Researchers Database

TAKADA Masashi

Last Updated :2024/06/12


Profile and Settings

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  • (BLANK), The University of Tokyo, Mar. 1985
  • The University of Tokyo, Mar. 1983

Research Interests

  • 応用地質学
  • 古環境解析
  • 年代測定学
  • 地質学
  • 第四紀学
  • 地形学
  • 自然地理学
  • Applied geology
  • Paleoenvironmental analysis
  • Numerical dating
  • Geology
  • Quaternary Science
  • Geomorphology
  • Physical Geography

Research Areas

  • Natural sciences, Solid earth science
  • Humanities & social sciences, Geography

Research Experience

  • 2008, 2012, :奈良女子大学・文学部・教授
  • 2012, 9999, Nara Women’s University, 研究院・人文科学系, 教授
  • 2007, 2008, :奈良女子大学・文学部・准教授
  • 1995, 2007, :奈良女子大学・文学部・助教授
  • 1995, 2007, :Associate Professor of Nara Women's University
  • 2001, 2003, :国立極地研究所・助教授併任
  • 2001, -:奈良女子大学・共生科学研究センター兼担
  • 1997, 2000, :奈良女子大学大学院・人間文化研究科・博士課程兼担
  • 1995, 1999, :奈良女子大学大学院・文学研究科・修士課程兼担
  • 1998, -:奈良女子大学大学院・人間文化研究科・博士前期・博士後期課程兼担
  • 1996, 1997, :通商産業技官(地質調査所環境地質部)併任
  • 1993, 1996, :東洋学園大学・非常勤講師
  • 1990, 1996, :東洋女子短期大学・非常勤講師
  • 1990, 1996, :Part-time Lecturer of Toyo Women's College
  • 1994, 1995, :日本大学文理学部・非常勤講師
  • 1991, 1995, :横浜国立大学・非常勤講師
  • 1988, 1989, :東洋女子短期大学・非常勤講師
  • 1988, 1989, :Part-time Lecturer of Toyo Women's College
  • Apr. 2022, Mar. 2024, Nara University, 文学部地理学科, 非常勤講師, Japan
  • Apr. 2021, Mar. 2024, Nara Women's University, 研究院・人文科学系, 評議員(大学院人間文化総合科学研究科選出)
  • Apr. 2017, Mar. 2021, 奈良女子大学研究院人文科学系, 奈良女子大学大学院, 人間文化研究科長(2019年4月より名称変更により人間文化総合科学研究科長)
  • Apr. 2016, Mar. 2017, 奈良女子大学, 研究院・人文科学系, 評議員(大学院人間文化研究科選出)
  • Oct. 2020, Mar. 2021, 大阪公立大学大学院理学研究科非常勤講師(「環境地球学特別講義II」担当)
  • Apr. 2013, Mar. 2015, 奈良女子大学附属中等教育学校長(兼任)
  • Oct. 2001, Mar. 2002, 大阪市立大学大学院理学研究科非常勤講師(「環境地球学」担当)
  • Apr. 1999, Mar. 2000, 神戸大学非常勤講師(地理学特殊研究担当)
  • Apr. 1998, Mar. 1999, 奈良大学非常勤講師(「地理学特殊研究」担当)


  • Apr. 1983, Mar. 1990, The University of Tokyo, 理学系研究科, 地理学専門課程, Japan
  • Apr. 1990, Mar. 1993, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Science, 研究生
  • Apr. 1981, Mar. 1983, The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science, 地学科地理学専門課程, Japan
  • Apr. 1979, Mar. 1981, The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography

Teaching Experience

  • Apr. 2000
  • Apr. 1998, 9999
  • Apr. 1995, 9999
  • Apr. 1999, 9999
  • Apr. 1999, 9999
  • Apr. 1995, 9999
  • Apr. 2013, 9999
  • Apr. 2000, 9999

Association Memberships

  • 日本堆積学会, Mar. 2006, 9999
  • 東北地理学会, Oct. 1988, 9999
  • 日本地形学連合, Apr. 1988, 9999
  • 日本地質学会, Mar. 2005, 9999
  • 日本地震学会, Sep. 1997, 9999
  • 人文地理学会, May 1995, 9999
  • 日本地球化学会, Nov. 2007, 9999
  • 日本地すべり学会, Aug. 1993, 9999
  • The Geological Society of America, Jan. 2004, 9999
  • American Geophysical Union, Jan. 2005, 9999
  • 日本活断層学会, Dec. 2007, 9999
  • 日本第四紀学会, Apr. 1985, 9999
  • 日本地理学会, Apr. 1985, 9999
  • The Tohoku Geographical Association
  • The International Association of Geomorphologists
  • The Geological Society of Japan
  • The Seismological Society of Japan
  • The Human Geographical Society of Japan
  • The Japan Landslide Society
  • Japan Association for Quaternary Research
  • The Association of Japanese Geographers Nippon Chiri-Gakkai

Academic Contribution

  • 地理学評論論文査読, Peer review etc, 日本地理学会, 24 Jun. 2020
  • Polar Science 論文査読, Peer review etc, Elsevier (国立極地研究所), 30 Apr. 2022, 30 Apr. 2022
  • 地質学雑誌投稿論文査読, Peer review etc, 日本地質学会, 13 Feb. 2022, 07 Mar. 2022


Published Papers

  • Not Refereed, Mar. 2023, 第193集, 71, 75
  • Not Refereed, Mar. 2023, 〇〇, 〇〇, 〇〇, 〇〇
  • Not Refereed, 『平城京左京三条二坊十四坪』奈良県文化財調査報告書 第186集.(奈良県立橿原考古学研究所), 第4章 分析 第2節 平城京左京三条二坊十四坪における下部堆積層の14C年代と火山噴出物., 高田将志, Mar. 2020, 309, 312, Research institution
  • Not Refereed, 『勢野東遺跡』奈良県立橿原考古学研究所調査報告書第127冊(奈良県立橿原考古学研究所), 第6章 2.勢野東遺跡調査地点における堆積層の堆積年代., 高田将志, Mar. 2020, 107, 110, Research institution
  • Not Refereed, 奈良県遺跡調査概報 2017年度 第2分冊。(奈良県立橿原考古学研究所), 附編2. 美濃庄遺跡における下部堆積層の火山噴出物。, 高田将志, Mar. 2019, 145, 146, Research institution
  • Not Refereed, 『新関西地盤―奈良盆地―』KG-NET・関西圏地盤研究会・一般社団法人 関西地質調査業協会 編, 公開 第Ⅱ編 基準ボーリング 2.2.5 OSL年代測定., 高田将志, Sep. 2018, 240, 242, Research institution
  • Refereed, QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Latest pleistocene to holocene alluvial basin construction: An example from the Nara Basin, central Japan, Nobuaki Itoh; Kazuaki Hori; Masashi Takada, The response of alluvial plains or basins located upstream from the limit of marine deposition to allogenic forcing, such as sea level and climate change, has received little attention compared with adjacent coastal plains. This study investigates the stratigraphy and evolution of an alluvial basin in Nara, Japan, which has formed along the middle reaches of the Yamato River and its tributaries since around the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), based on the analysis of newly collected radiocarbon-dated sediment cores and by collating existing borehole logs, radiocarbon ages, and burial depths of dated archaeological remains. Major fluvial incision did not occur in the basin during the sea-level lowstand around the LGM. In addition, the latest Pleistocene to Holocene strata (< 5 m thick) are extremely thin compared with the southern part of the Osaka Plain, which is located in the lower reaches of the river. These observations indicate that the base level fluctuations caused by eustatic sea level change, and tectonic subsidence related to active faults in the surrounding mountains, have had little influence on deposition in the basin since around the LGM and that the basin has been a zone of sediment transfer or transport. The burial depths of dated archaeological remains suggest that the thickness of sediment that has accumulated over the last 2000 years is around 1-2 m across large areas of the basin. The expansion of secondary forest caused by human disturbance in the historical period, and repeated landslide-induced river-bed uplift downstream from the outlet of the basin, may have promoted flood deposition in the basin. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved., Oct. 2017, 455, 102, 112, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.06.016
  • Refereed, GEOCHRONOMETRIA, DE GRUYTER OPEN LTD, ELECTRON SPIN RESONANCE SIGNALS OF QUARTZ IN PRESENT-DAY RIVER BED SEDIMENTS AND POSSIBLE SOURCE ROCKS IN THE KIZU RIVER BASIN, WESTERN JAPAN, Aiko Shimada; Masashi Takada; Shin Toyoda, In this study, measurements of electron spin resonance (ESR) signals from quartz grains from present-day river bed sediments of the Kizu River basin (western Japan) were used to estimate the mixing ratios of the possible source materials of these fluvial deposits. The dose-saturated ESR signal intensities obtained from the Al and Ti-Li centers in quartz grains were close to the range between the maximum and minimum intensities of their potential source rocks, meaning it was possible to estimate the mixing ratios of these sources. The results indicate that the dose-saturated Al and Ti-Li center ESR intensities can be used to quantitatively estimate the provenance of the sediments deposited by the Kizu River., Feb. 2016, 43, 1, 155, 161, Scientific journal, 10.1515/geochr-2015-0039
  • Refereed, Advances in ESR Applications, TL and ESR signals in quartz of Kurobe River Sediments., Yoshida, M; Toyoda, S; Ninagawa, K; Takada, M; Shimada, A, 2016, 32, 4, 10
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学地理学・地域環境学研究報告, 環境指標としてみた植物珪酸体の酸素同位体比, 高田将志, Nov. 2015, Ⅷ, 63, 70
  • Refereed, QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, Multiple approaches to date Japanese marker tephras using optical and ESR methods, R. H. Biswas; S. Toyoda; M. Takada; Y. Shitaoka, The present study aimed to test reliability of luminescence and electron spin resonance (ESR) methods to date tephra. We investigated on three Japanese marker tephras, Ikeda-ko (6.4 ka), Aira-Tn (30 ka) and Aira-Iwato (45-50 ka). A systematic studies were performed using different minerals (quartz and feldspar), different grain fractions (75-250 and 250-500 mu m), different luminescence and ESR signals, like optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of quartz, infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) of feldspar, including recently developed least faded post infrared IRSL (pIR-IRSL), and ESR signals from paramagnetic centers Al and Ti-Li of quartz. Ages obtained using pIR-IRSL signal of plagioclase with preheat of 320 degrees C, 60 s and stimulation at 300 degrees C are consistent with the reference ages. High dose detection range (up to similar to 600 Gy) and accurate age estimation enable pIR-IRSL of feldspar a promising methodology to date quaternary tephra. ESR ages from quartz are grossly correlated with the reference ages but large deviation and large associated errors are observed, possibly due to either low signal to noise ratio or heterogenous dose response of different aliquot in multiple aliquot additive dose (MAAD) approach. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., Oct. 2015, 30, Part B, 350, 356, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.quageo.2015.01.004
  • Refereed, E-journal GEO, 和歌山県の河川における面源汚染の実態, 熊木雅代; 山田誠; 浜崎健児; 高村仁知; 高田将志; 和田恵次, 2015, 10, 1, 1, 17, 10.4157/ejgeo.10.1
  • Refereed, ESR応用計測, 現河床堆積物に含まれる石英のESR信号特性―木津川流域を対象として―, 野曽原吉彦; 豊田新; 高田将志; 島田愛子; 吉田真徳, 2014, 30, 4, 11
  • Refereed, Geochronometria, Characteristics of ESR signals and TLCLs of quartz included in various source rocks and sediments in Japan: A clue to sediment provenance, Aiko Shimada; Masashi Takada; Shin Toyoda, The variation of electron spin resonance (ESR) signal intensities and thermoluminescence colour images (TLCIs) of quartz was investigated in the present study for various rocks and sediments in Japan, to discuss the possibilities of identifying the sediment provenance. The ESR signal intensity of the E1' centre in the same grain size in granitic quartz varies from sample to sample, except for that in Quaternary samples of volcanic sediment, which is very low, close to the noise level. It was found that the diagram, ESR intensities of Al versus Ti-Li centre signal intensities, distinguish volcanic from the same grain size in granitic quartz as well as distinguish individual tephra from another. The TLCIs from volcanic quartz and some granitic quartz samples is almost red and that from the rest of granitic and metamudstone quartz is blue as results of TLCIs although the emission intensities are dif-ferent. Our results suggest that examining the multiple-centre signal intensities of ESR and the TLCIs are ef-fective to identify the source of quartz and to estimate the sediment provenance. © 2013 Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland. All rights reserved., Dec. 2013, 40, 4, 334, 340, International conference proceedings, 10.2478/s13386-013-0111-z
  • Refereed, 考古学と自然科学, 日本文化財科学会, Identification of Animal Sources of Collagen Used as Glue in Chinese Ink Sticks by MALDI Mass Spectrometry, 宮路淳子; 河原一樹; 松尾良樹; 舘野和己; 鈴木孝仁; 高田将志; 山崎 雄三, 2013, 64, 47, 57
  • Refereed, Advances in ESR Applications, Component resolved optically stimulated luminescence investigations and age determination for a quartz sample from marine terrace sediments in Fukui region, central Japan., Banerjee, D; Toyoda, S; Takada, M; Shimada, A, 2011, 27, 7, 10
  • Not Refereed, 奈良女子大学文学部地理学・地域環境学研究報告, 起源の異なる石英の110℃熱ルミネッセンス信号特性―堆積物の供給源推定にむけて―, 高田 将志, 2010, Ⅶ, 105, 112
  • Refereed, Annual Reports of Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Nara Women's University, Nara Women's University, Characteristics of Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) signals in quartz from igneous rock samples: a clue to sediment provenance., Shimada, A; Takada, M, 2008, 23, 23, 187, 195
  • Refereed, GEOCHRONOMETRIA, WIND-J WOJEWODA PUBL CO, ESR dating of sedimentary quartz from two pleistocene deposits using Al and Ti-centers, Helene Tissoux; Shin Toyoda; Christophe Falgueres; Pierre Voinchet; Masashi Takada; Jean-Jacques Bahain; Jackie Despriee, One sample from a fluvial terrace of Loir river (France) deposited during isotopic stages 7-8 and two samples from isotopic stage 5 marine sediments of Echizen Coast (Japan) were dated by ESR of quartz grains. Both additive and regenerative techniques were used on Ti-Li and Ti-H centers of quartz. No change of sensitivity of the centers was observed during regeneration which significantly reduced the errors on the equivalent doses. Bleaching experiments indicated that the Ti-Li center is less sensitive to UV(ultra-violet)-A (365-412 nm) than to the full sun spectrum whereas UVA alone is sufficient to reset the bleachable component of the Al-center. This effect could be the origin of the strong overestimation of the ages determined using the Ti-Li center in this study. The comparison of the equivalent doses determined by the two Ti-centers indicated that bleaching before deposition of the fluvial sediment was apparently better than for the marine sample., 2008, 30, 23, 31, Scientific journal, 10.2478/v10003-008-0004-y
  • Refereed, Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, The Association of Japanese Geographers, Irrigation cannel casts remained in the arid regions of China and their abandoned periods, based on interpretation from the high-resolution satellite images, SOHMA Hidehiro; TAKADA Masashi; TIAN Ran; OGATA Noboru; ITO Toshio; WATANABE Mitsuko; WEI Jien; YU Zhiyong; QI Wuyun,
    1).内モンゴル西部黒河下流域(デルタ地域):衛星画像判読から,大まかには大小二種類の紅柳包が抽出された.大規模紅柳包は,現地調査によれば,漢代の建設でほぼ同時代内に放棄されたとされるK688遺跡では,囲壁の一部に比高約15mの紅柳包(tamarix cone)が分布し,漢代の建設で3-4世紀に放棄されたとされるK710遺跡付近では,南東端囲壁から約50m地点の灌漑水路跡が比高6-7mの紅柳包に覆われていた.

    本研究は,平成19年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究(A)(2)(海外)「高解像度衛星データによる古灌漑水路・耕地跡の復元とその系譜の類型化」(代表:相馬秀廣)による研究成果の一部である., 2008, 2008, 0, 76, 76, 10.14866/ajg.2008s.0.76.0
  • Not Refereed, Project report on an Oasis-region, Change of desert environment and human activities during the last 3000 years in the lowest reaches of Heihe River, China, ENDO Kunihiko; QI Wuyun; MU Guijin; ZHENG Xiangmin; MURATA Taisuke; HORI Kazuaki; SOHMA Hidehiro; TAKADA Masashi, Mar. 2007, 6, 2, 181, 199, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, RADIATION MEASUREMENTS, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Preliminary study of the application of natural olivine in Cenozoic dating, Masashi Takada; Atsushi Tani; Aiko Shimada, The study investigated the luminescence behaviour of natural olivine to discuss the potential for Cenozoic (quaternary) dating. The UV-blue thermoluminescence (TL) glow curves of irradiated olivines have a resolved peak at 190 degrees C and other peaks at higher temperature at lower dose levels, and broad signals around 275-310 and 375-400 degrees C at higher dose levels. The UV-blue TL increases with additional laboratory dose to similar to 1.6 kGy within a plateau temperature region, suggesting the possibility of dosimetry and Cenozoic dating. Both infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and blue light stimulated luminescence (BLSL) were detected from laboratory-irradiated olivines although the BLSL was weaker than the IRSL. Furthermore, post-BL IRSL was detected but post-IR BLSL was not observed. Therefore, IR stimulation is recommended for optically stimulated luminescence measurements with natural olivine. The growth of the IRSL signal component with doses less than several tens of Gy are too weak to measure. The dose-response curves suggest that further investigations on various types of olivine are needed for practical IRSL dating in the late Pleistocene or more recent. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., Aug. 2006, 41, 7-8, 982, 986, Scientific journal, 10.1016/j.radmeas.2006.05.024
  • Refereed, Transactions,Japanese Geomorphological Union, 日本地形学連合, Geomorphological Study Based on Satellite Photographs and Satellite Images : In the Cases of Investigation on Active Faults in Tarim Basin and Turpan Basin, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, China, WATANABE Mitsuko; TAKADA Masashi; SOHMA Hidehiro, Satellite remote sensing provides valuable information on the landscapes of foreign countries. However, satellite images, having lower ground-resolution compared with aerial photographs, are difficult to detect the detail features formed by active faults such as the deformation of the fluvial terrace surfaces. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the active faults of the Turpan basin and Tarim basin, North West of China, focusing on the deformations of the terrace surfaces by the interpretation of the CORONA satellite photographs of high-resolution (2-3 m) with stereo coverage. The following results are obtained. Fault scarps with about 5 m relative heights and the dislocations on the fluvial terrace surfaces can be recognized by the detail stereo-optical interpretation of the CORONA Satellite Photographs. CORONA mosaic images show that the active faults of Turpan Basin and Tarim Basin distribute along the piedmont of the anticlinal mountains or hills parallel to the southern flank of Tian Shan Mts. But, there are some regional differences in distribution patterns between both basins; in the Turpan Area, active faults are continuously developed along the southern flank of the anticlinal mountains or hills, but in the Kashi Area (northwestern part of Tarim Basin), active structures appear intermittently. Perhaps, these differences reflected by subsurface structure or condition of tectonic stress. Thus, the CORONA mosaic images can easily show these differences. As stated above, by using high-resolution satellite images and photographs, not only detail mapping of active faults based on the deformations of the terrace surfaces locally, but also analyzing of the distribution patterns of active faults regionally is possible. In addition, high-resolution satellite images and photographs also provide very useful data for the research on the landform in late Quaternary such as the fluvial, glacial and aeolian landforms characteristic in the inland Asia. The future development on the studies of landform development in late Quaternary in the inland Asia is expected., 25 Apr. 2006, 27, 2, 171, 185
  • Refereed, Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, The Association of Japanese Geographers, Active structures and average slip rate of active faults along the Southern Flank of the Tian Shan Mountains, WATANABE Mitsuko; SOHMA Hidehiro; TAKADA Masashi; WATANABE Mitsuhisa, はじめに
    現河床からの比高・開析度などに着目してCORONA 衛星写真判読を行った結果,Tuqashla 付近の河成段丘は,Tuqashla中位1面(TqM1面),中位2面(TqM2面),低位2面(TqL2面),および低位3(TqL3)面に分類される。これらの段丘面は,Khr.Naratag_-_Khr.Ishta Rchitag丘陵の南麓に沿う南向きの断層崖によって変位を受けている。また,Mar-ArtushからTakutにかけての地域(Gory Boztag北縁)では,Takut中位1面(TkM1面)_から_中位3面(TkM3面),低位1面(TkL1面)_から_低位4(TkL4)面の7面に分類された。最も広いTkL4面は,流路変更にともなって形成されたと考えられる低い崖や起伏を除くと比較的平坦で大部分が耕地化されている。TkL1面とTkM3面の間には明瞭な段丘崖が認められる。TkM3面よりも高位の段丘面は,段丘崖付近で谷頭侵食がおこっており,高位の面ほど開析が進んでいるものの,いずれにも平坦面がよく保存されている。ここでは,Gory Boztag_-_Gory Chontag丘陵の北麓に沿った北向きの断層崖が段丘面を変位させている。
    Gory Boztag丘陵北麓における活断層の変位速度
    , 2005, 2005, 0, 231, 231, 10.14866/ajg.2005s.0.231.0
  • Refereed, QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, ESR dating of fossil shells in the Lutzow-Holm Bay Region, East Antarctica, M Takada; A Tani; H Miura; K Moriwaki; T Nagatomo, The authors investigate ESR dating of in situ fossil aragonitic shells from the emerged marine sediments in the Lutzow-Holm Bay region. East Antarctica to compare ESR ages with AMS C-14 dates and to discuss late Pleistocene chronology. From the ESR ages, the AMS C-14 ages of late Pleistocene for the samples (33-43 ka) seem to be underestimated and to be much closer to the marine isotope stage (MIS) 4-5 or MIS 6-7 rather than to MIS 3. Our results suggest that further dating studies as well as C-14 dating should be made in the study area by using various techniques. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved., May 2003, 22, 10-13, 1323, 1328, Scientific journal, True, 10.1016/S0277-3791(03)00040-4
  • Not Refereed, 月刊地球, 南極沿岸地域の完新世のイベント -隆起海浜地形と放棄されたペンギンルッカリ--, 三浦英樹; 前杢英明; 吉永秀一郎; 高田将志; Daniel Zwartz, 2002, 271, 23, 30
  • Not Refereed, 月刊地球, 東南極,エンダービーランド,リーセルラルセン山周辺の第四紀氷床変動の証拠と古環境, 三浦英樹; 高田将志; Daniel Zwartz, 2002, 271, 51, 57
  • Refereed, RADIATION MEASUREMENTS, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) study of synthetic stishovite, A Tani; C Yamanaka; M Ikeya; O Ohtaka; M Takada; T Katsura, Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of synthetic stishovite was investigated for a future dating technique of meteor impact craters. Luminescence around 330 nm was measured on the gamma -ray irradiated stishovite under two stimulating light sources of infrared laser (830 nm) and blue light emitting diode set (470 nm). Thermoluminescence (TL) studies before and after the OSL measurements showed the intensities around 100-200 degreesC and 220-350 degreesC to increase and those around 350-450 degreesC to decrease. This indicates that a part of deep-trapped charges excited during the OSL measurements were retrapped by shallower traps. The infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) after the TL measurement up to 450 degreesC could not be detected, while the blue light stimulated luminescence (BLSL) after TL had about one-tenth of the intensity before TL, This indicates that a part of the charges in shallower traps were detrapped thermally and returned to the deeper traps which were related to BLSL, The result implies that some of the BLSL-related traps are quite stable at room temperature and could be used for geological dating. In addition, two paramagnetic centers produced by sudden release of high pressure in synthesis process were found in the unirradiated stishovite by electron spin resonance (ESR). Their g-factors are g(parallel to) = 2.00181 and g(perpendicular to) = 2.00062 for an axial signal and g = 2.00305 for the other isotropic signal. These signals could be used for an evidence of impacts if those signals could be stored in geological time. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved., Oct. 2000, 32, 5-6, 473, 477, Scientific journal, 10.1016/S1350-4487(00)00116-5
  • Not Refereed, Transactions,Japanese Geomorphological Union, 日本地形学連合, Backgrounds of Recent Natural Disasters, TAKADA Masashi; SOHMA Hidehiro; TANAKA Shingo; OKADA Atsumasa; OKUNISHI Kazuo; ENDO Kunihiko, Jul. 1999, 20, 4, 369, 372, Scientific journal
  • Not Refereed, M. Ohsawa et al. (eds. ), ANAGA CLOUD FOREST. A Comparatire study on evergreen broad-leaved forest and trees in the Canary Islands and Japan. Chiba University, Quaternary Landform and Geochronology in Tenerife, the Canary Islands, TAKADA Masashi, 1999, 39, 54
  • Refereed, Polar Geoscience, Radiocarbon and thermoluminescence ages in the Mt. Riiser-Larsen area, Enderby Land, East Antarctica, TAKADA Masashi; Takada, M; Miura, H; Zwartz, D.P, Varved organic clay (Richardson Clay) and thin coatings of calcite attached to rocks within thick till deposits (Tula Till) in the Mt Riiser-Larsen area, East Antarctica, were dated by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon and thermolummescence (TL) dating AMS^<14>C ages corrected by the δ^<13>C values m this study are 40250 ±1200 y BP for the varved organic clay and 42570 ± 670 y BP for the calcite samples Although there is a possibility that these ages might be too young due to contamination by younger carbon or other factors, it seems hard to regard the true age of crystallization of the calcite as much older than the Last Interglacial Stage from the provisional result of TL dating In East Antarctica, ice thickness and extent during the Last Glacial Stage is assumed to have been very much less than was earlier hypothesized, and the thick glacial deposits in the Mt Riiser-Larsen area have been supposed to be a correlative of the thick late-Pliocene deposits in the Transantarctic mountains and the Prince Charles mountains The result of this study, however, suggests that in a region like the Mt Riiser-Larsen area where ice comes mainly from the coastal area around the Napier mountains, the possibility of a re-advance of the ice sheet and/or deposition of thick glacial tills during the late-Pleistocene should be taken into account, 1998, 11, 239, 248
  • Refereed, Polar Geosciences, National Institute of Polar Research, Holocene lake sediments and sea-level change at Mt. Riiser-Larsen, Zwartz, D.P; Miura, H; Takada, M; Moriwaki, K, At sites where glacio-isostatic rebound has occurred, the record of sea-level change can be used to infer the former ice thickness and its melting history At Mt Riiser-Larsen, former sea-levels higher than present are indicated by the presence of raised beach deposits and ancient sediments deposited in brackish water Sediment cores from three ice-marginal lakes contained only fresh-water sediment, and a basal radiocarbon age shows that there has been no marine incursion in the last 〜10000 years, limiting sea-level during that time to lower than 18 4m above present A well-defined marine limit is present 15 m a s 1, which will be dated using radiocarbon ages on stranded seals and abandoned penguin rookeries We anticipate an age of 〜6 ka, because of the interaction between eustatic and isostatic components of sea-level change, 1998, 11, 249, 259
  • Refereed, 南極資料, Report on the geological and geomorphological field party in the Mt. Riiser-Larsen area, Enderby Land, 1996-97 (JARE-38), Hideo Ishizuka; Hideki Miura; Masashi Takada; Masahiro Ishikawa; Daniel Peter Zwartz; Satoko Suzuki; Tomokazu Hokada, 第38次南極地域観測隊(JARE-38)はエンダビーランド・リーセルラルセン山地域で地質および地形の野外調査を1996年12月16日から1997年2月18日までの65日間行った。この野外調査は「東南極のリソスフェアの構造と進化研究計画(SEAL計画)」の初年度の活動である。野外調査は4名の地質班と3名の地形班によって実施された。それぞれの班は地質学あるいは地形学的調査を行い, 約3500kgの学術試料を採取した。本報告では, 計画立案の過程から実施経過までの概要および問題点を主に設営面を中心として詳述し, あわせて野外調査の概要を報告する。The 38th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-38) performed field work on geology and geomorphology in the Mt. Riiser-Larsen area, Enderby Land, for 65 days from December 16,1996 to February 18,1997. This was a first-year activity of the SEAL (Structure and Evolution of East Antarctic Lithosphere) project. The field work was conducted by two groups, one consisting of four geologists and the other of three geomorphologists. Each group carried out the geological and geomorphological surveys, respectively, and collected scientific samples totaling about 3500kg. This report gives details of the plan and actual logistics, and also summarizes the preliminary results of the field work., 1997, 41, 3, 743, 777, 10.15094/00009015
  • Refereed, Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Antarctic Geosciences, ESR AND TL DATING OF QUATERNARY SEDIMENTS IN THE LUTZOW-HOLM BAY REGION, EAST ANTARCTICA, Masashi TAKADA; Masahisa HAYASHI; Takanobu SAWAGAKI; Kazuomi HIRAKAWA; Kiichi MORIWAKI, Fossil shells and marine sediments in the Lutzow-Holm Bay region, East Antarctica, were dated by electron spin resonance (ESR) and thermoluminescence (TL), respectively. The ESR and TL dates obtained in this study could be correlated with the postglacial ^<14>C age group around Lutzow-Holm Bay. The sample of shells was taken from the emerged marine sediments in Langhovde which also contain another sample of quartz, and there is a small discrepancy between the two dates. Probably it is due to uncertainties in the estimates of the internal dose for the fossil shells and of the paleodose for the quartz sample., Sep. 1995, 8, 8, 230, 238
  • Not Refereed, Annual report of studies in humanities and social sciences, Nara Women's University, A Review of Current Developments in Optically Stimulated Luminescense Dating of Quaternary Sediments, Takada Masashi, 1995, 39, 53, 68
  • Refereed, J. Geogr., Tokyo Geographical Society, Identification of Widespread Tephras in and around Bandai Volcano,Northeast Japan, SUZUKI Takehiko; KIMURA Jun-ichi; SODA Tsutomu; CHIBA Shigeki; KOARAI Mamoru; ARAI Fusao; YOSHINAGA Shuichiro; TAKADA Masashi, 1995, 104, 4, 551, 560, 10.5026/jgeography.104.4_551
  • Refereed, QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, ESR DATES AND THERMAL-BEHAVIOR OF AL AND TI CENTERS IN QUARTZ FOR THE TEPHRA AND WELDED TUFF IN JAPAN, N IMAI; K SHIMOKAWA; K SAKAGUCHI; M TAKADA, A welded tuff in a geothermal area was dated by electron spin resonance (ESR) and thermoluminescence (TL). The ESR spectrum has a clear Ti center signal and weak Al center signal, which resembles the spectrum of the volcanic ash (Crystal Ash C1, Shinshu, Japan) annealed at 200-degrees-C for 20 hr. In this volcanic ash, the intensity of the Al center signal selectively decreased with the heat treatment. This result may suggest that this welded tuff sample was subjected to weak thermal annealing in the past, and only the Al center signal was reduced. From ESR, the equivalent dose (ED) was 49 Gy and the ESR date was 0.043 Ma for the Al center and the ED value was 300 Gy and the ESR date was 0.26 Ma for the Ti center. From TL, the ED value was 39 Gy and the TL date was 0.039 Ma, which are close to that of the Al center signal using ESR. A detailed thermal annealing experiment at 400, 800 and 1000-degrees-C for this sample, rose and smoky quartz was performed to investigate the variety of ESR signals of natural quartz and the influence of thermal annealing in the past., 1992, 11, 1-2, 257, 265, Scientific journal
  • Refereed, J. Geogr., Tokyo Geographical Society, Landforms of the Bhutan Himalaya, TAKADA Masashi, 1992, 101, 4, 283, 297, 10.5026/jgeography.101.4_283
  • Refereed, J. Geogr., Tokyo Geographical Society, Periglacial Smooth Slopes in and around Mt. Yakushidake the Morthern Japan Alps, TAKADA Masashi, The author investigated periglacial smooth slopes in and around Mt. Yakushidake (2, 926m), the Northern Japan Alps, to discuss geomorphic altitudinal zonation since the later Last Glacial stage.
    Present geomorphic altitudinal zonation can be regarded as follows:
    Zone I (none): block field zone
    Zone II (above 2, 700m): deep reaching and free solifluction zone (periglacial rubble slope zone)
    Zone III (2, 400-2, 700m): shallow and partly bound solifluction zone
    Slope materials of present periglacial smooth slopes higher than 2, 700m above sea level and adjacent fossil ones have various characteristics, that is, surface openwork rubble layers, structures of particle sorting and/or multi-layers of debris, as well as platy or bladed layers, silt cap and sorted free grain accumulation under boulders. These are assumed to be due to freeze-thaw processes or advances of solifluction lobes. Therefore they can be regarded as good indicators of fossil periglacial slope deposits.
    In view of the distribution of fossil periglacial smooth slopes and characteristics of slope materials, geomorphic altitudinal zonation during the later Last Glacial stage is assumed to have been as follows:
    Zone I (block field zone): above 2, 500m
    Zone II (deep reaching and free solifluction zone; periglacial rubble slope zone): 2, 100 or 2, 200-2, 500m
    Zone III (shallow and partly bound solifluction zone): 1, 700-2, 100 or 2, 200m
    Though periglacial smooth slopes were formed through the Zone I-II and III, in the Zone III freeze-thaw processes were not so dominant but slope wash and/or alpine debris flows played major roles in their development. Scars of collapses, as well as periglacial smooth slopes, were formed predominantly in the Zone ifi during the Glacial stage.
    Periglacial rubble slopes were wider during the period after 4, 500 BP than those in the previous time and in the present. During this period the lower boundary of the periglacial rubble slope zone (Zone II) is assumed to have been placed at about 2, 600m. Taking a broad viewpoint, it coincides with the global cold period after the Hypsithermal (the Neoglaciation)., 1992, 101, 7, 594, 614, 10.5026/jgeography.101.7_594
  • Not Refereed, Bulltin of the Department of Geography, University of Tokyo, Environmental Changes during the Late Holocene and the Climatic Implications of Snow Accumulation Hollows in and around Mt. Tango, the Echigo, central Japan, TAKADA Masashi; Takada, M; Sasaki, M; Yanagimachi, O; Ohmori, H, 1990, 22, 35, 53
  • Refereed, 地震研究所彙報, 糸静線活断層系中部,若宮大沢断層の性格と第四紀後期における活動 -富士見,茅野における発掘調査-(共著), 糸静線活断層系発掘調査研究グループ; 太田陽子ほ; 高田将志, 1988, 63, 349, 408
  • Refereed, 地震研究所彙報, 千屋断層(秋田県)の完新世の活動と断層先端部の形態 -千畑町小森での発掘調査(共著), 千屋断層研究グループ; 今泉俊文ほ; 高田将志, 1986, 61, 339, 402
  • Refereed, 地理学評論, 三国山脈主稜線周辺の化石周氷河性平滑斜面・化石雪食凹地, 高田 将志, 1986, 59, 12, 729, 749
  • Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, The Association of Japanese Geographers, Towrad the age estimation of altered coral fossils, TAKADA Masashi, 1.はじめに:隆起サンゴ礁のU-Th年代は、海水準変動や地殻 変動の解明に多大な貢献をもたらしてきた.しかしながら、U-Th法が適用できない変質したサンゴ化石も少なくない.そのような試料しか得られない地域の隆起サンゴ礁の年代は、14C年代測定が適用可能な完新世~後期更新世の隆起サンゴ礁段丘の年代から隆起速度を仮定して推測したり、テフロクロノロジーなど他の第四紀学的情報から推測することになる。しかしながら、テクトニックにアクティブな沖縄トラフの陸側に連なる日本の南西諸島のような場合、島々に分布するサンゴ礁段丘は、陸域の活断層によって分断・ブロック化され、相対高度など地形学的な推定がむずかしい場合や、他の直接的な第四紀学的情報に乏しい場合も少なくない。



      採取したサンゴ化石は、暗室の赤色光下で、まず、岩石カッターと6N塩酸10分間以上のエッチングにより、表面5mm以上を取り除いた。その後、試料を蒸留水で洗浄後、再度、過酸化水素を加えた6N塩酸で炭酸カルシウムを完全に溶解させた。この試料処理によって生じた少量の残渣を集め、沈降法と蒸留水による洗浄を繰り返し、粒径2~10ミクロンの無機微粒子を抽出した(図1)。そして、この粒子を用いて、pIR-IRSL年代測定(Buylaert et al., 2012)を試みた。当日のポスターでは、化学分析やガンマ線計測などから求めた年間線量評価と合わせて、暫定的におこなった年代測定結果について報告する。


     [1] 矢崎清貫・大山 桂(1979):宮古島北部地域の地質,地域地質研究報告5万分の1図幅,地質調査所、46p.

     [2]  Buylaert, J. P., Jain, M., Murray, A. S., Thomsen, K. J., Thiel, C. and Sohbati, R., 2012. A robust feldspar luminescence dating method for Middle and Late Pleistocene sediments. Boreas 41, 435-451.
    , 2017, 2017, 100287, 100287, 10.14866/ajg.2017s.0_100287
  • Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, The Association of Japanese Geographers, Downstream changes of watershed environment along the river, Yamada Makoto; Takada Masashi; Soma Hidehiro; Hamasaki Kenji; Wada Keiji, We study “Downstream changes of watershed environment along the river” in Kii peninsula. The purpose of this study is to understand the physical feature of the river and watershed environment in detail. Target rivers are Koza-gawa, Arida-gawa, Shingu-gawa and Miya-gawa. We analyzed the physical features using ArcGIS 10 and 10m DEM by Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. The features of the river slope are as follows. The shape of river slope of Koza-gawa and Miya-gawa suited exponential function model. The power function suited Arida-gawa and Shingu-gawa more than the exponential function model., 2012, 2012, 100142, 100142, 10.14866/ajg.2012s.0_100142


  • Not Refereed, 「自然変動及び物質循環の視点から見た共生循環型地域社会の研究」,奈良女子大学大学院人間文化研究科, 紀伊半島の自然と災害, 高田 将志, 1999, 81, 86, Introduction research institution
  • Not Refereed, 人文地理, 学会展望「自然的基礎」, 高田 将志, 1998, 50, 307, 308, Book review
  • Not Refereed, 火山, 吉永論文「風化火山灰土の母材の起源」に対するコメント, 高田 将志, 1995, 40, 214, Report scientific journal
  • Not Refereed, 日本地理学会発表要旨集 = Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, Late Cenozoic Glacial and Environmental History in East Antarctica, TAKADA Masashi; MIURA Hideki; MORIWAKI Kiichi; YOKOYAMA Yusuke; HARADA Naomi; ARAI Masashi, 27 Mar. 2004, 0, 65, 64, 64, 10.14866/ajg.2004s.0.202.0
  • Not Refereed, 地形, 日本地形学連合, Geomorphological study through the use of satellite photographs and satellite images : In the case of investigation on active faults in Tarim basin and Turpan basin, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous region, China, WATANABE Mitsuko; TAKADA Masashi; SOHMA Hidehiro, 2004, 25, 3, 279, 280
  • Not Refereed, 月刊地球, 海洋酸素同位体ステージ3における南極氷床縁辺部の融解の可能性 -第四紀後期の両半球の氷床の挙動と原因-, 三浦英樹; 高田将志, 2002, 271, 65, 69, Introduction scientific journal
  • Not Refereed, 月刊地球, Luminescence Dating of Quaternary Materials, TAKADA Masashi; NAGATOMO Tsuneto, 1999, 号外26, 108, 118, Introduction scientific journal
  • Not Refereed, 黒部(日本黒部学会紀要), 第四紀後期の黒部川の縦断形変化と長期的土砂流出, 高田 将志, 1995, 6, 9, 16, Lecture materials
  • Not Refereed, 雑誌「地理」古今書院, ヒマラヤの地形をブータンから眺める, 高田 将志, 1993, 30, 7, 50, 56, Introduction commerce magazine
  • Not Refereed, M. Ohswa (ed. ) , Life Zone Ecology of the Bhutan Himalaya II. Chiba University., Chiba Univ., Landform and Quaternary Geohistory of the Bhutan Himalaya., TAKADA Masashi, 1991, 41, 88, Introduction other
  • Not Refereed, 雑誌「地理」, 古今書院, 地理学を考える, 杉谷隆ほか; 高田 将志, 1985, 30, 7, 84, 93, Introduction commerce magazine
  • Not Refereed, 関東平野, 片品川流域における段丘形成過程について, 高田 将志, 1984, 1, 1, 11, 16, Summary national conference
  • Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan, 日本火山学会, Comments on the Special Section Articles, HOSHIZUMI Hideo; HAYAKAWA Yukio; ONO Koji; WATANABE Kazunori; SASE Takashi; TAKADA Masashi; KOYAMA Masato; KIMURA Jun-ichi; SUZUKI Takehiko, 31 Jul. 1995, 40, 3, 211, 221
  • 科学, 岩波書店, 科学通信 地球を俯瞰する自然地理学 時空間を俯瞰する自然地理学, 高田 将志, Oct. 2016, 86, 10, 995, 997
  • Annual report on research and education, Faculty of Letters, Nara Women's University, Nara Women's University, Nara and Nara Studies : from the Viewpoint of Geography and Related Disciplines, Takada Masashi, 31 Mar. 2007, 3, 21, 25
  • 日本地理学会発表要旨集 = Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, Landform and late Quaternary paleoenvironment around the Lake Puma Yumco on the Tibetan Plateau, TAKADA Masashi; ZHU Liping, 01 Mar. 2002, 61, 256, 256
  • 日本地理学会発表要旨集 = Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, Characteristic of ESR signals from quartz grains and their origin, SHIMADA A.; TAKADA M., 10 Mar. 2006, 69, 96, 96
  • シルクロ-ド学研究, シルクロ-ド学研究センタ-, 第4章 Corona衛星写真から判読される米蘭遺跡群・若羌南遺跡群--楼蘭王国の国都問題との関連を含めて (衛星写真を利用したシルクロード地域の都市・集落・遺跡の研究), 相馬 秀廣; 高田 将志, 2003, 17, 61, 80
  • 地理学評論, 日本地理学会, 書評 太田陽子・成瀬敏郎・田中眞吾・岡田篤正編:日本の地形6 近畿・中国・四国, 高田 将志, May 2005, 78, 6, 429, 431
  • 財団法人福武学術文化振興財団歴史学・地理学助成報告書, 福武学術文化振興財団, ルミネッセンスとESRを用いた地震イベント関連堆積物の年代測定 (平成15年度 研究助成成果報告 地理), 高田 将志, 2004, 2004, 83, 90

Books etc

  • 978-4-04-911208-5
  • 奈良盆地―水環境をめぐる問題, かもがわ出版, 41⁻60頁, 10 Mar. 2022, 9784780312133
  • 日本列島地形図鑑, 成美堂出版, 高田 将志, 全編, Dec. 2019, Not Refereed
  • 第二節 甘葛煎とツタ樹液に含まれる針状結晶について.山辺規子編『甘葛煎再現プロジェクト“よみがえる古代の甘味料”』所収, かもがわ出版, 大田千絵; 高田将志, 2018, Not Refereed
  • 第4章第1節 堆積層の光ルミネッセンス年代。奈良県文化財調査報告書 第172集 『藤原京右京十一条三坊・四坊 ―県道橿原神宮東口停車場飛鳥線建設事業に伴う発掘調査報告書V―』所収, 奈良県立橿原考古学研究所, 2017, Not Refereed
  • 第4章第1節 堆積層の光ルミネッセンス(OSL) ―特にpost-IR IRSL年代―。奈良県立橿原考古学研究所 調査報告第122冊 『名勝 奈良公園・興福寺跡 ―興福寺子院観禅院跡の調査―』所収, 奈良県立橿原考古学研究所, 2017, Not Refereed
  • 世界地名大事典1-2 アジア・オセアニア・極Ⅰ-Ⅱ, 朝倉書店, 高田将志分担; 秋山元秀; 小野有五; 熊谷圭知; 中村泰三; 中山修一編, 「ブータン王国」ほか全12項目を担当, 2017, Not Refereed
  • 時空間を俯瞰する自然地理学。科学、Vol.86-No.10所収。, 岩波書店, 高田将志, 2016, Not Refereed
  • 第2節 平城京左京五条五坊二坪流路1の堆積物から得られた珪藻遺骸, 奈良県立橿原考古学研究所、附編, 2015, Not Refereed
  • 紀伊半島を流れる諸河川流域の自然環境基盤 ―南西部調査対象流域を中心として―, 奈良女子大学共生科学研究センター 特別経費(プロジェクト分)事業『源流から河口域までの河川生態系と流域環境との連環構造―紀伊半島の河川群の比較より―』平成23・24・25年度活動報告書, 2014, Not Refereed
  • 第1節 飛鳥京跡第165次調査地点における堆積層の14C年代とOSL年代, 奈良県立橿原考古学研究所調査報告第117冊『飛鳥京跡Ⅵ -吉野川分水の発掘調査-』,奈良県立橿原考古学研究所, 2014, Not Refereed
  • 紀伊半島における河川水質の地理的分布とその要因, 奈良女子大学共生科学研究センター 特別経費(プロジェクト分)事業『源流から河口域までの河川生態系と流域環境との連環構造―紀伊半島の河川群の比較より―』平成23・24・25年度活動報告書, 2014, Not Refereed
  • 紀伊半島西部・南部の河川における面源負荷の実態, 奈良女子大学共生科学研究センター 特別経費(プロジェクト分)事業『源流から河口域までの河川生態系と流域環境との連環構造―紀伊半島の河川群の比較より―』平成23・24・25年度活動報告書, 2014, Not Refereed
  • 紀伊半島西部・南部における河川水中の溶存金属類の分布, 奈良女子大学共生科学研究センター 特別経費(プロジェクト分)事業『源流から河口域までの河川生態系と流域環境との連環構造―紀伊半島の河川群の比較より―』平成23・24・25年度活動報告書, 2014, Not Refereed
  • 春日山原始林とその周辺の地形・地質ー森林の変化にかかわる要因は何か.前迫ゆり編『世界遺産 春日山原始林』, ナカニシヤ出版, 2013, Not Refereed
  • 人文地理学事典, 丸善出版株式会社, 高田将志, 項目「活断層」の執筆, 2013, Not Refereed
  • 書評「佐々木紀彦著『米国製エリートは本当にすごいのか』東洋経済新報社」, 古今書院「地理」57巻1号, 2012, Not Refereed
  • 書評「溝口優司著『アフリカで誕生した人類が日本人になるまで』ソフトバンク クリエイティブ」, 古今書院「地理」57巻2号, 2012, Not Refereed
  • 書評「植村善博著『京都の治水と昭和大水害』文理閣」, 古今書院「地理」57巻3号, 2012, Not Refereed
  • 16巻機山, 朝倉書店『図説 日本の山』, 2012, Not Refereed
  • 付論1.南六条北ミノ遺跡の堆積層とOSL年代, 橿原考古学研究所『奈良県遺跡調査概報2011 年度』所収「大和郡山市 南六条北ミノ遺跡」, 2012, Not Refereed
  • 書評「社団法人日本山岳会発行『山岳105号(通巻263号)』名渓堂」, 古今書院「地理」56巻1号, 2011, Not Refereed
  • 書評「山本まさき・古田雄介著『ウィキぺディアで何が起こっているか』オーム社」, 古今書院「地理」56巻2号, 2011, Not Refereed
  • 書評「和田英太郎・神松幸弘著『安定同位体というメガネ』昭和堂」, 古今書院「地理」56巻3号, 2011, Not Refereed
  • 附篇.飛鳥京跡第165次調査地点の立地環境と堆積層, 橿原考古学研究所『奈良県遺跡調査概報2010年度』(第四分冊), 2011, Not Refereed
  • 書評「新井紀子著『コンピュータが仕事を奪う』日本経済新聞社」, 古今書院「地理」56巻4号, 2011, Not Refereed
  • 書評「白石典之著『チンギス・ハンの墓はどこだ?』くもん出版」, 古今書院「地理」56巻5号, 2011, Not Refereed
  • 書評「桜井邦朋著『移り気な太陽 ―太陽活動と地球環境との関わり』恒星社厚生閣」, 古今書院「地理」56巻7号, 2011, Not Refereed
  • 書評「太田陽子ほか著『日本列島の地形学』東京大学出版会」, 古今書院「地理」56巻8号, 2011, Not Refereed
  • 書評「高田純著『世界の放射線被曝地調査 ―自ら測定した渾身のレポート』講談社」, 古今書院「地理」56巻9号, 2011, Not Refereed
  • 動いているヒマラヤ ―山の地形と氷河―, 千葉大学学士山岳会『ブータンヒマラヤの自然と登山 ―千葉大学のヒマラヤ―』, 2011, Not Refereed
  • 書評「ロバート・S・イーツ著、太田陽子・吾妻崇訳『多発する地震と社会安全 ―カリフォルニアにみる予防と対策』古今書院」, 古今書院「地理」56巻10号, 2011, Not Refereed
  • 書評「正木智幸著『理科系地理学徒の発送 ―地図と地域と環境の学習』学事出版」, 古今書院「地理」56巻12号, 2011, Not Refereed
  • Ⅳ.八条北遺跡の堆積層と降下テフラ起源物質, 橿原考古学研究所『奈良県遺跡調査概報2011 年度』所収「天理市・大和郡山市 八条北遺跡(大和郡山ジャンクションF地区)」, 2011, Not Refereed
  • 5.2.8 カナリアス諸島, 朝倉書店, 2010, Not Refereed
  • 書評「エドマンド・ブレア・ボウルズ著・中村正明訳『氷河期の発見ー地球の歴史を解明した詩人・教師・政治家』扶桑社」, 古今書院「地理」55巻3号, 2010, Not Refereed
  • 書評「野外歴史地理学研究会編『近畿を知る旅ー歴史と風景』ナカニシヤ出版」, 古今書院「地理」55巻4号, 2010, Not Refereed
  • 書評「青木正博・目代邦康・澤田結基著『地形がわかるフィールド図鑑』誠文堂新光社」, 古今書院「地理」55巻5号, 2010, Not Refereed
  • 書評「平井幸弘・青木賢人編『温暖化と自然災害―世界の六つの現場から』古今書院」, 古今書院「地理」55巻6号, 2010, Not Refereed
  • 書評「湯本貴和・松田裕之著『世界遺産をシカが喰う』文一総合出版」, 古今書院「地理」55巻7号, 2010, Not Refereed
  • 書評「畑村洋太郎著『危険不可視社会』講談社」, 古今書院「地理」55巻9号, 2010, Not Refereed
  • 書評「白石典之編『チンギス・カンの戒め』同成社」, 古今書院「地理」55巻10号, 2010, Not Refereed
  • 書評「サイモン・ウィンチェスター著、柴田裕之訳『クラカトアの大噴火』早川書房」, 古今書院「地理」55巻11号, 2010, Not Refereed
  • 奈良周辺の景観に見る自然の歴史(奈良女子大学文学部なら学プロジェクト編『大学的奈良ガイドーこだわりの歩き方』), 昭和堂, 2009, Not Refereed
  • 地理学とその周辺研究分野から見た奈良となら学, 奈良女子大学文学部研究教育年報 第3号, 2007, Not Refereed
  • 馬見二ノ谷遺跡の立地環境(『馬見二ノ谷遺跡』奈良県立橿原考古学研究所調査報告第95冊), 奈良県立橿原考古学研究所, 2006, Not Refereed
  • 春日山原始林とその周辺域における降雨-流出特性に関する研究, 奈良女子大学共生科学研究センター平成17年度プロジェクト報告書, 高田将志; 西本由佳, Mar. 2006, Not Refereed
  • 奈良市における土地利用の変遷(1974から1996年)と春日山原始林における林冠構造の変化(1961から2003年), 平成15〜18年度科学研究費基盤研究(C)研究成果報告書『世界遺産春日山原始林における移入種の分布と植生景観の変遷・保全に関する研究』, 2006, Not Refereed
  • 応用地形学セミナー 空中写真判読演習(第5章活断層の5.1節「奈良盆地東縁の活断層地形」), 古今書院, 2006, Not Refereed
  • 書評『日本の地形6 近畿・中国・四国』太田陽子ほか編,東京大学出版会,2004年, 地理学評論,78-6,429-431,2005年, 2005, Not Refereed
  • 砂防用語集, 山海堂, 2004, Not Refereed
  • 『京都府レッドデータブック2002下 地形・地質・自然生態系編』, 京都府, 2002, Not Refereed
  • 58薬師岳(清水長正編「百名山の自然学 西日本編」), 古今書院, 2002, Not Refereed
  • 27巻機山(清水長正編「百名山の自然学 東日本編」), 古今書院, 2002, Not Refereed
  • 『最新地理学用辞典』, 大明堂, 2002, Not Refereed
  • 書評『空の旅の自然学―定期便から見た風景』(地理46-10), 古今書院, 2001, Not Refereed
  • 地すべりの年代測定(共著)『地すべり地塊とその変遷過程に関する研究報告書』, 日本地すべり学会, 2001, Not Refereed
  • 『近畿の活断層』(分担執筆), 東京大学出版会, 岡田篤正; 東郷正美編著; 岡田篤正; 東郷正美; 田中; 鈴木康弘; 高田将志; 相馬秀廣分担執筆, 「奈良」「桜井」ほか全 図福の活断層マップと解説の執筆, 2000, Not Refereed
  • Explanatory text of geological map of Mount Riiser-Larsen, Enderby Land, Antarctica (Antarctic geological map series sheet 37 Mount Riiser-Larsen), National Institute of Polar Research, Ishizuka, H et; Takada M, 2000, Not Refereed
  • 地形の形成年代, 『山地の地形工学』,日本応用地質学会編,古今書院, 2000, Not Refereed
  • 2-1. 越後山脈と帝釈山地(分担執筆), 『日本の地形4 関東・伊豆小笠原』,貝塚爽平ほか編,東京大学出版会, 2000, Not Refereed
  • 中央構造線(奈良地理学会編『大和を歩く』), 奈良新聞社, 2000, Not Refereed
  • チベット最大の都市ラサの町並み, 平成6〜9年度科学研究費補助金成果報告書(代表者 戸祭由美夫)「ユーラシアにおける部市囲郭の成立と系譜に関する比較地誌学的研究」, 1998, Not Refereed
  • 東部ヒマラヤとその周辺地域にみられる囲郭・城塞的建造物と都市・集落(平成6〜9年度科学研究費補助金成果報告書(代表者 戸祭由美夫)「ユーラシアにおける部市囲郭の成立と系譜に関する比較地誌学的研究」), 平成6〜9年度科学研究費補助金成果報告書(代表者 戸祭由美夫)「ユーラシアにおける部市囲郭の成立と系譜に関する比較地誌学的研究」, 1998, Not Refereed
  • 「衛星画像による地球史解明の試み」(No.1998-0006宇宙開発事業団委託事業成果報告書「JEMの人文社会的利用法に係わる調査研究」), 国際高等研究所報告書, 1998, Not Refereed
  • 「奈良県の地質鉱物」(奈良県地質鉱物研究調査報告書), 奈良県教育委員会, 1998, Not Refereed
  • 『奈良盆地東縁断層系の総合調査』(地質調査所研究資料集No. 303(平成8年度活断層研究調査概要報告書)), 地質調査所, 1997, Not Refereed
  • 山の地図と地形, 山と渓谷社, 田代博; 藤本一美; 清水長正; 高田将志, 第二部「山の地形」105-246頁の約半分を分担執筆, 1996, Not Refereed
  • 奈良市南部丘陵周辺の活断層と地形(平成6・7年度科学研究費補助金成果報告書(代表者 武久義彦・小方登)「大縮尺空中写真の判読による地理的景観の復元」), 平成6・7年度科学研究費補助金成果報告書(代表者 武久義彦・小方登)「大縮尺空中写真の判読による地理的景観の復元」, 1996, Not Refereed
  • 十津川最上流部天ノ川流域の斜面地形(平成6・7年度科学研究費補助金成果報告書(代表者 武久義彦・小方登)「大縮尺空中写真の判読による地理的景観の復元」), 平成6・7年度科学研究費補助金成果報告書(代表者 武久義彦・小方登)「大縮尺空中写真の判読による地理的景観の復元」, 1996, Not Refereed
  • 「奈良県大塔村中原周辺(十津川水系中原川流域)の地すべり地形」(平成6・7年度科学研究費補助金成果報告書(代表者 武久義彦・小方登)「大縮尺空中写真の判読による地理的景観の復元」), 平成6・7年度科学研究費補助金成果報告書(代表者 武久義彦・小方登)「大縮尺空中写真の判読による地理的景観の復元」, 1996, Not Refereed
  • ブータン(岩田修二・小疇尚・小野有五編『世界の山やま アジア・アフリカ・オセアニア編』), 岩田修二・小疇尚・小野有五『世界の山やま アジア・アフリカ・オセアニア編』古今書院, 1995, Not Refereed
  • 丸善エンサイクロペディア大百科, 丸善, 江原吉博ほか; 高田将志, ワードペディアp.1952-2597の国名項目の約半数を担当, 1995, Not Refereed
  • 『山の自然学入門』小泉武栄・清水長正編, 古今書院, 高田将志; 本間航介, 山の自然史,巻機山,薬師岳, 1992, Not Refereed
  • 和賀岳自然環境保全地域の地形と表層物質(『和賀岳自然環境保全地域報告書』), 環境庁自然保護局, 1989, Not Refereed
  • 大佐飛山自然環境保全地域及び周辺地域の地形・地質・土壌(『大佐飛山自然環境保全地域報告書』), 環境庁自然保護局, 1988, Not Refereed
  • 些細なきっかけで地理学科にきてしまった大学院主の回想 「探求・学校の地理-地理教育特集号」雑誌「地理」 第33巻/11月増刊号, 古今書院, 1988, Not Refereed
  • 剣ヶ倉沢流域の地形の特徴(『利根川源流部自然環境保全地域報告書』), 環境庁自然保護局, 1987, Not Refereed
  • 利根川源流部自然環境保全地域及び周辺地域の地形・地質・土壌(『利根川源流部自然環境保全地域報告書』), 環境庁自然保護局, 1987, Not Refereed
  • 御所中西遺跡(第33-2次)トレンチ壁面に産出した火山噴出物, 奈良県立橿原考古学研究所, 高田将志, 橿原考古学研究所『奈良県遺跡調査概報』所収「御所中西遺跡(第33-2次)」, Mar. 2023
  • 第2節 長楽遺跡・宮堂遺跡とその周辺域の地形環境と堆積層, 奈良県立橿原考古学研究所, 高田将志, 奈良県立橿原考古学研究所 奈良県文化財調査報告書 第193集『長楽古墳群・長楽遺跡ー県道天理王寺線長楽区間建設に伴う発掘調査報告書(1)ー』所収、71-75頁, Mar. 2023
  • テーマで知る奈良公園/その8 奈良公園周辺の地形.「奈良公園高度な案内書(仮)」所収, 株式会社角川アスキー総合研究所, 高田将志, 第8章, Mar. 2024


  • Public symposium, 06 Mar. 2023, 08 Mar. 2023
  • Oral presentation, 05 Dec. 2022, 06 Dec. 2022
  • Daichi Harnosono; Shin Toyoda; Masashi Takada, AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting 2021, Temporal Variation of Dust Flux in Eastern Japan during the Late Quaternary: Estimated from ESR signal measurement of Quartz, Poster presentation, 16 Dec. 2021, 13 Dec. 2021, 17 Dec. 2021
  • ESR応用計測研究会・ルミネッセンス年代測定研究会・フィッション・トラック研究会 2021年度合同研究会, 各種鉱物のLM-OSL信号特性, Oral presentation, 22 Feb. 2022, 21 Feb. 2022, 22 Feb. 2022
  • TAKADA Masashi, ESR応用計測研究会・ルミネッセンス年代測定研究会・フィッション・トラック研究会 2020年度合同研究会, Thermoluminescence signals of various materials related to pre-dose methods, Oral presentation, 20 Feb. 2021, 20 Feb. 2021
  • 高田 将志, 第35回ESR応用計測研究会、2018年度ルミネッセンス年代測定研究会、第43回日本フィッション・トラック研究会、合同研究会(神戸市), ジルコンのルミネッセンス信号, Oral presentation, 29 Nov. 2018, 28 Nov. 2018, 30 Nov. 2018, False
  • 高田将志, 第34回ESR応用計測研究会・2017年度ルミネッセンス年代測定研究会・第42回フィッション・トラック研究会合同大会, 植物のバイオクリスタルを用いた線量計測, Oral presentation, 2018
  • 落葉典雄; 高田将志, 奈良地理学会2017年度冬季例会, ブータン紀行 ~地理教育調査の旅~, Oral presentation, Feb. 2018, Feb. 2018, Feb. 2018
  • 第33回ESR応用計測研究会・2016年度ルミネッセンス年代測定研究会・第41回フィッション・トラック研究会, 与那国島隆起サンゴ礁に含まれる砕屑物粒子のルミネッセンス特性, 2017
  • 2017年日本地理学会春季学術大会, 変質したサンゴ化石の年代推定に向けて, 2017
  • 日本学術振興会マイクロビームアナリシス第141委員会、第166回研究会, 人類紀のESR/TL/OSL年代測定ーその現状と課題, 05 Dec. 2016, False
  • 平成27年度 ESR応用計測研究会・第40回フィッション・トラック研究会・ルミネッセンス年代測定研究会 合同研究会, pIRIR法を用いた与那国島隆起サンゴ礁の年代推定, 2016
  • 平成27年度 ESR応用計測研究会・第40回フィッション・トラック研究会・ルミネッセンス年代測定研究会 合同研究会, 石英粒子のESR・TL信号特性-堆積物の供給起源地推定の検討, 2016
  • 平成27年度 ESR応用計測研究会・第40回フィッション・トラック研究会・ルミネッセンス年代測定研究会 合同研究会, 石英の光誘導ルミネッセンス(OSL)感度の大きな違いはなぜ生まれるか?: イオン照射・熱的アニ−リングの効果とOSL年代に与える影響, 2016
  • 2016年日本地理学会春季学術大会, ブータンとシンガポールの地理教科書 ―アジアの中等教育における地理教育の相互比較をめざして―, 2016
  • XIX Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research, Challenges of OSL-dating of floodplain deposits from the Nara basin in western Japan, 2015
  • 第54回電子スピンサイエンス学会年会(SEST2015), 石英の光励起発光特性と放射線欠陥の関連性, 2015
  • 4th Asia Pacific Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating Conference, Age estimation of coral fossil by post-IR IRSL measurement of insoluble residue, 2015
  • 4th Asia Pacific Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating Conference, ESR and TL signals of quartz in the present river bed sediments and in possible source rocks, 2015
  • TAKADA Masashi, APES-IES-SEST2014, Application of ESR in Quaternary geological dating, 12 Nov. 2014, True
  • 高田将志; 島田愛子; 濱田菜月; 越後智雄; 小俣雅志; 郡谷順英; 市川清士, 日本第四紀学会2014年大会, 光ルミネッセンス法による変質したサンゴの年代推定, 06 Sep. 2014, False
  • 日本珪藻学会第35回大会, 平城京左京五条五坊二坪遺跡から得られた珪藻化石群集, 2014
  • 日本地球惑星科学連合2014年大会, 現河床堆積物中に含まれる石英粒子のESR/TL特性, 2014
  • 日本地球惑星科学連合2014年大会, 奈良盆地における沖積層発達を規定する要因, 2014
  • 14th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating, OSL and post-IR RISL daing of minerals in altered coral fossils, 2014
  • 高田将志, シンポジウム「木と文化財学」(2013/3/2), 年輪・年縞の年代と古環境解析, 2013
  • 山田誠ほか; 高田将志, 2013年日本地理学会春季学術大会, 紀伊半島における河川の水質と表層環境との関連性, Mar. 2013
  • 高田将志, 日本第四紀学会2013年大会, 環境指標としてみた植物ケイ酸体の酸素同位体比, Aug. 2013
  • TAKADA M, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013, Signatures of ESR signals and TL observed in quartz of Kizu river sediments and in host rocks., Dec. 2013
  • 山田誠ほか; 高田将志, 2012年日本地理学会春季学術大会, 河川の流下に伴う流域環境の変化―紀伊半島四河川の比較―, 2012
  • 日本第四紀学会2012年大会, 非石英粒子を用いた火山噴出物のルミネッセンス年代測定, 2012
  • 山田誠ほか; 高田将志, 陸水物理研究会, 紀伊半島の河川水質分布とその要因に関する一考察, 2012
  • TAKADA M, 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance dating - including non-dating applications of Luminescence and ESR, Characteristics of 110℃ TL and OSL signals in quartz from sediments and consolidated rocks: a clue to sediment provenance, Sep. 2012
  • TAKADA M, INQUA (the International Union for Quaternary Research) XVIII, Bern 2011, Congress, Stable oxygen isotope of opal phytoliths from Japanese Sasa and Phyllostachys: Basic information foward the paleoenvironmental reconstruction, Jul. 2011
  • TAKADA M; Shimada A; Toyoda S, Second Asia Pacific Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating, Characteristics of ESR signals from quartz grains in and around Lake Biwa: Preliminary study on estimating provenance of sediment, 2009
  • TAKADA M, LED2008 (12th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating), Luminescence dating of Quaternary volcanic rocks using olivine, Jul. 2008
  • 遠藤邦彦; 斉 烏雲; 穆 桂金; 鄭 祥民; 村田泰輔; 堀 和明; 相馬秀廣; 高田将志, 日本第四紀学会, 中国黒河下流域における漢代以降の湖沼変遷と人間活動, Sep. 2007
  • 高田 将志; 相馬 秀廣; 島田 愛子; 渡邊 三津子; 大久保 茂子, 日本地理学会春季学術大会, TL/OSL/ESR年代測定システムの構築と年代測定事例の検討, Mar. 2005
  • 渡邊 三津子; 相馬 秀廣; 高田 将志; 渡辺 満久, 日本地理学会, 天山山脈南縁における活構造と変位速度, Mar. 2005
  • 高田将志, 第36回ESR応用計測研究会、2019年度ルミネッセンス年代測定研究会、第44回日本フィッション・トラック研究会, ルミネッセンス信号の光ブリーチ特性について, 28 Nov. 2019, 27 Nov. 2019, 29 Nov. 2019
  • Masashi TAKADA; Shin TOYODA; Ayane TSURUTA; Aiko SHIMADA, The international workshop on climate, water, land, and life in monsoon Asia, Abrupt changes of the terrestrial environment in eastern Eurasia between the end of the middle Pleistocene and the Holocene detected from the aeolian sediments sequence, 07 Mar. 2023, 06 Mar. 2023, 08 Mar. 2023
  • Ayane TSURUTA; Shin TOYODA; Masashi TAKADA, ESR応用計測研究会・ルミネッセンス年代測定研究会・日本フィッション・トラック研究会 2022年度合同研究発表会, ESR measurements on a;ephric loess sequence from late;Pleistocene to Holocene, 06 Dec. 2022, 05 Dec. 2022, 06 Dec. 2022
  • TAKADA Masashi, ESR応用計測研究会/ルミネッセンス年代測定研究会/フィッション・トラック研究会 2023年度合同研究会, Characteristics of luminescence signals from phytoliths, 09 Dec. 2023, 09 Dec. 2023, 10 Dec. 2023
  • Masashi TAKADA; Shin TOYODA; Ayane TSURUTA, XXI Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (Rome), Clarifying abrupt changes in the terrestrial environment on the Japanese archipelago from the aeolian sediments sequence between the end of the middle Pleistocene and the Holocene, 18 Jul. 2023, 14 Jul. 2023, 20 Jul. 2023
  • Masashi Takada; Aiko Shimada; Shin Toyoda, 17th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (LED2023), Sensitivity changes and fading behaviors of luminescence signals from various geological materials, 29 Jun. 2023, 26 Jun. 2023, 30 Jun. 2023


  • 高解像度衛星データによる古灌漑水路・耕地跡の復元とその系譜の類型化, Apr. 2007, Mar. 2012
  • 琵琶湖周辺域における土砂供給源の時代変化:気候変化で土砂供給源地は変わるか?, Apr. 2008
  • 石英を用いた後背地推定手法の確立, Jan. 2008, Mar. 2008
  • 中国タリム盆地におけるシルクロード時代の遺跡の立地条件からみた類型化, Apr. 2003, Mar. 2007
  • 東海大学チベット・プマユムツオ湖 学術調査, 2001, 2002
  • 2001 Research Expedition for Lake Puma Yumco on Tibetan Plateau, 2001, 2002
  • 奈良県立橿原考古学研究所共同研究員, Jul. 2001
  • カナリア諸島の遺存型照葉樹林の植生パターンと気候・地形要因の比較生態学的研究, 1997, 1998
  • Comparative ecological study on Subtropical forest in Canary, 1997, 1998
  • 第38次南極観測隊夏隊・地学, Nov. 1996, Mar. 1997
  • ブータンヒマラヤにおける地生態学的調査, 1989, 1991
  • Geoecological Survey in the Bhutan Himalaya, 1989, 1991


  • 「科研費」審査委員の表彰, 2016, Japan

Research Projects

  • 基盤研究(B), 01 Apr. 2021, 31 Mar. 2026, 21H00629, 風成堆積物から読み取る更新世末~完新世の陸域環境急変期-ユーラシア大陸東西の比較, 高田 将志; 横山 祐典; 豊田 新, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 奈良女子大学, 12480000, 9600000, 2880000, 本研究では、日本列島各地に分布する後期更新世~完新世火山灰土の連続サンプリングを行い、各種古環境指標の分析に基づき、そこから読み取ることのできる高解像度(100~1000年スケールの)陸域古環境変動を明らかにすることを目指している。併せて、ユーラシア大陸西部のレス試料についても同様の解析を行い、このような解析と、既存研究で指摘されてきた同時期のグローバルな環境変動とを比較することで、陸域環境急変期にみられるグローバルな変動とローカル・リージョナルな変動の識別を試みたいと考えている。 2021年度は、日本列島およびドイツを中心とする北ヨーロッパにおける風成堆積物の堆積環境変遷史に関する既存研究のレビューを開始した。それとともに、日本国内で採取した風成堆積物試料を用いたいくつかの分析も開始した。具体的には、喜連川丘陵(栃木県)で採取した火山灰土について、E1’中心に着目したESR信号の時系列変化とそれから推定される風成塵フラックスに関して、予察的な検討を行った。また、同試料から抽出したプラントオパールの酸素同位体比測定や、イライトの結晶度の測定などに供する測定用試料の抽出のための試料前処理を行った。 本年度は、依然としてCOVID-19感染症の影響が残っており、当初計画の実施にさまざまな障害もあったことから、2年目以降の本格的な調査・分析・解析に向けて、研究補助者の確保や、その他分析解析項目を含めた研究体制の整備・確立に力を注いだ。これによって2年目以降の本格的調査・分析・解析に向けたおおよその研究体制を構築することができた。この過程では、本研究を進めるに当たっての当面の課題についても、二三、浮き彫りになってきたので、次年度早々にもその対応・改善にむけた具体的な方策について検討する場を設けたいと考えている。, kaken;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations;rm:presentations
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Apr. 2020, 31 Mar. 2023, 20K04090, ESR dating of Quaternary sediments, 豊田 新; 横山 祐典; 高田 将志, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Okayama University of Science, 4290000, 3300000, 990000, ガンマ線照射によって生成する信号には、熱的に不安定な成分が含まれる可能性があり、これを除去して安定な成分のみを用いて総被曝線量を求め、年代測定を行うことが適切である。日本のテフラ2試料とブリスベン川河川堆積物の石英について、観測されるAl中心、Ti-Li中心の熱安定性を、naturalと照射した試料について比較し、年代測定プロトコルの開発のための基礎実験を行った。加熱実験の結果と別の手法で推定されている年代と比較して検討したところ、日本のテフラについては、Al中心はそもそも熱的に不安定であり、これを用いた場合には年代を過小評価する可能性が高いことがわかった。一方、Ti-Li中心については、熱的に安定な成分と不安定な成分があり、照射によって一部に熱的に不安定な成分が生成することがわかった。照射後、測定前に加熱することでこの成分を除去するのが適切であると考えられるため、適切な加熱温度について検討した。加熱実験結果からは260℃15分の条件が適切であることがわかったが、実際に適用してみたところ、この加熱(preheating)の効果の総被曝線量の値に対する影響はかなり小さいことがわかった。しかし、原理的にはこの preheat を行って、安定な成分を用いて年代測定を行うのが適切であると考えられる。ブリスベン川現河床堆積物については、Al中心の方が、Ti-Li中心よりも熱安定性が高いという実験結果が得られた。試料によって信号の熱安定性が異なることが明確に確認でき、このことは試料ごとに熱安定性の確認が必要であることを示している。, kaken
  • 01 Apr. 2020, 31 Mar. 2023, 20K04090
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2015, 31 Mar. 2019, 15H02960, Estimate of Quaternary paleoenvironment from molecular information of microfossils, TAKADA Masashi; Shimada Aiko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 16640000, 12800000, 3840000, We examined possibilities that new methods could be introduced into Quaternary paleoenvironment reconstruction using DNA analysis of pollen fossils and oxygen isotope ratio of phytolith fossils. We examined PCR amplification conditions for chloroplast genome analysis using modern conifers as test samples. Although we could obtain primers suitable for analysis of phylogenetic comparison evolution above the genus level, we could not find the amplification condition suitable for species identification from total DNA samples. Further examination of amplification conditions is necessary for the DNA analysis of pollen fossils, which are anticipated to decrease and fragment the DNA content itself due to aging. Since differences in oxygen isotope ratio analysis results by different methods were recognized for phytoliths extracted from modern plants, it is necessary to establish a routine way to measure the oxygen isotope ratio of phytoliths with standard samples., url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2014, 31 Mar. 2018, 26300007, Comparative study on geography education at the secondary level in Asian countries, TAKADA Masashi; OBITANI HIROAKI, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 13650000, 10500000, 3150000, In this study we surveyed the present status of geography education at the secondary level (grade 7 - 12) in several Asian countries. Some countries do not have a stand-alone geography subject at the secondary level and stand-alone subjects of geography in many countries are not usually compulsory but elective at the higher secondary level (grade 11 - 12). The characteristics in contents of geography education at the secondary level in the Asian countries are emphasizing of physical part of geography. In physical geography, terms of landform and climate are so much dealt but terms of soils and vegetation are not so much done in those countries without Singapore and Bhutan. In human geography the relationship between the phenomenon and own place (own country) are regarded as important., url;kaken;rm:presentations;rm:presentations
  • Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, 01 Apr. 2014, 31 Mar. 2017, 26560157, Age estimation of altered coral fossil by pIRIR measurement, TAKADA Masashi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Nara Women's University, 3640000, 2800000, 840000, In this study I dissolved altered corals by hydrochloric acid and investigate characteristics of luminescence signals from the residual materials to discuss possibilities for an elevated-temperature infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR; post-IR IRSL) dating. The insoluble residual materials in coral fossils taken from Miyako and Yonaguni Island, southwestern Ryukyus, southwestern Japan , the grain size of which is less than ca. 100 micron meter, show BLSL and IRSL signals. I could get an age constrain from the fossil coral using residual materials after the acid treatment, indicating that fossil coral sometimes contains a certain amount of minerals like quartz and feldspar. I think post-IR IRSL dating of the residual materials from fossil coral after acid treatment gives us a great possibility to date altered fossil coral., url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 28 Apr. 2011, 31 Mar. 2015, 23510017, Paramagnetic defects and crystallinity index as the proxies for provenance of Earth surface sediment transportation, TOYODA Shin; TADA Ryuji; TAKADA Masashi; NISHIDO Hirotsugu; NINAGAWA Kiyotaka, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Okayama University of Science, 5460000, 4200000, 1260000, Paramagnetic defects and thermoluminescence colors were examined in order to show that those phsical properties are useful as proxies of the transport of the sediment on the surface of the earth. After establishing the techniques to quantify those properties, quartz grains were examined in atmospheric depositions in Japanese Islands and in present sediment of Kizu and Kurobe rivers. The oxygen vacancies in quartz of atmospheric depositions are correlated with the number of Kosa days in Fukuoka and in Yonago, but not in Akita. The oxygen vacancies and TL colors in quartz are found to be correlated with the basement rocks of the river reaches, which is reasonable as sediments are usually formed by the weathering of the basement rocks of the river reaches., url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2011, 31 Mar. 2015, 23300338, Natural environment during the ancient Japanese era: From the viewpoint of Holocene environmental changes in and around the 'Heijyokyo' of the Japanese ancient capital and the Nara basin., TAKADA Masashi; IDETA Kazuhisa; MIYAJI Atsuko; HORI Kazuaki; MITSUISHI Narumi; HIDEHIRO Sohma; MITSUISHI Narumi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 15470000, 11900000, 3570000, In this study we surveyed late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments and archeological information in and around the Nara basin to clarify paeoenvironment just before, during and immediately after the ancient Japanese era. Our results suggest that rapid sedimentation occurred at the alluvial plains in the basin during the early Holocene and after the Yayoi and Kofun period. In particular the latter phenomenon seems to have been affectd by anthropogenic activities, such as artificial deforestation and/or land use, as well as climatic changes. More data in terms of time and space resolution are needed to reconstruct the ancient natural environment in detail., url;kaken;rm:presentations;rm:presentations
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2011, 31 Mar. 2014, 23320137, Ancient Capital and City's Enviroment in Japan, TATENO KAZUMI; IDETA Kazuhisa; ISHIZAKI Kenji; OKUMURA Kazumi; MIYAJI Atsuko; TAKADA Masashi; MIYAZAKI Yoshimi; SHISHIDO Yoshimi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 14820000, 11400000, 3420000, The aim of our research is to deepen the understanding of Japanese ancient capitals and cities from environmental viewpoint.As a result, we came to the following conclusions. The first was that mountains and rivers used to be primary factors in deciding the location of the capitals,Dazaifu and other cities. Secondly, we clarified that after the constructions of capitals, out of the necessity of Li, attempted to keep the spiritual purity of the capitals and the shape of mountains surrounding the capitals. Thirdly, through the re-examination of historical records, we came to deny a common view that when the government selected the location of the new capitals, they tended to apply the Feng sui system to the surrounding mountains and rivers. To make our conclusions known to the public, we published a report in two volumes; one gathers historical documents and the other is a collection of research papers., url;kaken
  • 基盤研究(A), 2011, 2012, 23251019, 乾燥・半乾燥地域の遺跡立地と景観復元を目指した衛星考古地理学的研究, 相馬 秀廣; 高田 将志; 舘野 和己; 小方 登; 伊藤 俊雄; 白石 典之, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A), 奈良女子大学, 15730000, 12100000, 3630000, 本研究は、QuickBird, Coronaなどの高解像度衛星画像をベースとして,地理学・歴史学・考古学・第四紀学などが連携した文理融合的研究を通して,点から線さらに面への空間的視点,および,過去から現在あるいは現在から過去への時間的視点の両側面から,囲郭・集落(居住拠点跡),耕地・耕地跡(生産活動),水利用(灌漑水路跡),それらの空間的関係(施設配置,シルクロード,交通路),さらに放棄後の景観変化などを例として,中央アジアから中国,モンゴルにかけての乾燥・半乾燥地域を主な対象として,遺跡立地と景観復元に関わる方法論,衛星考古地理学的研究法を確立することを目的とした. 2012年度は、2011年度に引き続き,モンゴル南部オムノゴビ県のサイリン・バルガスン遺跡および周辺地域において,モンゴル科学アカデミー考古研究所の協力を得て,研究分担者の白石を中心として、囲郭の詳細,灌漑水路跡の有無確認などの現地調査を8月に実施した.また、6月には、研究分担者の小方が「1960年代に撮影された偵察衛星写真の遺跡探査・歴史的景観復原における有用性」のタイトルで、京都大学で開催された日本文化財科学会第29回大会で、成果の一部を発表した。 しかしながら、研究代表者相馬の予期せぬ急逝により当該研究の遂行が不可能となったため、残念ながら本研究課題は、8月11日をもって終了することとなった。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2010, 2012, 22520792, Relationship between the globalization and the conservation of regional landscape and environment during the modern and present time in the Kii Peninsula, western Japan., MATSUMOTO Hiroyuki; UCHIDA Tadayoshi; TAKADA Masashi; YOSHIDA Yoko; OBITANI Hiroaki; NISHIMURA Yuichiro; SOHMA Hidehiro, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Nara Women's University, 4420000, 3400000, 1020000, This project analyses the modern changes of regional landscape and environment in the KII peninsula, Japan. It provides the following results: (1) the secondary growth of the deciduous and broadleaf trees is remarkable in the basin of the Totsugawa river because of not making artificial reforestation affected by the timber import from foreign countries after the World war II. (2) the recent socio-cultural movements of globalization (the international exchanges) are brought about on the bases of emigrations to foreign countries from Meiji era to the world war II. (3) everyday lives and life histories of old generations are subject to the regional differentiations under the globalization., url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, 2010, 2012, 22650218, Stable oxygen isotope of opal phytoliths: Basic information toward the paleoenvironmental reconstruction, TAKADA Masashi; NAKAZAWA Takashi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Nara Women's University, 3270000, 2700000, 570000, In this study we present the preliminary results about the analysis of theδ18Oof phytoliths from living leaves of Japanese Sasa and Phyllostachys toward the future paleoenvironmental reconstruction. The relationship between the δ18O value of the sample and estimated mean annual temperature at the sampling site indicates weak positive correlation as a whole and it seems to be also affected by latitude, altitude and distance from coast. More data and further statistics research are needed to clarify the implication of the relationship between environmental factors and theδ18O value of phytoliths from Japanese Sasa and Phyllostachys., url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2008, 2010, 20300294, Change of sediment provenance around Lake Biwa, Western Japan : Did it occur along with Quaternary climate change?, TAKADA Masashi; SOHMA Hidehiro; TOYODA Shin; TAKEMURA Keiji; YOKOYAMA Yusuke, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 14040000, 10800000, 3240000, ESR signal intensity from quartz included in the Lake Biwa 1400 meter sediment core seems to fluctuate periodically together with cyclic environmentchange. Characteristics of ESR and TL signal intensities suggest that the core sedimentsof ca. 900ka age seem to be supplied mainly from the bedrocks to the north, the east and the south of the core location and the Yasu River. Content of ^<10>Be in the sediments also suggests that environment of sediment provenance for the Lake Biwa 1400 meter sediment core had changed along with the geological sequence., url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 2007, 2010, 19251009, Reconstruction of paleo-irrigation canals and cultivated fields based on high-resolution satellite images, and classification of their patterns, SOHMA Hidehiro; TATENO Kazumi; TAKADA Masashi; ITO Toshio; OGATA Noboru; WATANABE Mitsuko; IGURO Shinobu; MORIYA Kazuki; FURUSAWA Fumi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Nara Women's University, 27300000, 21000000, 6300000, Based on the analysis of high-resolution Satellite Images, relative height of the tamarix cones covering the ruins and ages of the scattered earthenware, agricultural field casts of the Han Dynasty and Xixia-Yuan Dynasties are identified with relatively high reliability. As results, it is cleared the expansion of the agricultural fields of Xixia-Yuan Dynasty was more extensive than previously considered. Moreover, casts of the Ou tian cultivation and Dai tian one are extracted, and unreported wall-surrounded city, named Bj2008, was newly reported, url;url;kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2007, 2008, 19520675, Fundamental study on the conservation of landscape and environment in and around the Nara Basin, western Japan., MATSUMOTO Hiroyuki; TOMATSURI Yumio; SOHMA Hidehiro; UCHIDA Tadayoshi; TAKADA Masashi; YOSHIDA Yoko; OBITANI Hiroaki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Nara Women's University, 4160000, 3200000, 960000, 本研究では,奈良盆地とその周辺域における景観・環境保全の実態と変遷過程について、特に第二次世界大戦後を中心に検討した。奈良盆地とその周縁部では、高度成長期以降の1980年代末まで里山的な林地や、水田を中心とする耕地の減少が目立った。1980 年代前半は、既存市街地に近い地域の減少が中心であったが、1980 年代後半には、それが周縁部に広がり、耕地というよりは林地の減少が目立つようになり、1990 年代に入ると、林地や耕地の減少は、かなり鈍化した。このような変化と軌を一にして、地域住民とため池や河川・水路などの水辺空間や、その他の文化的景観との関係性も大きな変容を遂げてきたことが明らかとなった。, url;kaken
  • 萌芽研究, 2006, 2008, 18650267, 火山噴出物起源の鉱物を対象とする新しいOSL年代測定法の開発, 高田 将志; 谷 篤史, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究, 奈良女子大学, 3300000, 3300000, 本年度は、前年度までの研究成果を踏まえ、実際の天然カンラン石試料を対象として、具体的な年代測定の手法の構築を目指した研究を行った。この過程では、カンラン石を純度良く抽出することがが問題となるが、磁気分離や重液分離、フッ化水素酸によるエッチングなど、様々な試料処理工程の条件を調整することで、十分な純化試料が得られることがわかった。次に、OSLと関係の深いTL信号の諸特性を明らかにした上で、まず、TL年代測定の評価を行った。その結果、カンラン石のルミネッセンス信号には、きわめて強いフェーディング特性があることがわかった。このため、天然カンラン石を対象としたルミネッセンス年代測定には、このフェーディングの影響評価を組み入れないと、実年代よりもかなり若い年代を示す可能性がある。この点を考慮した測定手法としては、カリ長石の場合に用いられるqvalueによる影響評価を援用することが考えられるが、現状では、q値が相当大きいために、実効性の高い年代測定手法とするには問題が大きいこともわかった。実際的な年代測定手法の確立のためには、今後、異なる検出波長、とくに赤色に近い長波長側の検出光の利用や、TLとOSL信号の関連性などについて、さらに研究を深める必要があると考えている。 一方、火山噴出物起源の石英を用いたOSL年代測定に関しては、従来からの励起光・検出光の組み合わせにない測定を行うためには、光計測システムにおける波長分離をかなりの精度で実施する必要のあることがわかってきた。これまで、LEDやキセノンランプ光源と光学フィルターを組み合わせた各種の測定システムを試みてきたが、現状では、今回ターゲットとして想定していた波長領域の検出光を年代測定に応用できるレベルで感知するところにまでは到達できなかった。この原因は、試料とフォトマル検出窓との光学的な位置や、励起光波長特性の分離精度が不十分であったことが大きい。今後、レーザーや光ファイバーの利用などを考慮した新しい計測システムの構築を検討する必要があると考えている。, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2004, 2006, 16300296, Dating of Quaternary Sediments and Ice Sheets History in East Antarctica, TAKADA Masashi; MAEMOKU Hideaki; YOKOYAMA Yusuke, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 7200000, 7200000, We have been studied the stratigraphic relationship between raised beach deposits including in-situ fossil shells and glacial deposits in the Lutzow-Holm Bay region, East Antarctica, to clarify that the Antarctic ice sheet, unlike the northern hemisphere ice sheet, was not the greatest during the marine isotope stage (MIS) 2 but the greatest at the age older than 46 ka. The 46 ka is, however, close to the limit of 14C analysis and sensitive to the effect of contamination. Therefore, ages obtained by other dating methods would be of great help in interpreting those data. For this reason we investigate on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), electron spin reasonance (ESR) and cosmogenic dates of Quaternary sediments in the Lutzow-Holm Bay region, East Antarctica, to compare them with AMS 14C dates and to discuss on late Pleistocene chronology. Though some OSL or cosmogenic ages from our samples dearly differ from 14C ages, most of OSL, 14C, and cosmogenic dates seem to be consistent if we take calibration factors such as reservoir correction into account. While we should make further sophisticated dating experiments, we can reconfirm that the East Antarctic Ice Sheet did not re-advance to the ice-free area on the northernmost part of the Soya Coast during the LGM. There is a possibility that the ice sheet retreated from the area during the period prior to about 50,000 or 80,000 yrBP., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2004, 2006, 16320113, Basic Study of Revaluation of the Landscapes in Nara Basin, MATSUMOTO Hiroyuki; TOMATSURI Yumio; SOHMA Hidehiro; IDETA Kazuhisa; UCHIDA Tadayoshi; TAKADA Masashi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Nara Women's University, 7400000, 7400000, This project aims at the reconsideration of the natural and human landscape in the Nara Basin. The members of this research project especially focus on historical development of landscapes and methods of landscape analysis. Takada reviews the landscape and topographic features along the Nara Basin Margin Fault System. He also reviews the characteristics of landform and palaeoenvironment at and around the Umami-Ninotani Paleolithic and Jomon site. Sohma analyzes three dimensional landscape features of the Nara Basin from satellite images and clarifies that the Asuka region is situated at the center of the SW-NE structural valley between the Y057.0110 and Hatsuse Rivers. Ideta, the specialist of ancient study focuses on natural landscapes seen from old main streets(Kamitsu road, Nakatsu road, Simotsu road) in the Nara period. He makes three-dimensional images of natural landscapes(mountains and rivers) seen on their streets by means of PC and analyzes the ways of seeing of ancient people with old song collection(Manyoushuu). Tomatsuri considers the successions, or historical development of human landscapes. The representative human landscapes of the Nara Basin in Edo period are the residence plan of small lords and the land use pattern of their vicinity. He restructures the plan of Yanagimoto lord residence and the land use pattern of its vicinity by mean of pictorial maps in the Edo period and compare them with the modem landscapes, especially the pattern of land use. Yoshida analyzes the temporal human landscape constructed during the Korean war in the Nara Basin from viewpoint of social geography. Rest and Recuperation Center of American soldiers was established within Nara city and made thrive red-light districts, brothels and street girls. Yoshida develops an unique way of analyzing social space(landscape) gendered by military authorities and government. Matsumoto attempts to apply the performative approach to landscapes of everyday life. He analyzes the sensitive meaning of landscapes more than the meaning of landscape as a text in the built environment of Nara city. He digs up a new layer of landscape. Obitani (environmental sociologist) considers the conservation of historical and cultural heritages. The oldest capital of Japan, Aska region has many cultural heritages. Residents have a dilemma between conservation of landscapes and economic development. He puts emphasis on decision making of residents., kaken
  • Apr. 2003, Mar. 2004, Principal investigator, ルミネッセンスとESRを用いた地震イベント関連堆積物の年代測定, 高田 将志, 福武学術文化振興財団, 福武学術文化振興財団研究助成, 1000000, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 2003, 2006, 15200059, Improvement of luminescence and ESR dating and its application to Paleolithic sites in Far East Asia, NAGATOMO Tsuneto; TOYODA Shin; TAKADA Masashi; KANEHARA Masaaki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Nara University of Education, 37180000, 28600000, 8580000, (1) Development of a 4-channel (4 detection wavelengths) TL/OSL equipment A 4-channel TL/OSL reader was newly designed and its property was examined. Dose dependences of quartz BLSL and feldspar IRSL were examined for different wavelengths. Two mg of fine grain, semi-fine grain or coarse grain samples is used for wave-ength check, and the most proper wavelength is used for dating measurements. (2) Luminescence dating by the 4-channel TL/OSL equipment and traditional 1-channel TL/OSL reader. Japan: Afura shell mound and Aha crop in Okinawa Pref., Takesa-nakahara site, Minami-somine site etc. in Nagano pref., Tephras from Sambe (Shimane Pref.) and Asama (Gunma Pref.). Oversea: Morgaon site in India and Hutouliang, Youfang and Xujiayao sites (the Nihewan Bain) in China. (3) Several results on luminescence dating were published. Japan: Umami-ninootani site (Nara Pref.), Yamadauenodai site (Miyagi Pref.) etc. Oversea: Paleolithic sites and geological samples in Imjin and Hantan valley, Korea and Paleolithic sites in Nihewan basin, China. (4) Final report of the present research project was published., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 2003, 2006, 15251009, Classification of ruins of the SilkRaods periods in and around Tarim basin, China, focusing on the terrestrial conditions, SOHMA Hidehiro; TATENO Kazumi; IDETA Kazuhisa; TAKADA Masashi; ITO Toshio; OGATA Noboru, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Nara Women's University, 27040000, 20800000, 6240000, Based on interpretation of Corona satellite photographs, field survey and documentary records, classification of ruins of the Silk Roads periods in and around Tarim basin, China, is dicrussed, focusing on the terrestrial condition. Results are summarized as follows: Terrestrial conditions of the present large oases are divided into the piedmont alluvial fan type (P type), the alluvial fan-riparian type (P-R type) and the delta type (D type). Terrestrial conditions of the wall-surrounded ruins, in relation with the present large oasis on the alluvial fan along the same river course, are classified into the inside type situated inside of the same city, the extended or neighboring type on the same alluvial fan area, and the far distant type isolated to the lower reaches more than hundred kilometers. Among the extended or neighboring type, some ruins are situated on the relatively higher surfaces compared with the present oases. Factors controlling relationships between the ruins and the present oasis city above mentioned, are the plane pattern of the river course after passed through the piedmont fan area, the position in relation with directions of the drifting sand from the Taklimakan desert, and tectonic movements such as the active fault and active warping as the basic factor, in addition to the amount of the water discharge from the mountain area and its changes former studies already pointed out., kaken
  • 萌芽研究, 2002, 2004, 14658021, 実験的手法を用いた氷河関運堆積物と地すべり・土石流堆積物の識別方法に関する研究, 高田 将志; 三浦 英樹, 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究, 奈良女子大学, 3600000, 3600000, 本研究では,氷河関連堆積物と地すべり・崩壊・土石流による堆積物の類似点・相違点について,実験的手法を取り入れながら比較検討し明らかにすることを目的とした.このような目的に即して,以下のような成果を得た. 1)国内で採取されたティルを樹脂固定し作成した薄片の観察結果によると,定性的ではあるが,砕屑物粒子の円磨度にばらつきが大きく,せん断構造や空隙のような,不規則な構造が特徴的にみられる場合があることがわかった. 2)基盤岩や地すべり土塊から採取した石英粒子に関しては,ある程度安定したESR/ルミネッセンス信号が測定されたが,それらと比べると,ティルのESR/ルミネッセンス信号の場合,ばらつきが大きい傾向がみられる場合があることがわかった.崩壊・土石流堆積物については,試料毎の違いが大きく,統一した傾向の把握にまでは至らなかったので,データを増やして更に分析を進める必要がある. 3)実験的に,石英粒子に圧力を加え,破壊や磨耗を起こした場合,ESR/ルミネッセンス信号に変化が生じる場合があることがわかったが,系統的な分析を行うためには,さらに実験条件の厳密化などを考える必要があることがわかった. 以上のようないくつかの定性的な結果が得られたが,当該堆積物の類似点・相違点について系統的に明らかにするためには,今後,より定量的な解析へと研究を深化させる必要がある., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2002, 2003, 14380033, Fluctuation of Antarctic Ice Sheet and environmental change during the late Quaternary, MORIWAKI Kiichi; TAKADA Masashi; IMURA Satoshi; MIURA Hideki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), National Institute of Polar Research, 7100000, 7100000, 1.The investigate on ESR dating of in situ fossil aragonitic shells from raised beaches in the Lutzow-Holm Bay region to compare ESR ages with ^<14>C dates and to discuss on late Pleistocene chronology. From the ESR ages, the ^<14>C ages (33 -43 ka) seem to be underestimated and to be much closer to the marine isotope stage (MIS) 4-5 or MIS 6-7 rather than to MIS 3. 2.Amino acid chronology was applied also for the same samples of molluscan shell. Amino acid ages range from 212 ka to 414 ka, if they have been experienced constant condition of -10ーC. These ages are the oldest age among ^<14>C age, ESR age and amino acid age. 3.Glacial erratics as well as bedrock samples from Mt.Riiser-Larsen were collected for Cosmogenic Radio Nuclides (CRN) dating. The results of the CRN dating are approximately 50ka that is consistent with the TL and radiocarbon age results from the lake sediments in the coastal site. The lowest glacial erratics recovered from 290m in altitude show the minimum CRN age of 24ka indicating the timing of the final melting of the ice sheet in this area. Given that the trimline at the Mt.Riiser-Larsen indicates the maximum height of the most recent episode of expansion of the ice sheet, EAIS in this area experienced 2 distinct events of retreat since about 50ka to the Holocene., kaken
  • Apr. 1999, Mar. 2000, Principal investigator, 光励起ルミネッセンス(OSL)法によるローム(火山灰土)層の直接的年代測定, 高田 将志, 稲盛財団, 稲盛財団研究助成金, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1997, 1998, 09780135, Principal investigator
  • 1996, 1997, 08780141, Principal investigator
  • 1995, Quaternary Environment Changes and Natural Disaster, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1990, ESP・TL・OSL Dating of Quaternary Sediments, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1989, Quaternary Environmental History of the Bhutan Himalaya, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1989, Quaternary Environmental History of the Himalayas and Antarctica, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 1983, Geohistory of Mountain Landforms in the Japanese Archipelagoes, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • Dating Studies, 0, 0, 0, Competitive research funding
  • 01 Apr. 2021, 31 Mar. 2026, 21H00629
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 01 Apr. 2023, 31 Mar. 2028, 23H00025, A Comprehensive Study of Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers in the Central Paleo-Honshu Island., 光石 鳴巳; 森先 一貴; 白石 純; 出穂 雅実; 高田 将志; 津村 宏臣, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kashihara Archaeological Institute , Nara prefecture, 46280000, 35600000, 10680000, kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 2001, 2004, 13308003, Comparative Studies on Urban Settlements in the Various Frontier Zones under the Chinese Civilization, TOMATSUI Yumio; SOHMA Hidehiro; IDETA Kazuhisa; NOMA Haruo; TAKADA Masashi; AKITSU Motoki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 28340000, 21800000, 6540000, Based on the former co-operative studies by the staff of department of geography in Nara Women's University, this research project was made about urban settlements in eight frontier zones under the Chinese civilization from various viewpoints of research : historical geography, physical geography, rural geography, cultural geography, social geography, urban geography, cultural anthoropology and regioal sociolgy. It also aims at developing younger women researchers' career. During these four years, the project members have made field-surveys in the northern area (the Inner Mongolia), the north-eastern area (Manchuria), the eastern area (South Korea), the south-eastern area (Taiwan and Fujian) and the western area (Uzbekistan) in spite of international conflicts, as well as various areas of Japan. And they have made special speeches and lectures in Asian and American countries. It was worthy of special mention that the international symposium was held at Nara Women's university on November 3, 2004. In the symposium two distinguished geographers came from Belgium and China to give special lectures on urban settlements in China, and nine of project members made lectures on urban settlements in the Chinese frontier zones under their charges to compare those in China, followed by comments from not only three project members but a Japanese and three foreign researchers. Then, a final report (380 pages) was compiled and delivered which consists of three parts : the first part is introduction, the second is the final records of the symposium, and the third is fourteen reports on various urban settlements in the various frontier zones under the Chinese civilization, most of which are written by the project members., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 1999, 2001, 11691173, Life Zone Ecology of the Bhutan Himaraya III, OHSAWA Masahiko; TAKADA Masashi; EGUCHI Takashi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 15910000, 14500000, 1410000, Altitudinal patterns in clhimatologjcal, geomorphological, and ecological features of the Bhutanese life-zones were studied in a range of c. 1000-3500 m a.s.l. during 1999-2001. Temperature and moisture conditions were recorded in data loggers and obtained complete year round data from September 1999 to August 2001 along Tsang Chu. Temperature lapse rate was varied by the topographical situation of the measuring sites in a range of 0.57-0.62 C/100m. The lapse rate is larger in dry season (April) and smaller in monsoon rain season reflecting relative humidity. Mass movement is extremely active in the Bhutan Himalaya. Land slides took place by shearing on a bedding plane in the area underlain by metamorphic rocks. As the consequences river channels shift in the dip direction of the bedding plane and asymmetric valleys have developed. Vegetation zonation along altihidinal series were studied along Gasa series, Lobesa series, and Seagor-Lingmethang series. Gasa series mainly focused on topographical diversification within each life zone, Lobesa series had clear zonation from dry valley bottom to humid mountain cloud forests on ridges. From warm/dry Pinus roxburghii forests, mid-altitudinal Quercus griffithii/Q. lanata forests, Quercus glauca /Q. semecarpifolia forests, and Isuga dumosa forests and Abies densa forests above 2700 m. One third of the Bhutanese agricultural fields are maintained as shifting cultivation, and the sites are interesting for their secondary succession during fallow periods. There are two types of shifting cultivation in Bhutan, grass fallow (pangshing) of five year fallow and forest fallow (tseri) of 12 year fallow periods. For the former, we did in Bumthang, and for the latter in Shemgang, both place are the major area for both each types of shifting cultivation. In both sites we analyzed vegetation succession and soil developments, and found critical conditions for the sustainable managements for the system., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 1999, 2001, 11480017, Analysis of environmental changes based on satellite images and satellite photos of high resolution, SOHMA Hidehiro; NOMA Haruo; IDETA Kazuhisa; TOMATSURI Yomio; OGATA Noboru; TAKADA Masashi, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 7000000, 7000000, In this research, environmental changes and reconstruction of former landscapes in various regions were investigated based on the interpretation of recently declassified intelligence satellite (Corona Satellite) photographs from U.S. Geological Survey, of maximum ground resolution in 2-3 meters and being able to obtain 3 dimensional image. In addition, satellite images of LANDSAT TM and SPOT were also used. And following results were obtained ; 1) In the Turpan Basin, Northwest part of China, the precise locations of the wall surrounded castle towns and their circumference ruins, such as watchtowers and Buddhism temples, and their terrestrial conditions were investigated. Differences in terrestrial conditions of main ruins became clear, and the karez system in the basin was considered to be started at the Turpan oasis from 15^ Century. 2) General characteristics of landforms along the main valleys in western Bhutan and hazards of natural disaster due to mass movement and a flood were discussed based on landform changes detected from photo-interpretation and field survey. 3) Based on an old map drawn in 1862 and large scale aerial photographs, land use change at the Site of Fortified Magistrate's Office at Hakodate built in the Middle of 19th Century in Hokkaido has been discussed. 4) Characteristics the ancient Mesopotamian cities and detail cities plan of the Taxila ruins in the eastern part of the Peshawar Basin, Pakistan were discussed based on interpretation of Corona satellite photographs. 5) Characteristics of resent decrease of the water area surrounding the Lake Dongting of China has changed from filling up the branches of the Yangtze River to land reclamation by drainage., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 1997, 1998, 09680183, Fluctuation of Antarctic Ice Sheet and historical development of landforms during Quaternary, MORIWAKI Kiichi; TAKADA Masashi; NOGI Yoshifumi; MIURA Hideki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, National Institute of Polar Research, 2800000, 2800000, 1. Around the Lutzow-Holm Bay region The East Antarctic Ice Sheet had retreated from the ice-free rocks in the northernmost part of Soya Coast by the late Pleistocene, probably the last interstadial, on the basis of the AMS ^<14>C dating, and marine transgression had occurred there. Although the absolute high sea level during that period is unknown, the relative sea level reached at least 10 m above the present sea level. Melting of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet during the last interstadial had been conspicuously active judging from the delta^<18>O (PDB) values of fossil shells. During the LGM, sea level had fallen ; however, the East Antarctic Ice Sheet did not re-advance, at least on to the ice-free rocks on the northernmost part of the Soya Coast. Probably after the LGM, meltwater process became active, then partially eroded the former raised beach and formed fluvial deposits. The East Antarctic Ice Sheet retreated from the present ice-free rocks along the Soya Coast by the middle of the Holocene. Holocene marine transgression occurred from 3,000 yBP to 7,200 yBP in ^<14>C age. High sea level had reached at least 20 m asl without taking isostatic rebound into consideration. The transgression was probably interrupted by minor regressions. Relatively stable sea-level period occurred twice, around 20 m and 11 m above the present sea level. Melting of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Holocene transgression was less active than during the last interstadial, judging from the delta^<18>O (PDB) values of fossil shells. 2. Around the Amundsen Bay region AMS ^<14>C date, from the lake sediment core in the Mt.Riiser-Larsen region, indicates that relative sea-level at the region has been lower than 23 m since 10,000 yBP., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research, 1997, 1998, 09041146, Comparative Ecological Study on Subtropical Forest in Canary, OHSAWA Masahiko; WILDPRET Wolfredo; TAKADA Masashi; EGUCHI Takashi; NAKAMURA Yukito; OHTSUKA Toshiyuki; ARCO Marcelino Del, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Chiba University, 13400000, 13400000, Anaga cloud forests are the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests (so-called laurisilva) developed in the cloud zone of Tenerife, the Canary Islands. The forest-interior was humid conditions of Ca. 90 % RH throughout the year, though the humidity fluctuated depending on the wind direction and the height of trade-wind inversion layer. Soil moisture and nutrient conditions were changed gradually along the topographical habitat (ridge, slope, and valley) ; ridge habitat had high C/N ratio, lower NO_3 concentration, and high pF value comparing to those in valley. Depending on the soil and atmospheric conditions (strong wind, etc.), tree height and leaf-size were small at ridge habitat compared to those in valley. Statistics for all the evergreen broad-leaved tree species found in Anaga forest, most abundant tree traits were hypsophyllary-bud type (82.3 %) and notopyll-class leaf (47 %). These features support the notion that the evergreen cloud forest trees in the Canaries are the relic of the Tertiary tropical/subtropical humid forests once spreading much wider areas surrounding Thethys., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 1996, 1997, 08680188, DATING OF QUATERNARY SEDIMENTS BY LUMINESCENCE TECHNIQUE, NAGATOMO Tsuneto; TAKADA Masashi; HIRAGA Shozo, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, NARA UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION, 2400000, 2400000, In 1996 : The following OSL properties were examined using quartz and feldspar course grains and fine grain samples ; (1) Optical nleaching ; OSL intensity is 25% of initial intensity after 3-min exposure to 6000Lx sun light for fine grain sample from the Lake Ogawara, (2) Temperature dependence of OSL intensity ; OSL intensity is intense with temperature, but unstable at the temperature higher than 90゚C. (3) Intensity of OSL stimulated by 514nm and 860nm lights ; smoky quarts emit OSL by 860nm besides 514nm lights, (4) TL after OSL measurement ; TL intensity after OSL measurements is strong enough to be applied for dating. In 1997 : The following supplementary tests were made : (1) Unstable fraction of OSL which is bleached by 50゚C,24h storage is related to an electron center which gives TL at about 160゚C, (2) Dose dependence of quartz OSL differs from that of TL at high temperature region, (3) Dose dependence of OSL is not necessarily linear, (4) OSLs by 514 nm and 860nm excitation did not give the same ages. Above results were obtained from the data for lake sediment (Lake Ogawara) and sediments from Paleolithic sites (Sodehara, Toyama, Harase-kasahari, Ustinovka ets.). The OSL age obtained for Ustinovka site are 7300 year for the siteIII 3rd layr, 10050 year for the siteIII 4th layr and 18600 year for the site VI 4th layr., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 1994, 1997, 06401017, Comparative Studies on Castle Towns in Eurasia, TOMATSURI Yumio; TAKADA Masashi; OGATA Noboru; NOMA Haruo; IDETA Kazuhisa; SOHMA Hidehiro, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 14600000, 14600000, Based on the former co-operative studies by the staff of department of geograpny in Nara Women's university (1979-1995), this research was made about castle towns in East Asia, South-east Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia and Europe, from a fiewpoint of historical geography. we used not only many research papers but various maps, air-photographs and satellite images. Main subjects of the research are as follows : (1) Spatial arrangement of Castles named Gusuku in Okinawa Island (2) Late-medieval Castles surrounded with water in Lake Biwa, Japan (3) Spatial development of castle towns in China (4) Distribution of historical ruins of oases in Turfan Basin and Tarim Basin (5) Locations of walled cities and fortresses in East Asia and south-east Asia, especially in eastern Himalayas (6) Grid-patterned cities and Hellenistic colonies in west Asia (7) Distribution of castle towns in the Netherlands and their reformation in the present In order to examine the above-mentioned subject in comparison with Japanese castle towns, we could offer many various maps and photos (in full-colored and mono-colored) in various scales all over Eurasia. We firmly believe that these maps and photos will be very usuful to comparative studies of castle towns in the future., kaken
  • Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B), 1994, 1995, 06451136, Studies on landscape analysis by means of large scale aerial photographs, OGATA Noboru; TAKADA Masashi; IDETA Kazuhisa; SOHMA Hidehiro; TOMATSURI Yumio; TAKEHISA Yoshihiko, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nara Women's University, 6000000, 6000000, Aerial a tool for geographical studies, have advantage to grasp landscape of wide distribution and also to analyze interrelation between elements consisting the landscape. Sometimes, however.precise analysis of aerial photographic images is needed in the geographical interpretation. This research aims at studying small or micro images of geographical features on the large scale aerial photographs. Stereoscopic observation of enlarged images are also applied assisted by zoom stereoscopes. Researches have been made on such geographical features as micro landforms of moor, landslide, scarplet due to active fault, historical landscapes of the ancient and middle ages.irrigation systems and agricultural aspects. Image analysis by means of application of remote sensing technique have also been studied., kaken



  • Apr. 2012, Mar. 2024, Society
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  • Apr. 2012, 9999, Society
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  • Jun. 2020, 9999, Government
  • Apr. 2010, Mar. 2018, Society
  • Dec. 2014, Nov. 2016, Others
  • Jan. 2012, Nov. 2013, Others
  • Apr. 2008, Mar. 2012, Others
  • Jan. 2006, Dec. 2007, Others
  • Nov. 2004, Oct. 2006, Society
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  • Apr. 2002, Mar. 2004, Others
  • Apr. 2000, Mar. 2004, Society
  • Apr. 1999, Mar. 2001, Autonomy
  • Apr. 1996, Mar. 1998, Autonomy
  • May 2014, Mar. 2024, Autonomy
  • Jul. 2018, Sep. 2020, Others
  • Jul. 2015, Jul. 2017, Society
  • Nov. 2010, Mar. 2024, Government
  • Jun. 2012, Mar. 2014, Government
  • Jun. 1997, Apr. 1998, Others
  • Jun. 2020, 9999
  • Apr. 2000, 9999
  • Apr. 2012, 9999

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