get any support, they face difficult problems. 9. Afghans' experiences of living in Iran make change their concept of education and gender, so that their return to Afghanistan would affect an improvement of the educational situation in Afghanistan. But for it, it is essentially prerequisite to ensure peace and security, economic independence, and to improve living standards., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2003, 2005, 15300245, The Study on Thermal Environment for Elderly and Cold Proof Person-Study on Physiological Responses on Daily Life Using Heater and Cooler-, KUBO Hiroko; ISODA Norio; SHIBASAKI Manabu, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 13600000, 13600000, The purpose of this study is to investigate the optimal thermal environment for the elderly. We carried out two experiments in a climate chamber as follows. Experiment 1: the direct determination of preferred air temperature. The subjects regulated air temperature for 120 minutes. We explained individual variations of thermal comfort for the elderly, and whether it's a good condition for the elderly health. During the experiments, we measured the skin temperatures, heart rate, thermal comfort vote, thermal sensation vote, and so on. And, we measured metabolic rate and heat loss, and we considered heat balance under several thermal environment. The subjects were 30 healthy elderly women. The subjects sat on a chair during the experiments in summer clothes (0.4clo). Experiment 2: exposure to established air temperature (23℃, 25℃, 31℃, 33℃). The subjects were exposed to established air temperature for 60 minutes. We explained the effect of established thermal environment on physiological and psychological responses. On Experiment 2, 19 subjects were extracted from Experiment 1. By these experiments, we determine an extant of comfort temperatures for the elderly that has several preferred temperatures in summer. The results were as follows; Preferred air temperature were from 24.4℃ to 29.3℃. The average of preferred air temperature was 27℃, and standard deviation of mat was 1.3℃. On that conditions, almost subjects voted 'comfortable'-'very comfortable'. But under 25℃, some elderly cooled their core temperatures a little, and their heart rate declined. This indicates that the elderly decrease in ability to control the skin temperature., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2003, 2005, 15402001, Investigative Studies on Women's lives and their Living Environments in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China, IWASAKI Masami; SETO Akiko; MIYASAKA Yasuko; KUBO Hiroko; NAKATA Rieko; HATTORI Noriko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 12200000, 12200000, We visited Urumchi, Kashgar, Atush, Hami, Turfan and Hotan, from 2003 to 2005 and aimed to conduct investigations on actual conditions of Uygur women and their living environments. In our investigation, we principally conducted oral interviews and observation in house visits, and made photographic records. In conducting investigations, we were divided into groups according to each one's specialty, such as families, genders, cloth-ing, dietary culture, and living environments. In order to comprehend the situation of the region, we invited the cooperation of teachers of secondary school and Xinjian University, instructors of museums and foreign students of Uygur people. We report about the following contents of our investigation about which we have formed a viewpoint. 1)Children's education 2)Ordinary lives and Religious lives like Ramadan 3)Expression of costumes as Muslim 4)Traditional customs and their changes in Family relations and lives. Main problems of school-education are that the high school attendance rate has declined and that students who are not able to go to school have been increased. In particular, among the poor farmers' households that account for 80% of the region, parents do not have higher expectations for their children, thus they prevent their children from going to school. Their main agent of child-rearing is the mother. Mothers raise children by receiving sufficient support from relatives, especially their own mothers. Uygur people maintain the culture of gender division of domestic labor. Particularly Muslims maintain a strong patriarchal system so that their educational expectations for daughters are lower compared to sons., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research, 2003, 2004, 15650151, 入眠を促進する足踵温度コントロール-湯たんぽの効果を生理学的に見直す-, 久保 博子; 芝崎 学; 磯田 則生; 久保 博子, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research, Nara Women's University, 3300000, 3300000, 本プロジェクトは、医・工学系ではなく生活科学系から、製品開発の新しいコンセプトの提供とその可能性を示しうるデータの収集を第一の目的とする。入眠に焦点をおき、入眠時の生理学的および物理学的パラメータから、入眠を促進するパラメータを評価し、どうすれば入眠を促進することができるのか、そこに新しい製品開発コンセプトを見出すことを試みる。昨今見直されてきつつある湯たんぽは、足踵を効果的に暖めるため、これに注目して入眠を促進する製品の開発に役立てることを目的とした。 昨年度行った予備実験として行った昼寝実験より求めた、実際的な快適な足部加温条件をもとにして、終夜睡眠実験をおこなった。 健康な青年女子(大学生)6名を被験者として採用して、冬期の寝具・寝衣条件で、冬期の室内環境として、入床前安静時18℃、入床前60分より起床時まで15℃50%で夜間の睡眠実験を行った。寝床内暖房条件として、条件1:加温なし、条件2:湯たんぽ湯温55℃、条件3:電気あんか低温で終夜使用、条件4:電気あんか高温で足底皮膚温が30℃になるまで使用の4条件とした。睡眠時には、脳波、心拍数、体動量、直腸温、皮膚温などを測定し、入床前後には心理申告を求めた。 その結果、(1)足底部加温器具による加温は、足部皮膚温が速やかに上昇し、直腸温の低下を促し、入眠促進効果があることが示唆された。(2)足部が適切に加温器具接触してない場合は足部皮膚温の上昇が速やかではなかったが、入眠時に高めの温度設定条件であった条件2、4においては、比較的安定した入眠促進効果がみられた。その後の温度低下の影響はほとんどみられなかった。(3)足部加温器の使用では、寝床内温度が既往の報告にある快適温度範囲に達する前に置いても速やかな入眠効果がみられた。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2000, 2002, 12572041, Comparative study on Japanese and Chinese women and their living environments -Comparative study conducted in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China, and Japan-, IWASAKI Masami; MIYASAKA Yasuko; SETO Akiko; KATSUTA Keiko; NAKATA Rieko; KUBO Hiroko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 14000000, 14000000, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China lies just halfway between Europe and Japan. We aimed to conduct investigations on the actual conditions of Uygur women and their lives. Because the population of Uygur people is the largest among the forty-seven minor ethnic groups in the region. In conducting investigations, we were divided into groups according to each one's specialty, such as families, gender, clothing, dietary culture and living environments, and we decided to compare a city and its surrounding area (a rural community), tradition and changes, and South Xinjiang and North Xinjiang. In order to comprehend the situation of the region, we invited the cooperation of researchers in the Center for Research on Women at Xinjiang University as our counterparts. In 2000, we visited Urumchi and Turfan, and investigated the roles of the female staff of educational organizations, differences in the lives among typical ethnic groups, the labor of women who engaged in traditional industries, their tasks at home. In 2001, we visited Kashgar and Hotan, recorded the conditions of deeply religious lives connected with Islamic culture, and conducted a study on them. In 2002, in order to compare lives in South Xinjiang and North Xinjiang, we visited Yining, adjacent to Russia (the former Soviet Union) and investigated mostly farmers' lives. As a result, we witnessed remarkable affluence due to trade with Russia and other regions, and westernized freedom for various aspects, of then-lives, such as their home interiors and preferences for doming, unlike South Xinjiang. As the results of our comparison between the city and its surrounding area, and South Xinjiang and North Xinjiang, it was learned that close family relations common among Uygur people continued, but religious characteristics changed drastically in some regions. There were also problems, such as difficulty in the coexistence of international aspects with ethnical aspects., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2000, 2001, 12680107, Study of bed room thermal condition and bed climate for elderly peason, KUBO Hiroko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Nara Women's University, 4100000, 4100000, The purpose of this study is to investigate how the elderly persons adapt themselves to the sleep environment and bed climate on the daily life. The survey of questionnaire on the daily sleep, daily living action, bed room thermal conditions and bed climate have been conducted on about 600 persons from 20 years old to 80 years old in winter and about 1400 persons 20 years old to 80 years old in summer. Moreover, the bed and bed room temperature and relative humidity were measured on 10 female young and middle persons with thermometer to investigate residential bed room thermal environments on the daily life. The wake time became earlier and the bed time became later with aging. Though the interruption frequency of sleep in the night sleep increased and the state of sleep changed with aging, the elderly persons reported more satisfactory in sleep and comfortable environment in bed and bed room with aging. In winter, here is significant difference in warming in the bed by electric blanket and foot warmer between male and female, and the frequency of using those remarkable increased with aging. But every age persons scasely used heating in their bedroom. In summer, there were more people who had cooler in their bed room with aging. But, thermal comfort vote of persons who cooled at their bedroom became lower at arise time than at bed time by using cooler. The bed temperature at legs' area in sleep time was from 33℃ to 35℃. The bed temperature by electric blanket was upper 36℃, then the subject moved and got her legs out the futon., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), 1998, 2000, 10780072, 在室者の多様性に配慮した冷暖房温度に関する研究-高齢者の温熱的対応と冷暖房使用実態からの検討-, 久保 博子, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), Nara Women's University, 2300000, 2300000, 夏期及び冬期に温熱的快適となる冷暖房温度範囲を求めることを目的とし、特に高齢者自身が心地よいと感じる健康で快適な生活のための冷暖房基準を設定することを主眼に,高齢者を被験者にして,下記のような実験および同時期に居住住宅の温熱環境の実測調査及び生活行動調査,温熱環境評価の調査、特に問題となった夜間の温熱環境に関するアンケート調査をおこなった。また,比較対照として,青年(大学生)においても同様の実験及び調査を行った。 (1)高齢者群および青年群にて夏期および冬期において好みの気温を求める人工気候室実験を行い、それぞれの群で7℃程度の個人差があり,その温度範囲、平均室温、室温変動回数等に差は認められなかったが、高齢者の方が皮膚温は若干低い傾向が認められ,気温の影響が大きく示された。 (2)実測調査では,高齢者は青年群に比ベ,着衣量が多く、冷房はなるべく使用しないと言う者が多かったが,暖房は比較的よく使用していた。冬期においては,睡眠中の室温が青年群より低く,暖房は用いていないが寝床内暖房具の使用割合は高く,室内と寝床内との温度差による影響が懸念される結果となった。 (3)高い気温を選択した被験者は日常生活でも暖房使用率が高いなど日常生活と、実験室実験では関連性がみとめられた。また、高温選択群はそうでない者に比べ、若干血圧が低く、発汗量が少ない傾向にあった。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), 1996, 1996, 08780010, 夏期における冷房温度に関する研究-温熱的快適性の個人差からの検討-, 久保 博子, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), Nara Women's University, 1000000, 1000000, 夏期に温熱的快適となる冷房温度範囲,特にスカートを着用した女性にとって好ましい冷房温度を求め、冷房温度の基準化のための基礎データを得ることを目的とし,約30名の青年女子を被験者として夏期の温熱的快適性を測定する実験を人工気候室で行った。まず,好みの温度を選択する実験を行い,その平均値とばらつきを測定した。また,あらかじめ調節された温度を評価する実験と、好みの温度を選択する実験とでは快適性に違いがあるかどうか、同じ被験者で同時期に実験を行い検討した。さらに個人差が体格、生理的機能の違い、生活習慣等と関係あるか要因分析を行った。その結果以下の点が明らかになった。 (1)30名の青年女子被験者に選択された気温は,23.5℃から30.5℃の範囲で約7℃の気温差が認められ,平均値は約27℃であった。その時の皮膚温は選択した気温と相関が認められるが,どの被験者も温冷感は「-1:やや涼しい」から「-2:涼しい」,快適感は「+2:快適」の申告で,選択した気温による差はなかった。 (2)設定気温の評価実験では,気温選択実験における高温選択グループと低温選択グループで皮膚温には大差が認められなかったが,高温選択グループでは同じ温度でもより寒く感じ,28℃で最も快適と感じているが,低温選択グループでは同じ温度でもより暑く感じ,24℃付近でもっとも快適と感じている。 (3)自己申告である「暑がり」「寒がり」には選択気温にも設定気温評価にもあまり差は認められなかったが,普段の生活で冷暖房機器の使用には差が認められた。 (4)一定の環境評価での快適温度より快適な自由選択気温の方が個人差は大きかった。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), 1995, 1995, 07780007, 夏期における室内気流の評価に関する研究-天井及び床吹きだし気流の快適性に関する実験的研究-, 久保 博子, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), Nara Women's University, 1000000, 1000000, 夏期のオフィス環境等の室内空間における、温熱的快適性と人体への気流の影響検討することを目的とする研究一環として、空調設備の気流の吹き出し方式の違いによる人体の温熱的快適性への影響を明らかにすることを目的として実験を行った。 人工気候室にて夏期のオフィス環境を想定して、気温25℃、27.5℃、30℃の3段階を設定し、相対湿度50%一定とした。気流は3室の人工気候室を用い、「天井吹きだし」「床吹きだし」「壁面吹きだし」の3条件とし、気流速度は被験者の位置で0.2〜0.3m/sの微弱気流とした。夏服着用の健康な平均的体格の青年女子を被験者とし、実験中はパソコンのによる数値入力作業を科し、各温熱条件に60分暴露した。測定項目は生理的反応として皮膚温14点、心理的反応として温冷感、快適感、気流感等とした。 (1)平均皮膚温は、吹き出し方式別に検討すると、壁面吹き出しが最も低く、天井吹き出し、床吹き出しの順に低くなる。これは、皮膚温が気流による人体の暴露面積の影響で暴露面積が大きい方がより低下することが考えられる。 (2)全身温冷感は、顕著な差は認められないが、気温25℃では床面が、27.5℃及び30℃では天井吹き出しが最も涼しい側の申告である。 (3)快適感は、気温25℃では壁面吹き出しが、27.5℃及び30℃では天井吹き出しが最も快適と申告され、天井吹き出しでは「やや涼しい」方が、床吹き出しでは「どちらでもない」で最も快適と快適された。 (4)どの気温でも天井吹き出しが「好きな」「満足した」と評価された。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B), 1994, 1995, 06454622, Study on the effects of bed mattresses upon body movements and thermal response during sleeping at thermal environmental conditions in bedroom., YANASE Takuko; KUBO Hiroko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B), NARA Women s University, 5900000, 5900000, The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of the kinds of bed mattresses at the thermal environmental conditions of bedroom The experiments were carried out in a climatic chamber changed at three thermal conditions (temperatures and humidities ; low (13゚C,50%), middle (20゚C,60%) and high (29゚C,70%)). Three kinds of bed mattres (sprinng, water and jel) were used for the test materials.. On the first step, the changes of relative humidities and temperatures in bed, the pressures upon the body and the physiological reactions were measured during the subjects lied on the back or side. The second step, were measured during all night sleepinng. The results were as follows ; 1.The pressure values around of the shoulder back and buttocs keeps large but subjective senses are strong at the waist.. 2.Many body movements during all night sleeping are observed on the spring mattres but a few on the water and jel mattres. There are find the correlation between the elasticities of mattres and the body movements during all night sleeping. 3.Temperatures in the bed don't differ with mattreses, while high humidities in the bed are observed with water and jel mattreses at each ambient temperatures., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), 1994, 1994, 06780006, 夏期における室内気流の評価に関する研究 -スポット気流の人体影響の検討-, 久保 博子, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), Nara Women's University, 1000000, 1000000, 夏期のパーソナル空調等の不均一な気流のある空間における、人体への不均一気流の影響を定量的に表すことを目的とする一連の研究の一環として、気流のの暴露面積による人体影響の違いを明かにすることを目的として実験を行った。 人工気候室を夏期の冷房環境を想定して、気温25℃、27.5℃、30℃、32.5℃の5段階を設定した。また、相対湿度50%一定とした。気流は全身暴露、半身暴露(上半身及び下半身)、スポット暴露(上半身のみ)及び気温なしの条件とした。気流速度は被験者の位置で0.5m/sである。夏服着用の健康な平均的体格の青年女子を被験者とし、各温熱条件に30分暴露した。測定項目は生理的反応として皮膚温14点、心理的反応として温冷感、快適感、気流感等とした。 (1)平均皮膚温は、全身暴露、下半身暴露、上半身暴露、スポット暴露、気流なしの順に低くなり、その傾向は気温が低いほど顕著である。 (2)全身温冷感は、全身暴露、半身暴露、スポット暴落、気流なしの順に寒い側の申告となるが、半身暴露では気温が低い場合は下半身暴露が、気流が高い場合は上半身暴露が寒い側の申告である。 (3)快適感は、全身気流では気温の高い側で、気流なしでは気温の低い側でより快適の申告となる。また、下半身暴露の場合最も低く、やや快適以上にならない。 (4)以上の結果より、暴露面積による気流の人体影響と冷却効果を示すグラフを表した。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C), 1993, 1994, 05680024, THE STUDY OF THERMAL COMFORT AND COOLING-HEATING APPARATUS FOR THE ELDERLY, ISODA Norio; KUBO Hiroko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C), NARA WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY, 2300000, 2300000, The present study was undertaken to clarify the relationaships between the thermal environment of the elderly people and psycho-physiological characteristics, and to propose the recommended room temperature and cooling-heating systems for the elderly people. For this purpose, we conducted the survey on residential thermal environments for the elderly people and the experiment on ifluences of thermal environment on physiological and psychological responses in the elderly subjects in climate chamber. In a questionnaire survey on residential thermal environments, the most popular cooling system were the air conditioners, and electric fans among the elderly people who were over 60 years old in summer. In winter, the heating mechanism most commonly used was stove among the elderly people. In the measurements of residential thermal environments in the elderly people residences, the mean room-air-temperatures (Ta) were 27C-29C in summer. In winter, Ta were 15゚C-18゚C at living-room and about 8゚C at bed-room. In the experiments of climate chamber, the skin temperature at the chest (trunk) of the elderly was lower and dropped greater than the young subjects in the same air temperature. But the drop of the elderly's skin temperature at the shin was smaller than that of the younger groups in summer. These suggest than the special attention should be required for an room temperatures to be adjusted properly and comfortably for the elderly. We recommend room-temperature of 26゚C-29゚C in summer and 21゚C-25゚C in winter with the radiant heating system at the floor., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B), 1992, 1993, 04454582, Study on the suitable thermal conditions and it's control equipments for bedroom, YANASE Takuko; KUBO Hiroko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B), NARA Women's University, 5000000, 5000000, The purpose of this study was to search an environmental condition we can maintain thermal balance during sleep. We payd special attention to air velocity and sorts in summer, and to warming of the bed in winter. The results are as follows. 1. In Summer, at ambient temperature 30゚C,exposure forehead or leg to a weak air current (0.4m/sec) intensified the degree of rectal temperature fall. Under this condition, the sweating was suppressed and body temperature was controlled mainly by dry heat loss. 2. An effective exposure site to air flow was the forehead in comparison with the leg to induce deep sleep. As for the sort of air flow, moreover, the cyclical flactuating air velocity was more effective for deep sleep without falling leg skin temperature than the uniformed air velocity. 3. In winter, warming the bed in advance facilitated the rise in leg skin temperature and deep sleep was maintained all night long., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), 1991, 1991, 03780063, 冷房空間の気流の温熱的評価に関する研究-気流の吹き出し位置と方向の違いについて-, 久保 博子, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), Nara Women's University, 1100000, 1100000, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), 1988, 1988, 63780085, 室内環境における気流の温熱的評価に関する研究, 久保 博子, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), Nara Women's University, 600000, 600000, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2022, 31 Mar. 2026, 22H00951, Human centerd engineering study of the impact of life monitoring technology on the optimization of the living environment of the elderly, 久保 博子; 才脇 直樹; 芝崎 学; 東 実千代; 佐々 尚美; 磯田 則生; 安在 絵美, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 17420000, 13400000, 4020000, kaken
  • 基盤研究(C), 01 Apr. 2020, 31 Mar. 2023, 20K02336, フレイル高齢者の住環境・住まい方の実態と環境調節行動を促す介入に関する研究, 東 実千代; 大友 絵利香; 久保 博子; 佐々 尚美; 小濱 朋子; 磯田 則生, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 畿央大学, 4290000, 3300000, 990000, 2021年度は自立した生活を送っている奈良県都市部在住の高齢者24名(継続)、農村部在住高齢者20名(新規)を被験者としてフレイル度調査を行うとともに、夏期において室内温熱環境の実測、住まい方調査、日中の活動量測定を実施した。熱中症予防行動の促進に用いる介入ツール(室内温熱環境可視化ツール)については、2020年度の課題分析結果に基づいてデザインを再検討した。概要は以下の通りである。 【フレイル度調査】近い将来介護が必要となる危険の高い高齢者を抽出する目的で開発された基本チェックリストによる調査を実施した。被験者の年齢は平均80歳±6歳であり、総合得点を3段階(健康・プレフレイル・フレイル)に分類して判定したところ、健康が約3割、プレフレイルが約5割、フレイルが約2割であった。判定には日中の活動レベルとの相関が認められたが、年齢やBMIとの関連性はなかった。活動レベルは男性が女性がより高く、都市部が農村部より高い傾向がみられた。一方、主観的健康感は農村部が都市部より高いことから、性差や地域差を考慮した評価・解釈が必要であると考えられた。 【室内温熱環境実測・住まい方調査】2001年8月上旬から中旬を主な測定期間としたため、雨天日が多く猛暑日の温熱データが十分に取得できなかった。農村部においてはエアコンの使用率が低く、室温を確認する習慣のある人が少ない傾向があり、夜間に室温が高い事例が散見されるなど、熱中症予防の意識や予防行動の実践状況には改善の余地があると考えられた。 【室内温熱環境可視化ツール】人工気候室における高齢者の温熱生理反応のデータをもとに、熱中症予防行動を促すべき温度帯を検討し、その範囲で変色するインキを用いた室内温熱環境可視化ツールを作成した。精度検証実験を行った結果、指定とした温度で精度よく変色し、色変化は高齢者の視覚特性に対応したものであることが確認された。, kaken;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations



  • 2012, 2015, Society
  • May 2019, Apr. 2022, Society
  • Apr. 2020, Mar. 2022, Society
  • Apr. 2014, Mar. 2022, Society
  • 2005, Society
  • Apr. 2020, 9999, Society
  • Apr. 2020, 現在に至
  • May 2019, 9999
  • Apr. 2014
  • 2005
  • Apr. 2017, 9999, Society
  • 2008, Society
  • 2005
  • Apr. 2020, 31 Mar. 2023
  • Apr. 2017, 9999

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