Refereed, Research Journal of Living Science, 奈良女子大学家政学会, How home economics teachers address challenges in their educational practice: Focusing on interactions between the subject and the society, culture, and school systems, Soyama, I; Morishita, A; Okamoto, H; Ito, M; Umegaki, Y; Kato, N; Kurokawa, Y, 2018, 64, 2, 64, 72
Refereed, Psychological Assessment, AMER PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOC, Psychometric properties of the Japanese CES-D, SDS, and PHQ-9 depression scales in university students, Yusuke Umegaki; Naoya Todo, We used an item response theory (IRT) model to simultaneously compare the psychometric properties of 3 commonly used self-report depression scales translated into Japanese-the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS), the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), and the Patient Health Questionnaire Depression Scale (PHQ-9)-in a Japanese university student sample. Although the 3 scales were likely to measure the same underlying construct-that is, depression-the choices of the negatively worded items in the SDS and CES-D did not function well. The CES-D provided more information than the other scales at the range of depression severity approximately from the mean through 2 standard deviations above the mean, while the PHQ-9 provided more information for the other degrees of depression. The PHQ-9 performed better as a whole, as it provided more information than the other scales on the broadest range of depression severity, and it did not contain items with inefficient choices. The CES-D may also be a good choice when sampling students with elevated levels of depressive symptoms. Finally, we linked the 3 instruments on a common scale using parameters derived from IRT analysis, and we provided a crosswalk table to enable the conversion of each scale score., Mar. 2017, 29, 3, 354, 359, Scientific journal, 10.1037/pas0000351
Refereed, Shinrigaku Kenkyu, Japanese Psychological Association, Correlations between formal help-seeking behavior for psychological problems and help-seeking intentions and attitudes, Yusuke Umegaki, The present study examined the correlations between formal help-seeking attitudes/intentions and actual helpseeking behavior for psychological problems. Initially, I assessed university students' attitudes and intentions to seek help, as well as their prior experience of seeking help from five formal sources of help (Time 1: N = 707). Actual help-seeking behavior was assessed four weeks after Time 1 to determine the correlations between helpseeking attitudes/intentions and behavior (Time 2: N = 412). The results revealed that for four out of five formal sources of help, help-seeking intentions were weakly correlated with help-seeking behavior (r = .11 - .22). Although help-seeking attitudes did not significantly predict help-seeking behavior, intentions were positively correlated with help-seeking attitudes (r = .23 - .34). I discuss future directions for measurement of help-seeking behaviors., 2017, 88, 2, 191, 196, Scientific journal, 10.4992/jjpsy.88.16314
Refereed, Japanese Psychological Research, WILEY-BLACKWELL, Effects of contingencies of self-worth and sensitivity to indebtedness on optimistic bias in seeking help for depression, Yusuke Umegaki, The occurrence of the optimistic bias in seeking help for depressive symptoms has been attributed to the threat-to-self and equity theories. The current study tested the hierarchical relationships between contingencies of self-worth (CSW), self-esteem (SE), sensitivity to indebtedness (SI), and optimistic bias in seeking formal/informal help for depression. An online questionnaire survey was conducted with Japanese university students (n=1000). Results from structural equation modeling analysis revealed the mediating effect of CSW on SE and optimistic bias. SI was positively related to optimistic bias in symptom recognition and informal help-seeking. The results suggest that both CSW and SI are responsible for the occurrence of optimistic bias in seeking help for depression. Cognitive patterns in recognizing personal and others' depressive symptoms and needs for seeking help were discussed., Oct. 2015, 57, 4, 331, 347, Scientific journal, 10.1111/jpr.12094
Refereed, Japanese Psychological Review, 心理学評論刊行会, A comprehensive review of research on stigmatizing attitudes toward depression: Proposing the use of implicit measures for future investigation, Kashihara, J; Kawai, T; Umegaki, Y, 2015, 57, 4, 455, 471
Refereed, Ornithological Science, ORNITHOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN, UNIV TOKYO, SCH AGR, Testing the effect of migratory restlessness on the occurrence of vagrant continental passerines in Japan, Yusuke Umegaki, Many vagrant passerines from the Western Palearctic have been documented in Japan. In the present study, I tested the following two hypotheses: (1) the vagrancy of continental passerines migrating to Japan is affected by migratory distance and migratory direction, rather than distance from the normal distributional range; and (2) the vagrancy of continental passerines migrating to Japan is related to migratory restlessness. Data on vagrants were collected from various sources, and the effects of migratory distance, distance from the normal distributional range, migratory restlessness, migratory direction, and normal distribution size were examined. The results revealed significant positive effects of migratory distance and migratory restlessness, with these effects being significant even when the effects of other variables were controlled. The normal distribution size had a marginally significant positive effect, but none of the remaining variables predicted the occurrence of vagrants. The vicinity of the normal distributional range of continental passerines was not a predictor of vagrancy. These findings indicate that the endogenous migratory program of individuals is responsible for the occurrence of vagrants in Japan, and that sufficiently restless birds may reach the Far East., Dec. 2014, 13, 2, 83, 90, Scientific journal, 10.2326/osj.13.83
Refereed, Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, Japanese Association of Educational Psychology, Factors related to seeking help from a student counseling service for depression and suicidal ideation: Japanese university and college students, Masato Kimura; Yusuke Umegaki; Haruhisa Mizuno, The present study investigated the process of students' seeking help from a student counseling service for depression and suicidal ideation, and related factors. Japanese university and college students (N = 758) completed a self-report questionnaire that included measures of help-seeking behavior for hypothetical problems (depression and suicidal ideation), the seriousness of the problem, attitudes toward seeking counseling, self-esteem, depressive symptoms, social support, and demographic variables. The results of logistic regression analysis indicated that gender (female), social support, and the seriousness of the problem were positively correlated with willingness to seek help. Seeking help from a student counseling service for suicidal ideation was positively correlated with gender (male), the seriousness of the problem, and attitudes toward seeking counseling. Implications of these findings for intervention strategies that focus on the process of help-seeking behavior were discussed., 2014, 62, 3, 173, 186, Scientific journal, 10.5926/jjep.62.173
Refereed, Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 金剛出版, Insight into illness in major depressive disorder: A review, Umegaki, Y, 2013, 13, 1, 109, 121
Refereed, Journal of Japanese Clinical Psychology, 日本心理臨床学会 ; 1983-, Methods to increase motivation for exposure and response prevention therapy in children with obsessive-compulsive disorder, Sueki, H; Umegaki, Y, 2013, 30, 6, 785, 795
Refereed, Journal of Japanese Clinical Psychology, (一社)日本心理臨床学会, The process of internalizing exposure and response prevention therapy in children with obsessive-compulsive disorder, Kawasaki, R; Sueki, H; Matsuda, N; Nonaka, M; Takayama, Y; Umegaki, Y; Shimoyama, S, 2013, 31, 2, 199, 210
Refereed, Shinrigaku Kenkyu, Optimistic bias in help-seeking intentions and behaviors for depressive symptoms, Yusuke Umegaki; Masato Kimura, The present study investigated the effect of optimistic bias on help-seeking intentions and behaviors in relation to health care professionals and nonprofessionals for depressive symptoms. In addition, the study tested the hypothesis that seeking help from professionals poses a greater threat for self-esteem than from non-professionals. A questionnaire survey (N = 462) using clinical vignettes was conducted with university students. The results suggested that optimistic bias had an impact on help-seeking intentions and behaviors directed towards both health care professionals and nonprofessionals. There seemed to be a relatively stronger threat to self-esteem in help-seeking involving nonprofessionals and a weaker threat in help-seeking involving professionals, contrary to previous studies. The results were explained by the threat to self-esteem and equity theories. Understanding the rationale of optimistic bias and symptom recognition in the helpseeking process may provide relevant information to bridge the service gap in the treatment of depression., Dec. 2012, 83, 5, 430, 439, Scientific journal, 10.4992/jjpsy.83.430
Refereed, Seishin Igaku (Clinical Psychiatry), 医学書院, Optimistic bias in help-seeking behavior for depressive symptoms and its correlated factors, Umegaki, Y; Sueki, H, 2012, 54, 3, 287, 296, 10.11477/mf.1405102130
Refereed, Seishin Igaku (Clinical Psychiatry), 医学書院, A review of computerized cognitive behavioural therapy programs for depression, Umegaki, Y; Sueki, H; Shimoyama, H, 2012, 54, 8, 768, 778, 10.11477/mf.1405102241
Refereed, Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 金剛出版, Search activities of depression-related terms on the Internet, Umegaki, Y; Sueki, H, 2012, 12, 5, 691, 698
Refereed, Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 金剛出版, How do depressive patients recognize their illness before seeing a doctor? : The process of development of insight in major depressive disorder patients, Umegaki, Y, May 2011, 11, 3, 383, 395
Refereed, Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 金剛出版, How interactions with others in daily life promote the awareness of problem in depressed people: A qualitative study, Umegaki, Y, Sep. 2011, 11, 5, 714, 720
Refereed, Journal of Japanese Clinical Psychology, 日本心理臨床学会, Practice-oriented research applying task analysis: A model of clients' expression of romantic/sexual attraction, Fujioka, I; Takayama, Y; Umegaki, Y; Kuramitsu, Y, 2010, 28, 5, 585, 594
Refereed, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, Elsevier BV, A Rumination-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Self-Help Program to Reduce Depressive Rumination in High-Ruminating Japanese Female University Students: A Case Series Study, Yusuke Umegaki; Atsuo Nakagawa; Edward Watkins; Eugene Mullan, 31 May 2022, 29, 2, 468, 484, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.cbpra.2021.01.003
Refereed, Japanese Journal of Ornithology, The record of Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia from Enoshima, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, Takeishi, K; Umegaki, Y, 2019, 68, 1, 81, 84
Refereed, Strix, Observation records of Ijima’ s Leaf Warblers Phylloscopus ijimae from Yonaguni Island and their past records from areas south of Okinawa Island, Okinawa Prefecture, southern Japan, Harada, Y; Umegaki, Y; Watabe, Y; Onishi, T, 2019, 35, 1, 20
Refereed, Bird Research, Swinhoe’s Rail regularly overwinters in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, Fukuda, A; Odaya, Y; Shirakawa, K; Shirakawa, H; Ozawa, S; Imai, M; Fukagawa, M; Umegaki, Y; Yamaguchi, Y, 2019, 15, A1, A14
Refereed, Japanese Journal of Ornithology, An observation record of Hooded Crow Corvus cornix in Yonagunijima Is., Okinawa Prefecture, Sano, M; Nakajima, F; Odaya, Y; Umegaki, Y, 2018, 67, 2, 259, 262
Refereed, Strix, 日本野鳥の会, Winter record of Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus from Kiho-cho, Mie Prefecture, Japan, Nakai, S; Umegaki, Y, 2015, 31, 159, 163
Refereed, Japanese Journal of Ornithology, 日本鳥学会, The first record of Silver-backed Needletail Hirundapus cochinchinensis from Japan, Tokorozaki, S; Tokorozaki, K; Umegaki, Y; Takagi, S, 2014, 63, 1, 49, 53
Refereed, Japanese Journal of Ornithology, JStage (Ornithological Society of Japan), The first record of Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola calcarata from Japan, Iwasawa, M; Senzaki, M; Umegaki, Y; Ishigo-oka, T, 2013, 62, 2, 175, 178, Scientific journal, 10.3838/jjo.62.175
Refereed, Japanese Journal of Ornithology, The first record of Siberian Chiffchaff, Phylloscopus collybita tristis, from Yonaguni-jima, and winter records from Japan, Umegaki, Y; Onishi, T, 2012, 61, 1, 151, 155
Refereed, Japanese Journal of Ornithology, The first record of Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata from Japan, Onishi, T; Umegaki, Y; Kojima, W, 2010, 59, 2, 185, 188
Refereed, Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, Intentions and fears of seeking mental health care for COVID-19-related psychological problems, Umegaki, Y; Ando, K; Takehashi, H, Mar. 2022, 22, 2, 243, 254, Scientific journal
Refereed, Computers in Human Behavior Reports, Elsevier BV, Personality traits and mental health of social networking service users: A cross-sectional exploratory study among Japanese undergraduates, Yusuke Umegaki; Ayaka Higuchi, May 2022, 6, 100177, 100177, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.chbr.2022.100177
Refereed, Japanese Journal of Ornithology, JStage (Ornithological Society of Japan), The first record of Black Bulbul Hypsipetes leucocephalus from Japan (Yonaguni-jima, Okinawa Prefecture), Takashi MORIKAWA; Takako MORIKAWA; Yusuke UMEGAKI, 24 Oct. 2022, 71, 2, 207, 210, Scientific journal, 10.3838/jjo.71.207
Refereed, Japanese Journal of Ornithology, JStage (Ornithological Society of Japan), The first record of Brown-breasted Flycatcher Muscicapa muttui from Japan (Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture), Kuniyasu YAMAHASHI; Yusuke UMEGAKI, 24 Oct. 2022, 71, 2, 225, 227, Scientific journal, 10.3838/jjo.71.225
Refereed, Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Japanese Group Dynamics Association, Who hold higher risk perception and anxiety toward COVID-19? Focusing on gender, age and media exposure, Kaori Ando; Hiroki Takehashi; Yusuke Umegaki; Rina Tanaka, The present study examined the determinants of risk perception and anxiety toward COVID-19, which is a new threat for human beings. As determinants, we focused on the effects of gender, age, and media exposure. The present study was conducted online, which obtained 1555 valid responses. The results showed that women consistently perceived higher risk and had higher anxiety toward COVID-19. As for age groups, risk perception was higher in 60s, but there was no difference in anxiety, while estimations of the probability of infection was highest among 60s. Obtaining information from the television and online news was related with risk perception whilst obtaining information from SNS was related with anxiety. An optimism bias was also observed in the present study. The present study found that the risk perception of COVID-19 differs depending on gender and age. The results suggested that we should consider these differences in risk communication of COVID-19., 2022, 62, 1, 12, 24, Scientific journal, 10.2130/jjesp.2102
Refereed, International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Delivering Rumination-focused Cognitive-behavioral Therapy in Japan, Yusuke Umegaki, 02 Mar. 2024, Scientific journal, 10.1007/s41811-024-00205-4
Refereed, 02 Mar. 2024, 10.1007/s41811-024-00205-4
Refereed, Japanese Psychological Research, Examination of cross-national and gender differences in rumination and its association with depression: A cross-sectional comparison between residents of the United Kingdom and Japan, Umegaki, Y; Yoshinaga, N; Kobori, O, 2025, in press, Scientific journal
Refereed, Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, Revision of Identification of Two Observation Records Published in the Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, Yoshiya Odaya; Masayuki Senzaki; Shinsuke Takagi; Yusuke Umegaki, 30 Jun. 2023, 55, 1, 78, 85, Scientific journal, 10.3312/jyio.55.78
Refereed, Japanese Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Long-term effectiveness of rumination-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy self-help in preventing depression and anxiety: An investigation using a multiple-baseline design, Umegaki, Y; Koto, A, 2025, in press, Scientific journal
Refereed, International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, Ruminative processing mode exacerbates avoidance behaviors in individuals with dysphoria, Kambara, K.; Hihara, S.; Umegaki, Y., 2025, in press, Scientific journal
Refereed, BMC Public Health, Help-seeking for depression among Vietnamese migrant workers in Japan and factors related to their intentions to seek help from a psychiatrist: a cross-sectional study, Yui Fukuda; Atsuko Taguchi; Akane Futami; Yusuke Umegaki; Pham Nguyen Quy; Toshihiko Nakajima; Akihito Uezato, 2025, in press, Scientific journal
Not Refereed, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Psychometric properties of the Japanese BDI, CES-D, PHQ-9, and SDS depression scales in university students: Analysis based on classical test theory, Yusuke Umegaki; Naoya Todo, Jul. 2016, 51, 947, 948, Summary international conference
Not Refereed, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Psychometric properties of the Japanese BDI, CES-D, PHQ-9, and SDS depression scales in university students: Analysis based on item response theory, Naoya Todo; Yusuke Umegaki, Jul. 2016, 51, 947, 947, Summary international conference
Not Refereed, Nanto Monthly Report, Does a psychological therapy targeting rumination work for Japanese people? Implementation of an empirically supported psychological therapy, Yusuke Umegaki, Jan. 2021, 2021.1, 14, 19, Introduction commerce magazine
Not Refereed, Advance, SAGE Publications, What causes the difference in mean structures between online and paper-and-pencil administrations?: Examination using the Self-report Depression Scale, Naoya Todo; Yusuke Umegaki, Due to the many advantages of online surveys, many researchers are
taking advantage of this survey method. Although for many psychological instruments, previous
studies have shown that online and paper-and-pencil administration formats have
equivalent results, other studies have shown that some online surveys result in
different score distributions from those observed through paper-and-pencil
administration. In this study, we conducted surveys using Zung’s
self-report depression scale (SDS) to Japanese undergraduates both online and
through paper-and-pencil and examined whether there are differences between different
administration formats only in the scale’s mean structures and, if so, why the
difference occurs. Analysis results showed that
there was the difference only in mean structures. Results also implied that
the online administration format lowers item thresholds; this decrease would
cause the difference between the two formats’ mean structures. Finally, we think
about the future directions of this research; to examine whether similar
results would be seen in other scales, other countries, and other generations., Mar. 2021, Technical report, 10.31124/advance.14332979.v1
Not Refereed, Bulletin of the Nara Women's University Clinical Psychology Center, Common factors and specific factors of psychotherapy: Factors that bring about psychotherapeutic change (In Japanese), 梅垣佑介, Mar. 2021, 8, 43, 49
Japanese Journal of Cognitive Therapy, Cognitive behavioral therapy for depression: Recent development, Nakagawa, A.; Kato, N.; Katayama, N.; Umegaki, Y.; Sasaki, Y., Feb. 2021, 14, 1, 19, 28
Not Refereed, Bulletin of the Nara Women's University Clinical Psychology Center, Dialogue between rumination-focused cognitive behavioral therapy and Morita therapy: A collaborative case formulation., Umegaki, Y.; Minami, M., Mar. 2020, 7, 59, 65
Not Refereed, Bulletin of the Nara Women's University Clinical Psychology Center, The "common factors of psychotherapy" in cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression, 梅垣佑介・尾崎奈央・黃馨卉・植田恵未・岩垣千早・松岡祐里, Mar. 2019, 6, 25, 29
Not Refereed, Bulletin of the Nara Women's University Clinical Psychology Center, Qualitative analysis of participant experiences of rumination-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy self-help program, Umegaki, Y; Matsuoka, Y; Iwagaki, C; Higuchi, A, Mar. 2018, 5, 43, 51
Not Refereed, Bulletin of the Nara Women's University Clinical Psychology Center, Examining recognition of depressive symptoms from a social psychological perspective: Comparative optimism in symptom recognition (In Japanese), Umegaki, Y, 2017, 4, 17, 21
Not Refereed, 内観研究, 「内観認知療法の操作手引き」へのコメント―内観療法と認知療法の接点と作用機序に対する示唆, 梅垣 佑介, 2016, 22, 23, 25
Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学心理臨床研究, 臨床心理学における実験法の意義と課題―日本の臨床心理学における実験法を用いた研究, 岡本英生; 梅垣佑介; 加藤奈奈子; 黒川嘉子; 山根隆宏; 伊藤美奈子, 2016, 3, 55, 63
Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学心理臨床研究, セクシュアル・マイノリティのメンタルヘルスの現状と援助要請行動に関する研究の概観と今後の展望, 岩垣千早; 梅垣佑介, 2016, 3, 41, 47
Not Refereed, Bulletin of the Nara Women's University Clinical Psychology Center, Does the Internet facilitate seeking help from mental health services?: A review of randomized controlled trials (In Japanese), Umegaki, Y, 2016, 3, 33, 40
Not Refereed, Bulletin of the Nara Women's University Clinical Psychology Center, The quality of information related to depression on Japanese websites: A cross sectional study, Umegaki, Y, 2015, 2, 55, 64
Not Refereed, 家政学研究, 奈良女子大学家政学会, A Review and Future Directions of Computer-based and Internet-based Psychological Interventions, 梅垣 佑介, 2014, 61, 1, 41, 49
Not Refereed, Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, Clinical psychological research using the Internet, Sueki, H; Umegaki, Y, 2013, 13, 3, 347, 351
Not Refereed, 東京大学大学院教育学研究科臨床心理学コース紀要, インターネットを用いた認知行動療法の最新のレビューと今後の展望, 梅垣 佑介; ほか, 2013, 36, 25, 32
Not Refereed, 東京大学大学院教育学研究科臨床心理学コース紀要, 東京大学大学院教育学研究科総合教育科学専攻臨床心理学コース, Rumination-focused CBTの紹介―新しい認知行動療法の理論と応用―, 梅垣 佑介; ほか, 2013, 36, 17, 24
Not Refereed, 東京大学大学院教育学研究科臨床心理学コース紀要, 子どもと若者のうつ病へのスティグマに関する検討―サービス・ギャップを埋めるために―, 梅垣 佑介; ほか, 2012, 35, 80, 87
Not Refereed, 東京大学大学院教育学研究科臨床心理学コース紀要, 抑うつ症状に関する被援助志向性の検討―self-referralとother-referralとの関連―, 梅垣 佑介, 2012, 35, 42, 48
Not Refereed, 東京大学大学院教育学研究科臨床心理学コース紀要, 児童思春期の抑うつの認知行動療法プログラムの研究1―子どもと若者の抑うつの現状と介入法の展望―, 梅垣 佑介, 2011, 34, 68, 74
Not Refereed, 東京大学大学院教育学研究科臨床心理学コース紀要, 児童思春期の強迫性障害の認知行動療法プログラムの研究2―ERPが有効な典型例の特徴と方法―, 梅垣 佑介, 2011, 34, 37, 44
Not Refereed, 東京大学大学院教育学研究科臨床心理学コース紀要, 精神障害と臨床心理学―心理学的援助の可能性―, 梅垣 佑介, 2010, 33, 80, 87
Not Refereed, 東京大学大学院教育学研究科臨床心理学コース紀要, 認知行動療法プログラム―概要および適用事例の紹介―, 梅垣 佑介, 2010, 33, 56, 63
Not Refereed, Nature Study, 奈良市のイワツバメの冬季ねぐら報告, 奈良つばめねぐら子ども研究部; 藤本大輝; 梅垣佑介; 西教生, 2020, 66, 9, 2, 3, Introduction research institution
Not Refereed, Birder, Does birdwatching lead to health?: A clinical psychologist / birdwatcher's perspective, Umegaki, Y, Oct. 2021, 35, 11, 70, 71, Introduction commerce magazine
Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学心理臨床研究, Lost in translation: Review of the concept of evidence-base in psychological therapies and translation of knowledge to clinical practice, Umegaki, Y; Minami, M, Mar. 2022, 9, 29, 33, Introduction research institution
Not Refereed, Japanese Journal of Cognitive Therapy, Practice and possibilities of digital-online cognitive behavioral therapy, 中川敦夫; 吉永尚紀; 梅垣佑介; 野上和香; 加藤典子, Aug. 2022, 15, 2, 169, 178, Introduction scientific journal
Not Refereed, Japanese Journal of Psychiatric Treatment, Clinical features and treatment of repetitive negative thoughts in depression, Umegaki, Y, Feb. 2023, 38, 2, 209, 212
Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学心理臨床研究, Depressive rumination among Japanese university students, Umegaki, Y, Mar. 2023, 10, 35, 42, Introduction research institution
Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学心理臨床研究, Toward a better understanding of rumination-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy, Umegaki, Y, Mar. 2024, 11, 17, 25, Introduction research institution
Not Refereed, 発達心理臨床研究, 反芻と特性的自己効力感が援助要請プロセスに及ぼす影響―抑うつ症状を呈した際の場面想定法を用いた検討―, 大津菜月; 梅垣佑介; 伊藤大輔, Mar. 2024, 30, 55, 64, Report research institution, 10.15117/0002000289
日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集, 日本教育心理学会, PF-041 大学生の抑うつ症状に関する援助要請意図の規定因 : 自他比較の観点から(臨床,ポスター発表), 梅垣 佑介; 木村 真人, 2012, 54, 631, 631, 10.20587/pamjaep.54.0_631
Not Refereed, Japanese Journal of Cognitive Therapy, Rumination-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy: The present and the future, Nakagawa, A; Umegaki, Y; Kato, N; Mitsuda, D, Aug. 2024, 17, 2, 193, 200, Introduction scientific journal
Not Refereed, 最新精神医学, うつ・不安の認知行動療法とポジティブ・サイコロジー, 梅垣佑介, Nov. 2024, 29, 6, Introduction commerce magazine
Poster presentation, 10 Mar. 2022, 11 Mar. 2022
Public symposium, 11 Nov. 2022, 13 Nov. 2022
Invited oral presentation, 03 Dec. 2022, 04 Dec. 2022
Poster presentation, 30 Sep. 2022, 02 Oct. 2022
Poster presentation, 30 Sep. 2022, 02 Oct. 2022
Umegaki, Y, The 38th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Morita Therapy, Morita therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy: Thoughts on implementation of evidence-based psychological therapies, Nominated symposium, 21 Nov. 2021, 21 Nov. 2021, 22 Nov. 2021
竹橋 洋毅; 田中 里奈; 安藤 香織; 梅垣 佑介, The 85th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, Interpersonal relationship intentions and their determinants in COVID-19 crisis: Focusing on mindsets of corona and the desire for affinity, Poster presentation, 01 Sep. 2021, 08 Sep. 2021
Umegaki, Y, 第21回日本認知療法・認知行動療法学会大会企画シンポジウム『デジタル・オンライン認知行動療法の実践とその可能性:COVID-19パンデミックをむかえて』, Guided online rumination-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy, Nominated symposium, 09 Jul. 2021, 08 Jul. 2021, 10 Jul. 2021
Umegaki, Y; Watkins, E, The 7th Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy Conference, Increasing the effectiveness of a minimal-guided rumination-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy self-help for high ruminating Japanese female undergraduates: Secondary analysis of qualitative data of participant experiences, Poster presentation, 05 Jul. 2021, 05 Jul. 2021, 07 Jul. 2021
Tanaka, R; Ando, K; Takehashi, H; Umegaki, Y, The 14th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, The effect of sex, age, media exposure on risk perception of COVID-19, Poster presentation, 29 Jul. 2021, 31 Jul. 2021
Ando, K; Umegaki, Y; Takehashi, H; Tanaka, R, The 14th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, The effect of social norms on COVID-19 preventive behaviors in Japan, Poster presentation, 29 Jul. 2021, 31 Jul. 2021
梅垣佑介; 古藤愛理; 濵田結女, 日本認知・行動療法学会第46回大会, 反芻焦点化認知行動療法を用いた予防的自助プログラムの長期的な効果, Poster presentation, 11 Sep. 2020, 11 Oct. 2020
梁嘉慧; 梅垣佑介; 熊野宏昭, 日本心理学会第84回大会, 大学生の反すう形成プロセス:失敗経験に対する自伝的推論とポジティブなメタ認知的信念との関係性から, Poster presentation, 08 Sep. 2020, 02 Nov. 2020
梅垣佑介, 第19回日本認知療法・認知行動療法学会大会企画シンポジウム『うつ病に対する認知行動療法update』, 反芻焦点化認知行動療法(Rumination-focused CBT)の展開, 31 Aug. 2019
梅垣佑介・松岡祐里・岩垣千早・樋口綾香・エド ワトキンス・ユージン マラン, 日本認知・行動療法学会第44回大会, 反すうに焦点を当てた認知行動療法を用いた予防的自助プログラム参加者の体験の質的検討―プログラムによる変化と動機づけの観点から―, 28 Oct. 2018
The 31st International Congress of Psychology, Psychometric properties of the Japanese BDI, CES-D, PHQ-9, and SDS depression scales in university students: Analysis based on classical test theory, 2016
The 31st International Congress of Psychology, Psychometric properties of the Japanese BDI, CES-D, PHQ-9, and SDS depression scales in university students: Analysis based on item response theory, 2016
日本発達心理学会第26回大会, 検索エンジンにおける発達障害に関わる用語の検索状況-自閉症児をもつ親の相談機関への円滑なアクセスに向けて, 2015
日本教育心理学会第57回総会, 大学生における抑うつ尺度SDS,CES-D,PHQ-9の計量心理学的特徴(1)-古典的テスト理論および確認的因子分析による比較, 2015
日本教育心理学会第57回総会, 大学生における抑うつ尺度SDS,CES-D,PHQ-9の計量心理学的特徴(2)-項目反応理論による比較, 2015
日本心理学会第79回大会, インターネット調査と紙筆式調査における回答傾向の比較-大学生による抑うつ尺度SDSへの回答を対象として, 2015
日本教育心理学会第56回総会自主企画シンポジウム「悩みを抱えながら相談に来ない学生への多様な資源を生かした支援―学内の友人や学生コミュニティおよびインターネットの活用に焦点を当てて」, 学生支援におけるインターネット自助プログラムの可能性と課題, 2014
Review and future directions of Internet-based self-help programmes in student support, 2014
日本心理臨床学会第32回大会, インターネットを用いた認知行動療法における動機づけ―動機づけ面接と自己決定理論の観点から―, 2013
日本心理臨床学会第32回大会, メンタルヘルス・サービスに対するスティグマの理論的検討―大学生におけるうつ病・抑うつにおけるサービス・ギャップ改善のために―, 2013
日本心理学会第76回大会ワークショップ「悩みを抱えていながら相談に来ない学生への支援 (1) ―援助要請の観点から―」, 大学生の援助要請における楽観的認知バイアス, 2012
日本教育心理学会第54回大会, 大学生の抑うつ症状に関する援助要請行動の規定因―自他比較の観点から―, 2012
第25回日本総合病院精神医学会総会シンポジウム「うつ病治療における総合病院精神科の立ち位置を考える」, 援助希求行動における楽観的認知バイアス――サービス・ギャップを埋めるために――, 2012
日本心理学会第75回大会, 大学生の援助要請行動のプロセスとその関連要因, 2011
Umegaki, Y, 7th International Roundtable for the Advancement of Morita Therapy, Morita therapy and rumination-focused cognitive behavioral therapy: Conceptual similarities and their unique contribution, 03 Dec. 2022
Umegaki, Y, 第22回日本認知療法・認知行動療法学会自主企画シンポジウム『反すう焦点化認知行動療法の我が国での展開:治療マニュアルの翻訳を通して見るRFCBTの特徴と日本への適応』, Tips for practicing RFCBT in Japan: Opinions based on experiences of manual translation and supervision, 11 Nov. 2022
Umegaki, Y; Koto, A, 日本認知・行動療法学会第48回大会, Effectiveness of rumination-focused cognitive-behavioral self-help for high-ruminating Japanese female university students: Pre-post comparison and long-term follow-up, 30 Sep. 2022, 02 Oct. 2022
Ueda, M; Umegaki, Y; Motooka, H, 日本認知・行動療法学会第48回大会, Examining relations between self-compassion, depression, and rumination, 30 Sep. 2022, 02 Oct. 2022
Fukuda, Y; Taguchi, A; Futami, A; Umegaki, Y; Quy, P. N; Nakajima, T; Uezato, A, 26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars, Help-seeking for depression among Vietnamese workers in Japan and factors related to their intentions to seek professional psychiatric help, 10 Mar. 2023, 11 Mar. 2023
Yusuke Umegaki, 10th World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies Symposium "Treatments for Rumination: Global perspectives, dissemination, accessibility and new technology", Delivering rumination-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy in Japan: An overview of the RFCBT-NARA project, its implications, and strategies for overcoming obstacles, Public symposium, 03 Jun. 2023, 01 Jun. 2023, 04 Jun. 2023
新井奏音; 梅垣佑介; 芝﨑学; 中田大貴; 久保博子; 入戸野宏, 第41回日本生理心理学会, 森林音と都市音の聴取が心拍・事象関連電位・気分に及ぼす影響, Poster presentation, 20 May 2023, 21 May 2023
田口敦子; 平野優子; 福田優衣; 吉田裕美; 梅垣佑介; 岸恵美子; 石川志麻; 赤塚永貴, 第12回日本公衆衛生看護学会学術集会, 地域在住高齢者の援助要請に関する研究-第3報:援助要請しない高齢者へのインタビュー調査, Poster presentation, 06 Jan. 2024, 07 Jan. 2024
平野優子; 福田優衣; 梅垣佑介; 田口敦子, 第12回日本公衆衛生看護学会学術集会, 地域在住高齢者の援助要請に関する研究-第2報:日本の地域在住高齢者援助要請に関するスコーピングレビュー-高齢者を取り巻く周囲の人の援助要請-, Poster presentation, 06 Jan. 2024, 07 Jan. 2024
福田優衣; 平野優子; 梅垣佑介; 田口敦子, 第12回日本公衆衛生看護学会学術集会, 地域在住高齢者の援助要請に関する研究-第1報:日本の地域在住高齢者援助要請に関するスコーピングレビュー, Poster presentation, 06 Jan. 2024, 07 Jan. 2024
梅垣佑介, 第23回日本認知療法・認知行動療法学会大会企画シンポジウム『反すう焦点化認知行動療法:現在とこれから』, 反すう焦点化認知行動療法の研究と実践, Nominated symposium, 02 Dec. 2023
大津菜月; 梅垣佑介; 伊藤大輔, 日本認知・行動療法学会第49回大会, 反芻と特性的自己効力感が援助要請プロセスに与える影響―抑うつ症状を呈した際の場面想定法を用いた検討―, Poster presentation, 07 Oct. 2023, 09 Oct. 2023
Umegaki, Y, 2024年度日本不安症学会/日本認知療法・認知行動療法学会合同開催 シンポジウム27「反芻に取り組む:その神経基盤から臨床応用まで」, Psychological basis of rumination and its treatment, 20 Jul. 2024, 19 Jul. 2024, 21 Jul. 2024
梅垣 佑介; 岸 恵美子; 今村 晴彦; 野村 祥平; 川北 稔; 望月 由紀子; 坂本 美佐子; 野尻 由香; 小長谷 百絵; 浜崎 優子; 吉岡 幸子; 柴生田 英香; 下園 美保子; 井上 智紀, 第83回日本公衆衛生学会総会, セルフ・ネグレクトへの態度・認識・⾏動の横断調査(第3報)-リスクと援助要請-, 31 Oct. 2024, 29 Oct. 2024, 31 Oct. 2024
今村 晴彦; 岸 恵美子; 梅垣 佑介; 井上 智紀; 川北 稔; 望月 由紀子; 坂本 美佐子; 野尻 由香; 小長谷 百絵; 浜崎 優子; 下園 美保子; 柴生田 英香; 吉岡 幸子; 野村 祥平, 第83回日本公衆衛生学会総会, セルフ・ネグレクトへの態度・認識・⾏動の横断調査(第2報)-兆候と社会関係資本-, 31 Oct. 2024, 29 Oct. 2024, 31 Oct. 2024
岸 恵美子; 今村 晴彦; 梅垣 佑介; 井上 智紀; 川北 稔; 望月 由紀子; 坂本 美佐子; 野尻 由香; 小長谷 百絵; 浜崎 優子; 下園 美保子; 柴生田 英香; 吉岡 幸子; 野村 祥平, 第83回日本公衆衛生学会総会, セルフ・ネグレクトへの態度・認識・⾏動の横断調査(第1報)-兆候とリスク-, 31 Oct. 2024, 29 Oct. 2024, 31 Oct. 2024