Refereed, AsiaJCIS 2019, Prevention of Data Leakage due to Implicit Information Flows in Android Applications, Hiroki Inayoshi; Shohei Kakei; Eiji Takimoto; Koichi Mouri; Shoichi Saito, Aug. 2019, 103-110
Refereed, International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2019 (IMECS 2019), Implementation of Virtual Machine Monitor-Based Stack Trace Mechanism on Windows 10 x64, Yuya Yamashita; Junjun Zheng; Shoichi Saito; Eiji Takimoto; Koichi Mouri, Mar. 2019, 100-105
Refereed, International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2019 (IMECS 2019), Firewall Traversal Method by Inserting Pseudo TCP Header into QUIC, Keigo Taga; Junjun Zheng; Koichi Mouri; Shoichi Saito; Eiji Takimoto, Mar. 2019, 216-221
Refereed, 情報処理学会論文誌ジャーナル(Web), Data Leakage Prevention System using Network-wide Dynamic Taint Tracking by TCP, 松本隆志; 松本隆志; 瀧本栄二; 齋藤彰一; 毛利公一, Dec. 2019, 60, 12
Refereed, 情報処理学会論文誌ジャーナル(Web), Dynamic Analysis System for Detection of Device Identifier Transmission in Android, 福田泰平; 福田泰平; ZHENG Junjun; 瀧本栄二; 齋藤彰一; 毛利公一, Dec. 2019, 60, 12
Refereed, International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR), User-Side Updating of Third-Party Libraries for Android, Hiroki Ogawa; Eiji Takimoto; Koichi Mouri; Shoichi Saito, Nov. 2018, 452-458
Refereed, 情報処理学会論文誌, JDWPによる動的解析を利用したAndroidアプリケーションの端末識別情報利用実態調査, 福田 泰平; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, Sep. 2018, 59, 9, 1678-1688
Refereed, 情報処理学会論文誌, 動的解析ログを活用した静的解析補助手法, 中島 将太; 大月 勇人; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, Feb. 2018, 59, 2, 800-811
Refereed, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(B), 無線メッシュネットワークにおけるパケット順序エラーに対するフィードバックを用いたTCP高速再送制御の制御手法, 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, Feb. 2018, J101-B, 2, 122-132
Not Refereed, 情報処理学会論文誌ジャーナル(Web), Mocha: XSS Prevention System Applying CSP to HTML Hybrid Applications Independent of Developers, 竹内俊輝; 竹内俊輝; 瀧本栄二; 毛利公一; 齋藤彰一, Dec. 2018, 59, 12, 2155-2165
Refereed, International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Sciencists 2017 (IMECS 2017), Improvement of Acknowledgment Mechanism for TCP with Network Coding, Yosuke Mitsuzumi; Shuhei Aketa; Eiji Takimoto; Shoichi Saito; Koichi Mouri, Mar. 2017, 2, 608-613
Refereed, International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Sciencists 2017 (IMECS 2017), Network Coding with Wait Time Insertion and Configuration for TCP Communications in Wireless Multi-hop Networks, Eiji Takimoto; Shuhei Aketa; Shoichi Saito; Koichi Mouri, Mar. 2017, 2, 577-582
Not Refereed, 第79回情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集, 高信頼な組込みシステムに向けた障害情報収集機能を持つ監視用OSの試作, 山本 遼介; 片山 吉章; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一, Mar. 2017, 1, 173-174
Not Refereed, 情報処理学会研究報告, 情報漏洩防止のためのTCPによるネットワークワイドなテイント追跡手法, 松本 隆志; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, 2017, 2016-CSEC-75, 11, 1-8
Not Refereed, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2017(CSS2017)論文集, JDWPによる動的解析を利用したAndroidアプリケーションの外部モジュール利用実態調査, 福田 泰平; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, 2017, 537-544
Not Refereed, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2017(CSS2017)論文集, 仮想計算機モニタを用いたWindows 10 64bit環境におけるスタックトレースの実現, 山下 雄也; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, 2017, 495-502
Not Refereed, 情報処理学会研究報告, 電子情報通信学会, AndroidアプリケーションにおけるRuntime Permission要求時の挙動調査, 河合 佑紀; 明田 修平; 半井 明大; 窪田 歩; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一, 2017, 2017-SPT-024, 125, 1-7, 195
Not Refereed, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 高速無線通信を想定したTCP再送オフロードのデバイスドライバによる実装とその評価, 黒竹 俊太; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, 2017, 116, 497, 55-60
Not Refereed, 情報処理学会研究報告, RINArray:配列構造復元による侵入検知システムの精度向上, 榑林 秀晃; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一; 齋藤 彰一, 2017, 2017-CSEC-76, 24, 1-8
Not Refereed, 情報処理学会研究報告, プロセス耐障害性向上システムOrthrosにおけるコンテナマイグレーション手法, 新美 渓介; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一; 齋藤 彰一, 2017, 2017-OS-139, 11, 1-8
Not Refereed, 情報処理学会研究報告, 多重OS実行環境におけるカーネル間メモリ監視による障害検知機構の実装, 松下 馨; 岩間 響子; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一; 齋藤 彰一, 2017, 2017-OS-139, 2, 1-8
Not Refereed, 電子情報通信学会 暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム(SCIS2017), AndroidにおけるJDWPを利用したAPI呼出し元モジュール特定手法, 福田 泰平; 岩田 直樹; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 川端 秀明; 半井 明大; 窪田 歩; 毛利 公一, 2017, 3D3-5, 1-8
Not Refereed, 電子情報通信学会 暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム(SCIS2017), Androidアプリケーションへのコード挿入を用いたAPI呼出し元モジュール特定手法, 岩田 直樹; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 川端 秀明; 半井 明大; 窪田 歩; 毛利 公一, 2017, 3D3-4, 1-8
Not Refereed, 情報処理学会論文誌, コンパイラを用いた情報フロー制御による情報漏洩防止機構, 奥野 航平; 内匠 真也; 大月 勇人; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一, Dec. 2016, 57, 12, 2836-2848
Not Refereed, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(B), 無線メッシュネットワークにおける経路変更に起因する冗長なTCP高速再送制御の抑制手法, 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 大月 勇人; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, Aug. 2016, J99-B, 8, 612-624
Not Refereed, International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2015 (IMECS 2015), Identifying System Calls Invoked by Malware using Branch Trace Facilities, Yuto Otsuki; Eiji Takimoto; Shoichi Saito; Eric W. Cooper; Koichi Mouri, Mar. 2016, 1, 145-151
Refereed, 情報処理学会論文誌, 情報処理学会, Identification of System Call Invoker by Branch Trace Facilities, Yuto Otsuki; Eiji Takimoto; Shoichi Saito; Koichi Mouri, 近年,マルウェアの脅威が問題となっており,その対策のためにはマルウェアの挙動を正確に解析することが重要である.最近のマルウェアは,他のプロセスに感染し,正規のプロセスやスレッドに自身のコードを実行させる.そのため,プロセスが発行するシステムコールをトレースする観測手法では,感染されたプロセスが持つ挙動とマルウェアの動作を区別して観測することは困難である.そこで,本論文では,マルウェアが感染したメモリ領域を識別し,その領域からシステムコールが発行されたことを検出可能にする手法を提案する.我々が開発しているシステムコールトレーサであるAlkanetにブランチトレース機能の1つであるBranch Trace Storeを用いて呼び出し元を取得する機能を実現し,マルウェアから発行されたシステムコールを識別できることを確認した.Malware has become a major security threat on computers. Malware analysis is important to enhance countermeasure for malware. Some recent malwares hide in other processes. Even if a benign process is running, the executed codes may be malicious. System call tracing, is one of conventional methods for observing malware, focuses on process or thread. The method cannot distinguish system calls invoked by the above-mentioned malwares from other system calls. Therefore, we propose a method for finding malicious regions in a memory space and detecting system calls invoked by the regions. In this paper, we describe a method for identifying a system call invoker by branch trace store. We have implemented our proposed method in our system call tracer Alkanet. We confirmed that our method could distinguish system calls invoked by malwares from other system calls., 15 Feb. 2016, 57, 2, 756, 768, Scientific journal
Not Refereed, 情報処理学会研究報告, 動的テイント解析機能を利用したOSによる細粒度データ出力制御手法, 松本 隆志; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, 2016, 2016-CSEC-75, 1, 1-8
Not Refereed, コンピュータシステム・シンポジウム論文集, Intel DPDKを用いたネットワーク遅延エミュレータの開発, 明田 修平; 広渕 崇宏; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一; 高野 了成, 2016, 2016, 147-152
Not Refereed, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2016(CSS2016)論文集, CPUによるリターンアドレス書換え攻撃検知とソフトウェア支援, 久保田 曹嗣; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, 2016, 2016, 2, 718-725
Not Refereed, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2016(CSS2016)論文集, 動的解析ログを活用した静的解析補助手法の提案, 中島 将太; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, 2016, 526-533
Not Refereed, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 経路変更に起因する順序エラーを考慮した無線メッシュネットワーク向けTCP輻輳制御, 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, 2016, 116, 171, 77-82
Not Refereed, 情報処理学会論文, コンパイラとOSの連携によるデータフロー追跡手法, 内匠 真也; 奥野 航平; 大月 勇人; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一, 情報漏洩の多くは人為的なミスにより発生している.そこで,人為的ミスによる情報漏洩を防止するために,ファイルごとに設定可能なデータの機密度に基づいて,データの出力処理を制御するセキュアシステムDF-Salviaの開発を行っている.DF-Salviaでは,コンパイラとOSが連携し,プロセス内部のデータフローを追跡する.本論文では,そのデータフロー追跡手法について述べる.具体的には,コンパイラによってデータフローの静的解析情報を生成するとともに,実行時に動的解析を可能とするためのデータフロー追跡用コードを挿入する.OSは,それらの情報をもとに動的にデータフローを解析する.本手法をアプリケーションに適用させた結果,データフローを追跡し,情報漏洩を防止できることを確認した.There are many information leakage incidents that are caused by human error. To prevent them, we have developed DF-Salvia that controls output processing of data based on a policy set to each file by a user. DF-Salvia tracks data flow inside a process by cooperation between compiler and OS. In this paper, we describe a method to track the data flow. In DF-Salvia, the compiler analyzes source code, creates data flow information, and inserts additional code into source code to track the data flow dynamically. The OS tracks the data flow in run-time according to them. In the results of applying our method to applications, we have confirmed that DF-Salvia can track the data flow and prevent information leakage., Dec. 2015, 56, 12, 2313-2323, 2323
Not Refereed, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(B), マルチキューNICを用いたIPsecの並列化手法の実装と評価, 小川 拡; 齋藤 彰一; 安井 裕亮; 川島 龍太; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一; 松尾 啓志, Jul. 2015, J98-B, 7, 557-569
Not Refereed, International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2015 (IMECS 2015), Suppressing Redundant TCP Retransmissions in Wireless Mesh Networks, Shuhei Aketa; Eiji Takimoto; Yuto Otsuki; Shoichi Saito; Eric W. Cooper; Koichi Mouri, Mar. 2015, 2, 556-561
Not Refereed, 情報処理学会論文誌, マルウェア観測のための仮想計算機モニタを用いたシステムコールトレース手法, 大月 勇人; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, Sep. 2014, 55, 9, 2034-2046
Not Refereed, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Verlag, Tracing malicious injected threads using alkanet Malware analyzer, Yuto Otsuki; Eiji Takimoto; Takehiro Kashiyama; Shoichi Saito; Eric W. Cooper; Koichi Mouri, Recently, malware has become a major security threat to computers. Responding to threats from malware requires malware analysis and understanding malware behavior. However, malware analysts cannot spend the time required to analyze each instance of malware because unique variants of malware emerge by the thousands every day. Dynamic analysis is effective for understanding malware behavior within a short time. The method of analysis to execute the malware and observe its behavior using debugging and monitoring tools. We are developing Alkanet, a malware analyzer that uses a virtual machine monitor based on BitVisor. Alkanet can analyze malware even if the malware applies anti-debugging techniques to thwart analysis by dynamic analysis tools. In addition, analysis overhead is reduced. Alkanet executes malware on Windows XP, and traces system calls invoked by threads. Therefore, the system can analyze malware that infects other running processes. Also, the system call logs are obtained in real time via a IEEE 1394 interface. Other programs can readily examine the log and process the analysis results to understand intentions of malware behavior. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of Alkanet. We confirm that Alkanet analyzes malware behaviors, such as copying itself, deleting itself, and creating new processes. We also confirm that Alkanet accurately traces threads injected by malware into other processes. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht., 2014, 247, 283, 299, International conference proceedings, 10.1007/978-94-007-6818-5_21
Not Refereed, IET Seminar Digest, Institution of Engineering and Technology, A hybrid loop-free routing protocol for wireless mesh networks, Eiji Takimoto; Shuhei Aketa; Yuto Otsuki; Shoichi Saito; Koichi Mouri, A loop-free routing protocol for wireless mesh networks that uses two hybrid methods to solve routing loop problems is proposed. The hybrid methods are as follows: 1) dynamic and static metrics and 2) reactive routing protocol RREQ/RREP mechanisms and proactive methods. The proposed protocol adopts incremental routing to construct routes in the initial state. Simulation evaluations indicate that routing loops occurred when existing routing protocols, such as OLSR, were used. In addition, throughput and communication delay fluctuated significantly with existing methods. No routing loops occurred with the proposed protocol. The proposed protocol achieves stable transition of throughput and low communication delay., 2014, 2014, 655, International conference proceedings, 10.1049/cp.2014.1396
Not Refereed, 情報処理学会論文誌, 複数異種無線環境における自律分散型経路制御方式, 瀧本 栄二; 樫山 武浩; 毛利 公一; 滝沢 泰久, Feb. 2013, 54, 2, 596-609
Not Refereed, 情報処理学会論文誌, コールスタックの制御データ検査によるスタック偽装攻撃検知, 冨永 悠生; 樫山 武浩; 瀧本 栄二; 桑原 寛明; 毛利 公一; 齋藤 彰一; 上原 哲太郎; 國枝 義敏, Sep. 2012, 53, 9, 2075-2085
Not Refereed, INTERNATIONAL MULTICONFERENCE OF ENGINEERS AND COMPUTER SCIENTISTS, IMECS 2012, VOL I, INT ASSOC ENGINEERS-IAENG, Design and Implementation of DF-Salvia which Provides Mandatory Access Control based on Data Flow, Shozo Ida; Takehiro Kashiyama; Eiji Takimoto; Shoichi Saito; Eric Wallace Cooper; Koichi Mouri, Recently, incidents in which data such as private information has leaked have occurred frequently. In many cases, the main causes of data leakage are as follows: taking data out illegally or unfairly, erroneous operation by a user with authority to access the data. We developed the operating system Salvia for the purpose of preventing data leakage resulting from these causes. Salvia provides the capability to attach data protection policies to each file. In addition, Salvia monitors resource access that may incur the possibility of data leakage. When a process requests to access to such resources, Salvia allows the operation only if it does not violate the policies of all files which are read by the process. That is, Salvia controls resource access by process. In this paper, we propose DF-Salvia, based on Salvia. An access control unit of DF-Salvia is data flow, which is finer-grained than the process-based access control of Salvia. This means that DF-Salvia applies a policy not to each process but to each data flow in a process in order to limit the extent of the effect of the policy to corresponding data flow. The results show a solution to the problem of over-restriction of irrelevant data., 2012, 1, 182, 189, International conference proceedings
Not Refereed, 情報処理学会論文誌 コンピューティングシステム, 情報処理学会, 仮想計算機モニタXenにおけるRTOS向け割込み通知方式, 渡邉 和樹; 片山 吉章; 松本 利夫; 瀧本 栄二; 樫山 武浩; 毛利 公一, 現在,仮想計算機(VM)上のゲストOSとして,リアルタイムOS(RTOS)と高機能OSを同時に動作させることを目的に,Xenを拡張している.VMではハードウェア割込みが仮想化されるため,RTOSのリアルタイム性が損なわれるという問題がある.具体的には,既存の割込み通知機構では,同時に動作する他のVMにおける割込みの負荷の影響を受けるため,割込みの通知に遅延や処理時間の揺らぎが発生する.この問題を解決するために,MSI(Message Signaled Interrupts)を用いるとともに,RTOS向けの割込み通知機構の設計と実装を行った.その結果,Xen元来の割込み通知機構と比較して,最大処理時間で約58%,平均処理時間で約81%の削減を達成した.また,処理時間の揺らぎも約22%に抑えることができ,リアルタイム性の保証に有効であることを確認した.We have been extending Xen hypervisor's capability to execute real-time operating systems (RTOS) and operating systems with high functionality (RichOS) concurrently on it. On virtual machines, interrupts triggered by devices are also virtualized. Therefore performance and response time of RTOS are degraded. Specifically, interrupt handler of Xen has the problem causing delay and jitter of the interrupt response time by interrupt load for other VMs. To solve this problem, we improved interrupt management mechanism of Xen using MSI (Message Signaled Interrupts) and a lightweight interrupt handler. As a result, we succeed in reducing about 81% of the interrupt response time average and 58% of the maximum interrupt response time. In addition, we succeed in reducing response time fluctuations to 22%., 2012, 5, 4, 87-100, 100
Not Refereed, WORLD CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, WCECS 2012, VOL I, INT ASSOC ENGINEERS-IAENG, Alkanet: A Dynamic Malware Analyzer based on Virtual Machine Monitor, Yuto Otsuki; Eiji Takimoto; Takehiro Kashiyama; Shoichi Saito; Eric W. Cooper; Koichi Mouri, Recently, malware has become a major security threat to computers. Responding to threats from malware requires malware analysis and understanding malware behavior. However, malware analyst cannot spend the time required to analyze each instance of malware because unique variants of malware emerge by the thousands every day. Dynamic analysis is effective for understanding malware behavior within a short time. The method of analysis to execute the malware and observe its behavior using debugging and monitoring tools. We are developing Alkanet, a malware analyzer that uses a virtual machine monitor based on BitVisor. Alkanet can analyze malware even if the malware applies anti-debugging techniques to thwart analysis by dynamic analysis tools. In addition, analysis overhead is reduced. Alkanet executes malware on Windows XP, and traces system calls invoked by threads. Therefore, the system can analyze malware that infects other running processes. Also, the system call trace logs are obtained in real time via a IEEE 1394 interface. Other programs can readily examine the log and process the analysis results to understand intentions of malware behavior. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of Alkanet. We confirm that Alkanet analyzes malware behaviors, such as copying itself, deleting itself, and creating new processes. We also confirm that Alkanet accurately traces threads injected by malware into other processes., 2012, 1, 36, 44, International conference proceedings
Not Refereed, Proceedings of the Innovative Architecture for Future Generation High-Performance Processors and Systems (IWIA 2012), Secure Call and Return Instructions for Mimicry Attack Detection, Yuuki Tominaga; Takehiro Kashiyama; Eiji Takimoto; Hiroaki Kuwabara; Koichi Mouri; Shoichi Saito; Tetsutaro Uehara; Yoshitoshi Kunieda, 2012, 55-60
Refereed, IEICE Transactions on Information & Systems, Firewall Traversal Method by Pseudo-TCP Encapsulation., Keigo Taga; Junjun Zheng; Koichi Mouri; Shoichi Saito; Eiji Takimoto, 2022, 105, 1, 105, 115, Scientific journal, 10.1587/transinf.2021edp7050
Refereed, International Journal of Information Security, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Value-utilized taint propagation: toward precise detection of apps’ information flows across Android API calls, Hiroki Inayoshi; Shohei Kakei; Eiji Takimoto; Koichi Mouri; Shoichi Saito, Oct. 2022, Scientific journal, 10.1007/s10207-022-00603-9
Refereed, Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2021), IEEE, Performance evaluation of heterogeneous cellular networks using stochastic Petri nets, Zhiyi Zhu; Toshikazu Nishimura; Eiji Takimoto; Junjun Zheng, Sep. 2021, 1, 6, International conference proceedings, 10.23919/SoftCOM52868.2021.9559100
Not Refereed, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム論文集, 軽量デバッガを用いたマルウェア動作妨害機構の実装と評価, 志倉, 大貴; 西村, 俊和; 瀧本, 栄二, Oct. 2022, 1156, 1162, Symposium
Not Refereed, 2024年暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム論文集, マルウェアの動的解析を支援するネットワークシミュレータの提案, 原 淳一郎; 毛利 公一; 金城 聖; 瀧本 栄二, Jan. 2024, Symposium
Refereed, 2008 22ND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPS ON ADVANCED INFORMATION NETWORKING AND APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-3, IEEE, Evaluation of Multi-Channel Flooding for Inter-Vehicle Communication, Eiji Takimoto; Yoshihisa Kondo; Satoko Itaya; Ryutaro Suzuki; Sadao Obana, Flooding protocols are efficient for communications on instable network such as inter-vehicle communications because there is no necessity of complex procedures to build routes for data forwarding. In this paper, we propose a multi-channel flooding protocol using multi-interface WLAN terminals for improving robustness of communications. In simulation test, we show that packet loss rate can be reduced with parallel-redundant packet transmission using multi-channel, and transmission delay can also be reduced compared to serial-redundant packet transmission using single-channel. In experimental test, we confirm that the multi-channel flooding is also effective in real enviromnent., 2008, 960, 965, International conference proceedings
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ACM, VTDroid: Value-based Tracking for Overcoming Anti-Taint-Analysis Techniques in Android Apps, Hiroki Inayoshi; Shohei Kakei; Eiji Takimoto; Koichi Mouri; Shoichi Saito, 17 Aug. 2021, International conference proceedings, 10.1145/3465481.3465759
Refereed, IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), A CQI and Hysteretic-Based Decision Algorithm to Prevent Handover Failures for Pedestrian Mobility in Mobile Communication HetNet, Zhiyi Zhu; Eiji Takimoto; Patrick Finnerty; Chikara Ohta, 03 Jul. 2024, 12, 92348, 92367, Scientific journal, 10.1109/access.2024.3422529
Proceedings - 2020 7th International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering, ICISCE 2020, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., New Queue Management Scheme to Improve PiggyCode with Delayed-ACK Option, Eiji Takimoto; Shoichi Saito; Koichi Mouri, TCP communications on wireless multi-hop net-works are bi-directional communications using DATA packets and ACK packets. These properties increase the hidden node problem and the intra-flow interference. PiggyCode, which is an existing scheme focused on bi-directionality of DATA packets and ACK packets, reduces the number of transmissions by applying Network Coding to the DATA packets and ACK packets when relaying these packets. Although some studies have considered the improvement of PiggyCode by insertion of the wait time, they did not take the Delayed-ACK option into account. In this paper, we propose a novel queue management scheme to consider the Delayed-ACK option. Furthermore, we confirm the efficiency of the proposed method via experimental evaluations., 01 Dec. 2020, 900, 906, International conference proceedings, 10.1109/ICISCE50968.2020.00186
Refereed, Mathematics, Directional Handover Analysis with Stochastic Petri Net and Poisson Point Process in Heterogeneous Networks, Zhiyi Zhu; Junjun Zheng; Eiji Takimoto; Patrick Finnerty; Chikara Ohta, Jan. 2025, Scientific journal, 10.3390/math13030349
Refereed, 2024 6th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety Engineering (SRSE), IEEE, Evaluating the A3RSRP Handover to Determine Optimal Performance in HetNet using Stochastic Petri Net, Zhiyi Zhu; Junjun Zheng; Eiji Takimoto; Patrick Finnerty; Chikara Ohta, 11 Oct. 2024, 469, 474, International conference proceedings, 10.1109/srse63568.2024.10772558
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web), A Method for Preventing Retransmission due to Subflow Disconnection in MPTCP, 堤下裕次郎; 毛利公一; ZHENG Junjun; 瀧本栄二, 2021, 121, 173(CQ2021 37-62)
情報処理学会研究報告(Web), Understanding Malware’s Actual Behaviors from Dynamic System Call Tracer’s Log, 森本康太; 鄭俊俊; 瀧本栄二; 齋藤彰一; 毛利公一, 2020, 2020, SPT-36
情報処理学会研究報告(Web), IoTデバイス向けの制御フローベース遠隔認証手法の軽量化の検討, 吉野貴史; 掛井将平; 瀧本栄二; 毛利公一; 齋藤彰一, 2020, 2020, CSEC-88
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Influence of congestion window size on load distribution mechanism of MPTCP, 鈴東佑馬; 西村俊和; 毛利公一; 瀧本栄二, 2020, 119, 461(IN2019 76-148)(Web)
電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), A Consideration on HMM-based Malware Classification Using API Call Sequence, 大江弘晃; 瀧本栄二; 毛利公一; ZHENG Junjun, 2020, 2020
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Study of Congestion Control Algorithm Switch Considering Path Characteristics on MPTCP, 鈴東佑馬; 西村俊和; 毛利公一; 瀧本栄二, 2019, 118, 480(SITE2018 68-87)
情報処理学会研究報告(Web), ゲストOSのファイルキャッシュ識別によるメモリ重複除外, 久保田曹嗣; 鄭俊俊; 芝公仁; 瀧本栄二; 齋藤彰一; 毛利公一, 2019, 2019, OS-145
情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, MPTCPを用いたWi-Fiハンドオーバーの検証, 土屋勇人; 堤下裕次郎; ZHENG Junjun; 齋藤彰一; 毛利公一; 瀧本栄二, 2019, 18th
情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, ns-3とDNSサーバによるDNSリフレクタ攻撃エミュレーション, SHIN Hayeong; ZHENG Junjun; 齋藤彰一; 毛利公一; 瀧本栄二, 2019, 18th
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Implementation and Evaluation of Firewall Traversal Method by Inserting Pseudo TCP Header on End-nodes, 多可啓悟; 毛利公一; ZHENG Junjun; 齋藤彰一; 瀧本栄二, 2019, 119, 342(IN2019 45-64)(Web)
情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, DDoS攻撃対策のためのISP間連携フレームワークの構築, 小西崇之; 瀧本栄二, 2019, 18th
情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ(CD-ROM), ヒープ領域に対するソースコード不要のIntel MPX命令適用手法, 加藤周良; 瀧本栄二; 毛利公一; 齋藤彰一, 2018, 2018, 2
情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ(CD-ROM), プロセス内処理に対する遠隔認証手法の提案と実装, 小松昌平; PEYROUTAT-BASSE Jerome; 瀧本栄二; 毛利公一; 齋藤彰一, 2018, 2018, 2
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 電子情報通信学会, A Study of TCP Retransmission Offload for Wireless Communications, 瀧本 栄二; 明田 修平; 大月 勇人; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, 07 Mar. 2016, 115, 496, 49, 54
IPSJ SIG Notes, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), A Data Flow Tracking Method Collaborated by Compiler and OS, 内匠 真也; 奥野 航平; 大月 勇人; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一, Many information leakage incidents are caused by human error. To prevent from these information leakage, we develop DF-Salvia that prevents an output based on a policy whom users set to a file. DF-Salvia tracks data flow inside a process by compiler and OS. In this paper, we propose this data flow tracking method. Compiler creates data flow information and inserts data flow tracking code to source code for analyzing dynamic data flow. OS analyzes data flow in run-time according to them. In the results of applying this method to applications, we conformed what DF-Salvia can prevent from information leakage by tracking data flow., 26 Feb. 2015, 2015, 12, 1, 8
IPSJ SIG Notes, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), A Data Loss Prevention System By Compiler and Information Flow Control, 奥野 航平; 内匠 真也; 大月 勇人; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一, Many data loss incidents have reported to be caused by human error. This paper proposes a data loss prevention system caused by human error, that's called User-mode DF-Salvia. Our system breaks the procedures of human-mistaken data output and restricts data usage by information flow control. An output is controlled by a protection policy associated with a data source file. To get a protection policy when outputting the data, we use the dynamic information tracking technique as dynamic taint analysis. These features for access control are inserted to an application program by code transform in compiler. These applications make possible to control itself. Therefore, a user can simply deploy the access control system by replacement of an application and reduce deployment costs. Our system is evaluated by real applications published on the internet and we confirmed data loss prevetion., 26 Feb. 2015, 2015, 13, 1, 8
情報処理学会研究報告. UBI, [ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム], Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), A Study of Implementation of PiggyCode and an Improvement Method, 野村 拓矢; 明田 修平; 大月 勇人; 毛利 公一; 瀧本 栄二, TCP communications on wireless multi-hop networks is bi-directional communications using DATA packets and ACK packets. These properties increase the hidden node problem and the flow within the interference. PiggyCode, which is an existing study focused on bi-directivitiy of DATA packets and ACK packets, reduces the number of transmissions by applying Network Coding to the DATA packets and ACK packets when relaying these packets. We had verifed the proposed method to improve coding rate by inserting wait time, and had proved on a simulator. In this paper, we prove the validity of the proposed method by the result of evaluations in real environment. Furthermore, we propose a performance improving method according to the findings obtained from real machine experiments., 23 Feb. 2015, 2015, 55, 1, 8
情報処理学会研究報告(Web), Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), A Detection Method of Return Address Overwriting Attacks Based on Instruction Extension Using QEMU, 柴田達也; 奥野航平; 大月勇人; 瀧本栄二; 毛利公一, Cyber-attacks are major threat. Commonly, these attacks attempt to exploit software vulnerabilities. In particular, attackers have exploited buffer overflow vulnerabilities for a long time. Many protection techniques were proposed to protect from buffer overflow attacks, but these techniques cannot prevent attacks completely. In this paper, we present a return address overwriting detection system. Our system disallows to attackers to exploit buffer overflow vulnerabilities. Our system works on CPU which has an extended feature and additional instructions. We implemented it to the hardware emulator QEMU. Furthermore, we confirmed the system with test programs on a prototype OS., 26 Feb. 2015, 2015, DPS-162, 1, 8
Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, B-6-34 A Dynamic Redundancy Adjustment Based on Link Quality for Erasure Correcting Coding, Tanaka Tatsuya; Aketa Shuhei; Otsuki Yuto; Takimoto Eiji; Mouri Koichi, 09 Sep. 2014, 2014, 2, 34, 34
Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, B-7-41 A Localization of TCP Retransmission Control by Splitting TCP Connection in MANETs, Akagawa Sho; Aketa Shuhei; Otsuki Yuto; Takimoto Eiji; Mouri Koichi, 09 Sep. 2014, 2014, 2, 98, 98
IEICE technical report. Social Implications of Technology and Information Ethics, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Implementation of Simple StackTrace and its Application to Permission Control System in Android, TAKASE TAKUHO; HIOKI SHOTA; SAITO SHOICHI; TAKIMOTO EIJI; MOURI KOICHI; MATSUO HIROSHI, アプリケーションの開発では,第三者によって開発されたライブラリが利用されることが一般的である.しかし,導入したライブラリによって情報漏洩が引き起こされる事例が発生している.特にAndroidでは,アプリケーションに組み込んだ広告ライブラリが,個人情報を悪用することが問題となっている.これに対して,実行元クラスをアプリケーションとライブラリで区別することで動作を制限する研究が行われている.しかし,その区別に用いるスタックトレースのオーバヘッドが大きく,アプリケーションの実行速度を低下させる.本稿では,Androidにおいて実行元クラスを判断するために必要な情報のみを取得できる簡易スタックトレースを実現し,これをパーミッション制御機構に適用した.これにより,既存の制御機構より性能低下を抑えた実行元クラス判断手法を実現した., 03 Jul. 2014, 114, 116, 47, 53
IPSJ SIG technical reports, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Implementation of Simple StackTrace and its Application to Permission Control System in Android, Takuho Takase; Shota Hioki; Shoichi Saito; Eiji Takimoto; Koichi Mouri; Hiroshi Matsuo, アプリケーションの開発では,第三者によって開発されたライブラリが利用されることが一般的である.しかし,導入したライブラリによって情報漏洩が引き起こされる事例が発生している.特に Android では,アプリケーションに組み込んだ広告ライブラリが,個人情報を悪用することが問題となっている.これに対して,実行元クラスをアプリケーションとライブラリで区別することで動作を制限する研究が行われている.しかし,その区別に用いるスタックトレースのオーバヘッドが大きく,アプリケーションの実行速度を低下させる.本稿では,Android において実行元クラスを判断するために必要な情報のみを取得できる簡易スタックトレースを実現し,これをパーミッション制御機構に適用した.これにより,既存の制御機構より性能低下を抑えた実行元クラス判断手法を実現した., 26 Jun. 2014, 2014, 7, 1, 7
IPSJ SIG Notes, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Implementation of Simple StackTrace and its Application to Permission Control System in Android, Takuho Takase; Shota Hioki; Shoichi Saito; Eiji Takimoto; Koichi Mouri; Hiroshi Matsuo, アプリケーションの開発では,第三者によって開発されたライブラリが利用されることが一般的である.しかし,導入したライブラリによって情報漏洩が引き起こされる事例が発生している.特に Android では,アプリケーションに組み込んだ広告ライブラリが,個人情報を悪用することが問題となっている.これに対して,実行元クラスをアプリケーションとライブラリで区別することで動作を制限する研究が行われている.しかし,その区別に用いるスタックトレースのオーバヘッドが大きく,アプリケーションの実行速度を低下させる.本稿では,Android において実行元クラスを判断するために必要な情報のみを取得できる簡易スタックトレースを実現し,これをパーミッション制御機構に適用した.これにより,既存の制御機構より性能低下を抑えた実行元クラス判断手法を実現した., 26 Jun. 2014, 2014, 7, 1, 7
IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), A Proposal for Parallelization of IPsec Tunneling by Packet Flows, Hiromu Ogawa; Shoichi Saito; Ryota Kawashima; Eiji Takimoto; Koichi Mouri; Hiroshi Matsuo, マルチキュー NIC の登場により,パケットの並列処理が実現されている.しかし,IPsec を利用してルータ間でトンネリングする場合,パケットは転送元のルータでヘッダを含めて暗号化されるため,転送先のルータの NIC ですべてのパケットが同一フローとして扱われ,割り込みが CPU の特定の 1 コアに集中して性能を低下させる.本稿ではこの状況に対して,トンネルの両端のルータが連携する IPsec パケットの並列処理手法を提案する.転送元のルータで暗号化前にフロー識別情報を生成して暗号化後のパケットに付与することで,転送先のルータの NIC では情報に基づいてフローを識別し,フロー単位で割り込みの発生先を切り替えることでトンネリングの高速化を実現する.本稿では,フロー識別情報として IP アドレスを用いた手法について述べる., 21 Jun. 2014, 2014, 10, 1, 8
Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, B-7-81 A Study of Issues Wireless Interface Aggregation, Okada Kazuma; Aketa Shuhei; Otsuki Yuto; Takimoto Eiji; Mouri Koichi, 04 Mar. 2014, 2014, 2, 256, 256
Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, D-6-14 Precision Improvement Approach of CPU Throttling in Linux Control Groups, Togashi Souta; Otsuki Yuto; Takimoto Eiji; Mouri Koichi, 04 Mar. 2014, 2014, 1, 62, 62
IEICE technical report. MoNA, Mobile network and applications, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Improving the Suppression Method of Redundant TCP Retransmission Caused by Route Modification, AKETA Shuhei; OTSUKI Yuto; MOURI Koichi; TAKIMOTO Eiji, Link state routing protocols modify routes according to the change of link quality. The route modification improves communication performance, otherwise, it causes temporal packet arrival order errors. TCP may retransmit caused by such order errors. However, the retransmissions caused not by packet losses are not only redundant but also a waste of wireless resources. We have proposed the method to suppress the redundant retransmission by discarding Dup-ACKs. Although, the method has a prospect that TCP is trapped in the disruption of communication. The disruption leads to RTO. Therefore, we improve the method by addition the delay to ACKs instead of the discard of them. In this paper, we describes the detail of the improvement proposal and its evaluations by simulation., 21 Nov. 2013, 113, 304, 29, 34
IEICE technical report. Information and communication system security, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Dynamic Permission Control to Prevent Unexpected Information Leakage on Android, WATANABE KANAKO; OTSUKI YUTO; TAKIMOTO EIJI; SAITO SHOICHI; MOURI KOICHI, Android controls accesses to privacy information by "permission". A user can check what permis-sions will be granted to an application on its installation. However, the user must grant all the permissions requested by the application to install. Thus, it is difficult for the user to refuse granting the permissions. Furthermore, android does not notify the user that the application is acquiring privacy information at run-time. Therefore, malicious applications can leak privacy information without a notification to the user. This paper describes implementation of dynamic permission controller that notifies a user that an application is acquiring privacy information at runtime. This function achieves that the user can select the application's behavior, such as acquiring privacy information or not. As a result, privacy information leakage without user's intention will be preserved., 18 Jul. 2013, 113, 137, 159, 166
Technical report of IEICE. ISEC, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Dynamic Permission Control to Prevent Unexpected Information Leakage on Android, WATANABE KANAKO; OTSUKI YUTO; TAKIMOTO EIJI; SAITO SHOICHI; MOURI KOICHI, Android controls accesses to privacy information by "permission". A user can check what permis-sions will be granted to an application on its installation. However, the user must grant all the permissions requested by the application to install. Thus, it is difficult for the user to refuse granting the permissions. Furthermore, android does not notify the user that the application is acquiring privacy information at run-time. Therefore, malicious applications can leak privacy information without a notification to the user. This paper describes implementation of dynamic permission controller that notifies a user that an application is acquiring privacy information at runtime. This function achieves that the user can select the application's behavior, such as acquiring privacy information or not. As a result, privacy information leakage without user's intention will be preserved., 18 Jul. 2013, 113, 135, 159, 166
Technical report of IEICE. CQ, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, A Method Based on Difference among Sequence Numbers to Suppress Redundant TCP Retransmission Caused by Route Modification, AKETA Shuhei; OTSUKI Yuto; MOURI Koichi; TAKIMOTO Eiji, Link state routing protocols modify routes according to the change of link quality. Route modification improves communication performance, otherwise, it causes temporal packet arrival order errors. TCP may retransmit caused by such order errors. However, the retransmissions caused not by packet losses are not only redundant but also a waste of wireless resources. Our proposal method discriminates whether the causation of arrival order errors is packet loss or route modification, and discards Dup-ACK to suppress the redundant retransmissions. In this paper, we describe the detail of the proposal and its evaluations by simulation., 11 Jul. 2013, 113, 123, 61, 66
Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, D-10-4 Code Translation in Compiler for Detection and Correction of Memory Errors, Wakabayashi Hiroaki; Katayama Yoshiaki; Deguchi Masahiro; Takimoto Eiji; Mouri Koichi, 05 Mar. 2013, 2013, 1, 150, 150
Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, D-6-11 Performance Evaluation of CPU Throttling in Linux Control Groups, Togashi Souta; Katayama Yoshiaki; Kirimura Masayuki; Takimoto Eiji; Mouri Koichi, 05 Mar. 2013, 2013, 1, 58, 58
Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, B-7-73 ASuppression Method of TCP Retransmission Control Caused by Route Modification in MANETs, Aketa Shuhei; Takimoto Eiji; Mouri Koichi, 05 Mar. 2013, 2013, 2, 217, 217
情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ(CD-ROM), Alkanetにおけるシステムコールの呼出し元動的リンクライブラリの特定手法, 大月勇人; 瀧本栄二; 齋藤彰一; 毛利公一, 2013, 2013, 4
IEICE technical report. Information networks, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Application of Network Coding Technique to TCP Communications in Wireless Multi-hop Networks, Ko Kaiei; Takimoto Eiji; Mouri Koichi, TCP communications on wireless multi-hop networks have properties of traffic and inference increase with acknowledgement packets(ACK). PiggyCode, which is an existing study focused on bidirectionality of DATA packets and ACK packets, reduces number of the transmission by encoding DATA packets and ACK packets. Although, the effect of PiggyCode depends on transmission rate. In this paper, we propose a method to enhance the effect of network coding technique regardless of transmission rate by inserting waiting time into packet relay processes, and we prove the effect by simulation result. In addition, we also propose another method to dynamically adjust the waiting time according to hop counts and traffic., 13 Dec. 2012, 112, 352, 45, 50
Not Refereed, 情報処理学会論文誌トランザクション(CD-ROM), Management Method of Interrupts for RTOS in Xen Hypervisor, 渡邉和樹; 片山吉章; 松本利夫; 瀧本栄二; 樫山武浩; 毛利公一, 15 Oct. 2012, 2012, 1, ROMBUNNO.KONPYUTINGUSHISUTEMU,VOL.5,NO.4,87-100
全国大会講演論文集, 一般社団法人情報処理学会, 仮想計算機モニタXenにおけるRTOS向けタイマ割込み管理機構の構築と評価, 渡邉和樹; 片山吉章; 松本利夫; 瀧本栄二; 樫山武浩; 毛利公一, 携帯端末などの組込みシステムでは,リアルタイム性と高機能性の両立が求められる.しかし,それらの両立には難しい問題がある.そこで,仮想計算機モニタ(VMM)XenのゲストOSとしてRTOSと高機能OSを共存させ,リアルタイム性と高機能性を両立する手法を提案する.VMM上でRTOSを動作させる場合,割込みの仮想化に伴い,RTOSへ通知される割込みに遅延や揺らぎが発生する場合がある.本論文では,専用の割り込みハンドラを活用し,リアルタイム性の保証に重要なタイマ割込みを効率的に通知する割込み管理機構について述べる., 06 Mar. 2012, 2012, 1, 167, 169
全国大会講演論文集, 一般社団法人情報処理学会, 動的テイント解析とOSの連携による情報漏洩防止手法の提案, 大石達也; 樫山武浩; 瀧本栄二; 毛利公一, 従業員が無断でUSBメモリに機密データをコピーして持ち出したり,誤ってメールに添付して送信したりといった事故を防止するためのシステムを提案する.具体的には,メモリ上に読み込まれたファイルのデータの流れを追跡し,データが出力されようとする(writeシステムコールが発行される)とき,データの元となったファイルの機密度に基づいてOSが出力の可否を判定する., 06 Mar. 2012, 2012, 1, 631, 633
情報処理学会研究報告, A Proposal and Consideration on a Management Method of Surrounding Vehicle in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Systems for Safe Driving, 瀧本栄二; 大山卓; 三浦龍; 小花貞夫, 2009, 2009, 24(ITS-36)
IEICE technical report. ASN, Ambient intelligence and sensor networks, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, A Study of Implementation of PiggyCode and an Improvement Method, 野村 拓矢; 明田 修平; 大月 勇人; 毛利 公一; 瀧本 栄二, TCP communications on wireless multi-hop networks is bi-directional communications using DATA packets and ACK packets. These properties increase the hidden node problem and the flow within the interference. PiggyCode, which is an existing study focused on bi-directivitiy of DATA packets and ACK packets, reduces the number of transmissions by applying Network Coding to the DATA packets and ACK packets when relaying these packets. We had verifed the proposed method to improve coding rate by inserting wait time, and had proved on a simulator. In this paper, we prove the validity of the proposed method by the result of evaluations in real environment. Furthermore, we propose a performance improving method according to the findings obtained from real machine experiments., 02 Mar. 2015, 114, 480, 285, 292
IEICE technical report. MoNA, Mobile network and applications, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, A Study of Implementation of PiggyCode and an Improvement Method, 野村 拓矢; 明田 修平; 大月 勇人; 毛利 公一; 瀧本 栄二, TCP communications on wireless multi-hop networks is bi-directional communications using DATA packets and ACK packets. These properties increase the hidden node problem and the flow within the interference. PiggyCode, which is an existing study focused on bi-directivitiy of DATA packets and ACK packets, reduces the number of transmissions by applying Network Coding to the DATA packets and ACK packets when relaying these packets. We had verifed the proposed method to improve coding rate by inserting wait time, and had proved on a simulator. In this paper, we prove the validity of the proposed method by the result of evaluations in real environment. Furthermore, we propose a performance improving method according to the findings obtained from real machine experiments., 02 Mar. 2015, 114, 479, 245, 252
コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2014論文集, Identifying of System Call Invoker by Branch Trace Facilities, 大月 勇人; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, 15 Oct. 2014, 2014, 2, 843, 850
研究報告システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム(OS), A Proposal for Live Update of Linux Kernel on Multiple OSes Execution Platform, 石川 幸希; 安井 裕亮; 齋藤 彰一; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一; 松尾 啓志, 計算機や OS の高機能化に伴い増加する脆弱性に対応するため,定期的なアップデートにより OS を最新の状態を常に保つ必要がある.OS アップデートは通常,最新版 OS の適用,リブートを経て完了するが,リブートを伴う OS アップデートは Web サーバ機能を担うような計算機の可用性を著しく低下させるといった問題があり,アップデートに係るダウンタイムの最小化が求められている.そこで本稿では,リブートを必要としない OS のアップデート手法を提案する.OS をアップデートする上で問題となる OS バージョン間の内部情報の差異を吸収することで,バージョンに依存しない内部情報のマイグレーションを実現し,OS のアップデートを可能とする.本稿では OS フェイルオーバー機構 Orthros 上で起動させた異バージョン OS 間でファイルキャッシュをマイグレーションし,アップデートする手法について述べる., 21 Jul. 2014, 2014, 23, 1, 8
第76回全国大会講演論文集, コード変換を利用した機密度に基づくアクセス制御機構, 奥野航平; 大月勇人; 瀧本栄二; 毛利公一, 機密情報の漏洩は,ファイルのデータが読み出されたあとに,そのデータがソフトウェアの誤操作などで外部に出力されることで発生している.これらは,データの出力時にそのデータの機密度に基づいたアクセス制御を行うことで防止できる.この制御を実現するために,コンパイラを用いてプログラムのコードを書き換え,コードを追加することでアクセス制御を実現するシステムを開発した.プログラムに組み込まれたアクセス制御機構は,コンパイラによって解析した静的なデータフローと実行時の動的なデータフローを識別する.これにより,データフローごとに制御を行うデータフロー制御が可能となる., 11 Mar. 2014, 2014, 1, 325, 326
研究報告セキュリティ心理学とトラスト(SPT), Dynamic Permission Control to Prevent Unexpected Information Leakage on Android, 渡邊 華奈子; 大月 勇人; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, 11 Jul. 2013, 2013, 23, 1, 8
情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演論文集, Forum on Information Technology, L_075 A Method of Decreasing Delay of Relay in Ad-hoc Networks, Takimoto Eiji; Takizawa Yasuhisa; Kadowaki Naoto; Obana Sadao; Okubo Eiji, 21 Aug. 2006, 5, 4, 181, 182
情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演論文集, Forum on Information Technology, M-030 A Mechanism Reflecting the Wireless Condition in a Mixed Reality Network Simulator, Takeda Kazuhiro; Takimoto Eiji; Lambertsen Gaute; Nishio Nobuhiko, 現在,様々なセンサ/アドホックネットワークプロトコルの研究が行われてる.それらのプロトコルを実機で検証する際に実機数や人手負担が大きくなることが考えられる.そこでns-2を拡張し,N台のうち1台を現実空間の実機1台として,残りN-1台を仮想空間ノードとして連携させるN-1シミュレータの開発を進めている.しかし,現状のN-1シミュレータでは仮想空間における電波強度の差異を現実空間の実機に反映することができない.本稿ではN-1シミュレータにおいて,仮想空間の電波状況を現実空間の実機に反映させる機能拡張について提案する., 20 Aug. 2004, 3, 4, 151, 152
研究報告高度交通システム(ITS), 情報処理学会, Proposal and Evaluation of a Frequency Channel Control Method on Inter-Vehicle Communication Systems (MM-SA) for Safe Driving Support, TAKIMOTO Eiji; SHAGDAR Oyunchimeg; OHYAMA Takashi; MIURA Ryu; OBANA Sadao, 筆者らは,MM-SA 方式を用いた安全運転支援車車間通信システムにおいて,高い通信性能を実現する MM-SA パケット転送方式を提案している.MM-SA パケット転送方式では,進行方向に基づく周波数チャネルの制御 (進行方向ベース制御) を行い進行方向ごとに 4 つの周波数チャネルが割り当てられた状況下において高い通信性能を実現する.しかし,多様な道路環境を想定すると,交差点の形状と右左折車両の動的な進行方向変化による影響を考慮した周波数チャネル制御が必要である.本稿では,進行方向ベース制御を基本とし,優先度制御と右左折時制御による周波数チャネル制御機能を追加した手法を提案し,シミュレーションによって提案手法の有効性を示す.We proposed a MM-SA packet relay method on inter-vehicle communication systems for safe driving support. The method achieves high communication performance under the situation that 4 frequency channels are allocated according to direction of cars. However frequency channel controls, which consider the impacts of intersection figure and direction change of on-turning cars, are needed under various traffic conditions. In this paper, we propose a new frequency channel control method which consists of the direction based control, the priority based control, and the on-turning control. Additionally we verify the effectiveness of the proposal by simulation., 02 Sep. 2009, 2009, 1, 1, 8
研究報告コンピュータセキュリティ(CSEC), 情報処理学会, Threat of Script abuse Android Permissions and Static Analysis, 樫山 武浩; 河島 裕亮; 井田 章三; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一, Android OS の特徴として,利便性の高いアプリケーション (以下,アプリ) を実現するパーミッションという機構があり,アプリケーションのインストール時にユーザが承認することで,端末の情報や機能へのアクセス権を制御している.また,アプリの可用性の向上のために web 機能をアプリに内包する webkit を搭載している.これを用いることで,Android アプリと HTML,CSS,JavaScript など Web アプリとを柔軟に連携できる.しかし,webkit を利用したアプリが,外部サーバから JavaScript を受け取り実行した場合,アプリに与えられたパーミッションの範囲で実行される脅威がある.要するに,アプリ単体では不正な動作をしないが,後から送り込まれた悪意の JavaScript によって端末を操作されてしまう.そこで本研究では,アプリの静的解析により得られるコードの特徴から,後から送り込まれる JavaScript の機能を把握し,潜在的な脅威を推定する手法を提案する.これはアプリの実行コードの逆コンパイルによるコード解析であり,外部サーバの JavaScript から呼び出されるメソッドを特定することで,情報漏洩や端末の不正操作を推定する.The access permission framework is designed in the Android OS in order to develop useful applications. When the user confirms the access permissions, the application can access confirmed information and/or functions. In addition, the webkit in the Android OS provides a web rendering engine to the application. The Android application using the webkit can execute web applications, e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript. When the application using webkit receives and executes the JavaScript, the access permissions are delegated to the JavaScript that can access functions and/or information in the Android phone. Then, threats of the JavaScript should be evaluated. In this paper, we proposed code analysis technique that extracts potential threats from the web rendering application. The information leakage and/or misuse functions are detected, when malicious methods for the JavaScript are described in the Android application., 05 May 2011, 2011, 3, 1, 6
研究報告計算機アーキテクチャ(ARC), Management of interrupt for RTOS using MSI in Xen Hypervisor, 渡邉 和樹; 瀧本 栄二; 樫山 武浩; 毛利 公一, 現在,仮想計算機(VM)上のゲストOSとしてリアルタイムタイムOS(RTOS)と高機能OSを同時に動作させることを目的に,Xenの拡張を行っている.本論文では,VM上ではデバイス割込みが仮想化され,RTOSの信頼性が損なわれる可能性に着目し,これの解決を試みたので,その経過を報告する.具体的には,MSIと専用の割込みハンドラを活用し,割込みを効率的に通知する割込み通知機構を考案し,その一部を実装した.また,実際にLinuxを用いた性能評価を行った.We have been extended Xen hypervisor's capability to execute real time operating systems(RTOS) on it. On virtual machines, interrupts triggered by devices are also virtualized. Therefore performance and responce time of RTOS are degraded. To solve this problem, we improved interrupt management mechanism of Xen by MSI and lightweight interrupt handler. In this paper, we discuss the concrete method of the improvement, and its evaluation., 06 Apr. 2011, 2011, 27, 1, 9
研究報告システムソフトウェアと オペレーティング・システム(OS), Management of interrupt for RTOS using MSI in Xen Hypervisor, 渡邉 和樹; 瀧本 栄二; 樫山 武浩; 毛利 公一, 現在,仮想計算機 (VM) 上のゲスト OS としてリアルタイムタイム OS(RTOS) と高機能 OS を同時に動作させることを目的に,Xen の拡張を行っている.本論文では,VM 上ではデバイス割込みが仮想化され,RTOS の信頼性が損なわれる可能性に着目し,これの解決を試みたので,その経過を報告する.具体的には,MSI と専用の割込みハンドラを活用し,割込みを効率的に通知する割込み通知機構を考案し,その一部を実装した.また,実際に Linux を用いた性能評価を行った.We have been extended Xen hypervisor's capability to execute real time operating systems(RTOS) on it. On virtual machines, interrupts triggered by devices are also virtualized. Therefore performance and responce time of RTOS are degraded. To solve this problem, we improved interrupt management mechanism of Xen by MSI and lightweight interrupt handler. In this paper, we discuss the concrete method of the improvement, and its evaluation., 06 Apr. 2011, 2011, 27, 1, 9
研究報告マルチメディア通信と分散処理(DPS), 情報処理学会, A Route Management Method for Multi-Channel Multi-Hop Wireless LAN Systems, 瀧本 栄二; 樫山 武浩; 毛利 公一; 滝沢 泰久, 無線 LAN 技術とマルチホップ技術を組み合わせることで,サービス範囲を拡大することが可能である.一方で,複数無線インタフェースの利用により,スループットの向上が期待できる.このような環境下では,トラフィックの状態やチャネルの利用状況に応じた適応的な制御が必要である.そこで,本稿では,複数無線インタフェースおよびマルチホップ環境における自律分散型経路構築およびパケット分配制御方式について述べる.提案方式は,端末からアクセスポイントまでの経路における通信遅延に基づいて経路を構築する.さらに,各無線インタフェースの使用状況に応じてパケットを振り分けることで通信遅延を削減し,ひいてはスループットの向上を図る.Wireless service area can be enlarged by multi-hop techniques. Addtionally, usage of prural wireless interfaces improve throughput. Under such environment, a communication control method which has adaptivity against traffic condition and channel utilization is needed. In this paper, we propose an autonomous distributed path creation and packet distribution method. The proposed method creates a path based on communication delay between the node and a gateway. In addition, proposed method increase throughput by packet distribution technique based on utilization of each wireless interface., 03 Mar. 2011, 2011, 3, 1, 6
研究報告マルチメディア通信と分散処理(DPS), 情報処理学会, Program analysis for mandatory access control based on data flow information, 樫山 武浩; 河島 裕亮; 井田 章三; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一, 近年,頻発している情報漏洩の原因の多くは,誤操作や管理ミス,紛失といった正当なアクセス権限を持つユーザの過失によるものである.我々は,これらに起因する情報漏洩を防止するためのアクセス制御機構を備えたオペレーティングシステム DF-Salvia を開発してきた.DF-Salvia では,プロセスの挙動を監視し,プロセスがデータを書き出す際に,データの読み込み元のファイルに付加された保護ポリシに従って計算資源へのアクセス要求の実行可否を判定する.これにより,予め保護すべきデータが格納されるファイルにポリシを適用することで,正当なアクセス権限を持つユーザによるデータ漏洩を防止する.DF-Salvia のアクセス機構では,コンパイラにおいてプログラム解析したデータフロー情報に基づくことで,データの読み込み元のファイルを特定し,適用すべき保護ポリシを決定する.そこで,本稿では,DF-Salvia のアクセス制御のためのデータフロー情報のプログラム解析について述べる.Recently, leak incidents of data have occurred frequently. In many cases, the factors of data leakage are as follows: taking data out illegally or unfairly, or misoperation by a user with authority to access them. We have been developing operating system DF-Salvia for the purpose of preventing data leakage which resulted from these factors. DF-Salvia monitors behavior of processes not to access computer resources which have a possibility of data leakage. When a process requests to access such resources, DF-Salvia allows the operation if it does not violate the data protection policy. The access control of DF-Salvia depends on data flow information which is obtained by program analysis. In this paper, method for analyzing the data flow information is described., 03 Mar. 2011, 2011, 45, 1, 6
研究報告コンピュータセキュリティ(CSEC), 情報処理学会, A Route Management Method for Multi-Channel Multi-Hop Wireless LAN Systems, 瀧本 栄二; 樫山 武浩; 毛利 公一; 滝沢 泰久, 無線 LAN 技術とマルチホップ技術を組み合わせることで,サービス範囲を拡大することが可能である.一方で,複数無線インタフェースの利用により,スループットの向上が期待できる.このような環境下では,トラフィックの状態やチャネルの利用状況に応じた適応的な制御が必要である.そこで,本稿では,複数無線インタフェースおよびマルチホップ環境における自律分散型経路構築およびパケット分配制御方式について述べる.提案方式は,端末からアクセスポイントまでの経路における通信遅延に基づいて経路を構築する.さらに,各無線インタフェースの使用状況に応じてパケットを振り分けることで通信遅延を削減し,ひいてはスループットの向上を図る.Wireless service area can be enlarged by multi-hop techniques. Addtionally, usage of prural wireless interfaces improve throughput. Under such environment, a communication control method which has adaptivity against traffic condition and channel utilization is needed. In this paper, we propose an autonomous distributed path creation and packet distribution method. The proposed method creates a path based on communication delay between the node and a gateway. In addition, proposed method increase throughput by packet distribution technique based on utilization of each wireless interface., 03 Mar. 2011, 2011, 3, 1, 6
全国大会講演論文集, 一般社団法人情報処理学会, データフローを主体としたアクセス制御を実現するDF-Salviaの設計と開発, 井田章三; 河島裕亮; 樫山武浩; 瀧本栄二; 毛利公一, 近年のプライバシ情報漏洩事件の原因の多くは,誤操作・管理ミス・無断持ち出し
ファイルのポリシに基づいてアクセスを制御する., 02 Mar. 2011, 2011, 1, 511, 513
全国大会講演論文集, 一般社団法人情報処理学会, DF-Salviaにおけるアクセス制御のためのデータフロー解析手法, 河島裕亮; 井田章三; 樫山武浩; 瀧本栄二; 毛利公一, 近年, 個人情報をはじめとする機密情報の漏洩が問題となっている.
そこで, 我々は, 機密情報の漏洩防止を目的としたアクセス制御機構
DF-Salviaの開発を行っている. DF-Salviaは, プログラムをコンパイル
する際に解析するデータフロー情報を元に, データ漏洩が発生する
可能性のある処理を制御する. データフローを元に制御を課すことで,
識別することが可能となり, データの権限に応じた制御が可能となる.
本論文では, DF-Salviaによるデータフローアクセス制御を実現するために
述べる., 02 Mar. 2011, 2011, 1, 513, 515
全国大会講演論文集, 一般社団法人情報処理学会, 複数無線機路におけるトラフィック分配方式の検討, 藤井賛; 菅野理; 瀧本栄二; 安達直也; 滝沢泰久, コグニティブ無線による複数経路を用いて、ネットワークトラフィックの最適な分配を行う., 02 Mar. 2011, 2011, 1, 133, 135
IEICE technical report. Computer systems, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, A Real-Time Window Sytem on Easel Real-Time Operating System, MITAMURA Akira; TAKIMOTO Eiji; SHIBA Masahito; OKUBO Eiji, We have been developing Easel real-time operating system as a platform for multi-media applications. In multi-media field, a certain window system is necessary, because in order that many threads share a display. When users replay the continuous media such as video, not only the threads for replaying but also the window system which actually draws video frames has to keep the right time. However, conventional window systems can not guarantee real-time restrictions. To cope with this problem, we have been developing the real-time window system which can guarantee real-time restrictions. In this paper, the structure and organization of the real-time window system on Easel is described., 22 Jun. 2001, 101, 152, 65, 72
コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2012論文集, Malware Analysis Report 2012 using Malware Analyzer Alkanet, 大月 勇人; 若林 大晃; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, 23 Oct. 2012, 2012, 3, 106, 113
コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2011 論文集, A Method to Get Result of System Calls for Malware Analysis, 大月 勇人; 瀧本 栄二; 樫山 武浩; 毛利 公一, 12 Oct. 2011, 2011, 3, 95, 100
コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2011 論文集, Analysis of Data Spread between Data Flows in Cooperation with Compiler and OS, 樫山 武浩; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一, 12 Oct. 2011, 2011, 3, 768, 773
第73回全国大会講演論文集, 仮想計算機モニタXenにおけるRTOS向け割込み通知機構, 渡邉和樹; 瀧本栄二; 樫山武浩; 毛利公一, 携帯端末や車載システムなどの組込みシステムでは,製品の多機能化に
通知する割込み通知機構について述べる., 02 Mar. 2011, 2011, 1, 183, 184
全国大会講演論文集, An Implementation of Two-Level Scheduler on Real-Time Operating System R^2, 瀧本 栄二; 芝 公仁; 毛利 公一; 大久保 英嗣, 09 Mar. 1999, 58, 63, 64
情報処理学会研究報告ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム(UBI), Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), An Adaptive Control of Mutiple Network Devices in Heterogeneous Networks, MOTOHAMA TSUTOMU; TAKIMOTO EIJI; SUZUKI KAZUHISA; MOURI KOICHI; OKUBO EIJI, Recently, mobile terminals which have multiple network devices are widely used by the advanced communication technology, and users can access the network everywhere. For example, host-spots to which users can connect by his/her own terminal are available in stations, airports, stores, and so on. In such environments, it is possible for each mobile terminal to communicate with the same destination host through multiple network devices. However, since the conventional communication methods are not designed for handling to multiple network devices, the communication resources of each terminal cannot be effectively used. In this paper, we propose a mechanism for using the network devices properly according to the state of the communication and user's preference., 17 Feb. 2006, 2006, 14, 281, 286
IPSJ SIG Notes, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), A Mechanism of Communication Continuation for Switching Network Devices, OKUDA Katsumi; TAKIMOTO Eiji; MORI Koichi; OKUBO Eiji, Recently, mobile terminals that have multiple wired and wireless network devices are widely used, and users can access network everywhere. For example, host-spot with which users can connect his/her own terminal are available in stations, airports, stores, and so on. In such environments, the host may switch network devices, while processes are communicating with correspondents in remote hosts. The problem is that switching network device causes lost of existing communication session using IP. In this paper, we propose communication mechanism that uses virtual devices, and the route selection mechanism based on mobile attribute of user processes., 23 Feb. 2005, 2005, 16, 81, 88
情報処理学会研究報告システム評価(EVA), Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), A Construction Method of Distributed Operateing System Based on Agents, Takimoto Eiji; Shiba Masahito; Okubo Eiji, In the conventional distributed systems, it is difficult to adapt to change of environment. This is because computers that consist of a system are closely related each other, in order to efficiently use system resources. It is possible to improve flexibility for change of environment by making each computer work autonomously and managing system resources of other computers only if those resources are requested. In this paper, a construction method of distributed system based on agent is described. By using this method, distributed system that each computer can run autonomously is realized., 14 Feb. 2002, 2002, 13, 117, 123
情報処理学会研究報告システム評価(EVA), Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Java Virtual Machine on Easel Real-Time Operating System, Okuyama Gen; Takimoto Eiji; Shiba Masahito; Okubo Eiji, We have been developing a Java VM (Virtual Machine) on Easel real-time operating system. Generally speaking, to use Java in real-time systems is improper from the following reasons: overhead of class loading, necessity of garbage collection, and lack of function for timing guarantee. To solve these problems, we have been developing the Java VM, which is extented for real-time systems, on Easel real-time operating system., 14 Feb. 2002, 2002, 13, 87, 93
情報処理学会論文誌数理モデル化と応用(TOM), Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), An Adaptive Scheduling Method on Continuous Media Multiplexed Stream Processing and Its Performance Evaluation, TAKIZAWA YASUHISA; TAKIMOTO EIJI; OKUBO EIJI, In recent researches to aim at the fusion of communication and broadcasting, continuous media processing with MPEG encoding technology are multiplexed stream processing on continuous media with related information. On the other hand, we have proposed new scheduling method which is adaptable for stream processing tasks with timing constraints and processing delay. The proposed method consists of scheduling policy based on the model which modifies Linear Bounded Arrival Process, and adaptation mechanism applied Parallel Distributed Processing model and thermodynamics model. The proposed method is constructed on the premise that stream processing is a single continuous media processing. Therefore, the proposed policy can not apply to multiplexed stream processing on continuous media. In this paper, modification of the policy and mechanism for the proposed method in consideration of multiplexed stream processing on continuous media and its performance evaluation are described., 15 Jun. 2005, 46, 10, 66, 80
IPSJ SIG Notes, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), An Adaptive Scheduling Method on Continuous Media Multiplexed Stream Processing and Its Performance Evaluation, TAKIZAWA YASUHISA; TAKIMOTO EIJI; OKUBO EIJI, In recent researches to aim at the fusion of communication and broadcasting, continuous media processing with MPEG encoding technology are multiplexed stream processing on continuous media with related information. On the other hand, we have proposed new scheduling method which is adaptable for stream processing tasks with timing constraints and processing delay. The proposed method is constructed on the premise that stream processing is a single continuous media processing. Therefore, the proposed policy can not apply to multiplexed stream processing on continuous media. In this paper, modification of the policy and mechanism for the proposed method in consideration of multiplexed stream processing on continuous media and its performance evaluation are described., 13 Sep. 2004, 2004, 92, 21, 24
IPSJ SIG Notes, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), A Method for Improving Fault - tolerance by Transactional Memory Operations in the Solelc Distributed Operating System, TAMADA Atsuko; MIZUGUCHI Takao; TAKIMOTO Eiji; SHIBA Masahito; MOURI Koichi; OKUBO Eiji, In Solelc, the operating system consists of abstraction layers and a kernel. The abstraction layers work on each computer and provide the environment which the kernel works. The kernel uses functions provided by the abstraction layers and manages the resources of all computers. By this construction method, the kernel itself works in a location-transparent fashion, and it becomes possible to manage all resources on multiple computers with a single kernel. However, since a single kernel works on multiple computers, the entire system might stop when a certain computer breaks down. In order to improve the reliability and availability of the system, it is necessary to provide functions for fault-tolerance. In this paper, we propose a method for improving fault-tolerance by transactional memory operations. This method utilizes the memory redundancy on the virtual space shared by all computers which Solelc manages., 26 Feb. 2004, 2004, 17, 41, 48
IPSJ SIG Notes, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), A Method of Spreading System Calls in Solelc Distributed Operating System, TAMADA Atsuko; MIZUGUCHI Takao; NAGAMUNE Koichi; TAKIMOTO Eiji; SHIBA Masahito; MOURI Koichi; OKUBO Eiji, We have been developing Solelc distributed operating system. Plural computers on which Solelc works are managed by an operating system, and the kernel can work location-transparently in Solelc. Therefore, system call processings are distributed to plural computers, and so operating system work efficiently. In this paper, a method of spreading system calls in Solelc are described., 27 Feb. 2003, 2003, 19, 55, 60
IPSJ SIG Notes, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), A Study on Integration model for Context - Aware System in Mobile Environment, TAKIZAWA YASUHISA; TAKIMOTO EIJI; OKUBO EIJI, The advances in micro-electronics technology have made computers smaller, cheaper, and faster. This trend, along with other industry advances, has promoted the development and rapid market growth of small computers that can be carried from place to place. It has also created a revolution in the consumer marketplace where computers are now commonly embedded in everything from household appliances to automobiles. It is now possible to carry computers with us and to communicate on the spur of the moment with computers embedded in the world around us. For this reason, it pays attention to the ubiquitous computing systems which aim to provide people with ubiquitous access to information, communication, and computation. The challenge of these systems is to exploit the changing environment with a new class of applications that are aware of the context in which they are run. Such Context-Aware software adapts according to the location of use, the collection of nearby people and objects, the accessible devices, as well as changes to those objects over time. A system with these capabilities surveys the computing environment and reacts to changes to that environment. There are many context categories in the environments, but most systems adapt single or few categories of context. In this report, we suppose that the Real Context-Aware Computing is composed by more than one software components which adapt single or few categories of context, we descirbe the integrate model for interaction with single or few context aware software components., 28 Nov. 2002, 2002, 114, 85, 88
IPSJ journal, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), An Implementation and Evaluation of an Accelerating Method for Flooding, TAKIMOTO EIJI; TAKIZAWA YASUHISA; SUZUKI RYUTARO; OBANA SADAO, Ad-hoc network can construct flexible networks by an autonomous communications among nodes. Therefore, ad-hoc network is expected to apply in the number of different fields. The communication latency is one of important issues in ad-hoc network. In the conventional researches, however, it is not enough to consider the communication latency. For example, the low communication latency is required in the inter-vehicle communication which is one of ad-hoc network applications. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the construction method for reducing the communication latency in the flooding which is a communication method in ad-hoc network. The proposed method can decrease the communication latency by executing the internal processing for flooding within a device driver. Experimental results of the prototype system show that the proposed method can decrease a rate of increasing communication time per hop about 30%., 15 Feb. 2008, 49, 2, 672, 683
Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, B-19-35 A Proposal of the Label Distribution Method on Reactive Routing Control, Takimoto Eiji; Suzuki Ryutaro; Obana Sadao, 05 Mar. 2008, 2008, 2, 539, 539
IEICE technical report, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, An Implementation and Evaluations of Multi-channel Flooding, TAKIMOTO Eiji; KONDO Yoshihisa; ITAYA Satoko; SUZUKI Ryutaro; OBANA Sadao, Ad hoc network technology is effective to realize inter-vehicle communications. And delivering data packets to all vehicles by multi-hop flooding relay is a key technology to deliver urgent packet when the car screeched to a stop. However, one ma jor difficulty is the high packet loss due to unreliable wireless propagation conditions and rapid motion of the vehicles. In this paper, we demonstrate the evaluation of packet loss using parallel redundant flooding in multi-channel ad hoc networks. This method increases robustness for packet loss, and realizes to minimize the transmission delay of the urgent information., 12 Jul. 2007, 107, 148, 91, 94
IPSJ SIG Notes, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), A Method of Decreasing Delay of Relay in Ad-hoc Networks, TAKIMOTO Eiji; TAKIZAWA Yasuhisa; SUZUKI Ryutaro; OBANA Sadao, Ad-hoc network can construct flexible networks by a autonomous communications among nodes. Therefore, ad-hoc network is expected to apply in the number of different fields. The responsiveness is one of important issues in ad-hoc network. In the conventional researches, however, it is not enough to consider the responsiveness. For example, the high response is required in the inter-vehicle communication which is one of ad-hoc network applications. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the method for enhancing the responsiveness in the flooding which is a communication method in ad-hoc network. We also describe results of evaluations with a prototype system of the proposed method., 07 Jun. 2007, 2007, 58, 51, 56
IEICE technical report, 電子情報通信学会, Proposal and evaluation of a frequency channel control method on inter-vehicle communication systems (MM-SA) for safe driving support, 瀧本 栄二; Shagdar Oyunchimeg; 大山 卓, 09 Sep. 2009, 109, 187, 1, 8
Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, B-5-113 Public-Private Cooperative Cognitive Radio Access Networks(II-a) : A Multihop Route Construction Method, Sakai Kengo; Tamai Morihiko; Takimoto Eiji; Tang Suhua; Yomo Hiroyuki; Hasegawa Akio; Ueda Tetsuro; Obana Sadao, 01 Sep. 2009, 2009, 1, 463, 463
Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, B-21-16 A fast relay method of wireless unicast communications with quasi-entry of ARP, Takimoto Eiji; Kadowaki Naoto; Obana Sadao, 07 Mar. 2007, 2007, 2, 605, 605
情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演論文集, Forum on Information Technology, B-024 Problems of Tree Structured File Systems, Takimoto Eiji; Kadowaki Naoto; Obana Sadao, 22 Aug. 2005, 4, 1, 145, 146
情報処理学会研究会報告, エージェント指向オペレーティングシステムAGにおけるリフレクティブエージェントの実現手法, 瀧本栄二, 2003, 2003, 19, 1, 6
IPSJ SIG Notes, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), A Real -Time Window Sytem on Easel Real- Time Operating System, MITAMURA Akira; TAKIMOTO Eiji; SHIBA Masahito; OKUBO Eiji, We have been developing Easel real-time operating system as a platform for multi-media applications. In multi-media field, a certain window system is necessary, because in order that many threads share a display. When users replay the continuous media such as video, not only the threads for replaying but also the window system which actually draws video frames has to keep the right time. However, conventional window systems can not guarantee real-time restrictions. To cope with this problem, we have been developing the real-time window system which can guarantee real-time restrictions. In this paper, the structure and organization of the real-time window system on Easel is described., 28 Jun. 2001, 2001, 65, 153, 160
第84回全国大会講演論文集, 軽量デバッガを用いたマルウェア動作妨害機構の設計と実装, 志倉, 大貴; 西村, 俊和; 瀧本, 栄二, マルウェア対策技術の進展にも関わらず,マルウェア感染事例は後を絶たない.このことから,感染後の被害を防ぐ技術が求められる.そこで,我々は,感染したマルウェアの動作を妨害することで被害を防ぐ機構を提案する.具体的には,独自の軽量デバッガをマルウェアの可能性があるプロセスにアタッチさせることで,アンチデバッギングを行うマルウェアに軽量デバッガを検知させ,マルウェアが動作を停止するように仕向ける.本稿では,上記機構の設計と実装について報告するとともに,有効性に関する基礎評価を報告する., 17 Feb. 2022, 2022, 1, 541, 542
第62回全国大会講演論文集, 動的QoS 制御に基づく資源管理システム『堤』における資源確保の手法, 田中, 大介; 瀧本, 栄二; 芝, 公仁; 大久保, 英嗣, 13 Mar. 2001, 2001, 1, 35, 36
第62回全国大会講演論文集, リアルタイムJava VM におけるスレッドマネージャの設計, 奥山, 玄; 瀧本, 栄二; 芝, 公仁; 大久保, 英嗣, 13 Mar. 2001, 2001, 1, 27, 28
西村 賢太; 山本 萌花; 掛井 将平; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一; 齋藤 彰一, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2019 論文集, IoTゲートウェイで動作するコンテナの異常検知手法の提案, Oct. 2019, Oct. 2019, Oct. 2019
青木 和也; 掛井 将平; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一; 齋藤 彰一, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2019 論文集, TrustZoneを利用した安全なメモリ操作によるプロセス状態確認手法, Oct. 2019, Oct. 2019, Oct. 2019
林 優香; 稲吉 弘樹; 掛井 将平; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一; 齋藤 彰一, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2019 論文集, コンパイラ最適化がテイント解析に与える影響と解析性能向上, Oct. 2019, Oct. 2019, Oct. 2019
Hiroki Inayoshi; Shohei Kakei; Eiji Takimoto; Koichi Mouri; Shoichi Saito, AsiaJCIS 2019, Prevention of Data Leakage due to Implicit Information Flows in Android Applications, Aug. 2019, Aug. 2019, Aug. 2019
Keigo Taga; Junjun Zheng; Koichi Mouri; Shoichi Saito; Eiji Takimoto, International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2019 (IMECS 2019), Firewall Traversal Method by Inserting Pseudo TCP Header into QUIC, Mar. 2019, Mar. 2019, Mar. 2019
Yuya Yamashita; Junjun Zheng; Shoichi Saito; Eiji Takimoto; Koichi Mouri, International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2019 (IMECS 2019), Implementation of Virtual Machine Monitor-Based Stack Trace Mechanism on Windows 10 x64, Mar. 2019, Mar. 2019, Mar. 2019
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, MPTCPにおけるパス特性を考慮した輻輳制御アルゴリズム選択に関する検討, Mar. 2019
情報処理学会研究報告 2019-OS-145, ゲストOSのファイルキャッシュ識別によるメモリ重複除外, Mar. 2019
情報処理学会研究報告 2019-OS-145, ゲストOSのファイルキャッシュ識別によるメモリ重複除外, Feb. 2018
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, QUICへの擬似TCPヘッダ挿入によるファイアウォールトラバーサル手法, 2018
コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2018(CSS2018)論文集, プロセス内処理に対する遠隔認証手法の提案と実装, 2018
コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2018(CSS2018)論文集, ヒープ領域に対するソースコード不要のIntel MPX命令適用手法, 2018
コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2018(CSS2018)論文集, 動的解析においてログが取得できないマルウェアの実態調査, 2018
コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2018(CSS2018)論文集, AlkanetにおけるMeltdown対策済Windowsのシステムコールトレース手法, 2018
コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2018(CSS2018)論文集, Androidにおけるランタイムパーミッションのクラス別適用手法, 2018
情報処理学会研究報告, IEEE802.11 MAC拡張による高信頼1対2通信方式の無線ネットワークコーディングへの適用, 2018
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, パケット順序エラーに対するフィードバックを用いたTCP高速再送制御の制御手法の実環境評価, 2018
山本 遼介; 片山 吉章; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一, 第79回情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集, 高信頼な組込みシステムに向けた障害情報収集機能を持つ監視用OSの試作, Mar. 2017, Mar. 2017, Mar. 2017
Eiji Takimoto; Shuhei Aketa; Shoichi Saito; Koichi Mouri, International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Sciencists 2017 (IMECS 2017), Network Coding with Wait Time Insertion and Configuration for TCP Communications in Wireless Multi-hop Networks, Mar. 2017, Mar. 2017, Mar. 2017
Yosuke Mitsuzumi; Shuhei Aketa; Eiji Takimoto; Shoichi Saito; Koichi Mouri, International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Sciencists 2017 (IMECS 2017), Improvement of Acknowledgment Mechanism for TCP with Network Coding, Mar. 2017, Mar. 2017, Mar. 2017
新美 渓介; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一; 齋藤 彰一, 情報処理学会研究報告, プロセス耐障害性向上システムOrthrosにおけるコンテナマイグレーション手法, 2017, 2017, 2017
榑林 秀晃; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一; 齋藤 彰一, 情報処理学会研究報告, RINArray:配列構造復元による侵入検知システムの精度向上, 2017, 2017, 2017
黒竹 俊太; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 高速無線通信を想定したTCP再送オフロードのデバイスドライバによる実装とその評価, 2017, 2017, 2017
河合 佑紀; 明田 修平; 半井 明大; 窪田 歩; 瀧本 栄二; 毛利 公一, 情報処理学会研究報告, AndroidアプリケーションにおけるRuntime Permission要求時の挙動調査, 2017, 2017, 2017
山下 雄也; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2017(CSS2017)論文集, 仮想計算機モニタを用いたWindows 10 64bit環境におけるスタックトレースの実現, 2017, 2017, 2017
福田 泰平; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2017(CSS2017)論文集, JDWPによる動的解析を利用したAndroidアプリケーションの外部モジュール利用実態調査, 2017, 2017, 2017
松本 隆志; 明田 修平; 瀧本 栄二; 齋藤 彰一; 毛利 公一, 情報処理学会研究報告, 情報漏洩防止のためのTCPによるネットワークワイドなテイント追跡手法, 2017, 2017, 2017
情報処理学会コンピュータシステム・シンポジウム論文集, 仮想計算機モニタXenにおけるRTOS向け割込み通知機構, 2011
岡迫孝史, 電子情報通信学会総合大会, eBPFを用いたアンチVMの逆用によるIoTマルウェアの対策手法の検討, Oral presentation, 09 Mar. 2023, 07 Mar. 2023, 10 Mar. 2023