Researchers Database

Sato Katsunari

FacultyFaculty Division of Engineering Research Group of Engineering
PositionAssociate Professor
Last Updated :2025/01/10


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  • Ph.D. (Information Science and Technology), The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2011

Research Interests

  • バーチャルリアリティ
  • 衣環境
  • インタフェース
  • 触力覚
  • Virtual Reality
  • Clothing Environment
  • Interface
  • Haptics

Research Areas

  • Informatics, Intelligent robotics
  • Informatics, Perceptual information processing

Research Experience

  • Dec. 2020, 大阪ヒートクール株式会社, 取締役, Japan
  • 2011, 2013, :日本学術振興会/慶應義塾大学・特別研究員(PD)
  • 2011, 2013, :JSPS/Keio University・Research Fellow (PD)


  • 2011, The University of Tokyo, 情報理工学系研究科, システム情報学専攻, Japan
  • 2011, The University of Tokyo, Information Science and Technology, System Information
  • 2006, Tohoku University, Faculty of Engineering, 情報学科, Japan
  • 2006, Tohoku University, Faculty of Engineering, Information

Association Memberships

  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
  • 計測自動制御学会
  • 日本繊維製品消費科学会
  • 日本繊維機械学会
  • 日本感性工学会

Media Coverage

  • 月経の世界 VR体験から知る, Other than myself, 朝日新聞, Jan. 2022, 夕刊1面, Paper
  • 月経痛と血の漏れを体験できるVR、奈良女などが開発 電気と温度で症状を再現, Other than myself, ITmedia NEWS, Dec. 2021, Internet, url
  • 生理を知ると北陸が変わる!?, NHK金沢局, ホクロック!, 16 Dec. 2022, Media report, url
  • 「痛いという言葉すら発することができない」奈良の女子大学院生が作った“月経痛体験装置”を男性記者が体験したら… 開発者は「無理強いはしたくないですね」, Other than myself, 文春オンライン, 04 Dec. 2022, Internet, url
  • 女性同士の方が理解不足?生理痛を疑似体験できるVRで「生理の貧困」のない社会に, Other than myself, 日本財団ジャーナル, 02 Dec. 2022, Internet, url
  • 触覚伝送で温もりある遠隔コミュニケーションを実現する, Other than myself, 研究応援 Vol.28, Dec. 2022, 特集2 五感と感性の交わる場, Pr
  • 月経痛を男性が疑似体験 女性の働きやすい環境へ, テレビ朝日, 26 Nov. 2022, Media report, url
  • 月経痛「まるで拷問」 58歳、沖縄タイムス支社長が疑似体験してみた, Other than myself, 沖縄タイムス, 18 Nov. 2022, Paper, url
  • 生理をポジティブに考える!シュウペイが生理痛を疑似体験?, Other than myself, テレビ朝日, ぺこぱポジティブNEWS, 08 Jul. 2022, Media report
  • 【電気で生理痛体験】消防レスキューがガチの生理痛を味わうと悶絶するほどの痛みだった…救助訓練より過酷な理由とは!?, Youtube, レスキューハウス, 29 May 2022, Internet, url
  • 人によって違う“生理の症状” 日常生活も困難…“トリセツ”で乗り越える夫婦も, Other than myself, 日本テレビ, news every., Mar. 2023, Media report, url
  • 女性の明日が楽になる!あしたのラク子さん, Other than myself, ABCテレビ, Mar. 2023, Media report
  • 月経痛を疑似体験!?感覚を再現する!, Youtube, Feb. 2023, 心身健康ラジオ, Internet
  • 「月経を理解する1つの選択肢に」男性が月経痛を体験してみた。, Other than myself, あしたメディア, Jan. 2023, Internet, url
  • どれだけの痛みなのか。理解するために、男性記者が疑似体験したところ… <みんなの生理白書(1)>, Other than myself, 河北新報, 09 Jul. 2023, Paper, url
  • 男性アナが体験“生理痛” 冷えで悪化も…「きつい」, テレビ朝日, スーパーJチャンネル, 11 Aug. 2023, Media report
  • 夏に不快感増す「生理」の悩み 男性アナが「生理痛を体験する装置」体験、イオンはフェムテック商品に注力, 名古屋テレビ, アップ, 10 Aug. 2023, Media report, url
  • 男子大学生などが特殊な装置で生理痛を疑似体験, NHK, NHKニュース, 05 Nov. 2023, Media report, url
  • 「いたたたたた」思わず悶絶 立っているのもしんどい…男性記者が“生理のつらさを体験してみて”わかったこと, Myself, 静岡放送, LIVE しずおか, 28 Dec. 2023, Media report, url
  • 挑戦的研究助成研究者インタビュー, Other than myself, セコム科学技術振興財団, Oct. 2023, Pr, url
  • 女性の性 照れずに向き合おう 性の話題, Myself, NHK, 100カメ, 29 Dec. 2023, Media report, url
  • アサヒグループ食品が「生理痛疑似体験会」, Myself, ヘルスケアワークスデザイン株式会社, Hoitto! ヘルスケアビジネス, 29 Mar. 2024, Internet, url
  • 「こんなにつらいの!?」 フェムテックの理解を深める“生理痛体験を通した想い合い研修”が話題, Myself, 宝島社, モノマックス, 29 Mar. 2024, Paper, url
  • 企業研修で生理痛「体験」, 共同通信, 岩手日報, 25 Mar. 2024, Paper
  • 男性記者、生理痛を疑似体験 苫小牧でワークショップ 「妻のつらさの一部実感」「不意の痛みに対応困難」, Myself, 北海道新聞, 18 Mar. 2024, Paper, url
  • 'I couldn't move': Japanese male office workers experience simulated menstrual pain, Myself, REUTERS, 08 Mar. 2024, Paper, url
  • シャープが生理痛VR体験の研修開催、理解を進め働きやすい職場環境醸成, 日刊電波新聞, 06 Mar. 2024, Paper, url
  • 〈初体験〉男性記者が生理痛を体験してみたら……男性も、女性も「他者」を思い合うことが多様性を育む鍵, Myself, Wedge ONLINE, 05 Mar. 2024, Internet, url
  • 生理との付き合い方, Myself, 日本テレビ, ZIP!, 23 Feb. 2024, Media report
  • トーキョーツキイチMTG, Myself, フジテレビ, トーキョーツキイチMTG, 20 Jan. 2024, Media report


Published Papers

  • Refereed, Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Effect of Duration of Temperature Change on Comfort Based on Local Thermal Stimulations, Makiko TANAKA; Katsunari SATO, Apr. 2021, 20, 2, 153, 161, Scientific journal, False, False, 10.5057/jjske.tjske-d-20-00026
  • Refereed, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, 非同期型追体験システムの身体所有感と動作の主体感に対する振動刺激と追従動作の効果, 湯川 光; 佐藤 克成, Dec. 2020, 25, 4, 374, 383, Scientific journal, False
  • Refereed, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications (Proceedings of EuroHaptics 2020), Evaluation of Changes in Perceived Intensity and Threshold of Moisture Sensation of Clothes Associated with Skin Moisture, Shanyi You; Mai Shibahara; Katsunari Sato, Sep. 2020, 12272, 176, 184, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information in Intelligent Systems. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, A System of Tactile Transmission on the Fingertips with Electrical-Thermal and Vibration Stimulation, Vibol YemEmail; Hiroyuki Kajimoto; Katsunari Sato; Hidekazu Yoshihara, Jun. 2019, 11570, 101, 113, International conference proceedings, 10.1007/978-3-030-22649-7_9
  • Refereed, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Illusion of Wetness by Dynamic Touch, Mai Shibahara; Katsunari Sato, May 2019, 12, 4, 533, 541, Scientific journal
  • Not Refereed, 教育システム研究, 中等教育段階を中心とした家庭科学習における情報機器を導入した新たな教材の開発と提案, 佐藤克成; 才脇直樹; 吉田哲也; 内田有希; 佐藤宏介; 岩井大輔, Mar. 2018, 13, 283, 294, Research institution
  • Refereed, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Verlag, Assessment of Perceived Intensity and Thermal Comfort Associated with Area of Warm Stimulation to the Waist, Katsunari Sato; Manami Usui, A wearable thermal stimulation device can easily provide a thermally comfortable environment that suits personal preferences using lower electric power than air conditioning devices. This study investigates the influence of an area of warm stimulation on the waist to efficiently design a device that can provide higher thermal comfort to users. A device that could apply warmth on the waist by using four thermal units that utilize the Peltier element was developed. The experiment performed to determine spatial perception showed that the participants could not recognize a difference in the spatial pattern of stimulation using the developed device correctly. Furthermore, the results of experiments that evaluated the perceived intensity and the comfort indicated that a larger area of warm stimulation increased not only the perceived intensity but also the thermal comfort, whereas the intensity of the stimulation had less effect on the thermal comfort than the perceived intensity. Therefore, it is better to increase the area rather than the intensity of warm stimulation to improve the comfort provided by the thermal device., 2018, 10894, 10894, 106, 113, International conference proceedings, 10.1007/978-3-319-93399-3_10
  • Refereed, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Verlag, Relative sensation of wetness of different materials, Mai Shibahara; Katsunari Sato; Astrid M. L. Kappers, Previous studies have already shown that an illusion of wetness can be elicited by touching a dry cold object. Both metal and cloth are materials that can cause this illusion. This paper investigated the relative sensation of wetness caused by some other materials at the same low temperature. Participants were presented with stimulus pairs of different materials such as metal, PVC, acrylic and paper, and they had to judge which of the two felt wetter. From the results we obtained a scale of relative wetness sensation. Subsequently, several physical properties of the materials were measured. We conclude that materials that cause the human skin to cool quickly, cause the stimulus to feel relatively wet. Interestingly, also stickiness can lead to a sensation of relative wetness, even when presented at room temperature., 2018, 10893, 10893, 345, 353, International conference proceedings, 10.1007/978-3-319-93445-7_30
  • Refereed, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Verlag, A novel multimodal tactile module that can provide vibro-thermal feedback, Masashi Nakatani; Katsunari Sato; Kunio Sato; Yuzuru Kawana; Daisuke Takai; Kouta Minamizawa; Susumu Tachi, This paper describes a novel tactile module that can provide both vibratory and thermal feedback onto the skin. The module is composed of two different components miniaturized vibrator and four units of Peltier devices. The dimension of the vibro-thermal tactile feedback device is 16 × 32 × 7 mm, which is small enough for attaching to fingerpad. We describe basic concept of this module, and the state of current prototype including possible applications., 2018, 432, 437, 443, International conference proceedings, 10.1007/978-981-10-4157-0_73
  • Refereed, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Verlag, Expression of 2DOF fingertip traction with 1DOF lateral skin stretch, Vibol Yem; Mai Shibahara; Katsunari Sato; Hiroyuki Kajimoto, To reproduce the sensation of rubbing on a surface, we need to laterally stretch the skin of the fingertip with two degrees of freedom (2DOF). Unfortunately, it is difficult to develop a compact 2DOF device for the fingertip because at least two actuators are required. However, if we can perceive the rubbing sensation regardless of the skin stretching direction, a device with 1DOF is sufficient. This study used a lateral skin deforming device with 1DOF, and evaluated the realism of the sensation. We found that even when the direction of skin stretch was opposite or perpendicular to the finger movement, users still perceived it as natural., 2018, 432, 21, 25, International conference proceedings, 10.1007/978-981-10-4157-0_4
  • Refereed, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HAPTICS, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, Physical-Perceptual Correspondence for Dynamic Thermal Stimulation, Hsin-Ni Ho; Katsunari Sato; Scinob Kuroki; Junji Watanabe; Takashi Maeno; Shin'ya Nishida, Thermal displays have been applied in various haptic applications, from material simulation to interpersonal communication; however, there is insufficient knowledge about the temporal processing in human thermal sense to provide a knowledge basis for thermal display design. In this study, we investigated the physical-perceptual correspondence for dynamic thermal stimulation to shed a light on the temporal processing of human thermal sense. In the experiments, participants reported subjective timings of the temperature onset and temperature peak of continuous temperature changes applied to the thenar eminence. We found that the physical-perceptual correspondence was not consistent for warm and cold stimulations. For warm stimulation, the subjective experience always came after the corresponding physical event. On the other hand, for cold stimulation, while the subjective onset always lagged the physical onset, the subjective temperature peak preceded the physical temperature peak. We analyzed these results in the framework of linear systems theory. The results suggest that the senses of warmth and cold have distinct temporal filtering properties, with the sense of cold being more transient than the sense of warmth. These findings advance our knowledge regarding temporal processing in human thermal sense and serve as a basis for thermal display design., Jan. 2017, 10, 1, 84, 93, Scientific journal, 10.1109/TOH.2016.2583424
  • Refereed, JOURNAL of the JAPAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION for TEXTILE END-USES, The Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses, Estimation of Requirements for Functions of Fabric Products Focusing on Hierarchy of Needs, SHIBAHARA Mai; MORI Natsuno; SATO Katsunari,

    This paper investigates valuable functions for the fabric products that utilizes recently developed technologies to clarify a guideline for development of the products and technologies. The authors applied the brainstorming method and KJ method to systematically gather the functions for the fabric products and classified into 10 categories consisting of 40 functions. Furthermore, to estimate the requirements of each function, the authors applied the 10 categories to Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The authors carried out a questionnaire survey that asked requirements for each function toward university students. As a result, we confirmed that the Maslow's hierarchy of needs is effective to estimate the requirements for the functions of fabric products: the lower-order the functions such as health and defense are, the higher the requirements become.

    , 2017, 58, 12, 41, 48, 10.11419/senshoshi.58.2_189
  • Refereed, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Enhancement of Blood Flow to Support Exercise Using Local Thermal Stimulation for Ankle, SATO Katsunari; MIZUGUCHI Sayaka, The enhancement of blood flow is effective to improve performance of exercise and reduce fatigue after it. This paper proposed a wearable thermal device that enhances the blood flow by alternative hot and cold stimuli at a local point of the ankle. The previous studies showed that thermal stimuli using waters is effective to enhance the blood flow, and our compact device achieved it by simple method using a Peltier device. At first, we evaluated whether the thermal stimuli for a local point on ankle could enhance the blood flow or not comparing with a case of mechanical pressure stimuli and actual exercise. Then, we investigated that how the previous thermal stimulus influences the performance of exercise taking pedaling motion. The results of experiments showed that the proposed thermal device can enhance the blood flow enough so that it improved persistent of exercise and reduced subjective hardness during pedaling motion., 2017, 53, 3244-250, 244, 250, 10.9746/sicetr.53.244
  • Refereed, Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, Effect of the Direction of Finger Pad Skin Stretch on Reproduction of Tracing Sensation, Shibahara Mai; Yem Vibol; Sato Katsunari; Kajimoto Hiroyuki,

    To reproduce tracing sensation on a surface, it was considered to require a skin-deformation device with at least two degrees of freedom. In contrast to such a conventional design, we hypothesized that the direction of shear deformation does not affect the realistic of tracing sensation, thus the device mechanism can be simplified. The experimental results showed that even when the direction of skin deformation was opposite or perpendicular to the finger movement, participants still perceived it as natural. Therefore, we concluded that when the finger moves, we do not need to precisely reproduce the direction of skin deformation.

    , 2017, 22, 3, 301, 304, Scientific journal, 10.18974/tvrsj.22.3_301
  • Refereed, Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, Presentation of Thermal Sense to Finger Pad through thermal Stimulation on Finger Side, Sato Katsunari,

    This paper proposes a thermal display that can present a virtual thermal sensation to the finger pad using thermal stimuli on the side of the finger. The proposed method could help realize the thermal augmentation of real objects or simplify the design of a haptic display. This paper investigates the effect of proposed method in terms of perceived strength and reaction time of the virtual thermal sensation. The results indicate that a tactile stimulation is required for a virtual thermal sensation to be perceived on the finger pad similar to that observed in the thermal referral phenomenon. Furthermore, the vibrotactile stimulation appears to improve both the perceived strength and the reaction time.

    , 2017, 22, 3, 315, 323, Scientific journal, 10.18974/tvrsj.22.3_315
  • Refereed, Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, Haptic-Through Systems: Tactile Information Transmission through Clothing, Kamiya Tomoki; Kajimoto Hiroyuki; Sato Katsunari; Yanagida Yasuyuki,

    It has been reported that haptic perception ability is diminished by wearing gloves and other clothing. To resolve this problem, we propose a transmission system of haptic information that consists of a haptic sensor on the surface of the clothing and a haptic display between the clothing and the skin. Using this system, haptic information is transmitted as if it penetrated the clothing. We named this concept "Haptic-Through", and the system having this function "Haptic-Through Systems" collectively. In this paper, as an example of Haptic-Through Systems, we implemented and evaluate a finger-mounted Haptic-Through System.

    , 2017, 22, 3, 359, 368, Scientific journal, 10.18974/tvrsj.22.3_359
  • Refereed, Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Effects on Haptic Impression Associated with Odor of Japanese Cypress to Haptic Sensation of Wood and Plastic Materials, INOUE Hikari; SATO Katsunari, This paper investigates how the odor stimulation changes the haptic sensations of materials. The authors examined associated haptic impression with odor of Japanese cypress and the actual haptic sensations of 4 wood (including cypress material) and 4 plastic materials with/without odor stimulation employing the semantic differential (SD) and rating scale methods to evaluate physical properties and impressions of the sample materials, respectively. The emotion coming from the materials and the odor were also examined using rating scale. The authors calculated the distance between the associated haptic impressions with cypress odor and the actual haptic sensation of the material, and compared the effect of odor stimulation. The results showed that the odor stimulation has the effect to make the actual haptic sensation related to the physical properties close to the associated haptic impression with the odor., 2017, Scientific journal, 10.5057/jjske.TJSKE-D-17-00054
  • Refereed, JOURNAL of the JAPAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION for TEXTILE END-USES, The Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses, Estimation of Degree of Conformity Between Fragrances and Clothes Based on Their Impression Factors, INOUE Hikari; SATO Katsunari,

    Just as we select suitable clothes for specific situations, we also consider which fragrance will be suitable and emphasize the impression of the clothes we wear. The purpose of this study is to investigate the method used to select a fragrance as suitable or unsuitable for particular clothing. We examined the degree of conformity of the impressions of each combination among five pieces of clothing and six fragrances and checked the impression factors and individual preferences of each to discuss what affects the degree of conformity. We investigated some models using Covariance Structure Analysis based on the hypothesis that not only the similarity of factors but also preferences and impressions of clothes and fragrances affect the degree of conformity. As a result, we found that some combinations show high degrees of conformity of impression corresponding with the similarity of factors and the factor scores of clothes and fragrances.

    , 2017, 58, 11, 926, 936, Scientific journal, 10.11419/senshoshi.58.11_929
  • Refereed, HAPTICS: PERCEPTION, DEVICES, CONTROL, AND APPLICATIONS, EUROHAPTICS 2016, PT I, SPRINGER INT PUBLISHING AG, Illusion of Wet Sensation by Controlling Temperature and Softness of Dry Cloth, Mai Shibahara; Katsunari Sato, In order to create a device that produces the sensation of wet cloth, we have proposed a method to augment the wet sensation of dry cloth. This paper investigated whether controlling the surface temperature and softness of a cloth could reproduce the wet sensation or not. Participants scored their feelings after touching the cloth with different temperatures and softness. Results indicated a tendency to perceive a wet sensation equivalent to actual wet cloth by not only decreasing the temperature but also increasing softness of the cloth., 2016, 9774, 371, 379, International conference proceedings, 10.1007/978-3-319-42321-0_34
  • Refereed, HAPTICS: PERCEPTION, DEVICES, CONTROL, AND APPLICATIONS, EUROHAPTICS 2016, PT I, SPRINGER INT PUBLISHING AG, Augmentation of Thermal Sensation on Finger Pad Using Stimuli for Finger Side, Katsunari Sato, This paper proposes a thermal display that can present a virtual thermal sensation to the finger pad using thermal stimuli on the finger side. The author developed the prototype device and evaluated the perceived strength of the thermal sensation on the finger pad after the pad makes contacts with an object. The results confirm that users perceive hot or cold sensation even if there are no thermal stimuli on the finger pad by presenting stimuli to the finger side. Furthermore, the proposed method successfully improves thermal sensation by applying the same thermal stimuli to the finger side as the sensation on the finger pad., 2016, 9774, 512, 520, International conference proceedings, 10.1007/978-3-319-42321-0_48
  • Refereed, Proceedings of AsiaHaptics2016, Simulating Texture Sensation of Textile using Thermal and Vibro-tactile Stimulations, Sato Katsunari, 2016, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, 繊維製品消費科学学会誌, 布の温度制御による湿り感の錯覚, 柴原 舞; 佐藤 克成, 2015, 56, 12, 41, 48, Scientific journal, 10.11419/senshoshi.56.12_951
  • Refereed, HAPTICS: NEUROSCIENCE, DEVICES, MODELING, AND APPLICATIONS, PT II, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, Evaluation of Stretchable Conductor for Measuring Clothing Pressure, Katsunari Sato; Sayasa Otsubo; Teppei Araki; Tohru Sugahara; Katsuaki Suganuma, In this study, we developed a stretchable conductor and evaluated whether it is capable of measuring clothing pressure. The experimental relationship between electrical resistance and strain, and the results regarding the physical effects of the conductor on the textile showed that this device could be used to measure clothing pressure by being printed on the textile (with particular suitability when the textile is made from polyester). Furthermore, we clarify the current problems of the conductor such as the variation in the electrical resistance with time and the bending characteristics., 2014, 8619, 191, 197, International conference proceedings, 10.1007/978-3-662-44196-1_24
  • Refereed, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, Droplet mu TAS using electro-conjugate fluid - Feedback position control of multiple droplets in flow channel matrix, Yoko Abe; Kenjiro Takemura; Katsunari Sato; Shinichi Yokota; Kazuya Edamura, This paper proposes a novel droplet transportation method for micro total analysis system (mu TAS), which we called as an active flow channel matrix, using an electro-conjugate fluid (ECF). The ECF is a kind of functional fluid, which generates a powerful flow when applying a high voltage across the electrodes. A droplet that is placed into the channel may move in any direction according to the channel flow generated by the ECF. Therefore, in order for the multiple droplets from different channels to be merged, they are moved to reach the desired intersection. According to this concept, we developed a prototype of the active flow channel matrix. Then, we measured two droplets' position and controlled the position of them by using image processing technique. The experimental results demonstrated the possibility of our concept for mu TAS. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V., Aug. 2013, 198, 1, 7, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.sna.2013.04.017
  • Refereed, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Fuji Technology Press, Presentation of rapid temperature change using spatially divided hot and cold stimuli, Katsunari Sato; Takashi Maeno, We propose a thermal display that presents a rapid temperature change using spatially divided hot and cold stimuli. The display exploits two characteristics of human thermal perception: spatial summation and the adapting temperature. Experimental results confirmed that users perceived separate individual thermal stimuli as a single stimulus because of spatial summation. Our thermal display successfully made the skin simultaneously more sensitive to both hot and cold stimuli by using spatially divided hot and cold stimuli, each of which separately adjusts the adapting temperature so that it enables users to perceive thermal sensation rapidly. The thermal display that we fabricated enabled users to perceive a different temperature sense by changing the temperature of hot and cold stimuli., 2013, 25, 3, 497, 505, Scientific journal, 10.20965/jrm.2013.p0497
  • Refereed, 2013 IEEE VIRTUAL REALITY CONFERENCE (VR), IEEE, Haptic Transmission System to Recognize Differences in Surface Textures of Objects for Telexistence, Tadatoshi Kurogi; Masano Nakayama; Katsunari Sato; Sho Kamuro; Charith Lasantha Fernando; Masahiro Furukawa; Kouta Minamizawa; Susumu Tachi, In this paper, we propose a haptic transmission system for telexistence to improve the ability to sense the presence of remote objects. This system can transmit information about the existence and surface textures of objects in remote locations. The system consists of a conjugated haptic sensor and display. The sensor on the robot's finger detects the pressure, vibration, and temperature of a remote object, and the display provides above information on the operator's finger. Based on this information, the operator can understand what he/she is touching and whether its surface is hard or soft, cold or hot, and smooth or rough. With the use of our system, the operator can recognize the difference between objects such as silk and denim., 2013, 137, +, International conference proceedings, 10.1109/VR.2013.6549400
  • Refereed, ISWC 2013 - Proceedings of the 2013 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Thermon-thermo-musical interface for an enhanced emotional experience, Shimon Akiyama; Katsunari Sato; Yasutoshi Makino; Takashi Maeno, This report proposes a thermal media system, ThermOn, which enables users to feel dynamic hot and cold sensations on their body corresponding to the sound of music. Thermal sense plays a significant role in the human recognition of environments and influences human emotions. By employing thermal sense in the music experience, which also greatly affects human emotions, we have successfully created a new medium with an unprecedented emotional experience. With ThermOn, a user feels enhanced excitement and comfort, among other responses. For the initial prototype, headphone-type interfaces were implemented using a Peltier device, which allows users to feel thermal stimuli on their ears. Along with the hardware, a thermal-stimulation model that takes into consideration the characteristics of human thermal perception was designed. The prototype device was verified using two methods: the psychophysical method, which measures the skin potential response and the psychometric method using a Likert-scale questionnaire and open-ended interviews. The experimental results suggest that ThermOn (a) changes the impression of music, (b) provides comfortable feelings, and (c) alters the listener's ability to concentrate on music in the case of a rock song. Moreover, these effects were shown to change based on the methods with which thermal stimuli were added to music (such as temporal correspondence) and on the type of stimuli (warming or cooling). From these results, we have concluded that the ThermOn system has the potential to enhance the emotional experience when listening to music.Copyright © 2013 ACM., 2013, 45, 52, International conference proceedings, 10.1145/2493988.2494326
  • Refereed, Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, TELESAR4: Mutual Telexistence Robot System using Omnidirectional Autostereoscopic 3D Display and Retroreflective Projection Technology, Tachi Susumu; Watanabe Kouichi; Takeshita Keisuke; Minamizawa Kouta; Yoshida Takumi; Sato Katsunari, We propose the mutual telexistence mobile surrogate robot system TELESAR4 to afford a remote person the opportunity to participate virtually in some event by using a surrogate robot to communicate with local participants while moving about freely at the venue. The Telesar4 system was implemented as a prototype, and feasibility experiments confirmed that the system provided the remote participant with the ability to see the event venue and local participants as naturally as though at the event; i.e., a realistic wide-range stereo view of the event venue was observed in real time. It was also confirmed that face-to-face communication was provided, as the local participants at the event were able to see the face and expressions of the remote participant in real time. It was further confirmed that the system allowed the remote participant not only to move freely about the venue by means of the surrogate robot but also to perform some manipulatory tasks such as a handshake and several gestures., 2012, 17, 1, 11, 21, Scientific journal, 10.18974/tvrsj.17.1_11
  • Refereed, 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFT COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, AND THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCED INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, IEEE, EffectON-enriching impressions of motions and physically changing motions via synchronous sound effects, Shimon Akiyama; Katsunari Sato; Yasutoshi Makino; Takashi Maeno, In this paper, we introduced EffectON, a system that enables users to hear sound effects, i.e., audio feedbacks, of their routine motions. We believe that there are three main benefits of people hearing sound effects corresponding to their motions: sonification of the motion or action, modification of the impression of motions, and a physical change in the motion itself. The unique hypothesis of this research proposes that by changing the condition of the sound effect itself and its presentation, all the three benefits would have different characteristics. These benefits must be highly subject to the way sound is presented, i.e., it would depend on parameters of sound, such as the length, volume, timing, and type, as well as the conditions of motion chosen (e.g., types, sites, parameters, etc.). We have developed two prototype devices: a step-based device and a knee-bend based device. The report first focuses on the third benefit of physically changing the users' motion by changing the "duration" of sound effects. To be specific, the step-based device is mainly used in this report to focus on the "gait," and four sound effects of two different types and durations were implemented to see if the walking speed of the subjects would change on hearing them. The experimental result showed that users naturally walk faster on hearing shorter duration sounds. This implies that there is great potential for naturally controlling or inducing a certain motion by appropriately choosing the sound effects that correspond with the motion., 2012, 856, 860, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, Haptics Symposium 2012, HAPTICS 2012 - Proceedings, Presentation of thermal sensation through preliminary adjustment of adapting skin temperature, Shimon Akiyama; Katsunari Sato; Yasutoshi Makino; Takashi Maeno, Since the sense of touch inherently involves thermal phenomena, presenting thermal sensation on a handheld man-machine interface holds great potential. However, when users are in tactile contact with a device, it is difficult to enable them to perceive a thermal sensation at the same time as the relevant electronic event because the thermal responses of both a thermal display and the human skin are slower than mechanical or electrical responses. In order to overcome this problem, a suitable method for the presentation of rapid changes in temperature is required. While using a highly efficient thermal device and applying a large amount of energy may be one possible approach to speeding up thermal perception, the authors propose an alternative approach that uses a preliminary adjustment of the skin's adapting temperature without increasing the intensity of the thermal stimuli. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method is applicable for the improvement of thermal perception and, thereby, the response time. © 2012 IEEE., 2012, 355, 358, International conference proceedings, 10.1109/HAPTIC.2012.6183814
  • Refereed, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Contact force and finger angles estimation for touch panel by detecting transmitted light on fingernail, Yoichi Watanabe; Yasutoshi Makino; Katsunari Sato; Takashi Maeno, In this paper, we propose a new method that can estimate a normal force and finger posture for touch panel devices by measuring transmitted light on fingernail. When a user touches a light source with their finger, the light (mainly red component) can be seen at a fingernail since the red light can go through the finger tissue. Based on this characteristic, we can estimate the manipulatory force by detecting the light intensity at the fingernail because the intensity of the transmitted light increases according to the applied force. We can also estimate the relative angles of the finger to a touch panel device. Even though the transmission through the finger tissue is diffusive, we can know the movement of the light source under the finger with a camera attached onto the fingernail. Therefore, a transient trajectory pattern of the light source is useful for estimating the relative direction between the finger and the device. When the posture of the finger is estimated, we can use "rotate" motion for manipulation. Our proposed method can be used as a new input device. © 2012 Springer-Verlag., 2012, 7282, 1, 601, 612, International conference proceedings, 10.1007/978-3-642-31401-8_53
  • Refereed, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Presentation of sudden temperature change using spatially divided warm and cool stimuli, Katsunari Sato; Takashi Maeno, We propose a thermal display that can present a sudden temperature change using spatially divided warm and cold stimuli the display exploits two characteristics of human thermal perception: the spatial resolution of thermal sensation is low, and the thermal threshold depends on the adapting temperature. Experimental results confirmed that users perceived separate individual thermal stimuli as a single stimulus when the thermally stimulated area was small because of the low spatial resolution. The spatially distributed warm and cold stimuli enabled users to perceive the thermal sensation rapidly even if the cold stimulus was suddenly presented after the warm stimulus and vice versa. Furthermore, our thermal display successfully made the skin more sensitive to both warm and cold stimuli simultaneously by using spatially divided warm and cold stimuli, each of which separately adjusts the adapting temperature. © 2012 Springer-Verlag., 2012, 7282, 1, 457, 468, International conference proceedings, 10.1007/978-3-642-31401-8_41
  • Refereed, 2012 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS), IEEE, Design of TELESAR V for Transferring Bodily Consciousness in Telexistence, Charith Lasantha Fernando; Masahiro Furukawa; Tadatoshi Kurogi; Sho Kamuro; Katsunari Sato; Kouta Minamizawa; Susumu Tachi, This paper focuses on design of a dexterous anthropomorphic robot where the operator can perceive the transferring bodily consciousness to the slave robot during a tele-operation. Accordingly, we propose a telexistence surrogate anthropomorphic robot called "TELESAR V", which was designed and constructed by development of the following: a 52 DOF slave robot with a torso, upper limbs, hands and head to model the operator's posture on all parts of the upper body and maintain a 6 DOF accuracy in arm endpoint; a HD Head mounted display with 6 DOF point of view accuracy for wide angle stereovision; and a mechanism for sensing and reproducing fingertip haptic and thermal sensation. This paper describes the development of the TELESAR V system, where the effectiveness has been verified through functional experiments., 2012, 5112, 5118, International conference proceedings, 10.1109/IROS.2012.6385814
  • Refereed, 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFT COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, AND THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCED INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, IEEE, Vision-based Force Sensor for Touch Panel Devices using Built-in Camera, Katsunari Sato; Yoichi Watanabe; Yasutoshi Makino; Takashi Maeno, We propose a novel input interface for touch panel devices that employs the built-in camera of the devices to measure multi-axis force information applied by a user. The user attaches the proposed interface, which consists of an elastic body and markers, to the built-in camera. The touch panel device can then detect force information applied by the user to the elastic body based on vision-based force sensor technology called GelForce. We implemented a prototype and confirmed that the proposed interface can measure 3-axis force. We then conducted user studies to verify that the proposed interface is acceptable to users of touch panel devices., 2012, 852, 855, International conference proceedings, 10.1109/SCIS-ISIS.2012.6505110
  • Refereed, Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, Cylindrical Multi-touch Interface for Force based Teleoperation of Robotic Hand, Komeiji Shuji; Sato Katsunari; Minamizawa Kouta; Watanabe Kouichi; Nii Hideaki; Tachi Susumu, This paper proposes a cylindrical multi-touch interface that enables teleoperation of robotic hand based on the force vector on each finger. The cylindrical interface measures the operator's grasping information as force vectors, and this information is reflected to movement of robotic fingers. This approach enables to make a compact and easy-to-use telexistence system for non-professional people. In this paper, the authors describe a design approach of the cylindrical interface and implementation of the prototype system. The evaluations of the cylindrical interface indicate that the interface could be used for teleoperation of a robotic hand., 2011, 16, 3, 415, 425, Scientific journal, 10.18974/tvrsj.16.3_415
  • Refereed, Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, Thermal Measurement using Thermo Sensitive Ink and Camera for Vision-based Cutaneous Sensor, Sato Katsunari; Shinoda Hiroyuki; Tachi Susumu, We propose a thermal measurement method using thermo sensitive ink and a CCD camera to realize the vision-based cutaneous sensor that can measure both tactile and thermal information. The thermo sensitive ink is employed to measure temperatures of the sensor surface on the basis of its color, which changes according to its temperature. The proposed method can be implemented in a simple structure so that we can integrate it with the finger-shaped GelForce technology that measures tactile information in terms of surface traction field. We implemented prototype sensors and confirmed that the proposed method can measure difference in temperature or material of objects based on the time response of measured temperature., 2011, 16, 3, 391, 398, Scientific journal, 10.18974/tvrsj.16.3_391
  • Refereed, ACM SIGGRAPH 2011 Posters, SIGGRAPH'11, ACM, Touch interface on back of the hand, Kei Nakatsuma; Hiroyuki Shinoda; Yasutoshi Makino; Katsunari Sato; Takashi Maeno, In this paper we propose a new computer-human interface which uses the back of the hand for pointer control. © 2011 ACM., 2011, 39, International conference proceedings, 10.1145/2037715.2037760
  • Refereed, ACM SIGGRAPH 2011 Emerging Technologies, SIGGRAPH'11, ACM, Touch interface on back of the hand, Kei Nakatsuma; Hiroyuki Shinoda; Yasutoshi Makino; Katsunari Sato; Takashi Maeno, In this paper we propose a new computer-human interface which uses the back of the hand for pointer control., 2011, 19, International conference proceedings, 10.1145/2048259.2048278
  • Refereed, ISVRI 2011 - IEEE International Symposium on Virtual Reality Innovations 2011, Proceedings, Vision-based cutaneous sensor to measure both tactile and thermal information for telexistence, Katsunari Sato; Hiroyuki Shinoda; Susumu Tachi, We have proposed a vision-based cutaneous sensor for telexistence that can simulate the physical interaction between a human fingertip and an object. The proposed sensor comprises a finger-shaped GelForce and a thermo-sensitive paint. The finger-shaped GelForce enables us to measure tactile information in terms of the distribution of forces that are calculated from the displacements of markers inside the sensor body. The thermo-sensitive paint is employed to measure thermal information on the basis of its color, which changes according to its temperature. In this study, we have described the design of the proposed cutaneous sensor, constructed its prototype, and discussed its efficiency for telexistence. © 2011 IEEE., 2011, 119, 122, International conference proceedings, 10.1109/ISVRI.2011.5759612
  • Refereed, 2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), IEEE, Finger-shaped Thermal Sensor using Thermo-sensitive Paint and Camera for Telexistence, Katsunari Sato; Hiroyuki Shinoda; Susumu Tachi, A thermal change on a fingertip is essential for haptic perception. We have proposed a vision-based thermal sensor using thermo-sensitive paint and a CCD camera for telexistence. The thermo-sensitive paint is employed to measure thermal information on the basis of its color, which changes according to its temperature. The proposed sensor can simulate the physical interaction between a human fingertip and an object in order to measure surface thermal information correctly. Furthermore, because the proposed sensor can be easily integrated with our vision-based force sensor, a comprehensive measurement device for measuring haptic information can be realized. In this study, we constructed a prototype of the proposed thermal sensor and experimentally confirmed that this sensor could measure surface thermal information., 2011, 1120, 1125, International conference proceedings, 10.1109/ICRA.2011.5980271
  • Refereed, 2011 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, IEEE, Mutual Telexistence Surrogate System: TELESAR4-telexistence in real environments using autostereoscopic immersive display, Susumu Tachi; Kouichi Watanabe; Keisuke Takeshita; Kouta Minamizawa; Takumi Yoshida; Katsunari Sato, Our aim is to afford a remote person the opportunity to participate virtually in some event by using a surrogate robot to communicate with local participants while moving about freely at the venue. Accordingly, we propose a mutual telexistence surrogate robot system, called TELESAR4, which was designed and constructed by development of the following: an immersive audiovisual system; an omnidirectionally mobile robot with a robot arm and hand; an omnidirectional stereo camera system (VORTEX); a head with a retroreflective screen for embodiment of the remote participant; and a retroreflective projection system for local participants. This paper describes the development of the TELESAR4 system, whose efficacy has been verified through demonstration experiments., 2011, 157, 162, International conference proceedings, 10.1109/IROS.2011.6048151
  • Refereed, Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference, Design and implementation of transmission system of initial haptic impression, Katsunari Sato; Hiroyuki Shinoda; Susumu Tachi, This study proposes and implements a transmission system of haptic information employing the vision-based cutaneous sensor and the cutaneous display consists of electrotactile display. The proposed system can transmit not only kinesthetic but also spatially distributed tactile and thermal information. The implemented prototype system enabled a user to perceive the shape and material information of a remote object as the initial haptic impression. © 2011 SICE., 2011, 616, 621, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HAPTICS, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, Finger-Shaped GelForce: Sensor for Measuring Surface Traction Fields for Robotic Hand, Katsunari Sato; Kazuto Kamiyama; Naoki Kawakami; Susumu Tachi, It is believed that the use of haptic sensors to measure the magnitude, direction, and distribution of a force will enable a robotic hand to perform dexterous operations. Therefore, we develop a new type of finger-shaped haptic sensor using GelForce technology. GelForce is a vision-based sensor that can be used to measure the distribution of force vectors, or surface traction fields. The simple structure of the GelForce enables us to develop a compact finger-shaped GelForce for the robotic hand. GelForce that is developed on the basis of an elastic theory can be used to calculate surface traction fields using a conversion equation. However, this conversion equation cannot be analytically solved when the elastic body of the sensor has a complicated shape such as the shape of a finger. Therefore, we propose an observational method and construct a prototype of the finger-shaped GelForce. By using this prototype, we evaluate the basic performance of the finger-shaped GelForce. Then, we conduct a field test by performing grasping operations using a robotic hand. The results of this test show that using the observational method, the finger-shaped GelForce can be successfully used in a robotic hand., Jan. 2010, 3, 1, 37, 47, Scientific journal, 10.1109/ToH.2009.47
  • Refereed, ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 指型GelForceと電気触覚ディスプレイを用いた分布触覚情報伝達システム, 佐藤 克成; 舘 すすむ, 2010, 12, 2, 55, 62, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 Posters, SIGGRAPH '10, Colorful touch palette, Yuki Hirobe; Takum Yoshida; Shinobu Kuroki; Kouta Minamizawa; Katsunari Sato; Susumu Tachi, Previously, pictures were painted using tools such as crayons or even by hand. Surfaces such as canvases or walls, provided the tactile sensations of the drawing surface while painting. However, this tactile experience has got lost because of advances in computer graphics software. Besides, a conventional multi-touch interface [1] can not provide tactile sensation. We propose a novel interactive painting interface called "Colorful Touch Palette" that may help us to rediscover our creativity. The user can touch the canvas having the electrode, select or blend tactile textures of their choice, draw a line, and experience the tactile sensations of painting as shown in Figure 1. Various tactile textures can be created by blending textures as paints. This interface can be used to design complex spatial tactile patterns for haptic-friendly products. Moreover, this system can be potentially used to create novel tactile paintings. © ACM 2010., 2010, International conference proceedings, 10.1145/1836845.1836933
  • Refereed, 2010 IEEE Haptics Symposium, HAPTICS 2010, Design of electrotactile stimulation to represent distribution of force vectors, Katsunari Sato; Susumu Tachi, Transmission of the distribution of force vectors on a fingertip improves the stability of a given operation in a tele-operation system. As such, we seek the representation of the distribution of force vectors via an electrotactile display. The electrotactile display directly activates nerve fibers connected to mechanoreceptors, thereby representing a tactile sensation. The system has a simple structure, is easily controlled and, it has seen a number of different applications. However, the majority of the conventional electrotactile displays only present a symbolic sensation of contact. In this paper, we propose the design of electrotactile stimulation for the distribution of force vectors, on the basis of the concept of "tactile primary colors". Considering that a selective stimulation of mechanoreceptors enables the representation of the distribution of force vectors, we evaluate the proposed design in terms of the distribution, magnitude, and direction of a force vector. The results demonstrate that the proposed design is a viable approach to representing the distribution of force vectors. ©2010 IEEE., 2010, 121, 128, International conference proceedings, 10.1109/HAPTIC.2010.5444666
  • Refereed, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, ExoInterfaces: Novel exosceleton haptic interfaces for virtual reality, augmented sport and rehabilitation, Dzmitry Tsetserukou; Katsunari Sato; Susumu Tachi, We developed novel haptic interfaces, FlexTorque and FlexTensor that enable realistic physical interaction with real and Virtual Environments. The idea behind FlexTorque is to reproduce human muscle structure, which allows us to perform dexterous manipulation and safe interaction with environment in daily life. FlexTorque suggests new possibilities for highly realistic, very natural physical interaction in virtual environments. There are no restrictions on the arm movement, and it is not necessary to hold a physical object during interaction with objects in virtual reality. Because the system can generate strong forces, even though it is light-weight, easily wearable, and intuitive, users experience a new level of realism as they interact with virtual environments. © 2010 ACM., 2010, International conference proceedings, 10.1145/1785455.1785456
  • Refereed, HAPTICS: GENERATING AND PERCEIVING TANGIBLE SENSATIONS, PT II, PROCEEDINGS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, Flex Torque: Exoskeleton Interface for Haptic Interaction with the Digital World, Dzmitry Tsetserukou; Katsunari Sato; Susumu Tachi, We developed a novel haptic interface FlexTorque that enables realistic physical interaction with real (through teleoperation system) and Virtual Environments. The idea behind FlexTorque is to reproduce human muscle structure, which allows us to perform dexterous manipulation and safe interaction with environment in daily life. FlexTorque suggests new possibilities for highly realistic, very natural physical interaction in virtual environments. There are no restrictions on the arm movement, and it is not necessary to hold a physical object during interaction with objects in virtual reality. Because the system can generate strong forces, even though it is light-weight, easily wearable, and intuitive, users experience a new level of realism as they interact with virtual environments., 2010, 6192, 166, +, International conference proceedings, 10.1007/978-3-642-14075-4_24
  • Refereed, HAPTICS: GENERATING AND PERCEIVING TANGIBLE SENSATIONS, PT I, PROCEEDINGS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, Evaluation of Transmission System for Spatially Distributed Tactile Information, Katsunari Sato; Susumu Tachi, Spatially distributed tactile information is essential for dexterous operation in telexistence. We propose a transmission system for spatially distributed tactile information using a finger-shaped Gel Force and an electrotactile display. Both devices are suitable for integration with multi-fingered teleoperation system because these devices are compact. In this study, we evaluate the performance of a one-fingered transmission system for spatially distributed tactile information by conducting recognition experiments. We discuss the efficiency and limitations of the proposed transmission system., 2010, 6191, 279, +, International conference proceedings, 10.1007/978-3-642-14064-8_40
  • Refereed, ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009 Sketches, SIGGRAPH ASIA '09, FlexTorque: Innovative haptic interface for realistic physical interaction in virtual reality, Dzmitry Tsetserukou; Katsunari Sato; Alena Neviarouskaya; Naoki Kawakami; Susumu Tachi, In order to realize haptic interaction (e.g., holding, pushing, and contacting the object) in virtual environment and mediated haptic communication with human beings (e.g., handshaking), the force feedback is required. Recently there has been a substantial need and interest in haptic displays, which can provide realistic and high fidelity physical interaction in virtual environment. The aim of our research is to implement a wearable haptic display for presentation of realistic feedback (kinesthetic stimulus) to the human arm. We developed a wearable device FlexTorque that induces forces to the human arm and does not require holding any additional haptic interfaces in the human hand. It is completely new technology for Virtual Reality that allows user to explore surroundings freely. The concept of Karate (empty hand) Haptics proposed by us is opposite to conventional interfaces (e.g., Wii Remote, SensAble's PHANTOM, SPIDAR [Murayama et al. 2004]) that require holding haptic interface in the hand, restricting thus the motion of the fingers in midair., 2009, International conference proceedings, 10.1145/1667146.1667159
  • Refereed, ICRA: 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-7, IEEE, Development of Grip-type Master Hand "MeisterGRIP", Katsunari Sato; Shuji Komeiji; Naoki Kawakami; Susumu Tachi, We propose a novel grip-type master hand called MeisterGRIP that measures grip force in terms of a force vector distribution. This device is expected to allow intuitive robot manipulation using vision-based haptic-sensing technology. Furthermore, it can be used for general-purpose manipulation and is tolerant to individual differences in hand size and grasping posture. We constructed MeisterGRIP and evaluated the accuracy of the measured grip force. Furthermore, we constructed and exhibited a complete robot manipulation system using MeisterGRIP to demonstrate the possibility of using MeisterGRIP as a general-purpose master hand., 2009, 3460, 3465, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, ICCAS-SICE 2009 - ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, Proceedings, Perception of finger angle position in grip-type haptic display based on grasping force, Katsunari Sato; Naoki Kawakami; Susumu Tachi, In this study, we propose a novel grip-type haptic display for controlling a virtual (or robotic) hand (Fig. 1). This grip-type haptic display enables us to control a virtual hand and perceive haptic information based on a reactive force and a spatially distributed tactile feedback. Because this proposed display does not need any actuators to produce the reactive force, a simple haptic display is developed. In a grip-type haptic display, it is difficult to perceive the finger position because of the fixed position of the user's fingers. However, we consider that it is possible to perceive the finger position by means of the effort exerted. Therefore, we performed an experiment to discriminate the applied force and confirm that the force discrimination threshold was sufficiently small. Then, we constructed a one-fingered prototype using an electrotactile display. Using this prototype, we qualitatively confirmed that the reactive force with the spatially distributed tactile feedback can produce dynamically changing haptic information. © 2009 SICE., 2009, 1089, 1094, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, ICCAS-SICE 2009 - ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, Proceedings, Effect of haptic feedback on pseudo-haptic feedback for arm display, Mari Tatezono; Katsunari Sato; Kouta Minamizawa; Hideaki Nii; Naoki Kawakami; Susumu Tachi, We propose a haptic feedback system for an arm in order to obtain the sensation of stiffness and the boundary of virtual objects. Powerful haptic displays are large and heavy, interfering with movement in the virtual environment. Here, we focus on an illusion called pseudo-haptic feedback, which provides the results of haptic feedback using only visual impressions. Since pseudo-haptic feedback is known to be inappropriate for applications requiring strong force, a combination of pseudo-haptic feedback and real haptic feedback is proposed for a compact haptic display. This study examines the effectiveness of this combination by comparing the stiffness of two walls. Pseudo-haptic and real haptic feedbacks are applied to one wall, and only real haptic feedback is applied to the other wall. The results verify that the magnitude of the force perceived with the application of a combination of pseudo-haptic and real haptic feedbacks is greater than that of the force perceived by the application of only real haptic feedback. © 2009 SICE., 2009, 4332, 4337, International conference proceedings
  • Not Refereed, ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 new tech demos, 25, MeisterGRIP: cylindrical interface for intuitional robot manipulation, S Komeiji; K Sato; K Minamizawa; H Nii; N Kawakami; S Tachi, We propose a novel cylindrical interface called MeisterGRIP that treats the force vector distribution. This elastic device allows institutional and dexterous robot manipulation based on vision-based tactile-sensing technology. Furthermore, it provides universal manipulation that can tolerate the personal differences in hand sizes and grasping postures of the users., 2008, International conference proceedings, 10.1145/1400885.1400979
  • Refereed, HAPTICS: PERCEPTION, DEVICES AND SCENARIOS, PROCEEDINGS, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, Electrotactile stimulation based on strain energy density of the fingertip, Katsunari Sato; Hideaki Nii; Naoki Kawakami; Susumu Tachi, The shape recognition of an object is important for dexterous manipulation by humans. Therefore, we have developed a haptic display that integrates both electrotactile and kinesthetic sensations to present shape information. However, the electrotactile display only presents the contact field between the object and the fingertip. Therefore, we propose a method of electrotactile stimulation using the strain energy density model at the fingertip to generate the tactile sensation of the fingertip deformation. The result of the shape recognition experiment verifies the efficiency of the proposed method., 2008, 5024, 724, 729, International conference proceedings, 10.1007/978-3-540-69057-3_93
  • Refereed, 2008 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-3, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, Measurement of Force Vector Field of Robotic Finger using Vision-based Haptic Sensor, Katsunari Sato; Kazuto Kamiyarna; Hideaki Nii; Naoki Kawakami; Susumu Tachi, It is expected that the use of haptic sensors to measure the magnitude, direction, and distribution of a force will enable a robotic hand to perform dexterous manipulations. Therefore, we have developed a new type of finger-shaped haptic sensor that can measure a three-dimensional force vector field over a contact surface. The sensor consists of a transparent elastic body, two layers of internal blue and red markers, and a CCD camera to capture the movements of the markers. Using the elastic theory, we can calculate the force vector field from the captured movements of the markers. However, the elastic theory cannot be applied to the finger-shaped sensor because of its complicated shape. Therefore, we use actual measurements for the calibration in order to develop a prototype of the sensor. Then, we evaluate its basic performance. The result shows that the sensor performance can be improved further, and the sensor can be successfully used in a robotic hand., 2008, 488, 493, International conference proceedings, 10.1109/IROS.2008.4650712
  • Refereed, ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 電気式皮膚感覚と力覚の統合による形状感覚提示, 佐藤 克成; 梶本 裕之; 川上 直樹; 舘 すすむ, 2007, 9, 3, 71, 76, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, ACM SIGGRAPH 2007: Emerging Technologies, SIGGRAPH'07, Haptic telexistence, Katsunari Sato; Kouta Minamizawa; Naoki Kawakami; Susumu Tachi, "Haptic Telexistence" provides highly realistic haptic interaction among humans and objects located in remote places. We have developed innovative devices and constructed a master-slave system to realize "Haptic Telexistence". Human interaction will be dramatically improved by this concept that perceives us the properties of an object., 2007, International conference proceedings, 10.1145/1278280.1278291
  • Refereed, WORLD HAPTICS 2007: SECOND JOINT EUROHAPTICS CONFERENCE AND SYMPOSIUM ON HAPTIC INTERFACES FOR VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT AND TELEOPERATOR SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, Improvement of shape distinction by kinesthetic-tactile integration, Katsunari Sato; Hiroyuki Kajimoto; Naoki Kawakami; Susumu Tachi, The sensation of touch is divided into kinesthetic and tactile sensation. It is important for a touch sensation device to present both types of sensations. We mounted an electrotactile display on a kinesthetic display, and realized a compact display of touch sensation. This system can improve the ability to identify objects. In this paper, we evaluate the effect of integrating kinesthetic and electrotactile sensations for identifying the shape of an object., 2007, 391, +, International conference proceedings, 10.1109/WHC.2007.73
  • Refereed, 2007 RO-MAN: 16TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ROBOT AND HUMAN INTERACTIVE COMMUNICATION, VOLS 1-3, IEEE, Electrotactile display for integration with kinesthetic display, Katsunari Sato; Hiroyuki Kajimoto; Naoki Kawakami; Susumu Tachi, The goal of this study is to develop a haptic interface for dexterous manipulation. To achieve this, we proposed electrotactile-kinesthetic integration. Our electrotactile display presents natural touch sensations of objects. In addition, this display is so small that it is considered to not affect the moving range of fingers. The haptic interface for dexterous manipulation is realized by mounting it on a kinesthetic display having a wide workspace. The electrotactile display on the integrated haptic interface is used actively. Therefore, we actively evaluated the performances of the electrotactile display on the single-fingered prototype system. The results revealed the present performance of the system. Subsequently, it also shows the possibility of further improving of the haptic interface by devising an electrotactile rendering method., 2007, 3, +, International conference proceedings, 10.1109/ROMAN.2007.4415044
  • Refereed, Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Estimation of Application Feeling of Lotion based on Temperature Measurement, Katsunari SATO; Saaya NAGATANI; Kei KITAHARA; Aya ITO; Kohei MATSUMORI; Naoki SAITO, Aug. 2021, 20, 3, 311, 318, Scientific journal, 10.5057/jjske.tjske-d-21-00018
  • Refereed, 繊維製品消費科学, ナノファイバ製フットカバーと一般的なナイロンストッキングが立ち仕事後の歩行姿勢維持に及ぼす影響の比較検討, 中村 ふみ子; 佐藤 克成; 太田 裕治; 才脇 直樹, Sep. 2021, 62, 9, 596, 605, Scientific journal
  • ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Emerging Technologies, SIGGRAPH'12, TELESAR V: TELExistence surrogate anthropomorphic robot, Charith Lasantha Fernando; Masahiro Furukawa; Tadatoshi Kurogi; Kyo Hirota; Sho Kamuro; Katsunari Sato; Kouta Minamizawa; Susumu Tachi, 2012, International conference proceedings, 10.1145/2343456.2343479
  • ICCAS-SICE 2009 - ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, Proceedings, Teleoperation system with haptic feedback for physical interaction with remote environment, Dzmitry Tsetserukou; Katsunari Sato; Naoki Kawakami; Susumu Tachi, The paper focuses on the teleoperation system TeleTA with haptic feedback designed to realize haptic communication with remote human, to achieve high level of maneuverability of robot arm in unstructured environment, and to increase effectiveness of physical Human-Robot interaction. The human operator directs the robot arm to the target position, while manipulator sensory system provides safe physical interaction with environment. In order to achieve awareness of collision, to support operator with valuable information (stiffness and shape of contacting object), and to realize robot-mediated haptic communication, we developed the innovative tactile and haptic displays, namely, BraTact (for presenting the cutaneous information) and FlexTorque (for presenting the kinaethetic feedback). © 2009 SICE., 2009, 3353, 3358, International conference proceedings
  • Refereed, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Fuji Technology Press Ltd., Electrical Muscle Stimulation to Develop and Implement Menstrual Simulator System, Chihiro Asada; Kotori Tsutsumi; Yuichi Tamura; Naoya Hara; Wataru Omori; Yuta Otsuka; Katsunari Sato, Menstrual symptoms and cycles are complex, and the associated discomfort is difficult to quantify. Therefore, men, and some women, do not completely understand them. Here, we propose a system that simulates menstruation-like cramps through electrical muscle stimulation (EMS). We conducted an experiment to compare and evaluate the natural and electrically stimulated menstrual cramps. The results show that menstrual cramps using EMS can reproduce the nature of periodic dull pain. However, in this study, the position where the pain occurred was shallow. Furthermore, we constructed a demonstration system based on the proposed method. From the exhibition, we confirmed that this experience can help verbalize menstrual-related discomfort and allow people to better understand menstrual symptoms. In other words, this experience will help eliminate negative perception of menstruation., 20 Oct. 2021, 33, 5, 1051, 1062, Scientific journal, True, 10.20965/jrm.2021.p1051
  • Refereed, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, Wet Referral:湿り感の指間参照現象の検討, 柴原 舞; 渡邊 淳司; 何 昕霓; 佐藤 克成, Mar. 2022, 27, 1, 14, 17, Scientific journal
  • Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, ACM, A sharing system for the annoyance of menstrual symptoms using electrical muscle stimulation and thermal stimulations, Chihiro Asada; Kotori Tsutsumi; Yuichi Tamura; Naoya Hara; Wataru Omori; Yuta Otsuka; Katsunari Sato, 08 Dec. 2021, International conference proceedings, 10.1145/3489849.3489937
  • Refereed, Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Effects of Ease of Use “Nigirikawa” in Kyudo on Grip Force of “Tenouti”, Fu SATO; Katsunari SATO, Feb. 2023, 22, 1, 65, 73, Scientific journal, 10.5057/jjske.tjske-d-22-00029
  • Not Refereed, Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Application of Sensor & Display Technologies of Haptic, Katsunari SATO, 31 Mar. 2024, 22, 1, 38, 42, Scientific journal, 10.5057/kansei.22.1_38
  • Journal of the Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses, Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses, Illusion of moisture sensation of cloth by thermal control, Mai Shibahara; Katsunari Sato, This paper examined whether controlling the initial surface temperature of a dry cloth can produce a particular moisture sensation, with the goal of developing a virtual evaluation system for cloth. We raised or lowered the initial surface temperature of a dry, polyester-smooth-knit sample cloth so that variations in the skin temperature of the participant's palm after contact were similar to what occurred when they touched a moist sample. The participants evaluated how they perceived the sensation of moisture when they touched the samples. The results showed that dry samples produced moisture sensations when the samples were colder than skin temperature. Therefore, we concluded that it is possible to simulate moisture sensation only by controlling the initial temperature of the dry cloth., 01 Dec. 2015, 56, 12, 41, 48, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, 繊維製品消費科学, アパレル製品のリアル店舗および EC サイトにおいて消費者が重要視する視覚的評価項目の調査, 藤川 文子; 佐藤 克成, Dec. 2024, 65, 12, 819, 826, Scientific journal


  • Not Refereed, フレグランスジャーナル, ヒノキの匂いによる木材とプラスチック樹脂の触感変化, 佐藤 克成; 井上 光; 佐藤 克成, 2017, 18, 3
  • Not Refereed, 繊維学会誌, 布地の触感をバーチャルに再現する基礎技術, 佐藤 克成, 2016, 72, 5, 270, 273, 10.2115/fiber.72.P-270
  • Research journal of living science, Nara Women's University, Application of Haptic Technologies to Clothing Environmental Study, Katsunari Sato, Oct. 2013, 60, 1, 35, 40
  • Not Refereed, COSMETIC STAGE, ヒトの冷温感や心地良さを感じるメカニズム,およびその応用技術マチュア世代の肌、皮膚の生理機, 佐藤克成, Feb. 2022, Introduction commerce magazine
  • 電気学会研究会資料. PI = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Perception Information", IEE Japan,, 電気学会, Proposal of Haptic-Through Systems, 神谷 知樹; 梶本 裕之; 佐藤 克成; 柳田 康幸, 27 Mar. 2017, 2017, 52, 45, 50
  • Not Refereed, クリーンテクノロジー, 次世代IoT社会に資するフレキシブル熱電変換デバイスと温冷提示技術の開発, 菅原 徹; 和泉慎太郎; 佐藤克成; 伊藤雄一; 伊庭野健造, Mar. 2023, Introduction commerce magazine
  • Not Refereed, セラミックス 特集-熱エネルギー利用に向けた熱電変換材料・デバイス革新-, 次世代IoT社会に資するフレキシブル熱電変換デバイスと温冷提示技術の開発, 菅原 徹; 和泉 慎太郎; 佐藤 克成; 吉國 聖乃; 伊藤 雄一; 伊庭野 健造, 2024, 59, 6, 394, 399, Introduction research institution

Books etc

  • VR/AR技術の開発動向と最新応用事例, 技術情報協会, 2018, Not Refereed, 9784861046940
  • 触り心地の制御、評価技術と新材料・新製品開発への応用, 技術情報協会, 2017, Not Refereed, 9784861046421
  • Pervasing Haptics - Science, Design, and Application, Springer, 2016, Not Refereed
  • 触覚認識メカニズムと応用技術-触覚センサ・触覚ディスプレイ-[増補版], S&T出版, 2014, Not Refereed
  • 技術シーズを活用した研究開発テーマの発掘, 技術情報協会, 2013, Not Refereed
  • VR/AR 技術における感覚の提示、拡張技術と最新応用事例, 技術情報協会, 技術情報協会, 第6章第1節 温冷感覚の知覚特性と計測、提示技術, Jun. 2021, 576p, 9784861048500


  • 佐藤克成, 接触冷感・清涼感を感じるメカニズム,製品開発,その評価法, ヒトの冷温感や心地良さを感じるメカニズム,およびその応用技術, 15 Jan. 2021, 15 Jan. 2021, 15 Jan. 2021
  • 市園 真菜; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2020), 温冷刺激を活用した視覚障碍者の歩行支援, Dec. 2020, 16 Dec. 2020, 18 Dec. 2020
  • 湯川 光; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2020), 非同期型追体験システム使用時の身体所有感に対する嗅覚刺激の効果, Dec. 2020, 16 Dec. 2020, 18 Dec. 2020, False
  • 堤 琴里; 田村 祐一; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2020), VR空間実装に向けた連続回避本能の回避モデル, Dec. 2020, 16 Dec. 2020, 18 Dec. 2020
  • 田中 志保佳; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2020), 遠隔操作ロボットの対面者の緊張感緩和, Dec. 2020, 16 Dec. 2020, 18 Dec. 2020
  • 長谷 早紋; 佐藤 克成; 齋藤 直輝; 松森 孝平, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2020), 化粧水の熱的特性と塗布時の温度変化の関連性, Dec. 2020, 16 Dec. 2020, 18 Dec. 2020
  • 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2020), 温冷感の空間分布刺激を用いた高周波温度変化刺激の実現, Dec. 2020, 16 Dec. 2020, 18 Dec. 2020
  • 尤 禅懿; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2020), 皮膚の水分量変化に伴う湿り感知覚と皮膚温度変化の関係, Dec. 2020, 16 Dec. 2020, 18 Dec. 2020
  • 真岡 明日香; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2020), 布の触感評価に接触面積が与える影響, Dec. 2020, 16 Dec. 2020, 18 Dec. 2020
  • 張 亜慧; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2020), VR地震体験への温度感覚付与による訓練効果の向上, Dec. 2020, 16 Dec. 2020, 18 Dec. 2020
  • 麻田 千尋; 田村 祐一; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2020), 会話音声における社会的感情の分類, Dec. 2020, 16 Dec. 2020, 18 Dec. 2020
  • 八坂 志歩; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2020), 快適で安心感のある抱き枕の設計, Dec. 2020, 16 Dec. 2020, 18 Dec. 2020
  • 麻田 千尋; 田村 祐一; 佐藤 克成, 第25回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 音声から社会的感情を自動検出する手法の検討, Sep. 2020, 16 Sep. 2020, 18 Sep. 2020
  • 堤 琴里; 田村 祐一; 佐藤 克成, 第25回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 環境要因による連続回避本能の発生率, Sep. 2020, 16 Sep. 2020, 18 Sep. 2020
  • 田中 真木子; 佐藤 克成, 第22回日本感性工学会大会, 局所的温冷刺激における温度変化に要する時間が心身に与える影響の検討, 09 Aug. 2020, 09 Aug. 2020, 11 Aug. 2020
  • 市園 真菜; 佐藤克成, 日本繊維製品消費科学会2020年 年次大会, 温冷刺激を活用した視覚障碍者の歩行支援の基礎検討, Jun. 2020
  • 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2019), なぞり動作直前における押下力の調整, Dec. 2019
  • 尤 禅懿; 柴原 舞; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2019), 皮膚の水分量に伴う布の湿り感変化の評価, Dec. 2019
  • 石田 優音; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2019), ロボット遠隔操作時における身体間距離, Dec. 2019
  • 小林 未空; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2019), 振動刺激による布の触感変化, Dec. 2019
  • 北原 圭; 湯川 光; 佐藤 克成; 松森 孝平; 齋藤 直輝, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2019), 化粧水塗布時の温度変化による塗り心地の類推, Dec. 2019
  • 須田 成美; 湯川 光; 佐藤 克成; 松森 孝平; 齋藤 直輝, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2019), 手の温度変化が頬の温度知覚に及ぼす影響, Dec. 2019
  • 中森 帆香; 湯川 光; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2019), 摩耗された布地・皮革の粗さの視覚による予測精度, Dec. 2019
  • Katsunari Sato; Nanako Matsuda, WorldHaptics2019, Thermal Wear for Stuffed Animal to Enhance Therapy Effect, Jul. 2019
  • 佐藤 克成, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2019, 触質感の類似性と触動作の関係, Jun. 2019
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会 力触覚の提示と計算研究会 第18回研究会, Haptic-Through Systemsの提案, 2017
  • ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017, 複数の加速度センサによる膝の負担可視化の基礎検討, 2017
  • ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017, 局所的皮膚感覚刺激による美容支援デバイスの設計, 2017
  • ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017, 指側部への温度刺激の知覚時間に振動刺激が及ぼす影響, 2017
  • 日本家政学会 第69回大会, 錯覚を利用した布の湿り感提示手法, 2017
  • 日本家政学会 第69回大会, 局所的皮膚感覚刺激による美容支援デバイスの設計, 2017
  • IEEE WorldHaptics2017, Effect on Thermal Perception at the Finger Pad on applying of Tactile and Thermal Stimulations on the Fingertip, 2017
  • IEEE WorldHaptics2017, Presentation of Cloth Texture on Touch Panel Using Pseudo Haptics, 2017
  • 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2017年 年次大会, 写真を用いたPseudo Hapticsによる布の質感提示, 2017
  • 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2017年 年次大会, 布の湿り感錯覚における接触面積の効果, 2017
  • 第22回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 指の動作に応じた布の変形写真の表示による布の質感伝達, 2017
  • 第22回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, なぞり運動時の湿り感の知覚, 2017
  • 第22回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, Haptic-Through Systemsの提案, 2017
  • ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2017, 後頸部への皮膚感覚刺激が顔面部の血行及び心理状態に及ぼす影響, 2017
  • 第19回日本感性工学会大会, ヒノキの匂いから連想する触感が木材・プラスチック樹脂の触感に及ぼす影響, 2017
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会, 微小面積の温冷刺激に対する知覚時間, 2017
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会, 快適と感じる腰への温度刺激の強度と面積の調査, 2017
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会, 抱き返し動作を可能にするぬいぐるみ服の製作, 2017
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会, 局所的皮膚感覚刺激が顔面部の血行及び心理状態に及ぼす影響, 2017
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会, ペットにとって快適な温熱環境を提供する温冷マットの作成, 2017
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会, 触動作の速度に応じた布の変形写真表示による質感伝達, 2017
  • IEEE WorldHaptics2017, Presentation of Cloth Texture on Touch Panel Using Pseudo Haptics, 2017
  • IEEE WorldHaptics2017, Temperature Threshold to Produce the Illusion of Wetness by Changing Contact Area Between a Dry Cloth and Skin, 2017
  • 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2016年 年次大会, ブランケットの評価条件がもたらす印象の変化, 2016
  • 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2016年 年次大会, 衣服の着用時の立体感がもたらす感性への影響, 2016
  • 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2016年 年次大会, 耳介の前方部への温冷刺激が心身に及ぼす影響, 2016
  • 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2016年 年次大会, 湿り感提示における布の温度と柔らかさの影響, 2016
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第21回大会, 振動と温度刺激による布のなぞり感提示, 2016
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第21回大会, 指の皮膚変形による布感の提示手法の検討, 2016
  • 立命館大学認知科学研究センター第7回研究会, 人の知覚特性を利用した温冷感提示手法, 2016
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会(SI2016), 指側部への温度刺激による温冷感の拡張提示, 2016
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会(SI2016), ファッションアプリにおける新機能の体系的分析と提案, 2016
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会(SI2016), コーディネート評価システム構築のための色組合せ評価に関する研究, 2016
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会(SI2016), 顔への局所的皮膚感覚刺激が心身に及ぼす影響, 2016
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会(SI2016), 布帛のべたつき感の定量的評価方法の提案, 2016
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会(SI2016), 指腹部の皮膚変形の方向が及ぼすなぞり感への影響, 2016
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会(SI2016), 加速度センサを用いた膝の負担可視化装置の検討, 2016
  • 第12回日本感性工学会春季大会, 木の匂いが木とプラスチック樹脂の触感に及ぼす影響, 2016
  • WORKSHOP AT EUROHAPTICS 2016 THERMAL PERCEPTION AND THERMAL DISPLAYS, Development of thermal display employing spatial characteristics of perception, 2016
  • MRS2015, Wearable resistance type strain sensor based on long silver nanowires synthesized by one step polyol method, 2015
  • ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015, 圧覚提示と電気触覚刺激の組み合わせによる装着型触覚ディスプレイの試作, 2015
  • 日本繊維製品消費科学学会2015年年次大会, 後頸部への温刺激が映像視聴時に及ぼす影響, 2015
  • IEEE World Haptics Conference 2015, Compact, high-efficiency thermal display using spatially divided stimuli, 2015
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第20回大会, 初期皮膚温度変化に着目した温冷感呈示手法の検討, 2015
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第20回大会, 布の湿り感に影響を及ぼす温冷感と布の性質の影響, 2015
  • 繊維学会 秋期研究発表会 若手産官学交流セッション, 布地の触感をバーチャルに再現する基礎技術, 2015
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会(SI2015), 初期熱移動に着目した温冷感刺激による材質感再現の検討, 2015
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第18回大会, テレイグジスタンスの研究(第80報)フレキシブル基板を用いた指腹部の分布触覚情報伝達システム, 2014
  • 触覚技術の基礎と応用―ヒトの触覚理解からヒューマンマシンインタフェースやロボットへの応用まで―, 温冷覚の知覚特性ならびに提示と応用, 2014
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2014), 服装と香りの印象適合度についての検討, 2014
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2014), 布の湿り感覚と温熱的性質の関連性に関する研究, 2014
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2014), ロング銀ナノワイヤを用いた伸びセンサの布地への応用, 2014
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2014), テレイグジスタンスの研究(第81報)圧力分布情報に基づく指腹部への経皮電気刺激手法の検討, 2014
  • 43rd Textile Research Symposium, Textiles used to Encourage Touch Communication - Relationship between Stroking Motion and Textures of Textiles -, 2014
  • 佐藤克成; 南澤孝太; 梶本裕之; 木村泰介; 室本進吾; 尾崎和行, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013, _2A1-A13_1-_2A1-A13_4, 2A1-A13 フレキシブル基板を用いた指先装着型電気触覚ディスプレイ (触覚と力覚 (1)), 2013, 2013, 2013
  • 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Dissociation of subjective peak timing between hot and cold stimuli, 2013
  • 触覚技術の基礎と応用―ヒトの触覚理解からヒューマンマシンインタフェースやロボットへの応用まで―, 温冷覚の知覚特性ならびに提示と応用, 2013
  • 第3回テレイグジスタンス研究会, テレイグジスタンスのための温冷覚提示技術, 2013
  • インタラクション2012, 温・冷刺激の空間分割による高応答性温度提示ユニット, 2012
  • ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012, 温・冷空間分割刺激における温度感覚提示モデル, 2012
  • ACM SIGGRAPH 2012, TELESAR V: TELExistence Surrogate Anthropomorphic Robot, 2012
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第16回大会, 温・冷空間分割刺激において知覚される温度の研究(第1報), 2012
  • 計測自動制御学会 SI2012, 温・冷空間分割刺激において知覚される温度の研究(第2報), 2012
  • SATO Katsunari; SHINODA Hiroyuki; TACHI Susumu, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2P1-O03 Haptic Transmission System to Recognize Shape and Temperature of Remote Object(Tactile and Force Sensing(2)), 2011, 2011, 2011, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, We propose a haptic transmission system that consists of a vision-based cutaneous sensor and a cutaneous display employing electrotactile stimulus. The proposed transmission system can simultaneously transmit kinesthetic, spatially distributed tactile, and thermal information. Users of this transmission system can recognize the shape and temperature of an object as the initial haptic impression, that a user perceives even if he/she does not move his/her fingertip after initially contacting the object. Therefore, we consider that the proposed transmission system may enable a user to perceive some initial haptic impressions and could therefore be utilized to improve the reality of the haptic sense perceived from a remote object.
  • 佐藤克成; 篠田裕之; 舘すすむ, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会研究報告, 力分布と温度を同時計測が可能な光学式の指型センサ, 2011, 2011, 2011
  • 佐藤 克成; Katsunari Sato; Yuta Shiokawa; Yasutoshi Makino; Takashi Maeno, ACDDE2011, Analysis of Valuable Applications for Tactile Display, 2011, 2011, 2011
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会研究報告(力触覚の提示と計算研究会), 力分布と温度の同時計測が可能な光学式の指型センサ, 2011
  • SIGGRAPH 2011 Emerging Technologies, Touch Interface on Back of the Hand, 2011
  • ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2011, タッチパネルにおける爪上の透過光を利用した押下力と接触角度推定デバイス, 2011
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第16回大会, ヒトの温度知覚特性を利用した温度呈示手法の検討, 2011
  • エンタテイメントコンピューティング2011, テレイグジスタンスの研究(第67報)- 力ベクトルと温度情報による触感伝送, 2011
  • エンタテイメントコンピューティング2011, テレイグジスタンスの研究(第66報)- Telesar5のための視聴覚伝送系の設計 -, 2011
  • エンタテイメントコンピューティング2011, テレイグジスタンスの研究(第65報)- Telesar5:触覚を伝えるテレイグジスタンスロボットシステム -, 2011
  • 竹下佳佑; 渡邊孝一; 佐藤克成; 南澤孝太, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010, _1A1-F28_1-_1A1-F28_4, 1A1-F28 テレイグジスタンスの研究 (第 62 報): TELESAR3 システムの遅延の評価, 2010, 2010, 2010
  • 渡邊孝一; 竹下佳佑; 佐藤克成; 南澤孝太, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010, _1A1-F29_1-_1A1-F29_2, 1A1-F29 テレイグジスタンスの研究 (第 61 報): TELESAR3 システムの提案と構築, 2010, 2010, 2010
  • インタラクション2010, Colorful Touch Palette:視触覚テクスチャデザインシステム, 2010
  • 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会(Robomec2010), 経皮電気刺激による接線力提示のための触覚受容器応答の有限要素法による推定, 2010
  • 37th International Conference On Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (ACM SIGGRAPH 2010), Colorful Touch Palette, 2010
  • インタラクティブ東京2010, Colorful Touch Palette, 2010
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第15回大会, 触感センサにおける示温塗料とカメラを用いた温度計測, 2010
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第15回大会, テレイグジスタンスの研究(第63報) -Telesar3において許容される通信遅延の検討-, 2010
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会研究報告(力触覚の提示と計算研究会), 有限要素法を用いた受容器応答推定に基づく経皮電気刺激の信号設計, 2010
  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2010), 示温塗料とカメラを用いた指型温度センサの評価, 2010
  • 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会(Robomec2009), FlexTorque: a Novel Wearable Haptic Interface for Telexistence, 2009
  • 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会(Robomec2009), 指固定状態における筋活動と力知覚の関連性, 2009
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第14回大会, FlexTorque and FlexTensor: A Novel Wearable Haptic Dispays for Realistic and High Fidelity Physical Interaction in Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, 2009
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第14回大会, テレイグジスタンスの研究(第 59 報) Flexible Sensor Tube を用いた空圧アームの遠隔操作, 2009
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第14回大会, Colorful Touch Palette: 触覚テクスチャを提示する視触覚描画システム, 2009
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第14回大会, 指先の皮膚表面における力ベクトルの角度知覚精度, 2009
  • in Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics and Interactive Technologies (ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2009), FlexTorque: Innovative haptic interface for realistic physical interaction in Virtual Reality, 2009
  • SATO Katsunari; KAMIYAMA Kazuto; NII Hideaki; KAWAKAMI Naoki; TACHI Susumu, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 1A1-H12 Detection of Shape Variation of Object using Force Vector Distribution, 06 Jun. 2008, 06 Jun. 2008, 06 Jun. 2008, 一般社団法人日本機械学会, A shape variation of an object is important information to achieve a dexterous manipulation by robotic hand. We consider that detection of the shape variation is possible through measurement of force vector distribution. Shape variation of an object causes spread of uniform force vectors.In order to measure force vector distribution, the robotic hand was instrumented with vision-based tactile sensor developed by us. Using the robot hand, we have examined the method that detects the shape variation using force vector distribution. As it follows from the experimental result, the robotic hand is capable to detect the shape variation of clay. Therefore, proposed approach could allow us to drastically improve the robotic hand manipulation.
  • 古明地秀治; 佐藤克成; 南澤孝太; 新居英明; 川上直樹, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008, _1P1-H19_1-_1P1-H19_4, 1P1-H19 「握り具合」 を入力とする円筒型インタフェースの開発 (ハプティックインタフェース), 2008, 2008, 2008
  • 城堅誠; 筧康明; 南澤孝太; 佐藤克成; 新居英明; 川上直樹, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008, _1P1-I08_1-_1P1-I08_2, 1P1-I08 可動入力面を持つ光学式力ベクトル場センサの基礎検討 (触覚と力覚), 2008, 2008, 2008
  • 35th International Conference On Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (ACM SIGGRAPH 2008), MeisterGRIP: Cylindrical interface for intuitional robot operation, 2008
  • 35th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (ACM SIGGRAPH 2008), ForceTile: Tabletop Tangible Interface with Vision-based Force Distribution Sensing, 2008
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第13回大会, テレイグジスタンスの研究(第57報)―簡易型マスタシステム“MeisterGRIP”の設計, 2008
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第13回大会, テレイグジスタンスの研究(第 58 報)―MeisterGRIP におけるアーム操作系, 2008
  • インタラクティブ東京2008, ForceTile, 2008
  • インタラクティブ東京2008, MeisterGRIP: ロボット操作のための円筒型インタフェース, 2008
  • 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2007 (Robomec2007), 器用な物体操作のための電気式皮膚感覚と力覚の統合, 2007
  • 34th Int. Conf. On Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (ACM SIGGRAPH 2007), Haptic Telexistence, 2007
  • インタラクティブ東京2007, Haptic Telexistence -分布型触力覚情報を伝達するロボットハンドシステム-, 2007
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第12回大会, テレイグジスタンスの研究(第55報)-Haptic Telexistence:分布型触力覚情報を伝達するロボットハンドシステム-, 2007
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第12回大会, 力ベクトル場を計測する指型光学式触覚センサの評価, 2007
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第11回大会, テレイグジスタンスの研究(第48報)-光学式触覚センサ情報を提示するマスタハンド, 2006
  • Kotori Tsutsumi; Yuichi Tamura; Katsunari Sato, JSST2021, Continuous collision avoidance model between pedestrians, Oral presentation, 02 Sep. 2021, 01 Sep. 2021, 03 Sep. 2021, True, False
  • Chihiro Asada; Yuichi Tamura; Ryo Nagata; Katsunari Sato, JSST2021, A Study for Recognizing and Simulating Deliberate Emotional Expressions in Japanese Utterance, Oral presentation, 02 Sep. 2021, 01 Sep. 2021, 03 Sep. 2021, True, False
  • 佐藤 ふう; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2021), 握り革の種類が手の内の力に及ぼす影響の評価, Oral presentation, 15 Dec. 2021, 17 Dec. 2021, False, False
  • 堤 琴里; 田村 祐一; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2021), 連続回避本能再現のための歩行モデルパラメータの推定, Oral presentation, 15 Dec. 2021, 17 Dec. 2021, False, False
  • 坂東 菜都子; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2021), 身体部位の比率に基づく骨格タイプ判別システムの提案, Oral presentation, 15 Dec. 2021, 17 Dec. 2021, False, False
  • 谷内 瞳; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2021), タッチセンサ・振動子を用いた乳幼児向け寝かしつけテキスタイルの検討, Oral presentation, 15 Dec. 2021, 17 Dec. 2021, False, False
  • 山岡 美里; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2021), 電気刺激を用いた座位姿勢補助の提案, Oral presentation, 15 Dec. 2021, 17 Dec. 2021, False, False
  • 林谷 なつみ; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2021), 柔らかさに着目した足底におけるカーペットの触感変化の検討, Oral presentation, 15 Dec. 2021, 17 Dec. 2021, False, False
  • 佐藤克成, 2021年度日本人間工学会関西支部大会, 触感を伴う追体験システム―技能伝承や相互理解に向けて, Invited oral presentation, 11 Dec. 2021
  • 佐藤克成, 触覚講習会:「触覚技術の基礎と応用」 ―ヒトの触覚理解を通して触覚技術の実現と価値を考える―, 温冷感覚の特性と提示技術, Public discourse, 10 Dec. 2021
  • 佐藤克成, 第242回佐保カルチャー講演会, 触覚が繋ぐヒトの心, Public discourse, 13 Nov. 2021
  • 宮部真帆; 佐藤克成, HAIシンポジウム2022, 生活支援のためのAR擬人化エージェントに対する外観印象評価, Poster presentation, 02 Mar. 2022, 03 Mar. 2022, False, False
  • Chihiro Asada; Kotori Tsutsumi; Yuichi Tamura; Naoya Hara; Wataru Omori; Yuta Otsuka; Katsunari Sato, VRST2021, A sharing system for the annoyance of menstrual symptoms using electrical muscle stimulation and thermal stimulations, Poster presentation, 10 Dec. 2021, 08 Dec. 2021, 10 Dec. 2021, True, False
  • 佐藤克成, IoTデバイス・XR応用を見据えた フレキシブル熱電変換デバイス/ペルチェ素子技術, ペルチェ素子を利用した温冷感覚の再現技術とフレキシブルデバイス・XR応用への展望, Public discourse, 16 Jun. 2021
  • 宮部 真帆; 佐藤 克成, 第27回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 生活支援のためのAR擬人化エージェントに対する外観印象分析, Oral presentation, 12 Sep. 2022, 12 Sep. 2022, 14 Sep. 2022
  • 佐藤ふう; 佐藤克成, 第24回日本感性工学会大会, 弓道の握り革の使いやすさが手の内の力に及ぼす影響, Oral presentation, 02 Sep. 2022, 31 Aug. 2022, 02 Sep. 2022
  • 佐藤克成; 和田潤; 天川良太, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2022, 音声通話システムを活用した振動・温度情報の伝達, Poster presentation, 01 Jun. 2022, 04 Jun. 2022
  • 江森 俊哉; 和泉慎太郎; 伊庭野 健造; 伊藤 雄一; 佐藤克成; 菅原 徹; 川口 博, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2022, マトリクス回路を用いたウェアラブル温冷覚提示デバイス, Poster presentation, 01 Jun. 2022, 04 Jun. 2022
  • 宮田 かおる; 藤川 文子; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2022), 日常的なアパレル製品の購買手段の差がリアル店舗における重視点に及ぼす影響, Poster presentation, 16 Dec. 2022, False
  • 中村 友香; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2022), 衣服のパーソナルカラー判定システムの開発, Poster presentation, 16 Dec. 2022, False
  • 柏谷 苑香; 佐藤 克成; 高崎 正也, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2022), ディミニッシュドハプティクスによる布地の触感変化, Poster presentation, 16 Dec. 2022, False
  • 土岐 朱音; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会 (SI2022), 温度 PhS 刺激を用いた痒み抑制デバイスの検討, Poster presentation, 15 Dec. 2022, False
  • 佐藤克成, 情報機構セミナー, 触覚技術の基礎と応用展開、今後の動向~触知覚メカニズム、触覚の評価、触覚の計測・提示技術とその応用~, Public discourse, 31 Jan. 2023
  • 佐藤克成, 西京医師会新春文化講演会, ファッションと触感について, Public discourse, 21 Jan. 2023
  • 佐藤克成, 触覚講習会:「触覚技術の基礎と応用」 ―ヒトの触覚理解を通して触覚技術の実現と価値を考える―, 温冷感覚の特性と計測・提示技術, Public discourse, 28 Nov. 2022
  • Shintaro Izumi; Saya Yoshino; Toshiya Emori; Kenzo Ibano; Yuichi Itoh; Katsunari Sato; Tohru Sugahara; Hiroshi Kawaguchi, AsiaHaptics2022, Matrix Peltier Element Drive Circuitry for Mobile Thermal Stimulation Devices, Poster presentation, 12 Nov. 2022, 12 Nov. 2022, 14 Nov. 2022
  • Katsunari Sato; Jun Wada; Ryota Amakawa, AsiaHaptics2022, ThermoPhone: Transmission of Thermal and Vibrotactile Information through an Audio Call System, Poster presentation, 12 Nov. 2022, 12 Nov. 2022, 14 Nov. 2022
  • 秋山 史門; 佐藤 克成; 牧野 泰才, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集, Investigation on the influence of vibration on thermal perception, 12 Sep. 2012, 12 Sep. 2012, 12 Sep. 2012, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
  • FERNANDO Charith Lasantha; FURUKAWA Masahiro; KUROGI Tadatoshi; KAMURO Sho; SATO Katsunari; MINAMIZAWA Kouta; TACHI Susumu, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 1A1-J01 Study of Telexistence LXVIII : Reaching a remote object with 6DOF point of view and arm endpoint accuracy(Robot Hand Mechanism and Grasping Strategy(1)), 27 May 2012, 27 May 2012, 27 May 2012, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, In Telexistence, point of vision through robot eyes and posture of the robot's hand should be in a close correlation in order to feel the extended body sensation and transfer realistic haptic sensation. However, present Telexistence robots mostly operate its torso in less than 4 DOF, thus it is difficult to map the vector between the point of vision to arm endpoint in operator to the same vector of slave robot. In order to address this issue we designed and developed TELESAR V, with a 5 DOF torso and a 7 DOF arm attached to it so that the slave robot can have 6 DOF point of vision and 6 DOF arm endpoint accuracy with operator's posture. This structure enables the operator to freely move in his space and experience his extended bodily border while operating the robot and perform manipulatory task remotely. In addition ability to transfer the fingertip haptic and temperature sensation, operator can feel his bodily consciousness is extended to the robot.
  • YAMAMOTO Yuri; SHIMA Takuya; Takemura Kenjiro; MAKINO Yasutoshi; SATO Katsunari, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 1A1-D02 An Ungrounded Force Feedback Device Equipped with Control Moment Gyros in a Pyramid Form(Haptic Interface), 27 May 2012, 27 May 2012, 27 May 2012, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, A force feedback device can display a kinesthetic sense to an operator. Previously, several types of force feedback devices have been developed, however, an ungrounded force feedback devices are still not in practical use. Ungrounded force feedback devices do not require any origin of a reaction force outside an operator, which extends the range of working space to the infinite. Therefore, it is technically competent for a mobile interface. The present study develops a prototype of an ungrounded force feedback device using a gyroscopic torque. This prototype uses a Control Moment Gyro (CMG) as an actuator unit that generates a gyroscopic torque. Our prototype, which has four CMGs arranged in a pyramid form, generates torque in arbitrarily directions using the gyroscopic effect. The kinesthetic sense is displayed to an operator by the synthesized torque of the four CMGs.
  • SHIMA Takuya; TAKEMURA Kenjiro; MAKINO Yasutoshi; SATO Katsunari, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 1A1-D03 An Ungrounded Pulling Force Feedback Device using Periodical Vibration-Impact(Haptic Interface), 27 May 2012, 27 May 2012, 27 May 2012, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, This paper presents a novel ungrounded force feedback device which makes a user feel a sensation as if a pulling force is displayed by utilizing non-linear characteristics of human perception. The force feedback device is mainly composed of a spring-mass system and a voice coil motor (VCM). A weight, which connects to the VCM through the spring, hits against a wall periodically to generate a one-directional impulsive force. Then, a user grasping the device perceives the pulling force to the designed direction despite a real constant force is not displayed. The device is 140 x 41.5 x 41.5 mm3 with total mass of 230 g. A sensitivity of the pulling force perception were evaluated and presented in this paper.
  • AKIYAMA Shimon; SATO Katsunari; Makino YASUTOSHI; MAENO Takashi, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2P1-N03 EffectON : Enriching perceptions of motions by sound effects synchronized with motions(VR and Interface), 27 May 2012, 27 May 2012, 27 May 2012, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, We propose a wearable device which can detect user's action to add sound effects on our daily lives. In many movies, TV shows and animations, they use a sound effect to emphasize actions, which changes the impression of motions to be stronger, faster, and so on. Then, what would it be like if those kinds of sound effects are implemented on our daily motions? We prototyped two wearable devices which are especially suitable for detecting "walk" action. The two prototypes can detect contact condition of shoes to the ground and bending angle of knees respectively. These information can be used to add many kinds of sound effects to make users know their body conditions or to entertain them. For example, if every single steps of a walk emits funny sound, tough rehabilitation might be more enjoyable. The devices may change user's motion from bad manner to appropriate way with fun.
  • SATO Katsunari; MAENO Takashi, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 1P1-C01 Thermal Presentation Model for Spatially Distributed Warm and Cold Stimuli(Tactile and Force Sensing (3)), 27 May 2012, 27 May 2012, 27 May 2012, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, We have proposed a thermal display that can present a sudden temperature change using spatially divided warm and cold stimuli; the display exploits two characteristics of human thermal perception: the spatial resolution of thermal sensation is low, and the thermal threshold depends on the adapting temperature. The spatially distributed warm and cold stimuli enabled users to perceive the thermal sensation rapidly even if the cold stimulus was suddenly presented after the warm stimulus and vice versa. In this study, we propose the thermal presentation model in order to present arbitrary temperature that a human perceives when they touch an object. We implemented the application which presents temperature of virtual objects and qualitatively confirmed that the proposed model effectively works through the exhibition.
  • 中川 綾乃; 佐藤 克成, 第24回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2023), 服装の類似性を決定する因子の基礎検討, Poster presentation, 16 Dec. 2023
  • 谷 佳づ希; 佐藤 克成, 第24回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2023), 機械学習による染色堅牢度評価法の有用性の検討, Poster presentation, 16 Dec. 2023
  • 山下 藍香; 佐藤 克成; 冬野 美晴; Hsin-Ni Ho, インタラクション2024, 遠隔ビデオ通話における振動フィードバックの共同作業感への影響, Poster presentation, 08 Mar. 2024, 06 Mar. 2024, 08 Mar. 2024
  • 佐藤克成, 情報機構セミナー, 触覚(ハプティクス)技術の基礎と応用展開、今後の動向~触知覚メカニズム、触覚の評価、触覚の計測・提示技術とその応用~, Public discourse, 25 Mar. 2024
  • 佐藤克成, 協働型災害訓練, 【生理xテクノロジー】〜月経痛体験システム開発について〜, Public discourse, 10 Feb. 2024
  • 佐藤克成, 触覚講習会:「触覚技術の基礎と応用」 ―ヒトの触覚理解を通して触覚技術の実現と価値を考える―, 温冷感覚と痛覚の技術, Public discourse, 13 Nov. 2023
  • 中西 英里; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会(SI2024), テキスタイルの"フワフワ感"の要因検討, Dec. 2024
  • 岡林 咲希; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会(SI2024), 触覚の識別性・情動性の比較, Dec. 2024
  • 荻阪 愛子; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会(SI2024), 環境及び衣服内の温湿度がもたらす音楽鑑賞体験の変化に関する検討, Dec. 2024
  • 久本 優花; 佐藤 克成, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会(SI2024), 舞踊作品における衣装と姿勢のイメージ伝達効果の検討, Dec. 2024


  • SI2020優秀講演賞, 第21回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 張 亜慧;佐藤 克成, Dec. 2020, VR地震体験への温度感覚付与による訓練効果の向上
  • SI2020優秀講演賞, 第21回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 佐藤克成, Dec. 2020, 温冷感の空間分布刺激を用いた高周波温度変化刺激の実現
  • SI2019優秀講演賞, 第20回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 佐藤 克成, Dec. 2019, なぞり動作直前における押下力の調整
  • 情報・システムソサイエティ論文編集活動感謝状, 電子情報通信学会, 佐藤克成, May 2019
  • SI2018優秀講演賞, 第19回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 松田菜々子;佐藤克成, Mar. 2018, 温刺激によって生き物感を付与するぬいぐるみ服の検討
  • SI2017優秀講演賞, 2017, Japan
  • 年度論文賞(2015年度), 2016, Japan
  • 若手優秀発表賞, 2016, Japan
  • Honorable Mention (Demo), 2016, Japan
  • AsiaHaptics Gold Award, 2016
  • SI2016優秀講演賞, 2016, Japan
  • SI2014優秀講演賞, 2014, Japan
  • IEEE VR 2013 Best Poster Award, 2013
  • ISWC2013 Best Paper Nominee, 2013
  • Best Poster Award, 2012, Japan
  • 計測自動制御学会 学術奨励賞 研究奨励賞, 2012, Japan
  • インタラクション2012 インタラクティブ観客賞, 2012, Japan
  • IROS 2012 Best Application Papaer Award Finalist, 2012
  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Chapter Young Award, 2011
  • ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2011 優秀プレゼンテーション賞, 2011, Japan
  • AH 2010 Best Paper Award, 2010
  • SICE SI2010 優秀講演賞, 2010, Japan
  • AH 2010 Best Paper Award, 2010
  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会 学術奨励賞, 2008, Japan
  • 東京大学 大学院情報理工学系研究科 研究科長賞, 2008, Japan
  • Japan society, SI2021優秀講演賞, 第22回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 堤 琴里;田村 祐一;佐藤克成, Dec. 2021, 連続回避本能再現のための歩行モデルパラメータの推定, Japan
  • Japan society, SI2021優秀講演賞, 第22回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 山岡 美里;佐藤克成, Dec. 2021, 電気刺激を用いた座位姿勢補助の提案, Japan
  • 技術研究賞, 日本感性工学会, 佐藤克成;長谷早紋;松森孝平;齋藤直輝, Sep. 2022, 化粧水の塗布動作時の温度計測に基づく塗布感の推定

Industrial Property Rights

  • Patent right, 触覚呈示装置, 佐藤邦生, 高井大輔, 川名譲, 佐藤克成, アルプスアルパイン株式会社, 特願2018-552526, 15 Nov. 2017, 国内優先権 2016/11/28 特願2016-230451
  • Patent right, 触覚呈示装置, 佐藤邦生, 高井大輔, 川名譲, 佐藤克成, アルプスアルパイン株式会社, 特願2018-552941, 15 Nov. 2017
  • Patent right, 光学式触覚センサ, 川上直樹, 舘暲, 南澤孝太, 城堅誠, 筧康明, 佐藤克成, 特願2008-140189, 28 May 2008, 特開2009-288033, 10 Dec. 2009
  • Patent right, 入力インタフェース, 川上直樹, 舘暲, 佐藤克成, 古明地秀治, 南澤孝太, 特願2008-137521, 27 May 2008, 特開2009-285737, 10 Dec. 2009
  • Patent right, 使用触感評価方法、及び使用触感評価装置, 松森孝平, 齋藤直輝, 佐藤克成, 伊藤綾, 株式会社資生堂, 特願2019-021893, 特開2020-128936
  • Patent right, 制御装置、温度覚呈示装置、温度覚呈示システム、制御方法、およびプログラム, 佐藤邦生, 齊藤俊彦, 志方元, 佐藤克成, アルプスアルパイン株式会社, 特願2018-038441, 特開 2019-153129
  • Patent right, 触覚呈示システム及び触覚呈示装置, 佐藤邦生, 齊藤俊彦, 志方元, 高井大輔, 川名譲, 佐藤克成, 南澤孝太, 梶本裕之, アルプスアルパイン株式会社, 特願2017-193840, 特開2019-067269
  • Patent right, 触覚温冷デバイス及び触覚温冷デバイスの製造方法, 舘すすむ, 南澤孝太, 梶本裕之, 佐藤克成, 外山敬三, 木村泰介, 特願2017-118462, 特開 2019-003470
  • Patent right, 触覚呈示装置, 佐藤邦生, 高井大輔, 川名譲, 萩原康嗣, 舘すすむ, 南澤孝太, 佐藤克成, 特願2016-230443, 特開2020-016436
  • Patent right, 触覚情報変換装置、触覚情報変換方法、および、触覚情報変換プログラム、並びに、素子配置構造体, 舘 すすむ, 仲谷 正史, 佐藤 克成, 南澤 孝太, 梶本 裕之, 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構, 特願2018-510680
  • Patent right, 触覚情報変換装置、触覚情報変換方法、および、触覚情報変換プログラム, 舘すすむ, 仲谷 正史, 佐藤 克成, 南澤 孝太, 梶本 裕之, 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構, 特願2018-510679
  • Patent right, 触感伝送システム, 佐藤克成, 和田潤, 天川良太, 特願2022-1339, 06 Jan. 2022, 特開2023-100565
  • Patent right, 温度刺激装置及び温度刺激調整モデルの生成方法, 佐藤克成, 伊庭野健造, 特願2024-133991, 09 Aug. 2024
  • Patent right, 接触冷温感測定装置, 柴田博史, 佐藤克成, 特願2024-108680, 05 Jul. 2024

Research Projects

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Apr. 2021, Mar. 2025, 21H00807, Coinvestigator, 次世代インテリジェントテキスタイルの創製とウェアラブルシステムへの応用, 黒子 弘道, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 15990000, 12300000, 3690000, 次世代インテリジェントテキスタイルを実現するために、超臨界二酸化炭素を用いた触媒化技術によるフレキシブルセンサー用触媒電極としてのPETフィルムの機能化が実現した。また、白金は生体適合性のある金属だが、ポリマー材料の白金メタライゼーションは難しいことが知られている。超臨界二酸化炭素を用いた触媒化技術により、PETと白金の統合が実現された。この白金被覆したPETフィルムについて、SEM観察により表面の状態を明らかにし、さらに高次構造解析を固体NMR法により詳細に行うことにより、触媒化とめっき処理による構造変化に関する知見を得た。また、センシング、光触媒による抗菌・抗ウイルス性、および身体情報提示の各機能を有するインテリジェントウェアラブル材料の基布となる各繊維を用いて、全反射測定法によるフーリエ変換赤外吸収スペクトル測定などにより、比較のための材料表面情報を得た。また各機能性ウェアラブル材料の安全性評価のための予備検討を進めた。 導電性に優れたスマートテキスタイルを情報処理技術と組み合わせることで、日々の暮らしを見守ったり日常生活を豊かにするインタフェースとして構築する研究に取り組んだ。特に、乳がん患者支援や水難事故防止といった、問題解決が困難な事象にもスマートテキスタイルを用いたシステムが役立つ事を示した。また、その成果を生かし、技術の国際標準化や啓蒙活動にも貢献することができた。 導電性繊維のウェアラブルヒータとしての応用にむけ、温度勾配のある面的な刺激の有効性を評価し、一様な刺激よりも効率良く温感を提示しうることが示唆された。また、筋電気刺激用ウェアラブル電極としての応用に向け、姿勢維持の補助デバイスとしての効果を確認した。さらにに、月経痛の再現デバイスとして、実際の月経痛よりも腹部の浅い位置ではあるが同等の強度を提示しうることを確認した。, Competitive research funding, False, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Apr. 2021, Mar. 2024, 21K11994, Principal investigator, 温度感覚の時間・空間分解能の解明とその工学的応用, 佐藤 克成, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Nara Women's University, 4160000, 3200000, 960000, 温冷刺激デバイスは、身体性メディアやヘルスケア機器のフィードバック手法として、需要が高まっている。従来はデバイス全体が一様に温度変化する1次元的なデバイスであるが、2次元の温度分布を再現することで、刺激がもたらす効果の向上や刺激提示の効率化が期待できる。本研究は、2次元の温冷分布刺激デバイスの設計指針を得るために、温冷感覚の時間分解能と空間分解能を解明する。得られた知見の応用例として、複数のペルチェ素子をマトリクス配線・制御した温度分布刺激デバイスを設計、試作する。これにより、本研究により得られる知見の妥当性と有用性を示す。 1年目は、主に温冷感覚の時間分解能の評価に取り組んだ。従来困難であった1Hz以上の温度変化刺激を、研究代表者が実現した空間分割刺激手法を用いることで実現する。まず、2つのペルチェ素子を用いた実験システムを実装し、12名の女性を対象とした実験を実施した。その結果、平均としては0.94Hz程度、参加者によっては1.67Hz程度の刺激まで知覚可能であることが示唆された。この結果は、LEDによる2次元分布表示のように、温冷刺激素子のマトリクス配線・制御を行う際の設計指針として活用できる。 また、空間分解能を評価するための実験装置実装に向け、ペルチェ素子の配置間隔と大きさを検討するためのモックアップを構築、評価を行った。今後はこの結果に基づきフレキシブルペルチェデバイスを実装し、空間分解能を評価していく。, Competitive research funding, False, kaken
  • Apr. 2021, Mar. 2024, Principal investigator, 「温もり」ある次世代メディアを実現するフレキシブルペルチェマトリクスの創出, 公益財団法人セコム科学技術振興財団, 若手研究助成, 6000000, 6000000, 0, Competitive research funding
  • Apr. 2021, Mar. 2022, Principal investigator, 高齢者の遠隔コミュニケーションにおける「ぬくもり」相互伝達デバイスの設計, 中島記念国際交流財団, 若手研究者研究助成, 1000000, 900000, 100000, Competitive research funding
  • Jan. 2021, Oct. 2021, Principal investigator, 文化・歴史に「触れて」伝える遠隔学校による高齢者の生きがい創出, 公益財団法人ユニベール財団, 研究助成, 600000, 540000, 60000, Competitive research funding
  • May 2020, Apr. 2021, Coinvestigator, ICTを活用した遠隔コミュニケーションシステムSailを使用することでコミュニティ形成に与える影響の効果検証, 寺岡 伸悟; 水垣 源太郎, 株式会社Helte
  • Sep. 2020, Mar. 2021, Coinvestigator, 奈良市新斎苑整備計画における告別室内観デザインの心理的評価についての基礎研究, 久保博子; 長谷圭城, 奈良市
  • Aug. 2020, Mar. 2021, Principal investigator, 奈良時代に関連した体感型展示コンテンツの検討, 飛鳥・平城宮跡歴史公園サポート共同体, 200000, 180000, 20000, Industry academia cooperation
  • May 2020, Mar. 2021, Principal investigator, 化粧行動時の温冷刺激に関する触覚の研究, 資生堂 グローバル・イノベーション・センター, 500000, 450000, 50000, Industry academia cooperation
  • 共同研究, Oct. 2019, Mar. 2021, Principal investigator, 人の知覚特性に基づく温冷刺激の空間配置最適設計とその応用, オムロン株式会社, 1500000, 1350000, 150000, Industry academia cooperation
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Apr. 2018, Mar. 2021, 18H03314, Coinvestigator, Human like tactile sensation using stage learning model on MEMS tactile sensor, Noma Haruo, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Ritsumeikan University, 17290000, 13300000, 3990000, In this study, we constructed a machine haptic recognition model using an ultra-small tactile sensor and a staged neural network that mimics a human tactile recognition model, and aimed to realize human-like machine haptic perception and elucidate human haptic recognition based on the similarity between machine and human haptic perception. Here, we focused on the tracing recognition task, in which eight kinds of materials are identified by tracing them, and evaluated the recognition rate depending on five DNN model (Dense, 1D-CNN, RNN, LSTM, and GRU) and the number of layers (1-4). As a result, the highest identification rate of 97.8% was achieved. In addition, the intermediate features obtained in the course of the identification process showed results similar to the features that human shows., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Apr. 2017, Mar. 2021, 17H01956, Coinvestigator, Creation of Next Generation Biocompatible Intelligent Fibers and Their Application to Interactive Wearable Systems, KUROSU Hiromichi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 17680000, 13600000, 4080000, We have successfully realized void free plating of Pt on silk fiber by using supercritical carbon dioxide and moreover electrochemical deposition of high functional inorganic oxide such as titanium oxide on the metal-plated fiber. Solid-state NMR measurements of these fibers provided information on the higher-order structural changes due to plating, which can be fed back for further functional improvements. As an application of these intelligent fibers, we have been working on the development of sensing wear that can visualize heart rate, respiration, and exercise using smart textiles. We also showed the feasibility of health monitoring during sleep, which can store human information measured by sensing wear as big data in the cloud and detect abnormalities using statistical analysis. In addition, we showed the conditions for thermal stimulation that enhances comfort. We also showed the applicability to support for the visually impaired and communication support via stuffed animals., kaken
  • 共同研究, Mar. 2018, Sep. 2020, Principal investigator, 人の知覚特性に基づく温冷刺激の空間配置の最適設計, オムロンアミューズメント株式会社
  • 共同研究, Apr. 2019, Mar. 2020, Principal investigator, 化粧行動時の温冷刺激に関する触覚の研究, 資生堂 グローバル・イノベーション・センター
  • 共同研究, Nov. 2018, Sep. 2019, Principal investigator, 下着が身体動作にもたらす変化の評価, 株式会社HEAVEN Japan
  • 共同研究, Apr. 2018, Mar. 2019, Principal investigator, 化粧行動時の温冷刺激に関する触覚の研究, 資生堂 グローバル・イノベーション・センター
  • Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Apr. 2015, Mar. 2018, 15K12316, Principal investigator, Contribution of thermal and pressure sensations in wet perception of fabrics, Sato Katsunari, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Nara Women's University, 3640000, 2800000, 840000, In this study, we aimed to elucidate the contribution of thermal and pressure sensations in wet perception of fabrics when hand skin and the fabric are in static contact. From the experimental results, it was found that thermal sensation is the main factor in wet perception of fabrics. In addition, it showed that a change in the contact area and the surface characteristics of the material causing adsorption affect the wet perception. These results concerning the wet perception is useful for constructing a system that virtually reproduces the wet perception of fabrics, and expects to make it more efficient the design, evaluation, and sales of fabric products., kaken
  • Dec. 2014, Mar. 2018, Coinvestigator, 一体型触覚伝送素子の開発を中核とした身体性メディア技術の基盤構築と応用展開, 舘 すすむ; 篠田 裕之; 梶本 裕之; 佐藤 克成; 高井 大輔; 南澤 孝太; 外山 敬三, 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構, 戦略的創造研究推進事業
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Apr. 2014, Mar. 2017, 26282013, Coinvestigator, Creation of next generation sensing fiber and application for wearable sensor, KUROSU Hiromichi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 16900000, 13000000, 3900000, An electroless plating method involved Pd or Pt catalyzation in supercritical carbon dioxide (sc-CO2) was used for the metallization of nylon 6,6 fiber. 13C NMR measurements and quantum chemical calculations revealed that Pds are located in the vicinity of the carbonyl carbon by catalyzing in sc-CO2. Furthermore, our catalyzation methods using sc-CO2 could improve interaction between Pd and carbonyl carbon in nylon 6,6. We have considered the applications of conductive fibers and it was confirmed the possibility of using clothes and device as one unit by using conductive fiber for wiring. Furthermore, we performed prototype evaluation of two types of wearable computers which support human health., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up, Aug. 2013, Mar. 2015, 25880014, Principal investigator, Thermal Interface to Enhance Impressions of Audio-visual Media, SATO Katsunari, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up, Nara Women's University, 2730000, 2100000, 630000, In this study, we develop a novel entertainment system using a thermal interface which changes impressions of an audio-visual media. At first, we confirmed that a warm stimulus with a music, which has bright impression, shows relatively strong emotional effect. Then, we obtained some basic results for design an interface to employ in our daily life. Finally, we constructed a wearable interface that presents the warm stimuli on back of our neck and confirmed its emotional effects when we use it with a home-theater system., kaken
  • 共同研究, Apr. 2013, Mar. 2015, 高速制御可能な温度感覚提示技術を使用した温度知覚メカニズムの解明に関する共同研究, NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所
  • Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, 2011, 2012, 11J05919, Principal investigator, 触運動の相互作用性を再現可能な温度計測の実現による触感伝達の研究, 佐藤 克成, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, Keio University, 1600000, 1600000, 本研究の目的は、触運動の相互作用性を再現可能な温度センサの構築により、リアリティの高い触感の伝達を実現することである。前年度の研究において、示温塗料を用いた光学式温度計測技術を提案し、触感センサを実現した。また、計測された情報を提示可能な触感ディスプレイを構築するために、温度感覚提示手法を提案した。本年度は主に、提案した温度感覚提示手法を応用した触感ディスプレイを構築するために、その特性を評価した。また、温度感覚提示技術の触感伝達以外への応用として、音楽インタフェースを提案した。 従来の温度ディスプレイは、時間応答性の問題から、人が物体に触れた時に生じる急速な温度変化を再現できず、触感のリアリティが低下する。この問題に対し、人の知覚特性を利用し、温刺激と冷刺激を空間的に分割することで、錯覚的に大きな温度変化を急速に提示する手法を提案している。実験から、この手法を用いた場合に知覚される温度変化量が、温刺激と冷刺激の線形和として表現できることを示した。この知見を用いることで、提案する温度感覚提示手法を触感ディスプレイとして応用し、触感伝達システムを構築することが可能となる。 また、提案手法では温度変化を提示する際、消費エネルギーが従来手法の半分程度になることがわかった。消費エネルギーが少なくなることで、ウェアラブルインタフェースなど触感伝達システム以外への応用も期待できる。 その一例として、温度感覚が人にもたらす情動性に着目し、同様に情動性と関わりのある音楽と組み合わせた、メディアインタフェースを提案した。ヘッドホンの内部に温度ディスプレイを搭載し、曲調の変化に合わせて耳元の温度を温めたり冷やしたりすることで、曲の印象を変化させる。実験から、温度刺激を付加することで、また付加の方法により、音楽鑑賞体験の印象が変化することを示した。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, 2008, 2010, 08J10009, Principal investigator, 触力覚情報の遠隔伝達のためのセンサ・ディスプレイ一体型デバイスの研究, 佐藤 克成, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, The University of Tokyo, 1800000, 1800000, 本研究では、ロボットを用いた遠隔コミュニケーションにおいて、ヒトに触れ、触れられる触感を得られる触力覚デバイスの実現を目指す。触感の中でも特に"柔らかさ"と"温もり"に着目し、双方の触感を計測・提示できるセンサ・ディスプレイ一体型の触力覚デバイスを実現する。 本年度において取り組んだ課題は、主に3つ挙げられる。第1に、"柔らかさ"を伝達するための、力分布情報伝達システムの実装と評価である。前年度までに研究してきた、ヒト指と同等の形状と柔軟性を有する力ベクトル場センサと、力ベクトル場をバーチャルに再現可能な電気触覚ディスプレイの技術を用いて、ヒト指が直接モノに触れた状況を再現しながら機械的な指変形情報を伝達できるシステムを実現した。第2に、"柔らかさ"と同時に"温もり"情報を伝達するための、温度計測・提示手法の検討である。ヒト指と同等の柔軟性と温度を再現しながらデバイス表面の温度計測を可能とするために、温度によって色の変化する示温塗料を用いた光学式の温度計測手法を提案し、その計測精度を検証した。そして第3に、"柔らかさ"と"温もり"情報の同時伝達システムの構築である。指型の力ベクトル場センサと光学式の温度計測手法を組み合わせることで、ロボットに触られたヒトがロボット操縦者の触感を得ることができる、センサ・ディスプレイ一体型の触力覚デバイスを構築した。さらに構築したデバイスを用いて触力覚情報の伝達システムを実装し、構築したデバイスがロボットを用いた遠隔コミュニケーションにおいて有効であることを確認した。以上3つの研究課題の成果から、ロボットを用いた遠隔コミュニケーションのための"柔らかさ"と"温もり"の計測・提示を行える触力覚デバイスを実現した。, kaken
  • Oct. 2021, Mar. 2022, Principal investigator, 「広陵くつした博物館」の博物館機能を充実させるVR展示コンテンツの検討, 佐藤克成, 広陵町事業部地域振興課, 500000, Industry academia cooperation, False
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Apr. 2022, Mar. 2027, 22H00542, Coinvestigator, Human-like machine tactile sensation using recurrent temporal and spacial reduction, 野間 春生; 東山 篤規; 佐藤 克成; 島田 伸敬; 秋田 純一; 大井 翔; 安藤 潤人; 寒川 雅之; 松村 耕平; 北野 勝則, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Ritsumeikan University, 41860000, 32200000, 9660000, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Apr. 2022, Mar. 2027, 22H03679, Coinvestigator, World in your hand: Investigating the underlying mechanism of thermal material recognition and its interaction with multisensory information, Ho HsinNi; 佐藤 克成, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyushu University, 17030000, 13100000, 3930000
  • 学術指導, Dec. 2022, Jul. 2023, Principal investigator, ソフトアクチュエーターによるリアル触感再現の研究, 693000, 623700, 69300, Others
  • 共同研究, Oct. 2022, Mar. 2023, Principal investigator, 温度刺激によるかゆみ緩和の有効性評価
  • 共同研究, Nov. 2022, Jan. 2023, Principal investigator, 新式接触冷温感試験機の開発, 500000, 415000, 85000, Industry academia cooperation
  • Apr. 2021, Mar. 2024, Principal investigator
  • Apr. 2021, Mar. 2025, 21H00807, Coinvestigator
  • Apr. 2021, Mar. 2024, 21K11994, Principal investigator
  • Apr. 2023, Mar. 2025, Principal investigator, 「ぬくもり」の相互伝達が可能な遠隔コミュニケー ションによる生きがい創出, 電気通信普及財団, 2022年度研究調査助成, 国立大学法人奈良女子大学, 4000000, Competitive research funding
  • Apr. 2023, Mar. 2025, Principal investigator, かゆみを緩和する温冷触覚デバイスの研究, AMED 大阪大学未来医療開発部未来医療センター, 2023年度橋渡し研究プログラム 異分野融合型研究シーズ, 国立大学法人奈良女子大学, 2970000
  • Sep. 2023, Feb. 2024, Principal investigator, 実製品の直接評価を可能とする接触冷温感の推定用触感計測モジュールの開発, NEDO, 官民による若手研究者発掘支援事業(スタートアップ課題解決支援型), 国立大学法人奈良女子大学, 19500000
  • Sep. 2023, Feb. 2024, Coinvestigator, 温冷触覚提示を実現する柔らかい多点ペルチェデバイス・システムの開発, NEDO, 官民による若手研究者発掘支援事業(スタートアップ課題解決支援型), 1300000
  • Apr. 2021, Mar. 2024, 21K11994, Principal investigator
  • Apr. 2022, Mar. 2027, 22H00542, Coinvestigator
  • Apr. 2022, Mar. 2027, 22H03679, Coinvestigator
  • Dec. 2022, Jul. 2023, Principal investigator
  • Apr. 2021, Mar. 2024, Principal investigator
  • Oct. 2022, Mar. 2023, Principal investigator
  • Apr. 2021, Mar. 2025, 21H00807, Coinvestigator
  • Sep. 2023, Mar. 2026, Coinvestigator, デジタルハプティクス&エクスペリエンス経済圏拡大のための基盤技術開発, NEDO, 「戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム(SIP)第3期」/バーチャルエコノミー拡大に向けた基盤技術・ルールの整備, 17459, Competitive research funding, False



  • Apr. 2017, 9999
  • Apr. 2018, Mar. 2022, Society
  • Apr. 2016, Mar. 2020, Society
  • Jan. 2018, Dec. 2019, Society
  • Apr. 2015, Mar. 2019, Society
  • Apr. 2015, Mar. 2017, Society
  • Jan. 2022, Dec. 2023, Society
  • Apr. 2022, 9999, Society
  • Apr. 2017, 9999
  • Apr. 2022, 9999
  • Jan. 2022, Dec. 2023

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