Researchers Database

KOMAYA Shoichi

FacultyFaculty Division of Engineering Research Group of Engineering
Last Updated :2024/11/26


Profile and Settings

  • Name (Japanese)

  • Name (Kana)


Research Areas

  • Informatics, Learning support systems
  • Informatics, Software

Research Experience

  • Apr. 2017, 9999, Osaka Electro-Communication University, Faculty of Information Science and Arts, part-time lecturer, Japan
  • Apr. 2014, 9999, University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, part-time lecturer, Japan
  • Jul. 2013, 9999, Nara Women's University, Faculty of Human Life and Environment, Professor, 教授, Japan
  • Apr. 2009, Mar. 2016, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Master Program of Information Systems Architecture, 客員教授, 客員教授, Japan
  • Apr. 2011, Mar. 2014, Chuo University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, part-time lecturer, Japan
  • Apr. 2011, Mar. 2014, Waseda University, School of Science and Engineering, part-time lecturer, 非常勤講師, Japan
  • Mar. 2007, Jun. 2013, NTT DATA Corporation, 技術開発本部 ソフトウェア工学推進センター
  • Apr. 2003, Jun. 2013, Nara Women's University, Faculty of Science, part-time lecturer, 非常勤講師, Japan
  • Mar. 2007, Aug. 2010, University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, Program in Computer Science, 教授, Japan
  • Sep. 1985, Feb. 2007, NTTSoftware corporation, 第一開発部、経営企画部、人事部
  • Apr. 2023, 9999, The Open University of Japan, 奈良学習センター, Visiting Professor
  • Apr. 2022, 9999, Nara Women's University, Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering, Professor, Professor


  • May 2005, Mar. 2007, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Multi-Disciplinary Sciences,General Systems Sciences
  • Apr. 1985, Aug. 1985, Tokyo University of Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Management Science
  • Apr. 1981, Mar. 1985, Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Engineering Division 2, Management Science

Teaching Experience

  • Project management and system audit, Nara Women's University, Apr. 2016, 9999
  • Introduction to software engineering, Nara Women's University, Apr. 2015, Mar. 2022
  • Information security and law, Nara Women's University, Apr. 2014, 9999
  • Life and information morals, Nara Women's University, Apr. 2014, 9999
  • Information and business, Nara Women's University, Apr. 2003, 9999
  • project management, Nara Women's University, Apr. 2023, 9999
  • information business, Nara Women's University, Apr. 2023, 9999
  • Oct. 2022, 9999
  • Information basis, Nara Women's University, Apr. 2022, 9999
  • Apr. 2019, 9999
  • Sep. 2017, 9999
  • Apr. 2017, 9999
  • Apr. 2014, 9999

Association Memberships

  • Information processing Society of Japan, Apr. 1994, 9999



  • Not Refereed, 情報処理, "Peta-gogy" for Future:What Kind of Informatics Education is Required by Society, 駒谷 昇一, いまだに多くの大学の一般情報教育では,PCの使い方の教育が行われている.しかし,AIやIoTが普及し,社会や企業のICT化が進む中で,一般情報教育に対して次のような教育が求められている.ICTを活用した情報化戦略や新商品を企画立案する方法,社会を支える情報システムの恩恵とリスク,社会の問題や課題を ICTで解決する方法,AIを業務効率化に活用するための方法と倫理,実際のビジネスをモデル化しデータやネットワークやセキュリティを設計する方法,発注者としての基礎知識.問題は,このような教育を大学で行う必要があるという認識が低いことである., 15 May 2017, 58, 6, 507, 507
  • Not Refereed, Journal of JSEE, Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Important Point in Project Based Learning, KOMAYA Shoichi, PBL (Project Based Learning or Problem Based Learning) has attracted attention as a method to develop human resources capable of solving problems with teams. PBL is a learning method to solve problems with a project type team. PBL is an educational method that can effectively acquire problem solving power, creativity and ability to help each other in a team. In PBL, how to evaluate educational purpose quantitatively is an important point. This paper introduces examples of how I evaluate the educational purpose of PBL., 2017, 65, 1, 1_12, 1_15, 10.4307/jsee.65.1_12
  • Not Refereed, Research journal of living science, Nara Women's University, Research on Career Skills of Information Technology Engineer, Komaya Shoichi, Mar. 2014, 60, 2, 117, 122
  • Not Refereed, 情報処理, Peta-gogy for Future : What is Proactive Learning?, 駒谷昇一, 15 Dec. 2011, 53, 1, 55, 55
  • Not Refereed, 全国大会講演論文集, Requirements Definition in Driving School Reservation System, CHOU Gyokusyo; SASAKI Keisuke; ICHIKAWA Masataka; MYITZU Mya; KIKUTI Sumio; KOMAYA Shoiti; TANAKA Jiro, 08 Mar. 2010, 72, 0, 445, 446
  • Not Refereed, 全国大会講演論文集, Project in Driving School Reservation System development, ICHIKAWA Masataka; SASAKI Keisuke; CHOU GyokuSho; MYITZU MYA; KOMAYA Shoichi; KIKUCHI Sumio; TANAKA Jiro, 08 Mar. 2010, 72, 0, 447, 448
  • Not Refereed, 全国大会講演論文集, FP法に基づく学生PBL型システム開発の見積り指標に関する考察, 川井 康寛; 菊池 純男; 駒谷 昇一; 田中 二郎, 08 Mar. 2010, 72, 0, 449, 450
  • Not Refereed, 全国大会講演論文集, The estimation of students' projects and evaluation with use case point method, NAITO Masaki; KIKUCHI Sumio; KOMAYA Shoichi; TANAKA Jiro, 08 Mar. 2010, 72, 0, 519, 520
  • Not Refereed, 全国大会講演論文集, The development of a bus location system for kindergartens, FUCHI Kazuma; IKEDA Katsuhiro; ISHIDA Kozue; KIKUCHI Sumio; KOMAYA Shoichi; KITAGAWA Hiroyuki; TANAKA Jiro, 08 Mar. 2010, 72, 0, 251, 252
  • Not Refereed, 全国大会講演論文集, Development of Laboratory Assignment System by Student, KAWASAKI Yuika; HAN Zhenmei; NISHIMOTO Kazuyuki; NAKAMURA Hitomi; KIKUCHI Sumio; KOMAYA Shoichi; LI Jie; KANOH Hitoshi; KITAGAWA Hiroyuki; TANAKA Jiro, 08 Mar. 2010, 72, 0, 857, 858
  • Not Refereed, 全国大会講演論文集, Design of agricultural work data linking support system "Harvest", FUJIMOTO Kazuhisa; UCHIKAWA Tomoki; TAKADA Hajime; WANG Ou; YAMAZAKI Hirokazu; SAKURAMOTO Naomi; YOKOYAMA Kazunari; KOMAYA Syoichi; TANAKA Jiro, 08 Mar. 2010, 72, 0, 895, 896
  • Not Refereed, 情報教育シンポジウム2009論文集, PBLは教育にどのようなインパクトがあるのか, 駒谷昇一, 12 Aug. 2009, 2009, 6, 131, 138
  • Not Refereed, Journal of JSEE, Japanese Society for Engineering Education, A practical Software Development Specialization Program for Advanced IT Personnel Training at University of Tsukuba, KOMAYA Shoichi; TANAKA Jiro; KITAGAWA Hiroyuki, 20 Jul. 2009, 57, 4, 92, 98, 10.4307/jsee.57.4_92
  • Not Refereed, 情報処理学会研究報告. コンピュータと教育研究会報告, 情報処理学会, Quantitative metrology of the team motivation in PBL, KOMAYA SHOICHI, PBL(Project Based Learning)においてチームのモチベーションを高く維持することは重要である.チームのモチベーションを管理の対象とする場合,それを定量的に『見える化』することが必要となる.本研究報告はPBLにおけるチームのモチーションを定量的に測定するための方法を提案する.It is important to maintain the motivation of the team high in PBL(Project Based Learning). When the motivation of the team is managed, motivation can have to be measured quantitatively. This research paper proposes the method for the quantitative measurement of motivation of the team in PBL., 23 May 2009, 99, 10, J1, J6
  • Not Refereed, IPSJ SIG Notes, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Teaching practice of design and development of Enterprises system by real PBL, KOMAYA SHOICHI, This report is an embodiment of practicing education. This education is PBL(Project Based Learning) to experience the system planning, design and development of Enterprise system. The effect of the education is measured before and after the class quantitatively, and execution of hearing to a real customer(client). An important point developed such an education method by the PBL whether the student was able to proactive. The design skills of the information system and EQ(Emotional Quotient) skills improved by the class as a result of the measurement, and the effectiveness of PBL was able to be confirmed., 11 Mar. 2009, 107, 32, 177, 184
  • Not Refereed, 情報教育研究集会講演論文集, 情報教育研究集会プログラム委員会, コンテンツWGにおける教材公開・ポータルに関する検討--先導的ITスペシャリスト育成推進プログラム 拠点間教材等洗練事業 コンテンツWGの取り組み, 駒谷 昇一, 2009, 2009, 3, 5
  • Not Refereed, 情報教育研究集会講演論文集, 情報教育研究集会プログラム委員会, 教材コンテンツ公開ポータルと著作権等ガイドラインの在り方について--先導的ITスペシャリスト育成推進プログラム 拠点間教材等洗練事業での取り組み, 粂野 文洋; 駒谷 昇一; 田中 秀樹, 2009, 2009, 6, 11
  • Not Refereed, 情報教育研究集会講演論文集, 情報教育研究集会プログラム委員会, 情報2のシラバス案, 駒谷 昇一, 2009, 2009, 16, 19
  • Not Refereed, IPSJ Magazine, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Computing Curriculum Standard J07 : Information Technology Discipline (J07-IT), KOMAYA Shoichi, 15 Jul. 2008, 49, 7, 759, 767
  • Not Refereed, IPSJ SIG Notes, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Report and Evaluation of a Cooperative Practice of PBL between Industry and Academia, KAMEDA Hiroyuki; NAKAMURA Taichi; KOMAYA Shouichi; KAMINUMA Yasuko; KURODA Koumei, One of serious problems in IT fields is that many new graduate of IT fields do not reach the level IT companies require because of a rapid progress of IT. To resolve this problem, Japanese government recently give funds to many projects affirmatively. This paper reports a cooperative project between industry and academia with respect to the problem. PEL program is also reported. This project shows that an educational way of practical software engineering. Moreover, fundamental validity of our approach might be also gained., 14 Mar. 2007, 99, 25, 63, 70
  • Not Refereed, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, D-15-22 Advantegous Effects of a Faculty Development for Practical Software Engineering, AIZAWA Yoshikatsu; KAMEDA Hiroyuki; KAMINUMA Yasuko; KOMAYA Syoichi; NAKAMURA Taichi; KURODA Koumei; TSURUHO Seishiro, 07 Mar. 2007, 2007, 1, 175, 175
  • Not Refereed, 情報処理学会研究報告. CE,[コンピュータと教育], 一般社団法人情報処理学会, 大学の一般教育課程における情報教育に対する提言, 駒谷 昇一, インターネットによる電子商取引やサプライチェーンマネジメントなど、今までの常識とは異なる新しいビジネスモデルが次々と生まれてきているが、その背後には情報技術とネットワーク技術がある。EUCなどにより、情報システムを使う立場や発注する側にも情報システムに関する理解が不可欠になってきている。特に、技術的な知識以外のそのシステムが社会に与える影響や情報弱者への配慮などの教育が不可欠である。そのため、情報技術やインターネットによって、情報システムや社会のパラダイムがどう変わり、また変わろうとしているのかなどを情報という切り口から眺めた講義を大学の一般教育課程で行ったのでその報告を行う。, 06 Dec. 1999, 54, 104, 49, 55
  • Not Refereed, 情報処理学会研究報告. CE,[コンピュータと教育], 一般社団法人情報処理学会, 21世紀の情報教育のあり方について : 初等・中等教育への提言, 駒谷 昇一, 28 May 1998, 48, 93, 94
  • Not Refereed, IPSJ SIG Notes, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), The Teaching of Programming by Review for the New Staff, KOMAYA Shoichi, We performed Programming Skill Tests at, before and after the teaching of Programming by Review for The New Staff. This Test is effective against increasing Skill for the Teaching of System Development. There is a teaching style that is Teaching the System Design after Teaching the Programming Language for the present. But we can perform the Teaching of Basic System Engineering at an early stage during the teaching of Programming by Review., 17 Nov. 1995, 38, 111, 67, 72

Books etc

  • これからの大学の情報教育, 日経BPマーケティング, 河村, 一樹; 稲垣, 知宏; 稲葉, 利江子; 岡部, 成玄; 喜多, 一; 古賀, 掲維; 駒谷, 昇一; 佐々木, 整; 高橋, 尚子; 田島, 敬史; 立田, ルミ; 辰己, 丈夫; 中西, 通雄; 布施, 泉; 黄, 海湘; 柳生, 大輔; 山川, 修; 山口, 和紀; 湯瀬, 裕昭; 和田, 勉, Mar. 2016, 205p, 9784822750046
  • 情報と職業, オーム社, 駒谷, 昇一; 辰己, 丈夫, Nov. 2015, vii, 219p, 9784274216756
  • 情報とネットワーク社会, オーム社, 駒谷, 昇一; 山川 修; 中西 通雄; 北上 始; 佐々木 整; 湯瀬 裕昭, Dec. 2011, x, 183p, 9784274211218
  • ずっと受けたかったソフトウェアエンジニアリングの授業2, 翔泳社, 鶴保, 征城; 駒谷, 昇一, Jan. 2011, 2冊, 9784798119328
  • ずっと受けたかったソフトウェアエンジニアリングの授業1, 翔泳社, 鶴保, 征城; 駒谷, 昇一, Jan. 2011, 2冊, 9784798119328
  • 情報ネットワーク, オーム社, 岡田 正、駒谷 昇一、西原 清一、水野 一徳, Oct. 2010, viii, 155p, 9784274209406
  • 情報システム基礎, オーム社, 神沼, 靖子; 駒谷昇一; 武並輝之; 大場みち子, Oct. 2006, viii, 218p, 4274203093
  • 情報と社会, オーム社, 駒谷, 昇一; 川合, 慧、岡田正、北上始、辰己丈夫、吉田典弘、綾晧二郎, Oct. 2004, xii, 219p, 4274133109


  • Public discourse, 09 Nov. 2021, 21 Dec. 2021
  • Nominated symposium, 04 Mar. 2022, 04 Mar. 2022
  • 三重県 教育委員会主催, プログラミング指導者育成研修, 18 Aug. 2020, 18 Aug. 2020, 18 Aug. 2020
  • 天理市教育委員会主催, 小学校におけるプログラミング教育とは, 01 Aug. 2019, 01 Aug. 2019, 01 Aug. 2019
  • システム教育研究会, 『人財の見える化』について, 05 Dec. 2018, 05 Dec. 2018, 05 Dec. 2018
  • 奈良市 教育委員会主催 教職員研修講座, プログラミング教育とは, 31 Jul. 2018, 31 Jul. 2018, 31 Jul. 2018
  • 京都府立大学 大学運営教職員研修(SDミーティング), こらからの大学の情報教育, 28 Jun. 2018, 28 Jun. 2018, 28 Jun. 2018


  • 1st Information System Education Contest, Information Processing Society of Japan, Mar. 2009, 最優秀賞

Research Projects

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Apr. 2016, 31 Mar. 2019, 16K00973, Construction of placement test system for high school/university connection in information the field, KAWAMURA KAZUKI; INAGAKI tomohiro; TAKAHASI naoko; IWANE noriyuki; OKABE sigetou; KOMAYA shouiti; TATUMI takeo; TOKUNO jyunko; NAKANISI mitio; FUSE izumi; HORIE ikumi; WADA ben, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Tokyo International University, 4810000, 3700000, 1110000, We constructed the Information Placement Test System at universities as part of high school/university connection, and conducted a demonstration experiment.By this, we were able to grasp the acquisition situation of knowledge and skills about the information which had been learned to high school.And it became possible to use it more effectively for the operation of general information education in each university. For example, class formation by ability, selection of student assistant, credit accreditation, curriculum modification etc. Also, by conducting the Information Placement Test every year from now on, We will be able to grasp the situation of new students by year. In particular, The school's course of study, which will be revised after 2020, will also clarify what changes will appear., kaken_url;kaken



  • Information Processing Society of Japan, General Information Education Committee, Apr. 2013, 9999
  • Information Processing Society of Japan, Information Technology area Board of Education, Apr. 2005, 9999
  • Mar. 2004, 9999, Society

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